The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 28, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    "?rf ,"
I' '' Surgeon 'Dentist. E
, ' Twenty years' BticceBkful irab-
tlco In this county.
I City Notes. J
l.NSPIXTIO.V TON'tOUT. Company 1) will
"jtoiiiuIo at Itic armory tonight tit 7.30 o'clock
lor Infection.
SIO.NTJIVS .MIN'I) MASH. A moiil'i'i mlnil
for (he late Jlr. Margaret Mitchell will lip cele
brated in St. Peter's cathedral Saturday morn
in?. at 8 o'clock.
WIMj Pltl'.U'It AT I'HI..TI:T0X. The pulpit
of the l'lrst Prcsbytcrlnn church ot thin city
vlll he occupied next Sunday, .Much 2, by the
Jtcv. D." T. frniythe, In the nbsonce of Dr.
SIcLcod, who wilt preach to the ktudents o(
Princeton unhcrsily.
OKr'ICI'KS INSTAM.III). District Deputies
William Corlcsi and C. C. I)onoan Installed the
newly 'elected olllcera o( I'lrctilo City coiii'lair,
"No". SOI, Improud Older of lleptasoph., on Ved
ncsdjy night In A. O. I'. V. hall. The letltlne;
arrlion, William Kelly, was presenile) with u me
mento by Mr. Donovan.
QUim:nr.r c(ixri:m:sci:. The .ihn'ut
ipiarteily meeting of the Vllkcs-ll.ini' tllstrlit
of the Free Methodists Is being held Jt l'lim
tliapcl, (Iroen Hidge. A. II. Miller, district
clilcr is: In charge. Preaching at 2.."lft and .).'
p. m. Hc. J). I). Molter, n.lor. Qiiirlcily
conference Saturday at 0.30 a. m.
Jellghtful Programme Rendered by
Conservatory Students!
There is no question that the Coh
ne'rvntory of Music has learned the
vcret of drawing larrrc audiences, tjic
tnc nt the recital last evening being
ono oC the largest ot the season. Al
though purely educational exercises to
Mic; students who participate In these
erltals, they nie, on account of the
ulnstalilng care with which every
iiunibcr has been worked up, and the
icnlly musical manner In which they
nro plnyod, productive of great enjoy
ment to thtse who attend.
In this, iIipi thirty-ninth of the series
several students played for the first
time. Pianoforte solos were rendered
'y Karl Aminerman.Eva Meixsell, Ber
.ha Eurgett, TSomalne Spruks, Ellllau
Itenson, Jluth Hull, of Olyphant; Maty
I'ohin, of Clark's Summit: Hazel
Hodges, Margaret, Caroline Neu
linuer, Clara Haas, Anna Vorls and
Harry Will-Ins.
The last mentioned, Mr. "Wlllcins, Is
e'eserving of special mention. He Is a
young man who, whenever he plays In
these recitals, invariably plays well.
His selections last evening were three
in number. The first was an exceed
ingly graceful valse in A flat major,
his own composition, which received
hearty applause. The other numbers
were the "Valse in C sharp minor, by
Chopin, and the difficult Staccato
Ktude In C major, by Hublnstein.
These numbers were played exceeding
ly well, and, the audience demanding
more, Mr. Wllklns repented his "Valse.
The ensemble numbers, played by
three classes of eight .players each,
were the overture to Zampa, by Her
oic!; Polka Mazurka In G major, by
Klein, and the overture to Komeo and
Juliet, by Bellini.
Near the close of the recital the di
rector, Mr. Pennington, gave a short
talk on the educational value of piano
forte study, In which lie remarked
that the leading educators of the day
-core more and more inclined to con
sider music study, under the proper
t'oudltions, second to no other, as a
'ttlng preparation for life, its present
iid the great hereafter.
What Superintendent Mnnville Says
About the Absorption.
Superintendent Mnnville, of the
1'cnnsylvnnla division of the Delaware
and Hudson, when seen nt his resi
dence in Carbondale last evening, de
idnred that the stories of the proposed
purchase of the Delaware and Hudson
road by the Pennsylvania were all
nonsense, so far as ho knew.
"Such stories are nonsense, quite
Thousands of people know about tho
"Snow White Flour'1
They know It 1; the Prince of all flour, but wo want
We ask your help in the following manner:
For either prose or poetry descriptive of, or introducing J'Snow White" flour, as to Its
wonderful bread making qualities It purity Its ttrcngtli its whiteness Its sweetness its
uniformity of grade, etc, ete,, etc.
Wc olfer tho following prizes:
-.Eor ,tlie best poetic or prose' advertise
meftt.T3 .'. '.'... ...' ,tf
' " FoiMhe second best poetic or prose advertise-merit."??.-.
For the third best poetic or prose advertise-
lllUltV .... . ,
. For the fourth best poetic or prose advertise-
HplW f .V, F . . . .j Vf jV. f...t.
W-Forxthe fifth best poetic or prose advertise
ment V". ." '.'
For the sixth pest poetic or
For the 7th. 8th, oth, loth.
;VT4th;- 15th, 16th and 17th, each
All advertisements to be and remain with us
over ono hundred and fifty words a I.KSS number
!-"" iTbe contest will clcso on Marst 1st, 1002.
' Mere lltepiry .finish not as' desirable as bright
" Wrlte"'clearly pn only one 6lde of the paper.
author's name and address In a email emelopo
ail in a large envelope iu pur auureu iimu.
The Judges will thus have
The following gentlemen have kindly consented to act as Judges and their decision will
iflljounced as spun as made in the daily papeu.
l)eajli)ounced as spun as made in the dally papeis.
Z9VT-.' '
' 1 ,1
t. wt -S
. No.qlS, Lackawanna
noiiBcnse," ho snld. "I don't mean to
deprecate the Importance of this terri
tory," lie went on, "but I can't Bee
what ntlvantugo It would bo to tho
Pennsylvania to come to Cnrbondftlc.
"Why not go to Forest Clly or Unlon
clnlo. and make cither of these places
lis terminus. Just now tho Pennsyl
vania enjoys practically tho same
facilities and advantages that It would
by mi absorption. Tho truckage con
tract between the two companies gives
the Pennsylvania tho right to use the
Delaware and Hudson tracks; It can
run Its trains to Scranton If It cares
to. The samo contract Is In force be
tween the Delaware nml Hudson tiud
the Lehigh Valley. This contract has
existed for about eight years. I can't
see, therefore, what would Induce tho
Pennsylvania to come up this way;
there Is nothing In this field, and, as
I said before, It now enjoys the same
advantages and facilities as might
come from a change."
Now Office for tho Department of
Public Works.
Rxtenslve changes In the arrange
ment of the ofllce. on the third floor of
the municipal building woro made yes
terday. The ofllce of Director of Pub
lic Works Roche has heretofore been
merely a sort of cubby-hole cut off by
a board partition from the old board of
health room, which has been occupied
by tho board of assessors.
The partition was removed yesterday
and the entire room will now be de
voted to the uses of the department ot
public works. Tho ofllce of Superin
tendent Thomas, of tho bureau of high
ways and sewers, wns removed from
the front of the building to the deport
ment ofllce, und the board of assessors
take the quarters vacated by him.
The new nrrungetnent will place the
two principal clerks of the department
of public works In one ofllce, and Will
give Director Itoche the use of a pri
vate office of his own In the southeast
corner of the building. The oak counter
and ofllce grlllwork, which wns used In
the city controller's ofllce during the
first few years the present building was
occupied, has been removed to the new
ofllce of the department ot nubile
works, and persons having no personal
business with tho director will have to
transact their business over this.
City Chairman Bears Evidence to His
The following correspondence Is self
Su.inton, Pa., lVh. 17, 1U0J.
C. i:. Chittenden, K.
Dear Mr: I'nemie-, aie busily circulating a
story with fl view of belittling and injuring me
witli my people on the West Side and the Xorlii
Unci, I opposed the candidacy of Mr. I'l.ui
it. Monis in the lecent city campaign, f their
fore ask jou in the name of justice and fair play
as ininagei' of that campaign to giie ilio'i" in
terested in such matter,-, my exact standing ua
one ot the humble actors in that affaii.
lours cry obediently,
J. Courier Mortis,
Sci.inlon, l'cb. 27, D0.
Mr. J. Courici Morris, County Commissioner.
Dear Sir: In reply to jour letter of en dale,
I cry gladly testify that jou gnic me prompt
and willing assistance whenever 1 came to jnu
and I had occasion to conio to jou almost dally
for same fawn, 'there can be no question of
jour earnestness in behalf of the ticket and
your faillifulne-s to it head, Mr. MonK In fact
not only jou, but all the ltepublican leaders of
all shades of opinion, gae freelj' of both means
and haid work tu a light that descried better
These allegations of treachery after a lot
battle are common and natural, but 1 am bony
that J-ou are selected as a lctim. There was
no ticacherj- in the campaign. The Republican
oter was disgruntled, and he would not come
out. There were enough and plenty of them
to have won and I hope that before tho ne.t
campaign we m.iy be able to conciliate them
enough to induce them to come out and attend
to their own interests. I remain
Very truly jours,
C. i:. Chittenden,
Chaiiman Republican City Committee.
On the Three Hundred Block Is
Offered for Sale.
The above residence, containing some
thirteen rooms, is delightfully located
on the shady side of tho avenue, on a
lot 48x160 feet, with a burn, pretty
sluidu trees, etc. For price, terms, etc,,,
apply to AW T. Hackett, tho real estate
dealer, Price building.
F. W. Hgrnbaker, with Florey &
ftrooks, wishes to notify his patrons
that nearly till orders were saved, and
that he has secured quarters with Mr.
Dillon In the Rookery, until Florey &
Brooks open temporary quarters.
Can Get Parf of If
prose advertise
nth. 12th, nth.
as our property, They must consist of not
Ideas put In an original wav,
Hark the copy with a number, Place the
and mark it with the same number and tend
e noway of knowing- the author's name until the. choice ii
.... 1.IVY 8. ittciiAiin. rso
JUU8"! .1. B KBliw vtn ' v
L'. J. liYNfcTT, liso.
and Grain Co.
Ave, Scranton, Pa.
North End, West End and South Side Com
panies Withdrew Their Ordinances at
Select Council Meeting.
Tho ordinances nsklne franchises
for tho North End, West End and
South Sldo Stroot Railway com
panies woro withdrawn at last
night's mooting of scloct council
but not boforo thoy had boon amend
ed to provide for a tax on tho gross
receipts and limiting tho franchise
to forty years.
After tho mooting; opened I II.
demons, a member of the railway
company, presented a report contain
ing amendments to all the ordinances.
Those amendments woro as follows:
Striking out that part which would
bind the company to pay a tax of 1
per rent, ot Its gross receipts In 1907
nnd 190S; two per cent, for the follow
ing three years and three per cent,
thereafter, and substituting u provi
sion to tho effect that for the year end
ing Dec. 31, 1904, the company should
pay 1 per cent, of Its gross receipts;
l'i the second year; 2 the third; 2Vi
the fourth; 3 the fifth nnd sixth; 3,
the seventh, eighth and ninth; i the
tenth, eleventh, twelfth nnd thirteenth,
nnd each year thereafter 5 per cent.
Directing that the duration of the
franchise shall be forty years.
The amendments contained provi
sions for ascertaining tho amount of
the gross receipts by having the treas
urer of tho companies make a sworn
return to the amount of business done
within the city limits. At tho end of
forty years tho city wns to be at lib
erty to sell, lease or operate the fran
chise. If they decided to do tho latter
appraisers were to be appointed to de
cide upon the value of the plant.
Another amendment provided that no
turnout or double track should be Inld
on a street that was not at least thirty-three
feet from curb to curb.
A number of minor amendments were
offered to tho North End ordinance.
There was considerable discussion
about the amendments offered by the
committee, several members holding
that It was not the regular report.
Chairman Chittenden ruled that it
was the regular report and air. Wag
ner moved that it be received and
filed, as ho understood it there was a
communication in the hands ot the
clerk withdrawing the ordinances ask
ing for franchises.
Jlr. demons objected tosuch action
and Mr. O'Royle moved to indefinitely
postpone, but did not have a second.
The motion to adopt tho report of the
committee made by Mr. demons was
then passed by the following vote:
Yea lloss, l'inn. Wanner, Schneider, MenV
man, Oilier, demon, Yjuglian, O'Mullcy, Jlc
Andrews, Chittenden 11.
Xajs CoMello, I'.van', Morsan, ltcpran. Ma"-
Mrs. Stanton Asks That Land Be
Conveyed Back to Her.
A suit in equity was brought yester
day against Rev. John W. Mlnner, John
F, Sayer, James It, Hutch, John Cobb
and Bernard Iloblnson, trustees of the
church society of the Pennsylvania an
nual conference of tho Methodist Pro
testant church, of Moscow', Lackawan
na county, Pennsylvania, by Mrs. Myra
A. Stanton, of that place. The bill al
leges that the complainant deeded to
the trustees on the 19th day of July,
1&98, a certain piece, parcel and lot or
land, situate In the village of Moscow,
for the purpose ot having erected there
on a memorial to her deceased parents,
who woro members of the Methodist
faith at the time of their death.
The trustees and congregation agreed
to build a church, to be constructed of
wood, thirty-two feet in width and
llfty-flvo feet in depth, with a base
ment under the church to be eight feet
high from lloor to celling, to be used
for pastor's study and library, und for
holding Sunday school. There was to
be an auditorium covcrlns the whole
church, and a vestibule.
Tho plan of the church was made by
the pastor, which was approved by the
trustees, congregation nnd Mrs, Stan
ton; whereupon, she deedo.d tho prop
erty to the trustees without further
consideration than her love for the de
nomination und for her deceased par
ents. The bill states that tho time when
the church was to bo erected by the
trustees was three and one-half years
from the tlmo of the adoutlon of the
plans, and tho execution and delivery
of tho deed.
It recites that tho trustees and tho
congregation liavo failed to construct a
church within tho tlmo limit, and, in
fact, have built no edifice whatsoever
upon tho property. That they havr
fulled to keep the covenants In the
deed, and although she has requested
them to re-convey the property to her,
they have refused to do so; hence, she
is compelled to resort to equity pro
ceeding, that the title to the property
may ho declared forfeited In tho trus
tees, and that the samo may bo de
clared reverted to tho complainant, her
heirs and assigns. She is represented
by ex-District Attorney John It. Jones.
It Will Be Celebrated Sunday Night
In College Hall.
Sunday night tho John Mitchell club
will celebrate tho ono hundred nnd
twenty-fourth anniversary of Robert
Emmet In College Hull, Following is
the programme;
Piano solo Miss Scale Hums
Opening icnurk Chairman C. T. Poland
Wo Mis Winifred Mchln
sl .., Sydney Hughes
Address ,,,,,,,,, ,.,,r J, 1'iUsinunons
llecltatlon Ml&s Mary Poland
Sl ,,.,,,...., Mia.' Leoiurd
Solo I'TOf. W, U. Kelly
Recitation ,,,,,,,,,,,, , MUs Kahey
Solo Jainc, Wluleu
The special convocation of the grand com
mandery of Pennsylvania, for the puiposc of con,
ferrlug the past commander's degree upon those
entitled, will be given In the new council chain,
tor of la Yullettc couimaudcry, No, 01, at
Uloouibburg, on Match 7, tlraud Commander Sir
KlUlm S. Kornwuld will prctlde, and a Urge num.
ber of caudldatea wiu to preent from Nos. 18,
22, 27, 67, 01, J12, 118 ami 123. A large number
of the grand oftker ot the Mate are expected to
be present.
Hospitaler coiumandcij1, No. 70, at Maucli
Chunk, held Its eleventh onniiersarj' ljt week In
their lull. A Urge number of the Sir Knlghti
and their ladles were picH'nt. Music was ten
loney, Jfehln, Shea, Cosgroie, Echroedcr, O'lloylc
After tho ordinances had been
amended the communication with
drawing the ordinances was read. It
Kc ronton, I'eb. 2".
To the lfonoiahle, the Select and Common Conn-
ell ot tho City of Scranton.
(lentlctiien: As attorneys for the North Unci
Street Hallway company, the West llnd Street
Hallway company and the South Side Street Hall
way company, wc are directed to communicate
with jou with icfercncc to oidlnance?, file of
common council Xo. to, 50, fd, granting con
tent to the said companies to occupy the streets
of the city of Scranton, now pcncllnc; In seeelt
council. Kor soicral weeks past the financial
Interests which arc relied upon to place the fie
euiltles of the companies In order to raise fundi
for the construction of the road', luio heen
considering the ordinances above referred to a?
they were finally pasj-ed by the common council
solely with refeience to the question of the prac
ticability of marketing- such securities under the
tcinn of the ordinances. The conclusions which
they have reached is that the conditions restric
tions and burdens contained In and imposed by
the said ordinances arc so numerous that it
would be Impracticable to finance the enterprises.
Inasmuch as under the provMom of the paid
ordinances, it Is icquircd that the companies
shall file in the city clerk's office a written agree
ment to obxcrie nnd submit to all of the condi
tions and rolilcllons in the ordinances and for
other purposes, and the companies hae already
decided that they cannot enter into tuch ngiee
inenl, it seemed to them but fair that immediate
notice of that fact should be giien Jour lion
orable bodies sn that jou might bo relleied of
any fuither trouble in connection therewith.
Very icpcctfully jours,
.lames II. Tuney,
.loseph O'llrun.
M. j:. McDonald.
The communication wns filed nnd Mr.
demons moved that the ordinance be
printed as amended cincl placed on tho
files. They can then be called up if It
is found desirable to do so.
Attorney M. E. McDonald after the
meeting, said tho ordinances had been
withdrawn for the reasons set forth In
the communication. With the restric
tions that had been placed on them
previous to last night the promoters
found It impossible to finance the pro
ject and therefore had to drop It.
He said the abandoning of the
scheme to glvo this cit- a. street car
system would in no way affect the
scheme to build the trunk line from
Scranton to Wllkes-Barre.
dered hj" Kauffmin's "orchestra, after which ad
chesses wcie given bj Sir John II. Ilickei, Sir C.
('. Pulton and Congressman J. X. teller. A de
lightful lecitatlon by MI-.S Aim i Kcucrstcln was
followed liy a i-crica of impcisonations bj- II. I.
O'Kccfe. and by viondciful feats of legcideniiin
by A. Itamstein. To tho strains ot the grand
march .ill proceeded to the specious dining room
of the American hotel, vhcre an excellent menu
was sencd.
(,'eorgc If. l'ieice comnundeiy, o. 117, at
Philadelphia, on 1'cbmaiy IS, gave a Malta soclil
tliat crowded its hall to the doors. Addrrs.-es
wcie nude by Hev. Henry MiCrea, of Trinity He
formed chinch; ltev. Dr. Smith, of the Allegheny
Aicnue Methodist chinch; Past Commander Sir
(leorge II. Stout and Grand Hecorder Sir George
II. Pierce. The long programme w.u made up of
songs, sloilcs, iccltations and n ill inning little
play. Past Commander .1. II. Hush was m
ihaige of the lower hall, where a handsome iol
latlou was spread.
St. John's commander, Xo. ISB, at Strouds
buig, admitted a cliw of flftj- novices, and on
I'obruary 11 in Ihe presence of Giaud Commander
Sir Ellsha l'nrnw.ild und other tMtina; compan
ions, the Ited Cross and Sepulchre was magnifi
cently confened in full and elaboialo foini. Sir
Knight 1'ilnce II. II. HiuJi acted is wnercign
commander; Sir W. W. Iljrc as pur-.uiv.irt, and
Sir 1'. It. Michaels as high pielate. The dramatic
viork was splendldlj- pcrfuiiucd.
Sandllauds commando, Xo. 132, at Yoik, has
arranged to glie a most brilliant prcsei-tallon
of the Older of the Itrd Cross 'and Sepulchre on
Miy I), vihen King David commander, No. .101,
of Wajnesboro, will .attend In a body, TliU Mill
be an" event of gic.u iutcieat to all lied Crovi
Knights, and the laige council clumber will no
doubt bo crowded on the occislon.
Orifkunmc conunandery, No. 170, nt Columbia,
on I'ehruaiy 17, paid a Maternal vLsit to Marlelti
commander. No. 139. A number of Interesting
addre-scs nnd a fine collation were feature.-, of the
It is expected that the new commander In
Chester county will be ready for linlitiition dur
ing March, and the date will be fixed within a few
'llic recent apiiraraiire of Webster PaI.s In
WuslilnKton HieKOilnl to an old telegraph oner-
utor a ttoij Wikli lie telU tlio New York Sun of i
how Hut atatraiiun came to k'rtcf in huii-J: I was reuanleil an a (jallory iUy produced
without dm1 attention to details. "I uai pound
Ins the key in Kansas City," tsild the operator,
"when Webster DaUa' term as major expired
nil thero was great excitement mtr the election
of Ills successor. Party feeling ran liiltli und
bitter accusations wcro nude on both i-IUo.s.
"pails was in tho thick of it, nlwajs limit.
Intr for the calcium in the center of the stasi',
A lilis ltepublican iiuja niectlni; was held. After
it had opened In camo Mr. Pavls, xery much ex
cited. "Ilo took tho platform, denounced hi-i oppo.
nuts with the Mine Kind of untamed clomicmo
that ho lias tincc poured out for the Jloera.
" 'They are capable of anything,' eald Mr. Ta
U, 'and only tonight In coming tn this nusi
meeting I had a umplc of their daring. I was
attacked and I line a narrow escape.
" 'A man, o Democratic man, (.hot at me. Yon
may tec how narrow was my escape when I sho.v
you my hat through which tliU villain's bullet
passed. '
"Hire Mr. IXnU waxed before hLi audience hU
derhy hat, and sure enough thero was apparently
a bullet hole in it. The audience could bee gax
light through It, They looked at thU evidence
of awc&sneu In amazement. Then a man down
near the front thoutcd; t
" 'Say, Webster, did jou haxe the hit on your
head when jou were thot at'
" l did,' fald Mr, l)aU.
" 'Then xvhat becamo of the bullet? Thero'ia
only one hole and that's n the top of the hat,
Aro jou hurt, Wehstert'
"it did not take that audience two seconds to
set the point. 1'eiliaps that u because they
knew l)aU. Tho amaiement gaie placo to
umuscment and then to howU and rude Jeers,
" 'Where's the bullet? Where's the bullet?'
they yelled, and Mr. Dai, Is retired with his In
jured hat.
"I ncicr hae wanted to doubt Mr, DaiU'
word, but If a bullet was sent into his hit It
must hao been fired by someone above him, and
what became of it after it pierced the hat? An
X-ray machine might bo able to locate it and
thus -oho this rjddlo that lias puzzled Kausa-f
City cur since."
Result of Elrst Hunting Trip by
tho Police
Four members ot Iho police forco
went out on a hunting trip on tho "hill"
yesterday morning und In two hours
had bugged eleven dogs, tu tho Intense
delight of n large and constantly In
creasing crowd of smalt boys, who got
out of bed early to see tho fun, as they
thought It was.
Superintendent Day, Sergeant Itceso
Jonas, I'atrolmnn Ross mid Assistant
Sanitary Ofllccr T. V. Lewis made up
tho party. All were nrmed with double
barreled shotguns, nnd a start was
made front headquarters at G o'clock
yesterday morning, Just ns the day was
The olllcera sepnrated, some stalking
Jefferson und Madison avenues, nnd
others Monroe nnd Qulncy. Tho nolso
of tho first shot aroused the neighbor
hood, nnd small boys got up earlier
than usual and came out In force. TIo
police stopped at 8 o'clock, when tho
streets began to fill up nnd when thq
crowd of onlookers began to get so
large us to bo annoying.
Kloven dogs In nil were killed, and ot
this number Officer Lewis, who Is n
crack shot, had six to his credit. All of
tho dogs except ono were cither street
dogs or mongrel curs. The ono excep
tion was n valuable bulldog, whoso
owner wns the maddest inun In town
when ho came on the scene a moment
after It had been shot. A wagon from
the Hewitt Fertilizer company gath
ered up all the carcasses. Another ex
pedition will start out this morning.
Decision In Case Rendered by Magis
trate Howe.
Magistrate John T. Howe yesterday
rendered u decision In the case of
George Kugler, secretary of the strik
ing street car men, charged with dis
orderly conduct by Special Agent Step
hen Dyer, of tho Scranton Railway
company. The magistrate fined Kug
ler $." and costs In each of the three
Kugler was accused of calling "scab"
at employees of thq railway company
on three separate occasions nnd ad
mitted having done so, his attorney
contending that the calling of "scab"
does not constitute disorderly conduct
it is understood that appeals will be
taken from the magistrate's ruling.
James McGinnis Wants to Be Com
mon Council Clerk.
SHU another candidate for clerk of
tho common council Is in the Held.
The latest aspirant for the place is
James McGinnis, a well known young
Republican, familiarly known ns "Sen
ator" McGinnis. He entered the field
a few days ago, and Is making an ener
getic canvass.
The chances are that some one other
than Assistant City Clerk Morris will
be elected ns clerk, the majority of the
members not taking enthusiastically to
Mr. Keller's plan of elactlng Mr. Mor
ris and thus practically dispensing with
a .separate clerk for the common
Company K Looked Over Last Night
by Major Clarke.
Company K, of the Thirteenth regi
ment, Captain Milton O'Conucll com
manding, was inspected last night in
the now armory by Major AV. I.
Clarke, of Wllllamsport, inspector of
tho Third brigade, In the presence of
nearly till of tho lino and staff olllcera
of the regiment.
Tonight Major Clarke will Inspect the
members of Companies D and F and
also Bauer's Thirteenth Regiment
At last night's meeting of select
council ordinances passed on third
reading providing for two electric
lights in the Thirteenth ward; two in
tho Fifteenth; three in the Third; two
In the Fourth, and three In the Sixth.
A communication wns received from
tho controller suggesting certain
changes in the appropriation ordinance
to take care of deficiencies. It was
ordered filed. A common council reso
lution directing the city engineer to
prepare plans for a viaduct over the
AVest Lackawanna avenue crossing
was concurred In.
Mr, Chittenden Introduced n resolu
tion directing tho department of public
safety to make known the number of
We beq to announce that prom
March first the fire insurance
aqency of henry bslin, jr., will
be conducted under the firal
Henry belin, Jr.,
charles h, qenter.
' '
New Dry Goods House 1
Wednesday, March Stli. 1
400-402 Lackawanna Avenue.
I We Are Busy, Very Busy.
rjm Why shouldn't wo be, with Bitch a lino of froodu as wo liavo
5 nov. You can trnvol ninny, many miles to find Us equal, nnd JS
2 then not get tho vnluo wo offer. Si,
5 Se
5S and CUTLERY is our buslnoBS, nnd If you need nny thing In tho Jf
lino you can not afford to pnas
Geo. V. Millar &
AttriAt BUnArr. fir?
Housecleaning Time Approaches
Let; us repair your furniture, make over your
mattresses aud cleau your carpets before the rush,
SaamtM Bttitrngj Go.
Lackawanna and Adams Avenues.
jVt . H v. . . . . 5 . . . t . .. ... . . V. . K f. t. n V. ! i. n t
I Shoe Bargains
! For any one thai" wants to save money in Foot-
k wear. The Shoes we shall offer during' this' sale
! are not old or shop-worn. We have special
X values in
x i ' '
j: Workingmen's Shoes and
I Children's School Shoes
Men's Light or Heavy Working Shoes 85c
? Youths' Shoes, lace or button 75c
! Little Gents' Shoes, lace or button 50c
x Misses' and Children's Shoes, lace or button 50c
J! Infants' Shoes .. ... 10c
I LEWIS. IIDIT. BlfJEsTiliriT. -rsSr-
3SH 'A "A it i H U "S "4"A"a fl " "A 'A 'A"A "A 'A 'A "A "A "A "A A "A "A "A "A "A "A "A 'A "A
. iiw I
Man u fact uror.i or
48B to 455
N. Ninth Street,
Telephon-s Call. 2333.
persons who have been vaccinated free
and if any persona had to be dented
free voccinntion. It was adopted, as
wns ono Intioduecd by Mr. Oosurove
exoncratiiiR 50 of the sewer assess
mont of Patrick Sullivan, of the Four
teenth ward.
Opening; 1
us by without a look.
Co. -JUffiKISK
Both 'Phones
Office Oesks and
New and Complete
Being the
We carry the greatest assortment
of up-to-date Office Furniture
You are invited to exnmlno our
new line beforo purchasing.
121 Washington Avenue.
End of the
324 Lackawanna Avenue.
10OS I'cndin and Marten Ptuim
collar ., $15.0O now ?G.(K1
icrja reiaian auu aiouuioug oiurm
collar 15,
IIW Mink Storm collar ,,. -V
,00 now S.00
00 now 1,'j.m)
,00 now 20 o
!1-Milik Cnllarcttu 40.
10-JS (Jitl-ii Collarette
. now u,i)
Uit-llack Marten Scarf.
1-J-J.I Black Marten Scut
loot Klectrlo Seal Scarf ,
100a I'lct tile Seal Scarf
llJS-Salde l'i Scut ...
1150 Sable v- Scarf ...
1115 llliio l.jnx Scaif ,.,
"CO llluo I.jnx Scarf ...
,00 now .nj
,00 now 4.00
..',(! now 1.01
,50 now 1.51
,uo now it(.i)
Mima 5.0)
,00 now 10. CM
,00 now 8.0J
,00 now 4.00
Ui now 25 01
10011 Iteil I o i-cari 7,
Siifl Mink Scarf, long tabs S3.
Mill MinU Scaif 25,
VT1 Cinnamon Ileal Iloa, 3 yds
lout; 35.
627 lllack Hear Iloa, a )d Ioiir. 20,
071 Hum II Hear llaa, a yds ion;. 15.
bOO Natural Oppoxiun Iloa, a ds
Ions 0.
70"-flray Pox: Iloa, 3 jib lonir.. 10.
UOJ Uluo to nx Iloa, 3 yds Ion,', IS.
.00 now 17,0j
00 now 25.00
on now 15 oi
,oo now 10 oj
00 now 4.00
00 now 7.00
00 now 11 09
1'urs Ilenalred. l'urs Manufactured. Haw I'ux
General Agent for the Wyoming District (or
Dupont's Powder
Uinln-r, fllastln?, Sporting, Smokeless and tbi
Ilepauno Chemical Company'
Safety Fuse, Caps aud Hxplodcrs. Itoom toi Co
Dell Uulldln .ijcranten.
TIIOS. FORD ...,,.,,...,.. .PHtltOa
W. U, MULUUAN , Wllkcj Uarr,
m iiiiiiBiHH1