The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 15, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Tflfe News of
KOtt SAhUttiretp 1o mlllc tMAbltf, "jiou'e nhl
lot, No. 153 Wyonilnc stictt. Imiulie so. vo
Seventh nvtmic' ' '"" '
Delaware and -Hudson Railroad..
Kowmbtr SI, iboi. , ',! ' .
Trains leave CaiboniUlt' ut city simian n fol-
For Brrnnton mid WIII.ovII.itrc-n.liO, 7.0(1, f.OO,
fl.01, lo.ol, .11.81 (i. in,, l.Wi -,M, 'uO,,
li.WI, 7.W1, 10.01, ll.TO )l. Ill, . ..
Suiuuy tinlm I'mo ut i.M, n-" "
a.fli. ft -a ii i i, in
Tof Alboiiv.JiatOKJ, Monticnti l'o?"'
lliiKlmut point', etc., 7.U0 n. Jii.i "u I'1
lor vtayiiutt una llonrmaio.
.0 RV rt n. . .. ...
Sumlay'trnltrt myt W'jinnrt nnl HoiicsJjIc
l (WO n, m.i 4,45. li. .in. ,.,.. ,..i.
Tmlni iirilvo'lit'fai'lwiiililc frd" A tUie-lt.iMe
mill Keintitoii .u folli'iiM! (1.50, rl.ilT, l'.:W, 10.,;0
,- sWiiisr, i.iW. s.1.1. I.?, n.o, v.m, .oi, tun,
'11.07 I), in. L',03 ii. in. . ,
,'5liuto HJIim iiirhn "I H.2" ii. in.; 12-10, ".13,
V.2$, (ll'Jfl, 11.55 n. 'til. ' "
hmiilav tiiilni niiivAat ('Jiboiiiuk from W.I--limit
uml IIoiicmUIc ilt h!.l ilml 7.55 p. in.
r 'i ! . i. ii. i.-i-.u - rr
New York, 'Ontario nnd Western
TrnliiH lane Cuilmmlilc fur Si'Uiitoti nt ..00 a..
in.! i.w )i. in, ',.;.! :
. Sunday tiaitu nt 7,00 -,. m.i 0.00 p. in..
, Trains lcjve Ciirboiiil.ilc (or point tlQith .J't
il.Jd.j. in. On .Sunday" .it u. in. lrnim
fiivljur al 11,10 J. lh week ilayc nnd 0.10 a. Jit,
Nimf'yi make connection" for ow- otk, Loin-
wan, uir. . .. ..
Trilna arrive from Siinnlo'i nl 11.10 :i
in.: fi.W
I". in.; irnin points noun, -.mi p.
fioii! Ifrranlon :it 11.10 n. m. inn
m, Minii-y.
uml 7. in-"p. '"
Ironi. Oilollh .it 0,0(1 . p. in. i
-Erie Railroad, . . ".
1. JW -M- .IlllK! riBI. 11)01, .,, , ,
K-rjWflc'.iHf.'tUi- i'luUwi... CiiliiHid.!''''!" djAvj
t'CtWrteMiiiijji-ftit77.'0( n. iifjund 4,;anSm. Vr
Iliamnr iiJmI S-ntvfV'iil btf f. iTi7.Tl.iny UN,"
wpliiiK SsiiiuLiy), for IliiiRli.nnimi. making con
nections for ew "ioik illy and UuiUlo, and ut
0.10 p. in. for yuquo!i.iMi.i, iwilieellnru
lor ttvstnn point.'.
Sunday tnilin nt o.!5 a. in. f,,r Kiin,ii-liaiin.i,
Willi western cdl.iiii li in-, nini o.'JT p. in., Willi
b.itne LTiimcLtion, .
Ti.llrx nulie nt 8.W a. m. mil';.!.", p. in.
femiiljjs in, t,..,;; a. in.
An Extraordinary Case in Alderman
Atkinson's Court F. J. Robinson
Sent to Jnil on Charge of Haising
One Dollar Bill to Twenty Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Pearce Held ijor
Conspiracy An Interesting' Case.
A cane enough out of the ordinary
to bo sensational viih disposed of in
Alderman Atkinson's court yesterday,
when r, J. Kohiiisoii was committed
to the county jail cm the charge of
jia'ssiniT counterfeit money, and Jlr.
iind-Jlrs. Arthur Pearce were ouoji held
in !.o00 on the, cliurRe of conspiracy. All
parties are l'roni the country.
Thursday ii.fui'iiier entered the .gro
cery store kept by Samuel Rico, on
Hospital street, and purchased, goods
to the amount of $J.7G, receiving In
chunse $1.".2."( lnivinir handed tin- pro
prietor a twenty dollar bill. Ho .left
the store with the Roods jnd the
iClianse and Itlco thoufi-lit no more of
the sale until yesterday morning,
when he looked over tho bill and ftiund
that it hart originally been for one. dol
lar, but by. clever (rnriure of the. ohr
and in' its pritoe substltutiiifi- tliu num
ber twenty, the bill bad been raised
iwont.v times its actual value. Rico
went before Alderman Atkinson and
explained tha case to nini. A warrant
.vas gworn out. for the arrest, of "John
Doe," as the victimized merchant
never before saw the man who pre
sented the bill, but thought lie was a
The warrant was given to Constable
Michael Jlornn, He learned that Ar
thur Pearce had been In town on
Thursday afternoon and thnt he had
stopped for some length of time, on
Fallbrook street, and was later joined
by another fanner, who was heavily
laden with packages. This was about
the time that the bill hurt been passed
on Rico. The constable, In company
with Uico, drove to the home of .Mr.
Pearce, In the country west of this
city, and on searching the house
found goods which wore Idontllled by
Rico as being huuglit In his place.
Story of the Bill.
Tiie trio were arrested and taken be
fore Alderman, Atkinson, but befoie
the cuso was called, Constable Miirau
hart been out following up more clues,
and when the hearing was ready, he
was prepared to state where Pearce
had been rtUrlug the afternoon.
When Robinson was arrulgned, be
admitted giving the bill to Rico, but
stated that ho did not know it was
bad. lie then told how it came into
his possession. Ho hud been In Jerinyn
during tho day with Poarce's team and
wagon and while driving homeward
through Maylleld accosted a well
rtrossed stranger, of whom he asked a
chew of tobacco. The stranger gave
him enough to satisfy him anil t!on
asked him to change a twenty dollar
bill for him, ' Robinson had a lot of
change In his pocket and was only too
willing to part with it for a bill. ITo
did not give more than a casual glanYo
at, tho bill and placed It in his pocket
book. . lie decided to purchaso tho
A$leJi''ln Time, of Need. .
.iJ'WietlnBbad teeth cause illness,
PUiVjajUIarl, .when they aro not lt to
iiWV!UOifoJ,i A niuu in AiliiiOi had
atbof ltlsjeqtli drawn.- H-e wits' sick
iiHindigMkjji un,r lack- of ;-ira'nty
in.ljTjlB tetVwere u a hurt condition.
.Jrj MKpeutMljowith a new complete tet
of tveth,!'to " regain his health"' ' by
"!FctfHFI,1;y(iUPwliig his fpod, hut hu
lunlrnn oxncniQnee that l well -worth
kmiliig of, y, : ' "'
Swfo'i'okhnn'avUW J. cqminue4,.to
Ioflp;jftronetb.l ho says, "until I-wns a
niMiovji$!5keletpu. I tried ii? num.
Ht Wjirebancffoody .but none "ft Ihom
l'S)jiw,Uiq BQt Orape.-Nuts Tho
iiTW-.ipieuMeai my palate at once, t
S($1&1'tllf;f(?9a,n wn nini got along
"WW 'll0,'?to,; wUhJn.ii few dnys I no-
wms.. - I
0!ptittt UTiwvietn-trtnfer'buck unit in
t'wo-tnonths' I gained 17 pounds. This
was remarkiible for I am o(,8iHira buiii,
Now I sleep and feel wonderfully well,'
una,srauon urn i anv iiomg. bo nicely
wlthptU; teeth JMiuvt) concluded ,tp "wait
litiM'Tity finished, shrinking
beforoihavjpg . set made, I iloWt'be.
Hove I could have gout .JJWHfitAtftii
(iruin.qn iny 8yfttpnik)mrt.tijjngt bewl for
my friends." Nariip. given by Postuiu
Co;,'ktti6:dree1.-ilIbKf.' " '
urcsojMjai iv'wtw not so tireu mut'jaded,
OtftMijlly"f (rty,W stronger, mXle'd, o
nltJftH'W foods'. and, took, oiuvf .Grime-
MTttPT?tuit .iiiero lS)ttO"'xlouDtS'U'lir)Ut
the l)fe-Bivlii ftncl.nerve.-bvildliig'Tdrce
of ttol,tfqd.,I;'.tftlk. GmPOiNlltB to all
groceries of Itlco "on account of having
heard that the latter was selling goods
cheap. Though llio store Wits quite a
distance oiit of his route, he thought
to save money by 'going there.
When Interrogated ho told the time
ho was in Mayfleld and ufllrnied posi
tively that he hart Poarce's team and
When the latter was placed oh tho
stand' ho wan made to understand that
the constable knew tho location of thu
team during tho afternoon. After con
siderable cross questioning ho llnally
admitted that ho had the team and
wagon In this city nt tha tlmo that
Robinson swore ho hart It In Mayileld.
Dy the testimony it was shown that
Mrs. Pearce was given a share of the
change Robinson had received from
the merchant and both her and her
husband were held un'dei' live hundred
dollars ball for uinieuranco In court.
. Robinson's crime Is not bailable and
he was token to the county Jail, Ills
case will be tried by the United States
Federal court. ' '
The bill was 'given 'over by Olllcer
Moran to the .Scranton, representative
of-tlie government. The'blU'ls of 'the
series of 1800 and on one side Is a good
Imitation of a twenty and on a slight
glance would readily bo taken for Unit.
On the other side tho work was only
done in a bungling manner and would
bo readily detected. All the parlies Im
plicated In tho affair are well known In
this city.
. Constable Miiran's work Is regarded
as a clever bit of detective work as lias
ever been 'done-in. this olt'y. After the
(deed was committed, he' hart' the cvl-
tlgnce against the three- who were
cither committed or held in ball.
Hon. John Littlefleld's Lecture in St.
Eose Hall.
The life of Daniel O'Connell, the
great frlMi patriot, the heroic leader
In the emancipation of Ireland, and
,tho man who was so blest with tho
divine gift of eloquence that Wendell
Phillips said was the greatest speaker
of modern times, war- reviewed at
length lust night by lion. John II. IJt
tlolield before a fal.r-sized audience In
St. Rose hall. The lecture was the last
number in tho Knights of Columbus
Mr. Littlelleld, who had a personal
acquaintance with Abraham Lincoln,
an intimate acquaintance, having prac
ticed one year In Mr. Lincoln's olitce,
prefaced his review, of O'Connell's life,
with the reading of Lincoln's speech at
Gettysburg and with an Imitation of
Lincoln and Douglass in their noted
public debates. Mr. Littlefleld's inti
mate knowledge of tho martyr presi
dent gave an added interest to ills in
troduction of the Lincoln erilsode.
Mr. Litticfleld said that next to Mr.
Lincoln, his admiration was greatest
for Daniel' O'Connell. Lincoln and
O'Connell, he added, were, the two
greatest men v, ho ever row? from tho
common people.
In presenting the life of Daniel
'O'Ponuell, Mr. LUtlelield said it was
because of his sympathy for Ireland,
awakened by closely studying her his
tory. He believed that- by making
known tho noble life of O'Connell, the
adverse conditions under and against
which ho battled, the war against con
science, the prejudice and the like, it
would be the means of proving that the
court of public sentiment is more
powerful than the power of mon
archies. Throughout Mr. Littlefleld's
discussion, tills thought was uppermost
and he took every opportunity to point
out how Ireland was deprived of her
rights and that she woukbone day take
her place among the world's nations,
not as independent, Tor he did not be
lieve this would he-brought about, but
as a country with the means of educa
tion and Industry to raise its Inhabi
tants to the ilghlful Javel.
In a Flurry of Excitement Mitchell
Company Damages Its .Wagon.
The alarm of fire sounded from box
21, Main street and. Salem avenue, at
UsSO o'clock yesterday afternoon causing
quite a commotion at thu Lincoln ave
nue and Church street intersection
whore the blnssu was located, in the
Hurry of excitement, the reel of tho
cart of the Mitchell Hose company was
badly rtuinged, to the extent' Unit the
wagon will be. out of service Tor several
days. .
The accident was caused by the ex
citement of some Individual who lost
hW heart and declared to thu pipemnn
who stood at the hydrant at the corner
of Main and Lincoln that the hosemon
wanted the water turned on. The man
at tho hydrant obeyed what he sup
posed were orders, hut by this time
the hose was still attached to the reel.
Tho result can .be readily Imagined.
When the water went shooting through
tho hose it sent thu reel
around like a Fourth of July spinning
wheel, The water travelling through
the unconnected hoso on the reel
caused the wagon to vibrato and Jump,
frightening tho horses, which started
up Lincoln avenue at a pace that re
quired the hardest exertions of Driver
Hrlggs to check. When the water was
finally shut off tho, reel was found to
bo lit for the repair main,
The flro from which nil tho excite
ment and trouble arose, was no lire,
It was a Blight blaze In May's meat
miirkot on Lincoln avenue, caused by
u stovo pipe In the back room. Mr.
May feared tho 'blasiu would get a
dangerous utait and called for an alarm
which was turned in by Arthur Thom
H, of tha Columbian. The only dan
ger was a. scorching of thu woodwork.
Sunday at Bereau Baptist Church,
Tho men's meeting at P. 13 will bo
led by Harry Dlmmock, of Prompton,
Mr. Dlmmock is a, member of tho lle
reuu church and formerly, resided here.
Tho men of tho congregation will bo
glad to greet hhn In tho morning- meet
lug. At tho 10,'JO service, tho pastor will
present tho subject of foreign missions,
and tliu annual offering of the congre
gation will bo marie for tliu wqrk of
the American Uaptlst MIssioiiury
Change of Mail Closing,
Tho lust mall at the 'postoiilee on
Sunday night has been changed from
7:15 to 8 o'clock to conform with the
recent, change In the Delawuto and
Hudson time table.
Notice to St, Paul's Church.
A letter was received yesterday from
the honorable! court Unit tho quit claim
deed from the Baptist association of
Northeastern Pennsylvania, not ' the
Ablugfpn association, will bo executed
Mrs. lllnkley, Indianapolis, writes;
"Tho doctor said 11 must be an opera
tion costing $S00 and little chance to
survive. I chose Pyramid Pile Cure,
and one no-cent bos made ino sound
and well." All druggists sell it. It
never falls to euro any form of Piles.
Try It. Rook on Piles, cause and cure,
free by mall. Pyramid Drug Co,, Mar
shall, Mich.
as soon as tho court sessions are over.
For this reason wo will moot after
church services tomorrow to be ready
to act when tho time comes. One of our
church ofllecrs must bo appointed to
pay the balance on the mortgage, and
this appointment should be made to
lnoiow. Rev. p. Khlnger, pastor.
, REDUCTION 03? $1,000.
Treasurer McCabe Ee.idy to Apply
This Sum to'"01d Debt.
The most important Item of last
night's meeting of the poor board was
the announcement, followed by a mo
tion, which was adopted, by Mr. Mc
Cabe, as treasurer of the board, that
his llnunees were in such shape that he
was ready to Pay over one thousand
dollars to the Miners' and Mechanics'
bank to apply on tho indebtedness of
the old board, which Is held by this
bank, and which amounts to $3,S00. The
present board was confronted with a
depleted treasury and a heavy debt
when it came into existence, but by
economy and watchfulness it has man
aged to husband the sum mentioned to
apply on the old debt.
All the directors answered yea at the
roll-call. Attorney Hutler was present
and stilted that the" board would have
to pay rental to the city for the use of
their meeting room in the municipal
Constable Edward Xeary presented a
bill for $r,.C3, for work done in connec
tion with the cuse of Patrick. Partdon
against Steward Clune, of the poor
farm. The bill was ordered until.
Hryan Hurke was present to explain
why bills of his had not been presented
within sixty days after being contract
ed, lie explained matters satisfactory
and a warrant was drawn for his claim.
A committee was appointed to go be
fore councils and try to get a better
location for a meeting room. air. Me
Cabe, for the farm committee, reported
that everything at the farm was in good
condition. A committee was also in
structed to find out the condition of the
patients on the board now In the hos
pital. . After ordering tho payment or
several bills, the meeting' adjourned.
An Ambitious Social Affair on Bel
mont Street Those Present.
Th' most ambitious social affair in
the lielmout section of town in a long
time, took place on Thursday evening
at the home of Ray Williams, on
mont street, when a card partv was
The Willli.nis home was the scene on
this occasion of a happy assemblage
of young people who are conspicuous
in the social set. The illuminated
rooms with their decorations and the
animated young folks made quite a
pleasing pl ture. aiost of the evening
was given to cards, six tables being
filled with interested players In pro
gressive euchre. A good naturetl bplrlt
of rivalry pervaded the contest, anil
when the play was over and the suc
cessful ones were announced, congratu
lations and an enjoyable discussion .if
the result followed. Tho victors were
ailss Ilmli Dllts, who won the young
ladles' prisse, and ,1. A. Larkln, who
look the young men's prlr.e.
At 1I.IW delicious refreshments were
partaken of.
Those present were: ailsses Ilesslc
Sands, Hazel (larduer, Ruth Oilts,
Alaggie O'ltoyle, Alice liox, Hannah
Wyllie, Nellie Crocker, aiuy rimer iiurt
Ida I-:. Hunter, of this" city; .Margaret
.Maxwell, Hilda Swlck and Louise
.Moon, of Jtiinyn; 11. K. (Jardner, J.
A. Larkln, Cleorgo t'olvin, Oorgo
Rettew, Maxwell Shepherd, Arthur Cl
iner, aiurshall Seiitt, William Ululnser,
Thomas Mates, c. ijenshaw, Charles
Kvans, of this ilty, and Mortimer
Uroun, Jerinyn,
Mrs. Michael Kelly, of South Main
Street, in a Critical Condition.
It will be depressing news to the wldo
circle of friends of airs, aiichael Kelly,
of South .Main street, to hear that she
Is prostrated by a stroke of paralysis
and Unit shu is In a critical condition.
Ail of tho members of her family who
were employed out of tho city have
been summoned' to her bedside.
airs. Kelly has been sick for a num
ber of weeks, from u complication of
diseases, but had so much improved
that It was intended that she should sit
up Hie day she was taken with par
alysis, Wednesday of this week. Her
many friends pray Unit she will rally
from tho attack.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church,
First Sunday In Lent. Sabbath school
us usually, U:!J0 a, in., services 10:20 a,
in. Sermon on tho question St. Luko
xxlvjL'O, "Ought Not Christ to Have
Sulicrert Those Things nurt' to finter
Into His Glory?"
Ye, slow of heart, como and listen ut
least during Lenten season to tho word
of everlasting llfo to awaken you from
our sleep. F, ,1. (.". Khlnger.
Doctors in Consultation.
. Dr. R. II. aibbons, of Scranton, was
In the city yesterday, in consultation
wltli Dr, J. A, Kelly, in the case of
Josephine Collins, duughter of air. and
airs. John J. Collins. The child's con
ditlou Is not dangerous, but it was to
conilnn tho dlugnosls and treatment
and to receive possible suggestions that
Dr. aibbons'. advice was sought.
The Indoor Circus at Scranton.
A representative of Henry F. Dixie,
who Is managing the Indoor circus,
llio new armory
city yesterday,
with Clark, tho
for Carbomlat-
toko In the fert-
, It Is expected
big delegation
The Biggest Mail -on St. Valentine's
Day in Years.
Yesterday, St. Valentine's Day, was
marked by tho biggest mull at the Car
bondale postollico on this day In years.
While a heap of tho alleged funny
ones were sent through the malls, those
with u sentimental Importance at
tached to them were- more numerous.
Tho Increased favor for the latter ones
Beeins to bo tho trend of fancy, for the
reports from other cities Indicated a
like condition, Perhaps there were
more of tho artistic ones and the same
number of tho meaner sort, as In other
years, for the dealers of the town say
that they sold as many of the "funny"
ones as before. '
It Is needless to add that the mall
men did not share in the sport that
the valentine senders did. It Just
doubled their work, for the packages
were most bulky, and In numerous In
stances there was not the full postage.
This, of course, wits the usual valentine
day Joke, sending missives thut called
for part payment of postage by tho vic
tim who was made tho butt of jest or
ridicule. It was no joke, however,
for tho mall carrier, for It meant a
llllns out of a form In each case and
a delay In collecting the postage that
was wanting. The malt of tho day, big
as it was, did not make nn appreciable
Increase In the receipts of the post
ollico, as valentines uro mailed at one
half the cost of first-class matter.
JOHN WHITE, an aged resident of
Carbondalo, who lived here a half cen
tury, died somewhat suddenly at tho
poor farm where he was in inmate.
Tho deceased was a native of Ii eland
nnd on coming to America over 50 years
ago he settled In Carboudnle, where ho
lias resided until recently. He is sur
vived by one daughter, airs, aiatthcw
Degan, of Carbondalo, and sister, airs,
alary Hurrtick, of Forest City.
The funeral will take place Sunday
afternoon at 3:15 o'clock from the home
of airs. Degau on Dundaff street. Serv
ices will take place in St. Rose church
and burial will take place In St. Rose
Meetings of Sunday.
Gerniania Singing society.
Knights of Father aiathew.
K. 13. Hendrick lodge.Rallroad Train
men. Central Labor union.
Cigarmakers' union, No. 4,'lfl.
S. II. Dotterer lodge, Locomotive En
gineers. '
Events on Tenth Avenue.
Two additional residents registered
on Tenth avenue yesterday, neither of
whom will ever be a possible candidate
for the presidency unless woman's suf
frage becomes a certainty. One arrived
.to gladden the home of air. and airs.
Thomas Karrell, and another' the home
of air. and airs. Cleorge Sehaff.
Typhoid Patient Improving.
Joseph aicAndrew, of the West Side,
who has been suffering from an at
tack of typhoid-pneumonia, is greatly
Improved, and it Is axpeeted that he
will speedily recover.
Meetings of Tonight.
Dhlsion'Xo, IS, A. O. H.
Court Golden Eagle, Foresters of
Diamond lndgc,'Sh!eld of Honor.
A Couple of Births.
Horn To air. and -Mrs. Henry Nel
son, of Urooklyn street, a daughter;
to .Mr. and airs. Patrick llarte, Par
view street, a son,
,f. 11. Shannon was In Scranton yes
terday. Miss Maine Iloylan visited in Scran
ton, yesterday.
Miss Lizzie Holand, or Archbnld, is a
guest of ailss Sarah Holmes.
Frank Dltmore, of Forest City, was
a caller In Carbondale yesterday.
at. F. Judge, of Scranton, made a
business trip to Carbondale yesterday,
Miss- P.rirtget aicAndrew, of the
Leader competing loom, will visit In
Scranton tnrinv.
airs. George Mince Is visiting at the
home of her parents, air. and airs,
John Twining in Clark's Summit.
aiiss Maine Casey has returned to
her homo In Wllkes-jtnrro, after a
visit with .Miss alary aioran, of this
.Mrs. J. R. Fleming, of Scranton, and
brother, Charles Clark, of RJeasant
Mount, were at the Harrison house
William Sullivan, who was employed
until recently by Sullivan & Ryan, of
this city, but now of Wilkes-Parre, is
visiting among his friends in tills city.
Henry J. Collins, member of tho e.i
ectitivo board of the 1'nlted aiiuo
Workers, Is home from Indianapolis,
wiiere lie attended meetings of that or
ganization. aiiss Margaret Kelly and William
Kelly, of Urooklyn, N. Y aro home,
They were called hero by tho danger
ous Illness of their mother, airs, aiich
ael Kelly, of South aiuiu street.
Claude 11. Smith was at Scranton lust
night, attending tho entertainment of
the Ottumwas i;uartettu, which will bo
in Curbondule, In tho Smlth-Slnger
course, on Monday, February 21.
Thomas JlcJlantis.who was employed
as night chef in Thompson & Codding
ton's restaurant, has resigned and will
return to his former home In Wllkes
IJarre, air, aieaianus, besides being
skilled In the culinary line, has a most
pjeuslng personality, which won many
friends In this city, who will regret his
The remains of Abraham CJruiuer,
who died at tho Hillside Home on
Thursday, have been brought to the
homo of his uncle, K. M. Orclner, for
burial. The funeral will take place on
Sitndnv afternoon,
Hy request, the Knights of Malta and
Independent. Order or Odd Fellows'
baud, of Olyphant, will provide tills
evening's entertainment at the Wilson
Fire company's fair. At their previous
entertainment hero n crowded hoiiso
greeted them, and the fair management
has been prevailed upon to secure
these mlrth-niukers for tills evening.
A slelghlourt of young people from
Carbondalo spent Thursday evening at
the homo of airs. William Babeoek.
Tho W'Hson Fro companya fair will
close this evening; but will be opened
billed to take place in
at Hcrnnloh for the
Schools, was In the
making arrangements
pharmacist, for seats
lans who may want to
tures of the enterprise,
that there wilt bo a
from Carbohdalc.
Up Tuesday evening next to dispose of
all articles left over.
William Allen was a. visitor nt
Wllkcs-Darro last evening.
airs. O. D, lirdwn and daughter, Res
ale, spent yesterday with Carbondole
The Interest In the spcclut'nieotlng
nt the Uaptlst church continues strong
and fervent. Tho Wlllsons are proving
themselves to bo kind, earnest hearted,
powerful workers for God. Their won
derful singing, which has drawn to
gethor nurtlences of thousands, lit so
many places, Is here proving it means
of Joy and blessing to many. Probably
those wishing to hear them next Sun
day evening will need to come early.
Rev. Clark Wltlson's preaching Is Sim
ple, earnest, sympathetic and convinc
ing, He moves his audience rapidly
from harmless laughter to deep joy
ous feelings, often with tears, and all
for tho purpose of doing good. His
subjects on Sunday will be, morning,
"The Lord's Vine," and evening, "One
Sinner Deslroyeth aiuch Good." Tho
meetings will bo continued next week,
every evening except Saturday.
Dr. A. J. Raker, of Duryea, was In
town yesterday visiting his parents,
air. and airs. Philip Uaker, of aialn
airs. AV. r. Roberts, of' North aialn
street, who has been spending ti few
days with Peckvlllo friends, returned
homo last evening.
Ailss ainggle Murphy, of Scranton, Is
visiting at tho home of her sister, airs,
ai. P. aicDermott, of South aialn
A new locomotive, tho "Luzon,"
arrived hero last evening and will
be used inside the Delaware and Hud
son colliery for the purpose of hauling
coal from one of the long headings to
tho slope.
Andrew J. Aleehan and James Henry
were calling upon Plttston friends yes
terday. 'Squire Tom Robinson, who has been
111 for several 'days past at his homo
on Cemetery street, does not Improve.
The members of the Twentieth Cen
tury Sewing circle celebrated their an
nual meeting last evening with a val
entine social and supper at tho homo
of Professor and airs, II. N. Barrett on
Second street. The husbands of the
ladles were also present and tho affair
was a thoroughly enjoyable one.
George Dunn, the well known local
promoter, is organizing a now tele
phone company to give telephonic serv
ice to the residents of Scott and Green
As will be noticed in the advertised
column air. James Timlin, proprietor of
the Grand Central hotel, is on account
of ill health, desirous of selling or rent
ing tho hotel.
airs. Joseph Farrington, of Provi
dence, was on Thursday the guest of
airs. W. at. Taggert.
Alts. Grant Bell, of Scranton, was u
visitor here on Thursday.
The St. Aloysius society held their
regular literary meeting Thursday
Floyd Hunter, of Jermyn, took part
in Thursday's recital held at the Scran
ton Conservatory on Thursday.
aiiss Emily Rich was a Scranton vis
itor on Wednesday.
The obsequies of the late airs. Cath
erine Poiligrew occurred yesterday af
ternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the resi
dence of her daughter, airs. John Car
ter, on Scott street, Blukely. The final
rites were largely attended by the dc-'
ceased lady's numerous friends and
relatives. Rev. George Hague, pastor
of tho Welsh Baptist church, officiated,
and preached an appropriate funeral
sermon. Tho choir sang several selec
tions. At the conclusion the remains
were borne to I'nion cemetery, where
burial was made. The pall-bearers
w'cie: John Powell,' D. D. Jones, ufll
cer John aicAndrew, A. D. Haines, Ed
ward .McClay and .Tames Bolten.
Among those who attended from out of
town were: Jlrs. ai. Davis. Hyde
Park; air. and airy. William aiatthews,
Mrs. Birch, Scranton; air. and .Mrs. S.
Lloyd, South Gibson; John l.luyd,
Wllkes-Barrej air. and airs. William
aiatthews, Dickson.
Rev. David Spencer, D. D of Blake-
ly, has ben Invited to deliver an ad
dress In April next, at the fiftieth an
niversary of the First Baptist church
or i.;erni.iniown, I'lilluilclphla.
A number of people of this place
enjoyed a slelghride to Craig Tinny
day evening where they were enter
tallied pleasantly for a number of hours
at tho home of air, and aii'3. Fred
Newton. Refreshments were served
and card playing and dancing Indulged
in until tho small hours of the morn
Ing. Those who participated in this
enjoyable affair are: air. and airs
D. W. Harris, Ailsses Jennie Button,
aiusgle Alcllitosll, Jessie l'Pttlgrew,
Agnes Williamson and Flossie Evans;
.Messrs. William Winters, Joseph aic
.Malns, John Cooper, Thomas
ami usenr simms.
Work was begun yesterday tearing
down tho old 'brick building on Lacka
wanna street on which site the Citizens'
bank Is to be erected. The striicttuo
bus ben in u dilapidated condition for
a long time and tho now building will
bo a great improvement to tho street.
The place was built -10 years ubh bv
Putilck Callahan, a former resident of
this town.
The funtral of John Davis took place
from his into honip on Race street
yesterday afternoon, Tho services were
conducted by Rev. George Hague,
There was a large gathering of sym
pathising friends and neighbors. In
terment was made in Ridge cemetery.
Tho pall-bearers were: James Owen,
William Alosley. Charles Charles,
Thomas Weaver, Richard Williams and
David Lews.
ailss Dora. Kelley, of Scranton, was
the guest of ailss Flossie Howard, of
Lackawanna street, yesterday.
Airs. William X. Davis attended tho
funeral of her nephew, William Had
dock, at Taylor, yesterday,
In tho Blakely Baptist church tomor
row, Rev. David Spencer, D. D.. will
Vreach ut 10:30 a. in, on "Tho Mirrored
Reflection of the DIvluo Glory," and at
7:30 p. m. on "Tho Satislled Christian."
Services will bo held at tho usual
tlmo In the Presbyterian church tomor
row morning find evening. Rev, B. F.
Hammond, pastor.
Lenten devotions were begun In St.
Patrick's church last evening. These
services will be held every Friday
evening during Lent. .
Ailss Alice Patten has accepted a
position In Roberts' carpet store on
Lackawanna street,
Rev, Peter Roberts, of atahunuy City,
was a visitor in town yesterday.
ailsses Clara Barrett and Lewie
Stein, of Hullsteud. avenue, aro visit
Ine friends ut Montdule.
Anthony Muck, of Lincoln utreet,
was Injured at Storrs No. 1 shaft tin
Miss W, OMlds-Blackburn, Secretary of tho Rook Island
Literary and Art Sooioty,
Writes a Special Letter to Mrs. Pink
ham Telling How She Was Cured.
The relation of woman's nerves and generative organs is very close j con
uequcntly ulno tenths of the nervous prostration, nervous despondency and
1 1 i , i , ' ' "nmuiuimuirau bumu ucrangenicnt ot ino organism
which makes her a woman. Herein wo prove conclusively that Lydia JE,
Pinkliam's Vcgotablo Compound will quickly relievo all tills trouble.
"Diiaji Mas. Pinkiiam: I take pleasure in acknowledging the.
effects of jLydia 13. Phikhnin's Vegetable Compound. In my estima
tion there is no femulo remedy to equal ii. Weakness npfc properly
attended to, together with the close confinement at my desk brought tin
nervous prostration, so much so that for ayearldoctored continually. I
tried diilerenL remedies which only succeeded in poisoning my system, and
my stomach refused food. A neighbor who had suffered with ovarian
troubles and was perfect ly o nretl , culled my attention to your Vegetal) lo
Compound, and I made up my mind to givu it a two months' fair trial.
However, before one mouth, had passed I was like a new woman, and
after six weeks faithful me of the Compound I was in perfect health.
It certainly is of groat benefit to women, and I wish every poor suffering
woman could have a chance to try it. Tours very truly, Miss W. Quids
JJlackduun', 292 Fifth Ave., Kock Island, 111." '
Nothing: Avill relieve this distressing condition so surely as
Tjydia J3. IMnkham's Vegetable Compound; it soothes, strengthens;
heals and tones up the delicate female organism. It is a positive
cure for all kinds of female complaints ; that bearing down feeling,
backache, displacement of the womb, inflammation of the ovaries
and is invaluable during tho change of life.
How Airs. Pinkham helped firs. Borst.
"Dr.An.3f its. PfVKii.vji: When I wrote to you some timo ago for.
advice 1 really thought my days were numbered. I was so ill that I
could not stand on my feet for fifteen minutes at a time. I had female
troubles in many of their worst forms ; inflammation and ulceration of
the womb; lcueorrhoja ; bearing-down pains: headache and backache;
nervous prostration. lUy kidneys were out of order and blood in a bad
condition. Everyone, and even my doctor thought I was going into
consumption. 1 followed your advice faithfully for six months with, the
result that I became a well woman, and it cost mo much less than a doc
tor's bill. I feel that; Jfjydin 13. Pinkhaiu's Vegetable Compound
saved my life." IIi:s. iS.vsirriij JJonsr, 7 Cozy Ave., Oneonta, N. Y.
The above letter bhows how unerring is tho advice which Mrs. Pinkham
gives to women who write her about their sickness ; as the advice is free and
alwayt, helpful it is not strange that she advises more than one hundred
thousand sick women every year. Her address is Lynn, Mass. &
in.. .on mi. m. wiwm
I! HWARD. Wc lmvn ilopnsltml with tbi Nntloiial City Bank of Lynn, SCOOO, i
which will ho nuiit to auv lioriou 7,'hu cm) 11...1 that the abovo testimonial letters I
aro not goaunic, or wcro piiblWicit hetore obtaiulnn the writer's special per-1
mission. Lyilln K. I'lukhntn Hodiclno Co., Lynn, Mas. I
..rfw -w.-nwr
Thursday and wtii taken to the aiosi-s
Taylor at Scranton.
At the Prlceburnr aiethodist Kpisco
pal church on Sunday niorniiifj ut, a paliUe love feat will bo held.
Sunday school nt 'J o'clock. Idvening
service at T o'clock, subject, "Clod's
Tlnoe Calls to the Human Race." Rev.
Wil'-on Mentley, pastor. Revival ser
vices every nif;ht next week. All are
cordially invited to attend.
.Mls Susan Hohrand and air. John
Oakey visited In Olyphant Inst nl.yht.
A pleasant surprise reception was
tendered airs. John J. Daniels at her
homo In llendhnm on Wednesday even
ins:. It belns: her r.Otli birthday her
relatives presented her with an 'elegant
inula? room set. air. 'van Thomas
delivered the presentation speech and
airs. Daniels happily responded, Thu
Rtiestri made merry, hirtulglnv In games
and other ninii.'ieinents until a season
able hour when a well prepared sup
P"!' was served. The guests present
wore: air. and airs, John J. Daniels,
.Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas Wyhun, .Mr. and
airs, Casper Xeglie, William liMwards,
air. and airs. Henry Daniels, .Mr. ami
airs, Kvnn Thomas, .Mrs. Don, airs,
Thomas Al. llowells, air.-. William M.
Kvnns, ailsses ICdlth and l.orettn Dunk-Is,
Jenuio Crewer, Flossie Nuclei, 10s
thtr Daniels and airs, Klbuor Williams,
William Daniels, Willluni Davenport,
James Snooks, Albert Wylani, Willie
Thomas, Itoy Thomas, James Daniels
and .Mr. Sloley.
Tho Taylor Oratorio society will moot
for rehearsal tomorrow evening nt the
Calvary Baptist church at S o'clock
sharp. A full attendance of members
is desired.
Sabbath services at tho .Methodist
Kplscopal church tomorrow ut KkiiQ a,
in. and V p. m. Pastor, Itev, C, B.
Henry, olliclatlng at both sm-vleeit.
Sabbath school at 2!l," p. in., I'pworth
League at C p. 111. All urn invited.
Tho funeral of William Hudrtoik
took place from his late homo on aialn
street, Old Forge, yesterday afternoon
and was largely attendeii, Services
were conducted ut his into residenco
by the Uov. J. J. Jenkins, pastor of tho
Ntbo Congregational church, There
were many floral offerings from friends
add relatives and presented a beauti
ful appearance. At tho cloe of tho
service' thu remains woro removed to
tho Forest Homo cemetery where iu
teruient was made. The. pall-bearers
woro John Evans, David Owynue, John
Phillips, Thomas Stephenson, David
Davis and aiorgan Williams. Flower
bearers, Bennlo Williams and David
Tho Anthracite flleo club will meet
for rehearsal tomorrow afternoon at
:i:S0 o'glock. Timu Is druwins near for
tho competition ut the AUentowii els
leddrod and Director Watktns in hard
at work getting his choir into trim, and
Is coullUeut of carrying off the prize.
ailss Edith Wutklns and W. II. Peter
sou, of this place, visited friends at
Hudson, l'a on Thursduy evening.
Services lu thu Calvary Baptist
church tomorrow at the usual hours.
l'.iitor, Itev. Dr. Harris, will preach
at both services. Sunday school ut J i
o'clock, W. B. Owens, superintendent
All are cordially welcome.
airs. Benjamin Davis, of Olyphant
visited friends in this place yesterday.
II. C. Peterson, of Plttston, was rt
caller on his brother, Agent W. II.
Peterson, on Thursday.
At St. Joseph's church, this week, tho
wedding ceremony of a happy young
couple took place, when aiiss aiargarct
Barrett, of Cedar avenue, and air. John
Murphy, a prominent young man of jOio
West Side, were joined in holy wed
lock by Jlev. Father Cauavan. Tho
bride was' attired in a pretty costumti
of royal blue, which was very attract
ive. Iler bridesmaid was aiiss Surah
Kenny, also of ailnooka. parish, whe
was similarly gowned. air. Thomas
O'Boyle, of Hyde Park, did the honor
for tho groom, air. and airs. Murphy
were the recipients of many presents,
They will commence housekeeping im
mediately on tho West Side.
Tho residents along Olhnore nvoutnl
who live near tho scene of tho recent
fire, which destroyed the homo ot
Widow Laffey, are In grave fear for
their cellars, which are filling with;
water owing to broken pipes in th.i
burned building.
School Director Thomas Duffy, ol
aiiners' Hill, sustained a severe frac
ture of the ankio Wednesday, by fall
ing on the Icy sidewalk.
aiichael Stafford, of tlihnoro avenue
Is dangerously ill.
II. G. aicCrea, the prominent harnes:i
maker, has gone up York state on a
business trip for a few days.
Tho township school board met a fie
days ngo and decided to open tho m v
school on Monday, Fob, 1", Tho event
will bo hailed with joy by tho niuiur
oua pupils who have been suffering n
the old ramshackle during (he co! I
weather of the past few months.
airs. Hugh Cawley, of Stuffoid
street, Is confined to her homo with a
severe Illness,
Lenten services were held at U,
Joseph's church last evening, A very
interesting and Instructive sermon oji
the temperance question and tlio'evljti
of intemperance was discoursed b."
Bev. Father Ilea, who earnestly ur&cil
tho men of the parish to become mem
bers of the Total Abstinence society,
Thomas Kaimvy, of Church street,
has returned from a month's sojourn
hi the Hinol-y City.
To Cure Gilp'in Two Days,
Laxative Bromo. Quinine removes tim
cause. K. W. drove's slgnaturo on every
box. '
Fatal Full from a Sled.
Sprml 10 Hie ixTjmon Tiibunc.
SouuiMnuir, lYb, II. While Jylm llisitcr, o
Wild Cuvk, u few mile b?jund Kiigciilk-, thii
vduiity, was vctuuiliii- u hi-, full off hi
U)il and brok liU nwk from the effects 0! whUr
lie iliwl 4 lew moment nfliT "0 wa nlckrtl uh.
The ilecwiiy.(l vu TiJ jejr of aje and la rurvljtyj
ij a ui' uu uc uiiiun.