The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 21, 1902, Page 3, Image 3
n; - .i i M1 THE SCKANTON TIUBCNJjJ-KIUDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1902. ATTRACTIONS OP ASHEVILLE RED LETTER DAY IN MR. RIOH ,. MOND'S TRIP, Graphic Description of Mr. Vnndor bilt's Mngnlflcent Chateau A Valueless Mountain Tract Trans formed Into an Ideal Dwelling Place The Palatial Mansion, Spacious lawns, and Blooming Gardens The Multl-Mllltonalro ns a Farmer. Written for The Tribune. ANOTIII3U red-lcllcr day uf our trip wus the drive to and nrouml the magnificent grounds of the "Van derbllt Chutcau," tlio climax of tho nttrnctlous In the vicinity of Ashevllle. Visitors hero nslc to have tho innnslon pointed out to them, even before leav ing the train at the .station. The young inultl-inlllloiiiilrc Is not tit all exclusive, o selfish with his belongings, hut per mits visitors to drive through his grounds and Inspect his palace under reasonable conditions. A detailed ac count of what we see here, the gor giousncss of this castle and surround ings, would tax the descriptive pow ers of mi architect and pass too far the llllilcs of this letter, but the Imagina tion ot the reader may run riot and ho w'll not be far out of the way. Let him as a. basis, take Into consideration the Ideal location, then the vast wealth of tho owner and his unquestioned teste and ability. It Is given to but few men to have unbounded wealth and build vast mansions on vast es tates, like Hlltmore, although within the lost decade more rural estates have bene made by men of wealth than the whole country contained before. This idea borrowed from the Kngllsh gen try seems destined to continue until so-called gentlemen farmers will bo as numerous in this country as they arc In Great Britain. "Idle Hour," tho country seat of W. K. Vanderbllt, on; Island, very nearly approaches the British idea, where tho life and surroundings of the Kngllsh nobility are closely copied. There is a line innn slon with parks, drives, green houses, etc., tho forests stocked with game and at! guarded by a gamekeeper and' us siLtanl foresters. But more famous, and better known, and more American is Biltmore on tho Ashevllle plateau by the Swannanoa river, the vast property of George W. Vanderbllt, containing lCO.OOli acres, comprising vast nioiin- Wj0 HOME f LIFE. The happiness of home life depends largely on the health of the wife and mother. When her strength is unequal to the daily cares and duties of home, the evening hour finds her utterly worn out, too tired to talk, too weary to read. At first even she is glad to "have her husband go out for the evening. She wants rest and quiet at any price. And so the foundation for marital misery is often laid in ill-health. But when the housewife is healthy and strong she finds in her day's duties only a sufficient outlet for her energy. She looks forward all day to the evening hour spent with lier husband over a book, or passed in quiet conversation. And every evening so spent draws the wife nearer to the husband and knits together the twain who are "one flesh" in the higher unity of one mind. Every woman should know that the general health depends on the local womanly health. Irregularity, weaken ing drains, inflammation, ulceration and female weakness are disorders which sap the woman's strength and destroy her happiness with her health. In ninety-eight cases in every hundred the use of Dr. Pierce's l'avorite Pre scription will effect a complete cure of womanly diseases. It is a reliable regu lator. It dries the drains which enfeeble women. It heals inflammation and ul ceration and cures female weakness. makes weak women strong and sick ivomen well. Sick and ailing women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspondence is held as sacredly con fidential and womanly confidences arc guarded by strict professional privacy. Address Dr. R. V. Tierce, Buffalo, N, Y. In a little over thirty years, assisted by bis medical staff of nearly a score of physicians, Dr. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo, N. Y., has treated and cured more than half a mil lion women. There is no similar offer of free con sultation by letter which has behind it a physician of Dr. Pierce's eminence and success, or an institution of world-wide fame such as the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo, N. Y. Write to Dr. Pierce and obtain a specialist's opinion absolutely without charge or fee, VMS NEARLY ORAZY. M was pleased tlmt Or. Tierce answered niv letter," writes Mrs. C. W. Young, of Hotitlt Regent Street (I,ee I'ark), Wllkcxburre, retina, "lam perfectly willing for yoit to use iny name and address, as I think it my duty to let the people know what a wonderful medicine you have. When I had those mishaps I began to tbink I would never have children, nnil niy husband always said that if I would take your medicine I woulfl soon be all right, Sly back used to almost break and I would get sick at 'my stomach and have such headaches I did not know what to do; they used to set me nearly crary, auil I used to drend to get up, I felt su bad J then I began taking your inediclue. When baby wa1 expected I took it all the time 1 was that way, 1 felt fine all the time and I never get those dltzy spells now, I hardly ever have a nervous headache any more, J have a perfect romp of a boy; he is the light of our home. I am now twenty years old and mv baby Is almost eight months old. I now feel well, and weigh 180 pouuds, aud the baby 53 ! pounds. We feel very grateful for the good Sour medicine did for us. We arc bolli healthy, thanks to Dr. Tierce's medicine." AIMOST A SKELETON. Your 'Favorite Prescription1 has doue so much for rue," says Mrs. Susan W'eust. of I.awn dale, Cleveland Co., N. C "that I feel it my duty to write to you and tell you I think ft saved my life, I had been under the treatment of two doctors had two mishaps. 1 was almost a skeleton, weighed ouly seventy pouuds. A friend of mine recommended Doctor Tierce's Favorite Trcscriptlou. aud when I commenced to take it my health began to improve greatly. Ill ten months I was a happy mother. I bad only taken six bottles and have never taken auy medicine since, of any kind, and now weigh tjo pounds. I am now awaiting the coiuiug of another child In the best of health. I cannot say too much in praise of your 'Favorite Pre scription.'" T)r. Fierce's pleasant Pellets are at once the most agreeable aud most effec tive laxative for women's use. tain ranges, picturesque valleys, water falls, forests and meadows and the most remarkable and costly country home in the United States. Originally a tract of almost valueless mountain land, It has been by the touch of gold, transformed Into all Ideal spot. MAGNIFICENT CHATEAU. Those who have stood Bpellbound upon the esplanade of this magnificent chateau, and looked noon the wild tumult ot mountains, which stretch nwny In every direction until lost be hind the curtain ot the horizon, enn well understand why Mr, Vanderbllt selected this particular spot ot all others In America for the erection of a home, -which Is us supreme among tho houses of men as this snot Is among tho creations of Nature, and thnt tlto Inspiration should come to htm to say. "Here will t erect it mansion, which shall emphasize the work ot man us this spot litis the work of Cod," The chateau Is situated on u utiiteuti 2,000 feet above sea level, upon nn es planade 700 by 300 feet, artificially made by cutting down the summit ot the hill upon which the castle rests and filling surrounding depressions to a perfect level. Huge walls of solid masonry, sixteen feet in thickness at tlu base and at some points forty feet high, crowned with ti coping of finely dressed stone, surround the esplanade. The palace ror it is that, and nothing else Is Intended to be u monument to last for ages, a silent, but significant, tribute to the perseverance and ability for accumulating wealth, with which this remarkable family Is endowed. The building Is 8T1" feet long and 192 feet wide. It Is built of Indiana limestone, und In Its construction 0,000 barrels ot cement and 11,000,000 bricks were used, In addition to the stone. Everything about it is stone, brick, iron und steel! not a piece of wood is used except in scaffolding and falsework. I heard an eminent architect say that it would bo ns solid live centuries hence as it Is to day. The grand entrance opens upon a winter garden, octagon In shape and sixty feet in diameter. From this gar den, or court, radiate the principal apartments. Let the reader imagine a banquet hall seventy-two feet wide and seventy feet high, with one span and a. domed ceiling; a magnificent library -10x00 feet, as largo as an ordinary church: a music room und tapestry gal lery, the latter 7." feet long and con taining numerous specimens of histori cal and valuable tapestry; a reception hall, Into which a. city house could easily be put; stone stairways, so broad and massive that a leglment could inarch down them, and loggias, with their score of richly carved pillars and graceful arches, while on the miner lloor there are 11 hundred rooms. The family and guest chambers number twenty, and each possesses a bath. A SPACIOUS I.AWN. Tin; house grounds comprise ii.OOO acres of lawn, rurni and forest, thirty nibs, of magnificent roadways, rustic bridges, urtllkinl lakes, anil thousands of trees, shiubs and plants brought from ivery quarter of the globe, while more than one million have been trnns plaulei) in the vast park of 100,000 acres. His private nurseries are the largest in the world. The "hunting preserve," which comprises 87,000 acres, is on one side of ilt. Fisgah, 11 portion of which Mr. Vanderbllt owns, which Is slocked with bear and deer and is truly ti sportsman's paradise. The "hunting lodge" is some thirty miles liom his mansion, is built ot rough oak logs and cost upwards of $30,000, and hero .Mr. Vanderbllt entertains his guests in refinl style. All the year liiuud this place is kept In order, ready for a chance cull from Its owner. The great hall Is a huge square room, with an mormons fireplace at one end, be side it is kept a heap ot logs ten to twelve feet in length, the fireplace be ing so large size as to accommodate tuil o' this mammoth size. Hanging to the chimney piece are rows of Iron spirt', designed to hold the carcass of a tie -r ot bear or such other animal as may be cooked over the mighty lire. He-v on New Year's Day Mr. Vander bllt gave a truly regal feast. Among his guests being Joseph Choate, ani bcpsr.dnr to England, and Prince Del-graeio-Tnlleyrand Perigord. In this mighty hall decorated with hundreds of skins of wild cats, deer, bears and smaller game, the distinguished guests were regaled on the products of the, conked aud served by tho corps of keepers. It is said "our modern millionaires carPy outstrip the old English lords it'td barons in the magnificence and extern of their country seats aud in thf rich lavish of entertainment." A visitor to Ashevllle says: When Mr. Vanderbllt and his hunting guests start on the thirty mile drive that inter venes between Ills Biltmore estate and th hunting lodge, one might easily imagine that tho traveller was sonijj Europenn potentate and his attendants swoin vassals, so Imposing Is the turn oiu and so deferential the servants. Thus, like barons of old, are the new lords of wealth. Visitors come all the wov from Europe to Inspect the great American dukedom and tho castle with h has no equal on the Rhine. This mansion is a French renaissance chaliutt, highly elaborated and exceed limly rich lu every detail. It has cost over $0,000,001). The architect was Fred, of New York, Hunit"1 000 men for tho hist decade have Iwhu employed at the palace or on the grounds, making u pay roll of over $000,000 yearly. ?12,000 was distributed by blir. In tho way of salaries and other expenses, which found its way among thu citizens of Ashovlllo every week. Through the courtesy of Baron d' Alings, Mr. Vundorbllt's farm super intendent, we secured memoranda ot iuitiest to us, which we give In part to our readers. Wlier. Mr, Vanderbllt began pros pecting around Ashevllle less than a dozen years ago, farming was the thing he least thought of. His ambi tion was to build a palace anil homo commensurate with Ills wealth to stand fir." centuries as a family memorial. But as time went on and his mansion progressed, he added more anil more to his vast -possessions, and It became evident that nature had strong attrac tions for him, and the cultivation of thu soil )uis as much fucinatlon as the buying and selling of stock und bonds or the planning of railway combina tions!. MULTI.MIW.IONAIHE'.S UHAHAC. TKMSTICS. Mr. Yanderbllt has many pleasing characteristics, that make him very popular with the people here, especial ly his workmen. During the building of his mansion he would come alone with Ids English valet from New York, lu his favorite Wagner palace car, hu named "Swannanoa," to personally es-nmlne the work In progress and for a time having it sldo-trucked near his estate, lived alone in it with no uther attendant than his vulet. As his farm, hit Interests grew, and In order to he on the spot, he secured u suito of rooim. lu an ordinary looking farm house, three miles from his chateau, where from the windows of his bed room he could sec the fields of grain and the ploughed hillsides, ready to be seeded, Every morning Ills secre tary and his superintendent of agri culture, Karon d'Alllngs, would Visit him and nil hour wns spent In listening to the reports of this or that yield of corn, grain, etc., and many tons of tiny secured and comparative yield ot the gardens, the milk of tho Jersey niul Holsteln cows, In all their detail and then Jump into a light two-Wheeled curt and drive over to this or that farm with the baron, and examine some new fodder plant, or now insect which may be damaging the grain. Often he would walk Into the fields and talk with the hands at work cm some detail of planting or reaping. It Is said thnt nnyone going toward the mansion at Hlltinoro, nt early morn ing or during the cool of evening, may chance to meet two men In n road-curl or a buggy. One Is evidently nn Eng lish groom. The other Is a small man of light complexion with side whis kers, whoso fnce looks as if he suffered from dyspepsia, He Is attired In a gray sack suit and u dark brown der by. Thnf Is Mr. Vanderbllt. looking over bis roads, .Sometimes he Is ac companied by his farm superintend ent, an interesting and courteous char acter, who Is willing to Impart Infor mation. The baron is n finely built man of fifty years, with iron gray mus tache and military carriage. He speaks broken English and reminds one ot a Frenchman, rather than n German. He rides a fine blooded horse and Is it member of the Ashevllle "Swell" club, and n visitor there uboilt noon every day, smoking cigarettes, or enjoying a game of cards. Ho draws, it Is said, the modest sum of $7,r,00 per year. Ho Is well rend und well bred and n great student of agriculture, Mr. Vanderbllt is a firm believer In good roads and has a good laboratory on the estate, where an expert is em ployed In finding the best soli, ns well as the best rock on tho place for road formation. The result of these experi ments, ns well as those of agriculture, are freely furnished to all Inquirers, and put to practical use at Hlltmore. The result is, that around tho mansion and Biltmore forest, are some fifty or more miles of as fine driveways as can be found in the country. Tho Biltmore farming district, cover ing several thousand acres under culti vation, Is divided Into six farms, each In charge of a foreman, or farm boss, with several negro hands. The land Is selected from fertile parts of the es tate and is in different sections, that nearest the chateau being the best and largest, tho farthest being eight miles distant. It Is the intention to increase the acreage until it will comprise 20,000 acres, making it the largest agricul tural property in America, to feed the largest number of cattle, horses, etc. OIIOWING FODDER PLANTS. Superintendent Alllngs says special attention Is being given to the growing of fodder on 1.B0O acres, where ensilage plants are being successfully used to lake the place of timothy and other kinds ot hay, which are often a failure in this, as well as many other parts of the South. The alfalfa and teasintli and certain European productions have been raised successfully and used In ensilage, or which some thousands of tons are annually made on the farm. I'nrn, rye, wheat and oats are the prin cipal cereal crops, with yields of llfty llve bushels or corn, twenty-tlve bush els of rye, wheat thirty-five bushels and oats forty bushels to the acre. The most modern methods of agriculture are employed and the best utensils also used. On a twenty-acre garden patch are grown asparagus, peas, beets, let tuce, onions, berries, and every other variety ot fresh vegetables, which find a ready sale in the Ashevllle market, when 110L consumed at home so I might numerate. Stock-raising is a a rent feature tit Rlltmore. In the stock yard here are found several hundred horses, princi pally draft animals, twenty grades of Jersey cows, 200 southdown sheep anil 200 of Berkshire pigs, etc.; also large stocks of Toulouse geese, Peklu dinks, bronze turkeys, ana Brahma chickens.' A hen house, costing several thousand dollars, with artificial hatchery, nests and other special features. Raising road niul trotting horses are fast be coming popular here. The "dairy farm" Is one of the most Important sources of revenue from the estate. The milk supply for all tbe principal hotels, boarding houses, and many private families comes from the estate, amounting to $000 and upwards per week. It is carried into town In canvas-covered wagons, with the sign "Biltmore Dairy" in large black letters on the sides, and the landlord or land lady is not slow in informing the vis itor Hint "wo get our milk from Mr. Vanderbllt's farm." The ruling price paid Is ten cents a quart, and cream accordingly. Imagine having a Van derbllt your milkman, and flavoring your coffee with cream from the dairy or a millionaire. John E, Richmond. HARFORD. Sicill to Ilit Seranton Tiilmne. Harford, February 10. Miss Ger trude Stearns Is assisting .Mrs, p. p. Tlngloy with her housework, The C. E. society conducted tho ser vice in the Congregational church Sun day. U. E. Jones has returned from Charleston, S. C. Mrs. Payne has rented her hotel to John Low Is, Mr. nnd Mrs. Knlllln and Mrs. Paul Sherwood havo returned to their homo in Wilkes- Bnrre. Two slelghloads of Klngsley people attended the aid at Rev. G. D. Fisher's on Wednesday. There will be no preaching service In the Congregational church next Sun day. Sunday school at the usual hour. Several ot our young people enjoyed a slelghrlilo to South Gibson last Thursday evening", where they attend ed n party at Homer Ressegule's In honor of Prof, MeNnmara, SUSQUEHANNA. SpccUl to (lie Seranton Tribune, Susquehanna, Feb, 19, Owing to a combination of circumstances, Includ ing execrable weather and spring-tlmo apathy, there was a light vote through out Susquehanna county on Tuesday. Being unable to secure a newspaper lu Susquehanna county to publish their libellous matter against Colonel Charles C. Pratt, the little gang of political tricksters, now having headquarters at Hullstend, havo secured u Seranton newspaper, to disseminate their sew erage. At the coming conventions and at the polls, tho Republican nt Sus quehanna county will pass their opin ion upon the guerillas in u manner that no man, no matter how dense, can mls understund. They believe in fair play and decency, even in polities. Township supervisors nro busily en gaged In opening crossroads to navi gation. Thu funeral of Winifred, the Infant sou of Mr. and Sirs. Robert J. Mc- S as CMMt4 ft fe fJCJf es es ns mimai fIfT?fflWTmrT.nmff c? tAAj Yuvm ' ik& is gbbpBbbbs w&mec m mm '&$ ?m ktgffl am .sESVMi'M SffiWH S5'? tffi&S! flmr ps?sfc?e tfrr.wi?w MS1 mm ji t m ilSLt'i wm mfi $m & aga fy?,i !? P ?v , VfEWffi cs. mi km. m fc. WatisoM i&Ms &i &iBffBimitg w- mia fa&w she ws GMPGii ami advises them fa foiiow her sample Here is her first letter (PUDLISHED BY PERMISSION.) "March 15, 1899. "To MRS. PINKHAM, Lynn, Mass.: "Deak Madam: I am suffering from inflammation of the ovaries and womb, and have been for eighteen months. I have a continual pain and soreness in ray back and side. I am only free from pain when lying down or sitting in an easy chair. When I stand I suffer with severe pain in my side and back. I believe my troubles were caused by over-work and lifting some years ago. "Life is a drag to me, and I sometimes feel like giving up ever being a well woman ; have become careless and unconcerned about everything. I am in bed now. I have had several doctors, but they did me but little good. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been recommended to me by a friend-, and I have made up my mind to give it fair trial. " I write this letter with the hope of hearing from you in regard to my case "Mrs. S. J. Watson, Hampton, Va. WFB& Watson agM a fewmeistifa later &m writes as mfiiow&z (PUBLISHED BY PSKMISSIOK.) "November 27, 1899. "Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam: I feel it my duty to acknowledge to you the benefit that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-. pound has done for me. "I had been suffering with female troubles for some time, could walk but a short distance, had terrible bearing down pains in lower part of my bowels, backache, and pain in ovary. I used your medicine for four months and was so much better that I could walk three times the distance that I could before. "I am to-day in better health than I have been for more than two years, and I know it is all due to Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. "I recommend your advice and medicine to all women who suffer." Mrs. S. J. Watson, Hampton, Va. Mrs- Wsstson's loiters prove that Mrs. Pink" foam's ffrsa atiJveca Us always forweomstsg on s$$uest and! that Et es a sure guide to health- These letters are out a droits Sn the ocean of evidence proving that lydia E. Pinkham's Vego taisle Compound GURES the ills of women- No other medicine in the world has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles or such hosts of grateful friends. Bo not bo persuaded that any other mediolno Is Just as good- Any dealer who suggests something else has no interest in your case- Ho is seeking a larger profit. Follow the record of this medicine and remember that these thousands of cures of women whoso lotters are constantly printed in this paper were not brought about by "something olsev" but by Vegetable &m$B$8Bsl Wf$ j!ZifK.mmmxmmmms!Z . . .. r .... , .! . ,-. r Mll--lnll.i(i.n.cftntlMt owiugraiue lacunar BoniesKcpiicaircoviciiiTci""""""'" nfTi tae liiuuluciiess ol me testimonial icucrs we ure Loimumij e -:,, iVf . ' have deposited with the Nntloiml City flank, J.ynn, Mass., 5.. ' " UUWllllUlf HIV WHCi 9 9l'(i14t I'VltUtiwMi ... t-- "--- . - TssxuraaaaEimxsim earthy, of Washington street, took place this afternoon, with Interment In Laurel Hill cemetery. At tho election on Tuesday, Susque hanna went three-fourths Democratic. It might have been a little worse. William Hryunt lias purchasetl the flucU (import y, on JucUunu street.. Quite u number oSiiguehunuu rela tives were at Great ltond today, at tundlng the funeral of the hue Mrs. Joliunuu Kutut. U. It. W. .Seurle, esq., of Seranton, cume to Hiuqueliuunu to vote on Tuas day, Defeated candidates are now explain ing huw It happened. Slxty-livo lUM'ttaim havo thus fur proT fesM'd conversion In tho revival meet ings In ihu Oakland I'onrcgutionul church. Pay your election bets and acknowl edge that you know more than you did. Mrs, Marie U. Mumford, of Muuch Chunk, department iruldent, and Mrs. Abble Lynch, of Allegheny City, de partment secretary. Women's Itelief, corps of Pennsylvania, Just cvenljig paid Moody corps, No. Yi,' an p.lllehli vlsfintlon. ,,,, lie v. Dr. Henry I.. Junes, of Wilkes-. Ilarre, and ltwv. Charles S", Hoot, of, Christ Kplseopal church In Susque huuuu, will exchange pulpits on Sun day nest. 1 V