THE SCRANTON TIOBUNE-imiDAy, FEBRUARY 21, 1902. 9 NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA TUNKIIANNOCK. - " ?pccll to tlic Scranton Tribune. Tunkliunnock. I'd., Keu. 20. At n meeting held In the l'rcanytcr lan cliuroli on TttcHtlay evenlwr, it wnn :1reldert to build n new pnrsonnRc on the lot now occupied by the old par soimro, opposite the cliurch on Putnnin Htvpot. 'J'l( l" bttllOlnff, now occupied H a dwelling by Uenjniuln It. Shook, will accordingly bo demolished In the Hpriiifr, and u new nnd modern cdlllco elected on the site. Corny II. KIshpuURh, of Ilitrrlsbut'B, wiw u visitor In town on Tuesday. The result of the boroimli election, held on Tuesdity, wiih mm follows: For justices of the peticc, V. S, Kilts: re ceived lr.l votes; T. M. Harding, 107; ChnrleH M., MG; John V. Slcktor, 130. Kutz find Lee were elected, For ltlgh constable, .Toseiih 1j. Cnilln re ceived II.", nnd ChnrleH Vaughn, 13S. For auditor, W. A. Klttridgo recelvrd lfil, and F. AV. I'lntt, 131. For poor mnstcr, N. A. McKown, 170, nnd Draper nillliiRH, 12C. First ward For consta Wr, Addison Cuey,' 58; Samuel II. Jen kins, S9. Judge of election, II. C. Pro vost, 75; Aliirtin Schlatter, 71. Inspec tor of election, "U". It. Arnts, S7! Steph en Itobertson, 60. Town council, U K. Mc-nde, 5S; S. D. Heed, S3. Second ward For constable, N. W. Reynolds, 7::, and It. M. Piatt, fil. School direc tors, i:. C. llerrlck, 102: R. W. Lewis, ICC; "U. "f.,. Urot-k, 'IB; F. L,. Slttscr, 17. llerrlck and Lewis were elected. For town council, 1?. L. Lyman, S3; "W. D. Sampson, 51. .Tudgc of election, Joseph Welch, DS: Henry Kitchen, SO. In spector of election, Harry Cortriglit, Si; Fred L. Herman, 53. The first named candidates are Republicans, the second Democrats. The proposition to erect a county poor house carried In this borough by a majority of 21) votes. It Is probably defeated in the county nt large. The result of the election shows that a small vole was Dolled, and that there was much splitting. The funeral of the late .Toscuh Arm strong will take place at his late resi dence on West Tioga street this Thurs day afternoon :it .'! o'clock. The cause of death was apoplexy. Miss Josephine Staik, who has been visiting friends at Wllkes-Hane and Scranton, the past week, returned home today (Wednesday). FACTORYV1LLE. Epctlal to the Scranton Tilbune. Faetoryville, Feb. 19. Mr. Charles Gardner is reported gaining in health. Mrs. Amelia Green, who was taken so seriously sick last November, is still confined to the house. Master Robert Stanton, only son of Undertaker George Stanton, is suf fering with muscular rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Bailey, of Har ford, have been visiting relatives in this place and La Plume. Mr. Gorton Chase of La Plume has rented his farm to his brother, Chailey, and is thinking of moving his family down in our quiet botough. Come on, Mr. Chase, we will be glad to welcome on. Tile members of Captain E. J. Rice post and Mrs. Sarah Rico Circle will elolirato Washington's birthday next Saturday evening in their hull. A rare treat awaits the members of these two organizations as an excellent pro gramme has been carefully arranged and a templing repast will be served. The committee on arrangements are sorry to say they will be obliged to ex clude the public on account of ro'om in the hall and that the evening's enter nlnment will bo pilvute. Miss Delia Coleman returned home this morning from an extended visit among friends in Scranton. Mrs. Almliu Maynurd-Athertun, of Paw Paw, III., writes a friend here that her husband recently sold nine steeis for $07)o. As the result of Tuesday's election the following persons were elected; Judge of election, S. C. Reynolds; Inspector, S. S. Taylor; council, Byron Carpen ter, John B. Coult, Rufus P. Llnrtley; school directors, W. W. Bard, E. S. Hinds; constable, It. II. Reynolds; poormaster, George B. Sprngue: audi tor, Luman Reynolds. A straight Re publican ticket, In favor of a county poor house, 1G votes for nnd 21 against. Madame Rumor says that Levy Lind lcy will rent his home to a. E. Stanton nnd move his family to Scrunton where he Is In business. Bessie Spencer, who fell on the Ice on New Year's night, Is still confined to the house but is slowly gaining. Mrs. G. R, Smith Is still confined to her bed and Is a patient sufferer, be ing bright nnd cheerful most of the time. FOREST CITY. Fpeeiol to the Scranton Tribune Forest City, Fob, 20, Samuel Lyons has put chased the wholesale liquor store of T. W. Cunningham which ho has been occupying for home time. The consideration is said to be $10,000 cash, A, J, Lowrle left this week for Den ver, Col., where ho expects to reMde for some time. Mr, Lowrle was until recently a leading clothier hero, Ho is prominent In several fraternal organi zations nud was popular In the com munity. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harris have re reived word that their son, Thomas, who Is nt Blsbee, Arizona, is 111 with pneumonia and not expected to live, Miss Sadlo Lewis Is visiting the fam ily of Ira Dunn at Glen Hassle. H, Joseph, of Denver, Co)., 1ms been spending the past week here, Edward Vinol, tho Scranton mu sician who Is surfeilng with smallpox, Is paid to be tho pianist who played for the Philharmonic cjub dance a week ago Monday., Tho Indies of the Piesbytcrlan church will ns usual this year glvo n Martha "Washington tea party In tho church basement. Supper will be served from YOUR. FAITH Jii"; ours !( you try - 'S Consumption f ma a"d our i so ktrong xve .1 .ill fci gunranteeocuroorrefund v in money, ami e bend you free trial bottle It you write for It. SHILOH'tj costs o cents and will cure Con gumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and all Lung Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold in a day, unci thus prevent aerious results. It has teen doing these things for Mis ears. S. C Wells & Co., Le Koy. N.Y. It'll F l'a (trm ITnni 1in fnmmfta iL. Cinmaxl. -.f ? Vv,, wynwvv.lttim.l "" "V, 0 to 9 p. in. to bo followed by nn enter tainment entitled, "Tho Country School." Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Lyons are re joicing over tho arrival of twins at their home. They are boys, A George Washington supper will be under the auspices of tho B. Y. P. U. ut the Baptist parsonngo Friday even ing. Tuesday's election was a stirring one nnd a suiprlso to tho people who looked for undisputed Democratic; victory as usual. Tlie Republicans took the lion's share of the ofllccs. This was duo to u thoioiiRh canvass of the Held by tho Republicans ns well as u dissatisfac tion wltli the present council which has at several times distinguished Itself by peculiar action on public matters. The successful candidates are as follows: High constable, ,T. W. Jones, It,; audi tor three years, T. A. Surdam, H.; au ditor, two years, E. A. Wakefield, It.; auditor, one year, M. McAndrcw, D.; PICTURE Can you read poor master, J. It. Bell, D.; First ward, constable. M. J. Walsh, D.; council, R. W. Taylor, R.; school director, T. P. McConnoll, D.; judge of election, John Callaghan, D.; inspectors, W. II. Jones, It.; Hpnry O'Neill. D.; Second ward, constable, J. G. Wescott, R.; council, Lafayette Decker, It.; school director, It. O'Brien, D.: judge of election, J. M. Brown, 11.; Inspectors of election, J. C. Waters, R.; E. A. Randal, D. A.ONTROSE. Special tu the Scianton Tribune. Montrose, Feb. 20. Election on Tues day passed without any excitement, but the result shows that the indepen dent voter was abroad, and succeeded In breaking through the Republican lines in the Second nntl Third wards and elected two Democrats to tho town council. With these exceptions, all of the Republican candidates were elect ed. The vote In detail was as follows: Borough Oflleers. Justice of the peace, John S. Courtrlght, R., ISO; Francis G. Allen, D SO; Courtrlght's majority, ill. High constable, Warren E. Tingley. It., Ifi9; Thomas D. Payne, D 10G; Tingley's majority, C3. Poor director, B. Thatcher, R 30J; R. S. Senile, D., S3; Thatcher's majority, 210. Auditor. S. G. Fancher, R., 1S3; E. C. Lake, D., 01; Fancher's majority. t2. First Ward For constable, Dr. E. E. Tower, R., 5fi; J. Rutan, D 21. School director, Harry W. Bcacii, It., 57; W. 11. Hlbbaid, D 20. Judge of election, G. II. Watrous, It.. 57; G. B. Smith. D., 20. Inspector, II. D, Tltman, It.. 57; E. W. Safford, D., 21. Town councilman, AV. II. Dornn, It., 5S; J. E. O'Brien, D.. 10. Second AVaid For constable, J. I. Chapman, It,, tiG; Aaron Arnold. D., S. Judge of election, Dr. II. A'. Frlnk, R.. r,S; Jefferson Grlflls, D., 13, Inspector, Charles L. A'nn Scoten, R., 59; J. C. Keeney, D 13. Town councilman, S. R. Sprout, R.. 3G; M, S. Allen, D 3S. Third AVnrd For constable, A. Perl go, R., 7S: G. B. Felker, D 4S. School director, D, T. Brewster, It., SO; AV. (', Crusor, 15., -1G. Judge of election, J. E. Barney, R., S3; M. AV. Denlson, D 12. Inspector, O. R. Cook, R., 75; C. AV. Brodhead, D -17. Town councilman, E. Guy, lt 57; O, P. Beebe, D 70. NEW VULFORD. Sprclil tu the Sainton Tribune. Now Milford, Feb. 19. George Park er, foreman of tho New Milford tan nery, died at his homo in thl3 place Thursday morning after a few days' Ill ness with pneumonia, F. G, Ipderlled was In Blughnmton Thursday on Business. A phonograph entertainment will be given In the Presbyterian church next Tuesday evening. Every ona cordially Invited to attend. L, G. McCollum made a business trip to Hullstend Thursday, Mrs, Elmer Tingley Is visiting rela tives In Hnllstead. T. J. McCaithy spent Thursday In Great Bend, Mrs, Albert Moss, an aged resident of this place, Is seriously 111 ut the homo of her daughter, Mrs. Kate Eatherly, In Detroit, Mich. The German Medicine company was greeted by a. largo audience at tho optra house AVedpesday evening, Tho summer normal school will l!o held In New Milford again this year, bsglnnlng In Juno and continuing live wjeks. Prof, a. A. Sterns, B, AV, Peatq and 11. A, Benson will be the jnstruc tois. HAMLINTON 8ricll !o tht Scrtnton Tflbum. Hamllnton. Feb. 20, Rev. C, E. Fus senden, of Jermyn, Pa preached In St, John's Episcopal church last Sab bath, morning and evening. Miss Frances Foote, of Holllstervllle, spent Sunday wltli her aunt, F. A. Orchard. H, F, Nicholson, C. L. Simons nud C. E. AA'ilght are confined to their homes with grip. The town election was held Tuesday, and the many friends of E. It. Holllster i x c sip JlilrT . I QwcL xfT S M wly all IS jp 'If are pleased with his election as Justice of tho pence of Salem township for the ninth time. Ho Is one of the old est justices of tho pence In tho coun ty. Ho was elected by a largo major ity, and had tho day been favorable, his friends, who nre numerous, would have rallied to his support, nnd ho wduld have received almost an unani mous support of the people of Salem township. Tho following ttindldatuH were elected; Judge of election, O. F. Kcllam; Inspectors of election, F. A. Smith, Asa Jones! supervisors, Robert Race, W. 13, Brown; poorinustcr, Peter F. Osborn; town clerk, II. L. Nnsh; auditor, K. E. Blake; treasurer, 11. F. Hamlin; Justices of tho pence, 12 B. Ilolllslcr, David Olmstend; school directors, A. L., Flnloy (three years), George Stitntou (three years), W. J, Walker (one year); constable, E. J. Nash. At this writing, the loth Instant, tho village Is In a state of Isolation owing to tho severity of tho weather. No mall has been received since the even-' lug of the 17th, The highways are blocked with Iuiro drifts of snow and travel is almost an Impossibility. BROOKLYN. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Brooklyn, Feb. 20. The funeral of Edwin AVeston mjjis held from his late PUZZLE. this proverb? residence last Friday, Rev. R. L. Rob erts ofllciatlug. Mr. AVeston had been ,a resident of Brooklyn for many years, and was held in high esteem. At one time he was superintendent of tho schools of the county, and Is the au thor of a history of Brooklyn, lie is survived by a widow and three chil dren, E. Leland and Jennie, of tills place, and Mrs. J. L. Kent, or Boston. The marriage of Miss Louise, only daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Alney to Dr. T. Ellis Bond, of Philadelphia, took place at noon today at tho home of the bride. About sixty guests were present. Miss Bessie Chamberlain was maid of honor and Jay Bond, brother of the groom was best man, and little Kathleen Alney, a cousin of the bride was flower girl. As the wedding march from Lohengrin was played by Prof. T. Edmund Soby, of Philadelphia, the bridal party took their places in the bay window, where the ceremony was performed by Rev. R. L. Roberts, ot the Presbyterian church, assisted by Ilov.AV. L. Freund, of AVIlmington, Del. Alter the ceremony, tho bride and groom passed into the front parlor to the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march, where, they received the con gratulations of their friends. Later a sumptuous repast was served by Misses Lillian Austin, Beruito Doran, Lelah Sterling and Mabel Tiffany, who also held the ribbons to form the path of the bridal party.. The young couple left about 3.30 for Nicholson, and after a short trip, including AA'llkes-Barre and Danville, they will make their home in Philadelphia. The bilde's gown was of pearl grey sapho silk, with trimmings of Irish point lace, and her only ornaments was a necklace of pearls. Her traveling suit was navy blue broadcloth, tailor made, worn with a waist of white silk. Miss Chamber lain wore white silk and carried pink roses. The flower girl wore wiile or gandie over pink, and carried pink car nations. The hi Ido carried white rose. The presents were numerous and very beautiful. Tho bride's father presented a check for a geneious amount: Mrs. Alney, two dozen bolld sliver spoons; Earl Alney, a dozen knives and forks; Hon. nnd Mrs. AVllllain Alney, of Al- lemown, l'Tenon China dinner set. Sev eral oil paintings, cut glass and other china nnd silver articles, too numer ous to mention, wero also presented. FLEETV1LLE. Owing to the Inrge majority of Dem ocratic voters present only three Re publicans were elected last Tuesday. The officers elected wero as follows: Town clerk, C. AV. Green; treasurer, J. E. Finn; constable, AVllliam Knight; poor muster, J. W. TifVnny; supervis ors, M, D, Potter and Lymuu Green; school directors, John Rink nnd Duy ton Franklin; judge of election, AV11 Ham Howe; auditor, AVallaco Davison. The Methodist Episcopal Ladles' Aid society hud announced that they would servo dinner In tho basement of the church election day, but wero unable to do so because of tho snow. Many of tho roads nre filled with snow, and tho drifts are very high. There will be a social ut the homo of AV, AV, Patersou Friday evening under the nusplces of the Buptlst Aid society. Supper, 15 cents, Tho eltlssoiiH of tho town are agltutlng the Idea of having a telephone lino con nected with La Plume but us yet noth ing lias been done, n m OLDORQE, The following are tho oflleers elected In Old Forgo borough; Justice of the peace, Daniel Holland; borough coun cil, Daniel Dougherty uud Murtln O'Mnlley; school directors, John AV. Thornton, AVllllum Repp; constable, John McGowan; judge of election, T, J, Steward; Inspector of election. Samuel Brodhead, jr.; ussessor, Itlch-1 aid CSrav. The congregation of the 0d Forge Eplbcopal church will hold a brcud-baklng social In thu Suuduy school room of their church on AVed nesdny evening:, Feb. 26. A first class supper will be served, oysters Included. Everybody Invited to bo present. THE MARKETS Wall Street Bovlew. New York, t'cb, 20. Tlio announcement by tlic attorney Rinciiil o( tlie United Slntei that lio be lleU'rt tlio Xottlicru Securities company Intrltiied tlio nnll-tiiivt law ami lio would flic n bill in equity III thn bupirmc court , In mronl.uu o Willi liHtrueflon from the ticslilent to test the iniimIIoIi, olrishatloucil all other eomlderatlom In the flock tnukct today. The nuilc Interest manifested in thU eointniiy by nil fpcculatms nnd Indeed, nil holder nt wcuiIIhm wn Nhidly ilcnion.-thlleil by the effect in the floik in.liket mid mi the moiu notable nlneu (heat Northern Ineferreil i the only uiock iciiijliilmc Ilited on the exchange uhlch li directly Intituled In (be securities coiiiimiij. Vet thc,tholo inutkct tell nw.iy dimply under bcaty liquidation, with only n tew unimportant exception. The etodti of tho traiHj-iotitinciitnl companies tteio intiiridly most nlTeutcil, lis tho formation of the Northern Securities coinptny icpiuented nn rftort to linr Inonlzo conflicting Interest In that Held, (beat Northern picfeircd wl 0V4, Nortli.veitcru 7?i, limit Man. I ;,!(,, St, Paul r, Union l'.idllo I'.'i, uud Southern IMcilie '.!. KUcwhcre In the lift Iomch jruicrnlly urn from 1 to it points nnd ton (dtlerubly oei Hint In many rxt'ctitl'junl cases. On tlio curb Northern Sceurltlct when tawd tie. creased titer 3 point, l'or some time there Inls bcen'u deep-rooted conviction nmoiigat thu ppctti. lalors that the Supremo court wax to thmw out ot court .MlnncHOlii Milt apalntt the trpillty of tlie Northern Secuilticx company, 'there liax been nn asuiiiptlou also, which ttas calefully fosteied In the Intcrot of n rcvltal of speculation, that the public opK)sltlon to financial combination wax more apparent than led and u demon, stratlon of tlie public utility of these combina tion would fectiie them against Intcrfeicntc ttcn where technically open to construct inn of illeg ality. Thl morning's nnnouncinicnt fiom AViih iuglon wa therefoio a luilo Miotic to all of thl optimistic stutlmcnt that has been carefully nur tured in the lli'iinelal dlxtiltt. The felling mote nieiit fittelled the tlinienolon of the trading dur ing the recent paxt. Pike deelhicd shariily and the maiLct looked Feiiii-deinuralfzetl. Wheicter price Ind been looted up lecenllv on the pie tiiiinpfion that plans weic in prospect for lombl nation of csl'llng propel tlet along (ho line of the Noilhern Seruritlei loinpany, the effect wax esprcliillv m irheil, us fit some of the Coalers and tho tlnuld Soiilhttcliinx. 'the early escitcnient W'.ih siuceeded by tompaiatltu quiet. Uqilldafion piocecdcd, but in 11 more ordeily iinnner. liny ing for Hiippoit ii(caAloniilt.v l allied the inarkel, but it was discontinued at leunterlrx and 1 lie nig ping tendemy ictitid. 'ihl touo wa eon tlimtd up to the tloe, width wn aetltc and rtsy but not at the lowct (or any Inqiorlant Ktotk. Total sale today, l.OjI.dOO shares. There wa enormous selling of some of Hie epeeulatlte bomb, cprdally (he Wabash debcnliiie ll's, Hal tlmore and Ohio tonteitible", liilou l'.icillc coo xertlblos nnd Consolidated Tobu-co i'n, which fell fiom 1 to 2 point ut one time. In the gen eial bond IKt thcie wa no pressure cf liquidation although slight decline weic the mle. Tolal salex, jiar table, '.'mSO.OUO. I'nlled btale fi' adtaneiil ij, the lefiindlug 2'x, ; the ."'c, 'i, and the old J's Va per cent, on the hit call. The following quotation are fuini'slictl The Tub ulin by M. S. Jordan & Company, rooms 70j-703 ltears bulldlig, Scranton, Pa. Telepben", 5003: Open- High- Low- Clot- in?. or. eit. iug. Aineilean Sugar 12a',. i::o 12?"3 via Atchison Ij1. k,xj t: T.1V& AUIitiou. Pi W1T4 07 1'iVi iTiS liioulc. Tradioii t,t'.i 1V- 01 Vi 1tb Hill, k Ohio V)i 10i 101V4 1'hes. & Old.t 4iij nsi 4" -l.'. Chic, .t (1. V 2.1" , 2J"s ffit'i 2J?4 St. Paul lOHi Ifll'Ji 102',!. IDI'.i Hock Mniul IIU 1B.1 liS'i IHOVi Kan. k Tc I'r fil?!' li,-.i,t ni :,i bonis, k X.i-I KMVi IliPi lo.p; nil Man. Kletuteil 1JI2 uin ;a j.Wii Met. 'I i.ict Ion Id1) 10'Ui IbS 1IMH Jlis-ouii Pacific IIU iU't una; 0J Sotilheui Purine lit !J ir, 0:ii fll'5 N'oi folk i: Mcstciu ."if, r7 oil .rili'i Ihie IIS-1! .'ISTi 'In'.i '.V.'n i:rie, lt IV lAVs "i cufi h:k . v. K.i in: :tu n.ji.'. Ont. & West ;i,ii ;;i :hij ii-iC I'emn. 11. It 111 MO'. 14UVi ll'iij I'acllto Mail r,',i fji: JlVi IV; Heading f,i,m r7 Si'. .V! lteudiug, IV S2m ' Si?s S2 WU Southein li. It :;2i ;i: IIJv's :i2'-i SdiiIIkiii H. I!., IV .... I'll Hi otTi 03 ' 't'enn. (Vul ,t ion i!7 f;si iw Ip7?s f. S. Lealhei- lPi n.i IPS ll'.i tT. S. l.eathee, IV Mi; siyt bl4 M V. ,S .Ituhber ,i',i ijij 1514 lk I'liion l'aeillc loiii inf-J iihiJ lilHi t'nion Patifie, IV SO S'l hS So"'8 Walusb, IV 11 lii; j 42' Western 1'nlon no'!; !H:fc IKI'4 Iflej Col. I'uel .V lion s,'i?S fii s.1 .'.Tj Ainnl. Copper (.S'i (,'X"i ii'. 10 People's (la iki jutj i,'ifl 01)34 Cob S 17ai IK 17'4 17Ji Te.vis pjoiile IIU l".'t 41114 4(M.'. Am. Cir roiiiulry 2S ",!, 2.S'i "s'fi m. Car l'oiindiy, IV... 8734 .i7ai b7l 74 1". S. Steel Co I ; ( UH 44 t. S. Steel Co., IV !4 0l& ii,-)i yj Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Pnr of 100. STOCK. Hid. Asked. Lackawanna Dairy Co., IV. 00 County Sating 11ml. .s; Tin-t Co.. MO Pirst National Hank (Caibondale) 5110 Third National Bank ,Va) Dime cpnlt and Discount Hank.. KOO Heonomy Mght. II. & I. Co 48 Tirst National Hank i;oo baekn. Titist & Safe Deposit Co.... IDj Clail: & Snoter Co.. IV. l-, Scranton Sating Hank 500 Tradcii.' Notional Hank 220 ... SViautou Holt & Nut Co Hi ... l'eoplc'a Dank , us 110SDS. Scianton Tasscnger Hailttay, first Mortgage, due 1920 115 People's Miect Railway, Hist mort gage, duo 1013 115 People's fetieet Itaibvay, General mortgage, due 1921 115 ... Reunion Tmttloii C per tent 115 ... ' loi.oniy I.Igivt, licit k Power Co !7 Noitb .lti-et k Potono ce (0 t7 Scranton AVholesale Market. (Cuiiected by U. O, ll.ile, 27 I.atkawaniia Ate.) I'loiu fl.tu. Deans is2.Ui. lluttei Fic.h iieanuiy, ."0e.; June (ic.iiueit, LM"..,i2l"jc; d.iliy, 22c t Itcwc ll'ial2c. 1'ggs Neaiby, lUo. I'eas Pel liuxhcl, fl.75. Potatoes Pel 'jiushel, i."ie. Onions Per bc-dicl, l,(,0. Philndelphift Grain nnd Produce. Philadelphia. Pcb. 20 Wheat L'r.i bunged; con tiaet glade, t'tbiuilj, tulsabut-. Com Steady but quiet; No. 2 liilxul Pduuaiy, iMa(Sj',4e. Ott Stcadj; No, 2 white t lipped, l'ic. Hullri' l'ii 111. fair demand; etu wtstciu neameiy, ytlj.; 'o. lie 11 by prluls, ;i2c, Pgg li, lotver and teiy iitii-ctllt'il; licsli nc 11 by, lilt'.; do, western. Mo.; do, outhw c.ilcin, tile; do. suulheiu, 2a'2'V, Cheese l'lini; Nnv oik full iieaiua. fincy mull, ll-ljal'Jf.; do. do. fair to choke, lOJlllic Htllueil Sugais ijuiet. Cotton I neliauged. Tal low Stcadi ; citv pili'ie, in tleui's, iPic; (ouuliy do, do, 111 banelii, O'.tallUe. ; do. daik, ."i?ta5Te. ; take!,, (lSc. I.iiu poulti D11II1 fotiK lonei; fowls, lOaltllSiC. ; uld iooxtei, l.j winter clilek ens, 1'Jj.Vji'.; duck, liiHc. ; gee-e, 12ai:lc. Dieted Poulliy tjiilrt but -tf.iilt ; fouls, ilmlie, 12Hit'.; do. fall- to good, llijp2i.,; old lomteis, K'.J thltkcii", neaibj, UaUi'.J wc.leiu do., 12l 14e,j tuikejs, 11e.11 by tholie to tanty, 1IM20,'.j do, fail- to good, lUalSe,: western tholie lo fine, HiilTi.: do. fair tu good, lJalSc; duikx neaiby, Itialdt.; ttesltin do,, K'allc.i geee, (i.ilic. lie-teipl-PI0111, 1,000 b.urel and 2,5!)l,yixi pouuda in fiiks; wheat, l.),00 bushels; coin, 17,uo) cs; 0.1U. ;i,0uO buhcK Shipments Mhcat, 17. (MO bu-heli coin, U,W bmlnl.; oats, 2,000 els. New York Grain and Produce Market New Yoik, Pcb. 20. Plour Palrly nctite ami about sleadj, Wheat tfpot stead); No, 2 ltd, Mif. L u. I', alloat and Wiic. eletatoi; No. 1 lioithelll Dulutb, fc"Vi''. f. c. b, alloat; option general bcaiiress pietalled all day until thu list hour when Iheic was tlgoioua loicilnn. Tim was dun at lie. net decline; Man It SUict May, SJTit.; duly, S.IV-1 Hcplrmlior, S2"c. Coin ipot oleady; No. 2, OS'ic, cletaloi' and bSVH'. t, o. b. ulioat; outioiu weak all day apail fiom a sluip final rally wblti leit the iiiji ltt linn ut imchaiigeil prices; May closed 't!?ic. ; July, WiUe.; September, M c. Oats Spot steadier; No. 2, We.; N'o. 11, lUc; No. 2 white, ol'&t'.i No. '! do., 51c; tittk iiiltnl tu'stein, 50.i tO'tf. 5 tiack wlilte, S0.I3OV.; options ijulet and easier. Ilullei Plrm; cicuuery, -iJitWc.; do, ac toi, llaJle.; June tieameiy, J".i2.".c.j lenotated, lliiJ.'J'.ic ; Imitatlcn iit'Jiiit'ii, Ku2e, ; stale daiit, 2(U2iic. ( heee Stiong; Hate nil cream, small eaily made, fjmy toloieil, 12al'2',ic j utatn full cieaiii, small eaily wad..', fauly white, 12a U'iL-.t lorgo eaily luado loloied, lie; largo railv made whlie, lie Pgg'.-Piisettlecl; btate anil I'timsyltaida, tUiVjC. ; wolein, ."(laUO'.ie. ; south cm, U!a3Cc. Chicago Grain and Produce Market. Chicago, Ptb. SO. (iuln maikets seesawed again today ill ,1 Jaded fashion. Tho inline ten. ilini'it4 vein lor lawer prices, lnit tho small biiul.s bioiighc in enough bii)ug 10 incline ma. teilal dccliiiK, and the ilooc waj luihcr II1111. .May tloocil imilutigetl, May com HaUc higher, uud May oats ij''. up. PioiLIoih ,.UM.J u shade to 10c. lotter. Cash iiuotatiom weic a follows; J'lotir lkis.v; No. J spring wheat, 1O4 TJe.j No. a led. UoHc. i No. 2 cats, lUaUVac.: No. 3 white, lIHalJe.; No. a wlute, llatJv.; No. 2 )c, doable: fair tu thoici! nulling, OUoVje. ; No, 1 Has si eil, $1,(17; No. lioitbtttsCeiu, il'VH ine poik, Vl5,liivni; lard. W.20a'.),221&i short libs. i.S5aS,IO; diy ultt'd shoulder. 7i,U7f. : short ilear sides, i7ltu!.iU; whkkey, jl sS. THE TRIBUNE'S " WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents fttore Than l-'our Unt), 3 Ccnl tor ncli Dxlra l.lns. For Hont. r WWVVI SX rrilt iiK-T Amll tt. stnio and loom", former' If occupied lit' Clark lire', meat ninikcl, 401 Noilli Main incline. Inquire of .Michael Holland, 40.1 Main nteiiuc. IIOl'SI! l'Olt tlKNT-PO!) Mulberry street 1 all mod em inipioteuients. Inqtilro II, Mocs, till Wjomlng ntenue. l'Olt HUNT rite ami six loom Hit wllh bath, steam heat, gas, lunge, etc., from April lt. Call eaily. llent icasonable. 1'icd (,'. Hand, lull Mulbeiry sfiecl. Toll UIIN'T Prom April 1, stoic room occupied by (lubln Diamond Co., !'2i l.nikauantu ate mii'S also lloor ubote. Apply 1". l Sandcrtou atentie. l'04l HUNT No. .'1S Clay ntenue. All modern coincidences, Im billing steam beat. Term reasonable. Apply lo .lame K. (learhait, Li braiy Ilulldlng. l'Olt HUNT 11-inom house near Pneloryvllle, rplcni'lil location for the siiminei ; good pasture for horses. Apply 1801 Sandeison avenue. HOUSi: Nn, (III N. Washlnglon ntenue, comer I'inc street, II loom and bitthi all in pel feet order. Apply ot G37 Linden stieel. l'Olt HUNT Cornel store No. ;lt2 Lackawanna ntenue. AIo dwelling ubote. Apply to (Sohlstiilth Drew,, ,101 I.ickananna atentie. l'Olt HKNT Stoic loom on second floor oter :U0 Lackawanna atentie. Plate glass fiont. In quire of Krolosky llro. l'Olt HUNT 1'ioni April 1, building now occu pied by (he Dickson Milling Co.. No. 12 l.a(katvanua ntenue. W. V. Ilojle, Cnnnell Itlog. 1IALP DOPHLi: bouse, 0.13 Harrison ateiuie, 13. iiiso nan uouuie House, 11,03 ruie sinii, ti Possession now. Apply bM Ilairlson ntenue. Tor Salo. C'AHPLTS", linoleum nnd oil cloths sold etery day .'1 o'clock. r,03 I.ackatvanna. Seo nuctlo-i. LACK unirAlNS-SOO pair fancy Curlnlns at auction. fUS I.ackattauna ntenue. See auc tion. roll SAI.i: Pino kindling wood, stote length. Tito dollais big load dellveied an.twlicre. Mail older. .Icnning, Cenlral Mine cut. Also icrontl band lumber suitable for all piirpoae.j, tery cheap. AUTO.MOnif.i: TOR fMX Plnest nnd fastest cirri ige in (own. Huill In 1001 upetlally for touilng, Plist tlas londltlon. Latest im pioveincnls. Can tip be seen for few days at stable, 127 Potest couit. IOR SALP Tuo light spiing wagon and some hainu, cheap. Kronx, lear 1112 Lurcrne ftreet. FOU SALK ( heap; horsf, spring wagon and harness nt No. 1820 Cedar atcnue. For Snle or Beut. POll SM.i: OU IIH.NT -Stoic and harness shop alt.ubed, also duelling oter the .stoic; laigc patronage: no oppo-ition in town; roincr of Di inker and Chestnut -licet. Inquire of (I. V. I'10-t, 101 P. Diinker stieel, Dunniore, Pa. Booms aud Board. HOOMS TO Iti:NT. with bond. &0J Mulberry street. Boarders Wanted. 1'BIVATC PAMILY wUbcs to hate two like men to boird, Gel man or English. Call any tlnu after 'lhuisday, All com ententes, il)7 Hauiton atcnue. Wanted To Bent. WANTPD Apiil 1 by family of thiee nlults, four 01 lite rooin-s unluinislicd, iutludiug licit. Hov 50, illy. 1'AXT1:D Hy luisbnul and wife, fiom Apill 1st, lite loom with iinpioicmcnU; cendal tity or Clieen Hldge. II. P., 'liibuue oftite. Wanted To Buy. AVAM'IID TO Ill'V-C.i'b paid for second hand giaiu sacks; will al-o bur seiond baud b.u ii-li. New telephone .No. 1107. The (liiatken bnb Stoiagc WaiTbouc Co., lliidge at., opposite (ia house. N Wanted Board. YOI Nil MN wi-lu biutU; West Side prtfeued. J. II., Tilbiinc oftite. WANTi:i) Tito Ing looms with ho 11 1, piltate family piefened. Tito ladies and a gentleman. Stale lull paitltulais. Adilicss C. II. I)., Tilbune otllie. Money to Loan. LARdi: OH SMALL amounts, Piomptly made. Iiiteie-l 5 per t tut. Okell, Attorney, Coal L.ihaiigc building. ANV AMOUNT OP MONEY TO LOAN Qulik. straiglit loano or Uulldiiig jd Loan, At from 1 to 11 per cent. Call on N. V. Waikei, il 1-313 Connell building. Chicago Xive Stock Market. Chicago, Pel). 20. C.iltle-Heceipts, fi.OOO, in eluding ;I00 Tcmiis; aetite and slioug; good to priniu st'Cis, sc..',li.i7; poor to iii"dimu, uliO; stockcra and feedeis, 2..jO,i.",; cows, l,2ai',,2u; heiftis, $2..Wa.ViO; i.inneis, sjl.2Ji2.nuj bull!, f.i.M ul.1'0; talies, 2.."aja7; Tesas fed Mens, ffl.uOi ,.73. Ilogi, Heeeiplb todiy, M.OJi); Inmoiiuw, 2,OOJ; left oter, ",000; iitilte ami stiung at eaily jes. teiday prices; mled and butchers, bj.M 111.3(1; good lo tbolce beaty, ihll.20iil.l0; lougli lieaty, Ci.liUall.13; light, Ssi.73itiJ bulk of sales, t.i.fUU.2ii. Shefp Heeel)t-, 12.O00; sheep slead.t ; Iambs, 10.1 l.'c, lower; good In ihoho wttbeis, is.73i3.2ij weslcin sbetp and .Mailings, is.."Ui(l; natlte Iambs, Mj.iD.riO; ite-leiii Iambs, ?."i,'23jii,i.o. Buffalo live Stock Markot. Pa.t II11IT.1I0, Pcb. 20. latlle-ltcccipts, llKht, film; teds, lops, s7.3lla.VJ3. Hogs llecclis, (1,2011 liead; shade stiunser; beaty, so. 13 1(1,31); inheil patkeis, S0.:;; plga, W.30.i...r,".; loughs, ifi, 0a3,UD; slags, iaVi. Sheep and Limbs-Supply P.000 bead; sholw ami lottei lor lambs; sheep linn; (ops mixed, M,ij.2"r, culls lo ood, Mal.lHl; xvelhers, is5.23ii.30; ic.ullugs, l;3..Vla3.'si; lop Iambs, fU 40.111,30; culls 'to good, Ifl.'23a0.:r,. East Liberty Live Stock Market. Pa.t l.ibcil.f, Pcb. 20.-(atlli Sliadt'i choice, Jli.4IIJil..'iO; pilme, MI.2UaU,40; good, h'ii3.30. Hogs SllMilt ; piliuo heatli's, O.43ail,30; lii'.t niediuiiis, Si).;i3.iil, 10; btavy Yoikei, Ml.20a0,::il; light da,, Mali. 11; pigs, f'i.30i3.(Vi; loughs, !r3i0. Sheep Steady; best wcthei, r").."3aV3il; r nil t and toui. 111011, sja.SOj iealllligs, If3a3,85; tell ealtcs, !7 as. Oil Market. Oil Cily, Peb, 20. Cicdit balances, U3; ceitlll. cites, no bid; shipments, TJ,:iPl hands; am age. 77,'M baneU; iuu, 69,211 baueU; ateiage, W,10(I bands. AiOOS.C. Jlrs. MtCoi'iiiack la 111 wltli crylu laa ut her homo 011 Norm Main street. Horn To Mr, and airs. AVllllum Campbell, on Wednesday, a son. The Ladles' Missionary society of the Presbyterian church of this town were Heated to a Hleltrh-rlde yesterday afternoon by .Mrs. Hand, 0110 of the niembeis. A sleifjh-load of young people of Pittson were entertained at the homo of air. Corey Jenkins on Tuesday even ing. air. and airs. John 11. lloberta enter tained a number or tiielr friends on AVeduesilny evening, In honor of their first anniversary. Allsa Muyinu Ouran was a caller In Scrautou on Tuesduy. ailss ailnnle Hessler, of AVllkes-P-urre, ia amending the week with ailss liluni'ho Trcgellus, air, Krnest Caryl, of Hcrantou, was a business caller In town yesterday. SITUATIONS WANTED VIUIG, MUNCH WANT OPFIOBS. Want Advortlsimonts Will Be Itcceived nt Any of tho Ifollow ing Dnitf stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALDIinT SCHOLTZ, corner Mulberry street and Webster ntenue. OUSI'AV I'IC'IIL'b, 030 Adams vcnuc. West Side OliOltai: W. JL'NKIN3, 101 South Mala atcnue. South Scranton ITlUIi L. TKItPPi:, 729 Cedar avenue. North Scranton ai:o. W. IMVIS, corner North Main atcnue and Market street. Green Ridge CltAtllX.S I. JONLS, 1337 Dickson' uremic. F. J, JOHNS, P:o niccn Hldge sticct. C. WnCNZ, comer Washington ave nue and Marlon street, Petersburg W. II. KNKPPEIi, 1017 In log avenue. TJunmore 1. a. DONE li sox. Help Wanted Male. WANTPD Hustler; lempoiaiy position; 110 canvassing; good tiaj. Address (llobe, 72.'! f'hclnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. A CAPAULi; MAN Kxpeilenccd itilesinan, teach er or ineiehaut piefeired; excellent oppor tunity; permanent situation. Addieis .Manager, lloxsn. Help Wanted Female. Wanted Saleslady Por our Ladies' Poiosls Sho" Dcpaitnicnt, thoiougb neccssaiy nnd lef eicnccs icqiiiied. SAMTLIt UHO-S. AN'V RIIII, selling ttvenly articles at fie. each wilt lecelte .1 iiandiumo lock biaeelet fie. Send two-cent stamp for postage; nitliles will be mailed at once. Hostou iotI(y Co., Lock Hov 203, fc'r luiiton. LADV CAXVAS.'-int ttaulcd to solicit sub.eiip tions foi The Tribune; good commission ot feicd with a fuii guaianteo fur liist-chiss woikcr. Apjily peisoually at lliislncss .Mauagci's office, Seranlon Tribur.i'. WAXTIIII Hy a good gill to do hou.-citoik in piiiato tamlly; only small family paying good wages need leplj. Addiess 11. S., Tribune ofllee. WANTr.n Gir! for general housework at Dalton. Address II. T,, tare Tribune. Hecruits Wanted. WANTLD POll U. S. AUMV Able bodied mi mauled men between the ages of 21 and :13; citizens of the United .Stale-, ol good thaiatter and tcinpeiatu habit. Atlio can speak, iad and write KnglHh. IV iuioimation apply 10 Hecudt ing OHlce, Xo. J2J W.ioming atcnue, Scianton, Vi. Situations Wanted. Sl'U.VIIO.V WANTiai-Hrlglit boy wants ttoiks for after school and Satunlijr, Addieis (J. 1. Tilbune ofllee. &ITPATIO.V WAMT:I)-Aii expel icrted 'nen'.s finnialdug goods man de-iies position, tlood icfeiene'e. Addicss .. X., Tilbune oflite. A HOOD (illlL desiies situation doing Jioum wolk; good cook. Addresa .M, C, Tiibtuio of fice. HIIKiU't' HOY wants wolk for after school and Satuidats. Adtlie-s S. P. 11., Tilbune otitte. SITI'ATIO.N WAXTIIll Hy a joiing man In a tieameiy or skimming station; mer two ycai' fxpe'iienie; lelercnee. W. V.. Coinpton, Diinker, Pa, SITUATION" WANTLD-Uciitlcnicu'x laundiy, god on eoloied sldll-, 1111 Llojcl stleet, lip fiom; lefciente, blT't'ATlOX WAMTID Ah piltate r11.11h111.111 or eaie of lioises; expeilenee and lefeicntc. Ail diets O. K., Tilbune ullice. bU'PATIO.N' WAXTPl) He a joiing man us 10.11l1n1.111 tor a doctor oi diltlug team, I'lideistands tale of lioises. Mm. T. Walker, llox 117, Ol.i phimt, Pa. YOP.MS JIAS' wants uuilc In liutiliei- liiitii",, ten, teals' o.xpcilence, Appli till, l.ttielt ate. SUL'ATTOX WA.MIIU lly a food honest gill nt geneiai bousetiotk in small piititc family, Addiws Mi's Jl, It, Poid, C'eiicial Ilrliveiy, City. SITPATIOX WAXTLD Young man desiies situ ation as bookkeepei. Pxpeiicnti'il. (lood uf eii'iiies. Addicss II. H., cue of Scianton Tilbune. AX LXI'LHILNP.fl.'D woman wishes a position a housckecpi'i or light bou-ewoik. Can ha seen at Allingloii Hotel. btn'AT'lOX MANICD-lly all aiound blatk suillli, horseshoeing a tpcelalt. Coleman lloitiik, war 4iHi I'ltttslon ateiuie. bill A'lIOX UAX'IED -H.i an cxpeu laimdiess on ladles' aud gentleinin'.s line laundiy; can launder cnloied colonel sbiits wilbniit fading, 1111 Llojd stieet, top (lour. Ileal of city icf. eiciiccs, REPINED, educated joiiug ttcniau wants cm ploiincnt: nny ouu dcsltlug tier sutlers In any way addicss C. II,, Tribune oflite. Auction, CAHPE'IH, oil tloili. and linoleums sold ivciy day :l o'clock shaip. 5t Lackawanna ntenue. See auctions. AUCTION" today and otciy day until miUI out, Mx lai-lojcls I'aii-Anieiican exposition fiiinltuie and linen, touslstliig uf tables, iiuu and hi iss beds complete, dieseis, n,0iW pieces lllieu, blank. cU, pillows, touiiteipancs, pillow, toitcW, tc.i iaige qnantliy caipets and laco c ui tains, Caipcts sold eteiy day :i o'llmk sbaip ui M)i Lacl.attauiu attiiue. C11111111I113-, llio3., Am. lioueeis, Wanted Hoom and Beard. WANTED Laigc fiont loom wllh boaid by gpn tlcinaii aud wife; prltate family pitteiu'd. rnquestloliablo lefeienec. Addicss C. D. A, 1'. O, DiatterOll btiauton, l'a. Furnished Rooms. l'Olt RENT One furnished room, with luipiott! incuts; also one on thlid lloor, thtJp. i27 Adams atenuc, PUHX1SHED ROOMS for lent, modem liuprair incuts; pilule family; gent h men piefeired, at 3-17 Adams atcnue, POR ltENT-Puriil.hed bout loom, wtb heat, bath uud gat; near touit house; gintleiuan preferied. Addrers Room, llox 299. l"01l RENT PuinUhcU loom; heat an! bath. C:i Linden stuet. I'UllNISIiEl) ROOMS FOR REriTTtvitli beat, tai and bath, gentlemen piefcrud. at OW Adami ttcnuc, 1 DIRE ? 1 1 I 111 wtvnr 3 Insertions 25 Merits. Mom Tim Four Lines, ft Cents lor BncliUxtrs iJlrii, PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. KIIWAttD C. SPAULtltNO. 2:1 TUADEUS HANK Ilulldlng, and St. Paul Building, New York. Architects. P-DWAItl) If, DAVIS, AUCIMTllOT, CONNIlLt. Ilulldlng. KniinniucK l. nnow.v. aucii. u heal Kstato Pxchnnge HUlg., KO Washington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. IIAIIUINO. 000 CO.NNLLL DUfLDlNO." Dentists. UH. O. Ik PILKNIIIlllOKH, l'AULI UUILUINO, Spruce street, Etranton. DH. O. O. LAUDACII, US WYOMINO AVKNUti Lawyers. FIIAN'K n. nOYLH, A'lTOItXEY-AT-LAW. """ ", is, lo nnu o uurr jiuiiaing. K K. TllAOY, ATT'Y, COMMON WCALTH nLDO. D D. HLI'LOOLn. ATTOHNBY-LOAXS NKGO tialcd on real estate security. Mears nulldlng, vv.nv. umiingcon avenue anu Dprucc atrccc, WILLAHD, WAHItHN & KNAPP, ATTOKNKYS ami lounscllors-at'law. ltcpublican Ilulldlng. ttiibinglon atcnue. JHSSUP U JESSUP, ATTOHNKYS AND COUX i"l?'"'-I,,M'- Commontvcallh Building, Rooms If, 20 nnd 2t. I'YJJf.D W- TIIAYLH, ATTOnNEY. POJ-PtH, fltb floor, Mears building. ItOOMI L' ,A WAT,,HS ATTOHNHY-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade IliilliHng. Scranton, Pa. patt:hson & Wilcox, tradlips national Hank Building C COMLgyg, p-13 nKPUBLICAN BUILDINO A w;DL'IT"oi:'r oi'Ticn moved to no. zll Wyoming avenue. Physicians and Surgeons. DH, W. P. ALLEN. 51J NORTH WASHINGTON avenijo. Bit. b. V. L'AMORHAU.V, OPPICK 339 WASH ington atenuc. HeIdence, 1318 Mulberry. Chronic diseases, luags, hcait. kidnejs anl genito-uilnaiy organs a specialty. Hours. 1 to 4 p. m. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAPE, 125 AXD 127 PRANKLIN AVE nue. Rates icasonable. P. ZfEOLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D.. L. li W. PAS- scngcr depot. Conducted on tho European Plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B. BI1IC1GS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND etss pools; no idor; only iniprotcd pumps used. A. 11. Brlggs, proprietor. Leave oldcrs 1100 North Main atenuc. or P.lcke's ding store, cor nel Adams and Mulbeiry. Both telephones. Seeds. O. R. CLARKE & CO., SEEDSMEN AND NURS erjmen, store 201 Washington avenue: gteen houses, 1930 Noith Main avenue; slore tele phone, 782. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETT'EL, REAR Sll LACKA. AVE.. Scranton, Pa., manufactuier of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING TOR CHILDREN TO ORDER; also ladies waists. Louise Shoemaker, 21 J Adams atenuc. MEGAUGEE BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EN t elopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, ISO Washington atenuc, Scranton, Pa. THE WILKES-BARRK RECORD CAN BE HAD In Scianton at the news stands of Relstnae Bios.. 40(1 r pi lice and S0.J Linden: M. Norton, "22 Lackawanna atcnue; i. S. Schutzcr, 211 Spiuce street. Xost. LOST In I lie nelghbo'hooil ot the Boaid of Tuili building, .1 gold ling set with t.itseyc. Suitable- icwurd will be giien for its ictinn to offue of Temple lieu (.'ompin.t. LOST Monday I'teiiing. Pcb. 17, between Wyo ming .itentio unci tVa.-hbuni sticct, an otal brooch containing gentleman's picture. Phnei pleii-i- letuiii lo or notify Ml-s Paisons, 417 Tltli tientli stuet. Heal Estate. lOIt SALE House ill ieldence section. Gteen Hldge; (lei in 100111-, nam ami laundr.i : an modem iinpiotciuent; neat sthool and churches, one block Irom cai. lnquiic at HlfiO Cipouse ave. POR SALE Xetv boue 011 Coinell stieet, Round Woods Paik; inndein Impiotcnienls; ety teinis. Apply to bpiing Iliook Lumber Co., or E. b. Woodbou.-c. POll SALE At Claik'h buinmlt; a place of fl-'-s acres, I1011.-0 and li.uii, guud fiuit; cheap fur cash. Inrpilic ol .Mrs. L. Lindsay, 1111 North Main atenuc, city. POR SALE One actc of land, improved with nlnc-ioon house: plenty and taiiety of fruit; good location In xillago of Pieetvllle, Mrs. Olivs Fish, Pieetvllle. 1'a. Business Opportunity. STOCK. AND WHEAT TRADERS without delay. Unto for our special nuiUt letter, Piee on anplliattoti, b. Jl. Hlbbaid k Co., members X, V. Ccnsolldaled and block b.xchange, 41 and H llroadti ay, New Y01L Eitabllshecl 18HI. Long Distance" Phone 23SS Hioad. Easter Complexions. EASTER C'OMPLEXIONS-lf jou want a ficsb complexion (o match J mil Easier gowns and bats ton shrpld stait nt ouco uud glq it caiefijt iittenlion, My Jlis.ig-ln oue hour will iniko the fite look eau tounger; is p fleshing and le-illill, SupeilluoiH bairs, wailv and inuii's uuumil. Eye hioua toiiected. Bu ihauan's Deiniatologlcapi'ailois, U12 Wasliinglji, atenuc. . Rheumatism.,., j-- r '' 1 i -. lllli:i"MATsM-,.ll uaitics that wish can Jj opecdilv and peiituiieutly imcd of all a llctles of Rheumatism by u vegetable i ompourW.' lures guaianteed. lu'iufio or address J. E. Tajr lor, N.1.111I011. y -1 a- Proposals. , BIDS WAN'lED for position of Janitor of draco Ludieian thuith, collier I'lescott aini Mill- beny stieet. Por iiifoimatiou impiiic at l'oulk',t I'liarmaey, 1 oilier .dauia and Linden, g , -' ' ' r - wr I'llOPOs.M.S will be leeelted by the undei.lgujtj for tlio Jiuilorshlp of the biimisou Metlmds.c Episcopai chinch fiom Pebiuai) 13 tu Al'illjL luelusite. John P. Haudolph, M) South UycSn Paik in ( nue. ' ;i LEGALE lllli AXNl'M, meeting u( tho sfockboldeu of tta .ackaiianni 11011 aim btici loinpan.t tor iiw eleilion of Dliectois and tiauattloii uf such otUtr liiulness as ma picpeily tome bcfoiu (he men ing, will ho In Id at the ufllcc of tho Compare, Room MM Connell Ilulldlng, li. the t ny in birm Ion, 1'iiiiestliaula, tn Wttliu'sdiy, Martli 3, 1WJ, at 2 u'cloik p. 111. The polls will icmalii ip?n for one hum. The Hamlet books will be dosed cm l'tbiuaiy 23, Its).', aud leopeiud on Match U, l'., ,1. I'. IIKiGINsOS, becirtir)v Stianton, l'a., I'ebuuiy 20, IWtJ, ' P.sTA'li; if Hildget tlatk, late of tho i.lty t bciuiitou, Lackattauuua coiintt, pcnnsilianta, deceased. , c . -5 .s Letters tcntamciHaiy upon tlie 3!i'ite.ia.latc hiv fug been giauted the miiii'ilgueil, alt visous lu.v lug claims agjintt tho same) will piccnt them for pajinent and those' indebted there tvHJ plca.-e make immediate painent to C" ' MRS. MA1IV W.YNV AtlinlnMjatllx y (V