Ve fl tn r B THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-JblUDAY, FEBRUARY Id, 1902. JOMAS LONG'S SONS, JONAS LONG'S SONS. Preefl Giiaranfeed American Watch To every person purchasing goods to the amount of $20.00 or over any Credit on JONAS LONG'S SONS. iAtai AtnftiibjAta Bargain Specials Busy Week at the Big Store True merchandise events in this city are traced to Our Great Notwithstanding the extremely low figures quoted during this sale, credit Is freely extended! day before the clock strikes twelve, mm 7i SRLL TJH.retP Wu&i:.'ii IP" Aflflt&Z&- While others talk of the power of cash, here you may choose between the twin pillars of trade Cash or Credit. Ml mmgmssk SIDI.HO MtDS If jou need a bldilmaid, it Is licm jmt tlnl down 113 a I at Eij or pi Ice, mikes no illtfciciiic, our 114-urtiiicnt tmua t ho vvidr-tl ratine. Hero Is .t Imp n iiKiliiitui MlimOMID Sillil oat., polished, llctlllltloil .l?l', high uiiil fide shelve-., lie-, cl pi ilo nilirur, il J i n w t r-", one 1 Iim-'I (in Mlvu mill ivvii euphond 'Hit pine is Mill m idi nml be in mimip nrli-, tii e mm. i Hip Ml Pi lie Is nluim-l i lllii'l on I A (K its vvmthv v line. '"' ,Magnetic Furniture Pacts The well Known "Pionomj" Wall t'ockct, the only peifeet tcccptaclc Toi papcn Tiado bale l'rlio 5()j leduccd to jy- m-kciu, ntov iti:i oi inr, 7I)3 UiN lciiiiikiblv Ion prlcul uuint will Biolly simplify the fur tiMiIng of inn bcdiooin. I lie brill arc icgulitiou Mre, tlhlihril In i choice of iuIom with gold deem iom 'llioy no equipped wllh i-piliuri and good cotton ttp miltrcs Mlo 1'rlco ioin "J OK plete '"" '.'o ),i:.viiii:m nr. corcn, ilJiiU Pull slo, ilcgnnlb uphol sliuil nml illitiioml tufted. 'Hip h ilhclctto so clcr-clv nppioutip? the iplHilinio of lrll hither as to ill inoit defj detection V Ml- I ) C pPllltlH' MllH' It I'SU Alt!' I)l VNb Plume of ulano nol- Nicd inihiiffiiy llnMi, aril-tic I'rpiicl i mul ii.'i I ilio1-u t nijr of 1 1 ik, cuvricil with In in fUtiicd e loin, 1 Itcv po-atv. a dlititigul-hed npppiiiamp tint elic tlu m with liiiiih lilghu piiiul piodiiL tloiK 'Iho Undo iIp U (I . Extension -aiiijassD.iy &l bvSk, 6-foot size. Polished, quartered golden oak, fluted, turned legs and un dersupports. This is a most excellent creation in every particular and will stand the closest Inspection, as will the February Trade Sale Price Extraordinary Carpet Offerings TUTSritV llllUS'SKLS CUUM.T Choice iiieoitmciit of ground colon mil tlgum, ii nil a. j-plcndld weni ipnlltv, vvorlli niio thiiit more tlnn the I'ehmiry 'i'railo Sale Pi Ice. A()r Per jaul u-t' iiiiwv niiAiii: isnitAix Vooi filling. 'Hie inllcm Mikty Is com plete. 'I he price I fai ho- A (in jow normal. 1'ci jitd f :v lourVcxvr iuonclvd i- flit UN A tl.itidud Mini i linao c irer. flhe 'lindo Site to men is llo from the iruil price pQc tniklni; it, per j.ud Jt IHO C UtPl'.T People who used to Five their las foi ueiviti.,' would novel hive ilone b Inil the pike thru liren u low .13 it Is for i"lr IhU fcjle. Per jird A"L STVllt rAHPr.T n altnctlvc Ve nctlin pittcin ' j.irtl wide I er Pel j ml 10t HOCKi:iC'ioii will .isrce tint this U lieadqiiiiteH for roekeiii, nftu a ijllmivic of tile lii'cmeiit lloor. S'cier wcrp they to li4.priccil U3 ilnriner this greit I urnllure (miiliil, llcie U niio of our (hillpiiRp olTcrlus fioiu tills elepiitiiicnt. A11M 110CK1 It finished production In join choice of Koldcn oik 01 liialioRnny fin- lull. Iii1ifi1lfi pil III llirillpil ( i loin cm wil and clu-cli .-liimllcil nick. t ho Tilde 'alp Pnco h 11 diopped like n lnetcoi fiom S-lSo "i A(J to i-vy CREDIT YOU ? CERTAINLY IThe stEEsasEsra SlUKSfSESIl Econoniy 225227 W vomiii MbAitiruiiinireWffljtHMBI? I g Ave TROUBLE THAT IS ON AT THE NOTTINGHAM. Hatter Has Been Eepoitecl at the Hendquaiteis of the Mine WoiK eis Kumar About Pm chases by the Pennsylvania Pieseut Condi tion of the lion Maiket Mine Foreman Piomoted Annual Ke poit of the Lackawanna Will Be Issued Next Week. The 'WilkoH-H.nte Tiinc of kifct night luid the follow! nB' : "Contiaiy to CMiccl.ttionc, tlie tioulile oihtintr between tlio PinrIoC, of the Nottingham collleiv at I'lvinoulh find the ollkluls, 1ms neil been pettli'd, ntither .Ide being willing to agtco to the de maiidh of the uthcr. Fiom me.suit m dicatloiib it aiipeais that unless the dlf leioupes .tie adjusted within a. few d.ijt ceiy einploje in eighteen lollieiics uf the Lehigh and 'N'llkcs-H me Coal coin linj will be called out, in which event M'eial thousand men and bo.s will be tin own inlu lclliiiiest, "The inattei has been lcnoiled to headiiiiaitcis and It -wan htiiled in Ply mouth this .itteinoun that the nieinbcis of the national ospciUIm boaid, as well ns John Alitchcll, pichldent, au now on their way fiom Indianaiiolih to this city, the object of their being to ni.iKc a ftuthei eltoit to aduist iho clstin tlllfeiences befoie the men in the col lleiics lefened to sue oiiloied tint. The niplojes luipe that the exec tithe boaid iIU be hiucehslul in aiiangliig mattcis tatistacttnllj. ' "Thico thiius.uul nun aie enniloved by tin. Lehigh and Wilkeb-Uauc com lumy in Pljiiunttlt aloiu." Rumor About the "Penusy." Theio is a -well dcilned uiinor in ii (iilutlon, Fnjs the Ulnomsbuijr Daily, to the elfect that negotiations aie peiidlng for the minhae of the JJIoouisbuij," and Sullivan ami the ten Pennsylvania and Western lail oi.uIh b the "Penusy," ovet lutes look ing to the ahMiiption of these two linen, It Is unnoted, having iccently been made. It is tuither asserted that in the event ot this consummation be ing biought about tho bitter load will use the tow path or the abandoned Pennavlvimia canal for the extension if their lino to Uerwlck and Neseo ptek, thus bee oinlng a nunc important factor In the it eight cairylng business imd coming hugely Into competition villi Delaw.ue, Lackawanna and West ern, which for many yeais has practic ally enjoyed n monopoly of the hauling and passenger tuililu between heio and Jhw Yoik. This route. It adopted, woukl i.n.iliin the "J'i'iinsy" to liava an eastern out let and would maku It possible for them to connect with tho main lino at New ,u k or Jet bey city, theieby giv ing them a decided advantage over that which they now possess). Tho project Is entiiely feasible and it may bo that tho time is not fat distant when this will be done. abioad, our own mills being unable to give dnliveiles as soon as wanted. Some moie bales of Get man billets aie lepoited to mills whiehhave been unable to get steel at home. A eiuestion hab aiisen .is to the n.i tme of some of the buying lor the second half of 1002. Some people uie inclined to think that at least pait of It Is speculative, and that bticli tians aetions may cause some tioublo later. If this is bo and It Is given only as rumor the opeiatois seem to have been quite successful In taking up lur naces and mill capacity. Ihigineciing and Mining Journal. Mine Poieman Piomoted. Outside Ioi eman Geoigp Sampson, of the Auebincloss collieiy. opeiated bv the Delaw.ue, Laik.iwann and Western company, has been piomoted to the position of outfelde loieman .it the Pettebonc colliery. All. Sampson has been succeeded lit the Aucluncloss by Foieinan Hughes, of Foity Foit, founeily oL Nantieokc. 'ziSiSih. JJPlJ-- D., L. & W. Bonrd for Today. The follow ing is the make-up of the Delaw.ue, Lackawanna and Western boaid foi today: 'illlTJtMUV. 1 1 It let i: n l.tns I iil s p in , M 1. IliniiPfriii, 10 p in, 1". V inUoiiiiir, It ii in, llobuken, 31, I iiiqhluj. 1 ItlDAV, rbllllfUIV II 1 tl ii I it 1 '.0 i. m, llohokcn, M It Mi liini, I a. in , U A, Ilailliokumu , ", n m , I II .Mi C mu, h i in, IMiclm, I II hwail, 7 i. m , I . llallctt, b i m. liiiiiinit, 'I i m, Holiukrn, .1 W. lleiini , 11) i m , ,1 1'. lliuk Irut, 11 a in, II. HMjiii,;, 1 p m , V Caan meli, Up ni , lloliolcn. It ltuei:,;, . i m, II. Doheitx, ii p. in , I). Wallace, 0 p in , Ilolioken, .1. t.errilj. ulllllllt', I'tc ii I in , T c'iiiks; S i. in , I lounfclkci; til i in , Mcholn, 'J p. in , 'Ihomp fcon, U p in, J. IleniiPKin, S p in, 31 (,olden Pushcii n i in, Vii1iipi, 7 i in,, S 1. in , lloiiei, 'I i in , '. McDonnell, 11 I) .1. in., Moiui, (i p in , C. llarthoIuiiiLW , T JO p m , Murpli ; 0 p m, . II. Ilartholomcw ; 0 p. m , 1 anipIiiET, id West 11 1. in , hlib, V. WillS new; " i. in , M. C'arniodi j 1 ji. in , J, J, o'llaia; 11 p. in., O ltamlulph. Pas,sene-ir riiKiucs 7 a. m , (). Vlillrti 7 u. in , Snisrri , ID a in, A J, McDonnell; 0 lj p m, fctmton, S 30 p, in , Muinin Tho lion Market. The ptessuro of business continues very stiong, and theio has been a Bieat deal of conti acting tunning over into the second half of the jear, Theio is a strom? disposition on tho part of Bonio of the minor inteiests to aii Mimo prices. In stiuctuuil mnteiial fop which demand Is especially stiong, theio have been sninn Inprp.'iu t quotations. In rolls there me lepoits that u. t least one order has been placed Doing Good, A si eat deal of good Is being done In nil pmts of the country by Chamber Jain's Cough Itemedy. The most llat tttlng testimonials have been received, Khliig uccotmts of Its good work, of iiKgiavatlng and persistent coughs that have yielded to Its soothing effects, of severe colds that have been broken up by Its use, of tlneatened attacks of pneumonia that have been warded off nml dangctous cases of cioup that it has cuied. The great popularity and extensive sale of this piepaiation can not be a sui prise to anyone who Is neuuulnted with Its goods qualities. Use it when jou have neett of such a remedy and It will do you good. For valft by all druggists. This and That. The old Florence, bleaker in Smlth vllle, now belonging to tho Lehigh Val ley Coal company, ib being toin down. A modern structuie, which will ptepaio coal for maikef fiom tluee dltfeient collleiles in that -vicinity, will be elected. A huge number of bilcklaveis fiom Allentown and Bethlehem tu rived at St. Johns jesterday to begin woik laying the bilclc for the now power house of the Wllkes-Baire am Hazleton electilo ltillway. The woik will bo lushed. Wllkes-Baue Times. Plans uie being piepiued by Julian Kennedy, of Pittsbuig, Pa., for a new Inmate lor tho Hocbester & Pittsbuig Coal company, near Dubois, Pa. It will have mi SO.foot stuck, 19 feet at tho babe, and will run on fouudiy lion. Thn ntolpfif f,j ninmntml )i ,1, l, Itochchter & Pittsbuig ralhoad to se em o n teetier. It is expected that tho unnual icnoit of tlio Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western lalhoad In pamphlet fotm will bo Issued next week. In this icnoit Piesldent Truesdule shows Unit dining tho past year tliej company has spent an aveiago of $250,000 a mouth for bot teunents out of cut lent eainlngs. Tho foiupany'h output of coal inci eased from C.013.S19 tons In 11)00 to 7,531,735 tons in 1901. Tho volume ot passenger tialllo on the Lackawanna hist jutr Is leported to have exceeded all nievlous New Yoik Sun, Tho Baldwin Locomotive Woiks, of Philadelphia, Pa lepoit that oveiy depaitment is operated to full capacity. Inquiries continue hrlsk-. nml n in.,. amount of woik has been booked. Tho ' "' umjniv mil 4,.iiu locomotives of vaiious types, u gain In actual nunv ber oer 1S00, and a fuither gain fiom the fact that tho average weight per locomotive wn3 fully 10 per cent, great er. Among lecent orders may be men tioned 80 engines of various types for the Southern Pacific Hallway company, and 10 compressed air locomotives fiom tho Consolidated, Coal company of West Virginia. Shipments aie going forvvaid regularly; one engine u day Is being delivered to tho Pennsylvania Railroad company. The Baldwin com pany now employs over 11,000 workmen In Its Philadelphia plant, ELKPALE, Bptdil to the Scrwtcn Tribune. Ulkdale. Feb. 13.Wll!lam Anthony, who has been working In Scranton for HAVE BEEN MADE IN LEGITIMATE MINING. $100 Invested in the Lo Hoi mine produced $32,000. Seven Couer d'Alene lead mid silver mines gave last year to their stockholders $11, 00,000. The stock of the wonderful copper piopei ties at Butte and An aconda, iccently amalgamated foi $150,000,000, was sold in the begin ning tor a niPio tilllo ed to its mesent value. The original stockholder have leeched moie than $100 for evei v dollar Invested. Tho Sutio tunnel was inn four miles to i ut nnd chain the tele biateel Comstock Lode, Horn which $."i00,000,000 was taken in gold anil silver, and lctuined in dividends alone over $100 for every one oiiglnallv put in. Evpiv one of these jnopositlons was miscalled a s-pec illation, 't they weie all legitimate business vontutes, and so is the pioposllion which wo piescnt to the public. It is tin extension of tho GHL'AT HTGHLANDEH MINE, which wo have developed and tthUli lins now in sight $1,500,000 of oiu which it will ship at once. tiiiel is an outt'ipi i-e of absolute merit. The tunnel is pioloctcd to i ut nt ii ast twentv veins of golil, sllvei and lead ol gieat value and capable ol raining eij huge dividends. S will, within .1 oall wo aio confltlenl, gii to the puulnibcr Send loi piuspec tus. SHAKES AT PHESENT 50c. for HAXWELL STEVENSON, Presadent 604 Land Title Building, Philadelphia. Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western. In i:ilect Nov. j. loot. Iiiim lino hcranton for Icw ork At 1.10, 3 la, oin, 7.00 and 10 Oj a m , 12, 1 5, , 40, 3 Si p, in lor iNciv V.ork und Philadelphia 7.S0, I00 a m, and l.'.lj and '3 p m, l'or Iob li mill At i 10 p in I ol Uuflilo I, la, 0 ii and ') 00 a in ; 1 5j, U'M ind II io p. m. I'or Urns hainton ind iuj st ition 1U M i in. and 1.10 p in. l'oi Onwc'o, tjiiaiuse ind Utiea 1.15 and 0 ii a in ; 1 53 p in. ' Oari?o, ! and Iltiii tialn at 0.i a in. daib, cxeciit huudaj. 1 oi Vlontioe UiH) a m , 1 10 and h 50 p in. Nnhnl.-on .lecoiiimiiilaliou I 00 and U15 p, in, ltlooin4iu" Iliiioioii I ur i)rllnnnlt'il mJ, at II !5 ind 10 II". a in , 105 ami dill p m Tor l'buioiilh, at b 10 i in ; J 40 and 1)00 p m sumlav Tiaim l'or Mw oil,, 1. 10, J 15. oOj mil 10 03 a in ; .1 10, ." J p m 1 or Buffalo 1 1) and I) ii a. in , 1 ."5, 0 "i0 mil 11,13 p, in, I'or llinh imtoii md ve ly fet ltiems 10 JO a in. UlGomsntirfr Ullion Leao bciantou, 10 03 a. m m 1 0 10 p m. , F. MBQAFfGBL cS CO. STOCKS. BONDS, SECURITIES CONNBLL BUILDING. Delawaie and Hudson, In 1 tied :owmlicr il. 1'JOI. lulus foi I'aibundalc lcuc bu'inlon nt 0 20, SOU, SDI, 10 13 a. in, MOO, l.Ji), J 31, J 02, 0'J), 0J0, 7.57, 0.15, 11 JO p. m j l.ll a. in. lor lloncsdalc 0.20, lO.iui, in., .'Jl and 5 20 p. in. l'oi Wilkp? Ilarie (MS, 1. S41, 0 is, in i a in. , U 0J, 1 1 .', '.MS,, J 2;), 4,27, 0.10, 7 1, JO tl, 11 JO p. in lot b . It. It Points 0.38, 0.3S a. m.; 2.13, 1 27 and 11 M p. in. I'or Pcnnsihanta It It, Points 0 38, 0 33 a. m ; 1.12. J -3 ami 1 27 p in I or Albany and all points north 0 20 a. in. and u 02 p. m. SUNDVY 'lltvl.NS. I'or Ciiliondale b 00, 11 . ,3 a. in j 231, 3 02, 5.02 and 11.17 p. Ill lor Wlke-, llaue i) 3i a, in j 12 0J, 10?, 3.23, 0 (2 and 0.17 l in. Knr Allum and points north J 52 p m lor Jlonndalo S f.0 a, in and .102 p in. W. b Pit on, 1). P. A., fcciauion, Pa New Yoik, Ontaiio and Western. In l licet Im-Mla), Sept. 17, 1001. NOItlll l!Ol Ml Leave Uavo Arrive Tialns, Humtoii t iilioinlale, OadoIa, No, 1 10 .iO .i.iii, mo a. m loop, m, No. 7 , O.lOp in Ar C.iiboudalcU.lOp, m, beaie Lii AitI ll.llin. vauosia. ciinoiia ue, scranton. No, a ,,.,,.,. 7W)u in 7,l0a.m, No. a -V in. I cMp. m 4 lOp, in. bUMIAls UW, NOllill IIOUXD, U.u ei Leao Arrive 'liains biranlun Carbmidale. Cadeuia, No. U ,,,,..,. S. 'Oa. in, U 10 p. tu 1043.1 pi. No. 0 T.OOp in Ar. ('aiLKindilc7.l0ii, m, Irfau Leave Arrho Trains. Cadoiij, Catbondjle. Scr niton. No 1) , 7 M tl in, 7.10 a. in, No. 10 4 30p in OOUp in. 0 13 p. in. 'irailia -Noi. 1 on ueek ila, and U on Siimlija, maku main line conucellona for N'tw voik tltv, Mielillitoun, Walton, Noiuleh, Oneida, O.inrL-o and all points uitt. lot fin tlici information rcimilt ticket aeents. J t. AMIl'ltSOV, 0 P A, .Nevv-6rU. J r WPLSII, T. P. X, bcranton, Pa sotno time. Is visiting his juueuts, Mr. and Mis, VS. It. Anthony, of this place. Mis. James Stevens spent Thuisduy of last week In Foi eat Clt. Penile and Etta Wells yeie calling on ti lends In this place Tuesdni, Those who take their milk to the Unlondale milk btatlou have for the past week had boine tioublo In getting through the dilfts, but lepoit the loads much better now, A few of thu friends of Mis. Lo Grand Wells gatheied at her homo Monday evening. A good time was leported by ull. The occasion being her bhthday, Mr. und Mis. William Coon spent Tuesday with their patents at Fresco. RAILOADjnM1? TABLES Pennsylvania Railroad. .Schedule in I.ffeet June 2, 1001. 'Plains leaec Scranton: 0 33 l m., neck dajs, throush Mstibulc tiain from Wilkes Darre. Pull man bullet parlor cai and coaches to Philadel phia vn Putts.llk; btops at principal iritu me diate btations. Al'o cotinecta foi biiiiburj, II ir iidhureT, Phihddphla, llaltlnioic, Washington and foi Pitt-bine; .iliil the west, 0 u3 a in , week dajs, for bunbury, HarrlMuir.', Philadelphia Italtlmorc, Washington and Pitts, burc- and tho west. 1.42 p in, ueilc di)S (Sundays, 1.5S p m ), for siinhmy, II irrishuia;, Philadelphia, Daltimore, i-hln'ton and PIttaburg and the vet. 3.2S p in , eek dan, tluoush vctlbule tram from llke-, ISano. Piillnuii bulfet parlor car and roichea to Philadelphia via PolUWllc. Stops at principal intermediate stations 4 27 p. m , week daji, for Hazleton, faunburj, lianlsbur', Pniladelpliia and PitUbuie,-, .1. 11. HL'ICIIINSO.V. t!en. 3lgr. J. U. WOOD, Clcn. Pass. Agt. Now Jersey Central. In Effect Nov. 17, 1001. Stations in New York, foot of Liberty street and South 1'ciT, N it. 'train-, leive Sirantoi for N'ew York, Phlladel phia, l'iton, llethleliiiu, Alknlown, Jlauch Chunk, Wh'to Haven, .Uhk-y and Vllkcs.-Barrc at 7.30 a. ni , 1 p. in. and 4 n. m. Sundaj, 2.10 p. m. (Jeaker City ):pic.-s leaves hcranton at 7,30 u in , iiiieuiKn M'liu visiiouie irain wun rutiinan bullet Pallor C irs for Philadelphia. I'or Avoca, Pituton and Wilkes Uiric, 1 p. in. and 4 I' in. SuiuIjj, 2 111 p m. Por Loiirf llranch, Ocean Oiovc, etc., 7,30 a, m and 1 ii in. l'oi Itcadliiff. Lebanon and llarrlibur, vli Ab Viilovvn, at 7 0 a in and I p. in. Sunday, 2.10 .. in. I'or PotliVllle at 7."0 a in and 1 p. in. loi rates and llekils apply to agent at btation. . , C. M. nUlir, Qeu. Pas. Ast. W. W, Wi:.MA Ccn snpt. Lehigh Valley Ralhoad. In Hired, Nov. s, 1901. nam.-, icive scranton. Po Philadelphia and New lork via 1) J. II. It. It, at a is ind VIS j in, and 2,18, 4 27 (lllick Diamond Lvpreea), and ll.l.a p. ni. Sun. dajs, 1). L II It It , l.Jte, 8.27 p m l'or White- Hivcii, lUiletpu and piincipal points in tho coal icglom. via l. i, II, It It., 0 38, 2 18 and 4,27 p. in. I'or PotUvillc, O.JS a. in,, 2.13 p in. l'oi Ilethlcliein, llaiton, Heading, IlarrUburs, and piincipal intermediate btationsi, via 1) i. II, II. It, l, UJS u. ill i 2.IS, 4.27 (lllaek Mia. ,,,,iv.i, ji.uo ii, ii, neinuae, ji, cs ii. It It., IMS a, in ; 1,5, 8 27 p. 111. l'oi 'runkbannoik, len aiida. Klmlra, Ithaca, fieneva and prliicipal inteiinedlalo stations, via H , I,, ind W. It, It,, b 10 a m and J 50 p. ni I'm (Imcva, ltoche.ter, lljffalo, Ma'ara Palls, Chicago and all joints vvevt, ii 1). &. H, It Jt ' 7.4b, l.'UJ a. in i 1 42, 3.28 (black Diamond 1.x. pits), 7.43, 10.41. 11.30 p. in. bundava, D, & If, It It , 12 0.1, b 27 p. ni ' ' Pullman parloi und tlecping or LpIiIkIi Yalley Pailor cars on all traln-i belvvein Wilkes Hani ami New 101L, I'lilladjpliu, llulfalo and busn-v-Iou Ilridgc, ItOLLIN II, WUIHJlt, Ucn. Supt., 20 Cortland stint, New i oik CHAHI.LS b. MX. (Jen. Pa.3. Agt., 20 Cortland street, N'ew loik A. W. NONHMACIIlUt, Div. Pass. Ajt., South Itetlileiwin, Pa. l'oi tlekiw and Pullman icocrvatlons apply to city ticket otllce, ii) Public! bquarc, Wilku Uane. Eiie EatUoad, Wyoming Division. Triins for N'ew Yoik, Kevvbuigh and luterrne iliate points leave tcrautou 04 follows: 7,20 a. 111. ; 2 25 p. m. Arrival-10 35 a. 111. fiom lllddletoivn. linn. dale, llavvlcj and intermediate points. D.20 p. 111. (rouj Kcw York, Ncviburgu mid IntcrmedUtt (joints. No Sunday tra.1". FR I DAY AFTERNOON ALE Sale in Basement Eveiv dav wants can readilv be found in this rnmnlpte Hnnw Fm-mei-ii,-. rw partm-nt. The best of qualities and everything at fair pi ices. The Hour Sale today will be rich in bargains and little fipun;. Sale No. t V dr Begins Promptly at 2 O'clock. Sale of Grey Enamel Berlin Kettles Every housewife likes a Rood keltic ; this kind has a smooth finish, guaranteed to he perfect. This is a .J-quart size and always sold for 4."c and often- times more, but today buy it for sixty minutes at 29C Sale of Grey Enamel lierlin Saucepots This is the extra size, S (juarts, and is certainly one of the very best granitewarc bargains ever offered in this city; regular value is 0!)c. For sixty minutes, today 45C Sale of Grey Enamel Coffee Pots If you only knew the great big coffee pot that you can buv this sixty lninufes, it could be easily prophesied that there would not be enough to supply all. As it is, we will give you a hint: Be on time. Regular n.c. coffee pot. Today, buy them for t 3C Sale of Shelf Paper Extra quality, .1-yatcl lengths, lace border, all colors. Cleaning time will soon be here, when fresh, clean paper will be needed. Today buy it for one hour at. . 3C 12c $1.49 Sale of Pastry Boards A useful article ; this kind on saie today is cleated at both ends. Regular value is 19c. and size lixlli inches. Buy it for sixty minutes todav at Qnlr. f Xr.'.,l.l T 'PI..V. I : .- I.,, ,.-..,,' . . '. . .jte.c we menu auii3 i ins lamp ts complex nas a -lu-iucii dome siiatic, good size and well finished. At any other time it will cost you $2. But it at this hour sale today for Sale of Clothes Baskets A Willow and finely made basket, extra heavy, alwavs needed in cv- prv limici lent- nrf -1,e,-i.e f-.,,,-.rl . .-..,.1, - !... ...: i. - i i . i.-. i , t- -.., . ,., .,..,. 4.t unmt.-i iuiuiu ic aeicii ei iuvv pi ice: as citu ue nun at our r i limy sale. Kcgu- lar value Gi)c. Buy at this hour at 39c Groceries Sic of ! lour Jonas Long's Sons Best Patent Flour, made from choice Minnesota nard wheat, and guaranteed to make as many loaves of bread per ban el as anv flour milled. Hundreds of cus tomers know its good qualities, and for those who don't von mav find in this Hour sale a tare chance to buy it. L'.l-pound sacks at .' , 52C Sale of Sardines Best domestic, packed in oil. This is an opportunity to buy what y ott need for Lent. One hour, per tin 4C Sale of Salt Regular table salt, comes put up in sacks; value at all times is ,"c. For ,1 this hour 32C Sale No. 2 Begins Promplly at '.I O'clock. good cotton Sale of Woman's Seamless Hose Made from Vnril mid f:i;f Ivlnrlr Rpmilnr l'nllli. nf tllio linen ie. 1'l. nnir Buy them today for one hour at, a pair 1 l'C Se'ilc of Granite Diess Goods This line of Dress Goods that we put on sale this hour, today, is without an exception tho very best baigain listed at any of our Great Hour .Sales. Comes -1." in. wide in colois thai, should you choose blindfolded, you would be satisfied. We mention a few: Navv, dark green, castor, old lose, grey, re seda. Regular value is ,5!) cents a yard. For this one hour L sale buy it at a yard 29C Sale of Boys' Shirts and Drawers This line is a very heavy fleeced one and Ihe colors arc blue and brown, with white stripes. To make room for spring and to close them out we offer this regular 2dc. garment Friday hour at i 1 5C Salc'of Gingham 2 cases in this lot. They are extiaordinary value for the price asked for them at this sale toikn. Regular Seer sucker styles in staple checks and stripes on ground colors of blue and pink. A suitable fabric for children's wear and house dresses. Regular Sc. value. i Buy them at this hour, at, a yard 5zC Sale of Woman s Petticoats on Second Floor Made of black sntine, full width and has accordeon pleating, iiiffle edge with one small ruffle; it also has a dust ruffle. This petticoac ou will notice is made tliorougnly, and usually sells tor JjU.OU, but for I'rtday Hour they will be sold for deep 70c Sale of Boys' Waists and Blouses, also a line of Shirt Waists Made of good percales and che viots, also outing flannels. Mostly dark colors, sizes 4 to 12 years. Regular 2oc. quality; t on sale toihy on Main Floor for one hour at a closing out price, each ". . I OC Sale of Soaps and Perfumed Ammonia A Combination Sale that will astonish you in its cx-tre-ioulinary value. Item ,5 bars of Kirk's Rose Glycerine Soap, a 7-ouncc bar, large size, regular price is 30c. The second item is Perfumed Violet Ammonia, pint bottle, size for bath and toilet; regular price, 2jc. The third item is the well known Cosmo Buttermilk Soap, 2 cakes. t Your choice of either of the three items for I 2C Snlo No. 3 Sale of White Goods This lot needs no introduction to the peo ple of this city. It is a fabric we have sold thousands of yards of at our hour sales. Foi ty inches wide, fine cotton, extra quality and usually brings 1:21c. ;' buy it at this Friday hour, at Qi yard .' ', 02C Sale of Toweling 2,001) ards in this lot, the pattern is the fa miliar check in pink, blue and red. A toweling suitable for kitchen use; bathers may find it just what they are looking for; 1 regular ."ic. value' ; for Friday bm it at, 'yard 3C Sale of Umbrellas Over .'III different styles in handles, bone, sil ver trimmed; Princess silver trimmed; an article always used and sometimes lost. This umbrella is a good 7jc, value, but'to- day for one hour buy it at U3C Sale of Laces Can you think of a more useful article for trim ming than neat and pretty designs in laces. This lot comprises Val enciennes, Point de Paris' and Torchons, with insertions to .3 match; width 2 to t5 in.; value up to ?c. ; this hour, yard. . . 44C Sale of Plate Racks On Fourth Floor Made of solid oak, has double groove plate support and brass hangers for cups, 30 inches long and 12 inches high. Suitable for dining room or den. This in connection with the great furniture sale on this week will make the furniture de- c partment an ideal money saving place, The plate rack can be bo'tght for one hour, at, ... . 53C Sale of Boys' Knee Pauls This lot is made up from blue and brown cheviot, medium and heavy weight well sewed seams and strong waist bands ; sizes I loll; value 21) cents each. , . Found on the Second Floor Tor this hour sale, at ,' , 2 1 C Begins Promptly nt 4 O'clock. Advertisers of Facts Only. Jonas Lou 9 Sons t