THE SCHANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1902. " ft NORTHEASTERN f I PENNSYLVANIA I PITTSTON. "portal to the Scranton Tribune. t'lttslon, Keb. H. Mrs. Dr. K. H. i.onir, of Susquchnnita avenue, received word this itiornlujf ot the death, tit filnghainton, N, V.. of Mro. ISva King, her mother. Uccenseil was for ninny years a resident of this ulnca and Is widely known here. Her husband una a member of the firm of Howell & KIiir, who conducted on nlo brewery here. The brewery still carries thnt firm's mime, Iho executors of the Kins es tate controlling the Interests. Airs. King was In her 71 year. Dr. nnd Mrs. Long went to UltiKlimnton this after noon, nnd will hriiij? the remains to this place. The funeral will take place Mon day afternoon from the I.onir residence. The common council, at ltii iiieetlni? last night, placed Itself on record as belnR emphatlcnlly opposed to the no tion of the Anti-Saloon league In en deavoring to reduce the number of saloons nnd hotels In this city. Tho It'll sue tlKiires there are entirely ton many snloons here In proportion to the population, nnd It hail therefore tiled re monstrances nRiiliiHt twenty-live places, Including the three lending hotels. Tho common council feel that tlie city treusury.needs the money that would accrue from the granting of licenses to these places,' and It would be an iwful shame to throw away this opportunity. The matter was brought before the council by the Introduction of the fol lowing resolution by Attorney AW A. Gillespie? n, member of the council: Resolved, Hy the common council, city of Pltttston, select concurring, that we lespectfully protest against the Indiscriminate filing of remonstrances nguinst the npplk'nnts for lic.uor li cense in tho city of Pittsto'.i. lie It further Itesolved, That a committee of coun .11 bo appointed by the chairman of the respective branches to urge upon the court, by petition or otherwise, (he pressing need of the cltv for the reve nue accruing from the granting of liquor licenses In said city by tho'court of nuarter sessions. Tho resolution passed easily. The re fusal of llcenbes to these places would menu u loss of about $12,000 to the city. An ordinance increasing the salaries or tho chief of police and patrolmen was passed on first and second reading. The Pltttston Young Men's Christian association basket ball team was de feated nt Willlnmsport last evening by the score of 25-5. They piny at State college this evening. The Spring Brook Water company has leased one of the offices In the Troxell building, on Broad street, and will occupy it after April 1. Elmer Sourwlne, of Curtis street, night yardmaster at the Coxton yard, whose head was badly crushed yester day morning by being caught between the bumpers of two passenger cars, on which he was releasing the air-brake, Is In a very precarious condition at the Pltttston hosnltul. He has not yet re gained consciousness. A slight improvement was noted to day in the condition of Anthony Lln ck, the Pol sin el cr. who was foully dealt with In the Exeter mine a few nights igo, but he is by no means out of dan ger. Peter Linowshv and Victor Sor onibo have been sent to the county jail to await the outcome of the man's In juries. Mine Inspector Hugh MacUouald has forwarded to Hanisburg his report of the operations of the mines of tbo Third Anthracite district for the year 1001. It shows a total output of G,'J:!5.&9S.0S tons, which is an increiis-e if G2S,6(!T over that of 1900; C,315,420 tons of this was shipped by train and 13T.9G5 tons jsed for local consumption. This ton nage cost 31 lives, while 17 men wi-rc Injured. This is an Increase of 25 and 34, respectively, over the previous year. The employes of the district number 17,634. HOPBOTTOA1. Special to the Scranton Tiibune. tlopbsttoin, Feb. 11, A number of young people of this place enjoyed a dance at Tenant's hall Tuesday even ing. Mrs. Sloat, of Kingsley, called on Mrs. J. K. Hettes last week. Miss Daisy Smith has relurend to Scranton after visiting friends at this place. Rev. Mr. Dickey, of Fleetvllle, preached at tho Unlversallst church Sunday. Mr. Frank Simons, son-in-law of Mr, Thomas Plnney, died Thursday morn ing. Mr. E. Freeman, of Blnghamlon, gave a very pleasant entertainment with tho Men who look much older than they are never appear to such ufsad- te m vantage as with the wite who keeps her matronly beauty. The secret of health and the manly vigor which goes with health is nutrition. When the etomach and other or gans of digestion and nutrition are diseased there is loss of nutri tion, and correspond ing physical weakness. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and its allied organs, which prevent nutrition, and makes men healthy aud vig orous, "I was a great sufferer from dyspepsia for over two j ears, and was a com. iriete nliVHical wreck." writes Sir, Preston 15. i'eiistcrmachrr, of Hgypt, Lehigh Co,, l'a.- if alsoimlTerrd much with con stipation. I tried many diflereti medicine which were recommended to cure the trouble but these only made me ouc. I iud sucli a weak and debilitated appearance that it seemed as if I had hardly any blood in my whole body. At last I came across an advertivemcut of Dr. Pierce's. I at once tried I)r, Pierce's riotden lledlcal Discovery' nd ' Flcasaut Pellets. I used about eight vials of the 'Pellets' sud ten bottles of the '- .covery" whlsh brought me back to my former ffjfS of health." IK Picrcc'a Pellets cures constipation. wBHmBf Victor Talking machine nt the M. E. church Tuesday evening. Mr. N. M. Finn and daughter Altrt were callers nt Klngsloy Sunday, The Willing Workers met with Mrs. Charles Strickland Thursday after noon, Mrs. ISnnna Smith Is visiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Crandell, of this place. ' IIONESDALE. bpecial to Iho Kctontoii Tribune. Houcsdale, Feb, 14. Pastor C. I,. Percy will preach a special sermon to young people on Sunday evening, In the JJuptlst church. Ample preparations have "been mnde for nil who attend the Martha Wash ington dinner In tho Presbyterian chapel Saturday, Feb. 22. The Indications point to a largo vote at the borough election on Tuesday. A FICTURE Teaching Hector oilier dogs. lively contest Is on over the election of school directors. Miss Emma Burns, ot Scranton, Is the guest of Honesdale friends. The Odd Fellows will have a social In Freedom hall on Monday evening next. The cruel barbed wire road fence is in evidence again. William Sutton, of Seeleyvltle, while making his wuy with a . valuable matched team through a snow bank, was thiown from his sleigh. iiie horses plunged Into a barbed wire fence, injuring one so badly that it had to be killed. In compliance with the arrangements made at the recent convention of acid .producers, a portion of the Illellcr fac tory at Tanners' Falls will close down, to reduce the supply. The arrangement will not afreet tho Klellcr & Pen ward an factory at Cm ley Brook for the pres ent. A fanner living near Hollisterville, this county, killed twenty-seven of his sheep, which had been bitten by a mad clog that passed through that com munity recently. A number of other sheep and dogs were also blt'ten before the mad dog was killed. In a letter to the Honesdale Citizen, Auditor General E. II. Hurdenbergh contradicted the report that lie Is pav ing the way to capture the nomination for congress from the Fourteenth dis trict in 1904. The court has appointed Attorney M. E. Simons district attorney for the March term of court, as District Attor ney Atkinson will bo in attendance at the Supreme court nt that time. Dr. .T. T. Male, physician, Kurgeon and osteopath, will locate in Honesdale April 1. THOMPSON. Special to (he bcranton Tribune. Thompson, Fob, 14. E. V. Witter has sold his coal business to Harry Ulux ham. Including horses and wagons. The Erie company Iuir commenced filling the swamp at the trestllng, n mile out from town toward Ararat. Tho first layer Is to be stone ftom James' quarry, and will give employment to tho farmers and their teams for n time. Mrs. Ira Latham has been visiting her slater, Mrs. Helen Lewie, at Mont dale, this week. Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Payne, of Sus quehnnnn, and Mr, and Mrs, E. A. Washburn, of Brushvllle, visited PohI muster aud Mrs. B. F. Barnes yester day. Hev. A. 13. David heard Hon. J. G. Woolley, nt Scranton, Tuesday even ing. Mrs. Lyrtiu Tullman, of Carbondale, Is visiting at the home of 'Squire Tall inan this week. Mr, nnd Mrs, Fred Pease are enjoy ing tho company of his mother for a few days, About twenty-five members of iho Ladies' Aid society of tho Methodist Episcopal church at Juckhon enjoyed a slelghrlde to Starrucca yestoiday, and were entertained by Mrs, Strong. Miss Cora Laymon left on the Dela ware and Hudson train this afternoon for Jermyn, to visit her parents over tho Sabbath. Charles .Monroe unil Miss Ethel Smith drove over to Hancock, N. Y this week nnd were married. Hew W. II, French, pastor of the Free Baptist chinch, expects nn evan gelist and his wife to sing, to conduct evangelistic services in his church, be ginning February 23. We are expecting much from tho coming of Mrs. L. E. Bailey to speak In the Methodist Episcopal church next Sunday nnd Monday evenings. K. A. Saxton is suffering from rheu matism, superinduced from tramping in tho snow, looking after the Interests of the Erie Railroad company. Tho funeral of Stephen Jenkins was quite largely attended nt tho Methodist Episcopal church, Wednesday morning. His pastor, Rev. A. D. David, preached the sermon un spoke hi highest terms of his faithful Christian character. Rev, George Comfort, of Lanesboro, who was a boy with iltn, spoke of his boyhood and early manly character. rtnd Comrade P, R. Tower drew lessons from his devotion to the church, his 1 1 p " loyntty to tho ling nnd his great zeal In every good word and work as n. Christian citizen, nnd Just as tho cas ket was ready to bo removed from the chancel he explained the "calls" Used In tho nrmy, when C M. Lewie, oh re quested by Comrade Jenkins boiiio time before, sounded "taps" extinguished lights as the casket Was borne from tho church, preceded by members of Frank Hall post, a rand Army of the ltcpubllc. Tho bearers were four of Comrade Jenkins' company T, J. Tnll innn, George H, Ficnch, II. It. Stod dard nnd James K. Curtis, of Jackson. The singing wns by members of the Methodist Episcopal church choir. SUSQUEHANNA. to the Scr.mton Tribune. Susquehanna, Feb. 14 -The funeral of the late Oeorge Perry took place this aftcrnon from the Methodist church, tho pastor, P.ev, t, M. Shlpinan, offi ciated. Interment was made In Ever green cemetery. Mrs. McNeill, of Washington street, Is critically 111. The Machinists Union held an en joyable "smoker" last evening. The Parker Concert company gave nn excellent entertainment In Hogan opera house last evening. Professor Illloy, of Blnghamton, will soon lecture In Susquehannu, under the PUZZLE. to read. Find three auspices of the Friday circle of tho Presbyterian church. Subject: "The City of Rome." A Union Citizens meeting will be held In Hogan opera house on Satur day afternoon. At the revival services In the Oak land Methodist church, about forty per sons have professed conversion, and a like number have protested conversion In the Oakland Congregational church. An anonymous, printed circular, mailed at Hallstead, reflecting upon Colonel Charles C. Pratt, of New Mil ford, who will be the Republican nom inee of Susquehanna county for state senator, Is being scattered over the county. It bristles with untruths, and It will prove n boomerang to the late coterie of disgruntled and repudiated Republican politicians who have been thrown over and outside the breast works of their own party. William M. Post, esq., of Montrose, the Nestor of the Susquehanna county bar, was professionally engaged in town on Thursday. Chailes M. Kessler, of Brandt, has been at Hallstead looking over the pros pects for a national bank In that borough. The Past Sachems Association of Susquehanna county, Improved Order of Red Men, will meet nt Great Bend on Saturday evening. Moses Jordan, for ten years the Erie general yardmaster here, Is succeeded by C. Paul, of Salamanca, but former ly yardmaster at Hornellsvlllo. Cabbage Is being shipped from Xow Mllford to Kansas City. The funeral of Commit McKinny, an old resident of Great Bend township, tool: place today. Mrs. V. O, Cook, an old and esteemed resident of Stevens Point, died on Thursday. Rural school examinations in Sus quehanna county will be held March 15, Rev. Mr. Tinker, of Hallstead, has been appointed pastor of tho Baptist church at Dundaff. UNIONDALE. Special to the Scranton Tribune, ITnlondnlp, Feb. 14. Miss Anna Ben nett has lately returned, after visiting friends In Carbondnle. The Ladles' Aid society of the Meth odist church will be entertained by Mrs. Israel Rounds next Wednesday. Several of our townspeople are having serious times with their arms, resulting from vucelnntlon. After drilling to the depth of 213 feet, tho Carpenter brothem struck a tieam of coal eighteen Inches In thickness, last Saturday. Something better In" tho same line Is expected b.efoi'e spring, George Carpenter lately suffered greatly from nn ucuto attack of Indi gestion. At this date he la fully re covered. Zeuus Rounds Is visiting his son, in Carbondale. Herbert Carpenter has employment In Forest City. Rev. Alfred Eastman Is assisting the pastor of the Oakland Methodist church in revival meetings. lie Is expected home Saturday, Mrs. Sarah AVestgato entertained the following guests nt supper last Friday night: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Thomas, Mrs. Harriet Boswell, Rev. D, D, Jenkins and daugh tor, Miss Marjorlo; Rev. J, V. Newell, Miss Newell and Evangelist Charles Newell, Theron Dlmmlok nnd son, Marlon, are In hard luck, having lost three horses recently. The pupils of the graded school will give a very interesting entertainment In celebration of Washington's birth day, Friday night, February 21. in the band's hull. iMOOSIC. There will be no Sunday school serv ices held lit either of the churches of Moosle Sunday, February 10. A free lecture on "Missions In tho Far West" will bo given ut the Presby terian church, Monday evening, Feb ruary 17, by Rev. A. Clrutit Evans, D. D.. president nf Henrv lvonclnll rviilemv Indian territory, r I Theatrical. J TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. LYCEUM-"Lp York Stale." Afternoon and night. ACAimMY-My PJaVe Comedy Company. Afternoon Ami night. STAltHohcmUn Uuilcsqurr. Afternoon nnd night. Brockway Concert Company. Tho reputation which the Brockway bureau liai won through the excellence of the entertainments it provides was not Injured any by the enter tainment presented last night at the Lyceum by the llrockwny Grand Concert company. The artists were Mine, ltosa Mnde, contralto; Mian Georgia llentley, planlste; Frederick Car berry, tenor, and Paul 0. Ileebe, Tlollncelll-l. There were ten numbers on the programme but the audience was not half satlsticil with the. Every number was encored and In several In stances there were double encore. Mr. Carberry, tho tenor seemed to please the audience best. In addition to possessing a sweet, strong well con trolled voice, he has just the proper modicum ot dramatics, and best ot oil sang not what he liked but what he thought the audience would Hie. Mtne. Iilnde has a volcjr- of rare swcctncei nnd a culture bom of several seasons rltli NoidlM nnd in leading- part In the grand operas. She, too, was considerate of the Met that audiences are not made entirely of critic?. Mr. Bccbe, the relloht, was rather coldly received In his flr.t number, but when he forsook frills and furbe lows for tlilnin had a bit of tune In them. his work wni cnthuslnttcilly received. The planiste, Miss Ilcntlpy, was unfortunate In Iminjr to use a piano that was pitched in the wron? key. The audience, hnwmcr, encored h:r repeatedly. Wio refused to respond to nn encoro' after her second number until the audience had called her nut a third time. "In California." The .May I'Lske company presentel "In Cali fornia," a Hie act drama, ut tho Academy cf Mii'io lnt night before a hr(?e audience. TLs afternoon the company will give "Mttle Musnct" nnd tonight, "Ten Nights in a liar llooiu." "Up York State." "I"i Yuri, Htnte," a new rustic drama by Dai Id lupins and (Jconria Wnldron, nlll be prcs;nt.'il st the l,,itcum theater thh afternoon and euii' in;;. The new play ha? Jut closed a long nm in Xro' York ut the fourteenth Street thcatri, ii line it made one cf the strongest fcuccrrscu tiiowii in iccent It will be given here with Sir. Higins and MKs il'uldron as the star, and the original New Toil; cit and pioduetlon. The scenes of the play, wlikh is in four act', arc laid amoucr the picturesque Adirondack mountains. Herrmau, the Great. ii, the (licit. Is the most e.-.peit on juinr that tho world has over known. His tdlifht of hand nr pilmlny borders on the nurvcllors, i'or this uiKugcnicnt at His Lyceum net MVdnes d.iy cienltitf, an entirely new an 1 noiel pio urainice of ioiibIc and mystery has been trranjnd ir.atjir neicr before- seen in this city and t$ tiMiMl!ous and gland tint only hi-, the master himself, Mould attempt. Several stMi'.itiomil illuiiuii.s are also on the prigiaiium-, wh'cli ait- slid to be iineplituiblr. "Tuu Escape from Situs Mm;" and "The Turki-h Hloptmenl," lltrrniann's latet otterlnc;, nhkhlir biuuzhl fiom I'aiis last summer, an- the ino-t !aitllnir fe.its of black nrt ever seen in tli'b country. This seven, ltermtunn iieiompani inp him IffSuutteis and Ty.xm and (Jonipany in then-Istmr Ne.v ork vaudeville, "Scenes in the Dre-ulng- Itooni." Scats arc- ni w one rale. "San Toy" Coming. "San 1'uv," the delightful piece wi.Mi n.i-1 with Kr-Jl fairr durintr Its loir; lun at Dal' theater, New York, last scaon, will to seen here soon, 't'tis charming piece contains many dainty inu3Hil nundiers, amoiitr them, "P.huda Who Itan ,i 1'JKnd.i," "The Si Little V.'lus," "Tlie Maid In the Moon." and "Tie 1'ctuU of the Plum Tiee." I The'- Inc'iidc S.utiucl C'ollin, I'.iula lld'.vni.lo, atarli- t'tirtte. Kl;ie Bonen, fJectRO K. rorlosiiip, Mclillle stewait and l.-ahel Hall. Marks Brothers' Company. The London Adiertiser jy3 of the M.irk llio,'. Dii'.ni.Uic company iihitli ionics to the Academy of Music- n"-:t week: "A uvrtiil mission N tint of Mail. Ilrcn., wh"o tiotipe has just closed u Miccesful etitjajc'iient at the (irand opeia Iiote. Piespntinic ROcd, clean pt.iys at popular pilci.-s Maiks Ilros. nnho thousands laugh and send shafts of ineirr sm hire into the lives of thou-iiutls up"ii thousands win. c.innit adord to pitnmle the higher pilced uilert.mmicnK "Let lh- lalioiinu nun take Ins v.lfi- ntitl tmully to the- theater v lien Marks Ilioi. imiii again, 'lie clean laughter tln-ie is in their ,ho7.i is a thousand times more n Imlesor.ip than the high priced matinees that l'.ioip expensive tuuipanliM sinietinies peipctr.itp. Let the poor man and his nif2 and childrin take eveiy opportunity til"' can to laush nnd grow fat. Laughter is the poor ni.iiiV plaster. Let hlrn not be dettirt'd liy urnvr, but take hi) laughter Is as 1 a igi- quantities and .is frequent doses us he can atrord." The Circus Is the Thing. Tlrre mo ueme people who c'.o not seet.i to un derstand that there is really to b. a full Hedged circus in low n nest week, but nicii Is really the fact, and the grandest circu3 ever reen in Scran ton v-Ill bo on exhibition ut tho New Armory, Pehriiaiy 'JO, 21 an.l ?2, ivith a matinee the 42nd (vYdihinxton'ii niiiiul.iy). The Urge armory will lie converted Into a refpilar virgin tent, with an elevated ring and st.ige in the center, where evcijone inn see all of tho ocK Theie will bo the Miiell ot, pc.inut and pop-torn, the side-show "barkcrj," the lobu lar side-show, with its curiosities and freaks, twenty funny clo.Yns, ridiculous and lomlc mule, great aerially!, wrll-ilevrlopp-l Kinnasts, ioni cdy bar performers, trick bic.icliats, Hying ting artists, double trapeze performers, comedy break away ladder artlbts, grand spectacular miicliM, Indian war dances, funny mounted pole match, and a svoic of funny cts; Ilaucr'a full band tuo hours' circus pprfoimancc, to be followed by the resular, conventional concert, Intioductng acts of every descilptlon. This should explain eveiy thing' that I tie circus is going to be, as this is the question before tho public, ns they do not fully reallre that a circus is coming. ' At noon on Thursday, Pel). '.!0, ncather permit tin',', there will be a grand street parade and at oviry pcrformnrce there will lie a magn'lleent en tice piccedln? the performance, whleh lejclns at 8.15. One hour prcviout to this, tho fun wlil begin In front of tho big tent, where tho tide hltow reign supreme. Don't nibs this; it will ho worth a journey to mo the fun between the hours of quarter past 7 and quarter past 8. Tito sale of feats opens today at 1'unell'H Mulo Store, and as thcro are already S.OOO prellrninaiy tickets told, if ou want a good seat, ,vnu will haio to be there early, This Is to be tbo enter tain lrcnt of Hie season. STAGE NOTES. Icabol Irving has joined the Fuvershani "A Hoyal lllval" company, appearing as Marlta, wus played in tills city by Julie Opp, Henry Arthur Jones has delivered bla new play to Charles Frohman, It is soon to bo produced at the I,ondoii Duko ot York Theater, and Mr, Prohuian will go to England to superintend the pioduetlon. Dcfoto Henrietta Cro&nun clo&sca her present season at the ltcpubllc, New York, she will ap pear in "As You Like It," and then in W. K. Clifford' "Madeline" snd James McArthur's "The Mask of the Whlta Itoe." fat ill halo and hearty, Joseph Jefferson start upon his file necks spring tour on March 31. As iiitial hi repertolry Includoj "Hip Van Winkle," "The Itlvals," "The Cricket on the Hearth," nnd Lend Mo Hive Shillings." On March S, Moacs Itcis, head ot the .indicate that leases the theaters in this city, will dedi cate Iho new Colonial theater In Akron, Ohio, with "lioradora" as the attraction. John 11. Pierce villi be the local manager for Mr, Heis. Manager J, Wesley lloienqucst is preparing to live "Up Yoik State" a new and a greater pro duction at the Fourteenth Street theater In New York next tall, with David Hlgglns uud Georgia Waldron in their original parts. They will ap pear In thU city today in the play, David Higgins snd (icurgla Waldron, the au thors and stara cf "Up York State" sic under contract to write a new play tor Manager .1. Wes ley Hoscnquest. The new piece Is to be ready for production next October, THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents A'ore Than Tour Lines, 3 Cents (or Each F.xtra Line. For Bent. roil HUNT-Fine private residence In tlreen uiugc section lor rent tor one year, iiiriusiicu nr unfurnished) 12 toomsj modern Improvements! steam and trolley lines convenient. Address Xcnla, Tribune otllcc. STOIIK OH one-halt of store for rent, lf tocka- wanna avenue, opposite !., It. & W. depot. Inquire Imperial Cigar Co., 100 Franklin avenue. FOIt ItENT No. Ck1 Clay avenue. All modem conveniences, Including steam heat. Terras reasonable. Apply to Jainc K. llearhart, Li brary Uuildlng. FOK MKNT-Storo 6 K. Market street, Publio Square, Wllkfs-Ilarre, 10t) per month, Mesm heat lncludel, Apply Marcus Smith, Jr., second floor. FOIl MINT Party leaving town desire to rent house furnished, or would rent part of eamej steam heat, excellent location, reasonable rent. Address Furnished House, care of Tribune. HTOItK POIl IlKNT-The Urge Btorp No. 12(1 Washington avenue, for rent from March 1. Charles Schlager. l'OK ltKNT ll-room bouse near Factoryvlllc, (.plcni'id location for the summer; good pasture for horses. Apply 1803 Sanderson avenue. FOIl HKNT -A single hou-e In fine condition with eight rooms, bntb rooms ami laundry and all Improvements nt 1513 Capcusc avenue. FOIl HKNT A very mip'rlor house, perfectly healthy, inspector's tn.t, i-stra lusurloius con vcntencps; tine ginunds; a handsome home; rent fair. W. (JILson Jones, 311 Epruee street. HOUSt: No. 041 N, Wasliitifton avenue, corner Pine street, II rooms and bath; all in perfect rrdcr. Apply at 637 Linden street. 1'OIt RENT One side of double house, ten rooms, city steam, and all other improvements. Call at u:5 Madison avenue. POlt llLWr-llitll'dlnK occupied by Ilelzer & IVnrnkc, corner Miln and .lulcon street; best location in Hdc Park. Apply to 13.' 1 Sanderson POIl HPNT-Lnlarged office In Fault building. Apply to janitor. FOIl IIKNT Single bouse on Green ltidgc street. Jnquirr in.';i Sanilcrson aifnue. roil IIKNT Coiner store No. S0J Laekawanna aienup. Also dwellings above. Apply to Coldsnilth Ilros., G0I Lackawanna avenue. l'OK HKNT btorp room on second lioor oicr 311) Lackawanni aienup. Plate ghis front. In quire of Krntoskr Ilroi. FOIl KENT From Apiil 1. building now occu pied by the Hit k'on Milling Co., No. U l.arkawanr..i aienue. W. F. fiovle, Connell Uldg. HALF DOfllLi: hous.-, 03S Harrison avenu", SIS. Also half dotibla house, 1003 Pine street, 17. Piselon now. Apply C50 llanlkon avtnup. For Sale. F'Ol! SALE Anvils, vises, fans, lire iipettcrs, benders band saws, forges, drills and handy louls at bargiius at M. T. Kcllei's Lacka.vanna Cirri igp Work. FOIt hsnilth'ii tools and five kegs of of ltorso shoes; will be sold at a bargain. Apply Heurge Do draw, 1S08 Ssndcrson avenue. FOP. SALE CHEAP IJjy sartdle hcrse, S jears found, fine taddlcr gooil driver. Heison for telling, no ute for same. Call or address F. A. Scheier, J) 4; II. office', Providence. Pa. LACK CL'llTAIXS-SOO pair fancy Curtains at auction. Mi Lackawuni.a avenue. S:e suc tlont. lOIl HALE Large load of pine klndlliij. htove length, delltered tiniwhrre foi S2.M. Hard wood, J2.30. JIall oidcrs .lenninjts, Central mine switch, Fifteenth i-ticet, or bring vour ivigon and get a load. lOlt SALE rilEM'-Fiu-wnnil, noil rooBnt;. tim bers, boards, stantlin?, eti-.. from old cars; svilabl: for all ptirpos"". Jenning. Cel.tial Mines snitch, foot of Har.ptcn s;rcel, off South Main ai tune. FOIt SALK Two ligl.t spring wagon and some 1-arnt., cheap. Evans, rear 11" Luzerre st-cet. FOIl SALE Cheap; Iioifp. spring wagon ami lumes, at Nn. llfi Cedar avenue. For Salo or Bent. FOIt SALE Olt ItENT Grand Ccntnl llnttl. Mini street, .lermjii, muted and i-ondui tpd by James II. Timlin. Centrally lot.itrd. Goad nefs Maud. All modern impiovemeuts. Inquiru at pun,Iscj. FOIt SALE Olt IIKST-Mon- and lianiew sinp nttaihed, alio dwcll!ii',r over th- htore; large patiunagt-i no oppcxltlon in town; corner of Driiilui mid Clu-stnut street-., inquire ot CI, IV. Fieit, 101 E. Diinkvr street, Dunnmre, Pa. Unfurnished Booms Wanted. WANTED Api 11 1 by family of three adults, four or live room-. unturnUhcd, inclutling Ilov :.0, cits. GENTI.E.MAN, wife and one child, dosire two or three unfurnished rooms In riflm-d neighbor hood: rait-t bo leason.ible nnd absolutely private; licardlng hou.-ps wavto stamps in rcplirg. Vi dros, stating full particulars and price In first letter. .1. II. 11., Tribue. Wanted To Kent. WANTED TO ItEXT Ily April 1, single or one hill cf double bouse, six to eight rcoms, with convenlcnces.3. Address C. P. 1L, care of Tribune rftlce. WAXTKI Fiom Apiil I, four or live unfurnished rooms, ifiitiilly located, stNim beat. Ai dless bo-t 25, Tribune. Auction. AUCTION today and every day until sold out, six car-loads Pan-American exposition f.trnUute and linen, consisting of tables, iron snd brssj beds complete, Orewcrs, 13,000 pieces linen, blank eta, pillows, counterpanes, pillow esses, towels, etc,; largo quantity carpets and lace curtains. Cariiets sold every day ". o'clock sharp at 5JS Lailawanru avenue. Cummins Ilroj., Auc tioneers. Furnished Booms. FOIt HKNT Oro furnished loom, with Impioic- iiienis; niso uiiu on witrq uoor, ciieap. U'j, Adann uicnue. FUlLNiSHEI) 1IOOMS for rent, modern improve mentsj private family; gentlemen pieterred, at SJ7 Adams airnue. FOIt ItENT-IHirnishcd (rent room, with heat, bath and gas; near court house; gentleman prelerred. Addrcas Iloom, Bos; 290. FOIt ItENT FurnUlied room; heat snd bath. 023 Linden street. FUIINISHED ROOMS FOB nENT. with best, pal and bath, gentlemen preferred, at 030 Adami avenue. Booms and Board, BOOMS TO KENT, with board,- kOO Mulberry street. Lost. LOST Bunch ot keys ot no use to any one but owner. Finder liberally rewarded by return ing; to Hotel Terrace, LOsT On Illakelv street, between Dunmore Cor ners and Dudley street, diamond ring, skele ton setting, with two guards on same. Iteu-ard will be paid If returned to Oscar Yost, Dun more CorneH. WESTKHN STEEIt LOST-Whlle unloading car of cattle Tuesday, j largo dark red steer es caped. A suitable reward will be paid (or Infor mation of Ids whereabouts. T, E. Carr & &n, 213 Washington avenue. Honey to Loan, MMMAASMAS, I.AItGE Oil SMALL amounts. Promptly made. Interest, fi per cent. Okell, Attorney, Coal Exchange building. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN-OulcU. straight loans or Building nd Loan. At from i to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Wilier. vitsi, vvuuni iuuuiu. 3 More BRANCH WANT OFtlOIiS. Wnnt Advertlsomonta Will Bo Becolved at Any of tho Follow lng Drug Storeo Until 10 F. M. Ctntral City ALDERT BCnULTZ, eernsr Mulhirrj stmt d Wtbstsr stenut. 6U8TAT PICHfO,, SiO Adsroa ttenae. Wit lde OIOROR W. JENKINS, 101 Boath UIa renns. South Scrnnton TOED U TEFIPPE, 7CT Ctr Tnu. North Scranton JKO. W. DAVIS, comer North MI trcnut and Market street. Green Bidge CHAULE3 P. JONES, 1547 Dickson avenue. F. J. JOHNS, (120 Green llldgc street. C. LOnEN'K, corner Washington ave nue and Marlon street. Feteruburg W. 11. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. Q. DONE & SON. Help Wanted Male. A CAFA11LK MAN Experienced salesman, teach er or merchant prercrrou; excellent oppor tunity; permanent situation. Addrcs Manager, ltox 230. WANTED A good wood turner, one who also understands scroll-sawing and running other maclilncN in a door, sash ami blind factory. Ap ply to J. E. Patterson k Co., Pittston. Pa. CIVIL SEltVICE government position. t',8S! ap pointments made last jear. Piobably 10,1100 this j car. Only common schuol education re quired for examination. Catalogue of informa tion free. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington, I). C. WANTED A man who has hid some experience as a collector and solicitor. Would bo le quired to give bond. The Southern Mining Cor poration, 4517 Frankfort! avenue, Philadelphia. SEVEIt.U, CIO Alt SALESMEN wanted in every section; experience unnecessary; good salary and expenses paid. Emanuel Company, Station J., Nc.v York. PEHMANEN'T falarled position to energetic men. A good opportunity for tho right parties. Call with leferences; Bid Spruce street. WANTED Immediately, 2S capable men to act as organizers. Apply No. 20t Wsomlng ave. Opposite Traders Bank. YOUNG .MEN Learn rapid lettering for signs, show cards, tickets, etc. Home study; book let free. W. A. Thompson, Pontlac, Midi. HOY WANTED A bright boy to run errands in store. Apply Wilson & Co., tailors, C22 Sprues: street. WANTED A oung man as clerk and bookkeeper in a retail and wholesale business, one of pxperience about 2o to 30 years old. Addres3 witli references, stating baliry expected, V. & It., Tribuns offlc. Help Wanted Ftmale. WANTED Energetic salesladies to introdu.o Hunt's round-pointed pens; terms liberal. Call Scranton House, 10.30 u. m. II. E. Cochran. WANTED Saleslady for Lidies Sorosis .shoes ex clusively. Thorough experience and rcfeicnci! required. Samtcr Uro. WANTED Ladies to show our goods and take or ders. Paris Perfume Co., 28 Library Hldg. WANTED , good girl for geneial housework, 30.1 Adjrr.9. LADV CANVASSER wanted to solicit subscrip tions for The Tribune; good commission of fered with a fair guarantee for flrst-cliss workir. Apply personally at Business Manager's otllcc, Scranton Tribune. WANTED By a good girl to do houscwoik In private lamilyj only small family paying good wages need reply. Address E. S., Tribune office. WANTED Olr! for general housework at Dalton. Address 11. T., care Tribune. Agents Wanted. AGENTS TO SELL "SCHLEY. AND SANTIAGO" by Geo. K. Guham. Autogrjph introduction and personal account of battle by Hear-Admiral SCHLEY. TItUE STOItY OF SANTIAGO i'OLD FOIl FIRST TIME, by the only eyc-witnessi-es of the light. Sells faster than "Life of McKinlcy." l.lhenl commissions. FllKK OUTFIT HEADY. Send seven 2-ccnt stamps for postage. Books now icady. Beware of Imitation". Can be hid only from sole publishers. W. B. CONKEY COM PANY, Chicago, 111. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED By a young- man us coachman for a doctor or drlting team. Understands care of horses. Wm. T. Walker, Box 117, Olyphant, Pa. YOUNG MAN wants work in butcher business, ten years' experience. Apply Sid Everett aic. SITUATION WANTED By a good lionest girl at general housework In small private family. AiIdreM Ml M. H. Ford, General Dslltery, City. SITUATION WANTED Young man desires situ- alien as bookkeeper. Experienced. Good let- erenci. Address II. G., care ot Scranton Tribune. AN EXPEWENECED woman wishes a position ns housekeeper or light housework. Can be seen ai Arlington Hotel. SITUATION WANTED By nil around black smith, horseshoeing a specialty, Coleman llorenk, rear 100 Pltttston avenue. SITUATION' WANTED Ily on expert laundress on ladies' and gentUm,cn'ii flno laundry; can launder coloied colored shirts without fading. 1111 Lloyd street, top floor. Best of city ref erences. I1EF1.NED, educated joung woman wants cm ploimcnt; any ono desiring her services in any way address O, B., Tribune oftUe. Wanted. Wk VTP1V fti-,vmi!.lt ln.l 3-ftpnfpil v.1f.nn U.-IM, rnn. vpy top ami side curtain; must bo good and cheap; state lowest cash price. F, h. Benjamin, Kizcrs, Pa. WANTED Two second-band surrey or coach liar nees, must be In good condition; also two Or three single light harnesses, must bs cheap, Address X, Y. 7.., cam of Tribune. Business Opportunity. GOOD CHANCE FOR YOt'Mi TAILOR-An up-to date and wldj-auakc man can Jurnn Into an established location, best in the city; stained glass and plate front bay window, second Hour ot Altkcn building, Carbondale, Possession April 1st, $.100.00 BUYS an established business paying $0 monthly; very little time required; bear close Investigation. Address E. W, II., 207 Lin den street, city. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS without delay. Wtito for our special market letter. Frco on application. S. M, iUbard L Co., members N. V, Ccnsolidated snd block bxchange, u and IS Broadway, New York. Established 1MI. Long DtiUnce' Phone 2363 Broad. Boarders Wanted, .nimimas,, PRIVATE FAMILY wishes to have two nice men to board, German or English. Call any time after Thursday, AH conveniences, 807 UsrrUon avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED FRGG. DIRECTORY. Insertions 25 Cents Thi Pour Lines, 6 Cents tor lincli Dtrs Litis ' PROFESSIONAL. Certified Fublio Accountant. EDWARD O. SPAULDINO, 2.1 TRADERS I1AN1C Building, and St. Paul Building, New York. Architects. EDWARD It. DAVIS. ARCHITECT, CONNELtj Building. FREDERICK L-. BROWN, ARCH. B REALj Estate Exchange Bldg,. 120 Washington arc. !'- . " ' 1 Civil and Mining Fnglnoors. 11. Jj. IIAHDINO, COO CONNELI, BUlLDINd. Dontlsts. DR. C. E. EILENBEHGER, PAULI BUILDING. Spruco street, Scranton. DR. O. O. LAUBACH, 115 WYOMING AVENUE. Irfiwyors. FRANK E. BOYLti ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 12, 14, 10 and IS Burr Building. F. K. TRACY, ATT'Y. COMMONWEALTH BLDO. D. B. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS NEGtJ, tlated on real estate security. Mears Building, corner Washington avenue and Spruco sttcct. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Republican Building, Washington avenue. JESSUP & JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND COUN-sellors-at-low. Commonwealth Building, Roomt Iff, 20 and 21. 1:-r?.D JY- THAYER. ATTORNEY. "'"COl. Otb floor, .Mears building. ROOM A- WATRES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BOARD ot Tdo Building, Scranton, Pa. PA.:i!SON & WILCOX. TRADER'S NATIONAti Hani: Building C. COMEQYS, 0-13 RFPUBLIOAN BUILDING. Ao,)V',,-nK,iT"0Lr'' OFl'ICE MOVED TO NO. 211 Wyoming avenue. Physicians nnd Surgeons. DR. W. L ALLEN. 13 NORTH WASHINGTON avenue. DR. 8. W. L'AMOREVUX, OFFICE 33D WASH irigton avenue. Residence, 1018 Jtulhcrry. Chrpnlo diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys and gcnito-urlnary organs a specialty. Hours;" 1 to i p. m. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 123 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVE. nue. Rates reasonable. P. ZIEGLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D.. L. It W. TAS- senger depot. Conducted on tho European Plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B. BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools; no ior; only Improved pumps used. A. B. Brlggs, proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Eicke's drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones. . Seeds. O. R. CLARKE Si CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NURS erymen, store 201 Washington avenue; green houses, 1PJ0 North Main uicnue; store tele phone, TS2. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR oil LACKA. AVE., Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous, DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN TO ORDER; also ladies waists. Louisa bhocmakcr, 2U Adams avenue. MEGARGEE BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EN velopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. THE WlLttESBARRE RECORD CAN BE HAD in Scranton nt the news stands of Relsman Bros.. 400 Spruce and COS Linden; M. Norton, S22 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schutzer, 211 Spruce street. Beal Estate. FOR SALE At n bargain, largo lot In West Park. Address J. W 'Tribune oflice. FOR SALE My cottage nt Lake Wmola, com pletely turnished; largo pore lies, cellar, barn, ice liouso aud spring. Lot gratlcd and fenced in. Apply Fiank T. Okell, -Meais Building. ipl.SiK) Will buy full lot and desii.iblc home. All modern conveniences, electric light, etc-. Fisk avenue, Green Ridge. M. II. Hohruti'. $3,000 Will buy Oroom house, Mulberry street, near Monroe. M. II. Ilolgatc, Commonwealth Building. $3,000 WILL buy nine room house, Mulberry street, near .Monroe. M. II. Ilolgatc, Com monwealth building. FOR SALE New house on Cornell 6trcet, Round WooeU Park; modern Improvement: easy terms. Apply to Spiing Brook Lumber Co., or E. S. Woodhousc. FOR SALE At Clark's Summit; a place of lira acres, house apd barn, good fruit; cheap for cash. Inquire of Mrs. L. Lindsay, 1111 North Haiti avenue, city. FOR SALE One acre of land, Improved with nine-room house; plenty and variety of fruit; good location in village of Fleetvllle. Mrs, Olive Fish, Fleetvllle, P. Dissolution of Partnership. THE FIRM of I. F. Megargel fc Co. is lids d.iy dissolved by mutual consent, Roy Chester Megargel letlrlng, I. F. MEGARUEL, ROY MEGARGEL. Any debts due to or from tho (inn will bo set. tied by the undersigned who will continue the brokerage and commission business in Mocks, Bonds and Securities under the- tlriu nainu of I, F. Megargel & Co., with hcadquailcis in the Con ncll building, bcranton. Pa. I. F. MEGAItGKL & CO. t-'cwiiton, Pa Fvb. ii, 1W. , , CI 1 " ' 'i Faster Complexions, ILWTEiTcClPLE.ION.S--l( ou want fresh complexion to match onr Easier gowns and hats you should start at onco and yiin It careful attention. My Klecliieal Massago In one bout will nuke the- Mu look jeais' jouugei; is le freshing and netful, j-ypertliioiis lun, wauj ami moles removed. Eye brows coriceted. Ilu thaiiaii'fj l)criiuto!osl-'Jl P.irlqrs, S12 Wadiinglon aveiiui-. Bhoumatism. RHEUMATISM All nattics Hat wish can In speedily and permanently cured of rieties cf Rheumatism by a vegetable compound, Cuica guaranteed. Inquire or address J. E, Tay lor, Seiautoii, Proposals, s-s -. PROPOSALS will bo received by the undersigned for thu janitorship uf the SIiuikoii .llttliodlsl Episcopal church from February 15 to April l Inclusive- John F. Randolph, :WJ South lldi Paik avenue, . LEGAL. THE ANNUAL stockholders meeting ot Dickson Mill and Grain company will be held In Room 021, Connell building, Mondai, February 17, 1002, at 1 o'clock p. in. ' f EDWARD L. BUCK, Secretary ESTATE ot Jessie F. Thompson, lato of the city of Scranton, Lackawanna county, PcniuyJ vaula, deceased. Utters tcatmiicntary upon the aboie named 'c.i tate have been granted o (he undersigned. All persons laving claims against; the same will pic sent them tor pavment and all persons Indebted thereto will make immediate paiineut to '. THE TITLE GUARANTEE 4: THUSf CO., vi eeianion l'a., Kxecuior, P- ' ,), J?j AVavldugton fu:uei ,