'-fiiJ' 13 V ?, rt-? f P? rt.. 7r-7-- s ' rty''ti' ? 12 THE SCRAy-rON TXUBUNIS- SATURDAY, FlSBRUAliY 15, 1902. VH" -' '"-" -if sBuw1 Light, Sweet Wholesome B read, Cake Deliciois Pustry are more easily, speedily, unfailingly made with HO BAKING Royal Baking Powder is the great est of time and labor savers to the pastry cook. Besides, it economizes flour, butter and eggs, and, best of all, makes the food more digestible and healthful. The "Royal Baker and Pastry Cook" over Soo practical and valuable cooking re ceipts free to every patron. Send full address. ROYAL DAKINO POWDER CO., INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR GOING 10 NEW YORK 2TOK A CONFERENCE. National and District President of the United Mine "Workers Will Be in the Metropolis Next Week Dis trict Board of No. 1 Will Consider the Nottingham Matter on Mon dayHampton Colliery Is Still Idle Board for Today Vein of Coal Found at Milnesville. District I'rcsiituut T. D. Nichols, of So, 1; John Fancy, of No. a, ami Thomas Duffy, of No. 7, will go to New York next week and meet Na tional President John Mitchell, of the t'nited Mine Workers of America, for Hie purpose of arranging1 a conference Willi the coal operators relative to si joint conference of mine workers and operators. It is understood that President Mitchell was given assurance a year ago that a conference will bu held this 'ear, provided ho succeeded in sup pressing the petty strikes which from lime to time have been a source of treat unnoyance to the operators. Invitations have been sent to the .operators from tho national headquar ters of the United Mine Workers of America in Indianapolis, but the place nnd date of the expected conference has not yet been made public. Arranging for a Conference. -A. nieotlng of the executive board t tho United Mine Workers of Amor lea has been called for Monday in this Vty, when the existing trouble at the lottlngham colliery will bo discussed and acted upon. President T. D. Nichols stated yester day that work has been resumed at the Nottingham at tho solicitation of the officials and that lie expects the matter will be satisfactorily adjusted. The trouble arose several days ago, When two of tho mine employes were discharged for taking up working cards among the men. The colliery Is oper ated by the Lehigh and Wllkes-Barro Coal company. Hampton Colliery Still Idle. Tho officials of tho United Mine .Workers of America have directed tho driver boys employed in the Hampton Jolno to resume work and obey tho or ders of the company relative to tho registering system, and tho difficulty which caused them to suspend opera tions will be taken up for adjustment by the executive committee board. The colliery Is now shut down, and some needed repairs are being made, during tho enforced Idloness. Just when operations will bo resumed cannot now bo stated, but in all probability work will bo commenced there again next week. Another Vein Located. Tho mines of Milnesville, which for many years have been regarded by tho Voul workers as tho best on this moun tain to work in, but which seemed to have, seen their last, If not their best days for active operations, nro once ngaln in possession of a coal vein which will increase the number of employes mere anu again enable the operators to send out large shipments of tho Ham moth vein. The Interior workings ot tho mine proper, like tho excavations on the surface, have been very exten- Doing Oood. 'A great deal ot good Js being done In nil parts of the country by Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, Tho most ilat terlng testimonials -have been received, giving accounts of its good work, of aggravating and persistent coughs that have yielded to its soothing effects, of eovero colds that havo been broken up by its use, of threatened attacks of pneumonia that have been warded off and dangerous cases of croup that It has cured. The great popularity and extensive sale of this preparation can not be a surprise to anyone who is Acquainted with Its goods qualities. Use )tWhen you have need 'of bucIj a remedy and It will do you good. For vale by all druggists. YAL POWDE There are cheap baking pow ders, made from alum, but their astringent and cauter izing qualities add a dangerous clement to food. 100 WILLIAM ST.j NEW YORK. slvo and tho entire fuel deposit was believed by many to have been almost entirely removed. The operators, however, did not share this belief and some time ago placed a diamond drill on the surface to bore a hole from a point near the new slope. Tho work of boring was at first prose cuted under difficulty. The porservor enco has been warranted fully by the find made by the drill. Although little has been said of the work, it was learn ed that fully 109 feet of coal hud been pierced. The prospectors have proven the existence of a vein from sixty to eighty feet in thickness. There Is only one coal measure of this thickness and this is tho best, the Mammoth vein. This means an addition of from three to five years to the life of the old town. While tho intentions of the company in regard to operating the vein have not been announced officially, it is stated that a number of Improvements will bo added to the mined to remove the large body of coal. Hazleton Hem. D., D. & W. Board for Today. Tho following Is the make-up of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western board for today: l'JUDAV, rXBHUAUY 11. L.xtras Kast S p. in., T. l-'itzpatriek; 10 p. m., V McAllister; 11 p. m., Ilobokcn, I'. Mailers. SATURDAY, FEMtUAltY 13. Extras Kast l.SO a. in., Ilobokcn, II. J. Lar kin; 1 a. m., O. W. Dunn; 5 a. in., Thomas; 0 a, in,, HobuUcn, Stevens; S a. in., 1'. L. Hogcis; 0 a. m., Ilobokcn, W. J. Mosicr; 10 a. in., W. W. Labar; 11 n. in., Iattlincr, A. II. Howe's crew; 1 p. in., II. II. Gilligan; 2 p. m., Itobol.cn, Nugent; 0 p. m., O. Y. Fitzgerald; 0 p. in., Ilobokcn, M. l'inncrly. Summit?, JHc. (I a. in., J. Carigg; 8 a. m,, Frounfelkcr; 10 a. m., Nichols; 2 p. in., Thomp son; G p. m., J. Hcnnegan; 8 p. in., M. Oolden. Pushers 0 n. m., Widncr; 7 a. in., Finucrty; 8 a. 111., Houscr; 11.15 a. in., Moran; 0 p. 111., O. Bartholomew; 7.30 p. 111., Murphy; 0 p. 111., M. Ginlcy; 0 p m., Lamping. IMras West 10 a. m., C. Kingslcy; 2 p. in., John Cahagan; i p. 111., 1'. Case, A. L'. Ketch urn's crew; lip .in., T. Doudican. Passenger Engines 7 a. m., Galfney; 7 a. m., 0. Miller; 10 a. m., A. J. McDonnell; 0.15 p. m., Stanton; S.S0 p. 111,, Nauman. NOTICE. M. Gluley will run 0 p. in. pudier l'cb. 11, in place of W. II. Battholoniew, Conductors l Willi, William Klrb.v, M. Car mody, John Cahagan and crews will attend 10 a, 111. class air-brake, instruction car for second course, l'cb. 13, 1002. T. Doudican, M. Flnerly and cicws will attend 2 p. 111. class air-brako instruction car, second course, l'cb. 13. T, McCarthy, J. A. Hush and crews will attend 7.10 p. m. class air-brake, instruction car, l'eb, 13, for second course. This and That. W. H. Kinney, formerly with the International Text Book company's in struction corps, has been appointed general foreman of motive power at the Muyfleia yard, for the Ontario and western uniiroact company. J. S. Swisher, district passenger ngont of the Central Railroad of New Jersey, was at his desk yesterday after a uusmess trip to New York and Phila delphia In the Interest of the Improve ments to be made at Mountain Park this year. ' GREEN RIDGE. The Women's Missionary society of tho Green Jlidge Baptist church held an interesting mooting at tho church -yesterday afternoon. Besides tho regit, lar society business which was trans acted Mrs. Harry Frenr rendered a pleasing vocal solo and Miss Lc-nu Clark, of Providence, gavo a recitation that was much enjoyed. A meting of tho Toadies' Aid soelotv wim onmim.io.i Immediately after tho close of tho mis, slonary meeting, Hornbnker gives trading stamps and redeems them too, Mrs. Mark Hdgur. of Sanderson ave, line, entertained at cards yesterday af tornoon. M. C, Carr, of Dickson avenue, left Inst evening for Chicago where he uxr pects to engage In business, Joseph Hosebaum and family, for? merly of the corner of Mead and Air bright avenues, have moved to New York. Look at Ilornbaker's presents given for trading stamps, Tho scholars of school Noa. 27 and 23 had postofllce boxes In tho different rooms yesterday to accommodate St:. Valentine and not a llttlo merriment was occasioned when this mall woji distributed. Free vaccination at Nos. 2S and :;jl schools today from 9 a. m. to 12, and from 2 to i p. m. f , ANOTHER KIND OF CALENDAR (Concluded (ram Page d.) felonious wounding and carrying con cealed weapons, went out at 10 o'clock yesterday morning nnd were still out at adjourning time. Iguotz Konocko, of Koyscr Valley, was returned not guilty of assault nnd hattery on Walter Shcmunskl. Tho costs wcro divided. John Hall escaped trlul on the charge of criminally aBsnultlng the 14-year-old daughter of William Hawkins, of Prjccburg, tho girl refusing to testify. A verdict of not guilty was directed by Judge Edwards in the case In which Peter Castallano, of Dunmorc, was churged with criminal assault on tho 13-year-old daughter of his neighbor, Vlncenzlo Dlhlaso. Tho girl, with un other of her own age, was playing about on excavation where the defend ant wns at work, near Nay Aug tunnel. They took his coat nnd hid It. JVhen ho could not find It, ho playfully took hold of them, threw one of thein down, threw the other on top of her. and do- dared ho would not let them up until f tliey told him where tho Coat was hid den. Tho father of tho Dlblaso girl happened along and as a result Cos tnllano was arrested. The story as told by the girls con vinced Judge Edwards that there was no crime attempted, and he directed a verdict of not guilty to ho entered. As sistant District Attorney Thomas ad vised tho court that tho commonwealth did not wish to press for a conviction. Costallano was married to tho pret tiest girl in tho Italian settlement in Dunmorc a week prior to his arrest. VEUDICT OP NOT GUILTY. A verdict uC not guilty was taken In the case of Itoland Bcllls, charged by Robert Staff with false pretense. It was settled out of court. A verdict of not guilty was also taken in the case in which Joseph Davis charged Howell Thomas with assault and battery. The defendant recently enlisted In the army. The same disposition was made of the case In which Peter Gaverick was charged with receiving a cow which AVilllam Terklscavago is alleged to have stolen from Michael McDon ough. There was no evidence to con nect Gaverick with the crime. John Hughes was found guilty of tho charge- of securing credit from Com mission Merchant Joseph J. Bruno by falsely representing that his brother had agreed to back him up. A jury was out at adjourning time in the case of James Butler, of West Linden street, charged with aggravated assault and battery. A verdict of not guilty, county to pay the costs, was entered in the last case on the list, in which Charles Jordan, an aged Carbondale man, churged Pat rick Connor with assault and battery. A capias was Issued for Annie Stain er, charged with assault and battery on Adolph Derodofsky. Freedman Makes Charges. Mr. Freedman, whose difficulties with Attorney George M. Okell have led to a trespass &uit and counter-suit for slander, applied to court yesterday, through Attorney K. AV. Thayer, for an injunction to restrain Attorney Okell from continuing the iiIIcrpiI fraud, which is charged against liiin in the trespass suit. Mr. Freedman reiterates in bis In junction affidavit the allegations on which tho trespass suit is based. Up says lit; lives in Philadelphia and owns a dry goods store at 1X7 Penn avenue, which is conducted by his son, Louis Freedman. In April. 1001, Mr. Welnlrobe, of New York, had 11, claim against him for about $100. Ho negotiated a settlement of tho claim on the basis of llfty cents on tho dollar. Attoney Okell was en gaged by him to consummate the settle ment. May 11, 1001, Mr. .Okell went be fore Alderman Kusson and represent ing himself to bo tho attorney for Woin trube, began an action on the claim against Freedman. When judgment was directed against Freedman his son went to Mr. Okell to inquire what the action meant, and was told that it was merely a part of the procedure necessary to effect a settle ment and thut it wouldalso bo neces sary for him to permit judgment to enter and to enter 11 stay of execution. Attorney Okell represented that Weln trobe insisted on this manner of ar ranging the settlement. Freedman al lowed judgment to enter without at tempting a defense, and entered a stay of execution. To enter a stay of exe cution it wns necessary for Freedman to give security for tho judgment, In terest nnd costs. August 5, 1801, Attorney Okell pur chased the claim from Welntrobe and had it assigned to "It. Williams." Exe cution was had on tho note. The stay of execution expired yesterday. Mr. Freedman now usks that an In junction issue restraining Attorney Okell and "It. Williams" from collect iihr on tho judgment or transferring it. and compel them to accept $30 and can cel the Judgment. Court granted a rule to show why nn Injunction should not bo granted. It was made returnable next Wednesday, Asking' for a New Trial. Attorney John J. Murphy yesterday applied to Judgo Weand for a new triul for Michael McNulty, who wus convicted Wednesday of stealing $3 irom ms room-mate. It Is alleged that tho charge of tho judgo was partial and that ho omitted to charge the Jury on the matter of reasonable doubt. Election Appointments. Peter Korba was yesterday uppolnted minority Inspector In the Second ward of Maylleld, vice Andro Ivnnol;, who has moved from tho ward, M. J. McOowun wus uppolnted Inspec tor of election In Throop borough, vice Stephen McDonald, who Is a eundlduto for Justice of tho peace. Disagrees with Former Decisions. JudKO A. A. Yosbui'K yesterday hand ed down his report as nudltlni? Judge in the estate of Letty Ann Itlchurd, deceused. The claims of Abel Tonkins are partly allowed, but a portion are disallowed, as being harped by the statute of limitations. Judge Vosburg holds that this statute can now be pleaded in the orphans' court, not withstanding some old decisions to tho contrary, The clulm allowed Mr. Tonkins Is for tho sale of a house which tho decedant was to have "her own time" to pay for, according to tho testimony offered. Judge Vosburg holds that, under all the cifcuinstauces of tho transaction, this money was not due for six years, the statutory period, and thut, there fore. It Is not barred by the limitations act. Tho accountant is aUrccted to pre pare a schedule nnd formal decree of distribution, if exceptions are not filed within n rtnvii FOR SINGERS AND SPEAKERS The New Remedy for Catarrh Is Very Valuable. A Grand rtaplds gentleman who represents a prominent manufacturing concern travels through central and southern Michigan, relntes tho follow ing regarding the new catarrh cure, ho lavs! , "After suffering from catarrh of tho head, throat and stomach for several years, I heard of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets qulto accldontly nnd like every thing else I Immediately bought a package and was decldely surprised at tho Immediate-relief It afforded mo and still more to Hnd a complete cure after several week's use. "I havo a llttlo son who sings In a boy's choir In one of our prominent churches, and he Is greatly troubled with hoarseness and throat weakness, and on my return home from a trip I gavo him a few of the tablets one Sun day morning when he had complained of hoarseness. Ho was delighted with their effect, removing all husklness In a few minutes and making tho voice clear and strong, "As tho tablets are very pleasant to the taste, I had no difficulty in persuad ing htm to use them regularly. "Our family physician told us they were an antiseptic preparation of un doubted merit and that he himself had no hesitation in using and recommend ing Stuart's Catarrh Tablets for any form of catarrh. "I havo since met many public speakers and professional singers who used them constantly. A prom inent Detroit lawyer told mo that Stuart's Catarrh Tablets kent his throat in fine shape during tho most trying weather, and that he had long since discarded tho use ot cheap lozenges and troches on the advice of his physician that they contained' so much tolu, potasli and opium as to render their use a danger to health." Stuart's Catarrh Tablets arc large pleasant tasting lozenges composed of catarrh antiseptics, like Red Gum, Blood Root, etc., and sold by druggists everywhere at 50 cents for full treat ment. They act upon the blood and nuicops membrane and their composition and remarkable success has won tho ap proval of physicians, as well as thous ands of sufferers from nasal catarrh, throat troubles and catarrh of stomach. A little book on treatment of catarrh mailed free by addressing F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. Concluded from Page J.l hunts who would live; on wages received direct from the plant, 'then it is not at all etrava gant, it is further icasoned, to add at least 25, (XX) for the number of store keepers, servants, and others who would tlud cmpIomcut as a. re sult of the picscncc of the steel men. So South lluffalo is destined to become a city of at least M),000 inhabitant;:. This cannot be disputed. The truth is the 60,000 will bo tho eocd of a greater city. South IlulTalo will bo come a second Kast Chicago, a second Homestead. All tho other manufacturing sections of the city will be insignificant beside it. And I lie steel plant will not bu the only industry. So far as is known there are at the present time no plans for other factotiea in the vicinity of the steel plant; but that other factories will go up there i3 assuied, say men familiar with industrial methods. Tho steel plant will bo tho nucleus. Around it, it is predicted by men who have never been charged with being visionary, will cluster numerous other plants; and in the years to come other big ttccl mills will be erected. ITS WATCH FHO.NT. The Lackawanna Iron and Steel company has two and otic-halt miles of water front, one-third as much as the entire city, and it is well pro tected by tho new breakwater. Ill tiuth, the 6tccl plant lias u superb harbor of its own. Pocks will be built and jetties formed so that iron ore, coming from the west, can bo dumped almost from the vessel into the furnaces, and so tho big iron, rails and other products can be swung aliuoit from the factory buildings on to the ships. Tho facilities for handling the material will bo absolutely perfect; they will bo just what the owners of all steel mills would like to have. Of course all the output will not bo shipped by lake; the great bulk of it will bo hauled over tho coinpanj's own road to the junction of other lines and then distributed over the country. The company has a road ot its own seven miles long and on tho lino ot which arc seven overhead blidges. When the equipment Is complete, clec trical locomotives will bo Used to replace the Mcam engines now employed. Klecli Icily will, in fact, be utsd to a much gicater extent than it is used in any other steel plant la Hits country, or, for that nutter, In tho woild. Tho towering gantries which slip along on rails, set Ihren or four rod apart, are manip ulated entirely by electricity. Power is tiam niltted by cables which aro stretched in conduits beside tho main rail, Those gantries, or itanes, as they uro mora commonly known, nro employed to elevate and move massive pieces of machinery, Uventually they will be used also to lilt mils. One of tho biggest of these devices lifts 30 tons as gracefully as a man lifts a pound. Over toward the lake there will bo a masil.-e gantry tho legs of vvlikli will iut on i-oncrole walls inoio than 600 feet apart. Tho tpico be twetu the walls will be utIIUed as a stock de pository and the inis.ion of the gantry will bo to muvc it, into tho furnaces if it bo ore, into vessel If it bo finished pioduct. This will bo Craled by electricity. The machinery in all jllio shops which is now up is lun Willi electricity. In tho carpenter shop, tho planew, the table kiws and all the other appilauci-s aro operated with motors; likewise are the lathes in the ma chine shop, the boiler shop, in brief III all the factory buildings, mil by electricity. Tho uovver is transmitted in undeigrouml conduits and is conveyed io various paits of the structures with all the care of concealment observed in the finest kind of electrical vvoik. Nothing is pooily done; tanking is dona In u maimer which can elicit an.y. tiling but tho wonderment of Ijjiiicu and the highest admiration of experts. Klectriclly lias been and will bo employed wlieiever it is advan tageous and its manipulation lias even thus far been eo s skillful that It lias caused wide com ment among eieciiical engineers and cxpeils throughout tho country. i:i.KC'IHICAl. KXdl.NKKHS. A glance into the department of electrical en. glnciis, In tho hamUome office building, revealed a sharp-eyed, thievvd-appearing man, ceitalnly sw& yrznr$-axsa ieaieuxiiu! -lint a tuiiaiu uiw?lir not over S3, directing- the work ot a corps ot ex pert olccltlctil engineers, not one ot whom is over 30 and most ot wli6tn arc under 20. These 3-011113 nitn have done all the electrical work and will continue to lo eo. The aupctlnlcndcnl has pljnned everything himself, and when It Is borne in mind that every device and appliance is ot special design, It will be understood what an achievement has been that of this loilmt super intendent and Ills corps ot Joung assistants. They have done the electrical wolk in tho most complete electrical plant In this country, and have had many opportunities for tho display of oiigio.ii gcniu.i. Tlia men o controt (lie Industry did not come to Unffnlo because they Were flsked to come, They had known of the advantages of liuftalo Ions before titer attention was oalled to them ami had practically decided to lorale hcie. The double adiantago of a fine lecelvlng point and a fitp.cib distributing point appealed forcefully to tho men whoso plant nt,cruntou was constantly proving more Inadequate to the bushiest. It wa. in a word, decided to erect tho finest and largest plant In the country, and Stony Point was se lected as tho ideal 6pot, especially so because ot the new bieakwatcr which was then in process of consliuctloii. The announcement caused an much Ulwmlneis in Scranton as It did rejoicing in llumilo; for, notwithstanding that (he Sernnlon establishment was less thnn 11 miarter the 1.I20 cf the plant now liullillnir, It was tho chief Industry of the Pennsylvania, city and had been for many yearn. Already several hundred people from Scranlon nave taken up homes In IlulTalo, 'I he entlic en Itlnccrlnff corps moved hero n lon time ng.i; the various foremen, the machine shot), carpen ter shop nnd loll shop men, in shoit all the irgu lar employes who could be used dining tho con struction period, are now here, and the other will come as noon an plaeet nie created for them. Most, of (hem h.ne brought lliolr families nnd arc living in South IlulTalo, in Limestone, In West Seneca, on all tho loads which foim 11 network in the town of West Seneca. THE MARKETS Wall Street Review. New York, Feb, 11. The reaction which de veloped in yesterday's stock market continued till morning but v.m checked durlnsr the day nnd a Mel of pilcei was established Milj-tiintlally above l.i.-t night. The market became un-.tcnil.v again and closed lather heavy, Tin- dealings In Colorado and Southern were on a heavy scale. Tho prcfcrivd .stocks wen- also strung. The ru mor in tho stiect to account for the movement i.H that competition for conliol of the road U ro iiiR on, probably between Union P.iclllc nnd the Oould iiitcii'sK The sttemstli of Suear was dm; to the decision to take up the Cuban leelproclty question in coiutii'ss after the war tax reduction measure Is out of the way, ll.iKluiori' anil Ohio was in very active demand and more than re covered its semi-annual dividend of i pur cent., which came oil this morning, llioolilvn Tramtt made a notable recovciy fioni jwlcrday's depres sion and .Manhattan was ftioiv; in sympathy, but Metropolitan Sheet Hallway fell away over a point at the last. No public anmmnciment had been made in the sticot of Ibc Metiopolltan's re adjustment plan. The Chicago and (ireat West can rose from 1 to 2 points on icpoits that the company had acquiicd tho St. Joseph and (Irand Island. Southern Hallway piefeircd lose on the belief that it is to be placed on a . yer cent, dividend basis. The advance in Southern Pacific was also icsumcd for over a point. Amalgamated copper was tne leaner or me specialties in point of activity and dropped 1 at one time. The Glucose storks lost li',4 each. Sonic of tho minor stocks which have lccently advanced suffered par ticularly from profit taking in the morning. Unr liugton, Cedar It.ipids and Noitlu-ru jumped 0 points on two tiansactions. Total sales today, uj!,000 shares. Bonds were again active but movement of prices was irregular. Total sales. par value, f.Vil.'i.lM). "nltcd States bonds all uiahangcd on the last call. The following quotations are furnished The Tiib, une by M. S. Jordan & Company, rooms T05-700 ucars uuiiuii'g, acranion, ra. Telephone, auirs: Open- Iligli- how- Clos ing, est. est. ing. American Sugar licVJi lili'.i 1911 Vli Atchison (', Ts ":k 77-74 Atchison. IV !fi !S', tiVv'.', t'S'i Ilrook. Traction til1,', lil'i COJi MTf. Halt. .V Old 101 lirvTi lTa H'j'A dies. & Ohio trt Itili -Hi IG'A Chic, tc (f. W -SiK Ei',1 2IVb St. Pan! V...KIV!; HKiaj jiija, ,-,-;, Hock Island liCMi US'. KB'' lillli Ivan. & Tew, Pr M !il?A .13 .llli l.ouis. .t Nash -in m-iVi 111191 100'.!, Man. dictated I'll! l:il'i l.'llli lffi'i .Met. Traction 171 17US WJii W"s Missouri Pacllli- 101 11)114 l(i.a', 10P.J, Southern Pacific- if, 07J4 0,'iTs 07 Xorfolk & Western ,17'i fis ,-,7y. .IS llriu ;w?k 4n'4 n-A -to Hrie. 1st IV Wiji 70'i 0!b 70 X. Y. Central 1(11 nn HU"i ll!4"s Out. & Wct. .-it :uu :u tills Pciuu. II. It ISIi'i 131 l.K) ISO! Pacific Mall 1.1;, a.yj'i 43 454. Headline .IS lis ij .17'. .r7ai Heading, Pr S.IU fwi(. KHJ &!',& Southern H. It :"l :i !:). oils Southern H. II., Pr .... !it W-. ! " 97',s Tenn, foal it Iron ftlii l'i',i l"1- W T. S. heather 11U 11 Va llli 11'. V..H. Leather, IV Sli Sl'.i Sl'.i MJi If. S. Hubher .....II II II 1 I'nion Pacillo ltti KBl ( 10.1?, Union Pacific, Pr ifi',4 S9Ys RH1 SW4 Wabash, Pi- 4,'ITs 41il : .13?S Western Union Q 1)1 01 til Am.il. Copper tiOVi f7?l 0S!i People's tlas 100 11XH4. 100 100 Col. So ISTatolS 10(. 17?i 1IH4 Texas Pacific 41 4'?h 419i 42'A Am. Car Foundry SHa 2:)V3 2!) 2914 Am. Card'oundry, IV.. M?s .fcSTd 8SU SSH U.S. Steel Co II V4I',4 i:t?i 44'i U. a Steel Co., Pr .... 91 Ul?a 03?s 01 Ecranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. . nid. Lackawanna Dairy Co.. Pr GO County Savings Hank & Trust Co,. SOO I'irst National Hank (Caiboudale) Standard Prilling Co Third National Hank 550 Dime Deposit and Discount Dank.. 275 Economy LiMit. II. & P. Co First National Hank 1S0O Asked. noo so 40 Lacka. Trust & Safe Deposit Co.... 105 Claik & Snovcr Co., Pr Scranton Iron l-'cnce k Mfg. Co. ... Scranton Axle Works ,..,, Scranton Savings Hank Tiaders' National U mk , Scianton Holt & Nut G o People's Hank , New Mexico Hy. & 17. Co IIOXDS. Scranton Passenger Hailway, first Mortgage, due 1920 People's Street Iiailway, first mort gage, due 1013 People's Street Hallway, General mortgage, duo 1021 Dickson Manufacturing Co Lacka, Township School 0 per cent. City of Scranton St. Imp. 0 per cent Scranton Ti action C per cent 1-Cconoiny Light, Heat & Power Co., 123 100 ... , 03 500 220 113 133 73 115 115 115 10O Vfi 102 111 us Scranton. Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. G, Kale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.) I'lour Jl.'W. ' Deans $2,40. Hutter I'lcsh cieamciy, 23c; June creamery, 23!,.c.; ilalr.v. 22c. Cheefc ll',ial2c, i:gg Xeaiby, 32c: fancy sloiage, 27c. Pcas-Per bir.l.cl, ?l.73. Potatoes Per bushel, S3c, Onions Per bushel, $1.00. New York Grain nnd Produce Market New Yoilt, l'cli. II. I'lour Steady in face of the wheat break, with a fair trade. Wheat Spot casv, 'Xo, 2 nil, M'jc. f. o. b. alloat; No. 3 red, IK)!.c. elevator; Xo. I northern Dulilth, fcsJc f. o. b, atlcat: wheat showed a rather shaip decline tnilav: llin nulla I closed easy at ?-. pet de cline'; March closed bpic; May, Sic; July, W?ic. Com Spot rasy; No. 2, USc. elevator and tW'.io. f, o. b, alloat; coin was weak todav and closed Wa.?ii!. net lower; May dosed (17c; JuhvUl'iu.i September, 05Hc Oats Sput film; Xo. 2, tOc.j No, 3, Isc,; Xo. 2 wlilte, .W.Se.j Xo. ft white, 50c-.; track mhed vve-tern. IfUIOi;. ; trick white, IDaSSc; options, quiet and ca,y. Hiittci Finn; creamery, 2la2iv. j do, factory. M-iiUc. ; June crvjiiiciy, liJilr.) icnovated, IJaSIc ; imitation creanieiy, ItU-i'tc. ; state dalrv, bi27c. Cheese Firm; statu full cream, small caily made laucy colored, lH-ial-V. ; state full cie.1111. small caily made fancy white, ll'Jo. ; laitse early made i-o-tiled, JO-Hc, ; lirge cailv made white, PHic. Fggs Sliong; slate and Pcnn.vlninla, t!0c. ; wist- (III, HOC. J bUllthcin, 20j;C'. Chicago Grain and Produce Market. Chicago, l'cb. H. Tho bullish U-ndeiiey of eteidav's grain maiKet give way today 10 11 change In sentiment. Wheat was weaker, largely because there win notlilmr to help boMcr up prices. Other pits felt Ibis influence and Mar wheat closed ?ia',3c. down; Slay corn. lie. lower, ami May cuts Uc. lower. Provi-toiu closed 215 1 "!jc. down, Cash quotations vvcie as follows: Flour Dull, SalOc. lower: Xo. :J tpilng vvlrat, 735ia70?e. ; No. 2 led, 70'in7S',ae-, ; No. 2 yellow coin, OOiic; Xo. 8 oats, IS'aUSssev; No. 2 white, 15!c-.; Xo. t white, lHial39ic; No. 2 rye, This alg-naturo i on every box ot tbs genomsj Laxative BromoOuinineTtbiet4 FINANCIAL. WE OFFER TO YIELD ABOUT 5 $400,000 BUTTE ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY Of Butte, Mont. (Ilutle Is the greatest copper producing city in tho world.) 5 First Mortgage 'Sinking Fund Gold Bonds ,i Ucnomtnalljn 91.000. maturlns 1 to .10 yean. Amply provided for by rcscrvo and llnklur funrl. Net cainlne Ihree and three -quarters times Interest cliarsc). nmo lor icpori 01 jir. Samuel insull, ciicular. RUDOLPH KLEYBOLTE & CO. 1 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. . 0015c; fair to choice tualllwr. OOaOle.j No. 1 ll.ix seed, !l.(i7nl.S! Xo. l iiotthwcstrm, $1.71li; prime timothy. seed, MUi mess pork, Shl.O-Vi 13. 70 J laid, tu.Stliinu.'.M: short llhs sides, lj.H.304 S.oOj diy .sailed shoulders, 7ii7',ic.; shoit clear sides, S.7JaS.6D; whiskey, $1.81. Chicago live Stock Market. Chicago, l'cb. 14. Cattle HccelptJ. 2,G0Ol steady; good to prime steers, H.W),i7.2.i; pool to medium, $4ail.2.1; stnckeis anil feeders, $-'.M.t 4,00; cows, !fI,2Ja."; helfeis, S.'.:jivir.2.ii canneis, $l.'.'(la2.2.1; bulls, 2.f,o,il.r,o; calves. 2.:,0.i7.f.0; Te-viis fed steers, iJI.2,".i.1..Hi, llojrs Heccipts to day, 118,000; left over, S.ono; m.iruei ufencd Vciikj cloved flilOc. lower; mlMsl and biilcheis, $j.Mal.:;); good to choice heavy, fd.21afl.4.r, tough heavy, !.'i.!JOHS.20; light, .1.,10,i1.IHi; bulk of sales, if,1,s.1 u.:,. Slieep lteceipts, 7,000; sheep anil lambs steady; (rood to choice wethers, i?l. 7.1,1.1.2:.; vvcslern --luep, sl.lM.iG: n.ilivc l.inib, 11.2.1 KI.73; western lambs, tj.VAi.iiJ. 75. Buffalo Live Stock Market. Kast IlulTalo, Tib. 1 1. Catlle-Uecclpts light, maikct stioiig; veah, tops, j8,7.1a).2.i ; common to good, n.7i.i8.I0. Hogs Ilecclpt. .V-OO head; active and full steady; heavy, fftl.iil.iij.110; mixed, (11.1040 Ml; pigs, if.l.Mf.il.HO; lniiehs, !.1.t0.ij.70; stags, ?la4..10. Sheep and l.ainbs--Hecelpls, 1.1, OtHi head; active; limbs, .lain.-, hijilici; sheep flim; tops, mixed, SI PO.i.l.tii; culls to good. M.10 a l.SO; wethers, $3.2-1.15.00: yearlings, !1.50i5.'j0; top iambs, $ll.u0a(J.(l0; culls to good, MI.73UU.1. Oil Market. Oil City, l'cb. 14. Credit l)4laiur, 111; ceil I llcatcs. no bid; shipments, 57.372 baireh; aver age, M).73I banels; inns, 7S.501 battels; average, KM 17 bands. ELECTION PROCLAMATION. Office of the City Hecorder City of Scranton, Pa,, February, llli. 1002. xotici: js iii:iii:ijv giviix that t a (Jeneral i'.lectlon to be held on Tuesday, the eighteenth day of I'ebiuary in-l.tnt, being tho third Tuesday of l'cbniai.v, the following offices will be voted for at Hie Usual places of holding elections in the City of SVmuton, Pa., io wit:- A City CcntiollcT Io .serve fur the term of Hire; .veaiK beginning the first Monday of Apill, VW2. One Select Councilman to serve for the term of four years beginning the first Mniulav of April, 1002, in each of the oven numbered wards lit wit: The Second, Kointli. Sixth, lllghth. Tenth, Twelfth, 1'oui lecnth, Sixteenth, Kightecnlh and Twentieth. Common f'ouncilmcn from the even numbered wards to serve for the tcim of two years begin ning the flrst Monday of April, I!k2, as follows to wit: Four from the Second waul, three fioni I'ourlh waul, two from the Sivth ward, one fioni II10 Klglilh vvaid, one fioni the Tenth ward, one from the Twelllh ward, one Irom Fourteenth waid, one from the Sixt.-eiilh war, one fioni the Lightcenth waul, two from the Twentieth waid. One School Controller for the term of foul years from the last Tuesday fn Februarv. M, In each of the odd lumibeied vvaids, Io wit: -I'iot, Third. Fifth, Seventh, Xinlli, Kh-v i-tilh. Thlr lecnth. Fifteenth, Seventeenth, .Nineteenth and Twenty-fiist. One Aldeiman lo hm-vp for the lenu of live years in each of the following W.111I-, til wit: Fifth. Seventh, Twelfth, Fighteeiith and Nine teenth. One Assessor from each ward in '"- rite tine t'on.stablc from 'each waid in the city. One -Judge of Flections, two inspector of" Rlo. lion and an Assos-or of Voters hi each and evely election district in the city. Also one Poor Dilettor from each of Ihe foll'iw ing boroughs and townships to wit: -The lloio.ig'i of Providence, the Township of PiovitlciHe, the Ilnrnugh of 11 de Park, the Horough of Scrairnu, (Ninth ward), the Horough of Scianton. (Mi Idle ward), the Horough of Scmnlon, (Smth ward). 1 ' (Signed) W. L. CONXIIM.. fit- ttoenrdcr. RALPOApT1META BLES Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In FfTect Nov. :!. 1W0I. Trains leave Scranton for New- York At 1.10, 3.15, ll.U,-., 7.&0 aud 10.0.1 a. in.: 12.1.1. .'.'.IO, 3..1I p. m. For New York ami P!illadclphla7.5(, JO.Oj a. in., and 12,13 and 3,c':l 11. 111, For Tob.c hanna At 6.10 p. 111. For Buffalo 1. 13, 0.22 and 9.00 a. m.; 1.03, 0.50 and 11.:)". p. in. For Ulus hamton and way statlous 10.20 .1, 111. and 1,10 p. in. For Oswego, Syracuse and Ulica 1,15 and 0.22 a. m.; 1.51 p. 111. Oswego, Syracuse and Ulica train at 0.22 a. 111. daily, except Sunday. For Montrose D.C0 a. 111. ; l.ll) and (i.M p. in. Nicholson accommodation 1.00 and 0.1.1 p. 111. lJloomsburc; Division For Xoithumhcilaiid, at C.35 and 10.03 a. in.s 1..13 and 0.10 p. in. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. in.; 3.10 and O.oo p. m Sunday Trains For New York, 1.10, 3.13, 11.03 and 10.03 a. m.: 3.10, 3.S3 p. 111. For llutlalo 1.1.1 and 0.22 a. m.; 1.C.1, b.30 and II, 3.1 p. in. For Illuglumton and way stations 10.20 a. in. lllcomshurcT Division Leave Scianton, 10.03 a, in. and 0.10 p. 111. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule in Hlt'ccl June 2. 1001. Trains leave Scranton: (I.3S a. in,, week days, through vestibule Ir.iin from Wlllies-Harre. Pull man buflet pailor car and coaches to Philadel phia, via I'otuvlllc; slop.- al piiueipal lutiime dialo stations. Al-o connects for .Minimi, liar lisbmg, Philadelphia, IJaltliMore, Washington and lor Plttsblllg iillll llli! VMM. 0.3S a. in., week cla.vs, for lunbiiiy, Iliiil-biug, Philadelphia, Itiltiniore, Washington and Pittb bing and tho went. 1.42 p. ni., week days (Sundays. l.BS p. m.), for Sunlmry, llanisburg, Philadelphia, llaltlmorc, Washington and Pittsburg aud the west, 3.2S p. 111., week dav. throiisli-vestlhule train fioin WllJies'llarre. Pullman bullet parlor car aud coaches tn Philadelphia via Pottsville, Slops at piliieip.il intermediate station. t.27 p. in., week days, for llj.leton, Suubuiy, li.iirisb'.ug, Philadelphia mid Plttsbuig, .1. 11. HI'TCIIIXSOX, Cien, Mgr. J. U. WOOD, Hon. Pass. Agr. Now Jersey Central. I In I'.lfeet Nov. 17, llHll. 'Stations In New York, lout of Liheily sheet aud Soulh I'eiry, N. IE, Trains leave Scanto'i for New York-, Philadel phia, Kxstou, llrtlileheiu, Al It mown, Maiu-h lNli link, White Haven, Ashley and Wilkcs-Uaiic at 7.30 a. in., 1 p. m. and 1 p. in. .Suuda.v, 2.111 p. m. ii.tmI.-i.p Pile F.nrpn leaves Str.inlnn nt T.-lll a. in,, liucugh solid vvstlhule train with Pullman Uutlet Pallor Cji, for Philadelphia, I or avoci, rinsioii aim viiiues-naire, 1 p. 111. and I p. in. Sund.i), 2.10 p. in. t For Long HrauUii Ocean (.love, etc., 7.U0 a. m. and I p. 111. For Ileaellpg. Leluum and llairUbuig, via Al Jentown. at 7,30 a, 111. and 1 p. 111. fcunday, 2.10 p. 111. For 1'otUville at 7.30 a. in. and 1 p. 111. For rates and tickets apply to agent at station. C. M. IIUKT, Cm. Pas, Agt. W. W. WUSTJj, Gen. hupt. New York, Ontario and Western. In Fried Tuesday. Sept, 17, 1U01. XOIITH HOC Si). Leave Leave An he Tuiii. Scranton, Carbondale. Cadosia. Xo. 1 ...... ..10.SO8. III. 11. 10a, 111. 1,00 i. 111, v 7 0,10 p. 111. Ar. Carbondale 0.10 p. in. osdliTtl HOl'XD. Lvavo Leave Arrive Trail". Xo. il ., Cjelo,!a, Caiboudalf. Scianton. 7ta, in. 7. Id a, m. No. 2 2.1-) p. in. 4.UUi, m, 4. SCNH.US ONLY, NOUTII HOL'NH, 2.13 p. m. 4.00 p, m, l.lo p, in, Leave Leave Anlve Trains. Xo, Xo. 3 , Stianlou. t'.iibui.dale. Cadosia, ,. S.tiO.i. in. 0.10 p. m, 10. 13 a. 111. . 7,00 p. in. Ar. Caiboml.ilo 7.l0p. 111, 'Ol.'TH IIOl'XI), Le-ave Leave Art ire Caelosla, Caihondalc. Scianton. 7,ina, ill. 7.10 a. m. . 1.30 n. m. U.lWn. in. U.I3 11. m. Tiaiin. Xo. U Xo. 10 Tialns Nod. 1 oil week dav. and 0 oil Sundavs. nuke main line connections for Xew York illy, Mlddlctotvn, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Osvvigo and all )olnts west. For further iidoimatiou ccusult ticket agents. J. C. AXDUIISOX, !, P. A., Xew York. J, 11. UL'LSII, T. P. A., Scranton, Pa. Erie Bailroad, Wyoming Division. Tialns for New Y'oik, N'cwburgli and Intel me diate points leave Scianton as lullovvs: 7. ill a, m.i 2.23 p. m. Arrlv-aU 10.33 a. m, from Mldcllctowu. llonu dale, lliivvicy and iutimedlate jHiintt. 0.20 p. in. Iiom Xew Y'oik, Xe'wbiirgli nl inicnnvdlate luiuti Xo Sunday trains. FINANCIAL, AA'WkA'ltaiWlJIWIMIMIUIVlkl Picsldcnt ot the Chicago l.'dlson Co,, and special , F. MEQARGEL d. CO. STOCKS. BONDS, SECURITIES CONNELL BUILDING, Spencer, Trask & QAAIKERS 27 &2UN.1C Street, New York Now roady for gratui tous distribution, 100S Edition (Pocket Sizo.) Statistical Tables Members JT. Y. Stock Exchange "THE BLACK TIGER" A yitult of wealth discorded at "grass roots. Here is a 1:110 chance to sec a few dollars riow Into several thousand. First al lotment of ticasuiy stock in "Till: 1II.ACK 'IlflKIt COPPKIl MIXINO CO." of Wyoming-, offered at only 7 CUNTS PFlt SIIAHK. Chancel ale rood that it will advance in value as rapidly ns "TIIU HUM, TELE PIIOM-:" stock. Wc (U.'AllANTKi: tlieie will lie no stock ofleied by the officers of "The Ul.ick TJrci" by .Inly lib, 1TO2, for less than 2.-.c. per share. UOUKl.CT l-'UKIl. Writo at once to Tj-ir. i'i:i)i-:ii.r; si:cukitv eg., 27" Deaiborn St.. Chleauo, 111. Hank icference furnished. Vt MniiufocturcH or OLD STOCK 8B to 455 N. Ninth Stroet, Telephona Call, 2333. Success in love, marriage, business, etc, Di sruptive photo of who ou should mairy. Satis faction or money lefunded. Spud birth tlato with 1IK-. tor t.vpevviitten Horoscope Ine-ludiug copy of of my book on Astiology. PIIOF, POSTCb. Xo. 'SO, Lausdovvuc, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware and Hudson. In F.ilVet November 21, 1W1I. Tialns for Caibondalo leave Scranton at (1.20, 8.00, S.3.1, 10.13 a. 111.: 12.00, 1.2-I. 2,31, 3.62, 0.2:), U.i3, 7.57, 0.13, ll.Sd p. 111.; 1.31 a. in. For Ilonesdale 0.20, iU.13a. ni. ; 2.31 and 0.20 '''For Wllkei-llciie 1J.3J, 7. IJ. S.41, 0.3S, 10.11 a. 111,; 12.U.I, 1.12, 2.1S, 3.2S, 1.27, CIO, 7. IS, 10.11, 11.30 p. Ill, For L, V. II, It. Points-IMS, D.3S a. ni.; 2.19, 1.27 aud 11.50 p. m. For Pennsylvania It. It. Points 0.38, 0.33 a. 111.; 1.12, 3,2:1 and 1.27 p. in, For Albany and all points noith 0.20 a, ni. and 3.32 p. m. SUNDAY TitAi.NS. For Caihondalc S.00, ll,.';:j 4. m. ; 2.31, 3,32 0.02 ami 11,17 p. ni. For Wllkcj.llarie-0.33 a. in.; 12.0J, 1.58, 3.2 0.32 aud l'.17 l. m. For Albany and points 1101 Hi 3.S2 p, in. For IlonedaIe S..10 a, 111. and .1,52 p. m, W. L. PItYOIt. D. P. A., Scianton, Pa. Leliislt Valley Railroad, In Lilect, Nov. tl, 1001, Trains leave Siranton. I'c Philadelphia and Xew Yolk via D. i II. I!. II., ai 0.3!. and 11.33 a. 111., and 2.1S, 1,27 llll.uk Diamond Lsprj.), and 11.31) p, 111. Sun- das, 1). : II. It. II.. 1.3 S.27 p. in. For While Haven, Hazleton and ptlnclpal points In Hie coal lesions, via D. ,V 11. II. It., 0.38, 2.1H and 1.27 p. in. For t'otUvillv, O.ia J, in., 2,13 p. 111. Heading, HarrUbum-, and piiueipal inteiuiediate stations, via D. 4: II, II, 11., ii,j', t.3S a. m.; 2.1s, 1.27 tlllack Din. inoud i:piess), 11.30 p. in, Suuelays, 11, i II. for iis'imeii..". .,-,,. II. !., !'.3 a. in.; j.a-., o.st p, 111. For 'lunkhanuock, Towanda, lllmlia. llhaca, (.'enevj aud principal intermediate station,, via ).. L. and W. Jt. II., 840 a. ni. ami 3.30 p. 111. For (ic-neva, ltoclictei', llattalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago and all oiiits west, vl.i D. it II. It. It., Ms, 12.W a. 111.; 1.12. 3.23 (illaek Diamond hx prrs), 7.13. 10.41, 11.30 p. m. Siindajs, I. 1: II, II. II., 12. W, S.27 p. in. Pulbuaii pailor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley Parlor cars on all trains between Wilkes-Uan and New Yolk, Philadelphia, Hulfalo and Su-pen-!cu llrldgc. IIOLLIN II. Wll.lll'll, Ceil, Sunt., 2 Coitland kliirt," Xew Y'oik. CHAIII.ia S. LCb'. Hen. Paw. Agt., 20 Cortland stiect, New Yolk. A. W. XOXLMACHLIt. Div. Past. Agt., South llelhleiieui, I'.i. For tickets aud Pullman iitcivitiont apply iq city (Ukt wllw, CU Publio Sijuarv, Wjlkvi-Urie, w liw IS Lager Beer " ; J f'v