The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 24, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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.ft1- Vir-
f:r r f ??- .K-
Or. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Usod by people of refinement
for over a quarter of a century,
We arc
fully pre
pared to do
all Winds of
interior decorative work, from wall
papering to the most elaborate in
terior work known to the decora
tive art.
It will pay you to consult us i(
you are about to have the interior
of your home redecorated.
Ill Wallpapers, Pictures,
Frames, 3loulrtings, etc.
Our Stock is the Best.
Jacobs & Fasold,
209 Washington Ave.
J. P. COULT, D. D. S.
Surgeon Dentist.
nn wyomixo Avrcxri..
OVJ2U Tine ciLom-: stork.
Twenty years' successful prac
tice; In till county.
I City Notes,
DivimiuTiMi ni.oru:i:s. -Mrg.ngee iiml..-
us, the Washington iiicnue p imr elrulci-, .no.
distributing useful hlultci.
1IIXI) IN HAIfi. .) niics .lone, who was i mu'lit
in I lie net of Mealing- (,'uliln diamonds last Tri
ll it night, was liclu in i(J0 luil liy iLigi-lutc
Hone mi Satin tl.iy.
Mt'.vr ai.i. niii'oiti: i r. m. Puties vsh
have reserved for tho I' concert
iiml who li.ni1 nut .vet r.illoil for tho sumo arc
iiqurslcil to do mi befoir 1 ii'ihuk today if
they x i I. to hold tho scats.
M'i:ciAr, m7I.m:i:.-'Mi(. u t.r setts fr
Aiiclievv Miik, who ionics to the L.tieuni t hi' Hit
ii"t Wedni'sihy, will open this mnintug fm hoili
Ihe in.iliiui',' Mlihli will lie givm at 2.13,
and the ivtniug pctfiiiiiianccs.
KAOI.f.H lin.MtlNtl TODAY. A healing in tlic
e.t'o of Grin kp Kaicler, sceirtury of tho strikinr,
street i.ii niPii, who is ili.irii' 1 with ..1 1 tucr one
if tho einplii.vcs of the Sn.inlim lt.il1u.iv company
h "scab" will ho lonihu'tril this .ntcinoon at 4
ii'ilock bclore Migistralc Howe.
lAlllltlllilN 01' WOltlv'.-On Hip .ntrrniion of
Vili. 27. .in (hihition ol tho work ,il tho Pha
'lice Crlttrntnn liuini', 712 Harrison ivomic, will
ho ill t . beginning pioiuptl at .1.1) o'i Ini k. A
short piogiaiiiino will follow. Tho presonfo of all
fik ink. hilt'icstcd in tlio woik is requested.
niti:ii;N-s opi:- iiorM:.-iv iui. hru-o of
thP Piremin'.s Ildlrf association mi pituc
stioct was upon mi SHiiiiIiiv bclisioii tho bonis
of n ,i. in. .mil 11 p. in,, to all tho fiirmls of
the members. "vVeleotnc riinnon" win tho
witdiwonl iind leficslinicnt-, hoth liquid and
(, were s-pned in luge quantities 10
the hundreds of u'sitni-, who .ittrndpd.
1).. L. ,- W. PAV DAYS. - he oiiiplncs of
Hip following rolliciips wore pud on Saturdi:
nliluld, Hp1Ipiio. Ilri-hin, Cayuiri, Continen
tal, DoiIkp, llainpton, llohlon. lljde I'.irk. (K
find, I'.iiic, Mom and Tajlor. The paj master
will (to down tho tjlloy (oily, pitins'at tho
I'rtlrliuiip, llalUtead, ood.ui, .iondule, u.
ililni'lo.-s and Illiv, i nihil io.
V S I1ADI.V lXinti:i).Maiy Mjoi.. n wo
man of tho stn-pt, w.h found Ijinjc in liainiond
point on Siturd.iy niulit with a tcirilile tut on
Iipi forphpad and tailed hruM on lmd.. She
was taken to the central polite station, wheic
her injuries who dieted hy Dr. I'lilton. It
was at first thought that she had heen tlmrlc
$50. Yoa Can Ger Parf of u
Thousands of people know about the
" Snow White Flour'1
Th-y know- It i the Piinte of all Hour, hut we want
Wo ak jour help in (ho following manner:
lor Pllher pnw or poetiy ilesulptlte f, r lutioiluiiir,' "i.oiv Wlillr" flour i to in
nnTrnu'ly KSS! 3Z& " iUhU """ """ ''
We ofler tliu following prizes;
For the best poetic or prose advertise. .,
mn $15.00
lor the second best poetic or prose advertise-
let----; ' 10.00
For the third best poetic or piose advertise-
m": ' 5.00
ror the fourth best poetic or prose advertise
ment. ,. : 4.00
For the fifth best poetic or prose advertise-
'"cnt 3.00
For the sixth best poetic or prose adveitise-
' 2.00
For the 7th, 8th, yth, ioth, nth, iath, 13th,
14th, 15th, 16th and 17th, ejeh 1.00
All adicitlnoiiipiils to ho a ml remain with us a our piopi-rly. They inu.t couJ. of not
over olio handled uud filly woriN .1 I.KvS uumbir IS IICTTTIIIt,
The contest will ilcvi on Uuit lit, 10OJ,
MiMo literal thibli not as ilivluljlo a. In isftit, ideu put In an oifidua) uji.
Wlllo cleailj ah only one iilv of tlm pupei. Mjrk tho iniy with 4 iiiuui.JT. p(l ,le
author' name and adilw.ii In 11 biiull emelupe aid maik It with (he mm nuiuhir ,mi) tr,i
all in u laige em elope In our addles IIY M.Mh.
'fho Jtidijiii will thus lute 110 way of knowing the author' luino until the ihphe is
'Jhc following BPi'tlPiiieu lute kindly 1011-piited to ait as Juices and their iluUlon will
be innounu'd as toon as nude In the dally Jcii, ,
IIOV. .1 i:. IIMIIliriT.
1:. j. iaxcit, i:stj.
Dickson Mil! and Grain Co.
No. 12, Lackawanna Ave, Scranton, Pa.
by omc ppr.on, tint It was aflervyaree) learnil (die tctclved tlic tut 1y falling on door-tcp,
FIPTIt Pl, SlflNM). M manor Uwon
lias dgncil Con l)jy, of Tioy, X. Y.. m second
lns.e' for his Scinntoii Daly was with
the Toronto Kantrtu League team last jrar, and
had it balling average of 320 Hint a Melding itv
rracre of DIO. lie weighs ISO pounds and Is lite,
feci) six- IiiiIim (all. Ilrfoip going to Tutonlo
In' plajpil wild tlio London, W'ooiMoci. anil
(luelpli teams of the (,'atmdlnn league. Ddy
Is the fifth ptaypr sinned by MutitKoi l.nnon
for tlic cluli.
Men Who Are Being' Nninetl for
the Positions in the Two
Tlic UenioiM'tttH tiinl ttopubllciins of
lrtth brniK'ltos of councils will I'ltttctis
within the nest week or two to deter
mine upon tin ot'Kiuilziitlott policy and
to select caiulldatcH for chairmen.
Kvery wltttl lliat hlows ticcordlngly
bears so'ine new rumor sih to who thexe
citiiilliltUi'.s will be.
The political complexion of each
council will bo materially changed af
ter April t. The ItcpubllcatiM now have
ti majority of one In select. After April
1 the Oemnerats will have it majority
of one. The common brunch Is tit pres
ent divided evenly politically, there be
ing nineteen Doninemts and nineteen
Itcpubllcans. A Democratic chairman
presides beeauee at the first of the year
the Democrats were In lite majority,
the additional membeis not having se
cured their seats. After April 1 there
will be twenty-one Republicans and
seventeen Democrats ih common coun
cil, giving the foi mer n majority of
Tho Democrats In select council are
In the majority for the llrst time in
many years mid are in high glee but
there Is a very sttong possibility that
they will fall to agree upon a candidate
for the chairmanship. Pi of. J. J. t'os
tello. of the Third ward, is an avowed
candidate, but there Is every reason
to believe that he will not have the uni
ted strength of tlio Democrats. D. W.
Vaughan Is also mentioned but it Is
(luestlouable if he could secure it united
suppot t.
A councilman stated to a Tribune
man Saturday that he looked forward
to a lepetitlon of the memorable or
ganization some years ago when the
Democrats had a majority but when
Colonel George Sanderson was elected
chairman over D. W. Vaughan because
of the defection of two Democratic
The Kepublk'.in members of select
li.ive not discussed the situation tis yet
and have not deejded whether to give
up tlio fight or make a try at wresting
victory from apparent defeat. It Is
piobable that they will light and that
an effort will be made to Induce Chair
man Chittenden to be a candidate for
re-election despite the fact that the lat
ter gentleman would much ptel'er to bo
upon the door.
K. K. r.obuthun, of the Klfth ward,
lias announced himself as a candidate
for the Republican nomination for
chairman of common council. Nn op
position to him has manifested itself as
yet though some of the friends of Iaith
er Keller nie pressing him to became
:i candidate. jlr. Keller has not yet
expressed an opinion as In what his
course will be. A prominent Demo
cratic member of common council said
the other day that Micro would be no
Democratic candidate' put up. His
word must be accepted until a caucus Is
held and a decision arrived at by the
members of the minority party.
The chances favor tho election of As
sistant City Clerk Kvan Mori is as clcik
though Harry H.-itton and Kdward Tt.
Conley, who have announced them
selves as Republican candidates are
milking an energetic canvass. W, A.
Ijyuutt, the present Incumbent Is olso
fighting for re-election and thinks that
tho dolleetlng of three ltopublican
votes to his support is a very small
A city clerk Is to bo elected this year
by councils In joint session and the
present incumbent, Martin T. Duvelle,
is a candidate for re-election as a mat
ter of course. During the last two
months there have been rumors of an
opposing candidate for the city clerk
ship, but they have died out of late.
There was n story current at one time
that certain parties to whose conduct
of affairs Mr. T.avelle has strenuously
objected, would run a candidate
against him but this has not been
heard during the past two or tlnee
Smoke 131 llehnout. Coursen's.
sM--wwwV'vysvs(vwN avv-vwwnvvVVVvV.S
. i '
Preached a Sermon in All Souls' Uni
versalis!; Church Yesterday Morn
ing on "What Slialli a Busy Man
and Woman Head In TIiIb Busy
Ago" Dally Newspaper Is Some
thing for a Thousand Reasons Wo
Cannot Afford to Get Along With
outSunday Paper a Tonic.
In all 'Souls' t'nlvetsullst church a
strong, practical sermon Was delivered
yesterday morning by the pastor, llev.
Thomas It. Payne, on "What 8I111II a
Husy Man and Woman Head In This
Uusy Age."
He took for his text the words In
John O'G:!, -Mr, Payne spoke as follows:
We aie lltlhff, my frlrnds, In an .irp of fetrr
Mi I'VllouiPht ami kllllinr tiilrndl). Nilllit-r
the dajrt nor the ttepkn Hie lonjr moiu.'li for the
iitii.i);e man ami worn 111 In 'Kit IIiioiikIi the
wmk that all the time l irottdinc lli. 11
tlipni. Whpip.n, In dij pnst a t.i't nlajorlly
of men Miiiipd to lite hut to (at and drink
nnd lppp, Ike aloraRe man today l jealous
of the linn' he inut n ml In e.illn;; and Uep.
Inir that he may lite.
In 1:11 ai;o like the pi cunt, whin no liiicx
.1 part of mir tlmi' and ilieiiRth Is l.ikni In
tlic pimlsivu tvo uiu.l make for our lualeriial
itpeds, and our time Is inoie and mine cncroaihi'd
upon hy the demands of these nci'iN, It Is iiIhu.
Iiili'l finppr.itltc tte llnd 'oine time for
inakini prin NIon fur the mods of the mmiI.
Vea, if the miuI, unlike the limit ulilih ilies
and lilouldeis Into ilul. Is to lite foretir, as tte
helleir. is it lot more imporlatil that tte think
of fii'diinr and 1101111111; it, than of fenllug and
ilothitijr the lioti-c In whkh It dtvelN. Tl e
lion-o may he lieaiitifully iilanned, huilt nnd
furnished; hut the tpuint Is a million tiuiis
more il(inliit of our thouuhl than the llOlle i.
In this fi'tciMi. ru.hinir oj;e, we .ire all apt
to forget tills, I soiiiPtlmes fear. Mole and
mo.v tte aie in daimer of allotting the lu.iteilal
tpiiit of the ape to preempt our time in pro.
t'ston fur our needs. 'Mils -.plrit and
tills teinti'm.t, we must inoie and mine iesi.t.
I lay dotwi the propofition. theicfure, that no
nntlrr how pieslnK and Imppratlte the mi. demands of each diy and week may he,
eteit man and ttoui'in sliould icite wme part
of it to thought, readliu, soul ctilttiic.
'I his morning; f tt'aui to a.k and in a partial
nay niiiuri tlio iiuesllon, "What Shall a Pu-y
-Man and Woniin Head in This Husy Aire?"
1 am icolnt? to take tor granted tth.1l no intelli
gent person will dent', riaiuily, eteiy liu-7'
man and wonvm sliould glto -ome portion of
roili diy to profllahl" thoiiKht and leadlmr. The
iliiestioti of course will at once aiiiiP, "in this
husy a irt with ro little time at our dli-pn.s,il. nnd
cn many hooks and papers and at
hand iloieoiine; to he lead, what ought .1 min
or ttomau of Utile time to rend!" Tlil 1 will
try to answer. Hut let me jy .it the cuilvt
that, the ionise of readini: I adti'e Is not for
a diy hut a month.
TiiiMiM xor 'it) hi: hi:d.
llpron I Kite my attPiiiiou to the thiiu;s the
hu.y woik'T In the pre.rnl daf mut rend if he
ttonhl kpep hii (.oul fioin start in".', 1 want lo
-peak of .1 few lliiiiRS 1 no lm-y ln.m or
ttomau in this. dn,i should allow IheiuseltPR to
lead. I speak 01 lln-e ililngn hi'i ause, dear
fi lends our lime Is too limited, and tte M11111M
not allow it to he eaten up hy the woithlps-.,
when wo ran. if wo will, liaiisiuule it into Intel.
I htliial .mil .pitlliial ( ipllal.
No one should allow llieniselti s lo. I he lui.y
lannol allotd, to lead wliil ma.i lie li'imed the
piofp'.siinal "story papei." It Is the "penny
ilieailful" in anollier foim. The life iloirihoil
is unreil, Ihe .siluitions pietiued itnpossthle. the
ii'lliKiue upmi tin tiiind, he.nt ami life drni'ir.
illiiuv. Alorir with this pint of irnlinir, for it
i.-iniiol in any sen.-e he rnl'lled to tho torn
"lileruluie," I would aUo elav, well nii;li .ill
the "Moiles" short and "eontinupir' in tlic Li
dos' and Chlhlieir'S jourtnls whleh tod it flood
the land. Almoa williout eeeptloii, it Is all
trh, tiaili. . '
Neither 1111 the hn-y man, o-pecially, atVnul
to eten try to read a thousandth pa it of the
honks of lletlon tint the presses of the land
p.aih .tear 0111il forth. of them, my,
the ta'd ni.iioiily of Ihcin are worthless nli-o-lutely
ttorlhlpss, no matter how ic-ipci.ililp the
name of the author or the ptihlisliiti house.
uy one 1.111 pi t a hook piloted lodaj, If they
Into the money lo put dotwi for the woik it
takes to nuke II, And get It puhlMied, too,
he a piihlishiug house with .1 respcclihlo reputa
tion. If .tour filemls nA .toil if jnu lute lead
"FO-and-so," don't he afraid to hay nn. Itecjie
they hate lead it- and .ton hate not Is 110 sign
that they are wiser than jou are.
The teij fact that they hate read It and
ton hate not, may he the one proof wanting lo
driiioiistrate they are a IiIkkit fool thin jou .up.
The world is full of itood teadimr. Don't he in
.1 hurry about that last now hook. In a jear
or two, Ih rou rh the expeiienrc of others, not as
Mice as toun,plf, ton will lejrn its ttoilh, and
If desertinff of the time, jou can take it up.
Do this if 5011 are tthv enough and hate the
lonraire, and jou will not only sate time nhlih
is pieoioiis to you, hut while your friends mp
reading tioali ofltner than otherwise, you will
he making; apipiNltlons of solid kuowledue and
setting rfal mi'iital illspipllne. It may he hid
down as .1 safe pioposltlou that, no wise man
ami woman will read a hook that is under n
jrar old. The longer they let it lie Ihe more
wisdom they will Hiott, This Is the point:
Don't he afraid lo sa,t, "No, I hate not lead
that hook."
'I help Is one other il.i- of hooks the hu-y
mm woman should not attempt In lead.
They should not attempt to lead books of .1
M'ienllfli' or philosophic inline for whlih they
him hud no pietious picpaiation, 1 sometimes
rim across people ttho do this and of all the
"half luked" coiupptloim and philosophies nut of
ltedlam these tike the prle. If tlusi phllni
plin ioiiI'I Fie Ihiniselti's as others lie Iheinl
Well! they .lie mule In he pitied than deilded.
It In simply :i iuss of the tall hefoie the hois,',
r.ooii i)u,v i.pi:u a xi:n:-irv.
Hut this U quite enouiih lonepinini; th? thlnns
one ouitlit not to lead. 1 niibt spiak of the
thing's one should llnd the time to lead.
We aie men and muiiiui aiuout; uieii and
women. No m.itlir what our ttoik or position
III life, the diy of Ihe cloister I- past. 'Ihe'
Kiealest 101l.11. 11II11 all Is said and
done. Is the tfioil ttoild In which Coil h.ij
placed u. The public school, Ihe academy, the
college, t, unilnut, arn iim'I'oI, hut
Ihe.t all aie s'niply piepaialoiy lo the mcalcst
sihool of all-lhe wold. II Is hue we lite Ihe
1,'iealrr p.ut of our life. Jleie wo do 0111 ttotli.
Ileic tte inpit the men nnd women with whom
tte toll and wmk. Heio we meet, our nppoi
luiillli'.s and ihfeals. Of this wmld we inu.t
not lo-e li;lit; tic limit not Isnore it; we iiui.t
know It.
To eterj hus.t mull and ttoniaii, then, 11 blight,
1 lean, wholtsomcidally papir or Ittu Is ali-ulnlp.
It linh-pi lisDilc. It Is soiiielhliik', for a llious.
and rusoua, he eiuiiot alttnd la git alonir with.
0111 Wlial do ilicy want It for? The .idurtisc.
inputs the luik'alnsr Vis, one a jear pa.
kihl.t. Hut that Ih Ik Uj,1 tnlue.
I'll tell .toil what we waul It fui, dear Mends
'Ihe dally paper is at once .1 iljnmr signal, a
filfmlly li;ii board, a KosclpiiiK uclKhbni, j Hat
leiiiiK filrml, .1 ttl.e leaohei, tin ilhcleni poller
fuiie, a bliswd phlUnllu-opIsi, an uiifiockcd
piiut, a unlirlisd hllorlaii, WV may nut hate
stopped to uedll It tilth helm, all lid, but In
pile of all nnr eiltlit-ui of It, our souls "u"
for It. Ilci-juii' it Is this and iimili mine, we
cannot (jet alony without It. Now. nt'twpupei
like mm hale prejudices of dllliiuil sous, To
iiiuliullir the harm that tnturlif tome to in from
I his hlimUh, we lived In lake two dally umiii
of d'aiiH'Irhally opposite pri)mlln'i. Tliey will
iiiuIi-jIIu' cavli olhii, and do more for ns. No
lie publican can be u ooil llrpublkau ttlio does
not read a IJiiim ratio papn; ami no Demoirat
i.i he a Kood who ilocii not Had a
Itipuhllian paper.
ItllM) A lilioll M M)V I'At'lill.
1 know it It hi Hie minds of .ome of ni.t hi-jf.
II-, "WliA will he sii.t about ihe (.uud'jy U.
n-r" s.i tte ttl .peak of Ilium ngu, ' )la
lh.s U what I shall a.t, The Minda.t papci. are
like l.lbciJl llt'lltflon, here lo slaj. It is i;mj.
lliliiy ill Ihe air, It U sciiu'thliig men unit,
it l somPthiti, at llr-i inlt'.u.tvil. shlee) ji, dc
iioiuiced, but ioi.' ueccplnl us liiuoii'ut and
l.aunk'ss. .tea, ,1 blejsiin,- lu 11 unkind. When
tin sunJu) 1 jin r Itr.i came Into txUtiuu', it
Closed Until
March 12
Takiug a necessary
was -etonl ileimunrcil, rpl.il1v bv the ilctv.v.
It deseeialcd the Sabbath, It "was mi lii-trii-limit
of the ilrtll to those ttlio helletp In him,
width I ihin'-lt did inoie bum lliiii (-noil. It
kept men from ilmicli, Inlllner uroimd the house
" - '.' .tun so on min 10 forth,
Xotv, I am sure the- Hutiikiy paper U not issupil
In hcnicti. Arid for that nuiltpr, npllhcr arc all
the sPiinnus preached wrltlrn there. It, llko
ptejlhlncf else in tlili world coming fiom the
hands of the aicr.iRo in in tte f cuuisc Irate
out of ronshb ration tho F.ilnt li .1 inMiire of
l!ie helpful and haiinful. Hut 11 has a Rood
liliny (rood points It contains n great deal
each wppk of helpful readliig, les, moral and Itntruitlun. It cnleK Inlu eonipplilloii
with the pulpltdinl I am glad of it. H Is a
tonic the pulpit iiicds I.el llu bpsL man win, as
he oujht to,
Hut the Siindiy paper alo enleu lulu mm
pplllhn with men's ilcprailly, with their hi?.'.
iii-S moral indlncrpiiie and ohtu-.ei.csii, w-llh the
saloon, Ihe g.unhlliig hell und brothel, and It Is
winning. Hielliien of the doth, tlnw.' who tile
not against us are for us, though they mat- not
wear a tie cut Just like ours. If 'tin il
ls any one here or elsewhere who believes II Is
wrong lo lead the Sunday papei, I want lo sat
to that brother or sister jou ought not to read ll".
I hi Mete II l nil light foi me to lend II, and
o I but, it ipgularly every week.
mm) rtm Jioitu, motivi:.
This Is .1 beautiful world In which Coil hn
pliml us ami nil ought to he thankful for Ike
piltlhgc of lltlug In II. Hut tlirie arc a
m.ipy men and women here who arc abii-lug
their piltllrgct and llolatlng (lod's l.m. Theie
is a wmk of lefoimallon. theicfore, among mrii
neilltig to be dmie, .mil fiod Is rel.t luff upon men
to help Him in the woik. No nutter how gieat
and pres.intr our needs, brethren, we
must not lose sight of the fatt thai we are under
moral obligation In take a pirt In this wmk.
We may hid,' our heads In the Kinds of indlner, and sa.i to niiiclvc4 we will not see this
duty, but It ii malm jut Ihe same, and wp
continue lo rest under coinUiuintion until we
meet it and fulfill It.
liver bust- min and every bust woman, there
fore, with .ill otlicr. Is under obligation to eon
'..intly feed himself wllh tint soit of reading
that will fuiiiMi -that we may all moral mo
tile, riiis need is met in tun departments of
our piesent ihiv publications a good monthly
iuagi?lne or periodical, and a religious weekly.
In both of theie, I'sppelally, in the last, will
he iiml roustantl distuned hy earnest men and
women of undoubted ability and consecration all
the creil icfoniH, such .- tcinprranee, rocinl
snlidarltv and responsibility, good gotprnment,
Ihe responsibility of tveallh. the "double ttaud
ard." nru.iiii.eil cluirity, ele.
To compel one's self to seek light on all thc-r
meal oiie-tioii., i, at the same lime to put one's
self in the way of acquiring motile, or
the i om lotion that self his, a lc-pnnsibillly
iiii" no one else can meet. Hut some one
mat jy, "is'iiidy I ran leave the-? great fields
if lilmr to lliusij who hate more time than I
have?" No. 'Int is ju-t whit ou cannot do. It
is iiii'.v the busy in in or the busy woman who
nas time, as a usual tiling, or inellnalion to do
antlliliig for those who aie inoie unfortunate
than theni-eives.
ion aie rol cilled lo drop the duties
find has ihiu.t into our hind for llins'e He .is
.vet has n-.l.t bioug'it v Itlilu .tour sight. It is
for von I., do failhfiillv the one, and at etrry
nppiittiinlly do ill ou ran In the otheis What
I plenl foi riglit hpre ! this: Seek light on
these gie.ti questions, sedc molite. srek power,
for llicv ran nrvpr Iip settled until ou help
to settle them.
si.i.K ri:i.i.ovMiii'.
llotv nnnv uiillious of pioplp lodiv aie lead
inc const.inllv tr.ish, words and ideisi tlnoiigh
which they get .in iiiucal eomrpliou of thp
win Id in vilile h they dwell, the people among
whom they walk, the srt of a life they ought
to lite ami woik Ihe.t ought to do. 'I hey aie
llonnderincr in Hip fever-hi ceding swamps of life
when, if ihey would tliev might walk upon thp
in mnl.iin irp., where the air is pule and whne
lvvill hnninrt.ils. In the lenturics long gone
h.t . gir-at iiici, and vteiuien litrd. who thought
high thoughts, who spake noble vtoids who
did deeds Their thoughts, tlipir wonls,
their drpds, have been hainled dotvn to ns
thirugh lliou.siiuls of years on the printed page.
In puise and ir-e they speak to us today.
Then Is nothing eelusite about them. They
are glad to admit the ignoiant, the poor, the
despised intc their blt"pii fellowship. What an
inestimihle boon is (his. Wp can sit in (heir
piesence, we can feel theh power, we can he
their e ompaiiions. They are the elect among all
peoples; the (list fiuitu of every rate and dime;
the most peifeet (lowering of evciy civilization,
'lo know them is to lie Inspired; to follow them
is to acquire the power to Inspire nther.s; (o
heiome like I hem is lo he admitted into the
holy of holies wheie m iiiklml has enshrined
tlieiii. O mm! O woman! no matter how busy
tour life may be, into this eompiiiy .von may
come If ott will.
rsHi.ATr.ST hook or am,,
And now I hate puipo-scly leserved till the
close, for rpcomiiipiidatiou, the greatpst hook
of alt, the ltllile. All (hat I li.ilc said about
(he daily paper, Ih" Sundiy piper, the maga
zine and lellglous paper, the i lassies, I would
emphasize n thousand fold and say about tills
book, lu It we Iiml subjecl mailer for iciding,
thought, sludy, that by eoimnoii eoiispnt of all
iltllied peoples, lu its potter to iuspiie, (noble
ami mould Hie reader, tiausiuuls that found in
the w tilings of any other people.
In shoil so far does it sinpass all other writ
ings, tte hate N't It apirl fiom all other wilt,
lugs by xi.tlng "It iniitaiiis a i rv Ion fiom
(foil." No inillrr how bust- nun nnd women
may be, no nutter how Utile time Ihey may
have for rinding, no matter how many other
things, books and papers, they may l.avc at hand
they would like to u.ul. they cannot a fiord to
lease leading this hook, It Is the one book tint
will forever tepay a re-icadlng. It U Ihe one
book lu which we liny foretir learn something
new. It N the one book fiom wheli we nocel
nevir turn iinhilpcd in. matter what the dllll
cully with whleh we go to It.
How should we lead It do .ton a-kt Not as
it lias been lead until so reieutly, to suppoit
some doitrlne, hut to get at Its sphlt. When
should it be read? Dalit, .is whip would siy,
whether you need lis help nr haui tho time in
unili'l standingly lake It up? No; go to It whin
you Intc the lime, and feel upon jou the di'slie
to dig diepir into Its tieasiirra, Ro to It when
.ton are In trouble and need light, and help and
lomfnit ami strength, (lo It vthru you aie
In doubt ns to on.o diit. flo to It when uu
aie in anger and see what ll would hate oii do.
What Is Ihe Hlhle? I'll till .ton what It Is:
It Is n spiritual Manila Meilk.i that (iod ban
In'i'ii compiling through tint c thousand tins,
ami there is no III of the human soul that it
euutint cure. 1'ooll.h hi tho eituiiK' Is that
man or wumaii who in doubt, illllliulty, per
plell,t, linns clenhere nr iiotthire, whin Ihey
might tin ti to this hook and find the help they
My friend-, with all your reading, irad the
Hlhle. It I a history of ths gicjtpst people
lids ttorhl In- known; It lontajns the noblest
tuoul precipts iwr vvrilttu; it fiiniMics the
iifliit psieliy i'Vit bicaihed by human minis;
lu Its (unirptloiiH of (Iod and lhu llfu of Jctii
( lulst it IiiiuMies Ihe pure.t inotltirt and sweet
est Ideals for human living nun shall cvir know.
With all your leading, reid the greatest book
of all, Ihe Ulble.
- - f
Delegates to National Convention
Were Ejected.
At a meeting of tlio bartenders' locul
union held yesterday, Henry SJeldler, of
this city, sixth vice-president of the
International iiurtendei'u' League and
ThonuiM F Hollinil. of tlin Hi-imKulrk-
were chosen as local delegates to tho
nniuml convention which meets in
I.oiiifvllle on May 13.
ThoniuH O'Miieu was unanimously
chosen us ultenuite,
Tile "Hun Ton Uurlesqtiers" will
1 oltlvely lilt tlielr engugeinent nt tlie
Star, beglnnliiij with mntineo this af
P. 0. S. OF A
Services Attended last Evening by
Members of Washington Camps,
No. 178 and No. 333 Declaration
of Independence Shall Yet Be the
Universal Declaration of World's
Independence Pledged to Help tho
Right and Open Wide the Gates of
For ninny years the members of
Washington cttuips, No. 178 nnd No.
333, 1'ntrlotlo Order fons of America,
have united on the Sunday ncaiesl
Washington's birthday, mul attended
divine services, and in pursuance of
Mils custom, several hundred of the
Pastor of the First IhipMst Church.
First Ihiptlst (Ti
iblea at their hi
members assembled at their hall last ,
evening and proceeded In a body to tho
new i'lrst Hupllst church, on South
Main avenue, where they were ad
dressed by Rev. S. F. Mathews.
The pastor chose for his text, "For
tho nation and kingdom tliut will not
serve Thee shall perish," and suoke
along the line of true patriotism. Ills
remarks were. In part, as follows:
JSrothicn and members of Ihe Patriotic Ordrr
Sons of Nmrrlea, I bid you wplcomo in the
quiet nt the Sabbath (losing hour to this temp'e
of Divine Worship, thai, as- a guest tvith us,
and fellow worshipped, we in iy draw uemer in
hc.titfclt devotion, to the eternal presence; 0
eprcss to a beneflcpnt father our grateful ap
preciation of all nicicy planted unto us as
dependent children.
'Ihrec ears ago we leccived from jour (amp
the lequest. tombed in tlje same form and with
the same intent, but ere.' wc loulel eten mine
the ilav for the eomuimnalioii of jour request,
our beloved rhurrli win swept as a building from
existence- b.v Ihe flames and we l ciinic ai an
oigaiiiAitiuu homeless.
nrirr .vxoTiirn tiimpi.i:.
Sinio thru by (lod's blessing we hive bern
ciubleil to build anollier tniiple tor His serv
ice and now take up the kind lequest of ,vnur
(imp and leceite .ton as our's gtic.t, that
wp may mutually di.nv npar to I Tim.
We do nol, wo cannot fnigpt, as we are heie
tonight that tlic nitiou we (all Ameriea,
was bom out of foul Iraviil and pra.vei. Whit
American cm forget the tiieiuoiablc cei.e tint
rate birth to Aimiicau liberty In ( arpentcr's
lull, Philadelphia, on (lie sixlli day of
Iipi, JTTt; when the sessions of the I'lrst Ainer
iea'i (ongrres weip openpil by the aeknolcdgp
input of (iod Almightv as (he inlrr of oin des.
liny a.s a nation, when the first chaplain of the
Mist eongre-s, (he Itcv. Di. Diiehe, upon liended
knee, oHered unto (toil, in a pin.ver of piofound
enintion. (he new nation, to the cue and guid
ing hand of Him who has declared liim-elf the
eruielo and piotcrlor ef a righteous people, will
lug lo s-erte Him and in all of its I roubles,
since has manifested himself the Saviour of our
people, its Pilnce .mil King.
Who of us can foiget that lu the daikest boms
of Ameiiian hUtoi, when the sacred lull of
Independi nee and no lcs-i sacred hall of the American Coiuieos, vveie in the bauds if
Its encnilra and the American army hemmed In
by ice ami hiovv at Valley I'oige, was almost
in tlm throes of dissolution, Hut upon his knees
In the depth of Ihe foiost, the gieal lead?! of
that armv, tleorgc Washington, was seeking help
from Roil and by persistent prair, was mppli
cating the potencies: of the Divine strength and
power, relying upon .lehovali for the victory
and triumph vet tt come.
If thp text that I have suit li pd for this meet,
ing with you, Patilotlc Sons of Vmerici, In this,
the temple of flod is line, "That Hie Nation
anil Kingdom tint, will not sent (iod shall
pcii-h," then the signed stamp of our peipetull
and greatness &a far U upon us and usou in
ghuloiisly, .tea, the c,1iuet binning ttoidi r
the thiity-lifth 1's.llui, lead lit the chaplain h
the fii.,1 eougiess, has been verified u. a piopheev
us the e.iis roll on: "Lot them shout for jo.t
and be glad that favor my ilghlous ciuse, .vea,
let theiii say iiit.tlmi.ill, let the he uiagnl.
Il.'d, whleh hath pleasuie in the prosptiliy of
Ills peivanls. And my tengiie shall spell, of
thy ilghteousiiersi and of I lit all da.t
Oflt IlKiHTOIl'S ( M.i.
A1.1I x li it Is the ilghleoiis rau.e lliat luusll
lutes the magnet to ihaw the blessing of (iod
by divine law In one uubinki'ii ditim of pios
perit.v unto us .11 ,1 nation, mure than any other
milieu on r.utli? I linn lo the declaration of
our hide pcnilciue, whlih tluill el bccrine the
imlvci.sil ilicliratlon of tlio vvmhl's Indcpiin
ilplue fiom the social and wiougs
aie lb.' outcome of Hi" Igiiojanfu, siiperstltiuu
ami selfishness of lhu po.-t age of mural -in.
a,vs Jilfpi-oii lu 1 lie Magna (I1.11I.1 of our
llheilles, "Wet hold theso liulhs to he self
evident, Hut all mni are created equal, that
they aie endowed by Ihelr iiratoi' with icrtalu,
Inalienable lights, 1h.1t among thrill .lie life,
liberty an I tho piiiult of happlnes"." Is li a
tvtiuder that on the preseutallou of Huh divine
and luiuiuii truths, Its author appeals lo the
'Mipiiiiii' Judge of the vvoihl," for Ihe 'icill
tilde of iiiliiitioii" ami doses with Ihe wolds,
' nrmn ;
. - 'kask. . XsJtfmsmm: .... t-1:. ... '
$),&&. lSSrSJjJPB$Bf ,. ",!;ss
New Tailor Gowns I
Tuescla) and Wednesday Strawbridge & Clothier,
of Philadelphia,, will make a display of Fine Tailor
Suits at our store. Goods may be selected, your
measure taken and suits made to order. Over a
thousand styles to select from.
Buy whero you can got the most real valuo for your money
that Is the way wo do, nnd It In the reason wo save you money on
every purchase made in our store.
A fortunato purchase of Dickens wnro enables us to cut the
price one half 310.00 pleco for $5.00; $4.00 piece for $2.00. Pick
wickian Characters, Golf Playors, Monks and othor deslrnblo decora
tions. Add a piece to your collection of Brlc-a-Brnc.
Geo. V. Millar &
We Clean and Sterilize Carpets and Rugs
Making them look fresh and new and destroying all moths.
C.irpets scoured without injury to color or texture
Scranton Bedding
Lackawanna and Adams
, x . t . v. v. if. t?. v. vi, a f. tr k s h : . . , v. , v. v. & v. v. v. r. v.
v ris m.
For any one that wants to save money in Foot
wear. The Shoes we shall offer during this sale
are not old or shop-worn. We have special
values in
Workingmen's Shoes and
Children's School Shoes
$ mens Liyniui ncavy vvui ixinjj oiiueb oot
x Youths' Shoes, lace or button 75u
Little uents Shoes, lace or button 50c
Misses' and Children's Shoes, lace or button 50c
Infants' Shoes 10c
tf it "A "-t VI "A "A 'A "A 'A "A "A 'A "A 'A 'A 'A "A "A
"and for the support of this declaration with lie
fhm lelianee on Hi- proieelioii of divine pinv
denie, wr uiiituall pledge lo p,n h other, o'ai
lites. our foituiies, and our siered honor."
Think of if Ampric'ins, as .ton stand upon
the "oil of this republic, what (hose slued
itoids mean, is there any national coiist'lmb n
en eirth, that has had null words of divine
truth vtiltlpn or implied as It was hunelird into
being, sjice l.'od himself gite gotPrnnient to
tin theoeiaiy of Isiael. ill the law that pin
vidps life, liberty, and Hie puisiiil of luppinefs
lo every law abiding l-iaelite?
All liistor' gives the answer to this question,
for Dillons in geueial, out of eonqiust, lliiough
uir aryl i:titie. hate had tlndr beginnings and
hy S"llish pr.iinptii'gs hive been luouhhd by a
politic.,1 ol genloiis into empties of
active grow th, whose' liltimites wen the leviife
of a woild's .idvancement In liiith. nioialii.t, 01
spiiituai co-id.
H'lt here is a mtion horn as it vine in .1 diy,
its purpose by its loiuuleis the bringing of lib
rri to 11 world, the making acred of individual
life, ard the opening of all possible uvtnues
lo tho pursuit's and Ions of human
h.'ppinpss, to th lowest as well as the highest
of its citiens in one won!, a union and gov
einiiipiil vvnilhy of a (Iod and worthy of divine
human (are as well r.s the tidiest pose-sic.u foi
mankind tills side of heaven itse'f.
Is 11 a vv under Hut its flag of eiluison and
while has never been humiliated b.v ilefeat, its
coion.i of stars lov.iit'd to the dust, lis sloi.t
dimmed or its potti-i and prestige iiut.ilhil.
When vtith such .1 declaration of Its uliu and
purpose, it stands pledged to help the light. In
inane viltue, to open wide the gates of frpeilian
and to lead its cillciis Into the noblest paths
of a Hue ciiillzitiou.
There is something Hint lone lies the human
mind wllh a sense of awe lu the growing pios
peiity and aehieveii'onts of our national life,
along the lines of its material and mental
growth. After the deadly tontlict for self pml
ficatlon and icisxertlnn of tlio principles of our
magr.i 1I1.11I.1, Ihe diclaiutions of independent r,
knntii as the civil uai, Ihe re reemed to lip
hiji'ili-d Into Hie nation ll life it ilivim' m.d power of growth that since has
l.nnttii no defeat, hut it increasing.
ou cannot name any ilep.iitnient of inlustiy
und sriehco, art or lelleia, 01 Inventions hut
I at Ameriea, 111 it. Is liecomlni; III a in.iil.i-it
'egiee pic-emliinil, II is a fair and square
irupu-ttlon b.i'ed upon honest dnhiLtloin hum
nils, tint Hie ciuties of knowledge, learning.
Mime and wealth, uu leciystnll.lng aiound
nitver pilots, lu this newer world of advanced
ih is aid ideals.
And soon tlie land of Wiiiliington and franklin
shill be the nut 1.1 towanl whleh shall eonie tin-lu'-l
blood of tho earlh, the best brains he t
lira 1 N. and the best cultuic, lo solve the mighty
piohlciiis ami questions 1 0111 filling (onl's fiiliirc
for 111111 In .1 spiill and puipnm- ttnrlhy of the
tturld's lns( rare, foruip'l by the euiulhi'lhig if
all raees, ()iicslions of lilting 110111 all neiks
Hie .toko of lioniligc, fiom all brims
the swell of cnloiced labor, fiom etviy should.1!'
Ihe vt Light of feudal homage to wrung, (mm
ituv bean its sotrotts and lis feus of want; nnd
thus at List to open the gates 11 lid to let the
till ilghtrnr. nation III to inlo.f Hie lasi
guild heritage of (iod, when tho Hon shall la Willi the lamb, when Ike s.tor.l shill hi
heatiu lulu plow-hale and the spear Into ,1 prun
ing booh, and the King of lleaten shall inuir
hlmsilf to telgn oter Ihe earlh, regained lo
PAYINti Tlllhl'li: 'IH 1 .
Tie nullil is pailuir tribute unto meiua llotv
Konthiiiiil mi Paye i 1
Grand Display
415417 Lackawanna Avenue,
Co. 'ffE
Co.,'F- A,f iser
Avenues. Both 'Phones
'A"A 'A 'A "A "A A "A "A "A A it "A "A 'A "A "A "A H
End of the
F. l. CRANE,
324 Lackawanna Avenue.
IOCS Pcr-iin and Maiten Storm
colhr $15.00 now fO.O)
IOJj I'pi.slan and Moiiltlnug iitorni
collar 1.1 no now Soil
ltWT -Mink Stonii collar SLOO notv 1,'i.nn
1H Mink Ciillarctle lil.Ofl now ;o 0 1
102S (irebc Collarette lo (KJ now 1I.O1
10J8 Mullen i-carf Ii.d(i now 4.01
12it Hlack Maiten Sc.uf T.tMl now I. (SI
KXH Klectrio Seal -carf l.fio lints 1.0 1
lOOa llleittii Seal Sent .,',(" now I..7I
lt;.S Sable fox Scarf j.tii) now PI on
150 Sable. l"'ix- Serai f 6.."i0 no.v ."i.O I
HttV HIuc l.ii: Sc.uf 1. Oil now 1(1.111
'iiO Hlne l.vnx- Sc.uf 12.00 now 8.01
imy Heel fox Scaif 7,(k1 now lain
SUij Slink Scaif, long tabs ikl (HI now i"i.O I
Mill Mink Scarf !3 00 now 17.00
t'72 (.innimon Hear Hoi, ii ds
long .'!."i 00 now 2."i.00
M7 Hliik Ile.11 Una, ii yds long. 20.0(1 now 1.-..01
11.1 Hnivvn Hear Hon, .'! yds long. 15,01) now 10.0,)
Sou N.Kmal Opposiuii Iloa, i! ds
long (1.0(1 now sii)
7!''l (ii-av fox- Una, ii yds long.. 10 00 now 7.0n
JOJ Hlne ,ii H.ia, il ds long. 18.00 now 1J.OT
l'urs Iti'palird. furs Jl.iniif.ii'luii'd. Haw fun
Games Between Teams fiom the High
School and Association.
Two games of basket ball were played
at the Voung Women's Christian asso
ciation gymnasium, riatttriltiy evening,
between High School nnd Association
teams, each of which won a game. The
spoit was interestinrr to all who were
pilvileged to witness it. In tlie game
between the .lunlors and Privates, the
score was .'12-0 In favor of the foi mer.
The players were: High Hchool .Misses
Wetzel, Rose, navK Smith. Juniors
.Misses lllalr, J.ooomls, Marker, Ilttll
steud. Council.
The game betwetn the lilgli r-thoul
Seniors and Y. W, C. A. Regulars re
sulted In a score of 1--S for the latter.
The rihiVHi'H weie; Seniors Atlsses
(lutes, Hughs., Fount. Walsh, Fish,
Regulars .Misses Acker, Rankin, l'ait
rhle.e, Keisel, liouser.
Tlie "lion Ton llurlesquers" will
positively lill Ihelr engagement at Die
Stai', beginning with matinee this af
ternoon. . '
Card of Thanks.
Tin- family of tho late Joseph Ober
ileshu 10 thank all those who by their
sympathy mid many nets of Ulndnos.s
assisted them during their ice.eiit be
reavement, The Family.
The "lion Ton JimleFfUurs" will
positively fill their engagement, ,a,f the
Star, beginning; with matinee thin af
ternoon. XX'
r ' t J
iff jteX-lF-. , -rfJiXt- t .