The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 14, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    1 1
Koncsdalo Postoillco Mystery denied
Up by Arrest of Young Smith. tu Itic S'cranlon Tribune.
Hoiiesdiilc, Feb. in. for tliu past
'two weeks patrons of the liotiosilalo
poslolllco have been nilasliiR mult mut
ter, which hud dtmilipciui'd after reach
ing tlio HoncKdnlo ollloe. Thla wns u
mystery t the postmaster and attund
iintfl. Recently some of the iiiIkhIiik
matter was found hi i place that"
caused Misplclon to center upon u
young coloied lad named Mnfrird
Smith. Iirtepu yeam of hkc and uin
jiloyed In the Allen I mum barber nlio)i.
The lud was closely attention and llnal
ly confessed that he had been removing
letters from several of the combina
tion boxes In thu lio.stolltco. Many
patrons who hold llieso boxes have
been In the hublt of merely closing the
door and not breaking the combina
tion to their lock box. Hy this neglect
freu access could bo had to their mall.
This became known to young Smith,
No mall was missed from boxes that
were locked. The motive appeared to
be mere curiosity, he not realizing the
grave crime.
Smith was promptly anested and
placed in the county jail. Postmaster
M. 15. Allen has placed the matter In
hands of the postntllee authorities. The
lad has an Invalid stepfather and n
mother who does washing to support
the family.
Daniel Pierce and Jennie Layman
United After Many Years,
t-pci l.i to tin- Su .u 1 1 on Tubimc.
Forest City, Feb. 13. Daniel K.
Pierce, of Sidney, X. Y., and Miss Jen
nie Layman, of Walton, were united in
marriage at the Methodist parsonage,
in City, by Row It. L. Clark,
this week. This couple won engaged
to bo married years ago, but owing to
a misunderstanding, drifted apart, Mr.
Tierce traveling all over the country
and llnally bettllng down in Now Jer
sey, whore he married and where his
wife died a year ago.
Returning; to Sidney, lie went into the
hotel business and by chance Miss Lay
man stopped there one day for dinner.
They met. Their differences were ex
plained away and the courtship was ro
humed, with a happy ending.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Forest City, Feb. 13. The "old maids'
convention" in the guild room of Christ
church Friday evening attracted a very
large audience and the entertainment
was of u very amusing character. Thu
"spinsters" gave some very candid
opinions about the men of the town
Mho had failed to do their duty.
1'atrlcl: Cleary was again out yester
day, for the llrst time after a siege of
The dance of the PhiuTariuonio club
took place in the Opera House Mon
day evening and was thoroughly en
Joyed. Mls3 Maine Brown Is visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Y. J. Maxey, in Montrose.
D. J. Iteese, of "Wilkes-Barre, visited
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thom
as Ueynolds, last week.
Misses Allco and Julia Gillen weie
In Carbondale Saturday, attending the
funeral of an aunt.
Miss Mae Slmpley, of the Northeast
ern Pennsylvania telephone exchange,
is visiting relatives in llonesdale.
Melville's orchestra held a bail in
Piokovits hall Monday evening.
Mrs. Simeon Slack Is visiting her
daughter. Mrs. K. Hatch, at Fish's
Kelely, New York".
Frank Doud, of Scrantoii, visited old
friends hero tlds week.
Valentino socials will be held in the
Presbyterian church parlors and the
Methodist pan-onago Filday evening.
The young ladles conducting the af
fairs have sent out very pretty invi
tations to the boys Mho aie expected
to be on hand and select their valen
tine. The Parker Concert company ap
peared In the opeia house last evening
before the largest and best pleased
audience In the People's Popular Course
lectures. The reciter. Miss Uaynton,
made a decided hit and the other mem
bers of the company were talented mu
sicians. The two-months-old child of Levi
Decker died last evening after a ten
days' illness with pneumonia. The
funeral will take place at 10 o'clock
Friday morning, itov, C. A. Spalding
will conduct the services and interment
will be made In Hillside cemetery.
Mrs. J. D. Caryl, of Scrantoii, Is the
guest of former neighbors here this
The Initial club met at the home of
Mrs. T. C. Morgan Tuesday evening.
The council at Its regular session de
cided to withhold all further payments
from Nolan & Collins, the contractors,
until tho suits now pending for labor
and material are settled. It is said
there aie another claim to be fcettled.
A new ordinance piovldlng for a tax
on tranelent merchants passed two
readings. Tho bonds, to the amount of
JIO.OOO, were awarded to the First Na
tional bank of this place.
Frank McCabe, of this place, and
Miss Lorutta Decker, of Owego, were
married by Rev. P.. H. Walsh In St.
Agnes' parochial residence Tuesday
MIbs Judson Heath, of .Susiiuehimna
street, is 111.
Bpccial to the Scuntou Tribune.
Pltttston, Feb.t 13. Tho anti-Saloon
League of Luzerne county of
which Rev, J, J. TC, Fletcher,
of this city, Is at tho head, hus Hied
twontyflvo remonstrances against ap
plicants for liquor licenses from this
city. Among the applicants objected to
nro J. Keating; M. Holleran, John Har-
You Could
i i7fc
In irl, t.ll .- ..nt.-l. IS ....l,l
trill bring you, ypu would seek relict at
once and that naturally would be through
f"rf jm Guaranteed to curt Coa-
,jrP sumption, Bronchitis,
WV V Astliina, ond all J.ung
Troubles. Cure Coughs and Colds in a day.
Sffl cents. Write to 8. C. "A'clis 6; Co.,
I.c Koy, W. Y for free trial bottle. '
Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies tbe Blood
relt, T. 13, Mangan, l A. Joyce, Dom
Inlck Corcoran, P. Walsh, M. J.
Hughes, Charles Kcltlmrdt, E. J, Burko,
A. Panklswlcz, A. J. Clifford, James
Corcoran, J,. D. Boyle, 11. 0. Snyder,
Thomas lloollhan, T, Durkln and T. B,
Leonard, Among tho list arc the city's
thrco leading hotel keepers.
Joseph Schwartz, the well-known
butcher, of 13xetor borough, and Miss
llcrlhit Freeman, also of that place, will
be united in marrhtg-c February 2.
Thomas Mullln, a lL'-year-old son of
Mis. Bernard Mullln, of Urowntown,
died yesterday afternoon from it com
plaint whlcli Is said to be attributed
Indirectly to vaccination.
W. V. Hownian, eldest son of ex
Mayor C. C. Uowiiuiii, of tills city, was
a member of the trio whlcli represent
ed Cornell College In the fencing con
test with the University of Pennsyl
vania a few days ago.
Tlionuts F. Mullln, of plank street,
and Miss Maggie Walsh were married
Whlcli part of San
yesterday afternoon in St. John's Ro
man Catholic church.
Wyoming borough is now free from
smallpox, the quarantine having been
raised on the Burns home today.
Thomas Clark, reputed as the leader
of the famous "Willy Gang," of Dur
yea. was given a hearing before Al
derman Barrett here today charged
with breaking into the home of Mrs.
Julia Brennan at Duryea a few days
ago. j
bpecial to tlie Scuntou Tribune.
Tiinkhaimock, Feb. 13. Mrs. Byron
Kelly, of Washington street, Is under
going treatment at the AVilke-Barre
city hospital.
Dr. B. K. Blddleman was called to
S.iyic, professionally, on Wednesday.
District Attorney Klnner received of
ficial notice on "Wednesday that James
Terry, a prisoner confined in the East
ern penitentiary, has been pronounced
Insane by the physicians. Terry was
sentenced in the fall ot 1900 to a term
of 11 years for killing his brother in a
drunken brawl at White's Ferry, In this
county. The court will at once take
tho requisite action to remove the
prisoner to an Insane hospital where he
may receive such treatment and care
as the case requires.
The entertainment given by tho
ladles of J. W. Reynolds' relief corps,
on Tuesday evening-, was a pronounced
success. The programme consisted of
recitations by Miss Lulu Brown and
Mrs. 13. F. Avery; vocal solos by Mrs.
'A. Wells Reynolds, and violin music,
by Mins Bessie Vaughn, accompanied
by Mrs. Arthur Fowles. The entertain
ment was first class in every respect,
and the ladles are entitled to much
credit. Kvory part of the programme
was heartily encored by the large and
well pleased audience In attendance. A
luncheon followed.
'Squire Mark Keeney, of Bruintrim,
was in town on business Wednesday,
Miss Josephine Stark Is visiting
friends in Scrantoii tills week.
A gang of forty men are engaged In
shovelling snow on tho Montrose rail
road between IMniock and Montrose.
No train has been through since Sun
day last.
Asa II. Frear. of Lake-AVlnola, was in
town on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mrs, A. S. Keeler Is quto 111 at her
homo mi Wyoming avenue.
Marriage licenses have been Issued
to Samuel Price and Miss Laura May
Wlnans, of Meshoppen; Valentino Der
by und Miss Mary Voplcus, ot Marsh
Creek, and to Joshua Allen, of Jen
uiiigsvllle, and Miss Abblo MeNeal, of
Lewis Comstock returned on AVodues
day from a visit to his parents at Lov
elton, Byron B, Blakeslee, who Is employed
as a salesman In a store at Nicholson,
Is very HI at his home on Warren
street, In tills place,
Oliver 13. Reynolds, of West Nichol
son, was calling on friends at this
place on Wednesday,
ipetul to the Scrantoii Trlbm.e.
llonesdale, Feb. 13. At the aiiuuul
business meeting of the Honesdala
Presbyterian church held in the chimM
hut evening, Kdwln V. Torrey and
S. W. Powell weio re 'elected trustees,
and Kdltor 13. A. Pennlumn was elsct
ed to till the vacancy caused by tho
death of W. W. Weston. The repoit
ot tho scctetnry, If, Scott Salmon, was
accepted by a rising vote, and was of
unusual Interest to the society, as It
showed tho entire liquidation of a debt
which the society haye carried for a
number of years, and that they stait
the fiscal year free fioin debt. Tho
total lecelpts for tho past year was
$7,964.4t, and tho expenditures 47,73J.3S.
The average Sunday collections, $s.U9.
The trustees reported the Investment
of the fund left by the late Stephen
Torrey and Miss Caroline Torrey, the
income of? which goes to the church.
WrTrtHrTBltTOTrTTSTW ' '-TfTrif'TTr-T rTTVl
Theatrical, j
1 ' ' '
tACIllM lliotkuiiy Grand Concert ("oiiipniy.
Mfrlil. '
ACADEMY May 1'bkc Comedy Company.
Afternoon nml night.
STAR Bohemian Hiulesimcr. Alletniwii nml
Mantell as Othello.
Above mi thin tint Hubert Manlcll has done
allien lit? memorable "Moiibars," li hW Ollicllo,
as depleted nl ttio Ljccniu but night, bifuio a
good-slcil iiutllciiu. An II unlet, the previous
night, lie was h.nullciiiieil by his tobitsliin". The
bet could be said ot him in Hamlet wns he Old inneti to overcame this li.inillr-.ip by
his Intelligent, discriminating leading. What
was it handicap to hlui In "llanilit" tened him
effectively In "Othello," He Is mi admirable
Othello; In fad, It wim doubtless the picvalciit
opinion ot tho'o who saw bolli pio.entalloin that
one who can ni Mipeibly poitniy tho one should
penult liliiiclt tn ilk bclns dNiippolnthiff in the
Ills coiupiiny, too, mh at a tar belter luh.iiitase
in the pccond lay. Mlfi M.ulu lloodi ltiwrll 1 a
notably Uliclcnt Pe-ilemona. nml Plica In
uio-it capable In tlio pint ol Ijbo, ulilth exJits
fcaircly le tiblllly In Its pioper pieetilJtlon
tliau doM the title lole.
.Mr. Manlcll's woik v.H thoroughly jppicclnlcd
Francisco is here
lii pealed uiil.iiu tails maikei' the end of each
act, ami at the ciutain, and fiijiiifl
cant .11 it K tho an liencc deminded uf the
principals Hat they reappe.n.
At the Academy.
".Veil (in.Min," ,i play vlo-ely u-eiiibliii "Mis-tre.-i
Xoll," lModuicil last scatm by Ileiuletla
f', .s piecntod jcateulay afternoon at
the Academy by the lliy rii-ko company. Ml-s
l'ibl.e pla.ied mo-t acceptably the, lulc of Nell,
tho bewitching and audadotu woman who made
a illln fcljio of Clnilcs II.
The company pioduced "The I.iltb'-.;,i',Miet"
lau nii(hl. Time w 111 be two pel foi planers
Bohemian Burlesquers.
JIiiici . Van's Bohemian lliiilon,uu. ueic late
in opciunpr Uielr cntcilaiiiment at (he Star thea
ter jfetiulay afleinoon, and it was neaily half
past thiee o'clock befoic the cuitiiiii vi'nt up.
A Kooil-n.itmed tiowl pitiently waited and heai
lll.v cheered i-pcccho- by JIaiiaRei- Alf. Hailing.
Ion and M-leeliom by the otcnestiii.
'I lie lloheinijiw llnally opened with a music-al
.sketch, which contained alls fiom "I'lnifoio,"
anil a trootlly umouiit of stage (duKcr, The olio
cmhi-aeid acta by St. Jo! ml Nicnlai, Illlev
and llmjlies Ciaiey and llurnett, .Maddov anil
W.ijne mid oIIum. Tho H.iliemhun will leuiaiu
at the Mir the balance ot tho wi"k, with mall
nc's.s d.iil.v.
Brockway Course.
Tho Atlanta Constitution y.i.ii of Muie, Ito-n
I.inde, the 'ontrallo, who will be heard at the
bjce'un lonisht wild the Ilrochnay (fiand Con
cert compiny
ifiiu. Uoa Umle, the contiallo, has been heard
in Atlanta before, and tho mnllence was in a
iiicwui- pic'pucd for admirable work, hhe i
a woman of comm.inillnic presence, und last
night was luud-mnely gowneil. fcho posso-oei a
loiie of raiu qtiallly and iai.e;n, which tlie has
binuirlit to a high desice of perfection in the
execution. Theie is a fine Ijilu quality In the
upper leifljter, while the lower notes aru leuiark
ably rich, Ubiant and finootli, and her work
lliiougliout shows feelins and (kill as well ad the
nicest c-are In detail". It Is not too njuli to kay
that Bhe kluiPil tho honori with Mine.Nonllca
In eicry lntanec."
"Up York State."
"A summer acatlon at jour home" U the way
1 New York clillo fpeaks of Dalid Hli;irlns'
ihanulner new play, "Up York Mate," which will
be pieseutril at tho Ljctuui Saliuday ln.itiuee
and night for the ur.t time in this city, Jh.
lligliM in his adept manner ban (,-Uen thl play
o much local character that one fancies himself
for the time bclns In that section of the Adiron
dack la which Mr. Ilisglm h:u laid tho kciuh
of his latent and bicatest tucios.
The play will be indented ciaclly a It was
iluilng its long urn at the rointcenth Street
theater, .New 'loth-, with the Identical company
ami tbe miiiid (rcnie elfectn. .'ale of caW opened
ii.tinky inoruliig.
Marks Brothers' Company,
'llie Dally fl.t.clto, Mich., tas of JUikt
Iholhcis' block coinpan.i, which )U)t at tho
Academy of Mudo next week! 4
"lleallMii W the ono sieat i'-ieiitlal of un ae
loi, and liUsii, mo thu eetust apphuuo u he'.uy
lllaln hear;. Mieu Mt acting I tine to life
that Ills) wuik H leeched with what U gencially
(oiuldeicd iu tlgus of dis.ii)inoal. It U u biu'o
klgn of iciognUcd liieilt. No better illu.tutlon
of ihU could be glu'ii than but night when Alex.
M.nUt. as Square Ludlow, deeps fonvatd wjtli a
knife to clo up Jack (loodmaii, a joung' man In a
flout low epiang ti hU fret and tdioutcd, 'fook
out there, .lack,' and t lie n down Into lilt
tiat blu.hlng llko a school bu.. It wa tlio
highest complliiient that could liavo been paid
llie .it lor, and woitb moie than un,uet. Jlay
A, Hell, .h Nell, wa In her element In the rle
ot u nmlcap, and iccebcd gcneiom, applause."
Mid-Winter Circus.
i:cijbiHb, U liiicicsted in thu lomlng mid
winter tluni and It Is rlabt they elioubl be, lor
a peifoiiiMiieo of thU kind luj never befoio been
gbtn in icianton, ami out.ide uf tho fact that
It li for the International Coircpomlemu School
.uiociatlou'd lientfit, eieiy one who uttciuU will
get incie for liU money than at any other euler-taliiuie-ut
gluii hen?. Don't Ihliil; ihut it I not u
tegular elicus, for it U. The-io are to be Iioki-4
and rideit, tulue'd j.iinlti, doukejs, eau'i of au
inab, a u-.'uUi ling In tho center of the ball, a
tide (ihuw a mi (liter, and a grand conceit af-,
ter Iho peifoiniance. 'JliU It leall) the eicnt uf
the teatou, and no one should 111U1 It,
'llie pilcvt range fimu i'l cenU to l,o. lie
fviH'd wau will bo em wlo ut IVwell' iimle
Mure, beglnnhnr, Monday, tho Kill. 'Hie mem
Ih'i. of the a..xInt!on have now to oflrr piellinl
unary tleUtt, the puuha.eit of wlileli will lute
the pill IU so ot cccuiing their rvaU two iljji be
foio tho rogular tale, tu that tlio holder of pre.
Iliuiiuiv !el.e,l may get their place Saliuday
inoiulug at 9 u'clock, ln.lead of Moiwlay. iUay
will take adiaiitajtv of IhU op(ioituuhy. IUue'
band will furiiltlt iiuttlo for all 'he t'Clfoimaiicat.
One of the Humbert of tlie Kugvnbj Ulalr com.
pJi.y wa ttricuu ultli inall-ix ut Poll Huron,
Mich., lnut week, and the entire aggregation was
quamntlnetl lar thiee tla) in a Mitall liou on
Ilia oulsklrU ot the clly,
Ctlicl llarrymore H reported to be agAln en
Itageil, liol, hoier, after the nnat ly!o of
theater riigagrmrut. Thh I. -ilil to Imobc die
heatl, hut no further ilenlgnalton li given of the
gentleman In the case than I hat he Is "an Hast
eih mail."
Tho triple slar nlllince of Viola Allen, Oils
.Skinner nml .limes O'Neill, who were to appear
In "The Hunchback;" having fallen through, n
combination for ft tnr lour Is talked of between
Mr. Skinner and (luce tleorge and two oilier
well-known favorite..
Alidicvv Mack's micccm hi "Tom Moore" has
pinved greater than ever his most Faiijtulne
friends predicted e.iillir In tho ponsoii. Mr, Matk
prefents n mot artltlu impersnmttlou of u k.iiu
pathetic loinmlla (.Imractcr In the part of Mooie.
Ills vehicle Is vvuithy mid tils support udequ.ite.
The public appioval his vvmk in this role Is re
ceiving luilleiilrs that there Is n Held for his en
deavor In America, even Humph the Impersona
tion of refined hlsh character has been long
neglected. It would teem (hat he Is ilctlucil to
follow In the tootKlcps of that famous lil-h conic
dim, .hlui lltiiugham, who once cnjojcil u vogue
wlilc li gave' liinr a prominent place among the
leaders of the American stage.
Herrmann, Iho great magician ami conjuiei,
appeals at tho locciun next week, supporlrd ly
a inrgc compiny of culcitnlnerii, lleiiliiiiin is a
wonderful man with a vvnndeitul pair of hamU,
and the old F.i.vlng should be changed for h's
special benefit to read, "My Hands iue my for
tune." Herrmann's Illusions for the pieent sin
son, which arc new to thl coimtiy, iue marvel
lous, startling mid en'.itlonal, They uic "Noah's
Alk, or After llie flood," "The i:-capo fionv
blng Sing," and "1'he Tuihlih Klopment." Me
tides the magical portion of tho cntoi t.ilnnient,
McWalters and Tymii and Company w'lll pie-cnt
their latest New York vaudeville ael, entitled,
'HeeniM In the Die.'slng Itooui."
The management ol the Lyceum theater an
nounce that the Augudin Daly Musical rompiny,
presrnllng Hie icijrnlng melodic success, ".sin
Toy," which had a phenomenally prcqieious inn
at Dal.v's tlieater, New York, will constitute the
very iittiiclivc magnet at this home next week,
and the enlliu organisation, which numbers' over
one bundled luembcM, will appear. The d.ilnly
musical, mimical comed.v, Willi lis gems of
melody and supcib -.cenlo cnvliviimcnt, in all lis
cntliety and peifeelion of detail, Including a
grand chorus i.f sevenly-tlvc. Its wealth of strict
ly correct Oriental costume.", direct Importations
fiom I'anlon, t'liina. and a series of goigeous
stage pietuics will be given.
Wall Street Review.
New Yoik, l'cb. 13. Today's stock mirket was
similar In diameter to that of Tuesday, but
showed an increased disposition tu icalize piollu
wheie vonliler.ible bad oicnrred. Tlie
local traellon ttocks wciu under decided piess
mo, and notwithstanding tiio suppoit accouled to
them tbev exercised a depressing Inllucncu en
Hie icst of tlie maiket. The same was true of
Amalgamated Copper, whlcli "sagged avvaj under
constant olliiings without inueli evidenie of nip
port, closing at a net loss of 2!. There was no
nevvb to account for the vveaknos. The leport le
eched or gioss lainlngs foi the ilrt week in l'eb
miry thowed a lather pieviileut tendeney to
dicieease comiurcd with l.i-L jear. 'Ilils w.u
notably tiue of t lie Southwestern railroads, but
tlicic was iii.n ked sticngth in that group led by
Texas r.icilio witli n of '!" on inlimallins
of veiy laigo ciinliirr. Tlieie were unusually
logo deilius in the Coloiado and Southein
Klocks which wciu supposed to he due to expec
tations of increased dividend disbursements, but
llie common lOi-e an c.xticme 'J?i over Tues
diy's level. Iho steel stocks showed oonie caily
K'sponse to the acij favorable conditions leported
in Hie tiade, but iclap.-cd wltli the lest of the
maiket. The maiket eloped slightlv Irregular
but generally easy. Total sales today, SS.M00
hlunrs. Theio was a Aery laigo business done In
bunits but the movement of prices was Iriegular.
Tola! Mire, par ealue', $j,S1iJ,000. United Slates
bonds weie all unclungcd on the last call.
The follow lug quolatlons arc furnished The Till)-
unc by M. S. Jordan & Company, rooms 703-705
Mcars buildieg, fc'craiiton. Pa. Telephone, C003:
Opin- High- Low- Clos-
Jner. est. rst. iug.
Ameiieau Sugar US 125 lai? 127
Atcliibon 7SV4 7S?s 77!i 77s
Atchison. Pr PS-i ses'Ji tbii PS'.i
lliook. 'fiaction OiU Uf Cli l,19i
Halt. & Ohio KI5Ve 103T1 Wilt VSli
Chic. ,t II. W 2.H4 2.7S UP4 noj
Lhes. i: Ohio OiVj Jel 4.l' JOVi
St. Paul 1C7 1(,7U 10.TU :i.")Ts
Hock Island 100 V WlA IcKITs
Kan. & Tex., Pi- 5"vi u.' fill'.i St
Louis. & Nali 1051 Hill in, iiKti
Man. r.ler.itcd l.'il jx:'- PiO-li 1.11
Met. Tiaetl 170U 171 i li!!rj 17li'i
Mlssomi Pacific Kllli J0IT4 Kini 101
Noifulk & Weslern .... ) rik ?''' S7-"s
Llie I0;i i07i yu?I 40
Llie, 1st Pr 707s T()i dOi'. (,9;s
N. Y. Cenlial una; ij.-,ai. kiiiJ k,
(int. k Most . :ni at am
Peniia. II. It i;,ia4 i:,t?t ,-0i. VAy
laciiic- .Man i.,;s so it'l ai
Heading ZV iw is fia'!,
Heading, Pr JfiH ain; sVi btai
Southern It. It st'l .11 ;;-ii ,'i.ia;
Southern li. It., Pr .... 'Xi'i 'MV- (Ij'.i W
Tenn. Coal .t Iron !(;; bll Di (.1
C. S. Leather ll UK us; ip,
I. s. Leather, Pr Slli SI!'- si1,- M'.
luion Paclllo I0i, vt'l m-!H 101;
Union Pacific i'lls SOT; f'l'i Mi,
Wabasb, pi- u jp. ( j-.j 4jS.
We.steiu Union am nm m .,
Col. l'uel k Iron WH S7' fn SU". , Copper 71 71 f.0!s i.'HI
Peoples (las mm Mi7a vn,k mv
Col. bo ii.i. pi 101 S7J
Texas Pacific low. i mw. j.
Am. Car l'omuliy 2!i- ..'!i3H .j.,ij .i,)-
'! g- W") 4! "a '' Tin
U. S. Steel Co., Pr .... us n vi'i. PPii
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
Lackavvanni Dalrs- Co., Pr
County Savings Hank tc Taut Co..
1'lrst National Hank (Carbondale) ..
Standard Drilling Co
'ihiid National Bank
Dime Depislt and Discount Dank..
Economy Light. II. k P. Co
Plist National Dank
laicka. 'ltst S: Safe Deposit Co....
Claik & Snover Co., Pr
Scranton Iron Pciuo k Mfg. Co. ...
Scranton Asle Works
fscrantou Savings Dank
Tiaders' National I) ink
Sciautou Holt k Nut C o
People's Dank
New Mexico By. k (!. Co
Enanton Passenger Hallway, first
Mortgage, due 1920
People's Sticcl Hallway, that mort
gage, due 1013 ,..,
People's hired Hallway, General
mortgage, due 10JI
Dickson Manufacturing Co
I.acl.j. Township School S per cent.
City uf fccranton St. Imp. 6 per
cent ,
Scranton Tiactlon 0 per cent
Leononiy Light, Heat k Power Co..
Hid. Aikei
273 - ...
J 500
... 101
1'3 ...
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Collected by II. fi. Dale, '.'7 Lackawanna Ave.)
Plour LW).
llean W.tO.
Itutter 1'icali creameiy, '.'."e-.j June creamery,
2J"sc.l dabv, !Hc.
t'heeie lt'.sauc.
1'gga Ncaiby, a.'e.i fane .lurage, av.
Peas Per biiihel, sl.7."S.
Potatoes Per bushel, SJo,
Onlon.-Pcr bwliel, .$LW).
New York Grain and Produce Maiket
New Yoik, l'eb, I.I. Ploui Mill veiy firm at
old pilccs. Wheat Spot linn: No. i! led, baTio.
f, o. b, afloat; No. U red. isj'ic. elcvaiori No. 1
noilheiii Dululh, Kiic t. o, b,; options
except for a lulel (faction after the opening,
weie film and higher all day; io-cd turn und
?jc lwt higher; Maivh lioteil 8i4e.; May, S3ic-.j
July, Slliv, Coin knot riun; No. !, issijc. ele
vator and C')e. f. o. b. afloat; outlon after .1
hal opening break, lallled and tinned very
tlioug witli wlicit, lioldiug to all tb. alteiuoon
and i losing linn ut :'e, net Jiiv-uuc; May elosinl
(,7c; July, csir,e. Oats Sput llim; No. , 4K...;
No. .1, Se,; No. 2 white, nOe.; No. : while,
lu'.-jc,; hack iiilxnl wettein, H'a.'Aj Hack white,
IViilc. ; options, llrni wlili otber Rialns, llulter
I'limi cteameiy, Slajuc. ; elo. faelniy, 15ai0e. J
Juno cicameiy, 17a2le.; lenovali'd, lSailc, ; lull.
tiillou eieaniciy, lufk'.; stale djhy, lcUJ7e,
Clireti' Ffinii ttate full ciejiiu, tin ill tally
mado fumy loluied, llsalSc.t tlato full cicani,
.mail early mado fancy vvlilte-, 1144c, i luge.- ixirly
made toloied, l5ic ; large caity made white.
l4i'- Hgg -I'iiiu; statu iiinl IViuisv Ivaulj, SSli
uaOv.; ui-ttcin, S'Jljc-,; southern, iiaii-.tiOc,
Chicago Grain and Produce Market.
Chicago, l'cb. 13. follow lug a lather colorless
opening wheat t inlay beixiuui tulily active ami
mm on lepoits of a continental demand oud al
leged depletion of euuntiy stocks, llie e.t of
the grain list piollled tiiinatiie-tically. Ma)
wheat closed .ic. hlglier; May torn and Mav
oats lc, higher each. Pi-uvMons tloxd ttcady,
.V. under 'lueteUj. Catli ipiotatlons were as fob
Uw. Pluiir Dull and tieady; No. a ptlug
nhvat. 78a7tk!. : 'o. 2 led, oSasOiie.; No. 3 com,
Ulc-,; No. B oats. ?iaUo.s No. i white, 45ic;
X. a white, HjIOc.; No. -J ije, Olc.; fair to
4 Lines 10 Cents
ft'ore Tlinn Pour Lines, 3 Cenls (or Hacli Uxtrn Litis.
For Rent.
tll'Ott IILST Party leaving Invvn desires lo lent
hiiuse furnished, or would lent part of Mine:
Mcam heal, excellent location, reasonnlila unl,
Addiess ruiiilslied liouc, caic'i'f IMImne,
h'ltllli: 1'Olt ItllNT-The laigi! stoic No, 1J0
Wiithiimton avenue, for lent horn M.iuli 1.
Charles tchlager.
l'Olt HUNT IImooiii house near riietorvvlllo,
tplcndld location for tlio summer; good put
lire for hone. Apply 1S73 Sandeison uvetiue,
I'Oll IIKXT A tlngli liovi'e in lino londlllon with
eight mom', balli looms uii'd laundry ami all
liiipiovemctils at 1AJ.I t'apousc avenue.
11111 HUNT A very superior bouse, pcrfoilly
heullhy, Inspeetor's tint, elrn luxurious ion
veulemrs; line grnumls; .i haiidsiuiie liouie; lent
fair. tlllwoii Jones, .'111 (spnim vticct.
HOUSi: No. i!H N. Waslilnglou iivniue, 'oruer
Pine street, 11 moms and bath; all In perfect
older. Apply at tVI" Linden bticct.
l'Olt HUNT One xldo of double homo, ten looms,
illy steam, nml all oilier Improvements. Call
at G!." Madison avenue.
l'Olt HUNT Slf roiini with beat and
all modern ImpioU'inniK fiom pril 1. Call
early. I'red C. Hand, MM .Miilbcn.v stiett.
POll lll.'NT-llullding occupiid by Helrer &
Win nkc, fornei .Main and .laikson street, best
location In Il.vde Park. Apple tu l.'ial .-audiisoii
roil HUNT enlarged office In Panll building.
Apply to Janitor.
I'Oll RUNT Single bou-e on (Ireen Illdge stiect.
Impilie 1H-.M Smderhoii avtniie.
I'Oll lll'Nl' Corner store No. Ml Lai kuiwuu.i
avenue. Also ilwelltnc-s nbmi. Annh to
i.oiiismiiu ino'., ;ul i.acii.ivviiuna aMime.
l'Olt ItKNT Store loom on second lloor over :ill)
Lackawanna uveniie. Plate glass nonl. In
qulie uf Kiolosky Hun.
1 OH HUNT Prom April 1, building now ocur
pled by the Dicki-on Milling Co., No. PJ
laekawiiniia avenue. W. V. llovle. Council lllilg.
1IALP DOCHI.i: house, f;;3 Ilanlson uvetiue, hlf.
Also half itoublo home, IfiOS Pino street. ..t7,
Possesion mnr. .pply o.0 lluirltoii avenue.
Tor Sale.
POll SALi: llhikmlth' tools and live kegs of
if houe tlioen; v. Ill be sold at a lurgiln.
Appl.v Oeorge Dcliraw, li7S Sindeivson nren.ic.
l'Olt SALi: ( IIIIAI'-liay nulillc Iioim-,.8 veais
isiiiiml, fine Kiddle i und good dilver. lti-as'iu
for .vlling, no use for kiiiic. Call or addles., P.
A. Scheier, 1) k II. otllcc, Piovidencc, Pa.
LACi: crilTAINS-Ml) pain fancy Cuilalm at
auction, uOS Lackavvanua iiveuue. S.'e auc
tions. 1 OH SLL' l.aige load of pine kindling, stove
length, dclheied anyv.heic foi 1.W. Haul
wood, J.'..",o. Mall ordus Jennings Central mine
swllcli, riKeenth tticet, or bilng miiii wagon
and get a load.
I'Oll SALi: CIIKAP-riicwoiid, lion roollng, ti:n
beis, boards, scantling, etc., fiom old cais;
tuilablc for all purpos". Jennings, Cential
Mima switch, foot of Hampton oltcet, oil South
Main avenue.
l'Olt SALK Two light spring wagons and some
hainets, cheap. Kvans, rear 1PJ2 Luerne
FOR SALn Cheap; horse, tprlng wagon anl
harness, at No. ISM Cedar avenue.
For Sale or Bent.
l'Olt SALi: Oil ltLNT Stoio and li lines.? shop
iittached, also dwelling aver tlio store; l.iigc
pationagc; no opposition in town; coiner of
Di Inker and Chestnut ttreets. liiquiio of O. W.
l'rosr, 401 I.'. Dilnker fctiect, Duniuoie, Pa.
l'Olt .SALi: OK HUNT Single hou-c and lot, No.
111!) Mulberry slicet. LVpilpped with all moil
em conveniences. In'piiie on premitei. John
l'Olt SALi: OK 11CNT Slnglo boii-e, f.01 Webstei
nveiiue. Ten looms; city (.tram heat; pos
sesion April 1. 0. P. Hej nobis, Council Hldg.
Unfurnished Booms Wanted.
WANTKD-Apiil 1 by family of tluce adiill, four
or live looms unturnlshcd, including heat.
l!o 39, city.
(1K.NTLI:MAN, wife and one child, ilcshc two or
thiee rnfiinibhcd looms In refined nclghhoi
hood: nm-t lie icasonablc and abOllilely piivatc;
boarding houses stamps in'repljlng. Ad-diet-s,
tinting full imticulars and price in lint
litter. .1. U. B Tiibue.
Wanted To Rent.
WANTCD Vrom Apiil 1, fom or ilvu niifiuiiUbcil
looms, icntrally located, steam licit. Ad
dress box 2j, Tribune.
Wanted To Furchase.
CASH PAID for old gold and silver. JevveTry,
watches diamond, silvciwure. Addiess Ld-
ward Iloyle, 2J-JS Paik How llulldlng. New York.
UCTION today and every day unlit sold out, sW
cai-ioaos i"au-.mei lean exposition luinltuie
and linen, consisting ot tallies, iron and luass
beds complete, drcsseu, lo.uoil pieces linen, blank
ets, pillows, counterpanes, pillow cases, towels,
etc.; large miantity cupels and lice eintalns.
Carpets told every day :i o'clock hnp at HW
Lackawanna avenue. Cunnnliigs Uios., Auc
tioneers. Furnished Rooms.
IOH HUNT One furnished loom, with linpiovo
incuts; ulso one on third floor, cheap. 027
Adams avenue.
rURNISHKD ROOMS for rent, modem Improve
menu; private family; gentlemen pirferrcd,
at ,W Adams avenue,
1'On, HUNT lAiniUlicrl front room, with heat,
bath mid gas; near com t house; gentleman
preleired. Addrecs Itooni, Uog 200.
FOB HUNT Furiiithed loom; heat and bath.
O'jj Linden street.
and lath, gentlemen prefened, at tJfiQ Adams
v enue.
Rooms and Board.
ROOMS TO ItLNT, with board. bOl Mulberry
iholco malting, OOidlc: No. 1 llax teed, fl.fiSj
No. 1 norlliwettern, VI. "Hi; prime timotliy teed,
tUtSOS inet4 poik, (fl Wal.'.70 laid, u,SUat).ji'i
thoil ribs, tides, W.niaS.M; iliy saltfd tbould'u,
7a7'4c; thoit clear tides, SS,75ab.e,j,
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Tt,.-uj.'i;, uu, l,""lMfl uj) lUNiUi lUlllOf-
row, 10.000; left over, lO.UDOj heavy stead ; mhed
D.I. I lll.ll, .mil I ,1.1b. Ill ln. It. Illtvn.l .....I I. ..!.,.
i ii.ii, ..-.., .,.... i.nii) .,,,.,-,, unl, UUIVII
ei-s,; good to iholec heavj, xU.SOjil.lli
loughs, heav), Jil.-J'j light, $.5.7.5j.UI; bulk of
tales, Sjsi.b'siO.iO. blicc Iteeelplt, 15,000; theoop
Heady to ttiong; lambs steady to ttiong; good to
choice wctbeis, i-l.'Jj'i.'JJ; fair id tliolio mixed,
,c!.!!lal.ei); vvetleiu theeti ami jeailiug., ,l.u3i,
fi.SO: nillvc lambs, -,J,70ai..7"i ; wcslcin lambs.
d :UaU.7.1.
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
:i DulTalo. l'eb, I'l. faille Receipts, Mi;
iiniliuiBe-d: veals, tup,, T'JjO..',il; 10111111011 to good,
S7aS.7J. llogn Heesipts, ;l,IOi head; nellvo ami
SalOc. higher; heavy, itt.Uuti.iiOs niUed paekcis,
sni.lOaU.&O; pigs, W-WaJ-W; louylis, J.V.VXa'
stags, iflal.So. Shceii and I-imbs llcie'lpts. "i.-'CKi
head; uctlvo und tudo hlyhci; liwp, mlxeij top,,
l.iaia3.1U; culls to good, W.i.Tsil. to; wctbeis,
W.l'3.5o; jeaiing, 1V.WiJ.Mj top limbs, mum
itl.M; eullt to go&l, 1.75aO.M.
Oil Market.
Oil Clly, l'eb. 1'. Ciedlt biUiice, Hi; culil
rates, no bid; thlpiueuts. U0,97.1 luiulj; avei
ugc. ei.Wl baiiels; inns, l,V,wa banelsl avciage,
70,5)9 bands. '
I III. l' 13 .f'.llllAlfA(lt,t WI.UI. i. .
Ilvu and 10 1 1 Jr. higher; no fancy here; good to
pilmu ttiers, "jO.iOaC.".'; poor to iiiedluin, if la; ttockeis and feedeit, if.'..V)j.7"i; cows, l.ij
a3.i"i; heifers, ?J.,.'iij.W; lunuers, (j't.-iJai.i'ij
bulls, -J.'J3a(.t0j calves, WaT.BO) Texas ted tteeis,
1.1 f-t1 71 ll,.s ll,,.t,l. t.l.. I.I iV,e,l.' X '
MtANoii want' ummtt.
Want AdvertiBimenttt Will Uo
Boceivod at Any of the Follow
ing Dtug Stores Until 10 V. M.
Central City
ALnr.RT SCIIULTZ, corner MulUerrf
street and Wehsler venue.
UUSI'AV PICIIL'L, li'O Adams avenue.
West Sldo
OLOIIOi: W. JCNKIN'S, 101 South Mala
South Scranton
FRCD I. TLHPPi:, 720 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
ai:0. W. DAVIs-, roincr Noitb Mala
avenue and Market aticct.
Green Rldgo
CHAHLKS P. JONi:S, 1M7 Dickson
P. J. JOIIN", P20 Giccn Hhlge ttiect.
C, LORILSZ, comer Washington are
nue and Marlon etrcct,
W, II. KNKI'FLt., 1017 Irving avenue.
J. 0. BON!, k SON.
Help Wanted Male.
PL'HMANKNT salaried position to energetic men.
A good oppoilunlry for llie light parlies.
Call Willi icfeiences, fild Spiiice slieel.
WANTLD Iinniedlalely. ! capable men to net
us oiganieis. Apply No. 201 Wjimilng .no.
Opposite Tiadiis ltauk.
iOL'N(l MCN Lcaiii Lipid Icllcrlug for signs,
show- taids. tickets, tie. Homo sllidv; book
let flee. W. A. Thompson, Ponlljc, .Mich.
1IOV WAYIT.I1--A blight boy to nut enands in
ttoie. Apply Wilson & Co., tailois, VU Sprmo
WANTLD A .voung man as cleik and bookkeeper
in a lelail and wholesale lmliie', one of
rxpeilencc about " tn ;io .vcars old. Address
with lefoiences, stating talary e.xpecled, W. k R.,.
Tiibuuo oftlce.
WANTIID A Moitdy, inihtMliotis man to milicil
oidcis iioiii olliccs and business houses
throughout the clt.v ; sahnv nml oiunib-slo'i.
Apply Lainlon Mfg Co., llrldge ulieot. cll.
Help Wanted Female.
WAN'l i:n Laillei to thow nur goods and take oi
lei. Paris Pelfnme Co., 2S I.lbiaiy llldg.
WAN'ILD A good gill for gcncial bou-ework,
."0.'! Adams,
LADY CANVASSLK wanted to tollcit sub-crip-tions
fot 'Hie Tilbuue; good commission of
feied with .1 fall guarantee for flist-class worker.
Apply personally at Ilu-lness .Mnnagci's ofHec,
Sciauton Tiibuii-.
WANTLD Hv a good girl to do bou-ewoik in
piivatc fainllv ; only Hrall fimlly paying
good wages need leply. Addiess Ik b., 'i'lltiunc
WANTED Girl for geneial housework at Dalton.
Addiess 11. T care Tribune.
Recruits Wanted.
WANTLD l'Olt U. S. AHMV Able bodied un
man led men lulivccn tin ages of 21 and a",;
citizens of tho I'lilted Stales, of good cl.aiattei
and tenipeialo hibltt, who can rpeak, lead and
write Ihigli-h. l-i:r infoiiiiation apply to Hociuit
in; Olllce, .So. UJ Uiomlng avenue, Scranton,
Situations Wanted.
SITUATION WANTLD Ily a joung man as
coichman for a doctor or driving team.
L'nderstaiuls tale of horses. Win. T. Walkei, llo
117, 01 pliant, Pa.
Y0UN(! MAN wants woil; iu buliher business,
ten .tears' cxpcilcncc. Apply Slti Liclelt .im.
SITUVriO.N WAXTCD Hy n good holie-t gill nt
general housework in miiiiII pilvnte family.
Addiess Miss M. II. l'oid, Oencral Dell.ciy, City,
SITUATION WANTLD Young nun deslles situ
ation as bookkeeper. Lxpeilenccd. Oood let
creuccs, Addiess II. (I-, caie of Scranton Tribune.
AN LNPKHILNLCLD woman wishes a position as
-housekeeper or light liouevvoik. Can be x.en
at Aillngton Hotel.
fall CATION WANTLD Hy all around black
smith, hoifcshoc'lng a specially. Coleman
lloicnk, lear 400 I'lttttton avenue.
bl'll'A'IIOS WANTP.D Hy an expcit lauudicss on
ladies' and gentlemen' line laundry; can
launder euloieil coloied thlrts witliout lading,
1114 I.lojil tticet, top 'lloor. Ileal of city lef
creuccs. SITUATION WANTLD Hy a middle aged lady as
housekeeper or at general hoiiscvvoik iu small
familv. Ca.i give icfercnce. Addiem I.'. S,, Trlb
unc olllce.
Ri:i'lM:i), educated joimg woman wants cm
plojinent; any ono dcsliing lier seivices in
any way addicts 0. 1!., Tiibuuo office.
SITUATION WANTLD Hy a widow to do vvavh
iug. Ironing or cleaning of any kind. Ad
dress Mm. J. Millie, 712 S'chnell couit.
WANTLD Second-hand .'1-seatcd wagon with eon
opy top and side cuitalu; must bo good ami
cheap; state lowest cash prlie. P. L. Henjamlu,
Hirers, Pa.
WANTLD Two Fccond-hand surrev or coaih bar
iipsscs, must lio iu good condition; also two
or thico single light harnesses, must be cheap.
Address X, Y. '.., caic of Tribune.
Business Opportunity.
dale and wlde-uwako inanxau juiiiu jnlj an
otablMied location, bust iu the eltv ; tlalued
glass and plain liont bay window, teiond lloor
of Ailkcu building, (aiboudale. Possession April
ssoOO.Oil 11UVS an established buslllisi paling isO
monthly; uiy llltlo limo rcqulicil; beau
close Imi'stlratloii, Addiess L. W. II., 207 Lin
den tlicct, Ct).
SlOCIv AND WI1LAT THADLHS without delay.
Wiite lor our special uiaiktt letter. I'reo on
application. S. M. llibbaid It Co,, members N.
, (Viiaolidated ami Stock Sxchange, 41 and Pi
llroadnay, New Yoik. laHabllthed P-tWl. Ljng
Ditlance' Phone 28 Dread.
Dissolution of Paitnershlp,
T1IK HUM of I, F Megaigcl k Co. is this day
dissolved by mutual consent, Hoy Chester
Jl?gaigci iceirin;.
i. r. mi:o.mi(ii:l,
hov mi:i,'.ii(ii:i
Vtii. ,li lilt ililtl In .il flOltl tlin lit, it ttlll 1... La,
'tle'il by the undei.lsrcit who will lontiniiu iho
lirokeragc nuu coimuistioii Unimex in Snooks,
lloiuls und Securities muter Hie tlim muie of I.
p. Mi'gaigul & Co., with hcadipaaitcit In thu Con.
licit bulldbig, Scranton, Pa.
I. P. Ml.'UAHCJLL k to.
Serantou, Pa., Fib, 0, IfsOJ.
I'KOI'OS.U.K will be icrelvril by the undeisigmil
ivr iue- jiiiiut.iiii, ui inr csiiiiiisori aieinetusi,
Episcopal cliuieb fiom I'ebuury li tu Apill I,
iiiebulvc, John 1'. Itaudolph, W South Hyde
Boavdcia Wanted.
I'HIVA'IL FAMILY wlsbea to lave two nlcj mn
to boaid, Oennjii or EnjIUIi. Call any tliu.
alter Thuudjy All cvnicuiuices, tM lUrrboii
3 Insertions 25 Cents
MonTIui Pour Lines, 6 CenU for Uacli Ihtrn Un.
Certified Public Accountant.
nmidlng, and St. Paul Building. New York.
FHLDnnicn: i,. iihown. arch, n., nnAb
Lstale tlulunso Hldg.. 1-23 Wathlngton ave.
Civil 'and Mining Engineers.
Spruce itrert, Scranton.
Rooms li, , io and 18 Burr nulldlng.
Hated on real estate tccurlty. Mcars Dulldldg,
corner Waalilngton avenue and Spruce aticct.
ami counsclloi-s-al-Uvv. Republican Dulldlng,
Washington avenue.
19 "rj"a l""""" Col""""'veallli Building, Room!
OOJ-004, Dili floor, Mcars building.
.hul. iiuiniing, scranton, ra.
Hank llulldlng
Ao,i',,.Iu:iTri0I'r' orricn moved to no.
211 Wyoming avenue.
Physicians and Surgeons.
ington avenue. Residence. 1318 Mulberry.
Chronic diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys and
gcnito-urlnaiy organs a apccialty. Hours, J
to 1 p. m.
Hotels and "Restaurants.
nue. Rales reasonable.
P. ZIEGLER. Proprietor.
renger depot. Conducted on tho Euroneaa
Plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor.
cess pools; no 3d01.; oniy improved pumps used.
A. U. Brlggs, propiletor. Leave orders 1100
North Main avenue, or Eicke's drug store, cor
ncr Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones.
er.vmcn, ttorc 201 Washington avenue; giej'i
houses, 10,",0 North Main avenue; etore tele
phone, 7S2,
Wire Screens.
Scranton. Pa., manufacturer of Wiro Serccni.
also Indies waists. Louise Shoemaker, SU
Adams avenue.
v elopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, IS)
Washington avenue, Scranton, ra.
111 Scranton at the news otands of Roinna-.i
Bros., 400 Spruce and COJ Linden: M. Norton,
S-ii Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Scbutzor, 211
Spruce street.
Real Estate.
"fj.UOO WILL buv nluo room house, Mulbcrrj
street, near Monroe. M. II. Holgate, Com
monwealth building.
.flEOO WILL buy n full lot and desirable home
lor a bride. All modem com enieneeii, elec
tric light, etc. Frisk avenue, Green Itldge. M.
11. Holgate.
FOR SALE IIoiisu with good water, fruit, ami
gaulcn, In Elinhmst. Terms to suit. Ad
dress Dr. llatesoii, 337 Washington avenue.
FOR SALE Sevcial choice lots on Webster ave
nue between Pine and Gibson streets. Will
sell In plots of 40, fit) or 1)0 feet fiontage. G. F.
Reynolds, Conncll Building,
FOR SALE New house on Cornell ttrcct. Round
Woods Paik; modem improvementa; easy
teinis. Apply to Spring Brook Lumber Co., or
E. S. Woodhousc.
FOR SALE At Claik's Summit; a place ot flo
acres, bouse and barn, good fruit; cluap for
cash. Inquire of Mis. L. Lindsay, 1111 North
Main avenue, clly.
FOR SALE One acre of land. Improved with
nine-room house; plenty and variety of fruit;
good location in village of Fleetvllle. Mil. 01 Ira
Fish. Fleetvllle, Pa.
LOST Small fox terrier, about five months old,
lias one black fipot on back and one black
ear. Liberal rcvvaul if returned to 300 Madison
LOST On Hlakely street, between Dunmore. Cor
ners and Dudley ttiret, diamond ring, skele
ton tettlug, with two guai iU on bjine. Reward
will he paid if returned to Oscar Yost, Dun
luoro C'orneM.
WESrEHX STEER LOST While unloading car.oj
eattlo 'lui'tday, a laign dark red tteir es
caped. A tultablo rcwaid will be paid for Infoil
ination of Ids whereabouts. T, ,'. Carr k 011,
21.1 Washington avenue.
I.OsT Between Dlckton ami Piovldeneo a pocket
book containing money, checks and papcis.
Finder will plrato return to A, F. O'Hovle, SOO
William tticet, bsiiintou, und iceelve rovvaid,
Money to Loan.
LARGE OH SMALL amounts, Promptly made.
Intelest "1 per cent, Okell, Attorney, Coal
Enchauge building,
straight loans or Untitling and Loan. At
from 4 to 0 per cent. Cull 011 X, V. Waller,
tll-315 Council building.
Hill. I'MAID))! All names mat ran
tccdl!y aim einianent' cured of all j
rielles of Hheuniatlsiu by u vegetable eonipomjd,
('in es guaiantceil. Inquire or uddicss .1, L. Tt
lor, Sciantou,
Superfluous Hair Removed. ..
M PEIIFI.L'Or.S HAHI, WarU, and Moles, pain,
let.l), peimauciitb, telentlllcally lemoviil by
electiic needle; e.Mlu.lvo method; 111 scats, Ttij
tie-alment nee. Call and bo convince!!, lletcu
S. llueluiiaii, Dennalologlit, Uli Wushingtoii ave.
'I UK ANNUAL stockholders meeting of pickson
Mill anil liuln company will be held In Room
l'.21, Cpmivll Imilding, Monday, Pcbruaiy 17,
llw!, at 1 o'tloek p. 111.
KIHV Villi L. Ilff K, ircutar.
ESTATi; of Uiidget Llark, late ot thu city 1 1
seiantou, l-iclawjinuu count., Fcuu,ivsnU
Letters le.-UineiiUiy upon Iho above estate leav
ing been aianitxl the uueicrtu3ued, ull penona hav
ing vlahiu agalnit tho tauic will prtsest thvii
for pa.vuiciit and thotc Indebted there wll
. plcje nnUo liumeillate pa.viuciit to
MRS. MVRV FLVN.N, AduiInUtiatrlir.