I'l-IE SUKAJSTON T1UBUNE-11UDAY, FEBllVAltY 1J, 1002, whoso homo was lit Carbondale. llov. J, A. Mollltt, of Taylor, was celebrant! Very llov. T. F. Coffey, deacon! lleV. dcoi-go Dixon, sub-deacon. Many of the friends of tho late lamented priest tin aisled at the services. by llev. Dr. II. J. Whalcn, of this city, says: "The lecture given by Iter. Dr. Whaloii, of Carbondnlo, on Friday even ing, was fully appreciated, the edlllco being crowded. Tho absent ones missed a rare treat." .C" Tfee News ' of Carbondale, 2 I I ii rSTT lialmiminl ,; '..-r-ii - 'fisfrm--JSM Jta KOIl SAt.U clicnp to wlllo llio rotate, luiuv ntt '' lot. No. 1M Wjoiillni? stvrrt. Inqtilie No. W Fatciitli uomte. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware nnd Hudson Railroad. Novcniticr 21. 1001. Trains leave Calbon.Itlc tit illy tat0n M fob ,1'ir frranton ami VIII;M-l.irvo-0.0O, T.IW, S.W, fi.OI, 10.01, 11.21 a. in. I l.W, l.Wi "3U Jr'0' CM, 7.00, J0.01, ll.Ui) Ji. III. . , , .Sunday liuliu le.we at S.50, 11.21 a. !"! MOi 2.40, S.MI, S.33 t. in. , , ...,., ttiqland t'Ointi, do., 7.00 a. m.i J.-B !' "' (dally.) i-or nay 11.05 . m. vm.ii t nnd HoiirsdJle, 8.01 o. v. m, ... , , Sunday Itiiliu leave Wajtii.ut ni.J Ilunc'dale o( D.S0 n. in.; 4.13 p. m. Tialiu iinlie ut Cnbuiiil.ilc from UUci-ll.uie and hcnilitor ut totlnwis 1I.6O. WIT. IW. V:0 . m.J 12.07, 2.WI. 0.13, 1.2., (J.US, 7.01, fi..'ll, IUI. 11.87 p. 111. j ?.0S it. 111. Hiimuy tr.ihn artlvc at 0.27 a. in.; 12.10, .1.1, i.SS. 0.29, 11.C3 p. 111. Sunday linlm arrive at (.-.iiliotidjliMrom Way matt and llonoijlc nt 12.17 nnd ".'' p. in. man, ns lm turned with some disgust; "tho man you heard must Imvo been llm General Oordoh who wan ltlllod at Gettysburg." ROUND ABOUT THE TOWN. New York, Ontario and Western. Septrinliir 17, 1001. T1.1I11 lu.iK- Ciilioiidulo fur Snatiloii at ..00 a. In.; 1.00 p. 111. Sunday trams at 7.00 a. in.; O.Oi) p. 111. Trjlnt leave CMrbondalo lor point 1101I11 at 11.10 u. in. On Simdiy nl .1o a. in. 'I'l.ilm Icitlns at 11.10 a. 111. week day andlUO a. in. bundjj j make loniicclloiH for New Vork, I'mn ttall, etc.. . , Train airivc hc-m Scr.ititoi a I 11.10 11. 111. 0M p. 111,; fioni points norlli, J.IM p. m. hmiiwy lion, l.'ri.mtoii nt n.10 a. ni. and 7.13 p. ni.j from Cidoilu at fi.CM p. 111. Erie Railroad. lime 2.1. 1001. Trains liuir city elation. Ciilioiiihli. dally ffM'ciit Sunday) ut 7.00 a. 111. ami .'' p. 111. lor lli.uidt and Muow-li; at 0.:W a. 111., dally (rv loptlnc; Sunday), for lliiieliamion. making roil ructions for Xrw York r'ly and Uii'l.iln, ntul at 0.10 p. In. for Mtifjiicliann.i, nuMiig .connect loin for western iinlntx. "iinday train 11 1 ".'" a. in. fur .Suvqiicli.inna, with ucfcni connect I. mi, and (..27 p. in., .with t.iiuc connection. Tratni arrive at S.V1 a. 111, an 1 0.15 p. in. Minuays at s.M a. in. STORIES OF THE STREET. A Couple of Good Ones from the Bar ber Shops of the Town General Gordon's Lecture. "Billy" Furnwald, the deft ami genial larber. who is never without a good Jtory.whlch would even make our 13ns Ish cousin laugh, tells a good one cm himself. One day this week, a man, after be ing shaved, asked for a facial massage. The preliminary move was the applica tion of a hot towel, but there must have been too much hot stuff in it, for when "Billy" gently laid the cloth on the face of the customer, the man gave a jump like a Dickson City councilman Arriving; at a conclusion. "Hilly" was horrified to see his patron's eye roll down over his body and fall on tho floor. "When it struck there was a crash like a striking parlor match, and the eye was fh a. hundred pieces on the barber shop lloor. "Billy" bought the cigars, and tho next day he bought a new glass eve for his friend. This Is a. story about a man in a barber shop, who came over the Afoosle mountain from Ilonesdnle. After tho Carbondale barber shaved him, he stood beside the chair with an iinsnlls lied look on his mild face. "Something, else'.'" asked the barber, who in his confusion gave the next customer a mouthful of lather.'1 "Well, I don't mean to bother you," was ids apology, "but if you've got a trading stumphandy, I'd take just one for that shave." Those who heard General Gordon'? lecture Tuesday night, will appreciate this story, which is a true one, since 11 came from a newspaper writer of the town. The pair were discussing General Gordon's qualities as a speaker. "t heard him once and enjoyed him ever so much," said the one, "but he didn't have a good voice, it seemed to me." "That's where you're off," said th newspaper man. "General Gordon's voice was the most conspicuous of hit finalities." "Well, by gosh," persisted the other, "the man I heard had a poor voice." "Oh, pshaw!" said the newsnmirr COFFEE MORS IT. Factt Not CJencrally Uelleveil. It is curious to watch a coffee toper and observe how he or she will resist all .suggestions as to coffee being the cause of their various ailment's. They will charge thu coaled tongue and bilious condition to something they have eaten, likewise the wretched con dition of tho bowels and the palpitation of tho heart. Tho sallow complexion is generally attributed to a "naturally bil ious" temperament. But once In a while a person wakes up and throws olf coffee entirely, then the truth begins to annear. ami if iu easy job to make this chaugo if Postum, Food Coffee is taken in place of coffee A man in West Plains, AIo., writes' .... w..v .mi 4IUIUI grow on nio my hcalthliivllupiljii the same ratio, 1 V&K HUiacctJln)ierVfllisnes3, coustlua AJ8UJ UWPejiSuOuid a .general weal; Tceirng-whlch made me unlit for busi ness, and finally I became so nervous and1 thoroughly broken down that I could not attend to business and turned .verytJljijr.o,vtV ,lj my a'sslstaut and iivonUttOhc' mountains In Colorado hoping to find health in a change of climate, but after six months sojourn T enme back Jn worse condition than 1 left. A friend insisted thut I unit coffee unci try Postuni unci although 1 did not believe It was the cause of my m health,, I consented to' try thu now cof. fee. ..J bought a package and Wife pro pared It Htrlctly according to directions and I wan wonderfully pleased to Unci It bo delicious und refreshing; the nult llng.,Qf a coffee was a pleasure rather than a task. I have now been drinking Postum for over a year and my health has steadily Improved the nervousness and dyspep. sin lmvo entirely disappeared. 1 have gained ?o pounds In weight and feel, at least, ten years younger thnn I did u year ago "STaTYy of iny friends have quit coffee nnd are UBlug Postum and I do not know of a single one who has not been benefited, Homo of theso did not like Postum nt first, but In every case 1 found tho cause to have been not hav ing boiled- It long enough. The dlreer tlons ore easy enough to "follow-, ami when followed a dellcloua beverage Is iuu reBmi, uiu Borne slovenly cooks put it on to boll for five or ten minutes, but that does not inako good Postum. After the real bubbling or boiling has begun it should be allowed to boll at least 16 minutes." Name given by Pos turn Co,j Uattle Creek, alien. "Policeman Jack," the dog with the funny tall and interesting ways, llko William Toll and his native crags and peaks. Is with us once more. ".lack", has changed his ways and Is showing tl'ioi'o who took nn Interest In him thnl like the leading lady In tho show who also sings and dances be tween the acts, ho Is qitllo versatile. .Inch earned the soubriquet of "Police man Jack" by following the policemen of the town, night after night, last summer, not only refusing to go with hla owner, or even be coaxed away, but not deigning a recognition of any 0110 save his favorite policemen, which was ofienesl Patrolman James Bell. In tho fall, Jack showed tho first streak of versatility by running off to Muyllekl yard, where he lived among the rail road men there. Sharing their fun, but oftener their suppers nnd dinners. "Jack" tired of tho noise of escaping steam, clanging bells and tooting whistles and last Sunday he cftine back to town ns quietly as he left three or four months ago. Ho 1ms shaken the police, however, and has given further evidences of his second love, tho rail load men, by making his night quar ters at the oily station of tho Dela ware and Hudson. ICvury night this week "Jack" could be seen In cither the baggage room or tho waiting room. Ills life, however, Is not a pleasant one, as he Is buffeted about' by speeding passengers and as he is suffering from rheumatic gout caused by the pic crust and such like that the newspaper men and others used to feed him nights in the restaurants last summer when he was "Policeman Jack" he is In f-oro distress. Ho still has his funny abre vlatcd tail and lie still does a sort of caku walk with it when you tell him what a good dog he really Is. A commendable effort Is being made to have a late mail out of Carbondale to New York city. Landlord Williams, of the American house, has laid the matter before the postoHlco people who have promised to present the request anil the necessity for the same to the proper o(llcIal.s and to press the matter with as much vigor as will be tolerated. There are numerous good reasons why there should bo facilities for send ing mail to Xcw York city by way of the train leaving here at 10:01 each night. Under the present arrangement, mall for eastern points must be In the postofllce before S:20 the latest, it it would go out the same night. Any mall dropped after that hour lays In the poalofllco until the next morning. Here Is a delay of about 12 hours, an item of some consequence to the business men and traveling man In these days of competition and despatcli In thq business life. Drummers who mall their orders to their llrms In the big cities, suffer most from the absence of a late mall. After their day's canvas, It is usually Impossible to have their mall in the postofllce by S:.'J0 or there abouts. Then when they discover theio is no late mail, there Is usually a sul phurous time. The drummer is not the only one who suffers; the hotel keeper keeps him company. When the traveling man learns that his mail cannot leave for Xew York city or Philadelphia, lie picks up ids grip a nil goes to Scranton for the sole purpose of mailing his letter. Beside being a loss to the hotels of the town, it also gives the impression that the town Is some what slow, and for this reason, alone, there should be an arrangement where by mall could be cared for on the 10:01 train. The freezing weather caused faithful Park Keeper Xliehard Udy to feel like making some explosive remarks yester day. Tho reason was that ho was un able to hoist the llag- on the polo in the park yesterday, la observance of Lin coln's birthday. Faithful Uichurd, as Is characteristic of him, was on hand early in the morning with the big Amerlcun llag that swings In the breeze on every occasion that calls for its presence; but when ho tried to raise It ho found that the rope was lrozen and would not go through tho pulley at tho top of the staff. Mr. Udy yanked and pulled and jerked, but with no success; ho could ralso the llag no higher than a few foot. Then when he tried to lower the flag he discovered that the rope stuck like the men who are often ti candidate just before elec tion. It was just high enough, too, to require a ladder to reach It. Thin was llnully done, but not until there was a deal of energy wasted in fretting and fussing and In expressions of dlsap jiolnt, for Jlr. Udy takes tho highest pride In seeing to It thut Memorial park contributes everything In tho lire of the city that is looked for from It, PATRIARCHS MILITANT. New Officers Installed, Followed by a Smoker. Carbondale canton, No. 10, Patriarchs Mllltunl, had a very interesting time In their rooms Inst evening, when tho following oillcors were Installed: Com mander, John Beck! lieutenant, George Beatllei ensign, W. B. Stone; clerk, H. J. Hall; accountant, Frank Ludwlg, They were Installed by Major Ueneral K. C. Deans, of Scrnnlon, usslsted by P. J. Vetter, elder of slnff; W. C. Cowles, colonel of Second regiment, and Assistant Commnnder General K. '.P. Davis, all of .Scranton canton, No. 4. At the conclusion of lliu exorcises those present enjoyed the fragrance and smoke of good cigars, The Scran ton contingent returned on tho 11 o'clock train over tho Delaware and Hud.von road. Young People's Social. The Young People's Social club will. now a social nl tho parsonage of the First congregational church this even ing, nt Which supper- will bo served. A pleasant evening and a rellslmblo sup per arc promised those who ntlcnd. The organization, of which Miss Delta Jones Is president, is n helpful factor In the church work-, THE PASSING THRONG. TONIGHT'S LECTURE. Hon. John Littlefleld's Discourse on "Daniel O'Connell." The life of Daniel O'Connell, tho '.1 lustrlous Irish patriot and noted states man, will bo reviewed tonight In St. Hose hall, by Hon. John Llttlefleld. of New York city, an eloquent speaker. H Is tho last number In the course, and an intellectual repast Is looked for. To lovers of liberty, who admire a true patriot, a man of lofty Ideals and heroin courage, this beautiful unfolding of the life of Daniel O'Connell will strongly appeal. AMUSEMENTS. The Niagara Falls Scene. The scene showing Niagara Falls In the last act of "Tho Fust Mall" is tho grandest piece of reality that mechani cal Ingenuity ever presented upon the stage of any theater. The actual scene was so Impressive that Lincoln J. Car ter Immediately determined to produce it in ills piece, and he has done so with such gratifying results that it is pro nounced perfect by the thousands who have seen and compared it to Ameri ca's wonderfully natural waterfall. This play will bo at the Grand to night. All reserved seats will be .10 cents; gallery, 23 cents. A Week of Opera. The Columbia Comic Opera company will open a week of opera at the Granil on .Monday night, with a ijcsontntlon of "Said Pasha," an old ravorlte. This company has thirty people and comes with splendid recommendations from the newspapers In tho New England states, where only companies of merit are recognised with a paying patron age, as was this organization. A fea ture of the company Is the dancin specialties of the Dompaey sisters. In the company is also Claude Amsden, formerly with the Wuile company. The operas will be presented as fol lows: Monday, "Said Pasha": Tues day, "Fra Diavolo"; "Wednesday, "Two Vagabonds"; Thursday, "Wang"; Fri day, "Bohemian Girl"; Saturday, "Li Muse-otic"; 'Wednesday matinee, "U!p Van Winkle"; Saturday matinee, "Paul Jones." Prices Evening, 10. t'O and ::o cenls; matinees, 10 and 20 cents. The Ottumwas Quartette. The next and last number In the Smlth-SInger entertainment course will be tho Ottumwas quartette, which will be at the Grand on Monday evening, Feb. 21. The quartette, which is regarded by the Louisville Courier-Journal as "giv ing the most finished male quartette work ever heard in Louisville," will undoubtedly provide entertainment of a high class order, and will be a lining ciuce 10 a uigniy successful course from every standpoint. Miss Julia 10. Van Densen, reciter, accompanies the quar tette, and will contribute several num bers to the evening's programme. Change of Positions. Claude Oliver, who. has been the dork In the Carbondale branch or Tho Trib une since last June, has resigned to accept a position with Wonnacott Bros., Carbondale laundry. Jle Is succeeded In The Tribune oilice by hi.? brother Boyd Oliver. John J. Barrett, of Puwderly street, has accepted a position as solicitor with the Metropolitan Life Insurance com pany. Ho succeeds Francis A'. Dough or, who returns to bis former occupation. DISTURBANCE IN MAYFIELD. Street Car Men in a Mix-up with a Crowd of Youngsters, Th-ie wrs 1 suiill 'sized Hot In May Ik Id last evening. Pour stuet cur con-dui-tois wire going to thtir biiar.lui-,' houses In Maylleld when a crowd of boys followed thoiu tluough tho street hooting at the quartette. The latter resented tho nets of the crowd nnd Constable Tom Hurke who happened along went iU onco to tho four men and threatene'd them with arrest. One of his followers bicamu engaged in an altercation with tho street car men and the four. It Is alleged, drew their revolvers. For a timo It looked as If serious results would come of the affair but after considerable talk the spirit of war was quelled and tho street cur men were allowed- to go to their boarding houses without any further molestation. Hour of Devotions Changed. The hour of devotions at. HI. Hose church bus been changed for tonight only. The services, stations of the cross, will begin tit 7.13, instead of 7.20. Tills is for the accommodation of those who wish to attend the lecture by Hon. John AVhltileld In St. Hose hall, the last num ber In the Knights of Columbus course. To Receive Election Returns. The Carbondale Cycle club, following the custom or other years, will reecho election returns on Tuesday night next at the club house, on North Church street. While the clubmen are await ing the returns a luncheon will ho served and cigars will bo passed. Insurgents in Town. Harry Reynolds and Tim Cavauaugh, of the street car insurgents, were In tho city last evening doing missionary work among thu strikers In Carbon dale. Meetings of Tonight. Tho Tompklnsviy.0 correspondent In writing of tho lecture delivered tliero Girl. Mo- A New "Hollo" Poor board. Junior Order United American chunlCH, Companions or the Forest, American Lets I on of Honor. Crystal camp, Woodmen of the World. United Mine Workers, No. SI I. The Royal Circle. Kind Words for Dr. Wlmlen. Miss Anna Dlmmlck, of Copelaud avenue, bus accepted the position of night operator In the exchuusu of tho Carbondale Telephone company, she succeeds Claude Oliver, who has changed his position. Anniversary Mass. - An unnlversary mass of requlum was Hung in Bt. Hose cliurvh ut 7.W yyaler. day morning for tho renosjj, of. llio soul of Jibe late Rev, William A. Nealon SCHOOL GIRLS. Tis a pretty age that time in a girl's life when she has all the beauties of womanhood without the later lines of care and worry. But here and there even among school girls appear pale and-drawn faces, Pale blood is at the bottom of the trouble and Scott's Emulsion can cure it. Scott's Emulsion brings back the beauty to pale girls because it is blood food. Siinl for l'rc Sample, WMW Hi BOWXll, CluiuUt. 40a JAurl St., N. V. Guy Little was In Scranton yesterday. Miss Nellie Gnllnghy visited In Scran ton on Wednesday. 11. S. Meyers, the newsdealer, Wits In Scranton on Wednesday. Mrs. Harry Cavanaugh, of Archbald, spent yesterday In this city. Miss Dora Early, of Seventh avenue, Visited In Hcrnntou yesterday. Miss Beth Roche, of Jcrmyn, called on Carbondale friends yesterday. Miss Ella Jordan, of Scrantiin, wus a visitor In Carbondale on Wednesday. Misses Margaret Cawley and Agnes McLean, of Archbald, were Cnrbondule visitors yesterday. Charles Armbruster, or Honesdalo, tho genial sheriff of Wayne county, was in tho city yesterday. Misses Agnes Grady and Agnes Qulnn and Joseph Grady, of Maylleld, enjoyed a slelghrldo to this city last evening. W. II. Logan, of Scranton, manager of tho R. a. Dun & Co. mercantile agency, wns at the Harrison house yes terday. J. J. O'Boyle, of Scranton, was among tho traveling men from tho Electric City, who were in Carbondulc yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. SUirdevant, of Scranton, visited, this week, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Nolan, on Pike street. Miss Anna Bennett, of Unlondale, re turned home yesterday, after visiting wm ner sister, Mrs. L. F. Hounds, on Cemetery street. Miss Olwen Owens, who was severely ill at the homo of her daughter, Mrs. Albert Breese, of this city, has been removed to her home in" Tlrzalt. J. Borst, who formerly conducted a jewelry store In Carbondale, but is now locuien in nouarl. ,N. Y Is visiting among former friends In this citv. P. T. lteiily, of tho Scranton Hallway company's general offices at Scranton. was in Carbondale, disbursing the earnings or the employes on this divi sion, yesterday. Miss Almeeda Smith, or Honesdale, is the guest of Mrs. Elmer Joslvn, or Oiieonla, N. Y who is at the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. n. Cowles, on Terrace street. John A. Foote, or Archbald, a stu dent at Georgetown university. Is In the city. lie was called here bv the dan gerous Illness of his aunt, Miss Mary Foote, of Seventh avenue. Paul Kelly, son of .Mrs. Ellen Kelly, of tho West Side, who left here last spring to enter tho mother house or the Jtedemiitorlst Fathers to prepare for that order, has been obliged to re turn nume on account of Illness. He expects to return after the winter's cold is broken. Ci. Nelson Ponnell, of Chicago, trav eling representative or Dnl;' Al. Far son ft Co., dealers In Invi ..nt se curities, was at the Harrison house yesterday. Mr. Pannell. makes a monthly visit to Carbondale. and with his knowledge of the doings of the linanclal world and his frank alfabl way, he makes his trips interesting to his customers and of value to himself. JERWYN AND uAVFIELD. District Diputy Allen, 0r Peokvllle, on Wednesday night Installed the fol lowing ofileers of the local conclave of Hept.isophs; Arebon. Pour Siielcher provost, John .McCarthy, secrelarv. AV. If. Tennis; treasurer. Tlieron Moon; financial secretary. Ben Morgan; In spector. Pi-lee D.tvN; inside sentinel, John Tighe; outside lontluel. Thomas Nash. At the conclusion of the ceretnonv the members repaired to tho Windsor ho tel where a delightful supper was served and the remainder of the even ing was spent in a thoroughly enjiiv able manner. The contract between the boronHi council and the Electric I.lirht com pany was slimed yesterday and with tho publication of the ordinance the much discussed question that has been agitating the borough for several months past ends. There was quite n utile improve ment yesterday In tho condition of James Tlinlln. Among the recent ,.it. eis at tno residence were Miss Sally Thomas, of Kingston; Misses Annlo and Kate Quinnan, John J. Timlin John J. Gllgallnn. M. J. Mcltnle, of" Archbald, and Peter J. Mahmcy, of Scranton. Mrs. Mary MeAuilrows, mother of Mrs. Patrick Loughney, with whom she has made her homo tho past two years, was seized with an attack of apoplexy about 9 o'clock Wednesday evening and died yesterday morning. Deceased who was well advanced in years, was formerly a resident of Archbald and was widely known throughout thu valley. She wns i.,i,i In much esteem by her large circlo of friends to whom her death enmo with painful shock. Shu la survived by two daughters, Mr. Loughney und Mrs. Edward Coleman, of Archbald. Tho funeral will take place Saturday morn ing with a high mass of requiem In SI. Thomas' church, Archbald. llov. J. J. Jenkins, of Taylor, will preach In thu Congregational church on Sunday. The special services being hold U1I3 week In the Methodist Episcopal church are being attended by largo congro gallons who are receiving much spirit ual good from tho earnest and able discourses of the Rev. Mr. Bennington. .Mrs. M, j. MoDcrmott, of Main sireei, was taken suddenly 111 yester day. I 8 CEi T for; r- --2s. 1 ft ""ftluBSJffil I f n9K!HMHHU:M9HfXMi IH a $L Till V.JiftJ, iy? ft Sil- fi vm xt-w m &zm ..v n A-e uaae S I 5 l 5 I i ; 5 I i : 1 : I : ! i ! ? w A P.5S7TA355!( yi'sKZ'j V&JZa&r - 4' VVvfc3jV.'';' rt: .&&:). r."j'L. ,Tho farmer of 'V(5 .1 sploiitUtl historical figure. J To looms largo .against tho stormy background of tho past, tho highest typo of tho citizen and patriot. Hut when wo con sider him as an agriculturist, a crop raiser and fit tho old timo Hail again into his hantiB, wo can hardly forbear a smile at tho quaint picture. What giant strides of progress: mark tho distance between tho slow (hud of the flail and tho impatient whirr of thu groat threshing machines which handle tho vast wheat crops of the great North-West. If wo want to measure our progress there is no better starting jioint than that far oil farmer with his Hail, and yot some profes sions which should show the greatest pro gress snow 1110 least, this 19 notably true in tho practice of medicine, and it is true because of tho attempt of the profession at largo to preserve tho peculiar idea of dignity which is tradi tionally associated with tho practice of medicine. According to tho ethics of tho profession it is undignified to advertise. You may have a specific for some special disease, hut vott can't pub lish the fact to tho public at largo without a loss of standing 'in the profession. It was just this condition which confronted Dr. It. V. Pierce, when, as tho result of his practice and medical studies, he combined the ingredients which enter into "Golden Medical Discovery," and proved tho power of tho medicine to cure. JJr. Pierce knew, what all physicians know, that when uiBu.iou uil.u:k.s a person 1110 stomach is tno lir.st orrran undor sits picion, because in tho .stomach and its allied organs is prcnaret tho food by which man lives, and which in tlm form ,,f M,1 i the life of the body. If tho food is not fully digested and assimilated, the body is not fullv nourished. Tim rpsnlf. nf this. , lack of nourishment is weakness, which tnav bn general or may specially manifest itself in heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, etc. Dr. Pierce argued that if many 'diseases of the body and its organs had their origin in tho diseased condition of the stomach, then the medicine which would cure disease of tho stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition would also cure the many diseases which originate in stomach disease. Then lie compounded his "Golden Medical Discovery" and proved tho truth of his theory by numerous cures of diseases of tho stomach, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, etc. But at this point there came another thouc-ht. " Whv nnk devote the whole of my timo and ertergy to tho onre of this special class of diseases i Lut how I I here was only one way to reach tho people and that was by advertising, ilus was contrary to professional oliniietle, but Dr. Pierco behoving that tho greatest good to the greatest number must be tho rule of con duct, put the question of etiquette aside and told the people what he knew his Golden Medical Discovery" would do. Ever ainco then tho people have been' telling Dr. Pierce what " Golden Medical Discovery " has done in offcetinir thou sands upon thousands of cures. . mi.v.iias. iunwicK, ot wnox, Macomb Co., Mich., writes: "I have never felt better in ..... ... ....... , ii: uiK.cu ijr. rierce-s uoiuen Medical Discovery right alone. I can now wall: quite well with a cane and hope to throw even that away before lonjr, and ai I have had to use crutches for nearly two years I think I am doinK fine. I do not cough now, ?ylw.".S,e?,1,Uo 1 Si'1001 ,,,7'MI-tll::lk l V"1 llavc to chanse my inhid about 'Patent Medicines,' as I never had much faith 111 them hut vn i,,cf i-... ,!,.... t 1 1 . ..., m two hospitals and by three other doctors besides, and received no benefit,' so I think -your medicine is the only medicine for me." ' JLT!",Ce Ca-r!; iS', Wi,tc! Jrs' Varrc" E' ?ar,:cr' r 0raKc Strcet. Nantucket. Mass. "I was taken sick with what the doctor called nervousness and indieestion. He nave me medicine for the rouble, but I could not cat even a little toast or oatmeal without suffering severely. I felt hungry but hardly dared eat anything. In a few months I began to have distressing pains right 111 the pit of the stomach. After the distress passed awav it would leave my stomach so sore that I was obliged to lie in bed several days. I called'the doctor again and lie said I had catarrh of r.lonmeb r.v. , i..,i:-,-., i., :, ,i:.i ...... .1 , os. twenty-eight pounds in three mouths. At last I war. so bad that I thought I was beyond Help. One of my friends loaned 111c Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser to read, and when I read that many people had been cured bv his medicines, I wrote and stated my case uuu icv-cn-iu a prompt repiy. ur. l'icrce wrote me I had indigestion, associ lake ins 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and ah aking his medicines immediately, anil soon bet f.iorl"!! Meriirnl Dircni-prv ' ln nf ' T.-n..,-;i T.:.: 1 ..j six vials of Dr. Pierce's Pellets. I have gained ten pounds. Am able to do all my work, and ..n... iiui n.iu u uiMi'juMug speu lor live montns. can eat everything." ther the flesh. SR ffiTrs- " ' ...., rtfKHFfU-. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and o organs of digestion and nutrition, h, purifies and enriches the blood, feeds nerves, stimulate the appetite and builds up the bodv with solid healthful fl J 1 euros biliousness, and the headache and sluo;dsu ness which arise from a bilious habit. The sole motive for substitution is to permit tho dealer to make the little more profit paid by tho sale of less meritorious medicines. Tie gains; you lose. Therefore accept no substitute for " Golden Medicai ASM jr,&niz:im .f'sSSS,-AhZ!l-&V 1 A s.''.vy.'':r-' ,- l-.L'W f,:7s5r.M.s:sr J----' I Ji ' lifl'f $mm W a:' vi. BS?EHffif M :'ll S r 1 t 1 I 1 56fe. co very. FSffi vizia cagrsEKCTaj umnciai ti .ii 1 1 I (i I i . c i 1 11 1.1 i 1, m 1 mm i0 I fr.nmnvr. $ Baotcp Piojca55s Giamman Sans lYladSoaS Advisor, cort- Snfofctg aver WOO Sxpgo fsaijco, is sent FEEE as? racoipt Jf stsm&s to stay cxponso of tnaiUng QNlYa Scnt3 31 ona-coni siat3T!ia fav ilio c3tli"kaune3 vafcima, of anfy 2S stamps far' tha Ssoalr isi psgiop cavovs iddposs: Dr. ?. V. PSERQE, Buffalo, ti, Y. S2Si- : ft in X0zrwtrTn-r-VT the residence of John Carter, on Scott strict, jilaki-Iy. Airs. John Al. Evans and Mrs. 1'eler ItubertH visited J rinyn relatlva Wed nesday. Miss Kate Boyhin, of Carbomhile, Is the guest of relatives In this place. Airs. Letltla I let-so spent yesterday with friends In Hvde Park. TAYLOR. OLYPHANT A grand untertulnment will be held in the Susquehanna Street Baptist church Saturday evening, February 2S. Miss Cora M. Grinin, the noted elocutlQiiIst, and Airs. Lizzie Hiighes-BruudaBe, the well-known soprano soloist, of North Scranton, will pnrllclpate. a delightful evening Is assured for all who attend. Tickets, M cents. Lincoln J. Carter's great scenic nro. diictlon, "Tho Fast Mall," was present ed at tho Father Jlathow opera house last evening before a large ami well pleased audience. Tho oust Is com posed of a number of clover perform ers. E. O. Lloyd, the Lackawanna street Jeweler, bus been taken lo the Huluie. immn hospital, ut Scranton, for treat ment. The funeral of Airs. Cutherlno Petti grew will be)iUl this afternoon from Wednesday afternoon nt t'.i'.fl o'clock funeral sni-vlees were held ovur tho remains of the late Mrs. Joseph Con nolly. The services were held In tho family residence and were largely ut ti.udeil. Itev. Dr. Harris, pastor of tho Calvary Baptist church, of which tho deceased was u devoted member, otll- chited and preached an eloquent funer al sermon and dwelt at length on tho noble qualities of tho deceased, and of fered beautiful words of sympathy and consolation to tho bereaved friends. The Calvary church choir rendered several pathetic anthems. Tho floral offerings wero nmny and beautiful. The many friends of AHno Superin tendent and Mrs. William Thomas paid them a visit at their homo In the Pyno on Tuesday evening, Tho visit was a surprise In every respect, and tho guests were forty-live In number. Tho ovenlnir was ono of much enjoyment, singing and music being the main fea tures, In which Misses ICdlfll AVatklus, Oliver Howells and .Messrs. T. Dewltt Edwards and Arthur Morgans ren dered solos In a pleasing manner. Thu Mozart, quartette, composed of Messrs. AVatklus, Morgans, Evans and Owens, rendered excellent selections, nnd the Wutklm family gave a number of iheir musical tenia. At a seasonable hour dainty refreshments wore served. The guests wore: Itev. and Mrs. James Walker, Prof, and -Mrs. John AVatklus, Foreman and Mrs. Louis Ituluhardt, Air. and Mrs. T. J. Davs, Mr. and .Mrs. James Hennlgan, Airs. T, It. Davis, Airs. John AV. Heese, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Thomas, Airs, -itlchard O'Horo, MlsSes Annie, Edith and Gertrude Wut klns, Hay und Jessie Alorgans, Fran cis Wutklns, Edith Thomas, Sallle Davis, Olwen Howells, Emma and Kale Keluhardt, Alnrtha I.nimdi r, Leah Evans, Anna J. Boyle, Coin Dorsey, Edith, Vim Busklrk and Messrs. Uich urd Wutklns, John J. Evans, David Thomas, John Powell, T. Dewltt lid wards, Sidney Owens and Arthur Mor gans, out of town guests, Airs. AV. 11, Joins, Carbondale; Alius Kdllh Win ters, Philadelphia: lev. 11. Ci. Ilus sell, Hudson, Pa and Hon. Kdwnrd James, Scranton. The runt nil of Airs. Joseph Connolly took placo from her Into home, on AViishlnglon struct. Wednesday after noon at -.JiO o'clock-, llev. Dr. Harris, pastor of tho Calvary Baptist church, outdated and paid a ulowlug tribute to tho memory of the departed one. Tho Calvary church choir rendered several excellent and pathetle anthems during the service, Interment was made In Forest Homo cemetery. The Young Men's Christian associa tion has thrown uoen their rooms to all young men of tho town, where they can spuud their leisure hours In read ing, playing appropriate games or ox crclslna; themselves. All nro welcome, Bring along your friends. Thu choir of the Alethodlsl ICpIscopal church Is requested to meet for re hearsal on Saturday evening at S o'clock sharp. A full nttundniico is de sired by tha chorister, Jllcluird AVat klus. William Haddock, aged 10 years, died at his homo In Old Forge, Wednesday, after a prolonged illness. Thu funeral will bo held this arternoon. Interment in the Forest Homo cemetery, The Pleasure club of tlm Knights of thu Golden Eagle, of Old Forge, are making elaborate arrangements for their banquet concert and ball, to be held at Holland's hull on February 17. Tint Anthracite Glee club, of this town, will furnish the programmo of the evening, PECKVILLE. This Is the last, week of thu AVIlsun Flro company's fair. The Odd Fellows' building Is crowded each evening. There Is a large number of articles lo bo chanced off yet. Ice cream Is being served by the ladles each evening. Don't forgot lo attend the chicken supper at Odd Fellows' hall this even, tug. -Muster AVInlleld Broad, son of Air. and .Airs. AV. J. Broad, Is qlllto 111. 11. It. Ch-lIHUi, who received painful Injuries by being run down by a street car recently, Is Improving nicely at this writing. Tho Women's Christian Tcniperanco union will moot Friday evening at the homo of Airs. James llhoda. There Is Interesting business on hand, and all members should feel It their duty to be present. A.OOSIC. Air. Georgu Grllllth and son George, left yesterday for California whero (hey expect to spend some time. A vuleutlno social will bu held to morrow evening at tho homo ot Air. and .Mrs. E. C. Jenkins, of Dymoml avenue. Everybody is cordially In vited. Thu Christian Endeavor society of tho Presbyterian church will hold a social at tho homo of Air. and Mrs, W. C. Drake on Friday evening. Air. William Martin, of Hyde Park, was a caller In town yesterday. Airs, Alfred Smith wus a caller In .Scranton, ( AVOCA. tattle, tin- 3-yiunilil tijughtrr of Mr. ami Hi!. J.iiiii.i tliiriii, tiU'il on Wi-iliiudjy inoiiilnir, nfti-ir a Tim- Kin illiuvrf of illplitlirilj. 'I lie little in.y U ulio iti!h'ilii I10111 the wine ilU-ii?. 'flic fie ihtjI tt'ii!; iljic .U'.tml.iy ufti'inuon. Iiitimm-iit HI!) lUl.dl' 111 lUllJjllillo I'l'tlll'll'iy. Atutu lloio loniiMiiy. So. 1, will mict oil )lm. iljy (.'ruiiij; U cloU cilliuu. ( oioiiii- Itvigi- Ilu ciniMiuiellcJ ttiu Mlovviiijj luiou to (uu'sllgjtc Hie ciiuu of the iliMtli .'! .iQM'lili 1'olu, vdiu wui Mllol pit tho JK'lawara intj UuiIh'II iyuU oh Tuiwby- mumlug! V. J, Iteniil null, lluijiiiulii Wjjli, J. J. Mowluu, K. i:. Sn.v. ilcr, JlUlwcl lluiley, P. J, Cmwuu. Ah. uui )lu. J41UU4 Jolii lutu removed fioiji litmy.t to Aw4. Tlwie will Ih a ujJWUim tltn it St. U!' cliiiuU ou uuJ.iv for ILe Ufiwfit of th (vWtJ llll9.'luU.