The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 18, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Superior gaJ-Jn0 PoWCF
hen vou
land's Baking Powder, you know just what goes
into your food; that it is pure and wholesome
and has no poisonous alum in it.
Home-made baking is easy and economical if
you use Cleveland's Superior Baking Powder. ,
The Outlook Is Favorable for a Good
Demand in March Meeting of D.
& H. Firemen Was Held at Larks
ville Sunday Afternoon Superin
tendent Rine Will Today Investi
gate the Cause of Saturday Night's
Wreck Men at Harry E. and
Fory Fort Collieries Out.
fold weather still prevails in nil re
gions where anthinulte is us-ed. Retail
buying is active, and wholesale trade i
if. good. The steam sizes and chestnut I
are most wanted, and none of the (
producing companies have any sur-1
plus of these sizes. The outlook favors '
a good demand into March, for many
consumeis who laid in light winter
supplies are now loieed to buy again.
A February cold wave affects the mar
ket more than one in Januaiy. Dealers
hesitate to lay in laige supplies with
the prospect of u (hop in pi Ices on
April 1, and buying Is thortfoie large
Iv for immediate needs. It is too early
as yet to make any prediction on April
pi ices, but probably last year's price
list will not be the basis, unless the la
bor situation at the oollioiles is clearer.
The United Mine Workers will an
nounce their demands at a meeting to
be held in March. It is safe to say
that the matter of caul inspection will
come up at that meeting, and if the
union asks that opeiators permit caul
Inspection to suit the convenience of
union olllclals, the demand will be 10
iused. Many of the piomlnent men in
the Temple lion company leallzo that
conditions this spring are not what
they weie in the fall of 1900, and rather
than submit to all manner of inter
loreneo with the running of collieries
will make a firm stand and fight, if
necessary, to a llnlsh. Hven the lead
ing light of the Civil Federation might
find tiouble in patching up any com
piomlso that called for a minimum
wage or a Used rate per ton for mining
at all collieries in the same field.
In the Northwest theio is a going
steady winter demand, and coal Is go
ing fieely from the docks at the head
of the lakes. In Chicago tenltory trade
Is brisk, and chestnut coal N in par
ticular demand. Arrivals of all-rail
coal havebeen fair, and shipments fiom
the docks are liberal. Uuylng by deal
eis Is for Immediate wants owing to
the prospect of a new price list on
April 1. Demand at the lower lake
points and in Canadian territory Is
strong and active, and the small sizes
nre hard to get for prompt delivery.
All-rail trade further east Is taking a
lot of coal, Along the Atlantic seaboard
buying has been brisk, and the coal
dealer Is a happy man. Generally speak
ing there is no scarcity of coal, but
the. demand takes all that conies for
ward. The steam sizes aro in rather
short supply. We quote current prices
for free-burning white ash f. o. b, New
York harbor porta us follows: Broken,
Ji; est?, $4.25; stovo nnd nut, $1.50; pea,
JS; buckwheat, $.).G0. Engineering and
Mining Journal.
Meeting of Firemen.
The engineers and (Icemen (c all the
Delaware und Hudson collieries on the
West Side met In Kelly's hull, Larks
yllle, yesterday afternoon to discuss the
recent order promulgated by tho com
pany, The order was to tho effect that
Doing Qood,
A great deal of good Is being done u
ill parts of the country by Chainber
uln's Cough Keniedy. The most flat
tering testimonials have been received,
elvlug accounts of Its good work, of
aggravating and persistent coughs that
liavo yielded to its soothing effects, of
pevere colds (hat have been broken
up by its use, of threatened attacks
pf pneumonia that havo been warded
olf and dangerous cases of croup that
Jt has cured. The great popularity and
extensive eale of this preparation can
not bo a suipiiso to anyone who (a
acquainted with its goods qualities.
Use It' when you have need1 of such a
remedy ond It will do you good. For
taUt hi ull druggists.
Makes delicious home-made '
biscuit No biscuit or cake
you buy at the baker's or
confectioner's equals in fresh
ness and flavor those you
can make at home with
Cleveland's Baking Powder.
do your own baking, using Cleve
Imitation baking powders
being made from alum
use in food. Alum is a
this class of labor, which Is about to
ask for an elgh hour day, work ac
cording to the following rules: From
7 a. in. to 5 p. m when they are to be
relieved by the other shift, which will
work fiom 5 until 12, they to be le
lieved by the employes who went home
at 5. If this mle is not satisfactory
to the employes they uie expected to
sign a contract setting forth that they
will work according to the present
method 12 houis a day for one enr.
All the engineer and firemen who
weie not at work attended the meet
ing and gave their views of the situa
tion. After a thorough discussion of
the proposition a motion was unanim
ously passed that they would not ac
cept the pioposed mode of working,
neither would they sign nnd contract.
The pi offer of the company, which was
rejected, would mean an increase In
the wages of the firemen of about
$3.50 per month, buL they say It would
entail considerable hardship upon
them inasmuch as they would never
have a whole day to themselves.
The stationery firemen intend mak
ing another effort to have the hours
l educed from twelve to eight each day.
Y'ilkes-I3arre Record.
Will Investigate the Wreck.
Superintendent K. M. Rine, of the
Lackawanna, laihoad, will conduct an
investigation today to ascertain the
cause of the wreck which occuired Sat
urday night, when a fi eight train ran
away at Chinchilla and crashed into
an engine and caboose In tho Scranton
The falluie of the air brakes to
woik is supposed to have been the
cause of the lunaway but the real cause
will not be known until after the inves
tigation. The two men who were in
jured are at the Moses Taylor hospital.
D., L. & W. Board for Today.
The following Is the make-up of the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
board for today:
IMias S p. in., C. W. Dunn; 11 p. in.,
lluboken, John lintel,
lMu-. laist 1.30 a, in.,, .1. C.'i'lilty;
I a. in., F. I.. Hogem; D ii. m.. Iloboken; Nugent;
I) a. in., lloliolvon, M. .1. I.arkiii; 10 .1. in., V.
Van Wonner; 11 a. in., W. W. Lalui; 1 n, in.,
A. II, Howe; 2 p. in., .1. II. MiC'ann; 0 p. m.,
O. V. I'iUerirald; 0 p. m., llobol.en, SI. Fin
licity. Summit1), Ulc G u, m,, J, Iliuticgau; 8 u. m.,
Frunnfclku ; 10 n. in., Nichols; 11 a, in., O.
llunilolpli; 2 p. in.. Thompoon; ll p, in., .1. Cai
rlmf; 8 p. in,, M, Cottlrn,
PuJifis l ii, in,, Vidner; 7 :i. in., S. Fin
licit', b n. in,, Uou-'cr; 11,15 a. in,, Moran; Ii p.
in., C. Ilartholoinew : 7.J.0 p. in., Murphy; 9 p.
in., W. II, Ilartholoinew; 0 p. m,, Lumping,
Kxlras Fast 10 n, in., O'ilaiu; '2 p. in., (J.
Kint'sloy; I p. in,, Cialuitan; 11 p, in., Kclcliiim.
l'aibcngrr Knslnca 7 u. m,, Gaffney; 7 a. m ,
Singer; 10 a. in., O, Miller; U.1S p, in,, Man
ton; 8.U) p, in,, McGovcru.
1'. F. Stevens ami new will inn S a, in. cxlia,
Felmiary W,
II. II. (lllllgan ami cicvv will run No. 5.1, Feb.
mary 18,
J J, I.angan repeats (or A. If. Heme,
This and That.
J, L. McDonald has been appointed
freight and ticket ugent for the Lacka
wanna railroad at Berwick, vice T, 11.
MeAvoy,, resigned. .
The men of the Harry K, and Forty
Fort collieries of tho Temple Iron com
pany at Forty Fort, believe that thoy
have been locked out. During the early
part of last week the inen took a day
off to discuss some grievances and
when they reported for work the next
moinlng they were Informed that the
collieries had suspended for tho pur
pose of making epulis. Saturday was
pay day but they were pot Informed
when work would be resumed. The
men believe that It Is u lockout, al
though the officials statu that rejmhs
urn being made.
Commissioner of Patents Allen re
ports that the number of patents Issued
last year was 27,37a, the largest In the
history of the department. The Jssuo
of certificates of registration of trade
marks, prints und labels also reached
the unprecedented number of 2.9C5.
Cash receipts of the office during 1001
were $1,219,198, exceeding those of any
previous year by nearly $100,000, The
state whose citizens received the larg
est number of patents during the year
waa New York, with 4,098, next in order
came Pennsylvania with 2,837, Illinois
with 2,130 and Massachusetts with
arc cheap, but
are unsafe for
mineral poison.
Term' Was Ordered for the Purpose
of Clearing the Waiting List in
the District Attorney's Office nnd
Bringing It Up to Date There Aro
No Oyer nnd Terminer Cases on
the List for the Special Term.
Which. Begins Monday, Feb. 24.
Judge P. W. Wheaton to Preside.
A special term of quarter sessions
court will be held next week 1o clear
the list of cases that have been ac
cumulating. Only quarter session cases
will be IiPdid. None of the graver ot
fenses tried in oyer and terminer have
been given a place on the list.
Judge F. W. "Wheaton, of Luzerne
county, will preside In the main court
room, and another out-of-town judge
will be in No. 2. Tho trial list prepared
by District Attorney W. 11. Lewis fol
lows: Monday, February 24.
1. Juliet Murny, assault and battery upon
public ofllcci; Fianlv liofollnff, jr., pros.
2. Chailes 11. Major, keeping gaimngr bouse;
Ikiiu Day, proa.
S. Fiulcrick llonacli. felonious wounding; A.
W, Palmer, pros.
1. William Gaul, selling liquor without license;
M. A. Phillips, pios
5. Samuel Miller, jr., celling liquor without
liten-e nnd belling liquor on bunchy; J.
W. Clink, pros.
C. Samuel Millet, it,, (.filing liquor without
license and selling liquor on bunday; J.
W. Cliik, pros.
7. William Kennedy, embezzlement; Benjamin
Lewis, pror.
William Kennedy, aftiay; Renjaniln I,evvh,
Aiitlionj Xeary, aggiawtcil assault and bat-
Uiy; Umry WatMns, pios.
Lottie Smith, keeping bawdy home; Hoy
Welch, pici.
Mil had I. Kehoe, toriilialion and bastardy;
Mis. W, II, )ugg in, pio.
V., ('. 1'attciaon, u&bciuk and batter ; 1M-
ward Walteis, pro.
Albert Smith, embezzlement; J. A. Curtis,
pi OS,
Jacob 1. holms, avault and batteiy; Jo-
Mpb L'arden, plot.
Samuel McCliun, lonualed deadly
weapons; John .1, MiAiidreu, pros.
John A. Kecth, embezzlemint; 1). S. Mom',
Charlotte llazzard, common scold; L'llen
lietz, prow
Charlotte llazzard, assault and battery;
Flleu (!ctz, pios.
Film Funds, assault and battery; Char
lotte llazznid, pios.
r.llon Fiaucle, common tcold; Chailotte
Uazzaid, piov.
Tuesday, February 25.
Anthony O'Malley, selling liquor without
license; Dudley 0'ordan, pios.
Domlnlik lllley, felonious wounding; F,
llobliug, ji,, pros.
Michael Size, laiceny ami retching; F.
Holding;, jr., pioj,
Madollua ltega, larceny and ircehing; II,
II, Fierce, pros. 4
Mamlo Gogali, larceny and retelling; II,
II, 1'Ieiee, pros,
Mary liaultlere, laneny und retelling; II,
II. Pieice, pro.
Angilia (ialticic, laiceny und icceiiing; II,
II. I'leuc, pio.
Jaiuea Keenan, Alexander Wall, Mike o
ton, John hock, negligence by bailee;
(icoigv I.'. Atheitnn, piuj,
Chailes Idulil, iiegllgtme by bailee; fieorge
1.', Atlurton, pros,
Jieeph llionn, mgllgente by bailee; Ciiorge
F, Atlieiton, pins,
John lltlski, defrauding bonding house;
(itoigo IIIUM, pros.
Miry Jauo U'lllU, common tiold; lllchard
l.lcMt'Hyn, pios,
StanUlau? Ftiigouxkey, laiceny and leech.
jug; Flldilnt I'hlllp, pros.
StJiiUIatis Ou'tll.i, lirc-cny and nulling;.
Frldilnt I'hlllp, pros,
Vito hilto, awault and batttr ; lt.iit.icl
l.uMoit, pro:,.
C, I., lllgttt, laueuy by bailee; Llltn
Mcllale, pios,
Mj) Lull, avault and battery; Jamc l'os,
Martin Iondi, a&ault and battery; Malt
llJlt, p!0f.
John Dunleaiy, Ubsault and battel; llios.
ti. Fianelf, pros.
William Hoban, ussault and batteiy;- Gncu-
uie Moigau, pro.
Annie Daiis, larceny by bailee; May Dun
dy, pio.
Amy htianuer, assault and battery; Adolph
Doadofk, pios,
Julia Clirbtlnc, avault and balUo ! Julian
Strauts, pros.
F.llcu Whaleu, (orclbje eutiy and lielilncr;
Micliail (iolijen, pios.
John (fullalicr, forcible intrf and detainer;
MIcluu (lo)dtu, pro.
Wednesday, February 20.
C. Mi Storm, embezzlement; K. t. I.jnelt,
Arthur Morrlt, fflonloui woundlngj Harry
Xcwinnn, jiros.
.lames 0'llnrn, Patrick IletTion, assault and
battery; M, Colien, pro.
John Jllller, avault mil battery; Finest
Dal', prey.
Kitrltt Tom and William .1. Toss, malkloun
mK'hlcft Joseph Lntey, pros.
Louis Huppreeht, cinbezzlement; t'corne
M. Oktll, pros.
Harry Arnoiits, embezzlement ; .1. A. Cm-
lis, pros.
Daniel .1. McTague, falte inctensc; W. F.
Hmilhe, pros,
John Keanc and .latnei V, Cunnnlnss, tar-
ifny and receiving; l.ugenc L. Deinlng,
John Keane and Janiei W. CuinniliKu, cruel
ty fo animals; Kugene TI. Demlng, pros.
I'ntrlek Scott, assault nnd battery; llrlilgct
O'Malley, ptos.
John McAndrew, assault and battery; 11m-
fonl J. DaienpoTt, proi.
Simon llamerlek, felonious wounding;
OeoTge Checura, pros.
Oeorge Cliccuru, tarrying concealed deadly
wenpormi Siinon llamerick, pios.
George Cliecura, aisault nnd batteiy; Simon
llamerick, pios,
Harry Wllko, KeeRo l'rdailink and Harry
Iledowllr, (elonloiis wounding; Oeorge C1ie-
cura, pros.
Joseph Hitler, felonious wounding; Thomas
Ford, pros,
I"rank lxlmnk anil Pauline Iieslinok, avault
and battery; John FetruMcy, pros.
Snrey Faucet, amault and battery; Patrick
Murray, pros.
Suze.v Faucet, assault and battery; Annie
Mcllale, pros.
Joseph ShemliKskry, felonious wounding;
Stephen Vltlski, pros.
Alfred 1ong. larceny and rccehiug; Josepli
Da I ley, pros.
Dennis MiCool, tlUcharglng flreanns; T.llr.
abeth natrctt, pros.
Hood Herring, felonious wounding; Itltliard
Jolii.on, pros.
T. 11. Upton, embezzlement ; George 1).
Drown, pros.
Thursday, Febiuary 27.
Joseph Hotchklns, malicious nilcchlef; ).
W. nichards, pros.
Joseph Hotchklns, assault and battery; I),
W. Richards, pros.
John Ncncomb, attempt at rape; Ulzabetli
Mclvln, prov.
Matthew Sltoko and Anthony "lioko, as
sault and battery; Joseph Keotlc, pros,
Z. P. Travis, attempt at codoniy; 1'dnard
C Anderson, pros.
Joseph Pcrrln, malicious mischief; Margaret
Malnunriug, pros.
Jlumford DcVaul, larceny and receiving;
Patrick MrXaman, pios.
Nlckolas MoshelIa, assault and batteiy ;
John SulTansker, pros.
James Dell, embezzlement; Pctei Kranj&Ui,
)ll OS.
Michael Farcnce and John Farence, aggra
vated assault and battery; Anthony Brown,
Martin Itadecky, assault and battery; Wil
liam Goodman, pros.
William Teriskaiage, lirceny and recciv
ipg'; Joseph McDonough, pros.
Matthew Pad, selling liquor without license;
Joseph Gardner, pros.
Thomas Gllboy, selling liquor without li
ens; Joseph Gardner, pros.
Thomas O. Williams, pointing pistol; James
T. McAndrew, pios.
Thomas C Williams, pointing pistol; James
T. McAndrew, pros.
Thomas C. Williams, carrying concealed
weapons; James T. McAndrew, pios.
Tiiomas C. Williams, felonious wounding;
.limes T. Mr-Andrew, pios. C. Willhnis, felmiioua wounding;
James "P. McAndrew, pros.
r.itrlck McNulty, felonious wounding; James
T. McAndrew, jno.
Friday, February 28.
Kllen. Schcll, Jennie James and Margaret
Jones, i lot; Stephen Djcr, pros.
William McOraw, riot; Stephen Dyer, pros.
Hugh Mi Grow, jr., aggravated assault and
battery; Stephen Dyer, pios.
IUiid Jones and Joseph Reynolds; assiult
and battery! Stephen Der, pros.
Thomas Cannon and Andrew lletlron, jr.,
aggravated assault nnd batteiy; Stephen
Fljer, pros.
Mtria Jennings, avault and battery; Daniel
II. Hcrfltckcr, pros.
Maria Jennings, .1. II. Jennings and M. F.
Kearney, aiding prisoner to escape; Daniel
II. Horflickoi, pios.
Saturday, March 1.
Frank Mulrooney, suiety; Anna Mulrooney,
Warren Tappan, surety: Joseph Task, pros.
Mai tin Golden," John Golden, Patrick Gold
en, Jr., and Gcorgo Ilerron, suietj ; Kd
ward Gallagher, pros.
Tekli Stanko, surety; Chailes Jordan, pros.
Thomas Dougherty, surety; Elizabeth Dough
erty, pro.
Thomas Morgan, surety; Margaret E.
Thomas, prox.
L. Pcttigtew, surety ; P. J. Ljnott, pros.
Martin Jordan, surety; Kate Mijiult), prox.
Thomas Gallaghei, iurety; Michael Golden,
George Ilaupcratli, surety; Kuinia Hause
rath, proi,
Edward Wellner, desertion; Carrie Wellner,
James F. Callahan, desertion; Maiy Calla
ban, prox.
Frank Mulrooney, deseitlon; Annio Mul
l ooney, prov.
Carl II. N'icodeimu, desertion; Christine
Nlchodemus, prox.
CominonweiltU is, Henry lturgcu, appeal;
Geoige lluhruer, pios.
Cases That will Be Heard at the
Coming Term.
The trial list for the March term
of the United States circuit court has
Just been uomplled by Cleric A. J. Col
born and contains seven cases.
The most Important case will come up
for trial will be that of Sallie L. Thom
as, admlulstintrlx of the estato of Sep
timus Thomas against A. L. Spencer
and others, manufacturers of certain
machinery used In the washlntr of
culm. Mrs. Thomas seeks a permanent
injunction lestrnlulng the defendants
from manufacturing such machinery
alleelnir that the patents for it were
obtained by her husband and are now
held by her. The case was instituted
several years ago and the depositions
of all the witnesses have been tnlten.
The defendants have filed an Indemni
fying bond payable to Mrs. Thomas In
case she wliw her case, Tho make
up of tho trial list Is as follows:
New York, Lake Frle and Western Itallroad
company is. Keystone Coal lonipany, assumpsit.
Mary J. Giecnway, administratrix of tho es.
tate of Aaa ltaiidall ltejnolds, deceased, n. Shel
don Axlo company; tiep.:sv
William Itobliuou is. Delaivaie and lluthoii
company ; trcspJts.
P. M. Thornton isSi.eurlty lnsurjm company
of New Haven, Conn.; assumpsit.
P. M. Thornton vs. National Insuraute com.
pany of Ireland; arsumpdlt.
Catlierino A, William is. W, F. hnijlhe, et
al.; iqulty,
Sallie I.. Thomas, aiJniluUtiatrk of estato of
Septimus Thomas, duceawil, is, A. L. hpcucer,
it u!,; equity.
Effort Which Failed in Committee to
Re Renewed in Council,
It Is certain thai an effort will be
made In common council on Thursday
nlnht to mlse the salaries of certain
employes of the depaitment of public
works, notably tho chief clerk and the
superintendent of parks, and peihaps
some others. An amendment to the ap
propriation ordinance, providing a sal
ary of $G00 for the clerk of the common
council, will nlso bo offmed, and will
undoubtedly be adopted.
An attempt was recently made In tho
y 0 TUi lsatnw ! oa eTery hox of tho fentttti
tf fjfJr Laxative Broino-Quinitie wuu
- .'- V.VsF-'-'SaB'atf?. B
'- 1:&SWM
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In LfTect, Nov. 3. 1001.
Trains leave bcranton.
Tor Philadelphia and New York via 1). k II.
It. 11., at 038 and 9 38 a. m. and 2 18, 4.27
(Black Diamond L'xpres), and ll.JIO p. m. faun
days, P. & II. It. II., 1.08, S 27 p. m.
i'or White lfRven, ltazletoii and prineipal points
in the coal leg-ions, via 1). . 11. It. It., 0.8S, 2.18
and 4.27 p. m. I'or l'ottsvllle, 0.38 a. m., 2.18
p. m.
For riethlchetn, Kaston. Iteadinj, Harrishurif,
and principal intermediate itations. via D. 4: II.
II. U., R38, 3.IIS a. in.; 2.18, 4.27 (lllack Uia
mond Express), 11.30 p. m. Sunday?, D. & II.
II. It., !US a. in.; 1.5f. S27 p. m.
I'or Tunkhaniioek, Tonandi, Klniin, Ithaca,
Geneva and principal intermediate stations, via
I)., L. nnd N". It. 11., 8.11) a. in. and 3.60 p. m.
For Geneva, Iti heater, Iluftalo, Niagara Falls,
Chicago and all points west, via P. & II. It. 1! ,
7.48, 12.03 a. m.; lAi. 3.28 (lllack Diamond E
press), 7.18. 10.41, 11.80 p. m. faundass, D. Ii ll.
It. It., 12.0.5, 8.27 p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Aalliy
Parlor cars on nil traini between WilKes ltarre
nnd New VoiL, Philadelphia, Uutfalo and Suspen
sion nrlilgc.
ItOLLIN II. WIL11UK, Gen. faupt,, 20 Cortland
street, New York.
CIIAKLUS b. LKi:, Gen. Pass. Agt., 20 Cortland
htreet, Nevv York.
A. W. NONKMACHKIt, l)iv. Vdbi. Agt., South
Detlileiiem, l'l.
For tickets and Pullman reservations apply to
city ticket otlice, CO Pdblic bijuare, Wilkcs-lJarre,
Delaware and Hudson.
In L'llect Novtinhcr 24, 1001.
Traini for Carbondalo leavo icrmiton at 0,20,
8 00, 8.5 , 10. U a. m.; 12.00, 1.2'i. 2.31, a S3,
E2', 0.25, 7.57, O.lj, 11.2(1 p. in.; 1.31 a, in.
For Ilouesdale 0.20, 10.13a. in.; 2.31 and 5.29
p. in.
For Wilkcs-Baue OSS, 7.48, S41, 8 33, 10.41
0. in.; 12.03, 1.42, 2.1s, 3.2S, 1.27, 0.10, 7.1S,
10 41, ll.tO p. in.
Tor L. V. It. It. Points 0.38, 0,33 a. m.; 2.1S,
4.27 and 11.30 p. m.
Foi Pennsylvania H. It, Points 8.S3, 9.38 a.
in. ; 1.42. 3.2S and 1.27 p. m.
For Albany and all points north 0.20 a. m.
and 3.52 p. m.
For Cailiondalc 8 50, 11.8.1 a. m.; 2.34, 3.52,
S.62 and 11.17 p. ni.
For Wllkes-Uine 0.33 a. m.; 12.03, 1.03, 3,23,
0.32 mid 0.17 p. ill.
Foi Albany and points north 3.52 p. m.
Foi lIonedale 8 oil a. in, ami 3.5-J p. in.
W. L. PllYOIt, 1). P. A Scramon, Pa.
New York, Ontario and Western.
In Lflcct Tuesday. Sept. 17, IDOL
Leavo Leave An lie
Tialni. Sfrantoii, C.u bondale. Caclosia.
Vn l 1030a. m. 11.10a. In. l.urtii. m.
ko! 7 0.10 p. m. Ar. CaibondaleO.lOp, mj
-OlJTtl IlOUNl). 'I
Leave Leave Arrive
Train. Uidosia. Carbondalo. Scranton.
No. ( 7,00.1,111. 7.40a, in.
Ko. 2 2.15 p. m. 4.00 p. in. 4.10 p. in.
Leavo Leavo Airlve'
Trains. bcianloii. Laiuoniiaie. Cadosia.
No. 0 8.30 a. in. 0.10 p. in, 104ia. m.
No. a 7.00 p. in. Ar, Caibondale 7.40 p. m.
Leavo Leavo Airlvo
Trains. Cadoola. Caihondilc. Seianton.
No. 0 7.00 a. in. 7,40 a, in.
No. 10 4.30 p, in. (i Ou p. in. 0.45 p. in.
Trains Nos. 1 on week daje, and U on hiuul.iis,
make main line connections for New Yoik city,
Mlddletovvn, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Usvvego
and all lHilut! west.
For further Information ccmult ticket a;,cnti
J. f. ANDUltbON, G. P. A., .New Yoilc.
J, E. WKI.S1I, T. P. A., Scranton, Pa.
estimates committee to have theso sal
ailca Increased, hut a motion tp ad
journ staved It off. It was not renewed
later. The item of JGOO for the cleik of
the common council must be Inserted,
as provision Is made for It hi the gen
eral reorganization ordinance passed by
councils Just as the Utv was entering
Into the second class.
It Was Held at the Homo of John
Carlucci, sr,
Kattudtiy evening a leeeptlou was
held at the home of John Carlucci, sr
on Sixth stieet, in honor of the Misses
Lottie and Fanny rtigllariu, two well
hnown and esteemed young ladles, or.
Carbonilii)i', and Union Magil, the little
dwarf. Hinging, dancing and games of
all hoits weie enjoyed. Huron Magil
proved himself a gieat entertulner. He
made a line Imniesslnn on those who
saw him at the Academy of Music last
week. Excellent was the hinging and
playing of the Misses I'usllano and
Josenh Callatronu.
Among those present weie; Mr. and
Mrs. t'mlo Uurluccl, Antolnetta und
l'eter Cailuccl, Mr, and Mis. Nicholas
Carlucci, John Cailuccl, Jr., Vincent
Cassese, Dr. G, VHlone and sisters, Mr,
and Mis. Maitluo, Mlhs C'alabreth, Jo
seph Callatrone, and many others.
'rk lfRM'a!' ft r
rxmvmmm8i& i tc
.-. -'W.rti:;'- ': ;'.i71KiBIv' """
'(! I V'v,!V;;-:,H;Wj1fW0 ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be-
T...---X .T-:';!,A.lliw cause it acts without disturbing the natural func-
) 0,:r ,.K i.n:'. lions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable
' S-f::z:--'-l$ quality or substance. In the process of
' H:::'i'r.-r.YKtsi,m. nianufacturine fics are used, as they are
' ". -':-."'' . . .; .v.'.j.vjiw AKntt vx lj uw . --s- .
' t,. i.S kJv rt?.Efp ,Yr
Xi,.'MrftrZW!&JCS. -,'-.,' A
"-"' :.:'.. w . rt wr x
"mm. JlZ"
W6i,w.nv,Y. rSTV. ' H. !V
ii'?.. i..'.w;,ia:...ry..K.-ii h
fStBil.wX,K& n'Il e.'fr.r ff:Kn9 ?'!
inuiiiieu auu
y me
'V t! J,vy
f- "... ..' '
o . w-er-. ;
lMWliB?fl ITiAlTif S TOT
Louisville, Ky. Atcw'YorkTN.Y
For eal. by all druejrfjatib.. iPxicfiiyAccjtaKpGrLi.boki$S--$
Spencer, Trask &
27 & 29 Pine Street, New York
Now ready for gratui
tous distribution, 190S
Edition (Pockot Size.)
Statistical Tahes
Members N, Y. Stock Exchange
Atlantic City, N. J.
Now Open.
300 Ocean front rooms. 100 pri
vate sea water baths. Send for book
let. J. B. THOMPSON & CO.
I'MUdtlobla, I'a. Only Ucrraia In
Aucrlrru (!uratt to rant aUu bj mall I'rlitlo
DUfa, LerkM. Abuiti. Illootl rlun. Nerioun
enltlos), UnrlfTflvpmcU & Shrunken Orgtni,
1MAfA PAHKiCtfi prn
IUVTM TMInllVpT,Acrte f
Uion uALAnubitnuniLmiuxHi
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
Ill Kffect Nov. 3, 1001.
Tialm leave Scranton (or New Yoik At 1.10,
3.15, 0.UJ. 7.00 and lO.Oo a. III. : 12.15, 3.10, 3 Si
p. m. I'or New York and Philadelphia 7.00,
10.05 a. ni , and 12.1J and 3.3'1 p. in. I'or Tob)
liamia At 0.10 p. in. I'or liulhlo 1.15, 0.22 and
!U) a. in.; 1.5). U.00 l.lul 11.35 p. 111. Foi HiliK
lianiton and way ttatiuiu 10.20 a. in. and 1,10
p. in. I'oi Osweijo, fcjraciite and t'tlca J.V and
0 22 a. in ; 1.35 p. m. Oiego, Israelite and
I'tlca train at 0.22 a. m. dill), except hundj.v,
I'or Monti oscO.W a. in.; and 0 00 p. m.
.Niilioliu accommodation 1,00 and fl.n p. in.
llloomsbiirfr Dlvblon I'or Noitliiiiiibeiland, at
R.35 and 10,05 u. in,; 1,55 and 0.10 p. in, I'or
Plymouth, at S.10 a. in.; 3.10 and U.00 p. m
hundav Tiains i'oi New Yoik, J. 10, .5.13, U 05
and 10.05 a. in,; 3.10, ,'..U p. in, I'ur llutlalo
1.1) and 0,22 a, in.; 1.(0, 1)00 and 11,35 p. ni.
I'or Illngliainlon and way stations 10,20 a. in.
l'.lconiobuii,' Division Leave bcranton, 10.05 a.
in. and 0.10 p. m.
Pennsylvania Ballroad.
Scheiliile in Htlcct June '2, 1WI
'1'ialiin leave Sscranton: 0,3d a. m,, weel. days,
tlirQuli le&ttbule lulu doni Wilken-llaire. Pull,
man bullet pallor lar and mailim to Philadel
phia, vli l'ottvillc-, stow ul pilncipit iiileune.
dlate station. AUo ennuecti fui .Minlnir.v, llai
llnburc;, Philudelplila, lUltiiuuie, Jililnjlon and
for Piitbbuis anil the wist.
0.3S a. ni., wed. dave, lor Simliuiy, ljrul)Uig,
Phlladelpliia, llaltlmore, WashliiKtuii and l'ltlj
burir ai.d the wot.
1.12 p. in., week divi I puuda) ft, 1.0S p. m ),
for Suiibui), IlarrMiuii;, Plilladtdphta, llaltinioie,
ahlin:u and I'ltltburg and the west,
J.'ii) p. in,, wnk datK, IhioiiKh veslllnilA liam
iroill VI lll.f'liailf, I iiiiiiuii uuiic-i I'anui ur i
ami ff)iuiis in riui4iiriiiii.i ti4 i uioimc. civa
al prinilpil iiilirmediati' hUtloiw.
1,27 p, in., wi'ik da3, lor llj.lituu, bauburv,
lJjlilab irtr, Piiiladelphla anl Pltt-buit.',
.1. II. Ilfll IIINSOV. lien. Slur.
J. II. WOOD, Ueu. Pa A'i.
New Jersey Central.
In i:iVict Nov 17, 1001.
Station In New oil., lout vt I.ibeitj neet
and .south I'ui.v. N. II.
'lialns leave! StrantO'i for .NVvi ok, pluladit
phla, l'a.toli, llitlililiim, vlliiitcmn, Miuih
1 hunk, While llaviu, Avhlt and WilUs-lUnc at
','.,'.0 a. HI,, 1 l in and 1 Ii, in. bun.Li, J 10 p. in.
tjuakei Ut.v Kipirm leivi Scranton al 7 ..0
a, in., throuKh olid wilihuli! Irani with Pu'liuan
lluftet Parlor Pal., toi PliilaiK-lplila.
I'ur Avoia, Pltiatuii and Wilkes liauc, 1 p, in,
and i p. in, siiihIjj, '2,10 p. ill.
I'or I.oiik, Uei'aii Uiuii', etc., 7-e.O a.
in. und 1 ii, in.
I'ur Heading. I.eb.uun and llari labiirej, via Al
'intovvn, at 7..10 a. ni and 1 p. m. hunUjj, 2.10
1: III,
IVr Puttivillu at 7.S0 a. in. ami 1 p, in
I'm lalta and lliketa uppl) to aeteul at bialiun.
C. M. IlUltl', Gen. Paw. Aft.
W. W Wi:NTZ, Cle-ii. SHipt.
Eiie Bailroad, Wyomhifjr Division.
Tialiu lor Now Yoik. Ncvvburgli and Intciuie
eliatu jwiiiH leave iuauton a.1 lolloiv; 7.20 a.
in.; 2.2) p. in.
Airlvjl 10.5 a. in. from Jilddliitovvn. llonw.
dale, llavvlev and intciiucdiate poliili. 0.20 p. in.
from icw York, Xcittiuivk and Iiiteiuii'dialK
Kiints. No uulay trains.
lift ZSwl
i imnritti
JtHAU. StcuxCiTUA.
'isilV-ily.ras. a . Laxai i ve.
rup of Figs appeals to the culturedand the
to utc ucuiuiy, oecauscus com-
pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal
virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained
from an excellent combination of plants
known to be medicinally laxative and to
act most beneficially.
To get its beneficial effects buy tho
genuine manufactured by the
Ml S
Mnuiir&cturcr3 ar
43B to 465
N. Ninth Street,
Tolcphotts Call. 2333.
Cor. Shteenth .St. and Ir Vic Place,
American Plan, JS.OO Per Day and Upwards.
European Plan, $1 00 Per Day and Upwards,
fcpecial Kates to Famillea.
f-f-f-f-t--t- -t- -t- -t--f-t- --
For Business Men
In the heart ot th wholesalt
For Slioypow
x mlnutef' walk to Wanamakers:
S minutes to Btesel Coopor'a 131a
etore. Casy ot access to tho Great
Dry Good store.
For Sightseers
One block from E'way Cars. Slv
Inf easy transportation to all
points ot Interest.
Cor. lltll ST. fc UNIVEH3ITY PI
Only one lilock fiom llroudvvay.
Rooms, $1 Up. vSSSSH
f4-r -f-f--f -f -f t
verv Woman
3 inlcu'Jlcd und should Vnqw
u bout tbo w oudct fill
MAnVtL Whirling Spray
1 ho nevr 1 irll 1 rt. Iwee
m '&i tzrj f
iwn unu nm twit, ocst- f.i
sl llust ronTemtnt
lllleivett leuu
1 1 eu.j
ik fCurUiuHt for II,
li huiwnut upilr the
.11 ll Kl.. a... put mi
ot Iter, but tend la mp for II
tulltulM iMuvk-erklpd 11 uiYPB
lull Dailk'ubunnil .Uie. nmtti.
tlutetiii-to l&illes. .11 n 1:1. e"l..
ltoom fjl!) Tiineii Bdi . Sew Ytrk.
V -Y7
,'! '
( '