The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 18, 1902, Image 1

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Fiercest Storm Since the Great
Blizzard ol 1888 Sweeps
New York.
Street nnd Steam Car Traffic Serious
ly Affected Mails on All Trains
Several Hours Late The Snow
Blockade Complete in the Shopping
Districts Several Department
Stores Closed nt 4 O'clock Four
Thousand Men at Work Cleaning
the Streets Several Steamers Off
Sandy Hook Awaiting a Chance to
Come Into Port Great Fall of the
Beautiful at Atlantic City State,
Towns and Cities Snowbound On
the Pocono.
y Kxcliixho Wire from The Asso'-iated Preu.
Xew York, Feb. 17. Now York city
ins borne the brunt of the fiercest snow
storm that lias struck this section of
the country since the great blizzard of
3SS8. neginnlng soon after midnight
the storm increased rapidly, until by
daybreak the whole city was completely
snowed under. The rising force of the
gale piled the. snow in great drifts that
for a time almost suspended trnlllc. ex
cept In the main thoroughfares, where
the car tracks were only kept open by
the constant use of snow plows and
Communication between Manhattan
and Urooklyn was subject to long de
lay. The ferryboats with difficulty made
trips across the ice-choked rivers, and
the work of tugboats, lighters, and
shipping generally was almost at a
standstill. So severe was the snow
fall that the loading of vessels was
stopped, it being impossible to keep the
hatches open.
Two steamers, which arrived during
the night, struggled as far as quaran
tine, where they came to anchor. Sev
eral steamers are supposed to bo off
Sandy Hook, waiting for the stom to
abate before attempting to enter the
Tonight the local weather bureau re
ports that the worst of the snowfall,
which began to abate in the afternoon,
is probably over. The full up to late
this afternoon was 9 3-10 inches. This
afternoon hurricane warnings were
hoisted at Sandy Hook and New York,
nnd many vessels are detained in port.
There was considerable delay in the ar
rival of the mails.
Trains Delayed.
The Chicago mail, due at 4.45, did not
get In until 7.33 a.jn., and the Wash
ington mail was an' hour and a quarter
late. The local deliveries of mall were
hampered by the dlflicully of driving
the wagons through the snow-encumbered
streets. All outgoing mails were
closed from thirty minutes to an hour
before the usual time.
Malls on the New York Central were
from two to three hours late, and all
mall service between this city nnd
points on Long Island was practically
suspended. The trains on all the line's
terminating in Jersey f'lly were hours
behind time, during the morning, but
towards evening the schedules were
more nearly maintained. On the New
York Central through trains were be
ing moved nearly on time by taking off
many of the local trains. The conges
tion of traillo on the Manhattan street
car lines was most severe during the
morning, when many of the avenues
were blocked with long lines of stalled
cars. Oa Uroadway wheel tratllc was
confined to ntirrow lanes between high
snow hllU and along these cabs, trucks
and curs crawled at a snail's pace.
Prom other thoroughfares truck traf
fic disappeared utmost entirely.
In the shopping district the blockade
wns so complete that several of the
great department stores closed al t
Kour thousand men were set to work
to clear the streets of Manhattan early
in the afternoon. Of these, half were
engaged In opening crosswalks, while
2.000 men and 300 trucks were employed
to work all night In carting away 'the
snow from tho main streets.
On tho elevated Hues there was con
siderable delay In the early hours, but
by the evening rush hours all trains
were running on time, although enor
mously uvercrowded, owing to tho in
terruptlon nt tbn surface lines.
Brooklyn Bridge Clear.
Tho Urooklyn bridge was kept clear
of snow from thu time the storm hu
gup, but both the elevated and trolley
cars were crowded to their utmost cap
acity, although many thousands of
llrooklynltes preferred the perilous
passage of tho ferries to participating
til the crush on the bridge.
Throughout Brooklyn the blockade
was even more general than In .Man
hattan and little progress was madu by
tho street cleaning department beyond
opening cross walks on the principal
streets. Coney island, Fort Hamilton
and Canarslo wero completely cut off
from all communication over the
Hrlglitou lieach road, whero half a
dozen trains were hopelessly stalled
at one time. Durjng (hu day not over
60 per cent, of the cars of the Urooklyn
Rapid Transit system were hi opera
tion and thousands were compelled to
make their way on foot to tho ferries.
Staten Islanders suffered more than
the residents of any of the boroughs
of Greater New York. The ferry bouts
were al much behind time and no
effort was mude to keep schedule time,
the, main trouble being due, to the great
masses of Ice packed In the slips at
St. George. The Island Itself was com
pletely snowed under nnd the move
ment of trolleys or trains was brought
to a halt. Kvcn sleighs wero unable to
mnke their way through the great
drifts. In the afternoon a few trains
wero got through on the north shore
by using tho big freight engines of the
Baltimore and Ohio road. Derailed
trains stopped all trafllc on the south'
shore line. The conditions of traffic
were in every respect worse than hi
the great blizzard of 18S8.
Telegraph and telephone service In
Now York experienced little Interrup
tion, for while the snow was heavy
there was no sleet to break tho wires.
During the day only a few minor ac
cidents to pedestrians resulted from
the storm.
The fleet of warships lying off quar
antine to await the arrival of Prince.
Henry was for hours cut off by float
ing Ice from communication with the
short. Forty marines who put off to
the ships in boats from Staten Island
were compelled to put back and re
turn to the navy yard.
Storm Through New York State.
New York, Fob. 17. The eastern part
of New York state, from this city to
the Canadian border, was swept by a
blizzard such as had not been experi
enced for fourteen years. Up to mid
night reports showed that sixteen
counties had received in full force tho
elTects of the gale and the accompany
ing fall of snow. These counties wero
Duchess, Orange, Flster, Albany, Scho
harie, Schenectady, Montgomery, Sara
toga, Essex, Columbia, Hennselaer,
Washington, Clinton, Oneida, Onon
daga and Chemung. Thus it will be
seen that all the eastern tier of counties
caught the storm and that It did not
extend to the western portion of tho
state, although It will reach there be
fore tomorrow.
There is a sameness about the reports
from the up-state towns. Anywhere
from four to eighteen inches of snow,
wind blowing at a hurricane rate, drifts
from six to, in one Instance, twenty
five feet deep arc among the features,
while there is iteration and reiteration
of delayed trains, impeded or wholly
abandoned trolley service, and impass
ible country roads.
The latest reports indicate that the
worst Is over, for the wind is abating,
and in many places the snow has ceased
Cold Weather at Boston.
Iloston, Feb. 17. After an unprece
dented stretch of clear weather. New
England was blanketed today with a
foot of wet snow and swept byi north
east gale. The storm impeded tratllc
and the winds brought down the tele
phono anil telegraph wires, so that
many important points were cut off.
Fortunately there was mot a large
amount of shipping off the coast, and
no marine disaster had been reported.
The storm center was directly over
Boston at 8 o'clock tonight, with the
unusually low barometer of i'S.TS, which
is nearly the record for this station.
The wind attained a velocity of forty
four miles an hour this forenoon, and
at 8 o'clock tonight the weather bureau
reported a fifty-four mile an hour gale
at Fastport.
New York, Feb, 17. Klghteen inches
of snow fell in Ossining, N. Y today
and drifts six feet high are common
tonight. Trolley service was abandoned.
Country roads are closed.
Seventeen Inches Fall Velocity of
the Wind, 34 Miles,
lly l'Mlii.he Wire Irom the A-hocialcd Pie's.
Philadelphia, Feb. 17. The heavy
snow Morm which began in tills section
al 10 o'clock last night, ceased at u
o'clock this afternoon, the fall of snow
bei.-ig the heaviest in three years. A
high wind accompanied the snow, but
tonight It is rapidly diminishing. The
greatest fall of snow occurred at At
lantic City, which was tho centre of
the sform this morning'. The weather
bureau there reports that seventeen
Inches fell, and that the maximum ve
locity of the wind was 31 miles. Cape
May reported n snow fall of eight
Inches, In this city eleven Inches of
snow were recorded at tho weather
bureau, nnd In the Interior of Penn
sylvania snow fell in depths varying
from one to six Inches. Snow was re
ported to bo falling tonight In the
northeastern mountainous section of
tlii state.
With the exception of tho stranding
of the schooner Anna .Murray, from
iloston for Ualtlniore, near Indian' river
Iniot. ten miles below the Delnwuie
llronkw.uer, the life savers fioni Chin
cotu.guc, Va., to Harnaget, N. ,T re
port i might that no vessels are In dls-
Tiie Murray went ashore during tho
thluktst of the storm, this morning,
and her crew was rescued by life av
eiK 1 ; means of tile breeches buoy. The
vessel Is badly strained and Is full of
The steam railroads centering In this
city wero considerably . hampered.
Trams were greatly delayed and In
some Ii.htance annulled. The greatest
dliHoulty was experienced within the
city limits, and on the lines leading
to New Vork and the seashore. Trains
to the west and the south from hare
experienced comparatively llttln trou
ble, and trains arriving from these
sections maintained tho schedule fairly
wcii, On the Pennsylvania railroad,
irni'iH from New York, were from one
to two hours late. This was duo to
trouhb experienced in moving- trains
In the Jersey City terminal and yards.
Tito Washington limited and the fast
line w. it wo annulled oyer the New
York ilMslon. They were made up
lieie mil took their departure south
und wefct only a short time behind thu
schedule time.
Pennsylvania Limited Late.
The Pennsylvania limited, west, due
here from Now York at 13.18 p. ru..
arrived it 3.12. Tho Heading road
in red better with Its New York trains,
which arrived about an hour late. On
all the railroads much dllllculty was
encountered In moving suburban
trains. The schedules early In the
day became badly tangled, compelling
the companies to .consolidate many' of
their trains, ltnllroud communication
between here and' Atlantic City was
tied Up foi' a time, and when trains did
get moving they wero from two to
three hours late. The entire railroad
situation Is greatly Improved tonight.
Navigation on tho Delaware river
nnd bay between here nnd the sea was
only slightly Intcrforrod with. Thick
I co lias greatly Impeded transporting of
vessels during the laBt week, but the
situation In this regard was reported
to be greatly Improved by the captain
of the Philadelphia City Ice boats.
Street car traffic In this city and the
suburbs became demoralized early In
the day, and no attempt was made to
keep schedule time. Some lines were
blocked for hours, but with the ending
of tho storm, trafllc began to Improve,
and by morning It Is expected the ser
vice will be fully resumed.
On the Pocono.
Stroudsbnrg, Pa., Feb. 17. A terrific
blizzard is raging tonight on the Po
cono mountains. Tho storm is one of
the severest for years. Business is
practically at a standstill. Trains on
the Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern railroad, both east and west bound,
are running behind schedule time. On
the Wilkos-Barro and Eastern railroad
the snow is filling up cuts and a block
ade is feared. The storm began late
on Sunday and snow has since fallen
without cessation. There was no wind
until this morning. The snow is light
and the to'ind quickly forms It into
drifts. Stage coaches for interior
towns loft at tho usual hours this af
ternoon, hut the drivers feared they
would not be able to make their trip
Effects of the Storm Felt from Ber
gen County to Cape May.
New York, Fob. 17. Advices tonight
fioni points in New Jersey shows that
the great blkizard has been felt from
liergeu county to Cape May and from
Atlantic City to Camden. The latest
advices arc that during the evening
the ttorm .-.bated considerably, tho
snow having ceased to fall and the
wind having decreased In velocity.
As was natural tho brunt of the gale,
which approached the dimensions of a
hurricane, was felt by the seacoast
towns but the interior cities and vil
lages not provided with large gangs
of street cleaners gave up the battle
against the driving snow early In the
day: the railroads wore enabled to
move trains by the free use of snow
piows and street car trafllc all over
the state was stopped until the sweep
ing machines and plows cleared the
tracks along the middle of the after
noon. This applies to the large cities
only, lor in the smaller places the
tracks aie so badly covered with snow
that they may not bo cleared for two
There was a general suspension of
the s-ohools In the afternoon, while the
morning sessions were only thinly at
tended. At most places heard from were given that there would
be no attempt to hold school tomor
row Several trains were stalled near
Round Brook for some hours but were
released late In the 'afternoon. Trains
from New York reached Bound Brook
from two to three hours late and these
v.ith two engines attached.
lly night the situation was much im
proved and passenger traffic on all
tumk lines crossing the state were
coining in only thirty minutes late.
Ti'.e thousands of people who mud
their homes In the cities, towns and
villaues of New Jersey lying within
twenty miles of New York city and
who aie In business or work here, suf
fered great inconvenience in the morn
ing. For hours the North river fer
lios tan Irregularly and with small
load?-, all the morning trains being late.
Then as the delayed trains began tt
arrive there was a rush of passengers.
Many people, however, found It more
convenient to stay at home and the
usual crowd of shoppers from Jersey
wis not to be seen today. By evening
tit" situation for suburbanites was
much lellwVed,
Unprecedented Floods in Cape Col
ony Great Destruction of Houses.
lly Kai'luntw Wire from the Awoi-hittsl I're.
Capo Town, l'eb, 1". rnpieeedenttd fluidi
haw- oc-auied ill the southwestern lOlliou e.f
Capo Colony, ic.-mltlni,' In meat ihMrnctluu of
linuii'r, brideres ami lallro.ul propel ly.
'IVcnty-tivei pervjirt luve been dimvned,
Graver Shoots Ducks Again.
lly l'.iliilu Who friin tin-' At-auoialed 1'iea,
Noifolk, V.I., Peh. IT.-OhaiJesKe-idcl. of Wade
insiloir, R-cietaiy of the JIjlK Hay lliimilm; linb,
lit which e.-l'rehlcnt tlinver ClcvcUml H a
Biic.t, ictumed to Norfolk from the iiiaruet to.
tlay, Hu tJted tlut the (.'icveland party killed
two bundled eluekx and thirty eee on l-"iid.iy
and that Mr. Cleveland did moie than bin sl,:irs
nf tins slaiiKhUr. Ilie weather U Veiy louzh t
the club, hut ideal due!; idiO'iUng mi'l III- tina
U plentiful.' Mr. CU'ttrlawl't health hat Inipiovid
nimo'lie milted there.
Paterson Is Independent.
lly CxrliHhn W'lie from lite Autucialril l'us,
Topekj, Kan., I'lh, !". Uoivinor Stanley today
inched ii letter bvm the uuiyor of I'ateuiui, .
timilni; VM. W, wliUli thu Kuuku India Krll.:f
innunlvsloii tent to the iMU'lxm llie mirfeirr.
'Die letter lliank' (josetnor Stanley and (lie win.
iub)iii but fetalis that I'.Ucimui in aide (a take
care of ill dotitiue without outside iidftance.
Printers Strike at Barcelona.
By Kuluilw Wire from 'the AumvUtrd I'rew,
lUrci'loiii, IVh, )", The stiike lmailou hue
i I'lLumlii;; mine vruu'. mate i tei;ii lu
hem prinlalined. The printers hate tied up alt
the paper am nout of them la jppiarliiy.
Kev. Dr. Newman Hall 111,
By Ei,'li;ii IVue from The .WiwUttd Pttw,
f.ondjn, l'eh. IT. Tim llev, Ken in 111 Hall, I),
., foiiner chuiiiiun of iln Cunituif illuiul
union, who li.ii been ill for tome time past. U
pronoumeil tliii eienlnt; iu he niiikiny,
Pension Chanted,
lly r'.uluhe Wiie Iiom tho .Wwlaled i'ies.
Wellington, t, n. A iwuion ot ifS :i
been (Mauled Kuth l'eik (widow), of Scinnton.
Governor Talt Explains His Plans
tor Governing the !
Qualified Suffrage, with Gradual
Growth in Popular Government.
Local Legislature, One Branch
Elective, One Appointive Kepre
sentatlves in Washington Inde
pendence at This Time Would Be
an Evil.
By I'Ai'lushe Wire, from the Associated Pre.
WashlUKton, Feb. IT. Governor Taft,
In his testimony before the senate com
mittee on the Philippines today, ex
plained his theory, which is, he said,
also the theory of the Philippine com
mission, of what congress should do
In thu way of supplying the Philippine
people with a. form of government.
His plan Is:
First A iiuulliled suffrage, with a
gradual growth in popular govern
ment, as education In the English lan
guage progressed and Knowledge of
American Institutions was acquired.
Second The institution, within a
reasonably short time, of a local legis
lature, to consist of two bodies, one to
be chosen by vote and the other to be
Third Permission for the islands to
send two or three representatives to
In reply to questions Governor Taft
said he agreed with General Funston
that tho establishment of a popular
assemblage would give opportunity to
demagogues to stir up the people, but
that he did not include in that desig
nation all persons who are opposed to
American control. There are, ho said,
many men in the Islands who consci
entiously oppose the domination of the
United States.
To grant independence would have
the effect of consigning the SO per cent,
of uneducated people in the islands to
the same servile position they held
under Spanish rule. There should be
a declaration on the part of the United
States of Its intention to hold the
islands indellnitely with the under
standing that when they are suitable
for such a condition they may be given
a quasl-independenee. Such a pro
nouncement by this country would be
welcomed by many and would do much
good. Many of the common people do
not know the difference between inde
pendence and dependence and many
of the better informed have not fol
lowed the agitation for independence
to its last analysis. Some of the agi
tators seem to count on a protectorate
by the United States. If the govern
ment of the islands should nt this time
be turned over to tie islanders them
selves there would He nothing less than
an absolute oligarchy. They have no
idea of civil government.
A Honesdale Man in Jail' on Charge
of Floating a Bogus Check.
Special to -the Scranton Tribune.
llonesdule, Feb. 17. George 11. Bell
wns indebted to Herman SchenerholK
for a small amount on a bicycle in
payment of which he presented a cheek
bearing the signature of Hletier & Sons,
for $7;), requesting the difference iu
cash. As it was after banking hours
the check was taken and he wtis given
$33 in cosh and credited $13 paid on
bicycle, leaving a balance due liell of
.13. After his departure, some doubt
arose as to the slgnnture on the cheek.
Thu bank otllclals were seen and they
pronounced It 11 forgery. A telephone
message to Messrs. Rleller at Tanner's
Falls, confirmed this. Hell was not
in the employ of Messrs P.ieilers and
they did not owe him. After Bull re
ceived the money his whereabout were
not known until Saturday evening
when Mr. Schenerholtz received 11 tele
phone message from Bell, who was In
Carhondalo to send him tir, on account.
The case was put In the hands of
Constable Xeary, of I'nrbaudalt'. who
nriesled Bell nnd brought him to
Honesdale on the noon train on Mon
day, He was Identified hy Mr. Sehener
holtz. Il was taken before 'Squire
William II. Hum who committed him
to the county Jail.
Cannot Accept Invitation to Meet the
Prince Owing to Wife's Illness.
lly r.xvluihe Wire tim the Awwlalnl Pie.
Palm Beach, Fla., Feb. 17. Admiral
Dewey received the following despatch
from Washington today:
Will .uui dine with lue oil rehuiary 'i-1. l 7.U
p. in,, In 1 1 a 0 Ihe honor to meet liU royal'
nev,, I'rinto lf,emy of I'liUhlaV
(Sigurd) llolleinVn. '
Imperial (Iriuiau Aiiibj.vid.ii',
Admiral Dewey replied as follows:
I renin cxcccdii'iily not ti am'pt your Invita
tion iu dlim mid hate the. honor id uij'ilu nieethi
his uil liiplme, I'lliieo Henry of I'rula, hut
Mi. Dewey U loo ill for mu In luae her.
iMKiied) (leoiise licwi-y,
The Admiral of the Navy.
One Killed nnd 24 Wounded In Blot,
lly i:ilnlto Wire from tho Awoilaled 1'ie-s.
Madrid, l'eh, 17. limine-the ilotlnt' at ItK-f-loiia
the lp'p tiled on thu mli, kllllne: onu
peieon and woimdiue twenty-tour, An uueou.
tiuite'd ii'b'uruiii leeched he-'te'ijhes tho rfUt u(
the ehaigiii;; hy ihu liiup at ten killed and
flMy-tive, wounded.
' Blown to Pieces hy Dynamite,
fly Kxeluilre Wire from The AuocUtcd Pre.
I'Uttvbunr, K, V., 1-Yb. 17. lohu Tajioll, .rod
:;o, un employe ot ihe Chaleauttay Oru and lion
company at Lion Mountain, N V., j blown to
plecM today by Ihe explosion ot a ,tk'k ot dy
namite: Willi U he vi a a tiyin; to thaw out.
Rioting Is Beported in Barcelona,
Mob Attempts to Sack Markets,
fly i:.tcliulve Who from The A'joclntod l'rm.
Madrid; Feb. 17. It Is estimated that
forty thousand men have struck at
Barcelona, and serious rioting Is re
ported there today.
The in,)b attempted to sack the mar
ket buildings and stopped all street
tratllc. The factories and shops In the
city have been closed. Uroups of wom
en beiirlnif banners took a prominent
part In the disturbance. Several bat
talions of troops cleared Iho streets.
In the chamber this afternoon Gen
eral (,'astellunos taxed the government
with lack of energy In dealing with
the Barcelona rioters. Replying, Senor
Gonzalez, minister of the Interior, said
that the prefect of Barcelona was not
able to send a police commissary to
each of the seventy-two simultaneous
strikers' meetings In that city. After
further explanations Senor Gonzalez
introduced a bill asking the chamber
to authorize the suspension ot consti
tutional guarantees in the province
of Barcelona.
Republican Members of the House
of Representatives in Caucus.
Resolutions Adopted.
By Hti'lmhe Wire from the Associated l'reji.
Washington, Feb. 17. The Kepubil
can members of the house of represen
tatives hehl a third caucus tonight to
consider the question of southern elec
tions. The attendance was not ns num
erous as nt former gatherings, Speaker
Hendorson not attending, and only
eighty-six Hepubllcaus out of a. total
of 199 being present. This was short
of 11 quorum, but the meeting proceed
ed, with speedy and definite results, a
resolution being adopted asking the
house committee on rules to reoort a
resolution for a special Investigating
committee of eleven members to con
sider questions relating to the disfran
chisement of voters.
Representative Dick, of Ohio, present
ed the following resolution as a substi
tute for that of Mr. Cruinpacker, here
tofore introduced:
Hesolved, That it Is thu kcme ot this e.mciH
tli.lL the ruimnlttfc on nilei pu-Miit a resolution,
an .1 substitute for those; now nendlne; in ,.iid
exunmltlec, providhic; in Mihslitnee that :t cclcel
coinniittet! be appointed by the trKuker, eon
sNtinp: of eleven members whose duty it .-.hall
bo, and who shall have complete power and au
thority to inrritigate and In'qidu- into the valid
ity or election lawn ;imMbeinJ!m-r'Ct(T!i?lEl'-en-forcement
In the nevoial stale, and whether Ihe
risl.l lo vote of males Inhabitant ot any of tin-(tare-!,
21 ,-e.irs cf aire, and lieltur cltl.eni of the
L'nlteel States, is denied ur In any manner
atnidi;ed, except for niine, and mii-Ii committee
shall report the result of IU iure.tii;ation at .',s
e.uly 11 date a po-tslble.
The debate was brief and was entirely
favorable to the adoption of the reso
lution. .Mr. Dick supported It on the
ground that It was simply 11 prelimin
ary step with a view to ascertaining
facts, leaving the remedy lo be deter
mined when the house was in nosses
slon of all the facts. Mr. ("rumr-acker
concurred In this view and readily ac
cepted the resolution iu lieu of the one
he had first introduced, which proposed
not only an investigation but also fixed
the remedy, namely, a reduction of
representation in congress proportion
ate to the extent of disfranchisement.
Without a dissenting voice the resolu
tion was agreed lo. The caucus there
upon adjourned.
It was stated by members of the cau
cus that the unanimous action bv
eighty-six members would undoubtedly
be accepted by the committee on rules,
notwithstanding the absence of a e-uo-rum,
and it was pointed out by these
members that the eighty-six nftlriim
tlve votes would have been 11 majority
If a (luorum had been present. It also
was stated by those who had been most
instrumental in framing the resolutions
that the investigation could be con
ducted here iu Washington, probably
without any necessity of making per
sonal Investigation In the south or else
By i:xelu-,Ue Wlte from thu Annotated I'ref.
New York, Teh, 17, Tho bodies of lliewlue
daioh.-ion and Jauie ulnvel ero found in the
luhis of the factory of the Ornamental klsrn wniLi,
Astoria today.
The Inilldlng win butned lat night, Willltiu
llioun, who wllli .r.icob-on, Stovel and William
ltilderbrnnd, wan playliisf canU iu the faitmy
when the tiro Mailed, w,m bullied iibonl the
hands, anus and i-he-it and lib pine wai Injured i
wuen no jumpeii irom a window. The four i.u-n
oeiupled leioim on tho m ut floor nf :. fae.
lory. Ilildeilir.uid gut safely lit of the bitllJin
but the other men weiti unable to eoe-ape i.nd
perikheel in tho lliuie.4.
Corporations Chartered.
lly i:clul Wile from The Associated I'rtJi.
llaiiMiuijr, I'd., l'eb, 17. t'harleu en iued
by llie idate. department today in tho following
iiiipoiatlon: 'llie AniiNlKuu; County Tlint Co.,
Kittannlnifj capital iia.i,iAi. The Pelauaie
Paper Speieialty ami l'lintliw," Co., .North Water
fijp, Jlonroe eountyi capital Wu.ODu. The So
iiueluima lly 11 worli, Wllllaui.-poili i-apllal
f.'.'jIi.UUil. Tho (leiald I'ublNhine; t'u I'lttiliuiKl
lupllal .10,011. Tho Xatd Mauiifaetmlrnr Co.,
I'lltsliurxi capital ifJ,(W,
Steamship Arrivals,
lly i:ehMw Win- fioni the .Woilaled Pre.".
Xew- Yuil., IVh. 17. -Cleared! Kubcr Wllhelm
del- (in?, llremeu via I'lyiuoutli .u.'l l heihuur,;.
tilbiallar Arrived! Alh-r, Xne V01L o- Naplfs
anil liinoa. Ihiiubuii; Silled: l'enu.h.iula,
New Voll via lluulpuiiv ami plyiiwuih. Saitu-e -I'ai-itd!
I.aliu, 1,'uioa and N'jU, fur .Veiv Vil.
Miih I'dfet-di Staieiiilaiu, New
VulK for Plymouth, IIouIokiu- and Ijotteiilaui.
Clans Excels McFaddeu,
By Kiulikltr .'ire lrm The Amoelaied I'uo.
'Philadelphia, fill. 17-.loo lian. of II ill .
more, had the better of (he l.v-iinuid bout with
(ieorge Mel'adden, of Xew Vork, tonight at tl,o
I'eun Athletic club. ' mill Jouviht haul
fioni be-Klimln'ir tu ind. Ii wj an Vmi imui-kt
In the Hut 1 omul, hut after that the lialtiiuoiu
lad hail matter pmtiiially hi mm ay.
, aamblers Robbed of $3,000. '
By Kclule Wire from The Aijociatnl Prrw.
Clinton, lowu, fi-b. 17, A ilirluy lobbei.v
wan commuted hem early today by two nu.ked
men win), at Ihe point ot KVolveM. held up
nanagau') tjJinblln- ctab)Ulimriit and lobled
the twelve inmate of money and valuable?,
amouutlnj to ?J,'M). There Ii no clew.
The Chinese Minister and Diplomat
Expires at St. Petersburg,
fly Kjclinlve Wlrr from 'lli Aiaoeltted ITtn.
St. Petersburg, Feb. 17.' Yang Yu,
the Chinese .minister to Ithssla, died
hero today after a short Illness. Yang
Yu wr.s formerly Chinese nilnle.tcr at
Washington, He was transfered to
St, tvicriburg In November. 18911.
lit .March, IflOl, he was reported to
ho r-er.ously 111 (this" was at the time
when it was said the Husso-Chlncse
Maiu'huritin treaty was to be signed),
and on March 2S, 1901. the Russian for
eign ofllce was Informed that tho
Chinese minister had fallen and been
BnriouM.v injured, Karly in April, 1901,
It was announced that Yung Yu's Ill
ness was caused by an attack of vertl
jjii following the receipt of news by
him that the Chinese) bunk, In which
he had deposited his entire fortune,
had been plundered and that he had lost
everything except his house. The next
report circulated concerning Yang Yu
was that he hud requested the umper
or'H permission to resign his post at
St. Petersburg.
Ndt long afterwards, April 10, 1901,
It was announced In it dispatch from
Paris that Yang Yu had gravely in
sulted Count I.amsdorf, the Russian
minister of foreign affairs, during a
(lMcuii&ion of the Manehurian question,
ami that the court ordered his lackeys
to rut the Chinese minister but of the
loom, and that Yang Yu was thrown
down stairs and very seriously injured
about the head.
In May. 1901, Yang Yu started for
China With his family, thereby Inter
rupting the Russq'-Chlnese negotiations
legarding Manchuria. He returned to
St. Petersburg August 111, 1001.
Yang Yu was over 110 years of age,
was a Manchu, and It was said that he
was bitterly opposed to signing over
Manchuria to Russia.
President Sends Message to Senate,
Recommending' a Bill to Pro
vide for Relief.
n.v r.uluahr Whc fioni the Aoi-iati-il 1'iei-.
Washington, Feb. 17. The president
today sent to the senate a message rec
ommending the retirement of Xitvul
Constructor Richmond P, Jliibson. and
in accordance with this recommenda
tion Senator Oalllnger immediately In
troduced a bill providing for Mr. Hob-i
son's transfer to the retired list. In his
message the president gives as his rea
son the trouble Mr. llobson bus had
since 1900 with ids eyes, and recites the
history of that trouble, which infirm
ities, it Is stated, had been contracted
while on duty In repairing ships at
Hong Kong,
The president says: "In considera
tion of the Infirmities, but especially of
the gallant service rendered by Mr.
llobson in sinking the Merrintau in the
harbor of Santiago during the recent
war with Spain, 1 recommend the en
actment of a suitable measure for his
relief."" ., .
The''blll Introduced by Senator Clnl
llnger authorizes the president "to
transfer to the retired list pf the navy,
as for disabilities Incurred 111 the line
of duty, Naval Constructor Richmond
P. llobson, I. S. N at the rate of pay
provided by Section 1,'iSS of the revised
statutes In the case ot olllcers rutired
on account of Incapacity resulting Horn
long and faithful service."
Michael Sullivan Died from Injuries
Received Yesterday,
Michael Sullivan, ai;ed BO years, who
lived at 518 Taylor avenue, .sustained
Injuries from a full on the sidewalk
yesterday morning which resulted In
his death later III the day at the Lack
awanna hospital.
Mr. Sullivan was walking along Vine
street near "Webster avenue, when lie
slipped and fell, breaking his right leg
below the knee. He was taken to the
Lackawanna hospital, whero lie was
found to be suffering from a severe
nervous shock, which was the Imme
diate cause ot his death late in the
afternoon. The deceased was a tailor,
nnd Is survived by several children.
lly Inclusive Wlte from Ihe Woriatitl 1'ie-n.
I'tillaiwlphia, l'eh. 17. -John lirlilltli, a well
Inovvii civil c-iiilni-v ami a mm of wealth, mm
milled Mthide lodiy at hi liumu in,
a MihUlb, by hlovvlne; nut Ills brains with a hut
sun, He vva- 40 year old.
iiJIlUtiuig, Teh, t7.Iude Slmmilmi today
dtunU-cd tho eipilly suit lumiitlit by llie tate
niialnl Ihe rvvThlaii Stieet I tul I way loiupiny, of
Chelcr lounty, tu pievenl the latter from flubh
lilt; Hi If id im the ifiound that il cuciojilu-d
on ihe light of aiiolhei- load which aheady had
u chatter to cover the- leiiltoty clalmid by tho
l.'wchlati, i
Washington, l'eh, K.rii-shh-nt Itoewveli !.
ft, Ihe kiMk- today tin- follmvlrii.- nominations of
Pennsylvania puluiaitvi: I'tn-.-nt A. llcmpsiead,
Mradvllle; Solomon V IvVlrhani, (b'eihrnolc.
By rjulmuw Who Irom Ilia Afcioeialed l'ie-).
f,ulne.'. ill, IVh. 1,'. Word was u-eelvcd U'to
luday -that Ceoiiii- Kuel, inventor and manu
facturer of incubator and hay picivi, tiled hut
miiht at i'lulj. liuoiia, un a train while en-i-eiuto
in i,'ulniy. Lately he had tiunvn worn
and uu beinif- brouidii limuo In die. 'llie de
ceawd vvj born iu llennan.v M-vriuy-ltvu ji-ai
ae. He had apiacd a Ume foil one through
hli imciillous
Camden. X. -I.. IVh. IT. HrlitaJU-r tieneral
William II. (oupvi. lomniander nf the Second
luluaili) .National liuaid of .New Jei-icy, died
uddenly of apople. In idi otttce loelay. He
vvai superintendent l Ihe HtshteiaBu department
of ihe l'enu..v)vaiia talUoad In thN lily, and
vvaa appaiently In lili liual health when he
readied Ida ottlic today. Oeueral Cwer wa
Uiru in lliUio), I' a., in 1311, and wim a veteran
of the Civil war,
Xcw Ywtk. l'eb. J7. Kcitua N. (IrUwold, for
thirty yean president ot the) Xew Yotk Couer
vatoi.v of Uuilc, died today in bin apaitiuenli
at ihe ivuM-iratory, lie waa 73 UM old.
The Resolution Adopted Without
Division or Amendment In
Any Particular.
The House by Unanimous Vote
Pnsses tile Bill to Repeal the War
Revenue Taxes What Promised to
Re nn Exciting- Contest Ha3 Been
Ended in a Quiet Manner A Bill
Extending' the Charters of Nation
al Banks Is Passed in Senate.
lly i:.du-dvo Wlte fioni Ihe .Wooialcd I'ici-i.
Washington, Fob. 17." The senate In
executive session -early today ratltled
the treaty with Denmark ceding to
the United States for a consideration
of $.',000,000 tho group or the AiitlllcH
known as the Danish West Indies. Thu
treaty was ratified without amending
It in any particular.
Senator Hucon proposed an ameml
.metit eliminating the paragraph in the
treaty giving authority to congress to
llx the civil and political rights of the
Inhabitants, but It was voted down by
a viva voce vote. Senator i.'ullom then
explained the provisions of the treaty
In detail. The resolution to ratify was
adopted without division. In open ses
sion after an extended debate the sen
ate passed the bill establishing a per
manent census ofllce. The discussion
related principally to the collection and
publication by the director of tho cen
sus of statistics respecting the produc
tion of cotton.
Mr. Allison vigorously opposed the
provision, maintaining that the cotton
statistics gathered by the department
of agriculture were complete and ac
curate and that no necessity existed
for their duplication. Despite his op
position the provision was inserted in
the bill. ' -'-"- t
Several other bills on the cult'iidi?!"
were passed, among them one extend
ing the charters of national banks. Sir.
Aldrich, chairman of the finance com
mittee, explained that the measure ex
tended no new privileges to national
banks but simply enabled those whoso
charters were about to expire to renew
House Passes Revenue Bill.
The unexpected happened In the
house today, when the bill to ivpea'
the war revenue taxes wns passed
uii.iiiimously without a word of debate.
'I his action was the outcome of u chal
lenge thrown down by Mr. Itlchardson,
of Tennessee, the minority leader, alter
the adoption by n strict parly vote ot
ti bptcliil order for the consideration
of tli:- bill which permitted debate upon
It until four o'clock tomorrow after
noon, but cut off all ilpport unity to
offer amendments except such as had
been agreed upon by the ways and
means committee. The adoption of tho
rule hod been preceded by a stormy
d'dialp, Iu the course of which the
Democrats' protested against the appli
cation of the "gag" which Mr, Hay, of
Virginia, charged was meant to pre
vent a free expression not only by the
Democrats but by some of the Uepuh
llcans, it being specially directed to
wards Mr. TJatu-ock, of Wisconsin, thu
fitlber of the bill to amend the steel
s-ehedule of the present tariff law. They
tilwip charged that such a method of
procedure was minimizing tins inllueneii
of tin- houw and making it simply a
machine to register the decrees of the
few hi control,
Mr. Uitbcock said that he supported
tlic programme "i th ground that the
issue piesenlcd for lliv repeal of tho
war revenue taxes should not be coin
iiUeatcd with other mutters. At the
sr me time he gavo notice that ho
ihoul.I press Ids own bill at the tlrst
cpi'.ortunlty. Mr. Oalzoll. of I'eunsyl
vdnia, scored n point against the min
ority by recalling the lime under Dem
ocratic control of tho liouHH when CIO
amendments to the Wilson tariff bill
h.u' bion forced through without being
rem!. When the rule was adopted by ii
vulo of 17.S to U'O, Mr. nicluirdson, to
.mpluu'Ue the fact that debate on the
bill could accomplish nothing and that
dlbeir.tloii on it would be fruitless,
nsked unanimous consent that the bill
ho placed upon its passage. Not an
objection was voiced and the vote was
taken forthwith. Kvui-y vote. U7S In
milliner, was e'asl In tho allliinativis and
thus (inlet ly and unanimously came
thu c:id of what at one time promised
in be one of tin most exciting contests
of the hi'sslon.
- '
General Punston Has Recovered.
Ilv I'acIiuIvc Wire from The Astoclated Pfe,, I'liv, Mo., Pel'. 17. Ueneral t-'ieeleiliX
l-'uu.tou hao'iiitliety recoveied irom tho ope-ia-tiem
perfoiiued Um him hero two week, api
and will, ii i t-itetl today, be dUcharued fimc
the hcpilal lomoriovv.'
Local il.iiu, for IVbruaiy 17, Wft!;
lllijhoi lempcintiuv ,, .,,, CO dctr.ev
I.huijl u-iupeiatiue .,,,,.... 21 eleuti-e
Teinpeialiui- when miovv beuan ,, 21 deijr-.i
Te-mpeiaiiue- al ! p. in 22 iletJie-''
llelalivi- humidity!
s a. iu 7J per tcpt,
p. m , 70 per I'Snt.
I'leilpliuiiou, 21 hours ended S p. in,, ,.0.10
Total jiiowfall for the day.,,, ,,,,1.0 ini-Uea
- -f
4- ' 4
-f- Washington, Feb. 17. Forecast for Tuc- -f
day and Wednesday; llutein l'eniii.v-1-
4- vaiiia, ialr Tuesday, except wow In 'ho 4-
4- mountain dudrtcts, jliahtly colder; 4
4- Wedue-tday fair; brink to high nortUwcit 4
4 winds, 4
4 4 .i..ti