The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 14, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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    V ab
Je Scranfo.. dnfitme
M.lMiM -IJjIU-, Kncpt SniitUy. t The Trljj.
lit Puullaliliig domtitnyt nt I'llly tfiilnj"
l.tvv h, iitcitAntv iMtlwr. ,
p. l nV.XUKB) nmlncii l.tnawr. t
&w Voik'cfflMl ISO 'vK,lAS5,
Sole Afrtnt for 1'orelRfi Adu'rllilns.
Knitted at the I'ouofflcr nt Pcianton, l'J..
(ccotnl CIjm Mill Hatter.
When spnco will permit, The
Tribune is always glad to print
short letters from Its friends lieav
lig on current topics, but itJ rulo is
that these must bo signed, for puu
lication, by the writer's real name,
mid tho condition precedent to uc
ceptnnco Is that all contributions
shall be subject to editorial revision.
.mu rtiATjiATnj'on auviUtisin.
"The ifliowftig laljlr nlwwiTtlie prfciTprr'Tm'li
ricli In.vttjon, nuie In Iw Hwl wUliln "no y?
Tor curds of tlmnk. rp-solutlom ot tonuolonse,
nni flnill:if emit rl hut loin in the n.itmn 1 ml'
crtlslng 'J'lio Tilbmie iiinkoi a charge ot 6 coml
u line.
Itiilei for C1iUIIU'1 A(ltcrtllnic fmnlditu en
Controller-WAN It. JIOItMS.
Election 1'ihrii.iry IS,
There 1st no excuse which will justify
n Republican In u Republican ward in
forgetting to vote mi election day be
cause there's no light mi In his wnnl.
To forpet In politics Is to lose.
Next Tuesday's Election.
kllK I.MPOUTAXCE to the citi
zens of Scrnnlon of tho elec
tion to he held on Tuesday
next cannot bo overestiniat
d. It Involves this handling' or super
vision of the lmndlhiH; of nearly if not
quite linlf.u million dollars of the peo
ple's money; mid the enactment of
laws which touch their dully interests
nt ten points whore the laws passed
at Washington or at Hnrrlsburgr touch
them ut one point. Not only do tho
councilmen anil controller to he chosen
on Tuesday ot next week have much to
do witli directing in what channels the
100-odd thousands of dollars it tnl'os to
carry on tho government of our city
shall be spent, but there are also school
controllers to ho chosen in a number
of wards, and these in their turn have
practically the unchecked handling of
nearly as much more of the funds paid
into the public pocketbook by the tux
Iiaying oltizens of Scranton.
It would not bo true to say that this
important election is approaching with
out an appearance of interest among
the men and women it most affects.
There Is some interest: in some of the
wards there is keen interest. But there
is' not nearly ns much Interest as Hie
magnitude of the consequences in
volved would seem to warrant. In
wards where a number of candidates
are running for the same oltlco tho
signs of public Interest are conspicuous,
but it looks much more to the personal
than to the municipal aspects. AVlth
regard to tho one general ofllce to be
illled that of city controller little Is
beard and apparently little is thought.
Yet the filling of this office with a. man
capable of fulfilling' its duties in the
letter and spirit of the new charter is
ten-fold more important In its direct
bearing on the welfare of Scranton
than the identity of the next United
States senator or, almost, we might
say, than that of the next president
of the nation.
Some attempt has been made to
mouse prejudice against Candidate
for Controller Evan tt. Morris on
the score of tho so-called "ripper"
bill. It has not amounted and
cannot amount to much. The rip
per bill cannot bo repealed or amend
ed by an. election held in Scranton. Tho
ofllce of city controller would have had
to bo filled had there been no ripper
flvnn It. Morris is the man to
keep his eye on tho accounts of the
city government and to see that things
nre fuir nud square no matter' what
opinion may be held by this Republi
can or that on questions of politics at
HarrJsburg. lie is a clean, a capable
nnd an experienced city official now
peeking promotion after years of good
work In a. subordinate position; and It
is very essential to tho city's interests
that n man of that typo should have
control of tho auditing department.
It Is to bo hoped that the controversy
lietween the alleged friends of tho
United. States at tho beginning of tho
Spanish war will not be construed as
bearing upon tho Schley case.
The Nc.w Ballots.
THE UUCISIOX' or tho secre
tavy oMho commonwealth to
Jho cffppt thajt. there can bo
ito-ciuestlon of the adoption
of tho constitutional amendment nulli
fying tho provision requiring the num
bering of tho ballot, may bo considered
nmong.tho important political develop
mentB of (he day, While the secretary
does not instruct local officials respect
ing tho municipal elections, It is under
stood that all will take advuntago of
the decision. Under (ho new order of
nrrangoments the ballots ut tho coming
ejections In this county will not bo
nunU)rd, and, us further required by
luwSwiyoter ym personally deposit
tho IVrilot n tho box.
It Is true, ns tho Philadelphia Ledger
suys, that, under the new system,
the balfoi- loses Its -, identity and
cannot "We individually verified or ills
provilin the event of a contest,
but coijte&ts will henceforth prob
ably be more rare, and whatever ills,
ndvaijtugo ntlaches to tho omission
of the number is more than coinneu
Futeiby the greater secrecy in voting
which Is secured by such omission' It
has (happened occasionally, if not fre
quently, that the paper used for 'the
official ballot bus befu. pf Mich Minify
texture that tho number, even when
folded-over and tho corner sealed, could
liaveleon readily ascertained by hold.
Ing the UiUlot up to tho light.
Thw.t the ballot-laws of Pennsylvania
lluti of SMIns on
I.f-M thin 601 Inches .'i"i .-")
K1 Indies 0) .'!!
jonu " id ,t".
:noo " 115 .17
WW " .1,5 .1115
nre vacuo and Insunirlcnt Is demon
strated by tho limny questions concern
ing such laws that confront tho courts
at nlinnst every election. The election
laws should bo revised both In tho In
tel et ot clarity unit fair dealing and
should bo adjusted In u manner thai
will do away with tho constant ohmigo
of system thut Is puzzling I" I bo voter
who does not make it study of politics.
Xlnlh ayd Seventeenth ward Repub
licans must show on Tuesday next that
their politics Is In the right place.
A Stimulus to Pride.
-IW. VISIT of Prince Henry,
taken In connection with tho
publication ot a treaty of al
liance between England and
Japan on the exact llni-s of the policy
laid- down by the United States In Its
correspondence with tho other powers
on the subject of tho "open door," nnd
also In connection with the extraor
dinary pains which nearly all of the
powers are taking to establish that
they were not unfriendly during our
war wllli Spain, goes to chow conclu
sively that no mistake was made when
this country "expanded."
Xo doubt our great natural and cul
tivated advantages would In time have
won from tho other nations tho recog
nition they arc all 'now so eager to
bestow, had there been no war with
Spain nnd no sudden bursting forth of
tho reserve strength of this great peo
ple. Expansion was in progress quite
Independent of the war; tho war was
an incident of expansion, noL expansion
an Incident of tho war. lint the war
gave us an introduction to the masses
ot the people ot Europe sufficiently
telling to make it now feasible for tho
foreign chancellories to piny openly and
assiduously for American favor when
such recognition of democratic institu
tions a few years ago would have been
inexpedient if not disastrous.
It Is certainly a long step In the
education or evolution of European
diplomacy from the blunt cynicism and
brutal stolidity of it JJIsnmrck to the
shrewd sensing of values shown by tho
present ruler of Germany in his treat
ment of the proposition of a Joint Eu
ropean intervention to prevent our in
terfering with Spain in Cuba. While
it would be easy to make of tho
kaiser's part In that matter more than
it deserved from tho American stand
point, nevertheless the publication of
the fact that tho kaiser with his own
hand endorsed on the proposition his
terse and sufficient dissent will lay a
foundation for a. better feeling in tills
country for him and for his govern
ment than has prevailed heretofore,
and possibly count for much In the
mutations of the future.
In any event, tho American citizen
today lias a feeling of pride in his
citizenship which exceeds any exper
ienced before the guns of Dewey and
Sampson invited Europe's present un
exampled homage; and though lie has
outgrown the vanity of this nation's
primitive days and no longer thinks it
necessary to exalL his Americanism by
depreciating tho other great nations oL
the earth, the enlarged view of obliga
tions and opportunities, resulting from
what the caviling minority calls "Im
perialism" and tho run of mankind ex
pansion, Is certainly very new, very
pleasant and very promising.
The statement of tho engineer, who
fell asleep at his post and caused a
fatal wreck near Pittsburg, that he had
been on duty for thirteen hours, ought
to furnish food for relleetion. Xo en
gineer should bo allowed to remain at
his post continuously Tor that length of
time even upon a yard pusher.
The flilk Problem.
0 REGULATE the move
ments of those who endan
ger public health by the sale
of unwholesome milk, in the
large cities is a task that taxes tho In
genuity of health authorities both In
tills country and Europe. While it Is
altogether likely that the class of un
scrupulous dealers who disregard hy
giene in the preparation and sale of
milk Is not ns large as has been as
serted, it Is true that scarcely a city of
medium population In the land does not
furnish examples of tho dishonest mill;
dealer. The movements or tho milk
man who .'deliberately Increases his
product at the town pump are not as
dangerous to tho consumer as tho care
lessness of the Individual who keeps
his cows In dens of filth upon Improper
food; bottles up warm milk, and doc
tors the fluid with chemicals lo keep
It "sweet."
In Europe and America milk Is prac
tically a universal article of food and
Its consumption Is perhaps greatest
among tho weaker members of society
the very young, tho very old and tho
sick and feeble of all ages. As the
Washington Star aptly says: "Ono
might not go wide of tho truth In mak
ing the assertion that there is no other
common article of food which Is chosen
by consumers with such reckless dis
regard of hygleno as milk. It would
appear that with a largo percentage of
consumers anything that Is sold as
milk Is milk. The only points upon
which he Insists nro that the article
sold as milk shall be lluld, white and
not sour. It may unswer nil these
requirements and yet bo poison. And
It may be poison without criminal de
sign on tho part of tho dairyman, Ho
may bo Ignorant or cureless, Milk Is a
most sensitive lluld to careless or un
cleanly handling. It may bo from an
unlit cow; It may have been exposed
to tho odors of a dirty utabloi Its
teniperaturo may not havo been main
tained at tho proper degree, and It
may have been poured into unclean
cans or bottles, Then there Is tho
question of deliberate adulteration and
the Introduction of chemicals to Im
prove tho appearauco of tho stuff and
to delay tho souring process,"
Xo greater evil to mankind has been
promoted than that by the discoverer
of tho formulas for preserving food
products by chemicals. view of
tho muss of preserved meats, vege
tables, etc, thut has Hooded tho mar
kets during the past few years It Is u
wonder that dyspepsia, the disease that
drives men to drink and suicide, Is
not more prevalent. Milk at least
should be protected against the
rural scientist who lias learned that
stuff can be jirocured ut the drug store
that will render his wures lmperlsh
able. Xatlonnl nnd municipal law
makers cannot too soon enact measures
to regulate- this evil,
Mr. CameBlo will now do well to in
clude lVilcrson on the list for distribu
tion of libraries.
Poor Saint Valentine.
says tho
Chicago Trlbtyio,
Is another
of those nuctcut and honor-
nlilo gentlemen In whoso iiumo
many follies and absurdities are com
mitted, lie was a bishop. of rare vir
tues, one who stood for sulntllness
rather than Tor sentiment, and It Is a
little hard on him thut lie should bo
held responsible for so much modern
sentimentality and spltcfuiness. For
any one who has a grudge against an
ovor-sicnloiiH golf player, or who wishes
lo show scorn for some self-elected
spinster, may express his feelings In
memory of ihu beheaded bishop, and
every smitten swain Invokes his name
when ho pours out his lovelornnoss on
lace paper.
Tho edict lias gone forth against tho
comic valentine, but tho sentinicnlal
ono Is hero to stay. Yet the modern
valentine frequently has substuuee as
well as sentiment; It may take the
form of a volume of love poetry, and If
It bears tho somewhat hackneyed as
surance that violets are blue and sugar
Is sweel, It may emphasize these state
ments by accompanying bunches of tho
real llower and boxes ot genuine con
fectionery. It Is perhaps just ns well that there
be set aside a day when sentiment may
have a legitimate outlci, and if this
sentiment should be expressed In real
poetry instead of tlte execrable twud
dle which is usually to bo found be
neath the gilded paper, good literature
might be disseminated and a belated
justice done to tho poor beheaded
bishop, whose martyrdom ought not to
extend beyond his death.
There Is no reason why the House
should not pass ut once the Senate
joint resolution changing t.he date of
the presidential Inauguration. Every
body wants the date changed and there
is no call for delay or tho wasting of
eloquence upon the proposed measure.
If the Xew York nolico have really
discovered the anarchists who hatched
the plot to murder the late King Hum
bert it is to bo honed thut legal tech
nicalities will not permit the fiends to
escape punishment.
The Pittsburg reporter who attempt
ed to interview Minister Wu the other
day discovered at tho finish that nil in
formation gained had been furnished
by tho interviewer.
Marconi's backers have had his life
insured for $130,000, and now-some of
tlte skentieal ones insinuate that the
inventor would be worth more dead
than alive.
If the government could be persuaded
to make promises that could not bo ful
filled regarding the Philippines ques
tion, no doubt Senator Teller would be
The advanced prices of opera boxes
at tho entertainment to bo given In
honor of Prince Henry show that music
is not tho only thing that "hath
The Democrats who believe that all
tilings conio lo him who waits, evi
dently also think thnt they will coino
quicker If the candidate is noisy while
Although the war In Africa is prac
tically at an end, tho occasional escape
of General Do Wet proves that (ho
game of hido-and-heek still continues.
Tt seems that it was the German
press and not tho German government
that was fighting the United States ut
the beginning of trie war with Spain.
At present the United States seems
to be about the only nation not in hys
terics over tho possible future moc
nients of the Russlnn boaie man.
It might be a good idea if General
Kitchener would employ u squad of
IJulgarlan brigands to round up Gen
eral De Wet.
Tor The Tilliune,
Speeil along;) Sucnl ulungt
ll.nk lu ihu inviry uiiie,
ll.nk to Ihu (-lelgli hi-lU,
Now loud and now low,
I.Ui' to the ciuinliliitf oniiil,
A o'er the Miqw-c-lail ground,
liibhlni," the tli.y colli,
Onw.nd wu no,
Fpml .iloiii.'! ,Sice;l aloiiKl
Now for another onir,
bet'B iiulio tho tielkiu lins
llolh fur and near,
Kucii ot yon lend ,i iiqiq,
K'eii UwjsIi you lend jour tluoat,
S-ouio Jtiyom oltiililif
Ill-Ins wllli jou Iicjv,
fein-wl aloii;;! Speed alous)
uli! .i luppy llirongt
Mlti'liicf ami mciilniciit
Mingled tojcllicr. "
W.UIII 'nc.ith tho luilljoi",
No Iwr of 1I0.CH toui,
'Ihouuh Old llaini scut
Mem wintry weather.
S-'pccd idonsl Ki'lrd akin;!
Nittlc-d In aim that ate ftrviis;
No one can poipj
IVr tho IjutUloes litilc,
Hut Utile would ns rare,
I'or each and tvfiy pair
bove's l(siU keep,
Mde uy side,
Speed utoiiBl Speed ulwnsl
Surely It U not Mluni;,
l.'iu though the old ohm
Their wUo licjih way thake,
(line, too, they did tho Mine,
They why do they lilanio
Their daughter and their oni
If tl.ey )uitjkv.
Speed utui'grt Speed alunjjl
IkJits that ale t'lad and joiiiuj:.
No need to boriow
1'ioni mi low or paie,
They will conio toon enough;
'(hey will lulus lulu ruiigli;
And of Life's tonow
ll.icli new a thaic.
Speed alonsl Speul aUm:)
HraiU Liavo ami true and ttrongl
Out l.lfu'tf rugged toad
.i moQtli tujy yoiigllde,
A-i on lhl ttauy iilglit.
WilU thi) iihioii bhiulu bright,
Tld Ijgvhliig, jncny load
Take tlii'Jr-jMsliiWv.""
w, u. i
Sciquten, l'tli. V).
for The Tribune, ,
(IAIN tho fuuttccnlli ol l'chnury had
arrlicil. I'or toino reason, known
wily lo hrrjelf. n tcrlaln youmr lady
bought tho retirement of her room Miller than
liiual. About her were many pretty reni;ui
lirtnicM o( the day, here a rose-bowl filled with
choice lilosom, there n ller lipped m row.
Hut ono wm mliilns;.
Kneeling down, she Unlocked n trunk, ami look
out a liov. TI1I1 ulio opened, and stood Raaltiir
fondly at three tokens of by-gone daja. She
wai old-tiishloiicd to prefer ttic-e lohein of love,
became they did not perl.h In 11 day. l'oih.iin
there weio other le.isoiw nlfo. Seating herself
by u table lie iemocd tho lonlotiU ot the box,
ono llilinr nt a time. Tho Unit was a dalidy
vnletliie with a dear llltlo cuphl In the center,
paitly concealing In .1 fold a picture of a pivlty
(Oltnjto In tho illslnntc. 'llili bad been the l!it
revelation to her that the tliounliti uf the cue
who nave it were connected Hum with the dilute
for them both. At thU lime no woid of loie
had been tpoken but (.oniehoW It v.M cisler nicer
that, nnd the next jcar the valentine was blue.
Hue, inclining to be line, and she had Intended
to be true: nay, she bad been true. Tiicio had
been no necessity to doubt llil, jet how exuding
he had been. She iciuenibeird how ."he had told
him nil tills nnd mote,
"Now please don't a-k me lo bo the only FIrl
without 11 p.iitner In my school pleasure-)."
She had argued ftilther. "Von know only Hie
fitudenU can attend lhe.e reecpllun-t, and its jou
ale not in tho school and cannot no with me
yon would not nk me' to slay ill home, Mirelyf
1 rnnnol co alone nnd jou know I rare for my
elavnulo only at a friend."
He did object, however, nnd the next valentine
win a delicate creation in yellow. Soon after
that, there wai a nuaircl; the relumed the iluif
and be Immediately left the city. Theie bad been
plenty of time for repentance on both Mdc, but
love's enemy, pible, still separated them.
Xi she Kit looking at tlih last token, It deemed
to grow indistinct In her hand, and somehow
liU face seemed lo tjaze through the pictty card
lio.nd. Ye', this suggested Ids natine best; pas
donate Jc.ilou.-y. It fell fiom her gi.up lo the
table-; nerosi the back as lie had written It, waa
her name nnd the date ono year ago. Itcllectlug
on the, che could see things more clearly
now limn then, lie bad regarded her love nnd
honor from an ideal standpoint. She, lacking
yens and expel lence, could not fully icalizc the
high nllilbute of love and (nut lie placed within
her. Not knowing this ideal she could not lhe
up to it. Ah! thl.s I1.13 been the cauc of many
lovers' quarrel.
Tlicie wa-i a ring of the door bell and the
good nilincd servant announced to the young
lady, ".-litirc, mi-, and a young glnlleni.m U
waiting below!"
"t do not wUh to be ilUlmlicd tonlghl," was
tho answer. "Did be send a raulf"
"Sliure nnd be did not, mum, nicer a wurd did
I think to ask him for wan, but Jc-t ye wait.
I'll fetch wan directly."
A short silence followed and then
"llcio'rt lhe bit n' e.iid-board ni'v, an' shure,
iU 11 iiuero name lhe giiitlcmait be after liiviu'."
On the card were these word, "A- Valentino."
The gill glanced nt the wouls and with n joy.
om lausli ran from the loom and dowii the
stair--. The seiv.inl. much adlonMicd, picked np
the card and placed it carefully beside the tlnee
valentines on lhe table. Theie was a marked
simil.iiily between tho hand-writing of the name
on the valentine and the word.) on the card.
"Slime," lemarkcd the servant, "Its veiy
strange, and by the way young lni-i-tis laughed, it
mu'-t have bin a comic valentine!"
Dora M. Ibiwe.
On their way between Telriz and Teheran lhe
members of an expedition Edit to Persia by the
tinman government lo ob-ervo tho transit of
Venus met a solltaiy l'uropuan lady riding in the
opposite direction, a member of the b'ngli-h
colony, who was as clever a.s she was beautiful,
liming been long a resident in Persia, shu was
fe.ule-5-ly riding alone a long way ahead of
caiavim. Tho (iennans marveled at such an ap
parition in such a waste wondeicd she
wasn't afraid. Wouldn't she let some ot thc-ni
stand by until her scnanU and baggage came
up? No, she was piite at ease, and Usually in
her tiavels was far ahead ot lur attendant,.,
wha-o mule', more heavily laden, could not keep
her pace.
"And now, gentlemen," she said, "who aio you
and where are you bound foi i"
They intiodnced each other. One was the
ntronomer, another the photogiapbi-r, another
the archaeologist, the natui.ill.-t, and so on, and
Ibey were going to I-pihan lo olncivc the
ot Venus. The lady willed, st.nted her pony and
waved her adieu, saying:
"To observe tho "transit of Venn-,? Ah, well,
jou can go home, now, gentlemen! Your duly i.s
done, (,'ood-by."
The fair vijlon dlsappcaied at a canter toward
the horlrpn. and it uasj said that the Germans
did not see the joke till a long time nfer Venus
had disappeared fiom their ken. Mfe of 'Mnlor
fie11er.1l Sir llobeit Miudoch Smith, K. C. M. (J.
You aie my Valentine,
Sv.ecic.-t in all Hie line
Of Humanity.
You are jny Valentine,
JlakluV my thought sublime
Of );tcrnlly.
Whrji in my dteams I see
You me my Valentine to be,
.My nihility;
And, waking. Unci thee mine,
-My guidons Valentine
My tovcrclsnty,
Anoiij nious.
Always Busy
Our February
1902 Sale 1902
Honest vShoes for Honest
Men, from
95c up.
Ladies Dress Shoes,
95c up.
Miss and Children's School
50c up.
1 14-1 1 6 Wyoming Ave.
t t M. .J. J. .. .. .j. .j. ; .j. .j. j. .j. 41
ToiI?f War?,
Pieces and
Desk Far
nishings Tlit'.c yuoil mu nit cooil lu'jvy uclglil,
Midi as we jhvajs tarty 111 loclc
5. Alercereau & Connell,
133 Wyoming Avenue.
j. .j. .5. .
The Prevailing
Dress Fabric for
This Season.
Every woman is interested,
nnd anxious to know what tho
predominating; dress material
for this season will be. Dame
Fashion answers and reiterates.
Silks, Silks, Silks
Silks of every description
will bo worn in preference to nil
other fabrics. Plain Silks,Fancy
Silk, Moire Silk, Brocade Silks.
Pre-eminently tho silk of the
season will be the beautiful,
soft, clinging; foulards. Here
we have a pleasant surprise for
you. We will show you the
largest line ever placed upon
our counters; most varied as
sortment of designs in nil the
popular fabrics as
These are priced
75c, $1.00, $1.25
Come in floral designs, neat
small figures, wreath stripes,
Broehe and Persian figures
Patterns are here in galore.
We invite you to call and see
510-512 Lackawanna Avenue.
New and Complete
Being tho
We carry the greatest assortment
of up-to-date Office Furniture.
You are invited to examine our
new line before purchasing.
121 Washington Avenue.
Capital, $200,000
Surplus, $550,000
Pays 395 interest on
savings accounts whether
large or small.
Open Saturday cveuiuga
from 7.30 to S.30,
Allis-Chalmers Co
Successors to Machine Business ot
Dickson Jlunufacturliur Co., Scranton
and "VYIlkea-Barre, I'a.
Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining
Machinery, Pumps.
Office Desks aiicl
Office Furniture I
''vzs&zszzzitK iMseTiSWK'
Storni null oinl doom, flote IroiiK otfleo finl I
ifnfn fitt-i.1144- I.. 1 ..1 . 11 1 .....1 l-l.
" u,tutc m ii.iru or pan wouu, unu ju
3M X Wapiti, ave. h. tiOMMAIt.
lltlflnil'.9 mill WAGONS ot nil !;tinli !o
Hompi ninl tliilMlnif I.0I1 nt tMrgnlii. I10IISU3
CLIPPED nn.l ClllOOSir.D nt
I.ncl;awfliiin CarrlnRO WorKi.
J. B. WoOLSEY & Co
Dctlcrs In
Plate Glass and Lumber
couritv auiLoivaj: siivos uvion
Homo offlce, 209-209 Menr Dullillnir. linnsnnl. a
I general Lulldln; and loan biulucat throughout
mi- aip oi rrnnivivnnm.
rear fill Laiknwrnina avenue, manufacturer oC
Wire Strrtnq nf oil Uml4 fnltv nrrmril tn.
I the Bprlng season. Wo m.ikj all kinds ol porch
I sen
leentj, do,
J . . t P. if, . f. t t V. t n S V. n K
hi a
Give Yon a Good
The new piled t;lvo these shoes 11, sui-I.iIiIl', Iilond time. We have been
kcd It our ll.iiir.iiiM attr-irlvtl 1 iistuiiiore. The imi-Mion is .m-wcicd. The business
i- coming our w.iy. Why not? The uuson U apparent.
Thec are fine Ires Shoes, rooJ quality imdj
than you'd
expect for lhe Kfl-.
l'oimi-rly .VI (i.iir,
now .
YOUTHS' VICT KID iTIOHS- qiLillty, well made
weui'. Conner pike " cent.
arc now
nnd nt for
They SOc
01 roiii-je theie are people who feel .krptlenl about (heap Shoes. Tliese are not cheap;
Fiinply low plirecl. And the moie the price-) go down tlio mole the sales go up. Styles
mean money's woilli a-t well as quality, especially monej's worth.
d nnnv mmi , wmm
t aiuguaj un
&'iq "A "A 'A ', l "A "A 4 U Vt "$ 'A "A 'A "A It "A
i Are You a Lover
Of the Beautiful?
Do you wish to Juno pretty rinsi? Wo will
bo plea-ed to show you i-olltaiie Diamond
ninsi1. Diamond and IJtueiald Itini:-), Dia
mond and Ituliy lth:??. Diamond and Orul
llins", Di.imond nnd Sjpnhiie l!lu, Dia
mond and TurquoW 11Iiib. We will
any desired combination to cider.
E. Schimpff
317 Lackawanna ave.
Swarthmore, Pa.
Under Management oi Friends
Offers a wide range of elective studies within the four courses
that lead to degrees in ARTS, SCIENCE, LETTERS AND
ENGINEERING. .Swarthmore College has extensive campus;
beautiful situation and surroundings; superior sanitary conditions;
adequate libraries, laboratories, shops, etc. It provides for sound
and liberal scholarship and intelligent physical culture while It at
tends to the needs of individual students. Catalogues on applica
tion to the President.
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
2.13-321 i'omi AveniiD. m
General Agent for the Wyoming District (or
Dupont's Powder
Illiitln;, Sporliu;-, f-mol.clfo tii'J
Htii2uuo Ciicinlcal Company'
Siffty Fiiic, Cain suit l.'xplodcr. Itcora 101 Cou
ncil DullJIns (Scranton.
I Headquarters B
TH03. FOnil
W. V. HUI.L1UAN .,,,
Bucccnor to
Wo male a tpeclalty ot flns bread ilttflj.
Orders lor Salad. Oyitcrs, Croquettei, etc.,
promptly Illled.
A full line ot Lee Cream and Ice.
General Contractor, Builder nnd Dealer In
Dulld'.ng btone. Cementing ol cellars a ppc
ilully. Telephone 2G02.
OIAcc, SU7 Washington avenue.
The scranton Vitrified Brick
and tile manufacturing! company
Jlakrri ol ravine IlrK-k, clc. SI. 11. Dale.
Ocreral Sales ApjeM, Ofllce H2D Washington aviv
Works at Nay Auc P 11. k W. V. It. It.
V.f. J 6 fc V. fc V. t V V, t KJ tt tt tt tt tt
Tlieso aio double soled anil extra pood
nihility, titiial pike J.;t), but CI C
now mo oiler them at !'
ill'.X'S WOIIKIXC! biioi:s
Stiouc;. bcivke.iblo shoes Hut wear well,
lnok v.ell.iind'uic A Xo. I for tho C I (Ilk
price; formerly ijl.ji), no.v l,uu
Connelly frl.23, now
'A"A 3 H 'Q "A "A A 'A 'A "A A 'A "A "A "A 'A "A A "A
A Difference
There is as much difference in
Diamonds as there is in human
faces, and not infrequently as
much hidden deception. When
you wish to buy a, diamond come
to us. You can rely, upon our
judgment and representation.
E. S
317 Xacltawanna ave.
By a recent act of tho legisla
ture, free tuition Is now granted
at the
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Bloomsburg, Pa.
to nil tlioso preparing to teach.
ThlH i-chool maintains courses
o study for teachers, for tlioso
prcpurliiK for collefie, and tor
those (studying music.
It will piy fo wrlta for parllculsrs.
No other tchool often such tnncrlor !
vanUt'cs at eucli low ralci. AJdrm (
J. P. Wclsb, A. H., Ph. D., Prill.
T. J, Taster, President. Elmer II. Law!, Ire.
It. J. Fojter, Stanley Allen,
Vice President. Secretary.
Hotel Chelsea
Atlantic City, N. J.
300 Ocean front rooms. 100 pri
vttto sen water baths, Send for booklet.
hjiiuu u Jiauiu aiM
J. 11. THOMPSON & t'O.