.t THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, ftEBRtlAKV. 18, 11)02. xxxxxxxxxxx; , tun Moor.tiN lunmrAru! stoma Polish . Your Shoes x nt lionic kiivo I title nnd money too, by ubIhk The Dandy Shiner a household neccHslty holds the sboo urrXoctli' rigid lor pollHUIng adJUBt ablu to any bIzo shoe re movable when not In uso. It la bo Blmplc u child can operate It. PRICE, $1.00 T7r fir. QUcar f"V. i 19 N. Washington Ave 6 xxxxxxxxxxxx flothers tiii! rAMiLV buyer, havi: jou ecr been in our store to sco the many tilings we liavo to make jour Infant and children well drMscd Mid com fortable. If not, It will repay you to give us a little of jour time. THE BABY BAZAAlt 510 Spruce Street. 2 ackawanna "THE" $. Haaundry a MS 310 1'cnn A emic. A. n. Wannan. A SOCIAL AND PERSONAL, Norman L. Griggs, of Pittbton ave nue, was married last night to Miss Annio Hiefer, of 434 Brooks street, in the parsonage of the Fenn Avenue Baptist church by the pastor, Rev. ltobert P. Y. Pierce. The couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. George Huf nagle, who acted as groomsman and biidesmald respectively. After a wed ding tour the couple will reside on Plttston avenue. The II. O. 13. O. club were entertained on Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Margaret Hughes, on North Hyde Park avenue, the occasion being the hostess' birthday. The guests were Misses Sadie Zimmerman, Clava Wal ler, May Kreider, Edith Fowler, Ethel ltauch, Grace Daniels and Margaret Hughes. A surprise party was tendered David Williams, of North Sumner avenue, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Isaac Williams was assisted in receiving and serving by Misses Mamie Lewis, Jennie Jones, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Isaac Harris and Mrs. J. Christofel. Miss May Stevens, of Ninth street, entertained friends at her home on Tuesday evening. A. U. thin, of the I.aclawjinn uiliojil, lift last uiglit for ew Yoik. Mis, l'red Oilibs, of Xciitli Lincoln .ncnuo, 1.3 a lcluined heme from u lslt in StioiuMiuijr. daughter was bom jestcrday to Mi. and All.. 31. 11. HiggliM, of 00.1 Adams avenue. Oencl.il Superintendent T. 11. ClaiKc, DbWon Eupeiiiilcndcnt 11. 31, ltino and 3Ia4er Mcch.inio JIli--. 3f. II. Decker, of Xc.v Yoil;, I? the guest of Mr. A. 31. Shlller, of feuulli Hide I'aik me nuc, Mr. and Mis. Ma"C Moullo, of ew Yoil;, nie I'i'ltlnsr Mirf. Ilnocli llariK of South Main a;c nue. Miss Mai Ilesell, of lljitukl;, V. Y., hi ic turnrd home Horn a i.lt with Wet Scranten friends, .lnstlu Van Uibkiikt of Xculimgli, Y is the KUCbt cf hi fister, Mr. W. I.. Speccr, of Jeflerbou menue, ncveily Cliasp and sitter, MUs Kate Cliatc, of South Lincoln aeuue, aie attending the vcd ding of a ltlathe at buinnilt Kill . l'a, II, II. Hall, of MedlJ, l'a., a brother of tho lalo .1. J. Hall, was In tho city jcslcidiy io.i fcirlnf with Lackawanna lallroad offulals. Mr, and Mii. 1, 1', ltcddinKton and Miss ltcddlngton, of Mtillicuy stiect, attended a euchre paity glu'ii at Ob pliant on Tucxday niht. Mis. William Daniels his issued Invitations 1o the niariiat'o of her iliiifiliter, 31ihel, to Thomas II. fcipanacubciif, of Moscow, the inaiiiairc to take place on Wcdncsdiy, the llitli, at her home, 310 1'ianklin atcuuu. DONATIONS FOB THE HOME. Acknowledged by the Managers of That Institution. The mnniiKeis of tho Home for the Friendless acknowledge with the deep est gratitude gifts fiom the following donors: Mrs. Willlum F. Kennedy, cookies; Mis, It, G, Uroolis, plum pudding, turn dries; He James Hughes, book; Mrs. Preston Itoblnsou, wine; Gutlielnn, Wolsser & Krayer, fifty pounds lard; John Benoro & Son, load kindling wood; Mrs. Woodcock, Quantity cakes, Mrs. John Genter, provisions; Mrs, Cora Merrllleld, reading matter; Mrs. 11, Millhaiser, clothing; Connolly & Walluce, four dozen sample books; Miss Fannie Fuller, shoes; F, n. "Wall & Co., ten pounds mixed rakes; Mrs, Alfied Hand, cloth; Mrs. C. S, Weston, potatoes; Miss Susan Dickinson, ap ples; Mr, Ruff, of Stowers' Packing company, ham and mackerel; C, D. noss & Son, New London, Conn., box crackers; Miss Bennell, candy; II, a. Pierce, apples and cranbenles; Price SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE Allow a cough to run until it tel beyond tha reach of medicine, 'i'hey often say, "Oh, It will weir away," but In most ca.ei it will wear Hum away. Could they lo Induced to try tha bucccttful uicdicliiD called Kemp's UaUam, wlitsh is told on a. positive guarantee, to cuie, they would Immediately tee the excellent effect n(. nr taking . tlie nut dose, l'rlcu 25c. aud We. TrUJ size free. At til drujrjilsti. DEr(g & Ilownrtlt, tond wood! Enworth League, WaVerly, Pit., fiuantlty vnlu ubte provisions, fruit, etc; eartnge by Mr. Coon; It. Keltrll, meat! ladlCB ut First Presbyterian church, candy, oranges nnd sewing; Miss Anna Du vat und Mlsn nontimont, one dny'a sewing! Millar & Co., Quantity fine crockery. Mrs. Goodhand Clark, skirts) for each old lady! Richard Somers Edwatds, shoes and overshoes! Miss Sancton, New Year cards; St. Agnes' Guild of Dnmnoro, served lea for tho old ladles; Cedar Avenue Presbyterian mission, dry goods, groceries, provisions; aire. II. A. Knupp, ten pounds candy; S. F. Moore, thirty toaven breud: Loral No. 806, United Mine Workers or Amori cu, Quantity sandwiches and provis ions; Neodleworkcrs' Guild of Provi dence, underwear, etc.; Miss L. N. Bailey, cash $1; Mip. II. L. Snyder, crackers aud cakes; MrH.-JtimcB Arch bald, oranges, cakes and candy. Des Berts were furnished by Mrs. J. L. Con nell, Mrs. G. L. Dickson, Mrs. Thomas Dickson, Dr. Nnwton was In attend ance. The Saturday night donations have been very valuable and are greatly appreciated. The donors were: J, F. Hoyer, C. E. Bone, Miss Zehnder, W. I. Marvel, Rohrwassor'B bakery, Lind ner's bakery, II. B. Sweet, D. 13. Mar berger, Carr & Son, Evcrltt Bros., II. A. Pierce, W. H. Pierce. NEW VIADUCT PLAN. West Side Committee WflntB City to Buy Property on South Side of Street and Erect Structure. It wus learned yesterday thut tho prevailing sentiment nmong the mem bers of the viaduct committee appoint ed at Tuesday night's meeting of the West Side board of trade is In favor of the purchase of eighty feet or more of property on the southeily side of the street on which to erect a via duct. T. Fellows Mason, one of the mem beis of tho committee, and one of the most enthusiastic viaduct men In the city, said yesterday that when the committee waits on Recorder Connell tomorrow the advisability of adopt ing this plan will be urged. The best reason In favor of this plan, Mr. Mason said, is that It will be the cheapest by a very large figuie. "We estimate," said he, "that enough pioperty on the southerly side of West Lackawanna avenue between Seventh and Ninth streets could be acquired and a viaduct erected for the sum of $200,000, whereas the lowest estimate of resulting damages In case the via duct were built over the street itself Is S300.000. The city could go about tho purchasing of these properties in a business-like way and If the owners refused to be satisfied with a reason able price could go into court and have them condemned, the damages to be fixed by a board of viewers." Mr. Mason admitted tMat the adopt ion of this plan would necessitate the rejection of the joint offer of the Scranton Railway company and D,, L. & W. Railroad company made one year ago by the terms of which these two corporations agree to pay the actual cost of erecting a viaduct over the street itself providing the city agrees to pay all damages. It is understood that the officials of the D L. & W. company would not agree for a moment to contribute any thing townrds the erection of a viaduct which would not insure the complete and absolute closing up of the West Lackawanna avenue crossing. There Is a possibllltj', however, that the Scranlon Railway company would con tribute something to the erection of such a structure. This company agreed to pay $20,000 when a similar proposi tion was discussed some yeats ago. Mr. Mason said yesterday that while the proposed plan would not close the crossing it would divert truffle from it and only those persons who desired to risk their life and limb would need to cross it. One thing is certain and that is that the viaduct sentiment Is again rising and that the committee is going1 to exhaust every effort to Im press the recorder and the members of council with the. necessity of provid ing for its erection In the bond ordin ance soon to be introduced. CHARGED WITH LARCENY. Four Women Charged with Larceny of $200 from James Igo Are Held in Bail by Magistrate Howe, Mrs. Anna Blackledge, Mrs. Muggie Ferguson, Mrs. Mary Reddington nnd Mrs. Anna Naughton, all nelghbois of James Igo, of Capouse avenue, who claims he had $200 stolen from him on Monday night, were held under ball yesterday on a charge of larceny pre ferred by him. The women were arraigned In police court j'esteiday morning before Mag istrate Howe. Igo testified that all four were in his house on Monday night drinking with him. He had a hand-bag containing $200 in bills on the table, he said, and be opened this to take out a $5 bill to send one of thf women out with for beer. Ho claims that he put the band-bug in a tiu.ik afterwards but failed to lock It. When he searched for it after the women were gone ho could not And It and ho believes that they nbstrated It from tho trunk while he was not looking. All four ot the women strenuously denied having taken tho money. They admitted having beer in Igo's house on tho night In Question and having seen tho bag containing the money but they denied positively that they took It, They declared that ho must have put It in some out-of-the-wuy place where -he has been unable to llnd It. 'Magistrate Howe held all four women In 5300 ball each for their appearance In court. m in' mm TO BE BURIED TOGETHER. runeral of Mrs. John Eoin and Son Joseph Takes Place Today. This morning -at 8 o'clock the double funeral of Mrs. John Foln, who died Monday, and her son, Joseph, who was killed Tuesday on the Delaware and Hudson road, on his way home, will take plnco from tho family residence, 403 Penn avenue, Tho remains, reposing side by side, have been viewed by throng ot friends, deeply grieving over this soro atlllo tion. The services will take place at St. Peter's cathedral, A solemn high mass of requiem will be celebrated. Inter inent will bo made In Cathedral ceme tery, The P. O. S. of A. camp, 583, of Old Forgo, will hold a fair at Holland's hall, Old Forge, February 10, 0, 21 und 22. Admission 10 cents, READY TO BE INTRODUCED APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE IS IN SHAPE. It Will Bo Introduced at Tonight's Meeting of Common Council Very Little Tinkering With It was Done nt Inst Night's Meeting of the Joint Estimates Committee Total Amount Appropriated by It Is $482,451 Tho Various Items That are Included in the Ordinance. Tho joint estimates committee of councils met last night In tho city nun anu after a short session comad plcted tho task of getting the ordinance! Into shape. It will be printed and In troduced at tonight's meeting of com mon council, AVhcn tho committee adjourned utter the preceding meeting $418,307.4G had been appropriated' ot the $422,451.00 es timated revenues ot tho city for the coming fiscal year. This balance of 51.0S3.51 wns disposed of as follows last night: $G11 was added to the appro priation for electric lights and the bal ance, $3,572.51 wus added to the em ergency fund of the bureau of health which had consisted of only $100. Items of $3,401 for a road roller nnd $2,500 for u stone crusher plant were stricken from the estimate ot the department ot public works and added' to tho bureau of health's emergency fund, making tho total amount $9,573.54. Tho ordinance ns It left tho hands of the committee lost night follows: CITY ItGCORDCirS DKPAllTAIKST. S.ilaiy of elly recoidcr $ n.Md 00 SaldiT of city iceorder's Eccrttary .... 1,500 00 Stationery Incidentals Printing aud postage Telephone 100 00 1O0 00 CI 00 75 00 $ 4.S23 00 (JUT TltUASUHUK'S UlU'AHTJir.NT. Bilaiv of city treasurer "? 4,(i00 0-J Clerk hiie 1,500 W Printing, stationery and boolH '.00 00 Incidentals 100 Telephone for one jc.ir, 1!kU and VHK. 100 01 $ 0,000 00 CUV COYrnOLLCU'S ULl'AHTJICSr. P.ilaiy of illy controller $ 2,500 00 Cleik hire ,4UU UO 25 00 25 00 Incidental rrlnthiff and st.itloneiy 1,050 00 fll'V CM'.IIK'S Dd'AUfJIKXT. Salary of city cleik 2,000 00 Sal.uy of aslant city cleik 1,200 00 balaiy of cleik of common council.... 10 00 Cleik hire U 03 rilntlnp:, stationery and hooks 350 00 Incidentals 100 00 $ 5,0"0 00 CIl'V SOLICllOlt'S DUl'AUniLXT. Sil.iry of city solicitor ? 2,300 00 Salaiy of n-iMant city solicitor 1,500 tW Cleik hiie MW 00 Supreme court cpcmo 200 00 WitnoM feci i'000 Incidentals 200 00 ' 0,700 00 cut asiok's )i:pakl'mi:ni Salny of fice ellv assessors nt 81,500 i.lr h . 7,300 00 Aes-ment hool.s and hlolteis J ear 190:; Stationciy, pi!nthi and stamp? fchecta for la duplicates, jean 1U02... Tor nuking tac duplicates, year IirtJH 12.1 00 00 00 75 00 300 00 S, 100 00 PlU'.VItl'UU.NT 01' 1'Ulll.lO SAIXTV. Salaiy of the dliector uf public safety. 2,500 00 Salary of chief cleik to director 1,000 00 Silaiy of one cleik (uuicau of health). W) CO Sahry of one clerk (bureau of hie)... 000 OO One file casq for tho department J00 00 Incidentals 100 00 Stationciy and piintintr 130 OJ $ 3.H50 00 Iluieau of Police Salary of superintendent of pulhe ....$ 1,300 00 Salaiy of one captain of police 1,000 00 Salaiy of one detcctlie 1,000 00 Salaiy of four lieutenants 1,0011 0) Salaiy of four deal; serge ints a.oOO 00 Sal.uy of llfty.four patiolmeii 4S.OO0 00 Salaiy of one park pollcenun too 0) Jtent of Second precinct station house.. "00 00 lteut of 1'ourth pieelnct station house. "00 00 reedinj ptlsoners MO 00 Hepiiring station houses 400 00 Lighting and healing ;!00 00 Keeping horse? 1,000 00 llepalrs of harness and wagon 100 01 Tor compensation, of police miglitiates 2,000 00 Dues to the National Uuicau ot I.lcii- titration 25 00 1'or ilctoetit e sen lee 2,000 00 Tor photographing piUoncrs 75 00 Ilqulpment of police 250 00 Ten telephones not included In the fiee list Incidentals Printing, stalloneiy and postage One hoisc for mounted officer Iluieau of l'lie Salary of supeiluteuduit of flic A Silaiy of five additional engiueci.s of steamers Increase In engineers salaiy at l.'nglno Co. No, 1, for Apill, Miy and June. .10 00 Salary of fifty-eight permanent fliemcu 11,10.) :r Light and heat l',000 00 lteut of Are alaim , 1,10000 .Milntciiance of fhu alaim 2,751 m lt palls, appaiatu and haruc-.s 1,1100 00 Rent of engine homes 1,710 00 Salary of U'tciiuuy ::00 00 Medicine for hoiscs , 'J00 01 Purchase of hose , 5,000 00 Supplier , 1,500 00 Klcirn telephones ,,,,, ;,no no Substitutes for vacation ond 6lcl.nes., rM 00 Keeping of llflj-onc houes at $120 0,120 00 1'or call and hunk men 2,000 W r On Kaucy Maine Coru. Faucy Cut Beans, Striucrless Beans and Wax Beans aud Bartlett Pears, "JOc Per cau- E. G, Coursen. 22S 00 200 00 r.o oo 200 0) os, iss oo 1,200 00 a.coo oo Special E Wholesale aud Retail, min wrmTiMiifiiiHiiiniiaaiM m KIDNEY JROUBLES. Mrs. Louiso M. Gibson Says Thut This Fatal Diseases is Easily Cured by Lydia E. Pliiklium's Vcgotablo Com pound. " DEAn Mns. Pinkham : I felt very discouraged two yearn ago, I had suf fered bo long with kidney troubled nnd other comnlicationn, nnd had taken to much mcdlclno without relief that I began to think thoro was no hopo for me. Life looked &o good to me, hut what is life without health? I wanted to bo well. MRS. LOUISE M. GIBSON. "Lydia E. Plnkham's "Vege table Compound, cured mo and made mo well, and that is why I gladly write you this, and gladly thank you ; six bottles was all I took, together with your Pills. My headache and baclcacho and kidney trouble went, never to return ; tlie burning sensation I had left altogether; my general health was bo improved Ifolt as young and light and happy as at twenty." Mns. Louisi: Ginson, 4813 Langley Ave., Chicago. 111. fsooo forfeit If about testimonial Is not genuine. If you feel that there is anything at all unusual or puzzling about your case, or, if you wish confidential advice of the most experienced, write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., nnd you will be advised free of charge. Lydia E. Pinkliain's Vegetable Compound has cured and is curing thousands of eases of female trouble. Ilcpair of hose 50 03 Itepalr of engine hoti-.es 2,500 00 I'm chase of holies 50O 00 Incidentals 150 00 Piintlng, postage and stationery (.0 00 1'or puieliae, election and repair of hjdianls 2,5iH) 10 l'uicliaio of live new (lie alum bov.s. 021 00 Two sets tiiple harness Knglne Co. No. 1 and Hook and Ladder Co 130 00 Attachment for water lovvei, hook anl and laddei ttuck 150 00 $ 0,021 27 Iluieau of lliiikiing Inspection Salaiy of superintendent "S 1,500 00 Salaiy of a-itant building inspcctoi.. 750 00 l'ile case 175 00 blanks and books 7100 Printing and stationery 00 00 Jl.tnuil 100 00 Incldenlals aud postage 50 01 $ 2,700 0) Uuicau of Health Salaiy of the suptiiiitmdi.nl and de partment suigeon and phjiclan .... 1,200 00 Salary of aKt.int sanitary offlecr 720 00 Salaiy of food Inspector 1,200 0) Silaiy of plumbing Inspector 1,200 I'O 1'or cjminitioii ot applicants for pliunbci's licenses 100 (0 Incidentals, fuOtl in-peetnr 23 00 Salaiy cicnnfOl 3 cmplojex JVJOO 00 Itunnlng expensed of tho cicnutory. ... 3,500 00 ltepaiis to the creniatoiy 1,000 00 Dockets, piiiiting vid stationciy 2.10 00 Incidentals 00 10 l'und for hm-jing deid animals 10 00 Dueigcnc.v fund 0.J7.1 31 .20,j1SC1 scitA.vio.v l-ciiMC i.iiut.utv ii:p.UT.ii:"r. 1'or saluks and libor (23 ot month) i 0,300 00 1'or incidentals C225 per month) 2,700 00 1'or books (i22', per month) 2,700 00 1'or delivery stations and branch lead ing looms (200 per month) 2,10000 Total tmiciit cpen-.e 11,100 00 1'or special cxpuiie icuewal of insur ance for tlnee ycais 010 00 Total $ 11,710 00 DllPAKTMLNl' OP PUBLIC WORK". Salary of dliector $ 2,300 00 Incidentals 530 HO Silaiy of chief cleik 7S0 (H) Salaiy of as-Maut elcik 7M CO Hater lent, Sciautou lias and Water company 12,000 00 Llcctiic sticet llghU IiOj at $7,; e ich.. 45,313 00 Tor election and uulnti nance ot thiity- eight additional electric sheet lights 2,771 OO Piintlng ami st.itloneiy -. 175 00 S 09,101 00 City Hall Silaiy of janitor $ 720 00 Salaiy of llucc janltiowes, lf.!00 each.. 000 00 Heitlng 1,200 00 Lighting 100 00 Hep ills and supplies for building and giouuds 500 00 4,020 00 Iluieau of l.'nglneeiing Salaiy of thief engineer $ 2.QI0 90 Salaiy of Hist assistant engineer 1,110 00 Salaiy cf second nUtant engineer.,.. ,0W) o) Salaiy of third asiUtmt ei.slneci :ki 03 Salary of levclman 7S-0 OJ Salaiy of drauglitsiiuii , 72OO0 Salaiy of two lodmen, at ifofto each,,.. 1,120 00 Salaiy ofsW ehaliunoii, at 000 inch.. :!,U00 00 ltcpalttt to ,iphalt prvc 17,520 00 Connecting paved streets ,.. 'MO 0J Stiect indicating signs tyrto 01 Painting and celling bridges u,Cfl() 00 Coips, ti.ui-pii t.Hlori 100 00 $ 3I.MJ 00 Iluieau of llishvvujs aud bcvvcis- Saluy uf siipeiintcndent 1,300 00 Hcpjli aud (leaning- of i.eneis und dialiu , 10,0OJ Cleaning pauM sheets 20.JOO 00 Supplies for cleaning paved ttteets .., 300 OJ Itcpalm of pavo othvr than asphalt ... 000 no Jtepilis of bridges and tulvclU 4,000 00 Aagcs of engineer of mud mllcr J'JO 00 ltepairs and supplies for load roller., .. 1,000 CO llepalrs Ablugton turnpike U,000 0) Itepalr.s 1.1m street, St.th ward 150 00 llepalrs and extension of '.ut Mount it it load , , l.OOOUQ Itepahs of Newton tmnpll.o ,,, 230 w Keeping hoises , ,,, 700 00 llepalrs to wagons and harness ,.,,,,,, -JOO 00 Onc-hoisc. sweeper ., ,. 275 00 One-hotte sprinkler ,,,,.,,, ,,, '205 00 One load roller .,,,,.,. a, 102 CO Stone crusher plant ,,,,,,,,, 2.S00 00 8 40.T41 00 Waul appiGpilJtlous 20,120 25 Total highway and sevvem ? t),SU7 23 UurtJu of Pail, Nay Aug Paik Salary of superintendent $ POO 00 Salaiy of gaidner UV) 00 Salary of night watclnniiv 150 CO Salaiy of toilet room attendant .,,,,,, 173 00 Plant, shrubs, liu's and scCiU , 550 00 Care and maintenance of animals ,,,,, j.ooo 00 Cleaning gi omuls , WO 00 lee, coal and lumber ,,, , ,,, :'50 oo Paint, oil anil disinfectants .,,,,,,,,,, .13 00 IIosq ...,,...,,.,,,,,,,...,.,,,,.,,,,,, 25 00 Lighting paik und mino , b',0 00 Purchate and repair of tools, cto ,,,,, '230 00 $ 5,513 01) Connril Paik Salary cf ussUtaut surjerluteudeiit in chaige ,, ,, ,f uiOOQ Annual appropriation ,,,, 1,000 01 ? 1,000 w Continued en Pug&J!. ARLINGT0NS IN FIRST PLACE SECOND NIGHT'S DOWLINCr IN THE CITY LEAGUE. Tho South Side Team Lost Tlnee Moro to tho Arllngtons, Making Six Straight That tho Latter Have Won Hampo Team Broke Even with the Centrals by Taking Tlnee Games Licdorkranz Tcnm Won Two Poorly Played Games from tho Franklin Five. Tho Arllngtons now lead the other 'teams In tho City Howling League. This team, which Is captained by W. J. Melstcr, won thro straight games from tho South Side team last night, making six straight, all told. The lat tor team Is very weak und will have to bo materially strengthened to hope to continue In tho league. Tho show ing made by tho Arllngtons was fairly good. Tho score: AltLlXUTON. Totals. Melter 100 191 147510 II. Ivlcfer 207 1.11 170511 C. Klefcr US J3 120- 371 Hawek lfiS 13(1 157 131 J. Klefcr 112 lit 101417 S10 712 7(11 231.1 SOUTH SH1K. Scn.senb.ich 10.3 10.1 110 103 Lcjh I a 100 112 ."51 Zclsmcr ir.l U2 112413 Ilosar 121 110 122-8S3 Kulager 10.1 111 121 .153 Cb3 C2S 007 1020 High man H. Klefcr, 207. High average Melstcr 17C 2.1. The Hnnipc team got revenge Inst night by winning three games from tho Centrals, who hnd defeated them n week ago. Tho Hampo live had its own way In all three games, winning out with a total of 243 more pins. Tho score: CKXTRALS. O'Connell 172 117 1II-1M Clarke US 1.17 151429 Maishall 110 no 15741! Wharton 155 171 12S J31 Jones 131 133 200500 755 720 7S.1 2207 HAMPirS. Kotlicliuvl 1II2 200 153 ', 17 JIuiphy 131 183 ICO SCO Lappiit 1T(1 13 i 102521 nic-scr na 102 110- is lloll 131 107 1J0 J01 S02 807 S11 2312 High men done-, and llolhoimcl, 2O0. High aeeiage ltotheunel, 1S2 1-3. The unme of the team renrcseutlnt; the Backus allevs in the 'new league has. been changed to the "Ucderkrunz," as all arc members of that, nomilar German organization. The tonm won two out of three games, none of which were remarkable for high scores or es pecially good playing. The fine an chor work of Anderegg failed to save his team from defeat. The score: i.u:oi:itKi:ANz. itejeis 12(1 1S.5 15J -1C2 Ikeig 217 152 121 40J IValdncr 175 11.1 11540! Wcliiss 121 151 105- StO Koch 12S ISO li5 4tJ 707 7.!2 co2 21S1 ritAXKI.lXS. niulier 132 1) 12s 110 Kichly 77 111) US 353 Uavls 110 107 120 2S2 Jones 133 12.: 101 110 Atldelcgg 107 153 174520 707 053 7.10 002 High man Bitlg, 217. High average Andci egg, 173 1-3. The standing of the clubs In this league Is now as follows: Won. Lost. P. C. Arliiiglotis 0 (I 1.000 Piaukllns 4 2 .007 Central-. 3 3 .000 KNOW THE PRtNDRGST STO? - TBBmBIHmB n (H Hi iSjSji m naa bcrs 0 Custom and Cupid are doing their best to make St. Valentine's Day as festive as Easter; custom insists that gifts or Valentines must be sent; and Cupid in . slsts that the gift must be a love token. We have many novelties from Cupid's workshop tribute paid to St. Valentine. These are nearly all sug gestive of the day some are heart-shaped, others are in Cupid and "Love's Dream" designs, iv m. Jn.jL-i Society, Bank and Commercial Stationer. KNOW THE RRENOEPGAST STORE. t They Are Here The new spring Four-in-hands. All exclusive designs and colors, plenty ol those very popular ro man stripes in new col ors. The neat patterns arc represented here too, 50c .1 .50(1 4 .133 0 .000 NOT YET IDENTIFIED. Body of Trackwalker Still In Custody of Moscow Authorities. The remains of the man killed on tho Lackawanna railroad near Moscow on Tuesday morning have not yet been Identified, nnd unless some one claims tho body today, it will bo Interred by tho poor authorities. There Is absolutely nothing about tho body thnt would enable them to bo Identified, and nllhough tho cotpse has been seen by many, no one can recog nize It. It Is In tlie custody of the sta tion agent nt Moscow. SMALL-POX IN MOOSIC. Case Discovered There Yesterday by Health Ofllcor Houso Quaran tinedSchools Ordered Closed. A case ot smallpox was reported yes terday from Mooslc where Agnes Walsh, who lives with her parents near tho Co-operatlvo sloro, was found to be suffering from the disease by Dr. Watson, tho health officer, nnd Dr. Scamons, of Avoca. The house was ordered quarantined by Dr. Watson and at a special meet ing of the school board It was decided to close tho schools, one of which bus been attended by tho brothers nnd sis ters of the sick girl. I The quarantine which has prevented Intercourse between West Plttston and tho city of Plttston wns raised yester day by order of tho health authorities as there have been no new cases of tho disease reported In that city for ten days. The local situation was unchanged yesterday. No new cases having been reported. Dr. Paine said last night that the conditions of Councilman Evans Is much improved and that all of the other patients are doing nicely. The police were kept busy yesterday afternoon distributing vaccination cir culars in North Scranton, South Scrau tlon and the central city. BOY INSTANTLY KILLED. Young Edward Fallon, of Old Forge, Squeezed to Death. Edward Fallon, Jr., tho 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. KdwnrU Fallon, of Old Forge, was Instantly killed yester day nfternooin while at work in the Jermyn No. 1 mine. Tho boy was employed as a driver and was bqueeezed between the rib and a car while rounding u corner. Ife gave one wild, convulsive scream and fell lifeless. The funeral arrange ments have not yet been made. Corset Talk To be properly corseted one should be fitted by an expert. We have expert fitters. If you will permit us to cor set you, using our own judg ment as to the correct style, etc., thereby creating a good figure for you, we will guar antee satisfactory results. We carry the latest Models for Slender, Medium and Full figures in prices from 50c to $10.50. Price & Jenkins, 130 Wyoming Ave. olJ bim.v. van-ai ju. y M timbrellas Made Orabrellas Repaired Umbrellas and parasols re covered in different colors. A fino assortment of handles. Latest designs. All goods guaranteed for one year, The Scrautou Umbrella Manufacturing Co,, 313 Spruce Street, ! Oils, Paints ItdUipCA tiii.tM.tit.ittt t.tederkrnv ........i ...... .'... '2 South Side ..,,,,,,...., ,,i..... 0 PRHoraovF $ - MaIon?y Oil & Manaiacttiring Company, 141-149 Meridian Street. TELEPHONE 26-2. 4s 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 The best House Paints in the world, warranted pure linseed oil paints. This line comprises Seventy-four different shades. Insist on having Masury's Paints for in side and outside work if you desire a good lasting fob. Bittenbender&. 126-128 Franklin Ave. J. .J. .J. . .J. .. .J. .J .J. .J. .J. 4. .J. .. ! l ft4: Art and Fancy Goods. Latest Novelties in Cuffs and Collars 1 Stamped on Linen in both White and Colors. 1 Cramer Wells Co., 130 Wyoming Ave. 'Phone 353-3. 4ta,H,,M'' 44444'4)4' The Hartford Typewriter 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Thte maclilnc It rccnsni?el rverywlicro as tlio licat anil latest 111 lypow 'tci con (.traction. 'Hie Hartford Company tu tains no laree and epenlc sales uo pirtmcnU like its competitor, tint tells throiiRli reliable inputs, thus saving to purclusfid tills great itun of cpcnso. Trice or Other Makes... $103 Price or Hartford's W Your Profit. 40 Reynolds Bros., Hotel .Icmijii IlilM.ns, Ma.iuiitU and l,'iisracr!. 4 'i 4 4' 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 FRED R. SMITH, ELECTRIC AND GAS FIXTURES. GAS STOVES, 507 Linden Street. - 23oiud of Trade Building. Now Beady iMt 412 Spruce St. and Varnish We are sole agents fot1 . h flr iwrv s Liquid Colors Spring Style ii -iiir-'
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