The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 13, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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S t -
His Shortage, It Is Said, Is Close to
910,000, Which Will Have to Be
Made Good by the Fidelity and
Security Company of Maryland, the
Surety on His Bond Joseph Stern
Acquitted of the Charge Made
Against Him by Miss Spriiica. Jur
nak Other Cases.
John D. Jones, of Taylor, yestenluy
pleaded guilty to having' embezzled
funds of the borough of Taylor, and
ivill be sentenced Saturday. Thin eatc
has been on the for several terms
and it was generally believed It would
ro to trial and bo very vit-orously
fought. Jonea' btiruty, the Fidelity and
('usually company, of Maryland, was
behind the prosecution. It will have to
make good his defalcation. The amount
for which ho was Indicted was S11S,
but the ofllciala of the company have
leason to believe that the entire short
age will not be far from $10,000.
Jones was a prominent citizen of
Taylor and was an Independent candi
date for legislature in the Third dis
trict at the time Hon. Frank It. Coyne,
Democrat, defeated Dr. X. C. Mackey
in that strong Republican district.
Jones' independent candidacy resulted
In Coyne's election. In 1S01 Jones was
elected v tax collector of Taylor and
served for three years, when he was
.looted for another three, year term.
In 1900 he was elected for a third term
but never ciuallfied, and Joseph Uavlsi
was affirmed by the court to till the
James Ahearn. of Watson avenue,
Lincoln Heights, was on trial In the
main court room, charged with sell
ing liquor without a license when
court adjourned. The prosecutor Is
Agent Robert Wilson, of the Mu
nicipal league. When Ahearn was
arraigned his attorney, Joseph O'Brien,
entered a plea of abatement .on the
ground that the Indictment accuses
Joseph Abeam, while the name of the
prisoner at the bar la James Ahearn.
District Attorney Lewis moved to
amend the indictment and Judge Kelly
overruled air. O'Brien's motion and
allowed Mr. Lewis' motion to amend.
When the prisoner was asked to plead
to the Indictment Mr. O'Brien said his
client would stand mute, whereupon
the district attorney had to direct that
a formal plea of not guilty be entered
that the trial of the case might pro
ceed. The district attorney is assisted
by Coloniil F. L. Hitchcock and Jnnies
G. Sanderson.
Before court adjourned the testimony
of Harry Smith and F. S. l'ufillmr,
agents of the league, were sworn, They
testified that last summer they went
to Aheurn's place and bought ale and
paid for It. They did not visit the
place together but in company with
other men. The titul of the case will
bo resumed this morning.
Edward Moran and his son, William
Moran, were tried before Judge Kelly,
charged with committing an aggravat
ed assault and battery on Charles
Stanton. The prosecutor is a boy 14
years of age, and resides in North
ficranton. The Morans also reside
there. On Aug. 14 he had a quarrel
with William Moran, who Is a boy
about the same ago as the prosecutor.
They engaged In a light and while they
were on the ground, Stanton ullcgeu
that Moran's futher canto running to
his son's assistance. Stanton was on
the ground with one nrm outstretched
and he ulleges that the elder Moran
stamped on the arm with his foot,
breaking It below the elbow.
Young Moran said that his father
did not appear on tho scene until the
light wus over anil both him and Stan
ton were on their feet. Young Moran
said that If Stanton's nrm was broken,
it occurred when they fell or while
they were rolling over on tho ground.
Tho Jury went out about 3 o'clock, and
shortly before adjourning hour sent a
note to the Judge saying they could
not agree. Judge Kelly sent back word
Doing Good.
A Brent ileal of good Is being done In
nil parts of the country by Chamber
Jain's Cough Remedy. Tho most llat
teilng testimonials have been received,
Riving accounts or its good work, of
oggravatlng and persistent coughs that
have yielded to Its soothing effects, of
uevere colds that have been broken
up by Its ubc, of threatened attacks
of pneumonia that have been warded
off and dangerous cases of croup that
it has cured. The great popularity and
extensive sale of this preparation can
not be a surprise to anyone who Is
acquainted with Its goods qualities.
Use It when you have need' of such a
remedy and It will do you good. Fpr
solo by ull druggists.
-Bakitig Powder
adds to the healthfulness of all risen
Hour-foods, while it makes thefood fiighter,
sweeter, finer "flavored, more delicious.
Exercise care in purchasing baking
powder to see that you get the kind
that makes the food more wholesome
and at the same time more palatable.
Care must be taken to avoid baking powders
made from alum. Such powders are sold
cheap, because they cost but a few cents
per pound. Out alum is n mineral, which
taken in food, is deleterious to health.
that they have all of tho rest of the
week to reconcile their differences.
Tom Ryder, a 10-year-old boy who
resides In South Srranton, was ac
quitted of a charge of committing an
assault and battery on Mrs. Mary Man
ley. The hitter's testimony was that
tho boy, without any provocation, came
up to her while she was sitting on the
porch of her residence and grabhinjr n
handful of her hair pulled it out by
the roots. Tho defense was entire de
nial of tho offense. It was alleged that
Mrs. Mauley and the mother of tho de
fendant were not on friendly terms and
the charge against the son was
trumped up for tho purpose of getting
even with tho mother. Tho jury re
turned a verdict of not guilty and
placed the costs on the county.
Mrs. Ellen Schevlln was acnultted of
a charge of committing an assault and
battery on the little son of Mrs. Annie
Shine, who was the Drosecutri.v, The
latter was directed to pay two-thirds
of the costs and the defendant one
third. The parlies wore neighbors in Pine
Biook last July and it was alleged by
the prosecutrix that the defendant lilt
the prosecutrix's son in the back with
a stick, inflicting a wound that bled a
pint of blood. The boy and the Slilno
boy were quarrelling and she separated
them and sent the Shine boy homo and
made her own boy go into the house.
There was no other cauto for the suit
she declared.
Joseph Cholewa, of Prlceburg, was
tried on two charges of assault and
battery and one of aggravated assault
and battery which, it is alleged, were
committed on Frank Sczesny, his wife,
Mrs. Mary Sczesny, since deceased, and
Miss Nellie Sczesny, 'daughter of the
The story of the prosecution was that
on Aug. 3 lust Cholewa entered Sczes
ny's house and became involved In a
quarrel with Mis. Sczesny which re
sulted In Cholewa picking up a stick
and striking Mrs. Sczesny over the arm.
breaking that member. He followed
this up with a blow over the head which
Indicted a deep gash. Sczesny and his
daughter went to Mrs. Sczesny's assist
ance and were alHo attacked bv Chol
ewa. Sczesny says he was struck while
he was carrying his wife to the doctor's
office to have her wounds dressed,
The defendant said that Mrs. Sczesny
was abusing his pigs and was entering
a protest when Mrs. Sczesnv turned
her attention to him and attneked him
with a big stick. She was quickly re
inforced by her husband and a daugn
ter, and a number of their boarders.
Cholewa admitted that in self defense
he used the stick which he wrested
from Mrs. Cholewn. He was found
guilty of assault and battery in each
Michael McNulty was tiled on a
charge of stealing $3 from Chnrles Pil
ger, his room mate In a Scran ton street
boarding house. Pilger's storv was
that McNulty went to his pocket one
night and tool: the $3 lrom it. The de
fendant said that he loaned $2 to rilger
which the latter did not pay back. One
morning ?3 or Pilger's money was lying
on a bureau in their room nnd ho took
It for the purpose of paying himself
back. Ho admitted owing SI to l'llger
and said he was w'illlng to pay It back.
The jury found McNulty guilty.
Joseph Stern was acquitted yester
day of the charge of committing a
criminal assault on Miss Snrlnca Jur
nak, a servant at his home In Dunmoro.
Stern entered u complete denial of tho
offense und his wife swore yesterduy
that one day Miss Jurnal; received a
letter from her mother In Poland and
began to cry. Mrs. Stern asked the
causo of her grief, nnd she said her
mother was scolding her because she
did not lead a better life. She Uipu
told Mrs. Stern, so tho latter testified,
of a number of deviations from the
straight and narrow path while at her
home in Poland, and ut Humhurg while
on her way to this country. Mis. Slum
did not want such a berson ubout her
house and dismissed her, whereuuon
Miss Juruuk said she would get even,
and soon afterwards hud Stern arrest
ed. It was shown that the prosecutrix
had made repeated efforts to settle the
case for sums ranging from $10 to $300,
und that while she testified that tho
alleged assault had been committed on
Aug. 22, In a house which had Just
been vacated bv the Stern's, the fnet
was they had left the house on July
31, and that tho girl was not alono in
tho house at any time with Stern, as
she testified, during the time the mov
ing operations weie In progress. A
number of witnesses testllled to the
good character of the accused.
James Kirk, a young man whose
house is In Wllkes-Burre, pleaded guil
ty before Judge Kelly of having stolen
a horso and carriage owned by James
J, Crogan from In front of Albert
Zenke's restaurant on. Penn avenue.
The outfit waa afterwards found In
Wllkes-Barre. He pleaded guilty to
the charge when arraigned there, and
the court suspended sentence, judge
Kelly yesterday deferre4Vsenteneo mi.
1 Saturday.
The ball of Domlnlck Riley was for
feited, he not appearing to answer a
charge of felonious wounding.
A nol pros, was entered In tho case
In which Bernard J. Kelly, a former
trolley car conductor, was charged
with embezzling1 fnies by Stephen Dyer,
spei'lal.agcnt of the Scrnnton Railway
company. Mr. Kelly some time ago
cleared himself of the offense to tho
satisfaction of the company and the
case was settled. It was Inadvertently
placed on the trial list.
In Judge Weand's court, just pre
vious to ndjournlng time, Bernard Ka
botchnick, a Penn avenue junk dealer,
was called to answer charges of re
ceiving stolen goods and violation of
the act of 1S99, requiring the keeping
of a record of the purchases of junk,
and making it an offense to buy junk
lrom minors.
Last summer, Mr. Slack, who Is a
Green Ridge plumber, carted a load of
retusc to Iho public dumping ground,
neor the corner of Monsey avenue and
Poplar street. In backing the wagon
to the edge of the dump the horse
backed too far and horse and wagon
went down the embankment and Into
tho lire which is generally burning
there. The horse was rescued, but the
wagon was destroyed by lire.
There were about 200 pounds of iron
work about the wagon. Mr. Slack
dragged It from the lire and allowed it
to lie In a heap on the bank to cool
off, intending to return for it the next
day. AViien he did return, it had dis
appeared. A crowd of boys, In the Inter
im, came across it, and when Mr. Ku-
, botchnick, with a load of refuse, came
! to dump the next morning, the lads
! disposed of It to him for seventy cents.
!mi Slack traced it to Knbotelmick's
junk shop and proceeded to recover it
and have the junk dealer punished.
James Collins was on trial before
Judge Edwards at adjourning time, on
' the charge of thieving from Squire's
store, in Peckville. Collins and a man
named Farroll went into the store
wiiile Mrs. Squires was there alone,
and begged for some old clothes. Mrs.
Squires went to the rear of the build
ing, got some of her husband's cast
off clothing, nnd gave It to them. After
they had gone out, Mrs. Squires dis
covered that a watch and somo jewelry
were missing. Farrell was convicted
at the last term.
Sclilack Divorce Case.
Mrs. Mary Sclilack yesterday peti
tioned the court for a divorce from
her nlleged nbuslve husband, Fred
1 They were married Nov. 1, 1S92. Al
' most since the day of their marrlnge,
she said, her husband treated her cruel
ly. He kicked her, beat her with clubs
and other wenpons, and was constantly
abusing her in divers wnys.she averred.
Attorney M. W. Lowry represents Mrs.
Hebrew Ladies' Aid Association con
duct Enjoyable Affair.
The Hebrew Ladles' Aid Association,
an organization which furnishes relief
to poor and deserving Hebrews, con
ducted Its sixth annual ball Inst night
In Music Hull. Tho beautiful decora
tions put up for the Llederkrnuz ball
were htlll In place, and candy nnd re-
j freshment booths in various parts of
the hall did a thriving business. Up
wards of 300 attended the affair.
Tho committer' which had charge of
the arrangements for the affair com
prised tho following ladles: Mrs. Min
nie Slegel, Mrs, Llbble Sllverstelu und
Mrs. Sarah Gross, Tho reception com
mittee was composed of tho following
ladies: Mrs. Mumle Brnndewine, Mrs.
Anna Cohen, Mrs. Bessie Flax, Mrs.
lliltasou, Mrs. Llbble Suravltz mid Mrs,
D,, L. & W. Board for Today,
The following Is the make-up of the
Delaware, Lackawanna und Western
board for today:
vi:iNi:si.v, rcnuuAitv 12.
Kxtros Kast S p. 111., Ucortro Tlicinuj JO p.
111., T. L. llogirs; 11 p, in., llobokcn, T. -Me-
TjiuiiitMY, lT.niawnv 13.
Kxtiaa l.a.t 1,30 a. 111., I,. 1). I.attlnier,
A, II. Howe's new; 4 a, in.. If, II,
(illllgju; U u, 111,,, J, A. Ihuli;
8 a, in., 0. V. I'ltzgmld; 0 a, 111., llo
bokcii, lloolli; 10 u, in,, JI, I'lnne-tv; 11 a. m.,
lluboken, A. V. MuWen; 1 , in., II., John
justi-l'it crow; 2 p. in., Iloboken, I.'. JI, llallc-tt;
0 p. 111., I). llamreityi 0 p. 111., llobokcn, Harvey,
SuiiimlU, Uli', U a. 111,, CarriKKi 10 a, 111., W,
II, NiriiuU; 2 p. in., 'lliompaon; U l, in,, J,
llt-nnegan; 8 p. 111,, JI, Ooldcn.
Pushers 0 u. in., Widner; 7 0. in., l'lnnerty;
S u. 111., House!'; 11.15 a. 111,, Moran J 0 u, in., J,
J, Murray; 0 n. 111., C. llarllioloinevvj ".SO p, m,,
Jluiphy; (J p. in., V, II. llartlioloinevv; 0 p. m.,
Kulrai West 2 p. in., J, (Jaliagjii; 4 p. in., l
Cose, Kctclium's crew; 11 .in., T, Doudleau.
I'asieiiurr Engine T a. in.. (Jal'ney; 7 a, in.,
Singer; 10 a, 111., A. J. McDonnell; U.15 p, in,,
Stanton; 8.30 p. 111,, T, Naiunaii.
A. II. ltoue will run Xo. SI, leaving Wohiu--ton,
1'eb. 13, and until Uouley repoit.
1'. (loldcn reports tor Joliu Murphy.
A. Ulircooil reports for W, A. Uurlholoiuivv,
T. h. Scaulou reports (or 1'. aili;'jii.
It Opens on Monday, March 17, and
Will Continuo for Threo Weelts.
Fifty Cases Are on tho List for
Each Week The Case of Mrs. Jen
nie Howoll-Dean Against Her
Brother, Franklin Howell, nnd
Others Is on the List for tho Sec
ond Week.
Tho trial list for the three- weeks'
term of common pleas court, which
opens Monday, March 17, was complet
ed yesterduy by Deputy 1'rothonotury
John F. Cummlngs. Among the cases
set down for a hearing before a jury
nre threu In which divorces are asked.
Tho list follows:
First Week Mondny, March 17.
12. 1'. X. Kilwurib oiralnsl S. 1 I.ongstreut;
Jlury J. Hirst against Jf. T. KcJIim; vimc-cu.
Norman Uuili at'Jlnst Ml.11 Hartley; Inter
pleader. '
Newrnro Ilrotliera against J. It. Cohen: replevin.
llrlelget Cray agaliwt Mary McConnlcl; und oth
ers; ejectment.
John W.1M1 and otlicis inralnst ilia eity of
ScTJiiton; tropaw. II. Clmk ng.iltul Charles fc'tuuit; ap
peal. I2ilward llooney against clly of Caiuoiidalo;
W. G. Miller against George W. Cramer; eject
ment, Paulino Selicucr against Henry Sthcucr; di
vorce. Antonio Magnolto against William A. Moore;
tfcr.inton Packing company against 1'. Wcls
bcrger and others; attachment.
It. M. Winlon, administrator, against l.acKa
wamu Coal company, limited; assumpsit.
Owen Mt Cowan against Lackawanna lion and
Steel company; tre&pjs.-t.
Near)- & Jennings against Casey Ilrothcrs; tres
paM. 1' Duggan and others against Ilridget Dug
g.iu; ejectment.
V. 11. Vt llllniruon against M. H. Carpenter;
12. (I. Woulm against Mrs. M. raull; appeal.
Joseph Scalzo agaliwt .Tn-ppli Mollln.iro; appeal.
1'cIIm Voiokovlcz against Mt. l'le.isant Coal
company; trespass.
City of Sciuuton against Hannah Lever; tres
pass. A. V. Itejnolds agains-t 1. O. Dixon; lcplevin.
I. I'. Pnnodzck apainst M. 12. Woiden: appeal.
Vito Cirardo against P. Moscato and others;
Philip Schwartz against James Corrigau; judg
ment opened.
William Dailey against jjary Uailey and others;
12. r. Ciuoll and others against Siranton Itail
way company; trespass.
C. M. Putts against P. C. Lingan; appeal.
D. U. Madden ami others against N.-U11I011
Itnlivjy company and oilier; trcpis.-.
James Korolon against Johnson C0.1l company;
Tuesday, March 18.
Oh pliant Sewerage Drain urn company against
hoiongh of Olyphant; trespast.
12. 'it. Depuy against M. Jt. Spencer: assumpsit.
Jolunns 1'enlinaiidu against lily of Scuiitoii;
llridget A. Moran against Scianlon Kaiiway
company; trespass.
II. A. Ihpue against Jrniuc 12, Hi ink; appeal.
Kmma 'Haas against Scranlon llailway com-
p.inv; Irwpjss.
Catherine Kano against Uridgct Kcciun; ap
peal. James It. Dainty against Michael Define; ap.
Joseph Woclker and otlicra against C. K.
Weiso and others; trespass.
Hannah J. Schlager against Llmhurst lloule
V.111I company and othcis; trespass.
Wednesday, March 19.
12. Conrad against Scranton lfjilnjy company;
JohnMiddway coinpiny against Hill Sc Con
noil; appeal.
K. 12. Thomas against Margaret Collins; appeal.
12. E. Thomas against Nora Collins; appeal.
John A. O'ConneU against .Mary A. Sweeney;
James Itohinson against Deliwarc, I.Kkawanna
and Western Railroad company; trespass,
D. It. Thomas against Patrick Lejdon; appeal,
Wahren Lhret couipany against M. 1.'. Wor
den; appeal.
liank White against 1 K!cel and othcis;
12. II. W. Seaile, trustee, against Scottish
Union and Insurance company; asuuip.
Second Week Monday, March 24.
Kllzd A. O'Uojlo against Margaret Stomas;
Hugh McXamara against McXainara !c Co.;
Martin (ierrlty against T. V, Leonard; inter
pleader. Margaret Mullen against T. 1 Leonard; intei.
11. Gallagher against Scranlon Traction com
pany; trespasn.
Thomas 11. Spiuks against William Klnback
and others; lepleWn.
W. W. Williams against John K. Jones; appeal.
A, 11. lllair company against M. Schwartz; ap
peal. Thomas DaIs against A, A. llusscll; trespass.
Tony Mgnotto against A. Hodslck; appeal.
Grace Connolly, administratis, against C. C.
Johnson; appeal,
Geoigo L. Peck, trustee, ugaliut James I,.
Crunfoiil; assumpsit,
Mary Wcotnell against Scranton Hallway com
IMny; tmpjss.
S, Hiirils against 11, Oiam; appeal,
Mary Ann Ily.111 against Delawaie, Lackawanna
and Western Itllroad company; trespass.
Mary Walsh ugainst borough of Winton; ties
pass, 12, fl. Worden against J, C, IUtrson; appeal.
Cnlon Cash Stoics, limited, against Ceorgc
George W, Weiland against lteubcn Moigau;
Martin 1'lalicrty against city of Scranton; as
sumpsit. Grccmleld township against J. I". Ken) on; ap
peal, James P, Jordan against Saaiiton iuilurjy
company; tionass.
(I, (1. Worden against Hannah Coar; appeal,
I.ickawamu Wood Working couipany against
St. Luke's 11. L, church; appeal,
Charles Lowiy against Aniiio St, Lowiy; tu
ple! In.
John J, nremun against Scranton Hallway
company; trespass.
Caroline Hliu against WillUm Sanies; trespass.
Margaret Thomas against Delaware, I,acLaanna
and Western Itallroad company; ticspasa.
City of Scranton against lalnard Maloney: vl,
llugcne Washer against I. J. McAiuhcw and
others; appeal,
Tuesday, March 535.
('. L. like against O. H. Smith; appeal,
I'lo)(l Wilib ugalust Henry Connor; tiepa.-j.
Georga W, JIabey agaliut city of Scranton;
Alice SI, Dunn against Sciauton Hallway com
pany; tutpass.
1'ennsjhanla Ccntial llrcwlng company jgalnst
Julia Cilllgan; appeal,
L'Imcr II. Hfdgeway against Slaiy A. ltldge.
way; dliorce.
1'. 2. Ku-u-tt against Kcyjtone mewing com
pany; uppeal.
John Ilrown against Scranton Hallway com
pany; ties;ias,
Xecilhaiii & SIcDonougli aitala-t Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western HJIIroad company;
treniass. j
George it. Tuuger against Vira Traufer; Ul
otee. &&&
The Now Remedy for Catarrh Is
Very Valuable.
A Grand Rapids frontlonmn who
represents a prominent manufueturlnp;
concern travels throunh central and
southern Michigan, relates tho follow
ing rcnttrdlng the new catarrh cure,
ho lav.t:
"After suffering from cnturrh of the
head, throat und stomach for several
S'ears, I heard of Stuart's Catarrh
T.thlcts quite uccldcntly and like every
thlnff else I Immediately uoubIU a
packages nnd was dccldely surprised at
the immediate relief It afforded me and
still more to Und 11 complete cure after
several week's use.
"I have a little son who shifrs In a
hoy's choir In one of our prominent
churches, and he Is greatly troubled
with hoarseness and throat weakness,
and on my return homo from 11 trip I
Rave hi 111 a few of the tablets one Sun
day morning when ho had complained
of hoarseness. He was delighted with
their effect, removing nil husklness hi
u few minutes and making the voice
clear and strong.
"As the tablets are very pleasant to
the taste, I had no difficulty In pcrsuad
lug him to use them regularly.
"Our fumily physician told us they
were an antiseptic preparation of un
doubted merit and that he himself had
no hesitation in using and recommend
lug Stuart's Catarrh Tablets for any
form of catarrh.
"I have since met many public
speakers and professional singers
who used them constantly. A prom
inent Detroit lawyer told me that
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets kent his
throat In line shape during the
most trying weather, nnd that he had
long since discarded the use of cheap
lozenges and troches oil tho advice of
his physician that they contained- so
much tolu, potash and opium as to
render their use a danger to health.
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are large
pleasant tasting lozenges composed of
catarrh antiseptics, like Red Gum,
131ood Hoot, etc., and sold by druggists
everywhere at CO cents for full treat
They act upon the blood and mucous
membrane and I heir composition and
remarkable success has won the ap
proval of physicians, as well as thous
ands of sufferers from nasal catarrh,
throat troubles and catarrh of stomach.
A little book on treatment of catarrh
mailed free by addressing F. A. Stuart
Co., Marshall, Mich.
Wednesday, March 26.
M. I). Blown & Co. against Mary A. Sweeney;
Woodbury Coil against Scranton Hallway com
pany; tiespass.
Jennie Dean against 1'ianklln Howell and oth
cis; assumpsit.
D. P. Kane against Sciauton Hailway com
pany; trespass.
Mary Gavin against Scranton Hallway company;
Hmcrson Pisher company ngainat William
Bright; appeal.
A. lloclihelmer against A. JI. Traugolt; ap
PDral. Calvin 1'rccman against Norton Wagner; ap
peal. Pennsylvania Savings Fund against John S.
Doud; judgment opened.
llridget Uarrett against Hichard McDonnell;
Third Week .Monday, March 31.
r. C. Bunnell against '.. SI. Ward; assumpsit.
Hdward Kelly against P. J. Collins; wages.
O. I). Falconer against W. II. ltelnhait; inter
pleader, Thomas 1 SIcDonnell against Miclncl Stanley;
John K. Walsh and ollieis against the city of
Scranton; ticspass.
Neugass Hiothers ag-alusl William Scliaflcr; re
plev lu.
X. A, llulbcvt against J. II, I.esli; replevin.
Phoebe Kiescncr against A. 1). Hoberls; ap
peal. Hlliabeth Caimen against Scranton Itallroad
company; trespass.
II. Coldsleger against Slary Cm ran; appeal,
Kate Kcegan against Sletropolltan Life Insur
ance company; assumpsit.
James Slahon against John G, Jennings; ap
peal. John J. Slonroc against SI, 12. Woiden; vvagjs,
J. 12, Slaich against 1', A, Johnson and oth
ers; appeal,
Joseph Slelvln against A, P. Hedfoid; assump
sit. 11. J, i:hrgood against Sloscow Water company;
Wilson Ilalley against Scranton Hallway com
pany: treses.
J, J, O'llojle against James Gdlaghcr; appeal.
J. It .Gilhool against Slary Huberts and others;
Oilindo Hozelle against II. R. Lewis and othcis;
Saruli J, Slooro against city of Scranton; ties
pass. .Minnie 12, llaeUcll against S. S. Cusiier, exe
cutor; aiuiijiait.
Jean Lindsay against Sirs. M. Dunleavy; ap
peal. Ralph Bewick against l'entUjlvania Coil com
pany; trespass.
Joseph Sllkul-kl against Scranton Hallway com.
pany; trespass.
Kleuiiiilng & O'llou against city of Sciauton;
A. D. Dean, trustee, against 11. SI, Ulntoti,
administratrix; ejectment.
Charles H, Iiowry against A. M. Lowry; dl voire.
Prank Pierce against George Cawperthwalt; tp
peal. I'.lmer Sloeuni against l'red Stone; appeal.
Tuesday, April l.
Keystone Blowing company against James Mur
taugh; appeal.
Daniel Holland against W, S. HaitlUt and oth
ers; icplcvin,
llridget SIcLane and others agaliut boinugh of
Puniiiorcj tiespass.
(). M. lliilts against Susan Spencei; appeal.
Mm tin Coiilgan against John Stanton and
others; trcsus.
1'rJiik llolleuback against D, U Hollcnback;
SI. Kristniu, adinliilstrator, against Ontario
Accidental I'lind; dppeal.
W. P. Smytliw against Ldgar Wlbon and uih
cis; trepaij.
John .1, Slurphy against Patrick riuneity; ap
eak Dougherty & Thomas agjlu-t Allie Seaulou;
Wednesday, April 2,
SI. D, Ilrown & Co. agjln.t Slaiy A. Snnuiv-y;
st I. fa.
(leoic V, Joel ami oUieis agala-t Ssra'uon
Hallway couipany ; tiespaM.
jfe fsTL? '
This ilgnfttofo It on ery box of th Benttmi
Laxative BroniO'OuinineTatiietf
nwAv b "? " uoa m uu
John Curran and ollicrs against Seralilon Hall
wy company) Irespas.
John Yost against Dickson Manufacturing loin trespass.
SI. Breflcld k Co. against St. I). Ilresdiell s
sumpslt, Kalo 12. Lewis against William )'., Lewis; di
vorce, 0. S. Smith against Mrs. V. 12. Merrlman; np
peal. LouU Tedeico against Guaidhi Home Soclilyi
W. II. Sclmtttci- against SI. Bugno; o'ppciil.
Mary Lydon agiiliitt Alitliony Ljilon; upi'icil,
Ivatilioa Comaiidcry, .Vo. all), was Inslttutcd at
Hastings, Cambria county, on l'ebuiai.v u, with a
liu-gu loll of ifpiescnlatlie citizens. 'Hie cvic
monies were conducted b.v Giand ltecordcr Mr
George II. Pierce, Past Niipicine Coiiiniaiidi'i- Sir
Kduiuml W, Siimicl and the ilegteu st.UI of
SIduiiI.iIii Hclio Coininaiulery No, 1DI, of llaims
boro, Willi Sir John Hutchinpou, sir knight com
mander, 'lliv ccitmonies oceiund In the tpji'lum
hill of the Opera house'. A banquet iieciiired ul
midnight In tho Lafajclle helel. 'Ihe new body
Is iiinl will convene weeklv on
TucpiIj), 'J he honors of past eoiiiiuauilei' its
urgnnlrer was awarded to Sir Henry 51. Me
Aliinty lo whom Past Supicnie Commander Mr
Hdmunil W. Samuel presented 11 luiidwme Jewel,
the gilt uf the command. Ilinud Ceimmaniler Sir
Hllslia S. Foniwald sent a lelegrain of congratu
lations, expressing his vegret that he was not
able to bo piesiiit. 'Ihe grand ieioid-r loin
pletcd the eauilnatlon of the stud woik at ."
.1. m.
William MuKlnley Conimnndery, Xei. ill,, V!.ts
Instituted at Wilmington, Delaware, 011 1'ehut
nry Tth, by Supreme Kccoiiler Sir I'tank Giay,
Past Grand Commander Mi Unbelt Kcrii.iu,
Deputy Stipii'ine Comander Sir .losepli I.. Pile
and two elegrecs stalls. The StitUi degiee was
confcicd by u stall fioni Brandyvvlnc Cuiiunandcry
Xo. 51, with Past Grand CVmniander Geenan lu
tile Occlileiitnl station. The lllaek degree was
confeircd by 11 staff from Drawl wine eoiuniin.lcry
No, ';, of Chester, with Past Coiiiinandet Sir
W. l'leti'liei's Smith in (ommind, Mr (Seal go
SIcKelvey was Installed as Mr Knight commander.
Columbus Coininandeiy, Xo. '!., his leinovcd
to Its new council chamber ut Green ltidgc. The
new hall Is splendidly lilted up, and new- ap
plicants are being icceived at every convocation.
General Grant C'omm.indeiy, 'n. i:i), at South
Scranton, will confer Ihe Appendant Older of tho
lied Cioss and Scpulchic on Pcbiuai.v li upon ten
The College of the Ancient", of the Order of
Malta, will meet In room A, sKtii Moor, Odd Pel
lows' Temple, Philadelphia, on Thuisday evening,
Slarch 20, with Sowreiim Cnniin inelcr Louis 12,
Stiltz on the throne. The Orders of Ihe Fugle,
Knights of Chrlsthin Stalk, and Tluice Illustrious
Order of the Grand Ciov,, will be lunicircil upon
nmnerous candidates from many sections.
Sandilamls Cumniander, Xo. la'., at York, nud
the degiee a special feature of the con
vocation, and four candidates traveled tho
sublime degiee lu full form.
Chosen Knights Conmiandery, No. 171, at Yolk,
on Fcbiuary 7, held memorial and eulogies over
twelve deceased companions. The also dedicate!
twelve grave- markers. On tho follow lug die,
these in.irkeis were placed in position by scvcril
committees over the giavcs located in Piospect
Hill and Giecmuount cenietciies, PipU'h ceme
tery and Womelsdmf, This command gave the
Skirl: degree to nine novices at its last convo
cation, and issued ils schcdulo book for the de
gree worl; for 1WJ.
SIbtie Star C'onnn.mdcrv, Xo. .11.1, at Itcjiiold'
ville, is making marked progress with the diss
organization, and c.Npccts to admit the diss (lin
ing SLiich.
Dclavare, Ijackawanna and Western.
In FITect Nov. 3, 1001.
Trains leave Serantnn for New York At 1.10,
S.15, ci.0". 7.00 and 10.0.5 a. in.: 12.13. 3.10, 3.3.;
p. m. For New- Yoik and Philadelphia 7.50,
1(1. OS a. hi., ind 12. 13 and .'!..".( p. 111 For Toll
hamii At U.IO p. 111. For llul'alo 1.13, 0.22 and
ti.00 a. 111.; 1.33, (1.30 end 11.3 p. 111. F01 Illng
luinton and vray statiuns 10.20 .1. 111. and 1.10
p. in. F01 Oswego, Sracuse and Utica 1,15 and
(122 a. 111.; 1.35 p. in. Oswego, riacuso and
lltlca tl.iin at 0.22 a. 111, daily, except Sunday.
For .Montrose 9.00 a. ni.; 1.10 and 0.50 p. m.
Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and 0.15 p. m.
Bloomsburg Division For Northumberland, at
fi.35 and 10.03 a. m.j 1.53 and 0.10 p. 111. For
1'l.vmoiifli, at 8.10 a. in.; S.tO an'l U.OO p. in
Sunday Tiains For New York, 1.10, 3.13, 0.05
and 10.03 a. 111.; 3.10, 3.33 p. 111. For Buffalo
1.13 and n.22 a. m. ; 1.53, 0.50 and 11.3.5 p. m.
For Binghamlon ond way stations 10.20 a. in.
Bloomsburg Division Leave Sciauton, 10.03 a.
111. and 0.10 p, in.
Lehigh Valley Kailroad.
In F.ffeet, Nov. 3, 1001.
Trains leave Scranton.
Tor Philadelphia and Xew York via D. k II.
11. P., at 0.38 and D.8S a. 111., and 2.1S, 4.27
(Black Diamond Kxpreosl, and 11.30 p. in. Sun
days, I). & II. 11. It., 1.33, 8.27 p. m.
For White Haven, Ilazlelon and principal points
In the coal regions, via D. It II. It. It., 0.3S, 2.18
and 1.27 p. 111. For l'ottsvlilc, 0.3S a. m., 2.1S
p. m.
For Belhlehcm, 12aston, Heading, Hairisburg,
and principal intermediate stations, via D. k II.
It. It., 11.33, 0.33 a. 111.; 2.1S, 4.27 (Black Dia
mond Express), 11.30 p. 111. Sundays, D. & II.
II. It., 0.38 a. m.; 1.5S, 8.27 p. 111.
For Tunkhannock, Towanda, Elmira, Ithaca,
Geneva and principal intermediate stations, via
D., L. and W. It. It., S.10 a. in. and 3.50 p. m.
For Geneva, ltochester, llull.ilo, Niagara Falls,
Chicago and all olnts west, via D, k II. It, It.,
V. 13, 12.03 a. m.; 1.12, 3,23 (lllaek Diamond F
press), 7.43, 10.41, 11. Ml p. 111. Sundas, D. k 11.
it. It., 12.0.!, b.27 p. 111.
Pullman pailor nnd sleeping or Lehigh Valley
Tarlor cars on all trains between Wtlkes-llarie
and New York, Philadelphia, BuiTalo and Suspen
sion Bridge,
HOLLIN II. WILllGH, Gen. Supl., 20 Cortland
street, Xew York.
CIIAIlLi:S S. L12I2, Gen. Pas.?. Agl., 20 Cortland
street, New York.
A. W. X0.J:MAL'H1:U, DIv. Pom. Agl., South
Bethlehem, Pa.
For tickets and Piillmin reservations apply lo
city ticket oltlce, CO Public Square, Wilkes-llane,
Pennsylvania Itallroad.
Schedule in Ltlect June 2, 1001.
Trains leave Scranton: 0.3s a. 111., week da),
through vestibule train from llkco-llarre. Pull
inan bullet pirlor car nnd coaches to Philadel
phia, via I'ottsville; stops at principal intciuiu
diate stations. Also connects for Sunbur, liar
lisburg, Philadelphia, llaltimoie, Washington and
for Pittsburg and the west.
0.3S a. in., week du)s, for Sunbury, Hairisburg,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts
burg ami thu west.
1.42 p. ru., week days (Sundays, 1.5S p. in.),
for Sunbury, llarrlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington and Pltt.sbtug and the west,
J.2S p. 111., week d.i)s, through vestihiilu train
from Sulkes-Barie, Pullman bullet pailoi iar
and coaches to Philadelphia via I'ottsville, Stops
at principal intermediate stations-.
4,27 p, 111., week da, for l!.i.!clo!i, Sunbiuy,
Harrlsbirg, l'hlladvlphta and Pittsburg.
J, B. lil'll'IIIXSON. Gen. Slgr.
J. B. WOOD, lieu. Pass. Agt.
New Jersey Central.
In KDcct Nov, 17, 1001
SUtloa- in New Yorl:, foot oi I.iUity mini
ami South IVrr), N. It.
'rralus leave M-ranton (or New VoiL, l'liiljcM
plila, K.ifctoii, llctlilcliiiii, AI1ciiIoii, .M inch
l.'liunk, White Haven, Anility anil Wilkeh-lljiic Jt
T.lli) a. ic, I p- I"' "'"I !' " Huiiilav, :MU p, in.
IJaaUev City lne leaves Svuiitau at T.mi
a. in., tliroiiKii tolUI vs'itllmlo liiiiu with I'nlhiuii
IJulfct 1'atlor Cuiv-, lur I'lillaclelpliU.
I'or Avocu, 1'ituton ami Uilko-lluu-, I p. m.
ami t p. in. Punchy, '.'.1U p. in.
Top Lonif llrjiii'li, Oitan drove, etc., T.SU a,
in, ami 1 p. in.
I'or llcullmr, I.cbjmn and llarrlshuti-, via Al
leiilnvvii, at ..!') a. in. m4 1 p. in. ftunOay, v'.p)
p. in.
Fur I'ottsville at '.SO a, in. and 1 p. m.
Tor latt'i and tlcktu uppiy to ui;ent at Jt.itiou.
O. M. IlUiir, Cell, I'a.s. Agt.
V. WKSTZ, Uii. hupl.
New York, Ontario nnd Western.
In Kllect Tinwlay, Sept. 17, 11WI.
Irfjve Leave Vuhe
Tialiu. Kiunloii, t'urliondale. C'adosla.
Xu, i 1U.SDU. III. 11.10 a.m. 1 Ixl p. in.
Vil 7 cl.llip. ill. Av. LaibulidjIeli.PJp. in.
L.-ave Leave Arrive
Tiaini. Lido,la. L'ailiundak'. b'tr.inton.
No. 0 i (xla. in. . Pla. m.
Su. :! -..up. in, i.i"J p. in. r -cup. in,
M'';i)Ab 0U, SOUTH IIOIj.SU.
Leave Leave Arrive
Tialn. .'MraiituH. t'ailiondale. t'acloiiu.
Ku. II S,!0l, in, U.10 n. in. 10.15a. in.
Xo. " 7.0c) i. in. Ai. ('.irbimdale 7. 10 p. in.
Mill 1. 1 IHI1)I.
l.i'j.e Leave Arrive
Traini. LaJoila, tjrlKindalc. .Suaiilon,
Xo. 0 ' 7.00 a. in. 7.11) u. in.
So. 10 i SO p. 111. 11.UCJ p. in. v. p. in.
Ti.iIiis 'n,. 1 un veek dav. und V on hundavi.
make main line coniwi tloiw (or Xew Vwrk vity,
UlcldletiAMi, Walton, Noiwlili. Oneida, Uvveo
and ull poluti watt.
i or inr.ncr inioiniavcon cuuit uettcv uvuci.
J. a ASDKUSOX, II. 1'. A., .New Vrk.
J. E. WULSII, T. I'. A., Svrautou, l'.
Satisfies the Most
Effing Demands
Because of its PURITV
and ECONOMY. These
qualities, together with
its delicate flavor and
rich aroma, represent
its special excellence
over any other tea.
Ceylon Tea
Sold only its Lend Fcokots.
00c, 60c and 70c Per Pound,
Spencer Ttask 8t 'Co.
27 & 29 Pine St., New Ybj-k
We mall upon request carefully '
prepared descriptive list of l r
Members N.Y. Stock Exchange.
Branch Office: Albany, N.Y,
Manufacturers 9t
485 to 455
N. Ninth Street,
Telephono Call. 2333.
11. .t.ivu.i
i.U jour drui.t Ut Ut ll.
,l.ltvi:i,, ucinitno
itthr. InitMiiit Ht.imti for 11.
Initial edtiook kIvm,
ii.llii.irilinliirriiind ilirei I Inns In
v.vlual.lulu liulicjj .-I.1tVl:l.flt.,
ltnoin i0, 'rime llcle . New -rlt
Pmf.O.F.THEEL.627 -ff.?hrM'
li Zjl AwrrUi.uwttUrtWfuraUob7 tuall I rlftU
T jtVl IHkt.uM. I ittMM. jIIiumi. litt-tx) TnlMJII, NlTISUI
i-:." tt: . '. '. ... .-I. -...4..-..
Dehuvnva nntl Hudson.
lu llltect Xovunher 21, 10(11.
Tiaim lor I'ailuindalu leave bcranlon ut 0.20,
8.00, V.i.1, 1AW a. "'! 3-W. J.). -.'.SI. a..',
59, (,.'-, 7..7. 0.13. I1.-J0 p. in ; l,:ll a. m.
i.-er llolieAlaie 0.SO, 10.13a. in.; 2.1 aud 5.S9
l''ro"' Wllkevllatn U.3S, 7.1. S II, IUS, 10.11
3. m.i ViM, 1, -'.is, a.W, i.-il, (1.10, 7.K,
10.11, 11,311 p. in.
Tor L. V. It. H. I'oini-U.3S, 0.0S a. in,; 'i.i,
-7 and p. in,
Tor Pelia-jlvaula II. It. l'olntr-0.3S, 0.33 a,
in.; 1.11, .1.34 and 1.27 p. in.
Tor Albany and all pjlnt noith U.S0 a. in.
and Mi p. in.
I'or Cjitiondale ).J0, 1L3U a. in. ; 2.31, 3.;.2,
5.5'i nnd 11.17 p. m.
ror vviiUm-llaniU.Js a. m.; 12.W, 1.5S, 3.2iJ,
U..U und P. 17 p. in,
I "nr Albany und point north 3.0 p. in.
I'or lloitctdah' a. in. and !.'.' p. in.
V. L. I'llMllt, i. I'. A., bcranton, Pa.
Erie Kollrond, Wyomln-y Division.
Trains lor New York, Xevvburi-h and inUniic.
diate poiiilj leave Scranton ;u folluwt; 7 20 j.
in.; .& I), in.
AnivaU 1 3" a. in. fiom Middletovvn. Honed
dale, lluvvley 'iu) iuteiinedlate xilnU. u.20 p. in.
irvin Sew York, Novvbuiijli aud intctm-duti
liolnls. .No buuday train-.
, Every .Woman
& vXyViWm about ilio.vvondcrful
.Wi)t& .SS'Il Mllivri Wlilrlinn .Snrnv
UUVVeJwi Tiiiievv"i-l-lbjrli-. ncj
Kae? vV vil dull und Af (ion. lIMl-fivf.
!yrvffls est .Mom Conve nlenU
NeVfcJLJUi.aX-VTT7,- HI Ivan. Cubical r.
o nJ
1 H'flftJruiila.i. lod,i,Ujj,.li A Sbmiil.i 'IrgMCt
fTr.irTiwt cured i la 10 dijfcja Jifrt prullcil Jc tt irllti
Delia tut) BKllcJ l.clrll frjuJj. J.aU.a CM. ttn.
i t ,i , ill ' - .-.