The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 13, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    I -..--,
U ." 1. ii.
roil 8AM3 ctirap to sctllo tlio estate, liewa onil
. tot, No. 1SS WjomltiB utrect. Inquire No. 00
cvcnlli nvenuc.
Crowd of Over live Hundred Wit
nessed Races on Crystal Xake Yes
terday Afternoon Idotil Condi
tions Croveling nnd Simpson the
-Prize Winners A Great Day's
A crowd oC over live hundred wit
nessed the races on the Ice at Crystal
inke yesterday afternoon. In tho
crowd was an nnuHUnlly large number
of ladles. Many went out In the fore
noon and nearly one hundred enjoyed
fllnncr 'at Mullnncy's hotel.
The day was an Ideal one for racing,
the weather being as nearly perrect
as one would wish, while the Ice was
in excellent condition.
It was late In the afternoon when
Iho races were Btarted. The first race
was the 2.25, and there wore four
Htartcrs: Bcnnle, owned by C. B. Hol
llster; Joe 13., owned by Walter Scur
ry; Violet, owned by C. It. Crevellng,
and the bay marc owned by D. Mor
rison and driven by Levi mtterson.
Violet captured the first heat In an
exciting brush, and the next two heats
were captured by Patterson. The
fourth and fifth heats weio very excit
ing, and both were taken in by Crev
ellng's fast one. The race was best
three heats in live, and Crovcllng was
awarded the prize, a $10 blanket.
Tn the free-for-all Levi Patterson
tirovo Wilkes Medium: John Simpson
bandied the ribbons over Mary Col
bort, and John Cunningham, of Forest
City, took care of Grey Dick. The
llrst heat was nip and tuck between
Mary Colbert and Wilkes Medium and
the former won out after a desperate
Wilkes Medium bagged the second
heat, but was hard pushed by Mary
Colbert, and there was but little space
between them when the line was
The third heat was a dead one, Slmp
feon and Patterson bringing their two
horses In together. This was one of
iho most exciting brushes of the after
noon and the crowd showed Its appre
ciation by a prolonged outburst of ap
plause. Mary Colbert won the next
two and the race. The prize was a
purse of $10.
This ended the day's sport on the
Ice, though several Impromptu brushes
were indulged In by owners of fast
Kteeds. It was the biggest day Crystal
lake had seen in several years. At the
conclusion of the races rigs were got
ten ready for the return trip, and a
continual string of them was kept go
ing until late in the evening. A large
itowcI remained for supper in the hotel,
and in the evening enjoyed themselves
In various manner at the hotel.
The success of yesterday's meet and
the one preceding it will, no doubt,
ill for more days of sport before the
.viner Is over.
Opened with Services at St. Rose and
Trinity Churches Other Services.
The Lenten season was opened yes
terdayAsh Wednesday with services
in St. Rose and Trinity Episcopal
At St. Rose church, there were mass
es at C.SO and 8 o'clock. The latter was
a higli mass, at which the blessing of
the ashes took place. At the conclu
sion of the services the ashes were
marked In tlio form of a cross on the
foreheads of the worshippers, while the
words, "Remember that thou art dust,
nnd unto dust thou shalt return," were
repeated by the priest.
At Trinity church, at 10 o'clock, the
holy communion was observed and
the penitential office was recited. In
the afternoon, at 4.30, the evening
prayer was offered and Rev. R. A,
Sawyer, the rector, gavo the custom
ary address,
St. Paul'a Church,
According to last Sunday's resolution
tot St. Paul's Lutheran congregation
tho Lenten Bpecial sen-ices this year
will be held on Thursday evening of
rach week, and it is hoped they will,
as usual, bo devotedly observed and
.Well attended by young and old, es
pecially by the catchecumenal class
preparing for their confirmation by
Easter time. The first of these ser
vices will be held tomorrow evening
lit 7.30 o'clock,
A series of texts, rorotelllng the Sa
viour'a Buffering for establishing our
Precious Ruby Clasp,
An illustrious Chinese Mandarin was
tut on the famous American food,
Crape-Nuts, and he and his wife cured
Df stomach and kidney trouble and
heart disorder after he, in particular,
had been pronounced by his physician
Ills letter Is written by his Interpreter
jind signed with his Chinese signature,
it recites, "For three years I was under
jho care of tho best physicians In Rus
sia, Germany, France, America, as well
$s 3nyown country. I had tried baths
and water cures almost without uuiu-&.-J,
grow worso until finally my
ffihyslclnn pronounced mo Incurable and
U was doomed to die In from three to
jjix months.
tTLCrlend prevailed upon mo tp change
Trtyfood and take up Grape-Nuts. This
r did more to gratify my friend than
from any benefit I expected, but within
21 hours the results were so gratifying
as to astonish and delight myself und
My improvement continued without
l elapse until at tho end of threo months
I was well und sound, weighed more
and .,waB stronger and had n better
nppetlto and mora perfect digestion
tbahWCt any other time In iny life.
My wife was also a victim or serious
stomach trouble fioin which she had
suffered for several years. Shu has been
restored to good, robust health by tho
use of drupe-Nuts,
I have recommended It In ubout half a
dozen families and It has never failed to
benefit. I will be pleased to reply to all
letters' having stamped envelope en.
closed." Pak daw Man, Mandarin of
the Rubby Button, Member of tho
Literati, Magistrate of the Order of the
"Manchuslan Crane, Order of the Olrdio
of the Jade and Precious Ruby clasp,
Servant to His Imperial Majesty (he
gon of Heaven, etc., etc,
His InterpVeter nnd secretary, 12. Per-r-lvale
Baker, udds to the letter, "I am
familiar with all tho facts related by
Prof. Pak and know them to havo been
moderately Btated, I also, and my
family, have received much bennilt fom
,he use of GrapeNuts."
k 9aSMmsrJrimimLi JJy$mv&Mm$J
-Jjtr--- r,mS2Zilr wTJlcr-33lt-"-""' 4 '---""
The familiar brand of Classic Ginghams still remains a popular fabric for
all-around purposes. The designs and colorings are unusually pretty this season
and at a popular retail price.
Another landmark in the Gingham family, Toille Du
Dresses. We know of no better fabric. Neat colorings
This fabric maintains its supremacy for its wearing values.
Side by side Is another
quality and price. Patterns
ive at, a yard .
Swiss Silks, 18c Yard
An unique weave, representing a chain
effect on ground colors. It really has to be
seen to be appreciated.
, Antrim Dimity
A fabric that is adapted for Children's
Dresses, both in style of printing and weave
of cloth. A ready seller at a very low Q
price. Yard
Mousse! ine
Striped effects on black, old rose, blue,
pink, green and white. The colors are the
soft shades so much admired, the fabric is
one that will appeal to your taste for a Kr
fine costuming. Yard.... iJku
Mercerized Glace
A pretty and serviceable fabric, comes in
plain colors, old rose, pink and blue, includ
ing black, has white corded stripes. O K
a Priced at, yard
32-Inch Real Hanchester Leno Chambray
kiuv., iraiiuil ii-liu HUUV,J, J -
"- ----- -
We do not hesitate
salvation will lie taken out of tlio old
testament. For the llrst service It will
bo aenesls, xxli:l-19, "A typo oC God's
love In offering His only begotten Son,
Jesus Christ, for men's salvation."
At each of the services an oft'erinR
will bo taken up. Xext week, Hov. Dr.
rtamer, of Scranton, will preach in
English, tho second sermon of tho sea
son. P. EhlnKor, pastor.
The evening services for tho Lenton
season were opened last night In St.
Ilose Catholic church. Kev. Walter
Gorman bald the rosary, and tho pas
tor, Very Hev. T. F. Coffey delivered
tho sermon, lie dwelt upon the Len
ten season now opened und at tho con
clusion of the sermon the reverend
pastor offered benediction. Tho eillflco
was crowded.
Friday night, stations of tho cross
will be conducted at 7.1." with benedic
tion. The owning services will ho enn
tlned on Wednesday, Friday and Sun
day nights during the season.
Miss'Bosella Crane Becomes Deathly
Sick from Ohewiup; Camphor Gum.
Miss Ttowjllu Crane, who Is employed
us an assistant dressmuker In tho par
lors of Miss Thinnings, on North Main
street, had u dangerous experience yes
terduy with camphor gum. she was
Buffering from headache In tho morning
and to relievo her one of the assist
ants at work suggested that she chow
a piece of camphor gum, but tu bo
careful not to swallow tho saliva.
3llss Crane chewed tho gum, but she
must have accidentally swallowed
some of tho substance, or saliva that
it excited, for sho became deathly Blck
and lllled those around her with the
fear that bIio was having n fatal at
tack. Dr. A. V. Glllls waa summoned, Ho
found Miss Crane- In 0 teiible distress,
with cramps, and weakened finm vom
iting spells, Tho remedies ho admin
istered, however, happily took effect
readily und In u short tjmo she wns
restored. Miss t.'rano was very weak
however, too weak to remain at work
und had to go to her home. She will
bo buck to her 1101 inal condition after
a short rest.
Services at Congregational Church,
Speelul religious services, which uro
being attended with, cucouraglni; in
sult, nrt' In' pfogiC33 at Uiu Forest"
Jonas Long9s
mm v niniMfflirTiinrinriii im t nr """"' ""u-kuwwit vmitmwE
Gingham just between the
are all desirable and colorings
1IUUU 1UI IjUIV"- OCIIll Ig, y ell U
, , 1 11, MWI11M
to say that never before has so large and
City Congregational church, The pas
tor, Rev. T. F. Mny, has procured ublo
speakers from hereabouts r address
tho meetings nnd Interest those who
attend In their' spiritual wants. The
public will be welcome at these meet
Greatly Appreciated by the Patrons
of tho People's Course.
Notwithstanding tho many attrac
tions that have. been crowded Into this
wool:, and tho opening of the Lenten
season, a very nice audience greeted
Rev. Dr. Van Cleft at the lierean
IJaptlst church lust evening. Ills
themo was ono calling for tho best
treatmont, nnd ho proved entirely
equal to tho tahk. Ills review of the
great llfo . of Lincoln was com
plete; his nnalys-Is ot his great char
acter, and tho portrayal of the mighty
scones In which ho was principal ac
tor, were presented with wonderful
vividness and force.
Tho wit of Lincoln formed an Im
portant feature of tho lecture, and tho
doctor was wise In his choice of anec
dotes which Illustrated tho point under
discussion and pleased tho audience
at tho same time.
Among .tho many addresses that our
people havo had tho ptlvllego of hear
ing on tho llrst martyred president, Dr.
Van Cleft's Is entitled to high rank.
Tho opening muslo by the orchestra,
under K. J. Rly as director, was a de
lightful feature of tho evening.
Arrested by Constable Neary After
a Struggle, ami Committed on Five
"Jack"' McCiowan was arrested yes
terduy by Constable Kdwurd Neary, on
tho same charges on which ho eluded
the latter about a week ugo, und last
night Alderman Jones sent him to tho
county jail In defuult of ball.
There aro Hvo charges against SIc
Gowan, namely; Two cnarges of at
tempted assault on his former wife,
pointing a pistol, resisting arrest and
carry concealed lire-amis.
McGow-au was found yesterday morn
ing In McTlghe's saloon and gave Cou
stuble Neary finite a tussle beforo ho
was placed In cell. On his person
was found a US-cnllbro revolver, with
every chunibor filled. Mcaowan'u re
sistance and tho presence of the re
In the show windows vou pet a hint of
appreciate tneir Deauty ana artistic weaves
Goods Department will pay you. Fine
ras and Ginghams.
Nord, for fine Wash
and pretty designs.
two above mentioned in
very attract- 1
Mercerized Navarre
Made from the finest combed yarns. In
texture it is the finest, so near like silk that it
will deceive you. The price is, a 2Kr
yard QJl
Mercerized Zephyrs
A plain colored fabric, with woven dots,
very fine and smooth finish, at a ia
popular price
Fleteor' Crepe
A fabric of enticing beauty, delicate colors
in pretty shades of rose, pink, grey and blue;
it has little spots woven in stripe effects; also
white, cream and black; a desirable KA,
fabric for evening wear, yard jj
Supino Ba.tjste
A sheer cloth about 32 inches wide, in
many odd designs and priced at, -d f n
yard A 2S"
Dotted Swiss Muslin, 15c
Comes mostly in black and white with
sprays, dots, stripes and many odd and
unique designs.
MadrasConsidered by experts
volver caused two more charges to be
preferred against him,
A character named Butysak, who
aided JfcGowan In his resistance, was
arrested later and sent to jail on tho
charge of Interfering with an olllcer.
Annual Affair of the Ladies' Aid So
ciety of Derean Baptist Church.
Tho Ladies' Aid society of the Herean
IJaptlst church will serve their annual
supper In the lecture room 011 Friday
evening. The first table will bo ready
at r o'clock. A full orchestra will be
in attendance, and valentines will bo
distributed to nil putrons. Tho modest
sum of 23 cents will pay for tho sup
per, tho muslo and tho souvenir.
PATRICK DUFFY, an old resident of
Cdrbondale, whoso soan of llfo was
nearly tliree-ctutuiers of a century,
passed to his reward, yesterday oftor
noon. Death followed tho weakening
of his powers, due to his advanced
Mr. Duffy belongs to the pioneers of
Curbondulo, who aro gradunlly pass
ing away. Ho was u native of Ireland,
but camo to America when a lad, set
tling In Carboudale, which ho has since
cherished ns his home. Ho wus a man
of thrifty habits, and by his attention
to he business he conducted he accu
mulated savings which ho Invested In
several properties, and which provided
him with 11 competence to make old
ago comfortable and casv. Ilt has
only ono survivor, his widowed daugh
ter, Mrs. Michael Qulnn, who lived with
him. Mr. Duffy's wife died about four
years ago.
resident of Carboudale, who was well
known on tho West Side, where sho
lived dining her long residence In Car
boudale, died suddenly Tuesday night
of what Coroner Sultry yesterday de
cided was heart failure. Mrs. Brown
expired while sitting In u. chair beside
the stove, tome time after her supper.
Sho was discovered by her son, Pat
lick Brown, when ho was passing
through the room for n drink.
Mrs. Brown was born In Ireland
ubout sixty-tlvo yars ago, but had re
sided In Cnrbomlulft since childhood.
Her husband dloil about nf - -rs
The First
At the
, . .
Satin Surahs, 10c
A fabric of plain weave and mostly dark
ground colorings, in designs that ti fir
are imitations of Foulards, at '
flarigold Lace Leoo
A fine sheer, satin striped Batiste, out
lined with prominent Lace Leno Cords,
pink, blue and green pastel shades. 2c
Rajah Batiste, 15c
Fine Combed Yarns, finished with care,
black and white or plain weave.
Exclusive Line of Dimities
Lawns and Mercerized Ginghams at 10c and 15c a yard. This line of
Wash Fabrics comprise the latest effects of the Foreign looms, and the unusually
small price asked for them will make for them many friends.
Quallite Superieure, 25c
A fabric that comes in mostly dark ground effects, close weave and mercerized
to perfection, neat figures.
Silk Spot Pekin, 50c a Yard
A beautifui fabric of a highly luminous weave. A pronounced attraction for
this season. Pretty designs, and is especially suitable for evening wear.
Swiss Plumetis, 25c
This is the fabric that secured for the manufactuier the highest honor in the
art of weaving, namely, the "Grand Prix," at the Paris Exposition; also the Gold
Medal at the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo; 30 inches wide; a wide range
of colors, and designs in great number.
Galoon De Soie
A peculiar but pretty fabric, woven
with plain band and leno weaves be
tween in pink and blue. A
to be the best fabric for the
attractive a variety of
ago from tlio same cause, heart trouble.
She Is survived by two sons, Patrick
and Matthew, of this city; ono daugh
ter, Miss Mary Brown, of Philadel
phia; one sister, Miss Bridget Sulli
van, of Rhode Island, and one brother,
John Sullivan, of Pittston.
The funeral will take place this af
ternoon, tho procession to leave the
house, No. 2 Vine street, at 2 o'clock.
Services in St. Rose church, and burial
in St. Roso cemetery.
Hotel to Cliange Hands.
Negotiations aro being carried on
between Proprietor Caffrey of the May
flold yard hotel and Alfred Butterworth
of Jermyn, whereby tho latter will
como Into possession of tho hotel, Tho
deal has not as yet been consummated,
but will bo probably today. Tho mice
agreed upon Is $3,000. Mr. Butterworth
Is a proprietor oC a restaurant In Jer
myn and a hustler In every sense of
tho word, and Mr. Caffrey who has
successfully manuged the hotel for
yeais will rellro to private life.
Clerks' Now Officers.
Tho Retail Clerks' association will
bo governed by tho following olllcers
the coming term: President, Khner
Brokenshtro; recording secretary, Fred
Iluuensteln; financial secretary, John
Peel; treasurer, Frank AT, Boylau;
guurd, Cyrus Pierson; sentinel, Frank
Dugan; trustees. M. J. Horan. Miss
TUlle Murphy, Miss Emma Swnrtz.
The election look pluee Tuesday night.
Tho installation will take place at the
next meeting, when tho ladles of tho
association will provide a luncheon.
A Big Scenic Production.
In speaking of "The Fast Mall," tho
Cincinnati Times-Star of Aug. 20, suys:
"One of Lincoln J, Carter's earliest
sensational successes, 'The Fast Mall,'
opened a week's engagement at tho
Lyceum Monday, llvldently, Mr. Car
ter has tuken time during the bummer
season to think of a few Improvements
for this piece, as it offers several new
features that add to Its sensationalism,
and niakn It a greater show than ever
before. The cast was a much stronger
one than In previous seasons."
Visitors, from Scranton.
Tonight will be an Inteicstlug uuu
at Odd Fellows' hall on Salem avenue,
when Carboudale canton, Patriarchs'
Militant, will have a muster of olllcers.
Thero will bo visitors from Scranton
J vfJIl
Big Store.
how these charming
.. .
a tew minutes time
Swisses, Lawns, Dimities, Mousselines, Mad
Soie Jouree, 25c Yard
An ideal fabric for summer wear, best
combed yarns, plain bands of sheer cloth,
with lace stripes between solid colors, green,
blue, pink, red,
Imported Swiss, Dotted
fluslins, 59c, 69c, 89c Yard
Pink ground with black dots; white
ground with black dots,black with white dots.
Potomac Madras, 15c
A printed cloth In neat figures on grounds of white, un
usually attractive and bids fair to be in great demand for
price on the market. Fast colors, pink, tan, and
Ill I - III
Wash Goods been
Major Deans and his staff. A lunch
eon,' followed by cigars and Impromptu
talks, will close the evening's exercise?".
Meetings of Tonight.
George Randolph camp, Sons of Vet
erans. Branch 39, -'. M. B. A.
Carbondalo canton, P.itrhiich;,' Mili
A sleigh-load of young people from
Duuinoro were entertained Monday
evening at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
David Jones, of North , Main street.
Games wero Indulged in till an curly
hour, when refreshments were served,
after which tho visitors departed for
their homes, declaring- Mr. an'd Mrs.
Jones delightful entertainers und car
rying v 1th them pleasant iuemoiie3 of
the enjoyable trip. Those present
wero: Mr. and Mrs. -Alexander Mi
Kay, Mr. and Mrs, Blngnam, Mr. and
Mrs. Helglor, Mr. and Mis. Richard
Webber, Jr., Misses Mario and Mury
Webber, Elsie, Anna and Bcsslo Pow
ell, Jennie Weseckor, Bula SwarU,
Allco Goodwin, Anna lien wood, Alice
Hazel, Flora Doney, Clara and Eva
Hess, Anna Young, Mao Keller, Louise
Sutcllff, Lou Ellis, Eva Montgomery,
and Messrs. Albert Edwards, Herbert
Ellis, Hubler, Thomas Hughes, Homer
Hand, George Oswold, James Ellis,
Georgu Kellum, Charles Hcnwood,
Dreyer, William Young, Rhiiurd Aug
win. Honing, Wesley Webber, Ehr
good, of Duumore, and Mrs. Clara
Nicholson, Misses Susie Williams,
Edith Mouitt, Canio Marry and Emma
Notherton, of Jermyn.
Mr. and Mrs. James John and fam
ily, who wero lately burned out of the
Sweeney house, will In a f'ow days
move to Avoeu, where they expect to
make their futuro home.
The condition of Mr. James Timlin,
of Main street, remains about the
same as It has been for several days
past, without any apparent sign of
Merritt. a farmer, of Scott
township, met with a painful accident
yesterday. While loading foiho logo,
he had occasion to use u haiid-splke,
which suddenly slipped, from his hand,
striking him under the chin and frac
turing his Jawbone. He wus attended
by Dr. Shields.
The basket social and uutertulnnieut
given In tho Congregational church on'
Tuesday evening was a very enjoyable
fabrirs Innk. but tn
spent in the Wash
including black.
Manchester Corded Cliarabrays
Plain colors, blue, pink, tan, red,
including black with hair line cords of
white. Very pretty and at a Tj Q
price very reasonable. Yard.
displayed in this city
nffalr. It was fahly well attended and
the llttlj ones who gave tho entertain
ment acquitted themselves with muelf
credit. t
A child of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Herrjv
of Fourth street, is ill of tonsilltis.
Florence, the little daughter of Row
and Mrs. Mnynaid R. Thompson, Is ill.
.Mr. and Mrs. .1. D. Stocker attended
tho lecturo delivered by General Gor
don nt Carbondale Tuo?dny evening.
Mrs. John W. Jones, of Fourth street,
Is 11 lof grip.
air. James Fidlam, of Scranton, will
preach in the Primltlvo Methodist
church at both services on Sunday. The
servico in tho evening will tako place
at 0.30 Instead of tho usual hour of 7
The Ulakely school ot physical cul
ture Is making good preparations for
their public entertainment, which Is to
come off In tho Blakely Baptist church
next Tuesday evening.
Tho social which wnn to havo been
held at the homo of Richard Pottlgrow
on Scotch street, this evening, for tho
benefit of tho Presbyterian church, has
been postponed until Tuesday evening,
Feb. IS.
The pupils of the public school aio
preparing an entertainment in honor
of AVashlngton's Blrtnday, Friday,
Feb. 21.
Tho funeral of tho lato John Davis
will ho held Friday afternoon from the
family homo on Race street. Rev,
Georgo Hague will olllclatc, Interment
will ho mado in Rldgo cemetery.
At tho euchre party given by St.
Patrick's congregation Tuesdny nighty
William Reedy, of Archbald, was
awarded tho gentleniun's prize, a hand
some umbrella, and Miss Gertrude
Dearie received the ladies' prize, a,
beautiful chatelaine bag. Miss Sad In
llognii won the guess doll, and Mls-s
Allco Holan also won adoll,
Miss Moruhon, of Cavbondule, Is tho.'
guest of Miss Agues Martin, of Dela
nro street.
The funeral of Mrs. Kate Pettlgrew
will tuke place from tho homo of John
Carter on Fiiday ufjernoon ut -ii
o'clock. Interment will be made In
rnlon cemetery.
i .1
To Cure a Cold in Ono Day
Tako Laxatlvo Bromo Quinine Tablets.
.U1 druggists refund the money If It
fus to euro. E. W. Glove's signature
Is on each box. 25c.