:, 2 THE fSCKAiNTON T1UJ3UNE-FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1902. Tfie News of Ca,tbndale ion RAMTLtJicili to wtlje 1ie MlMiV )io'(- nwt lot, XoXlSS Wyomthtf elieM, Imlulie .No. 60 Sricnlli ayehue. IN ALDERMAN'S COURT. The Bonnettls and the McNultys In the Public Prints Again, There were two families lit Alderman Jones' court lust nlglit, who arc fu mlllur figures lit the aldermen's courts of the town, They were the Honnet tl'p, of Holmont, und the McNultys, of the "West Side. "Mike" llonnettt wus on hand ns the prosecutor of aunt Cost. The charge was nssnult mid butlray. It appears that Grist's. son went into Honnettl's store, on il'chnpnt street, and accord ing to young Jlonnottl, who was In charge, began to swipe candy. Uon nettl, JK, stopped him; using some ne cessary .force. Cost, Junior, went home and told .his faUior, wlio canio to Hon nottl'M slore mid thrashed IlouitPttl, jr. Cost waived n hcnrliiET anil entered ball for court. Subsequently, Cost, Jr., wail tried for whipping the youngest Bonnettl. -Mrs. Kate McNulty had a long com plaint against Patrick Connor and his wife, Itrlilgct Connor. She claimed they beat' and battered her and that she wus'sorc In body and mind from the onslaught of the Connors. There v.'as n denial on the part of the Con nors. 'They were held In bull for court. Ing villages. The numerous frjetuls ho ifutcle n't that time will be' pleased to hear that ho Is prospering! cnpoylng a good position with the American Sus pender company, of dlnclnnutl, Ohio, Tills Is the only suspender linn, Sir. James snld, that hits tno union lubel on Its product, nnd this Is the reason ho Is exploiting them. Mr. .mines Is ."till united to the cause of the mine workers, und would bo willing to be come native In Its behalf, lie said, at any time, MR. HUMPHREY TO ENTERTAIN MASONS ON A VISIT. Lodgemen of the Vicinity Make a Pilgrimage to Binghamton. Masons from this city und vicinity .vent on a pilgrimage yesterday to lllngliainton, where they were the ruests of OlsMiingo lodge, of the Par lor City. The delegation left here on the 4,33 Delaware and Hudson train, In the af ternoon, and expect to return home on the first Frlc train this morning. Some of the party may have decided to come back on the Lackawanna, which would bring them home on the late Delaware , and Hudson train. Those who made the journey were: Dr. W. AV. Flet cher, Dr. AV. K. BuUer, Isaac Singer, Frank P. linemmelmcycr, John AY. Shannon, Frank Hubbard, Frank Klefer, Ilohert McMillan, Frank Win ters, of Carbondalo; "William Parks, John U. Williams and A. F. Chase, of Jerinyn. A half dozen more joined the delegation at Forest City. The Iodgcnieii left hero with keen anticipations of an enjoyable visit, as the Parlor City Masons are famed for their hospitality. ALBERT HATCHER SMITH, M. 0. The Peer of Any Man Who Has Ad dressed This Season's Audiences. Albert Hatcher Smith, M. O., who will lecture at the Berean Baptist church next AVednesday evening-, is in troduced to the public by the Keystone Lecture Bureau, in the following strong words: "We introduce Albert Hatcher Smith with a great deal of pleasure, feeling assured he will more thnn meet tiro expectations of the most sanguine. Committees, press and public speak In the highest praise of him. His ideas are fresh and pungent, his Illustrations and gestures apt, his wit keen, his rhetoric and oratory excellent. He Is an argu mentative, eloquent . und mirthful speaker. His subjects are well chosen and splendidly adapted for lyceum au diences. He will please, entertain and Instruct. He Is one of the most capa ble and best qualMed men for the ly ceum Hold ever presented to the public- Select Councilman-Elect Will Be tlto Host to His Faithful Workers1 Select Councilman-elect Dunne W. Humphrey, of the Second ward, won it haudsomo victory In his election on Tuesday, helng chosen from a ward which Is perhaps the most closely di vided in the city. He also won out against Chairman Collins, of common council, who In the last contest was victorious against Abo Salmi, the strongest eundldute available on the Republican ticket. This circumstance added appreciably to Mr. Humphrey's victory. Now, to bring about these re sults, It called for the heartiest co operation on the part of the Uepubll .can workers of the ward. Mr. Hum phrey appreciated this more so than any person, and to show his apprecia tion, he has decided to entertain the successful Republican candidates ot the ward and the ward workers at din ner. The dinner will be given at Hotel Harrison on Monday evening next, commencing at S.liU. Covers will be laid for fifteen. Mr. Humphrey's hos pitality is well known and as the host of the evening he Is sure to generously provide for his guests. Tliere will be some Impromptu speaking to close the evening. FUNERAL PROCESSIONS. Those of Mrs. Rose McQunde and Miss Mary Foote. The funeral of the lute Mrs. Hose Mo- Quude look place yesterday from the residence, on Canaan street. A long procession accompanied the deceased to St. ttose church, whore a high muss of requiem was sung by r.ev. George Dixon. Burial followed In St. Hose cemetery. 'I'll" pall bearers were John Morrls sey, Patrick McCube, Frank Moran, Thomas Howard, Frank Cumbcll, John McCawley. The lute Miss Mary Foolirwas laid at rest in Brookside cemetery on Wed nesday afternoon. Services wore con ducted by I Jew Charles K. Leo at the residence, at Church street and Sev enth avenue. Rev. Mr. Lee paid fit ting tribute to the memory of the de ceased. A quartette from the Presby terian church sung several selections. The pall bearers were John Richard, Joseph and Bernard Foote. nephews of the deceased; AVllliam Cllroy and II. J. faw ley, all of Archbald. the patrons of the Normal Lecture course. No quartette over nppcnrlng hero gave moro universal satisfaction to" a critical audience than did the Ottumwus, There Was, In ensemble, a richness of harmony and melody that allnlned, however, Its highest perfect ness In 'A Father's LUlluby, although nil the selections were welt ndnptcu to the quartette." The Successful Organ Recital. The first of the series of organ recit als to be given at Trinity Episcopal church for the benefit of the organ fund was held Wednesday night. Prof. J. M. Chance, organist at the Second Presbyterian church, Scranton out dated. The muslcalo was a grand suc cess. The following Was the pro gramme. Organ (a) Fantasia In D minor, AVeeg innunj (b) OfCertorla in U flat, Ca puccl. A'olce Duet, "in the Cross of Christ I Glory" Howe Miss Black and Mr. Williams. Violin Toccato Bolnn Mr. AVIdniayer. A'olce Aria, from Theodora, "Angels Kver Bright and Fair" Handel Miss Black. Organ (u) Prelude and Fugue In C minor, Bach; (b) Jtoinanm In A Hat, Mozart. A'olce "In Dreams I've Heard the Seraphs Fair" Fnurc Mr. Williams. A'lolln obllgalo Mr. AVldmuycr Organ (a) Largo front Xerxes, Handel (b) The Harvest Homo, Splnny A'lolln Andante in CI... Huzzlnl Mr. Wldnmyer. A'olce Duet, "Love Divine All Love Kxcelllng" Smart Miss Black and Mr. Williams. Organ Mnreho Itcllgleuse Dubois OBITUARY. JAMES CA11DEN, aged 211 years, son of James Carden, and brother of Patrolman Patrick Carden, died last evening at G.JiO o'clock, at his home on Scott street. Deceased had been suffering from lung trouble for a long time, and recently went to Colorado In the hope of regaining his falling health. Ho formerly conducted a bar ber shop on Dundal'f street. His sur vivors am his father and brothers, Patrick, Martin, Thomas, John, Jos eph, and one sister, Mrs. Thomas AVitlsh, all of Curbondulc. "Bennie" James in Town. Benjamin James, of Wilkes-Barre, who is known among the miners in ihls section as "Bennie" James, wus in the city yesterday. Mr. Jumps, it will readily be recalled, was the pioneer In the VulteU Mine AVorkers' cause in this vicinity, lie was the first representative of the union to visit this city and vicinity, and It was he who organized the first locals In Corbondale, Simpson, Annul ling and Forest City and the surround- SCALDED BY STEAM. Injuries of Michael Carroll While at Work in Mayfield Yard. Michael Carroll, of Chllds, an em ploye of the Ontario and AVestcrn rail road In Maylleld yard, was badly scalded on the face and hands by steam yesterday, und is now in the Finergeney hospital. Carroll went In the cab of an engine and was cleaning off the parts, when the water glass broke and the hot steam poured on his face. Tie was be wildered and seemed to be able to make no energetic effort to escape from the cab. in endeavoring to save his face, his hands were terribly burned. The Injured man was taken to Kmerseney hospital and his burns treated. His condition Is not con sidered to be dangerous. Ho suffered considerable pain until the wounds were annoluted, Last evening he was resting comfortably. Direct from Cuba. Direct from Cuba yesterday came a native of that country to this city. He was unable to understand much Eng lish and what little he had know was easily found out with the aid of paper and pencil. He was supplied with sev eral boxes of pure Cuban cigars and was in search of u doctor to whom ho was supposed to deliver the goods. He arrived here thinking It was Scranton. H was found later In the evening that the doctor had left Scranton for Buf falo where he Is at present. The Cuban went from hero en route for the latter place. He Is a man of about thirty-live years of age and was liberally supplied with money. A WASHINGTON TEA. TALUK OP WARM BUM K FAST llKYUKAflK. Hxplanatlun by I'lij slcltin. The high grade physician always stands ready to guide one's habits and prevent disease, oven If by that means, he looses many a fee. Food and drink are Important factors relating to health, t Dr. AVm. it. Blackwood, fs.'i X, 23 rd, St., Philadelphia. Pa. writes on the sub ject and remarks about the need ot some warm drink for breakfast but de precates the use of coffe-i because of its effect on the health, lie refers to the fact that the heat of a warm breakfast beverage Is Important lit causing the necessary ulvlno evacuation which should invariably follow breakfast. "Personally, l had been quite nervous from overwork for a time and neither coffee nor-'tea seemed to ugreo with me, eonseritiontly I looked around for some other pleitbimt breakfast beverage, for a long-tjTtjo without success, until X got holcljif. tho article uiuler oonsidern , Hon (PohIuiii), , "" ' This graved plouslng-lo the taste and wus ulsovry strengthening. (Its flavor is so nejjrjjj that of a icnlly good coffee as to corrjplotely take Jts place after be Blnnlng'.ltH habitual use. I attach much Importance to that word 'hubltuul,' for if you desire to huvo nil of the benefits centereJi this article you must stick to it rlglitj ulong. I have proved to my owiy satisfaction that Postum is all right f; persevered in, Some. of. my acquaintances UnU pa. tlents HAve, taken up Postum and after a first tr.l8l abandoned it!, mv t)len some hOVKfafterward formed the habit, of rtrlnBJttsr It when shown how really Blmple tlUPjirepui'ntlQn Is which results In a llh'e.' cup p I'ostuin containing nutritive". element's:1,' Tho Doct'oiCmentlohs In confidence, two cases of severe p?8st ration from nN cliollsm which werqultimntely cured and tho patients restored' to health through his treatment and taking uway ull whiskey, coffee and tea ami giving them in place Postum Food Coffee. The Doctor concludes hlsSetter with this statement, "Believing that a letter from u physician, who has studied di etetics many years in different climates and among different races, would bo of noma value, J wrlto to do what X can to further the use of this efficient product wnicn aureiy muse oe or great ndvaiir tnge to invalids as well us to the jeneral community,'1 A Popular Affair Arranged by La dies of M. E. Church. The ladles of the Methodist Kuls- copal church will give a dime enter tainment with their AVashington tea on Saturday evening at S o'clock, in AValt's hall, Those having supper tickets will be admitted to the entertainment free. All others will be admitted for ten tents, Tho following programme will be given: Cornet solo, George Aekerman; vocal solo, Miss Mamie Daley; piano solo, Miss .Maud Hulgn; recitation, Miss AVatklns; male quartette; piano solo, Miss Louise Slocum; vocal duet, Misses Bronson and AVilcox; cornet solo, George Aekerman; recitation, Miss Rose Cirlswuld; piano solo, Miss Lena Bronson: recitation, Miss AVat klns; piano solo, Miss May Myers. Many Cases of Sickness. Mrs, Mary Gnlulgher, of Pike street, Is seriously 111 of the grip. Miss Lottie Kills, of River street, who has been quite sick, Is improving. Mr. and Mrs, AVarren Kills, of River street, are 111 with tho grip. .Miss Qubrlellu Coleman, of Vino street, a teacher In public school No, S, has been conllncd to her homo for soverut days with a pevtru attack of the grip. Miss Alice Rashleigh, of River street, also teacher In No. ti, 1ms likewise been incapacitated for several days. Boyd Oliver, of Tie Tribune ofjlce, Is suffering severely from the effects of vaccination. With Oarbondale Machine Company. William Morgan, son of Oscar a, Morguu, has accepted a position with tho Carbondalo Muchluo company. "-t On a Professional Visit, Attorney V. M. Mouushuu Is a visitor at Mlirord, pjko county, today, en gaged In professional work thero. Meetings of Tonight. Junior Order American Mechanics. Lackuwanua Encampment Odd Fel. lows. . "Wang" Cleverly Done. Columbia Opera company made the hit of the week last night when It gave a clever production of "Wang" before the biggest audience of the week. Claude Amsden us "Wang" was droll and fanny and though he had plenty of vigor, there wus no overreaching on his part. He was exceedingly amusing.' Miss Cilllvau as the crown prince was seen to the best advantage last night. Her rendition of "A Pretty Girl" was quite fetching. The choruses wore splendid and Woolson's line music was keenly enjoyed. Tonight "The Bohe mian Girl" will be sung. The Popular Price Seats. The Idea of Manager Hand In pro viding a number of seats for the J'uil erewskl concert on Monday night was a popular move. This lias been demon strated by the demand ror these seats that has been made since tho announce ment. There was a number of persons who were eager to hear Paderewskl, but who were not Inclined to pay for tho highest-priced seats. The dollar seats, therefore, was what was awaited, and that the provision Is being appre ciated, Is evident In the brisk sales at Clark's drug store. THE PASSING THRONG. THAT CHAPTER. A Chapter on Scott's Emul sion often holds a prominent position in the histories of weak children. The gist of that chapter usually reads like this : "Child weak and thin began with small doses of Scott's Emulsion three times a day after a week appetite im proved soon a little stronger child more lively weighs more", And so it goes till the child is reported well and strong. Knrl fur ft- SiimJ Joyablo entertainments ever offeml to EcajTis,lLgV.Ni:,U.:mUt,1 M v, s,., n. y, Seats for the Ottunvwas. Tlw diagram of seats for the Ottum. was quartette, which will appear lu tho .Smllh-Sliiger course on Monday night, will open at Reynolds' drug store tonight. This quartette was heard at the Ly, cfcum In Scranton lust week uid iiiuilo a tremendous hit. Thero are four mule voices. Tho Oueontu Star says: "The Ottumwas delighted u largo uu. dlonce, and gavo 'one of the most en- AVllllani Moonoy, of Scranton, Is in tho city. Frank K. Dennis was In Scranton yesterday. Thomas A'. Nenloit spent yesterday In Scranton. Mayor-elect O'Xelll was a visitor to Scranton yesterday. Miss Julia Byrne has returned from a visit in Now York city. Bart Lynch, or Olyphant, was a Car bondalo visitor yesterday. AVllliam Arnold, of Prompton, Is visit ing relatives lu Cnrbondale. Timothy Holland made n business trip to Scranton yesterday. Mrs. Glldersleevc, of .fermyn, was the. guest yesterday of Mrs. John Stouten ger. T, ,T, O'Neill and P. J. O'Neill, of New York city, dealers In woolens, are lu tho city. Mrs. Joliu Stoutenger has gone to New York city for a visit with her daughter. Misses Kate AVulsh and Cella Brady, of Maylleld, were Carbondnle visitors yesterday, Joseph Spaule, of Greene, N. Y Is visiting at the home ot his parents on Jeffrey street. Miss Ella Colleran, of Parsons, is visiting Miss Annie Brennnn, on Church street. F. U Rosser, T. W. Leo, Frank N le nt oyer and F. I.. Sturdevnnt, of Scran ton, were nt the American house yes terday. City Ticket Agent Claude It. Bmlth, or the Delaware and Hudson, Was lu Hcrnnton yesterday, Mr. und Mrs. Thomas Cunmttngs, ot Archbald, spent yesterday with tho lut ter's parents In this city. John MoElllgut, ot Hlmira, N. Y who has boon In tho city for several days, returned to his homo yesterday. James Burke, of Brooklyn street, leaves today for New York city to wit ness the ceremony In honor ot Prince Henry of Prussia. Mrs. Lltilo Colborn and daughter, May, of Cliff street, nro In Binghamton, whence they were called bv the sick ness of a relative. Misses Annie, Nora and Mutnlo Don nelly, ot Plttston, were lit the city yes terday, attending tlto funeral of the late Mrs. Rose McQuadc. Miss Eleanor Blrs, of AA'ashlngton street, has returned from a pleasant visit of two weeks In Philadelphia, where sho was the guest of her brother,. Dr. Joseph Blrs. James Chine returned to Philadel phia yesterday to resume his studies In medicine nt the University ot Penn sylvania, after it week's visit at his parents' home In this city. Mrs. Nellie MoTlghe-Bothwell re turned yesterday to her home In Atlan tic City, after a week's visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Clune, on Duudnft street. AV. W. Pchouer. Max Berkowltz, John T. Nnllen, J. n. Keller, John Gal lagher and J. J. O'Boylo, were among the traveling men from Scranton who were registered at the American house yesterday. Nate Luce, representing the dry goods house of Bennett Morgan & Co., of Binghamton, was at tho Har rison house yesterday. Mr. Luce Is the successor to Hugh Davis, the popular young salesman who represented this house in this section for a long time. Miss B. Mullady, of Cnrbondale, is being entertained by Mrs. John M. Ly ons, of AVest Park street. Simeon Kimble, of Carbondalo, has returned home, after a visit with Honosdule friends. Miss Anna Cromm, of Car bondalo, is the guest of AV. S. Flecken steln and wife. ' Frank Kerl, of Car bondalo, has been spending a few days at his homo In this place, owing to tho serious Illness of his father. AA'ayne County Herald. JERWYN AND MAYFIELD. Jerinyn school report for month end ing Feb. VJ. .Those who have no mark below U0 per cent, and no unexcused marks arc us follows: High school Seniors Mamie Evans, Maggie Marsh, Floyd Hunter, Walter Taylor; juniors, Nellie Evans; sub-juniors, Harold Da vls. Preparatory AVlllie Allen, Pres ton Badger, Charles Parker, Mary Ho garth, Ralph Baker. Grammar, de partment 10 Florence Miller,' Nellie Gavin, Agnes Frcas; Dtli, Daniel Thomas. Intermediate, department Silt Ola Gilbert; 7th, Laura Tompkins; (Uli, Ethel Soby, Selma Johnson. Hattlo 11111. Primary, department iitli PJello Thompson, Glenn Wall; 4th, AValter Berryinan, Emerson Bennett, Alex. Muldoon; 3rd, Cecelia Cuwley, Llllle Duwe, Clara Harvey, Carrie Blake; Snd, Raymond Baker, Laura Davis, Louis Glazier, Alice Green, Thomas O'Brien, Llllle Harvey, Kdith Bray, Beatrice Kelley, Frank Kelly, Caro line Mnynurd, Mildred Pryor, Ray mond Bennett, Carl Avery, Foster Crawford, Annie Swuck, Irene Tomp kins: 1st, Boyd Alvord, Austin Prynn, Roy Thompson, Denn Bennett, Leon ard Bennett, Louise Nicholson, Hazel Shaffer, Alice Ratine, Miriam Carter, Katie Gallagher. 11. N. Barrett, Principal. The entertainment to be given lit the 'Methodist Episcopal church this even ing, of readings and recitations, by Hon. Homer Greene, from his own writings, and music by Prof. Stevens' orchestra, is deserving of liberal pa tronage, jfr. Greene's reputation as a speaker is so well established that he Is eagerly sought after and those who have charge of tho affair are to be congratulated lu securing such a de lightful entertainer. A largo number of tickets have already been disposed of and with i the price of admission at 15 cents for adults and 10 cents for children, the church ought to bo lllled to the doors tills evening. Contractor Hoole, ot Carbondalo, was yesterday awarded the contract for the erection of the First National bank. Thero were live bidders, Mr. Boole's being the lowest. Work on the foun dation Is now well under way and as soon as the excavation Is completed, Mr. Hoole will begin the erection of tho bank, which will be a one-story brick building. Patrick Dougher Is seriously 111 at his home on the East Side. AVill-Purke. Frank Winter, John AVI1 llums and Arthur Chase, members of Aurora lodge, Free and Accepted Ma sons, went to Binghamton last even ing to visit the lodge In that city. Archie, the Utllo son of Mr. and Sirs. Tsaac Avery, of Rushbrooiv road, Is 111 of tonsllltis. Born To Mr. and Mrs. .TumesH. Morgan, of Third street, a daughter, and to Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sphoorer, of Scott, a daughter. The Delaware and Hudson company will pay here at their colliery next Monday afternoon. Organizer M. J. Martin Is In town for tho purpose of organizing a camp of Woodmen of tho World. Miss Minnie Phillips and Mrs. Thom as Buchanan were Seranlon visitors yesterday. Miss Edith Moon, ot Scranton, Is tho guest of Mrs, John Solomon, of Main s-troet. MCgsr . . ...,.-.:.a STGMAQH TROUBLE CURED. J When first t commenced taking your remedied," writes . Mr, IS. K. anginar, j.u renu Ave., Jilntieitnotln. Minn.. I J!"!' V.m'er uyntment of n.rrell-known specialist of mi; tuy vHiiii ,mn ireen lor imir tnoiuiii) lor cntnrrli. nnd especially stomach truubtc, nnd I was rapidly uuj city (atiiutnd been for four month) for cntnrrli i ...... bjvkuij BiuiuHui irumHc. nnu i was rnplulv Retting wotw. CSotsobnd Mutt IcajiM not cat any llrlriR tliat did not distress me terribly, nnd I was omiBcu in mm me tineiot-'A trrfltn,-.,, .,,. -r wns gtcntly reduced In llesli. As n Inn rcMirt, 1 wrote to you, nud ntjcr taking five tmtlles of Dr. t'lercc's Golden Medical Discovery nnd one Wal of Plensaiit relict,' I commenced to Improve, nnd decided to continue the medicines nud observe your instructions resardlnir hygienic treatment, nnd I cnu say that I am well nud never felt better hi my ui'e.'' 66 toiswSi TraMc." A. 2 0 w JM 7 pfiios NERVOUS fmSGESTWN OURED, "I was afflicted with what the doc tors called nervous indigestion. Took , medicine front my family physician to no avail. In looking over one of Dr. Pierce's Memorandum Hooks," writes Mr. Thos. G. Lever, of Lever, Richland Co., S. C, "I found my case described exactly. IT wrote to you and made a statement. You sent ine a descriptive list of questions, also hy gienic,' rules. I carried these out as best I could, but I thought myself in curable, as I suffered so much with pain under my ribs and an empty feeling in my stomach. At night would have cold or hot feet and hands, alternately. I was getting very nervous and suffered a great deal mentally, thinking that death would soon claim me. Always ex pected something unusual to take place ; was irritable and impatient, and great- reduced in flesh. I could scarcely eat anything that would not produce a bad feeling in my stomach. After some hesitation, owing to my prejudices against patent medicines 1 decided to try a few bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and ' Pellets.' After taking several bottles of each, found I was improv ing. I continued for six moutiis or more, oft' and on. I have to be care ful yet, at times, of what I cat, in orde'r that I may feel good and strong. 1 fully believe if anyone suffering with indigestion or torpid liver, or chronic cold would take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and ' Pleas ant Pellets.' and observe a few simple hygienic rules, they would soon be greatly benefited, and with u little perseverance would be entirely cured." MBMBM!liMMMlM0 1 Tho popular term for a disordered or dis eased condition of tho stomach and digestive aim liuiriuvo system is sionmci. trouble." Like most popular phrases this is expressive. Tho word "trouble," though it describes nothing includes everything, from tho minor discomforts of slight in- digestion 10 me aggravating misery oi enrome dyspepsia, lio condition of those suffcrinn; from disease of tho stomach in aggravated lonns is very completely described m tho letters o'f My, Cingmars and Mr. Lover. Great distress -after eating, pain in the side, nervousness, loss of ilcsli, irritability, altcrnato cold and heat of tho extremities ; these and other symptoms mark the aggravated form of disease of tho stomach and its allied organs of digestion and nu trition. Tho cases of these two men aro fair specimens of those cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. "Family physician" and "well-known specialist" try to cure and fail. As a last resort, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is used and it cures. Why docs Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cure -when other medicines fail? J I cures because it does what it was mado to do. The story of .the great improvements made in the turning lathe dates from tho day when a tramping workman asked a manufacturer for a job. Tho man was re fused. As ho turned away the manufac turer noticed that ho wore a hat turned out of wood. "Stop," he said, "How did you manage to turn that hat on the lathe?" "Tt's my secret, " answered the man. "I just fixed the lathe to do what I wanted." Out of that ability to fix the lalho to do what no one else hud been able to do the man made fame and fortune. That's ""Why 'Golden Medical Discovery' cures when other medicines fail." Dr. Pierce knew how to make the medicine to cure. The reputation of the " Discovery " is built up on the fact of cures. It was founded on it. It rests on it. The cures are attested by thousands of witnesses in every walk of life. The fact is testiiied to in the perfect health of thousands of men and women that " Golden Medical Discovery " cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of diges tion and nutrition, purilies' the blood and builds up the body with sound, healthy ilcsli. If, like Mr. Lever, you hesitate to try "Golden Medical Discovery "' because of a " prejudice against patent medicines," do as he did, overcome your prejudice, give the medicine a fair and faithful trial and it will cure you as it has cured others. If you ask your dealer for "Golden Med ical Discovery" because you have confi dence in its cures, do not allow yourself to be switched oil to a medicine claimed to be "just as good," but which you did not ask lor and ot which you know nothing. Insist upon having Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and take nothing else. n'Sf.Sa BZfntKttt ihrc ttsrtafsnma nf rav U U2 dW'S TS?eSu7 W mffw, tn nhtain a mm of SlPm Pibpco's Gammon Sonse fWocToa AtSvSson This grant resoeUcsilf work eorafaiiiss snapa tSimo WOO largo stages ami ovos 7QQ iUustpaitiimse Si toasts of sutejeatis af gdraoiioal Intci'ast to ovary man and vrssstaasaa and Ss ss. gsiSdo to sound hoalth atitl long . HSco Tlio "Advisas " is sont FREE an PBcetpf of stamps to stay ox n&sisa of mnittKSi SSNLVn Sand 32 ono-cant stamps fop tho oioth foauml volume, or anty SS stamps for tlio hook in natier covers. Adsiimss: ESp. f? V. PBERGE, Buffalo, N V. I I nrii' i i i J J fred Cooper, of Hill street, returned to Coopcrstnwn, X. Y., yesterday. Mrs, Ulchard l'eltlKrcw Is spending the week with Jloosle relatives. OLYPHANT The Ladles' Aid society of the Pres byterian church will hold a Murtha AVashington tea nurtv In tho church parlors tomorrow evenintr, between the hours of D.30 and 8.30 o'clock. Tho following menu will be served: Fried oysters, beef loaf, cola hum, mashed potatoes, ctibbago salad, olives, rad ishes, plelUcs, broad und butter, tea uiul coffee, Tickets, 1:3 cents, An entertainment will bo rIvoii in tho Susquehanna, Street lapttst church tomorrow evening under tho direction of Miss Cora M. Orlfllu, of Providence, assisted by Mrs, Llzalo Hughes-Brun-dueo. Tho entertainers are well known hero ai)d a crowded house Is assured, Tho tickets are onlv L'3 cents, Tho Knights of Malta will celebrate their llt'th anniversary, AVednesday evening-, March 0. An entertainment will bo given and a supper will be served to the members and their friends by the Ladles' initial suclety of the Hlakely Haptlst church, in the church parlors, A large number front here attended the mid. winter circus -at Scranton last lllKht. J, A, O'Malley, uf Oumuoro street, Is ctulto 111. Miss Sarah Cooper, who has been visiting her parent.8, air, und Mrs. AN TAYLOR. The funeral of Mrs. lllchard AVIUIains of AVest Scranton, formerly of this town, took place yesterday from bur lato homo on Fellows street. Services were hehl lu the Taylor Calvary Hap tlst church at L'.HO p. hi. Jtov, Mr. ltcesu of Providence preached the fu neral sermon and was assisted by tho church pastor, itov. Dr. Harris, who offered prayer, llev. Mr. Hcese deliv ered a very touching funeral sermon and spoljo highly of the deceased. Tho Calvary church choir rendered several anthems, They were many beautiful floral tributes. Interment was mado In the Forest Homo cemetery. The pall bearers were; David Lewis, Arthur Harris, Thomas AVllllums, AVllliam Jones, David Kdwnrds and John KcN wards. Tho Women's Christian Temperance Union will meot this afternoon ut tho homo of Mrs. C, ll, Henry Instead' of at tho home of Mrs. T, 11, Ho wen as previously announced. All Interested In the work are welcome to their meet ings. Owing to a scarcity of big cars the Archbald miiio suspended operation yesterday. The Taylor Oratorio society will meet this evening In the Calvary Haptlst church to rehearse the different chor uses of Juilus Maccobes which, It Is expected, will be performed In April. Prof. I), K. Jones, Mus. Hue, Is direct ing the work, Miss MucKeuzIc, the popular teacher of No. I school and who taught the night session in tho above building which recently closed, will by request conduct a night school for young peo ple. School will open on Monday even ing next nt school No. 2. Tho Ladles' Aid society of the CuN vary Haptlst church ure completing ar rangements for their Martha AVushlng-, ton supper to bo held tomorrow even ing In the church parlors, The employes of the Taylor, Pyne, Iloldcu, Archbald, Continental and Sloan mines of this borough will re ceive their suiul-iuonthly earning to morrow. Mrs. K. T. D.inlclH, of Main street, was tho guest of relatives In Plttston on AVednesday. Miss Margaret Heuloy, of Avoca, has returned homo after being the guest of her cousin Miss Hca Jordan, on Main street. Foreman T. J. Williams, of llusdeton, visited relatives In town tho forepart of the week. Prof, and Mrs. John T. AVatklns, of Scranton, visited relatives In this bor ough on AVednesday, Miss Olwen Howolls and Master Os car Morris, two of the town's best tal ent, aro In Danville where they partici pated In a concert their last evening, SHOT DEAD BY HER LOVER. George Sutton Kills Gertrude Gothio and Then Attempts Suicide. fly Kulihlto Wlio liom the .Usuil.itnl 1'rca. Philadelphia, Feb. L'O.-Conflned to her bed with a badly injured ankle, the result of a lull lust week, Miss Gor trudo Gothic, aged 22 years, was shot dead today, by her lover, Georgo Sut ton, aged 10 years, who, with his moth er, had come to tho young woman's huino )n AA'est Philadelphia, to pay a visit. Still standing beside the bed Hlitton sent a bullet Into Ills own breast, but his attempt to end his own life was defeated by hospital physi cians who say ho will recover, The young couple had been friends for years but differences In religion, youthful age und parental objections prevented them front becoming mar ried. Toduy Sutton and his mothervls Ited tho girl's home and were shown to her room by her mother. After it short stay, the parents retired to an other room, leaving tho lovers alone, A few minutes later several shots woro h pit I'd. The two mothers Imsteiied to Miss Gothic's room, where they found the girl lying dead lit bed with a bullet hols' over her heart and another through tho right hand, Sutton left the house Immediately after the shoot ing, and fell from exhaustion from his own bullet wound, a block from tho girl's home. Ho Is now In the hospital. PENNSYLVANIANS AT CHARLESTON Commissioners to Industrial Imposi tion Loave for the South. I!y j;.iIu.lo Wiic (rum the AhiocIjIimI 1'icrs. Philadelphia, Feb. 20. A number of Pennsylvania commissioners to the Charleston exposition left this city to day, over the Pennsylvania railroad, for Charleston, where, tomorrow or Saturday, they will receive tho Penn sylvania building from the contractors, Tho party Included: Speaker AVIIlIum T. Marshall, of tho state house of rep. rosen tut Ives; State Senators John C. Grady, of this city; AVllliam P. Snyder, of Chester; State Superintendent of Public Uuildlngs T. Lawrence Uyrq, Auditor General K. U. Hurdeubergh; State Treasurer James K. Harnett and Itepresontatlvo Q. 11. Dixon, of Klk county. Pennsylvania Day nt the expositlor Speaker Marshall stated today, will probably bo celebrated AVednesday, April 10, i Justice Gray 111, By Ksilu.iu' Wire front thu AssocUM Pass, WuliliKhn, IVIj. 31, JiMk-e lloMca Uray vt llio bupu'inu com 1. liu sulu'ieil uu utuck ul Ktialh lii't H ! fUlcil tlul tlim li rvrj iiuiou Ic, r.)ul liU rtinviiy, III. mii.il in ik'.it but tie li.i lui tliu muocnlur contrul ot u pait (( liU liuil). JutlUu livuy U 7! M'.ns ot Je. , Killed by a Train. Uy i:.Uuire Who from lie AaoilaleJ t'rtvs. I'llUiiuie. I'tb, 20. ItjITjellgi P!ue.o ami An tciilo IUwuIo, two Italians, wcic killed bikI tluco iiiJmt'U at licik'ft Hun, on tlto PjtULut.-, VfiKiuU uud Charluttvii IJlHiJ tcula.v, ly Liln' ttiwk ! u train. V. .