THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- MOND A lr, FEBRUARY 21, 1902. fi I- INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR MARKET FOR ANTHRACITE COAL IS STRONG. Trices Aro Firmly Maintained and Traotlcally the Entire Output of tho Collieries Is Being' Taken Possi bility of labor Troubles Tho D., li. & W. Board for Today J. B. Keefe Now Division Freight Agent of Lackawanna with Headquarters In This City. The niaiket for uutlmu-lto Is stilt Btrong1. If the producing companies mo not makltiMr money now, theic Is no hopo for them. Prices tiro firmly maintained and practically tho entire output of the collieries Is lielnR taken. AVIth tho possibility of labor troubles by April 1 and this possibility Is much Kreater than certain newspapers seem willing to admit, tho outlook Is fav orable for a good demand Into March. Tar supply at the collieries, which be gan to show some signs of improve ment, has been reduced again as a te sult of tho recent storm. The main lino roads are all open, but sidings arc snow bound in many places and coal Is great ly delayed In transit. According to newspaper reports, President Mitchell of the Mine "Worlc- rs, and the presidents of several of tho anthracite districts have been In Now York city this week trying to :ir aiigu for a conference with J. P. Mor gan. While snnh a meeting may be ar ranged, ofllcials of tho companies con cerned profess to know nothing about it. Mr. Mitchell made a similar visit to New York shortly before a meeting of the Mine Workers last year. His present visit is probably undertaken with a view to making a statement at the convention announced to bo held at Sliamokin on March 12. The opera tors are to be invited to be present at this convention; It remains to be seen whether or not the operators are any belter represented than they were last year. Trade In the Northwest continues to show a steady movement of coal from tho docks, and a very fair winter mar ket. In Chicago territory trade is good. Supplies on docks aro thought to be large enough to last till navigation opens. Arrivals of all-rail coal, how ever, have been light, owing to delays by. snow along the railroads in Penn sylvania. As a result some dealers de pendent on all-rail shipments have been short of coal. Along the lower lakes and in the all-rail trade farther east tho heavy snow fall has cut down re ceipts severely and greatly hampered the forwarding of cars stalled on sid ings. The shortage of bituminous coal in that territory has brought out a heavy demand for tho steam sizes of anthracite. Along the Atlantic sea board wintry weather has prevailed, and the consumption of coal has been heavy. The market is very active at Boston, New York and Philadelphia. At New York retail dealers have had great trouble in making deliveries through the snow for several days, and the movement by barges about the har bor has been badly hampered by ice. Tho steam sizes are in stiong demand, as aro stove and chestnut. We quote current prices for free-burning -white ash coal f. o. b. New York Harbor points as follows: Hroken, $4; egg, Si. 23; stove and nut, $1,50. Englnecting and Mining Journal, D., I,. & W, Board for Today. The following is the make-up ot tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western board for today: bU.ND.w. ri:n. as. lMius 12.:;0 p. in., O. W. Dunn; 1.B0 p. in., 1". Van Wormii; 2 ji. in., M. .1. Ilcnnc; fi p. in., HolioUcn, V. V. fctcens: 1 p. in., HoboKcn, Mcl.arc; 7 p. in., 1). Wallarc; 8 p. m., Hoboltcn, .1. A. Hush; 10 p. in., V. J. Mosicr; 11 p. in., IloboKrn, M. Latulincy. I'uslicis l'J.30 p. in., J. llcnucfMii; 1.80 p. in,, Curiim:! !!.4i p. m., L. I). Littlmer; 11 p! in., William Hoar. MONDAY, ITU. 111. r..tia.s lln&t l.U) a. in., A. II. Howe; i ,i, in,, John Uaxtcr; 0 . in., HoboKcn, .1, II. fewaiU; II a, in., J. II. McCann; 10 a, m., 1', b. ltoncin; 11 a. in., SI, M. 1'ir.ncrty; 1 p. in., O. W. Paz KoralUi 2 p. m., HolioU'ii, .1, W. Povlne; fi p. in., J, II. Masters; C p. m., W. A. Iliitliolomevv. bunnnlts, lite 10 a. in., I'roiinfelKcr; 11 u. m., NUhols; 2 p. in,, Tliomp-on; ! p. in., J. Carristr, 8 p. in., M. Cilnlty, M. Golden' new. 1'iblicrs 0 a. in., Widncr; 1) a. in., J. .1. Mur ray; 7 a. in., S. l'iuneily; ii a, in., ltnuor; 10 a, m., II. Coslar; a p. m C. lluiliuloincvv; T.oO p. m., Kauman; s p. in., W. 11. Uatlholo. incivj 0 p. m., Lamping, Extras West U a. m., .!. .1, ,0'II.ira; 2 p. in., O, Hilidolpli; t p. in,, C Klngnlty; (I p. in., William Klrby, Wall' utvv; It p. in., .lolm (jahajTin. I'as.engcr Knglncs 7 a. in., CJadncy; 7 a. in., WiiRtr; 10 a, in., O. Millet; C.13 p. in., htauton; B.SO p, in., Met.ou'in. NOIU'i:. .7. II, Masteia will run II. 3lc.UUtei'b irciv until fuuhcr notice, Coiuluclor Duulione ami P, (.llllsran ami cievv will report at Mipciiiiti'iiik'nt' of Ike, b a, iu Monday, Peb, 21. Conductor W, P. Mann and lliakennn lMwaul Plillllpi on with W, A. Ilaitlioloincvv, will lepoit .it siipciinteiident's ofuce, 8 a, in., l'tli, 21. O. W. Cliuhb will ro out with O. W. nioiald. HiaKeman A, .1, McDonnell leporU for Mil. .me. IlraVeinan J, .1. Collins iqiorls for M, (,'oMen. Iraki man J. O, Miuray irports fur M. Pinneity. l'itzpatrlck and crew will urn 3,13 p. m. elu, Fib, j. This and That. J, n, Keefe, who lias been travellni; freight atreiit of the Lackawanna, rail road, with headqwirtei's at Uuffalo, has been appointed division freight agent, with headauarters in this city. J, W, Derslilmer, who wuh cashier ot the Lackawanna Telephone company, 1ms been promoted to local superintend ent of the Larkawanna division of tho Consolidated Telephone companies of Pennsylvania. The creation ot this office was made necessary by tho re- Something That Will Do You Good, rrom (ho Camden, S. 0., Messenger, Wo know of no way in which we can be of more service to our readers than to tell them of something that will bo of real good to them. For this reason we want to acquaint them with what we consider one of the very best reme dies on tho niaiket for coughs, colds, and the alarming complaint, croup. We refer to Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. We have used it with such good results in our family so long that It hus becomo a household necessity. Uy Us prompt use we haven't any doubt but that H has time and again prevented croup. Tho testimony Is given upon our own experience, and' we suggest that our readers, especially those who Jiuvo small children, always keep It In their homes as u safeguard against croup. Sold by all druggltts. GOLDSMITH'S The Fourth Greatest At This Store Begins Tomorrow Morning, Feb. 25th at 8.30 O'clock. MR. LOCKHART, the promoter and originator of the only genuine "Mill End Sale" will be here again in per son to start and conduct the sale. This gentleman needs no introduction to you, as this will be the fourth occasion that he has tnade himself known, felt and heard at our establishment. Known by his magic methods of bringing together an immense aggregation of merchandise at about one-half its actual value; felt, on account of the money-saving power of his "Mill End Sales," and heard by the many thousands of wise, prudent and economic buyers that flock to hear him tell of the wonderful bargains he has enabled us to place before you. The "Mill End Sae" is' supported by the strength of the best stores in America. Its true badge is "Merit." We know that you have been watching and waiting for this '"'Mill End Sale," so come pre pared to buy and you will not go away disappointed. We have arranged every possible facility for you to be served, and what you cannot or do not wish to take away with you we will deliver to your homes. To start the ball rolling, Mr. Lockhart will, upon the first day, inaugurate a series Of i? minute sales. SPECIAL NOTICE Mr. Lockhart Will Open This Great Sale With i o a a saoonai mmi Quantities Limited to Protect Us from Storekeepers. From 8.30 to 8.45 O'clock, in Basement Mr. Lockhart will sell a lot of standard grey, red and other dark prints; 10 yards for 19c. At 8.45 Sharp, in Basement- Mr. Lockhart will sell for 15 minutes, a lot of darfv Dress Ginghams, at 2Jc per yard. At 9 O'clock Sharp, on Main Floor Mr. Lockhart will sell at Gents' Counter, for 15 minutes, a lot -of Men's Seamless, Fast Black Socks, at 5c per pair. At 9.15 O'clock Sharp Mr. Lockhart will sell, at Ladies' Hosiery Counter, a lot of Ladies' Fine Gauge, Seamless, Fast Black Cotton Hose, at 5c a pair. At 9.30 O'clock Sharp Mr. Lockhart will sell, at Lace Counter, for 15 minutes, Torchon Laces, at lc per yard; Point de Paris, Lace Edge and Insertion to match, worth 25c a yard, at 5c, and Cambric and Nain sook Embroideries, worth 6c per yard, at 3c. At 9.45 O'clock Sharp Mr. Lockhart will sell, at Ribbon Counter, for ij minutes, Plain Silk Taffeta Ribbons, 4 inches wide, as well as Fancy Taffeta Silk Ribbons, worth 18 to 2jc, at 9c per yard. At JO O'clock Sharp Mr. Lockhart will sell for 15 minutes, at Children's Ribbed Underwear Counter, m moval to Philadelphia of General Man ager Wayland. The Vlslanda-Bolmcn railroad, Swed en, have been making an experiment with pressed and dried peat as fuel with a train consisting- of locomotive, 15 loaded freight cars, and one pas.sen ger car. Tho distance was about 22 miles, and the test was very successful, the locomotive steaming' freely and making time without difficulty. SERMON TO P. 0. S. OF A. Conclude J from Page ,1. In eciy ilirt'ution, it i-i i.ipiilly lirioniini; what l'sryi't v;u to tlic ancient world, the injgjzlnr of food Mipply to tin- earth. Kicn now the n.ilions of iho earth are IcjuIiir licully upon our bands for Riibaistancc. Kajd Arnlicw C'.u. ncjric, anil I think tiuthfully, "There is no ticed to increase our armament of defeme. ?o nation or combination cf nation ccn now would duo tomb, in, for America U u dire neceidily to the world as the feeding and holji. iiiK hand of the leading people of the earth." Hut stop .1 moment, what of the coiruptlon and fraud, huge, ugly and horrible, that now obtain, the yrlnd of bushier, the oppicislon of capital, the merciless poierty and s,oirov Hut now exist?. Wo answer this in holiest faith, it is dhine liw, that all good (.hall be in its unfoldmcnts attended by pain. All pwellcnec obtained only by eoirow, the wall of the infant born, echoes the cry of the motherland as In pain. A glor ious fragment of (iod. bprfhw lis immortal i.ireer that the blrtli of ledemptioii In Its white gluiy coi-t tin. Sulour Ills human life. Tint earthquake and darkncM, blood and cruelty, the irosj and crown of thorn, weie the nnteiediiits of faliatlon. l'ear not what jou see in this, for what jou tee is but the neces sar.i mold of dirt fiom which shall come the lliing cast of our nation's futuie glorj. And now men of the great order that bears tho pioud name of the Patriotic Order Sous of Auiarici, what Is your relation to the ndianilng destiny of jour countij? To this nation by light of blith and devotion, to this peerless queen of future, us in In her glorious beauty bho beckons jou to her tide and calls upon jou to aid her as hir body guird and enlightened de fense. In the marvelous ildc of the king of finance, Pieipont Moicjii, the othei day, as he left I'hiladelphii to gain that ofileo in New YoiU cll.l, wheie thuhs the and golden heart of the world and which ride he broke .ill lecords of spied upon the railways of the world, whal care was first taken to tee tint .ill lails weie light ami that ciery obstacle was ie moved from the load on which the marvelous flight was taken, the best men selected to urn ii ml guide it, all other Irabu locked in safely on sidings, every living man stood in Ids place to guard nml as the marvelous steed flatbed by like a meteor it wus Intelligence, soberness, and skill, that kept it from clash and ruin until lushing like .1 i .u lone at last it glided ill safety into its station, tho trip of u bundled miles an hour, uu accomplished fact. OX HUhllUa NATION. So iiuhes our nation on its flight of; destiny, to tho accomplishment of divine and huui.ui emancipation of nun. r'lom human tlaveiv, hu man wioiur, lulu the bmadest, profouudest con summation of tho pilmftilis of human llbeily ami unity in American brotheihood. What U the duty of your older, P. 0. S. of . ? bin to help by every ilghtful mean., so that no oh. b-tuclo shall bo placed In u pathway of Aiucilian uduuccMicnt, that no foreign nor domestic inlhi encii shall fiitenero tu prevent sueiies and aehlcvimsit of American principle. look up to the (,'ol of Washington ami the patriots of edd, to the (iod who is supremo as ukr, knowing that bo who can change the mud ot tho volcanic stiennu into agates, (ho com monest clay of earth Into sapphires, and tho poUoiious gas of the mine into the flashing beautiful diamond. Can alio change all things of evil into the things necifeary to the eon summation of that linal result that lias for Us total the happiness ot man, bis freedom from moral and political slavery, his uplift into a. higher life, tltat by tho blessings of Uod, shall yet come tho moral ami spiritual lieiltago of mankind, upon a normal and truly icdccmed base. In closing:, allow me to quolo as an appro. prlate to this address some extracts from tlie platform of principles of the noblo order jou represent here tonight. I commjnd the senti ments they contain to the thoughtful considera tion of each and everyone present, would to (iod .they could be written in letters of gold upon tho walls ol every ball or temple where men and women congregate in America. No place too pure or holy to borrow their use. :a and 44 p uus te Sales place too common but what the sentiments thej contain would make it sacicd and prove anti septic to the thoughts of disloyalty and tic.iaou in the human bent. Tho platform i piinciplcs begins with this holy truth: "et to love foi the cicator, we believe that patriotism is one of the highest and noblest aflcctieius of the human soul, we belic-vo that without patiiotic (ilbcns Hie insti. tutions of no coimliy lire cafe and that nope will so jealously guird and protect litem as! dune born and reared under their influemes." I And I lully believe that by the study if thive ' gland (ruths jou will be lifted to a higher and nobler plane of love for (Jod and couutiy. FUNERAL OF JOSEPH OBER. Attended by a Large Gathering from His Home on Mulberry Street. The funeral ot Joseph Ober took place Satmdaj- afternoon from his late homo on "Mulberry street and was at tended by a large gathering of persons who had known and esteemed the ster ling qualities which made the deceased a man among men. At 2:30 the services were conducted by Rev. Hitter of Holy Trinity Lutheran church, after which Interment was made in Forest Hill cemetery. At the grave the "Masonic service was read by Gritnd "Master Ober was a prominent member. Tho pall-bearers were the following members of Schiller lodge: Matthew .Stlpp, Henry Vockroth, Victor Koch, J. II. Faluenholt, Thomas Lydden and V. L. Wormser. The flower bearers were John Horn, Christian Storr and Messrs. Snyder and Josephson. About the casket Saturday were a great profusion of beautiful flowers, loving tributes from friends, Among tilts larger pieces were a square and compass of roses from Schiller lodge, keystone of pink roses arjd carnations from Lackawanna chapter, No, 183; Malteso cross of red carnations and white roses, Coeur do Lion command ery, Knights Templar; casket piece of Easter lilies and carnations, Scranton Llederkranz; cross and wreath of vio lets, roses and Ivy, Uigust and Charles ) itoiuusou. Gulf and Ship Island Railroad Co. Messrs, Fish & Iiobinwon, o( New York and Boston, offer $1,000,000 of nn issue of $2,7i"O,0CO n per cent, first mort gage refunding and terminal fifty-year gold bonds of tho Gulf and Ship Island Itallroad company at 104', per cent, and accrued Interest, Principal payable 1952. Tht-se bonds aro Issued for tho purpose oe refunding the bonded Indebtedness of the company '. ' It has hitherto ex isted, The mi)i'tgt covers tho entire property, Including te terminals, Tho company is freo from floating debt. The total authorized Issue of bonds Is $5,000,000, of which $2,750,000 has been Issued to lefund; and $1,750,000 of tho bonds have been taken up by private subscription, Tho light Is reserved to decline to make allotments or to allot smaller amounts than applied for, Thu main lino of tho Oulf and Shin Island railroad Is 1C0 miles In length and extends from Gulfpoit, Miss., on the Mississippi Hound, Gulf or Mexico, midway between Mobile and New Or leans to Jackson, Miss. The rond has rail connections with tho Illinois Cen tra), New Orleans and Northeastern, and tho Loulsvlllti and Ntibhvllle rail roads, The Grand Concert Company nt the Illsdi school audltoilum, Tues day evening, February 25. Sixth num ber of the course. Diagram at Pow ell's music store, Ouo of the best num bers, and the company one of the strongest before tho public. The "15ou Ton Hurlesquers" will positively fill their engagement at the Star, beginning with matinee this af. ternoou JDJ Mill End Children's Grey Fleeced Ribbed Vests and Pants, sizes 20 to 24, 7c; sizes 26 to 30, 10c. At 2.30 O'clock Sharp Mr. Lockhart will sell at Notion Counter, for 15 minutes, Cabinet Hair Pins, worth 15c, at 5c; Nickle Plated Safety Pins, worth 8c per card, at lc; Best Fancy Garter Elastic, worth 20c, at 7c per yard. At 2.45 O'clock Sharp Mr. Lockhart will sell for 1 j minutes, a lot of Ladies' Silk Waists, Blacks and Colors, worth from $4.98 to $6.98; your choice, $2.98. At 3 O'clock Sharp Mr. Lockhart willsell a lot of Ladies' Black Cloth Dress Skirts, trimmed with 3 bands of Taffeta Silk, worth $) 00, only $1.49; Ladies' B.ack Cloth Tucked Dress Skirts, worth $4.98, at $2.98. An Unexampled Bargain Feast in Ladies' Kid Gloves All new, fresh stock, secured especially for the Mill End Sale: 150 dozen Ladies' 2-Button, Embroidered Back, Glace Kid Gloves, in Black, Tan, Castor, Ox Blood, Grey, Brown and White; the regular 75c quality. Mill End Price 53C 100 dozen of our regular $1.00 quality Glace Suede and Mocha Kid Gloves. Mill End Price 73C These prices are but a fair sample of the prices prevailing throughout the entire store, and everg subsequent issue of this paper for the next few dags will contain Mill End prices from the different departments. PAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In KITect Nov. 3, lOOt. Trains leave Scranton for New York At t.10, 3.15. 0.U3, 7.00 and 10.03 a. in.; 12.45. S.'IO, 3-M p. m. for New York and Philadelphia 7.50, 10.05 a. m., and 12.15 and 3.C3 p. in. For Toby liauna At 0.10 p. in. l'or lluflalo 1.15. 0.23 and 100 a. m.: 1.35. 0.50 i nd ll.M n. in. Tor Ding hanilon and way stations 10JO a. in. and 1,10 p. in. loi Uswcgo, bxraeusc ami uctoa ana t, 22 a. in.; 1.53 p. m. Oawego, Sjracuac and Utic.1 train at 0.22 a. m. daily, except Sunday, I'oi ilontro-e 0.00 a. m.; 1 10 and li.30 p. m. Nicholson aceommodition 1.00 and 0.15 p. in. Ulwjnishurg Division l'oi Northumberland, at C.S5 and 10.03 a. in.; 1,55 and G.10 p. in. l'or Plymouth, at S.10 a. m. ; 3.40 and 0.00 p. m hur.d.vv Tialns l'or New Yoik, 1.10, .1.13, li.05 and 10.03 a. m. ; 3.10, ;:.:::! p. m. l'or buffalo l.l'i and (1.22 a. in.; 1.55, 0 50 and 11.35 p. m. l''or Dlngluinton and way stations 10.20 a. m, lllcomsbiirg Division Leave Sciauton, 10.03 a. in. and 0.10 p. m. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule in Kffcct June 2, l'JOI. Tiaius leave Pcranlon: CM a. in,, week daj-, through vestibule train from Wilkcu-ilarre. Pull man bullet parlor car and coaches to Philadel phia, via Pottsvtlle; stops ,n principal intei me diate stations. Ak-o connects for feimbui), liar lisburg, Philadelphia, Ualtimore, Washington and for l'ittbuig and the not. 9.33 o. m., week dajs, for Sunbuij-, llairlsbuig, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitta burg ai.d the west. 1.12 p. in., week dap (Sunda.vs, 1,58 p. m.), for Sunbury, llairi"bunf, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Waybill ;ton and Pitisburg and the west. S.28 n. ill., week davs, through vestibule train from Wilhes-Iiaire, Pullman bulTct parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia via Potlsville. Stops at principal inteimedlate stations. 4,27 p. in., week days, for Hazlcfou, Sunbury, lianisb.irg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. .1. H, HUTCHINSON, lien, Mgr. J. 13. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In lifted, Nov. 3, 1001. Tialns leave Scianton. 1'cr Philadelphia and New York via n. k II. 11. II,, at 0.SS. and 0.33 a. in., and 2.13, 4.2 (Black Diamond Cxprees), and 11.30 p. in, bun Uavt, D. & II. It, It., 1,3!, S.27 p. in. l'or White Haven, lUtlcton ami principal polnls In the coal lesions, via D. i: 11. It. It., 0,3a, 2.13 and 1.27 p. m. l'or Pottsville, 0.3s, a. m., 2.19 p, m. l'or n.'thlehein, Paston, Heading, llarrlsburer, and principal intermediate stations, via 1). A: 11. It, It., ".US, D.M a. in.; 2.18. 4.27 (lllacl; Ilia inond Kipres)i 11.30 p. ill. huiidajs, II. & If, P. It., 0.3tt a. in.; 1.5s, fc.27 p. m, l'or Tunkhannoik, Towauda, Ulmlia, Ithaca, fjeueva and principal Intel mediate stations, via 1) i and W. It, It., S.10 ii, m. and 3.50 p. in. l'or (leiicva, llucliesU'r, lluflalo, Niagara Palis, Chicago and all points west, via 1), & II, II, 11,', 7.1p, 12.0.1 a. m.; 1.42. 3.2b (Ulaek Diamond Kn piC6s), 7.(8, 10.41, 11.30 p. in. Sundavs, 1). & H. It. It.. 12.0.1. 8.27 p. Ill, Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley Parlor cars on all trains between Wllken-Hsno and New oil., Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspen sion Bridge. 1IOM.IX II, WII.DUll, Ceil. Supt., 20 Cottland stiect, New York, C'il.WlMS s, I.lli: (Jen. Pass. Agt., 2d Coilland stleet, New Yoik. A. W. NONIIMACJIUU, Dlv. Pass, Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. l'or tickets and Pullman leseivatlons apply to city ticket otUce, ft) Public Souaie, Wllkes-llane, Pa. New York, Ontario and Western. Ill Illicit Tuesday. Pent. 17, l'JOI. NOHT41 BOUND. Leave Leave Arrive Trains, Si ranton. Carbondalc, Cadosia, No. 1 lO.SOa, m. 11.10 a. in. 1.00p.m. Nu. 7 0.10 p. in, Ar, Carbondalc 0.40 p. ni. SOUTH BOUND. Leave Leave Arrive Trains, Cadosia, Carbondalc, S,eunton. No. U 7 00.1. m, 7.40a. in, No. 'J 2.13p.m. 4.0011. in. 4.40 p. ni. SUNDAYS ONLY, NOHTIl BOUND. Leave Irfave Arrive Trains, Sciauloii. Carbondale, Cadosia, No. U ,,.,,.,. 8.3U a, m. t. 10 p. in. 10.43a, m. Nu. S ,,, 7,00 p. in. Ar. Carbondale 7.40 p. m. fcOUTll BOUND. ' Leave Leave Arilve Trains. Cadojla. Ciiboudale. Reunion, Nn, C 7,00a. in. 7.40a, m. No. 10 4.30 p. in. U.UU p. m. U.43 p. ill. Twins Nos. 1 on week da. und 0 on bundavs, make main line c-onnevllons for New York city, Mlddletovvii, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Oswego and all points west, l'or further iufoimation consult ticket agents. J. (J. ANDKIlhON, O. P, A., New Urk. J. K. WP.LSH. T. P. A., Scranton, Pa. Erie Railroad, Wyoming Division. Trains for New York, Nevvburgh and lntemie dUte points leave bcrautou as follows: 7.20 a. in.; 2.25 p. in. Arrivals 10.35 a. m. from Sliddletuvvn, Hones dale, Haw ley and Intermediate points. 0.20 p. m. Iiom New York, Neuburgli and Intermediate points. No Sunday trains. DAJAK 1 Sale" Ii Beer Brewery Mamifricturcv3 3r STOCK 435 to 4S5 N. Ninth Street, U' I. IllUlIt Tclcphoa? Call, 2333. HENRY BEL1N, JR., Ccncral Agent for the Wyoming District for Mining, Wasting, Sporting, Smokeless nd the Itepauno Chemical Company's HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Safety I'use, Cops and Uxplotlers. llcom 401 C'cn licit Building .Scranton. ACJUNCinS. TIIOS. TOni) Pltistor. JOHN B. SMITH k SON Plymouth W. U. MULLIGAN Wilkes DarM RAJROADTMEJTLES Now Jersey Central. In Lflcct Nov. 17, IDOL Stations In New YorL, foot of Llbeily Kttcet and S-ouih i-'eiry, N. II. Tulua leave l5craiiton fo; New Yoik, Plilladel. plila, Ikiston, Betlilehi'iii, Allentowu, Jlaue'i I'huiik, Wbltu Haven, Ashley and Wilkes-Banc at 7,110.1. ni.l p. m. and 4 p. in. huudaj, 2,10 p. in. (juaker City Lpies leives hir.iniou at 7.30 a. in., through solid vestibule trail, with Pullman Bullet IMilor Cms, for Philadelphia, wlib mill ono change of cms tor BaUliinuc, Washington, I). U and all principal point ninth and we-si. l'or Avoea, Pulsion and WilLwIlane, I p. m. and 4 p. in. Huiday, 2.1U p. m Per Long Branch, Ocean drove, etc., 7..S0 a. m. and 1 p. in, l'or Heading. 1 bin n and llairisburg, via A! Untowii, at 7'0.a. In. auel 1 p. in. Mmdj,v, 2,10 p. in. Pur Potlsville at 7.30 a. in. and 1 p. in. I'efr ratca und ilekcis apply tu agent at station. C, M. 11U1U', Ocn. IV.. Ajjt, J, S. SWISlli'.ll. Dlit. I'.i. Agl., Sci.mlou. Delaware and Hudson, In liffect November 31, 1001. 'trains for Caibondalo leave Scianlon at 0.20, S00, s.i't, J0.UI a. in. 12.00, 1.20, 2.31, a.02. 6.20, U.ii, 7,57, 0.13, 11,20 p. m.i 1.31 a. in. l'or Honcsdale 0.20, 10.Ua. m.i 2.31 and 3,20 p. m. for Wilke-IUne 0.38, 7.4S, S.41, OSS, 10.4! a. Hi.) 12.0J, 1.4.', 2. IS, 3.2t, 1.27, 11.10, 7., 10.41, 11.30 p. m. l'or I- Y. It. II. POI111S-0.3S, U.3S a, in.; 2.1S, 4.27 and 11. SU p. m. l'or PciilMivanU II. II. Points 0.33, 0.3S a. m.i 1.12, 3.2a ami 4.27 p. in. For Albany slid all paints uoith 0.20 a. in. ' and 3.52 p. m. j SINDAY I'll UN'S. I fc'or PailHindjlc b.50, U..I3 a. m.; 2.31, 3.J2, ! 3.D2 ami 11.17 p. ni. tor likes lUi re v. 38 a. tu.j j.'.cm, j.jj, a.jjg, 0.32 ami IU7 p. in. fc'or Albany uud (whits north 3.52 p. m. For llonesdale B.60 a. in. and 3.61 p. m, tt. L. 1'ltYOH, I). I'. A., bemnton. Pa. $Qm I Dftiii r lit Lager OLD IfII L h ll r K FINANCIAL. WE OFFER TO $400,000 BUTTE" ELECTRIC AND POWER C01PANY Ot Butte, Mont. (nuttc li the greatest copper producing city In the world.) 5 First Mortgage nenomlnallon J1.000, maiming 1 to HO jears. Amply provided for by reserve nd linking fund. Netearnlngs thuo anil lliieo -quart era times Inteiest charges. tVrito for leport ot Mr. Samuel linull, Piroldcnt of tho Chicago IMIson Co., and ipecltl circular. RUDOLPH KLEYBOLTE & CO. 1 NASSAU ST.. NEW YORK. Don't Miss This Opportunity. Yon inlssetl Lc Hoi In 'Hi. It was then S cents n Hlmro. Now onp -hnrf Is worth $31!. (.'ulutnet nml Hecln In '00 was $2.". now II Is $H2."i n slmre. The Coenr d'Alons mines turned out Sll,r.00,000 In ore last your. Their stock till sold nt low fig ures when they started. The Black Diesnond owns five claims adjoining the srent Highlander mine, owned and developed by Phlladclphlans. The UlRhbiiuler tunnel is in 1SJ0 reel. The Wnelc Dia mond Tunnel (Annually will continue this tunnel 100 feet to our first veins und will then run the tunnel a mile Into the mountain to cut twenty veins ahead. All rich in roUI, silver mid lead. Ve have been Kuarantecd one-half of all claims wo run lliroush. "Vn will ship ore from our first vein. U will tnlto ' throe months to reach It. In a year we expect to make this stock worth $" a share 1100,000 sliaics will be soltl for development put poses. Then the stock will lie withdrawn from the market. This Is as great an opportunity ns Lti Itol. There Is far more In sight than Le Hol had. The Highlander hus $1, r00,000 worth of ore In sight. Our veins :ue just as good und more of them. 146,000 Shares Sold to February 14th. Shares Remaining at 50c a Share. Send for HAXWE'LL STEVENSON, President 604 Land Title Building, Phiiadelphiai , 750,00 I Ship Island Railroad Company. First Mortgage Refunding and Terminal '5 FIFTY YEAR QCLD BONDS. Interest Payable January and Ju'- 1 rinc'.pal duo February, 1952. Coupon and Registered Bonds. Immediate application will be mads for listing on the New York Stock Exchange. New York Security & Trust Co. Trustee. The bonds ofTorad are issued for the purpose of refunding the bonded indebtedness of the company as it has heretofore existed. Full information in regard to tne bonds and tho property upon which they are secured will be found in a letter from J. T. Jones. Esq., President or tho company, copies of which will be furnished upon application. Ex tracts from this letter aro appendod. Ti-e imln line of the Gulf & S'lip Island Railroid, t6o miles ia length, extends from Gu'.fport, Miss., on Mississippi Sound, Gulf of Mexico, midway between Mo bile and Ne,v Orleans, and no.-thwest to Jackson, the state capital. Branches aregatin;,' 93 miles reach important points. Exceptional facilities for the inter change of trattic are affml.-d by three rail connections the lllinojs Central, the New Orleans & Northeastern, an J the Louisville and Nashville. Upon the com pletion of the terminal; at Gu'fport large export and coastwise business in lumber, nival stores, grain and cotton should djvelop, as well as a considerable import business in tropical fiuits and merchandise. Gross earuinxs, operating expenses and net earnings for the year ended June 30, tool, and font months end:d October 31, 1901, are certified to by Messrs. i'atterion, Tub '&. Dennis, CerHli.'d Public Accountants, as follows : Average miles operated Gross earnings Operating expenses and taxes. . Net earnings... wnii the mninWinn of the imorovements to roadbed and structures now In process it is expected that the percentage of operating expenses to gross earnings can be imterially reduced and net earnings correspondingly increased. The interest charge on t'ne p.-es.nt Issue of $2,750,000 of refunding bonds will be $137,500 per annum or $540 per against n:t earnings at the rate of $1,422 per mile per annum in the first four months of the current fiscal year, and as against average net earnings of Si.OOt per mile per annum for the last two years and four months. The company is free from float hg debt. The company's Tirst R.'funJing and Terminal Mortgage, issued to secuie its Fifty-year Five Per C:nt. Gold Bjnds, coveis the entile property, including ter minals. The total authorized isstt; of bonds is $5,000,000, of which amount $2, 750,000 Ins been issued to refund and readjust the bond id debt as heretofore exist ing. Only $30,000 of the old bonds r:main outstanding. With this exception the First Mortgage Rifunding and Terminal 5s are secured by an absolute first mort gage lien. The balinc: of the ant h nized issue of $5,000,000 is reserved to com plete the terminals of the railr old on the Gulf of Mexico and at other points, to pay for new equipment and for oth-r bettennrnts and improvements as required. Tin bonds now Issu.-d a-e at tlw rate of less than $l per mile; under the company's charter the bond;d debt cannot exceed $20,000 per mile. A sinking fund of one per cent, to accrue from January tst, 19C4, bonds to be bought it ooiatnaoie at 110 an acciued interest or under. Bonds cannot be called for paynunt before maturity. Of the present issue of $2,759,000 bonds, $1,750,000 have already boon placed with investors by private subscription. We now offer the remaining $1,000,000 bonds at 104J4 and accrued interest. The right is reserved to decline to make allotments or to allot smaller amounts than applied for. Ponding preparation of the on graved bonds, temporary bonds In roglstore-i form are now ready for delivery. Tho mortgage and reports of tho accountants and con sulting engineer may bo examined at our oillces. FISK & fSOBiftaSOfi, 30 Nassau Street, Now York. 40 State Street, Boston. THE SGRAI&lTOftl SAVINGS BAI3K, Scranton, Pa. Hotel Chelsea Atlantic City, N. ' Now Open, 300 Ocean front rooms. 100 pri vate sea water baths. Send for book, let. J, . THOMPSON & CO, FINANCIAL. YIELD ABOUT 5 Sinking Fund Gold Bonds 54,000 prospectus. Year linded Four Months Ended June 30, 1901. October 31, 1901. . . 250.10 .. $1,035,429 . . 802,555 253.58 $436,400 316,292 $232,874 $120,108 per annum nas oeen arrangen ior, u ucBm , F, MEQARQEL A CO. STOCKS, BONDS, SECURITIES CONNBLL. BUILDING, TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS I FAST Tutin Go. n V s i -irra i-?.. ?f& V. ft r"'"1v-v"i"-.i . .i&- : . :.. ..:H,.mri:-',,''J. 3h-lWebM., .. . is f "V. !"jt ii urn iii ia nai i H . - ,-.i i , ,a, - in fl I mmgakAaa&ft ij-o . m,i-L , - jabaamsmmtmmmasatsni