r f THE SCRANTON TRIJ3UNE-8ATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1002. tf TO7xs3i5 '" i 1 'Week's Scial News y1113 Home for tho FilemlloBS has J about completed iirrniiRoiiicnt-t ttgj for the production ut the now armory of grand oieru. The Hinge will be fitted up With icenery, carried by the company. The company eonttiini strong itrlnolpitN and n lino rhorun. The production of grand opera at the armory has been well received by porno of our proinliienl nitislelniiH to whom the matter has been pr.e?ented. The time Iiuh been set for the ilrnt Week In April. Further news announcements will appear In n few days. If the rlly lntere.it In I'adeiewHkl'a coming Is anything to compare with the out of town excitement, the new armory will be. scarcely adequate for the throng on the night of the 21th. Spcclnl trains ale engaged from Wlllicfi ilarre and L'arbondulo, and urraiiKe mentH have been ina'de along the I..neli nwnnnn. linen to make all slops to ac commodate people who are eager to hear UiIh ri cutest pianist or our times. "'The diagram will open at Powell's on Monday, and checks will be given out at 7 o'clock that morning. Tlicie will ho many "nll-nlBhters" In line, for the Indications aie that music natrons re alize the advantage, of getting front seats for one-half of what they must pay at almost any Paderewskl recital. Such a furore lias never been witnessed over any musical event In this city ii'i Is felt regarding this affair. .More than BOO people will come from Wllkes-Uane nlonc, while Mr. Hand is In receipt of lettein by the score, asking for tickets and information concerning' the recital. The facts of the case are that Seiau ton people are beginning to realize what good music is and that we are cutting a, phenomenal run of It right here. It will be futile hereafter for anybody to foist second-rate performers- on our audiences. They aio willing to pay for the best ami can consequently get It. Two years ago It would have been an insane impoi-slbllity to secure Pade rewskl. Now Ills managei s, as well as the management of the gieatest musi cal power in the w.orld, the Metropoli tan Opera company, comes to tis for engagements. AVe do not have to run after these great people, neither do they laugh at us for our presumption. It will, indeed, bo something for all Jicranton to say that it lias heaid 1'adcrewski. The International Curiespoudeiiec schools have arranged for a benelit m tht shape of a mid-winter circus wJilcli will be held in the new armory, and which will be a unique anil fas i hinting event during the (fuieter sea son, which now draws on. The affair promises to be extraordinarily well attended. Among those who will be '''included on the list of patronesses are: Mrs. i;. I,. Fuller, Mrs. K. 15. Jeiinyn, Mrs. II. W. Kingsbury. Mrs. I,. A. AVatres, Mis. .1. S. McAnuliy, Mrs. A. F. Law, Mrs, "W. D. Itoyer, .Mrs. t V. Simpson, Mrs.' V. V. Scranton. Mrs. J. . 1j. t'onnell. Mrs. Y. I.. Connell. Mrs. "W'illard Matthews. Mr--. T. C. Van Stnreh. -Mrs.--GeorgcH.- Smith; -Mrs. Walter Matthews, Mrs. Geo. F. ltrooks, Mrs. It. J. Foster. Mrs. J. U Wonts!, Mrs. T. II. Watkins. Mrs. Thomas Sprague, Mrs. F. X. AViilard, Mrs. AV. II. Taylor, Mrs. F. I,. Feci;, Mrs. 0. S. Weston, Mrs. AV. M. Dickson. Mrs. H. 15. Sturges, Mrs. G. duM. Dimmlek, air. X. A". I.eet, Mrs. T. J. Foster, .Mrs. F. M. Spencer, Mrs. II. II. Israily. Mrs. II. ('. Barker, Mrs. A. b. Hlack inton, Mrs. .lames Archlnld, Mrs. T. 15. Urooks, Mrs. AW IS. MeCIave. Mr. ('. 15. Penman, Mis. J. I!. Hendricks, Mrs. AV. IS. Manville, Mrs. James P. Dickson. Alls;- Anna Van Xort, who resigned '"veral months ago from the secretary ship of the South Side Young- Women's Christian Association, is about to go to Uruoklyn, X. A"., whetc phe will be llic head resident worker in the famous AVtlloughby House Settlement. Tills is a college settlement institution more or less closely connected with the A'oung AVoinen's flulstlan Association work. Her position there will be one of much Importance. It is among a class sim ilar to that in which Miss A'an Xort was for flo years on the .South Side KSaBJfaSKSXEIEEQZEQ! We have placed an artistic shoe within the reach of all and a shoe that is more than artistic in appearance, it is artistic in its touch. No shoe ever fitted like Mmous Shop A Stylish Street Boot. TRADE MARK IS BRANDED ON EVERY SHOC, Klbo Kid, Patent Tip, Welted Sole, Extension Edge, Medium Heel. I'xact Uepioiluction of llaj Style Shoe. SEE THAT THIS I VukSii i 11x3 m Mahons 328 Lackawanna Ave. TjTradlng Stamps. anil where she was so milch loved. The Impress of her woik aiming the mill gills la thill section of the city will never be Inst. She has touched the Uvea of hundreds who have deeply regretted her departure and who have fell the liulitoine of her cimspcrafd service. .Miss Van Xort has the quali ties which ho to make a successful A", W. C. A. worker, the unswerving truthfulness and honesty of purpose inline rmUllles and a gentle unsel llshness which appeals to the most c ireless. The Sliakespeaic dub gave her u faiowell greeting on Wednesday at the homo of .Mrs. AVIlllani Mct.'lave and Miss Ksther Itolands, the latter hav ing been assistant secretary on the South Side. It will lie many a day before the en teitalninent given Monday night by .Air. and Mrs. W. II. Taylor w'lll be for gotten. Theie aie few hollies In this vicinity wlieie facilities Tor entertain ing on a large scale ale so complete. Few, Indeed, have a great central hall which will seal two hundred guests. It Is something to long hold in mem ory the picture of that linll. with Its solid panelling of daikest oak, with the red-shaded lamps, the rich carving on the balusliadcs, the outlook on each side into looms, Jewel-like in their per fection. Here one caught a glimpse of a Venetian collection, there the ele gance and inalestie statellness of the dlnlng-ioom, and again the soft green or the library In lis restful tones. To sit amid this beauty and listen to the music, which lifted the senses Into for getfulliess of sordid themes, wns to have a joy loo seldom experienced. The arrangenients which secured Miss Gilford and Mr. llochiunu for the ex quisite and noetic progi annuo fur nished that evening were made through Mr. Fred ( Hand, whose assistance In the matter has been most warmly ap pi eclated both by the host and hostess and their guests. The last cotillon of the season was n delightful one. It was held as huvo been all the others, at the home of Mr. and Alls. AV. AV. Scranton. -Miss Jlelln and Mr. James Gardner Sanderson led. Among those present weie: Mr. and Mrs. X. G. Robertson, Mr. and Mr. Albert AVatson, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Twilchell, Mr. and Mrs. George G. liiooks, Mr. and Mrs. J. 15. Dimmlek, Air. and .Mrs. U. K. AVatson. Misses Peimypaeker, Aiehb.ild, Marlon San derson. Steell. Yiiht. Gould, Hunt. Kem merer, Matthews, l.iverty, Iielin, and Messrs. 'I'. H. Dale, loomls. Thome, Urooks, 15essell, AValker, Theo. Fuller, Ulair, A. G. Hunt. Flatt, Dickson, Tor rey. Keinmeier, Chambeilain. IaMottc Helln, Frank v Linen, Prentice Strong, Mai ins and AV. J. Torrey. The dame at the Green ISidge AVheel men's club on Monday night was a very enjoyable affair. Miss Bennell and Mr. Hemic were In charge of the arrangements. Among the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. II. 15. Reynolds. Dr. nnd Airs. Newbury, Mr. and. Mrs. AV. F. Mattes, Miss Foster, Miss Poore, the Misses Hitchcock, Miss Jessup, Miss Kennedy, the Misses Xettleton, Miss Grace Sanderson, Miss A'an C'leef, Miss Amy Gerecke, Dr. Kennedy, Dr. Corser, Messrs. Carlyle. Foster, Dick son, Torrey, L,inen, Stiong, Dale, A'an Deusen and Carlyle. The Misses Richmond gave a beauti ful luncheon yesterday at Richmond Hill in honor of Hum cousin. Miss Trcmper, of Kingston, N. Y. Covers were laid for twenty-two. Theie were valentine favors and decorations. The other guests were the Misses Hand, Miss Louise Mutthiws, Miss Shaw, Miss Galpln, the Misses Laverty, Mrs. F. J. Piatt, MNs Hunt, Miss Kennel), Mrs. 15. F. J,a Rue. Mrs. 15. K. AVatson. Miss Palmer, of Stonlngton, Conn.; Miss Poore and Miss Arclibald. AVIlllani Miller, of V27 South Hyde Pmk avenue, was tendered an agiee alile surprise parly on Monday even Ins by his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, the occasion be ing his scveuly-llrst birthday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. liftMliHMimirfllfffi M lii ililnnmrawEiBOTiTrmiingnBia Have Done fbMEv A beautiful, serviceable, up-to-date Shoe and so easy I Comfort from the first minute, and the most graceful lines ever put into a woman's shoe. ALL STYLES, House, Dress, Street and Outing, $3.00 One Price Shoe Store ATlltlnin Miller, sr., Mr, mid Mro.'AA'll- llntu Miller; Jr., Mr. nnd Mrs. Krailk U. Miller, or Dullohi Mrs. Nettle Clrlf nths, Mr. and Mrs. William Jiyiner, of North Hcrantnii! Miss Florence Miller. Mr, nnd Mrs, Krncst Northrop, Mr. mid . Mrs. Henry (1, Kerber, Jr., the Misses Carmcta Ityincr, Jennie Feiher, Arllne Ityiner, Margaret Ferber. Masters Har old Miller, (lei land Northrop, Howard Miller and Hubert Miller. There Is to bo a lovely ilatice on Mas ter Monday, the projectors of which In clude many members of the younger set, and which will bo the most Inll 1 hint affair of the Kaster-tldc. Theie will be a great Inllux of visitors from college and school and an unusually lively recess Is anticipated. Tho coimulllpe In chaige of the dance, which will be held In the Ill cycle club, March Rt, consists of 'Messrs. Maxwell Hfssell, David Holes, Paul Welles, Walter Wolfe and DUk sou Torr.ey. As no assembly Is tlxed for that date, this diversion will bo most welcome. Mrs, Archibald F. Law and Mrs. John W. HoilaVth gave a beiiutlrul leceptlou on I'liesday at tho flieen Itldgo Wheel men's club. The ladles who assisted abotll tlie looms weie: Mrs. John Flanagan, of Wllkes-Harrei .Mrs. P.. K, Hurley, Mrs. J. Seidell Blair. Mrs. 'I' II. AVatklns, Mrs. AV. W. Phillips. In the dining room MNh Van t'ieel, Miss Marie Netlleton, Miss Anna Law, ot Pltlston: Miss Marlon Sanderson. Miss lilaiiche Hull and Miss fiereeke served lefieshineuts. J. AV. Oilernsey's Sunday school i lass last night tendered a raiewell reception to one of their number, AVJlllam (5. Bees, as he leaves for Shenandoah next week. Almost every member was pies ent, and after partaking of lefresh nients tho members, one and all, Joined In wishing Mr. Uees Cod-speed, and sepnratetl upon singing "God Mo With You 'Till AVe Meet Again." Dr. and Mrs. Kay gave a dinner at tho Jermyn on Wednesday night, In honor of Miss Isabel Watt, of Onrbou dale, tho fiancee of Mr. Thomas A. Athertuu. The Misses Atliertrm and Messrs. T. A. and John Atherloii were among the other guests. Mrs. Margaret Watson Tarry has issued invitations to tho marriage re ception of her daughter, Mmgaret Law, to Mr. John Denton F.issett, Wednes day, February 26, ft am '2 until J o'clock, at Hotel Jermyn. Miss Mary Emory has assumed charge of the society department of the Pits ton Gazette, which is a very good tiling for the Gazette as it would be for any other paper that feels tho need of a clever woman's pen. Hon and Mrs. John K. Koche enter tained a number of children at a val entine paity Tuesday night, at their home on ('upouse avenue, for their daughters, the Mls--es Genevieve and Kylher Ttoche. A number of children were delight fully entertained yesterday afternoon ut the homo of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Lansing, of Clay avenue, In honor of the birthday of their daughter,' lluth. Mrs. H. S. Smith, of North Irving avenue, entertained In honor of her aunt, Mrs. T,. M. Burt's birthday, Wed nesday afternoon. Covers were laid for ten. Miss Maud Kellow, of Chestnut stieot, was tendered a surpiise party by n number of her friends on Monday evening. Miss Alice .Matthews gave an Infor mal tea on AVednesdny in honor of Miss Gould, of New York. Mis. Geoigo G. Brooks entertained at cards Tuesday afternoon at her homo In Green KIdge. The Misses Steell entertained at cards yesterday, la honor of Miss A'ost, of A-ork, Pa. Miss Gearharl cutei tallied a small company informally on AVednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mis. Henry Belin, jr., gave a valentine dinner last night. Miss Kmuiii Foster entertained at a thimble tea on AVednesdny. Tho marriage of Miss Kllzabelh Thomas to Ezra Hoyt Connell, Esr will take place Tuesday night at eight o'clock In Kim Park church. There will le no bridesmaids. The nieces of the groom, little I.uclle, Gladys and Janet Connell, and a cousin, Louise Connell, will be llower girls. The ushers will bo Messrs T. K. Connell, O. K. II. Halley, of Philadelphia, Fred Emerlek and Dr. Kdson Green, Mrs. Connell and Miss Dimmlek have returned from AVaslilugton to attend the. ceremony. Cougiesnian Connell will arrive tonight. The marriage of Miss Sarah Mi-Hale and Mr. AVIlllani Ilitidley Cm ran was solemnized at St. Paul's church at 12.:i0 o'clock on Tuesday. Itev. M, 13. Loftus performed the ceremony. Miss Mnry Lnlly acted as maid of honor and the groom's best man was James Scott. Movements of People. 0. P. Ilylur is in S.iiuiii'i'. ilr. (', 11 IVimuu U .U Iioiiiii fiuiii ll.iiih. I'll Ik' ft'i .1 hw iJj N. MIm I'.iImut, nt Monlncloii, ('nun., h the Kiic.t fit .MIm llriini-ll. .Mil. IMn.ml S. .V-llUInn, ot linen Itiilge, in UithiR il Itlio'i, X. . .Ml. H. ('. s.iiiiU'iiii jimI MIm (luce ,-jmlri. toil tju-ii t ilit' p.M Mti'k in Xiw Voik. JIKs Tit'inpor, i( UiuK'tuu, X, V N iIip giuit of lici- mule, W1III.IIU II; llliliiiionil, ot llliliiiionJ niim.l Hill. Jlfii. .luotililui. Mull, nt Molt IIjumi, li.it K luniril fiom Ci'iiiunlouii, uIiom- blio Hiil Hie i.it feu' lu'Hs, jml wilt leave fur I'.inada nevt wti'l;. 'llio (iiully of Itev. .lo-i ih II. 0,1,11, llio n w i.ltlnr n( tin. St'iuml l'ul,tt'llji lIiiik.Ii, nr riinl in llil city jrilruUy (mm Piilioii, X. Y, M Mjoa as tlic liuuxliolil kkuiU Jiliw lto. Mr, (1,1(11 Mill aioii! ImIo llii inJiiM-, uii tlie i,'tlir o( MoiiJOD mili'Ji- J ml Vlnu blivct. THAT WHICH WAS LOST, A lour j-Jiil, "I ilo not luto tin; jiuu 'lli.it (oiKli to uj' llio oofliKSS u f I ioi' lulr, I'iji- mo lli-iiuiiilil.iln.il k'jvui llio kuullylil tlioic. "I loio tho 1 1 1 1 u tlui lolilcr cje tluu luliij Itf.ul mi tin, t-plllt faluiiM v( lici' i'jro. 'I'lio toul'n lunijuiilln,- tells IU lliw'jnl KM'C. "Iljt oiiic uioiiml licr ln-juty, I1U m Jwr, Iller mi nicliaiitcil all t u iniotory lliat tlioolv my licuit, I'-it l.fH lt own from inc. "Tlicio tta j icl lilJJfn in lior nt: An,! in licr olcc en nolo I tlirllkd to In'jr. Iliio (lie yeJis slajii il,.vrc 1 nM it clfaif i:fn a tie spoKc, liei' Mift c.o met Id) ovmi Ami iniiwcM. Tor l)bltnl llnlr loto utiU uuili sitfPMjiis.iuM njakj jajio!jv;iiiLywU. ' SI. JJinu Qwvlte, Mni r ! GREATEST FIRED Ml Irene K.inn, tolo noprano nt SI, I.ulte'a ilinrcli, N iroli.iliiy one uf the lirt rqulppnl niiil Inwt iiiniillns of (lie yoiiiiK linnlchiu of (.MMluii. Slio In iran Mir kUuIv of liiiidi ut the niti' of S af, Irtrhlnif li,trnctlon Itpoa tlie pl.imi fiom I'Mif, finillinailh. Mie flrit iir In inilillc nl (lie uiti' of I.", iiml nliout Hull (hue ho ir.m uu'.il Nlmlln ,i a impll of Mrs. ll.nilct. Iltb li nl Inc. Hint ilvvi'lapeil a iiiciHi-.-onnuia liike. She im lunula for loinp (lino liy ,M. Italic n tlne, In ttlime cnlliinluni iiti.l itiiltlaiicp flic mi's her pu-iiit lieu ninl ileie for further iliiily. Snme I line uifo she mine under not lie of .Mr, Cm I llitflt, of Xew orl who li.H tauaht her tut i". iiml lie has hi en liU ni-ionipinl't upon mis-, iitnxi: KAX.N. .fiei.it oit.i.iIoiM ill Milliliter conurt-i in Xew oik vt.ite, .MNs Kami il ill imyoilt Mil, lying with Mr. Joliii T, Watldns .mil Mi", l.im.i 'lliiuiip on, of the Kim I'.ul; ihuuh lIioIi. She Mill uni.iln '!lh SI. l.uf.o'it iholr for another )c.ir, iiml illl sins .it (lie I.enlin organ rei Hula nhen hy Mr. (onint, ninl will al-u t.il.e pnl in a ucltal to ho uii hy him ill Ciihomlale on M.mli j, lu ennieit null.. MIsh Kllili h.u heeu lwy sueci-.-ful, urn) ha Khcn e Idi-nco of the ipnlitlvs dial mal.v the tiue aiti-t, In ujill'.lon to tiilenls 04 a wc.dlt, MKs Kjiih U tin es-il-hut peifoimer npmi the planofoile, ami one ot the lliict .iii'uinp.uii-ls In the lily, sho ha le ceiuil tu-aleil nlleH from Mr. PutTt to nit as hN jiiiiinpinkl upon all of hi- lours hul piifeu to lontine her ertorts to mm.i1 oil- in ulili.li ie lihU filr to etel. JI1 Kami U .1 i lo,u .tuJeiit. not content to roit upon past achieve minis mill poes-es the InJomltahle ttill Out ia evil nccevJiy for artl.-tic 'iiiue-.. ii i :i "San To)," which is the hrljlit pnitliulnr of feilng at the l.)ivinn thcalie on Thim-ilny, 1'iliru in) 2(1, pie-dikil by the ,ii;iitlii Daly Mulotl (ompaii), foiins one of the mint eulerlainlti: of liiu-.ii.il comcJios. 'Jho-e lint hne had the prhilegc of seeing it will welcome a teeond Ik ni iua: with imuli jihsisiiie. ".-.in To)" i in two .ii'ts, the nine ot the tu-t being I'.inl.a l'oujr, a I hiiu-e lit)'. 'Hie i.isl Is :i .stiong one and in iludis that deter mlNt, f-.imuil t'ollin-, who up lieais .is I.I, the suictjiy, in which he U .seen hi -pei ial adiaulime, il being aniulii; the best thing "he his done in it cent .icirr. He has fev rial rjjiil.il ni,g. "llhoda Who Pan .1 Pa god i," is one of Hie senis of llio niece. Others In (he t.i-t .110 Jliile Sten.ul, It. II. I'iggott, fiiorge K. Porte-eiio. S-noiiy I.Jmberl, .lo.eph Clinton. 'He oichestra for this i njrai'oineut U under tlie dlreetion of John Iliaham. "S'an Toy" piomi.es to bring out the Ijigut audiinces ilf the sea-on. I! II !! A pupils' nm-ic.ile will In. Riwn by the pupil of Miss I'leiniin in liei- studio this eienlng. Hiss .lulii C. Allen and Mr. Clnrles Iluvstll. ot Xew A'orK, will ln the ni.Ming arli.sts: The pio gi.imnie, as follow'.-, bigiiH jiromplly at S.no oVlod. : "In a A"ear" Uoliin Mi. ,1. A. 1'r.intz. "I.lttl" Hoy Ulue" P'llaulelot .Ml- I'.thel hinilh. "I.iebe-tiaum" A'on Illou Mi. flmrln Ilu-wII. "Ilepcntancc" Counod Mr. William I Jones-. "Abide with .Me" , I.iddlc -Mi-s i:i.-ie Powell. T.Mole.m Song Wekerlln Misi .Mittie 1'onle. Duet Spring Song I.Mies .Ml-.? Allen, Mr-. A. K. IMer. 'thy f-cntincl Am I" Watson Mr. Ceoige K, lla.il;. Ciiot(e Popper Mr. ltu-fcll. ''Ihe Mihls of CmU." Delihcs Mi .les-ie I'ollieuius. "Vearnlng" 'JVchaikowsky Air--. .T. II. i;ihnian. (Violoncello Ohligato, Mr. llusell). "Hindoo Chanl" llemhcrg Mi-i Kdith Mm tin. Muzmk.1 Popper Jlr. IIn.-2.o11. W) "O. Death Thou Alt die Cold Xight".Allll,en (li) "King Dimean'.s Daughteis." Mlllsen Mr. I.lo.id II. Kie.sge. !! II il "Ploroihira" Is iiuioug the musical possibilities for a dale In Siranlnu. II H I! The following . liltlsic.il .selections will he len ikied at louioirow's cinlces lu the Second Pros biieiiau chuicli : - 5I0H IMJ. Oig.in Prelude in ); tlat Smait Anthem "flhe fnto the land". ...Dudley Dink Quartette and Choir. OfUitoiy-Trio, "I.llt Thiim Kyes".,. Mendelsohn .MUes Ulaik, Oaiafan and Salmon. Organ Po'tlnde 1'iigue in C minor tladi i:vi:si.v(s. Oigan Pielude Andante In 11 flat Canoed Anthem "Seil; Ve the Lord" Huberts Mr, (ilppcl and C boh. Ofurtoiy ((uarleile, "O Coino livery One Tliat "lliiisleth" lined Misses Ill.ul; and fi.nag.in, MesMd. (lippd and Moigan. Oigau Poslhiilo , (luihiunt Mi. .1, M. Chance, oiganbt and dlieclor. II II I' The Xew Voile ili.unatk nnd imiskal tiiliea are In a lage buauso uitiiii people Imo bo-ight lu ailimue seats fur futme pc i fortii.nu of "Mlis Shnplidt)," Ihe miislial lomedy tint, as one e.spreoi it, win "mI down bv Mi. H.ant ami Jigged b) Mr. He.nl." i; a ii Mr. Chailcs llii-ell, tue well-known olliiiel li.t of Xew Yoili, his otginlired a las hete In 'cillo and insiinble plaiu". Mr. Hu-ell can be "77 99 PltlJVKNTsS AND UUIUKS UP GRIP A siioiitimcous t-iiidcmlc ot (.lilp has bioUcu out .ill os-er tho country. From tho Hast, West, North and Soulh como icjiortH of prominent people who aro vlcllms of the Orip actors' mid uc tresses' places aie being (Hied by un-dci-Mtudles, Fpealters tllHiippoint their audiences, preachers their congrega tions. Society leaders' hearts are mudo Fad, and their drawing rooms depleted by regrets of .stricken guests. And yet there Is an Infallible preventative unit cure by which you can keep your social and uublness engagementsonly carry lu your pocket find take a few pellets occasionally of Dr. Humphreys' Cele brated Speclllc" Seventy-Seven" ("77"), yjid you wll be Iimmimi fiom Grip and Colds. At drugulsts, 23c. ' found nl Ml rteemuiN Huillu, pier l'owell', eieiy 1'rldiy, ullctnoou and eu'tilng and Siltif day inoinliig. II !l II , 'Ihe following inn. li al neleetloui will ho nil- ilered at Hie li'onihig unit clclillig nenlcn (oinoi low at I'.lm I'.nk ihuiili, under Ihe illreeliou of ,1. Allied Pennington, orgaubt and iholr mailer: MOIINlXli. Ormiii Mlegretto con (!iartnn I'holr ti'tli(in, "Jcwi", Hon ol (!o.l High" (ligau-llleiallou lu A mlnoi- , Choir ll.iinti ''.M) Heavenly Home" , (liK'n AllcRin MoildJto hi (J ..(illlirrt Jl.t . Mutltti ....Wily . .llauu.i Vurliiiiar nVKN'INtl. Oritau-Klriallim lu I! Hilul ,ipni Choir Anttirin, "II lie do.iful lu the l.ord.l'oullni Organ l.ilotale In I.' Wei) liar" Solo-SeUclid Mi. I'lilllp Umien. Choir II.Mim, "tome in and Dwell with Me" Main Oigin- udanle ion Moln In (,' minor.. Volcktuar i: ii ii - 'Ihe regulae lueillnc of Ihe Mil, Ilo dub ami the ifiiilin lea will he omitted lodav, on account of the wing iccllal In the eienlng. SUNDAY SCHOOL WOHKEBS. Informal Gathering: In duevnsey Hall Yesterday Afternoon. An Informal galheilug of iipwards of twenty Sunday school superintendents from various whits of the coimtv was conducted yesterday afternoon In Ouernsey hall for the purnose or cre ating an Interest in tlie county conven tion of Sunday school wot Iters to bo held in North Scranton at a date to bo fixed later. C. D. Winter, of .lermyn, president of tlie County Sunday School association, presided, nnd brief informal addresses were made by a number of those lu at tendance. Dr. Fletcher, oC Oarbondale. gave a talk on "Normal Work," and Max I.athrope. of t'arbondale, gave a brief summary of tlie woik accom plished at the last slate convention. Hew Dr. Hobert P. Y. Pierce, pastor ot tlie Penii Avenue fiapllst church, also spoke. Announcement was made at tlie meet ing of the coming visit of I tew Hugh McCork. one of the best known Sunday school workers In tho state. Hew Air. McCork will sneak in the Elm Park church on Sunday night, March 10, and will also deliver an address on Sunday school work (he day following. WIIX BE PROVIDED FOR. Councilman Vaughan Succeeds in Getting- New Fire House. Select Councilman D. W. Vaughan saw Itecorder Connell yesterday and succeeded in getting his "little bit of tlie bond oidinance." Tlie recorder fa vored the Idea or purchasing a lot and erecting a lire house and police sta tion In South Scranton and promised to insert an item of $ir,,000 In the bond ordinance to provide for tlie cost. This, will bring the total amount of the bonds to be issued a little above the sum of ?;l00,00n, which was original ly llxed as the limit. DOMESTIC SCIENC The middle of l.uiuary mat'.s (lie Lesln nine of the lcul mmI season, .iltliuiijli His larce cily Tnukds furnish it .ill the yen round to thwc customers who no not niln.l the cMicnsc or arc willing; to ran tlu-ir dunces of Kcltlns "bob cal." Iloli vejl h i 111111:1 tin o eal. It N most imv.hoUwinii!, Irulm: c.iiMil 11101 a than one cis of wriousi liuNnnin?. It nuy ho rrcogniw! by .1 Mulsh tint ami flabby, Ftlcky feeling. Tim city health liua condemn .ill unuliulei'ninn in.-at and siy tli.it no c-alf that was: les-n tln.i four weeks old when it (lied "0iall I o In ought, held or offered for sale In the 1 ity." In spite of 'he lc,'IIance of the bo ml of health, much of till-! unw Iwlewme eil c-capcH detection and ina&queiadci. at 111 inv lirtt'dis-s caterers rus- chkKeii, In f.ilailj and pot-plw. "1'ilme counliy miisIkc," too, Is not in firciucntly moio than Inlf eil. I'leferabh, eal should not be used befoio it is hit weel.3 or two months old, .mil after that ii.it. until il Li Iwo-jcat-old beef. As eal stands lovctt amour; the me.iU as rcgMi'tls food alue, and has ery little llaior of ita own, it rcquiiM lilnh i-easonlntr and the aci-oni. li.in Imciit of jiotatoeJ, lici' or mararonl to liiaKe It jialatablc and iiutiitloin. The IIiir. lUh iindiTst.iiiil this, as wllnc.-vi the "veal and hammer itle" to which Sauibel Weller fi often paid his rrnpectH. Ii.dcvd, a II t i lu bacon, ham or Mltipotk should alu-atx ho mid with Aral, to make it "lasty." To eat veal In Tianeo is a ctwtronouilo u M'l.llluii, an 10 ll.s jin Ibllltlex, an well as Ihe the price to wblih it tan wir. 'lids ii .ic. cniintid for when one imdcrtiuds 1I1,' i.ne with wlili h the r.ilf has lieii filled for market. Nut only is Ik- kept on n mill, ilhl, but one of (rcli jiats as well. He soon ilc Vflopi. .1 ileclilul'iellsli for the latler, and will take as many as he can tsel. This (.no till feeding lnakes all the illftctei.ic lu Ihe woild In the tate of ihe veal, I'm- roasting tho llllet (a thick pine fiom the upper pait of the liu) MUm-tfiiii s i.illed frlcauileiu, liol.s or ui-lilon, the lueast and the loin of hlniiUiirr will bo found be.t. If the 111(1 is ii-i'd, luie the hviUhii' 11 move the bone ami ktuir Ihe c.illlv with .1 highly MMimd iimM ilreliiK. A little nil- IIKO 11 -Td Willi Ihe KlllfllUK wll Kill' il ,i Komi flavor. Ireil'i' ullh nail, prii- uml lliur, put Utile hlilpl of pmk over the lop, add hot wjtir in.d lo.i.t in a latlur urni oien, f'ovcr wllli a butleied ii'.nsr. If II ilioM.s slum of biiiiiliit' and baste often, Sopio people alwajs npilnkle with ,i Jlllhi puherbdl Migur to cnsiim a ilili blown. Vial liould a 1 wail be U.orouylily uiol.nl A n-al and p.u.iilti slew .ihujs wdii.. mi-. iretle uf prlnj;, l'nr lids the kiiinkld if eal may be uljllzeil. Scrape and (lit liit.i mull diio tun uooil lcd lMi.nl.'a and ,i Inlf a io?en locts of veselable oyi.(iii. I'(el and sriapo one knob of li'K-ii and ml iluc -tiiKelliir with a mi ill union. I'ul four or live thin nllie.s or ult potk III the bottom of a klew- l.i'.tle, ami 'ay on them tho Mil and leavtililis wllli bollliii; water to no.iili iomt, Miu'iiht sloul.i tint 1 1 thoroiiiihly Under It will lake uVout two hour, llikh the eal and YetfdahM on a hul platter, thicken the liquor rlldiily and pour oer tluiii. A M'al potple wiiholit liul tviiltiir l .1 dainty dish lu the e.il line. t'ae for till purpose the bread fnJs of lli lilui, neck or knuckle, (in the meat lu pkcis ami boll until tondu' in plenty nl kaltnl water, irklininlntr iliorouijhb as it lu xiiis to IaiII. Add a lieneiuus bit of bm' el and a little peppir. About liwi Mliuilis lie fore ten In drop lu'by poonfuls 4 oft lat ter iiudu of one quilt of Hour, (wo teaspoon. full bjl,- powder and i-uoiikii milk or water b iiuko the coiiklstdKy icqulr.-d. lliop in the boltlnt; water and emir docly Wl en done, uniovcr, take a fork an I foio the (liimiil!njs apart. This Ik the tweelbieauV' heyday, and u idecV of thu'djlidoiu tit-bit un Indulge .. kI. 4..t 4. Benefit He Received from ...... Paine s Celery Compound S xy-Smmhmi B On December 14, last, the proprie tors of P.iine's Celery Compound found the following lcttcr'ninong their mail r They had no correspondence on the subject; they did not know Air. Mus ham, except by reputation. Like every testimonial of this great medicine that was ever printed, it came to them un solicited and unsought. The proprie tors of Panic's Celery Compound have never found it necessary to manufac ture or edit any testimonial. They have never found it necessary by ajy'triclc of atlverti.siug to promote "ir 'fiical men in far off places to positions in legislature or offices iliat never heard of them. It is the. one of all i (.'medics ilia popularity of which has increased on account of what it docs, instead of v. hat it says. It appears that I'"ire Chief Mttsham, the head of the Chicago Fire Depart ment, which i-. the model of the world, lias been for forty years in the service; as brave as a lion, industrious, cool headed, with a record for fighting fires, and quite as distinguished for nerve and generalship as other heroes upon whom, nations h:ivci bestowed public honors for services in no less hazardous undertakings. Chief Mus hain, in the spring of 19011 obtained -f-H"f4-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-M-f-H"-4-sV- ! Menu for Sundaji, Feb. 16 ! BREAKFAST. -t" 4. OraiiRi-ii. -f Cieaiil of Wheal. -f -f Hish and IVachcjl I'lms. -f- -f like Cakr.s. (lolden lliip. ; Coffee. "" DINNER. . ; Vejctible Soup. -f- Spliul Cull inu. Salted Alnionds. - T llo.isl Veal. Ilionned 1'otatoes. T lealopeil Tomatues. T Lettuce Salad, 'I11c.sc Straws. . X SVPPHK. X Potato -salail. HlIi wl Tuiiiair, T Olbe.-. Cieani ( hee-e J lirown Iiie.nl and Duttor. . y Cimri-ibuail. KvapiiaKd I'lache-. 4- C01 011. -- - -H--- - -K- -f -ft -f t -f I their la-te wlthoul pavinir a knm'.s tan.oni for the prlillejre, Snedhieaili may bj drained and M-red on liu't or in halites; may be lolled lu fine brenl numbs, ruvr and crumbs uii.iin, then filed lu diep fat; iiijj lu Inked or broiled, Kiallopul or hiaised; in ide in Mlad J loll' or In lomhlu.iliini with .il inouils, 01 cooked with thlcl.cn, U"ptra,'U, bacon, tonuloe.s, mushiooiis ei idiw.-. In n c .i rllicr them the piellmliuiies ale all the k'llle. . . , , , 'V.ih ill cold water, muniing pipe- i nd meiubiaue-. Tluow into boilliijr raltid '.ilcr wilh one lable-poonfut of leuion' Julie. imU twinly inlnutes, thin ihep at once into i old Miltei, to h.iiih-li, 'Iht.i ale tin n lead) to be ciokeil as deslieil. 'lo inaki; iKe kWi-itbual and .I'.ia.iiid siljil, take the sweetbioails apiu aflci pubjllln, and alloc thiiu to -il llioioiijlil; ioll, II. ii.. leuli Iwentctlie ahuoiiils. blanch. d 111 ll.oH'iyhly dried lu tin) men, and chopped'' quite line, Winn li'Jd.v In "five, anannc! ;' loimdatiou of (llp lettuce Icaies, ink llic;. kweelbnails and aliuomU touelhii, tpilnkle wllh a llltle k.ilt .'lid pepper, tins and n.is with a Kood bill! iii.i.M.iiiicilv. Auateae on Ihe leaiei and itif! A III challnjfdtsli lookuy nWivtbiejdc lesjwud liljcluiisly lu , the uilliiai.i alliances of nm a l.un in tliu ait. The next lime .1011 aie i haie clilckiu for yovu- Suudij dlnn.'r, ltuy..i I air ol s,w eel bl cuds and lor llio Suudjiy ulk'lil Mippd- liy (ieiiniil Mieelbieads and (hlckeii, 1'repaie .tour swidbuads as tljieiuil and cut tutu dice. Ilaie leuily an i'qal amount of cold looked ildikin ul-.i dl'"r. 'I his .hoiihl all be pupared bifoie comliic,' to ri.Mllt.l .11 I'n I'.lj'u,.., ,.,,.., v v. -i able and put In a pn-tly bowl, irady ic auspicious iiiviiuiil whin il Is In 1... the la (or the atisi added m the cream aiie. Melt two tahliMpooiiful.s of biiilrr in the l'la?i i, and add two heaplni,' UhlespooiifiiN of Hour, lulseil with a i.alt-poou of kail an I a few ilii.-tlni;.s of cppir. When bubbly, wiu in otio iiipful of milk and nil" until irvain llit'ii ii'lieat the krti'i'tlnc.idi and ihliktn In the kame, n'lllni: Ihe nitlil pan over ii' hot waltr pin io Iheie will he no diiijei of siolddlC 1'ie-s il i,al is 1 mi II. nt liieil 1 old lor luudi.'oii. 'In cadi pound of i hopped meat low- a tiny bit of niapcd oiiieu, one iky, .1 H-a lit half tiUioouful of kail, a little pepper, .1 u'l.itlnr of iiiiluxv, a half teapoonful lioic. ladl-li or iiiiislanl, .1 ublr-pooufiil (if me lied butler, two lolled craekeu and a 1 ibkiwu. fid of e lo.nn. Mis llioioutfldy. l'aek lu a butlercel bread tin and linn upsido down iu " a laiger tin, and bake iu an mm ovu ly4 about two Ilium, dpfndliiK on the l.e v( , "' loJ'. . . Calics heart ttulTi'd and loa.tid is auolher nm !-7V p. II O' I -I ,. IN THE WORLD. sSSB m- With Perfect Nerves' and, ' Good Blood He Has Won the Highest Po cition in His Calling.) the highest recognition that it is pos sible for a man. in his business to have promotion for nicrit to the head of the finest lire-fighting brigade on earth; He began at the bottom. Read what he says of llic medicine that has alo enabled thousands of other men and women to achieve what hy intelligence and ambition they were cut out to do. And bear in mind that what Panic's Celery Compound has done in the case of Marshal Mush.-un. and for thou sands of others who have voluntarily expressed their gratitude in similar words, it will do with unvarying cer tainty in the case of every person whose ncrvott-, system, from' whatever cause, begins to show the effects of disease, andwhosc symptom manifest themselves in the various distressing ways thai arc mj familiar to every render. "Gentlemen : Your remedy. Paine's Celery Com- ' pound, is all that you claim for it, and is certainly a boon to humanity. I have tried il. and have secured great benefits from it when suffering from indigestion or its companion, nervous ness. I am lold that many of the boys in the department are uting Paine's Celery Compound with very satisfac tory results. I can heartily recommend Panic's Celery Compound for those who, suffer from lack of energy, ner vousness, indigestion and similar ail ments. Yours trulv, "W. II. MUSIIAM. "Fire Marshal." . T Chicago, III., Dec. 11, 1901, Y- dish nt to in- di-pl-cd. Sinn" the enllh lei' wilh 1-c.isoncil biead numb-, put In a de-p earthen ili-h, and a slice of onion, wllh cat nip or tomato sauce, and boiling water to li.nli.illy imii. Cuiei the pan, cool; eiy slowly for two or lluee hours, addinir water If II bolls away. Thiikiu Ihe tti.ny wllh hi owned Hour and pjui aiouuil Ihe heart. The cll'icl of the repoil iccenily l-surd b; the Ilockfelhr ln..itule for Medical lle-ei.di concernliu; Iheir iitrc-iiiMtioiis of esl-tlna londltions in Xew vik eity'.- mlk nipple, h.ls been to ial-- a s'.unuoiK deuiaiid on the put uf the consunuis (or "lertllled milk." The iiimouncenieni of Ihe in-putou who weie .sent to oK-one fauns fiom which milk mines illicitly to Ihe city and to ileainules wlieiu Ihe mill; of from iwcnty In fifty fauns is eoolul and then ,-i'it to tin- ill was lie. pn Inir in tlie mttcine. While the cows wne Kcueiall.e fuiiml lu gooil health, no ialns wile l.ikin lo kiip Iheni i lean or to iuni Ihcui i lean cion at uillkini,- time. Theie was no itctin-f at peiMUiil i li.inlinirs made hy the men, e-p.i Lilly In Ih" uiitlirof wishing their hind-. Milk' pills v.ne siniply w.Urd lu the oidiiiary way. pic-c-n.iliees weie n.ed to "keep" the milk and (iniir.il the neglect of diaiilliuss and piopcr icln;; and trail poll itli'ii. and In in my liisl.inies the looms lu which milk was idoicd we're nnl un. cleanly. One e'tample uieoi of the wor t loiidilious uj. a nl ihle hi the in ihboiiioo 1 ot Ihe dlj, diluted upon a inai-h wheie at hluli tide the water linked up luto it. Il was a localll.e i lo-dy bulll up wllh in ill lollaices and hauties. line .ib'Hit Ion iowh weie kept, their only ilniiee hu lic.li Mr hel'ie; a Minll yaul .iilllihul oul.i (or about oue-tentli thill- number. The water supply was fiom a well only a few led deep In the (ei.tir of tlie itloup of nablos. and the di li'l use o( the j ltd w.i ibvei ll,i into this well, Th'e 'mill; from' Ihe stable w is'uhat 'I- ku mn as "Kiishci milk" uppn-i'il lei be lloii nuhly piullled I'm the (on-nnipliou of Ihe llehtew-. luiikiluatlon- are Hill biiui; pur-ueil 'u I'hlliilelplil I and Huston as will n,-. ew Votk, Meanwhile ciuhi "ilea lei s fu -Sew orlc haie .ii'inpliei'l with Ihe u,;;(alfi;rs nul joij. dllioii's pnpo.-id be ilie Coiinlv Meilti.it' !o. lib Til Kiiiipfuii: milk a- fiK- Ibili'iibir. ' umli.aiiSii ,n bi imaini'jr3ill.c'pit3fliili. .Aitl haio ic.cirfl wP'"i.in,1;ioiKiij,friU(1li. dial illei., Nl., ili'Vi.i wiim.iti UI Jii(1 upon In i inllk il'ealii-'pioilulnir'liV. irrlriliaie beleie fhe allows Mm In sell 'hfi' Mm'ifTiVA, a imat'liiiiirMi'niiiit In llaillon-s w.',l.l.itj;iih Hrljy, lojlort. ,,, , 1(J 1I11IVM ..i. ' vi' iir i i.-rti ii. . m'i fi (in,in' , . -M U'l'. lnleilialloii.il ('oiiuii, M .Ik J'ie Million of Tiibsl i uloslf , lulii in l.nnil in'ra.t t'ltuimer, ureal' llisle'ins luis'llifd iiiit(tlK. alwdlilie livnwllk 'l.iCiiitu:.'.jiv .einl.llw if.n M:y)illlou pi eivr iinllu.H) ."hWll'llWiw 'V"' lllphui, (I vas t xj.l iiiie.l, bd Ijiu Ihuifold ured of d uilnlj.liin ilia' itiuluy 'ii-lliii'iul. '( ii.Ik-s' iltsio-iled ol Ihe MJIU uiuU ll"ults.;i.( i i nt aia lie an i vii . i n iij. i in' i. l.pllslblIK , , ill ' dmt ayd ot itU'jMI'r" "'' ',l!lult l',llJ .J. lUV'' ' lifi'iilon. "iUI; ail. ails a anoo, . eoudinloi, Iii'Ii air a. a lion rAli.fsii'Kr.l'iif ill-ease, 'llio o'ls-n-alr imii Jei(v.nlklli iW Illation, lAslih-s .ailpK oiiii.,liviii,.inser, h.s llio bcsl InltuiMv gi'i, li','."lj.nt hhii'i'lf., Mhin all pHii.iiitlun-it',ii'e,"ib. M'rcil flieie Is" liule li.l.. lien is"oiifiij'lu Ihe kiiqie be'drobm cllle a rolutinil!.t,t)'idiAs wllli otliu: Lid. of.l(Wt.l,')U-.,;j,lli.lvi,le fulijl. 4lJ Jlii'.miyanUh' uJ,,'lll 'V.'l1''1 uliuulel loiisUt, a fai as po.IUe. of -Waslulde lilltillll, lin. iliolls and of iiioolUiVlilnll'l the luniiinie.Uioiild U' e JiiH iai(.JaIhiio lioilld bo no kwee'pim,' un )( ihl, ,'V(,il'' lie with a ilainp doili. lu ,ili u eouuecilon, It was (under uiccil ihar 'ihe aifto.iTiia; piaetlee o( lit ' hwitphu; with biosilli., nltall dellirhli Hood lioil-ikeiln is, iniihl, ,(p. (he ;iiiIjIh a Ial .ls poiile. It, (lot,, c. H'l!i'll.f'V ('(.iquci ol lliul or Uiioleinn lloiirs. ' Caiiielx, and wMim Hill, the I'oiuuiOn rCnifli ' WliL'teiil hl'iliuii of the-iailva.. ma uWin- .. butdv. .wejM,.lia.ipeci.. for Ui Jdentluit ,gnd .lijio., of fluent, apet infr,H-lii i-S ',"-'' "luoiusatfil liv'il,.' .luMiis.ul kUib lX I'M i.iJ fi't'tlie sHri'f. .S-I.II1III4 (UllslOvK leiioiu. ff .f,'1ASltvt Set''l. ffiju? S