The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 14, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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KjnWSfi Moulding, I'lct-
mtiu&t'V is " ' '' " v r " '" "'
Ewij,! t'alntH ami In
rV tHInK llrtnnl-iltlllfT
tV.t I a mil- line. Iltlll
wo ohm ltonently
sHiiy timt tiowncrc
In Hcratilon call
ymir vantn In tlil
linn Uft so well
Hiitlpnod at the
snine cost us at
thla store.
Our Htock Ifl
large, now, reliable mid thoroughly l-to-riate.
U you arc coiiBldpWnR Interior ilocor
ntlotu, lot us talk the matter over with
Jacobs & Fasold,
209 Washington Ave.
J. P. COULT, D. D. S.
Surgeon Dentist.
Twenty years' sueceHsful prae-
llco in this county.
Gty Notes.
Alrliluld jctcnLiy Iiaiuloil iloiii an milor ills
luiglnjr ffcoigo I). Dow i'iii of tlih city, fiom
A VAT.KXTIXi: bOClAI,. Tins Ladies' Aid M
elety of the Grace c-liineli will r undue t
u Milcntlnc liox social nt llio Imnio of Mh. We-.-ton,
71 (i Attains uvennc, tonight.
LOMIITIO.V IS Sl'.ltlOrs. Tlic lomlition if Al
beit Ciunc, wlio shot liinwlf In the inntitli early
In the week, was icpurlril to liu,eiy mtIqih l.ul
night :it the Lackawanna hospital.
DOXATIOXS ACKXinVI.i:i)(Ii:i). The sMeis
:it St. Joseph' Ftiunillini; Home arktum ledge
Willi thanks tlie following donation"): A kind
tiiencl, !;100; another fiieiid, !""; another Mind,
Ill; HOT SIX MONTHS. Tom llinke, aire.tod
on Wednesday for Mealing scrap lion (loin lliu
Allls-Chaliner.4 company's jaul, win lonimitled
to the county jail jolculjy inoiniii liy ilasK
tr.itu Howe.
MTIIS A C.AXUIDATK. II. I.iicrs has an
nounced lilni.-nlf ai a candidate for select council
in the M.tecntli waul. He is a Itepuhlican ami
has been a lor-iilcnt- of the ward for the last
nineteen ycais.
STRUCK IIV AX UXUtNI.'. A diunken man,
whoc name could not he learned, was struck by
mi engine yeteiday morning, in attempting to
cioss the Lackawanna railroad tracks at tho
uestcily closing of the "V." He was picked
up and curled into Weulz & Duffy's wholei-alo
house, where it was learned he was not injured.
Shortly uttmraiil, the man took In.-, depaitiue,
eidcntly none the woise for Ids experience.
Controller Jones Say Policemen Can
not Receive Witness Fees.
County Controller Jones has refusert
to approve a number of bills turned
in by the bureau or police for witness
foes for patrolmen who have testified
in various cases. He announces that
such bills should not be presented in
the future as he will refuse to sign
l hem.
The controller claims that under the
act of July 14, 1S9T, police olllcers are
forbidden to receive tiny moneys for
public services performed. The par
ticular section of the act which refers
to the point tit Issue stipulates that
the policemen of all municipalities shall
receive llxeil salaries and shall not
be permitted to receive any further
compensation for any service portaln
iutr to his duties as a policeman.
Uoyal Blue tour to Washington, via.
New Jersey Central on February 20.
Personally conducted,
Drlni; COFo. It tastes like coffee.
'I hey know It U (lie Prinec
We a.vk your help in the
Tor either prc-e or poetiy ilex liplhe or, or
wonderful inal.lns ipullics-lt pu.-ity
uniformity of Kiade, etc., etc., etc,
W otler the following prise i
For lliu best poetic or
iR5fi uJ
ii Tlinuundi of people know ahont the
1 " Snow White FIou
ror the second best poetic or prose advertisement
For tlie third best poetic or prose advertise
ment For the fourth best poetic or prose advertisement
For the fifth best poetic or prose advertise
ment For the sixth best poetic or prose advertisement
For the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, nth, 12th, 13th, .
14th, 1 5th, 16th nnd 17th, each 1 .00
All aihcrtUcniftits to Iks and remain with us an our propeity. They mint consist of not
over one hundred and fifty words a J.KSS number IS IIKTTTCIC.
The contest will close on llarst 1st, IHftJ.
Mcie literary llnish not iu dockable as blight ideas put In nn oiigliul wjy,
Write cleaily on only one ldo of tie paper, Mjrk (he topy with u number. Place tho
author name and addrcM in u mull envelope and mail; it with lliu miiic number und end
all In a largo' envelope to our address HV MAIL.
The Judgca will thus have no way of knowltij; thu autlici' ii.imu until the choice Is
The following gentlemen have kindly contented to ui t a Judge pud their decision will
be announced, at coon as made In the daily papers,
Jud-es. MVV HICIIAltl), KSQ.
""'" .1, 1:. kkhx. i:s,o.
U. J. I.YXI.TP, KS(.
Dickson Mill and Grain Co.
II mi. it, LrfutdWHiuia
"' 1v',v'v'r'''vvv,'''vVAVfV
Tied His Employer's Youiir Son to
n Treo, Piled Brush About Him
nnd Tried to Sot Fire to It Mor
gan Sweeney Fined $15 and Costs
for Assault nnd Battery Ahearn
Judged Guilty of Selling Liquor
Without n License Chicuva Was
Thrown Into the Klvcr.
Another Instance of the deReneraey
of Carbondale's notorious bud boy,
Arthur YiitniB, was disclosed In Judge
Kdwards' court yesterday. He was ar
raigned on the charges of assault and
battery and larceny nnd receiving. The
prosecutor was William Hicks, a
butcher, residing on the outskirts of
Carhondale. In November last, Youiik
begun lonllng about Hick's slaughter
lie-tine, and out of charity, as much as
anything else, Mr. Hicks paid him for
doing odd jobs. Young's badness, how
ever, could not be repressed even by
kindness. One day it burst forth In
one of its wonted torrents nnd once
more In consequence Young is en route
to jail.
The assault nnd battery was com
mitted mi Mr. Hicks' 11-year-old boy.
Young took the lad Into a woods, tied
him to a tree, piled brush about him
and then attempted to set lire to It in
true Indian laslilon. The brush, how
ever, would not burn readily and be
fore Young could get It burning the
Hicks boy broke away from the tree
and ran home. Young In his dime
novel readings had learned that true
borderland ethics required that after
burning the captives at the stake it
was customary to drive off with their
live stock.
The only thing approaching live
stock that happened at that time to be
about the slaughter house was a drove
of pigs. Even Indians on their "Ileet
footed mustangs" would not attempt to
drive off a drove of pigs. Young picked
out one of the best, released it from
the enclosure and proceeded to drive
it Into the country. The pig got aw.iy
from him however.
It did not take the jury long to
find him guilty of both charges.
A verdict of guilty was secured Jiy
the Municipal league In their ca.-e
ngulust Joseph Ahearn, of Lincoln
Heights, charged with selling liquor
without a license. The defense put for
ward testimony to show that on Aug.
7 and Sept. iO, the dates on which tho
league's detectives alleged they bought
liquor from Ahearn, he was at other
places than his alleged speakeasy.
In tho case of Edward Moran and
William Moran, father and son, charged
with-aggravated assault and battery on
Charles Stanton, the jury, after being
out nearly nineteen hours, came in at
9.30 o'clock yesterday morning with a
verdict of not guilty, the defendants
to pay three-fourths of the costs, and
the prosecutor one-fourth.
Morgan Sweeney, who was convicted
of assault and battery on the young
son of his neighbor, Anthony McGurn,
was sentenced by Judge Edwards to
pay a fine of ?13 and the costs. The
jury had recommended extreme mercy.
Court Interpreter Woyslmer had to
put on an assistant yesterday after
noon. In Judge Kelly's court one Igmiii
Konocko was on trial for hitting Wal
ter Shemlnlskl, of Keyset Valley, on
the head with a beer glass on pay day
night at the Continental. In Judge
Wound's court, at the same time, Simon
Hinerrlak and George Chlcura, of Oly
phant, were on trial on cross charges
growing out of it free fight on Itlver
street, the night of Sept. 14. Chlcura
ns returning from a church fair when
he encountered Hinerrlak nnd a crowd
of his friends. Bad blood was existing
between the two, and It did not tnke
them long to get into a fight. Cliicttra
used a set of brass knuckles very ef
fectively on Hinerrlak. but Hlnerriak's
friends were too numerous for both
Chlcura and the knuckles, and, taking
the brass knuckles from him, they putn
meled him with them until they thought
they hud killed him, and then throw
him Into the river.
'Squire Wllllnm Mason nn'd John
Murray, who saw the disturbance from
a distance, hurried to the scene and
Can Get Parf of If
of all flour, lmt we want
following manner:
introduclni; "Snow White" Hour, a, to Its
its sticiiStli-IU whitene.-lis mrctiitfv. -Its
prose advertise- .,.,.,
five, aw iimuii, til.
rescued Chlcura. The Hlnrrrlnk side of
the story Is to the effect that Cliletira
assaulted' him with steel knuckles and
that both fell over the embankment
Into the river while lighting. It was
not denied that he nnd his companions
mndc no ntteiifpt to take Chlcura out
of the water. The t roll tit c grew out
of a dispute between two factions of n
church. Tho case was on trial nt ad
journing time.
A verdict of not gultty was directed
in the case In which Jnmrs Collins
was charged with being the accom
plice of John Fnrrell In tho theft or
Jewelry from Squire'-- store In Pcck
vllle, for which Fnrrell was convicted
nt the lost term. The commonwealth
failed to sliow that Collins ever had
tho goods In his possession or that Ins
was present when they wore disposed
of. Attorney J. M. Walker defended
Barnard Kabatchlck was returned
not guilty of tho clinrges of receiving
stolen goods and fatting to keep a rec
ord of tlie purchase of Junk, as pre
ferred by C, p. Slack.
Henry Kennedy, of Forest City, wus
adjudged not guilty of tlie charae of
cruelty to animals, preferred by Livery
man Eugene K. Deinlugs. Ho was ac
cused of abusing a horse hired from
tlie defendant. The evidence, Judge
Edwards said, failed to disclose cruelty.
He might bo properly accused of neg
ligence by bailee, but ho could not bo
found guilty of cruelty to animals. Tho
Jury was left to dispose of the costs
and placed them on the defendant.
Lizzie Graham, of Providence road,
was found guilty of breaking u Mower
pot on the head of her neighbor, Emma
Ash. The defendant alleged it was done
in self defense.
John Chrlstnock, Andrew Comstock,
Felix Gursky, Bernnco Lampchank, Jo
seph Slblna, John Slblnu and Michael
Vnlstrlko, boys of tender years, charged
by John J. Peel with stealing metal
nnd selling it to junk dealers, were let
go with a lecture by Judge Edwards.
Berauce Lampchank, one of the boys, also charged with stealing a baby
carriage which Mrs. Mary Altman left
out of doors over night. The judge let
him oft" on account of his years.
C. II. Truesdale did not put In an
appearance to prosecute Monroe Myers
and Henry Hoffman, supervisors of
Jefferson township, for falling to keep
the roads in proper condition. He sent
word by the constable who was serv
ing his subpoenaes that the snow
blockade of the mountain roads pre
vented him from having his witnessed
on hand. Tho defendants and a lot of
their witnesses, however, got through,
and tlie court held that the prosecutor
should have done likewise. A verdict
of not guilty was entered, and the costs
were placed on tho prosecutor.
John Cogging was adjudged not guil
ty of defrauding the Columbia out of
a board hill, and the costs were placed
on Proprietor T. J. Lnngun.
Capiases were issued for' Stanislaus
Furssowsky, Frank and Pauline Lesh
nock and Joseph Shiemeskl, defendants,
who failed to respond when their cases
were called.
An investigation of tho accounts of
John D. Jones, the tax collector of
Taylor, who Wednesday pleaded guilty
of embezzling borough funds, show's
that his shortage will bo between
$2,000 and $3,000. The estimate in the
Tribune yesterday of 10,000 was much
too high.
Widow Wants an Accounting.
Mrs. Catherine H. Council, widow of
W. P. Council, the hardware dealer,
who died March !, 1S9S, went before
Judge Vosburg In orphans' court, yes
terday, by her attorneys, O'Brien &
Martin, and asked for a. citation to
compel the administrators of her hus
band's estate to make an accounting.
The administrators tiro the sons of
tho deceased. The widow alleges she
has not been receiving iter just share
of tlie profits of the estate.
Mailin Walsh, of .Minook.i, ehaigod witli at
tunptlns to kill his M-der, Jlaty WaMi, wa.s
iclcifed jeslerday, on .J00 lull," funilidird Pv
Philip Connolly.
James Shorten was ,etcid.iy appointed Jud-e
of election in the Third di-tiict of the Twentieth
w-Jid. in place of Thomas Cirillilhs who is a can.
did.ite for ro'incllinan.
Attorney II. ,s. Alwoith ye-driday Hied with
Piothonotaiy Copeland an application for a
divorce for William Xoll fioni Ids alleged niu
away wife. Kliatirth Xoll, who left him Julv 7,
lh'il, ten months alter their m.irii.i!;p.
Judge Kdward, yn.tcnl.iy l-mcil a eluiter to
tlie Washington Social dull, of South Si-i-atilou.
'I lie purpose of the chili, as fct foith In its aril
ilcs of incorporation for the maintenance ot an
establishment for indoor athletic sports
Tho Affair Will Be Conducted on
Easter Monday Night.
At last night's meeting of tlie com
mit loo having In charge tho arrange
ments for the charity hull to be given
In the now armory for the benefit or
St. Joseph's Foundling Home It was
decided to conduct the affair on Easter
Monday night and to engage both
Bauer's and Oppenhelm's orchestras.
A special committee was appointed to
select a number of Htib-coinmltiooM in
look lifter the smaller details sucli as
decorations, printing, etc. These com
mittees will bo appointed within tho
next few days when tlie great work uf
arranging for the affair will be taken
up lu earnest.
Bodies of Men Killed on Railroads
Remain Unclaimed.
Tlie body of tho man killed on the
Lackawanna railroad at Moscow still
lies In the station at that placu mildeu
tjlicd. Tho report was current yester
day that It had been Identified as' the
body of a John Hughes, of this city,
but this was discovered to have been
only n rumor.
The body of tho Polander killed on
tho Jersey Central railroad near tho
Belluvuo breaker on Tuesday s still
nt Cuslck's morgue unidentified and
wll lbe shipped to the Stnte Anatomical
society In a few days If no claimant
Prince Henry in New York.
Time Is ripe for an excursion to tho
great city of Clothum, and with tho
coming event, the visit of tho crown
prince is 11 most opportune moment for
the New Jersey Central to run one of
Its popular New York trips. The date
set Is February 20, and good to return
to and Including Feb. 23, which per
mlts participation lu the welcome to
the royal visitor, The rate for these
excursions tickets is about one 1'aro for
the round trip, und tickets are good
on any train on tlie above date. 0
New Jerisey Central runs a personally
conducted tQur to AYushhigton on Feb
ruary 20, Kate Includes ul expanses.
The Elkins Pamphlets Reach Susquc
hnnnn Congressman Wright Is
Again in Line Queer Find of tho
Ostorhoats How Ho Promised Her.
Other Witty Sayings,
Special to the Scranlon Tribune,
Susquehanna, Fob. It. "I suppose,"
said tin Inquiring nowspnper man from
New York to an old farmer at Luiics
bolo, "that there tiro many romantic
Incidents connected with the Stnrrucca
viaduct over there?" The old farmer
looked nt him mournfully nnd said:
"Yes, only six months ago a pair of
youthful lovers strolled over and never
came back." "You don't say so? What
became of them?" asked tho city man
"They got married and settled down
In Susquehanna," answered th6 old
The Chapot chamois factory. Cireal
Bend's chief Industry, was on Monday,
closed by the sheriff. It was started
a year ago by Great Bend nnd Blng
hanilon people. The company will
probably bo reorganized.
Pugilistic Tim Hurley has gone to
Chicago, "other world's to conquer."
Susquehanna, county hns a bonded In
debtedness (from Great Bend and Hall
stead, bridge), or $15,000. There is $21,
:i7S.!)7 in tho treasury. During the your
11)01 the county disbursed $o7,7G2.!"n.
The board of trade will this evening
consider the sanitary condition of the
borough. Papers will be read upon
smallpox vaccination, etc.
Tho Susquehanna Munnci-hor held a
masquerade ball In Its Oakland Side
music hall last evening.
Susquehanna county is being Hooded
with copies of Attorney General John P.
Elkln's pamphlet, "Life and Public Ca
reer of a. Prominent Pennsylvantan."
It Is currently reported that Auditor
General E. B. Hardenbergh, of Wayne
county, Is shaping tilings to capture
the nomination for congress from this
district in 1U01.
Congressman Charles F. Wright will
enter the lists for u third term, while
Homer Greene and Colonel Coe Dur
land, of Wayne county, and William
Maxwell, Mini Lille and William
Young, of Bradford county, are anxious
for a. first term. ITp to this writing lit
tle Wyoming county has not produced
a candidate.
Congressman Wright has made a fine
record as a legislator, and he is very
popular throughout the district, lie
will surely be nominated by the Sus
quehanna county convention In March.
They only needed one chair between,
them and had been talking of the
happy time when he would have some
money saved up and she would have
said consent.
"You would never do as some hus
bands do, would you?"
"No Indeed, never. In what way do
you mean'."'
"Why, go out of evenings, come homo
drunk and go to bed with your boots
"No," replied he, "I'm sure I'd never
do anything like thnt."
"I thought not," she murmured
"I always wear shoes, anyhow," he
added thoughtfully.
The barbers' Union held Its Hist an
nual ball in Hogan opera house on
Monday evening.
At the county court, on Monday, tho
jury In the case of Van Valkenburg vs.
tho township of Clifford, guve tlie plain
tiff a verdict of $2,100. He sued for
$15,000 for injuries alleged to have been
sustained by a defective bridge.
B. T. Reynolds, of Tirzali, Is a Re
publican candidate for sheriff.
There is no smallpox ut East New
Mllford, rumors to the contrary not
withstanding. In Blngluimton, February S, by Hew
Dr. Edward Taylor. Charles A. Flor
ence, of Susquehanna, and- Miss Gen
evieve E. Hoffman, of Hancock, N. Y.,
were united in marriage.
There is little freight passing lately
over the Eric, on account of the snow
blockade In the west.
Willie tho Osterhoat brothers, of
Sherman, were sawing a large hollow
boechwood log into sections they dis
covered tho skeleton of a large bear
In one section. In the skull of tho
bear were found a number of bees and
several pounds of honey. It Is sup
posed that, years ago, tho bear crawled
Into tho tree lu search of honey, and
holm' nimble In OKo:mo. starved lo
! death. Then the bees nuule.a hive of
the skull.
An Erie engineer, commenting on
tho average farmer In crossing a rail
road track, suggests that Instead of
tho warning hoard, "Railroad cross
ing," that we adopt the motto, "Pre
pare to meet thy God."
"Charley," said a newly married
Susquehanna woman lo her husband,
"I don't mind your drinking onco in ft
while as long as J-ou eat plenty of
cloves, hut 1 do hope you will always
drink pure, sweet whiskey. 1 saw a
sign In a Slain street window which
says: 'Whiskey sours,' und 1 know
tho stuff must bo unhealthy after It
A Presbyterian church pastor in
Bhigliamton, last Saturday, had tho
following card In tho newspapers of
tho city; "At tho corner of und
streets there Is a church that
Isn't painted blue, Neither tiro tho ser
mons. In fact, they are so Interesting,
fervent and spiritual, some people
speak of them as being red red hot I
It Is worth going miles to hear them.
Everybody welcome .except church
committees looking for preachers."
From his pulpit Sunday morning,
Rev. E. E, Rellly, pastor of the Pros
hyterlail church, denied tho current re
port that ho had something to do with
tho banishment nf slot machines from
Susquehanna, "I am hired by this
people to preach, and not to act as de
tective or policeman," said he,
Mi',' u hU room (ho weather nun
(ileefully Mined his toddy;
"If tho ttrouiuMioj; ventured out," ho ald,
'"Twjs ill the Uitial body."
Susquehunnu county Is still feeling
the fag end of the bitter blast of the
biting blizzurd.
This Is what u crossroad correspond
ent sent to his paper: "Among the
sick Uro Ed. Dewert and his wife, Dr.
Klrby has got It lu the neck, und lit-
talks ns though he was down In a
"He tiiMitibil hard (j sec the kIiiro,
Hut only raw a halt
Xc.xt d.iy lie heard Hid play wan bail,
And he was Rtml of that."
Here's hnrd luek, us written In sub
urban corrrtitlonttence! "Will Slckley
and Miss Mary Hensley were married
last Wednesday night, In the presence
of some forty relatives and friends,
and a number were detained bv the
small-pox In the groom's family. That
Is, his brother Is quarantined,"
Tho survival or the fittest Is the doc
trine thnt always wins In u dog light.
No, Ethel! when you hear of" n
young girl having made a .good
"match" It doesn't signify thnt she has
got something that will get up every
morning and light ti fire.
Much Interest Is shown In the local
revival meetings. The world Is grow
ing better.
Within a wek but three candidates
for county offices have bobbed up. Some
of the back townships uro backward
In coming forward.
The Lenten season begins tomorrow,
und tho fiddler Is sad,
A few Mormons are working In tills
county. They haven't "worked" any
of tho people worth mentioning. Sus
quehanna county has but u fun fools
to the square nero.
A vicinity pastor, two weeks ago, told
tils Hock that there was too little edu
cational work In the village. Last
week two progressive euchre parties
were formed.
A Susquehanna county school direc
tor, after reading an article upon
"higher education," said ho would vote
to odd another story to the school
building. Whltnow
Unstinted Praise for Mr. Pennington
by H. Evan Williams.
II. Evan Wllllums, tho celebrated
tenor who sang In the Umstead recital
Wednesday evening, said yesterday
when speaking of the accompaniments:
"I have sung with the leading ac
companists In New York and else
where, but never before have my ac
companiments been so well played as
they were by Mr. Pennington. I sang
something like fifteen songs, nnd with
the exception of the "Elllaud Cycle,"
Mr. Pennington, who had no practice
on any of them, played theiri to per
fection. With other artists, I am to
sing at the national eisteddfod here in
the spring, and I shall Insist on having
Mr. Pennington to accompany us."
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Towanda, Feb. 13. The annual meet
ing of the stockholders of the Barclay
railroad was held at Philadelphia tills
week. O. A. Baldwin, of Towanda, was
re-elected general manager, and B. E.
Dunston, as superintendent. The other
officers are: President, II. M. Jenkins;
O. A. Baldwin, C. G. Davis, S. B.Wheel
er, G. S. W. Brubaker and I. It. Davis.
The number of shares voted for these
officers was 12.S04. The extent of the
company's damage by tho flood last
December was estimated at $20,000, and
bids have been already received for re
pairing the roadbed. Among other
things, President Jenkins suggested tho
closing up of the Long Valley Coal
company, tho stock of same to be held
by the railroad company. Tho net in
come for tlie year was $14,000, which
was expended in retiring outstanding
bonds. The directors were authorized
to sell tho company's land not needed
for railroad use, containing 6,000 acres
of former coal land, which was claimed
to bo of no value but forest reserve.
Director Guy C. Hollon was officially
engaged In Wyoming a few days ago.
He was called to Skinners' Eddy by
Landlord C. W. Decker, to trace a mini
who had skipped with his pocketbook
containing $130 In cash and a. check of
$32. The officer found his man, name,!
Hughey Gross, at La Grange, who
made a confession. Before a justice he
furnished ball for a further hearing.
Plans are being perfected, whereby
Troy borough taxpayers will invest $20,
000 by buying their water works sys
tem. The following relatives from a dis
tance attended the forty-second annual
reunion of the family of Mr. and Mrs.
J. D. Klzer, of Kissers, Pa., which was
Gent's Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, 50c
and 75"c goods, for 39c and 4c
Children's Fine Natural Wool Underwear,
best 85c goods, for 59c
Smaller sizes, same goods 39c
Eiderdown Dressing Jackets, 1.00 and
$1.25 garments, for 63c and 79c
56 Children's Coats
Fine Quality, value $7.50 to 12.50. Your
first choice $6,95
Second 4.95
40 Ladies' Tailor Suits
Which we wish to close out at once. All are
desirable garments. We divide them into three lots:
Lot 118 Suits, value 516,50, now for $ 9.95
Lot 2t-22 Suits, value 20.00, now for 12,50
Lot 316 Suits, value 25,00, now for 14.75
Mears & Hag;en
j, ,415417 Lackawanna Ave.
I Restful to the Eye
There Is no light so restful to the eye as that of a Good
Lamp. With a poor light the nerves becomes exhausted and Jjjf
find that the work once easy for the eye now becomes difficult, g
Our Central Draft Lamps, with green plated g.
shado, are eyo savers, Complete, with shade .... 4) JJ. O
That Is cheaper than a pair of eye glasses. g
Geo. V. Millar &
We Clean and Sterilize Carpets and Rugs
Making them look fresh and new and destroying all moths.
Carpets scoured without injury to color or texture
Scranton Bedding;
Lackawanna and Adams
i 1! 1
Cleaning-up 5
Clothing fcr Men,
Women and Children.
Economical persons will be interested to learn
that the selling price of our worthy stock in all de
partments has been reduced 25 per cent, and In
many cases 50 per cent.
This reduction includes Ladies' Suits, Jackets,
Automobiles, Raglans, Skirts and Waists.
Also Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats.
And the most liberal terms of Credit in America,
Twenty-Eight Stores.
317 Lacka. Ave.
Second Floor.
Open Evenings.
held yesterday at the home of E. F.
Klzer in Towanda: Mr. and airs. W.
W. Klzer, of Varden; Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Cobb, of Wlmmers; Mr. and Mrs.
M. Arnold, of Carbondalo: Mr. nnd
Mrs. J. D. Klzer, jr., of Kizers: Mr.
and Mrs. M. S. Shaffer, of Wllkea
Barre: Mr. and fMr.. F. A. Peck, ot
Peckville; Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Ken
nedy, of Olyphant; A. F. Klzer, of
Scranton, and I!. 13. Klzer, of Kingston.
James McCraoken, of South WuVerly,
is in jail uwaltlng the finding of tlie
next grand Jury.on the charge of shoot
ing nt his wife and assault. He was
unable to furnish tho ball of $3,000.
To Hear Paderewskl.
Account of the PaderewskI piano re
cital tit the new armory, Scranton, Pa.,
Monday evening, February 24, arrange
ments have been made with tho Dela
ware and Hudson company for special
rates from tho following points, to
Scranton and return:
Carbondalo, 50c; Maylleld, 40c; Jer
myn, 35c; Archbald, 30c; Peokvllie,
2,'c; Olyphant, 20c: Moosic, 20c: Avocn,
23c; Plttston, 30c; Wilkes-Barre, r,0c.
Train service will bo announced in
tho papers later.
argains i
Co. Iltll
Co., R A;
Avenues. Both 'Phones
End of the
Season Sale
324 Lackawanna Avenue.
I'oiIjii ami Murti'ii
l'cr.'.l.iii jiiiI .MuuIIIouk
.l.l.OO now
1007 Mink f-tniin iull.iv .
J22I Mini: t'oll.irette ....
1UJS Crt'lic Collarette ....
10.iS Mat tin Si'.iif..
12SI IW.iik Muitrii Si-aif .
10OI i:ipi-lrlu Scot ..
100.-, KIcillic S0.1l Seal f .
ll.VS S.ililp Kii-c Scuf
H.-.O-S.1I1I0 "i Sen if ....
lll.V-lllno l.n Scaif ....
.( Illiio l.wiv Scat ....
Ui) (I )
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10. 1 J I
7 (l
... -III.
... IS.
... fi.
... 7.
... 1.
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... is.
10011-ltccl Vw Staif .
SUC .Mink Siurf, Ions
20111 .Mini: Sea if
L-7- t'lnn nnon Hear lloa,
' luii
.".27-lllack lloa, :i ,v.U
U71-lliunti Ilea- lloa, ;! ytU
SOU (Iiii,miiii lloa,
;! yi
r. 20.
r. 1J.
.. (1.
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7I)0-(irny IVix lloa, ;! yit-
2fti llluu J.j iin lloa, :i y,l
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1'uiH ltoiaiiC(l. I'm- MamiiaL-tnidl. 1'aw l',,n
Hnniirrtcturc?3 :r
486 to 455
N. Ninth Street,
Telcphoas Call, 2.TAX
For Sale
Farm of 15 Acres
111 ul. Iioim o( sou'ii loom, linn HuM"
fiTl, One inlli- (loin lallmaU Mjtlqn, ' irv'iit t.irlu;;ii ami luiimiis- water, )Mility
ot al. tlinlicr. I loktlalil Willi M-wn-fuiit
Villi ot eo.ll. flood nuikoH for omijr.
IliilC. Thiiiy-liii iiiu-i lioltoiil l.tfcl,
I'liee. $123 per aire. Tenn to roll pur
ilu.i'l. . , .
New AU'amlrla, 1'J,.,
NeMinoliljml I'd.
News , .
Done quickly and reasonably
at The Tribune office.
in HH i
H 11 1
Till !
ill i
E9 Credit ' fj
Clothing I
1118 i