The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 25, 1902, Image 1

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fl Series ot Olllcial Honors Are
Conferred Upon the
Roual Visitor.
The Affair Was on tin Elaborate
Scale and Brought Together a Most
Distinguished Company The Din
ner Table Decorations on the Most
Magnificent Scale Ever Attempted.
Electric Light Illuminations
Among the Effective Eeature3.
Other Events of the Day The
Prince Received with Enthusiasm
By Inclusive Wire from the Associated Press.
Washington, Feb. 24. The dinner
Riven to Prince Henry by President
Boose velt at the white house tonight
closed the honors bestowed on the
toyal visitor by official Washington to
day. The affair was on an elaborate scale
and brought together a most distin
guished company. It was an assem
blage such as has rarely if ever before
gathered In the white house.
To accommodate the large number oC
guests the dinner table was set in the
east room, the decorations of which
were on the most magnificent scale
ever attempted. An effective and new
feature of the decorations was the elec
tric light illumination. In the mirrors
and windows the electric light designs
were of stars and anchors, emblematic
of Prince Henry's duties as a sailor.
The general effect of the decorations in
the dining room was pink and white.
Music was furnished by the Marino
band, which played a number of Ger
man and American patriotic airs.
Shoitly before the clock struck eight
Prince Henry arrived with Admiral
Evans, V. S. X In an open carriage.
As they left the embassy a large crowd
had given them a warm greeting and
they were accorded a hearty reception
by the large number of people who had
assembled around the white house.
The piince repaired to the red room
of the white house, where the guests
assembled. The dinner was set for S
o'clock and when that hour arrived the
guests passed through the blue room
wheie the presentations were made and
thence to the cast room, President
Itoosevelt sat at the hend of the table
with Prince Henry on his light. On
his left was T.ord Pauncefote, the
Hrltlsh ambassador. On the right of
the piince was Count Casslni, tho
JUisslan ambassador, while to tho left
of Lord P.iuncefoto was the Mexican
Opposite to Hie president sat Secre
tary Hay while to his right was Dr.
Vou Ilolloben, the German ambassador
and to his left tho French ambassador.
At the right of the German ambassador
was tho Italian ambassador and at the
left of tho French ambassador was
Chief Justice Fuller.
To the Health of the Empeior,
During the dinner the president pro
posed the health of the German em
peror and tho German people, saying:
"We admire their great past and
great present, and wo wish them all
possible success In tho future. May tho
lionds of friendship between this two
peoples ever crow stronger,"
Tho president also proposed tho
health of our guest, Prince Henry of
Prussia, in these words:
"In the name of the 'American people
I greet you and extend you our warm
est welcome and the assurance of our
heartiest good will."
Following the toaBt of the president
to the German emperor, Prince Henry
arose and addressing himself to the
president, proposed a toast to himself
and the peoplo of the United States, ac
companying It with un expression of
good will and hope for tho continuation
of friendly relations between the Ger
man and American nations. Then fol
lowed Mr, Roosevelt's toast to Prince
Mrs. Roosevelt and Miss Uoosevnjt
were not present at any portion of the
evenings festivities, the company be
ing limited entirely to gentlemen.
After tho dinner the guests retired to
the parlor for an hour. The prince
chatted freely with the company, many
of whom ho had met during the day,
At J0.4t tho party dispersed, the
wince leaving directly for- the railroad
'";.: ' :''V"'VV; s-'v
stutlon, where his special train awaited
A troop of cavalry and a squadron
of mounted mid bicycle policemen acted
as escort to the station and saw him
safely aboard the train, which left at
midnight for New York city.
Prince at the German Embassy.
Prince Henrv arrived at tho German
embassy shortly after 11 o'clock, the
approach of the party being announced
by the shrill notes of cavalry bugles.
The prince occupied a carriage with
Admiral TCvuni. while back of them
followed the carriages of the distin
guished naval and military officers of
Prince Henry's suite and members of
the German embassy. A battalion ot
engineers occupied the avenue Immedi
ately flouting the embassy. As the
party came into stzht the engineers'
band broke Into "My Country, 'Tls ot
Over the embassy floated a flag which
has never been seen in Washington he
roic, the personal flag of the Imperial
family of Germany. Along the front ot
the embassy entrance were looped the
German colors. Intel twined with gar
lands of lain els ami tall green nine
tops. Above the neighboring tesldences.
many senators and eminent public men
floated the Stats and Stripes. Just be
foi e the embassy door stood a guard of
honor of ten I'nited States engineers,
every one of them six foolers, as rigid
as statues. Prince Henry returned the
salute of the officers and then passed
inside. Once within the German em
bassy his imperial highness was Indeed
at home, for In diplomatic parlance, this
was the same as the native soil of the
fatlieiland. The first brief salutations
now gave wav to a geneious German
welcome. At every hand tho German
colors gave a welcome to the imperial
guest. The piince and his paity laid
aside their wraps, and the confusion ot
ai rival gave away to the calm dignity
with which affairs about the prince aie
conducted. The entlie flit-l floor of the
embassy had been placed at the dlh
posal of tho prince, and his personal
staff and soon the drawing-room, the
Japanese room, the smoking- room and
the ambassador's studv had their
groups of guests and officials. Prince
Henry had as his pilvate studv tho
Japanese room, with its rich oiiental
furnishings and curios, even the walls
showing the characteristic Japanese
The main body of the pi luce's staff,
after the call at the white house, pro
ceeded to the new Wlllard hotel, wheio
quarters coveting the entire first floor
were at iheir disposal,
The President's Call.
Tremendous cheering from theciowds
at 11. -10 announced the coming of Presi
dent Roosevelt to the embassy to re
turi the call of Prince Henry. The
president drove in an open landau with
Colonel Bingham, his naval aide. Com
mander Cowles, following In a carilage.
Tho cheering was continuous as the
president drove along, and he had his
silk hat off his head much of the time
in recognition of the repeated demon
stration. As the president stepped out
of the carriage the German ambassa
dor was at the threshold to greet him.
There was momentary exchanges of
greetings and then the president passed
up the stairway to tho drawing-room,
whera the prince was awaiting his
coining. Prince Henry stepped forward
and greeted the president most cor
dially and there was Interchange of
amenities. The president and prince ie
malned together for about ten minutes,
being left alone at first and later being
joined by the ambassador, when their
personal greetings were completed.
There was no exchange of formal ad
dresses during tho visit, which was
strictly one of offleial etiquette, al
though It gave opportunity for expres
sions of mutual cordiality and good will
between the two nations.
Following the call of the president
came that of the commissioners of the
District of Columbia, who called to ex
tend to the prince the welcome of the
city of Washington. Tho prince re
ceived them In tho drawing room where
President MeFarland of the commis
sioners delivered an address.
Piince Henry acknowledge the ad
dress with an expression of earnest
He spoke In F.ngllsh and referred to
the pleasure with which ho long looked
forward to coining to America, At this
welcome to the city of Wnshlirgton he
not only expressed his heartfelt appre
ciation of tho courtesies shown him, but
ho also, referring to a part of Mr, Mc
Faiiand'a nddress, spoke of the strong
ties willed dad been made hero . In
Washington as far back as 1785 wden
tlie first International relations between
Germany and tdo United States were
Piince Henry then prepared to make
calls upon the foreign nmbassador sta
tioned in Washington as the high rank
of an ambassador makes dim a per
sonal representative of his sovereign
or ruler and entitles him to the first
call, Tdo piince was accompanied by
the German ambassador, the two driv
ing In an open landau. Ah the prince
came Into view the crowd gave him
an ovation of cheers. Ahead of the
carriage galloped the escort of cavalry
At the British Embassy,
The prince's first cull was ut tde
Tiiitlbd embassy, Lord Pauncefoto be
ing the dean of the diplomatic corps.
Tde prince did not enter the embassy,
simply leaving Ills curd. Calls were
then made on the French ambassador,
M, Cumbon, Russian nmbassador,
Count Cusslnl, the Italian ombassador,
Signor Mayor, and tdo Mexican am
bassador, Asplroz, at each pluce, cauls
being left.
Tde prince's calls did not extend to
the foreign ministers ub their rank does
not make them personal representatives
of their sovereign or ruler.
Returning to the German embassy at
1 o'clock Piince Henry and his party
took lunch with tdo German ambassa
dor and tde members of dls staff, Tde
party at tde table numbered twenty-
two. Prince Henry occupied the seat
of donor wild Dr. Von Hollenben sit
ting opposite. Tde luncli was conllned
to tde prince's pnrty and the ambas
sador's official staff, no American
guests being present except the officers
forming the honorary escort.
One of the most brilliant functions ot
the duy was at '1 n. in., when Prince
Henry received at the German embassy
the iiiembeis of the diplomatic corps.
It was tho same brilliant iiKsombhiKc
that Is se,en at the while house on Now
Year's day to give greetings to the
president, Turks In red fez, Russians
In tall shakos, Chinese In rich Oiiental
silks, but today there was added brll-
llnnce In the showy unlfoims of tde Im
perial receiving party.
1-ord Pauncefoto was tde (list to be
ushered befote the prince, followed by
the French, Russian, liallnn and Mexi
can ambassadors.
In tde meantime, the foreign minis
ters and the staffs of b5th the ambas
sadors and ministers had assembled in
the ball room to await the conclusion
of the prince's personal conference with
the ambassadors. When these were
over tde mince enteted the ball room
and was presented to tde ministers,
und then to the members of tdo vari
ous staffs.
According: to Reports the In
surgents Seem to Be
Gaining: Ground.
fly Inclusive Win1 fiom the Afeuclalitl l'ie--s.
Wlllemstad, Island of Curacao, Feb.
24. In spite of tde bulletins of victories
over ithe Insurgents, published by the
Venezuelan government, advices re
ceived heie from Caracas Indicate that
the revolution is gaining ground daily.
New uprisings are reported in almost
all parts of the country, notably In the
Tachlra dlstiict on the Colombian
frontier, and In the vicinity of Barcel
ona, wheie the Insurgents are concen
trating. It was alio asserted that Gen.
Mato's levolutlonary steamer Llber
tador, (formerly the Han lilgh) having
landed arms, ammunition and l en
forcements at Pedernales In the Gulf
of Parla, the insurgents assembled at
Matuiin, assumed the offensive und de
feated the government troops at 101
Pilar, a village situated 50 kilometers
from Carupano (state of BermuJese).
The latter placo Is said to be threat
ened by the insurgents.
The report that the Insurgent general,
JKlera, had been defeated by govern-
Iment tioops-at-Sauca has not been con-
The Venezuelan government continues
to cause numerous arrests here and
tneie of persons believed to be hostile
with the result that the population gen
erally Is becoming exasperated.-
President Withdraws Invitation to
Dine with Prince Senator Re
fused to Decline the Honor.
By Exclusive Wiie from tlu Associated 1'iess.
Washington, Feb. 21. The president
has withdraw n his Invitation extended
to Senator Tillman, of South Carolina,
to attend the dinner to be given tonight
In tiic while house in honor of Prince
Henry of Prussia. It Is said that the
action fit the president was made ne
cessary by the occurrences on the floor
of tho senate last Saturday, after which
the spnatoi from South Caroljna was
declared in contcmt of the senate.
Senator Martin, of Virginia, a mem
ber of the committee on naval affairs,
has accepted an Invitation to Mr, Till
man's plate. The Invitation was ex
tended to Mr. Tillman as ranking mi
nority member of the naval affairs
When the piesldent decided to elimi
nate Senator Tillman from the list of
dinner guests, ho sent for Senator
Cockrell, of Missouri, anil asked lilni as
a filend of Mr. Tillman and a Demo
cratic colleague, to suggest to tho lat
ter tdo propriety of withdrawing his
acceptance of tdo dinner Invitation.
The president explained his attitude in
tde matter and said that, In view of tdo
contempt proceedings. Mr. Tillman's
presence would not only be an affront
to tho senate, but a discourtesy to
Prince Henry, Mr, Cockrell accepted
the commission and later telephoned to
the president that Mr, Tillman abso
lutely refused to withdraw his accept
ance in response to tho president's sug
gestion. The president then Immediately can
celled the Invitation In a note he des
patched directly to Mr, Tlllmun Just
before noon toduy. In thot note, which
wos veiy. brief and formal, the presi
dent said he icgretted that he was
obliged to withdraw tho Invitation,
Simultaneously, Senator Martin, of Vir
ginia, wos invited to take Mr, Tillman's
plane at lie dinner, as the next rank
ing Demociatlo member of the senate
naval affairs committee.
Senator Fiye, president pro tern of
tdo s-mii.te, gave directions to tde
clerks if tdo senate today tdat tdo
names of Senators Tillman and Mo
I-uurln, of South Carollnarmust not be
called on roll-calls until further notice,
That nxosfhe status pf the senators,
who aie practically suspended fiom all
sanatoria! tunctlons.
Senator Tillman will not accept the
decision that lie Is not to be allowed to
vote. When the loll Is called, he will
rise lu his place and demand the right
to vote, nnd present a formal protest
against the denial of a statu the right
to voto In the senate.
Social Democracy Denounced,
Py Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Uuffalo, Feb. 2I, Jami l.'dward ijulgley, J).
P., Homan Catholic bishop ot lluflalo, has Issueel
a Utter addicsscd to (lie ptiesW pf liU diocese
denouncing tlie teaching of Social Demociacy und
anarchy. C'atholle-s aie commanded to renounce
the docilities on pain of deprivation of the sac.
rameiit. lu case of persUfrncc In following tlt.-ir
(cachings the supremo penally of excommunica
tion will Ini intUited.
United States Court Refuses Ap
plication o! the State of
Justice Shiras Decides That the
Court Cannot Proceed in Case, tlie
Northern Pacific and Great North
ern Companies Ave Not Hade De
fendants and Allowed to Appear in
Court In- a Court of Equity Both,
Sides Must Be Adequately Repre
sented, Bjr Exclusive wire fiom 'the Associated Frets.
Washington, Feb. 24, The United
States Supreme court today delivered
Its opinion In the case of Minnesota
vs. the Northern Securities company,
in the application of the state to lite a
bill of complaint in tdat court.
The opinion was lead by Justice
Shiras and the motion for leave to file
the bill was denied on the giound that
this couit Is without Juilsdlctlon.
Tills Is the case in which the state
of Minnesota made an effort to secuie
the intervention of the Supreme coui t to
prevent the merging ct the Northern
Pacific and the Great Northern com
panies by injunction. Justice Shiras
Mimmed up the judgment of the court
as follows:
"As the Great Northern and the
Noi theni Pacific companies are indes
pensable parties, without whose pres
ence the court, acting as a court of
equity cannot proceed and our consti
tutional jurisdiction would not extend
to tlie case if these companies were
made paitles defendant, the motion for
leave to file the proposed bill must be
The opinion is a voluminous one but
the greater part of It is a review of the
history ot the case.
Question to Be Determined.
Justice Shiras stated that the ques
tion to be detei mined was whether the
parties to the case , were before the
court and he held thnt It was obvious
that the minority stockholders of the
two railroad' companies are not rep
resented in the eontroveisy by the com
panies whose stock they hold and their
rights ought not to be affected without
a heating, even it it were conceded
that a majority of tho stock in such
companies held by a few persons had
assisted In forming some sort of an Il
legal arrangement.
The opinion then continued:
The directors of the (ireat Noitliern oiul
Northern P.icilie Iiaihoad eompauics are ap
pointed tu repieent and protect not merely the
private- and pecuniary interests of the stockhold
ers, but the rights of the public at large which
Is deeply concerned In the piopcr and advan
tageous management of these public highways.
It is not sufficient to say that tlie attorney gen
eril, the governor, or even the le-glslalurc of the
6tate can bo com.lusiiplt deemed to lepretcnt the
public interests in i-ucli a eontrovci-y as that
picsenled by the bill, liven a stale when she
volunl.iiily becomes a compliinant in a court ut
equity, cannot claim to represent both sides of
the eontroveisy. Not only have tin- stock
holders, be they fen- or many, a right to
be heart! through Iho nffleeis and dlreo
tots whom they have legally i-clccted to
repicscnt them but the geneial intrieslg of the
public which might be deeply affected by the
decree of the couit aie entitled to be heard and
that when the Mate Is the. complainant and in
,1 case like the present can only be atfeeted by
the presence of the lailroad companies as parties
Upon invei-tigatlon " might turn out the
allegation of the bill are well founded and Hut
the Mato is entitled to iclief; or it might turn
out that llieve U no intention or design on the
pait of the uilroad companies to form any
combination in disregard of the policy of the
state, but tint what Is pioposed is consistent
with tint policy and advantageous to the com
munities affected, lint in making such invcstl-
gallon a omt of equity must insist tint both
Bides of the eontroveisy shall be adequately up
I evented and fully beard.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Prtjs.
Wellington, Feb. 21. As passed the measure
proUUs that articles Imported into (lie Philip
pine anhlpelago from the United States shall
lie required to pay thu duties levied ngsluxt
them by tho Philippine lOiiiniUslon and paid
upon like aitieles imported Into the archipelago
from foielgn countries, that artliles importeolnto
the Uulted Mates from the Philippine thill pay
a duty of 75 per out, of the rates thul by Iho
Dingley law, less any export taxes paid upon tho
articles sent from the Philippine archipelago as
requlied bj tho Philippine commission, All ar
ticles now imported free into the United States
flull be heieafter exempt from export duties
Imposed In the Philippine.
The bill exempt tho commerce pa-jlnif be
twieu the United States und the Philippines fiom
tlie opeiallon of tho n.ilgalon laws of the United
hlatcs until July 1, Mil, and auhoiiies the Phil
ippine commission to Iue licenses to iruft now
engaged in lighterage or cxelusinly haibor bu.ii.
new), proxlde mcli rruft mu built In the United
States or In the Philippines and mined by citi
"un. of the United States or by inhabitants of the
Philippine Wands, The duties and taxes col.
lee led In piirtiiamc of this act shall be paid into
thu treasury of the Philippine UlamU and used
for their benellt.
All aitleles manufactured in bonded Iruiiil
fjctuilug uaiehoiucs of imported materials or
uuteiials Miliji-ct t'j internal menu; , nhrn
hipped Uoni the United Mates tu the Philippine,
tlull be exempt fiom the Internal ieenut tax and
all taxes paid upon euch aitlclc shipped to the
Philippines since November J3, IWM, thai! be io
i i i
Chessmasters' 'Tournament
By Eiclnlve Wire from The Auociittd 1'res Carlo, Feb. 24.--Play in the Interna.
Ilciul chi'-iiiustcTs tournament, now in piog.
reij In Mils cliy, veas resumed today, When thv
fin: adjJurmiHiit v,a made l'lllsbuiy had defeat
ed ltcgglo, -Mertanrr had lost to Tarrasch, Albin
hid iiitowd of tkheie, and Mlcse.s and Sehlech
Icr had diawu. Ihe following results ueic K
eoidcd ill the alternoon sitting; 'lU'lilaorln' beat
KUenbeig; Maroevy wnepiUhed Napier; Maion
jnd Mano drew; Wolf and JauoAl adjourned;
the game between Marshall and I'ople) JS ad
lounicd In an ctcu I'O.lliuii.
Allegation That Empress Has Not
Kept Faith, with Powers.
By Inclusive Wire from The AmocIsIciI Vttti.
Pekln, Feb. 24. Tho news from Jap
anese sources that llussla Is trying to
obtnln a port In Corea has been re
ceived with u great deal of Interest,
but skeptically, because If true It might
affect tde Anglo-Japaueso alliance ns a
barrier to Husslan expansion. Favor
able effects of the alliance. In giving
confidence and stability to business
ventures In northern China, already are
Tde court continues to manifest n
friendly disposition totvatd foreigners
and foreign enterprises. One of tde
principal evidences of this spirit Is the
permission accorded to the Tien Tsln
Pao Ting Fu railroad to establish sta
tions nt the Cdlen gate, close to tde
Cdlnese city. Still tde Cdlnese reform
eis declare their disbelief In the per
manency of the reforms. They point
out tluit the chief eunuch, who is hope
lessly corrupt, is still tlie dowager em
press' most Influential adviser, and also
Insist tdat ninny punishments demand
ed In the protocol which the authorities
declare have been carried out have not
been Inflicted, but that the officials, In
stead of being beheaded have been
ttansferred to more desirable lucrative
posts In distant parts of the emplie.
Six Assay Establishments at
Cripple Creek Are
fly U'icluslie 'Wire from the Asco!ated Press.
Victor, Col., Feb. 24. Cripple Creek
Is In a state of terror owing to a pre
concerted attack upon all the leading
assay offices dolus business In the dis
trict. Beginning at 3 o'clock this morn
ing, and following it In rapid succes
sion, six explosions wrecked as many
assay offices In the centres ranging
from Victor to Cripple Creek and up
to Goldfleld. In every instance the ob
ject sought by the lncendiailes was ac
complished by the destruction of the
office xvlth the equipment of delicate
The raiders did not hesitate to jeo
pardize life, as all but one of the build
ings -were also occupied by sleeping
families. As it x-as, men, women and
children were hurled Out of their beds
by the shocks and serious Injuries in
flicted. The full extent of the damage,
cannot be eSflirltiTed Mow.
In this city the Davenport oftlce xx-ns
xvrccked by txxo explosions. Almost at
the same time the assay offlces at
Vanderwalker, Morgan and Williams
xvere likewise destroyed. One man. a
miner, xvas severely injured In the ex
plosion at "Williams' ofllce. lie xvas
passing at the moment of the explo
sion. Flying debris struck him in the
face. Ills Injuries may result In total
In Cripple Creek Benjamin's assay
office, north of the Florence and Cripple
Creek depot, xvas blown up.
In the toxvn of Goldfleld, about a mile
and a half north, almost simultaneous
ly, Boyce's ofllce and another assay es
tablishment xvere wrecked. Boyce's
family occupied an adjoining room.
Mrs. Boyce was blown out of Jaed, but
escaped xvlthout fatal Injuries. She xvas
badly shocked. A family living In the
other assay office xvas also blbwn out
of bed, but escaped serious Injury.
In this city tho powder xvas placed
under the building. The house in which
a family lived next to the Williams as
say ofllce here xvas much damaged, and
a woman xvas prostrated. Sheriff Rob
ertson has called out his deputies and
Is taking all menus to discover, if pos
sible, the perpetrators of the crimes.
The general Impression here this
morning Is that the acts are the result
of a general movement to rid the dis
trict of all high-grade ote-purchaslng
concerns. Bloodhounds from Canyon
City have been called for.
For years there has been systematic
stealing of rich ore from the mines,
amounting to thousands of dollars
monthly. It Is alleged that more than
fifty assayers In the district have made
a business of buying such ore. Recent
ly the Mine Owners' association dis
covered that shipment of high-grade
oro hud been made by assayers from
this district to smelters at Pan Fran
cisco and Salt Luke, but all efforts to
stop the traffic were unavailing.
The Exception of the Prince Is a
Source of Gratification nt Berlin.
By I'.iclushe Wire from the Associated I'res.
Rerun. Feb, SI. The narratives ot the
reception of Prince Henry at New
York cover one and txvo pages In to
day's issue of ihe piluclpal papers. No
foreign nvent has ever been reported
in ,the Cloruiaii press with such detail
,is l-i the welcome ot Nexv York to the
brother if tho empeior, Everybody
here Is ph.asetl theieat and court cir
cles aro especially gi a titled by the
3pontoneous Rood will manifested, as
well as by the gieat size of tlie organ
ized demonstrations. The edltoilul ar
ticles on this subject are, without ex
ception, kindly.
America Is seemingly a rediscovery
for most of these periodicals, judging
fiom the space given up to elementary
discourses on Ameilcan characteristics,
history and commercial expansion,
Six Persons Beported Dead No Pat,
tlculars Obtainable,
11 Kxcliulve W lie fioin the Associated Press.
Heranue, X, V., I'eb. U. wreel; U repoited
at Cavuga, thirty mlh.s from this city on the
,uburr! division of Ihe New Yi Central ull
kix persons ate dead. No particular aie ob
tainable. Schley Will Go to Utica.
Dy fxeiuihe Wire from the Associated I'reu.
Utlca, Feb. 21. Admirtl Sehley !m accepted an
invitation to speak at the annual banquet of the
I'tlca, clumber of comnim to be held I'-fly in
Asks the Senate to Investigate Truth
of Senator Tillman's Charges.
Ily lixcluslec Wire from the Associated Press.
Washington, Feb. 24. An echo of
the senatorial fight ot Saturday xx'ns
heard at the conclusion of routine busi
ness. Mr. Prltchurd (Ken., X. C.) submitted
the following, letter, which was read at
the clerk's desk:
Washington, l'eb. SI, llWJ.
lion. J. (,'. 1'iitchard, United Stales Senator,
My Dear Sir: I was precntcd, os you know,
from ofleilng the rewdulion which 1 wrote at my
dcU on Saturday demanding uu Investigation ot
the charges made by my colleague by being ad
juelged in coniempl of Ihe sonato. I am now
debated the .privileges' and reque-.t ,xou to in
tioduce the resolution for the reason that If the
charges are true, I am unfit to remain a mem
ber of the senate and if they aie mill up the mm
who made thorn fs unfit to remain a member ot
this honorable boely. In any eeent, I, feel that I
am entitled l n vindication by the' same body
that makes investigation In the proceedings for
contempt. I beiewith cnclo the resolution.
Vert, truly yoius,
.Iclin I.owndes MoLatirm.
Mr. Piltchard then offered the fol
lowing resolution:
Wheieas, Ihe senior senatoi from the state of
South Cnrollni charged In a speech on the floor
of the :-enate that the junior senator from tlie
same stale had been Improperly influenced in
ca-stlng his tote for the ratification of the tieity
of peace between ihe United States and Spain;
Wheieas, 'flic said charge tea emphatically de
nied hx' the Junior j-enator.
Ilesohed, Tint the committee on privileges
and elections he dlreeled to investigate nnd c
port as to the frutli of slid charges, with full
power o send for pcrons unel pipeis.
On motion of Mr. Hale the resolution
xvas refened to the committee on priv
ileges and elections.
Twenty-three Saloons Are Befused
License Stunning Bloxv Deliv
ered by Luzerne Court.
Special tn the Scrauton Tiibuue.
Pltttston, Feb. 21. ThP saloon men
of Pltttston xvere given it stunning blow
today bv the Luzerne court and tho
Anti-Saloon league a signal victory by
the refusal of licenses to the twentv
three places agnlnst xvhoni the league
had filed remonstrances. The resolu
tion adopted by the I'lttston city coun
cils, asking the court to grant the
licenses, vas Ignored by tho latter.
Among the places affected are the
most prominent in the city, and Include
the Eagle and Wyoming Valley hotels,
the restaurants of Mayor Corcoran and
the restaurant or Hon. Edward J.
Buike, representative fiom the Third
Luzerne district. Several of the places
will be thrown Into bankiuptcy.
A Bill to Divide Texas Into Judicial
Uj Exclusive Whc from the Atsoeiated Press.
Washington, I'cb. 24. The 1ioum today passed
a bill to divide Texas Into four Judiciil districts
and also tho Tovvney resolution calling on the
secretary of war for information eom-eining the
tiansfer of sugar lands in Cuba sinee thu Amcii.
can occupation. It then twimacted sonu busi
ness pertaining to the dUtnct of Columbia and
later took up tho dlplninitif and consular nppio
priation bill. Th bill curies an apuropriatlon
of $1,IM1,0"8, an increase of $s'.!,lVl ovei lat Je'ar,
It was niaele tho vehicle for speeches on trusts,
roinage and other irrelevant subjects. The gal
leries wcro packed all day in anticipation of
Prince Hcnrv'js visit.
Mr. Irwin (Kentucky) delivcied Ids first spcceli
In tlio house and elenouncfil tlie rrnnrks of his
colleague (Mr, Wheelei) regaidlng the visit of
l'rlncn Henrv.
Mr, Ollbert (Kentutkv) opposed the Iti'publiiau
policy in the Philippines.
At this Juncture Print e Henry entered the gal
lery of the house and was loudly applauded,
some xentuiing to give vent to cheers.
Prince) Henry giaccfully bowed and was then
shown to his seat by -Mr, Hilt (Illinois), He le
maiiitel for fifteen minutes, during which time he
evinced the greatest Interest in the riocecdlng.
Ho was loudly applauded as he left the chum,
Without disposing of the pending bill, the
houte at f.Jrt p. in, adjourned,
Strike nt Plttston.
By Kxclujlt- Wire from Tho AMociated Press
Wllkes-llane, Feu, 21, Mx- fhemeii who ic.
fused to incept the' nine-hour shift at Hie i'ltts
ton colliery of tho Iickavvjnni Coal company
vine dheliaigi'd Saturday, A committee of Unit,
rd Mine Workers u'ked that they be leinstated
but the eiflleials iefurd. The luO inlnels then
ijult work and the mine was idle todaj,
i m
Steamship Arrivals.
11 r.xclushe Wire fiom the Aw-nutcd i'it-.
New York, Feb, 21. Alllu'ds l.a. Champagne,
limn-; Itotterdani, lleitteidaiu and llouloguv; Pa.
latla, Hamburg and lloiilagne. Il.illf.ix Arrlve'd;
Tunisian, Liverpool. Iluslon Aniveds Ultonla,
Liverpool and tyutenstovvii, (Jlisguvv Airivtdi
S-irmatiau, llostou. I'lviuuutli Airiwd; Ivalier
Wllhelm tier (lree-e, New orl Malta -vnivi-d!
Celtic, New orl; ion nui.e).
Local data for Febru.ij 21, Wti:
Highest temperature II degrc
Lowest temperature IS di'gree
Uclulvo humidity:
S i. in M ler cent.
8 p, m IJ) per tent
Precipitation, 21 liouis tnded S p, in., none.
Washington, Feb. 21. 1'crciast for
Tuesday ai.d Wednesday: Eastern Pcnn
svlvanla, inercaslnr cloudiness with rain
Tuesday; Wednesday clearing, freih cast
in iiortlmpit vvindA becoming- west.
t -H- 1 1 ,, :: ,-f & &
Measure Adopted bu a Strict Party
Vote Alter Elalit Hours ot
Tumultuous Debate.
Not Allowed to Take Part in Pro
ceedings Until Purged of Contempt.
Mr. McComas and Mr. Wellington
Indulge in Lively Controversy.
Principal Features of the Tariff
Bill Prince Henry Arrives and
Occupies a Seat Beside President"
Pro Tem. Frye.
By Kxclusive Wlie fiom the Associated Piess.
Washington, Feb. 114. After eight
hours of tumultuous debate today, tho
senate, shortly before 7 o'clock this
evening, passed the Philippine tariff
bill by a vote of 46-2C, a strictly party
vote. Mr. Tillman and Mr. McLaurln,
the two senators from South Carolina,
xvho on Saturday last xvere declared by
the senate to be In contempt because
of their fight in the chamber, xvere not
permitted by voice or vote to partici
pate in the proceedings.
The (iiiestlon as to their right to voto
precipitated a sharp debate, lasting
nearly two hours. Mr. Turner (Demo
crat, Washington) defended vigorously
for the right of the two senators to,
cast their votes, and he xvas sustained
by Mr. Patterson (Colorado), Mr. Uallcy
(Texas), and other Democrats.
Air. Poraker. Mr. AUIrlch and othpr
Hepublicans held that the senators
clearly could not participate In any ot
the pioceedlngs of the senate until they
purged themselves of contempt and the
senate had removed the bun placed on
The president pro tem., Mr. Frye, held
that the two senators could not vote,
and he xx'tis sustained by a majority of
the senate.
Maryland Senators Quarrel.
During the debate on the Philippine
bill, Mr. MeComus and Mr. Wellington,
of Maryland, became Involved In u con
troversy, during the course of which tho
latter declared If Air. McComns should
make his statements outside of the sen
ate chamber he would brand them as a
malicious lalsehood. He was called to
order piomptly, and lesuined his seat
amid considerable excitement.
Many amendments xvere offered by
committee, only one, an amendment le-
stilctlng the operation ot me seeution
laws enacted by the Tuft commission,
was passed.
When the name of Air. McLaurln xvas
passed, .Air. Patterson asked, why, but
xvas drowned In a chorus from the
Iteptiblioan side, demanding the "re
gular order."
When the roll call was completed,
Mr. Turner (Democrat, Washington),
demanded to know why the name of
the senator from South Carolina had
not been called. ,
"The names ot botli senators fiom
South Carolina," leplled Air. Frye, iho
president pio torn, "were omitted by
the clerk by direction of tho chair."
Then followed quite a xvranglc. Mr,
Turner Insisted on discussing the ques
tion rf the right of the South Carolina
seiuiteir to x-olo, despite points of order
that under unanimous consent agree
ment e'ebate was not In order on any
subject, Mr. Frye, lu the chair, how
ever, raid that the matter of keeping
to that agieemcnt remained with the
senators, ami also that he would
not refuse to recognize a senator xvho
ioso lo a question of personal privi
lege. Air, Turner insisted that the fatt
that a senator had been declai-Pd to he
In contempt did not depilvp him of the
rlshl of x-oting.
The Prince Arrives.
At this point, tho guest of the nation.
Frlnw Henry of tlornuiny, xvas escorted
Into tho chamber to a beat by tho sldo
of President Pro Tern Frye. As the
prince ascended the president's plat
foini, t!w senate lose as a body anil
hearty applause swept oxer the lloor
und the thronged galleries.
.Mr. Ualley (Democrat, Texas,) ex
pivsuod tho opinion that senators could
not bo prevented from exorcising their
light to vote, oven though they weto
under ai'lual ariest. While Air. Ualley
xvas f-peaklng, Prlnco Henry, xvho had
occupied his seat besido Senator Frye
for tweiitv minutes, withdrew from the
chamber, necompapled by his escort,
and amid applause from both the floor
anil galli ries.
Proceeding, Mr, Bailey bald that any
senator would have been likely under
the same circumstances to do what tlio
senatoi s from South Carolina had done
on Satin day and he declared that he
did not consider their offense so se
rious as the deprivation of a state of its
lepresentatloii on the lloor of the sen
ate. Finally tho chair recognized Mr, Aid
lich and he made the point that as the
senate xvas proceeding under an uiianl.
iiious agreement to voto on the Phil
lpplue bill no decision xvas In order on
any subject. He asked that this point,
bo submitted to the senate, which xvas
done, with tho result that the decision
xvas declared out ot order by a vote
of 40 to 5, On this question Senator
Wellington voted with the Republi
cans to sustain the point of order while
Senator Jones (Nevada) anil' Senatqu
Mason voted with the Democrats.
Mr, Turner then sought to secure rec-
ognltlon, In order to have spreat on
the records a protest of Mr, Tlllmun
but the privilege xvus denied at thu
time and tho senate proceeded to the
consideration of amendments to thu
Philippine bill.
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