The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 25, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of Cailbondaie
council let contracts
.Common ami Select Council Met in
Z' Separate nnd Joint Sessions Bids
." for Flro Hoso nnd Street Signs
Accepted Fabric Hoso Company
' Secures Contract Other Business.
I' Select couiii'll held a special meeting
last nlglit. .The following resolutions
from common council were concurred
Granting (ho requisition of the
Mitchell Hoso eonipany.
Thttt the city trousurei' ho exonerated
from taxes on the list for $1,374.00 and
also exonerated from the tax made on
properties tignhud which city solicitor
holds liens.
A communication was read from the
Columbia Hose company asking that
the carriage door In the hose house he
repaired, .deferred to coniinitte'e.
Mr. DavJs Introduced a. resolution
for tho removal of (Ire hydrants from
Ninth avenue and Church street to
South Church street In front of Toby's'
residence and icinove the hydrant now
at rnrroll'n to the Getes property.'
A' petition was presented asking for
tho clmngen. The resolution was re
ferred to committee.
Free Vaccination.
A communication was received from
the liolird of health asking council to
concur with tlioIrS resolution to have
a doctor vaccinate persons In the city
who could not afford to have the work
done. Thompson thought It was the
duly of tho poor hoard to attend to
such a resolution. It was referred to
judiciary and leglslltlon committee.
A letter was received from Attorney
A. L. Williams, of AVllkes-Barre, In
which he slated that lie had In his
hands for collection a hill of $90 con
tracted by the city with Prof. AV. II.
Deans for an examination of water
during the water suit in court, de
ferred to finance committee.
Thompson offered a resolution that
select meet common In joint session for
the purpose of opening bids for 000 feet
of lire hose, for street signs and for lire
alarm key boxes.
Common Council.
Common council was called to order
nt S.15, Harry Masters being made
The oily engineer who was present
was asked to stale what had been done
with regard to the condition of the
Fnllbrnok river at Brooklyn bridge. Ho
stated that the committee had waited
on tho city solicitor and ho advised
them to leave the blockade alone for
' the present.
The resolution from select council
that both sessions come together in
joint session was adopted. They then
went Into jolnl session.
Joint Session.
Mr. Kennedy was made chairman.
The representatives of the hose con
cerns were given the privilege of tho
floor and' spoke on the merits of their
hose. The bids were then opened for
tho furnishing of the city with GOO feet
of hose. Three bids were received as
follows: Kureka Hose company, 70
"".cents per foot; Carboudale Machine
company, CO cents per foot; Fabric
Hose company, SO and 70 cents.
The bids were then opened for street
signs and were as follows; James
Powderly, 37',i and -II cents per foot;
L. B. Lovelaud, l'Jli cents; .T. A. Iloole,
17 cents: AV. J. Finch, 110 cents: F.
Frank, 11 cents; A. E. Tiffany, 241i
cents; F. AV. Mills, IS cents.
Hut one bid had been received for
lire alarm key boxes, that of F. AW
Mills for 25 cents. The bids were given
to the various committees and they
were ordered to report forthwith. They
were In session for over twenty min
utes. They recommended lhat all bids
lor lire alarm key boxes be rejected,
"and that they again bo advertised for.
The bid of the Fabric Hose company
was recommended to be adopted, and
their bid for SO cents be accepted;
The. committee recommended that the
.bid of James PowdPrly for street signs
be accepted. All tlu recommendations
were adopted, with no dissenting votes.
"Powderly's bid was on aluminum
signs and tin; others on board signs.
The meeting then adjourned,
The Ottumwas nt the Grand Scored
n Big Hit Last of the Course.
The llnale of the Smith-Singer lec
ture ciiiu'W last night was one to bo
proud of. Tho Ottumwas made a big
hit with a large audience, that en
cored every number on the excellent
programme. The universal comment
at the close of the programme was
Hint the entertainment surpassed any
thing of lis kind over heard In this
Miss Julia Van Duesen, as u render,
was fine, and the equal of any over lis
tened to here. She has a (lno voice for
this special work, nnd Willi a charm
ing stage presence, added greatly to
the programme. v.She wns received with
the greatest favor.
Provides Delightful Entertainment
for Republican Co-Workers.
Select Couhcllmnn-elect Duunu AV.
Humphrey, of tho Second ward, one of.
Carbondnle's leading business men,
and substantial citizens,-wns -host last
night nt a dinner given at the Harrison
house In appreciation of the work of
the hustlers of the ward who mndo cer
tain the glorious success of tlte Re
publlcnns In the Second ward, the clos
est ward In the city. The affair was a
delightful one, divested of all formality
and an occasion of renewal of fealty to
Republican principles and of promises
to work to duplicate the success of the
late election In the Second ward In all
the wards of tho city where such op
portunities offered themselves.
The dinner was a splendid repast add
ing to the reputation which the Harri
son house enjoys In disposing, of such
enterprises. The menu which the din
ers heartily, discussed as they sat
round the triangle of tables was:
nine points' boullllon Clastone. young
turkey, with stuffed oyster dressing and
giblet sauce, cranberry sauce, ham,
wldpped potatoes, June pens, fillet of
beef, with mushrooms, veal croquettes,
celery, olives, mixed pickles, pickled
beets, chicken salad, ice cream, maca
roons, fruit enle, angel food, nut cake,
fruit, coffee and chocolate!
When cigars were lighted, Mr.
Humphrey became toaslniaster an
characteristic of him, he surprised his
guests and friends by the happy way
In which he acquitted himself. He
marks were made by all of the guests,
but tho most Interesting were the ad
dresses by Frank S. Hoemmelmeyer, the
Republican candidate for mayor and
Abe L. Salem, common councilman
elect. Mr. Kommelmeyer ' made a strong
point for the. strenuous young men In
politics and in this connection pointed
out President Roosevelt, Jerome and
Goddard, of New York city, as splen
did examples of their force In the poli
tical life of the country.
Mr. Salmi, in discussing Ids big ma
jority, said characteristically that the
man who would be successful In poll
tics, as in all other things, must go
in to win. This, it can be truly said,
fioni bis successful record, is Mr.
Salmi's motto In all his ventures.
After the addresses, a vote of thanks
went to Mr. Humphrey and to tho
Harrison house for the service of tho
evening, which brought the delightful
night to a close.
Seated at the table with Mr. Hum
phrey were: Common Councilman
elect A. I.. Sahm, Frank S. Rommel
meyer. Controller-elect tieorge "V.
Evans, 'Ward Assessor-elect John
Moon, and School Controller AV. 13.
Evans. At the other tables were II. E.
May, candidate for poor director; Carl
Schroeder, Oeorgc A. Herbert. Com
mon Councilmun-elect Byron S. Clark,
Thomas Scott, candidate for city as
sessor; Louis ttehkop, Charles Griffiths,
Anthony O'Harn, Isaac Rogers, "Wil
liam Barber, James McXulty.
A. Pierce's vk
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The Snow's Metamorphosis Tersely
Told by Colonel John McComb.
Two persons sat in The Tribune of
fice yesterday discussing the fate of tho
snow-llakes that swept the town a few
days ago. Colonel John McComb was
one of the two; the modest representa
tive of The Tribune can prove no alibi,
so he must have been the other. The
different processes of numerous Mr.
Flake were touched on; his passing,
his metamorphosis, Ids loss of reputa
tion In the face of other forces of the
olr, and a whole lot of such things.
Each of the two had his opinion of the
reign and downfall of Mr. Flake, but
It took the Colonel to aptly describe
matters. Beaching into his vest pocket
and pulling out his fountain pen, he
dashed off two paragraphs, which
everybody will agree are an apt and
right clever description of Mr. Snow
llnke's sojourn nnd his loss of reputa
tion. The story runneth thus:
The cil .now, ulieii tliey lluttcr, ami
Tin' lio.iullful c.ntli with ttt liuli.
Though llully at (list toon tin n to niiwii,
That lio.iH tlie tugRct Ire name n M.l'MI,
Tlii fcuft and hliniy lliciy luli,
Devoid of fonllmcut hi Its giMli,
Inipt'ilfs our prog i c, delays our nlih,
Whether lt' liiit'nrs whether it's
Merchandise that answers almost every need of the human family, for Comfort, Clothing, Adorn
ment, Household Furnishing and Decoration, will be found at
The Big Store During This Outlet
Which Begins This Morning at 8 O'Clock Sharp.
. ' '
White Shaker Flannel, 32 Inches wide,
'the 8c kind. Outlet Sale Price, a, 3
yard 34C
10c Percales, navy, cardinal, black,
with the latest designs. Outlet Trade , 1
Sale.Price, yard Q2C
One yard wide Bleached Muslin, the
7c kind. Outlet Trade Sale Price,
a yard 5C
Best Cambric Lining, full
pieces. Outlet Trade Sale price, a
yard t
10c Percallnes and Slleslas,
black and colors. Outlet Trade Sale
Hooks and Eyes, a card 2c
Admantlne Pins, full paper 2c
Cabinet Tlalr Pins So
Finishing Braid, white and colors 10c
Garter "Lengths, all colors 9c
Rust Proof Corset Steels 10c
Dress Stays, assorted sizes and colors, set iic
Velveteen Skirt Binding, in 5-yurd pieces. 12c
Stockinet Dress Shields, a pair 7c
One case new Lawns, all this year's
patterns, a variety of colors, 6c kind. , t
Outlet Trade Sale price, a yard .... OC
32-lnch'wlde dark ground Flannelettes,
10c kind. Our Trade Sale price, a
yard OC
i0-4 Brown Sheeting, the 16c
kind. Outlet Trade Sale price, yd 1 2C
Shrunk Dress Facings, fast black and
staple shades, 15c kind. Outlet t
Trade Sale price I )C
Fine Mercerized Sateen Lin
ing, 25c kind. Outlet Trade Sale .
price, a yard 1 y C
10-yard patterns of Dress Percales, a
choice selection. Outlet Trade .
Sale price, each 45C
Best Indigo Blue Calicoes, a choice
selection of patterns. Outlet Trade 3
Sale price, a yard 04C
1. .
English Outing Flannels, extra heavy,
10c kind. Outlet Trade Sale price, .3
a yard O4C
White Goods
White Corded
Trade Sale price
Lawn. Outlet
12c kind,
price, a yard.
Plain White Lawn,
Outlet Trade Sale
Shirting Callcoes.'the 5c kind.,
Outlet Trade Sale price, per yard. ; . . 3C
10c Seersucker, many patterns, i
Outlet Trade Sale price, a yard .... 5aC
Standard Apron Gingham,
let Sale price, a yard
Lot of Outing Flannels, the 7c 1
kind. Outlet Sale price, a yard 3aC
White Goods
India LInon, book fold, new goods,
12c kind. Outlet Trade Sale "
price, a yard Qc
Checked Nainsook, assorted size
checks, 10c and 12c'kind. Outlet
Trade Sale price; a yard C
Women's and Children's Hosiery and Underwear at
Outlet Trade Sale Prices.
Hi-inch All-Silk Plain and Fancy
Striped Taffeta lllbbons; 30c a yard. Out
let Sale Price, a yard
4-Inch All-Silk Fancy Striped Taffeta
P.ibbons; Me kind. Outlet Trade Sale
Price, a yard
Torchon T.ace and Insertion to match,
2 to 4 Inches wide; regular ."0 kind. Out
let Trade Sale Price
The Bugle Will Note the
Warning for the Last Cut Price on
Women's Suits, Coats and Jackets
Today by actual count, 10 Itaglans,
$10 and $12 kind. Today ?3.V3
1." Women's Box Jackets, kersey
cloth, silk lined, blue, castor, tan and
red, $8.50, $10.50 and $12.50. Today $3.75
Only twelve Auto-Coats, satin lined,
all-wool kersey; tan, castor, blue and
black, $15, $20 and $25 kind. Today $7.50
Only three Near Seal Coats, SO, 37 and
3S. $.17.50 and $13.00 kind. Today $20,00
Children's and Hisses' Itibbed Fleeced
Vests, only medium weight garment; 25c
kind. Sale Price 19c
Children's Camel Hair Vests. Pants
and Drawers, In sizes 22 to 34. Size 22 at. 29c
Children's Grey Cotton Ribbed Vests,
Pants and Drawers, fleeced, 16 and IS, 7c;
20 and 22, 9c; 21 and 2G, 13Wc; 2S and 30, .
15c; 32 and 31 17c
Children's Fast Ulack Seamless Hose,
all sizes, 7c, or 4 for 25c
Children's Fast Black Hose, German
heel, In all sizes, line and heavy rib; 15c
kind. Sale Price lie
I ''
'AVomen's 7",c Kid Gloves, black and
colors. Outlet Trade Snle Price :!)e
Adler's Kid Lhjed Gloves for Wo
men, and a few Mocha Silk Lined; $1.50
kind. Sale Price 69c
L,ot of Women's Ox Blood Color, Mo
cha Gloves, broken sizes; $1.00 kind. Sale
Price Gflc
Misses' Grey and Tan Mocha Gloves;
$1.00 kind. Sale Price 79c
Men's Underwear
Kxtru Heavy Fleeced Shirts- and
Drawers, nearly all sizes; tho 50c kind.
Sale Price 3flc
Men's White Shirts,, good quality
muslin, linen bosom, cut full size. Out
let Trade Sale Price
Boys' Bluo and Brown Striped Shirts
and Drawers, 24 to 34; 25c kind. Sale
Price, each 12'..c
AVomen's BIack Sean,dess Hose; ohly
4 pairs to a customer. 4 pairs for 25c
Women's Woolen Hose, In natural
nnd Oxford grey, slightly off color; 25c
kind. Sale Price 15c
AVomen's Black Seamless Hose,
double sole, very clastic; 19c kind. Sale
Price, pair 12',ic
Men's Black Hose, all sizes; Sc kind.
Sale Price, a pair 5c
Men's Camel Hair AVool Hose, heavy
quulily. Sale Price 10c
AVomen's Seersucker Skirts, good
width and deep rudle, fast colors., 29c
Women's Fine Cambric Skirts, deep
ruflle and hemstitched 90c
Chemise, trimmed with lace, and cor
rect utylcs 21c
Cored Covers, felled Seams, Ar or
square front, each Sc
Drawers, deep rutlle, hemstitched,
yoke band , 21c
Children's Outing Flannel Sleeping
Garments, with feet 25c
Infants' and Children's Cold Caps, fur
and natural, fur head trimmings; $1.50
kind. Sale Price 9Sc
AVomen's Soidtta Corsets, trimmed
with lace nnd bowed with whalebone;
S1.50 kind. Sale Price OSc
AVomen's AlI-AVool Bibbed A'ests and
Pants; tho OSc kind; a guaranteed not-to-shrink
garment. Sale Price 55c
AVomen's Combination Suits, to close
out the $1.00 kind. Sale Price 79c
Black Cotton Arests and Pants, fast
color; 50c kind. Sale Price 39c
Dress Goods
Just from tho loom. Spring Novelties, at
all prices. A few of today's Items:
Neat Diagonal and AA'hlpcord, In
pretty spring shades, 27 Inches wide, at. 12io
Granite and armure effects, all colors
and black, 38 Inches wide and usually
sells for 25c. Today, yard 21c
A step ahead of the above In quality
are a lot of bright Jocquards, ground
work with polka dots, all the new spring
shades, 3S inches wide, yard 25c
In a class by themselves are the toned
Jacquards, bright, clean-cut figured ef
fects, 3S Inches wide, yard 29c
AU-AVool Tricots, made of fine yarns,
dyed In nil colors, with bright finish, 27
incites wide. Today, yard 25c
All-AVool Flannels, every piece new,
all the late spring colors, 36 inches -wide,
and really ought to bo much more than
.priced for this sale. Today, yard ,39c
At 50c yard, Henriettas, AMgoreaux, Chev
iots, Etamlnes, Albatross In fact, all tho
late weaves.
Every day adds to our Dress- Goods De
partment a new name or weave from Ameri
can or Foreign manufacturers. A choice of
materials for your selection.
Tapestry Brussels; 85c kind. Outlet
Trade Sale Price 65c
10-cent Ingrain. Outlet Trade Sale
Price, a yard 32c
AlI-Arool Ingrain; 70c kind. Outlet
Trade Sale Price, a yard Blc
Agents' AVIIton Samples, 1,4 yards In
length; $3.75 kind. Outlet Trade Sale
Price for tho Samples $1.25 to $1.75
' ; " I know you expected a letter from ma
tome time ago, but I will state my rea.
. ions, plainly, why I did not write before
this," says Mr, Joseph Grass, of Brewer,
'Pert-yCo., Wo. t was because I did
,fiot wish to deceive any one. I wanted
"vto be sure that your ' Golden Medical
aWscovery ' had benefited uie and it took
Jtime after I stopped taking the medicine
.before I felt 6ure I had realized penua.
Jflent results from its use. After taking
Jx bottles of Golden Medical Pisco
ery and one yial of your ' Pleasant Pel.
lfcU'.-aw able to do a tfay'.s work with
,tny matt. I cannot express in words the
'sgood your medicines have donexnq," .
"Tllv Plepoo'm PloaBanthPel
kit aura aonatltsaUon.
Estimates of Rev. Albert Hatcher
Smith, M, O., Who Will Be Here
Bev. Albert Hatcher Smith, M. 0
who will be heard In the People's lee
turo course at tho Berean Baptist
church tomorrow evening, comes with
a reputation and stundlng as an author,
lecturer, orator and preacher that calls
for u big nnd representative audience
to glvo him the reception ho deserves,
A few of the estimates of him are;
Prof. Silas S. Neff, Ph.D., president
Neff college, Philadelphia, Pa,: "I re
gard Albert II, Smith as one of the
most promising young orators on the
American plutform,"
Kdltor James C, Browjij "I have
heard Rev, A, II, Smith a-number ot
times. He is one of tho inost capti
vating and Instructive speukers I have
ever IlBtened to. His language Is or
nate nnd his delivery pleasjng and
George A, Peltz, D, D., ussoclate pas
tor with Russell It, Conwell nt tho
Te,inple, Philadelphia; "Rev, Albert
Hatcher Smith Is a young mun of rare
ability, and Is especially gifted as a
platform orator. He will more than
satisfy the most exacting audience,"
Were In the Park Avenue Hotel,
Timothy Holland, of the Harrison
house, who Is interested In the Curbon
dale Metal Working- compuny, is In
New York city, where he was called by
the Intelligence that his wife and
daughter were among those who es
caped from the terrible trugedy In tho
Park Avenue hotel, Mrs. Holland and
Miss Holland were not Injured, the dis
patch stuted, but Mr. Holland could
get no satisfying news of their where
abouts, hence Ids hurried departure for
the metropolis.
Biggest Delegation from Carbondale
That Ever Attended a Musical
Carbondale was well represented at
the Paderewskl concert In Scrunton last
night. Perhaps the biggest delegation
that ever went from this city to attend
a jmuslcul event In Scronton was car
ried to tho Electric City last evening,
It wns quite a compliment to Carbon
dnle's taste for music of tho highest
order. Over 150 went down on the 7,06
Delaware and .Hudson train.
Among thoso In tho train were; Mr.
and Mrs. John B. Shannon nnd the hit
ter's sister, Miss Miller; Edward D,
Lathrope, wife und daughter Helen,
Frank E, Dennis, wife and daughter,
B, A. Kelly and daughter, AVilllain II.
Bronson and sister, Prof. A. P. Thomas,
Dwlght Crane, Joseph Kelly, Frank
Derby, Michael Horan, Joseph Gllhool,
Albert II. Crane, William D, Evans
and wife, II. P. Sharlock, Georgu Ben
ton nnd wife, O, AV. Peck und wife,
George AV, Cross and wife, Dr, II, C,
Wheeler, George Avery, Frank Mupn
and wife, II, V, Clark, Emmons Peck,
Miss Muy Kllpatrlck, George Acker
nian and wife, Miss Gfueo Hathaway,
Edward Roberts, George AVard, AV11I
lam J, Hamilton, 1, Vl Hpllenback,
Charles R. Munn, Colonel John Mc
Comb, Will Collins, Frank McDonald,
AVIll Mellule, AVlll Holztuuster, Arthur
Thomas, Thomas Brennnn, 1 O. Fcltz
and Miss Cora Estabrook,
Stricken wlih Apoplexy.
Mrs, Frank McKennu, of 73 Gordon
avenue, wua stricken with apoplexy
while doing the family washing, short
ly before noon yesterduy. Her son,
who was near her when she was strick
en, hastened for medical attendance,
Dr. Day and Dr. Thompson respond
ing. Last night she wus still uncon
scious and her condition was regarded
us very grave.
To Have a Club House.
At a meeting of the Knights of Co
lumbus last night, it was decided to
take the rental of thu second and third
floors In tho McAndrew building, now
In course of erection on South Main
street. Tho lloors will bo fitted up ac
cording to plnns to bo made out by the
society, und Will be a flno club house.
The building Is owned by Chief of
Police James J. McAndrew.
vllle. AA'Ith the latter company were
four dwarfs, Including the wife of Tom
Thumb. This little woman has prob
ably traveled more extensively through
out the United States than any other
Was Well-Known Here.
Anthony Klnback, who died at his
hade In Archbald on Sunday, was well
known In Carbondale, where ho claimed
many sincere friends. Mrs. Nicholas
Morris, of this city, was his sister.
Tho funeral ot Mr. Klnback will take
place AVednosduy morning at 9 o'clock,
when a high mass of requiem will be
sung In St. Thomas' church.
Meetings Tonight.
Division No, U, A. O. II.
St. A'lncent do Paul.
I-ucretln lodge, Daughters of llebek
ah. Lackawanna tribe, Red Men.
Knights of Honor.
Local union No. 101.1.
Daughters of St. George.
Postmaster on a Vacation.
Postmaster John H. Thomas, who
hus been granted a month's vacation,
has left for tho Hot Springs whore he
will seek tho beneiits of u sojourn at
tlds health-giving- resort. He will re
turn the latter part of March.
A Sleighing Party.
AVIIIIom Sheridan, M. F, Lynch. M.
J. O'lJoyle, Eugene McDonnell. John
and Thomas O'Boylo, of Olyphant,
inude up a sleighing party Unit came
to Carbondale on Sunday and took sup
per at the Harrison house.
Mrs. Tom Thumb's Travels.
Two theatrical companies pussed
through the city yesterduy, the Corse
Puyton Co., en route from I'oughkeep
sle to AVUkes-Darre, and the Muy Flsko
Co., from Wllkes-Barre to Hornells-
Rev. J. J. Krics, of Forest City, was
in Carbondale yesterday,
E, J. Gallagher, of Plttston, was a
Carbondale visitor on Sunday.
Mrs. Thomas Hnrt, ot Maylleld,
spent yesterday In Carbondale.
Miss Gertrudo Rellly, of Honesdale, is
tho guest of Carbondale friends,
N, E. Maxey, ofSouth Gibson, wus
nt tho American house yesterday,
S. Jones, of Scrunton, made a busi
ness trip to Carbondale yesterday.
Miss Ellzuboth Early, of Seventh nv visiting relatives in Plttston.
Miss Daisy Miller, of Scranton, Is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. John Reese, ot
Eighth avenue.
Miss Eugenia Gugen, of AVllkes-Barre,
Is tho guest of Miss Nellie O'Rourko,
of AVyomlng street.
Miss Helen Dennler and Miss Riven
burg, of ForeBt City, spent yesterduy
with Carbondale friends.
II. E. Tracy and R. C. Mueller, of
Honesdale, were registered at the
American house lust nlglit.
Councilman Alexander Kennedy,
who has been in New York" for the past
seven weeks, has returned home,
Thomas Murphy, local repreBentutivo
of the International correspondence
schools, spent yesterduy In Honesdale,
Robert J. Murray, of Honesdule, and
Dr, F, AV. Corson, of Waymart, were
registered at the Harrison house yes
terday, Harry Luders, kead pattern maker
at tho Carbondale Metul AVorklng
company's plant, spent Sunday In
Miss Gertie Gllmartln. ot 'Cottage
street, has gono to AVllkes-Barre to
spent a few days with her sister who
Is a nurse- In Mercy hospital.
Hurry Deriner, tho successful sales
man for R. A. Honar & Co., the big
hat house of Now York city, Is visiting
among the trade In this city.
John Hownrth, a resident of Ceme
tery street, died nt 3.30 o'clock yester
day afternoon, after a painful illness of
eleven weeks duration. Deceased was
born in Ducenlleld, Cheshire, England,
nearly seventy years ago, and cume to
this country In 1S57, After residing In
Philadelphia for a lime, ho moved to
Pottsvllie, and subsequently settled
down In Plttston, where he resided for
twenty-five years. Seven years ago, he
took up his residence hero, and up to
his illness, was employed at the On
tario and AVestern yard at Maylleld,
He was a man well liked by his fellow
workmen nnd nil who had the pleasure
of his acquaintance. He Is survived by
a wlfo and two daughters, Mrs. John
M. Jones, ot this borough, and Mrs.
Berryman, of New Haven. A sister,
Mrs. Susan Jones of Plttston, also sur
vives him. Tho funeral will take place
Thursday nfternoon, Services will bo
conducted nt the house by Rev. M. D.
Fuller pastor of tho Methodist Episco
pal church. 1'he deceased was a mem
ber of the Plttston lodgo of Odd Fel
lows and the Mizpnh lodge, Daughters
of Rebekuh, of tlds town. Tho latter
will attend the funeral in a body.
The funeral of tho late James H.
Timlin will take place tomorrow morn
ing. At 10 o'clock a requiem high muss
will be celebrated In Sacred Heart
church. Interment will be made at
Miss Grace Decker und Richard Mer
rlti, two young residents of Scott, were
united In murriage yesterday.
A number of people from both bor
oughs went down to Scrantuit lust
evening to hear Paderewskl.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. D. Rtocker enter
tained tho well-known Homer flreeno
during his brief stuy here last week.
AVlll Mellow, a well-known young
man, suffered a pulnfut injury yester
duy morning while at work In the
Delaware und Hudson colliery, one of
his fellow workmen nccldently push
ing his lamp so close to Mellow's face
as to burn tho sight of his eye. Ho
was assisted to his home, where Dr,
1. S. Graves attended him. AVhlle It Is
not thought the sight will be perman
ently injured, the pain he suffers Is
most excruciating.
m 1
The Taylor Oratorio society held an
interesting und well attended rehearsal
at the Calvary Baptist church 011 Sun
day evening. The oratorio society lias
engaged Bauer's orchestra to assist In
the performance of Judas Macabecs
which will be given soino timo In April.
Prof. D. E. Jones, Mus, Bac, under
whoso direction tho work Is being suc
cessfully reheursed, has done much for
tho edification of tho town In the musl.
cnl line. Tickets for tho event wili
soon bo for sale.
The Anthracite Glee club held an In
teresting rehearsal on Sunday after
noon for tho Allentown competition on
Murch 17. Director AVatklns feels very
gratified at the manner in which the
Glee club renders tho competitive selcc.
tlon. They will hold a rehearsal twlc.e
a week from now on. Tho next rehear
sal of tho club will bo held on Thurs
day evening at 7.30 o'clock in thcli
rooms in Llowellyn's hall.
The number of the lucky ticket which
won the gold watch at tho beuellt draw.
Ing of John Proper was No. 310, anfi
not No. 210, as appeared In yesterday's
Tho Ladles' Aid society of the Cul
vary Buptlst church enjoyed a sleigh
rldo to Curbondale yesterday. The trie
was an enjoyablo one, The party re.
turned homo early In the evening.
A benefit radio for a Cyclono muchiiu
for Roger Howells, of Old Forge, wll
be held on April 1 at Herbert's hall
Tickets, 25 cents.
Mrs, George Hood nnd children o:
North Main street have returned homi
from their visit to Plttston.
.Airs. J. B, Daniels, of Main street
will leave for Danville today to nttem
a funeral of a relative, ,
To Cure a Cold in Ono Day
Take Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund tho money If i
fulls to euro. E. AV, aroye's ai"mtur
is on each box. 25c.