J3 ,h. ' I , kiM THE SCltANTON TRIBUNE- Ml IDA V, FEBRUARY 21, 1902. s L III CBcASctxmfon .CnHune Iinr I'lililUhliiii l.'omiany, nt rilly Crntif a Month. UJ.- . - JS." r.yt'.-;r.5JtttsSii-r j.lW N. tll('IIAIII). i "lit jr. A T. IlV.MIi:i:, ltnlmu .Miiniuer. tVrw York OMitc: i:o N'jwmi St. S. H. H):iXASi, Sole Alrtiit tor i'orelnn Atlvcrl1nff. Cntcred nt tlir I'imIhIIiiv nt SiMntoti,' t'.i.i a SciimiiII'Ium M til Matter. .When spa co will permit, The Ttibihe" irf nlwrvyu glad to print short lettein from its fiientlo bear ing, on current topics, but itsful'ls tllnt theso mu3t bo signed, for pub lication, by the writer's real name; mid tho condition precedent to ac ceptance is that all contributions shall bo subject to editorial revision. mi: n.AT ii.vn: I'oit ahvi:htiin(I- The following t itili hIiohh tin- price icr Inrli mill lncrllou,vi,iii tu In- ti-cil ulthiti nun .U'Jrt "r" '" I Kim nt Mil In run1 I'tilf" , DISPLAY. J.l-n 1 1 i.i tt i".00 Inches CM Indies .1 IdHi .'.0(11 " ..'.'.1,... MIHI " I'.tlu-r I llmilliv! I 1'iwltlnii ,:,il .!2u .HI .irr. .I.-. .'Jt .1!) .I. .is . IT.", .1? .IU'i 1'nr i.inN of think", ii'hnlutfnni of cnmlolriu . mill iiliiillar rnntrihiitlniH in Hi" lut'itr of rtl urlMiif? 'Jlu- Tiilmnc1 nukes .i thaw of ." iculs a line,, lt.ttc? it Chis'lfloil Aihe'illiltiR fuiiiU'ici! on npplli.il'oii. TEN PAGES. sck.vn'ton, rirnu'AttY 21, isos. Imagine Piesldcnt Hiiosevelt'u dln tntty wlfpit hu learns that Lvnctt's Times wlil not let the Schley verdict stand! Judge Tuft's Programme. .oit somi? tlnip thu oiiDonents j of tlie government's Philln- pini1 policy iiuvu pohscsmi tne strategic advantage of being able to say glibly just what they would do should they get Control of affairs. They have also I wilted the Kemibli oans with not having a definite policy formulated, ileing themselves free of all responsibility, to criticize was easy. I3ut Judge Taft In his testimony before the senate Vhllipplnes committee has changed all this. lie has dellued a pro gramme. It is (lt'flnito and specific. It includt-s: 1. A declaration on the part of the ITnlted Status of Its intention to hold the Mauds Indefinitely, with the under standing that "when the latter are suitable for such a condition they may be given quasi-independenee." 2. The grunt ot a qualified suffrage with a gradual growth In popular gov ernment, which should he enlarged through education In the English lan guage and in American institutions. Ii. The Institution within a reason ably short time of a local legislature, to consist of two bodies, one to bo chosen by vote and the other to be ap pointive. 1. Ilepreyentution of the islands at Washington by two or three delegates. The clause in leferenee to "uuasl independence" Is the weak point in this armor. It icallj means nothing what ever. Hy Judge Tuft's own testimony it will certainly bo yrars, probably de cades, possibly centuries before the Fil ipinos will be qualllled for oulerly and successful self-government, let alone any notion of independence. There Is not at present, therefore, any pressing necessity for Idealizing in their behalf. Sufficient unto the day of their fitness for independence are the political pei plexitles thereof. For the present, the call of duty is to a grubbing hoe eon test in preparing the rough and stormy ground lor the most elemental crops of good citizenship. The Investigation or the alleged cruel ty cases at .Manila has again demon strated that a lie can navel more rap idly than the truth. The Vicissitudes of Odell. T SKI3MS to be true that Governor Odell of Xew York has lost caste as a successful politician within the past year. One year ago he appealed to be the coming figure in Kmplio state Republican politics. His mastery of the legislative machine at Albany, which on one or two test oc casions was found to surpass that of Senator Piatt, was supplemented by a formidable hold upon the good opinion of the best elements In the state, lie was looked upon as a rare combination of political sagacity with business in stincts and administrative courage, Ills succession to the place In Republican party councils long held by Senator Piatt was legarded as assured as soon as the vnency occurred: indeed many thought It had already happened. The nssasslnntlon of President Mc Kinley, however, swiftly recast Udell's prospces and plans, and put another Xew Yo titer In the place upon which the eyo of his ambition had. it was be lieved, been moie than casually gazing, I'Atibut.thlrt time, If political gossip is yto.be believed, (inventor Odell found ' Piatt JnlluVnees at work undermining , him n'tjil had to execute a swift change '. uf'tHoWrf oil the excise ryuestlon to pre- venj those Influences from enfilading hl ti'itt . Then came tho legislature thn,s.;eond of,h(s te,rm, Ho had ex i imusiifd. the,, meat of hs reform plans in his niLSsiirfo'to tho first legislature. t in his 'communication to (ho second, i nottUnrr was loft for him but to pick ', th' bones. Soma of tliesn ho ulekcit ' very'YfgQioiiHly. One in p.fi'tloulur has : rntat'd (t coiiunotloti, jjo decided to t epnsfllldato under one management, to bo appointed by him, nil tho state nsy. C lipij fof the Insane, heretofore, man f ah'eir I5y separate boards and eonso- iiucfilly Ulway's mnnaged without unt t fonnlty ,and soinetlmes with scandal t mis extrnvag.inee, There was a, voel '. ferine JUck, the echoes of which are still reyrbeiNUinK, but he hud the vptes,, fitif), the bill t was passed and j signed. ivy?nscntl0lu'0 or tneso n,'m stands , .w. itui iii.i.iw, vnii-Jitri ill IlieiuuUS Of nyu.uuuiuajuiHiun. ami nt uiu uutago onlsin.s they hnyo evoked, there is talk In certain circles that Odell should not s be renominated. FuelersAuru nmuvirin l''" C' "ffTiyja twpvelop how till neaDli; (would tak&tliirtui'niiiir iimvn if I lm fSV' oWiwrnt- new man, no? bnJheOi by?a p,a,t. necoii from their- .AHHtuftuii, iji.mp m inn vui, uie AlugwuniDlsit press and those stulwurt n-i',.i.,.r,.l,f n....lc.- n, I..... ,.. Itepublleun Joutiinls which reflect the wishes ot tho senior senator are now Inclining to be critical and censorious 'of odcll. The sIriis are unmistakable of subterranean ptermratlonn on tho imrt ot BOlnebody who evidently Knows Uiu game for a tussle with the governor In tho next convention, lio will have to step down quietly or fight, It ho iTghtrf, lliero wilt bo it casualty list, for ho Is it fighter who disdains padded gloves. m (fovuinof Tuft mlist bo uurnrlscd' to learn how many people there arc who from it long mugr view have been able to determine Just how the Philippines shuuld bo governed. For n Pacific Cnblo. T "VK CORLISS H1I.L providing for it government cable to Hawaii mid tho Philippines mid rejecting tho offer of tho Commercial Pacific Cable company to build a cable without cost to the gov ernment and to allow precedence to government business has been jonort ed favorably in tho bouse and will probably paps. The sentiment Is wide spread among congressmen that the government Ought to be certain of its control over such ti cable: that the political Interests are too Important to permit tho taking of any chances. Nevertheless the offer of the Com mercial Pacific Cable company, which Is the Postal Telegraph company un der a different name, is u liberal one and It shows that the far-seeing busi ness men who compose that company look forward to u time when the in terchange of business between the United States, pioper, and the Philip pines, China and the other countries bordeilng on the Pacific ocean will bo sufficient to make u cable a prolltablo investment. That offer was embodied In a letter by John W. JIackay to Sec retary Hay, dated Aug. 22 last. In tills letter Mr. Maekay said: "I wish to lay and operate u submarine cable or cables from California to tho Philip pine islands by way of the Hawaiian islands, by means of an American cor poiatlon to be organized hereafter. 1 ask no subsidy or guarantee in con nection with the same. The same con ditions that have been prescribed by the United States In connection with the landing of Atlantic cables owned by domestic coiporutions will bo satis factory to me In connection with the proposed enterprise. I do not ask and shall not expect the United States gov ernment to insure or indemnify me against any existing landing rights of any company or companies, in respect to the Philippine islands or any other islands in the Pacific." Subsequently the Maekay company accepted what is known as the "post load act of con gress of 1SCG." This gives the postmas ter general power to fix the rate to be paid on government messages and also enables the government to purchase the cable whenever It so elects, at a value to be fixed by appraisement. It is contended in behalf of this pri vate enterprise that If it Is left alone It will have Its lines laid and readv for public use within two years at the latest, while a government cable would cost much more and would not be so likely to be laid expeditiously. It Is evident that these arguments had some weight at Washington, for tho com mittee decided in favor of a govern ment cable by the narrow margin of one vote. So far as the general public is concerned, we doubt that it cares' much whether the ownership of the proposed cable shall be fedeial or pri vate so long as public rights and needs are sufe-guaided. The cable has be come a pi line and urgent necessity, and the public wants its construction hast ened as rapidly as possible consistent with good workmanship. The anxiety for a news scoop on the part of the premature correspondent In the vicinity of the negotiations for the release of Miss Stone lias established Ills reputation as being the greatest liar since the palmy days of the Mole St. Nicholas dreamer. "The Dead Line of Labor" I X THE latest Lecture Hulletln of tho Institute of Social Econo mics Professor George Gunton discusses with ills usual intelli gence one of the labor problems that Is hound to force Itself m6rc and more on the attention of the American people as their industrial development in creases in efllcioney and complexity. That Is the problem ot taking care of outworn labor. When a piece of machinery Is put in a factory Its life is calculated and an annual charge made against production sultlcient to replace It at the expiration of tho lerm of its efficiency. Owing to the rapidity with which now machines of inipioved character are placed on the market, each new design supplant ing tho pattern Just preceding it, tie necessity for a charge of this kind to cover renewals in equipment Is gener ally recognized and established, Uut, lis Piofessor Gunton observes, the fre quency with which machines are boiug changed lias a direct effect upon tho labor employrd to operate those ma chines. In tho olden times, It wtis not iincomnion to see many men engaged In factory or shop work above tho uge of 6fl yours. Thu workman ot CO or more was not as spry as thu workman of ::o or theteabouts but he managed to do tho simple duties of hand labor with tolerable efficiency, und ho was kept on the payroll because he and tho master had known each other for years and perhaps hud learned their trade ns boys together, lint today, so intrlcuto are tlio lequlrepieuts of tho well developed Industry that It Is extiemely rare to see a nuin of CO years at work In a mill or factory unless In a Kubordlnate ca pacity. Thore has come to be what Professor Gunton rulM the dead line of labor; that is, un average ago at which me clinnlcnl labor is outlawed and put an it were on the scrap heap. Many of the large corporations have already an nounced that they will not heteafter employ neu above 15 years of uge ior keep op the payroll men nbovo CO. As a general rule It may bo bald (hat CO Is tho age at which i man's earning capacity erases Imtlie manual trades. Yet it Is equally truu that not one woikiiiunMn a hundred has stored up enough to permit him to await with i complacency the dny ot retirement. In the lower grades ot labor this Is espe cially trip; Men whoso earnings da not exceed $2.60 a day nnd who have" till such nu Income to rear ti family, very often a large family, have little oppor tunity to lay aside for tunoriow. Pro fessor Gunton says they should not be expected to; that It would bo unecono mic for them to do so, Inasmuch as It would withdraw latgu sums of money from rapid circulation and disastrously lower tho American standard of living, It goes without saying, however, that provision must be made In some way for the non-productive years ot our outworn labor and that that way must be a strictly business way und not a way sURgestlvo of charity or condescen sion on the part of the rich. The solu tion which Professor Gunton proposes is u new form of Insurance, the udop tlon of which should be made obliga tory on all Industries by national legis lation, lie would require till employ ers to set aside a certain percentage to go Into a general fund to provide nn uullles for wnrklngmeu dislocated by advancing years. Or, as ho himself ex presses It: "All well-regulated concerns now set aside a portion of their earnings every year for depreciation. Depreciation Is another mime for replacing the ma chine when It Is worn out or superseded by n new one. If displaced by a better one, then the bettor one must be pur chased or the business Is n failure. Xow this economic principle can and ought to be applied to labor. When thu laborer goes to work at, say 1G years of age, he Is vigorous, agile and useful In almost any emergency. For forty yours he Is ordinarily safe against all Innovations, except in case of accident or 111 health. But thore comes a time it may come sooner or later when he will be dislocated. Under ordinary cir cumstances, with no radical innova tions, lie can work until ho is seventy, but in nil probability ten or fifteen years before that time lie may be dis located just as the machines ate, be cause he cannot be adjusted to the new order. This Is no fault of his; the profits that have been created by the industry he has not received. The com munity has been made richer by the economic and advantageous use of his service, has used him as a part of a great industrial and social mechanism, still, so far as he was concerned, in voluntarily. He obeyed; he was a dili gent, efllclent part of the great me chanism which has contributed its quota to civilization. Any sense of mor ality and economic and social equity demands that the laborer who has thus faithfully served society during his whole term of usefulness shall live out his natural life without degradation and humiliation. During the foity or forty-five years of economic efficiency he ought to, and does produce enough to sustain him honorably according to his social standard to the end of his natural life. This can only be secured through the principle of insurance." Professor Gunton is not clear in ids attempts to explain just how this idea can be applied. Its application is a life work in Itself. Hut where there is a will theie is usually a way. We have no doubt that the advances to be made in this direction within the next few decades will be notable If the Southern politicians are con tinctd that a reduction in the vote cast will also mean u reduction In the number of statesmen in congress, they may be persuaded to look upon the dis franchisement of tho negro In a dif ferent light. ' Come to think of it, air. Wheeler ns representative of the moonshine whis key district could not be exuected to look kindly upon unusual preparations for the reception of a representative of a people whose national beverage is beer. By the time the guests at the dinner given to Prince Henry at the AValdorf Astoria on Monday night have sampled the five kinds of drink announced on the menu, the imperial yacht will prob ubly look like a whole fleet to them. Now that the Danish West Indies are ours, the statesmen familiar with the islands are beginning to talk about them with the enthusiasm of a real c si ule dealer who has town lots to sell. In ten years our agricultural exports have inct eased 17 and our manufac tures exports 113 per cent, Republican ism and expansion are coincident. We me ready now to believe any thing' of the groundhog. BECIPItOCITY WITH CANADA. IMilii of 'Ihc Tiibune. Sin Tin. l'ruti'UU'liWt, H IhijIhu, for IVbni. nry, ltKK, luntaim a full upon of an addici on tin subject by the lion, Allutt Clarke, club man of the lndiialrl.ll roininlnlon, ilelhcieil Im bue the Mjsotliiikitb ttale board of tiade, on Jaua.iry 'Jl. Mr. I'laiko tails out with the abortion of hu Indict tint while iecipiocll, with CjiinU pmp'rlv ouil.iuil, would be of mme nihaiiliiKo to Hie 1'nited Staler-, ji t it would bo "much mote imp H tint to Cnmla." He proe that our purcha-iM nf fanaiU lue not rlmnn anv Kteat (Iiiiikc. iu amount during the iletaile, 1S!J to lihx), Uiu animal Itemes i.iukIiu fiwn MI,2ii),7.U (lb'.H) In Ml,SUVJ (IS'J-ll, llur llon taijll , lavored f.'.inaila. Diulns Ihe "ante period, Canada' purclu,e mini u, lutiKo iioiu M'.'. l.i.i.T.o (iv)) to $:,, 8.17.1)1 HWW). 'Ihe Wll-ou tnllt did not lic'n our exports but I ho coi.iiarj -the total Headlij Inireawd every jeai, till lh lht jear ot the ' Wlli-on .ii ilf, when they fell t.l W.tKK below the preceding jear. In I'WD they wuu nv.ii y ifjo.KHl.HH) uuater than in n!7, the jear in which the Uil.-un bill wan upealed, and this In pltu ol Hie 3.11-3 pnfeieniu lun by Catuda to Cleat lliliaiu." !)y Ihisu ii'oiiltj, Sir. Clail.n routeiuU that "tarllN unU'Sa pioitlhltcil, hate loiuparatitclj' little tu do in ditcniiluluK the ruuiinenlil le. latlons ol near neiirhbuis. i'roplnqiilty I, the pleat faitur." , ' Tho'isli lhi i an aritmuil, wjs .Mr. Clatke, rathi't I" fn i' i nf liclpioiity than ugihiM It, it Is "lisjht hcie while Ihc- ilillUnlty l.i'Ktiw." "The M'k'Cllon of .Htiilii upon v.hlili ilutin may be loweuil, withciit iiidaiiciliii: tho luditslrio pi" ihii'ln," tlwe artielii., lequliis the KUatet (ate, and on linn must be tumewhit uxpeiliutntul." "I IijhV tonlliiucs Mi. Claike, "no respect fur a pulliy wlilch bucrifh.i'k ouu indu,uj lor the bkiiein of anuther." Tho peaker wa of opiuiun Hut Canada will liner coti'tut lo tacrlilee hu lUhriiiu unl nur.u. facluiej iu cider tu lilt a free uuiket In the Cnitett Mjim tor Hie t.mi- prodacls of her f.iruii ami fme.u, i-i iu 'U cheapci eooil fil ter peopli,". addliis, "llii. it the kej-.tiotts of C.itiailaV national pollcj," iepcctd alike .j C'ounenathei. Ji;d l.lhirjU, and lo whhh tluj cllni; with lojalty equal to ouis fur the Union, Nilthtr c, iwi thej, will Bain iinjthln bj sccklns- to enuUiwr the luitlutul proiperity of the ulhtr." The jirui'iit Canadian pivpMal, wjd Mr, I'lJtko, h tor rrcliroclly In tittural trrtffH only. "Without ilonlit Mil woulil lit, to tholr dtp .inl(nrc, Imt It uoulil Imtt nr furnu fltul mir fhlicrfnrn, unl wouhl not help our mmitifac hirer. Wo lilcil It qom ISAI tu lfc(!0, nnil miv tnlnctl .1 itouly low, tuuncly, more Ifinn ?5,W,. WO j early In t.porl, ami nonic if.t$,000,0ijo In ieclo," Mr. t'lulr !xi (mlnU out tint reilirorlly with r-nmili inciiH tho uprnintf h.v in nt liuir Let of 8,"i,IKjO,(o people, In return for one of only B,0WI,imi, inhiw tin- rirtet of their filial letill' incut dm. ink (lir.H Itrll.iln, nint ntso inlinn Hi" firt Hint tno't ot our art ntr heltir ileetoi'il than tlielri, Cnnnil i'h protect be pollry wai he ffitn In 1h70, nnil lin oliiiv been MtUiinl it t three Kmrinl election. A hitc na lfiS'l, .1 mo. Hon In Hm) t'liiiilhm parliament looking tnnnrih full redproclty Willi u, ui otrd ilunn by 11" In TI. Sir Chnrle Tnpprr, InliiMrr of flhrrlo, palil, "t'miilliim lire not liluhlirrlns for irilpniiily." Sir .lohn 'lhotiipon, Milliliter of Jmtlie, palilt "We ran Iho nllliout the American market) Me mo not unln.t to heroine humble American rill zcti nt I lie hlihliiur ot .Timet fl. Illalne; we will still nw the llrllMi llap. ctr." Sir .lohn . Mncilinilil, the premier, nalilt "Tho 1'iiti.iillnii limb would soon be ImlJo the American Hon," mul ioou- . a mattir nt fad the iuitiir.1t product of ','ie twu eoiuitilK ore ho ulnillar that rmi.nU Rally tun iiothliiK to niter Hie t'nlted States woith luviilnir our 17 In 1 market for, tu sav nothing of her pit feientt.il tarill In, favor of Client lliil.tlii. Mr. Clarke's able .nlilren wat well reecheil. AtiuTir.ui reelprorlly with Omnia, under lhee elrcnmsliime. or nt any time on omul tetnn, Ii out of the nucstlon, Very truly, Walter J. llallaiU. Stheneelndy, X. V,, i'eb. IS. Outline Studies of fldman Nature. Johnny's Loglcnl Conclusion. Little Johnny hud been Kiir.lliR thouichtful. ly nt bl hook of animal pictures, whin he sud denly called out' "Say, pa, does It cost much to feed a lion? "Ye?." "How muelt?" "Oil, a lot of money." "A wolf would make a (rood meal for a lion, wouldn't it, pi!" "Ye, 1 filles3 Ml." "And a fov would be tnmurli for the wolf wouldn't It?" "Ye, c." "And a fox could make u meal off a hawk, eh, lia?" "And the hank would be satisfied with a spar, rows" "Of courco." . "And ii bit,' spider would be a Rood meat for the .pairow, would II, pi? wouldn't it, pa?" "Yi", ei." "And ft fly would lie enough for the fcp'iler?" "Sure." "And a drop of mobiles would be all the fly would want, wouldn't It?" "Oh. stop your chattir." "Hut wouldn't It, pa?" "Yes." "Well, pa, couldn't n man kiep a lion more'n a je.tr on a pint of nioliie?" Hut ju-,t .it thin point it was i1i-.iccifil that it wai time for little .loliuiij to go to bed. fcalt Like Herald. Company Balked on Carrying Cow. Doc an cxptc&s hank loicr the li.insport.ition of a cow? is a question which is lausiin; com ment and .smiles in political circles In Illnois .leccordiii',' to a t'liic.io correspondent of the Washington I'oit. (imcrnor Yates opined th.it it did, but the .-pici company took the other ucw and its opinion held. When Diehard Yates was elected ROcrnor of llhouois he was presented with .i pass from the Pacific Kpioss coinpanj, which entitled him to .1 lomplimentarj eniceoier its line, 'the general understanding of the use of these flanks is they ate like telegraph franks, nnd are to be Used only for peisun.il matteis. The governor, however, !eemed to take a. illllercnt view of it. When Mr. ates moved Ids hou-cliolil belong-ing-s flout Jacksonville to Spuntield he nut most of them to the expiess otHee to be dead-he tiled to the fctate capital. Cook Moves and parlor sets wire .1 little out of the ouliniij' kind of (.tulf li.ilnlliil by ipies4 loinpinics, but it was the governor of the st.iti' who wis limine the frank, nnd the v:ntl: was done. Afterward an elderlj, respectable and amiable cuvv was presented at the otfii e of the esptess company in Jacksonville to lie franked to Sprmir fiild uiiilci tlie sovernoiV pas., lino the com-panj- balked. It Slid it was not in the live .stock liMiispoitathm busiuc-d. Whether the enw ever got to S'piitiRtUdd or how is not tecorded, but if it did tlie e.pit.ss tumpanj' did not catrv ir. He Wasn't Worrying. It is not loin; ime that a Halllmoic woman vMling Colorado was stuttilr,' for a drive aloiijr Rouldei Cinon. Her ideas of a canon, nequiicd wliollj' horn illusli at luiis, was a miirhtj- clefts in Slant locks, and u diivc along Its pilge meant lol lowing a thieail-lik,- roul whine the least swerv ine: aside from the beatin track might mult in bennr dashed to instant death. Thinking to insure afe hoises nnd careful driv ing on the pan of the llvirjman, she tried tu impiess him with the fjet thai i-lic was piomi ncntry (umicclctl in her native llj, her family one ot wealth and much given to navel, so that if any di-Mster ovettnok her his reputation as a Hvei'jmau would suffer. "Oh, tint would be all right, ma'am, lespond ed the Jehu, "I am mi undeitakei bj- profes sion, is well us a hoi.-i ni.iii, and ii am thing wcic to happen to jou, I , assure joii the inn. I Ins would be suit home In the hhmc scieutitie and fashionable Mjlo, Why, only last weik I lent home ivvo bodies a Mother and daughtei who' were the uj lion ton of ew Yorl; societv-, and no nun evil got up a ooipe in piettler ttjle than those two." Il.iltlmorc Sun, A Good Witness. Several daj'.s ago then- was -a tiial In one of the couit, and a lavvj'ei was engaged in endeav oring to shike tin- testiinoiu' ot an old ladj who was one of tie- principal wllneiscs fot thu plaintiff. I'liully lie asked: "Who line jou talked about IhU ca-e to?" ".Nobodj" "ll.dn't Col. Illank, the Uwjer, speak to you about it?" "No, b'r." "Didn't Mr. smith, the plaintiff, ask jou what jou would testify to?" "Xu." "I) jou mean lo tell this jury that jou hive Inlkeil tn nobody about it?" "Yes, sir," "Well, how did they know what jou would tell?" "They knew I'd till the tiulli,"Mcmphis Scini. km: His Possessions. There was a fire In .1 loeil bunding hoiwe lue other day, and among tho tnunta who vvvio obllci In make a ham iit tin an actot uut n( n job, uhme wit h loii.lUeubiv p enter lui hi, wuihlly iio..,ion.. Hu met a frletnl hu uinsratulaleil him on hi i-.cano hum barm ami altcil him It hu levit any property. "l.ne My piopettv!" repeated Ihe brand saeil ftuin the limning. "Well, I shuiilil nay I !,. iwim,.,. ,.,.... . ...; ..njly.lhue pleees!" mM the other it amaU. lni.nl ..W. ,IJt ntut hato cleaned lou uut NlJt Weio ilieyr "A dick of cariU and a nlahlshlrt." Kald tho other, "tllte me a light." Chicago i'ust. A PLEA. Tor The Tiiluine. )! gito h khifvi lo Mmp 'Ihe blue, uiifathonud deep, fchlri wiuiirfht ot oak and ileelf That forci'ii foe-, may foe) 'Ihe fear Ihey would not know, 'Ti nun, a iluitw let keep, Thu fieeiloni rf the diifi, Which our forefather won. v Why will wo urij no? Why ale cur builders !uwt When fury toiuluu loe 1-1 Ullllilln' fjt ' Hate e not vklll aud Bold? lto we not ouinin bold? Who, like their fjllicu old. Tear Lot the sioim nor toe J Ale I lhi,e wo hate, and inoiej Why then not aimed for war! Our 3UIHHI1 fur ti' Ul. ; linn b'unt; i'uiu what wc J.k A Xav.v itivnjrl Alnius Olver, UuiUkcu, l'a., I'cb. 5,0. FINLEY'S fill Ifn m Dull VUubO II L HI m ! Hi Tor regular ?1.00 and $1.25 qualities; theso are not a job lot of gloves bought to sell nt this price, but lines solectetl from our regular stock; sty lish and serviceable qualities, in heavy and medium kid, suitable for street or evening wear. Real Kid Pique Gloves Are made from excellent quality kid, finished with 2 metal clasps, stitched in white or self color; come in brown, tan and modes. Price this week, 70c. Mocha Gloves Made from fine soft Mocha kid of splendid wearing qual ity, with S metal clasps, col ors are brown, red, tan, mode and grey. Price this week, 75c. Suede Mousqueta ire's 8 button length; all sizes in white, some sizes of black, some sizes in colors. Price this week, 75c. 510-612 Lackawanna Avenne. Always Busy Gum Boots tliat are good for Meu aud very good for Woman, size 4 to 8, at $1.25, We do not call them. Men's we are Honest. lyook to it put our Shoes on thy feet, they are better than Putting Money iu thy purse, they cure thy ills aud save Doctor Bills. Lewis&ReiSly 114-116 Wyoming Ave. J 4 ! t 4 b ! ! 4 i $ b i9 i J' a SPECIAL PRICE ON a ALL STERLING SIL- a VER ARTICLES OF , , ToiI?f War?, Manictir? Pieces and Desk TU? nishings.,... 2 Theoe kooiN are all (,-ood heay netjtlit, Euch as wo nlwajs carry in bluck. Mcrcereau & Connell, 132 Wyoraingr Aveuuo, g, tj. .J, , .J. 4 ! 4 i b 4 i THE MUSIC POWDER CO. Booms 1 and2, Coin'llb BTd'g. COI1ANTON, VA. nining and Blasting Und : llooilo aa Ituiti lal Warm. LAPLIN RAND POWDDR CO.-3 ORANOE QUN POWDER etcotrlo Bsttarls), IClectrio ICxploiri zplodiux bfiwW, tiif.ty Kuttaal Repauno Ghamlca! Co.'s Exp"oaive fA CakAQi& PE 8 I POWDER sna4fflcfice!&KS CRANTON'S BUSINESS HOUSES; THESE ENTERPklSlNQ DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. FOf? SAL imnnir.l nm1 WAGONS nt nil klndst nisi Homes and tluthlliig Lots nt bargains. 1I01ISP.S CMI'l'IlI) nnd OIIOOMLD nt M. T. KELLER Lackawannt Carriage Works. J. B. WOOLSEY & Co CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Dealer in Plate Glass and Lumber Or ALL KINDS. tt 4 V. fc . tf. V. t f. ti Hi 6 V, V. V. We Are in a Position to Give You a Good 6 Understanding5" At Very Much Reduced Prices " 'Hie new prlees glie Iheie -.huei it I'otill.il, Kieiilile, fiienil iniking time. We haie heen nkerl If nnr Speel.il lltrg.ilin ntlrarteil einUmier. The quiptlun is aiuwercil. The business is coming our way. Whj nut.' 'Ihe icasiai ii apparent. iiovs' vin kid snor.s- The.'e are Hue Drem Mioei, gonil qnalltv anil better inonej' than jou it eieet fur the Klir" for rortmrlj' 1 pail, now . youths' vict kid siioi:s Kxtra ipiallty, well niaile atnl fit fur wear, runner lirlco 75 cent'., 'i'hey (Ir ate now ji Ot tourse theie are people who fe ! skeptical about elieap Shoes. These arc not cheap; simply low pilteil. Ami the more th" prices go down the more the bales go up. Stjics mean muney'i, woilh as well a. qii.ilily, cupeclally moiiej''a worth. Fwrc r nnv mvm & mwm IflllliuU 'A it "A VI A 't "fi "A 'H "A 'A U "rt "A Vt 1 'A "A EDUCATIONAL. IX UUKBlUtllUUl Swarttaor Swarthmore, 'Pa. Under Alanagcment ol Friends Offers a vide range of elective studies within the four courses that lead to degrees in ARTS, SCIENCE, LETTERS AND ENGINEERING. Swarthmore College has extensive campus; beautiful situation and surroundings; superior sanitary conditions; adequate libraries, laboratories, shops, etc. It provides for sound and liberal scholarship and intelligent physical culture while it at tends to the needs of individual students. Catalogues on applica tion to the President. fe mufti nvn, MWi' SI! 'M3?S :feSS?? :eiESsrffij53t-?ift,fi "SSigJSS" New and Complete Assortment Being the LARGEST FURNITURE DEALERS IN SCRANTON Wo carry tho greatest assortment of up-to-rtato Otticp Furniture You are invited to examine our new lino before purchasing. 121 Washington Avenue. Hi ITIilL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $550,000 Pays 3o interest on savings accounts whether large or small. fiaUwsrtSS'KlrlHffiSi.B vm-- m rrK.TT"-2';Mir - 'f riitv.niH ,v ii rv Sti n&l!$t!m&zZj li Opeu Saturday evenings from 7.30 to S.30, "1 Home ofllce, 03-209 Mean Building, ttansnets n feneral I.ul1dlng and loan business tliroughout I lie Mate of Pennsvlvnnli. E. JOSEPH KUZTTt-L. rear 11 Lackawanna avenue, mnnulacttirr of Wire Screens ot all kinds! fully prepircd for the rprlng reason. We inako all kinds ot porch fereens, cte. PETER STIPP. flcnrral Contractor, Ilulldcr and nealer tn llulld.ng Ftone. Cementing of cellars a pp-claltj-. Telephone 2SW. Office, 527 Washington avenue. THE ScrtANTON VimiFISD BRICK ANDTILC MANUFUCTUniNQ COMPANY Makers of 1'avlsg ilrlek, etc. if. If. Dale, (lei'cral Baits Agent, Otflco S29 Vahlngton ai". Woika at Nay Aug, l'a., L. k W. V. It. It. t'M t t t v. n vt f. t V. t K v. t V. V. t Mn.vs cooDViiMi wi:ir sirocs Thee .'ire, ilouhle soleil niul ctt. f(ool qualltj-, ikiuI price .(10, but C I K ifiw uc oiler them nt y "" MUX'S WOIlKI.N'tl MIOIlSi Mronif, fericeabli nhoes that wear well, look "ill nnil ate A No, 1 for the CI (til in It e ; foinierlj ifl.50, no.v. l onneiiy ji.'j,, now 85c. 330 Lackawanna Wl IIS SJ 111 IB B $ Avenue. "A"A 'A "A "A "A "A "A "A "A "A "A 'A "A A "A "A "A "A EDUCATIONAL. e College jTa Free Tuition By a recent act of the legisla ture, free tuition is now granted at the Literary Institute and State Normal School Bloomsburg, Pa. to nil those preparing to teach. This fcehool maintains courses of study for teachers, for those preparing for college, and for those studying music. It will piy to write for particulars. No other school oflcra such superior ad. anUges at euch low ratei. Addrcji J.P.WoIsli, A. H., Ph.D.,PriQ. S0KANT0N COItEESPONDENCE S0KO0LS SCRAN TON, 1'A. T. J, roster, rreiident. I'lmer II. Lawall, lrtti. It. J, Foster, Stanley 1. Allen, Vic Tresldent. Becrettr, sagaHHKffiSJSsz IE Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, 13 Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. onslerfiForsylli 233.327 Pomi ATCiuift. matiS3!Xmsssssss!sssssassai HOTELS -ATLANTIC CITY. Hotel Chelsea Atlantic City.N, J, Now Open. 300 Ocean front rooms. 100 prl v.tto sea water baths. Setul for book let. .1. Bt THOMPSON & CO, ,