The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 13, 1902, Page 7, Image 7
3 4i"-itr THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- THUJ1SD AY, FEBRUARY 13, 1902. m NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MONTROSE. Fpcclal to the Scranton Tribune. Montrose, Feb, 12. Special services npproptlate to Ash Wednesday were held nt St. Mary'B Cnthollc church nnil nt St. Paul's JCpIscopal church this morning', and there will also bo (serv ices at St. Mnry'Htchuroh this evening. On Friday evening nt HI. Mary's will take place an ancient Lenten service The Way of the Cross, The only Juty trial at court this week was a damage suit, Shay vs. Taylor. The plaintiff rented the defendant's farm, moved his Roods, and made some invcsttWants preparatory to working the farm. In the meantime the de fendant sold his farm and would not let the plaintiff on It. The defendant claimed that he rented the farm sub ject to salo and so could not be held responsible. The jury thought other wise and rendered a verdict for the plaintiff In the sum of $43.50. Ex-County Commissioner Henry V. Itobblns, of Brldgewater, Is u. vhltor In town today. A movement In favor of Colonel Ij. A. Wntres, of Scranton, as the Republican candidate for governor has been put under way In this county. S. S. Wright, of this place, and Thomas KHrovv, of Great Bend, are said to bo the political sponsores for the movement. Mr. and Mrs. James clarey and James Van Canipcn are at Sciantou, being summoned to that city by the seilous lllncs of Miss Nettle Clarey, who holds a position with The Scran ton Correspondence Schools. Tho county officials at the court house and their assistant's, with their wives and sweethearts, made up a jolly four-horse Heigh load that went down to Rush latl evening and were royally entertained J at tho hotel of County Commissioner Isaiah Hnlre nt Lawton. A most enjiyable time Is reported. Orders hive been Issued for the elec tion of captain of Company G to suc ceed Captain John C. Harrington, re signed. The election will take place the same evening as the annual spring inspection, Friday evening, February 21, 1902. The county commissioners, Messrs. TIngley, Harrington and Halre, enter tain the working forces of the Demo cratic and Republican offlces at a fine oyster supper this evening, in celebra tion of the early completion o" the printing of the official ballots for next Tuesday's election. Itov. II. M. Ross, D. D.. ot Oneida, N. Y presiding elder of this district, is assisting Pastor J. B. Walteis at the revival meetings being held at 55ion African Methodist Episcopal church. Six conversions are reported. W "Walter Benedict has returned to his home In this place after a pleasant visit with relatives at Greene, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Roy D.irrow have re turned fiom Lanesboro where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James O. Taylor. Van Gaasbeelc Munger, of Great Ueiul, was a visitor in this place lagt evening. HONESDALE. Specisl to 'the Scranton Tribune. Hones-dale, Feb. 1-. The employes on the Honesdale branch of the Delawmc md Hudson received their pay today. An entertainment will bo given in tho baptist church Fiiday evening, under the diuction of tho Sunday school lasses No3. 1 and 2. The proceeds aie o apply on the debt of the church. There will be recitations by Homer Greene and others, music, phonograph selections, etc. The Amity club will hold a social in their club rooms Friday evening. There will be dancing and refreshments. A warm time Is expected In Hones dale this summer there are rival Ice dealers, and one of them has secured a supply of Pond's extract to deliver to his customers. The county commissioners, who are distributing supplies to tho several election boards throughout tho coun ty, experience great difllculty, on ac count of tho snow-drifts. There nro eighty-one applications for licenses In Wayne county this year but ono new one. The Interest taken in Marie Corelll's "Thelma" was shown by the crowded house that greeted tho pmy, which was presented In the opera house last even ing. The bpeclal music engaged by -Manager Sllverstono failed to mater ialize. The play was pronounced a rich treat. Mrs. William Brown succeeds Miss Helen Dodge In the bakery and Ice cream parlors of L. W. Bunnell. Some of the snow-drifts at Farvlew are as high as tho windows of tho en gine cabs. The Whatsoever Circle of the Metho dist church will be entertained by Mrs. George C. Robertson 'at her home, Fast Dyberry, on Friday evening. F. DIttiich and daughter, Miss Jo sephine, nro visiting relatives in Scran ton, L. M. Atkinson, chairman of the Re publican county committee, has ap pointed J. Adam Kraft, treasurer, and Dr. II. A. Plum, of Hnwley, John D. Weston, W. F. Suydam and M. J. Sim ons, to setvo on the executive commit tee. Every family living at Plandln turned out Monday evening and gave one of the enjoyable surprises which they nro noted for, to Mr. and Mrs, W. H, Haw ken, who nro about to move to West street, Honesdale, MIes Caroline Botz Is engaged In tho county treasurer's ofllee, assisting her father. TUNKHANNOCK. Bprcial to the Scranton Tribune. Tunkhamiock, Feb. 12, The remains of tho late Halton Stone were brought here from Kansas City on Tuesday, and the funeral took plnco this afternoon from tho residence of his brother, Ed win N, Stone. Hugh Grose, of Auburn, was lodged in Jail hero on Tuesday, charged with larceny of a sum of money fiom tho hotel of Cornlnar W, Decker, at Skin ners' Eddy, Sidney DIcklu&on, a veteran of tho Civil war, Is suffering from u severe attack of Inflammatory iheumatlem. Attorney John W, Harding, u former Tunkhannock boy, was uumed out In the recent disastrous Are at Paterson, losing everything n his Jaw olllce. The German Medicine company have engaged tho Piatt Opera house for one week, beginning Feb. 17, and will give nightly entertainments. A number of Mehoopauy business men were hero on Tuesday, presumably- for th? nurpose of deciding wlieth- er any action should be taken In the matter of the proposed free bridge at that place, when court meets on Frl dnv. Attorney Rush J. Thompson, of DUsh oro, was doing business In town on Tuesday. Jnmca W. Piatt, esci Is at Williams port, arguing the case of tho common wealth vs. John G. Scoulcn, criminal libel, before tho superior court, In ses sion there. , Mis. F. II. Piatt Is very 111 from an attack of neuralgia, at her home on Putnam street. Mrs. ICatherlno Townsund has given up her rooms In tho Phllllnson build ing on Warren street, and will make her home with her daughter, Mrs. II, S. Harding. Tho Monday club met thin week at the home of Mrs. II. F. Mctcalf, on Harrison street, News received or the condition of Mis. Harry Billings, who Is being MOTHER GOOSE PUZZLE. Hot cross buns, hot cross buns, One a penny, two a penny, Hot cross buns. If your daughters don't like 'em, Give 'cm to your sons; Ono a penny, two a penny, Hot cross buns. Find three hungry boys. treated at a sanitailum at Werners vlllc, Is to the effect ,that she is much imuroved. " The Ladies' Aid society of the Meth odist church met with Mis. Hannah Cornell, on Tuesday afternoon. Walter Bardwell returned on Monday fiom Columbia, Mo., where he is a medical student In the unlveisity. Mr. Bardwell Is just recovering 'fiom a prolonged attack of typhoid fever, and will take a rest from his studies until fall, before returning to the West. Mis. George Phillipson letumed on Monday from Carbondale. where she has been staying for a week past. THOMPSON. Bpecltl to tht Scranton Trlbuni. Thompson, Feb. 11. George Gelatt, of Scranton, was doing business In town Saturday, In the Interests of the Scranton Correspondence school, and tarried over the Sabbath. Several in this place are members of that school. Our townsman. Ervin Van Volken burg, secured a verdict of $2,100 against the township of Clifford at the trial at Montrose last week. It would hardly seem probable that the township would nsk for a new trial because the awaid Is excessive. Rev. A. D. David Is In Olyphnnt to day. Stephen Jenkins, after a steady de cline for some months, died just be fore midnight last night of pneumonia. He was born in England, July 21, 1824, but had spent the most of his days In this vicinity. He spent three years In the war, a member of the Seventeeth Pennsylvania cavalry.. He was a mem ber of tho Methodist Episcopal church nnd of Frank Hall post, Grand Army of the Republic, In this place, and was held In the highest esteem by all who know htm. He Is survived by one daughter, Mrs, E. C. Layton, who cared for him to the last, nnd many more distant relatives. His funeral will bo held In tho Methodist Episcopal church at 10.30 tomorrow morning. In terment In tho North Jackson ceme lory. Mrs. L. E. Bailey, of Prohibition Park, who comes to this county In the Interests ot the Woman's Christian Temperance union, will speak In tho Methodist Episcopal church, Thomp son, next Sabbath evening and Mon day evening following, under the aus pices of the local union, f'ututuuBicr ij, r. j-miiiuB ia uuutnieu to the house these aayu with rheu matism. Frank Pease, of West Jackson, visit ed his brother, Fred Pease, today. SUSQUEHANNA. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Susquehanna, Feb. 12. Out of re spect to the memory of Abraham Lin coln, me isrie snops are closed toaay, and there were appropriate services In the several schools. There la no truth In the report that Hon. Galusha A, Grow, of this county, Is a candidate for congress from this (Fifteenth) district, He will retire from public life nt the close of his present term. Tho Republican county convention, to nominate u congressman and state sen ator, and to elect three delegates to the state convention, will bo held nt Montrose, on Thursday, March 8. Pri maries will be held March i After a brief Illness, George Perry, tin old resident, and u veteran of the Civil war, died on Tuesday afternoon. He Is survived by a widow and several children, Rev, Charles W, Boot wll nrparli In the Honesdale Episcopal church on Friday evenlnW, Owing to snow blockades In the west, &&A yvTJVTi-ta remedy that iiiren a cold in oue day, little freight or live stock are coming cost over the Krlp. The Knights of Columbus held a pro gressive euchre party last evening, In their hall. Mrs. Clarence 12, TltsWorth Is a guest of her parents, ut Montrose. A large number of the school chil dren ot the borough are being vaccin ated. J2dvard Lawrence has gono to Mon tana, to take a job. I?. R. W. Scarle, esq., of Scranton, was tho guest of Susquehanna friends on Sunday, Theatrical TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. I, CCUJt Robert Manlrll ns "Otlicllo " NUIil. ACADEMY May risk Comedy Company. Afternoon nnil night. STAR Bohemian Durlcsqucis. Afternoon ami night. Mantell as "Hamlet.' Kobcrt )). Mantell and his company ttaia a fairly good picacnlatlon of "Hamlet" ut the Lccum last night befoic a large fired audience. Mr. Mantel! vveora a sombre cloak with a much effectiveness ns any actor In tho country. Ho Is n prince of gloomy fellows and has im.uiably appcucd licio ill sepulclual plays, fieightcd with "windy suspimtlon of fenced breath," as wit ness "The face in the Moonlight." "The Cor-tic-m Brotheis," "MonbjrV and "Tho Dagger and the Cross." It is natural, theicfore. Hut the tiend of Mr. Mantell',, histrionic- nrcior cuees should have ultlmitoly lindcd him in tho lolu of "Hamlet," which lie as-uints veiy ired itubly. Those inclined to anal re the "Hamlet" of Mantell might declaic his "Melancholy Pane" to be altogether too healthy a pcisonagc. He is not that "exquisitely fragile vase," which Hamlet is to often Illumed to. into which has Ken diopped the acorn of a, mighty purpose. Mantell is a. more robust piece of pottery and his ilch poweiful voice and muscular build dispel any fear tliat he Mill "run away into a dew." His acting of the part, however, was easy aid graceful and lie handled the stately phrases with a Judicloibnc-ji that was nt times eloquent as well as impressive. Mr. Mantell attempts no innovations with Ms "Hunlet," unless the as sumlng of a daik red wig be called suth, but Keeps upon the beiten path m.uked out by tho majority of those who hate preceded him. An Inversion of the phrase "Hamlet, vitli Hamlet lelt out" might descnbe the rest of the production. Mr. Mantell was nearly the whole play. There was no elaboration of seen, cry and the suppoiting talent was quite oidi niiy. Miss Marie Booth Hits-ell was cast as Ophelli and made a good eflort In that lole considering that the is iinsullod for it. Mls Russell is a lull Brown woman, tall and well built as a grenadier. Ophelia was mentally and physically u joung girl and an effort to make a combination Midi as the above could not bo cntiiclv sathfactoij. W. J. Bovven as I.aertcs was Mr. Mantel)' ublest assistant among the male m-mbcrs of the oast. "The Gold King." At the Academy last night "The Ciold King" was given an ellecttve peculation by the May I'itke company. The audience was a large mi". This afternoon the tonipmy will piesent ".Veil Cwjnne," and tonight "The Little Maf.nct." Broclcway Entertainment. Tho Brochway tuterlaimuent coiir pietcals the sixth eutt'itainiiicnt at the Lvcoum theater Friday night, tho Dioekwa- cliand Concert com pany. The Nishvlllo llanner tajs of Mine. Lindc, one of the famous artists who will be heard; "Mine. Undo has a splendid oiie, and her piogrammo numbers, with tho numerous eneoics she was compelled to icpond to, showed her volco to full advantage. Her fhsl number was the must dinicult of the three arias Hum 'Sam son and Dclllj,' and was icndcicd as only on ar Hit of ability can lender suili a bong. Besides the 'Amour VIeus Alder, of Salnt-Saim, lier pio gwnitue numbers weio 'Ae .Maria,' from 'Caial Uiia Itiullcain,' nnd Spanish I.oe-Sjng,' by Cliamlnade. Among her encores were ClodJid' Tloilnn bong, IlclnecKc'rf Tiuchllngbluinen,' and Tiolere'.s 'In Old Madrid.' Scats now icady, "Up York Stato." David Hlgglns and (iiorgla N'nldioii, who aie well known and popular in other cities, will ap. pear here .Salurdayifteinoon and night as joint Ktars, piesentiiKf a new country play, called "l'p Votlt Mate," of which they aie the authors. The story of the play, which is in (our act., take giound between rustic comedy and society drama, the scenes and chaiacteis being takui fiom a progicjslv'o community In tho Adlrondacks, with enough local color to give the play distinction, but not enough to class It with familiar tjpes of rural comedy, it is not an attempt to ilianutlo tho real Darius (Ireen of the poem, as might be supposed by the name of the principal male part and cuirent tendencies In thealiical vviitlug, but the hero is named Darius Clicen and la an linen tor who believes in aerial navigation nnd knows all about tho fellow who tried to fly and couldn't. "Up York State" Just closed one of the mot HH'ci-uiui runs ever known in jfew Yoik city, vvhero it has made the lilt of the season. Hie play will be given hue by the oilglnal New Yoik cast and production, Marks Brothers' Company, Of Ma i kg Diotlioi,' Dramatic company, which appiau next week ut the Academy of Music, the Dally NcvvvTUbuno u( Duluth, Minn., tajst "Last night the laigtvst audience that has jet greeted the Marks Drotheia' company wa picseut In the Opera, houso to witnca for the lint lima in this city the new romantic mclodiama, ",Smi. dercd Hearts." At S o'clock people weie ic funded tlielr money, as standing room wus not to be had anvvhcio ill tho hou,e. The piece pio duced is the best In the company's icpeitoire. The costumes were beautiful ami were the finest ever worn by any repel toll e company that baa yet viol ted Duluth, I , This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative BromonmnineTubiet- Miss May Hell was seen In the patt of tho wronged Marguerite Laurent, the heroine of tho piece, and the added new laurel to her list by her clever acting nnd dramatic; power, She was fiequetilly nnd loudly oppUiidcd, Alex Marks was fcen nt Ids best. Ill clever noting anil flno presence Ma much admired. The fpe (.'laities Introduced were Very good, the ulnglng by IIh Petite Oracle being loudly applauded, Bohemian Burlesquers. 'ihe entertainment afforded by Miner & Van's Ilohemlati llurlcsqucr, which comes to the Star today has met w.ilh unstinted pialso In all tin prlnclpil cities. Among the artists arc such well known f.uorltrs ns tllxley and HuglicVln a very unique act; Maddox ami Vono, ns the actor and messenger boy I Oraiey ami llmnctt. In a travesty sketch! Hlley and llughciv black facd comedians and dancers J at. John and Xlrolal, a clever tlstcr team and l!diu llticklcy, the sweet singer of popular roiig. A pedal featuro will be made of Miner ti Van's $10,000 production of living pictures, tho most pretentious ever nttcinpted under the ipe chit stage direction of Slanor A. Opeitl. 'Ihe two burlesques, "H. H. Cruiser llohemU" and "A Bowery Hall" serve to Intioditec twenty-five shapely and beautiful girts in songs, medleys and inarches. Tho Pnderewskl Recital. The continued and increased Interwt In tho Padercwskl conceit which occurs l'cbruary 21 nt Hie New Armory gives every assurance that not withstanding the gicit sealing capacity it will be filled on this ocnslon, Inquiries from out ot town continue lo pour in and nil the towns within a radius ot one hundred miles wilt be largely repicsentcd. The diagram opens ut Pow ell's music time Monday next tho ITtli, the popular pi Ices of tickets inae It possible for all who deshc lo hear the famous nrtl't. The present conceit tour has been planned in connection vvllli the production of "Manni," the composer giving one or two conceits in the licighboihood on each occasion of Hie suceass of his opera. "Manni" Is a fuccess. Tho Musliul isihos Woclirnblntt m.vs: "1'adcrewsM's 'Manni' lias been given in the 'Landesthentci' at t'l.igue and brought lis composer Innumerable honors," Not that ultkiMu is silent, 'ihe Impact ot the Individuality of tho composei as a writer of opeu is just as visoio.ifs as. is that of his playing. Hverjbody is waked im and forrcd into artistic consciousness. Npbody fits tuplno beneath his cncigetlo lh thins and dazling color. The Mid-Winter Circus. There is to be a big lnld-w Inter circus I'eb. 20, 21 und 22, with nntluee on Washington's With day, ut the new urnioiy, for the benelit of the international Conreiiomlence School -is-wclatlrm. Thoe who buy ptcllniiiiary tickets have the chance of selecting seats two davs before the regular sale opens, twenty of the Vest circus rets hive been en gaged. Mr. Dixie. 10 has chaige, has been to the llarnum and Hal y winter qvmilers at Iiiidgc e them. port. Conn., to ensral Circus people rcc vc the highest Mlailes of any of the theatric piofesslon, and well (hey may, as the lu only woik five month: they require too a space and too laige a salary to woik iu.fni" ordinaiv- theater. Besides' these pcrfjfnnors, there will be luars, Hon, elephant--, dugs, mouklc, snake", hor-es ami ponies. Also he usual side-shows and con ceit. The canvas vv'ill be erected inside the build ing. Won't it be n ciniosity to tee a clittw tent inside a building? A-lde fiom tho biggest cir cuses that tome in .summer, it will piouably le the moot cspunivv cutcitalmmut ever given in Stunton; it will Joitaiub. be the mot cnjojable one. 'Ihe tickets .lie p'accd at the veiy ieaon able tl?ue 2,"i cenlB to !jl.0O. STAGE NOTES. DeWolf Hopper may appeal in vaudeville next iiimmer, us vVc-.stcin houses have ollered him exceptionally big money for a few weeks' engagement. btnart Ilolecin will put foinnul "The Comedy of Luors" net 'eason as his principil piece. Wagenhals & Kemper are alio to exploit two well-known stais in the piece. The I'.ugrne Cowles Opeia ami Conceit com pany has been oignnlral and will mioii take the load. Andrew McC'oimick nnd IMinunil Stanley -iie also Intciested vvllli Mr- Covvle- in Ihe veil tine. It Is mere than probable that the tiouble be tween John IV. Dunne and ruber and Hjley over the lights to "IToudoiii" will bo settled out ot comt. Tills ine-ins a very Inige Finn of icady money for Mr. Dunne. ltichaid Caile, the clever comedian, has tied himself up for two cars with the syndi cate that conliols "Ihe lluigomastei" and "King Dodo." special pieces uie lo be vviitlcn for hlin. The giL-ul and only Herrininn comes to the I.jccum next week in Ids magnificent exhibition of magic ami occult phenomenon. The thcatei-goei.s of the 1,'niled states have long since cndoiscd the mnnellous woik of tills Oieat Herrmann, and it is safe to xay tint as un enter tainer in magic and sensational illusions, his standird is absolutely scenic ns being the foie most puivejor of this stjle ot entertainment on Ihe American ulage. When "Tho lionnie Ililer linsb" wns fir-t pie sented in New York the phy fullllled the expec tations which literary folk had for it, and in ad dition theieto, it pioved a comedy of the drollest and most ineslsllble tvpe. It was In lids- play that J, II. Stodd-ut made a stellir debut which was the fuillion of a Ilfe-tlme'.s woik in his chosen ait. The success of the play and the ac tor weie completions, and Irath are povv l.ited high by the ciltirs and dcuy uf the county. It will come lo the Lvcruni kjoii. THE MARKETS Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. , STOCKS. , Did. Asked Laekavvnnna Dahy Co,. Pr. 00 County Mvlngi II ink fc Tiiist Co.. :.00 llrst .National nanK luaiuonu-ucj . Standard Drilling Co so KA 275 III 1.10O 123 100 05 500 2J'I ... US ... 1-5 'Iblrd National mm; Dime Deposit ami Discount Hank. Economy Light, II. & I. Co Pirst National Hank Lack I. 'Irust i: Safe Deposit Co... Claik k Snover Co., l'r t'crmilon Iron Pence Ic Mfg. Co. ,. Fcranton Axle Woiks. hcrnntou (-avlugs Hank ;. Tiaileis' Nutiouil Dank bciauton Holt .t Nut (J o I'rople'n Dank New Mexico Py, & C. Co PONDS. Scranton Passenger Hallway, 6rst Uortgsge, due 1020 , I'eonle'b bticet Itallnay, first mort 113 gage, due 1013 IIS People's btreet Hallway, Oenerul moitgage, duo lU-'l ,..., Dickson Manufacturing Co Lacka, Township School 5 per cent. Cit of Ecranton St. Imp, 0 per cent. ,, ,,,.,.,,,,., Ecranton Tiactlon 0 per cent. ..,. I.'conomy Light, Heal & Power Co., 113 100 1W 102 113 P3 Scranton Wliolesale Market. (Collected by H. G, Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave,) Kloui-iM.W. lleans if2.10. Hulter fresh ueamciy, 23e ; June ueanieiy, 23',r.c; dairy. Sic, Clime-mjal-'c. Egga Ncaiby, :12c. i fane stoiase, 27c. I'eai,-l'er Inr-hel. $1.73. l'olalocj, I'er bushel, 3o. Onions 1'er busliel, 1.W. Phllndelphin Qrnin and Produce. Philadelphia, I'eb, 12. lluttcr VJnn: pints lc, higher j elia wuteni ciejincry, Siftc; do. iienby prints, 31c. 1'ggo Kiim, lc. higher; frith neat by, 3t4cj do. vveteiii, LOJie'. ; do, southwestern, SOVic. ; do. southern, 2l'c, Cheese Steady; New 'ioik lull ercMini fancy miuII, JlVjc. ; uo. uu. uo,, lair to tiioiee-. uiiuuc, lie lined fiugurd Unchanged; powdered, I.S5e, ; gran ulated, 1,75c.; coufectloncru' A, -D3e.; Hey, utono A, I. loo, Cotton Unchanged. 'Tallow Btcady; city ptlnie in tleitcs, Oiic.j country, do. do., bauelb, ll'.aCVic,; do. dail; in do., 59,a fl!e. ; cakes. 0?c, Live I'oultr Stcud ; fowls, 12U2c; do. fair to good, UKaUe,; old roo. leis, 9c.; chickens, peaiby, 13al5c-,; wcslrrn do,, lluHc. ; turkevs, nearby choice to faiio.v. 17alSc. ; western do. clo., 15al6e,; fair to good, lUUe.j dueks, neaiby, 13alile. ; western do., liatlc,; gecw, Palio. 1'olatore btcady; eislun choice per sack. $2.30a2-40; New York eholeo loimd per bushel, 73a We. J do. do. lonsr do, do,, 7?a73c.; c'q ful ltd good do. do., eVja'Oi. Chicago live Stock Market. Chicago, Feb. 12. Cattle lleeelpts, 20,000; slow, Jower, except for Liuey beeves; good to prlmey iteeii), O.10a",23; poor to medium, jnu; f-tockem and fcedeu, 2.00al.70; cows, $1,2313.23; helfeis, J2.2Ja5.23: eanncrs, 1.25a2.23; bulls, W.2'al.S0; calves, 2a7.tu; Texas fed steers, l.S3 a-5.73. Hogs llecolpts today, 52,000; tomoiroiv, H.CXiO; left" over. 1J.000; heavy stead; light weak; mined and buUhcis, iW.WUO.IO; good to choice beavv. SclUael. 47U : roiuh u..ifl4.v, Jbt (Mjhus Ws bulk of sales $J.yOa0.2 .W I THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents Wore Than Pour Lines, 3 Cents for Uaclt Extra Line. For Bent, roil HUNT A single bouse In line tondltlon with eight rooms, bnth rooms nnd laundry and all Improvements at 1.VI3 t'apousc avenue. l'Oll HUNT A very superior houe, perfectly healthy, Inspector's test, extra luxurious con veniences; fine grounds; a handsome home! lent fair. W, Gibson Jones, 311 fcpruce sticet. 1I01ISI1 No. Git K. Washington avenue, corner Pine street, It looms And bnth; all in perfect order. Apply nt 537 Linden Bticet. I'Olt HUNT One fide of double house, ten rooms, . city ktr.iin, and all other improvements. Call at 0M Madison avenue. I'Olt HUNT Six-room flat with steam heat nnd all modern Improvements, from Apill 1. Call cnily. fred C. Hand, IKil Mulberry street. I'Olt ItrNT-Ilulldlng occupied by HcUer k Wiiitikc, corner Main nnd Jackson tieetl best location in Hjde Park. Apply to lflil Sanderson avenue. TOIt IHIST llnlaigeil ofllco In JMull building. Apply tc Janitor. TOIt IlKNT Single hou-o on (licen Illdgc itieet. Imjulle 1023 bmderson avenue, I'Olt HUNT Corner store No. 'Ml Laekavvann i avenue. Also dwellings above. Apply to Ooldsmllli Bros., SOI Lackawanna avenue. 1 OH HUNT Store loom on second Iloor over .'il'J Lickawanni avenue. I'lalc gins fiont. In ipilre of Kiolosky Uio. 10H lin.VT Kiom Apill 1, building now occu- pled by the Diclcson Milling Co , No. 11 Lackawanna avenue. W. I'. Hojle, Conncll Hldg. IIALP HOUIILK house. 0!3 Hirrlson avenue, M3. Also half double house, loOS Pino street, $17. Possession now. Apply VM Harrison nvenue. 3?or Sale. TOIt SAI.r. CHK.M'-nay saddle hor.e, 8 jean fcoiinu, line Kicluler and good culver, lleason for belling, no vise for same. Call'oraclilicn 1'. A. Schercr, D ic II. office, 1'iovldciice, I'a. UCLOIAX HAIICS for Kile; high grade; pcdl gieed stock; all ages; nil prices lioni fl.lW up; now Is the time to start bleeding for kprlng wiles. Call or address Clrecn Hldge Habblliy, Idlj Capouse avenue, Scranton, i'a. LACH CUIITA1NS 501) pai fancy Cuilulns at auction, ijus Ljckawaiun avenue. Sj;e auc tions. 1011 HALU I.iigc load of pine kindling, htove length, delivered unjvvheie for S2.00. Hard wood. -2.50. Mall oiders Jennings, Central mine Hutch, rillceiilh street, oi Iniiig vom wagon and get a load. 10H SALi: CIHlAP-riievvood, iion roofing, tim bers, boards, hcantllng, etc., from old cars; suitable for all purposes. Jennings, Central Mines switch, foot ot Hanpton -street, olf South Main avenue. I'On BALK Two light i-pilnc; wagons and some lumens, cheap. Kvans, rear 11)2 Liireine stiect. rOH SALH Cheap; horse, spring wagon and harness, at No. 182B Cedar avenue. For Sale or Sent. KOK SALU OK IIKXT Store and hurries chop airacncu, also ciwciling over tliu tloie; laie palron-ige; no opposition in town; corner ot Dilnktr nnd Chestnut sticets. Inquiie of I!. W. I'liist, 101 i:. Drinker atiect, Dr.nmore, I'a. I'Olt SLi: OK KKNT-SiiiRlo house and lot, No. 1110 Mnlhciry sticet. Kqulpped with all inncl em coiivcniinccs-. tii'jiiiie on prcnli-"e,. John Knobie. Hilt HI,i: 01! HUNT Slnsl" h'iu,e, .'11 Welntci iivetme. Ten looms; city tteam heat; pos .'Csslon Apill 1. O. r. He nobis, Council Hldg. Wanted To Rent. WANTKD 1'iom Apill 1, four or five unfurnished looms, centmlly located, gleam belt. Ad dress box: 25, Tiibune. Wanted To Purchase. CASH PAIDr?Tr okliTTrXIvrTvTry, watches, diamonds, silveiware. Addles 111- waid Hoyle, 222S lMik How lluildlng, Nrw York. Auction. AL'tTIOV today nnd every day until sold out, it e.ii -loans fan- Mnei lean exposition ruinltura and Until, coasUtlug of tallies, iiuil and bi.iss beds complete, drc-,scis-, 15,000 pieces linen, blank ets, pillows, counteipanes, pillow cases, towels, cle. ; Luge quantity cupels and lace curtains. Clipets sold evciy day ;: o'clock ohaip ut 503 Iickawanua avenue, Cunmilngs llios , Auu tioneeis, Purnished Booms. I'Ol! lillN'T ruinished loom foi gtntlcinin, "villi Use of bath, Addiess 3'H Wtbitcr avcil'ie. city. I'Olt IlKNT One furnished room, with improve ments; nlao ope on thhd lloor, cheap. 027 Adams avenue. rURNISHED KOOMH for rert, model u inipr.ivc ments; piivate lamlly; gentlemen pieferred, at 537 Adams avenue. rOH KENT nirnkhed front room, wllh heat, balh nnd gai; near court house; gentleman piclened. Addrcat Itoom, Hon 2'i3. roil KENT furnished room; heat and balh. 23 Linden slieet. rUHNISIIED 1100MS rOH WST, with beat, pas and bath, gentlemen picfened, at 539 Adami avenue. Booms and Board. E0OMS TO HENT. with boaid. M Mulberry atreet. Boarders Wanted. I'HIVATE I'AMILY vvUbcs to have two nice men to boaid, Geinuii or English, Call any tlma after Thursday, All . conveniences, 807 Harrison uvciiue. Beal Estate, l'Oll MALI.' Home with good watci, fnill, and garden, in Eliuhuut, Terms to suit. Ad diess Dr. llatcsou, 337 Washluhton nvenue, 2,200 WILL buy 100 aero faun threo miles fiom MchoHon. Teinu to ult puiehasei, iiu slioug & Huuleis, agents, I'lttstou, I'a, l'Oll SALE Several choice lots on Webster ave. line between fine und Gibson slicets, Will sell in plots of 10. 50 or 00 eet fioulagc. ti. r, l(enolds, Council Hiiildlug. FOlt SALE New lioii-o on Cornell sticol, Ho'ind Woods 1'aik; modern linpioveiiients; easv teinis. Apply to Spiing llrook Lumber Co., or E, b. Woodhousc. roil bALE At Claik's Pununlt; a plaeo of fln acies, homo and bain, good fiuil; cheap for cash, liimilie of Jlr.s. L. Lilidta, HU North Main avenue, city. FOB SALE Ono aero of land. Improved with nine-room house: plenty and variety of fruit; good location in village of r'lcetvlllc. Mrs. Olivt Kith, ITvetvlIle, I'a. JLost. LOST On lllakelv street, between Dunmorc Cui nerd und Dudley ttiect, dlamoiul Hug, skele ton setting, with two goal its mi tame. Itewaid will bo paid if ictunied to Oscar Yost, Dun mole Cornels'. WESTEIIN bTEEK LOSr-Whllc unloading car of iJtllo Tuesday, a laiga dark led hieer es-i-ipod. A suitable icward will be paid for infor mation of his wheieabouts. T, i:, Carr & Son, 2.i Wuthlnttoit avenue. I.OSf A purse eonlalnlir- sum of money bo- vhvvii p,,uvu suvvv uuifu uuq iiosioiit finder pleae letunv to 'filbuuo oflice. Sultal e. Suitable levv-aiu. LObT lietvvcen Dickson and Providence a pocket book ronlalnlng money, checks and papers Finder will please ictum lo A. 1'. O'ilojle, WW William bticet, Sciantou, und icecive revvaid. HecelnU, 10,000; steady; Ijmbs, steady) good to tholee, wethers. l,75a5.20; western sheep and carliue. SI.2Ja3.ej; native lambs. H7S. CM; western Iambs, M.2J4.0.03. SITUATIONS WANTED l-UDE. BRANCH WANT OFFIOiSS. 1 i Want Advertlssmonts Will Bo Recotvetl at Any of the Eollow Ing Drufj Stores Until 10 P. M. Centrnl City ALnr.tlT SCHHLTZ, comer Mulbetr street and Webster avenue. UUSTAV I'ICIIEL. WO Adams avenue. West Side OKOnai-! W. JIINKINS, lot South Main avenue. South Scranton I'HKU L. TKIH'I'i:, 729 Cedar avenue. North Scranton OEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Msln avenue and Market ftrcct. Green Bidge CHAIILLS 1'. JO.STS, 1337 DIckion menuc. P. J. JOHNF, P20 Oiecn Ridge street. C. LOtlKNZ, corner Washington are nuc and Marlon etrcet. Petetsburg W. II. KNKPFKL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunnioie J. Q. BONE Si SON. Help Wanted Male. WANTKD A iomig man as eleik and bookkeeper in a letall and wholc-'ap- business, one ot experience about 23 to 30 jeuts old. Address with lefercnccs, tinting sal irj-expected, W. Ic II., Tiibune ofllee. WANTl'DA steady, industtiou man to solicit ordiis fiom unices and business houscj throughout tho city; salary and commMo'i. Appl,v Landon Mfg Co., Ilrldge sticet, eit. WANTLD To the rlicht pintles, pennaiieiit sal ailed petitions will be given, llefeiences lu qtihed or security. Call 510 Spiucc slieet. AVANTED Men with salesminshlp experience to represent an old firm. Men with Inulu, tact and energy (others need not apply) such nun can make big money, l'c-inianent position to call on incichants local tenltor.v. IWc-cllciit chance to light p u ties. Call or addiess Mi. Lehman, St. Charles Hotel, Scranton, Help Wanted Female. WANTKD Ladies to show our goods and lake or dci. Paris l'ei funic Co., 28 Libraiy Hldg. WANT KD A good gill for gcneial housewoik, 503 Adams. WANTilD l.adv tiinV.iser. Call loom 112, Con nell building, between 10 and 11 today. LADY CANVASsKIt wanted lo solicit subscrip tions toi The Tiibune; good comnii-&ion of fered with a fair giiaiautee for first-cl.iss worker. Apply pel -filially at Dullness Manager's otlice, Fci.uilou Tribu;.!-, WANI'KD II v a good gill to do hou-cwoik ill piivate iiuilly; only small fimily piliw good w igcs need teplv. Addiess H. S., liibnne ofllee. WANTL'D nir! for gcneial housework at Dalton. Address II. T., care Tribune. Agents Wanted. AGKXTS TO &ELU "sCHLKY AND SANTIAGO" by Geo. K. (Iialnm. Autograph introducibn and peisonal account of battle by bCKLHY. TUCK bTOHV 01' .SANTIAtiU TOLD lOlt 1TI1ST IIMK, by the only et-witnessces c,f the llu'lit. SelU fa-tti than "Life of McKlnlev." Liberal commissions. ITIEH OUTITT HKVDY. Send seven 2-ccnt slamps for postage. Books now icady. Ileware of imiutlons. Can be had only from, solo publMicn. W. H. CONKUY COM l'ANY, ChUago, 111. WANTED General agent for the county ot Lackawanna to upiesent the Empire Life In suance company of New York (incoiporated 1SS1) to a man ot experience and good iccoid a liberal con 1 1. let is oflcitd. Addiess stating experience und icfucnces. C. Zlminer, supcilutcndent of agencic1-, 220 Hroadway, New York. Situations Wanted. blTUATlON WANTED-Hy a joung- man as toaehnian for a elector or driving team. Understands tare of liortec. Win. T. Walker, Uox 117, Dljpliant, I'a. V.OUNO MAN wants work in butcher business, ten yeais' cxpeiicncc. Apply 310 liveiett uve. SITUATION WANTED Ily a good honest girl at geueial houscwoik in small private tamlly. Addiess MIs3 JI. 11. 1'oid, Gcneial Delivery, City. SITUATION WANTED Young mm desiicfl situ ation ns bookkeeper. Expeiienced. Good uf ciencts. Addicas II, (I., care of Scranton Tribune. AV 1 XPEHIEXECED woman wWies a position as ousekecper oi light hou-evvork. Can be teen lii-iiit. ol fl.ilir at Ailington Hotel. HITl'ATION WANTED-I!y all aiounel black smith, lioiiicshochig a speclalt, Coleman llounk, 100 l'ltttstoii nvenue. SITUATION WAN'l ED lly an expert laundress on kidUV and gentlemen' tine' liuudiy; can launder cnloied c-oluied shlits without luding. 1111 Llod sticet, top floor. Uest of city let erences. bl'l UATION WANTED Hy a middle nged lady as hotuekcepei oi at bniucwork in small family. Ca,i give icfcrencc. Addiess 1.'. b, Tiib une ofllee. HEITN'ED, educated young woman wants cm plomcnt; nuy one dcslilug her services in nnv wiy uddrcM C, I!., Tribune oflice. bl'tTATIOM WANTED lly a widow to do wash Ilia:. Ironing or cleaning of any kind. Ad dress Mrs, J, Millie, 712 behucll court. Wanted. AVANTED Two second-haiid Miner or roach liu ncsses, must be in good condition; also two or tinea single light harnesses, miist be cheap, Addie,-i . V. Z., cnio ot Tiibune. Business Opportunity. S...s'Ns.s,V''-'l-'l'''' bJ00,00 I1IJYS on cslnbllshcd buslnesji paying $80 monthly; xeiy little tlinu leipilredi heira close Investigation. Addiess E. W. Il 207 Lin den sticet, ell). SrOCIv AND WHEAT 'IltADEHS without delay, Write for our special market letter, free on application, b. M. lllbbsid A: Co., members N. Y. Crnsolidatcd and btock Mtchauge, It and 16 llioadvvjy, New Yoik. Mabllshcd 15'1I. Long Distance' Phone 23fcS Hroad. Dissolution of Partnership. THE FIIIM of I, f Megaigel i: Co. Is this day dissolved liy mutual consent, Hoy Chester Megargel rctlilnjr. - I, I'. MEGArtOEL, HOY Ml.fl.MIGEL, Any debts due to ui fiom the film will be set tled by tho undersigned who will continue tlto biokeiagc und eouuuisslon business: in blocks, llouds and Securities under the linn iiime of 1, f. Megargel A,sCo., with headquarteis in the Con mil buildUig, Sciantou. I'a, I, V. MEGAHGEI, 1' CO, Scranton, I'a., I'eb, b, 1002. Proposals. PHOI'OaVLS will bo received by the nndereigned tor mo janiiorsuip oi I lie Miutison JlellirxJtst Episcopal church fiom felnuary 13 lo Apill 1, inclusive, John f, itamlolpli, 31X1 boutli 11 etc I'.rk avenue. Superfluous Hair Removed. r-fPEIIfLUOL'tJ HAIR, Waits, und Mclcs, pain lessly, permanently, beUntltleally lemovtd by clectiio ncedlei .xelulve metticMl; no seals. Tilal ticatment fiee. (.Mil and be convUiced. Helen ti, Huclfan.u, DeuuatoloirUt. 312 Washluiitoii aie. DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents Mor.'Tlin Pour Line, 6 Cents lor Uacli Uxtrj Llm. PROFESSIONAL, Cortlflcd Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULIIINO, 21 TItAtir.ltS HANK lluildlng, and St. 1'aul lluildlng, New York. Architects. EDWAIID II. DAVI3, AHCIIirKOT, CONNELL Dullding. FnEDEIHCK L. IinOW.V. AHCH. B HCAt. Estate f.thangc IHdg.. I2 Washington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. H. L. llAltDlNG? COO CONNELI, nUILDINO. Dentists. DH. C. E. r.lLENriEKOEH, 1'AUU IlUiLDINO Spruce street, Scranton. " DK. O. O. LAUDACH, 113 WYOMINQ AVENUn. JJawyors. FIIAMC E. HOYLE, ATTOItNEY.AT-LAW. Kooms 12, U, io md 18 Hurr Dullding. F. K. T11ACV, ATTY, COM MONWEALTH nLDU. D-." nEPLOOLC, A'rrOHNEY-LOANS NKOO tiated on real estate sccuilty. Mears Dullding, comer Washington avenue and Spiuco sticet. WILLAIID, WAIIHK.V k KN'APP, ATTOKNEYS and esjunsellors-at-law. Hcpubllcan Building, W tslilcgion avenue. JESSUP, fc JESSUI', ATTOltNEYS AND COUN- scllcirs-at-law. Commonwealth Dullding, ltoonn IP, SO nnd 21. , WASP 3 THAVKR. ATTOnNEY. ROOJH OOJOotli floor, Jleara building. " tA WA:, ATTOIlNnV-AT-LAW, DOA1ID cf Tinde lluildlng. Scranton, Pa. P,,TrF,?,?v WILCOX. TRADER'S NATIONAL Hank lluildlng C COMEGYS. 013 REPUDLIOAN DUILDINO. " 'A.W,,.B''I,0L, orncn moved to no. 211 Wyoming avenue. Physicians and Surgeons, DR. W. E. ALLEN, 51J NOIITH WASIIINGION avenue. DR. b. W. L'AMORKAUX, OrriCE 331 WASH ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulberry Chronic discajes, lungs, heart, kldne a( genito-urlnary organs a specialty. Hours. 1 tO Ip, ID, Hotels nnd Eestaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVE nue. Rates leasonablc. P. ZIEOLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D-, L. & V. PAS sengcr depot. Conducted on tho European Plan. VICTOR KOCH. Propiietor. Scavenger. A. IS. BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools; no jdor; only Improved pumps used. A. U. Briggs, propiietor. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Eickc's drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulbcny. Hoth telephones. Seeds. G. R. CLARKE k CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NUBS rrymen, store 201 W'asnlugtcn avenue; gietn home.-, 1050 Noith Main avenue; store tele phone, 782. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUE'ITEL. REAR 011 LACKA, AVE., Scranton, I'a., mnnulacturer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DHESS3IAKINO TOR CHILDREN TO ORDER; also ladles waists. Louise bhocmaker, 212 Adams avenue. MEGARGEE BRO., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EN x elopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. THE WH.KES-DARRH RECORD CAN BB HAD in Scranton at the news stands of RoLsmau Bros., 400 Spruce and 503 Linden: M. Norton, 322 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schutzer. 211 Spruce street. Money to Loan. LARGE OR SMALL amounts. Promptly made. Interest 5 per cent. Okell, Attorney, Coal i.xcuangc cunning. AW AMOUNT OP MONEY TO LOAN Ouick straight loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to fl per cent. CaU on N. V, Walkei, 311-213 Conncll building. 1 "' Bheumatiam. IHIKUMATISM All naitlcs tint wish can be speedily and permanently cured of all x. rietles of Rheumatism by a vegetable compound. Cures guaianteed. Inquiie or address J. K. Ta lor, Scranton. LEGAL. THE ANNUAL ttoekholdeia meeting ol Dlcksor Mill and Grain company will be held in Roon 021, Connell building, Monday, Febiuary 17. 1002, at i o'clock p. m. EDWARD L. BUCK, Sccrctar. IN RE: listate of Marguicl Mitchell, lato of tin city of .Srr.inton, county of Lackawanna, slato of Peniislvanla, deceased. Letters testamentary having been granted lu the undersigned on the above estate, all person hiving claim' or demands against the fcjme will piesent them for pamenl, and all those indehteel thereto will please make immediate iviyment to EDWARD MITCHELL, JAMES T. MITCHELL, Executors. JOHN J. .MURPHY, Attorney. ESTATE of Charles Ilcnwood, late of tho city o' Stianton, Lackawanna county, l'onnslvania drccaseil. T IncliniAiilnrit tinivii J tin ili-l t'A sietil A, lilt. UVUll tV SIUI1 lentil I,) ll'VIt lit, uuuiv, vxihiu iiwi InK been granted tho uii'lcwlgncd. all persoiu Ui- ,... a.lmj nmt.i, ,l.n el.i.n .llll lir.unnl ,1,1.,,, for panient and those Indebted thereto wilt please make immediate pajment to ? ADA H. HENWOOI). ENCcutrU, Or J, W. BROWNING,' Attorney, 303 Jle-irs Hulldln;, ELECTION PROCLAMATION. Oflice of the City Hecoider City of Scranton, I'a., February, Ith. 1002. NOIICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT A Geneial Elcttion to be held on Tuesday, the eighteenth day of February Instant, being tho third Tuesday ot Februaiy, the following ofllccrs will be voted for at the usual places of boMlinr elections lu tin; City of Reunion, Pa., to wlt; A City Controller to servo for Ihe term of tlirrr e.ira beginning Ihe lint Monday of April, 1UJ. One belett Councilman to nerve tor the term of four yea is beginning Hie first Monday ot April, 11)02, in each of the even numbeied wards' to wit: Tho Second, Fomth, Shth, Eighth, Tenth, Twelfth, fouitecntli, blxteenth, Eighteenth and Twentieth, -- Couiiiion Count ilmcn fiom the even iiunibr;l'' waieU to seivo for tho term of two eara be?!. niug tho llrst Monday of April, 1602, as follmV3" to wit: four from the tiecoiid waid, thiee from fourth ward, two from the blilh ward, one frum tho Eighth ward, one from tho Tenth ward, on from tho Twelfth ward, one fiom fourteenth ward, one from the Sixteenth war, one fiom (be Eighteenth ward, two fiom tho Twentieth ward One School t'ontioller for the term of lirjr ears from the Unt Tuesday in Februaiy, 1002, in each of the odd numbeied wards, tn wit: First Thiid, fiflb, Seventh, Ninth, Eleventh, Tlli teentli, filtccntli, bcKnteeiith, .Mueteentli aifd Tvvenly-flrst, One A Met nun to iric for the term of flvt ycaij in each of the following wards, to wit! l'lflh, Seveulli, Tweltlh, Elghtecnlh and Nlnv teenth. One Assessor fiom each waid In ll rltv One Comtiiblo from each ward in the ill). , One Judge ot Elections, two InspcUoH ol El-;c-Hon and an Awessor of Voters in each sud uvery cleetloii district in the city, AUo one Poor Director lioni each of the follavv. lug boioughs and townsliIkj to wit: The Borough of Providence, the T'ovvnsh!i of i'lovldeucc, the llorough ol 11 do Patk, tlie lloiougli of Scranton, (Noith waid), Hie Uuiough of txrauton, (Mi-klle ward), the Borough of b'eruntou. (South ward). " (SUnctl) W. I. rON'NEl.L. City Kccor-Kr.