The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 21, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Couple Desired a Romantic Marringo
find Deft a Letter Behind Signify
ing Their Intention Martha
"Washington Tea and B. Y. P. IT.
Entertainments This Evening.
Presents from Manila Thomas
Jenkins of Landls Street Injured
in the Sloan Mines.
The many friends of Arthur J. Davis,
or Fourteenth street, nnd AIIbs IOtliel
Woodruff, of North Hyde l'nrk avenue, mti'iirlsed to leurn that the
couple oloi)U(l yeHterduy to ho married,
nnd from what oould be learned their
destination was New York city, where
. thi-y wore united hull evening.
They have been engaged for sonic
tlnip. and only recently the young lady
Intimated to her mother that she coii
li'inplalcd matrlniony. adding fhat
when tin; wedding occurred it would
have a tinge of romance about It.
Sir. DiivIh and Miss Woodruff left
the city at 10 o'clock yesterday morn
ing, and are now supposed to be In
New York. When The Tribune corte
Hpondeiit called at the Woodruff homo
last evening, Sirs. Woodruff verified
the report, and stated her (laughter had
left a letter signifying her intention of
becoming the wife of sir. Davis.
That was the llrst and only infor
mation she received of the elopment.
Flic took I he; matter philosophically.
Sir. AS'oodruff was not at home and had
not learned of the elopment. He is one
of, the best known passenger conduc
tors on the Lackawanna railroad, run
ning between Biughamton and New
Sllss Woodruff Is a charming young
lady, .lust 1!) years of age, and a grad
uate of the .Seranton high school. Sir.
Davis is 21 years of age, and is om
3loyed as a clerk in the Cilobo Ware
house. Their parents and friends will
tender them a reception on their re
turn. Presents from Manila.
James A. Kvans. of North Hyde T'ark
n venue, foreman at the Diamond mine,
who was on Tuesday elected as poor
director for the borough of Hyde Park,
lias just received a number of presents
from his son, Benjamin, who has been
fi member of the Fourth United Stales
Diiiolip's French Tar
Will promptly rellcc nnd speedily cure
coughs, colds and all lunt; trouble. 1'or
tale by G. V. JUNKIXS. 101 South Main
Saturday Satisfaction
These counters are showing specials for your Saturday
r5 buying and there's bustle and excitement there. The other :
Jg counters are partaking of the same activity and that speaks ;
iS volumes for our low prices on desirable goods. It is pleas- jj:
! ing to see the customers moving around with satisfaction
id stamped on their features, the result of the profitable shop-
pS ping they have been doing. ST;
a Art Goods Counter &
i5 Choice lot of 24-Inch Linen Tinted Doylies, rose, g.
; poppy, violet, pansy and strawberry. Regular '
5 price 50 cents. Saturday 3SJC 2;
5 1 8-Inch Doylies, worth more than this. Satur-
iS day 2iDQ &
1 Hosiery Counter H
j5 Lot of Ladies' Extra Heavy, Fine Black Cotton Q
'? Hose, usually sold for 25c a pair. Saturday ,1 OC
i Pique Waists
Lot of Ladies' Pique Waists, and this is the
first showing of these new goods. Saturday . .
It: Lace Counter
Ladies' Automobile Wash Ties in. pink, light
blue, red, lavender, yellow, black and white.
Saturday 1 5C
Hen's Furnishings
Men's Extra Fine Fancy Wool Half Hose, all Ihe
regular sizes and twenty-live cents is the usual
price. Saturday I 9C
About five dozen Fine Neckwear in Tecks, Impe
rials and Four-m-Hands. These goods are the 50-
ccnt kind. Saturday
Two Fine Lines of Men's Underwear heaped
upon the counters and these represent really choice
Shirts and Drawers. There's special prices for
Saturday, You'll easily see the value when you
see the garments,
Addenda I
you wouldn't have at full
1 ime was and not long enough ago to have changed &
reminiscence into history when a store's "bargains" were is!
made up of what the store didn't at all want and of what
Globe Warehouse
cavalry, doing duty In the Philippine
Islands during the past three years.
The presents Include n gold-bended
cane, Spanish nnd Japanese coins, be
ing dale of 1761 nnd 1301, n pair of Jap
anese Banduls, nnd other things. Young
Evnns has recently landed In San
Francisco, his enlistment having ex
pired. In his letter ho states that ho
slept four nights In the house formerly
occupied by Agulnaldo.
Martha Washington Tea.
The nnuual Murlhii Washington tea
and entertainment) under the auspices
of the Ladles' Aid society, will be giv
en In the First Hoptlsl church this
evening. Supper will bo served between
the hours of 5 nnd 8 o'clock, and the
following programme will be rendered
Harmonica Solo l'rnl Uobliion
Mediation Annie l).ivln
Vocal Solo riorciico Morgan
Piano Solo Ml) leimie ll.inon
ltccllallon Mls Alice Williams
Vocal Solo Mlt Via .Tones
Harmonica. Solo i'red Itotiliunn
lteclUtlon Christopher Sell.
Hesitation llirl llr.vant
Piano Solo Mr. KItiffkv
Vocal Solo Mrs. Mzzlo Mown
Kceltntlon bene Spencer
Hccllatlon Mariey Maroli
Duct, Messrs. lVnny nnd Lord
The Washington Drill.. Cight Hoys and flight Ulrhj
Recent Mine Accidents.
Thomas Jenkins, of I.andls street,
employed as a runner In the Sloan
mine, was caught between the bump
ers of two ears on Wednesday, and had
the blood vessels In his lefl leg rup
tured, lie was taken to the SIoscs
Taylor bosultal.
John It. Jenkins, jr., of Kundle ave
nue, Lincoln Heights, employed as a
miner in the Hampton mine, was se
verely Injured while al work on Wed
nesday. Dr. J. J. IJoberts is attending
Garfield Williams, of Washburn
street, employed In the Brlggs shaft
us a driver, fell from a moving trip of
cars recently, and injured his hip. His
Injury is not serious.
The intermediate ttaptist Young Peo
ple's union of the First Paptlst church
will hold an entertainment and social
this evening.
The Ladies' Aid society of the First
Baptist church will conduct a Slartha
Washington tea and enterlainmcnt in
the church this evening. Supper will
be served from 5 to S o'clock.
The social committee of the West
Side Central Republican club is request
ed to meet in the rooms this evening
to make arrangements for holding the
dance which was postponed on account
of the small-Dox.
The probationers' class will meet in
the Simpson Methodist Kpiscopal
church this evening.
The city school teachers will be paid
Sirs. John T. Richards, of South Slain
avenue, has received word from her
son, Frank, who Is attending si nau
tical school at Easton, Slaryland, an-
53 s
$1.50 g
25c g
It is different now and
nounclng the death of II, IT, Hutch, the
principal owner nnd proprietor of the
Mrs. Samuel Wheeler, of South Slain
nvcntie, whose cyo sight was affected
recently by the explosion of a can full
of bonesot tea on the stove, Is steadily
Improving, and can now see a little
out of both eyes. Her physician hopes
for her ultimate recovery.
Clothier Heed, of IMilladclnhln, has
secured tho contract for malting the
patrolmen's uniforms In tho ruture.und
the measurements will bo made by
Alexander, or this city.
Some one left a peculiar looking
piece of machinery nt tho hotel of
Henry Morgan, Slain avenue and 15y
non street, nnd tho owner can have
the same by proving his property.
The fiuarantlno has been raised on1
Washington and St. David's hall, nnd
both are now open for engagements.
The fiuarantlno on Slears hall Is still
In force.
Mary Chappcll was committed to tho
county Jail last night by alderman
John, In default of ball, on several
charges preferred by her own people.
The Electric City Wheelmen's first
team of bowlers will ptay a postponed
game this evening with tho Green
ltldgo Wheelmen on tho hitter's alleys.
W. J. Thomas, superintendent of
highways and sowers, made a tour of
West Seranton yesterday Inspecting tho
sewers and notifying properly owners
to clean tho sidewalks In front of their
An excellent clam chowder simper
was served last evening In the Simpson
Methodist Kplscopal church by the
Indies or tho Itallroad auxiliary.
Thomas Troverton.of 1232 North Slain
avenue, and Miss Margaret Uryunt, of
ICir. Elizabeth street, Tripp Park, were
united in marriage on Wednesday even
ing at tho homo of the bride, by llev.
O. ('. Lyman, pastor of the Park Place
Mcthodisl Kulscoiml church.
Joshua Fllas, of 21S South Slain ave
nue, entertained the members of the
AVest Hcraaton Prohibition alliance at
his home last evening.
William Davis, who was for twenty
seven years an elder in the Presbyter
Ian church at Plymouth, has been
elected n ruling elder of the Washburn
Street Presbyterian church.
The members of Washington camps,
No. ITS and No. 533. Patriotic. Order
Sons of America, will attend services
next Sunday evening in tho First Bap
tist church. Kov. S. F. Slathows, the
pastor, will preach a patriotic sermon.
Horn To Sir. and Sirs. Ileuben Rob
bins, of Academy street, a son. To Sir.
and Sirs. John Feoney, a son.
Willie Sloniuger, of North Hyde Park
avenue, hud his arm fractured recently
by n fall.
Calvin Coons, who will leave on Slon
duy for Colorado, was tendered a faro
well party last evening by tho Bache
lors club at the homo of Edward
Slorsc, on Jackson street.
Wendell Phillips, of Jackson street,
Is conllned to his homo by illness.
Sliss Sarah Meredith, of Jackson
street, Ik recovering from an illness.
Sylvester Suvltts, of Washburn street.
Is able to be around again after an
Sirs. O. W. Beers, of TAG North Ke
becca avenue, is entertaining Sirs. J.
W. Decker and daughter, Hessie, of
Sllss Geraldlne Phillips, daughter of
City Engineer Joseph Phillips, is ill nt
her home.
Sirs. Philip Dennis, of Kingston, has
returned home from a visit with Sirs.
Hopkln Sluddock, of South Hebecca
David Davis, of North Bromley ave
nue, is conllned to his home by illness.
Sarah, the young daughter of Sir. and
Sirs. James Hurwin, of Evans court, is
seriously 111.
Sliss Grace Evans, of North Hyde
Park avenue, is in Boston.
Sirs. Laura Sloran entertained tho
choir of the Ladies' auxiliary, A. O. H
at her homo last evening.
J. II. Faust, of North Slain avenue, Is
able to be around again after a severe
Joseph Hall, the well known ex-fireman
nnd mail clerk, Is around again
after an illness.
Sir. and Sirs. Jacob Ollendlke, of
Prlceburg, have returned home from a
visit with Sirs. Hower, of Price street.
Sirs. Slury Thomas and Sirs. Dough
erty, the milliners, are In New York
studying the spring styles.
The annual meeting of the Women's
Missionary society of the Presbyterian
church was held at the homo of Sirs.
George B. Smith, yesterday afternoon.
The report of the treasurer showed
that over $200 had been collected dur
ing the past year. The collections In
tho mite boxes during the year, which
were emptied yesterday, amounted to
$30.33. A short talk by Sirs. F. C. II.
Dreyer, In which she related some of
her experiences in China during tho
recent troubles was listened to wllh
deep attention, nnd was much enjoyed,
Tho following ofllcers were elected:
President, Sirs. SI. E. Close; vice presi
dents, Sirs. William Boyd, Sirs. L. H.
Fowler, Sirs. SI. AV. Chamberlain; sec
retary, Sirs. J. G. Bone; treasurer,
Sirs. George B. Smith; secretary of
literature, Sirs. A. A. Nye. Refresh
ments were served by tho Sllsses Slar
garet Bryden, Slarlon Swurtss, Jessie
Sloffatt and Louise Smith,
Tho revlvul meetings at the Tripp
Avenue Christian church continue with
Increased Interest. Tho Kov, Air.
Wright is a most Interesting speaker.
Ills toplo last night was "History of
Conversions," in which ho developed
tho fuct that tho Gospel must be
preached, believed nnd obeyed. This
was necessary In every ease of conver
sion in sucred Scriptures, und Is as
necessary today 'as It was then, Tho
topic for tonight is "Faith Toward
God." At the close tho rites of bap
tism will bo administered. Special ser
vices are being prepared for Sunday
The burglars w)to entered tho house
of Peter Slundny, on Eleetrlo avenue,
election night, during tho absence of
tho family, and made away with $0u In
ensh, hnvo not been apprehended, and
as Vet 110 cluo bus boon ,llurni.n,.o.i ,
lead to a hope of their capture.
president Grant, of Henry Kendall
college. Indian terrltorv. win ,inii.,. ....
address tonight at tho Presbyterian
cuurcu, on mo suuject of "Indlun Edu
cation," It Is hoped a largo number
will be present to event iim uuni,..
und a pleasunt evening Is assured to
ull attending.
Sll'S. F. C. II. Drover lrnvo r,i,.
for Iiassleton, from where she will go,
Would use Kcmp'a for tho Throat nnd
Lungs. It ! lutlns inoie Coujlia, Cold,, .Vitunu,
lltoucliltls, Cioun and all Throat und luny
Troubles tlian any other medicine. The moiclc
lor luu authorised any drusgUt to give jou a
Sample llottlu Fice to convince )ou .' the merit
of this great remedy, l'rltc. 33c. and 50c.
Is of Little Benefit Ulricas It la
Nearly everyone will admit that na
n nation we cat too much meat nnd' too
little of vegetables nnd the grains,
For business men oluce men and
olerlti', and In fact everyone engaged In
sedentary or Indoor occupations, grains,
milk nnd vegetables are much more
Only men engaged In severe, out
door manual labor can'llvo on a heavy
meat diet and continue In health,
As a general rule, meat once a day Is
sulilelent for nil classes of men, women
and children, and grains, fruit and
vegetables should constitute tho bulk
of food eaten.
But many of tho most nutritious
foods are dilllcult of digestion, and it
Is no use to advise brain workers to
eat largely of grains and vegetables
where the digestion Is too weak to as
similate thcin properly.
It is always best to get the best re
sults from our food that some simple
and harmless digestive should bo taken
after meals to assist ihe relaxed di
gestive organs, and several years ex
perience have proven Stuart's Dyspep
sia Tablets to bo a very safe, pleasant
and effective digestive and a remedy
which may be taken dally with the
best results.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets can hardly
be called a patent medicine as they do
not act on the bowels nor any par
ticular organ but only on the food
eaten. They supply what weak
stomachs lack, pepsin diastase, and by
stimulating tho gastric glands increase
tho natural secretion of hydrochloric
People who make a daily practice of
taking one or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets after each meal are sure to
have perfect digestion which means
perfect health.
There is no danger of forming an
Injurious habit as tho tablets contain
absolutely nothing but natural diges
tives; cocaine, morphine and similar
drugs have no place In a stomach medi
cine, and Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
are certainly the best known and most
popular of all stomach remedies.
Aide your druggist for a fifty cent
package of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets,
and after a week's use note tho Im
provement in health, appetite and nerv
ous energy.
in a few days, to join her husband at
Sirs. E. D. Bovard Is In Pittsburg,
where she went to attend the funeral of
a l-elatlvo.
Miss Lena Slowcry is suffering from
an attack of quinsy, at her home on
Blakelv street.
Eunernl of the Late James Kearney
of Gilmore Avenue An Early
Morning Eire.
James Kearney, of Gilmore avenue,
whose death occurred last Slonday,
was laid at rest with Impressive ser
vices yesterday morning In St. Joseph's
cemetery, Sllnooka. The house was
thronged early with sympathizing
friends of the family who gathered to
pay their last respects.
Services were held in St. Joseph's
church which was crowded to the doors
during the services, dnrlng which an
eloquent tribute was paid by Rev.
Francis Canavan. Tho remains were nf
terwards borne to their last resting
place by the following life long friends:
John Fitzhenry, Sllehael Lydon, Slar
tiu Duffy, Sllehael AValsli, Patrick
Coyne, Sllehael Flaherty.
Dwelling1 House Destroyed.
The firemen were turned out of their
berths about 3 a. m. yesterday morn
ing by nn alarm of fire which was sent
in from Prospect avenue nnd River
street beeauso of a blaze In the house
of Sir. and Sirs. Slachen nt 315 Pros
pect avenue.
Company No. C responded promptly
but the flro had gained too strong a
hold and Engine company No. 2 was
summoned. Their combined efforts
wero without avail and the entire rear
section was destroyed. Tho family Is
rendered homeless us the house will
have to bo entirely rebuilt.
Earowell Greeting.
Miss Irene Francis, of Greenwood,
who will shortly leave tho homo of her
childhood, wus tendered a pleasant
farewell parly by a number of friends
AVcdnesdny evening. A short reception
wus held In tho parlors after which tho
visitors wero escorted to tho dining
room where refreshments wero served.
The remainder of the evening was
spent .In social diversions and nt the
midnight the gathering dispersed,
Those present were; The Misses Adu
and Ethel Lovoiing, Bessie Thompson,
Emma Groslmrdt, Irene Francis, Edna
Groshnrdt, Edith Beese, Allan Thomp
son, Kuth Thompson.
John Barrett, of Prospect uvenue, was
arrested yesterday by Patrolmen Hug
gerty and Boss, for being drunk and
disorderly, and abusing his family,
Slngistrate Storr Imposed a line of $10.
Fred Mussel, formerly of this side, has
roturned from Now York city nnd will
lake charge of tho harness making bus
iness of Lorenz Haberstroh on Cedur
avenuo next Slonday,
A bouncing baby boy has arrived at
tho homo of Sir, and Sirs. William
Shcrer on Birch street,
A sou has come to gladden the home
of Hon, nnd Mrs, John Scheuer, on Elm
An interesting session of General
Grant commandery, Knights of Slalta,
will be held tonight when nil members
uro urged to bo present.
Dr, Schley's Lung Heating Bulsum
Is guaranteed to cure all coughs. "No
euro; no pay," For sale by nil dealers.
A Slartha Washington supper will
bo served by the ladles of the Cedar
avenuo Methodist Episcopal church to
morrow, February 22, between the
hours of 5 and S p. in. All members aro
Invited to attend nnd bring their
friends as a dainty menu has been pre
pared und u merry social time wilt fol
low me supper.
Given Unilor tho Auspices of tho
North Scrnntou Gleo Club, Which
Will Compoto at tho Allentown
Eisteddfod, on March 17 Pro
gramme Included Many Pleasing
Numbers Jnmos Donahue Injured
,by a Fall No Moro Basket Ball
Games Until Next Month.
Tho North Seranton Gleo club gave a
splendid concert In the Auditorium
last night, which was attended by ful
ly two thousand people. Judge A. A.
A'osburg presided, and tho arrange
ments wero admirably conducted by
Arehlo Johnson, who has proven him
self n clever manager of musical
Tho proceeds of last night's concert
are to bo used lu defraying tho ex
penses of tho club to and from Allen
town, where they will compoto In the
eisteddfod which Is to be held there on
St. Patrick's Day, Starch 17. Tho club
is composed of many prominent young
men of North Seranton and other sec
tions of tho city.
'Tho opening number was a chorus
selection by the glee club, "Valiant
AVarrlors," by D. Jenkins, which was
well suited to the voices lu the party
and was received with much enthus
iasm. David Richards and Pavid John
followed, with "Tho Sullors" duet, and
their rendition wns thoroughly en
joyed. Tho gleo club then sang Prof. Dan
Protheroe's composition, "Tho Crusad
ers," and gave a very meritorious ren
dition. Prof. J. AV. Jones favored tho
audience with a solo, "I Fear No Foe,"
and was followed by Sllss Sadie Jones,
who recited in her usual clever man
ner. Sliss Elizabeth Elllcott, the possessor
of ii sweet voice, sang, "Alono on the
Raft," and captivated her bearers. The
gleo club then gave another selection,
the "Destruction Chorus," and Sirs. AV.
J. Vizzard followed with a pleasing
rendition of "When tho Heart Is
Gwilym srorlais and J. AV. Jones ren
dered Dr. Parry's famous duet, "Flow
Gently Deva," and Sirs. D. D. Lewis
sang "Out of the Deep," all of which
were thoroughly enjoyed. "Slartyrs of
tho Arena" was afterwards sung by
the glee club, and Sir. Slorlais sang
two selections from Handel's oratorio
In superb voice.
Stiss Jones again gave a select read
ing, and made a. decided Impression by
her cleverness. The dosing numbers
were a solo by J. AV. Jones, a duet by
Sirs. Lewis and Sir. T.Iorllus, and a
rendition of "The Pilgrims" chorus by
tho glee club. Sllss E. J. Owens ac
companied the singers and added much
to the success of tho concert.
Injured by a Pall.
James Donahue, a resident of West
Market street, had his ribs fractured
by falling from his wagon recently. He
is employed as a teamster at tho Leg
getts Creek mine, nnd while climbing to
the seat of his wagon slipped and fell
to the ground with great force, his
body striking against the wheel.
He was picked up by a few outside
bands about the mine, and taken to his
homo where it was found that the fifth,
sixth andveventh ribs of the left side
were fractured.
Frank Coleman Surprised.
A pleasant surprise party was tend
ered Frank Coleman at the homo of his
sister, Sirs. Henry Roberts, of Summit
avenue, AArednesday evening. The guests
were received by Sirs. Roberts and Sirs.
Samuel Coleman. The usual party di
versions wero Indulged in up to a late
hour, when refreshments were served.
Among those who were present were:
Sllsses Llzzio Jehu, Slaud Davis, Ger
tie AVIllis, Sllldrcd Slorgans, Slary
Richards, Jennet Simmons, Slargaret
Davis, Blodwyn Thomas, Alma Rich
ards, Slargaret Slorgan, Slargaret
Thomas, Edith Slonis; sressrs. Daniel
Davis, Frank Coleman, Thomas How
ells, AVillinm Morris, Sidney Dowel, Al
bert Rees, Slorgan Williams, Arthur
Shotto, Sir. and Sirs. Henry S. Roberts
and son, Henry, Sir. and Sirs. Samuel
Coleman, Sliss Slay Colemun and Lizzie
Basket Ball Suspended.
SInnagers Haswell and Davis, of the
North End Stars, and Crackerjacks,
announce that they will not conduct
any moro basket ball games in the nu
dltorium, until St. Patrick's day,
March 17, and afterwards not until lif
ter, Lent.
This evening the Crackerjacks will
have for their opponents tho strong
representative team of Tamaqun which
Is considered one of tho crack teams
of tho state.
Notes and Personals.
Tho clerks of Slulley's and Chappel's
store will conduct a bowling contest
this evening.
Sllss Knto Sullivan, .a student at
Bloomsburg state normal school, is
home on a short vacation with her
parents on William street,
Slujor Anderson, of North Slain ave
nue, Is seriously 111 at his homo.
Tho members of tho Colonel Lowls
Lodge, A, SI will hold a debate In their
rooms lu the auditorium this evening.
Tho Citizens' band reorganized last
evening for tho coming season,
A George AVnshlngton reception and
entertainment will be given under tho
auspice's of the Epwortli league at tho
Court street Slethodlst Episcopal
church Frlduy oveplng, February 21,
years, an old resident of Slaplo street,
died Wednesday night at the Sloses
Taylor hospital, whero ho was operated
on recently. Ho is survived by his
wife and several children, Tho funeral
services will bo held at tho houso at
12 o'clock tomorrow, nnd will bo con
ducted by Rev. F. P. Doty, Interment
will bo made in Forty Fort cemetery.
JASIES BRACK, an old resident of
North Seranton, died at his home uu
AVillinm street yesterday, after a long
Illness, Sir. Braco was a well-known
und highly-respected man, being a resi
dent in tho North End for a great
number of years. Tho news of his
death was a great blow to those who
knew him. The funeral arrangements
have not yet been made.
The funeul ot Ihe late Mix IvilielU Monrun
will ULc idjic thl afUiiiooil from the ligue, I
New Armory, February 20, 21, 22
Prices. 25 CENTS to ONE DOLLAR
Seats now on Salo at
337 North lilmoro iiunur. Inlormrnt will lo
made In the Washburn nlrrct cemetery.
The funeral sonlrcs ot Jmcpli Ohcr will ha held
on Siitunlay nllemoon nt 2 o'elork under the dl
lection ot Schiller IoiIkc, No. 313, Free nnd Ac
cepted Masons. 'J'hc faintly respectfully requests
tho members ot the Masonic Veterans itsKOcl.itlon
and i'oewt de I.lon. nnd Mcllla eommandciles,
Knights Templar, to attend the scniccs.
Love vs. Ambition.
Attorney James Lownsdnle was a
self-centered man. That Is apt to be
the case with self-made men. It Is, to
be more frank, their besotting sin.
He had begun Ufc poor. He was win
ning in the racCbecausc his handi
caps were offset by grim and somewhat
unlovely determination. When he was
sixteen years old ho bad heard boys of
seventeen discourse on love, and be had
said in a shrill, boyish treble: "I'll
never let sentiment stand in the way
ot my success."
Even after his voice had undergone
tho transformation from that shrill
treble to a profund bass, bo bold to
bis determination. Now ho was 3S and
he "was talked of" for Judge of the
Supremo court In bis state.
For five years lie had been giving
his legal udviee free to Sirs. Mary Slar
ston and her daughter, Mildred. They
bad needed such advice sorely, for when
the vice president of the Commercial
bank died it was found that the affairs
of the bank were in a precarious con
dition. Ten days after his death tho
bank failed. James Lownsdalc called
to condole with tho widow and her
daughter, and had offered to do what
ho could to make Intact ugaln the shat
tered fabric of their fortune. He had
no idea of how great the task was, and
ho found himself knitting together a
few shreds instead of a mass. Ho dis
liked his task of telling her so, but ho
found courage to tell her one night that
one might live upon the Income of the
slight' remnant of their fortune; it
might support one with rigid economy.
But two? That was impossible.
Slildred Slarston slipped a comforting
arm on her mother's neck.
"That will provide for you, mamma,
dear," she said. "And I've gotten a
position at a living salary with a pub
lishing house."
James Lownsdalc looked at her at
tentively for the first time. One of tho
characteristics of self-centered persons
is that they are short-sighted. He had
known the banker's family ever since
he left college, but he had never no
ticed that Slildred had grown up. She
was a tall beauty, of the Irish type,
with black hair and violet eyes that
might have laughed at one time, but
looked as though they never would
James Lowns'dale called often that
winter. Perhaps his purpose was to
lighten the loneliness of the two wo
men, but if he permitted himself such
unselfishness he was compensated. He
found It very pleasant to sit opposite
Slildred at the fire and watch her deft
bands at her embroidery or sewing.
"You make me very comfortable,"' he
said, smiling lazy thanks as she pushed
a hassock toward him.
She applied herself diligently to hem
ming n tablecloth.
"I like this," he reflected aloud. It's
so domestic."
Slildred blushed. She never talked
much. Lownsdnle hud a fancy for
Utiiet women.
"I lovo you," ho said, pushing the
tablecloth from her lap and taking
both the busy hands. Again she said
nothing. Sho blushed furiously, and
there were tears In her eyes, but th"re
was hapiness In them, nevertheless.
"I love you, hut I have my way to
make still, I have no right to talk of
marriage yet."
Slildred was satisfied. There was
a soporific influence In those familiar
but delightful words, "I lovo you."
Lownsdnle did not think It necessary
to repeat those words. "When u man
tells a woman once Unit ho loves her
that is enough,"- he said. So life went
on as before,
Ho it befell that Mlldrc'd Slarston
was often lonely. Her mind became
the stalking ground of doubt and re
sentment. Her business life was a
narrow one, Into which few strangers
entered, Her old friends had drifted
out of her life, Sho met almost no
one. That may be the reason that" no
one else found place lu this sore heart,
which was almost as easy of access as
an empty one.
AVhen midsummer came and with It
Slildred'H vacation she bade I.owns
dttle n rather formal "good-bye," and
said she was taking her mother to tho
homo of an old friend, one of her few
friends of their prosperity who re
mained, Accordingly, when I.ownsdalo wus
strolling along tho beach at an almost
unknown seaside resort, ho was sur
prised to seo n graceful, rather weary
llguro leaning against u rock. Sud
denly It dropped Its head Into tin
broad lap of u burly woman servant
and began to weep teiuptestuously.
He nuido hurried excuses to his enm
paulim, Judge Soiners, and hastened
"Slildred!" he exclaimed.
Tho llguro straightened Instantly and
tried to look formal nnd dignified, but
its lips quivered us n child's,
"You, too, Slagglo?" ho said to Slll
dred's nurse, tho only servant left of
what hud been called Slnrston's re
tinue. "Yes," said Muggle, looking at him
with marked disfavor.
.Suddenly he remembered that Slug
gle had looked ut him lu the same way
for two years, only ho "had not no
ticed." "It Is getting chilly; will you go up
to tho house and get Sllss Slarston's
wrap?" ho said.
Slagglo went away frowning. When
she hud gono Lownsdalo took the trem
bling llguro Into his urms.
'How do you happen to be hero, Mil
dred?" he said tenderly.
Lyceum Theatre
if. licit?. l,ctMo ml Jlan.iRer.
A. J. IHTt'V, Business 'Manager.
Friday Night,
Brockway Course
Great Double Bill.
Tin: minus
Otlumwas Male Quartette Co
AND Till! 1'OliJbAR
Seals now on Bale.
Saturday Hutinee and Night
KHIKi: i, .SHIXI.i: pic-nt3
Mr. J. ii Stoddard
Supported hy Iho same eompany which wun
iinbcrnal endorsement duilnir a urn nt 12
weeks at the Theater Itepuldlc. New York.
n Hie uilminatluii triumph of Ids long nnd
honorable career.
The Bonnie Briar Bush.
Prices Matinee, Mc. to ?l.
Muht, 25c. to 41.H).
Peats on sale Thursday.
Ttnsday Night Only, Feb. 25.
I.ouis Clara x
In the funniest of their funny hits,
AH on
Account of Eliza
I'riccs-l.riO, ?I.U0, 75c, 50c. and 23c.
Seals on pile Saturday, February 22.
Academy of flusic
M. RC1S, Letiee. A. J. Duffy, Minijer.
All (lie Week.
tVJarkis Brothers
Dramatic and Vniiileilllc Company Supportlns
the Mnlropolllun Star,
IVlay Bell IVlarls
In llepeitoire.
wukk ok rnnnuAttY 2itii.
Haud Hillnian
And Her Company l'lescnting Repertoire
Grocery Orde
at any of
The Joyce Stores
And you will not require
reminding in the future.
Here are just two of
his multitude of price
Salt Mackerel,
pound ll)C
Leg of Lamb
per pound 1 UC
Arbucklo or Lion 1
Colfce, per pound P2C
OJoyce Storesi
PopularPriced Provisions
"I I nettled mamma with tho Phll
llpsea, und I enmo buck und ot Mur
Kle und lirmitflit liar lnro for a real,
iiwuy from the heat of tlio city. I eamo
hero hecuuHo It wuh ch-oh-eheap,"
And tho twins would tome,
t'Deiir one," ho said, "how unselfish
you uro! And why huvo you never
told mo you wero unhnppyV I thought
you wero ut peai'o with yourself, It
Hct'iiied to mo I ought to wult until I
wns elected to 11 judKHliip licforo we
wero nmrrled. I wanted to bestow a
judicial embrace upon you ut tho al
tar. Will you bo content with ft moro
k'Kul one?"
A shivering little sob wuh her an
swer. As they v allied back tu tho hotel he
"Mildred, 1 huvo been a blind brute.
Hut can you beliovo mo? I nm as am
bitious for you us for myself,"-Toledo
RuTtE Week's I
1 .,TnJ-J9"