The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 24, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Tlfae News of
Delaware nnd Hudson Railroad.
November 21, 1"0I. ,
Trains lcinc i ailioiiililu t ilty Hllon os fol-
Tot rVrnnlon nml wm.M-IJire-Ono, T.iw, .
I) 01, 10 01. 11.21 fl mi IW, 1.11, 2fi'. 3".
ton, r.oo, iooi, 11, in) p. ni . , . . ..
Mtniliv ll.ilm leave at S VI, 11 21 . I'M ' 10
till, fi BO, t"3 u m
;; For Albany, fiiriluji. Moiilrcil, lUvlnu, M
I nirlaml pulntf, Uc, 7 W u. mi ' I1 "'
Tcr Waviiurl md IIoiimiIjIi, 7 2., 110.. . m .
"1111111" ilium lino M.i'niart ami IIicJtlo
' at t)"l) 1. in ; M3 p, m, ..., ,. ti...
Irnltu niriip nt ( irbomlile from w I"''"''"!!
ami bcMiilon n follow: 0.V1. s:i 0 0, M
a. 111.) 12.K7, 2 00, ,'ll, 1.2, (LOS, 7 01, S H, '
II 87 p. m 2 03 a in -t1
simdiy tmltn nirito nt 0.27 i 111 i 1- "' lll
4 2. .'(, iif,3 ,, in,
"iiiiclii.v tultn iurlc nt r irljoitil il '" ""'
mart and IIoiicmIiIp tit 1217 mil 7 1"i p '"
New York, Ontiulo nnd Western.
Soptfinber 17, 1'WI.
TiiIih Ioiivp iJttiuiirlale for 'crinton it , 00 1.
in ; I fn) p 111
simdiy trniM nt 7.00 11 in ! 0n0 p in.
Tallin leave ( jiliomliile (or polnii nottli nl
Jl 10 n. in On bunilij at 0 in n in Iu1"
leivlnir nl 11 1n .-, i,i. wM. iljva nml 'M0 it lit
huii'lil) iinUc cotilKilloiu tor .Vvv "il l0,l,
Vi ill. ck.
TriliM arrive from Sirinlo'i nl II 10 1 "' ' '"
P nii Ilinii pnhiti iiintli, ' p w niuUy
from irinnlnii nt 0 10 1 111 nnd 7 1", p l
Inrni ("ailoib at 1, in, p. in
Eiie Knihond.
limn 21. 1101.
Inltn lino tin Miitlnii. t ml, uiiliV. nub
(Vurpt SiikIii) nt 7(i0 11 m and I'.l p m IT
lliiinilt .mil Ninr h 11 0'! j in. 1I1IH fix
iitlnj iiiiIij), fin llnisliiiiitnn inil.liij 'in
liccllom f.,t ew Veil, 1 Iv and llnirilo. mil it
I 10 p 111 for -ii-iii.iiini, iiul.inj imiiiettlins
lor vu'trin p.lnt
Minda 11 tin it 'i '".
fur tnpieliiii.n.
Villi hc.ii 111 iiiiinull iti, and 0.J7 I
nine luimcil oiii
'lulus atriw at " " 1 i 111
f-nndns it s 1, j in
an l 3 li p
Snow Coveis the Giound to a Depth
of Touiteeu Inches A Pnssengor
Tiain 011 D. & H. in Diifts for
Mnny Houis Hoube Badly Dam
aged Telegiaph Lines Down.
Stieet Car Tinfflc Stopped.
TI10 stoi 111 Kins: litbl fall a heio
rii(la night and Sntuida. Main stieet
and the other l)iilar"-s sliu'ls weie
nlho with lui'.tli'is vrsti'i(hi, who pat
ia n nuiabei of hoaii -hiollaH: the foot
of be iiitilul on? tlie sldi'W.ilks .mil opea
iaK the mitteis lor an ept' toil th.iw.
It was .1 coinbinatlon of
o.itlioi on Fiidny .mil F1id.1v hIkIU
anil part of Satm da U.iln. hail anil
snow e.Kh did its sli.110 to lilot k tial
flo and oanse d.unnse 1'oai tron IncliPi
of heavj. watoi-'-o.ikfd snow, tho 10-s-alt
on the lep anil a bin It d town and
(.mint 1. v wpip the ipsnit of the fail
T1.1I11 No I on Hip anil
Hudson 10 id, dilL la Hits' ( Itv Tildav
nlfilit at 11) o'clocK, boi.iinc stnllpd ia
the drltts noat KliuiiKia and did not
leach tills citv until 7 oMoik on Satui
daj nlviht. Two mil tinins weie (aaglit
.1 shoil iliMaiKf below the lima isonpd
Iw-senRoi tt tin, and all eiloils to (lis;
tho tin op tiains oat weie liultless until
a ciew was sent fioai this pit with tho
laise saow nlow. One tiack iiiiinliiK
bv the three limn i-imnd tiains was
opened Patiuday nioiniiu,'. Tiaflli on
tho Delawaie and Hudson ami Kile on
. tho aoitii Vi(c clfutaalh blodvcd,
holding all 111 ill iiom the noilh nnd
I.aily Ft Ida v nlulit sefial eiiKiaei
weie sent out to keen the Jlonosdale
1m.ii.p1i open. It possible. Tlipy suec poll
ed, but with toiilileiablo illliltulty One
now sot snow -biiu ml neiu Xu 1 and
did not set thiouRh until Fatuul.n
inoiniiiR. The inoi ainR ti.ilii on
the Honcsdale laamh. due lieie at SO".
Katinday nioininR, did not aiiiu- until
J'ftoi 10 o'clock Tho Onttulo and
"Weslein 10 id noitli ol hoio was eom
Iiletolv tied up Ponipwheie up tho lino,
near Foiost City, two coal tialim woio
stalled, and oeial nisiacs woio sont
fioni tliis cit. with tin I.iirp siiiiu plow
and succeeded la rpUIiir the ti.tlns out
Tlio Dundall staRe anhtd in Ibis dty
at 12 o'clock tin oe lioiu? bolilnd t-chod'-ulo
Consldeialile dainaRo was i.iiisod
to the toleRuiiih lines, but the condi
tions ueie not as had as in other sec
tions. Theie was aothiiiR- iIoIiir on the
stieet lino and no eftoit Ins vet
boon made to open up Hit lino in this
An additional lone of im n was
plaied on the stieet dcnaitnient nav
loll foi the dav. Minei.s letinulnR
Jioiiiow.ud, aftet lludlnR theie was no
Mink, woio handid Hhovols 101 the a sk
int?. Tliey wcio eilrfiiRtil III oiitnlliR up
tho Kiittets on the Ii.kK Hit eels, The
lesldonts 011 IliooKljn Htieu nail In Hie
lilnlty of the ltutkit Uiook will bo on
aiiNlous seats till nftP,. tu. thaw hots
Jn Tho snow-cineied tiet-s ufloitled a
pic tin esque sigiit, and Momoilal pail;
was unapped si 111 (s of tluiCH b the
ubiquitous Kodakoi
Seveutl tioes la the Ktouials sin -
loiuullllK the lei-liluuco ol e.-Muoi n,
i:. ljcndilek woio bioken, Some e-
citeinent was PaiiM'd on .South Main
Httcet Satin day afternoon. Tho weight
of tho huow on 1 ho loot of tint liionunn
builillnR- was t-o ;roat that tho laftoi.s
began to eteuk and slo, and in doing
.sit foice.i the sldo wiiIIh or the house
out. For a time It wan feaiod that tho
bulldlns' would collapse, but lingo tlni-
f betrt weio sectiu'd and the aitectcd
Biuits mopped up Tho huow was thou
"ioinoed ficau Hit) nior and the daiiRor
fuoited, IhoiiRh i oimideiablo daniiiBo
was 1 itiiged. All day S.ituida tho snmll,vwus.ln hl, glory, and fairly coined
'i"y,tiye."""f ;'i'h"-
v n - - ,
Rondway and Street Car Tincks Go
V Down In Cave-lu Near Mnyfleld
" Yaid. '
yjl. Another ense-in has boon 1 minted
Jiioiu.Jloylleld yaid, one whleli Is mote
j-fciloiiuJliai any of the picedlag imeh.
TUtVcnva.ilu tftiveiH an men of neaily
-flftjsfeot itfld Is oer ten feet In depth,
Vrho ?co1lo of tho cavo-lu Is on this main
foad, Just below tlio.HiooksIdo tnio.
'tery. Tho hacks of the shoot tur immh
pany linvo gouo dotin with the hettliiicr.
To add to the sen Ioubiioijh of the euc,
-a water plpo has luust under the. heavy
all of dlit nnd biiow, and tho holo Is
-steadily Incie.iBlng In sUo.
3rlr, Wheeler Got Hid of His Itheu-
i inatlsm.
X''t)utlng the winter of m j UllB B1,
XJaino In my Joints. In fact all over my
Sbody, that I could hanlly jiobbli
Broun'd, when I bought " u- bolfle 0
Chamberlain's I'alu Balm. rivwtl
jlrst Application -I began-o get Well,
t?imd waH cured and have worked
5 steadily all thd year." n. Wheeler,
-.Northwood, N, Y. For sale by all diug-feitsf
Tho cuve-ln ocelli 1 ed Piittndnv, nml
I ho ft it'll us llto out th went tlnwn ctiulil
lio heaid for 11 tolisldprnble distance"
'lViunst-eis nil- now fotcLMl lo ihlvo
thiniigh a licm by Hold, us thV whole
loiul Is nffocled Thu envc-lli Is over
an uld initio vv 01 king. This makes iho
thhd euve-ht In Hint vicinity slneo tile
winter months not In, and icstdcntn
llieie ati beglnnlni to Tool on, feat
for their Iiuiiich and safety,
Mis. Lofttia, an Aged Lady, While
En Hoitto for Chinch, "Hun Over
by Team of Hoiscs Escaped With
but Slight Inuiy.
Mis, l.oftiiM, of DiiiHliil'l' stieet, an
urciI lady, had a liniunv escape liotn
being ttanipleil under tho feet of a
tfinu ol sphltod hoiKos yestoiday. Sho
was 011 hoi wa to services In St. Itoso
chinch in the inoiniiiR- and was pick
lag her wav cuiefully over the .sllpppiy
sldewall; oil Salem aeauo when she
stopped dliectly In fionl of a team of
hoiscs bolaR- diawa fioni the and
Snyder llvci.v. .Mis Loftus endenvoied
to Jump back out of's way, hut
one ot the hot set siuitk his head
against her and she tell dliectly under
the team's feet. She succeeded In loll
ing to one t-lde, just between both
hoises and s() iar away that silo was
not liampled on
The (lliver hail not noticed her and
the team kept tm theii eouise. She lav
on the giound until the sleigh had
passed opt hti. Voittuuitelv the only
Injuiy she leeolved was on the sldo of
the head whole she was shuck bv the
hoi so
.Mis. l.ortus was able to continue on
hot wav to chunh. The stteet was
ciovvdcd at the time and women who
saw hoi fall under the biases shtieked
and almost collapsed with loai.
It was a oiv mi! low (scape as bv
Hie slightest svveixe of either of the
team Mie would have boon ti.iniplcd
upon Though she sustained a .seeie
hlioik she was able to bo at seivlces
again In tho aitetnnon, but loinplalneil
ol piln" In hei head.
Of Enteitainment Couise nt the
Gland Tonight.
The closing numbei ol enteitainment
f 0111 -o, under the dliection ol C. it.
Smith and Isaac Singer, will he given
tonight, when the Ottumvva male nitni
tette, assisted by Miss Van Deu-en, 10
cltei, will lender the following pio
gi. inline':
Tho Signal Ites-olinds Buck
Tho Ottuniwas.
Iteading Selected
Miss V.u Detp-en.
Ah! 'TIs a Dieam Haw ley
Ml. Jott.
A Stieam ol Silver Moonlight.. ..Geibel
The Ottuniwas.
Heading- Selected
Miss Vtin Dtusen.
Hllgle .Song Haltan
The Ottuniwas
Song of n Sailor (tmpbell-Tlpton
Mi. Pans.
My Old Kentucky Homo
An. F. W. Hoot
The Ottuniwas
Ueading St lee ted
Miss Van Oeust 11.
lteniomber Now Thv Citatei ..Ithodes
Tlie Ottuniwas.
Baseball Piospects.
1-oveis ol the national game .11 e mak
ing aiiangoments for a successful sea
son. A lepicsentnthe team ot base
ball spotts ate beginning to lay plans
lor the coming season.
Nicholas Muitagh, one of the most
enthusiastic baseball cianks in this clt
lias aheady laid ills plans foi h.nlng
a lepiesentatho team in thu Hold tills
season We may, ulo, expect to see
.sevotal loams in the Held ieady for
tho winds "id ly ball" when tho sea
son opens as at langemeius aie being
peiftctod bv otliei men to have teams
in the harness to combat with
"Nick's Pots."
The high school may lane a team
in the Held this yeai. J.ast .vein the
students had no team to lopiesent them
but the success of theh loot!) ill eleven
the past season has caused them to
look over their stock for good niateilul
for the winning baseball team, one
stioag enough to cope with the St 1 an
ion school teams.
Miutngli and u cotoile ot enthusiasts,
acting with him, have laid out plans
tor Hie election of bleacheis on Daf
fi'slleld. Thej will he built fi 0111 home
in 111 si base and tionijiome to tlilul.
Smith, who was tho loading pltcliei
hcio last season, will not wear 11
miifiii 111 this eni as he has accepted
an otter with Hie Su anion piofessionol
Cuff, who was the leading pltcliei
two joins ago, can be depended upon
lor good woik again this year. Last
season ills pitching wing went back on
hlia and he was seldom seen in the
Fioai ptcsent indications wo will
have baseball heie this season that will
be a ciedit to tho town.
Wo list- to ask'.' "llonesdulo! What's
Padeiewskl Tonight.
C'aibondiiln will bo well leinesonted
tonight at the I'adeievvskl conceit at
the now 111 mot y In S01, niton At all tho
events which Mr. Hand has dhectod,
big delegations bavo been jnoseat ftoni
this city, but nouo will nieasuio up to
tonight's contiibution lo Padeiew ski's
Tho move of piovklliit a section of
0110 dollar seats has met with popular
apptoval, foi the demand lor them has
been exciedlnely bilsk, Thoie mo still
somo seats at Clink's ding stoic, mi
thobe who mav decide to take advunt
ago of tho oppoi (unity to hear Padet -eM)kl
urn tlo so befoie nightfall. Tho
delegation ft 0111, this ilty will leave
over tho T.oii Delawaio and Hudson
tiuln A half.fiue will pi avail foi this
Looking After Hydiants.
A loinmlUeo I10111 tho tanks of the
lliomuii was out on .Satuiauy cleaning
away thu snow horn the (lio hydiants,
In places they weie loiced to
dlir for some time befoie, the hydiants
weie uneoveied. In oilier pluces the
committee did not know vvheie tho
plugs weio located and laid to spend
mnsldemble (lino digging louud about
the exact location.
At Emeigency Hospital.
Mis. Thomas Filesc, of roie.t Cltj,
was dlschuiged fioni tho hospital ea
ten day as ctued. Sho was n polhnt for
11 month, and underwent an opeiatlon.
The condition of Muitln Joidan is
improved, and ho Is believed now to bo
on the mad to lecoveiy.
Michael Fan-ell, who was scalded bv
Hleani In the Ontntlo and Western yaid
last week, Is RiifToiIng couslitciabtc
pain, though his condition Is not con
sldeiod seiloita. Ills tlnoat, as well as
his hands and face weio b.tdly scalded,
and lie stiffeipd much nalit llitciiiatly,
Opera Company's- Faiowoll.
Tlio Columbia Opeta company closed
11 successful week's engagement on Snt
iniliiy with two poifoiinnncos. hi the
afternoon a laigo sized audience wit
nessed Paul Jones. It wns will sung
nnd as well locelved. In the evening
another huge audience listened to ho
( omit- opeut, "Lu Musc-otto." Tho clov
er delineation of their chmnutcts by
Fliiudo Aitisdcn nnd John Dewey kept
thi ciowd In 1111 tipioar. Uolh had ex
cellent comedy parts and made the
most of thoiu. Miss Cmlottii Qllmuu,
as "llottltui tlio Mascot," added to her
populailtv and mndo n distinct hit as
the laughing, dashing glil. Franklin
Fov n's 1'Ippo had a most piouiliient
pint and was very clover la It. Tlie
company was. one of ineilt tluotigliout
and made 11 lasting lmptesslon on the
IiIr audience which have witnessed
their pot foi malices dm lug the week.
Mecca for Camera Fiends.
Fai view was the mecca for cinipia
Heads .vestorilnj. The scene tltcio In
the thick woods was never sin passed
la plcluresqueiiess, giaudeui and the
sight will lep.iy thoe who took the
walk. Tho noes are loaded down with
Hi" snow and the festooned branches
being bent to the giound by tho weight
foi 111 themselves Into arches. The yaid
ot ex-Mayor H. H. Headilck was phot
ographed many times Saturday and
Sunday, The scene theie was an equally
gland one.
Telephone Changes.
The licit Telephone company soon In
tend making extensive immovements
upon its line in this city, and will move
lis exchange to moie spacious uuar
tois. Thev will piobablv lent tho en
tile tlilul lloor In tho Mlneis' and
Mechanics' bank building.
The Caiboadale Telephone (oainanv
will also make extensive' impiovenients
bote in a slant time. A new section of
svvitchboaid, which will accommodate
one bundled connections, will shoilly
bo Installed at the exchange.
Washington Tea.
The AV.ishington tea given by the la
dles of the Methodist Episcopal chuicli
in Watts' hall on Satin dav evening was
laigely attended and the ladles loalbed
a neat sum lor the chinch. Piecodlng
and lollovv lag the supper tlio ladles
bin' nii.inged an eutoitulament and the
111 oci amine ns triven in Fiidav'.s Til-
I'bime wns tallied out In full. It was ol
unusual meilt and of couise was Rieat
ly enjoved by the ciowd in attendance.
No Flags Visible.
It was ailously commented on that
not a Hag was visible Satuiday In honor
ot Ocoige Washington. All the Dela
waio and Hudson shops weie closed In
comnienioiaHon of tho daj.
Tlie Hag that usually waves in Meni
oilul p.nk could not be laisecl because
01 tin lopo being: fiozen.
Able to Be Aiound.
Thomas CJallaghei, one of the stt Ik
ing stieet iar men and who has been
laiit up for some time with blood pois
oning. Is able to be aiound again. He
loceivcil 'i tut on the band seveial
weeks ago and blood poisoning setting
In lie was laid up with an extiemely
paintul member.
The Eevival Mission.
The lovlvnl mission being conducted
in St. Hose chinch closed yestoiday af
ternoon lor tho mauled women and
last night the mission for the single
women was staited. A week is being
devoted to each class.
Amount of Mission Collection.
At all the masses in fot. Rose church
yesteidav it was announced that the
amount of Hie collection taken up on
the pieceding Sunday for the aid of
Indian and negto missions was $.'00.
Will Hiennan spent the Sabbath In
Daniel ITndglns spent Sunday with
Scianton fi lends.
Hduuid Ciaig spent Sunday with his
patents In Aichbald.
Mi. and Mis. Thomas C'limniings
spent Sunday in this cltv.
John K.nlv was visltlajf among
Suanton 11 lends esteidnv.
Miss UyAo Mlllei, of Seelejvllle is
visiting 11 lends In tills (Itv.
Miss Anna Giadj, of Maytleld, Is the
guest of fi lends in tills olt.
Pntilik lliORini, of Aichbald, vviijs a
C'.iiboadale visitor -.estoiduv,
I'etor A. Coleman, of Scianton, snout
Sunday at his homo In this iltv.x
I. F. Foxo and Alfied Huddv weie
Iot est Cltv vlsltois last evening.
Will Nealon, of South Main stieet,
spent yestoiday with Wllkes-Haiio
fi lends,
.Michael Walsh, I'dwaul and P.itilck
Fo.xo spent last ovoalng with It lends In
Joi invn
Miss Maiaaitt McDonald has le
1 111 ned homo, after a few days' visit
with Scianton fi lends.
Miss Mtuy C'oso, of the West Side,
who has been visiting In Maytleld lor
sevoial (lavs, bus ictuineil home.
Thomas Mourn leuiuud vestoulay
f 10111 1'lttston, whoic ho hud been
spending a couple of days with fi lends.
Joseph Cat toll and Joseph Oilhool
weio among tho manv who attended
the Clink fuaeial, In Scianton, on Fil
For tlie sake of saving odd
pennies don't buy an inferior
emulsion when you really need
Scott's Emulsion.
The difference in price is
pennies. The difference in re
suits is pounds pounds of
new flesh and days of
strength and comfort.
Those who have lost flesh
can regain it more quickly by
means of Scott's Emulsion
than in any other way,
Scud for I hi Simple
SCOTT & UOWNL, ClwiuujW, 40s X'earl be, . y
Law Unto Himself.
Every Man Must be That, to Retain His Health
and Digestion.
here -Up lliiiuiiml. of pooplc In (III-, vvaild
utio cit 110 Hint hum one ji u' mil to .niotlici,
mil mlilii hviko lilbos in fikn .md Iolj n il 1
nil' tlnio-t culiislveb molt ciIch; but vvliilu
Hiiro are tlinlmndi ot llio-o time tie mllllnln
who live upon a mixed diet of inoit, vccctobloH
uml g dm und If iiuinboM U 11 cilliiioit it would
ri-m tint a inKid diet h tlie bc-t for tin liiinim
'tin? fiut Hut ou villi find linn.i vegcfurlim
who licillln und vlcurnm and tm it ml
cih (ipnll; so, ami anj minilior of lobiut -.poii-inciH
who c it both nieit .ind A( Rotables .mil an.i
llilnp: il 1? tint mmtH tlioli vmv all goc-i to show
tint the old hiw- I the ttno one, Hut even nun
inu-t be 1 iiw to lilni'.elf u tu what hi kIiiII 1 it
md di Ink.
'lo upalr the wnte of tK,iic in In tin vvoilais
111 well ,h In icpliie tlie nuitlo md smew of the
hbnier, can 011I1 he done thionuli the pincc.1 ot
l.vtij iKive, imi-(.l(, sinew, evin diop 0 blood
N estuclcd fioni tlio food we iat and diKot.
In tlice (Iijh ot hurtle and vvotrv, and .ntllloiil
b lints of life, Kiiuili- one pei-011 in .1 thoiiind
(.m lav diim to a pirfict di,iillon; il-.pcp,ii
I- 1 latioinl aillldioii and SluailN Dwpep-u
J units -i nation 11 lil(-m,r.
Mint cum of pool digiition .no c niH-d bv f ill-mi-
of the slum lib to vetielo sufficient gisliie
June, (ii too little Hvihochloiii' acid .md lick of
piptones and nil of thi-,c inipoitjnt ientlils tp
pdfect (I1B15I1011 ne found in stunf j)v.pepu
'libhU m ronveniinl pilaUble fonn
'II10 Rieit I ii'1Mi sLient,.t, Hu1m, suit the
1i(-t hlul In lire ii n tound stntn n ti. Weak
stciimic lis flit to digest food piopcilj lnnii,p they
licit the piopei ciumtit of (lijrtvtlvu amis (.lactic
and hvdiodiloiit) .mil peptOKinic pioduds; tho
iiiu't iiMblc rnncdi 111 all cjsis of iivhp ition,
n lo tike iflci cub nieit one or two of Stiinl'n
l).vprpiii '1 iblrl-i bci uiie tluv upplv in 1 plni.
int. lnrmle-1 tonii all the elements tint vvi 1!.
nmiclis lid.
Olio 01 two of Hum t iblcti tiki 11 iflir. ineil-,
in-iiie perfect (ligation jnd auiinihtion of tlio
( iflnilie pilh and livitive nicduines hive no
effut whatever In dire-,titi,r food and lo (ill such
liinediis l cme foi ((.v-pep-m is fu fetched and
lb-ill d
'Inait'f, I)i-mpsia Tiblets (onliin jupsm flee
from annual nutter, dliMnip and olhu iliirca-tivi-,
and not onlj digest all vvholcsonie food but
lend lo imrcive the llow of j.'1-.liio Juiicii and bv
givniir the vviik sloniitii a iimcli needid rest
In 111 ilinut 11 heilthj (oniluion of the disc-ttie
oiiih and .1 nniinal appetite.
Xenons, thin blooded, 11111 down people should
ben in, Hut drugs and stinnilints (annot
Two tiamps giving their names and
its.dences as John of Wllkes
Iknie, and James Kennedy, of Piice
buig, sli uck jcimyn lute Filday night
in the snow sloim and after calling at
a i timber of lesldonces and pinvvllng
aiound in seaich of a, suitable place to
laid a night's lodging, finally went Into
thv fue 100111 at tho silk mill whoio
they pup.ned to spend tlio night. As
l'n T company was not wanted they
wcio ordeied out but lefused to go and
wcio finally foicibly ejected. They
then went mound to the fiont p.nt of
the mill and dellbei.itely smashed two
or thiee of tho windows when Hemy
Maxwell, one of tho piopiletoi's sons,
inn out and seized one of tho men, tho
other running away. Young Maxwell
unu his antagonist had rpilto a stiuggle
lot a few moments, bat .Maxwell man
aged to hold him until Chief of Police
McGlnley was summoned, when ho
look him lo tho lockup and nfterwaids
went In seat eh of the other whom he
lound after two bonis' seaith in the
Hie loom at the Olenvvood bleaker. He
was locked up and spout the lem.ilnd
01 of tho night with his companion In
the borougli lockup. Satuiday moinlug
the sill: mill Him if fused to piosecuto
the men and they woio allowed their
fiiedom ntter they hfid shovelled the
snow away Iiom the fiont of the mill
and the piopiletoi's lesltlonce which
adjoins it.
John Ollibs, of West May Held, clec
tilciau of tho JeiniMi Hlectilc Light
company and Miss Mabel Davis, of
Mlddlctovvn, N, Y were quietly united
in matilago last Wednesday at the
home of the bilde at Mlddlctovvn. Mis.
Clbbs was for many yems a lesldent
of this boiough and has .1 huge citclo
ot ft lends who wlbh them both a happy
and piospotous futuio, They will take
up tilth icsldeiico In this boiough.
The conceit In Assembly hall next
Filday evening under tho direction of
Mies Daisy U, Hall, of Scianton, Is
attnictlng cnusldoiablo attention and
tickets tuo selling uipldly. Many calls
fu.' leseived seats have caused those
in (haige to put them on sale at J. XX.
Jones' thug-stoicx Those having legu
lar ticket's tan exchange them for le
.soived at a slightly additional ex-puis-e.
Miss Hall will bo assisted by
Mlb.s Fessondon, Mr. and .Mis. Clink
Wilson, tho ovangoltsls, and otheis.
Tho supper In Windsor hall for the
benellt ot tho Whltnioio Hose company
of West Maytleld Satuiday evening1 was
well pationlreil nnd those who pin took
of It weio highly pleased at the excel
lent menu.
Thu Delawaio and Hudson colliery
was Idle Satuiday and will bo Idle
ngnlp today on account of tho snow
slot 111.
The eiiteitaiamcut ainioiiiiiod to be
given In the Pilniltivo Methodist
(hutch toiuorinw evening has been
postponed until Mmch 1. The pto
8iainmewlll be published later.
Mis. Jeiemluh Sullivan, of Maytleld,
Is suffei lug f 1 0111 gi p.
A Uttlo daughter uiilvcd jesteulay at
thu homo of Mr. and Mm. Thomas
huikc, or Mil fluid.
An account of Mis. Timlin's death ap
pears cr another page.
The "Lloii-v Ton Builegquots" will
poslthely 1111 their engagement ut the
Star, beginning with matinee this af
fin 11I1I1 kooiI blood, t-tiotig- mit'elcs and fctcudy
nerves; Ihese. come onl.v ftoni whoteMiiue food,
thoroughly dlge-ted; .1 lift v cent bo of Stuirt's
Tablets taken after meils for 1 fin weeks will
do jou moie red pood thin diugs, stimulants
and dletliiK (omhlued
Hi my Klikpiltlck, of Liwieine, Mjvs , kis:
"Men and women whoso ociipitiou pieiludu
an active outdooi life fhoiild 111 ike it a dillv
pi if lice to u-e Stuart's l)yspcli Tablets after
meils, I hive done mi niVK'lf .mil I know
llvclv tint I ore mv piesent heallh .md Vigoi
to (hell il lily use.
'Fioni the Utile I wis '22 when I Riadii itod
fioni school with broken health from nvcnvoik
iinlil I was II. I scniielv knew- wlut it was In bu
frei fiom fclomacb weakness, I hid no appitite
whatever for brcikfnst and vei.v little foi my
otliei meal
I had it id 1 1 and beaitbiuu neulv even div
and soinetiineH wis ilniueil by iiieulirit.v and
palpitation of tin- bent, but all this guiluillv
dtsippcaied after 1 lugui usltipr "stu-irt's n.v-pepsh
Tablets and I cm (,ct niv meils with relNh ind
fi itisf iclion which I hid not known sinte I was 1
glowing: bov."
Mrs. In. Union, of 'Joiotilo, lunula, wiilic
"I'oi oiglitecn months I Miffued fiom wlnt 1 -.up-pond
was bladdei nnd Mdiu.v tiouble, and took
niediiinc from three iliflcicul doctors without mv
.iffii of cuic. 1 fell o ill at last I wis lunllj
ible lo do 111 work
"I thought I would trv 1 bo-c of stunt's )is
pepsu Tablets and tee if tiny would nuke me fed
bdlci, never ledly HimkitiR I Ind dj-pcpsli but
ntlei onlv tlueo or four tablets hid been taken nil
Hie acid trouble disappeared nnd then I dtstovued
I hid hid add ihucvh, while the doctou bid
been treating: me for kidney and blidJei tiouble
and one of them heated me for ihcunntiMti.
"Mv dlgcsllon is line, niv roiuplciion deal and
I mi aide to do no. work md low bpulls uu
unknown to me.
"I am so tlnnkfiil for fludina; i due m good
and so pleasint to take us Stunt's Dvspepiii
'lablets. I am tutpii-cd at the ehinge thev have
m nle in me."
Mr. Thomas SmIo, Mivlteld, ( altf , tivs:
"Hive used nnd nioinmended Stunt's Tibleli
beeuise there is liotliinc; like llicin lit Uep the
itom-di righl "
Mi. i:. II. Davis, of Hampton, i mv: "I
doctoied the jeiis foi dvspcpsii, but in two
months I got more benefit from stunt's l)vpep
sll Tiblets than in tlvo jeais of the doitots'
treatment "
Stuurt's Dii-pcp-la 'I tblets is prohaldv tho
safnt, most popular and sue rcdil diReslivo 011
the market and wild bv drngsMs evdivvhire ill
the United State?, Canadi and (licit lliitaiu.
Council will meet on AVednpsdav
night to nil unfinished busi
ness of the Hscal year. At this meeting
tho sewer bonds will bo sold lo the
highest bidder.
The now unifoims of the Hxtelsloi
Hose company have ai lived. They are
or a militaiy stylo and dmk blue in
color, tiimmed with black binid, and
piesent a neat nppeatance.
A laige and well-pleased audience
attended the enteitainment held in Hie
Susquehanna stieet Baptist chut (It
Satuiday evening, given by Miss Coin
51. Giillln, ot Providence, assisted by
Mis. LUzIo Ilaghes-Biundage. Miss
Gtiflin gave seveial delightful leadings
and was compelled to losnond to a
number of encores. The solos lendoted
by Mis. Biundage weiogieatly appi rel
ated. The onteitalnmeul was given In
aid of the chinch. '
The Mat thd Washington tea la tho
Presbyterian chinch pnilor on .Satur
day evening was eiy successfully con
ducted and Iibeially pnttonlzed.
The mPinbeis of the Hxcelsloi Hoso
company will hold .1 smoker In their
looms next Thuisday evening.
Mr. and Mis. James "Webb, ot Fi evi
dence, woio tho guests or Mr and Mis
AV. IC. Heiklielser yestoiday.
H. J. Coehiiin, ot Lotoy, X, Y is ls
Itlng Mr. and Mis. AV. J. Sohubmobl, of
Lackawanna stieet
Miss Jennie Smith, of Pond stieet
dellglittully entei tallied a huge num
ber of her tt lends at Llewellyn's hall,
on Filday evening. The evening was
spent plensantly In ainuslng Incidents,
such us dancing, singing and games,
whli h continued up to a Into hour,
when a dainty lepast was seived.
Those piesent weto: Misses Stella Bat
tler, Lizzlo A. Davidson, LUIe Nich
olas, Annie Sultzer. Imiua Ott. Small
Jones, Jennie Smith, Penrl AVesvvett,
Huiinnh Astor, 1'dna LuA'nn, Lytlla
Hoskins, Lueiotia Jones, Hannah As
tor, Get ti udo Kbit, Iklnn Lev an, and
Messrs. Tudor Astor, Daniel Hey nobis,
Chillies Cut lis, Hany and AVIIllam
Jones, James mansion. Flunk Ather
holt, AVilllmn Khk, AVIIllam and Hany
Southein, James Jones und Joseph
Miss Mackenzie, 0110 of our popular
school tcacheis, will, by loqucst. open
a night school at No. 2 school building
this evening
Tho local daliviucn mo (omplnlnliig
of a sc.iicity of milk, and lor that
leofcon aie unnblo to meet tho demands
of their patiops.
The diawlng for the gold watch, for
tho benellt of John Pioper, tool; Plato
at James' hall on Satuiday evening.
Fiank Illlilobiund held tho winning
ticket, No 210. About H30 w us lealUed
ft 0111 tho diawlng,
Tho Maltha Washington supper, held
ut tho Calvaiy Baptist chuich on Sat
uiday evening, under the auspices ot
the ladles of the (lunch, was a decided
siucosV und was hugely attended, not
withstanding thu inclement weather,
and a good sum was leulUed. Tho sup
per was set veil hi the imilois of the
chinch, and was ciedltabli seived by
tho young ladles In chmgo.
The Ladles' Aid society of iho Aich
bald mid Pynu Pilniltivo Methodist
chinch will hold a &upper In the chuich
basement this evening, which piomlses.
Jonas Loog's Sods
That Are
Handsome and Display
Numerous New Effects.
A feature about this line Is that you voii't find any two patterns
alike In design. Come in 7-yard lengths, and the selections are exclu
sively our own styles for this section of the country.
"The things we do and have done may Interest you." Excuse
the "WE."
Now that the styles of this popular fabric, shown at our silk coun
ters, are the much wanted scroll designs, woven on corded effects, which
adds a certain kind of rigidity to the fabric and the same lime Importing
beauty. Predominating above them all In the plain meshvlace stripes,
iron frame weaves and medallion scroll effects. Our recent New York
experience has taught us to believe that the coming season will find
Grenadine the popular light weight dress fabric of the year. No other
class of goods on the market will prove so dressy and cool as the pretty
Grenadines. Don't miss seeing the styles we are showing this week,
The Bugle Will Note the
Warning for the
Women's Suits,
Today by actual count, 10
kind. Monday
115 Wom'en's Box Jackets.kersey cloth.sllk, i-rr?
castor, tan and red, $8.50, $10.50 and $12.50. Monday. . $3.75
-Vtilir 1,1,1,, 1-A A,itrr?ntc
wir ton rastnr. hltip. and hlack. 415.
1 Monday
j Only three Near Seal Coats,
.pof . 0J iUltl itJ.uu iiuu. inuiiuo;
to be a pleasant social event. The pio
ceeds will be used to lenlcntsh tho
chuich ticasuiy. Hvet'one is invited to
attend and to make the supper .1 suc
cess. The f uncial of John, son of Mr. and
Mis. AVilllani J. Davev, of tho Pyne,
took place jesteulay afternoon. Sn weie held at the house. Hev.
James AV.ilker. of the Pilmltlve Metho
dist chinch, otllciating. Inteiment was
made In the Foiost Homo cemoteir.
Ue. T. C. Hdwuids. pastor ot tlio
AVelsh Baptist chuich, olllclated In ld-
waidsvlllo yesteidaj.
Fanblem division, No. 1". Sons ot Tein
peianco, will meet In tegular session
this evening.
Mr. and Mis. David T. uaMs, 01
Giove stieet, attended the funeial ot
the hitter's father, at Piovldence, jes-
Mr. and Mis. John P. Thomas, ol
Pond street, have 1 etui nod homo fiom
AVinbeig, Pa , w lieie they attended tho
funeial of the lattei's fathei, last week.
Tho manv fi lends of Chester I'eese
will lie pleased to hoar that be Is on
tho load to iccovoiy.
Miss Hiiilly Schultliles, ot AVest Tay
lor, who has been spending the past
lew mouths with lelatlves at llauls
hui'g, has 1 etui ned homo.
Tho blithdav of the lather of our
country wus Httingly celebiatcd hy the
students in the High school with a llt
etuty and musical piogianime, Filday
A laigo number bud acctpted the Imi
tation given Hie public to be piesent.
and the inteiest nuinllested shows that
tho doings of tho scliolius aie btlns
closely followed. '
The election lor a thief of the (lie de
pal tinent takes place tonight at the
boiough building. A waim tight has
been waged by Hie thiee candidates tor
tho position, and It lb sato to say that
evoty fit email in town will bo gotten
out tonight to tiibt his vote foi his
choice, Tho candidates mo P J. Tee
van, of the A. D. Spencer company,
who is the piesent Incumbent. J. T
O'NolI. of thu John B Smith company,
who was last your defeated by only ono
vote, and AV. L Puioell, of the Nep
tune company, whoso ambitions have
lain doimuiit until this yeai Mr. Pur
tell Is confident ot the lesult, and has
alieady equipped himself with a fully
trained flio horso to iibo in the seivlce.
Tho counill will hold a special meet
ing on AVediiosday evening, when bids
for tho building of tho tiunk sovvet, ex
tending fioni near Olbbons' hotel, on
Dt Inker bheet, to tho outlet near John
son's mines, will bo opened. It Is likely
that tho letting of tho contwict will
glvii tho oppoitunltN for those who mo
not In fa veil of building at this time tu
ftutlier delay tho woik by meuns of an
Tho Junior lhulcuvor society of the
Piosbyteilan r lunch will give a "Wash
ington" entei tnlnnieni In the
pal lots on Tuesday evening, Fobiumy
L'5. An admission of ten tents only will
be chaigcil,
The Youiu Ludlts' Mission elude of
the Piesbytetian chinch will meet with
Miss Lydla Kturui, of Chetiy stieet,
Tuesday afteitioou at 1 o'clock.
Mis. A. L. Bryden, of Nmih Bluke
stieet, Is the guest of 1'lttston lelailves,
H, C. Bone, of Btughmuton, spent
yesteitluv with fi lends In town.
Miss Mabel IJvans. of Pltttstoa, is Hie
guest of Mis. H. N, D.nis, ot Noith
Bkikely sheet.
Let tens lemulnliig unclaimed iluilug
the pcnlotl ending Febiuaiy ii, 1'jO.'.
j Sale of EubberSo
1 I
IJooas Long's Sods I
mil 1 ill 111 inirnirr'"m-gMIIW!tfB'iS-Mi
1'eisons calling lor thce lettcis will
Price on
and Jackets i
Raglans, $10 and $12 ,
ctln Unprl nil unrvl kr-
$20 and $25 kind.
36, 37 and 38. jtjrj r
y HJ t J J
please say advoitlsed' Joseph Utilloi,
Miss Helen Blown, "53 Throop stieet
(J); Madgo Calkins, Albeit Cat tor,
Fadden Bios, AVlaale Hagen, Thioop
stioet; M vi tlo Fields (2), Mis. Anna
Hoyt, Laui.i Hoadloy, Gouoty,
C. M. Hansom, JI. Hint man, Bloom
stieet, F. "White Donato Potiollno (F),
A'lto Nicola Itos.t (F). Giacimti Giatuie,
Ollvlllo Llbuato, "II. F"
Mt. J. Ii. Kennedy, school director
elect of the Second w.ud, enteitulned
a laige minibci of ills fi lends by giving
a supper at Hotel Mitchell Filday eve
ning. Mi. Kennedy won a handsome
lctoiy over ills opponent. Ho is
one of tho sttongest politicians
la tho waul At the suppei,
tabic woio spie.ul foi about nineteen.
Mr. Kennedy's hospitality is well
known In tills town, and, as tho host
ot the evening, lie piovlded genotously
lor his guests. Soveial speeches and
solos weie lendeied dining tlio even
ing which added ninth to tho entertain
ment. Thomas Cm ran, of West Scianton,
was a callei at the Gialid Cential hotel
Masses oveiy inoinlng dining tho
week ut T.llO and & o'clock. Uequlem
high mass tills morning tor tlio soul of
the line Mis. AVilllani Bum 11. Devo
tions AVednesday evening consisting of
a sciniou and benediction. Stations of
the cioss Filday evening at tho usual
hcur, 7..IU. Father Walsh has been as
signed to assist Hev. U. J. Luffoity, tho
pastor, dining tho Lenten season.
Stands Supieme.
That noted lotlogn icsott, Bilghtou,
Is not 0110 whit 111010 beautiful than
Lakewood, Now .lotsey's famous win
tor lesoit, Lnkewood's clientele Is the
most fashionable and select, and Itb at
ttactlvencss h unsui passed, For di
version them Is dilving, goltlng, walk
ing, polo, cycling and tho like, whilo
tho mom social pastimes have many
devotees. Lakowood's hotels aie nini
vpIs of coiutoi t, convenience and hos
pitality, and alio Intoi cstod In unique
icsoits should have the Now Joisey
Centtal's Lakowood Booklet, just out
and leploto with autheutiu humiliation,
Send tor It to C. M. Dint, G, P. A.M
113 Liboity shoot. Now Yoik city. H
Is fico for the asking.
Am You Going- South?
Bofoio you stmt on vour southern:
hip, consult ticket agent, New Jeisoy
Continl. Tlio tine soiithoiu loute, to
all piouiliient points south, vvitli only
one rliango of (ins No otliei load can
do this.
t'lmi teuton, Atlanta, Asliolle, Jack
sonville, St. Augustine, Cincinnati. St,
Louis, Louisville, Montgomeiy, New
Oi leans and mum other pi eminent
plates without change of cms except
at Philadelphia. Itesei vations in Pull
man made in any point. For time
tables ami additional Intotuuitlon, call
on an ticket agent, New Joisey Cen
tial, or J. S. Swisher, dlstilct pas-feu
ger agent, Scianton, Pa.
Southein Pacific's Beduced Bates,
Tlio Southein Pat lllo compniij, by
agteomeut with their connections, will
put into effect dally (lining Muich uml
Apill (olonlsts ono-vviiy second-class
lutes to California, 'as follows: Fionj
Chicago, 'i'i, fiom St. Louis und Now
Ol leans, J 30, mid fiom the MIhboiuI
liver, $-'D, thus 1 educing the tegular
lutes f 1 0111 eastern points neaily 50 per
f: -i&a ,k
4J4t .;fc
htk- fR.- JlWMt
. - A..