The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 25, 1902, Page 3, Image 3
r t a. t v-Mty : -"--"., ,,. i- t THE SCRANTON TRIBUNJ3-TCJCSDAY, FEBRUARY 2d, 1902. Tf y f- We arc fully pre pared to do all kinds of interior decorative work, from wall papering to the most elaborate In terior work known to the decora tive art. It will pay you to consult us II you arc about to have the interior of your home redecorated. Ill Wallpapers, Pictures, Frames, Mouldings, etc. - Our Stock is the Best. Jacobs & Fasold, 209 Washington Ave. SAIT. AND PKOriTAIIM:. Paying Dividends of 1295 per annum, and (hern Is sufficient ore ON HANI) $10,000,WX to continue dividends at this rite for Hie net fifteen jenri, own und operating Smeller 221 tons dilly; no diblK. Those wishing to nuke a pafo and proBtablc In vestment In a listed stock will do well to write Hie for prospectus CHARLES D. SANDERSON 136 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa. J. P. COULT, D. D. S. Surgeon Dentist. 110 WYOMING AVENUE. OVER THE GLOHE STORE. Twenty years' successful prac tice In this county. imBaBBQumiw ! City Notes Mn.TIM! rOSTPONKI). llicrc will be no merlins of flic Central Vomcn'i Christian Tem per nice union this afternoon. ALDiriNO COMMiTH-.U. The joint Hidlting committee of lounclls met last night mil ap piocd a number of hills without question. M'.WMAX I IXTntK. Major elect James J. Ocelli, of Carbondalc, will lecture before tliu Niwmin club tonight on "Aiclibc-lipp Canoll; II It Ufu ard Woik' " hllMIAN.VI'Ui Mi:..ll(;. Hie semiannual meeting of the f'onitiegation nho Che5ed will bo held this evening .a S o'i lock In the vejtij loom of the temple. A luge attendance is dc sued. 10ft HUM'irUr llu? trustee, of the State hospital acknowledge, with thanks, nceipt of lontiibutiou of 12.21, being Jiioieods c.f Sewing 3!i I.uneli, held hy the ladles of the Home Mis sionary society of the Pust Preibj tei un church. SLIGHT HI.AZi: pile of rubbiah in Ilia cillar of Krotosky Hrothers' clothing ituic " 1 ackiwanna .ncnue, bicatuo ignited )e,teida) aflernoon'and filled the biciiniit lih Mnoke. An alarm was turned m fimn the bos. at Pinu and Lackawanna avenues, but the services of the firemen wcie not uttdid, as tlie clciks in the store MHOlhirrd the tljim-j. So paitlculti dam e was done. initouv nioM si.i:k;il i)r r w i.uure was tluown from his idiii,li at Ww. minor and lackmanna a'tnue cailv ,c-teida uimniiig and dragged a bbou distant c. Ills iiijiuies arc not scuie. While the doitoi wis imiuding the ml nei fiom I ickawanna into W .mining amine the leigh nwitmntd. 'lhe lmi-e i in awa but tt.H stcppdl witliiu j few liundicd 1'iet. N01 IICII VI V Kit sicxnii'Miii.ipr Al. I iwi-nn Im aildul cue mole pli,ei In the scran tun lull club, 'lhe new nun is .lo-iih .Mckil-, f Philadelphia, an out lit ld r. Mckilt bigan hU plofrj-slonil linn at Noriistown, Pa,, wlire lie plaud 1I111I11,- the bi.i-.oin of lSOs 0) In VM) lie was a ineiuliii uf tin. e".tih cluli of lhe Hlautli' asocl itiiin and 1 it sewm lie as tap lain of the Uliiitu" n i lull ol the l'miiMl v.uiia Itague lb is a mow bittct having led his tinni wall a pmeuugc of .101. Hie i-igiihi.f of MikcU complete the outtleld of the S.un You e Interior Decorating OUIGK SILVER 00 I p3 Tlioiivinds tt pioplc about the ) " Snow White Flour" 'Ihc, know it h, the Prime uf all Hour, but we want EVERYBODY TO KNOW IT We ak jour help In the following manner- Tor either pice or poetry .lesriitbe of, or IntioducliiB "snow Wiilto" flour, as to IH wonderful bread making qiulilio.-it pu Itj lu utienstliHU whilines-ii nettrieis-Its unifoiiiill ot irratlr, ete., (ti , etc. We oiler the followlnjr prUe; For the best poetic or prose advertise- lf , nwt $15.00 For the second best poetic or prose adveillse- 'i' 10.00 For the third best poetic or prose advertise- ment 5.00 For the fourth best poetic or prose advertise- . m: 4.00 For the fifth best poetic or prose advertise ment 3,00 For the sixth best poetic or prose advertise- merit.., . 2.00 For the 7U1, 8th, 9th, loth, nth, 12th, 13th, . .n 14th, 1 5th, 16th and 17th, each 1 ,00 All difitloemcnts lo bn and remain with i as our pioperty. 'lliej nnut ronsUit of not over one hundred and fifty word. a I.KhS number IS HKTTri:il, The contest will rlcso on Slant 1st, 1002, Meio literary tlnlsli not as denlrablo an blight Ideas put In an orUlual waj. Write clearly on only one Ma of the paper, Mark the iop with a. number, plate the author' name and address In a small emolopo and niaiL it with the unit number ud tend all In a largo envelope to our address IIY MAIL. Tlie Judges will thus liaic no way c( knowln;r the author's ifame until the choice Is made. The following crnltcincn bale Mudly romentul to act as Judges and their decbiou will be announced as soon as made in the dally papers. IIOV. J (J. IHRHKIT, U, J. I.VXKTT, bSO, Dickson Mill and Grain Co. No. 12, Lackawanna Ave., Scranton, Pa. ton feam Willi Wakey In left, 0lon In renter, mul Nickel In rttclit field. Manner l.nuon fceli Mire that this combination will give n eoml ac lount of themselves after the reason opens. Jlnby Bnznnr Removed to 118 Washington avenue, DENNETT SERIOUSLY INJURED. Tluown Down by the Colliding of Freight Cars. Hciijainln Heimett, employed In tlie Lackawanna's ti mister fiolfiht station near tlie Wast Lackawanna avenue crossing, was litjutetl lit u peculiar iniinner yesterday morning. A coupling on a train being nullotl not th biukc, after the train hail passed the cto'sslng, ami the rear end of lhe train started hack along the track. A switch was Hot to let cars from the main line into the frclchl Iioupp and Into this switch dashed the ears, crash ing against cars that wcie standing at tlit ft eight house. Helmut t was In one ot these cais, and was thrown Itcovllv to the lloor and seriously Injured about the heuil, yev eial of the oars sustained considerable Injury. TROLLEY CAJTrAN AWAY. JMotorrnan Lost Conttol of It on the Mulberry Street Grade Philip Qhen Injured. A tiolley car on the Piescott avenue line hud a wild time of It yesterday inornlnpr. It was one of the large double track variety and It was laboi loiisly climbing the grnde that leads irom Mulberry street up to Gibson. About Pino stieet the motorman lost control of the ear and it started back townid Mulberry street at a tertlfle pace. At the turn at Mulberry stteet the car left the track and flew stialght forward until It landed against the wall ot the now Grace Euthctan chinch where It came to a sudden stop and In the stopping was badly wiecked. The damage done to the church was slight. The conductor, motoiman and one pas senger jumped In time to escape Injuty. When the car started on Us reckless race down the grttde, Philip Ghen ot 1110 Linden stieet, a dilver for II, A. Knufhold, was going up with a horse and single wagon owned by his em ployer, lie was unable to clear the tuck In time to no!d the lunaway and the wagon was struck by the car and badly wrecked. Mr. Ghen was tluown some distance but fortunately escaped with a. few ballses and a seoie shak ing up. The horse escaped Injuiy. ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. SOLD. Ciescent Passes Into Hands of Lackawanna Valley Company. The plant of the Crescent Electile company has been sold. The sale was coiibumated Thuisday when the Lack awanna Valley Electric Light and Sup ply company took possession. What the consideuitiou Is cannot be ascertained at this writing, but It Is said to bo In the neighborhood of $.20, 000. The power geneiated at the plant, besides being used for lighting pm poses, aus used in the operation of the coal mines of the Elk Hill Coal com pany, located nearby. The new company Is composed huge ly of people living In the lcinlty of Carbondule. .T. 13. Russel Is ptesident of the company. It has contracts now with the city of Catbondale and the boioughs of Fotest I'ity and Jeimyn. The Crescent Electile company has been in existence about eight jeais. Its principal sluue holdeis aie Thomas E. and Edwaul S. Jones and James J. Williams of Sciauton. An-hbald Citi zen. NEW PAROCHIAL RESIDENCE. To Be Elected by Congiegation of Holy Ctoss Chuich. The congregation of the Chinch ot the Holy I'toN ut Uollcvue, has decided to elect a pfitoehial lesiilenre at Eroad way and Eifth aenue, on a piopeity pui chased Mime time ago for the jun pose It Is dliectly acioss the htieet tinni the cluii ill. The building at nie.spiit occupying the site will be l emmet! and it thiee sloi. lesldence of Colonial style eiert ed. The house will tiont on Uio.ulway. The pastor. Rev. V. P. O'Doimell, has lequested that n committee tioni the tongiegatlon assist him In lhe woik of ni ranging lor the oiistiuctloii ot the lesldence, and the lollowing huc been mimed: l !'. Calpin, W, A. C.tady, T. II. Walsh, James iiiog.iu and James May. Can Get Parf of If Mrs. Kate Berg, Secretaiy Ladies' Aux iliary of Knights of Pythias, No. 58, Com mercial Hotel, Minneapolis, Minn., After Five Years Suffering Was Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " Dear Mrs. PinkuaM: Whatever virtue there is in medicine seems to be concentrated in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. ,1 suffered for five years with profuse and painful menstruation until I lostfleshandstrcngth,rtnd lifchadnocharmsforme. Only three bottles of your Vegetable Compound cured me, I became regular, without any pains, and hardly know when I am sick. Some of my friends who have used your Compound for uterine and ovarian troubles all have the same good word to say for it, and bless the day they fiist found it." Mrs. Kate Berg. $0000 FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE LETTER IS XOT GENUINE. "When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful menstruation, weakness, loucorrhuiu, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-down feeling. Inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or flatulence), genornl debility, indigestion, and nervous pros tration, or aro beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitude, excitability, irritability, nervousness, .sleeplessness, melancholy, "all gone" and " want-to-be-lef t-ulono " feelings, blues, and hopelessness, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinlchnm's Vegetable Compound at once removes sush troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the best. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write lior for advice. She lias guided thousands to health. Address Lynn, Mass. UNMUZZLED DOGS ARE ORDERED SHOT Department of Public Safetu Takes Radical Steps to Prevent Spread of Rabies Among Dogs of the City. Two eteiinaiy suiKeons of the high est standing hae wiltten to Dr. Alien, supeiintendent of the bureau of health, within the post week, notifying hlni that labies is becoming' epidemic among the clogs In the cential part of the city. As a pre eautionaiv tneasuie an order was Is sued yesteiday by Dliector of Public Safety V. I. Wormser, dlieetlng the police to "summailly dispose of," or in oilier wouls, shoot all dogs found on the public Htieets without being muz zled or held b a chain. The fit .st letter iceelved by Dr. Allen came eaily lat week from Dr. Jacob Ilelmer, who lepoited an outbieak of tables In that p.ut of tlie Seventeenth waul bounded by Olhe stteet, Clay uenue, Gibson stieet and Jeffeison aenue. The doetoi lepoited that one dog in the vicinity of No. P.J school was found sufieilng fiom the disease and was killed. Anothei developing symptoms ot the dlsoi der left Its ovv n ei's keeping and never letinned. The body of a thltd dog, which was Kept under close obsei vatlon until it died, was sent to the laboiatoty of the State Live Stock Sanltaij Uoatd in Philadelphia tor mieioscople ami teilological examination. The follow ing telegiam was received by Dt. Hel mei : l)r I nob Ilebmi. Ill 'pun? Mrert, Munlon i:uuhulioi! of do hi ni (omphUd, I mpios tliuuhh 1 idler.. I. tumid t't ir.-o'i. The doctor 1 spoiled that four dogs aie known to have been bitten by dogs sufteilng ftom the disease but states that It Is Impossible to tell the exact numbei of canine victims as a dog suf feilng liom rabies loams miles away fiom home, biting olh"r dogs and ani mals PUIilOD OF I.NCI'UATION. The period of Incubation in dogs, the doetoi goes on to say. Is on an aveuige fiom twenty-one to foitj da.vs It may be as shoit as six or seven dus and occasionally exceeds one hunched das. Continuing the doctor wiltex; "Theie Is no doubt but that more than the number of dogs which I have mentioned aie victims. In the face of such an outbreak It becomes 10 assume this to be the case in older that eveiy precaution may be taken, It Is plain that danger will exist not less than sixty days, although piactl cally It will disappear In about six vv eeks. "Finally as to the lontinl of the sit uation, I am not paimltted to speak, Hut lu behalf of the safety of the peo ple and the piotectlou of valuable dogs, the Idea of publicity suggests Itself as 11 defensive meamue Again, If eveiy owner of a dog would take tho precau tion of efllclent muzHug dm lug an out bieak, the spieod of the disease would soon be hi ought to an end. Authentic; statlstlrs cun he furnished to show this, And whatever aigmuents mav ho ndvnneed against muzzling, the lesults that have been obtained by It Justify Its adoption wheiever theie Is nn out bieak of canine madness," The second letter vun lecelved yes. teiday fiom Dr, II. A. Paget, who ie potts having had soven discs of tables In vailed paits of the cential city in tho past seven weeks, or moie than he, has piovlously had lu his six yeais' practice in this city, The doctor re pot ts that his diagnosis bus been con firmed In seyeial of the eases by the bncteilologlst of tho state Ilvo Stock Sanitary Uouid and by the assistant bucteilologlst of the New York city boa id of health. He suggests tho advis ability of 01 tiering muzzling within the city limits until such time as there is Mr, Wheeler Got Rid of His Bheu niatlsm. "Duilng the winter of 1S08 I was so lame In my joints, lu fact all oyer my body, that I could baldly hohblo aiound, when I bought a bottle of Clittnibei Iain's Pain Jiului. Fiom the llrst application I begun to get well, and was cured and have worked steadily all the year."-n. Wheeler, Northwood, N. Y. Kor sule by all diug-glsts. evidence of the decline or absolute ces sation of the present outbieak. OUDUR TO POLICK. Supeiintendent Allen and Director of Public Safety P. L. Wormser confeiied over the matter jesteid.iy and decided that decisive and piompt action should be taken The diieetor accordingly Is sued the following oidei late yesteiday afternoon. Iona B, Day; Superintendent of Pollic. Diar Sii: In view of the fut tint seieial well Mitlumlcated iase of rubies line been icporlcd to 11114 dtpaitment bi' two vrterlimiini of liic-h xtaudiiitf who liive hid iniro-.eoplc and luc tuioiogicil evaiiiiiutioiv- made of the heads of uiiimah who have dhd trom h,diophobii in this til and of the fiet that ntlui dog have been bitten bj the-e diea.ed auiinals who aie now runnlm; at lare, thereby c iii-lii' ureit dm Kei to the eommuiiln it i- hiieh) ouleieil that all doj; found In the citj htieet-, without being inurletl or hi Id b n chain will be suimiiirilv ilNli-il of bj the polne. oii are dliected to Etc that thi" uiilir K ttiittl enfuiiul. Il ordti of T. I. Woiui-er, Dneilur of Public hiM. Theie Is to be no del'iy in the enfoi ce ment of this mder. It will be begun today, and owmis of dogs aie warned by Dliector Woimser to keep their dogs tied up or spcuie musics lor them at 11111 p. Dr. Paget, when seen last night by a Tilbune man, "aid that to his knowl edge six pei sons in tills city have been bitten by dogs aflticted with the rabies, dmlng the past two mouths. A sev enth pei son, tt man who was bltlen about nine weeks ago, died of hydio pliobla in its most violent foim. The doctor said Hint this man died In the pieseuco of seveial local physlchuii, who stated to him that his suffeiings weie houlble beyond description. The doctor lelused to state who this man was, sailing that he Is pledged to se cieey on this point. He said that lluee of the poisons who have been bitten have taken the Pas teur u eminent within the pidper time limit ten to fouiteen days after the bite. ItAHinS PIli:VAW3NT. "People should nwnko to the setlous ness of the situation," said ho, "Genu ine tables Is pievnlent in this city and pievnlent In all p.uts of It. The dis ease Is not confined to any ono pai titu lar pint 01 the city. I have had cases in eveiy part, uoiib, east, south and west, mid they have not been cases lu which I have only my own diagnosis to go by, In tho majority of instances I htivo sent nervous tissues of the dead animals to Dr. llevemil, the b.icteilolo gist of tho state live stock sanltiuy boiud, mid ho has confirmed my diag nosis after fateful examination. "Many people Imagine that theie Is no such thing as lables possible In tho winter, but this Is only one of the many false IdeiiH which ptovall among the nnibses legaidlng this disease, which Is just us likely to develop one month as another, I think the dliector of public safety hos done a wise thing in order ing all dogs muzzled or leashed, for theio Is eveiy leason to believe that theie have been a gieat many dogs bitten lu the last few weeks by mad dogs and that a gieat many ot these animals will contract lables. "The imijotlty ot the cases of the dis ease that I havo attended nio what Is known as 'dumb tables' The unlmals manifest no fuilous symptoms. They ute simply sullen and dull, and for this leason their owners do not think theie Is mi) thing vvioiig with them. ADVJCK TO SUFFERERS. "I would ndvlsu all persons who aro bitten by a dog, who Is pronounced to bo Buffeting ft 0111 rabies by n, com petent voteilnailan, to go to New Yotk city nt once, bcfoio ten days elapse, und become Inoculated nt tho Pasteur Institute. This Is the only pieventu tlvo of hydrophobia known to science, and pel sons bitten by mad dogs, who fall to take the tteatment, run a gieat risk of becoming ullllctcd with this most terilblo of discuses,' which Is ab solutely incurable. Oi dinar)' cauteilza lion of (he wound by the corner. drug gist or family physlclnn In prucllenlty worthless," The doctor hatf had nn iron cage built In his hospital, and In this ate placed tho (logs which become unilclcd With rubier. When the nnltnnl.i die, ns they nhvnyn do, for the disease Is fatal In all Instances, tho doctor dissects a por tion of tho netvoiia tissues nnd sends them to Philadelphia for examination, All dogs bitten by the dead animal are kept chained when a continuation of his diagnosis Is received. A dog, supposed to be mulcted with rabies, bit thlity sheep belonging to George Feesee, of Wnymnrt, so badly the other day that alt the animals wore killed. A number ot supposedly mud dogs wcie also killed In Holllstervllle last week. FINE BOWLING, THIS. Electric City Wheelmen and Backus Teams Made Splendid Scores. Latter Made 080 Game. Ilecord-bi caking bowling was done Inst night by the Backus and Klccttlc City Wheelmen bowlers. The latter team made it six stialght fiom the Green Ridge Wheelmen and made the splendid total of 1:677, one of tho high est ever recorded in n league game In this city. They had two 900 games and Williams made the exceedingly high average of 191 1-3. The scoie: 1:1.1-critic rnv sin:i:iiMi:.v. .Met'racl.en 20, William-) triS Del'ne no Datis I'll) Wetlllnif 201 ItO'i V.I.K3 PhlllllH 12ft (iuinter. l.'u fcchwlndt (,() Vlidenspachcr IIS niclil 1.VI 16 liM- !M mi 2n ;7i ins nil i.) l'H I"". - iiJI 20J ym 3r, 9J7 nt 2;: H7 124 IV 311 111 171- no 1ST 1177 us ns 1M t42 3VJ 4.01 700 T(t 7 hi 2J(M High beoic Williani-!ill. High jeeraire William?, 191 1 3. The Backus bowleis made a stiong showing against tho Hlejcle club five, and their second game was the best ever lolled In a match game bv linv team in the Northeastern Pennsylvania league, the score being 086, or only four teen this bide of the much coveted 1,000 maik. The scene: nvcKfs. I'eckham 171 Moore 131 1'ahrenhoU 1S2 lloll m Hopkins Ill SI7 Vi 152 fill ISs 1(S 310 l' K.2 .'42 22 ( 143 5't 17' 187 520 Oil, S14 21.17 StlUNTOX niCYCLH 01.113 Ooiman IV) 121 141-412 Oold 17fi lis 152 170 Mitchell IIS 201 110 301 IVdei 1"8 IsO 13'l 4ctf W'.udcll ICO 101 11,7 31b 7s2 512 73'J 2JOJ IHllli seoie-ltoll, 22.1. High aeerat'e I'ahicnholf. 130 2 3 The bowling at, be tween the West Knd Wheelmen und the Gieen Ridge Wheelmen, was lather ragged when comnaied with the other bowling of the night. The West Knd eis took three straight, with falily high sioies. The score: (iitr.Ex ltiiKJi: vhi:ki.ii'v. Seanuus 131 128 14 1400 Kowlir l.!2 1SS 127417 VI iso 127 lilt 40't Wedi man 1(.l ion 110 471 TJjlor If. 172 170527 710 784 7o(, 22J0 i:nu wiikm.mkn. Weljind 141 13f 111431 Yo-t Id'i 14i. 107 4S2 I md 150 M 12) 411 Hunter 171 1VI 114 4't! l)aU li2 171 IMI-.122 Sli SII 7S1 2110 Hihli More Dim. 1VI. Hhtli averaKe 1 ijloi, 173 2 (. The Dlectile City AVheelnien's team now goes to the fiont, but is closely ptcsoed by the Ilnckus live. The stand ing of the clubs follows: Won l.ot. 1'. C. I'lcitrlo Oil; Wheelmen 12 n .0.7 ll-ul.ue 11 7 .(ill (in en lt!d;c Mu ohm ii 8 10 ,411 West 1 ml Wheelmen S 10 .141 Srantou lllc.vele club S 10 .441 l'.lks 7 II ..'.VI A TRIBUTE OF HESPECT. School Board Besolutious on Death of Patrick Golden. At n sptclal meeting of the school boiud held on Satin day night to take action on the death of School Con ti oiler Patilck Golden, of the Sixth waul, the following t evolutions weie adopted: 'lhe hoard of coullollein Iv cillul upiu to pnj lit nimk of re-pec t to cue of IN niemlieu, who cliuli'ir lilt incniiibeney ot lhe ofi.ii a- the up icentatlle of tliu Sivlli wild, endeaied lilimclt to his fello-.-UHmbein. lie wj.i a hlcnd whu k flight fui, a'ld nivn turned a deaf ear to un apoeil for help. Maty theie au who .an li-n (r-.tlmoii) to liN rfciurusltv and hountioui aid in all nes ot need, l.lvlnif In a locality where wealth am not evidint, he, b,i iudu-tr) and ajplic itlon, jl cumulitcd a coiupcline.t, which was useil in behalf of his lfw fortunalc lit icblioiH. As a f it lit r lie was kind, IndulKiut and provident; ns a friend lie was htjumh and (rue, neiei jleldln, to the blandUhmiiits of nil eneui- fo tntriu him from the pith of duty to such friend, Vi a member of the board of conliol, he was iiilbe, indu-lrlous and eieitt'tlc 'lhe present hchoul liulldlng now In course of election in his waid will Mand as V monument lo his Indefatigable ilTortx In behalf of Ids con.tiluinls. We, the iiicmbiix of (ho board of control lay our tributes at Ids stave, with a hope that Ids incinori nn) S Grand Display of g iNew Tailor Gowns 1 Tuesday and Wednesday Strawbridge & Clothier, of Philadelphia, will make a display of Fine Tailor Suits at our store. Goods may be selected, your measure taken and suits made to order. Over a thousand styles to select from. MEARS 8 HAGEN, jftifcjhuirfXJiVnuj?jnii FROM wmmmmmmmmmm vmsmmmmmmmmm Many iiew (roods are mldeil In our mlendld follrctlim eVetv ill, ort of ilalh npfii Insr. New- nrrtmN of .1 M'VNIIM! ItllltlCS SVrSPMA Hlt.VI.H IIKCOItAir.l) .s.S, MKTAI, Tit MP, tie. If )ou Invo evei bomjlil Roods of llils chnrarltr, crnnbirc ptltrsl tTnpnnese Ivory Eigurcs ?3. DO Japanese Ivoly Elrjurcs 0 Indus High 0.00 Sntsuma Vnsco 12.00 Jnpnncso Metal Pin Tiayo 10 Japnncso Metal Brush Trayu 2D Do's It piy lo buy from jour permanent tiomc ilealcrs? W'c lcic )ou lu Judc. C)VxwVvaA Geo. V. Millar & We Clean and Sterilize Carpets and Rugs Making them look fresli and new nnd destroying nil mollis. Carpels scoured without injury to color or texture Scranton Bedding Lackawanna and Adams Delicious Recipes on every package Many good things beside mince pie can be made with NONE SUCH Mince Meat Recipes on every package for Fruit Pudding, Fruit CaJce and the tempting "None-Such Hermits." fSX Ten cents a 2-plc' package j& at any goad grocer in town. Merreli-Soule Co. Syracuse, N. Y. ever leuiind iu of his devotion and high reya-d for dHy. lteiohed, lint the members of this boaid at tend bis funeral in u bodv, Kuither, Heiobed, ' is a maik of re-pect Id" seat be draped in moutniu for a peilod of thirty dijs. i'urtlur, Itisuhed, 'Hi it llic-e le-oliillons be spread upon (lie liunutes, and u copy be picientcd to bis sot rowinjr fimilj. T. .1. .Ironings. W. V. Mav, K. S. ltirkcr, A I.. Proncois, 1. .1. l.anK.m, eomml'tec. The funeral of the dead school con troller will be held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock trom Holy Cross chuich with Interment in the Cathedial ceme tery. FOB SALE. A Desiiable Residence on Clay Avenue. This propel ty is delightfully located on Clay avenue In the !I00 block. The house is tooniy and tlie lot is 48x100. The price is leasonable and the teims easy. Apply to W. T. Hackett, Pi Ice build ing, 12S Washington avenue, city. D., 1. & W. Boaid for Today. The following is the make-up ot tho e, Lackawanna and Western boaid for todny: MONDAY, 1T.II. 21 IMias h-Hl S p. in., 1'. HalkU; 10 p in., P. CavanJUtdi; 11 p. in., Iloboken, 11, Dolui'j. 'HT.Mm, 1'MHH AJt 21 Kvtias Kn-t I..'(l a. us., Iloboken, II. II. (illlt lean; 4 a. in, lli-lilni;: G a, in., Hobokcn, 11 .1. larkln; 0 a. in., Ilubokm, .1. 1". ltuikhart; in u. in., A. (!. llJinmllt; 11 a. m., W. W. l.nbii- 1 p. in., (iraiisp 'llionii-: 2p. in , 1 . l:. Va i Win met; .! p. in., I. Wallace; 3 . in , I". 1 ilrpn lick; (i p. in,, C. W. Dunn. suinmlK S a in , .1 CaniRtr; 1" i. ' l'lounfelkei ; 11 a, in., Mi hols; 2 p. in, Thomp son; 0 p in., lUnneisan; S p. m , (Jlnley, (,ol dcn' ciew, I'liiluia I! a. in , Widnei; 7 1. in., 1'lnneiti; b a, in., llou,ci; ti a, iu .1. d. .Vluna.i' 10 it. m , II. (nblir; 11.41 i. ni.. Vloiuu; o p. in.. (. Hat Ihuh'ineu; 7, ,o p. m, Xaiuuin; u p. in,, W. II. Iljllholomeu ; II p in, l.iuiplinr r.vtiis Wet 8 a. in., J, (iinhj; 10 a. m , VI laimmb; 1 p. m., T. Doiidicau; :' p. in,, O'Haia, 4 P in, (), Hit iinlpli; p. m, I. Kliicrs'ey; U p. in , klib), WallV eiiw. ravcuiiir l.iiKlnt-o 7 a. in. (laftuet ; 7 i in, slimei; lii.i, ui I.attiuiii; n.ll p. m., Suuto-i, S.:.0 p in., Mi (, 'oi mi. .NO! U.'f. T, Vli(,aithy nnd new will inn II .0 p in to Iloboken, Monda.i, I'lbnuiy 21. Keliliuin and new will run work tiaiu Totv ilev and Wednesday . llrakeuun hiluanl HornluK rf polls for .1 lien nc'an. Mr.ikeuian W, W'aidell lepoils for ' Hallett lliakiuun William snjdei leporls fin II Ills I'lnif. m Pnlmn Eounnlly Elected. lUuiij, l'eb 21. Dr. Toinas INtiida I'lluu and s.,), j,t,ve2 weie tndaj Cumuli) elected by (no ilnliru! ifllUje. iepectlvelv first prcsi. it'll aid t'ikl vke pietlcleut of (he Cubjn it piiblh .-rinilois weie alio eleclcd W & 415-417 Lackawanna Avenue. JjJ mmmKwmmmmmmmmmmmmumL ORIENT. Co. 'JiSKSSSJ! Co., F- AMANiser Avenues. Both 'Phones End of the Season Sale F. L.. CRAINJE, 324 Lackawanna Avenue. 300s l'er.-IJii and Marten Storm collir $15 00 now $0 00 1023 Pelclan and .MipuHIoii' Storm collar llOOnow 8 00 1007 Mink Storm collar 25.00 now 13 (JO 2224 Mink (ollaictlc I000now2000 102S Olebe Collarette !.. 13 110 now 0 00 ia niack. Mirdn staif fiOOnow 4 (X) 1222 lllick Mirlen Surf 7 00 now 4 (1 1001 I'll ctric Seal Seaif 1.50 now 1.01 1001-i:ieitilo Seal Staif 2 50 now 1.50 1118 sible l'o sCJr( is ni) now 10 00 1110 Sable -'ov. caif S "0 no.v 500 1111 lllue I.)ii Scarf 11 00 now 1000 200 Uliie Ijnv Scarf 12 00 now 8,01 lOOO-lted I'nx Scarf 7.00 now 10) Mill Mink siarf, lonir tabs ,13 (X) now 2.1.00 6010 Mink Scilf 2300I1OW 17.00 072 Clnniinon Heir lloa, : jds long .13 00 now 21 00 527 Illack Ileal Hoi, .! jds lonir. 2!) 00 now 11 (VI H71 Ilrown III ir Ho.i, .1 )ds Ions:. 13 00 now 10 03 SOO Xatnral Oppo-um lloa, .1 )ds lout; i li 00 now I.0D 799 (liny l'o Una, .1 )ds loin;.. 10 00 now 7.0) 291 Itluo I.jnsj lloa, 3 jds long. IS 00 now 12 00 Furs Repaired. I'uia Manufactured. Haw 1'un Bought. r Sil Lisle Hosiery Oui new lino of hosiery Is notice able for Its air of quiet elegance. The gavlv coloiod altair of last season Is replaced today bv I In soluble silk stocking in black, embioideied in dainty coiois ami designs. Silk hose fiom $1.25 to S2.75 a pair. Lisle (lace), 50c, 75c, S1.0O. Embroidered Lisle, 75c, SI. 00, S1.25. 126 Wyoming Ave. STProf.O.FTf HEEL.527 Aaflfi raiiinriDniiu r. uair urnari nurriaiiai in AmrJri. liutrtalit l rur alto, hj ruall TiVt(kltf DUttumi. F.lf !. Abutt. Hlood I'oUot. frrruT vt whi,1 o( nibtoi(i ri-ef( dt ftrifiur(no7 rriTrM-trurttt 4 tt 10 diTt,lll str rrulUulk a irrtl fQliiai inafieicDnfnii iS snruitUfH urttiisv.? 0pllftl tipf rlt&r la Lrraft7in4 (qr btjak jTri)ltv1l f - JI..I . .I..1-I..I ... J. M..1I. .ILL. T lyvaiaa; m9rj mtmhii siiiriti if bih mmww vPri k and ftifthWggSII Scott I; m.