The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 18, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    ftt O k
- ---j- 'Tp ' V ,. V-fTJ"
..s ,-, k'
i j-k v v j '" . l ,. rn .?
W n 1 1 P a l e r
i. JlOtlitllilRf. Plot-
It l- e s, F f n in .
Paints and In
jcOv teilor Decorating
IS our nue-, "
vo can honestly
Hiiy ttmt nowlwic
In acrunlun ran
your wants In tills
linn bo. so well
satisfied at tins
llilfi store.
Our Stock Is
lnrge, new. t pliable and thoioughly up-to-date.
If yon ate eonsldei lug Interior decor
n lions, let us tnllc the matter over Wtn
J on.
Jacobs & Fasold,
209 Washington Ave.
spi: and pnon i'.ni.r.
Paying Dividends of 12
per annum, nnd tbili Is Miffli Iciii on O.N 1UNU
(MO.OOO.OOO) t continue ilhldends ul thw r Up fur
the ii(t flflicn )cir. own .mil npiratinir "-nicltf.
VJ" loin tlsilt : no lipids
Those wisuhiK Id iii.iUp 11 n(c ami pinlitiililo In
irrliiunt ill t I Weil stotk lll il writ In vwlto
1110 foi prop dtt".
136 Wyoming Ave., Scmnton, Pa.
J. P. COULT, D. D. 5.
Suigeo'n Dentist,
I'wentv onr' Buecpssful prac
tice in this county.
City Notes.
no MM) 01' CIIAI1ITIKS The Ho ml of A-o-el
tied Charities of Scmnton will meet "lucsdiv
iecniii', I'cb. IS, at 8 o'clock, in Hip postmas
ters loom, postofflec building.
inr!tlTi SLHMCi: tlic Central Women's
1 liri-tiin Temperance union will meet this after
l.ooii it Ii o'clock in (.uriTOir lull in incmori it
Miller for Irjiucai:. Willird.
(I Hip Homo foi Hip I riondless acLnnulcdtfiy
villi thanks these elonitioiis: II. II stuigts,
s0",, a (iIpiiiI fium Tiielor, ".JO
OPENS TOinV. The silc of soils foe "San
'I m," Hie mti-icTl coiurdj winch comes to t lie
lwoiiin Thurilar niclit, nptns thii morning at
1) o'clock. A III ir advance sale Is predicted.
POsTPONTP I'MII, TODAT. riio incrllnir of
Hi.- 1 idles.' AM toiiely of Hip lirst, Prcsbjtrriui
cliincli, which was to hate been held jesteidiy
iftcrnoon, was jwstponcd until this afternoon it 4
oMoelc when it is hopid that there will lie a
liil-p atttndince to mike nrranjcnients foi 1'ie
inmiil Wellington's birlluliy dinner on Saturday.
( M)I1)TI.S KNDOItSi:!) Irnl
Purr iiid Jnob Harris, the llepuhllcan iioiiiIt'cs
fir i-clcct and eoniinon count il, respectively, in
tin l.ifrlith w ml, wne endorsed lj-t
uieliL l Hip mcuilicn of Hip Ihircki HexJinj;
dub Addicica wcro nude b) the candliUtr-i,
tluilef, llattlp, Charles Major, Joseph Huriclt,
W, II Powell md others Tlip election rctuim
will ho lcieiud b.i Hip dub toniBlit.
lUKl.T IUI.L Tlic jounc 1 Kites of the biRli
Khool liii Mi(HPCcli.d in formliifr i biket bilt
temi md nel Siturdav eening nt S o'clock it
the 1c imc Women's Christian aoehtion, tlm
junior toini, of whicii Miss 1 Itabpth . lto
Is ciptiin and 1IM Colli 11. lllnp, nnnacrcr, will
pla the 'InoiJiv prlnto chiRj, while the Suuois,
wllh i:thn (Jilca is capliln will pin- the Ihui,
ih) iPKuhr diss. Somp of the Seniors iiitcicstul
in Hip Kort aip j:pljn Oitps, Jps,ip Wilili,
1 ilium I Isli, Nora O'lloilp, 1'lorpncp Vip, (ii ao
0'Mille-, flraeo Atherton, I.elia Woodruir, I loy
Kintner and otheix Some of the Juniois an
lliiliith Hose, Celia Itlnp, Marian Smith. Mat
j"ii Dnis, Ktti ttetzd. Clin Sjimi)n' j, ,
HusMdl, Km Campbell, Kitty (Jninn and other-..
'Ilip oun,r lulips of both teams fulh .ippredata
Hip klndnci-s of Miss Hills, thp iihjftlc'al initrup
'in of Hie inline Wc nun's Cliristlan a-oditlon,
In coacliiiig them.
yUU Yoa
r &: L3.,,
vXtimm, ,rt&w
'Ihousands of people know about the
" Snow White Flour"
They know it h the Prince of all floui, but we want
Wo ail, jour help in the follow inc; manner t
For clthci prove or poptry descrlitlo of, or fntrodudng 'Snow White" (lour, as to iti
wondfiful bnid miklns qualities it iu Itj its trenstli-IU whltcness-lt hwpetn'ss itH
unlformltj of (rrade, itc, rte., etc,
Wn ciiTer the following priuci:
For Hie best poetic or prose advertise- . .
met $15.00
For the second best poetic or prose advertise- ,,
meiit 10.00
For the third best poetic or prose advertise-
went 5.00
For the fourth best poetic or prose advertise- .
me'11 4.00
lor the fifth best poetic or prose advertise-
Tnt 3.00
For the sixth best poetic or prose advertise-
ct 2.00
For the 7th, 8th, 9th, loth, nth, 12th, 13th, .
14th, 1 5th, 16th and 17th, each t)Q
All advertisements to bo and rcnuln ullli m .h our pinptiti. lluj miut loiisUt of nut
over one bundled unJ Hit) word. . I.l'.ss iiumlier IS ilim IKII
The tonU'-.! will tit to on Marat 1st, 0(rj.
Mere literal) not as cluliablc u br'ht fdexs put in an al w.n
Write ileail) on onl) one .Ide of tho paper, Jftik the top) with a number PI it. Hio
(uthor's name ami adJrr.s In u .null t-me-hpe and nuik it with the Mine iiuiiiIht ami tend
all In 11 lame cnM-lope to our atldrei IV MAIL
Thei Jud.'ts will tliut lut! no wu) ot knintjn; tin.' autlioi's luiiic until the iholro Is
Tlic followlnir gentlemen )uee LIihIIj conse'nttd to act u ludjis and their dcd.lon win
be mnouueed ai soon as nudo lu the d-lHy papiis.
iion'. .1 v. lumirrr,
JmlKis- "V1 S- '"ClUltD, M)
JMtim. , ,. HBV , f
Dickson Mill
No. 12, lackawanna
But Peter (Jolemnn Wouldn't Betmn
the ?20 Given Him.
l'cler folonian, who ileitis In pit lent
tupdlclnt's, lltct on I'lltston avenue, ns
iIopb itlo MrH. Kllmtliolli Hinltlt. Cole
man waited mi Mi. Hmlth'fl mother
eonu time uro and Dioinlsed lo rino
her of llteumnllmn for 0, an amount
which was paid him.
He furnished eoi tain medicines, whlih
fallpd to effout a ctiio. and airs. Smith
went to him with a demand that, he ip
ttnn the moiiev which Iter mother paid
over. Atcnidlntr to her stoiy, Ooleiiuiti
Kiivi- her I lie "Jovial laugh," and inlteil
a seeiip which atti acted unhllo atten
tion. She caused Onleinnn'H iiuel on a
chniKO of illonlerl londuct, nnd he
wan pctmltted to bo yeiteiday by Al
dctinan ltuddy upon paymenl of the
J. H. Tielzise Took a Wnlst to Dtess
a Model With.
.loo Buiio", ilit I'enn in c into
man, yistpulaj causi'd the aircst of
J. 11. TYpIpo, a Weit Sci anion at list,
on Hip chat kc of laiceny.
Hum nt elalnifct at a heailtiK bcfoio
Alderman Htiddy that Tles'l'-e ri'cplveil
an oincr to paint a picture of lih (Cur
10V) wife. Theie was soine nrKiinipnt
over the price and Tiedue, nccoidlriK
to Hut i os' stoty, picked Up niid caiilod
oft' a wnlit helniiKlni; to JIis. Tluiros,
clalinlntr that lie wanted It to iIicm a
inoiiel with so as to pioiluco a mote
artistic pletuie. Tiezlse retutned the
waist nnd was illselmiged upon p.iy
meut of the costs.
Backus nnd Blcyole Club Tenuis
Made Big Scores Last Night.
Now Tied for Second Place.
There was hplendld bowling last nlsbt
by the B.iekus and Ft l anion Ulcvcle
club te.uiM, ejeh of which took three
Mtialfrht'Baincs fioni their opponents,
HUnK each other foi hecond plate.
The HaekiiH team tolled up the splen
did total of ,343 on the Elks' allevs,
Mooie makliif; the hlBhest average te
coided "-o lar In the second series, 591.
Madenspacher, ot the Klks, made the
big scoie of the night. "J- In Ills thhd
gamp. The SLoru:
To. lis
Hull lss 141 1 0-s(l
Pliilllp? Hi WO lit 47(1
lentrt Ul 11 113 '17
Midenspither ITi 111 2JJ --J4
lliehl IV) H.0 127 44G
71 7I 71s 11
I) CM ,
Peckin IV. 'l r,l-4'.7
Mooip 1V SIW -l"i r71
I'.ihrtnhoR 127 in 14s (iil
Roll 1R 177 177 ".12
Hopkins Vy 171 177 "iw
S27 SO Si 7 'ill
High nun Miden-pichpr, 2 .2
IH5I1 aer.iKe Moore, 111
The S'jranton Tlieycle club team nut
the "West End 'Wheelmen to sleep last
night, ilgur.itiiply hpeaklng. winning
tlneo straight games and making near
ly 400 pins mote. The scoie:
cnNTOv mcicm:
finnnil HI 147 1 1!) iGO
Gold V,12 102 lil VT.
Mitchell ln int lis;,i2
1'olcr 172 1(1 171 "0)
Wirdetl lot 170 112 O-'l
i-sl S-'ft 714 1Jlt
Wl'ir PND V Ill.M.M X.
ot 13". is-, 141 ill
Until IT, 111? 113 '17
ltobbins HI li 12S lift
lleher 112 'II US .'20
Hunter ll'i l(,b 110 if,7
IN, 77i, C7i 21 ,7
llih men Wardi 11 ind Mltchdl, lfM.
lliKli .uphsp Mitchell, ISO '2.1.
The standing of the teams in the
Xorthcastprn Pennsylvania Lengue Is
now as follows:
Woa Lost, p v.
Ciocn UidRP WI111 limn S I ,P .7
Ilukus ! 7 rAI
Scrmton Uip.iiIp club S 7 .'.11
r.lectnc f it Wheelmen I H ..M0
I.Iks 7 S .11)7
Wci-t I.nd Wliiclnun 5 lu .'.21
The Klecttle City-Green Kidgc game
was postponed because of the repairs
being made on the Green Ridge ulleys.
The ladies of the Perm Aenue Bap
tist chuieh will servo one of their
tempting suppeis in the chuieh pai
loid Thursdav evening, Feb. 20, fiom
C to S o clock.
Can Get Part of If
1:. j. bNhrr, isij.
and Grain Co.
Ave, Scranlon; Pa.
Tin ce "Social Clubs" Win Out on nn
Appeal from Magistrate's Decis
ions, Because of Defects in tho
Recoids -Not a Single One of the
Coitlornri Cases, so Ear Atgued,
but What Discloses nn Irregulat
lty Attacks on Twonty-stx Liquor
Licenses Twenty-eight Dlvoices.
.llldRes I'M wauls and Kell pUt.setl sad
havoc with aldt'imaulu lutings, which
came up befoie them for levlew In
aigument coin t yesterday.
In all three of tin? "social club" (uses
the aldermen were icveised. The ip
veisals In each lustaiue was due to a
defective lecoul,
Aldetinan H. Davits, of the fifth
waul, who is, police magistrate for West
Sei Hilton, Is not wont to deal erv se
eiely with police cases, but In two In
stances tocentlv he found the defend
ants guilty and imposed on them heavy
penalties. One of the cases was that In
which Lieutenant Davis cliniued Mis,
Ann Kheildnn, of 311 (-Sixteenth stieet,
with selling Ilinior without u licence.
Her defense was that she uas slmnlv
the owner of the ptemlses where the
dilnk was sold and that the selling tns
done to and by the tenants, the Apollo
.Social club.
The magistiate concluded that the
club was n f.ike aifalr, oiganlzcd for
the Hole puipose or disguising a speak
easy, and lined Mis. Sheildan $30 nnd
costs. Her nttoiney, M. J. Donahue,
tool; the case up on a ceitioiatl, and
tile conit leveried the piocecdlngs.
The mound on which the lettisal
was based was, that the lnfoimalion
failed to charge Sirs. Sheildan with
selling Hnuor in Lackawanna county.
It set foith that she lived at .131 Six
teenth stieet and that she sold liquor
without a license, but it failed to state
wlieie the alleged illegal selling took
place. Following is a copy of tlic body
of the information:
I.ackmaiuu county, w
One Ann, of J.11 Sixteenth .liti't, In
the- Cll) of facratiton, in taid ewinl), did nn
Itwfull) sell Rpirituoit., tcinous and null Hindis
and .ulinhttiics thuce-i, without pieeiousl) ob
tainlntr a license to II the samp, tontrii) to
tit: Ordinuirp, No z:, l'KHI, nf Hie Cit) of
Tho other case appealed fiom Mag
istrate Davis' couit, and levei-sed Is
that in which James Hlack is charged
with selling liquor without a license.
The ground for reversal is the same
as In tho Sheildan cawi Black was
accused of keeping a speakeasy on
Keyser avenue. The information, how
ever, did not set foith this fact. It
simply set forth the cilme without in
dicating whether or not the ciime wns
committed in this county. Black's place
was the Keyser Valley Gun club's head
quaiteis. The thliil of the club lipuse cases
icveisetl was that In which Cliailes
Major nnd a number of other coloied
people, compiising what is known as
the Eureka Heading' club, weie fined
for gambling, being Inmates of a house
of 111 icpute. and maintaining a dis
ordeily house. Major was also chaiged
with selling liquor illegnly.
Attorney John J. Muiphy eeitioi ailed
the casp and the couit summaiily io
veiscd It, because of defects in the
Pioeeedings weie also leveised in the
cases of 15. C. Miller against the Scran
ton Iluilway company, John McGlnnis
against Hiidget Scott, M. riledman
against Weiss & Kean, and Frank
Yuikas against Peter HuinK Each
level sal was giounded In iuegulailtles
In the pioeeedings befoie the alder
man or justice of the peace. Other
cases weie dealt with as lollows:
AiKiiPil Scoud alional bank of Winona.
iiSiin-t K. 11. Cleiiiuns, t-t al : tuoptloiis to
port of lifcieo Mi&ihetli Wallatp uiin-l W.
W. timrellj exceptions to repoit of iiferte. In
it : rptocatlon of hotel Ilccinc of Patiltk .1.
Hulc absolute Julli Waimr asalust .lolm
llrink; mlc to strike oil jiuUniont.
Utile absolute' In amienieiit I. W. llollciilnck
liln.l A oli-kle, rule to open JtuUnitnt.
Iliile illscluiged . II. C'luist) iinaliist the
lloioujfli of 01 pliant; role to sttiki olf rails
fiction. Hulc disthiiseil ht .lKieimnit C'atheiine Dean
against Muigaret O'lteill), idminlstratris; mlc
to open Judirniint.
Olf ILst C. P. O'MiIIpi iRiiiist the Diinuajlt
of 01) ph int. ct al., nib' tu dls.ohe injunc
tion .1. M. Walkei, (instil, ifilnst ltiwlc ri
trnul; csieptions to leport nf ihiueelloi. n
lonici Magnolia nitili.Kt Ignatr Inittdopf; eeip
tlons to report of rcfetc. flmnns l)tti attaiiist
. II. Unwell; except Inn i to cider of ttmrl.
In le. esjii-strtietiiin of m-wir in lliininon , ecep
tlons to ti purl of tlctTirit; 1). II. little) titwltut
faint's llealt); nili- to l) tecutlon I'. W.
Itnbbln, iRilnst Frames II llobblns; rule fiT
d.tieo in illtorcp. .1. It, White ntrilnt Nellie
P, I'leeuianj ilrmuncr lu llailm acilnst the
Ptniis.eltanla Cential llreninj tompiit; mlc to
111.' hpciIHo .ibtrait of title
.Siibiiiiltpd liank A. Cciiiploii i4ilnt Cjriip
llejelln C'niuplon; mlc1 for tie cue lu illtoup,
KmUilik Webb jt;alnt 1-abilla Webb; itilp for
dpcrep in dienrie. Prank Wil.nn apilnst Then
ilme Wii.hna; rulo to set ahle award of al
bltiatois; Jfilm Tollman against Jennie Toll,
mill, nili for deuce In dltorte.
Slileken nil b) orceiueiit II. It. seatl.
tliutei', agalmt Hip .Scottish l'nlou and .National
liiisiuanto compant ; ilcnmtur
Contlniieil Patikk (nibkn airalnst Man,aiet
h)tius; iuIp lu "Jhii Judgment fit) 'if heiin.
ton against Heme T. Kntliler, Willi nil belnc and
ltalili (lrnt; nile to stiike oft Urn, John S,
Jenkins agaliibt the Ituhhronk Coil compile);
eceplIon tu repott of rift-lee J. 0. Acker,
in in, truslto, ngalibl Joepli .lostphs; rulo to
One of the most pieuileut. annoying
nnd li Haling troubles Is Itching Piles.
Stiffen Ing ones do not believe they tun
be cuied, because they have tiled so
many lemedlps Hint lulled, It Is now
nn admitted fact that Di. A. AV.
Clinso'H Ointment neer falls, nnd to
linpiess upon Scrunton people the nb
scilutu htutty they have, Matthews
Bios, nit) tuuhoilzed to guaiauteu sat
Islnctlon or jetund lha pileo paid.
Mr, P, J. Mauley, of No. C1B Him,
stitet, Scianton, Pa., saiH 'Top eight
yeniH I hud been a suiiener fiom Jtcli
Ing plies. Some nights I could not
sleep nt nil, and In hot weather I lost
lots of time at wot It with them, tho
Irltatlon was so meat. I tiled eeiy.
thing with no success until I got ,-,
box of Dr. A. V. Chase's Ointment nt
Matthew h Hi ob', drug titoie, 320 Ljcka
wanna avenue, 1 used part of the, box,
and have seen nothing of tho tiouble
since. This lesult 1 consider wonder
ful in the light of past eifoi ts and full
uie to cuie. It's a gieat ointment."
Dr. A. AV. Chato's Ointment Is sold
at 50c, a box at dealers, or Dr. A,
W. C'liUho Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. V.
Seo Unit pottiutt uutl Hlgnutuio of A,
V. Chase, M, 1)., uie on ociy n.ukage.
optn Jitddtncnt. Clly of Fcranlon agfllnsl 1). P.
riitmiai, el l.( nile to utrlke off or open Julg
incut. Mhble M. Palmer against II. II. Palmers
rule for tleciee In tlhortp. Simon Mle.Hu airnlnst
.lolm Snatilik) eVllluratl. Hlmon Mlgllti aglliesl
ntco lhifchlck't terllorirl. t'oinmoiiweillli
against Andrn Srltnotuk) rule to icmlt forf'll
lire. In iclPtoeiitlon of HrniM of Cliailpt A.
twtfl( nilp to ictokp IliHiee, In rcttlttlslon nt
Old 1'orge Into wnnUj cuiptloni lo coniinln
loner's ipporl. In icl iMil lu s(rlng llrnok and
Clifton totwishlps; ptrpllniM to leport of dew
erf. .Inspplt I. .Iptni)ii ngiluit .luhn (I. uiJtiton!
litlp In. open Jiiduninil, -.i i :iti Ik Kdlcr agitnst
.lames II. Kelleri nile for ileiifc -Iti tllioice.
Scllni Williams agilti't John Williams! iuIp tor
tlftiee In dilutee. John ('. Mullen, osettitor,
ngilml Jnliti I,. HeMinMi, ct ul.( rule tu re
iluii' collerdon fee. Vrabelll I). I'nslln against
I'iios Ihislln! nilo foi decrtp In iIImiicp. Lorn
inonw t'lillli ilgttnt Ale I.etiiu, it ul ; nile
lo tcinlt eosbt.
Among the 101 eases on the urgunient
list uro twenty-six which arc rules to
l evoke liquor licenses. Those whoso
licenses aie attacked arc: Joseph Huff,
Charles A. Cole, Jt McWIIIIams, T. J.
Lnngaii, J. J. I'adden, Mlchnel Lynotl,
J. J. Fluheity, V. II. Durklh. John
Swallow, Hany How aid, Geoigrj Pio
kopovltcli, V. J. O'Douuell, Adplbcrt
He nolds, Antal Gollnskl, William
Henley, H. A. Thoinn, Oeorge W.
Evans, Elizabeth Reese, John Can oil,
A. E. Noirls, J'. J niskln, Martin P.
Tlie twenty-eight illvoice cases on tho
list are as follows: Llbbie M. Palmer
against D, D. Palmer, ruderlek Webb
against Isabella Webb, FiankA. Comp
lon against Canie Compton, C. W.
Bobbins against rrances H, Robblns,
Elolse II, Bunnell against Wllllum
Bunnell, John Tollman against Jennie
Tollman, M, Agatha Fitch-against F.
B. Fitch, Sarah E. Keller against
.Tamos H, Keller, Hellna Williams
against John Williams, Maiy E. Mar
tin against Heniy Martin, Catheilne
Watklns against Gomer Wntklns, Mary
Corwln against Geoige Corwln, Will
iam T. Kiaft against Catheilne Kialt.
Hmrv A. Solbtit against Mvrtle A.
Selbeil, Emily M. Hlgley against Tred
pilck II. Hlgley, Katheiine Beck against
Wllllaiu Bee k, Ellslin W. Keetli against
Helen Keecb, Lillian Tollman aitalnst
John Tollman, Nina Petheiick against
WJlllarn Petheiick, Louisa Walteis
against Michael Wnlleis, Canlc AVc'll
ner against Edwaid AVellner, Olentia
H. Terw llllgcr against Waireu S. Ter
williger, Jacob Kicmick against Lama
Kienilck, Aiabella D. Enslln against
Enos Enslln. V. .. Tiffany against
Cella E. Tiffany, Hacliel Haivey against
Joseph Haitey, Paiah Evans against
John G. Enns.
Gioss in a Dilemma.
About a year ago Peter J. Gallagher
leased n lot on Penn avenue to Alex
ander Gross, a junk dealer, for u peilod
of fle yeais. Under the tpnn.s of the
lease Gtoss was to elect ceitaln build
ings on the lot, paint them, connect
them with the citv water and keen
them instiled, and at the end of tho
five jetus the bulldlnss weie to icteit
to Gallaghei.
It was also pitnlded lu the lease that
if Gios failed to obPie any of the
conditions, the lense was to tetmlnate
and the buildings become the piopeity
of Gallagher.
Last week Gallaghei began a suit in
ejectment to oust Gioss, alleging he
had failed to comply with the terms of
the lease. One of the protislons which
It is alleged he failed to obseite is that
lequlrlng the Insiuing of the buildings.
Gross went into court estorday by bin
attorney, Ralph L. Levy, nnd In answer
to Mr. Gnllngher's suit, set foith,
among other thinsrs, that it was abso
lutely impossible foi him to secure in
suiance, Assumpsit Suit for $75,000.
Suit In assumpsit for $7.1,000 was t's
leiday instituted in Prolhonolatv Cope
land's office by the Dickson Manufac
turing company against tin' Ameiican
Locomotive company. Hand & Hand
lepiesent the plaintiff.
The suit grows out of the failuie of
the paities to agree on tho value of tho
peisonal piopeity that was transfeiied
by the plaintiff to the defendant In tho
deal of last eai, by which the Ameii
can company came Into possession ot
the locomotive woiks of the Dickson
The teiins of sale weie SI ,000,000 for
the leal estate and cost mice for the
personal propel ly. the iiguie to be dc
tei mined by an Inventoiy. The dispute
Is as to what is meant by the cost pilco.
Election Appointments.
Potnt yestordn made additional tlcc
tlon appointments as follows:
Lackawanna township, Southwest
district Thomas Toole, minoilty In
spector, vice Thomas Ferrell, dpceased.
Winton, Second w aid Thomas Woods
ami Joseph, otei seers.
Sixteenth ward. Flist dlstilct Theo
doie Fahrenholt, Democintlc overseer
Sixteenth waul, Second dlstilct J.
W. Sando, Deinoct.itic oveiseer (titibstl
tutionj. Second waul, rirst district Pan ltd;
McC.tiiie, mluoiity Inspector.
Second waul, Second dlstilct John
W. Mullen, mlnoiltv Inspector.
Aichbald, Second waul James F.
McAudiew, Demociat. and John W.
Lull)', Republican, oversee! h of election.
Plrst waul. Fit si district Anthony
MiGulggan, Demon at, oter.seer of elec
tion. First waul, Second dlslile t John
Gilttln, Demociat, ovmseei.
Hnriiage Licenses.
("lullfo llenu .Siuuieill
I.IrU' Andieas s, untou
l.sraol Kblirl 122 lllckuiy stitet
Itpgina Jiidkovits , ,1'J", suith Washington minus
Michid llublock Miwtle
hitman Si i anion
It i)liioni M. Iti) holds PliUlon
llliuchu M. Wetl.s l'lllston
Thomii II Spaugonl,ein,.laiiilIutuii, W imio ( j,
Mibcl W. Diiiiels sira,Uou
Wutist Olnnusi) scianton
Jp-kli I.ockcr ..stimuli
W. I). llllieiibeiiiUi was .totenlae ajipnluteil
tjiiJidlaii of Ilie t state of Aunt .Sober., Iff iu
dlieete'd to gic !,. boiul,
In tlif rue or llnlel Sloup ajln.l I II (Hen
uui, a nilu uiiAistii.ljt granted lu suikt nlf
the appetl. It it turu.ilil.' tcljy.
The illiorte e io of lule I italic i juliist
luhn Ilnfter was .ee'ileidar oulorcd plaeed in
the adltional arkuiuint lUt foi ilio pu-ciii tiiiu
Williim I. PitWraM wat admitted lo tlu
bar on motiox of Joseph Oilrleu llu it a gi -'
tiatc of St. Tliuiiui' eollege uml (ieoretown ti.ib
(cult) mid tor sneul )cart pat lu betii tcaeli.
lug III the jiublle .iliyol..
Tho fiilloutng uses uie' sehtdtiUd for dial al
tU- luiii of eituity court beglmilng Maidi 10,
A. D. Dean it ol. a.Miiisl It. M. Winton, ee.
cutor, ct al ; Mary Iotleii agaliut Anthoin I),
ilcn; William I.. I'urrell against T. .1, lloughcrl) j
Jennie Dean against I'rauklin lioucll; , 1). nl
l' M. Spencer agaiutt tho .Nj) Aug (oal com
P ii .
('auimiio fldklculc, wlm wtu lomlettd last
well, of aggravated assiult and bait cry on Iter
eUlci, Wlad)klaw WVJut, of Prlceburg, jnd torn-
milted in default of a tine and to.ty, wa ytoter.
day ojdi'red rctuoted tu the J-ukjujiini ho-pllal
cm tho leCviunwiidatiou ol Jail I'll) ie Ian Lein,
.licet. The i, to je her ehlhl from
being boiu lu a piUon cell,
Biesldent Nicholls and Tlnee Mem
bets of the Executivo Committee
of Dlstilct No. 1 Will Wait Upon
Superintendent Ricliaids, of tho
Lehigh nutl Wilkes-Bane Conl
Company Later in the Dny Nich
olls nnd Others Will Go to Now
Yoik to Meet President Mitchell.
T D. Nicholls, piesldtnt of the Flist
dlstilct! Thomas Duffy, piesldent of
the Ninth district, nnd Cieoige Ilart
leln, sectetary ot tho Seventh dlstilct
of the United Mine Woikeis, will go lo
,Now Ycuk lotlav to meet National
Pipsldent John Mitchell and ptoceed to
the task ot securing from opetators In
the Pennsylvania anthrntltc legion tin
agreement to meet the mlneis In ton
feienre befoie Apiil 1, next, fortlie pui
po"e of fixing n wage scale and woik
ing agieemeiit for the year.
Piesidpnl Mitchell will he In New
Ycuk toinotiow lu attendance udou tt
luecting of the executive i oinmlttee of
the Nullonal Civic Fedeiatlon, com
posed of twelve eiiiployeis. twelve
labor leaders and twelve of the most
pioinlnenl men of the country nol dl
loctly ullled with either side. Ex-President
Giover Cleveland is one of these.
The fnrt Hint Pusldent Mitchell se
lected this time for dealing with the
confeience question Is another evidence
of his astuteness. The main purpose of
the civic federation Is to effect and pie
seive amity between l.tboi and capital.
That President Mitchell will cause the
National Civic Fedeiatlon to Roe the
expediency of a confeience between Hie
nnthinclte opeiators and tnlneis, as a
means of effecting and piescivlng lim
it), tun be taken for gianted. That the
National Chic Federation can wield a
poweiful Influence In the dlieetinn de
shed by the miners goes without sa.v
Dlstilct Piesldent Nicholls Is eiv
hopeful that the opeiators will agree
to enter into a conl'ei elite. "A lear
ago," said lie, yesterday, to a Tilbune
reporter, "the opeiatois said their only
leason ten not confciiiug with tho
United Mine Workeis was that the or
ganization did not lepiesent the mlneis.
They ceitalnly can not. say that leason
now exists.
"Since that time we weie given lo
undei stand, In an lndliect way, that If
our oiganizntlon would demolish ate
that It could coutiol the men, Iheio
would be no trouble about having a
joint confeience. I think we have con
vinced overvbodv that the oignniza
tion controls tho men. Theie have been
comoaiatlvelv few stiikes and tlKjsi'
few weie for the most part foiced upon
us by employers. They would not have
occtiired had theie been a tacit woik
lng between Hie opeiatois
and tho t'nlted Mine AVoikeis. As an
evidence that the mine wen leers' organ
isation can enfoice an agi cement. It is
only necessary to p nnl out that the
men In evety instance went on strike
when ordered to by the oiganl2ation,
nnd went back again when the oigan
Ization gave tho woid. Pieclnltous
sit ikes have also come to be ciulte un
known. Dm Ing the last six months
there has been but one Instance In this
district of the men innuguiatlng n
stiike without being cndeied."
A convention of delegates fiom each
ol the locals in the three dlstiicts will
bo called upon the return of the offlceis
toim New York. If a confeience is
seemed the time and place of the con
vention will be subject to the con
venience of the opeiators. if the con
ference is retused, the men will be
assembled at once to discuss v hat their
next step will be.
Should tho conference come the de
tail" will likely be ananged between
committees leprcsentlng either side.
The miners will want that Its lepie.sen
talion shall be made up of a delegate
fiom each local, as it is only such a
Every nook and corner of our entire store is full
of New Sc-rinp Good's. Ribrir.-; :ire hrip-hl nnd Iimii-
tiful this season, and our
New Ginghams, Seersuckers,
Chambrays, Madras,
Scotch Zephyrs, Egyptian Sheer
Ginghams, Mercerized Silk
Ginghams and Cham brags, Lace,
Grenadine and Lip pet
Stripe Ginghams.
Prices from 10c for Ordinary to 75c for fancies.
White Goods g
This is a pronounced White Goods season. We g'
are showing fine assortments of both foieigh and do- st
mestic goods, India Linons, Peisian Lawns, Peisian $..
Mulls, Swiss Mulls, P.uis Muslins, French Lawns, sz
organdies, Dimities; .Nainsooks, Jones' Cambrics, ;
riques, Lace, uipper. ana urenaaine utwns, maaras,
Brilliants, Open Work and Taffeta Stripes, lite.
embroideries, Insertions, Vol, torchons and
Oriental Laces and Wash Trimminrs of Every Description.
Mears & Hagen
415-417 Lackawanna Ave. Hi
Pew AcL clitioxi. I
m Vr. aro rinnslanllv rficalvlnr now wares. The latest comes from m'
3! Germany Pipkink i-dr Baked
Quaint shape, A cream-colored body with German molloes on each
piece. The prices al which we sell them should make them popular. e
Hot Water Jujjn, with covers,
price, according to size, each..
g Pipkins, with covers
3 Cups and Saucers
3 Cake Plates
n r nyi:ff.M jC
m VJCU. . iTllllCll VA.
We Clean and Sterilize Carpets and Rugs
Making them look fresh uiui new and destroying all moths.
Cupels scoured without injury to color or texture
Scran ton Bedding
Lackawanna and Adams
bouy ( an, under the Miles of the 01
ganiratioii, i.ulfy any action that may
bo ttvkcn. The opjiatois innv have us
many lepieseiitntlves present as the)
seo ill. l-ach side Is to have nn equal
numbei of rotes no matter what the
number of Its icpieseuta lives. At the
por.lercnces In the bituminous legions,
a mnloiltv vote contiols In evejt) thing
excepting tlie fixing of the scale. This
woik Is delegated to n joint commit
tee nnd what ever is done must be by
utiau'iuous ngieeiucni.
The executive boatel or the Fii-tl dis
trict met .vtsleiday aftcinoon lu the
headquaiteis lu the Paull building lo
deal with the tumble al the Nothing
ham coUiPiy. of the Lehigh and
Br.r'e Coal uml otliti nnt
Tlie men at the Nottinghani went out
on stiike last Tuesday because tlnee of
their numbei who weie inspecting
working cards were dlsciiaiged. Piesl
dent Nicholls vas away at the time,
but immediately upon his jetuin the
next day he 01 tiered the men back to
woik. They letumed Thuisdav,
President Nicholls, Vice-Piesldent
Adair Hyseavnge, and Executive Boaid
Membeis John Fallon and Daniel Reese
were appointed at jestei day's meeting
to go to Wilkes-Banc this mottling and
wait upon Supeiintendent Richards in
compnny with a committee of the Not
tingham employees with a lew of
amicnblv adjusting the difficulty. The
committee was given full powei to act
as it deemed best in seeming a set
tlement. Eeenllve Committeeman Llewellvn
will go to Bernlce today to Investi
gate a gilevance piosented by the em
ployees of the Gunton colliery. Accord
in;' to the communication lecelved nt
tl.e Mine Woikeis' headquui ters, a
committee of two of the Gunton mlneis
waited on the .supeiintendent and pie
sentctl a gilevance fiom the bleaker
be). that they were compelled to woik
ttn boms for nine bouts pay. The
superintendent ngited to nnd did iale
the boys' pay, but simultaneously dls
cl.aiged tho two mlneis compiising the
committee w hleh presented the griev
Caused by the Breaking' of a Journal
on a Car.
A slight wreck occuiied on Satin -div
night on the Eile l.iiho.iil at Elm
d.ile, one mile east of Wlmmeis, when
the journal on one ot the tear cais
In oke.
Befoie the tialn vas stopped, the
eiippled car was diawn over :i mile on
the ties. The Dunmcue wieeklng eiew
was called into service and lepalicd
tlie Injured cur.
selections are particulars
Beans. Hot Water Jugs. Etc 2
ranging In r., ... t9 9C
" "' p3
sv M ' "
ILvvvua vyew gg
r 1.14 Wroralnc ATenuo
VU. Walkli iJ Loalc Ar.und. ,
A. Kaiser
Avenues. Both 'Phone;
End of the
324 Lackawanna Avenue.
100s Pii-ian tnd Mulen sioiin
iidlli si", 00 now ' t
lWi Ptiim and iloulllonj storm
eolltr llODiuw f-frt
10n7 Vlluk sioim collai .'iiDiundiDI
2a!4 Mink lolliictlc 4UD0 nuw join
lOiS (liclip Collaictte lj 0U note I ID
10i-llliek Miiten Start fi nu 1 ow I (H
12.'! Illiek Maitin scuf 7 U1) now 4 Ol
KK)I hltetiio s, it stlr( 1 111 now till
IHOTi l.htllit Sell sunf J "il nuw IT.)
113s sable lev Scuf I.triim,, HUH)
II. VI Sable s.,v s.itf s Ml no t -iill
lllV-llliie I.) n 'eaif 1", nj now II) (I I
JOD Blue l.tnv Sent JJOOnrtw soi
loni H(,i l 0 staif 7 01 note Id)
stir Mink searf, long talis !00mm Si 111
:i)10 Mink Seatf !. 00 now 17.0D
'.i72' iiimiuinu Hen lloi, .! ds
lung .. . .. .", 00 now -', III
."7 -llUtlv lieu Hoi, 1 Mis louj- '')0Hno 110)
''Tl lliuwii Heir lloi, ! (is lotirf. l'i UO now 10 0)
ii) Xltllllll OppOsUlll 11(11, .1 )lls
l"ii- il IN) now I ul
T'li-flut 'o Uui, I tiU lone' . HiOOnow 7.01
J'V'-nim l.n Ik i, .. )ils loiu lsOUntm U OJ
luis Ibpilred. I ins Miiiuf ii tilled Itaw I t it
I Three j
I c
1 Thin
H to fashion the spiinu shiit- H
to fashion the spiinu shiit
wnlst f i oni.
Embroidered Taraise
(A new name foi an old
filend), the uinteiinl some
what lesembllng nuns' veil-
Rumnn Stripes
Nothing nlceir foi nn nftei
noon waist, and the amount
of seivice to ho obtained
fiom these uinteiinls is un
limited, as n little spnp and
watei make them appeal ns
A new cloth, and one that
will not become oulinnry,
n& we put chased only one
pattern of each.
126 Wyoming; Ave,
Sootf & Bo