The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 13, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    -. i
'"" ' - i ?ev" -" " "ff " 1 ' . -i ip . i. f
t -' - 3".' "'t'""vi lfgMrt"-iV,Hi
gptpi-"'! !'? j -, fsjA
AH j-3-; SK'ir;
AV it 1 1 I n li o r ,
Jfa. Mouldings, 1'lct-
V il n u T ! II 111 n H.
$ Paints mid In
terior Doeoiutlnff
Is our line, and
vo can honestly
i Hay that nowhere
In Scranton can
jour wants In this
lino bo so well
sullsued nt the
name cost us lit
this store.
Oni" Hlntfk Is
large, new, reliable and thoioughly up-to-date.
If you ate connldeilnsj Intel lor decor
ations, let us tulle the matter over with
Jacobs & Fasold,
209 Washington Ave.
sun m piionrAi.u.
Pacing Dividends of 12
per annum, anil tin re w sufficient ore ON 11AM)
$10,(0O,0(X)) to continue (HvlrieniN it till mle toi
tlie net flltcin cat on und oiCMllmr smeller
l!J'i lotn dill; no iliblB ,
Tlioc nisliiiifr to injke a aifo ml profiljlilo iti
citmcnl in a llslrd. btocU will Uu ill to write
mc for pio-pcitti".
13G Wyoming Ave,, Scianton, Pa.
J. P. COULT, D. D. 5.
Suigcon Dentist.
Twenty yeaia successful piac-
tke in this county.
City Notes
1) , L i. W. 1'Alft-1 he llelawaii, I icktw-tim t
and Western woie luul 1 lie-n Jamun ijtnuiji
I.MUll'AINMLM' M) SOU VI Siuiton
Curie No S", will conduot in niterUniiiniit and
bOtial at Gucrnsej's lull iiet Moiulty night.
lnNCE f CLl'll UOllsC Ilic Cicen nidge
Wheelmen will give a dance foi mcmUcrs ami
1jcI friends at the dub liotuc thii evening.
Il.iuir will furnish music
IIORMj K1LLLU A viluible hoi-,e belongine;
to Lnrr.rnin If. C Tcaio tiroKe a lej b) blip
ping on the pavement on Adinn aiinuc )cster
diy inorniiifr and was killed by the ii'-c of diloro.
foi in.
IIITTTA DY A POO-Uobcrt ltitliaid-,, a It.
cn old boy Hi 1115 mar the countv jail, wai
biltcn in the Irs by a dng while coasting neir
his home last night. He was taken to the Laclc
nanni boipilal, where the wound tauter
icd It 11. not behcMxl to be serious
tllANLS CONDITION Vlbcrt fnne, the
Vjrth hcranton man vdio attempted Kuitlde en
hirMljv, w is reported to bo In a heriou-, cordi
Hon Tlie bullet has not nt been located lint
an -ra) photograph was taken jcstcnlav mid it
is Iclined lint when this is, deviloped the loca
tion cin beaMcrtaliicd
ioim' rowtvnov or mini its riMidnits
MiU hell, Tahcv and Duffv, of the United Mini
VVirkcrs of tin. three uithracite districts .ire to
Hint in Hizklon this vook to ananse foi 1
Joint convention to deal with the nutter of io
1 111 insr a cwifmnic with the o.nratois to ills
iiess the wi'o si lie for net W anil otlur nut
ters Nationil President .lohn Mllthell will pre
fWc it the convention, it 13 ivpctlid.
lMDI.UI.VV.Skt IX BOSTON Tho folloiviiiR
telegram -ctelv(d lij I'red C Hand last evuiliu
1rni V. A 1 llii. 'hois the iiitirest tikm in
Boston in I'ndrrewhkl's llrst recital there: "riio
iidvanie pile foi 'ad(riw,M's ilrt uiilal in
ll"son to be i;lvin libruai) 10, opened this
m. ruing it bvmphoiiv lnillq No tueK rush for
thkels Ins been known for viars mil the lapulty
if the isl lull hu bitn pnetkilly sold out in
oni dn."
Dilnk COPo. It tastes like coffee.
Yoii -
ixmffiSrk m
ir "m !m
9 111
l 9tfijk wMk,i" ff
A Vftlf IK-T
thuu-ands (f p"oplc know about the
Snow White Flour"
lliiv know it is the Prltue of all flour, but we Hint
"V aik )our help in tlie following numiel:
lorelllier pio.sen podi) dc-criptlic of, or Introducln; "snow Hull," flour, in lo in bua.l uukng nualitl,s--it im-ilj-lts fcticnRtli Its vihlttnesi f cfu',
unlfomiltv of grade, itc , cle , tie.
c ofter the following piUeai
For the
best poetic or
For the second best poetic or prose advertise
ment For the third best poetic or prose adveitise
ment For the fourth best poetic or prose advertise
ment For the fifth best poetic or prose advertise
ment , ,
For the sixth best poetic or prose advertisement
For the 7th, 8th, 9th, loth,
wuu, 1 5111, iuiii aim 17m, eacn.
All advertisements to be and lenuln with iu
over one hundred anil flft) vvonl a 1 1:-3 number
The contest will Urso on Martt lt, 1'JM,
Jiete literary thiisli not m desliable at lnlglit
W'rlte dearly on onh ouo ide of the nsntr
tutlior-a name and address In i .null tnvelopo
all in a largo envelope to our address UV JIAIb.
Tlio Judges will thus have m way of knoivlnj
Tho following gentlemen have kindly coiueiitcd
lin Innnimnul an annn aa in,ili J.. I.A .l.ll. .-.. j
.w..m avwt. , iiiiiv ,1, ,111; lnj 'i.'4;,9t
Dickson Mill and Grain Co.
No. 12, Lackawanna'Avc, Scranton, Pa.
Commemoration by Students of the
Scranton High School.
Exercises conihiomointtvc of Lin
coln's blithday were conducted by the
students of the IIIbIi school yesterday
moinliiR. An address by Superintend
ent of Schools aeoige How ell and the
UnvelllUK of a poittnlt of Llnrolu were
tho principal realities of the pto
srainme. Hupoilnteiident llowelt had for his
subject, "This Life and Clint acter of
Abraham Lincoln." He hrielly sketched
the caieer of the Rieat etnanclpator,
and pointed out how his every achieve
ment was tho consequence of labor and
not duo In any nieusuio to champ.
Some interesting anecdotes of Lincoln's
life vveio Used by the speaker to lllim
Unto his chili actor.
Pilnclpal Joslln followed with a
In Icf nddiess on tho slfiulllcaticc of tho
daw Tied M. Ounster, picsldeltt of
the lunlor cliis, related some Lincoln
nnecdotes, and -Mlf-s Helen Hay tu
clted, ".My Captain." 1'atrlotlo sours
vveio tendpieil by tlio Hludent.s in
Tito exoielses took place In the audl
toilllni and WPie attended by all the
pupils and metnbpiH of tlie faculty.
Secielnij E. 1), Fellows and Control
lets Gpoirp H. Shirts ana Ellas Evans
weie also present.
Will Bo Heard by Supieme Court
Duiing Week Beginning Feb, 24.
Cases on List for Argument.
Duiiiifr the week beginning Pebiuaty
24, Lackawanna appeals will be heatd
by tlie supieine coutt in Philadelphia.
Following ate the cases that .lie on the
llsL foi atgumtnt:
1'11oh end ollim j(, iinl I uomls tri I ollieis,
Uorou'li of lulo I'otiil Jdcguiili
and CiMe coinpiiij, appillnit
IVllows nd ulliti, appcll tut-t, ji.iltit l.oomii
iml o'licri
Dull.i, J(ipciluil, jgafn4 Ollnioic.
Clti of "-Li intmi, jppUljnt, iki1ii.-I turiri
I'lllon imims(. Citrn?n, nipjlihl
'Irip'i ulili Itippli. i tut olhti, lucutiit mil,
tllWttt", ippi il
Killii a'lnt eiu of ir.inlon, Dilinuor
TjioKawannu mil istorn Jtillroul coinpani mil
Sutanloii It.iilnai (oinpun mil Sti mlon Hall
wj cuiiipiia, ippcllint
liipp utile, I.acl inamii Im-t and 'ifc. l)e
pu it tuinpum, iiinliaii tic , ippial
HcMioI'la, iiiptllant, UKJiiiil I'ulaml and mlicis
and 1'iopIr'A Coal (oinpinj
llonn iiliwt .urliich, ailiniiu-lnltn , eli , of
tiuifhi, appcllint
Kiur, ippellmt, iiriinst cun i ami otlicM
Itnkiiu ajrilmt citi if '-irmton, nppilliiit
( inn ion and oliic i-. nriin t f.ia and otnci'.
lent in, ippellinl, ir ilnt tit) of (lanlnii
Keogh Enteied in Coming Intei
nntional Pool Tournament.
Jeiomo It. Keogh, foimeily of this
cits", now of Bufialo, who lost the
woild's pool cliunipionshlp to De Oto
after having defeated him twice, is go
ing after the medal again Slaich 1,
when a championship tournament is to
open at tho Montauk club In Biooklyn
A tournament had been anagncd for
Sjiacuse but it fell tluough because
of Do Oio's lefusal to entei. He ob
jected to plasing on the Biunswick-Balke-Callender
table and as this com
pany conducts the tournament and De
Oro holdb their diamond studded medal
the play could not go on.
If De O10 refuses to plav in the
Biookln tournament he will be called
upon to forfeit tho ' championship
Keogh is lepoited to be in great
foim and confident of winning back his
lost lain els against any and all plnjcts.
Teiesa Walil Says That Jacob Shaw
Choked Her.
Teiesa AVahl, a pretty -waitress en
gaged In the Oak Leaf lebtaurant on
Adams avenue, sesterday caused tho
airest oL Jacob Shaw, the piopiietoi,
whom she chaigcd with assault and
battel y.
At a healing belore Aldeimau Rud
dy she testified that she had a quni
lel with anothoi walticss on Tuesday
night and that Shaw oideied her out
ot the lestaurant. She didn't go fast
enough to suit him and he took her by
tho throat, ho hhe sweats, and foiced
her out tlie door on to the street, te.11 -Ing
her clothing in sevcial places Al
deimau Ruddy held Shaw In $200 ball
for his appeaiance in couit,
Can Get Parf o! If
prosed ndverliss-
5.00 I
nth, 12th, 13th,
oa our uroneitv. iiiv ,.,,.. i.. t ...
Is HKVfll It.
Meaj put in an oilghul vvj)
Mark the tonv uiih ., ,i,i.', ii
und mail. It wlli tlio wine miniUi amUtnd i
h0 autlioi's uJiue until the (holio is
to act a Jul-is and thdr ileclslon will
v. ,,,,l
iiov, 1 1:. mititun'
) ivy s, iiiciniii), j.feo
J r. iti:n 1 m;,
1:, J 1. 1 mitt, 1SQ,
Engineers, Firemen, Trainmen, Conductors
and Telegraphers of All the Lines of
the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
Sustem Now in One Organization.
Tlie loiig-tulked of fcdeiallun of the
omploseen' otganl?ntloitB on the Dclu
uatc, Lackawanna and AVestcin ss
toin was llnully peifeeteil, yesteiduy,
nt a eonfotence in the Aillngton hotel,
The oiganintions Lonipilslug the
fedoiatlon aie the Diotherhood ol Lo
comotive Englneet.s, Utotheihood of
Locomotive Flicmeti, Order or Hallway
Conductois, Hiotheihood of Ruiltoad
Tialnmen and Ordet of Railroad Tele
fituriliris. The Switchmen's Union Is
tho only oiganizatlon not included.
The dlfieitnt oisanlzatlons wete icn
tpsented at tho conference by tlie
cliuh man and secteturv of the lespeet
ho gcitPfnl committees.
These reptesentallves uciu made to
compose the federated boaid. The
boatd organUcd In electing as ofllcus:
Chalrnun, James L'. ciuike, t Illng
hamton, of the genet al com
mittee of the 13iothcthood ot Locomo
tive Engiueets; Ice-chairman, A. V.
Duffy, of Ulnghamton, chnitman of the
gencial committee ot the Utotheihood
of Railroad Trainmen; secietaij', ,T. 12.
Schu, of Poilwaj, X. Y, ehaiimali of
the geneial committee of the Otdci of
Hallway Tolcgiapheis
The (inc'stlou of ledciallou had been
discussed off and on foi a mimbd of
senis by thu Lackawanna emplojee",
but It as only within tho p ist sear
ot ho that the pioject took definite
sli-ipe. A meeting ot the repiesenlii-
Miss TJmstead and Evan Williams
Weie the Aitists.
The piano leoital given by .Miss Jlai.v
Umstead last liighl at the Bievcle
club was attended by a laige lepieten
tatiou of the musical people of the elt).
Gieat inteiest had been manifested In
Miss Uinstead's aitihtic success, as he
has many li lends In Scranton who
line been anticipating ti tient when
she should mike her ill st nDDeauinco
heie. Tho icsult was in the sense of
a surpiise, foi she sin passed e.Npecta
tions by tho breadth and biilliance of
her woik
JIlss Umstead Is a leiv atti active
soung ladv and she plass with a hll
ity which Is seldom heaid fiom a
woman's fingers She has all the
power and tho pecullai facility of
wiist movement that characterize Atis
der Ohe's execution, and plass with
the same definite touch, the sumo hon
est clear eved Intel ptetation of her
theme. She has no manneiisms, no il
lusions, no waveilng, misty conception
of her art. Hei inteipietation of tlie
Bach-Tausig A'alse Capiice was a tri
umph of biilliant execution, but she
has also a ceitain giaee of poetic feel
ing, as was ialized In the little fing
ment bv Aus der Ohe and the Schu-boit-LIzst
Serenade, and the Jloskuw
sky encoie. The Lizst numbeis were
given with a masteily effect.
Attei heaiing so many iccltals ot the
Lesehltirsky school, It is a little un
usual to have an example so maiked in
its opposite tendency as exemplified
bv .1 w om in.
nvan Williams was suffeiiug with a
seveie attack of l.uyngltis, but never
theless ho sang with much of his cus
tomary power and beauts" of shading
the raie Song Cscle of Hliland. This
exquisite losaiy or poems was famil
iar to some of tho listeners from Its
lendltlon by Mi. Katon two sinih ago
at the home of Sirs, "V. "vV, Sol anion.
The story told iu these staimis is one
fi.iught with the sombio touches of
German poetry set glancing here and
thete with brier sunshine. Tho inusle
1S A. von Flelttz is a llttlng setting
foi the seiies of p! tuies, which gleam
out like intaglios fiom tho tinged) In
Mi. Williams, In spite of his teinpoi
niy throat uflectlon, gave an adequate
piesiMitatlon of y the lovels. (hangeful
theme. It was something to remember
his Inteipietation of the "Anathema,"
which suited a coituin mnlestle tvpe
of peisonullty which we iceogiiUc as
Evan Williams'.
Ills second number was tho new
"Summer Time," another Song fyele,
mt- nuiiw uy j.aiigduu nonniu, in
which the beautiful songs, "Dnsbionk,"
"Morning," "Evening" and "Night,"
followed each 0J101, In the tlnnlft of
"Good Night" he fell Into tho attitude
of uneonselous powei, which his audi
The Elngev Posts Making the Many
By-Paths of Piesent Dny Tioubles
All Seem to Poftit the Same Way
Lack of Neive Foice.
Da) bs day the columns of this
paper bilng new evidenc fiom Scinn-
tou people of the gieat woik being
done by Hi. A, AV, Chase's Nervo Pills,
Why they accomplish so much Is
easily explained they are pt spared
with an eye single to lestoring neive
tone, Thoy accomplish this object,
which no other medfolne In the woild
has ever been able to do; that's why
hundreds of Sc anion people offer their
Mr. Samuel Rogeih, of No, ls Hjdo
Pink (i venue, Scranton, Pu su)s. "i
was (n u inn-down condition, head,
achoj, neivous mid sleeping badly and
the appetite poor. I was told of Dr
A. W. Chase's Nervo Pills and got ti
bos. As a result 1 sleep and cut well
again the ueiovousness and headaches
aio gono and my geneial stiength back
again. I am veiy much pleased with
them und glad to lecomniepd them to
utheis. This I tun do conscientiously,'
Dr. A. AV, Chnbe'b Nerve Pills aio
sold at 50c, a bo at dealers, or Dr. a.
AV. C'lmsQ Medicine Co., Bufialo, N. Y.
See that poitmlt und slgnatuio of
A. AV. Chase, M. 1)., aie on eveiy
package. For sale in Scranton at
Matthews' Bros., 320 Lackawannu avenue,
thes of the bodies now in the fedeui
tlou was held In Scranton lecently, and
an ngteement reached to foi in a fedeia
tlon. Tho concutrence ot the national
heads of the icupectlve oi sanitations
was sought and seemed, and, s'ester
day, saw the pet footing of the project.
The fedeiatlon will work along the
lines of similar bodies on other rall
load systems. Each militated body lias
a general committee composed of dele
gales fiom the Viitlous local divisions.
This committee meets periodically to
deal with gtleanees ptesented by the
local divisions. Any grievance, which,
In the committee's opinion, has meilt, Is
presented to the company for tedies.
Conservatism and leconolliatlon have
nluass obtained with these committees
and as a consequence theie h'as never
been anv soiloua dlfllculty oncountciod
In the conference with the company.
These geneial committees will not
lose llieh identity in any measuie by
leason of the federation Thev will
continue to ttanaet business as at
present, Hie fedeiated boaid Intel feting
only when any general committee falls.
In Its i elation to stilkes the fed
eiated boatd tends to be an element of
pievention. Heielofoie a gilevance
went to the local division, then the
general committee, then the national
ofllceis to bo lediessed, Now it miibt
bo dealt with bv the fedeiated board,
also, before an) esliemo steps are tak
en to foieo its ledrcs.
ences have alwa)s welcomed witli such
enthusiasm, anil lose to the (Umax
witii 11 fine sweep of tone.
His Hsteneis weie insatiate and de
manded mote. He sang supeibljy'Tliou
Ait so Like a riovvei," and "Memois,"
b) Miss Parke, and the evei heait
bieukin "All Tluough the Night," the
last being to the highest degiee a stiain
of the puiesl and tiuest ail as he sang
it Piolessoi .1 Alfred Pennington
was the- accompanist of the evening
Miss Edith .Tones, undet whose man
agement last night's concert was given,
leeened the thinks and the congiatu
latlons ot .1 host of appreciative pat
ions for the pleasure affouled.
Lincoln Day was obseived at No 27
school )rsteiday with a piogiamme of
appiopilate exercises, conducted in
Piincipal Hnwkci's loom The pio
gnmme wis as follows: Song, 'Col
umbia Oloiious Nation," school, quo
tation fiom Longfellow, Louis Wallet.
"Tho Pioneei's Life," Cls'de Reynolds;
"Abinhnm Lincoln," Heibeit Heck
nuui, "Boshood of Lincoln," Nanette
Collins, "Lincoln at School," Van
Thomason; "Lincoln's Fltst Dollai,"
Russell Boneai; "Lincoln in New Or
leans," Will Watklns; "The Rail Split
ter," Fied Slocum; "Lincoln, the Stoie
Cleik," Matthew ri)nn; "Postmaster
and Suivesor," Albeit Lowe; son, "A
Rich and Raie Land," school; "Lincoln
in the Illinois Legislature," Jeanette
Fidiam, "A Menibei of Congiess,"
Momoe Whitney; "Lincoln as Presi
dent," Ch.ules Maitr; "Death of Lin
coln," Helen Maish; poem on Death
of Lincoln, Hannah Eckeisley, quota
tion lrom Phoebe Cnry, Albeit Noibert;
"Amen lea," school.
Under this heading short letters of interest
iv ill be published when accompanied, for publlo
tion, lij the writer's lumir. llie Iribuue does not
tskumc responsibility for opinions here eiprtsscd
Says It Was Piemntuie.
IMitoi o' The tribune.
Si. In rclcKutc to the ill-pitth fiom LUilin
In )oui i-vue of rebriun ID stuing that tin'
kiii-ti littl Inuriiied tiirilnst Chiisthn vl.nve,
peimit luo to fcii tint iliU Is Mimevihit pic
tn Kin t , .is a (ibkimi fiom Mrs '-I'll, Llii'sElin
StUnif liulir in lleillu, to Vlliul 1'ailiiiv, xt
liostoii, Intel ti 1 1 iim.ll c lull nun ot tho Lliiutlm
btUmu publli itlon (otninlltei, Mis;
"lhe lcklistis U dibiiln. 'Ihe imptror ins
In Id i coiidr me. Ills position Is mult llnul.
Tlie trouble seems to line bun moused bv the
vviikspii id aduiti-iuiitil of lulling methods bv
v. (itriuin imlillcition 'DI' Jounul ikr llita-plii.-kluii
llilluiitliou ' "
'I his Vlttaph.vrtkal Jounnl U not i Chils'lin
iicnie pulilk itlon, and its teuliliiis aie not
tliiw of tills ilchiiinlll Itlon, It U iltvnttd to
the pripot'atlunfciii'iital lieullnir entiiil) for and n no piofsslou
of aiUoriitiu' iillt'lon.
Christian StUnie, on tlio contrary, holds tint
Its pi lellce is not u InUnis but a iiiliil.lij, for
while it dires disease, its piinnri woik Is to tine
tin ami (K.iroi orroi, .Vlbtit I: Millei,
lliri.tlun Seleiiu) 1'ublic.illuii t'uminltt e.
rhllaiMphla, 1 cb. II, W2,
Letter from Insuigent Committee,
I liltoi of Thu Tiibunc
sir: hi lctttird to the (floils nude bj J),vilon
to io utile the strike b t-endlii thru eu ti
the board meinbus lo (uttivltvv (lintiil Mm-
Ufcl'l SIIHiiiaU fill lllC Vlllpont (if MlhlllUllllL' 4
propivsillon to him nt would ,,i.i lint thu piupo. kuiiiblllid was ii( lily iduitual to t lie ill
tliiutuin Klvcn to i'ilikiit Cl.iik mint lime
jL'n It was, Ihbt, Hut all men be takiu luik;
ttiond, i fiat late of IU (cuts pei hour and S3
i dits pu horn for all uuitluit; third, that ho
slKH a (otitratt Willi ilic union tliav would make
it rompul-ois foi all men unploii'd b) the Wil
li jy totnpanj lo join the union within thlity
.Now, kind nadir, please note that Ihe two
men from Carbondale who wuo dbthared wue
not liuiitlomd V hen one tonskUi. the piopo
slilon does It look as though their hoiiust Inuii
Hon was to settle the ttiike oi to Kup the nan
toother tu prolong (lie MrlU? Vm tonIder It
nolhltifc' moru ilian a treat bit; Mutt and will My
ihjlil now that thtre ikvii will bo u tctlleniuit
until the mill laufulU toiisidir that we did net
lfi on btrike for a inaltii of u.i.'is, therefore
aftu tho isuo we ttimk foi, Ins bu-u ilropped
tnllril) (vvhitli practkill) admits Hut we mm
not jiistlilod In our adioiis), we cannot W justi
fied in askln; for an increase ot wages alter
bein,; tho (uusc'of u mucli Ioi.s to the Siranluii
ltalhva.i coniuny as well a, phtina; tho iiubllu
to so miieli Inconvinicuic and dulnsr oo iiuicli in
jury lo (ho elj' intircst.
I). J. l'itiiun,
S. i reut; liuurguit Cuiimilttie,
Yesteiday'a Maniage Llceusea.
William llonus .... , ,, Scranton
Katie Lewis ... Scranton
N.oruun I,. iMgxi ,., Scunton
.Viiiilc luifir . ......wjfcT. ., ... ,Sijutoul
Says Setting of Hydrants Entailed
Much Extra Work.
Supcilntcndent llobeit tlccves, of the
Scinnton Qns nnd Water compnns', was
In city hull yestctdtts', looking tiftei
tho hill of $i,G92 35 for Belting hydrntils
on Lncknwunnn avenue which was
held up by tho auditing committee und
explained that the chin go was so much
higher than foimcr clungcs foi sim
ilar woik because of tho fact that the
hydiants had to be placed on the side
of the Btreet opposite the vvatet main,
necesllnting the digging of a ditch nl
most pntlroly uctoss the stieet, und the
laying of three or four times the ot
dlnaiy amount of pipe ictiulred,
Chaliman A'aUuhan, of tho nudlllng
committee, said that this explanation
might account for some of the exit a
chaige, but Intimated that tho bill will
have to be very mulei tally leduccd be
fore the committee will ever nuurovo
It. The bill did not mret with tho nn
pioval of Dliector of Public AVoiks
Roche, who refused to sign It.
Two other bills ptesented bv
company aio being held up bv
Committee. These aio for JJI0.4S nnd
JSU.TO for changlnir locution of gas
and water mains respectively, at the
comer of Cedui avenue and Elm street,
by lenson of tho sewet. The conten
tion Is that the company must change
Its mains at Its own cost wherever
municipal Improvements call foi such
a change.
1 i ' '
Ash Wednesday Observed in Catholic
and Episcopal Chuiches Yester
dayServices Annnged for Lent.
Lent, the 'eason of sackcloth and
ashes, began jesteidny and will con
tinue for foity dass or until Hasten
Sundas', which falls on March 2i this
sear, an especially early date. Ash
AVednesday, the fltst day In Lent, wus
obseived s'esteulny with special serv
ices in the Catholic and Episcopal
At St. Petei s cathedral theie weie
masses at C:30, 7 and S a. in. The last
mass was solemnized by Rev. J. A.
O'Reilly and during its progiess the
ashes were blessed by Rt. Rev. Bishop
M. J. llobau. Immtd'ately utter the
mass the ashes weie dlstiibuted by
seveial of the cleigsmeu, the sign of
the eioss being made with them on
the foieheads of all peisons piesentlng
themselves al lhe altar lall.
The (list of tho special Lenten sciv
ices was conducted in the cathedial last
night and was attended bv a eongiega
llon which llteially packed the chinch
liom the altai iall to the door Rev
J. A. O'Reillv picached a luicf sei
mon in which he uiged those piesent to
moilify themselves in some lespeet
dining Lent. He counselled the pa
tents to see that theii children at
tended the devotions set np.n t foi them
and ho counselled all to pi ay often and
with the earnestness that comes ft oni
the heait
There will be masses ciety week
day moinlug at the cathedial dining
Lent at the hotiis of li.di), 7 and S
o'clock On AVednesday nights theie
will be a sermon and benediction of the
Most Blessed Saci anient On Tilday
aftoi noons the "tatlons of the eioss will
be obseived in St. Thomas' College
chapel tor the ehlldten and on Friday
nights in the cathedial foi the adults
A special seivice foi men will be ( on
ducted evety Sundav night when a sei
mon will be preached.
The holy communion was celebiated
at St Luke's (lunch yestetday morn
ing at 7 o'clock and at 10:3J o'clock
moinlng pras'er was observed with a
seimon by the reeloi, Rev. Di. Rogois
Isinel, who also pleached at a seiviee
conducted last night. The following
calendar of Linten services has been
imanged for this dun eh:
Sundas s Holy communion (wcekls),
7:30 a m ; first, thud and fifth Surdaj s
10:30 a. in.; morning piaser and lltans',
10:30 a. in., except second, fourth and
sixth Sundas s, 9.43 a. m; evening pray
er, 7:30 p. m.
Week dass Holy communion, Thuis
dass, 7:00 u. m ; "S. Matthias," 9.00 a.
in.; 'The Annunciation," 0:00 a. m.j
morning prasei, 9:00 a. in ; evening
pras'er (eNcept AVednesdass), 4:30 p. m.;
lectuies, AVednosdass, 7.13 p m.j litany,
L!:00 m.; oigan iccltals, Saturdass,
1:00 p. m.
Holy week (In addition to othei
week-day sci vices) Holy communion
(except Good Fiidas), 7:00 a. m Good
Frldus- Services, 6:00 a. m , 10:30 a. m ,
12:00 m. to J:00 p. m and 7:l"i p, m,
Tom Burke Ai tested by the Police
Yesteiday Afternoon.
Tom Hurke, of South Sci union, a
well-know n cluu.icter In police circles,
was tatifjlil btealinfj old lion fiom the
Allis-Ch.ihnoi.s company's aul, on
c ma mi
The Styles Are Settled and
We Have Them
The Hawes and Stetsons
have not arrived yet, but
the difference is so slight
that you can safely buy any
of the other shapes now,
and have a stylish hat for
the season,
305 Lacka. Ave.
Green Trading Stiimp3,
1 Kestiul to
There Is no light so restful to the eye as that of a Good
Lamp. With a poor light the nerves becomes exhausted and
find that tho work once easy forthb eye nowbecomesdlfftcutt.
Ouk Central, Dr ait Lamps, with green plated
shade, are eye savers, Complete, with shade. . , . pj2, 5
That Is cheaper than a pair of eye glasses. ,
Geo. V. Miliar &
We Clean and Sterilize Carpets and Rugs
Making them look fresh and new and destroying all moths.
C.irpets scoured without injury to color or texture
Scranton Bedding
Lackawanna and Adams
Mince Meat
(1) Clean. Sold in air-tight,
water-proof cardboard cartons.
Tempts the appetite.
(2) Economical, io cents n
package, making 2 large pies. -Jt
equals Wi pounds of "wet" mince
meat. Ada the water yourself
don't pay for It.
(3) Convertfent.S Being "com
pressed" it takes up very little
room on the shelf, nud is put up in
exact pic propoi uuo.
IA Denntation. On,- nn inl
and 30 years' business standing
is a guarantee.
MERRELL-SOULE CO., Syracuse, N. Y.
h inn miiiiiM r7j'i""MnM'naariTffT'rMTiTTftTfiffifflWBJfl?T
For Sale
Farm o
liiitK lion ( of spun loom- Haiti J30)
feet Oni mile fiutn ulhujcl stition I -(ellcnt
firings mil uninlnsr wutct, plenty
uf oik tiinliu. t fiikriiiil with hoven foot
voin of 'Oil (.ood liKllLiH lor oin
lliliu lliirtj file aem ljottom LiikI.
I'rlct, "io in urtf rums to n!t pin
ilu cu
Vv VlevJiiilni, I'l.
VV t IniorclJtul Co
Penn avenue, jesteidny. He was spied
by Oeoige Friend, one of the company's
emploset', who held him until the ai
rlval of Pntrolmen Conry and Pottei.
IJurKe was Intoxicated and it is fcup
pofed that he was stealing1 to yet a
few cents to buy mote drink.
Meeting of Sunday School Supeiin
tendents of Lackawanna County.
Theie will he n meeting of the Sun
sehnol 'iipei intendents of tho county
in th" Young Jlcn's Clnlstlan Associa
tion 1'iilois, pLiat'ton, on Trlday af
ternoon at 4 ,!0 o'clock.
All supeitlntendents, supei
PllcndcfitH and pastois aie int lied to
attend. The meeting Is held under the
fllnn Mnn cf llir. T.nplfnw iillTin ,nlinlvl
Sunday School association.
The "Best" Is Always "Cheapest."
Buy join Tpevv liters and Supplies
of "Smoot," tho Typewritel Man;
Ouernsey lildK., f-'eranton, Pa., and the
satisfaction of The Host will remain
j out h.
m i ri-i
Co. li?LxITJ. I
Co., F- AMArKtjpf.iser
Avenues. Both 'Phones
(1) Unclean. Sold from open
pails and sloppy tubs. Think ot it 1 m
(2) Expensive. Costs 8 cents
to 15 cents a pound Vi the weight
is water. At this rate "None
Such " should cost 20 cents to 40
cents a package instead of only
10 cents.
(3) Clumsy. " Has to be dished
ont in pans takes up lots of room
and j'on seldom have it on band
when wanted.
(4) Unknown." Do you know
who makes "wet" mince meat?
Is it guaranteed ?
Moral : Always buy " None Such "
Any good grocer will supply you. Don't be de
ceied or over-persuaded by ""wet-goods." "We
can tell you a denier that will supply you if yours
will not. Write us. Valuable premium list of "1S4-7
Rogers Bros." silverwaie in packages. Beware of
packages imitating " None Such."
Seldrytn, !
126 Wyoming Ave.
Tor oui heneflt allow us to em
phasize these exceptional values
In Ulndc Meiceiied Skirts, com
ing as they do when neaily eveiy
one herlns to feel the need o u
new fcklit. Only the thouKhtlcs
woman will delay puiehaslnjr
until net beacon
"Oinl cu-a" "-knt in (iici Voiu
duiilik tin kill iittlti-, nut ilu-t
ltiitti. iti i lotu in "S "Z mi
Tin "ilidcc" of tin tollrition
H i ill nk VUucil7iJ skirt, mule
vlth full tltlllll, lloimuil, llC.llldl
mill flni-lieil (villi tinj UouMo nit
Ikt. Ivirv (Ut ill luvinir iicciidl
as (ireful attention is CC ll
om finolTiflctihUIrts P.uu
A full lino of lev) epcnahe
Karmi'nl.-. nude viitli tuckoU or
plntul iiiftk-i, at ptli-es tint V(ill
pleai", 1-. tin iklrii comlnce pin
eliasiia of tlieli V line.
$1.00, $1,50, $2.50
You may rest assured
that the stitching on
these skiits will not give
way at any little strain,
that the seams aie nicely
finished, that the maker
stands for the making,
and that they have the
appeaiance in style and
cut of the most expen
sive petticoat.
End of the
Season Sale
324 LackawanjKi Avenue.
I m m.
VW l'irjii ami Jlaiuu 'mm
(ollar H W rtu ffl 00
JW3 -I'vul in ami Vluulll'iui, Muiiii
lullar ijijOuoa a no
liJOr-Mliik stouu (ullai .,, il W iiju Ij C)
KJ.'I lliuk t'ollaietli , -lUUljiqwiDU)
lWs- lirtlie Lullurdiu ....,,,,, 1" ulnuw i..o
10,b-llUik ilailm Nail ,,,, aJti! l.iil
12-'J Illiek MJttui -ui( TiHr.uw i iV
UKU Ikuik uif ) Miiwu 1,U
lUfl l.l((irl( Kal staif ,,,. . . 2 .,u mm- l 1)
I3 sabU- lu s-iarf 15 W (tow
Jllifralk' e n. jxaif solium vin
1HT Illu.j I.n Si.aif n.lui 1II.UI
i( Pine lins svaij , .,, m)rou kivi
llll-lt(ll I 0 C-kJlf . ... ilklllUtt I in
&Vr-Slink biart, loti libs . lirtinuft ijoi
.JjIH Vllnk 's.atf ... S3 U! now Jr tl
VTJ-C miumuii Ikar IUj. J jh
loin; . tl"j W now Xi u)
"iJ7-lllj(k Ik'ui Ilu .1 yU Ion,-. 1Jl) on hub U,ftl
t71 lliauu lliai Uo.1, J )ili luiiir Ij Ov uou liU
too NjIiiijI 0ioiim Ibj, .! ,uU
loiiK . . . . fl 00 now I W
TW-Cray loi. Jloj, i jd oi . PJOOuow 71
SOJ-lilue ln )lja, a ,ili loii.-, 1 j.00 now lj.U)
lura UcpatrcU, l'ure JUmificturcJ' Haw Vuxt