r ; tibun& offlntott THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, PA., MONDAY MORNJNC,' KIS13inrAKY 21, 1002. TWO CENTS. W . ' PRINCE HENRY Representative ol tlie Emperor o! Gcniiiiiui Is Given a Warm Welcome. FIGHTING BOB FIRST TO GRASP HIS HAND .Kronpiinz Wilhelm Is Sighted at 9.40 Off Sandy Hook and Met by Admiral Evnns in tho Naval Tug Ninn Tlie Passage Up the Bay Is Marked by Booming of Cannons nnd Blowing of Whistles Prince Disembarks at Recreation Pier on West Thirty-fourth Street Caval ry Ttoop and Heavy Porce of Po lice Keep Back Crowds Lunch on the Hohenzollern. dy Exclusive Wire from The AMocialed Preu. Now York, Fob. 2,'!. Prince Henry, of Prussia, representative of Ills brother, lhe- emperor of Germany, at the launch Insr of the lattcr's American built yacht, 1 cached here today and was cordially welcomed as a guest of the nation. The land batteries that guard the. outer huibor .sounded the first greeting of a salute of 21 guns, the rifles of a special naval squadron as sembled in his honor re-echoed the contlnient, there were verbal greetings from representatives of President Iloosovelt, the army, the navy and the city of New York and a great crowd lined the way into the city to sec and cheer the sailor prince of Germany. Tho great storm against which the Krnnprinz "Wilhelm had struggled for days and which glazed tho Atlantic coast In an armor of ice had lost its force and resigned itself away to warm sunshine and cheery blue skies, so there were no regrets that tho royal guest was a full day late for the enter tainment provided for him. Tho gen ius of Marconi reaching out from the storm swept coast, had definitely lo cated the belated liner and made cer tain the hour which she would reach Sandy Hook. There was a curtain of haze oft the hook early this morning and It was after 9 o'clock before the watchers caught the shadow outlines of the cautiously approaching liner. Hear Admiral Robley D. Evans, commander of the special squadron and honorary aide to the prince, left the fli'gship Illinois with his staff at Si: 40 o'clock lu tho naval tug Nina. The Nina met the Kronpiinz beyond Fort "N'adsworth and, swinging around on the starboard side of the liner, steamed up the bay. Prince Henry, attired in the uniform of an admiral of the German navy ana surrounded by his naval and military staff In brilliant uniform, stood on the bridge of the liner. As tho small tug drew nearer to the side of tho steamship, Prince Henry and Admiral Evans caught sight of one another and exchanged Informal salutes. Tlie distance from steamer to tug was tin) great for conversation, however. As tlie two vessels with a Hot Ilia of tugs and ofllclal eruft moved In past Fort Wadsworth. tho first of the salutes of 21 guns was fired. As the first gun sounded tlie prince ad vanced to the end of the bridge of the Kronpiinz and stood at attention. Salute to Old Glory. As he passed the big American ll.ig floating over the fortifications ho touched Ills, cap In salute and the mem bers of lili suite did likewise. The flag nt the jaekstalf of the Kronprinz was dipped and the German naval band ac lompanylng the prince played the Star Spangled thinner. The guns of Foit AWulsworth weio nut silent before those ncioss the Narrows at Fort Hamilton boomed out their salute, "When that ceremony was over the Kronpiinz was stopped and the Nln.i hauled around to her portslde and Admiral Evans and his staff boarded her. The passengers were gatheied on the main deck and theio wild a hearty cheer us tho admiral cuino up the gangway. Admiral Evans was escorted forward at once and In the quarters of Captain A. Kleiner, master of the Ktonpriiiz lie and the prince met. The prince came forwaul and the hand of the naval ofll cur shook It warmly. "I am very glad to see you, sir," said the admiral, "Everybody in the 1'nlted States is waiting to welcome you, It Is my pleasure, sir, lo greet you formally in their behalf," "I thank you, sir, and through you the people of your country," responded the prince. "1 am very glad to bo here and on tills splendid day. The emperor directed mo to convey Ills compliments to you, admiral, and 1 do so with very Bipnt pleasure." Admiral Evans expiessed gratification at the tliuughtfuluesH of the emperor. He presented tlie members of his statf and the prince, gavu each u hearty handshake and it cordial word. The newspaper correspondents who are to accompany the prince on ills tour through the country, also were Intio duced by the admiral, The prince, who was in excellent spirits, smiled when he faced the newspaper writers and after the formal part of the presenta tion said that Im was quite sure that their relations would bo very happy. Passing the Warships. After a bilef halt the liner moved ahead and at 10.30 was abreast of the Hpeelul uquadron off Tompklnsvllle. The (lerman standard was run tu tho forctop of the Kronpiinz and Its ap pearance gave signal to tho American fleet to salute. The Han Francisco, Cutiniiatl, Olynipiu, and Illinois lay In HAS ARRIVED perfect alignment In the order named and made an attractive picture with their crews manning side, turrets and tops. They raised the German naval standard and then opened blank fire. The prince stood at attention on the bridge and back of him wore Admiral Evans nnd his stuff and the men and the numerous suite of the German visi tor. The prince and his staff were espe cially Interested in the Illinois and Olympla and offered warm congratu lations to the Ameiienn admiral on the splendid nppenrunre of his squadron. The prince said that he was very anx ious to visit the squadron and that he would do this at his eaillest moment. As tho Kronpiinz cleared Tompklnsvllle the tlcct of sinnll craft around her In creased and they kept their whistles sounding. A crowdpd ferryboat Joined the others and In response to tlie cheers of her passengers the prince went to the end of the bridge and touched his cap in salute. There was a rush to the side of the ferryboat that carried her over on a list Unit looked dangerous. When tlie Kronprinz came abreast of Governor's Island there was another salute and the prince again stood at at tention until the last or the twenty-one guns was fired. New York and its surroundings have rarely shown to gieuter advantage than today, the sunlight with the added brightness that came from the glisten ing coating of snow, and tho royal vis itor did not leave the bridge during the run up the bay. He said that ho was at last gratifying an old ambition In visiting New York, and asked that the points of interest be shown him and tho geographical bearings explained. He knew the statue of liberty, Brook lyn bridge and the battery, and had heard tho fame or I he tall buildings. The latter towered high In the dear light, and the prince .viewed them with keen interest as tlie Kronpiinz swung ! Into North river. The famed skyline that shows so well from the Jersey shore caught his attention and he watched it until a tooting tug claimed a salute. Crowds at the Battery. The first of the large ciowds was met at the battery, and from there on up to Recreation pier, where the largest crowd or all had gathered. Every pier to which admission was not denied was partly filled. The number of river craft also Increased and the welcome there was a noisy one. The crossing ferry boats sounded their whistles, nnd the ever-Increasing fleet of tugboats kept up their noise. Tho big liners in port were dressed, nnd the German colors were displayed at several points along the harbor shores. The prince fre quently went to the side and either saluted or waved his hand in acknowl edgement. To the Americans present he expressed his appreciation of the warm 'welcome extended to him. The last greeting in tho run up the river was from the Imperial yacht Hohen zollern, which is to be the home of tho prince while In New York. She wore a full dress of flags and her white paint, with Its trimmings of gold, shone In the brilliant sun. Her jackles wore new uniforms and straw hats, and manned the sides, while the ofllcers, in full dress uniform, were drawn up on the quarter deck. The mince smiled at sight of her, and again stepped to the end of the rail and saluted. The jaekles of the Hohenzollern gave a lusty cheer, and the prince smiled and saluted again. The Kronpiinz was abreast of the pier at noon and was quickly warped into her berth, but there was some delay In getting a gangway arranged. There was no demonstration at Rec reation pier, for the prince was not seen by the great crowd that choked up the end of "West Thirty-fourth street. Cav alry Squadron A, of the National Guard of New York, and a heavy force ot police kept the pier clear. The Prince Disembarks. Prince Hairy disembarked at 12;." p, in., at that moment walking down tlie decorated gangway from the Kron piinz Wilhelm Into the elaborately decorated pier. Ho them passed upon a port of a landing down u flight of italrs to the. pier floor through an ornamental gangway and arch to the gang plank of the Hohenzollern which had been decointed In the German col ors and was covered half Its length. The prince was met at the foot of tho gang pl'ink by Admiral Von Haudlssln, commander of the Hohenzollern and his ofllcers. Meanwhile the band from tho Kronpiinz Wllhelni was playing the German national air. Taking tho precedence due to his rank Prlnco Henry walked up the gang plank followed by the olticers of the lloheiizolleiii. The first of his callers to arrive after ho had arrived on the yacht iwis General liroov:e, V, S. a accompanied by two aides. Admiral Unrber anl his aide. Captain West, representing the Culled States navy, followed and then camo the 'fiernuin ambassador at AVashlngton and his brilliantly attired suite of military and naval attoches and secretaries, and tho military attache of the German em bassy at Mexico, I.loutunont Unrtols. Following the Geinmn ambassador came the special representatives of the piesldont of the Culled States headed by Dr. Hill, first assistant secretary of suite, and Including General Cor bin, Colonel Hlngham and Commander Cnwies, the brother-in-law of the presi dent. Captain Natlinn Sergeant then called on ho prince as the special representa tlvu of Admiral Dewey, The captain said that he had been sent by the ad miral nnd especially to express to the prince the admiral's i egret at not being able to greet hhn personully and to pay his rospeots. '('he list of callers was ended with the mayor's party, which Included himself and Ills private secretary, The German consul general at New York and his suite formed a part of the German ambassador's party. About on hour was spent by thn prince in receiving his callers and in .J? a,n-rtf tihkl making an admiral's Inspection of tho troops and crew of the Hohenzollern. Then followed a lunch. The prince invited to tills luncheon those of thu Americans among his callers who rep resented tho navy and besides these there wore present the members of the P'inco'H suite nnd members of the Gor man embassy at Washington. On I'rlnc Henry's right sat tho highest representative of the emperor In this country. Ambassador Von Hollenben, and on his left Admiral Evnns. Next to the ambassador on the prince's light sat Captain Converse of the Illinois, and the other Ameiicnns present nt the luncheon were lieutenant Chapln and Ensign Evans, .son of Admiral Evans. The luncheon whMi was Informal was finished about .1 o'clock and then the prince nnnounced to his guests that he would repay this afternoon all his olllclal visits. He told Admiral Evans he would ho glnd to see the. latest built battleship of the American navy. The prince boarded the tug Nina at 3:.'I0 to repay his calls. He was accompanied by one aide and Admiral Evans and Ensigns Evans and Chapln. Ho vlsltod the navy yard first, called on Admiral Barker, and then Governor's Island, where he called on General Brooke. From Governor's Island the tug proceeded to the battleship Illinois where he called on Admiral Evans and inspected the ship. He was received by tho squadron with tho honors duo his rank. From the Illinois the prince returned to the pier at Thirty-fourth street and went on board the llohen 7oilern for dinner. The four ships of Admiral Evans' squadron were Illuminated tonight. Tho battleship Illinois, nt the head or the lleet, had her name In electric lights across the bridge In letters two feet high. Along either side of the ship, nt n helghth equal to the top or the pilot house, she displayed In lights the words "Welcome, Prince Henry." Along the rail from stem to stern, and up the stays to the tops or her military masts and up und around the tops of her funnels, were strings of high power In candescent lights. The showing made by the Cincinnati was the best in the squadron, excelling that of the flagship. The lights were carried up her masts to the truck and out on either arm of her long signal arm. The effect was a giant cross ot fire with an illuminated base, and tho whole stunding out against the dark ness made a most effective picture. Tho lights uere turned on at 7 and extin guished at 9 o'clock. Prince Henry gave a dinner tonight on board the imperial yacht Hohenzol lern. Among his guests were David J. Hill, assistant secretary of state; Hear Admiral Robley D. Evans, Major Gen eral Honry C Corbhl, Colonel Theodore A. Bingham and Commander Cowles. Emperor Hears of Arrival. T.ciiln, Feb. 23. Emperor William re ceived a cablegram from Now York while at breakfust this morning in forming him that tlie Kronprinz Wil helm was nearlng her port in fair weather and that his brother, Admiral Prince Henry of Prussia, was well. The Sunday quiet of Berlin was bioken today by the Issuance of a newspaper extra on the arrival of the Kronpiinz Wilhelm. This Is a very unusual thing in German newspapor-dom. MESSAGE TO THE PRESIDENT. Washington. Feb. 2H. The following messages that have been passed be tween Prince Henrv and President Roosevelt were made public tonight: On bomd Kionpriiu Wilheliu. olT XjutuiLci bland, vl.i Miinonl nt it ion, Sluunit, l'ib. 2-'. l'le.-ldcnr lloiweielt. Hope ftjle 'of lir.il t!i of M,ilcr lloovielt fi orjbly pioiov.11) vith speedy reeoieiy. 1'cimll to touiiutulutc you ami AnirriiJii n it ion on to iljj'ii loimuomorjiioii of Wj-hinirlnn'- birlhd.iy. Sony ilbuppnint jou mi late unhid. Vny heaiy prinUtcnt. cndeilj ulmU ulikli nule fast piu t;tvi Iii)iaillle CM'II foi lhi licMiitifitl e!el. I loot: foiwaid lo meetliu; yon. Hi my of t'iul.i. The president replied: Willie llmi-r, fell. 2. I'llinc llciiiy of 1'iii-mi, tho Mohcn.'.olloin, Xew Yoik city. Adept ni.v ) f Jiticst giertlno on your i.ifo auh.il. 1 llutil; .:ii lor .Mini incsjqi'. In tint mine of the Uneile.tr people, I will wo ,mi unci f Iciol, forwjiil to meeting jou person illy tomonou. Tlieodoio lion. (ec. LABOR RIOT AT PONCE. Striking Trolley Workmen Resent the Employment of Italians as Tracklayers. Uy i:iiiiile Will' firtiu Hie Afeaihiteil I'rei. San Juan. Porto Itlco, Feb, L'::. Dis patches received from Ponce last night say that political agitators incited n riot of the striking trolley workmen there yesterday, and that bloodshed was only averted with the greatest difficulty. A mob, numbering hundreds of 'persons, controlled Pnnco for two hours, the police not being numerous enough to suppress the disorder, Tho chief of uollco and the American en gineer of the inad were surrounded, after tho chief had arrested tho ring leader of the rioting. A crowd of peo ple followed the three men to the city hall, shouting, "Down with tho Ameri cano!" The chief, thanks to the cool ness and firmness of the American em ployes of the road, who weie armed with revolvers, prevented a serious conflict. The native workmen on the trolley line are well nald and are satisfied with their wages. They would not havo struck had they not beep intimidated by outsiders, The employment of sev enteen Italian tracklayers was probably tho cause of the trouble. The Italians arci experts and no such labor Is nb talnable hero from among the natives. Hut the Porto Kteaiis dlsllka to seo for eigners working on the roads, The mob was composed of tho unemployed cle ment. The leaders of the riot have since been placed In jail, und Ponce is now c;utet. Burned to Death. By Exvliiiiw Wire from Tlie Associated Fmm. Newbure, X, Y., Fib. SJ. Mr. Amu II. Ilm. kins wjj buinctl to dcutli tonight in u (Ire at tliv liome of Mrs. i.euU Curtis, on I.lucily ktrtct. Cuirie Curt U, a )oun;r nirl ho wji L1; Willi starlet fever, s retcucJ by tlie flrcun,u. , .. sM l&MnLjJu2, jjl.- SS STONE IS AT STRUMITZA The GantiVG AMssIonaru and .Her Gonipanlon Are Released at Last. THEIR KIDNAPPING A POLITICAL MOVE Mr. Spencer Eddy Says That tho Brigands Who Imprisoned Miss Stone Were Prompted to Secure Money in Aid of tho Macedonian Cause Tho American Missionary Was Abducted Because It Was Be lieved That America Had More Money nnd Would Pay n Larger Ransom Thau Any Other Nation. Dv Kiclinlie Wire from The Associated Prew Constantinople, Feb. 24. Miss Ella 51. Stone, tlie American missionary, who. with lime. Tsllka was captured by bt Ignnds In the district ot Salonika, September ,1 last, has been released and arrived at Strumltza, Macedonia, at 3 o'clock this morning.' Nobody was at Strumltza to meet JIIss Stone as tho brigands had given no indication where they proposed to release the prisoners. Mine. Tsllka and her baby were also released at the same time. They are all well. Miss Stone Immediately made 'herself known to the authorities at Strumltza. The first news of Miss Stone's release was contained in a telegram received by Mr. Dickinson, the American consul general at Con stantinople from the American vice consul at Salonika. Tho telegram gives no details of tho release. As Strumitza is near the Salonika TTsiil;L railroad Miss Stone will pro ceed to Salonika without delay. New York. Feb. 23. Spencer Eddy, fir;t secretary of the United States le gation ot Constantinople, who had charge of the negotiations for the re lease of Miss Ellen M. Stone and Mrs. Tsllka arrived hero today on the Kronpiinz Yvllh'Iin. tn an Interview- he said the brigands captured an Amer ican rather than any other missionary because they believed the Americans had tho most money and would be likely to pay the ransom. "Did the brigands want the money for themselves?" Mr. Eddy was asked. A Political Matter. "No, they did not, and that Is where the people in America do not under stand this case. It Is entirely a politi cal matter njid all the people In Mace donia are in sympathy with the kid napping, for they believe It is a step toward freeing Macedonia from Turkish rule, the same as Bulgaria has been, and the money they demanded (J1U0, 000) was Intended for the Macedonian cause. "If we had been dealing with the professional brigands, who wanted money pure and simple, instead of the political ones, Miss Stone would havo been released long ago. It Is very like ly that this capture was deliberated upon for a long time and the victims selected were considered best to serve the cause, when coniDared with those of oilier nationalities." "Do the Macedonians have any feel ing of enmity toward the mission aries?" "No, they are rather friendly to them than otherwise. They desired to at tract the attention of the world to their cause and Incidentally to get some much-needed money. T have every reason to believe they have given Miss Stone and her companion In captivity the very best of tieatment. When Mrs. Tsllka's baby was born she received tho kindest of treatment, from all we can learn." The Ransom Money. London, Feb. 21. Wiling from Con stantinople the correspondent of the Dally Chronicle says he understands that owing to the necessity of prole-ting tho innocent persons who as sisted them, the American delegates will never divulge where and how the ransom money for the release of Miss Stono was paid. The correspondent learns, however, that the rtu-e of filling the money bags with lend after tho ransom had been paid, with a view of making It appear that the mission to pay the ransom had failed, was completely successful, It Is practically certain that the ransom money goes to tho .Macedonian com mittee. Albs Stone, continues the corres pondent, Is completely Innocent of any knowledge of thn plot to kidnap her, but strong suspicious am entertained about some Itulg.irlaus who accompan ied her party, or remained behind, Rapid Run to San Francisco. -By llxilmhi' Wire fiyin tlie Awoilaleil Press. MjikIkiIIIouii, Iowa, 1'ib, 2J. Seuviil Webb's special 1 rafu limn New Voik in jii I'riiicUcu, p.iw-eil lllli illy .it ll,H"i p. Hi., ii inliiiitni alieid of tdicilule time. l'ioecU uic Hut the I'iiIon I'jcllle will net tlie train into Dnaer bj II a, in, lomoiiow. If tliii U done tint wmlil'ii teioM 1'Ctttfni New YuK ml pemu, 4S Iioum, mails by tin' I'hiiijI4IiIj .iml Olilmuii, llurlliutoii iiml ijulniy, will be bialvn by wio liour. Dr. Young Cremated, II v i:ihuhe Wiie fiom the AoiijteJ 1'icm. .('Iiiilniutl, Teh, 2.I. Alter tho remain ot Dr. iLiiiel hcliujler Yuni wire iieniatdl today, it La learned that lio lud pioWdeil fur the amei tu bo taken tu III old liojhooil home in .Mont gomery lOimly, jiirx Voik, ulieio bin wife w.14 burled; one-fenilli to be tprlnMeil on tier kuu', inc-fouitli oe i- tho pilli In Mi old Fchoolhoihe, oiiC'fuuitli at liU old home, aid one-fourth lo bit s.'iuc out of a B"' " tho old liomcatcad. Inter-Lake Yachting, fiy lUcliuhc Wire from The Aisodated I'resi. Toledo, I'eb. SJ. Tlio Iuti'olakc YrfiMfni; 'J elation, at J lueetiiig held hoc tonight, w luted I'ut-In-lu.r at the location r.f next winners ic satta, anilj the time- to be the wetk of July i.i-20. .J& BIO CAPTURE OF BOERS. National Scouts Take One Hundred and Sixty-four Prisoners. Dj i:eluho Wire from the Associated Pre". London, Feb. 23, A dlstmtch from Lord Kitchener, dated Pretoria, Feb ruary 21, nays Colonel Park, with three hundred mounted National Scolits, re cently surprised it Hoer force at Noolt gedncht, Transvaal colony, and cap tured 104 prisoners, together with a quantity of munitions of war and a number ot horses und wagons. There wore no Ihitlsh casualties. The prisoners Include Field Cornels Jotibert and Dejater and Lieutenant Vlljoon. COUNCIL AT MADRID. Ministers in Session Several Labor Societies Decline to Strike. Djr Exclusive Wire from The Awoeltted I'rex. Alulriil, l'eb. L'J. A council of inltilstcirt h in gCKslon here tonight to cll.-nlvi ineiiH tn In.llnt ill! public older. The uencnil fltiiitlmi li iriciitly Improicd. Keeial labor' societies here hive declined to Join the htrll.e. Official telc-iunn declare that older pioMilU eurynhere in the proilnir". More trciopi li.ile been drafted to llarceloiu, but It li hoped tho ort of t tic lioublcA ii now over. The striken at Hiucclom liilc demanded piiment In full of their u.ikcs for tlie tun weel. The emplo.icrK line refuted thee demands, ev I'ipt in a feu- eaes, ulieie they were acceded to In the hope of conclllatlncr the men. TILLMAN-M'LAURIN FIGHT Question of Punishment the Chief Topic of Conversation in Offi cial Washington, Uy Lxtluthc Wire from the Associated l'rew. Washington, Feb. 23. The, topic of chief Interest In senatorial circles to day, and, in fact, everywhere In ofllclal Washington, was the flgnt in the sen ate yesterday between Senators Till man and McLauiin, (South Carolina). There have been a number of confer ences among senators as to what should be done lo preserve tho dignity of the senate and to manifest Its sen timent with reference to the two sena tors who violated Its traditions. While no plan of procedure has been agreed upon, it Is learned that there will be vety deliberate action and it is said to be more than likely that it will be not less than 30 days before the South Carolina senators will bo restored to their full powers as senators, this de liberation on their case being in tho nature of a punishment, since they will not be allowed to address the senate or vole until no longer In contempt of the senate Senator Burrows is chairman of the committee on privileges and elections and tonight ho said that In advance of any meeting of the committee he cannot say what will be done, but he added that the matter Is of such se rious importance that it must receive careful consideration. It Is understood the conferences among senators have shown tho existence of a considerable sentiment that the apologies made by the South Carolina senators are not deemed sufficient and that the commit tee will require other and more ample apologies to be submitted to it In writ ing, with the assurance that such apol ogies will be made to the senate before a report will be made to the effect that the senators have sulllclently purged themselves of the contempt, of which the senate I1113 adjudged them guilty. The whole matter Is of punishment and In requiring sufliclent apology. The conferences developed the fact that the senators regard the matter with all the seriousness with which they dealt with It yesterday and that they In tended to take such action as will pre vent, if possible, similar episodes In the future. Neither Senators Tilhnun nor Mc Lauiin was disposed to enter into any discussion today regarding the hap penings in the senate yesterday. Mr. Tillman, however, did say In reply to questions as to whether there had been any developments in the case that "nothing had occurred. So far as my own purposes are concerned 1 am simply awaiting developments and will act In accordance with judgment as they unfold themselves." Air. McLauiin declined tu make any statement whatever. M'OOVERN LOOMS UP. The Whirlwind Again Eligible for Championship Honors. Dv Kuliulve Wire from The Associated l'resa f.ouUUIIe, Ky lVli. 2i.-rTerry MUiouin ia again ellKlhle for ihamploiuliip lionois. After lltlern loumM of as name anil thiilllnir a list lit is wai cier M'eu in Ihli city, Ten was lujt nlsht dtclaieil the nmiitr oier lau hulliiaif'. The tight w.i not mlci by a Knot l.nut. but it wad plain lo he M'eu uhtu bullhau sunk in liU l.uci"i in tlie fifteenth lound lo mold a wild bulb lll.ii rush by the little lliool.l.Miite, tint he u.a whipped tn .1 nt.ind.tlll, and thin KiumleiUe 'in muili m iiiijllilnif else mu-id lleleree Hub I'll. jdtuuioiw lu idle the !lc,hf to Miljowrti. It va all McComiii, evcept In tho fouith and lltlli lound, whtn for u time it looked a though linn had Teuy iioinif, Hut In the i-litli lound MiOou'in pulled hiuiMif togctlier, and finm tint time on it uii all one xhlcd. Washington's Birthday Service. Il r.Mltwitii VWre fiom the Associated IVm. New YolL, I'ch. 2.f.'lhe eninial neiilie mm. iKCnioutlvi' ot the blub of tieoiice Washington by the Sons of the lleioliiilon of the mate of iv Yoik i.i held thU ofieiuoon in M. I'-nd'a ihapel. 'I lie tculic u.u loii.lucU'd In die Id v. Moumi 1)1::, itUnr of T'linlty ihmili, a.-al.tnl by Ihiilcut ileiii)iueii. 111. III.-, iliilwicd .111 nd-thc.- upon (ieoiKc Washington, Steamship Arrivals, U.r Exiludie. Wire fiom 'Hit A'soiiated I'ltu. Xew Yiul, I'lb, si. Aimed: Cauipmia, 1,1 v rrpuul und IJuivimuuii; St, l.oub, Niutli.iiupioii and rlifiliourti; Kroupiliu Willivlm. Ilit-m-u, hoiitliampton ami l.hcrhtuusf. l.lwrpcn'lU rlud: Tauilc, New Yoil,. ' DEATHS OP A DAY. By K.ulmhe Whc from, The Astoclatfd I'ltu. Oat.Ull, X. V 1'ib. 2.).-.!uhu A, (iliiHold, lonir a teadini: tnimbvi ef the liiicne county bar, and member of coujicns In liJ.n an I lt.70, died today, lloston, Mav.,, l'eb. 'il. -Willi nil fmcHOu lllihmond. or as lie jj fanilllaily known, "Hilly" r.mcrnon, tbc famuiv, mliiohcl, died last night at Dlnu'u's hotel 011 Kllot iditct, wheie he lias Hud for mciul inoiilhi pat, P.Jth vva due to a complication of dUcac4 reiuttlne; lu consumption, lie wju'Sc ear 0' u;e and a lUthe of Belfast, Iniaiid. JjMrirJti. -s'ti-... VWuj. FIRE-PROOF HOTEL CONFLAGRATION C0RTEZ CAPTURED. General Mnlavar's Lioutennnt in Hands of tho Military Author itiesTaken at Allpit. lly Tulinhc Wire fiom the .Woclnlnl Presi. Manila, Feb. 2.1. A Torco of native constabulary at Santa Cruz, province of Lngunu, Luzon, has captured Cortez, second In command to the Insurgent general, Malavar, nnd turned hlln over to the military authorities. Curies; was in fancied security In n suburb or Santa Cruz, known as Allpit, and was raising funds for the Insurrection, A friendly native Informed Inspector Sorensen of this fact and tire capture of Cortez fol lowed. Large numbers of Insurgents, who have been driven from Hatangas and Lagunii, have joined the Ladrones In the neighboring province of Cavltc, where tho native constabulary nie hounding them from place to place. General Trias, the present governor ot Cavlte province, who formerly bitterly opposed the Americans in that district, has given proof or his true friendliness and Is uslllg every effort to run down and capture the Oavite Ladrones. Jil ls sending volunteer companies of bolo men to assist the constabulary to sup press disorder. PROGRAMME OF THE WEEK IN CONGRESS Senate Will Begin Voting on Philip pine Tariff Bill Today McKln ley Memorial Exercises. By Kxclusio Wire from the A'ociatcd 1'iesj. Washington, Fob. 23. In accordance with the agreement heretofore reached the senate will begin voting at 4 o'clock toinonow on the Philippine tar iff bill. All tho time of the day's ses sion previous to that hour will bo de voted to brief speeches for and against the bill, the time to be divided between the supporters and the opponents of the bill. The opinion has been advanced that yesterday's episode between Senators Tillman and McLauiin might hnve the effect of causing a postponement of a time for taking the vote, In order to permit senators Jo speak who lime desired to do so, but there is no prob ability of any change of programme. The senate regards a unanimous con sent agreement us very sacred, and never allows anything to interfere with it. According to the present programme Prince Henry will be a witness of a part of the ceremony of taking the vote on the Philippine bill. The Irrigation bill now holds the place of vantage on the senate calen dar "next to tho Philippine bill, and probably will receive the attention of the senate after the Philippine bill Is out of the way. There Is, however, some impatience on the part of the ship subsidy bill over the piesent arrange ment, and If the Irrigation bill should consume a great deal of time theie may be an effort to displace It, The MoKlnley memorial exercises in the house of representatives on Thursday ovei shadows the programme In the house this week. When Prince Henry visits the capltol tomorrow to look down on the two houses of con gress he will witness probably an unin teresting spectacle, so far as the popu lar branch Is concerned, as the house will be working on District of Colum bia business. The remainder of the week will be devoted to appropriation bills, two of which are on the calendar, the postofllce and the diplomatic und consular bills. p RECOVERING FROM EFFECTS OF STORM Railroad, Telegraphic and Telephone Communication Resumed in Many Storm-Bound Localities. H.i i:iluilie Mie from the AwoU.itcd I'rcii. New York, Feb. 23, The telegraph mid telephone companies are slowly le coverlng from the big storm. All to day nas spent In restoring the crippled service and stringing new wiies to re place the old ones which have been blown down In all directions. At noon Philadelphia was still cut olf entirely from direct telegraphic and telephonic communication with this city, Unltlmore was In the same fix with Philadelphia and Washington could bo riviched only by a long and circuitous 1011U leading through the middle west. Quar.intliie, Sandy Hook, biro Island and many subuiban communities weio completely cut olf troin tho metropolis and the companies hold out little hope foe a tiHiiedy until tomuirow morning. The Miutlt could be reached only thiough the west. WUInr-Haire, Ph., Feb. 2:!. Tho Wyoming Valley Is slowly recovering from tilt, erfects of the stoim, Tvle Kraphle communication with the out--hie world, which hud been suspended binco Friday evening was partially re sumed this evening. Tratlb' on tho railroads Is also lu better shape. Pas senger trains tiro making better time. The electric railways lu this and sur lduiidins towns woie badly crippled for twenty-four hums, but all caru are now running on schedule time. There Inyo been 110 casualties. Dr. Guernsey 111. New .oil, fib. 23. Pr. Kgbcri liucifi)', well Kuomii homeopathic pli4cian and Insanity eicif, who h.u been ill for many wccU, has lud 4 tiiiMng (ipill, ami alter a. consultation tonight liU phjliiaiu announced that they c pnud death tu occur within a few hours. i jy jL. Ajflff iiJAkSfftJl ' 'Vniritti ; Nineteen Deaths Have Alreadu Re sulted from the Park Avenue Blaze. A HOSTELRY WITHOUT FIRE ESCAPES Over-confidence in Arrangements of the Building Caused Death nnd Disaster Manager Charges That Thieves Started the Blaze Rob beries Reported Disagreement About Warning Nineteenth Vic tim Died Yesterday A List of the Dead. By Itluslif Wire from The Associated I'rm New York, Feb. 23. Sixteen persons who were guests at the Pntk ,avenue hotel lost their lives early yesterday morning, when tlie' hotel was on fire, after Unities had destroyed the 71st reg iment armory. Nearly fifty other gucsti at the hotel weio burned severely or hurt as they were escaping from their 100ms, and many of Uiem were sent to hospitals In the city. Many guests had narrow escapes from Injury, and there were exciting rescues by firemen. Blame for the hotel management was expressed yesterday because there were no fire escapes leading from upper story rooms to the Interior court, because there were no rope escapes in the rooms of the guests nnd because there weio not adequate appliances for extinguish ing fires lu the building. Some of the people who escaped from rooms In the hotel declared that no warning of the fire "was sounded to alarm tho guests. Others said they were warned In time. All who were burned in the fire had dressed themselves In readiness for flight, but had delayed too long in their rooms. The spread of the lire In the hot"l was causeci to some e::tent by flaniesi in the elevator shaft, and the managCr' of the hotel declared his belief that thieves had started a lire at the bottom of the shaft to create a panic In the ho tel and 1 over robberies. That theory, was supported In a measure by the fact that several rooms In the hotel were plundered during the excitement, and one man who was caught taking arti cles from a room was arrested and held for examination. An ofllclal Investiga tion of the the was ordered by the district attorney, but police- and fire ofllclals believed that flames from Hip burning armory Invaded the hotel nnc. the llrebrands started the fire in the eievator shaft. The loss by the fire lu the armory win said to .be less than $100,000 and the damage to the hotel was said -not tc exceed $30,01)0. List of the Dead. The following Is a list of the other persons who lost their lives in tlie Park avenue hotel lite, or who died from In juries tecelved In it which was com piled late tonight: ALTON, NOItMW. ilinl In liillmie, llel in Ccdoudn SiilmtK, llfllllinT, COI.. II.Utl.lN I... Il.11 dual. Conn., eomiiunder of Ihe flr-l iiinniuit. 1'oiinei.ti cut uihmti'et-,; l.ilhd by Mil in Inc. IlKHVIIAItDr. MII.I.IAM .1.. .'li w.'H old, nt ( bt .ipi: Ulted in hotel. IH'.ltVUUtPr, MHS. W. .I., dhd in Iblleiiie. LOVIIMJ, l.i:i'. 0., if jiUH old, li.iiiiilil-iii.iii, of this ilt. nnu'., 1 iii:i .. .ii.w'.ii- "id, ot i.ion-, v. v. II VMI, !, I'.. Hint iriliiln, liny be Tliomn Homo. Hied in Pirncr, Col. IVIOX. JOHN, diul in bull I, lhi'il in lVnici, Col. M'MWI's. Mil"' J. ovosi:i.i.. fvi'i'. 1 ii.uti.r.s iTxnuuwooh, diul in New ork liiir'iitil; ! fill mealy 1 let!, tu Su'iiitue 1 unit, HuUWN'S. ll.VtOMIIir.MAN fiASfOV A., if MWllllllll, (l.l, i-.III.IMS!r:it. i:.Vnii;it. S" .icnri old, of Chi. ciko; 11 biiM'l. M'AII.V, .I.UOH. .'.U ji, Itoilioiin, N. V, WAI.KlIli, .IOII.N fi.. S3 .M'.iH old, "f f'olumlito Turn. I iipi:it, 1 01.. Ai.i:vNin:it m r. .. a to .mmi.s old; I bed .it huli'l, lTWI'i:if, M If-. SI.O!i:, known ,n the "Tombi Ansicl." Nineteenth Victim. .Sophia Heach, til years old, a gui'st of tho Park Avenue hotel, who was burned nbout the face and hodv Siiturduv morning, died In Hellovuo hos-pltal to day, ns the result of her Injuries. This makes the nineteenth victim. All the other Ihe' v'ctlms In the different hos pitals will probably recover. Tho Pev. William Hoaidm.in, or Norwalk, Conn., who Is huffeilng from burns about tho face, hands and body, lmpioved some what today. The body of the unidenti fied woman at tho morgue was recog nized today as that of his wife, Julia. Coroner tloldeukrauz will begin his otllclal Iniiujr.v Into the loss of life at the hotel flrn tomorrow He has summoned tt large number of guests. The ruins of the Seveilty-flmt regiment auiiory and tho scorched upper stoiJes of tho Park Avenue hotej wen sazed at today by thousands of people. A single flro englno sent a stream of water on one scot ot the urinoiy iiilns, where were stored S.COO rounds of cartridges and a small quan tity of powder. The heat of tlie flro did nut explode this ammunition, for It was lu u sub-cellar, packed lu steel boxes, 4- f WEATHER FORECAST, - Wellington, Keb, 23. I'orccart for Mom - -f iljy Hid Tuesday! Kistcru 1'finnj UjiiI.i - V'alr Mondjy; warmer in noithcui pur- 4 - tlon Tuesday; increa-ilmj iloiidlucii. pmb- -f- Jbly rjlu In the afternoon or at nlsht; - lli(ht Mriable wind.1. t -- - . - MWi jft&iAiriLta&fei.. laiBHHHni
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