The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 22, 1902, Image 1

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Several Rioters Are Killed In At
temptinn to Rescue Their Im
prisoned Gomrades.
Ordinary Necessities of Life Are
Pailing1 and the Distress Is Accen
tuating Labor Troubles Spread
Through Spain and Martial Law
Is Extended Agitators Receiving
Aid from London Jesuit College in
Saragossa Attacked.
J.v fixcliulvc Wire trom The Associate! l're.
Barcelona, Fob. 21. Forty persons
liuve been killed since the disturbances
broke out here. The strikers yesterday
attacked the Jail In an attempt to res
cue their Imprisoned comrades, but
they were repulsed by the troops, after
several rioters hud been killed or
The ordinary necessaries of life are
fiilllnpr. and the distress is accentuat
ing. The strikers are said to be receiv
ing large sums of money from London.
In the neighboring towns the disturb
ances are spreading and are increasing
in gravity.
The predominance of bayuuets here
has had effect, and the most turbulent
spirits have been driven off the streets.
Outwardly the city is resuming an as
ppct of comparative quiet. The leading
citizens arc' Joining the military and
civil authorities in restoring order. The
captain general has ordered the news
papers to resume publication, and lias
instructed the owners of public vehicles
to again engage In their regular work.
If the printers refuse to work, their
names and residences are to be handed
to the captain general, who will deal
with them. All drivers declining to
take out vehicles will be deprived ot
their licenses.
Madrid, Feb. 21. According to this
morning's reports from Barcelona, the
situation there is improving, though It
is still threatening. An effort will bo
made today to resume ordinary avoca
tions. The most stringent measures have
1ecn prepared to protect traflle and
business. The strikers have row rides,
but they an; well supplied with' revol
vers and daggers. The search of sus
pected houses continues, resulting in
the. arrest or large numbers or anarch
ists and revolutionists of all kinds, who
are considered to bo the mime movers
in tin- troubles. The cosmopolitan
character of Barcelona makes it a re
sort for representatives or all the revo
lutionary elements In Kurope, and the
ranks or the malcontent workmen have
been swelled by French and other refu
gee political agitators. The Republi
cans are busy among the troops, urg
ing them not to use their arms against
their own class in defense of plutocrats.
The working people of Madrid favor the
The premier, Senor Rugasta, an
nounced today that the chambers will
not be prorogued unless the opposition
obstructs the government's action by
continually raising debates on the pres
ent labor troubles.
Martial Itiw has been proclaimed at
Tarragona. The strike Is spreading in
the Llobregat and Curdomi vallovs.
There is a general cessation of work at
t'nstellem do la I'lana and at Carve,
and thpiv is great excitement at Ha ten!
Forces of gendarmerie have been dis
patched to those places.
Opposed to Strike.
Delegates from the labor societies ot
Karagossa have visited the governor
find declared themselves opposed to the
London, Feb. 21. Dispatches received
hero from Madrid and Harcelona and
front various frontier towns In close
touch with tho scenes of tho distur
bances In Spain discredit thu report
that a fierce battle had been fought be
tween troops and rioters In a suburb
of Harcelona, that tho artillery raked
street after street and that ,100 per
sons were killed or wounded on both
sides. Up to last evening tho total
number of persons killed throughout
tin dlsturbancfH was only forty.
Advices received hero direct from
Hllbao, Vnllndolld, Corunna,.aijon and
other Industrial centres of Spain show
that the attitude of the miners and oth
er workers Is distinctly threatening.
The greatest excitement prevailed
everywhere, nnd the general situation
Is extremely grave. The garrisons of
Hurgos and Vlttorla luivo been ordered
to' bo Jn readiness to sturt for Sara
gossa nt a moment's notice, All the
railroads are guarded by troops,
Hllboa, Spain, Feb. 21. Several anar
chists have arrived here with tho object
of Inciting a strike. The Socialists have
refused to cooperate In the movement,
Saragossa, Feb, 21, motors attacked
the Jesuit College here last night. The
fathers llred on the mob, believing
their assailants to be thieves.
Many families are emigrating to
France, The working people havo
thrown their lot with their Catalonlun
comrades, Tho civil administration of
the whole province of Saragossa has
been taken over by the military au
thorities. Valencia, Feb, 21. In a conflict here
yesterday between rioters and the po
lice three persons were wounded. Four.
teen arrests were made.
Cnstellon de la Plana, Feb. 21. The
employers and their employes reached
nn understanding Is afternoon nnd
the strike here Is eiffed.
Seville, Fob, 21. Several Italian an
archists have arrived here, The tut
thorltles have taken all the necessary
precautions to prevent an outbreak.
Tragedy Grew Out of Feud Between
Lnwrenceburg Residents.
lly K.xtluslie Wire fiom tlic Awnlalivl l'itn.
Lnwrenceburg, Ky Feb. 21. Ah the
result of a pistol duel, Albert Wlther
spoon, president of the First National
bank of this city, lies seriously wound
ed in Ills home, and .Judge Porter "Wal
ker Is under police surveillance await
ing a change in tlic wounded man's
The trouble was begun last fall, when
"Wlthcrspoon recklessly llred his revol
ver through windows, lie was arrested,
nnd Walker, as judge of the police
court, fined him $200. Since that time,
It la said, bad feeling has existed be
tween the ninn.
Walker had occasion to go to a dry
goods slore yesterday and met Wlther
spoon there. "Wltherspoon Insulted the
Judge, who made no response, but went
away. Later he returned, and llndlng
Wltherspoon still there.asked hint to
retract Ills language. Wltherspoon re
treated to the door nnd attempted to
draw his revolver. The weapon hud
caught in his pocket and he was com
pelled to turn sldewise while using both
hands to release It. Meantime Walker
drew his revolver and llred three limes
at Wltherspoon. Two of the wounds
are slight, but the third probably will
result fatally.
Wltherspoon comes of a wealthy
family and is a leading business man.
His brother, Horace, after killing two
men, was himself killed by a man
named Portwood.
Royal Visitor Will Receive the Free
dom of the City on Tuesday,
Feb. 25, at 4 p. m.
By Uxilusive Wire trom The Associated I'rcw.
JS'cw Vork, Feb. 21. Mayor Low to
day gave out the programme, rules and
regulations for the official welcome on
the part of the city to Prince Henry
of Prussia. Following is the mayor's
"On the arrival of the Kronprlnz
Wllhelm, the mayor, accompanied by
his secretary, Mr. Ueynolds,, will pay
his respects to the prince. On Tuesday,
Feb, 23. at 1 o'clock, the prince will
return this call at the city hall. At
this time the freedom of tho city, which
has been voted to the prince by the
board of aldermen, will bo conferred
upon him in tin aldcrmank chamber.
"Tho arrangements ror this cere
mony are these:
"The prince will reach the Battery
by boat from the Iloheiizoilern at 3.30,
landing at the Customs House pier, nnd
reaching the street through the build
ing on this pier. Ho will bo escorted by
the military from the Battery to the
city Hall, and will enter the building
by the north door, because of the dis
turbed condition in the south front,
due to the rapid transit subway.
"The prince will be received by the
mayor in the governor's room. There
will be with the mayor at that time
the members of the committee appoint
ed by him to arrange for the recep
tion nnd entertainment of the prince.
"The mayor will present to the prince
the controller, Mr. Grout; the two vice
presidents of the committee, Mr, Hew
itt and Mr. Schurz, and the chairman
ot the executive committee, Mr. Jesup.
"On the arrival of tho prince In the
governor's room, the aldermen will be
notified, and their sub-committee, con
sisting of President Cantor, Alderman
Oaffney and Alderman Mclnnes, will
come to the governor's room, where
they will be presented to the prince by
the mayor,
"The mayor's committee will then
move to the aldermanie chamber, tak
ing seats in the gallery; nnd when
they are seated the aldermanlo com
mittee will escort the prince, the mayor
and the controller to their places in
the chamber.
"The president of the board of alder
men, Mr. Forties, will Immediately an
nounce that the freedom of the city
will be conferred upon tho prince by
the mayor,
"After the ceremony the mayor and
tho uldermnnlo committee will escort
the prince, his suite ana the representa
tives of the president to their carriages.
Tho prince will he escorted to tho Ho
honsiollern by tho military. The pro
cession will move up liroadway to
Waverly place, through Wnverly place
to Fifth avenue, through Fifth avenue
to Thirty-four street, nnd through
Thirty-fourth street to the pier.
"Owing to the necessary conditions
attaching to such n function, admis
sion to the City Hall on that occasion
will be strictly limited to the prince's
party, the mayor and aldermen, tho
heads of the city departments and the
members of the mayor's committee, it
will be useless for others to seek cards
of admission or Invitations.
"No cameras will be allowed within
tho police lines,
"In the evening tho mayor' will give
a dinner to the prince at tho Metro
politan club, at which there will be 100
"The mayor's dinner will be followed
by a gala representation of tho opera
at the Metropolitan Opera House, ar
ranged for by the committee of citi
zens appointed by the mayor."
By Kucluiive Wire from tho Associated Press.
Wilkes lUnc, Tib. St. The executive board i
now coulilcrlui; the advisability of ordering- a
strike ot the 8,000 mine worker at the eighteen
colllcrlea ot thr Lehigh and WIUes-Darre Coal
The company a week ago dUcluirgctl two union
committer men at the Nottingham i-ollicry, re
fused to see the ui ion committee to dUcuii a
Mttlement of the trouble, and today closed (he
mine indefinitely. "
Patient Taken from Chester to Lima
and Back Again,
By Inclusive Wire from the Associated Pre.
Chester, Pa., Feb, 21. When James
Warner, colored', applied for admission
to the Chester hospital today, It was
discovered that he had smallpox and he
was not admitted. The hospital au
thorities had the case on their hands,
and undertook to get rid of It. Warner
was taken In 11 wagon to the county
hospital at Lima, several miles away,
but Steward James W. Darker had or
der!, not to receive him, and the wag
on was stopped at the entrance to the
He was then hauled till the way back
to Chester, through the snow drifts, and
delivered to the board of health ofll
cl.tlf.. Dr. Iloopmtin, president of the
board of health, said tonight that he
had placed the Invalid In a private
house and quarantined It until other
arrangements can he made.
Rumors of Coalition Between "Union
ists and Imperial LiberalsIm
portant Letter to the Times.
By Inclusive wire from The Atsociated Pre.u.
London, Feb. 21. Lord Ttosebury's an
nouncement In a letter to the London
Times this morning of his Until separ
ation from Sir Henry Cninobell-nan-nerman's
section ot the Liberal party
forms a fruitful topic for afternoon edi
torials and for discussion in all quar
ters of Great Britain. One of the most
noticeable phases Is the curious effect
the letter produced on the wording of
the Times' editorial on the subject. Tts
friendliness to the ex-premler might
easily be explained on the ground of
Unionist delight at a definite split In
the opposition ranks, but Its declara
tion that "what the country wants is
not si brand-new set of principles, but
a new set of men capable of replacing
the present set, without upsetting the
policy of the empire," is followed by
the statement that Lord Rosebery's
party must prove that it can be trusted
to infuse business energy and capacity
into the prosecution of an imperial pol
icy. Tt concluded with the following
remarkable utterance:
"If the fruition of efforts in that di
rection may seem to be remote, we can
only say It may come sooner than any
body expects."
That oracular assertion has started
rumors of a new coalition between (he
Unionists and Imperial Liberals, under
the leadership of the Duke of Devon
shire nnd Lord Uosebery, and of the
possible defection of the Times from
support of the present government.
Something of that is visible in the
Globe's editorial this afternoon, which,
while congratulating Lord Uosebery on
his "emancipation," dilates strongly on
the pettiness of the differences between
his policy and that of the Unionists.
The Pall Mall Gazette follows other
Tory opinion, in declaring that a "man
who can write such a letter as a reply
to Sir Henry Campbell-Pannerman has
the grit which the empire expects of
those who lead it."
The Westminster Gazette, hitherto
divided in its allegiance, comes out in
favor of Sir Henry Campbell-Unnuer-man,
but sorrowfully admits that Lord
Rosebery's letter means another term
of government for the Unionists, while
it fears Lord Rosebery's group may be
liable to absorption in that party.
Tho letter of Lord Rosebery was tho
result of Sir Henry Campbell-Banner-man
asking, in a recent speech, whether
Lord Rosebery spoke "from the interior
of our political tabernacle, or from
some vantage ground outside."
It was announced last night that as
an outcome of the polemic concerning
the relations bPtween Sir Henry Camp-bull-Bnnnerman
(leader of the Liberals
in the house of commons), Lord Rose
bery and the Liberal party. Lord Rose
bery had written n letter to tho Lon
don Times, declaring frankly that ho
"remains outside of Sir Henry's taber
nacle," but not, ho thinks, in solitude.
Boer's Fate Not to Be Known Till
Kitchener Has Decided It.
By Exckilvc Wile trom The Associated Pre.
London, Feb, 21 Tho war secretary,
Mr. Broderiok, in the house of com
mons today, replying to n tiuestion,
said that the trial of Commandant
Kritzlnger (captured by General
French In December last) had not been
The verdict would not be known un
til it hud been confirmed by Lord
Wilmington's New Police Chief Pro
poses to Sweep the City,
By Inclusive Wire from the Assoclatci) Press,
Wilmington, Del., Fob. 21. Chief of
Police Georgo Black proposes to wage
a vigorous war against vice nnd gam
bling. Patrolmen have been Instructed
to remove all slot machines and similar
Tho law forbidding saloonkeepers
from having screens in front of their
bars will be enforced, and disorderly
houses will be raided without cere
By Kxcludre Wire from The Associated I'rcst.
Columbia, 0 lb, 81, In an uMilavit filed
by IIjioIiI P. Thomas, hi detente to the wife's
ailIcatlon for alimony, ho claim) he luw 11.)
meant uf import, and that Ills father, Central
Samuel Tlionuu, of Xew Vork, liu-l iUowiici .aid
ellslnlieiluil him,
SIthu lie left hume lil father lias sent him but
$13, lie iceelycd gV) from hU tUn-i' uud HQ
fiom hie brother, lie is now employed at W r
week, Recently his father refused tu see h'.ni
and otdued liU bcivanti to eject him, ivliidi t'.icy
laical data for February 21, lOOis
Highest temperature ,.,,,,... 31 degecca
J.owckt temperature , , .SO degree!)
Relative- humidity;
S a. 111 S7 per cuut.
b p. in. , 100 per nur.
Frcclpltatlou, 21 hours ended $ . 111.... U.50 iii'li
Premature Graduation Has Been
Ordered uij Secretaru Lonu
In Several Gases.
By Order Issued This Week to Com
mander Waluwright Nearly One
Hundred Young Officers Will Bo
Detailed for Watch Duty on Ships
at the Asiatic Station.
By Exclusive Wire fiom 41ie Associated l'rc.
Washington, U. C, Feb. HI. Secre
tary Long hits Issued an order to Com
mander Richard Waluwright, superin
tendent of the Xaval academy, direct
ing liltn to graduate tho first-class na
val cadets on,.Mtty 1 next and be pre
pared for orders assigning every mem
ber ot the cluss immediately to sea
The graduation of the class prema
turely litis been under consideration for
two weeks, due to the urgent necessity
of securing additional ofiicers for ships
now in commission, but met with ob
jection for the reason of interference
In the course of studies.
Secretary Long, however, lias been
unable to meet the pressure upon the
navy department for all classes of
junior ofiicers and found no other
means of providing them except by de
tailing young cadets to the responsible
duties of watch and division ofiicers on
shipboard performed by lieutenant and
ensigns since the navy was established.
C'oinninndcr "Walnwright is Instruct
ed to continue the other three cadet
classes at their studies and to send
them to sea for the annual summer
At least three-fourths of the grad
uates will be aligned to duty with
ships on the Asiatic station, while the
remainder will lie distributed among
vessels on the other stations. Kvery
man will be sent to sea for a two years'
ituIsp. The department will detail all
cadets now at sea. Including the class
that will be commissioned ensigns next
July, to watch duty, nnd the cadets
that will leave Annapolis in May will
relieve senior cadets of their present
dutjes and thus make available nearly
100 young oliicerfC"
Both classes now at sea will be re
tained on ships and the class coming
up for final graduation this spring will
be examined on the stations Instead of
tvt the Naval academy.
An order has also been Issued direct
ing Commander AVainwrlght to relieve
every ofllcer who can be spared from
the Naval academy for duty at sea.
The effect of these orders and tho
graduation of the cadet class will en
able the authorities to detach about
fifty ofiicers with the Asiatic fleet
whose sea tour has expired anil who
are now entitled to shore service or
station on ships not In the Philippine
General Frederick Eunston Says That
Many of the Idle Soldiers Have
Vivid Imaginations.
By Kzcluslve Wire from Tlic Associated Press.
Kansas City, Feb. 21. General Fred
erick Funston, in discussing the "wat
er cure," n form of torture charged
against the soldiers in the Philippines,
sold that he had never seen the "water
cure" applied, but lie had heard it de
scribed. 'The charge which r have just re
futed, at the request of the war depart
ment, was most vague. It was made
by a, soldier, and to the effect that he
had 'helped administer the water euro
to 160 natives.' That Is the kind ot rot
a soldier is apt to write home when
business Is dull and he has had three
or four drinks to help his imagination.
Nothing of tho kind ever took place
with the knowledge of the ofiicers, or
ever occurred at all, for that matter."
American Found Dying from Assault
hy Pouapians.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associsted Press
San Francisco, Feb. ill. News has
been received here of the murder of
Rudolph Hanson, an American citizen,
at Port Lot, on the Island of Ponapl,
Jn the Caroline group. He hnd spent
tho evening of Jan, 10 on tho brig John
D, Spreekels, which was to sail the
next day, and went ashore late nt
Poou after he was found dying, his
Uwid having been crushed. It was
learned that the assault was provoked
by an argument he had with several
natives. The murderer had not been
arrested when tho Spreekels sailed:'
Chief of Marauding Band and Nine
Followers Escape, However,
By Kxclushc Wire from The Associated Press.
Vinila, I, T., I'eb. 21,-beputy Tiiited btalM
Manlial (irant .lohuon ami two deiutlea aulvcil
a( JIuskOKii Jrtterdaj with a bond el S:iala In.
dlaiu that was caitiuid near Henrietta,
The chief, ba-Ta-JIU'-foo, and nina othera -
raped while the marshal went to telegraph tu tho
oitkiahi at this place,
" m
The Constitutional Body Inaugurat
ed at Caracas.
By Kxilusivo Wire, fiom the Associated 1'rcs.
Sew Y01W, I'eb. 21. Tho consul geueial l
Vint zucla today received the following dispatch;
"Caraeaj, I'eb, 20. Constitutional congicrf in
augurated today. All meiubeii wrie pretcnt,
(Mmicd) "Castro. President."
Her Husband's Efforts to Annul His
Bill of Sale to Them.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associsted Prcts.
St. Paul, Minn.. Feb. 21. The case of
W. Melbourne MaeDowelt and May D.
Seymour, as executors of the Will of
Fannie Davenport MacDowell, deceased,
against Clarence M. Ilrunc, L. N. Kcott
and C. 10. Beech, has been taken up by
Judge Uunn.
Fannie Davenport, in her life, owned
certain so-called "Sardou" tilays and
bequeathed them to her husband, Mac
Dowell. He gave a bill of sale to the
defendants nnd the present suit Is to
annul the bill of sale, on tho ground
that it was fraudulently obtained, and
to enjoin the defendants from present
ing the Sardou plays.
Judge Rutin lias already denied tho
motion for a preliminary restraining
order. The case now comes up on Its
Senator Bates Denounces Republican
Party as nn Organization,
"Bent on Conquest."
By Inclusive Wire from tlic Aiyoeiati-d Pres.
Washington, Feb. 21. The senate to
day resumed the consideration of the
Philippine tariff bill. Mr. Bates (Tenn.)
spoke in opposition to the bill.
Few things had occurred In the sen
ate chamber, he said, more fateful or
involving more delicate Issues and
greater results than the ratification of
the treaty of Paris. He asserted the
payment of $20,000,000 for the Philippine
Islands was a commercial rather than
a sentimental transaction, and was the
first step toward a. colonial policy an
tagonistic to tho American form of
Ho declared that it was only after
tho ratification of that treaty that the
apprehension rose that the Republican
party had "bit off more than it could
chew." Then it was that tho new Idea
had blossomed out that only congress
could extend the operation of the con
stitution beyond the states, and it was
held In addition that congress would
not extend tho provisions of the con
stitution to the Philippines except with
the string to It which denied equality
of administration, taxation anel citi
zenship. The present tariff bill, the
Tennessee senator said, would become
a law, but it would not bridge the
chasm that separates a people strug
gling for independence and tho Repub
lican party "bent up-! conquest, ex
ploitation and commercialism."
Member of De Wet's Staff Addresses
a Mass Meeting.
By Ksclushe Wire from tlic Associated Pre".
San Francisco, Feb. 21. At a largely
attended meeting of Boer sympathizer
in Metropolitan hall Mayor Schmlt-!
ini sided and an address was delivered
by commandant W. V. Snyman of Gen
eral De Wet's staff.
Resolutions were adopted and or
dered to be sent to President Roose
velt. Tho California senators and rep
resentatives, were urged to induce con
gress to talce suitable action looking
to intervention hy the powers with a
view of ending tho war by arbitration
and assuring the Independence of the
Man, Dragged Beneath a Train Is
but Slightly Injured.
By Cxcliuive Wire from The Associated Press.
Slmmokln. 1Y1. 21. Hairy Kllnger fell under a
Beading coal train, near Alaska, last niRlit.
Ho lay flat on his back, and flu cars pa-unl
over lilm. The brake beani on the hlxtli tar
v.mglit bis clothing, and lie was dragged 100
feet befoic the tialn (stopped, but escaped with a
few slight lacerations,
Husband of Miss Stone's Companion
' Is in Sofia.
By Eiclualvc Wire from The Associated Vrea.
Constantinople, l'cb. 21, The authorities hero
deny that Iho ltcv. Mr. Tsllka, husband of Mnio.
K. S. Tbikla, the companion of Miss I'.llcn M,
Stone in her captivity, has been arrested for com
plicity with the bandit In the kidnapping. They
say that, according to last leports, Mr. Itilka is
in .Sofia, Uulgaria,
Tore Holes in the Enoine Room and Ad
joining Buildings and Smashed Cars.
Fragments Hurled Hundreds of Feet
A roaring, ripping sound, a crash,
and then great black objects (lying
through the air caused greut alarm In
tho vicinity of tho power house of the
Hcranton Railway company on Provi
dence road lust night nt D.15 o'clock,
The monster llfty foot lly wheel In
the engine room had hurst but fortun
ately only one man was injured uud ho
not seriously.
The accident caused the entire pow
er plant to shut down and there was
no street car service after that lust
The engine to which tho lly wheel
was attached Is located In the southeast
corner of the power house, and when It
broke tho noise was heard many blocks
The wheel broke In many pieces, one
of which niado a hole In the brick wall
fully nfteen feet high und ten feet wide.
The Hying particles broke through
the adjoining building, boring large
hoI$s In tho brick wnlls and iron roof,
Portions ofj thu wheel landed hundreds
of feet away,
A large piece weighing several hun
Resolution Introduced Asking a Ro-
port on Land Sales in the Islapd.
By Kxclttslic wire from The Associated Pruo.
Washington, Feb. 21. Mr. Tawney
(Minn.) In tho house todav asked
unanimous consent for the e'onsldera
tlon of tho following resdlutlon:
Itcolvcil, That the secrclaty of war he to
quested to fin ulsli the hniiw muh iiifoini.ttlou
eonceinlnsf the number of aciro of kind in t'ulu
purclia-cd by non-re.-tiilrtits of the 1-daiul ulncc
the dale of the American occupation ns l Miinvn
by tlic rcpotta to and the records of tin war Ip
pattment, ami by the records of tin tnllilniy no.
eminent of Cuba, giving tin ron-dilcratton, tin
names nnd places of ickldence of pmiliafers, the
number of aiies contained on each lr.ut inn
cel. flu total iicieaitc of culllnited suifiir land
owned by citizens of the I'nlted States uud by
citizens of other countries foreign " Culm.
Mr. Payne, the majority leader, said
ho did not think the precedent should
be established of considering such reso
lutions before they had been considered
by a committee. Mr. Tawney denied
that it was unusual to adopt resolu
tions of inquiry in this fashion, but Mr.
Payne, nevertheless, objected.
Reinsurance Rates on Craft Expected
At San Francisco List of the
Missing Ships Increasing.
By r.xcluslte Wire from The Associsted Press.
Stin Francisco, Feb. 21. Tho list of
overdue vessels posted at the Mer
chants' exchange Is steadily growing.
The Red Rock, eighty-five days out
from Frazer river for London, with
salmon, is quoted at 15 per cent, rein
surance. The British ship Cape Rock
is out thirty-live days from Port Los
Angeles for' Portland and stands nt. lii
per cent., while tho Earl Cadogan,
thirty-four days out between the same
ports, is at the same figure. The French
bark Les Aelelphes, 129 days from
Madagascar for Portland, is at 20 per
cent., nnd the French bark Ernest Lo
goure, 103 days out from Hobart, Tas
mania, for Portland, is quoted at 20 pol
ecat. .
The same llgure is placed on the
French bark Olivier de Clisson, -Hi,")
days out from Cayenne for this port,
and 'there is a rate of 15 per cent, quoted
on the Yosemlte, seventy-eight days out
from Tacoma for Callao.
House Adopts Resolution to Investi
gate Shoshone Girls' School.
By Exclusive Wire from tlic Associated Prc.vs.
Washington. Feb. 21. The house to
day passed the Indian appropriation
bill. A resolution was adopted provid
ing for nn investigation of Mr. Kar
elin's relations to Shoshone Indian
Mount Pleasant, Mich., Feb. 21. Su
perintendent Nardil), of the Indian
school near this city, said In respect to
the charges made against him in Wash
ington: "There is nothing for mo to do In
the present circumstances beyond de
nouncing the whole statement as a ma
licious falsification, I cannot under
stand who my enemies can bo In the
No Answer Made to United States'
Note to China.
By Exclusive Wire trom The Associated Press.
Ilerlln, I'eb. 21. Tlic note of tin United Slates
to Itnssla and China on the subject ot'
rights in Jlanchurla lias been communicated to
Germany, but no answer has been made.
Germany maintain' th attitude the li.-u pr
viously announced that Manchuria is outside tho
sphere of (iennan Interests, and .he sees no rea
son to change it.
Count Tolstoi Very Weak.
Dy Kxclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Yalta, Crimea, Thursday, l'cb. 20. A bulletin
lulled at t) o'clock this evening mmoiniced Hut
Count Tolhtnl's temperature vva.s low nnd that he
was Hilterlng fiom great general weakness ami
pronounced weakness of Hie heart.
dred pounds, crashed through two
street cars In the adjoining barn, re
ducing the woodwork and windows In
the curs almost to Hpllntcts.
Oeneral Manager Silllnmn, Superin
tendent Patterson and n force of men
were summoned us quickly as possible,
and all set to work repairing tho dam
age, it Is possible tilings will bo In
shape for the running of tars this
None of thorn could glvo any explan
ation of Just how the ajrluent occurred,
but the supposition is that the strain
upon It wuh too great owing to the way
cars were'eatlng up power owing to
the storm,
Fnglneer Daniel lluliusmun was
struck by a piece of tho Hying wheel
and had his arm Injured. He wus re
moved to his homo in South Scruntou
where it was learned his Injuries wero
not serious.
The power house was left in total
darkness by reason of the accident, and
all the curs In tho outlying districts
were stulled for the night where they
were when the accident occurred.
Weather Conditions Made the Gltu's
Streets Almost lin-
Sleet and Snow Caused the Telegraph
Wires to Sag; and Break and tho
Telegraph Companies Could Get No
Messages in or Out of tile City.
Efforts to Keep tne Lines of tho
Scranton Railway Company Open
Were Attended with the Greatest
Difficulty Steam Roads Were Not
So Badly Hampered.
Kvery kind of weather that tho
weatherman keeps In stock was served
out to Scranton yesterday and last
night In large quantities.
At midnight the city presented such
a bedraggled and disreputable appear
ance tis It never presented before.
It began with snow.
Early yesterday morning the flakes
began to fall and hy noon over four
inches of soggy, wet, and nasty snow
covered the half melted fall of two
elays before.
'flie snow kept up until about t
o'clock In the afternoon when It began
to sleet.
The sleet continued for several hours
and at 7 o'clock In the evening walk
ing began to he impossible and the few
street cars that were running wcru
packed to the' doors,
Tho sleet let up about S o'clock and
the rain took a turn.
It was what might be called a sort of
cross between sleet nnd rain.
It was a little too liquid to bo called
sleet and a little too solid to be really
called rain.
Hut It got In its work.
The live Inches ot snow on the side
walks was turned into five Inches of
the slushiest kind of slush that ever
Impeded traflle and leaked Into the tops
of rubbers.
Walking Impossible.
If walking had been Impracticable at
7 o'clock it was almost absolutely im
possible at It o'clock except to persons
with high-water rubber boots and un
limited nerve.
The daring souls wtio ventured out
to the theatres found themselves
stranded in drug stores and doorways
with no street cars running.
As a consequence eabs were in great
demand and for nearly an hour it was
almotjt impossible to obtain one.
It kept right on raining until after
midnight and the city will probably
present "a picture no artist can paint"
when daylight dawns this morning.
The telegraph companies were groat
sufferers by the storm and for a time
last night it was impossible to get a
message out of the city In any direc
tion. The heavy snow of the morning hud
collected on the wires and when the
sleet and rain soaked Into this the
weight became so great that they .
snapped off in many places, seriously
crippling the service.
The Western Union company had no
wires working last night except one to
Buffalo. The local employees couldn't
tell where the breaks wero but
thought them near this city. After 0
o'clock the Postal Telegraph people re
ported having a service to New York.
Trying to Keep Cars Hoving.
The dispatchers of the Scranton Hall
way company had the hardest time of
their lives all day trying to keep their
cars running on anything like -schedule
They succeeded In keeping the mn
Jorlty of tho Hues open during the
morning and afternoon but after 7
o'clock only a car was run now and
When the power gave out at D.15 the
dispatchers had about decided that It
would be useless to attempt to run any
more cars anyway because of the slip
pery condition of the rails and tho large
eiua'ntlty of slushy snow on the wires
und tracks.
The cars managed to run all night
on tho level but when they came to a
hill they balked.
Fifteen minutes was consumed at
times in running a car from the West
Iaekawaniin avenue crossing to tho
corner of Main avenue and West U11
din street.
Tho cars would ereop along at a
snail's pace Just barely seeming to
move, though every bit of power would
be o)i und every brake released.
The railroads centering in this city
were not disturbed to tiny appreciable
extent by the storm.
The hackawanna's night dispatcher
reported all trains running on schedule
time but said thut the engineers weie
bringing in reports of a terrlllo sleet
storm on the I'ocono mountuln.
The regular Delaware and Iludson
trains running between this city and
Carbondale and Wllkes-Barro wero ail
on schedule time but the Saratoga ex
press due here after 10 o'clock was
reported snowed In on the Jefferson
The trainmen on the freight trains
suffered greatly from the sleetind rain
and came In from their runs drencheil
to the Bkln and swearing by the eternal
that such another night was never
witnessed In this valley in years.
If there should be a thaw today and
In alt probability there will be ono un
less there Is a sudden drop In the tem
perature tho citizens will hnvo about
the nastiest and most disagreeable day
or two In the history of the city,
! '