'-! t. kt" . jr Tfsr?-nn " -fir "" ' P Sll1ftJffi -Am S? l i It I1? THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- WJflDJSJtiSDAtf, Jb'lilliKUAlti.' 20, 1&02. 5' l- f ygoooooooocxx: THE MODEtW liAtmtrAnR BTOltt, 8 nnF. IT PAY To use a tmrltiff knife Hint will ttol hohl an eOgc? Then use the Goodell Paring Knife It lsocps Its edge tlio blade la solid steel. Price 15 Gents Foote & Shear Co. JJ9N. Washington Ave xooooooaooocb! Jlothers Tin: rASMA miyiir. iiavi: jou cvtr been In our store to see the ninny things o hac to make ) our Infant unit children well dressed ami com fortable. If not, It will repiy jou to give ua n little of jour (inie. THE BABY BAZAAR 118 Washington Avenue. I Always Available If jou vMi to set asiilo a certain por tion of jour ine.un, ulieic It will he mailable for immediate u-c, open an ac count uitli this Hunk. THE PEOPLE'S BANK PERSONAL, Deputy Atloine.v Cener.il 1 Y. rieltz re funinl to ll.miburs jcsteulja. MM (Jrace It.nllaiid and Mi.-s T.eiu .tones, who iae been .'.pending the past week iu Uis beitioii', left jcsteiddj- for llarrisbuiK. Iliuti J. D.nid, of 140 South 1'ilmore aenue, will Icue on Wednesday for JlngLinc!, to liait his f.itiier, whom lie has not sien in many jear. lie Hill letiiin In May. At noon today, at the residence of Mr. and Mi-. . W. Williams, 00 High School fctieet, will be F0lcinni7ed the inaulagc of llielr daugli tn, (ierinido Cijn.int Williams to Trank W. Ueaeis m matter of l'lielps' pharmacy, tills city. COUNCILMAN ENTERTAINED. They Were Guests at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Calpin. I'. F. Calpin, chairman of the com mon council, was married a few weeks ago and at the meeting of council one week aso last Thursday nljrlit the mem bers surprised him by presenting ,im with a beautiful chair and lamp. To prcjvo how much lie appreciated the Klfts Mr. Calpin Invited the members of the body to his home and last night they availed themselves of the invita tion. They met at the Valley house and proceeded in a body to the home of air. and Airs. Calpin on Fourth street where they received a most cordial greeting. Theio was a session of speeds-making during which remarks were made by Luther Keller, K. K. Hobathan, J, F, Kvans and others and "V. W. Evans and James Casterline gave vocal num bers. Then the visitors were escorted to the dining room where' a bountiful supper was served after which toasts were re sponded to by a large number of the councilmen present. Mr, and Mrs. Cal pin were wished all kinds of Joy and happiness during life. Present at the gathering were Coun cilman Luther Keller, K. E. Hobathan, Mathlas Htl John W. MeCireevey, James Casterline, Thomas W, Thomas, "William Lewis, Albert L. Lewis, Thom as J. Snowdcn, Fred SykeH.Chas. Koser, James Haggerty, E. J. Coleman, Charles CSrati, John Itunnu, Daniel Oal- In, William Gurreli, Wlllltun Rush, W. V. Evans, J, F. Evans, .Michael Con nelly and Clcik of Council W. A. Ly nett. GRAND CONCERT COMPANY. Seventh Entertainment of the High School Course. The Central Grand Concert comuany riivo the seventh of the high school eeriest of entertainments at tlm High school auditorium last night, to a good Pissed and well nleased audience. The entertainers weie Miss Sibyl Bamiuls, soprano; Mrs. Nelllo Allen Ilcssenbruch, pianist; George II. Down ing, baritone, and Melville Claik. linrp. 1st. A progrnmmo suited to varied tastes Was admirably rendered, each perforin tr being an artist of rare ability.- The most entertaining number was the Meyer-llolniud "Maglo Bong," in which Miss Hammlb' wide. ranged an, voluminous soprano, accompanied by piano and harp, was heurd at Its best Something That Will Do You Good, I'rnm the Camden, S. 0., Messenger. We know of no way In which we can he at more service to our readers (ban to tell them of something that will bo of oe1 good to them. For this reason we want to acquaint theni with what we consider one or the very best reme. dies on the matket for coughs, colds and the alarming yoniplulut, croup' We refer to Chamberlain's Cough Jtem tdy, We have used It with such good results In our family bo long thut t has become a household Afcsslty. uy jts prompt use wo imveiviTS doubt but thut It has time and again prevented croup. The testimony Is given i upon our own experience, und wo suggest Shot our readers, especially those who lave email children, always keep It In their homes as a safeguurd against ;roup. Sold by all druggists. LETTERS FHOM THE PEOPLE. tl'mlcr llih heading hort leltcM ot Intereu will bo piibllnlieil when iccompintfit, lor publica tion, by the writer's name. The Tribune doei not assume responsibility for opinion here CTprcwtd.) Pink Slip Explained nnd Defended. lMltor of The Tribune Sir! The Tribune of this morning contain? editorially the two following paragraphs tit.l "Staled plainly, the fire Itnuranco companies deliberately falsified In their promUe of a re bale of the pink slip extortion, and, haWng poclietfd the ftu-ng, declare their Intention of keeping It. It i evident that at thll particular time the (Ire Insurance liunlncM In the middle department necdi a rcvhal of common lioncxty. "if the lire hindrance men had plajed fair no one could hate objected. It lini generally been recognized that existing rales arc too low, ronld crlng the growth In lire lime. Whit the people of Scranton object lo Is the meatdng way In which the undciwrltcm have gone at It to IioUt the ratrx. It Is bejond defense." These paragiaplis Impugn the character and In tegrity of the Insurance companies doing lnil nes in this clt.v, as well as their agents. If the companies insuring In the clly of Scranton nnd Duiiiiiorc arc dllionest, Ijlng and sneak ing, as tharuetciliied ubote, then they are out laws and entitled to nobody's rexpeit, and nil that can be gotten out of them, whether by iIIb honwt fires or otherwise. Is entirely legitimate. That Is the position of llio Tribune which pose as a hlglMoncd moral newspaper. We note tint The Tribune Is glad to cairy a fair line of the Insuranie against fire, furnWied by these wnio "lllivnet, 'Ijlng, sneaking" Insurance com panies. Tills fact Is lcmarkable. Now what Is the occasion of this tliade against the insuiaiuc lompanlcs? The iemo.it of the "pink klip," and the failure to rebate the exlia pieiubun. What are the facts in lefeientp to the )lnk slip? llilelly the.-e. The wielihed condition of the means for piotetllon ngaimt fire in this city bad for jenja been going fiom bad to wouc, until the insurance companies sent en lnpeclor here nt their own expense in 1318,' und made a detailed stutcUKiil of ILs condition and needs. This was furnished to the city authorities with the (nformitlon that unless piomptlj- lemedlrd, insurance lates would bate to be ad.inced. Xo attention was paid to this until in Marrh, 1001, the companies adt.iuccd the rite '!' cents on the $1(W on the now famous "pink slip," of which me following is a copy: "EXTRA l'ltujnr.M ron ixAimCfiwn: rnti: l'UOTlXTlON". "The annual rate on this policy is Increased tweuty-lhc cents (.25) per one hundred ilollais (ftOu.OO) per annum, until adequate protection against fire, satisfactoiy to this cumpau.v, shall be provided," Inadequate waler supply in I'lilladeiphla bad already raided the rates there by a like pink slip M cents on the 1CX, which still lenulns. The iimpOMO of the pink slip method of increas ing the lates was to make conspicuous the im mediate cause, l.!., "inadeqiiitc file protection," with a iew of foiling the needed leniedj-. That it has scried ils purpose in tiic past nt leait U no less giatifjing to the companies than It is to the public, but the public should lemember that it is indebted to the action ot the lompanlcs through the odious pink slip for what has been accomplished in this respect. How long has 11 been since the requirements of Ar companies lue been substantially complied with? Some tluce or four mouths, r.nd the newspapeis thief lj" are calling names becau-e the cunipaulrs hae not tumbled oer tliemsehes to rcinoic the in creaicd late and pay back the premium. They foiget that it was inoie tli.ni two long jeais bcfoie the city of bcranton lifted a linger to remedy the condition as pointed out by the com panies; and they foiget that in the meantime; the most disastrous lues Scrautau has eei known took place, when uioic than a half million dollirs ucitii of piopcrly wa dcstiojed, wheie with leasonably good tire piotcction one-tenth of this amount should Jiaie coeied the loos; they foiget tli.it during those two j-eais the com panies lost more fiom lues in this city than sev cial jcars' premiums would make good; thej also foiget that when Ilic pink slip adiance was ordeied, it was made lo applj only on policies us thej- expiicd. and not on all exlsllng insur ance. The remit of this is that onlj- about one thiitl ot the duellings, bains, chinches and public buildings liaie paid this aihance, thij class of pioperly being written on three and fHc jear tcim policies. Only those properties whose tenas base expiicd during the jcir hae liad to pay the pink slip adiance. If the companies had applied this advance at once to all policies, it would be equitable lo leh.ite on its lenioval. Hut as it took eilect only on policies as they wcic renewed on expiiation, so it will discontinue. Xow about proitu'ses to icbate. .S'obody can place his bandy upon a piomis of this kind an thoritaliuly made. Some agents hae talked rebate, alwajs witliout authority. The insur ance agent and the insuring public should know that the agent is Minply an ins-uanee comints sion meichant. He has iiisuiaucc ,'on-igiiecl to him to sell, at certain rates. The companies fix u schedule of lates below which th- agent can not go. These lates aie fixed on various classes of piopcrty by cxpeils and are the le-ult of caicful siud.v and experience. Many companies icfiise lo wilte at these rales, and decline lisks unless higher lates aie obtained. It is a mistake to suppose tlie.se lates aie binding upon all com panies. The latter aie at liberty to take m-eli ilnes as tliej- rliosc. and they arc goerned solely by one ipicslion, xi.. Is tlie late adequate to the iik iniohed in their view? lnsuiance com panics, like other nieicliauts, ale not doing busi ness for their heiillh. If they arc to remain Milv cut and pay llielr lov.es, thev uiust get lates that will jleld money enough to do so. It is a question simply of aiithmetic, absolutely deioid of hcntlmcnt, It may be Interesting to the in siuing-pnblic to know that the last file jeats hao jiclded unpieceder.lcd losses and thatwltli xerj- few exceptions the 12.i insurance comiianies doing business bale lost hcailly. Thlrtj--eight companies have settled iip, and closed their doors J since .l.inu.i i y 1, 11)01, and not one new in-iir-ance company has been oiganired. Most of the companies now doll g business irnnin solid and solvent fiom foimcr accumulations which aie piolltably lueslcd. Kxcept for this fact, ami it is a pnrtentlous fact, tlieio would be today an insurance famine, What would that mean? Iliislness stagnation. Credit is the life of business, lusuiamc is one of the pillais upon which credit tests. Knock this nut and ciedit falls. Undervrlting is not u benevolence. It Is nevertheless a necessity. There never has been a time when underwriting has been j well conducted, well guirded in the inteitsts of the assured as at the present time. Kveiy linn knows with leason.iblc ceitulnly lliat when he bujs tegular insurance ho is gelling solid piolectiou for his money. Why not, then", instead ot hampering and discrediting the liu.l ness, turn in and iiclp to make it safe and piofllable? 1'. I,. Ullchroik k Son, ( hailes It. Sniitli, 1'ulton .V tlradliurv, f . (1, Poland k Co. Scranlon, 1M , 1'cb. i Mako COFo just as you do coffee and It will taste like it. THREE NEW W. It. CHHlbTMAS, Member f i oiu the First Waid. All of the above entered upon tht to 189S. BIG BILL FOR WITNESS FEES HAS BEEN COMPILED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Total Amount of It Is 921,580.30, Making the Grand Total of tho Cost of tho Contest $05,228.42. All Told About 20,000 Witnesses Wero Subpoonned and of This Number About 15,000 Woro Ex amined Tho Witnesses Traveled 112,444 Miles. Tho county commissioners have com pleted the compilation of tho bill for witness fees nnd mileage In the Lang-start-Kelly election contest. It amounts to $21,r89.32. This will make the total cost of the contest $C5,228.42. This total may be decreased to some extent. Court has not as yet passed upon the bills for serving subpoenas. These ,bllls as presented total $18,230.10. The constables claim CO cents for serving each subpoena and charge up at least one mile for each witness. Court may not agree to this method of charging. The constables solemnly aver, however, that they chnrged only for the actual number ot miles traveled except In the cases xvhere' only one mile Is charged, It being necessary, under the law, as they claim, to charge a full mile, there being no provision In the law for charging tho fraction ot a mile. There xvere subpoenaed, all told, about 20,000 witnesses. Of these 15,000, lu round numbers, responded and xvere examined. About 2,000 of them xvere called In twice or spent more than one day at tho examination. These 15,000 witnesses, who responded, traveled, ac cording to the commissioners' computa tion, 112,411 miles, or four and one half times around the earth. Had It not been that the examiners xvent to Carbondale to examine the witnesses from the upper end of the county, there Is no telling how many times the xvlt nesses xvould have circled the globe. Appended is an Itemized statement of the total cost: Witness fees, city of Pc l.mton . .-T.r-JO CO Witness fee-, city of Ciiiboiid.ile 2,'JT1 W Witness fees, other places 7,!lil 00 -;l7,(lfil Ofl Witness foes for tax collectors i:i oa Total .t,2ir, 00 Mileage foi all wilnesses; IIL',111 miles at :l cents 3,37.1 K2 Total cost of wilnc-ses l.tiS'l :U r.xamiiiei T. .1. Duggan Ti,0iMl UxMininer W. it. Lewis .",UtW IK) Total for conimissiuneis dl,S00 00 Stenogiaphers John Taj lor and V. A. Daltenbeig 13,011 32 For seivlng subpoenas, 1'. V. Scanlon .....' iS.'.K'O 20 I'or .serving subpoenas, S. S. Wert 0,32120 For serving subpoenas, T. 11. Jte.vnohls 2,0;,") 50 For selling subpoenas, J. II. Howard 2u'i 20 Total for serving subpoenas $I6,2!0 10 Cliand tol.il "HVi.312 71 The testimony In the case fills thirty one volumes of 22,500 pages and 5,400,000 words. The thirty-one volumes placed one on top of the other, Hat, make a pile five feet ten inches high. TWO NEW ASPIRANTS. Six Candidates Noxv n Field for Common Council Clerkship. The scramble for the common coun cil clerkship grows livelier every day. Two more candidates, both Republi cans, entered the Held yesterday. They are John B. Gillespie, of North Scran ton, and Thompson Ceane, of the cen tral city. Mr. Glllc-spiP is one of the best known residents of Xorth Scran ton, and Is a brother of C. Joe Gillespie, secretary ot the poor board. Mr. Heane Is a nexvspaper man and xvns recently a candidate lor the Republican nomina tion for ivioider of deeds. STORM EROM THE SOUTH. Weather Folks Say -That It Is Com ing This Way. The liver Hood which the weather experts at Washington and the local forecasters have; been predicting since last Saturday should materialize today If It rains as "Weatherman Clarke pre dicts It will. It xvas reported last night that a pi etty' good-sized storm Is head ed tills xvay from the south and Is due here early this morning. ' Tho thawing process which rendeied things so disagreeable on Monday con tinued yesterday with ex-en greater sev eilty und transformed the streets Into ureas of dirty slush. TO BUILD AT ONCE. Ansche Chesed Congregation Acts on the New Synagogue Question. Tho members of the Ansche Chesed Hebrew congregation mot last night In the Linden street synogogue and de cided to Instruct Contractor Schroeder to begin work on tho new temple just us soon as the present snow Is off tho ground. The new tPinple Is to bo erected on Madison avenue near the corner of Olive street and will cost between '135, 000 and $40,000, MEMBERS OF SCHOOL BOARD. C" 4&Ssli . W. J. WEI-bll, Member from the Ninth Ward. duties of their offices lust night. Mr. CONSERVATORY RECITAL. It Will Be Given Tomorrow Evening in Guornsoy Hnll. The thirty-ninth recital of the Scrnn- ton Conserx-ntory of Music, under tho direction of J. Alfred Pennington, will be given tomorrow evening lu Guern sey hnll, The following Is the pro gramme: llncsfinblc Class rone. 1'lanos I'olki Hondo In (t major ., ....Klein Uiacc Coolldge, Helen lllvlu, Clara Unas, Noima .Inhiis, Lottie Morris, Clara Van Sickle, Caroline Noubaucr. llerllia lliugeltc Nimble Fingers, In C major Orth Karl Atnmernian Hunting Hong , Ileldermanu .Mcrr.v-do-ltound Schncckrr Ilva Melxscll Maiden of Tjiot Ixiiigo I.lltlan Benson Hondo in C major Kuhlau Itom.ilnc ppruks "c Li llicu.se in I' major..... Van (lacl Until Hull, Olj pliant Cheerfulness, hi 1' major Langc Miss Ilarel Hodges M.ilglocckchcn (May l!cl!) opus 10j....llohm Marg.itct f.iw I.o Kevelll" des I'.lfes (The Awakening of the lilies) Hackh Maiy Coiviii, Claiks Summit lllue Hells Morley Caiolinc Keubauer I.i llallerlna, Morccati dc Clcnrc Hackh Clara Haas A Houl de i'Aiago, V.ilo llrllliante, opus ,1,! Wollcnluupt Ml Ann i Votia Manuka in It flat major, opus nt, Xo. 2 (lodaid Mr. Itaiiy Wllklns X'alse in A Hat major Hany Wllklns Valso in O sharp minor .s Chopin Ktude in O major ...i ltubenstein Knsemble Class I'our Pianos Ovciturc to Itomeo and Juliet llelllni MI'S IlinvMiIng, Miss Hone, Miss (ierloek, Miss Kraulcr, Miss Stone, Miss Voiis, Miss Wageiihuikl, Mr. Mlklns. LEAGUE SLEUTH JAILED. Harry Evans, One of Robert Wilson's Men, Held in Boil on a Charge of Impersonating an Officer. Harry E-anp, a Municipal League detedtlx-e, xvns arrested early yesterday morning on Lackawanna avenue, by Patrolmen Genimel and Potter. Ho xvas In company xvlth a xvoman named Mrs. Mary "Williams, of Carbondale, xvho is old enough to be his mother. The ofllcersl claim that both xvere In toxicated and xvere making the rounds of a number of saloons. "When searched In the Centre street station he xvns found to have a re volver and a club In his possession and claimed that ho had a right to carry them because ho xvas a special officer In the employ of the Municipal league. A Tribune man happened into the station house shortly before 3 o'clock yesterday morning- and wns hailed by Ex-nns. "Say," ho said, "call up Robert "Wil son, 105S, and tell him that Harry's pinched." Mr. Wilson, xvho is the agent of the Municipal league, xvas not aroused from his slumbers. When arraigned for a hearing before Magistrate Howe yesterday morning, Mrs. Williams claimed thnt Evans had Hashed a star, nnd by pretending to be nn oillcer had forced her to enter saloons with him. She xvas discharged, but Evans xvas fined $3 for carrying concealed xveanons. He xvas then re arrested on ii xvarrnnt sworn out by Captain of Police Williams charging him xvith Impersonating an officer. At the second hearing he xvas repre sented by Attorney L. 13. Grambs, of counsel for the league. Agent Robert Wilson, xvho xvas present, admitted that E-ans xvas employed by the Mu nicipal league to secure evidence, but said thut ho hnd no commission as a special officer to hi knowledge. Evans himself admitted that, he had no com mission and xvns held In ?300 ball, which was later furnished. FUNERAL OF WILLIAM COYNE. Popular Young Business Man Laid at Rest. The funeral of Wllllain Coyne, eld est son of Mr, and Mrs. P. H. Coyne, of 502 Adams avenue, took place yes terday morning. A large assemblage of friends viewed the remains at the hnme before they xvere conveyed to St. Petei's cathedral. Where a high mass of requiem was celebrated by Rex J. J. Griffin. The largo attendance at the services and xvealth of floral tributes surrounding the bier attested the es teem In which the deceased xvas held. Interment xvas made In cathedral cemetery. The pall-bearers nnd llow-er-bearers xvere: Dr. J, V, Saltry, F. J. McAndrew, John J. Loftus, A, J, Duffy, F. J. McCanii, John A. Collins, M. II. Tighe, T, J. Duffy and C, P. O'Connor, of Philadelphia. $5.00 Picture Frames, 50e. At Schrlevc-r's Extraordinary Frame Sale, commencing Friday, February 28. They tiro handsome eusel frames, In various wood und design; xvorth regu lar from $3.00 to $3.00. Your choice for 50 cents, h'cluiover's, 110 Wyoming uxenue, OTTO J. KOHIXbOX, Member from the Klevcnth YWrd. Walsh xvas a controller from ISO! Bll&!ffiWHKMigti hV wf Jiilil JURY FAILED TO SAY YES OR NO STRADDLE VERDICT IN THE GAMBLING CASE. Major Is Returned Not Guilty but Directed to Pay tho Costs Mille Peddler Charged xvlth Embezzling from tho Lncknwnnnn Dairy Com pnny Found Guilty of Maliciously Driving Over a Child Bonnth' Fined $75 for Shooting His Cousin. Other Court Matters. As wns expected, or not expected, ns tho case may be, the jury In the enso ofCharlcs H. Major charged xvlth keep ing' a gambling house came In yester day, xvlth a verdict of not guilty. There was, however, a. lurking doubt, evi dently In the minds of some of the Jurors, that possibly there xvns gamb ling on tho premises unknown to Mr. Major, for the costs xvere placed on the defendnnt. The defense put up by Attorneys Murphy and Qulnnan xvas that there xvns one or two games of poker played at the cub hefuse, but those xvho par ticipated In the games were outsiders and a few members of the club, xvho had no regard for the rtiles against g.iihUIng and no partleiilii- tbead of earning Mr. Major h dlsfrivor by surrep titiously Indulging In pastimes he could noc conscientiously shut his eyes to. The c'lub h.-ii'e was ralJi-J ono night by the police after minn-roiio con pi ilntt hnd been received that the place was a rtr.dezxous for a disorderly element of the coloted population, including gamblers and lewd xvoincn. A big crowd of men and women x-ere caught In tho raid and all paid lines on the charge of belnj; Inmates ol a disorderly house. Major, xvhevwas alleged to be proprie tor, was fined also, for selling lleiuor Illegally, and keeping a bawdy house, and held to ball for keeping a gamb ling house. The eases In which fines wero Im posed xvere certlorarled and Inst week at argument court the proceedings xvere In each Instance reversed because of defective records. Now a verdict of not guilty is found in the gambling case and the xvork of the police goes for naught. KEITH ON TRIAL. John A. .Keith, a. former peddler for the Lackaxvanna Dairy company, Is on trial before Judge Wheaton on the charge of embezzlement. It is alleged by D. A. Stone, manager of the com pany, that Keith xvns $243 short in his accounts. Keith claims It Is a case of bad bookkeeping or else dishonesty on the part of one or the other of those to xvhom he xvas accustomed to make his returns. At all events, he claims, he nex-er misappropriated any of the company's money. District At torney Lewis represents the prosecu tion, and John F. Scragg, the defense. Before Judge Ferris, in No. 2, An thony Neary, of Jessup, xvas tried for aggravated assault and battery on the infant daughter of Henry Watkins. The prosecution alleges Neary xvas driving along the load xvhere the Wat kins child xvas at play, and that he deliberately ran the little one down after threatening to do so If she did not get out of the xvay. He denied having made any threat and averred it xvns purely accldentnl. The jury found him guilty of simple assault and bat tery. A verdict of not guilty and costs di vided xvas returned In the case In xvhlch Jacob P. Sohns was charged by Joseph Cat den xvlth assault nnd battery. Sohns Is an ah- brake inspector and Carden a switchman employed in the Lackaxvanna yard. At 2 o'clock on the morning of December 7, last, they got Into a dispute on the platform of a coach as to xvhether or not an air pipe was frozen. Words led to violence and Sohns xvent headforemost from the platform. He alleged Carden hit him and knocked him from the platform. Carden swore Sohns attempted to strike him xvith a lantern and in throwing up his hand to xvarcL off the blow, lie jarred Sohns a hit causing him to step on tho ley platform and fall to the giouud. W. F. O'Boyle represented the prosecution and John F. Scragg the defenre. 130NATII SENTENCED. Frank Uonath, xvho shot his cousin, Louis Ronath, In the neck last Christ mas eve, during a celebration on Fer dinand street, North Scranton, xvas sentenced by Judge Wheaton to pay a line of $73. James Keennn, Alexander AVnll, Michael Norton and John Sock, charged by Liveryman George E. Atherton, of North Scranton, xvlth negligence by lml'ee, xvere tried befote Judge Ferris. They xvere accused of having found ered a horse hired from the prosecutor. 1 ho court directed that the verdict should be not guilty but left It to tho jury to dispose of the costs. The jury was out at adjourning time. A verdict of not guilty xvas returned In tho case In xvhlch Samuel McLarln, of Olyphnnt, xvns charged by his son with carrying concealed xveaptms. Charlotte Hazzard and Ellen Francis, neighbors of Keysor avenue, churgeel each other xvlth assault and battery and being n common scold, Mrs, Hazzard put In no evidence, either ns prosecutrix or defendant. The jury found her guilty of both charges nnd returned verdicts of not guilty In the cases against Mis, Francis, Tho costs in the latter cases were placed on Mrs. Hazzard, Jim win iiyjBnreugwwiniiM.jiiiiMim 0X8S Of ifornia rJavel Oranges 20c Per Dozen $3 Per Box The Fruit is sweet and first clas3 iu every way. G. Coursen, e 250 e E. wmm Verdicts of not guilty xvcro taken lu tho Inrceny and rccclxitipr cases pre ferred by II. II, Pierce agnlnnt Made Una Ilega, Mttitile Gogall, Mury Oalto Here and Augolla dnlllore. A cnplns xvns Issued for Albert Smith, xvho failed to respond xvhen enlled to nnmver n charge of embezzlement pre ferred by J. A. Curtis. REV. MR. HODGE WILL RESIGN. To Glvo Up Pastorate of First Pres byterian Church, Wllkes-Bnrro. "It will cause n feeling of sincere re gret In the community to learn Hint Uev. Dr, F, H. Hodge, tho honored und beloved pastor of the First Presbyter Inn church, has In u letter to the ses sion of that church notified It of his Intention In the near future to resign his pnstornle," nays tlio Wllkos-Unrre Record. "He is led to tnkn this stop through continued (ailing health, Ills resignation will cause n feeling of pro found sadness lu his largo congrega tion, to which ho hits faithfully minis tered for the past thlrty-Ahree years. Tho ties of affection that bind hlni so strongly to his people can never bo broken. "Rev. Dr. Hodge xvns installed here on Feb. 23, 1SC9, coming from a pros perous church In Oxford, Pa. "The First church has bad sex-en pastors In tho past ninety-six years, ns follows: Rex-. Aid Iloyt. 180C-1817; stated supplies, 1S17-1S21; Row Cyrus Glldersleeve, 1821-1820: Rex-. Nicholas Murray, IS29-1S33; Rex-. John Dorrance, D. D., 1833-1801; Rex-. A. A. Hodge, D. D. (a brother of Dr. Hodge), 1861-1804; Rex-. S. B. Dod, 18G4-18G!), and Rev. F. IJ. Hodge, 1SC0-1902." The best flour sold iu America today." Bvery pound guaranteed. Per barrel. Fancy Elgin Creamery Butter The very best butter sold in Scranton at any price. Fresh, sweet, good tastiug, delicious butter. Per pound, yjmT&mttimmimrjiv$3&&3$ urnifisre New and Complete Assortment Being the LARGEST FURNITURE DEALERS IN SCRANTON We carry the greatest assortment of up-to-date Office Furniture. You nro invited to examine our nexv line before purchasing. 121 Washington Avenue. iimbrellas Made Umbrellas Repaired Umbrellas nnd parasols re caveied in different colors. A fine assortment of handles. Latest designs. All goods guaranteed for one year, The Scranton Umbrella Manufacturing: Co., 313 Spruce Street. I White"! I Beauty Flour I Br n iH n Eti IMonne ! Oils, Paints and Varnish ! MaIon?y Oil & Manufacturing Company, 141-149 Meridian. Sti-est. T TELEPHONE 26-2. T- t ! 4 J ! ! fr 'K.-fc 4- 4 We are sole agents for J V The best House ,Paints iu the world, warranted pure linseed oil paints. This Hue comprises Seventy-four different shades. Iusist on having ,Masury'3 Paints for in side and outside work if you desire a good lasting job. Bittenbender&GL 126-128 Franklin Ave. "!''l'S"f('3'$'3l'IaS3'!a'3'a!''"$ 41" gSale of Ladies' Neckwear - Our entire stock of Ladles .j. Neckwear must go to make room for our New Easter Stock. We will sell every piece X In the store at prices con- siderably below cost. .j. j. See Window Display. , i t Cramer-Wells Co., 130 Wyoming Ave. igtttagi2i$ii333',l'4'fa$a'!a at. at. .? J Tf tj , J ifr "J" & J 4 iff 4" The Hartford Typewriter m Tiiii maclilne ii recoprnlzcd everynlicf! ns the best nnd latest in typewriter n Rtutction. The Hartford Company fu.. tnins no larue nnd expensio sales de partments like its competitors, but sclU through reliable agent", thus savins to purchasers thli great item ot expense. Price or0UierMaKes...SI0f) Price or Hartford's 60 Yonr Profit 40 Reynolds Bros., Hotel Jeiin;n Bviihllnpr. ' Stationers and Engraver 4f ! X & ' C"fc I" 41a Spruce Street. See New Spring Neckwear. Lawyers 1 rnim rp.-l lm tin itlll mini", nlnn In lie I tit your paper book quicker tlmu any oth er piffliliiti uuuau Ml MIW J Maury s Lipid Colors Spring Styles N