The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 22, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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Special (o the. Scranltm Tribune.
tJoliesclalc, Feb. 21. MIsm Kdlth
"orrcy Iihh tin her (,'Ucst it school frlcutl,
AIIks Madeline Doiiny, of New York
Miss Allen Disc Is vlsltlnp; friends In
Ciirbondnlo nntl Forest City,
Mrs. Dr. K. W. Uuriis Rave ti party
Tuesday afternoon In honor of her
Kuest, Alias Kinmn YV. Burns, of Scran
ton. M(sa Alice, daughter of Frank Bun
nell, of Ihmnclltovrii, died Friday
morning of pneumonia after nu Illness
of two weeks.
Dr. Wlmlen's lecture, ".Sunny Side of
Life," 'will bn Klven In the Ilonepdnlo
Bnptlst church on Tuesday evening
The choir of the llonemlale Methodist
church, twenty-two members, will give
a concert In the Beech Lake Methodist
church on Monday evening next.
An orchestra will furnish music for
the Martha Washington dinner In the
Presbyterian chapel this Saturday
evening, first table at !i.:i0. Boast tur
key and u full menu of other good
things wilt bo served. A bakery will
bo opened, and booths with fancy at ti
des and confectionary.
Prof. March has announced as val
edictorian Miss Kttn Nielsen and snlu
tntorltm William C. Webb for the grad
uating exercises of the Iloncsdale high
The amount paid by the poor district
composed of Honesdale borough and
Texas townships for keeping their In
sane at hospitals for the year 1901 was
Jl.C2G.Si. The total expenditures weie
j.",n38.o2. The Inventory of farm and
equipment shows a footing of $10,",S0.
The tax on dogs in I'lke county has
been reduced one-half us a result of
so few sheep being Injured by dogs, tt
would bo well for Wayne county farm
ers to Import a few of these peaceful
Pike county canines to guard their
The grand jury will meet next week.
Mr. t L. Whitney, who was Injured
by a fall on the icy sidewalk some
weeks ago, Isslowly recovering.
A knitting mill Is among the probable
Industries to bo added to Honesdale en
tei prise in the near future.
Special to the Scranton Tiibune.
Thompson, Feb. 21. Mr. and Mrs. W.
13. Wrlghter, of Susquehanna, attend
ed tho Bloxhnm-Tallman wedding- on
Wednesday and visited Mr. and Mis.
F. D. Wrlghter in the township yester
day. Miss Cnndiis Stoddard, of Stumieeu,
has been visiting at tho Methodist Kpls
eopal parsonage this week.
The Bev. AV. H. French, of the Free
Baptist church, attendea the funeral of
Horace Stoddard's daughter at Lake
Side last Monday. He is endeavoring
to arouse an Interest in the coming of
Evangelist Liddel and his wife for
evangelistic -work commencing next
Sabbath evening.
The conquering steps with which
Cupid has come down upon "this neck
o' timber" of late is quite remarkable.
For a month or more a couple a week
have made for York state at his behest.
Wednesday morning Morris Brown and
Miss Ida Tucker of the township took
the S o'clock train for the "Bashful
Couple's Besort," Windsor, X. Y while
at 5 o'clock the same afternoon Harry
Bloxhum nnd Miss Maud Tallman of
tho borough were quietly married by
their pastor, Bev. A. D. David, at the
home of the bride's parents, Esquire
and Mrs. W. P. Tullinan, and the end
is not yet, for school teachers, clergy
men, blacksmiths and liverymen alike
seem trembling In his grip.
Tho election Tuesday was a quiet
affair, resulting as follows: Constable,
Harry Crosier; school directors, E. D.
Witter, L. M. Glllett; inspector, C. M.
Lewis; judge of election, Willlnm
Messrs. Messenger Tower and Barnes,
reported on the sick list, are still con
fined to their homes.
Our aged' and esteemed townspeople,
A. W. Gates and his wife, left for
Scranton this week to spend some
weeks with their children, as has been
their custom for a number of wlnteis
A number fiom here attended the lec
ture of Byron W. Klnny at North Jnck
on last evening.
Special to tlie Scranton Tribune.
Forest City, Fob. 21. Mr. and Mis. J,
L. Harris have received news of the
death of their son, Thomas, at Bibbeo,
Arizona, yesterday, after a week's ill
ness with pneumonia. Deceased left
Forest City about five years ago, lie
was an unusually genial young man
nnd had n host of friends. Besides his
parents, sisters and brothers, a w Ifo
survives him.
The fire alarm system Is aguln in
good working order, nnd alarms should
be turned In from the nearest bos in
rase of fire, Keys for the boxes ran be
found at tho stores of J, c, Brown,
Thomas Brown, Feldmnn & Co,, C. K.
Tuylor, AV, F. AVhlte. C. K. Dunuler,
Davis & Allien, nnd in the Allen block.
One month from today comes spring
geulle npring.
Tho Star Drum coips will give a ball
In tho opera house, April 15, nntl al
ready have n committee working up
tho ovent. The proceeds will bo used
to purchase summer uniforms. Forest
City 1ms u ilium corps, In the Stars, of
ivhlclt it can feel proud, They can go
way up front and stay there,
Thomas Kilrnw, of Great Bpnd, for
mer political potentlirto, and political of Samuel S, "Wright, was in
town over night. It Is supposed that
Mr. Kllrow Is inspecting the breast
works. He is n genlul gentleman to
;neet nnd his acquaintances, whether or
not they agree with him, find plensuro
In his visits,
Special to Hie Scranton Tribune. '
TInlondale, Feb. 21. Nuthun's
condition Is much Improved. Dr. Tay
lor, of Forest City, was the attending
Iturvey Smith nus returned from
California, and does pot look its If he
needed n, vacation In tho early future.
Tho election last Tuesday in the bor
ough went Republican.
Mr, and Mrs. Albeit Ople, of Ciubon
dale,, spent Sunday with friends in
Bev. Alfred Kastmuii, after a success.
fill week of evangelistic work In Oak.
land, returned home last Saturday.
Mst Wednesday the Ladles' Aid
society of the Methodist Knlscopal
church nntl friends were entertained ttt
dinner nt the homo of Mrs. Israel
Bounds, the president of the society. It
was mi exceedingly Interesting feature
to witness the genial pastor and his
faithful deacon, each with his horse
tind conveyance, driving around town
through the storm, gathering up nil the
ladles who had desired to attend the
session, In spite of the 'blizzard there
was a large number present, and an
excellent lime was enjoyed by nil. Such
gallantry and sociability deserved the
success that was gained,
I.coiiuid Smith, who bus been a great
sufferer after vaccination, Is Improving
Special to the Gcranlon Tribune.
Fuctoryvllle, Feb. 21. The first lec
ture of the course being given nt tho
Find Jack's brother and uncle.
Methodist church, last Tuesday eveu
liig, by Bev. Dr. Hayes, of Binghaniton,
was c rare treat to those who heard it.
There was a fair-sized audienr.e, con
sidering the extreme cold weather. We
bespeak a crowded house next Tuesday
night to hear Bev. Dr. Sevorson, of
AVest Pittston, a former pastor. IBs
subject will be "Dixie Land."
Bev. D. D. Harmon, of Tuily, N. Y.,
left for his home Wednesday, n'ter
spending a few days with his falhei-In-lnw,
Charles Gardner, who Is still
seriously ill.
Miss Millie Dickson, of Scranton,
spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Ruth
Lewis Armstrong, Mr. and Mis. A.
M. AVrigley, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Arm
strong attended the funeral of the for
mer's blether, Joseph Armsli or.g, at
Tur.khnnuock, Tluusday, and also Ihe
funeral of their relative, Mrs. .um
IlRidlng, at South Eaton, the same
The donation nt the church
last "Wednesday evening for th" pat
tor, Rev. G. R. Smith, was a decided
ojecess, socially and financially.
A large number of the members of
the Women's Christian Tempevance
union attended the mid-year conven
tion at East Lemon today.
Special to the St.raulon Tiibune.
Montrose, Feb. 21. T. AV. Tinker
spent a portion of this week at his
former home in Little Meadows.
Hon. George C. Hill, of Silver Lake,
was a visitor in town yesterday,
Commissioner Isaiah Halre. of Law
ton, has recovered from nn attack of
blood poisoning, sufficiently to be In
town attending to business this week.
The latest Republican lo announce
himself a candidate for sheriff is AV. G.
Morgan, of Clifford. Mr. Morgan is, we
believe, the tenth patriot to offer him
self for the position, subject to tho ac
tion of the Republican convention. And
there doubtless will be others.
Montrose seems lo be In a fair way
to attain Its traditional "One hundred
days of good sleighing," AA'e had sleigh
ing on Thanksgiving day, and It is with
us yet.
Thomas Qulgloy, an old nnd lespected
citizen, died at the home of his niece,
Mrs. Edward Farley, on South Main
street, on Monday. He had been In fall
ing health for some mouths. The
funeral was attended from St. Mary's
church on Wednesday morning, Rev.
A, T. Broderlck ofllclntlng.
Mrs, C. M. llnwley and daughter,
Miss Bessie Palmer, are visiting friends
at Tunkhannock and AVIlkes-Bavre.
Roger Kenyon sustained a stroke of
paralysis, while shoveling miow, on
Wednesday. His right side Is affected
and owing to his advanced age, his con
dition Is considered critical,
E. B. Gill, superintendent of tho
Montroso Canning factory, has returned
from a business trip to Mllwnukee.
M, S. Dessauer has been spending the
week with his son, M, E. Dessauer, at
Fort Wayne, Ind and his daughter,
Mrs. Koch, ut Akron, O.
The annual inspection of Company G
takes place at the armory tonight,
The death of John Gilroy, u resident
oi mis iowii ror a number of years,
died yesterday morning at the family
residence on the "West Side after suffer
ing tow days of pneumonia, Besides
Ills wife ho Is survived by the follow
ing members of tho family; Mrs. Pat
rick Miinley, Mrs. James Howell, Mrs.
AVIIllam McDonald, Mrs. D. Frear,
John and Thomas. The funeral will
take place on Sunday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Interment will be made In St.
Mavy's cemetery.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. William
Sampniau, twin daughters.
The marriage of Miss Ellen Keith, of
Lincoln IIl), mid Jumes araham, of
Mnln street, will take place next Wed
nesday evening ut the home of the
bride's mother.
John O'Brien, of HID street, Is cilU
Rally 111 of pneumonia.
John, the three-year-old son of Mr,
and Mrs. James Burns, of Miller's
Grove, died yesterday morning after
mirroring several weeks of diphtheria.
The twin Bister tiled a fev weeks ngo.
The funeral will lake place this after
noon, Interment will bo In Langcllffe
Agnes, tho one month old daughter
of Mr, nnd Mrs, Patrick Byan, died on
Thursday afternoon, Tho funeral will
take place this afternoon, Interment
will be In St, Mary's cemetery.
Bev, B. M, Pnscoo will preside nt the
funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Depew at
Meshoppen today.
The Jubilee choir of I'Utston will con
duct nn entertainment In O'Mulley's
hall tonight. An excellent programme
has been nrrauged. Admission 15 and
25 tenia.
Tho home of Mrs, Jennie Clark was
Invaded by ti host of friends Inst even
ing In honor of her 40th birthday. They
presented her with mnterlnl for a hand
some black Btilt. During Mrs. Clark's
widowhood si" '.h often been remem
bered but tho s',,1 prise of last evening
rttittc unnerved her nnd It was some
time before she remembered her duties
ns hostess. A substantial spread was
soon prepared but It Is needless to say
that ample Justice was done It. The
following wore present: Mrs. David
Davis and two daughters! Mrs. Keith
nnd daughters: Mrs. W. J. Williams,
Mrs. George Kennedy, Mrs. Nenl Fer
guson, Mrs. Bobert Bosley, Mrs. A. J.
Clarke, Mrs. John McGIbbey, Mrs. Jos
eph Rlchens, Mrs. James .Moore, Mrs.
Murk Bosley, Mrs. Llllie Preece, Mrs.
Harry Em ley, Mrs. Solomon Miller,
Mrs. A. HInes and daughter, Mrs. Har
ry Tinner, Mrs. Frank, Mrs. Henry,
and Mrs. Henry Davis, Mrs. D. Wll
llnms. Mrs. G. Lower, Mrs. James Hus
tle, Mrs. McDonald. Mrs. Jean Bluck
well, Mrs. Joseph and Mrs. Otto Dor
meirolh, Richard Mueklow, Mrs. Wil
liam Mitchell, Mrs. John Richards,
Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. George Curry,
Mis. Bostoek.
Special lo the S(i.tiiton Tiibune.
Halistead, Feb. 21. Messis. -F. H,
Belden, George Corwln and Arthur Al
den started for the Young Men's Chris
tian association state convention at
AVarren, Pa.. Tuesday night. T. ('. Ai
mer is acting as secretary during the
absence of Mr. Belden.
L. II. Sprout was looking after busi
ness In tills place and Great Bend on
C. E. TItsworth, of Susquehanna, was
in town Thursday on business.
Messrs. ('. K. Follnsbee, N. II. Dick
erman and C. E. Halglit, of Binghani
ton, registered at the Mitchell house on
Irving Church left Thursday evening
for Johnstown, Pa., where ho Pas n
Pater AVnlteis, of Scranton, is visiting
his brother. In this place.
A. C. Bradstreet, who has letlred at
present from the hotel business, has
sold his horse and sleigh to Mr. Haight,
of Blnghamton.
The chamois factory pioperty was
sold by tho sheriff on" Monday, The
First National bank, of Susquehanna,
bid In the peisonnl property, and have
leased the factory of the Shephard
Chamois company. They will keep the
plant in operation until such time as a
new companj- enn be organized to pui
chnse their Interest, when It will be op
erated hy a stock company.
The Young People's Clnlstlan En
deavor society of the Presbyterian
church will have a slelghrlde and social
at the home of Joseph Osterhout, at
Mountain A'ulloy, on Tuesday evening,
February 25. Everybody Invited.
Bev. S. Guv Suowden-wlll nrtriiwsm tlm
family meeting at tho Young Men's
Christian association hull, Sunday af
ternoon. Mrs. Julia O'Nell, who has been seri
ously ill, is Improving.
The board of health has raised the
quarantine at the Barber residence.
Tho men of the Presbyterian church
will give u supper and entertainment
at tho Young Men's Christian associa
tion hnll, Saturday evening. Supper
and entertainment, 23 cents.
Miss May Hamlin lett Wednesday
morning for an extended visit In AVuMi
ingtou, N. J,
The Young Men's Christian associa
tion has a set of three new stationary
bathtubs or tho latest design and style.
They are fully up-to-date.
S. G. Barnes has returned from Mont-
Mrs. Charles Iloffinuii, who has been
ill, is Improving.
Miss Marcella Normlle js visiting In
Miss Clyde Capwell, of Blnghamton,
was visiting here, Tuesday and Wed
nesday, W, A. AVolcott is quite sick with the
Miss Maude Brown was calling at
New Mllfonl on Sunday,
i A, Vail, of New Mllfonl. was call
lug In this place op Monday,
Misses Julia and Anna Caden, of
Blnghuniton, are visiting their sister
Mrs. B. S. Rightly,
Henry Truesdale, mayor of Berlin
AVis., visited at the home of George
Adams on Saturday.
Special to Ihe Scranton Tilbuue.
Welsh Hill, Feb. 21. The old, old
story; moie snow, moro wind, more
drifts, Irregular malls, etc., etc,
Several teachers and patrons of this
place attended the Teachers' Institute
held at South aibson on Saturday last.
Marvelous Elixir of Life Discover
ed l)j Famous Doctoi'-Sclcnllsl
That CurpsBvcrj Known
Wonderful Cures Arc Effected
That Seem Like Miracles Per
formed The Secret of Long
Life or Olden Times
Tho Bomcdy Is Free to All Who
Send Name and Address.
After J mm of patient study, and delving Into
tin- thutv record of Ihe psst, as well an follow
ing modern experiments In the realms of inedl
tat science, Dr. .fumes W. Klild, Il)i".i First Na
tional Haul; building. Port Wayne, hid,, makes
the stailllng announcement Hint ho has surely
pit. .T.vur.s wii.MAsr icinn.
dlscoered the elixir uf life. ' lie Is aide
with the aid of a mj -.lcrloin compound, Known
niily to lum.rlf. pindueed as a ieult nf the
Jena he h.n .pnt in Heart Ills? fin this pteelout
lifc-gi Iiirt boon, to tme any and ewry tli-rae
llhil Is Known lo the liiinnrn body. Theie is no
doubt of the d'wlor's earneatne-H in making Ids
ilnlm nml the ieiii.iiK.ible cures that he !-, dally
tlfectintr senile to bear lilm nut ary stionslv.
Ills tlieoi) whifli he .idumces is u:if ur ira'un
and biseu on sound eiuie!ue in a medical pur
ticc of many .teal, h rasK notiilii;; to try Ids
leniaikable "l.hxlr of f.lle," .is he calls It, for
ho ends it fiee to anjone who Is a HiUjiei', in
tullkient iiuantitles to comftice of its .ibilily to
Hue, so there Is alioIu!cly no li-K to "inn
Some of (be i ure cited arc ci. rem.uKablc, aid
but for leliable wihievos wuuld baldly be credit
ed. 'Ihe lime lunc tluown awj, clutches and
walked about alter tv.n or tlnce dials of (be
icincdy. The hkk, rImmi up bi liomc -doclois,
lunc men lesloied to their families and friends
in prifect health. Ithnmull.-iii, ncuialxla, stom
ach, heart, iei, kidiiec. blood and skin dWears
and bladder doubles ili?.lppcir tis by iiuffit.
Headaches, batKache-.. neiwHiMie-,-, fcCcis, com
smiititioii, uUhs, ink!-, aslhui.i, cal.iuh. biun
ihitis at.d alt affections of the (bunt, 01
any vital mean aic easily oceicoinc In a space
of time that i simple nunelous.
P.utial paialjsw, locomotar nlaia. diopw.
gout, sciofuhc mil piles .lie quk;lt ami pnu.
nently tcniou'd. ft puuhes the entile .sicm,
blood and tissues ietuies noinial ticixu po'xcr,
iliciilition and a j-tut" of pfeu health is pio
dined at once. To the doc toe all tcms aic
alike and eipi.ilh affected In tliii peel "Clivh
of Life." Send foi (be icincdy tnclaj. It ii fue
to cceiy Milfeier. Mate what s oti want lo be
cined of nod the sure icmcdy for It will be s.-nt
ou free bi lelutn mail.
Bev. Hants addressed the institute in
the evening:.
Cupid did Utile work here on St. Val
entine's day. Nearly all were previous
ly supplied with their valentine.
On election day not only the politle
icins went mad but the elements as
well. Boads were filled, and driving
was impossible. But our old Bepubll
eans sot there just the same and car
ried the day.
Yesteiday the Ladles' Aid suriirlsed
our pastor and his wife at the parson
aRe. The day was pleasantly spent.
It will he more than ten years before
we will wish for another old fashioned
Special to tin- Scranton Trlti'ine
Ke.istune Ac.iclun.i, r.uioi.wille, 1'cb. 21.
.fay lJond, class of 'fi.s. t has been c iicul.iitii
anion; fiieuds heic dining; the week,
Miss ('hii-tiiic .Mathew.son. who leuiwst -une
Injiuic's fiom a tail .1 lew weeks .irm. Is again able
to be mil.
Viiih' Ailiej, i-pont I lie cail.v put of the week
al his home in Hi.iokbu atttiulini; the wed'luu
of his hlstii, who null It'll lo Kills liund, of
I'lofeui If. Linen IV-clt made a lii.iue, 'lip
to ii,iiiton un s.itmd.i.
Xew lulls nic .somenhit In ociden 0 of Kile.
Mr. unci Jhs. ( luiles Mi. lib, of Will e.-'.line, leicnth conic lo llc whh Ihcli mii, I'i j
fcssoi lliomlcy S'lillh.
1'iufe-sor IK IK Whnfoid, foimeil.c piofcs-or
of iiiatlipm Hits of the Acadein.t. has i'tt-nt!y ac
cepted a hlmllai po.lilou In the "-li.mioKiti "iIk!i
bf hook
Ml. IK IK Wliitiuid, her iiiolhtr, Mis. Vol';,
and Min, lliibeii, aie cl-itlns li tends In town.
Jle-sis Jusie Coon and llobeit Hull have Kane
lo Wiinen, I'a., as deleiintes to Ihe lale toiieu
linii of Ihe Yoiiiicr Meu'.c ( .i-ocKiliou,
A laijjo 1 1 mul fiiim this pkiic will attend tho
I'adeiewskl coiueit in ft union on Moudav nei.
inif. I'lofesKi lliouiley Sinllli Is weailn,' imllc. on
aciuiiut of Hie of a ,a 01111- dauchui,
The cient of Ihe .season .111 be toe 'Dee,
lilik Sktilc" j,'irii by Ihe blutfenih nu the cwi
Inif of IVIniiaii i5. 'Ihls Is lo lipie-em ihe
school dajs of llftj jtai.s as". The ih.iiar'.cis no
nil fitly chosen and a liiiili ilaw cnit 1 i.Uiun ut
l eNpetleil.
Special to the geunton Tribune.
TunKbaiinoiK, fell. 21. Z. Wells lieynold., jia.
matfer In Ihe rnlled Stitei nicj, 1, lsltlr15 li'li
family at this plate for a few dajs.
KvMieillf Mieia If. (licgoij, of Mchopp'ii,
was fchaklui; baud.. In (own on Tliiu9d.i,.
Altoiney O, s. Jiiiiner iclmned on I'tiilay af
ternoon pom I'lillddelphla, wbeie lie Ins been on
'i'ho "Monday dub" will meet ut Ihe honi of
Mis. .lames Piatt, on Wejt Tlosa flieet, on ilou
daj iifteiuuou, I'euruRiJ 41, at 2 n'elotk,
llioilte llaldwln, (icorgu Jlojle and J. Wovl
I'ljtt luic been appointed app.-alteu to nuke ..11
Imenloiy of Ihe lock of Skinner & l'eler. tlolh.
ins; dealci, leeenlly udjudecd liankrupt, The
appiaUeuieut will be made on -Maiili 3,
V. I". AMiy, who was It.Jmed .sine (line aso
by being knocketl down by u wajou, U oblo lo
be on the street again,
Tho piopwltlon o eirif a eounly poor Iioiim
was omwhelmluijly defeated at Ihe election oil
Tuesday last. 'Ihe majority ugaipst it lielns 7iH,
11 ron Illakeslee, who has been eiv ill al hi;
home on Warren fctreet, Is somewhat fmpioveil.
Xew VIro ejeapea have been placet) on (be
Wjuola, AVoi-sted Yum company' mills am ibo
Keclcr Hoitia hotel,
II, II. .Mk.fn.soit will dejher a i)b(our at :ie
I'laugelical thuich nn Miuilay cteului; uet.
Subjett wil) be, "The Cliil.iliii oldiei."
Mr. Kcarne's Poker Knowledge,
I'urv S, Heath h.13 olablLshcd an utlemajn
edition of Ids paper in Sail Lake (it. fit ullj
It the Ti'leciaiii, la ihe tlict iaue be had u com
pliiacntaiy tkelcli of Seiutoi Kcurus of I tab. 'tlio
wiiter iliapvodi7cd: "How tuily jt may be Mild
of Mr. KeaiiK, u It U uld in Scroptuie, 'lie Hut
I diligent in alull bum befoie Klns," "
Tilings wcie in toiifii.loii n the ottice that fu(
day, and peihaps the proofreader did not get to
the Keanw tkctili. At any ia(e, the
tjuotation came out, "He lliat h diligent in bu.l.
neM thai) ktaud by four kiu:."
Iltiul papeu aie fcj tiig that If Senator b'ei'ns
has to fet his wUer knowledge out of tho lllibli,
uhiii)jtoii I- no place for liiin.Waslilustoii
toirfixiiideuce, Xiw Yolk World.
4mmL Mil
.s ifsw w?W sk.
4 Lines 10 Cents
Wore Than Four Lines, 3 Cenl.s lor Each Extra Un;.
For Rent.
roil IlMNT Amll Uf. itlore nnd rooms, femur
ly occupied bv LTarli tiros', meat mat kr I. 101
Xorlh Main otenue. Inqulle of Michael Holland,
10.1 Main ntcmic.
IIOI'Hi: roil HIINT-Wj Muliiorry filed! all mod
em Improiemeuls. Inquire II. Moses, ill
WjoniInK avenue,
I'Oh KHKT-I'hc ami eW loom Hals nllli iialh,
fleani heat, gas, tangc, etc., from April 1st,
Call early, llent leusonahie. l'lctl ('. Hand, 1SI1
Mulbciiy filed.
I'OK IIIKS'T from April 1, slore loom nctupled
by (Inbln Dlunond Co., U2"i Lackawanna inc
line; also floor iiboie. Apply l" Santleiioii
l'Oll MINT ll.ioom house near I'uilorjvllle,
splent'id location for the sinnmef! Rood
pasture for hors. Apply 1804 Sandeison avenue.
HOU.Si: .Vti. nil N, Wablimlon avenue, -orner
fine dtieet, 11 rooms and bath; all In peifcet
order. Apply al M" Linden street.
1'Olt HUNT Corner slme N'o. 0J Lackawanna
nvenue. Also dwelllnijs above. Appl) to
Ooldsinlth Bros., SOI Lickawanna avenue.
l'Oll ItliN'T Slore room on second floor over .'SID
Liitkaivanna avenue. Plate Rhus front, In
quilt' nf Kroto-lcy Bios.
roil IJIIXT fiom April 1, bulldliiit now- occu
pied by the Dlikson MIllliiK 'o.. Xo. 12
Laekiiwann.t avenue. W. 1. llojle, Connell Hluff.
HAI.r 1101'IILi: house.- CIS Harrison avenue, 318.
Alo half double house, 1003 Pine street, $17,
Possesion now. Apply 0.10 Hairloon avenuc
J7or Sale.
1 1 ,000 00 STOCK m a corpoiation now cumins
larKe dividends, and fine to Incie.ise lapidly
in piice. Address lllfr UMdcnds, Tribune olllte.
l'Oll hLi: I'uinituie for sl looms; everjlhinp
needrul fm one Mailiii'a; bouekcepliiK, very
rc.non.ible, on account of leaving city. Must be
sold befoie -Mulch 1. L. (1., Tiilmne ufflce.
I'OH SALK Nice piolltahle business' lequliin
four to live thousand, ilidlin, tapitiil. I'or ur
ticiilan liiqune of .1. 1). Williams tc llio.
CVIfl'lirs, linoleums mid oil cloths sold every
day ;i o'elocK. iVOS Lackiuvauua. 'sec mictions.
LAI II (TUTUXS-.VW pairs fantt Cititnlm at
auttlou. MS I.acKawanu.i nvenue. See auc
tion. l'Oll SAI.i; - Pine kimllini; wood, stove lemrtli
Two dollais biif load tleliteictl anvwheie.
Mall oideis. .ItnniiiRs, Mlnei cut. Uu
iccond lmnil lnuiher .suitable for all purpose),
ver.i cheap.
1 Oil SALK Two light fprlnj? wastons anil some
harness, cheap. Kvuns, rear 11H Luzerne
1'Olt PALt: Cheap; horse, fprins wagon and
harness, it Xo. 182(5 Cedar avenue.
For Sale or Rent.
l'Oll .P Oil lll'.N'T-'-luie antl'luiiiipss s-liop
altuclietl, also tlwellliiir over (he stoic; Iuia.o
li t(i(jiiaar; no oppo-ilion In town; coiner of
llilnkt'i and ( liestnut stieet. Inquiie of (!. V.
l'io-t, SOI IK l)i Inker stieet, Diuunore, Pa.
Eooms aud Board.
P.OOMS TO KKXT. with board. kl Mulberry
Boarders Wanted.
PlllVATi: PAMILV wi-lics to have two ni"0 men
to board, (Iciman or;li?h. Call any tlm."
aftei Tliuisday. All conveniences, S07 Uairuon
Wanted To Hent.
W'AXTr.D Apiil 1 bv f.iniilv of thicc adults, four
or live looms unfurnished, incttitliii? heat,
flo ,V, cliy.
ATKD- ll.v luisb mil and wife, fiom Apill 1st,
tivc looms with impiovimcnts; cential city o,
(iiccn IJIilge. IK P., 'Milium; ofllt .'.
Wanted To Buy.
AVli:i) 'ID III V lu-li piid lot i-cfoiid bind
plain tack-; will also buv second hand bai
I els, cu- telephone N'o, 1107. The (uiikeu
bush Sloi.i?c Waifbous" Co., Bridge t., i pposlte
I! Is lionet'.
Money to Lonn.
LAIKIi: Oil Ml M.I. amounts. Piomptlj nude.
Intel e-t o pci cent, okcll, Attorney, ( oal
I'xchaiiHC building.
straight luaus or Uiilldiug nnd Luiui. At
fiom -1 lo ( pel cent. Call on X. . Waiker,
..1I-J1. Connell building1.
The following quotations are furnished The Tiib
une by M S Jordan !i Company, rooms 7)a-,"UII
Mrars btuldii g, .s-cranttpi. Pa. Telephone, 0003;
Op;n- High, Low- CIos-
inc. est. est. ing.
Aiiidleaii sugar IS) li)vk lHVi UJ'i
Atchison 7S 1-i 7.V'S 7.'iVi 7a:,Vi
Althlsou, Pr IKI'i U7 PO'l. 'i7
lliooklvu Tiaclioii ImTs ii HHs hi"
Hill. cV: Ohio lOiTs HH'i 10J',i HH'i
Hies. & (Hit Vi WA 45 13
(hie. & (I. W 2IU i'i 2IU Wl
. Paul lis! liJS'i ViiYa 10-ISfc
Hoik Maud Kin I'll Wl Kit
Kan. J: Tt's., Pr 3.1 )i .'i')i .1 l-'ja ol'i
Louis. lc Xasli 1(11 101'i KUOi 1l"
Man. Pleviiled l'K"i :'i 1.1 li
Mel. Tiattlon lusn K'a,r, 107 HMH
Missouri Pailllo I0l"j lOJIi HH'i Pri'i
Miiitlirlli I'aiille lsi HHi Hi's OI'!i
Xoiftdk k Western :.u ."l'4 .Til ,1lai
Pile .'is. :i.h ;'n',t ;'a'U
Iliie. Ut Pr i7?-i llS's i!7ai I'S'it
X. V. Cential lU2'j 1H.1 1( W
Out. i West ;t.m :!.!:. .itii;
Puma. It. I! flliVi HOH UMi H't'i
Pat lite Mall Hi li,K. pi hi','-
Heading ,'nl M'i o'?i f.Us
Heading, Pr M4 hl"4 hii mij
Nullum H. 11 .".!) !.2T ,'IJ'j yiT4
r-inillieiu II. It., Pi .... HV.4 (!'i P."
Tenn. Coal Si lioi 1714 A'i li" llf'.i
1', H. Leather Ui 1P4 li 1114
I'. S, l.ealbtr, Pr hi Mi, M Hi;
C, S. Hubber l.'i'.i li,H n!3 lu'i
I 11I011 Patillv ,,.101 1U1-T, won mi.14
I'nloii Paclllc, Pr yi sjj fc'i ,s'p(.
Vtaba.h. Pi U I'll a-' 4?i'rn I'nlon tn'j iki'j, 'i twu
Col. Puel & lion hij Mlj 7j WiJ
Auial. Copptr (, 70 (is.i, ui,ij
Pclple's (las IH'J ti'lTJ n,ja ,)7j
Col. So 17T4 20W 17?s Lii'i
Texas Paclllc HP! 0J m jo
Am. I'jr roundly 2baj 2hJi 2s :'iis
Am, t hi- I'mui hy, Pi... 87!4 M'a W- i-7!4
P. S, Steel C.i It"i II .i
I'. H. hieel Co., Pr .... n.l4 tii'i ui, uHj
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
Lackawanna Dairy Co,, Pr. ,,
County f-avlng3 Hank k Tiust Co.,
1'irst National Bank (Carbondalc) .,
'Ihlrd National Hank
Dime Deposit and Diwount Bank,.
I'eor.oni) f.lglit. II. k P. Co
I'irst National Bank
Laika. Trust fc Safe Deposit Co...,
Claik & Snover Co,, Pr ,
Sciantou Savings Hank
Tliders' National Hank
Sciantou Boll k Nut Co ,
People's Bank ,
Ecianton Pautnger Uailvvay, (lrjt
Mortgage, due 1020 ,
People'a bticct Hallway, II ut morf.
gate, due 1013 ,,.,...,.
People' Street Hallway, General
nioilguge, due 1021 ,
Scranton Traction u per cent
Pcoioiny I.lgnt, Heat & Power Co..
X01II1 Jeitey & Pocono Ice Co
Bid. Alke.
BO ...
M0 ,.,
1200 ,.,
125 ,..
600 ,,,
sai ...
115 ...
115 ,..
113 ,..
Ill ...
115 ,..
Scranton Wholesale Market;.
(Cunetted by II. (I. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.)
ITom ilW.
Butter ircauiciy, iPc; June neauieij.
2sH4aiHe-l Hairy, --
Cheee H'.iaUc.
Eggs Nearby, Wv.
Peas Pel bu, 1 ?3. r
Potatoe Per buhcf, bOc.
Outons-1'cr bl'jhcl, ?1.W
Want Advertisements Will Bo
Received at Any of tho Ifollow
lng Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALfinnT SCltm.TZ, corner Jlulbtrrf
street and Webslcr avenue.
OllSTAV 1'ICIIP.L, OJU Adam) avenue.
West Side
aCOIIOK W. JCNK1NS, 101 Soulh Main
South Scranton
FflED h. TKItPPn, 729 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
OEO. W. DAVISf, corner Noilb Mila
avenue and Market street.
Green Kidgo
CllAflLP.3 P. JOXES, 1537 Dickson
P. J. JOHNS, 020 Crcen nitlRe street.
C. I.OItl'.NZ, corner Washington ave
nue and Marion street.
V. II., 1017 Irving avenue.
J. a. uoxt; 4: SOX.
Help Wanted Male.
M'.VKHAI, CIO Ml SALKOMIKV wanted in evciy
.section; espeilenee nnnece.ssiiy; (jood saliry
and expenses paid. Dnumiel Company, Station
I.. Xew York.
CIVIL hlinviri! government position. O.St'i up-,
polnlnients nutle last jcai, Piolulily lO.OUt)
this .veal. Only common school edueaiioii re
'pilled for cMimlnatioii. Cataloi;ue of iufoiina
Hon fiee. Columbian Coirespondeuce College,
Waslibigion, I). C.
WAMKD Hmllei ; po-ltiou; no
tai vassinjr; (rood pay, Atltlies. (llobe, 7il
Clieslmit slieel, l'lilltidelplila. Pa.
Help Wanted Female.
s WKBaain WBaatumwyj
Wanted Saleslady
Per our Ladies' Foiosts Shoe Department, gj
B Ihotouh expel necessary and lef- H
ci ernes lequlied. SAMTIIU BltO. 9
LADV CASVASSlIU wanted to solicit snbsciip
tions foi The Tribune; pood ccuuuilsstcm of
feied with a fair guarantee for rust-class Vtoikcr.
Apply peisonally at lliisircsa Mauagci'o offlte,
hcianton Tiibu;.e.
LADII-S lo do plain needle vvoik foi us at home;
we furnish iiinteiiiils and pav 7 lo "J10 (ici
week, tend stamped envelope to Mandiid Co.,
Indian t avenue, Chicago, 111.
WAYI KD- By a (rood rjlil to do hou-ewoik in
piivute ianillv ; only small family itajiiu?
jtootl wages need lepl.v. Addios IK b., Tiibune
WAXTKD Qir! for Keueial housework at Dalton.
Address II. '!'., care Tribune.
Situations Wanted.
M'U VJKIN" WA.NTIll) llilirht boy wauls woiks
foi after school and s.ituiiki,vs, Addicss 0.
P. II, , Tiibune ufltte.
M'l CATION' VA.NTi:i) u epeiirrietl 'nc-u'n
tiuulshiitg goods 111.111 de-lies position, Oood
lefeiinces, Addie-s X. A,, Tiibune olfice.
A HOOD (Hill, tlt-lit's (.ituation tlolng bou-e-woik;
good took. Addicss M. ('., Tiibune oi
lite. lIKKilll' HOY wants woik for after Khool and
hatnitlij.-. Addiess S. P. 11., Tiibune nffiic,
MTl'VITON WAX'IEH-Hy a young man in a
tieameiy 01 Akliimiiiig Motion; over two
.veals' cspc'iieuce; icfeience, W, IK Cotnpluii,
Hi inker. Pa.
MTU VI ION" WANTED Oentleiuen'.s laimdiy, gojtl
on coloied i-liiits. 1111 l.lojd stlcel, np
llooi ; lelricnce.
SITUATION WANTED-As pilvatu coathman or
cine of hoiscs; ccpeilence and icfeience. Acidic-
O. K Tiibime ofllce.
hl'lL'ATTOX WANTED Hy a voung man ns
to.iihnun for 11 doctor 01 tblviug team,
I'lit'ei-tands cue of hoiscs. Win, T. Walker, Uu
117. Illv pliant, I'a.
0!'.'(i MAN wants woik III butcher bii-ines',
teu.vear' epeilen(e. Apply 310 Etciett ave,
SITUATION WAY1ED-Hy .1 good lionet glil at
geneial hotisewoik In minll piivalq family.
Addicts Mf-s M, H. Poid, (ieneial Dellveiy, City,
bUT'ATIOX WANTED Young nun denlics situ
ation as bookkeeper. Eptiiruted. (iood uf
eitiui'S, Addicss II. (!., taio of Scianton Tilbuue.
AN EM'EIUKNECED woman wishes a position as
hoii-eketptr or light hou;cvvoik. Can lie bien
nt Alllliglun Hotel.
SITIKVITON WWi'ED-By all aiuund black
nuilli, hor-eshoelng a peclall. Colt man
llditiik, tear did Pltltstou avenue,
REPINED, eibualed young vvouiln wants em
plujiucnt; any one denlilus her ei vices in
an; way addie-s C IK, Tiibune oflici',
CAHPElN oil dollis and linoleums ioli cvtrj
d.i) :l o'clock fth.up, Mi Lackawanna avenue.
See allot Ion.
AUCTION today anil ovtiy dav mull i-old out, W
c 11 -loads 1'du- nic.rle .111 imposition Imnltuie
nntl linen, toiiaUtlng of tables, Iron and In us
beds complete, dicsrcii-, 15,000 pieces linen, blank
els, pillows, cemitci panes, pillow cases, towels,
etc.; laigo quant it i.upels and lace uirlalns.
Caineti, oli eveiy day :l o'tlotk sharp at 60S
Lackawanna avenue. dimming;1. Bios., Auc
tioneers, Wanted Board.
Mil X(l 51 VN vvl.lics boattl; West S11I0 piefened.
I. II, . Tilbuue ofHtf.
Wanted Booms and Board,
WAXTED Two coiniilunleallnir looms vvltli boaid,
piivute family pitfeiietl. Two ladles ami a
gentleman. Mala lull p.ntkulais. Address C.
II. ., Tiibune ofllce.
WAN') ED Urge fiont loom vvlli boaid by gen
tleman and wife; private family pirfeiird,
1'liquc.tlouable lefcrelice. Addies.1 C, fl, li.,
P. O, Drawer Hii buunlou. Pa.
Eurnished Booms,
l'Oll HENT-Oue uuiUbtd room, Willi impiove
mciiU; aljo one cm tlilid tloo:, cheap. 027
Adams avenue.
I'URXISIIED ROOMS lor ui't. modem imprave
incuts; private family; gentlemen pictured,
at 0J7 Adams avenue.
FOR ItENJ-ruroUhed fiont loom, villi beat,
bath and gas; near court bouse; gentleiuan
preferred. Addrew Room, Bos 200.
Volt RENT FurnUlnd room; heat ami bath.
025 Linden street,
FURNISHED ROOMS FOR BENl". with beat, pas
and bath, gentlemen prtlcned, at 5-!) Adams
av cnu"
Insertions 25 Cents
Tim Tour ClrieJ, 'tfCenfilot-UadiBxtr Ual.
Certified Public Accountant.
Dulldlm?, and St. Paut Ilulldlnir, New York.
rnwAnn 11, davis, AtictiiTtcrr, connelis
FnEnr.iticK 1,. tinow.v. aiicii. n., mu
Kvtate Eicliange tlldg., 126 Washington ave.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
dii. c. ik i:iLi'.Mii:itoi:ii, pauli buildino.
Spruce street, Scranton. - -J "
llootns 12, 14, 10 and 18 Burr Building.
tlalcd on real estate security. Mears Building,
corner Washington avenue and Spruce atieet.
ami counsellors-at-lavv. Republican Building.
vvalilngon avenue.
tcllors-nt-lavv. Commonwealth Building, Room!
M, 20 and 21.
POJ-POI, Oth floor, Mears building.
of Tinde Building. Scranton, Pa.
pAra:nso.v t wilcox. trader's xatioxaS
Hank Building
211 Wyoming avenue.
Physicians and Surgeons.
DR. V.
fngton avenue. Residence, 1313 Mulberry.
Chronic nlscajts, lungs, heart, kidneys and
Konito-urlnary organs a specialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p. m.
Hotels and Restaurants.
nuc. Rates icasonablc.
P. Z1EQLER, Proprietor.
senger depot. Conducted on tha Europcai
plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor.
rcss pools; no ador; only improved pumps used.
A. 11. Brlggs, proprietor. Leave oiders 11(0
North Main avenue, or Eicke's drug store, cor
ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones.
erjmcn, stoic 2U1 Washington avenue; green
lioures, 1030 North Main avenue; alors tele
phone, 7C2.
Wire Screens.
Scianton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens.
also ladies waists. Louibc Shoemaker, 21J "
Adams avenue.
v elopes, paper bags, twine, Waiciiouse, 1-0
Waslilngtcn avenue, Scranton, Pa,
in Scianton at the news stands of Rciainan
Bios., .too piuce and 50.1 I.iudcti; M. Noitou,
:i2J Lackawanna avenue; 1. S. Schutier, 211
Spiucc street.
LOST In the ncighbo'liood of tlie Hoard of Tntle
building, u gold iimrhet Willi ealeye. iill'
able lewaid will be given for its ictmii to ulllm
of Temple Iron Company.
LO, I' Monday evenln. l'cb. 17, between W)o
mitig avemio ami Wa-liburn stieet, ail oval
In ooc li containing Kfiitleuiin'.s pkluie. l'ludei
plea-e ictiiiii to or iiotif Mks Parsons, 417 Tiili
Itentli stieet.
Beal Estate.
I'OR SALE New boue on Cornell street, Round
Woods Pack; modern inipiovcmenU; eay
terms. Apply to Spiing Hioolc Lumber Co., or
E. M. WoodhocL'C.
l'Oll SALE At Clatk's Summit; a place of Haj
acies, hou-e and bain, good ft nit ; cheap for
cash. Inquire of Mis. L. Lindsay, lilt NortU
Main avenue, city.
FOR SALE One acre of land, improved wltb
nine-ioom liou-e; plenty and vaiicty of fruit;
good location in village of ITcetville, Mrs. Olivu
Fi.h, Flcctville, Pa.
Business Opportunity.
j.tiim.tKi STOl K m a liul tlas banking institu
tion with .1 laige capital and an exceptionally
fine liiislnrns, earning huge dividends. AiMiom
Hank Stock, Tiibune ulllce.
$2,500.00 WILL buy an interest in a business
Hut will pay bandsoiiielv ; thoiougli investi
gation. 1ld1css Pieillls, Trihiino ofllec,
STOCK AND WHEAT THM1EHS without delay.
Wute for our tpet lal market letter. Free on
application. S. M. Ilibbaul k Co., members .
Y. Ct-iiiolldatcd and Stock Sxchanie, 41 and It)
llioadway, New Yoik. Iatabliihed ISSi. Low;
Distance' Phone 23SS Broad.
Easter Complexions,
ASTONIMUN'O REsl'l.ts In leniovlng facial
bleiuishcs, w 1 Inkles, m.illio pitting, tcau,
liver spots, fiecklK pimples. biiiliinaiU. vvaits,1
moles; peimamntly HinoVid guir,iiri'd; faces";
inatle beautiful and ilfieeu In thiit , oiiuer'-,
vvilb one sclenlllli elevlilc (ifalmoSf, Eva M, .
HcUcl, Deiuulologlsl, .I'M Latkawamu avenue. Q
'! "sr
tlli:U.MATISM-.II paities That 'wish ran lis?
specdllv and "iwiinaiiently ctirali i,f all v,a.;
llctles of Hheiun.illjjn, by 4 vegetabif
Curcs guaunleed. Inquire or udtlress J, E. Tajr.J
lor, Stiaiiloii. j. s "$
I'HOPOSAl.S will liMeicUed by "tlie undcislgnedK"
for Ihu jtiilluiblp. v' tlK W'lflW'5
Eplstoml ihuuli frouf I'ebiuary 15 10 Apill l,''
iniliblvp. Joltn-r. Raudulpli, 301 aouth llyilf
Park avenue, . 8T
THE ANNUM. Hireling1 of the stockholder of tha"
l.ackawauna lion and Steel Cmpii for tlas
election of Diieclort and liaii-aetidn 6(jsuci othtrK as ina.v "ii,uperlJienii'"' befoie nie-iiect-.ic
lug, will be held at the ofHie of the Coiupaii,2
Room 501) Connell llulhllnsv iulllje City 01 Sciiu-
tpn, Pciiinlvauia, hi iVesliieKiUj , Marli 5, l'Jr.',r
at 2 o'clock p. in. The polls-wilt remain ipenjj.
for cue I10111 'I lie tumfei Miiikstv fie elusi-iw.
un 1'ebiiian -'.), I'si2, and icopciicil cm March O.t,
100.'. .1, P. IIIIMIIKSDS, fievielar.
Scianton, Pa., 1'ebiiMiy 20, 11)02. ;V
ESTATE uf Jessie P Thompson, late of the iltyi
of Scianton, Lackawanna county, lvinnjl-v
vjiiIj, dvctased. ,'j
Letters lestamentai upon ihe above named es-'J:
late have been gi anted to ly iiuderslgnt'd. Ml,--liritoiu
having' tlaliii,asalu,u tlns-.jnie will pre
sent them foi paiueiiC,iBa Jll riierkoia fudcblej
Iheieto will make Imimdiste patmeiit to; " '.
THE TlTLi: (iUAIlVjStKircsVTHUSr CO.r 1
i rs 11(011 -fa., J.xepotcir,' ,.
Ui Wjl)tn;tou avenue.
,,' r .
i a
'iJSi&iMiwfmii $&
ifl.fmfen,, n.tlTf'f.'n.-fll' , -al
tsK - ilfaj