i L !''v'7r""f' & "K ?,, - fr-zs. rn HIE SC11 ANTON TKTBUNE-SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, .1902. 1 I Week's Social News i i'imii wmwi wwwwi i iwwmnrni irrrinirrmTTnrTrTTTTTBTTTrTnirrrnTi rrrm rrr i m IT Is wild tlmt Pntlorewskl Is king, just now, In New Yoik, find that even tho coming of Prince Henry cannot diminish tho pre-eminent position which the went plnnlHt nohlH. Musical societies and New forkcrs In general nre daft over hlni Just riH they nre whenever he comes to .America. Ills recital today In CurneRle hall la nwnltcd with tho gravity of In tenen anticipation that In the centuries padi:iii:wmi. ;one by might have attended a solemn 13ruldlc.il iltc. It Is something more than the pianist, more thun tho man himself this peculiar psychological spell which he lays upon the world where sweet sounds congregate. There Is no disputing the fact that tho recltul of next Monday night Is creating unparalleled Interest In this whole region. As If the name ot Pader ewskl could work magic It has touched the Imagination and the thought of thousands who have never before felt great enthusiasm over piano playing, but who now are seized by the Inspira tion of tho hour and await with vivid eagerness the coming of tho conqueror. It Is said that five hundred people nre to attend from Wllkes-Barre alone, while from every town along the va rious railroads which enter this city, have been heard clamorovis demands for seats. ' Most of all this exceptional enthu siasm has aroused the interest of the great artist himself. "Scranton Is a mining town, they tell me," he said the other, day, "and yet there will be an utdle'nre of thousands on the night of iy lecital. I look forward with strange icellng to the occasion." It has finally been found possible to ieat tho armory. It Is very comfort Mo for the circus performers so that no fault can be found on that score, 't will also 1)0 possible to hear distinctly .rom tho very last row of seats In the auditorium. Moreover, the programme is one which In itself probably affords more scope for the artist's lare inter pretation thun any other of similar length could adequately convey. Think of hearing that Schumann "Carnival" a succession of pictures, miniatures rather, unequalled In u single composi tion. Some of these numbers will be heard In his recital of today in New Voik. It is a compliment to a Scranton audience that it can appieciate a Car negie hall programme, which, however, (s not so elas-sical as to go over the heads of a popular assemblage. Mis. I... A, W. Pi Ice, whose long ltudy of the organ has hi ought her to foiemost place among our real mu Iclans, will give a recital at the As ury Methodist church next Thursday night which should attract a larger au dience. Mrs. Price is a lady of great musical gifts and her ability as a church organist is recognized by a growing ciiclo of critics, She has re cently resigned the position of organist at the Church of the Good Shepherd. She has achieved an enviable command f technique and expression and her work Is such that her townspeople may well take pride In her advancement. Mrs. C. AV. Klrkpatrlck gave a pleas ant thimble tea on Thursday at her home on Monroe avenue. Among the guests were: Mrs. YV. II, Illchmond, Mrs. Olmstend, Mis, George Foster, ot Plttston; Mrs. A. "V, Dickson, Mis Mnttoon, Mrs. James Archbald, Mrs. lames A. Lansing, Mis. D. V. Taylor, Mrs. A. II. Shopland, Mis. William Matthews, Mrs. T, J. Foster, Mrs. F. K. Trncy, Mrs. L. A. Wattes, Mrs. Charles Matthews, Mrs. V, II. Council, Mrs. Charles Klrkpatrlck, Mrs. K. (I, Corn-sen, Mrs. "Walter Matthews, Mr.. Charlus Lindsay, Mrs. YV. "W, Peel;, Mrs. Bush, Mrs. II, A. Logan, Mrs. J. "S. Klrkpatrlck, Mrs. Dimmlek, Miss Fccncy, Mrs. II. C. Sliafer. Tho appended letter has been re ?elved from a correspondent: SlIADKS or "IIKAI IIUfMMhT,';" Tho follow lug appealed In Hip "Amiirr lo Cot. rpriiiurtits ' ionium In ill" T Imps of jestcidiy. If Mr. I.jiictt doesn't li.no .111 iutciiioiv -nth "Item Drummers" ghost one of tlici-s winter nights lio Mill lip lmK . "IUmu Ilruiniiicl" 11 Xcw YoiKpi, (Jrf.it Scott' "150411 Hruinwel" was .1 Ni-w Yotlv gcntlrmin, or dandy, who was notpil 4? .1 'eoriTtf iliesscr, ami clilior set Hie slilo or copied the new stile 0 closely Hut lip tt.11 quoted us (lip b.'si dicscd ren In Amenta. Ho I.- said In luxe hem .1 tailor's model' In his JKrr dim, Hut Is, lie liail FOR GRIP m&-W 1'l.J'JVIWfS PNKU3IUNU It seems so slmplo for anyone to risk having the Grip or Pneumonia, with perhaps u weakened constitution for ever after, when they can positively bo avoided and prevented by the use of "Seventy-Seven" ("77"), Dr, Hum phreys' Precious Specific for the cure of ,Qrlp and Colds. The best results nips obtained by keeping "T' handy (It fits' tho vest pocket), and taking a dose at tfto first chill or shiver, Taken early It ctits It short promptly, Taken dur ing its prevalence, preoccupies the sys temjjani prevents its Invasion. Taken while suffering, relief is speedily re clizt'd, which Is continued to an entire cure. At druggists, 23c., or mulled, 'invbbre)' Icd. I'u. 61 John strett, New York, Air .rjr ' lil (lollilng rIicii to liltn If lie would wear m-iv flairs mid iy Ihey came from Mr. Ho-niid So's shop, lip had u llnp llgtue, unci knew how to dress ljrFoiiiiiiKl.il" Mr. "W. II. Alton, formeily of Scran ton, Is a guest ot his slater, Mrs. V. D. Hnycr. Mr. Alton has been for many years a resident of the City of Mexico, n nd Is the owner of largo cof fee plantations, as well us nn exporter of mahogany ft 0111 forests which he hns acquired, Mrs. Kdward Jones gave n dinner Monday evening, Feb, 17, for her daughter. Miss Mamie, whoso engage ment In Mr. Frank Brownell Ward, of Buffalo, lniR Just been announced. Cov ers were luld for sixteen, - The mnniagc of Mies Mnrgarot Wat son Torry to Mr. John Benton Fas sett will take place on Wednesday next nf noon. A reception will be held at Hotel Jermyn from 2 until 4 o'clock. Tho manlago of Miss Elizabeth Thomas to K. II. Council, esq., wns a. most Interesting event of the early pait of the week. Mrs. A. M. Decker will spend the month of March with her son, Dr. J. W. Decker, In New York. Mr. and Mrs. Austin 15. Blair, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. J. Piatt are spending some time at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. E. B, Jermyn gave a theater party Saturday night for "San Toy." The annual dinner at the Fhst Pres byterian church will bo held today. Movements of People. Mrs. A. If. Clul-ty lias gone South for 11 few Wll'l.s. William Wilon, of Chicago, railed on (tltnd.s in this rlly jostciday. lirv. r. Oilcll and family ate now- lesldliiK In (liPMiianse 011 Vino ilipel. Mr. (I. dit II. Dimmkk hi-, been on a tilp lo Maine for tln put few d.i. Mivi Anna Van Nmt left on Monday for lier new Held of labor In ItiouM.ui. Mis, M.ieXeill, of Litchfield, Conn., U tiie pue-l of Mi. 'Ihonias Dlrkton. Attorney and Mis. iloberl I'rck and daiisliter ate Wsltint,' fiiends in l'W llain. MNs Allis Dale ami licr lirnllti-r, Hatty Ci. Palp, aio at Mount Oletncni, MicliiRau. Mi. II. M. Itlali lias letiuued fioin New Yoik, vlierp j.lie spent llie past moiitli. Mr. and Mij. Cpoirp II. .lemijn ontei tallied the Ttntday Xlsht Card club tbi.s eel. Miss Anna MeVnully as ut liotne fiom Hijn Mawr on Tursdaj tu attend the t'unnell-TIiutnas weddlntr. MIks IMlicr Rowland i slowly iecoeriii(; from liei aicldent of lavt fall, and ii able to tijo Hie foot konewliat, which u 0 badly injurpil. Miss Minile and Mr. I.'. . .lour and Mh. S.iiuui.1 X. Cillcmler will lene today for Uali fonna. They will be joined there by 1'iln.nil Callendcr, who has spint Hie winter In Arirotu. Charles r. l'ieitc, of the ciedit dopaitnieut of John Vau.imakci'.s .ew "Voik stole, is isil inf ill', and Mi, l'icice, .it the parsonage on Miff lin !ienue. Mr. l'icice is popular in ihuieh and Hicial nicies in Seianton. lie will remain in He city ocr Siuidiy. IEWSOF V A WOMAN SIIK WAS a jolly, pleasant faced lady, and in the course of conver sation she said that the way she began to work among lloweis came about because or Ill-health, when she found it necef,ury to have more active out-of-door life. She .studied the habits and needs of plants and trees and blos soms until it grew Into a profession. "I have always loved llowers," she said, "and from a child could never see u flower trampled or withered without u pang. To this day, if I go to my refrigerators and find that some of the roses, have not been placed In the water with cue and aie .showing their de prhation In drooping petals and dry ing leaves, it Is not for the financial loss that my llrst feeling of sorrow and annoyance comes, but because the poor roses say to ine: 'Wo would have been as fresh and lovely as our sisters if we had been given their oppoi utilities; now we can't even smile on you that love us, for we ate dying,' "I never can throw away a llower that has miy semblance of beauty left," she continued. "Often 1 taki- these that ate just beginning lo roach the end of their brief loveliness and 1 freshen them up and wire them care fully and send them out to those who never can have a flower In their poor rooms, ISven If my blossoms lasts for a few hours only, they have brightened some humble home and gladdened some heart, I know, too, that they are appreciated," she added, "and that Is moro than you can say of some of your luxurious gifts," And I thought that she, who can pause In her busy life to expend time and taste in inHinglng a winter bou quet for some sick child or some crowd ed hospital ward. Is doing every day with that nearest to her hand what many of us never do In all our futile, nervous, unsatisfying days. Too often wo may not evi'il paitf-o lo say: "I am glad you arc In the world," to some body who is wea'ry and discouraged, hut wo give gifts that we may receive them again and wo say Kift words to those whoso lives are full of soft words and gcutlo looks and rich comfort, M O Among the many methods of healing these sick bodies of ours, one which Is attracting a number of prominent resi dents, of this city, occupies a unique place, If tho believers In tho cure were not of the class they are and known as they nro for veracity and honesty, their assertions would bo greeted by ridicule from their friends. As It Is, tho 'con unions are so funny as to produce respectful mirth. Tho details contain somo resemb lance to the tindltlonul virtue In tho elbow joint of a bulnt or 11 portion of his halo, made tangible In somo mlr culous way, Hut In this case there Is no religious sentiment Involved and no faith element necessary. You simply wear some of your heuler's old flannels and there you are healed, cured of your infirmity. The "healer" Is u plain mechanic, un assuming uud entirely devoid of any pretensions to miraculous power, He doesn't chase ufter patients. It they come to lihn out of working hours all good and well; or If they Insist on ids going to them, lie will go when his dully toll s over. Preferably, he makes these pilgrimages on Sunduy and he conducts himself n a decorous, simple fashion in the houses of the rich to whom he Is called nnd goes homo con tenlodly when the healing Is over. He Isn't mercenary and ho doesn't peiBorm any '"pow-wow" or nssert any dlvlnn in terposition. IT people dcnmnil thai ho shall go and rub their rheumatic Joints he goes quietly, rubs the same Joints mildly nnd withdraws, Likewise the rheumatism; for rheumatism Is this modern day saint's specially. It flees wherever he lays his hands. "I do not know," says he, modestly, "that I have any power of healing. They say I have and If I can case anybody's pain I nm willing to do It." "t do know," ho adds with pathos, "that It Is very hard for me to keep any clothes. They stenl my coat from tho works nnd sometimes when I go home at night I haven't any overcoat to wear. They come to our house and get my flannels away from the family and now nnd then I find my cap gone and have to walk out in tho cold bare headed." "Yesma'nm. It would bo more con venient for mo If you will give me a little piece ot your own flannel and I'll wear It r day or two und then you can lay It along your back bono. That's what they all tell mo Is the best. They do say It takes away sciatica and rheu matism. I'm sure I don't know how I do It," and the plensant faced elderly man dots off comfortably with a yard or two of white llannel wrapped up In a. parcel, to wear for Hip great lady of the house whose hands lie has been holding rather awkwardly for the last half hour. "Is It true?" Is anything true? I'm sure I don't know. I haven't rheuma tism, but there Is one mnn In this town who thought he was dying with It and the elderly personage of the flan nels benlgnantly rubbed his nnn for a few minutes amid anathemas from the patient, and the pain left while he was breathing out tlireatenlngs and has never returned. There is no doubt at all that if this Santa Clausy kind of a "healer" would set up a shrine somewhere up the Laekawunna road, along which he re sides, he might start a fashion for pil grimages which would rival some of those pertaining to the miracle working relics of history, and he would be a bonanza for the Lackawanna route, too. Saucy Bess. ANNUAL PEESENTATION. There Will Be a Gala Time at the Armory, March 7. On March 7 wilt occur the annual presentation of medals nnd troubles to the sharpshooters of the Thirteenth regiment. The presentations will be made by President Judge II. M. Ed wards. Brigadier General J. P. S. Gobin and staff will attend. The armory rifle gallery will be for mally opened on this occasion. General Gobin will tire the first gun. Inspector of Rifle Practice Lewis B. Carter is much gratified with the show ing made by the men of the Thirteenth during the past year. He says the Thir teenth leads every regiment In the state In the matter of marksmanship. As an Instance o how far It Is In the lead, he points to the fact that the Thir teenth, with only 6t9 men, has forty eight sharpshooters, while the First brigade, with Its 2,!),'j3 men, can count only forty-three sharpshooters. GAMES OF BASKET BALL. Will Be Played nt Y. W. C. A. This Evening. Two games of basket ball will be played at the Y. W. C. A. looms on Patutd.iy evening, February :!, be tween the girls of the K. II. S. senior and the Y. W. r. A. Monday class, and the S. II. S. junior class and the Tues day private elas-s. The line up will be: S S s.. Srlllul V tt. ('. A. Mini I lit. M'ss TliuiiJ' Uxht toi.iid....Mi s I. Itatil.iii Miss Hughes ion fim.ul .n,v m, , ,(r Miss i;. Hale. apt).. 1 i-iiltj Hiss s. '.,tui,Kl. Mis (lilojle 1 ivrlit stuaid Mi.s , Kie,'l v"n I'M" led Kiianl Miss I.. Haiwr s. II. s. Jmiiiii,.. !,.. I'iUji,. c... li Mer.-cl lifjhl foiuiinl Mi- I.W11114 Mi's Jliue bit fitinaul ir Mis.s l!oe (apt) iintei s, Uii,,,. Mlis lliiN ..liidit loiw.11,1 Mi-s Cimnell 1Im Mnitl Lit f.,inid M llallsi mi Results of Aseptic Vaccination A discovery has lesulted from ex periments recently made by Doctors Coolli'.ge and 1'eck which may be of more than usual Interest lo tiie public in these days of the vaccine button and attending db-coinfoits. A Tribune irnn called at their olllce yesterday to Ret some data as to results of aseptic vac cination and the subsequtnt treatment by stetlllzatlon which the doctors have applied to a larse ntimbr of cases In their olliee, and in reply to Inquiries Doctor Coolldgo said: "We have been milking a trial of vac cination by careful attention to nsjp isls, or surgical cleanliness, with results that have been sin prising as well as gratifying. Willie ihl.s Is a ninuer which concerns the medical profession largely and shoujd be given to the pro fesslon through the medium of the medical journals, rather than the dally press, It Is perhaps also a matter of Intel est lo the people to knoiv that with proper caro vaccination can ba carried on In a safe and almost pain less way." Dr. Coolldge holds that all sore arms and limbs by vaccination nro cases of Infection and are not niado so by virus used, If tho virus Is pure. lie stated that they had found In a series of sev eral hundred rases of vaccination per formed at their ofllco under careful asepsis, and where careful redresslngs had been applied by the doctors, using only materials made germ free by thor ough slerllUation by heat, that no lu tlninmatlon or Hupuratlon had followed tho Introduction of the virus Into tho system! hut that typical results such as a fully matured vesicle, characteristic! of vaccination which form, a crust of which dries and falls off leaving a healthy scar tissue underneath. Tliesu results have been brought about with no local symptoms of which tho patient complains, Over 400 cases have yielded these results In every in stance, making tho experiment one of great value to the medical profession, and proving beyond a doubt that vac. cinatlon Is a simple nnd safe procedure, but must be carried out under the same feglmeu that hospital or any other wounds are treated; Exactly upon the principle that every wound whether made by tho surgeon's knife or not la a poisoned wound until rendered otherwise by what Is known as asepsis or antl-sepslK. In this largo series of cuses which were conducted most carefully to ns certuln If this principal applied to cases where tho toxic substance was pur posely Introduced tho law Is found to hold true that Infection by germ other Musical Till'. XAMi: of M!m Sadie ltelle Klrr, of WllliM-Ilfltre, one of the bent known tint rotwtrtitloin of the paltutflklm? imulcl.itu of Soitlieasiern I'enmyhanla, la nerlupi more fnmllliir to many of llii readen of The Tribune on account of her charmlnpr letter upon life In London from her pen, wlilrli appeared In Hi columns sonic lime njro. Ml Kaler began Hie uliidy of music first by taking Ipmoiu upon n guitar pimply for her own amimmriil, not dreaming that die possessed local talents ot een medio if i?rade. Almost by accident Hie poml bllltle of her lemsrliable toprano !ce wen MISS SAUIK KSTrXM! KAISlIll. dini'n ei cd by l)i. Maon, under U10se training it developed with rapidity Hint astonished her most finguiii" filcnds. Not content with pro ure.s thai rould be made in this country, Mist Kaiser spent a jear or two in London under the best Imtiui'tarx, and letinned to Ameiica sonic lime airo, fully equipped for undertakings in lomeit wuik In wlilc.li she ha excelled. Miss Kaicr has just letcbcd .1 flattering oiler to teach mii-dc in the Syracuse uiihersit.i, at .Sjra. rue, N. V., but has declined, preferring to re main at Hie Wjonilng seminary, at Kingston, wheie she lias been so successful for seeial jears past as .1 oMl iiiitiuctor. Miss Kai.-er liu many fiicud and admirci-i in Scranton, wiio always look Willi pleasuie upon .1 comeit piogrannre upon whkh she is announced foi local iiumbeis. '! 'I !! Loicn of opera leiciic with mingled joy and regiet the announcement that the famous Metio politau Opeu House, In New Vol!;, is to be Fold, lo gie wa lo the erection of ,t huge depait mrnt Mole, if not .1 new one, to be lemodelled to answer the same pinpose. The building lias bicn the siene of so man triumphs, both nitislt.il and i-oeial, that old KnicKcibocKers fain would h.nc It leinaln as it is. lliey aie consoled villi the statiment, however, tiiat if the present hile is di-posed of, a larger and cen mote Iumioustti appointed place of amusement will lie built 10 accommodite the opein. Ilal rslatc broUcis Ium been cndeaoiimr for a long time to get hold of the piopcity, but the -hareholdci", among whom aie included many capitalist?, will not. accept anj offei whiili w ill not assure the tompany f .1 bettei .site and a giander building without cost lo the company. I !! II 'I he following musical selections will be len dcied at tiie moining and eiening srnices to motion at I'lin Park chmch, unde- the diicc tiou of .1. Aificd Pennington, oigauist and choir master: MORSINH. Oigou Aiiikinle in V, tilt Dunham Ciioii Antlieni, Still, Still with Thee.. .Toole Oman Piicie de .Iciu.e rille bathe 'Icnor Solo Seb clcd- ' Mi. Allied Wonln. Oijan l'lnile 'fiom rout Hi Sonata liuilmant i:T..lXii. Oigni Andante in (I 111.1J01 Wliilnej t'hoii Aiittu 111" "(ill, lie Jo.iful in tiie bold" Pontius Oigau ( omiiumioii in ' tlii 011 Duel Seittted. Clioir--lI,imn. "Come in anil Dwell Willi Me" Ma'n Organ -l'o-tiiiilo in 11 lilt Cul'manl ;' i! 11 Mi. T.illle lollr.' -lis: '"-.muniie ha. i-a d that be who can sin and will no, sing should be --lit I" Silie,-Sl!ig. L!slit.-lie olt-uf ni'ij hun dteil men itaie irooil singing oite-, though it is a diflkult mailer tu ciiiil'ice Hum of the fact. Xliietl-sMcii women nut if eicii Imndieii ! lie s'niruig loices, foi It l natiual fi 1 .1 won. an to iu,.'. ., I! I' 'Hi oihiie 1'ie 11, iiiits'c iii!d,lut, of l'li!lidil phi 1, l'a., iuis us isii'il a mailed si,ug, tntUled, "Conic! Into Me, When Shadows ).nl,'y (lathci,' iiiii'posiil h Mr. ifnd Woofer, o,ll lenoi of Hlni Park ihuuli, this tit,. The song i than the virus Is at the bottom of all Vhe trouble. If the infection does not occur at the time uf vaccination. It fol lows the U'-ciresslng.s, or Is due to the failure to protect tho abrasions of the skin allowing a mixed Infection to take Place. The virus iiid In these expeilments was Jlulford's glycerine sterlllKsd tubes, which are used by nearly all physicians In r-'cranton, In every case of treatment I lie parts were first s-crubbed with sterilized liquid etherial Mi.ip and rinsed with sterlllaed water. All cotton sponges and gauzes were subjected to prolonged high tempera ture before using and discarded when used, Hands were scrubbed and in struments sterilized in each case in flame of alcohol lamp, Shields were put on for three days only, during the Incubative period, and then parts were picpnrcd for surgical gauze dressing by sponging orf with sterilized water. No antiseptic drugs were used at any period of tho enst-3. Dressings were changed onco In three or four days as a rule. In no enso thus treated was there complaint of a soro arm or nnythlug to Indicate It, such as rcdnehs around the vesicle or discharge. Hut whero patients wore careless and removed the dressings to look at tho arm, or touched the wound with tho lingers, or allowed garments to come in contact with it, Infection would mnn Ifp.st Itself very soon by swelling of urm with redness and pain. Rut oven such cases were speedily controlled by tho re-dressings, Doctors Coolldge and Reck do pot know of nny similar experiments con ducted upon bo largo a scale, and are themselves moro surprised than the publlu can bo by tho results, as It Is generally believed by physicians us n rulu that vitcclnatlon means a pretty sore arm If ono gets a good "take," They feel thoroughly satlsiled that a puie vaccination will giye little trouble, and that tho systemic symptoms will consist of nothing more than slight languor for a day or two with a little soreness of the glands, under the arm, perhaps, and no local distress or dis comfort, Tho results noticed in the ofllco cases nro rnqro fully emphasized by tho fact that a largo series of house vaccina tions, whero the same caro was exer cised in the operative procedures, and where material i was left for re-dress-Ings at tho hands of friends to be ap plied ns In office cases infection fol lowed in nearly DO per cent, of the cases, proving tlmt only extraordinary technique and care all tho way along can produce puro vaccination. v , i HiMiViiiMSiii Gossip! N icry melodious Hirnnglimit and mlftlilp frr cIuiitIi work. Mr. Woolei has dedicated Hie song lo his pupil, Mils Pestle Heel, soprano snloUt at (lie Astmry Methodist Lpltcopal rtnirvli, (lieen Itld-e. II I! II , Mm. A. Ij, W, Price will gle an oigon ipcllal at Asbnry Metliodlet Kplrropal church on Thurt day eieiiliifl;, 1'rlinnty 27, at 8 o'ctoA. Mr, Price will lie assisted by the following irllilm Mrs. .Maxwell niaptnan. Mlm (Irate Spencer, Mr, llngli P, Kolcome, and the Treble Clef tocleiy. 1 lie admission will be a siller offering;. II II li t'mler Hie direction of Mr. I, II. Chance, the following musical selection will be rendeied at tomorrow's serilcca In the Second I'resb.iterlan iliurchi MOIININH, Organ Prelude Andante In CI major. Henry Smart Anlliem "HrlRhtest and lies! of the Sons of the Morning"..... Dudley limit Quarlctle nnd ("noli. Offertory Duet. "Ureal (tod Attend While Zlon slngi" (Sung by llcinirstl. Misses lllack and (iiiragau. Oreuii I'ostliido Itob.Ml Voll.miiin i:vi:xiNn. Organ 1'ielude Pinirnlunil li.uiin, I) major 'lliendore Dulriit Sane I111 "Holy, Holy, Lord Hod" Thomas At wood l!cponsp--"Loid llaie Merc.i" Old KnglHi Aiithem "0 Sailor of the Woild".S!r Jolm (iois Ouailctle uud Choir. Offeitoiy tjuartetle, "L'tthten Our narliiiesi" distance MU-m lllatk and Oaiagau, Mcstis, (ilppel and Moigan. Oigau 1'ostludc llach I1 ,1 II On Thursday eienliig next His ("onsen a 1 01. v of .Music will glie a letltal III (burnsey bull. This will lie llie ttiirty-niiith In the srifes. I II II The mu-iral piograuune wiihli will be given fomoirow at the I'lut I'rrsb.ilcrian cliuiih will Inelude Hie following nutnbeis: Il.imn Anlliem, "lv I'jltli Looks I'p lo Time" Solos for Soprano, Mlo, Tenor and l!as, Violin Ohligato by I". J. Widmaycr. Sopiauo S'ojo "Aie Maili",.('. Wliitnev Coomlis Mis. li. V. C1iae. Violin Ohligato, Mr. Widtnaici. Antlitni "llewr Down Thine Lai" Ilis-foid Soprano and Iluitoiie Solos and I'liutr. Hi 11111 Anthem, "link: Ilaik My Soul" Schneckcr SjIos and ChonH. Himn-Antkeiu, "Abide with Me". ...P. Puck Choir Soprano, ills. 11. II. Chase; alto, JI1S Vl.111.1 Jones; tenor, .Mr. W. L. Jones, baritone and direclor, J. T. Walkins; orgmisl, Mkss Tlor. encc II. Iticlimond; iloliu, M. 1'. J. Widmayct. "In ttitici'ing (ompoHion, sliould d's. and the tlugui-li belwecn tho-v ulili.li promote ail thoe which only piovlde amusement for amateurx." The following pivgismme of miisle will le rendeied in St. I'cter's Cathcdinl at tiie 10.00 o'clock niis -unday moining; Kj lie nnd (redo fiom Mllitaiy M iss ( iniaios.i Sanctus, Hcncdictus and Amus l)i, fiom Mass in 1! flit Schniltls Ouailette and Choni'. Olfntoii sju's el IIo.no llo-siui Mi. Wal-h and Miss Linra llafl.'i. Quaitetto Mrs. Ihnnin.s Walsli, sopiano: il'j-s Luna Ilafter, alto; Mr. 0. Itepcil, tenoi; Ml. W. R. lliadhury, ba'io. Oiganist . P. Siliillitig. ! li I Mis.s Mime Miami will sing "O Dhine lie. deemci," b.i Co'inod, at the Elm I'.nk chilli h l ! i- ! ! A continuous tackle, tiiclin- the eaitli. pioclaims tin- heiiluj of the licn'a :.r'nltin pear at Intnl. l.en tin correr paici; -claim In "sliictly fresh hid cgt" need 1,0 lougci be tikcn with a guilt of rait, for l!r limed eggs ha-.e i-"iid tlu-ir da.i mid gen-i i lion, and lanUhei! Hum Hie fate ot Hu eaitb; and the iihite-she'lrd liJibingei of tli- jprliu-, fie-h beiond tuiltlo!i, loll-, gaili oil. 'I lie food lalue tf the egg ts gieal. n digestibility, piopeily rooked, alino-t per- ftd, while il tan lie pn-piiod so ci'ilv a m in no iis.111.1 iiais that It mr.si be isiuntsn one of the mo-t important i.uioi 111 o-i diitaii. Tlieie aie fnv people who cannot diic-t iggs. Sometimes bilious p"cp'e claim Ilia1 thty do not ajice with ll.tm, but lint I' u-u'ally the fault cf the took. Lien an cstilth might be jiaidoiu-d bid dicanii or a pain under h's (ratlins after in dulgence in egg-, boiled haul au.l fast, until the albumen is hoin nt.tl the Mike gutra pert ha. In soft-boiling mi egg lt t'liipeialiui' hliould not be la'sel aboie 170 tle,'it'?i. Thic ciiMiies a kU Jell.i-llko while, pji-icct'y ill-ge-tible. If liaid-boilcd igga are iKIred. the heal hoii!d be iiiitinued locgei, but -t Hi" Mime huip.iJlme, Many people now pieiei to cook ilit-ii iggs al the ible. If cu haie no legiilni egg tookn, any Miiall jai ci pi 1 will uiisiiei. line the lusiit licit. Iiv In Hi" eggs, and pour in boding walci, allowliu a quail of "Mtei lo oiery four e?g. (-'oar tlosely and wia;i wltliin a tea co.-i o. .1 Hiune'l c'oth. 'I he eggs will be done In minutes but v ill rot be banned by fii or cuii nu.re. I1-1J boilej cjg will leq lila iivrnty inhv.'tes. An liualid should iwier line all eag oer two or lluee da.n n'd, Aflei llie Hist iiumli foul limns the linen cf ,111 egg In gills ! deteiloiite, eicn If Ibeie Is 110 sign ot pill ing, I ciciy one icalbcs that tiie la'.o" of eirn fiesh e?ss aries anonlliiR" lu tli" feed. If hens aie glien ilmppeil onions for two or Ihice weeks Hi.' ergs bei nine mi ktinnglv impicgnatt I as to be unfit for is-. l-oiee hens vliltli had a tes, to 11 rpi mM,s cf h'cad O'er which an iiitliu Iriltla of ,j, i. mill 1 had been mill laid eggs tiiat were .j, .Hong en.iuglt to tlnor a cike witboiii am Si, fuitlier udditlon In tlainrlng. An online 10 a miter In 'i Iiencti clcnlttte papei, tlu' k fed on aton.s, wlilih thej devour iavenoii.li, ficquently lay blaik rzq?. 'Hie leason jlv.'ii is that II10 tannin In the u-oin (O'liliiiPs Willi Hie item in the egtr kIicM and a rforal fust bhek le-iiilbi. Still anntlipr nateiiu'iit made l.s Ihal fowls fed on boiled Inhaler sliellc will lav bilglit led eggsi, One of the queillons wlilih alnay "b,Ui up" when liuii-eiiliM begin eompiring uote-i as to fond l allies uud lilrheu reoiiomlcn Is whether the pound of meat or pound of c;g- goca fuitlier, Artumiiig the ptlce to be ilp tame, Hie food lalue of the pound of meat i gicatrr, althougli ,1 pound ot ia Mill go further, in piovlding a meal tli 111 a pound ot beef. It (.teak is 23 tents per pound, und egg the samo pilie pi 1 pound (width would mean ten egg-), the egg would mean 'ivo meals for a Miiall fauul.i to una of tho inejt; but the food value ot the livn meals woull tcaice equal Hie one nf 111c.1t, When tgc are at their thrapeat, In Mulch or April, :! rents iiotlh of -tt al li crnls per iluiv'u would giic more uutrli'ient lliati the pound of tdi loin, tteak at -j tents. Thai there are sljles in egg. u e t, ,n dies.s goods, spring bonnets und Matioin-iy, may 1 ot be kno'iu to the aieiago fariur.', tt i 1 1 less to tho aierage lieu. Tolly I'i.Hiioutli Hock and Winnie Wyandotte, haling fiiltillvd I their morning duty, cackle just as loudly and as cheerfully an Wllhenilna White Leghorn or her sitter, Ileatrlte Jliowii; but Hie np-to date "butter and eggs nun" Looms that fashion ublc folk liaii.1 a fancy at present for Hu Leghorn and I'olllei' and Minnie's eggsj aie therefore below par, So fur ha tills fad goua that many eg-r men now make n sp:clilty of funiUMug gn egg from the came ben each nioiiiliig to Mipei'fJittdloiu i.mtoiucrs. 'Ihe.se piccloos, gilt-priced egg tome in u seilcd box, carefully labelled with tie tunic ot tho hen, Hie faun and Hie date thu. "Ileatlbe II., 11 A. M ', 10, '02, licet hwood." ftnn- DOMESTIC $ s j a f ( a a . s a Sunday vliool. Mr. WnlMm will sing, "0 tloil Hair Mcny," from .Mendelssohn's SI. I'mil, Mm. Kile abeth Viaid. n pupil of Mr. WntklnV aliidlo, Is retelling many flallerlng encomiums for lier evcellml singing nt the S'orlli Knd tllec (oclely concert, N"ov musical or Mclnl rienl of Scranton in which Hie eier popular "coon dong" number fonris a pari of the programme, Is considered snrccM at till period without the presrnce of Miss I'led.i Kami, who has a reputation as an entertainer In this line Hut I fur-reach' M15S litKDA (i. KAXV. ing. MIj.n Koniiv has neier taken lemons 01 sludltd lng!i!,', mid nukes no pieleusloiis as n musician. She has luieuted lier partltular nay of reudeiing lliee popular melodies, is a natural mimic, and has (he iiapp.i faculty nf IntiodiicJiig .1 negro dialect that Is amusing and Jet rellned. Her character delineations are fiee fiom coarse ncss that makes the aieiage "coon" alnger n peron to lie ipgardeil with diead. All nf lier iliipci-orullol.s aie marked bi the (liarm of nil glnallti, :inl aie glien with artistic grace that appeals to all, M'ss riant.' letidltlou of the "Owl and the Moon" at the iceetit Klrmess at (lie L.urum, was undoubtedly the host in Hull particular clasa eier glien in tills city. 'I II !l l'lillowiiu '' Hie musical piogramiue Hint will be cairied out at the dinner in honor of Prince Henry of l'liissia, tendered by Ilia Ne.w Yorker Staats-Zellung to Hie Ameilcan picM at the Wul-doif-Abtorl.i on l'eli. -0: March, "With Puusian Colom" Von lllon ",luJil Oicrture" C M. ion Weber Ameilcan fantasy Victor Herbert Prize Song from "Die Meistcisinger" Wagner (Violin Solo, Nalian Kianl.o), "Soldateska" Seidengiaiiz "lijmn"...(II. II. il. Prince Ilem.i of Prussia) Salior.s' Choius fiom "The flying Dutchman" Wagner Wall, "Ktiiilgsklnder Johann Strauss Pallet .Music fioin "KeionUis" Rubinstein "Hands Aciu-s the Sia" Sousa ! II II The f-pccificitiotn for the new organ in the Methodist l,p!inpal thuitb in Caibondale bale been, by spnial lequest, ihawn up by Mr. J, Alfred Pennington, of the C'onervatoiy, and the i lull tli committee will soon awanl the contiact I01 building the sime. The oigan will contain two 1.1,1 boards and pethls, tubular, piieuiii.it ic action tlitousl.out, liienly-fiie rounding stops, Hie loupleis, sl combination pedals, two nvell pc il lis. a full organ and crescendo pedil, and nier fifteen bundled pipes Tho Instrument will be fie 1'iost loilipletc of it liff In the valley, .111 1 will iimlaiii (.eieral fcaluies, found, as a rule, onh in uikIi larger oigan". I' 'l II The aeiil,i uranir I mile qu.'rlctte, under the ;'! ! st ! -e-f - -f-M- -r-M-M- 4- ,- . c-..j.. t-.i, nn - 1'icilU 1UI unuaii, run. e I BRKsKPVST. (Manges. Cieam of Wheat IS icon and i:a,n. Latticed I'ol.i os. Viiluta Coin Muliiis. Coftei . ( lam lloullleu. Mu.r.d ll'iies. Celny. llna-l Chltken. (lilbeit (Jia.,i. hwect l'otatoe-. IthiMfioipiels. I learned (luloi'n. Lettuce .Salad. v !toiUffo.t riiceni. Silt iltc s. i'ineappie fliailntlc, Coifee. bUP I3R. (I'liel.'tte in Cliafing Dl-h. 1 .Sliced Hani witii IIor-.ei.idl1!. Wliole-wlieat Hrcul. Cuiiant Tint-. "ine l.'ake-. Silted Oiauge-. 'I'ea. r--- t X t f- 4 -f -t- t Inteil II means that the Leghorn hen Heat. lie l.i M lids egg at II o'clock In the inouiirij, IMj, Hi, at tiie llteclmooil farm. A. a liialt.T of fit .", no appiecialilc llifei nice in lalue cm be found in eig ot Hie ime fte-imess vhcie Hie fowls hae been fed on Hie fame food. 'I he on! dlllcieiKO i t!u.t Hie lighter shelled Cigs hale lisiitcr colored .lolks than tiie broiin-shelled ones, and tlieiefore make a more delicate toloiel take or i-aute. In Miambllng eggs or making an oiuelei, iirain, stock 01 watei Is better Hun milk l.s the taselu of t tic milk Is apt to toughen the alliiimrn of Hie eg. III miking all omelet .1 lalilc-poonful of liquid thnuhl be lutd for e.tcli egg, A thiniig-di.li leaclier wlio had a ilas of joiitu: kotiety gills on .Madison .iieniie wr.s leque.'.rd by one ot it.s membeif, a ouog s nm. 111 oon lo be married, to giie lliriu .1 leclps (or "one of lho.se lovely slimy oindet le, don't 1011 know-" Inie.Hgatlon lricalnl the fnl Hut she meant the I'leucii or ticauiy omelet, To nuke it break four itfgs Into a bowl, add lo llieni font talilespoonluU ot neaiii and tir with .1 spoon until .1011 mi llfi .1 tpioiiful. Itiop into Hie iitlUuif a lei ipoonful of mill butter. Melt a leatpoonfiit of butter lu .1 hot omelet pan and before tie bntlrr Irown-s turn ill Hie eggs. A toon as they begin to t-el fttr from the I10H0111, piikliiK or lifting up the rooked poitloii with the point ot a foil,, t,n as lo allow the 1111 lokrd egg to 11111 unuer. ( onlii.ii this in-ci-sh rntil the whole la nf 11 s.ofl, enemy lonsistrncv, Kea.snn villi wll and papilka, (old nnd tuin Into lh litit senluir dish, ?-- 'Hie I'lei'th iiial-i! u pielly garuMi fiom Igg.-,, but It is only for lool.i and not to lu i.ilt-n, put a lablespoonfitl of iliie'.ir und a llllle ult into a pint ol boiling ivulc.-. tlieik the eggs one at n lime, taking cure lo keep Ihrin whole, ami .dro'i Hum Into t( pine whera Hie water Is luibbliiir; limit fuiloinlv, Tiieii nllli a bjiooii turn thtiii oiri and ivir until the white completely uurso th" ,io!k and a ball I formed, !i rambled egg on toast with ihorp-d c"t given peppera make an excellent tprln, breakfait dish. Toast four illies of bivid, butter ami put when- tho platter on which they oie auanged Mill keep hot. Put -i tablCKpoouful nt butter in 11 hot fr)luij-pii and u toon 111 it bubblen t"ru lu half .1 doen eig.s, which have been broken iinu a bowl and mled with half a dJSfii lablespoiin fitU of ivulcr. A I ho white begin to mi, whip logelher quickly Willi a tiller kniftf. bprlidilo nier tho lop two finely lilt pepji-n, from wlii'.li Hie f-eeds bale been lenia'.edj tlr through tho egg, let the wholu cook a half minute, then pour out the tdite c( toast; garniili with sprigs of pauley ! terie at once. l.'gg tufled ivlth theco nulct a hen' ) s a t si s s 2 " 3 " " 4 "S" "3 fl Meldrum, Scott & Go. 126 Wyoming Ave. "NeveTToo Late to Mend" Seems a little out of place In these dn.vs of malchldss hosiery and money-saving prices. Who llltes a mended stoeklntr, any-, wuv? The new stockings aio em broidered, larey affairs, vlth either the simple inonoirruin em lnoidered jtml above tho anklu or some dainty floral design. One espeolnlly pretty fiyicy is a rosebud pattern, which appears as If tiny buds had siniDly diopped there for the minute. Prices, 50c, 75c, $1, .$1.25 a Pair. Silk Hosiery has the power to make one feel perfectly dressed from head to toe. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 $2.75 a Pair. XliVEH were 'styles so pretty. JCiCVKlt have wo shown so manv. NEVER were prices so reason able for superior quality. direction ot Aificd Woolir, is one of the best eier formed in this city, beliur composed of Hie following m ell-know n and talented singers: Al frecd Moohr, first tenor, Mloit f.lm Paik cliuiih; Will hi T, Leonard, second tenor, soloirt Asliury Jietliodist Lpbtopal rbmcli; f. O. Wake lee, Hist biss, r'athedral iholr; Albeit Pilling, secontl bass, soloist Prct,b.itcrlan cluncli, (Iieen llidge. Tlieir Kinging at the special meetings of the Kejstone lodge of Pcifcction, A. A. S. H this city, has called forth the highest pialsc. A lislting biother fiom lllngliinilon, X. V,, lit tlaied it lo be Hie linest male quartette ilnglng he eier had Hie pleismc of listening to, and will airange for a three di.is' engagement for them in Illnghamton in (he near futme. J- ! 4 liiiKlieon or -upper di-li. Iloit tiie egs twenty minutes. Wh"ii cold, take off the hell, tut 111 lllo anil iciuoie die jihlh, leaiiug the Mlutc unbioken. Put the jolhi into a bowl, powder by pressing with the back of .1 fiber lablopooii, and an omul amount "f Riated tliec-e, a Icispoonful of niellid butter for earh egg and salt mid pip ik.i to (eii-oii. .Ml into a miiooHi paste and 11 till the whites. Make 1 cieam finee, luing one table-poonful of butter, a hilt tablespoon fill of flaur, one cupful of milk, salt, pepper and at the last add til 11 beaten cgg. As oou as thitkined ai.d finooth, set batk on tl.it lange and caiefully place 11"' eggs in it to become lclioitcd. hetie on a piLtty plitlet with a gainMi of pnsley. n excellent furiiiluie whip may bo made In bii.iing a half-.i.ud of lioisrhair tlotu, i.iieillug it out and fa-lenlng to a broom luiid'o. 3 A new Mlad xeneil bv fishlonable calereis . at Hie popular breakfast-, and lunchemio with A wlih h all Hie women s duns now tteiignc 10 punctuate tiieii hlienuoiu days, appeal on the menu as "HiuiiMiltl,," Its ilMliitttin fe.itme Is 'Hie old-la-hioued bl.uk walnut, Hie meat hllced ill lather gnoil-cied plece-t and ilMiibitli'd Huougli a liiKtuie of apple and ccbiy. A gooil fundi dieting giie.s it yri-t and the niiMuir 11. M'lved on ui-ped Itt line leaies. "J" Clam bnullion wlilcli most fiequeutly forms the nccoml tonue .it lhe limdieuns is.bcricd in tups with .1 spncnfiil of Mhlpped 111M111 on top. To 111 Ike I lie cieamed 1 lam bouillon wash iiicl Iboioughly tciuli one doen clam-. Pill in a fciucepaii wide a lull nipful of 1 old v.alcr, coicr and m-i oier the hie until 111.- .shells open, strain the Juice through cheesecloth, using two thii knessrcs of the 1 loth and letuin to the dean Eaucepin with Hie duns chopped flue. Simmer gently for file or ten iiunnlc-., take fiom the Hie, and set for another flic mlnutts wlieie it will tool o little. Heat the white of an rtfc until fiotliy, add the egg shell, washed and mull, cd and .stir into the dania. Set over the tire again, ami Mir until the inKline boil, Al the end of thtee minutes hulling wt aside again for a few minutes, then Mralu through the doubled eliecM'elolh, Measure, and for each pint of llie juice allow the wine quantity of milk. Ileal the milk In .1 double boiler, and mike .1 ue.ini fame, allowing i table pouiiful eath of Hour and butter for cndi tup of milk. Cook- until smooth iunl thhk;, add the clam hioth whicli lus ljeen hfate,i), lii. a Mparale ..aiiiip-in, iimi with papilka opd helve tmnicdlalely with llie whipped ncam. Tin bath tubs nuv be seoiu-od iiitliwblli ii-K and ammonia: porcelain J,lncd tpUs lylt'l kapollu or mda. 'Hie ugli iron ktaln 011 tho set bowl can be leiuoieil b.i rubbing a llill'i inurlallo achl on the stain und then iliislug quickly wllll ammonia, , lu some of the new pilaliil liou-i. where the lighting U by cledilclty, there is u spitlal ntladimuit for llie deep closets, hero liifoie ns tl.it U ns Adullam'ii cava, The opwi irg uf Hie door ree a liullon, anc t)ie In teiioi I immediately illnmiiuli-d. J" i While the timw I. Mill on tho gmiind, lal.o 4 adiantagii uf It In bnu-li nil TuikUh iv jjihcr "i" hcaiy nut,. Spiead tin- rugs Hat n;i liiu.fhnr J or llie mow itself, fpiInMc well wllll Hlo'T and villi a clean liinoiu sweep Htoixiuglily. 'I his sales llie be.itlua, which is haul ln.tli rn Ihe nig ami llie beater, and lirjghttua )ie ttllOK, 'Ihe gwpel, of hygiene las i-pieJil even to the liable' lallle, uiii( Hie IwciititMh century lub.i h;W his lo.i nude of luglvin- mblv'i, villi Ihe handle of wood and llm wliUllc. ju Hie 1 ml. : ' Xei. Ice-shaieik ionic lu heavj metal lint lie shape of a toieicil dippti. 'Jiic louudel under side of 1I10 illpper is pi-oiidc'i) with iliarp lielh i.liiih sluie tlic ice and foi re Ho sli'ailug up Into the dipper. for urdlnaiy window washing u Utile ler sfiio iidtletj tv H.ic wale.- will pioio ,n ft fcillie biightencr I'liuna PadJok Telford. SCIENCE f" " V" S S" " "$ J 3 "$ S "2 A? - t-; &,;. , , M, V. -JL m