V 11 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, PEBRUAllV 2d, 1002. tf ;i iooooooooooc run uonr.nK itAnutVAnn stoiw. THE ONLY LIMITS tn our CHAFING UtHIt SAUK Ih on the price ami that la so limited there la not much of It left. Uvery CHAFING 1)1811 In the house la marked clown. The $5.00 dishes ro nt f3.25 tmd nil others In pro portion. See window. C-r. Sir l- In IJ9 N. "Washintrton Ave Q XXXXXOOOOOOOI tmsvmmma Jlothers tiii: r.Mii,v niivntt. havi: jm ever liccn In our store to pro (lie ninny thins vo lute to m.ikc jour infniit nnd children well ilrr--ed nnd rem tortable. If not, It will repay you to Rite us a little of your time. BABY BAZAAR 10 Spruce Street, THE PEOPLE'S Picidont, Cjr-us D. .lom.. Vuc I'iciident, O. V. Hcjnulils. Cjslilor, II. M. lies. DinnCTOllS. Cj rus .Tones. (!. 1". Itejnolds. 'JIlOS. Spi.lglle. V. 0. l'lilton. SI. .7. lle.ile.v. C. C. How. M. 1'. Cuter. A. It. Warman. Itirhard O'llileit. P. I J. M'oolvVOltll, T. C. Von Stoich. SMimiel bJinter. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL, Mr. and Mrs. J. Y'. Fowler, nC Mon roe avenue, Green Jtldse, gave a danc ing party at their homo Saturday night In honor of Miss Shole, of Now York i'lty. The receiving party amis made up of Mr. and Mrs. Fowler, Miss Fowler and Miss .Shole. Tlrt guests were the" Misses FaiTcr, Becker, Van Fleet, Uronson, Fowler, Koblnson, Mitchell, Dunham, Okell, Bishop, Pierce, Frey, Sherman, Boyd and the Misses Knight and King of Plltston, Miss Courtrlght of Clark's Green and Messrs. Xyo, Okell, Kldred, Pletre, Pickering, Close, Fowler, Wolf, Edwards, Dunn, Os borne, Davis, Dunham, Courtilght and lUclmrds of rittslon. The house was decorated In a very artistic manner. It was a very enjoy able function. The following ladles fiom Paik place enjoyed a sleigh ride to Peckvllle Thursday where they were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Squires: Mrs. C. T. Miller, Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs, Francis, Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Archer, Mrs. Meixsell, Mrs. "Wells, Mrs. P.tlma 1ler, Mrs. Kugland, Mrs. Breig, Mrs. Severance, Mrs. Bedolle, Mrs. Lumber ton, Mrs. McCusker.Mrs. Piitchard.Mrs. Matthews, Mrs. Wrenn, Mrs. Smith, Miss Eva Meixsell, Miss Louise Thom as, Master Chauncey Miller. A pleasant surprise party was ten dered to Joseph La Rose at his home on Deacon street, Thursday evening, The guests were: The Misses Grace Merrian, Leon F.irnhjm, Anaboll Crosby, Imogene Hoyt, Florence Clark, Gram Sisco, Gertrude La Hose, Miss Morrison and Misses Ilex Treverton, Clayton Bnriocllff, Joseph La Kose, Stanley Miller, Sidney Muck, Thomas Bonear, "William Bright, Mis. Stephen P. Hull, of Sanderson avenue, entertained nt cards Saturday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Hurry Hull, who hi her guest. A (.'. Xi'llK'toii U in a.liiiiKtjii, 1). f. .1. II. William, of llio Williams' llni'itoiy (unipauy, Is In the city, 111". Ji.fiirs Oiish, of Xmv Yuik illy, h Mtlug liii pnidits on I'liclps ti Lei. Mr, ami Mm. A, (tales, of Thompson, I'.i., are visiting nt Hie home of their ilaulitir, Mis. J, V Hiuvvnliig, of buiuViMMi avium;. Mivs Maiy ,. Moik.hi, vvhu icccutly Ri.iiluated fium u thico ji-ar' (mue in tin) llmeiKcne.v iiinl Avium hospitals at Wavliiunton, 1). t'., i's vjaitlnij lur lelatives on llaiiiplmi aticrt. The "Bon Ton Hurlesmiers" will fiosltlvelv Illl their enirucoinnnt nt n,r Ktar, beginning with matinee this nf- icruaon, i STOPPED A RUNAWAY. Patrolman McHnle Saved a Woman from Inury. Patiolmuii John McIIule made a dur ing stop of n runaway horse on Satur- llay morning and saved a woman car- lying nn Infant In her anus from so- IIoub Injury, If nothing move. The lliorso was attached to a cutter which was being driven up "Washington ave- Uiue. The unlmal took fright near the Con- liell building and making u sudden Mart threw the driver out Into the Mrect, The horto dashed up tho ave- iiiq ut terrlllu bpeed and when near Ppruco street was coming on directly ju tho path of a woman with a baby h her arms, who was crossing the Itreet. Patiolman Mcllale, who was stand- i on the corner, jeullzed Unit some- Ihlng must be done and he made u leap ir ;no noise catcning tlm reins unci riling him to a standstill within a it of where iho woman stood, t'ltl- iis witnessing tho act weio loud in "ir appreciation of the patrolman's ring. fhe "Bun Ton nurlesquers." will Uitlvely 1111 their engagement at the I THE 5 REMAINS OF WILLIAM COYNE. They Arrived In This City Yester dny from Ashoville, N. C. Tho lemalns of William Coyne, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Philip II, Coyne, ar rived In this city yesterday afternoon fiom ArIiovIIIc, N, C, where, ho died Friday morning, and were taken to the family residence at Attains nventie nnd Vine street, Mr. Coyne went to Ashevlllo a month ago with hlrt fattier and mother In the hope that the change of ollmato might Mark an Improvement In his health. A decided cluing? for the bettor was ob served and when the elder Mr. Coyne was summoned to return to his busi ness Interests In this city ho was hope ful or the recovery of his son, Last week he received word that the young man's condition had giown worse and Immediately started for Ashevlllo arriv ing there a few hours too late to sec his son In life. Arrangements were at once made to tiring the remains home and Mr, and Mrs. Coyne began their sorrowful jour ney northward. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at !l o'clock from the house. A solemn high mass of re quiem will be celebrated In St. Peter's Cathedral and Interment will be mnda In the Cathedral cemetery. Tho deatli of Mr. Coyne caused gen eral sorrow among tils friends nnd ac quaintances In this city. He was born hero 27 years ngo and enjoyed an ac quaintance with tho people of this city nnd Its vicinity possessed by few men of his years. AVholo-souled and gen oi oils, ever courteous and charitable of speech, lie won the regard of nil whom lie met. Ho had carved for himself n prominent place In the business life of this community when lie was stricken with the malady which resulted in his death. Besides his father and mother ho Is survived by a sister nnd two brothers. They aro Mrs. Hortcnse Congdon, of Hlnghnmton, and Leo and Stanley Coyne or this city. PINK SLIP TAKEN OFF. That Does Not Mean That Tire In surance Rates Have Been Re stored to Their Former Basis. The following copy of a letter re ceived by the Scranton Underwriters' association fiom tho Underwriters' as sociation of the middle department was on Saturday sent to all of the liro in surance agents of this city and its vi cinity. 1'hil.nlelphi.i, l'a,, IVli. -JO, 1002. Mr. .lulm M. Hushes Scranton, l'.i. Dear Mr. At. a meetin? of this usmiu iIiuii. lilil on Hie lMli Inst., the following, 11 Kiting to "I'inl; blip Charges," va adopted: 1'lisl Tint lates on all piopeity within the coiporate limits of the city of Suanlnn anil tho lioiough of Dunnioio lie .uhameil .'11 1-" per cent., h of Mauii 5, 1IW.!, with the following excep tions onl.t : Duelling anil their contoiiU and all special liarauhs upon which new ules !nc heen piu luulgateil under Middle Deparlment schedules, since Fept. 1(1, 1101. 'lhe foieKoine; adtauce to continue in foice un til Midi time as a Kcnciul lc-iatlng by lebed Mlicdnlcs and tho )n elimination of a new taillt than hate been made by ll., association. No letute of pink t-lip diaie s-hall be al lowed on any policies now in foite, hcatint; .said tllH. I'aiKclhliou nf politle" canjinj; the dnU slip, whether at i-hoir lale-i u pio i.it.i, shall be icpoilcd to tho coinpauiin tIuou'4li the Mainp i lei k, and by him ucoided. Anv in-urance written snlKetiuent or plior llieieto wliich duectly or indhectH uplaces the wliole oi a pait of the lino Mull be at not lcs tli m lhe late, including pink klip charge of the cancelled polio, Veiy Ituly joins, (Sinned) I". It. C'liineme, Solitary. This means that the rate on dwellings will bo tho same as it was befoie lhe "pink" slip was put on policies, but there will be no rebate of the Insurance paid under thot arrangement. On all othor kinds of Insurance there will be an increase of as 1-3 per cent, on the rate that prevailed before the "pink" slip Increase went Into force. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. Under this htidlnir short letters of lntert it ill be published when accompanied, for publica tion, by the writer's mine. ' The Tribune docs not slums reinonsibility for opinions htre ttjirted.J Not a New Discovery. lalitor uf The Tiihune: Sh: l'lea-e allow me to make Known to jour leadeis that aseptic aceination i-. no new dU coeiy as is claimed fiom the lepotted rpcil. lnentH furnished by two local "homcoV' In Sat-mdaj'-i issue of jour valuable paper, 'the fail ii that a.-epllo accination is piacticed liy cciy lesular up-to-date "plijoiclan tluoiiKlioiit the louulij". Wiieievcr a pacKae of icllable vaccine is sent, a pilnteil clicular kocs with It uhlnpf explicit illiections ns to tbe iieee,.iij piecau lions to be followed In its ruipknient. -No intelligent phj-nielan, llieiefore, Ii.u any lusic.il ic.i-on for not Knowlnjf tliat aseptic or Musical cleanliness is leipiiied in vaccina tion. And It should be uiidctstuod by all that sore aims fiom vaccination ale not alw.ns duo to a l.nk of pine vims or ileanlluc's-sj because iniidi ilepemU on tho teiiipeiainent and coiutllntlon of the prison vaccinated. Some thin disease, Midi as eczema, if present, will caiwe the piocisa of vaccination to lake on au iiRuravatcd foiiu, l.lhcwise a iold or con. Kcitlnii Is liable to give trouble. And people who aie addicted to eating fat inrali!, coiull. ments, ami pastij, or Indulse in the use of alcoholic diinKs, are most ceitaln to Miflcr from huge ansiy vacdiiiitloii soies, In spite of a.-ipllc liieasiues. Vaicluc vims Is u prison, and when Intiodwrd Into the blood sets up a chemical or lihjslolu ideal diaiiBe in tho sjotcm llko leaven In' Hour, it Icaveiilli the wliole bodj. And while the vims Is operating inoio or le-s iiby.'nil ills, tuibanie Is likely tn take place, as, indicated by elevation of tcinpeiatiuo or fever, iuoiease. of heait action, loss ot vitality, linsuor, Indl i;ctloii, and ucmral weaklier. Hut It Is a meat fcatisfactiou to know that after It lus bad full May for tuvcral dajs,, the uffected pei-oin fully lecovcr, and aic inideied practically im mune acalic-t Hie lavages of tniall-pii which is far mule to be dicadcd iliau vaiclnitlou, .1. t. llatrtou, M, 11, Stiaiitim, l'a , IMi. it, 100J, t5B Qokl&n Harvest Breakfast Food Large package, regular price, lDc. This week, 10c, " COFo Regular price, 15c, this week, 10c. to introduce these goods, I drtblALd 1 E, G, Goursen. DR. MINTON IN THE CITY MODERATOR OP GENERAL AS SEMBLY PREACHES HERE. Addressed Largo Congiegatlons In tho First, Piovldenco nnd Green Ridge Presbyterian Churches Yes terday, Speaking on the Twentieth Century Movement Presbyterian Church Must Be Closer United, He Said, nnd the Small Colleges Must Be Piovlded for. Uev. Dr. Henry C. Mlnton, of San Francisco, moderator or the Presby terian general assembly, and conse quently one of tho most widely known Piotestnnt clergymen In tho United States, was In this city yesterday, and addressed three large congregations In as many churches on the twentieth century movement In the i'rcsbyteiian church. Dr. Minion Is a comparatively young man, being considerably this side ot fifty, but lie occupies a position which Is the highest honor In tho gift of his denomination. Uc Is professor ot the ology In the San Francisco Theological seminary and tho chairman of the com mittee on tho revision of the Presby terian creed. Kloqttent and forceful preacher that ho Is, ho made a deep im pression on the congregations which heard him speak yesterday. In tho morning he spoke In the First Presbyterian church. At -i o'clock in the afternoon lie uddrossed a gathering in tho Providence Presbyterian church, while la'st night ho spoke in the Green ltldgo Presbyterian chuich. Ills night sermon was, In part, ns follows: "In the advance of tho nineteenth century, the Presbyterian church played no unlniportnnt part. The Presbyterian church occupies her own peculiar niche In tho sisterhood of churches and is destined to do a particular kind ot work, a woik which would remain largely undone were she suddenly wiped out of existence. The Presbyterian church has tier own vital truth to stand for and on the threshold of the twenti eth century let us consider for a little the Christian tasks which lie befoie her, CLOSER UNITY IX CI1LTHCH LIFE. "I propose to consider this question in a threefold way and I desire to speak first upon assimilation, the necessity of a closer unity in our church life. The Presbyterian church is becoming a great ohurcli. Some churches measure their greatness by counting, but we Presbyterians always measure ours by weighing. And still wo rue large In numbers, with over l.L'SO.OOO members. "There aro manv ties that bind us together as a church, and peihaps the greatest is the lie of doctrine. The great truths for which tho Presbyterian church stands bind all her members into an organic unity, no matter how vastly divergent may be their ancestry, their education or their social position in the community. The doctrine of the Presbyterian church doesn't chaneo every two or three years. Mire doesn't" hunt alter new things, but Is loyal to the truth as she understands the truth. She occupies a safe middle giound be tween I.oman Catholicism on the one hand and Vnitailanism on the other: between Roman Catholicism exalting the Pope of Homo as Christ's vicar on earth, placing him equal in authority to the Rible and rnituii.inism denying the 13iblo to be the inspired word of. God. "Standing between these, two ex tremes Preshyterinnism places her hand upon the Bible and declares it to be the great and only guide for man's life hero below. The fundamen tal note of Presbyterian doctrine is the Idea of tiod as a Sovereign Uelng, sovereign not alone In power, but sov ereign in wisdom, sovereign in love and sovereign in mercy. Presbytoiian ifcm writes God over nil history; writes God over the skies, writes God over time. On tills fundamental fact of an all-sovereign God the Presbyterian church is built. "Another bond that binds the church together Is the bond of church govern jgEsmfpsjsaaEiiiiiBE ifjfSffli.MVBraiiMi'U'ityyt' In our endeavors to serve the Scranton public we have started this Yearly Reduction Sale. We have been planning (or months a sale of Office Supplies that should make every business man a firm believer that by our way of merchandising we have the greatest buying and selling advantage, On every article in this sale is an absolute saving of one-third to one-half the regular prices, Here are some of the things you need that will be found in this extraordinary sale : Office and Desk Sundries Desk Pads for Blotters Size 19x24, 35c. Box File, 18c Very strong; Indexed. , Copying Presses, $2.98 Best make; size 10x12. Stands for Copying Presses, S.j.so In oak only. Letter Copying Books, 60c Size 10x12; canvas bound; 500 pages; manlla paper. Promissory Notes, Checks, Dmfts, Etc,, 12c, per book of 100. Blotting Paper, 4c per dozen All colors. nks, Mucilage, A full 'assortment of Stafford's Carter's and David's Copying Inks below regular prices, David's Writing Fluid, 15c half pint bottle. In pint bottles, 25c, quart bottles, 38c. And a hundred and one more things at the same low prices. Come In and get acquainted with us and see the largest stationery store and stock In the state, outside of Philadelphia, These reductions for ONE WEEK ONLY, commencing Monday. February 24th. CMAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. ' p sSL . ment. All the church h one. If one tlnirch suffers the wliole church feels It. Hero again we stand on a clinrnicd middle ground between ecclesiastic democracy or Congregitilonultiin nnd ecclesiastic monarchy or ltomnu Cutho tlclsm. Wo have nit tho liberty of the nno and all the stability ot the other, minus the vices of both, Another bond binding us close together Is our foini or worship which Is tho same In every part of tho world and where again wo occupy a middle ground between tho millinery of ritualism mid un checked devotloiinllsm. "The second problem which wo find confronting us Is the problem of edu cation and this problem Intitules the wliole question of the college as against the university. The American people are becoming university Intoxicated and to my mind tho greatest educa tional heresy of tho time Is the sub f'lltutlon of tho university for the col lego. Professor Utitlor, tho now presi dent of Columbia, recently said that what this country needs most Is broad men sharpened to n point. Tho situa tion could not have boon better sum med up, AVe want men to bj broad ened first In tho college before they undergo the sharpening process of the unlveislty. If you sharpen a man who Isn't broad you have very lltllo loft. The college develoiis the man and that's what wo want to develop. "Ileal education Is not simply tho acquirement of a lot of technical knowledge or book-lore. Education Is tho ennobling and enkindling Influ ence of a grent and good teacher. You lemember what Garfield said. He w.ts a graduate of "Williams' college In tho palmy days of the celebrated Mark Hopkins!. 'Education,' said he, is Mark Hopkins sawing wood on olio end of a log nnd mo on tho other end.' In tho great universities Mark Uop plns nnd the log have got separated. Tho log has, got longer and Is filled with tutors land instructors so that when tho boy sees Mark cm com mencement day In his academic robes ho gazes at him open-mouthed. Wo can't have real education that Is im personal. THE CHRISTIAN COLLEOK. "The Presbyterian church belle ,-e') In the Christian college. AVe bMluve that the training of the mind and the neglect of the character is the training of traitors. I plead for Christian education in the public schools, not denominational, simply Christian. Tho attorney-general of Wisconsin has ;.ust declared that the IJllile cannot bo read in the public schools of that state;. 1 protest against this shutting out of God's word In the name of patriotism and in the name of that tatlh and fiee dom brought hero by the Pilgiims and the Puritans. Assistance In tho work ot building up our colleges Is oao of tho gie;.tcst duties confronting tho Presbyterian chinch today and Si,0). ('00 to $10,000,000 should be contributed for this purpose within the next ten years. ' The third great problem confronting the church i nm ufi-ald of the kopticl! m that is manifesting it self among many of our Christians. A skepticism which believes the salvation of man and the redemption of the world to be to great a tusk for the incarnate God. 1 believe that if it is too hard for God to save one soul that no oul can be saved. Is not tho Loid Christ inlliiite'.' Oh, brethren, the sin of all sins is the measuring of infinity and the doubting of God's power to save unto the utteiinost. "The twentieth century movement is intended to stimulate the church to a higher and broader platform of loyalty and libel ty in the doing of God's work and to a realization of the fact that she must care for her own Institutions and her own agendo if she would prosper In tho sight of God," DEATH OF CHARLES STATJLPE. Charles Staulpe, or Washington, X. J., the Lackawanna, trainman wiio.se skull was fractured in tho wreck on .Saturday night, February Iti, died nt midnight tit the Moses Taylor hospital, having never regained consciousness. His loin, tins will be removed to his home. Tho "Hon Ton l?uiiesiiier.s" will positively 1111 their engagement at the Star, beginning with matinee this af Our First Annual' FOR CASH ONLY Etc, Prander Manufacturing and Retailing Stationer. WARNING IS NT OUT WEATHER BUREAU SAYS LOOK OUT FOR FLOOD. Rnin nnd a Thaw Are Promised for Today The Thaw of Yesterday VaB Not of au Alarming Charac ter Department of Public Works Had Its Own Trouble Saturday with tho ' Immense Amount of Snow That Covered the City Streets Two Buildings Collapsed. s There Is every promise ot a Hood such as has never before been witnessed In this part of tho state. Weatherman Clarke received a warning telegram on Saturday and svesteidiiy at 11 o'clock funic another one, reudlng us follows: Ohsetver, b'cratitoll, l'a. Warmer weather indlculiil for nest two ilayn with conditions fnvmahlc for lain bv Mnnday nlRlit. Those conditions will be most favoiable for .1 Reiiei.il bro.iKlnir up of Ice In the iiioinitilii liveis mid MuMim of I'eiiii'vliauhi, Wcst'em Maijland nnd West Viigliil.i. Notify all Interests loncerneil (hat danger fiom Hoods In low- Ijliu lands Is Imminent. The weatherman himself tuedlets a rainstorm for this afternoon or tonight, hut tills prediction is based on data procured no later than.Filday nlghl. Should futch a rainstorm come, coupled with the Wanner weather which Is promised, the snow on the mountain sides and everywhere else will be rap Idly melted, and the Lackawanna river and Roaring Drool: will become swollen to great pi oport Ions. ' "J should warn nil dwellers on low lands adjoining tho river to prepare for a Hood," said Mr. Clarke yesterday. "It the rain comes, as I think It will, there will bo nothing to prevent the lec In the mountain streams from breaking up nnd the snow on the mountain sides from melting. A Hood will be inevit able." SENT OUT WARNINGS. Mr. Clarke sent out over SUO postal cards yesterday, addressed to various parts of Northeastern Pennsylvania, giving warning of a flood, and notified the train dispntcheis of all the rail roads to look out for washouts. There vas no very gieat thnw yes teiday, as the temperature was at the freezing point nearly all day, and the snow only melted when the sun was up. The walking wns fairly good, except at the crossings, where the water came over one's ankles In manv Instnnces. Early In the afternoon it began to freeze and when nightfall came on tho slush had been transformed into half solid snow. The department of public works was swamped Saturday notwithstanding its best efforts. Enily in the day Director Kocho realized that the urgent neces sity of the hour was the keeping open of the sowers, sewer basins and the gutters so far as possible that the water fiom the melting snow might be di allied from t(io streets and prevent the woes that an accumulation of sur face water would entail. Ho directed Superintendent of Streets Thomas to hire every man he could find and they were set to work opening sewer basins and gutters and digging canals through the heaped up snow to get a passage way for the water. It was impossible to get men enough to do this and keep the cioss walks dear and the latter had of necessity to re main uneleaned. .SEWER DASIX CHOKED, Yesterday the sewer basin .at Linden stieet nnd Washington avenue choked but a gang from the stieet depaitnient was soon on hand and had it restored to its normal condition. The wisdom of bending every energy Saturday to keep the water from accumulating on the street was demonstrated during the few hours yesterday when the sun had power enough to thaw. The snow was no sooner reduced to water than It passed Into the sewers leaving the streets comparatively dry. Today the energy of the street department will bo directed to the work of cleaning the crosis walks. In view of the thaw and rain that is promised, Director Roche requests that ! Pencils, PaperB Etc R. E. Prendergast's Pencils Commercial, 25c dozen, $2.80 gross. Ebony, 30c dozen, $3.00 gross. Lackawanna, 20c dozen, $2.25 gross. (All with rubber tips.) Good Duslness Envelopes, 48c per box of 500. No. 6, per box of i,ooo, 00c, LJnen Typewriting Paper, 45c per' ream--Letter size, superior quality, legal size, 65c per ream, New Envelope Hoistener, 20c Usually 25c, The newest and best. Clinch Paper Fasteners, 13c -Usually 20c, 250 . in a box, 0.23$ tL- people genet ntly hot only clean their sldownlks rtt once where they aro not cleaned hut itlso assist the department In keeping tho gutters open. If the gutters are kept opeii, allowing suifnec Witter to pass Into tho sewers, much damage to property will he prevented. Tho telegraph companies have to some extent lepahed the iIiiiiiukc domt In this vicinity by last Kitduy night's storm, but the fc'craiiton l.nllwit.v com pany Is still suffering from the effects of that tueiiiuiuble combination of snow, sleet tiiul inln. Cms aie being mil i)ii nearly all lines, but with more or lers Irregularity. The tracks on South .Main nventie, south of Washburn street, were completely covered with frozen snovv yestrriluy morning nnd It was midday before cars could get ns fnr as Hampton street. It Is expected (hut the street will bo cleaned us far us the city lino today. HUlLDINdS COLLAPaK. The storm wns responsible for one thing which the residents of Uull's lleud are thankful for, nnd that was the collapse of the roof of tho cele brated tied Hunt, In the rear of .iiurehcH' cornels, on Huturilav. Tho snow became too heavy for the loot of the structure and In It crashed, ion deling the building unlnhubltublo at last, The lied llurn has been for years the dwelling place of 11 number of persons of bail reputations. It was split In two by a mine cavo last summer, but the residents wore not at' nil disconcerted nnd kept right on living In the struc ture, despite the fact that It was ap parently In Imminent danger ot top pling over. It Is believed, however, that the falling In of the roof will necessi tate the moving out of the occupants. Tho roof of 11 largo shed in Green Hldge, belonging to the Green ltldge Glass company and formerly used by that concern as a wagon shop, col lapsed under the snow on Hatiirday. Nothing prettier was ever seen In this city than the appearance that the Ice coated trees and shrubbery presented Saturday night in the clear moonlight. The "Hon Ton nuiiosriuers" will positively nil their engagement at the Star, beginning with matinee this af ternoon. AFFIDAVIT UNJUST. Spanish War Veterans Side With Frank F. Jones. The members of General J. P. S. Go bin command, No. 41, Spanish War Vet terans, passed a set of resolutions de nouncing the aindavlt sworn to by II. F. Ferber, setting forth that Frank F. Jones Is a confirmed liar and declar ing the latter to bo a faithful and ef ficient soldier whose honor and integ rity has never been iiuestioned by tho command. It will be remembered that Michael Kosh was recently convicted of at tempting to wreck a tialn on Jones' evidence and that Forber's aflldavlt was tiled with the application for a new trial. Tho "Hon Ton Hurlpsipiers" will positively till their engagement at the Star, beginning with matinee this af ternoon. Make COFo just us you do coffee and it will taste like it. The "Hon Ton lUliIesquors" will positively fill their engagement at the Star, beginning with matinee this af ternoon. Fancy oranges cheap. Cour.sen's. The "Hon Ton lJuiiesquer.s" will positively 1111 their engagement at the Star, beginning with matinee tills af ternoon, ff7sKfJffiPgIBKgifiEgnKE!aKai3iC The best flour sold in America today. Every pound guaranteed. Per barrel. Fancy Elgin Creamery Butter The very best butter sold in Scranton at any price. Fresh, sweet, good tastiug, delicious butter. Per pound, Umbrellas Made Umbrellas Repaired Umbrellas and parasols re covered in different coloia. ' A fine assortment of handles, latest designs. All goods guaranteed for one year, The Scranton Umbrella Manufacturing Co., 31U Spruce Street. White Beauty Flour bins. KwwMfL'MJitenjaiJiiiiWiittiiMiJuiiBBgggCT ! Oils, Faints end Varnish ! $ v Maloney Oil & Maniifarfiiring Company, J 141-M9 Meridian Street, T Y TELEPHONE 26-2. ' . T !' ! t" -I $ ! 4 ! ! 4 4' ,t"t 4 4"f"' 4. t VVo are sole agents for sip's h I The Paints best House in the world. warranted pure linseed oil paints. This Hue comprises vSeveuty-four different shades. T, Iusist on having Masury's Paints for in- side and outside work if you desire a good lasting job. l Bittenbender&GL 126-128 Franklin Ave. ! !' H . .J. .J. . I "i '! ! ! 4 "Pyrochrome" bbii The "Pyrochrome" Gib son Pillow is something decidely new and novel. By the Pyrochrome pro cess a close imitation of Burnt Leather work is secur ed with a most pleasing ef fect, producing what might well be termed "A Sym phony in Brown.'' See Window Display. Cramer-Wells Co., 130 Wyoming Ave. j. j J. i ! ! ! 4 'Tf $ J 'H" I"I- & ! ! "J & S ! 4 "2 '!"2 "i' $ : The Hartford Typewriter Till-? lniioliino it recORni7C(1 cveryvliets ni llio lint mill latest In t.vevviitu- khi stimllnii. TI10 lf.irtforil Coinputiy m--taiii-. nu Inise ami I'M'cnslvp s.ilis ib luitnidiU like iti competitor", lmt sells through riliilile .ieciiIs, thus savins to linrchascio tills JUT-it jicm of D.puisc. Price or Other Makes... $100 Price of Hnrirord's til) Your Profit 40 J Reynolds Bros., 1 Hotel Jeiinjii IliilWin?, fcUtloiii'rs and Engraven. 'I ! J .(12 Spruce Street. See New Spring Neckwear. Lawyers, Tlio TilliuiiQ will guarantee to print your imper liool uuluUer Minn any oth er printing house In tlio city, lid Co ore . Spring Styles I , 207 Washington Avenue, Scranton, Pa. wmmmmmammmmmmm Iir, beginning with matinee this af. iOQll. j!&&&wma . (f-se b, sfeBri&f. 3E -" J?x-jAufc.JL; -.as&l ..ifei
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