The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 18, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Bprclil to (lie Scrinton Tribune.
.Montrose, Feb. 17. Cnplitjn J. G.
Harrington, commander of Company
n, Thirteenth regiment, N. O. !.. lias
on occount of the iiresfl of other busi
ness, sent In hl.s resignation, nnil It lms
been reluctantly ncecptcd nt,hendtimr
ters. Captain ITarrlneton'n uuccoRsor
will be chosen at an election to lie held
at the armory In Montrose on Friday
cvenlnpf, February 21,
According to ti Btntement road at St.
Mary's church yesterday, there arc at
present -117 names enrolled on the pnr
ish registry.
V. P. U. Alncy, cs(., lclurned the
last of the week fioin Warren, Pa.,
where ho went to transact legal busi
ness. Miss Frances 1C. Ainnmrinau was
summoned to thu home oC her parents
nt Lake Ariel, Wayne comity, last
week, by the serious lllnes sof her
An old-fashioned snow storm set In
this morning and has continued all
day. There Is considerable wind and
It Is feared that country roads will
drift In to an extent that may serious
ly Interfere with voters getting to thu
polls tomorrow. .
The annual meeting for the election
of offlcers of the Montrose Fire de
partment will occur In the parlors of
Itescue Hook and .Ladder company, No.
1, on Friday evening, February 2?.
Anonymous circulars containing u
contemptible personal attack upon Col
'tinel Charles Vratt, of Xev Mllford,
Republican candidate for state senator,
have but one effect, s-o far as heard
from, and that Is to crystallize public
sentiment in favor of Colonel Pratt,
and make that honored and honorable
gentleman's friends work more de
terminedly than ever befoic their fa
vorite's success. All signs point dear
ly to Colonel Pratt's success, both at
the nominating convention and at the
Gregory Scott, of Gieat llend. was
a guest at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. 11. G. Scott, in this place, over
Edwin Shafer, of Scranton, spent
Sunday at the home of his mother In
this place.
Mr. and Mis. X. C. Kobeits, of Mont
rose, were guests of friends In
tdh over Sunday.
Miss Louise Bunnell, after a visit
with friends at Factoryvllle, has re
turned to her home in tills place.
I. H. Levy, the Union clothier, hus
closed his store in this place and ex
poets very 'soon to remove his busi
ness to a large town in West Virginia.
Mrs. A. G. Mason and daughter, of
West Pittston, have been visiting at
the home of Judge and Mrs. I. W.
Scarle, on Church street.
B. J. Fugo, of the Susquehanna
Transcript olliee force, spent Sunday
with his wife and little daughter in
this place.
. Fpccial to (lie Scianton Tribune.
Honesdale, Feb. 17, The ladles of
the Presbyterian church have decided
not to change the order and will serve
the annual Martha Washington turkey
dinner on Saturday, February 22. First
table at C:30 p. m. The popularity of
those dinners In the past is sulliclout
to bring out the usual large attend
ance at this time.
An enjoyable entertainment and so
cial was given under the direction of
the Juvenile Sunday school class in the
Baptist church, Friday evening. The
piogramme consisted of selections from
the phonograph by llennle Deittrich;
recitations by Homer Greene, esq.:
Miss Verna Stemman and Augusta
Hagadarn; solos by Isabella Haroun,
Gince Whitney, Mrs, Hallet and Rev.
L. O. Percy.
Miss Mao Thorp spent Sunday with
friends In Carbondale.
Mrs. Lucy Uently is in New Yotk
whither she was called by the illness
of her daughter, Miss Kllzabeth K.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schwenker, of
Scranton, was the guest or the former's
brothcis. William and George, In
Honesdale, over Sunday,
The scales for weighing the large
cars of coal which tho Delaware and
Hudson have been placing in tho
Honesdale yard arc nearly completed.
The storage plant is completed and
ready for the dumping of coal which
, is expected to commence soon.
Thomas Patterson, veterinary sur
geon, died of cancer at his homo on
J3nst street Friday evening. He would
have been ninety-two years of ugo next
May. Funeral was held at his late
1 homo Sunday afternoon. Rev. William
H, Swift, of tho Presbyterian church,
olllclated. Interment In Riverside
cemetery. Deceased Is survived by his
' wife, four daughters, Mis. Charles
Ruvdlck, of ninghamton; Mrs. Frank
Kvnns, Mrs. Louis Shay, Mrs. J. T.
1 irmly nnd two bons, John and Charles,
all of Honesdale. Deceased had a largo
1 acquaintance In this part of Pennsyl
vania and portions of New York which
ho covered In his profession,
Special to tbe Scranton Tribune.
Factoryvllle, Feb. 17. Captain 10. J.
Rico post, No. 211, G. A. R has
changed their time of meeting from
Friday night to Saturday afternoon, the
third Saturday of each month, until
further notice,
Tho friends of Rev, and Mrs, G, R.
Smith , are till Invited to tho Baptist
church next Wednesday afternoon and
evening, to enjoy n social and show
their esteem for the pastor and his
Thu llrst number of tho lecture coursa
to be held at tho M, E, church will ho
tomorrow (Tuesday) night. Rev, ri
Hayes, of HliiBhamton, N, Y., will bo
tho lecturer, nnd his subject will bo
"Great Women and Their Achieve
ments." lientbn Coleman, who has resided In
he Dr. Hvundago residence for a num
ber of yeais, will shortly jnovo to the
houso of Fred M. O.steihout on Mill
The borough council met last Thuivs
day night and passed tho board of
health Ordlnuncu which la number
eighteen on tho ordlnuiwo book,
The unhuul banquet n the Masonic
lodge of this place will be hold oil next
Filduy evunlng, February !il, at tho
new Keystone hotel.
Paulowna Rebekah lodge, No, OS, I. O.
O. V., will 'meet In regular session
. -esday evening.
. tpn Factoryvllle, No. 37, Pa
tvlai Militant will hold- an import
ant meeting and drill next Wednesday
night, February in. All members must
bo present at o'clock.
Charles Gardner, cso.,, Is quite ser
iously 111 at his home,
Mrs. Efllo Covey, of Otlca, N. Y.,
will this weok remove her household
goods from the above named place to
the homo of her grandmother, Mrs,
Surah Chase, of La Plume, Pa.
Miss Amsbury, gf Wllkcs-IJarre, is
n guest of Mrs. Allien
Mrs. W. W. Hard and daughters An
na and Helen, were at Tunkhannock
last Wednesday attending tho funeral
of Hultou .Stone.
Union Memorial services were held
nt the Baptist church last Sunday even
ing In memory of Francis 1-3. Wlllard.
Miss Leona Hemiott has been spend
ing several days with her sister In
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Spraguy, of
Scranton, spent Sunday hero with rela
tives. A party fiom this place enjoyed a
Johnny Armstrong killed a calf,
Peter Henderson got the half;
Willie Wilkinson got the head
Ring the bell, the calf is dead.
Find Peter Henderson.
slelghride to Ftectvlllc last Thursday
night and were entertained at the
home of George N. Van Fleet.
Mrs. C. II, Mathewson is entertain
ing her sister from Holland Patent,
n. y.
Tourple's orchestra will furnish the
music at the Masonic banquet next
Friday night.
'Hide will be a special lnecliiii," of Hit" Suv
field Mtciary club on Tlmtnilay evening.
ISev. Ur. A. Ciraiil Kvani, piesideut ut Henry
Kendall college, Muskogee, Indian TVuitnry, will
deliver an aildrefs on borne inkilons in Ling
Vlifie church this cveuliiK, Pcbruaiy Is. Hr.
r.v.ins wai formerly a mb-slon-ny in Colorado.
He b an eloquent speaker.
Mi-s T.teIe Ilcnnctt, ot Vine street, it tiltically
ill of iipiicnilliitS. She will bo tcinovul today
to JIo-.ej Taylor hospital for treatment.
MKm's Xcllie McCiowan nnd Helen llkon spent
Kiuiday with filcmt, in WilUcvlinne.
A suipiiie puty was leudeicd Min. John At
well nt her homo on South Main -.tied on I'll
day cveniiu; In honor of her thiitj-thiid birth
day. They picicnted her with n haiuhomo tet
of idler knhe-s and forki. A (
wail prepaicd uml it U needier to say thai ample
juitlcc wj-1 done to it. The following wcic puN
cnt: Mr. and Min. John Tajlor, Mr. and Mi..
.loCili Tajlui, Mr. ami Mis. Joseph I.lcwelljn,
Mr. and Mis. T. .1. I.levvilljn. Mr. and Mis.
'iliomai Ucvvi-lbu, si., Mr. ami Jin. Thomas At
well, Mr. and Jlus. Jc5mc Atucll, Mr. and Mm.
William Howe, Jir. Olid Mr. Willi ini .fertrii'-',
Mr. and JIis. Wlllhm Price, .Mr. and Mrs. John
Mitchell, Mis. WIIHjiii Hlilgelly, Jin. .lame
Decble, Jll,e Sarah llulgelly, Jliggie Deible,
Jlaiy Williams.
A team of Iioim diiven by T, A. (Jiiiiin be
came tilshtened on the We-.t Mdo and tan down
JIcAlplno sheet .it a tcirille late on Piiday af
teinoon. Opposite l'ailio street the nle brol;e
nnd the tightened animals plunKed over 11 high
embankment. The driver vva4 pltdicd out seveial
lods above, anil the hoife.s vveie both badly In-
The jui.v cnipaniielled io lmesligitc the i.iuv
of the death of Joepli lulu, who vv.n killed on
the and llutUon 1, met In
'Squlio Jlonahan'H ollke on 1'ilday ittteinoon.
It wj learned Hut the hoy vvai'on Ida way fiom
Knipuiia and had ionic u tar ih Wllkcvllairc
on the i'euuvlvaula lallioad. It ix supposed that
he then came to Pittston on the Lehlth Valley.
He then went to Coil; I.ane and finding that the
tiain had none, stalled to walk to Avoea. The
jury ulli'V healing all evidence diclded that death
was accidental, '1 Jiu juiors win-: V, J. lien
iihnau, Ik II. Sujder, I). J. (oi.iian, Midiael
Healey, lli'iijauiln Wchh, l. ,1, ( m. .m.
1 Theatrical 1
AUADr.MV 01' MUSIC-Slarks lliotheis" torn,
pauy, AltiTiwrtii und night.
Hl'SIO HAI.t-"Tlie lUinblcu." Afleinooii.
At the Academy,
The Jlaiks Drotlicis' Piamatic uml VaudcUlle
company opened a week's rngagimcnl at tho
Academy of Music last night shine a nmu
ticdltoble perlonuanco of "Tho Duko' Daush
tei," 'llio leading lady of tho company, Jllig
Jlny A. Ucll Mmk., piovcd lieuelf to bo a most
accoinpllsbcd )'ouiif actrcM.
Tho company will pirwnt "Th (Trhnc of Lon
don" this alteinoon and tonight a dramatIntIon
of Ouldj's "Under Two Flags" will be given,
Ramblers UuvleBcjuers.
The "Hamblen HuiUmuci" save two p.
foiiiuiucit jestetday in Mulo lull ovvius to (ho
ttmpoiary cluluir of tho htar. Tin) show com.
pares favoiably with a number of tho Ijuilcsquo
peifoiiuaucts) wen In thl city tlil season and
the olio cnntalin two jiatticulaily good actn,
A chap without any iiaiuo known a one of the
Lilt, biolheu ptiforau witii lili feet as ilcvvlly
jj many pctfoimera do with their hamW, Ho
iU)4 a trombone, vvlcldj u lumuier, saw ami
halchet and finally doe some shooting tint is
littli) slioit of miraculous whui one toiulders
that lie fs Uiins iU feet anil not tils hands, The
Major sUters do a .on:,- and dance turn that ha
Y'P&'-VPL&i? I hv remedy
Vb o
the spice tit novelty ami that lakes 1 tl l tho
audience. It Include an exciting feeing bout
niul n llircc-l omul go wllli gloves, nil done to t tic
time of the music phtjod by the oirhcsli.i.
Thctt; lll ba a performance ut Mmlc lull llils
afternoon but' none tonight on iu count of t tic
hall luting befn previously eiigigcd.
Herrmann tho Groat.
Herrmann the tlrcit in-oscnts .1 number nt new
MM .stailllng- features in lodgcidcmaln nt the
l,(cum (heater host Wednesday night, besides
leveial new Illusions, Including- "The Escape
rrom Hlne Sing," "Xoih's Aik, or Atler the
riooil," "The TttrklOi Elopement," and the lat
est Pailslan sensation. "I,ii Cabinet Euchatitc."
An nil Jed addition In the ciitcrlJtiimcnt of Heir
linn the this season ore McWatteis ami
Tjson e.omp iny, in their lale-st New Ymk me
ten, "Scenes In the l)ieltifr Hooiu," Introduc
ing Mr. McWiittcrs' latest song suercs'es. cull
lied, "How Would You Like to lie nn Actor,"
"Ilutrali, lliirrnti," "My I.lly (Juion." "t Am
a ll.uhelor," etc, Special scenery mid nucoi
lea aio carried with this e.ilfin roprp-entntlon
mi the tunc.
"San Toy."
The Augustlti Daly company, wIiIlIi
vvas (entered liy tho hitu Aiigusllii Paly, nnd
under whoe guiding hand It has successfully
pud successively ptodutotl "The tlclslu," 'The
Runaway Olrl," this K-aou presents "San Toy,"
at tlm Lyceum Thursday night next, which has
pmved a giealcr success than cither of the
Mr. Daly was esteemed I lie gioatcst singe
illicctor in America. Ills skill went tar be.vuiid
that stage management that consists nt nuking
the nctor do and nay exactly what tlie author
hU written. He w.n emiaily niton,? hi all de
liaitinents of woik. It is seldom in
decif, that one man has so many (rifts. He
pcisonally supeiviscil cvciy depailmcnt of ills
theater. Ho would leach his office as eaily as
seven o'clock and spend the whole day thcie,
merely leavinu; to go home and dine. At night
he was aluoj nlmiit the jilav hou-e, cither in
fiont oi luliind the scene. His walilifulnc.-s
nevei lclaxcd.
"Bonnie Brier Bush."
J. II, Sioddnt ill "'lhe lJonuie lliier Bu-h" i
the uttiaciinu at the I.jccum next Satuidav,
matinee and night. All thoo who havu lieaul of
tho favorite old aitoi's success in Xew Yolk in
i, his new pieic, as well as those who leniem
her him in previous plajs, wilt look forvvaul
with gieat anticipation to bis (Qipearancc beie.
'J'here was alva,v an indesciibable charni about
the kale-y-.ud sloiie of Ian J.icl.en and it is
said that in conelatlnjf theso Into a play the
diamalist, Joseph JlaoAitbur, lias even inten-ifieJ
the Scutch .itinosplieic.
Jir. Moddatt Inings with hiui the sniie eccl
lent supporting company which so ably supple
mented Ids etlorts in Nov Yoilc and bellied to
make "Thu llouuic Hricr Iluh" one of tho hi,;
gp.t succeves of the season. Tho advance sale of
scats and hocs will begin Thui-daj mmniug .it
!i n'chxk.
Great Rush for Seats.
1'iediitioiH that there would be an mipu
ccdiMitcil lu-h fot tiikets tor the l'.ldetuwkl vveie nioio than vcillled jcteiday inoin
ing. Checks vveie given out at 7.S0, nnd de
spite the iiiiplcasanl weather thcie was a ciowd
at Powell's about the dl.igi.un dining the cnliic
day. it has ben found nece-.aiy to Iniuaio
the seating capacity for the higher priced tick
et, as the demand for these scats has been so
gieat that but few icnialu. People leallio that
ihey can buy two tickets for what they would
pay fur one in the larger cities and are anxious
to sccme the $1.M vaiicty. Ordeis aie coming
in fiont out of town in dioves. A large detnind
was tecched yesterday fiom llliighaintoii, and
the clement In all the towns in this
legion seems to be determined to urn no tbks
of missing this chance.
While there is a gieat lor the high
priced seats it is also evident that many tee
ogule the advantagu of sitting Luther back in
the icar of the mmoiy and using opcia glasses
Io see the gieat pianist. As fir as being able
to hear is concerned, the delicate plankslmo
p.wuges aie perfectly audible lu eieiy falutct
shading In tho last row, iluw tho aitistle value
of thu Is not lost In any ilegue to thoo
who are not at lhe cxtienio front. It is piob
able tint few such advance fales was ever
iliioiilclc-il for any single iccltal In this eountiy.
Jir. 1'adriewskl lias cprcwil hlmelf as much
lntcic-tcd In his coming visit to Scranton, and
l.s piepatlna; bis programme with much cue.
The same will piobably bo published on Wed-lie-day
and is beinjf looked foi with much In
teioit by uur imisle loving people,
The Great Winter Circus.
Don't make .1 inWako about this circus. Don't
think tor a moment that it Is an amateur affair.
It is not, Tho only featuio filled by unutcuis
is tkJ) big spectacular niaich of twenty men and
a twAtit tlio clowns. All tho other aitlsts, of
wliiclitlicrc are over 150, nio professional people,
nicii nnd women who aiu connected in tlm sum
mer with tho biggest circuses on the road, ath
letes, gymnasts, lideis, and the pctforuiutico is
guaranteed to bo one of the best ever seen In
this town.
The Sutomolo Japanese troupe aie leal Japan
ese, tho company appealing in tills city for tio
(hot time, a family of ulna men, women nnd
children ami aie the, best .iitlsls lu their lino
of business that ever camo to this country.
The bt. Ilclmos aro well known tlitoughmit
tho United States as tho most iuticpld and dar
ing peifoimers of tho flying; tupe.o before, the
public, Tho Tod Judgo family of nciobats mc
second to none in their lino and the three r'ortuu
brothers, grotesejuo rceeiitila bar pcifoinicrs aio
artists of gerat ability. Thero aie many other
acHis too numcious to mention but cvciy one is
pleasing and of a high class ouler, If any one
hesitates attending tha show for fear that It is til
amateur elicus let them banish that idea at once,
for the amateur poitiou o( jt Is only In thu
management, Mug for tho beiictlt of the Intel"
national Coircspoiidentn SelinooU' association
who havo undertaken Ibis method to rsUe luouty
fo'r their benevolent ideaif.
lieiiuul frhaw's "Captain UraMbouud's Con
vcislon," vvlilch was wiltten for Kllen Teiry,
but for omu unknown feason was never pio
duecd, v.lll shortly bo presented by I'-Mu ))
Wolfe and licr company In New York. The
leading fniulo rolu is i comedy p.ut and the
dlalojuo tluougliout is hunioiuus and satirical.
IMivin Ilooth, who illeil in 1WJ, probably made
Thin slrmiuro ii ou eery box of tbe genuluo
Laval ifi Broiiif)OiiinincTticti
that cure a t-olil lu one eloy,
more money than nny other pltjcr of hU time.
Ills rtnre In tho llitcd iun tho llooth-ltarrctt
combination existed alone amounted to $3S0,0OO.
Ill hl Inter dais he Kttvc away and lost cull
light and Icfl, artl(iihiily ns a manager, and
for nil that, at his ileuth ha' left u (oitunc uf
occr ifiXM.tXW.
Walter link, recently with Jlaiy Jtannerlmr,
lus Rono to the bouIIi of I'ranco to reeovcr his
health. Season' before Ut 1 Inlet was wllli "All
ronl" mnl during tho action ot the piece was hit
oicr tha head with u fombrcro liy Moutcnanl
Denton, Tills recurring hock caused a btood
chit to form on the left sldo of bis bialn nnd
lesullrd in ids final Incapacity for work.
Wllllim II. Wcslf tho mlnsliel, died on l'rl
day last In Chleano of cancer. Ho vvas boin In
Auburn, N. Y,( fifty years ago nnd ut tho ngc
ot twelve yens tool; to tho Mago n't a rlog dart
eel, lucelftig wits success and Utility becoming
owner of ofto of the largest inlnsticl oigaiilralloni
In (he country. Ills flwt wife vvas I'ay Temple
ton, from whom he was divorced! his second
Jibs l.lrettu Moiil, of rhlladclphhi, who
died a few years ago. Ills widow before her
inairlagc to him was Miss lhnma ltanley, nf the
llanley sisters, lie leaves properly cstluiated
nt WpOOO, which Includes real estate in I'hlli'
ilctphln, llrootctyii and Chicago. West wan known
In his caily career as William II. l-'ljnn, which
was bellcve'd tn be his proper nunc. He nnd
rrlnucise challcnircd other ilog elanccrs for the
championship of the world, and alter ninny con
tests wete lnv.iil.ihly vlctotlous. .1. 11. llaveily
paw Wo.t and I'rltnio'c dance mid ottered them
tin engagnment. They were ttavellng with Hav
nljV minstiels In 1S71, when they eutrted Into
and nriangrment with Jtlllon (3. Harlow mid
(ieorgp Wilson to organle a tinnpo of their own,
This tioupe hecinic f anions under the name nf
Harlow, Wilson, l'llnuo'-e and West's minstiels.
When they opened the pennn at Wilmington,
Del., the (list money taken In at the bnc nflice
eonsl-ted of n nrvv silver dollar, ll.ieh of the
pinners wanted to keep It as a souvenir, and
n quirrel iwtiltcd over the coin which almost
dissolved the show. 1'ln.iUy they dtovv lots for
the piece, and It went to Hallow. West usually
appealed on tho 'taw its the middleman, or In
tciloculnr, but frequently he appealed ns mi
end man. lie' eonlinucd to appear doing .i clog c unlit the close of but K.inn, when he
(omplainril of .in allot Hon of the throat. Just
befoic his death West sent for t'iImroe and
asked hint to'uttend his (uncial, lie aUo asked
tn have some d.inceis hiniichl to lhe hotel,
When Pilunosf! hiought the dinccis to the ho
tel Wist sat up In lied and watched them dance.
When it was ovei he pirscntcd each of the clog
dinccis with n sold watch tieaiing his name.
Woll Street Review.
New York, fcb. 17. Todaj's severe snow
stoini lc-sened lhe attendance! at the Mock ev
eliatigc and iii.uto lhe stay shoit of thoe biokeis
who did attend. The consequence was a dull
and lininlerc-llng market of no iy f.'.ed ten
dency. Only a few stocks bIiov.ciI dealings of
any Importance-, and the price movement in thoc
vvas Inclined to vaiy. A number of usually in
active stoiks made some piogiess upw.uds. Tlie
iiudertone was linn, and while pdecs did not hold
iilwavs .it the best, the level of pliccs did not
get lieluvv Satiiiilay night. Theic was an active
speculation in .Metropolitan htieet uilvvay, but
the opinion nf the new plan leiiiaiued about as
uiiuViI us slneo its pionmlgallon. cugai ad
vanced on .icLoiint of the use of the piiie of
lctlucil sugai aii't the continued hope that the
duty on (Julian sugars would be 1 emitted liy
iongios. The ui-gtnt buying of law copper in
London ami the advance in the piice io
suited lu buying of Amalgatuatcd Copper heie.
'Jhero was some movement in the stocks of dit
feicnt steel eoinpauies, apparently in connect ion
with the annual meeting of the United .suites
Steel cnipoiiitlnii, but the movement ot the
fnited States Meet stoiks themselves was nauuw
and leadings wcic not on a vci.v luge stale,
coii'ldt-ilng the ciioiiiious volume of the
The laiho.iil list, outside uf the minor stocks,
was sluggHi inid neglected, 'llio lite lise In
sug.u to tlnce iioluts over Satiuduv titul tlie
letoveiy to the top in Amalgamated Copper sus
tained the maikct, which was otlieinKe inclined
to .viehl in sucecs-ivo spots. Tiie closing was it
legular. Total sales toehiy, l&S,-JU0 shales. Hoiuls
we-ie steidy. Total sales, par value, yi, KW.U")').
United Males bonds wctle all imeliangtd nn the
last call.
The following; quotations rc furnished The Trib
une by M. S. Jordan k Company, rooms 70j-."00
Mears building, Seranton. Ta. Telephone, 101)3:
Open- High- Low- Clos
i:ier. est. est. lug.
Aiiieiican Sjusrai lis-A Uiij 2,5j vifi
Aulil.n 7711- 77Ts :', 77J
Attbison. 1'r ().? lis (iTi ps
ltiuok. Tractiou WH (Hi:, niti W.&
Hill. & Ohio lU'.i 10.-;8 lll4 ir
(.lies, & ohio 4(,i4 nit.', mi'. n,if.
I hie. A: (I, U 2lli SI?I i)'J. l!l)i
St. Paul m w.7i JAi HJ
ltotk Wind 1G31;; nil l(li'. (ll
Laekawann.i 2M 2A: 2s,l " 2t:j
Kan. ,t Tev., Pi- M .YiV- JUi, .V.'i
Louis, .t .V,is, io-, i),-,t4 in-, 10514
Mat). Klevatett lSI'i LWi lit HI'S.
Jlc-t. 'll.icliou 171i,i 172', 171i 171',i
Misosuii p.ieint 1111 io4'h 101 nnT's
Sotithe-in Wit (i71k Mir;i -i
Not folk & Western fi75i ."i7's -)7rs J7Ta
1-iio i!0j; :i:iii ;,si!i .vi'i
die-. 1-t Pi- 7()li 70',i i;m4 to
X. Y. (Vnl1.1l 101 nill-i lBOi Ifil'A
Out. k West :h1h Wh 81Ta :!!
I'enna. It. It 151U i;ut ,-,' ,-,m
P.uiiiei Mill 171t 171. 1; 471;
Hcadlna: .-,7"i JS'i rTi .'1 -!i
iteiiiling, Pr RJ"J 8V,i S.I9S s-'s
KoiiIIhiii IS. It ,151.', 31 jut', ::,;;
Soiitliein It. It., Pr ....ft." 97U Hi" "M.-Ji
'li'iin. Coil lion l"j (.7-lrt W.U -7
V. S. Leather, Pr mi:. M'i SP'. fPi
1'nlon l'acifit- lo'Ti 10 Hi ItUTi lt's
Union Pacific, Pi W..J K')"i SIMj KH,
W.iba-h, Pr 4-.V. iia; nr, ,,w
vv ostein I nion (11 u t ni
(Jul. fuel & lion Mi!', mi, ,mi ,1
Am.ll, Copper 70?i 71, 70',i 71Vi
People's (las 101 iijoy, nw nwy.
Pol. So isj; pi ist; ., '
Texas Paclllo iJVi I2'i 11-11 tj
Am. Car foundry 2') -j'l 2s7 -r
ni, C.11 fdiindiy, Pr. , M s ,ss ,ss
1". .. Steel Co II 445; 11 hi:.
U. S. Steel Co., Pr .... US'J na; mrj yjij
Scranton Board of Trade Exchango
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS, Hid. Asked
Lackawanna Daily Co., Pr w. CO
County Savings It.inl, & Tui.t ('".. miw
I'ilst National Hank (Caibninhile) fiOO
Etandaul Drilling Co , ;n.
Tblid National Hank r,;o
Dime Deposit antl Discount Hank.. 27i
Economy Light. II. k P, Co 43
first National Hani; l.ioo
I.acki. Tuist i: Sale Deposit Co.,,. jn.-, ,,;
Clark & Suover Co,, Pr J2
S'tranton Iron Pcitre i: tfg. Co 1110
Scronton Ale Woiks uj
Scranton Savings Hank 5110
Trailers' National Hank , 220 ,,,
S'eiantou Holt ,t Nut Co..,,, in ,,,
People's Haul; 135
New- lletlto Ity, & C. Co 7j
Scranton Passenger Hallway, first
Mortgage, due 1020 us
People's street Hallway, first mort
gage, due 1913 us ...
People's Mrcct Hallway, Gcneial
mortgage, due 1021 11.5
Dickson Manufacturing Co, ,., loo.
Lacka. Township School 5 per cent. ,,, lOi
City ot Scranton St. Imp, 0 per
cent. , ' 102
Scranton Tiaction 0 per cent 115 ,,,
economy Light, Heat & Power Co., 03 .,,
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Coiretted by H. O. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave,)
lldlla t-. 10.
Hutter fresh trcjmeiy, 2.'c.j June creamery,
83'tc.i dalr). 2Je.
fgg Neaiby, Sic, i fancy sloraje, 27c,
Peas Pe-r bushel, ll."3.
Potatites Per bushel, S3e.
Onlous-Per bushel, l.u).
New York Grain nnd Produce Market
New Yoik, lV-b. 17, flour Yery ilidl. Wfieat--Hpot
easier; No. 2 led, feSVSe, f. o. b. alloitj
No. 2 u-d, IWUc, elevaloi; No, 1 iioitherit )u
lutli, Mo. f. H. b. afloatj options slow, stionaei ut
llrst but finally weakened, closing sic. net lowvii'
Slaich closed BlUci Jiav. 81c. i July, WT4c. Com
Spot easier! No, 2, C77c. elevator and 0h9iv,
f, i. b. ultoati options uthuueed sharply but
eventually tuiucd vciy weak anil ilnsetl hcavy
ul "io. net decline! JIuy (Icvcel UiKu.; Jul),
Oelc-, Oat Spot Heady; No, 2, l?ie-.; No. :t,
4'A-.j No, 2 white, 51c i No. .1 white, Snit-c;
traik iiiled westciu, S0a.1lc, ; track white, OU
fie', i options fctlonLr ut Hist on u scaio of May
shoils weot but later broke through icaliiug.
Iluttcr Steady; cicamciy, 22.i'lUc,; do. factoiy,
ISailc; Juno creamciy, 17Ji'ic, ; te novated, LV,-ia
li'tlji'.i imitation iit.inieiy, 10.121c; stale dally,
20a2ic, Cheese firm; statu full cream, small
caily nude, fancy coloirel, IHiulic; state, full
iieani, mull early made, fancv white, Jl?ial2e;
laige parlv made colomd, 10?ialle; large caily
maelo while, 1 Oxalic, fggs film; state and
Pennsylvania, .lie; western, Ulc; totitheiu,
uJJic. i
Chicago Grain nnd Produce Market.
Chicago, fib. ;T.Tf!ralns on the Iward of
trade tedjy vxj.14alc11e.eU a quick clunze li.
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than Four Lines, A Cents for Pncli Extra LI 115.
For Heut.
I'Olt HKST fiom April 1, store room tircuplttt
by (Jubtn Diamond Co., 22 1 lJckawatmi nvc
intct nlso tloor nhovc. Apply 1331 Sanderson
I'Olt HUNT Ms-room house; will lent from
March 1st. Address SIS HarrNon avenue.
I'Olt HUNT Stoic loom M3 I.ackavv.inui uvenue,
ttc.vl door Io ITtdey's dry good stntet pos
session given nt onee. Apply to John I). Itoyle,
clothier, till Lackawanna avciui".
I'Olt llKNT fine pilvatp residence In tlrcen
lUduo fie-tlluii for rent for one, furnished
or tinfuinlMicd; li looms; uiodirii Improvements',
steam nnd tulle-y Hues e-onvenlciit. Addicts
euhi, Tiibuiie olllic.
STOIIi: Oil one-half of stoic for lent, 101 I.ick.i-
wanna nicnui', opposltu 1',, L. A W. elcpot,
luqulic luipeilal Cigar Co., 1W I'lanklln avenue.
I'Olt III1ST No. 0.1S Clay avenue. All modern
conveniences, Including steam licit. Terms
leasonnble. Apply to James K. tieaihait, LI
brary llulbllng.
foil lll'.NT 11-iooni house near I'ai Inrjvllle.
splene'id location fen lhe suinnier; good
pasture for boises. Apply IS03 S'auilersoii avenue.
llOUSf, No. nil N. Wiishliurtmi avenue, comer
Pino sheet. It looms and Kith; all in perfect
order. Apply ut 5.17 Linden street.
foil ltKXT Coiner stole No. .'M Laikuwanna
nventie. A No dwellings ahovn. Apply to
(lold-mltli Hio'., 301 Luekiwaniia avenue.
l'OII Hi:XT Slon- loom on seiond Hum- titer Mil
Luek.i v.inin uvenue. Plate- gliss Honl. In-ipiirc-
of Kiolo-ky llios.
l'OII HUNT fiom pill I, building now occu
pied by lhe Diekson Milling Co., No. Pi
l.ack.iwiitin.i avenue. W. f. Ilojle, Council llldg,
IIALf DOfHLi: hou-e, IC1S ll.iul-.mi avenue. $U.
Also half double house, 1WW Pine stiert, fir.
Possesion now. Apply 050 llalrisoifave'iiui-.
Por Sale.
l'OII SA1.1I Anvils, vNes, cTlills, file bender", up.
sclleis, fuigt-s, ill Ills and lot of h.iuil.v tools
ut M. T. Ktllct's l.ackiwiimn C.iiiiage wink-'.
l'OII SALH Nsw and second-hand one and two
seated slciejlis and boh sleds ol nil kiln's at M,
T. Kellci's Laek.nv.innr Ciiilntei Woiks.
I'Olt SAI.f. CIIHAP Ha paddle boi-e, S) veils
sound, line sudillci and good diiver. Hi-asiu
foi selling, no u-o lor same. all oi .uldre-s f .
A. Selieiei, 1) S. j. otticc, Piovideiicc, Pa.
I.ACi: Ct'MTMXS 3ti0 lulls f.iniy Cuitiilns at
auction. ,'0s L.iekaw.111111 avtiuie. S.-e auction-.
l'OII SALH La i go load of pine kindling, stove
length, deliveied unvvvheii- foi W.WI. Hud.
wood , Siio, Mall tnile-is Ji-nnlngs, Ccnlial mine
switch, fifteenth street, oi bilng jour waguit
and get a load.
toil SALE ClIKAP-f iiewood, 11011 loofin,', lim
bers, board, scantling, etc., fiom old ears;
suitable for all puiposes. Jennings, Cential
Mines snitch, foot of Ilmpton stieet 6tf ?omli
Main avenue.
l'OII SALi: Two light spiing wagons and some
haruios, cheap. Hvans, rear 11J-' Liicrno
fOH SALi: Cheap; horse, spring wagon and
harness, at No. S2(! Ct-ilat avenue.
Por Sale or Kent.
fofl SALI! Oil HUNT stoic and h.unis shop
attached, also dwelling over tlie stole-; Lugo
p.itionagc; no opposition in town; coiner of
Drinkei and Chestnut sticel. Inquiie of C!. U.
Frost, -101 11. Dilnker stieet, llunmore. Pa.
I'Olt SALI! Oil llKNT (iiaml Cential Hotel, M lin
sticel,, owned and coudtiiteel by
James II, Timlin. Centially loi-alid. ttood lm-1-ne.s
stand. All moileiu inipiovcnients. lnqiiiic
at picuilsc.s-. ,
Wanted To Rent.
WANTfl) TO HUNT liy Apill 1. single or one.
half e.f double hou-e, sK to ciglit liioin., with
ronveniencess. Addie-s C. P. H,, cue of Tiibmic
of tie e.
AUCTION loekiv and cvei.t ihy until sold out, slv
cai-loads Pan-Aini'ileaii cspo-iliein finnltuie
and linen, consisting of tables, iiou and lit is
beds eonipletc, drc-seis, .",,UUU pii-ces llue-n, blank
ct.s, pillows, eotiiitcipuie.s, pillow ta-e, tone-Is,
etc.; laige quantity e.upets and lite- cuttaius.
Cupels sold 1'ieiy diy .1 o'eloik simp ,il SuS
Lacluwami.t avenue. Cunimlngs llio-,., Auo
tioneeis. Public Sale.
PUIll.ld SAI.i: The nndeislcuwl will nil at pub
lic sale at his place of btisino-s, .115 Adam-,,
filelay, fcluti.iiy 21, lunj, at H nMotk a. m.. ouo
itibbei theil coach, piope'lty of Tlinuus J. tl'Dtiu-lii-ll,
tor bill of lepilis, sloiage and costs, M, T,
Keller, e i.iiiteiu, Pa.
Purnishcd Booms.
fOH HI'.NT One ftniiMied loom, with Improve
ments; also one on till) tl II.".;, cheap. i-J7
Attains iivenuf.
I'L'HNISIIf.ll 1I00MH foi lent, modem improve
ments; pilvato lamlly; gentlemen pu-le:ied,
at 5.17 Adams avenue,
fOH HHN'l furnished fiont loom, witli brat,
bath und gas; mar totitt bouse; gentleman
pieleucd. Addicra Hooin, Ho; asw.
fOH HUNT furnishtd loom; heat and bath.
G..5 Llnilcii street.
rUHNISIIIU) HOOMS fOH HKNI', with heat, fas
and bath, gentlemen ptcli-ncil, ut Kit) Adams
inlet--. Al loptlon- bail good caily advances but
soon tinned soft. May wheat closed -a'ji. low
ii'i Jhiyeoiii, r,i!1ii-. down and May nil-, '.taWe,
higher. Proil-lom, closet! 5.17'Ci. m 10c. higlur.
Cash quotations well' lis follows! fioin--Slcatlt i
No, :t spiing wheat. 719ia75'-jt-. ; No, 2 red,
Si'ic; No, 2 oats, llatH-jc-.; No. -J while, ii'.4n
lO'jt-. ; No. :i white, -LialtiVic,; No, -J, 141s.;
1 lit- to.tlioico malting, 5iaiije-,; .No, I lli sid,
1:1.07; No. I noilhweslcin, 1.71; piiiiu- timothy
seed, Sil.51.ili.Ul; mess poik. slj.u'ial."."!); laid,
.sll.;iihtli,.ii; shoit libs, sides, Ss,;i0iS.n; tin
sailed shotildcis, TuT'ir. ; short ch-ai sides, s.7i
ii 8. :.").
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
Ililltalo,, 17. Cillle llnolpls, t.Bik); dull
mid 'M lower for steels; cows und heltct.s, full
steael.v; be-t steeus rpiolahle, !Hl.;t")ail,30; ospoit,
sjtaO.-.'."i ; iiiedluiil to goud shippers, titV-tO.ti.SI;
light to fair, fl,13i3.-J.-; helleis, W.75.I5J.0; eovv.,
sj.5al..r.u; cxtia, i-l.ll"i; bulls, s.i.-,i.i,M; stqek
ns and feetlcis, V-.75ai,.'U; tie.-li cows, sleatly;
spilngcis. dull; veaU, lowei ut i$3.iS, extras,
Wi.30. Hogs Heecliits, ls.700 he-ail; falily ucllvo
but IOjISc. lower: heavy, Ni.33aU. 15; u lew eaili,
S-il.fiOi inlsed, il.a).iO.M; iilgs, it3.Cli.(rf); loughs,
s,5.Ul; slags, sjlal.50. Sheep unit Lambs Ho
ecipts, 20,000 lirnil; steadv to shatlei stiongi-i;
slii-i'p, culls to good, W.50a5,l.'ij vvelhers. i1.25a
5.50; wctliei-i, Ssi.25a3.50; jeaillugs, f.';
lop 1 mil's, sjL.V); few, .sil.35iO.W; culls to guod,
. i ,.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, Fcb. 17. Cattlc-Hecelpls, S.'.COD, active-
and steady to firm; good to pilino steels,
sj.50.i7; poor to medium, Ij0.2i; htockcrs an I
leeders, ip.'.iSal.W); cows, ifl.23a.1.IO; helfcis, W.SJ3
uJ.ttl; canneis, a2.'.'3; bulls, .'.i5i,V); ealves,
S.'.50a7; Texas feil steel., ifl.25a5.73. Hogs-He-eelpts
today, I'fl.OOO; tomouovv, m,UH); left over,
1I.OW; 10.115c. lower; inKed slid btitcbers, S.i.75.1
O.-J0j good to choito heavy, s,l.l'uU.;iO; inugh
hcav, tM.SO.iil.10i light, V-'i.SUai.Ui bulk of sale's.
3.v-5.ut.l3, Sheep Hceelpts, 20,000; lower; good
to eliiiico wctheis, Sl.75.i5.23; westein sheep and
jeaillugs, ifl.50a3.(); lullve lambs, .l.75au,u);
we-stcrti Iambi, 3.25aG.U).
East Liberty Live Stock Market,
fast Llbeity, fcb. 17. Cattle Lower: ihoiic,
tiUOmi.'V); pllnie, isO.itlaO.Jd; goinl. .
Hogs-blgw; piimo lieavieis, 0o.i0.43; nicditmis,
Ifil.a5ail.-10; heavy Yoikcis, M,20a0.25; light itj,,
Se-in.iO; )lgs, tt3.e0a3.7O; loughs, 3aU. Sheep
Sls-ady: bet vvclht-is. ?5.33a3.(Jl; eulls and eoiu
mon, WH.EO; jcarllngs, 5s3a3.53j leal calics.
S7a7.7:. t
Oil Market.
Oil City. fcb. J7.sCicdlt Ulaiiew, 11.5; ee-itill-catus,
no bid; liipmeut. UXiSl barrels; uvenigv-,
i, ni.i uarreu; average, I
1I8.W1 luiril,; aviiagl-,1
rsf,ooi oaiicesi i
Itl.-JW barrels.
Want Advertlssmonta Will Do
Received n Any of the Pollow
ing Dittg Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALDKIIT SClltlt.TZ, comer Mulberry
street and Wcbsler avenue.
UU8TAV PICHHL, 030 Adams avenue.
West Side
OKOHOi: V. JENKINS, 101 South Main
venue. '
South Scranton
FltHD L. TLItl'Pt:, 7:9 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
Or.O. V. DAVIS, comer North Miin
avenue and Market street.
Qreon Ridge
CHAIll.fS P. JONL'S, 1337 Dickson
P. J. JOHNS, WO Green llblge street.
' C. LOHf.NZ, corner Washington ave
nue and Marlon street.
,. KNL'PFi:!., 1017 Irving avenue.
J. a. boni: i SON.
Help Wanted Male.
A CAPAHLi: MAN Hxpnlenied sale-niau, teach-ii-
or merchant inclined; excellent oppoi
tutill.1 : peiiu.intiit hiitution. Adiln-ss Maniger,
llov 2s.
Vi ANTLD -A gnnd wood tinner, Sni who also
linilciHtiiuds Mloll-sawiug mid liiiiiilng otber
111 ii bines in .1 door, ah and blind fsttoi.t. Ap
pl.v to J. H. Pat ti isuii k Co., Pitt-ton. Pj.
Pl.HMANIl.NT sal.iiied posltlim to ciiiigi-lic- men
A gueul oppoitunlly foi tin- light pailie".
Cull with lefeienccs, ,51(1 Spinet- stn-e-t.
Help Wanted Pemalc.
WAXTHU Sileslady for Ladies Soio-ls shoes c
cltislveh. c.spiiience .mil lelereuie
lcquiicd, S.lllltei Dloi.
LADV CANVAsIlIt wanted to solicit subsciip
ti'nis foi 'Hie i'i ll.eiii'-; gooel commission of
feied wllli .1 fall gu.ii.intei' foi liisl-eliss w-oiker.
Apply pcisonallt at Ilti-iness's oltlee,
.Scranton Trlbur.i-.
WANTLD llv .1 good gill to do boiiscvvoik in
piivate iamlli ; only small fai.illj p-oing
good wages need leply. Addiess 11. y., Tiibuiie
WANTLD Oirl for geneial liouscvvork at Dalton.
Address II. T care Tubune.
Situations Wanted.
SrtUA'ITOX WAXTi:il Hy a .voting m lit in a
cic-aiiioty or skiumiiiig station; over two
.veals' cvpe'iience; icfeienec. IV. Ik Coiiiplon,
in inker, Pa.
SITUATION WA.XTI'.D lientlt-nien's laundry, gojd
on coluicil shilts, 1111 Llo.vd stieet, Cp
llooi; lelcicnce.
SITTV1TOX WANTHD As pilvale l-o.iiIiiii.iii or
eaie of hoi-sc-s; c.xptiiciicc and loleicnte. Ad-ilie-s
o. Iv'., Tiibuiie otllct-.
filTUATION" AX'II:D Hy a .voting man .is
cuachuiin for 11 doctor or ihiving team,
fnelei stands can- ot hois.;-. Win. T. Walkei, llo-c
117, lilt pliant, l'a.
YOl'Nl.' MAX wants woik in butelicr biislucs',
ten years' experience. Apply 310 Ilvcictt ave.
SlTl'ATIOX WANTIID Hy a goo.l lionet gill at
general housewoik in suull pihate tamtly,
AddieSs .Ml-s M. 11. foul, (ieneial Delivciy, City.
SlTl'VI'lOb W NTi:il ytiiuig man eieMies sllu-
ullvii Us liookkecpei. f,ii'iiciiu-d. (ioeut uf-
eiiiie-ts. Addiess II. (!., cue of Scranton Tiiliiine.
AN i:PI'ltli:MX'i;D woman wishes .1 position us
housekeeper or light hou-ewoik. Can bo s,cn
ut Aillnglon Hotel.
SlTl'ATIOX MANl'KH Hy nil iiioiuid black
siullh, hoisL-shoi-liig .1 specialty. Coltinau
Iloienk, lent- lOd Pitlt-ton avenue.
SITfATlOX WANTfll Hy nit cpcit laiuithcss on
ladlej-s' antl gciitle-uit-n's II111' lauiiehy; can
lauudei loloicd coloicel shhts without lading.
1111 l.lovd stieet, lop tlooi. llrst of cltj lef
eienccs. Hfl-TNHD, ediic.ilcd joung woman wants em
ployment; any 0110 ilcslrin-x her sen Ices in
anv way addiess C, I!., Tiihunc olliee.
WAXTIID To buy pigeons; iiur 313 Haiiisou
WAXTfD Seeontl-baud il-si'.ittd wagon Willi -"on-upy
toi and sitle ciiitain; must lie good and
cheap; stale lowest cash ptlce. I". I.. Ileujimlil,
Kiils, Pa,
Business Opportunity.
If 501' want occlusive liiuilllusr of Mir lies!
e-sclusiiu .itiviilislng business in tho I'nlied
IJInln.i ...1.1. nl.,l.U.I ...l.llls ,11 lliel.,1 III. til III
eilv and stuit- (.1 iiione-y iiukeij, iiivc-sligaie,
AildlCsS i:iluslvi-, Tilliuuo nflice.
oooimTiaxci: foil vorxt. taii.oii-au up-to
dat" anil wlelo-ivi-.ike until tan Jump into nu
e-slablii-lii'd loiailoii, be-t in lhe city; st.iin.,
glass nnd plate trout hay window, scioud llotii
of Allketi building, taibondale. Pi'5seni. Apill
fcTOf Iv AM) WIIHAT THAl)i:HS witliout delay,
Unto for our special market letter, Preo on
ppllcation. S. M. Illbbaul K Co., members N,
V. ( i.iisolidated and Stock Svchange, 41 and 10
Hroadway, New VuiK. Usiabllshed tNll, Long
Distance' Phone 2JSS Hroad.
Boarders Wanted.
PHIVATi: I'AMILY wishes to havo two nlco mon
to bojiil, (je'lliian or fnglisb, Cull any time
Itei Thuisday, All, t07 Haul.oii
Wnnted Hooin and Board,
WANTHn-rbaige fiont loom with boaid by iri-n.
thnun mid wifo; piivate lamlly iiei'eueil,
t'nque'sllon.ible ii-feienee-. Addiess C, I). :.,
P. O, Diavvc'l 312 Sciuiiton, Pa.
Booms and Board.
ItOOMS TO BENT, with boaid, t09 Mulberry
Heal Estate.
ijl.SOO-Will buy full lot anil ilolinblo home, All
modern convenience-., clrctilu light, He
i-Tsk .ivcuue, liiicu Hldgf. M. II. Holgitc,
l'OII SALI'. New house on toinell sticel, Hound
Woods Paik; niodeiu luipiuveuieuts; case
teinis. Apply to Spiing lliook Lumber Co., or
1'. K. WuodlioibC.
l-'OK bALK At (laik's Summit; u pla.o ct II-o
acics, house und bain, guod fiuit; cheap fur
cash, InquIlc of Mis. I,. Lindsay, till Noith
Main avenue, city.
10 It SALH One acre ot land, Impioved with
nine-room houses plenty and variety of fruit;
good locution In village uf flceUille, Mis. Olive
flib, r leetvllle, Pa.
Money to Loan.
LAUCii; OH SMALL amounts. Piomptly nude.
Intcic.t 5 per cent. Okell, Attonier, Coal
fMtungc- building.
tlraight loans or Uulldiug uml lau. At
from 4 to 0 per cnt. Call on N. V. Walker,
'.IU-313 Council bulM'
3 Insertions 25 Cents
MonTIui Pour Lines, 6 Cents lor L'adi Uttn Llm.
Cortiflod Public Accountant.
nulldlng, and Bt. Paul Hiilldlng. New York.
LDWAni) h. davis, AiiciirrrarrcoNxuLU
KHimflllCK L. I1I10WN, AHCIL lL,liKAL
Kvtato fxcliaiiKe Hhlg., 12(1 Washington ave.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
uii. c. i:. f.iLi:xi)i:itfii:n, pauli huildino.
Spruces street, Scianton.
llooms 12, 14, 10 and IS Hun- Building-.
tlatcd on real estate security. Mears Huildlns,
corner Washington avenue and Spiuce stieet.
and counsellors-at-Iaw. llepubllc.m Hulldlmj,
Washington avcmie.
Commonwealth Building, lloomi
10, 20 and 21.
1:1AJ?.D n'- ' attorni:y. hoom5)
P0.I-&04, IjIIi flour, Hoais building.
'" A. "'AT,,,:s AtTOItNIlV-AT-LAW, UOAP.D
of iratlq Bulhling. tiiantou, Pa.
Han); Huildlng
A'U'-..."f;rlT"0'-r'. OPITCi: MOVED TO NO.
Zll vv.voinliig.oven'i".
Physicians and Surgeons.
'"etun auiiu;. Residence, 1313 Mulberrv.
Clupnlc eilsea.-es, lungs, heart, kidneys an 1
genlto-urinary organs a special.). Hours, t
to 4 p. m.
Hotels and Restaurants.
nue. Hates leasunable,
P. ZlL'tlLKl.. Proprietor.
scnger depot. Conducted on the Huropeaa
plan. VICTOR KOCH. Pioprlctor.
cess pools; no 3J01; only iuiprovcd pumps ujed.
A. li. Briggs, propiletor. Leavo oi tiers 11CO
North Main avenue, or I'lckc's drug Roic, cor
ner Adams and Mulberry. Botli telephones.
er.inien, stoic tiOl Washington avenue; green
houses, 1950 North Main uvenue; alora tele
phone, 782.
Wire Screens.
Scianton, Pa,, manufacturer of Wire Screens.
also ladles waists. Louise Shoemaker, "U
Adams avenue.
v clones, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, liO
Washington avenue, Scranton, Ta.
in Scianton at the news stands of Relsmar
Bro.. 4.0G t'pruco and 003 Linden; M. Norton,
S22 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schutzer, 211
Spnice street.
Easter Complexions,
EASl'EIl CO.MPLEXIONS If jou want a fitoli
couiplc-Mon to match jotu j;aslcr gowns anu
hat.s vmi slit old stait at onto and give It careful
attention. My Electrical Manage in one hour
will mike the race look yeais younger; is ic
ficsliing and leslful. Supeilluoiis hairs, warts
mid moles icmovcd. Eye blows coirected. Hu
chanaii's Parlors, 312 Washington
RHEUMATISM All naitlea that wish can In
speedily ami permanently cured of all sa
tieties nf Rheumatism by .1 vegetable! compound.
Ones suaiantecd. liiiiilio or addiess J. E. Tay
lor, Sciuiitou,
inni'(ls,.Lsi will bo lecclved by the undersigned
lor tho lanltorsblp ot the bimnson Methodist
Eplsiopil chinch tioni Febnuiy 13 to Apill 1,
inclusive. John f. Randolph, SOD Ssuth Hyde
Paik avenue,
LOST llimch of keys. Reward will be given if
lcluintel to Trlbuno office.
ESTATE of f. 1). Stevens, Uto ot the Borough of
Dinimoii-, Lackawanna county, P.-iiiisylvanU,
Letleis teslainenlaiy upon the above estate Hav
ing been gtaiitccl tu the inidei signed, all jieisoni
hiving claims against tho saino will present tlit-iu
for pavnient and those indebtetl theieto will
lileaso make immediate pavme-nt to
DAN POWELL, Aduilnistrator.
Cciner ot Oiovo and lllakely Stiects.
Dunmore, Pa.
Attoincis for Estate),
Office of the City Recorder
City of Scianton, Pa.,
febiuary, Ith. IfsiJ
(.eiieial Election to be held on Tuesday; lie
eighteenth day ot fcbruaiy Instant, being the
tblitl Tiedav of february, llio following ofticcrs
will bo voted for at lhe until pluecs ot holding
elections in tho City of Scranton, Pa., to Wit;
A Lily Councilor to scivc lor tho term of lhr.-
jens bi-giiiulng tho Hist .Monday of Apill, lCW-l,
One Select Councilmaii In scno tor the tcnii ''
foui .vcais beginning lhe tirst Monday of Apill
P.XI2, In each ol the e-ven iiumbeied wards h
wit: 'the Second, fourth, SKlh, Eighth, Tench,
Twclflb. fomtecntb, Sixteenth, Eighteenth and
Common Count lltnen fiom the even nuiincvoil
vv.iid.rto seivu lor the lenil ot two yeais becjiu.
liing lhe llrst Monday of Apill, 1U02, as follow!
to wlti four from the Second wuid. thrc from
l'ouith wartl, two from the fsUth ward, one fiom
the Eiglith waul, one fiom the Tenth waul, oiij
fiom llio Tweltlli waul, one fiom Ifourteenth
waul, one- fiom lhe- sixteenth war, one troin the
Eighteenth waul, two from tho Twentieth ward
Ouo School Couiroller lor the term of four
.vcais fi cm lhe last Tueailjy In Febiuary, IW03, in
inch of ilia udd imnibcicd wartls, to wit: flrrt,
'J Mid, filth. Seventh, Ninth, Eleventh. Tjdr
te-eiith, I'lftecntb, Ss-venlccutli, Ninctceiith uiul
One Ableinuii lo scivc- for llio teini ot llvo
vt-ai in c.itli of the following wauls, to wi:--l-'ifth.
Seventh, Twclflb, Eighteenth and Nine-
One Assessor fiom each waid in Hi iltv.
Ouo Constable limit each waul III tho tit.
One Judge of Elections, two inspcclois of EIo.
lion and an Assessor of Voteis in each and cvciy
election dislilct in llio ill),
AUo ouo Poor Illicctor fiom each of the folliw.
ins boioeigln ami townships to wit: 'lie Bjrong'i
of providence, tha Township of Pi evidence, tlie
lloruui(li ol II) tie Paik, tho Uoiouih ol Si-rantoii,
(Noiih vvard), (he lloiough ot Scranton, (MIJllo
waid), lhe llorouali of Scranton, (South waid).
City Hccoi'Icr,