' I If ' f M' 4 . t B' IHE SCKANTON T1WJBCNJ3-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1902. by a OFFICERS John F. Dryden, President. Edgar B. Ward, 2nd V. Prcs. hml Counsel. Horace Alung, Treasurer. Leslie D. Ward, Vlco I'rcjIJetit. Forrest F. Dryden, Soci clary. T. C. E. Blanchard, Supt. of Ileal llstatc. Wildur S. Johnson, Comptroller. Edward H. Hamill, ) John K. Gore, Robert L. Burrage, j Aciuuy. Medical Directors. EDWARD GRAY, Frederic A. Boyle, As3Ula,,t " cisMcr. F. H. Johnston, Valentine Riker, delate Actuary. Leslie P. Ward, J W. P. Watson, t'upen Ijor.-i. Assistant Medical Director. Jacod E. Ward, Counsel. F. C Blanchard, Hupenlsor Loan Dept. fi55v LIFE INSURANCE WRITTEN AND PLACED during 1901, over 273 MILLIONS PAID POLICY-HOLDERS, in 26 years over ------ 5g MILLIONS ASSETS, end of 1901, over. - - - ' --' - 4g MILLIONS INCOME, during 1901, nearly - -., I ,;. - - 29 MILLIONS PAID POLICY-HOLDERS, during 1901, over - ' - '; - g MILLIONS SURPLUS, nearly - - ' - ' - - - ' - -, " - J MILLIONS Policies in Force nearly 4lA Millions Covering Life Insurance of over $703,000,000, Surrounding with Absolute Protection More Than One Million Families A Progressive Company in which the Safety and Advancement of its Policy-holders' Interests are the' Chief Considerations. Twenty-sixth Annual Statement January 1, 1902. ASSETS Bonds and Mortgages...... $11,163,737 93 Real Estate 10,075,681 22 R. R. Bonds and Stock (Market Value) 14,251,857 50 Municipal Bonds (Market Value), 5,077,992 03 U. S. Gov, Bonds (Market Value), 1 1 2,000 '00 Cash In Banks and Office 4,285,41 1 80 Interest and Rents, due and ac crued ....'. 362,020 30 Loans on Collateral Securities,.. 915,000 00 Loans on Policies ; 728,189 34 Premiums Deferred and In course of collection (net) 1,658,681 21 Total $48,630,57 1 33 LIABILITIES Reserve on Policies $41,01 2,766 00' All other Liabilities '753,200' 09' Surplus to Policy-holders, . . . 6,864,605 24 Total $48,630,571 33 SEND COUPON m$UR OF AMERICA Home Office: Newark, N. J. REPRESENTATIViS IIM SCRAMTOM AMD VICINITY: S. D. Parker, General Agent. Connell Building, Scranton, Pa. J. O'Malley, Assistant Supt,, Leader Building, Carbondale, Pa. J, L. Neiger, Assistant Supt., Main and Broad Streets, Plttston, Pa. H. J. Schubert, Supt., Washington Ave. and Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. C. Ammerman, Assistant Supt., Ninth and Main Sts., Honesdale, Pa, J. H. Ward, Assistant Supt., Hoger Building, Taylor, Pa, G. C. Griswold. Assistant Supt., Leader Building, Carbondale, Pa. C. F. Gannon, Assistant Supt., Stone Building, OlyphanCPa. F. J. Howell. Special Agent, 215 Wyoming Avenue, Plttston, Pa. I'lll in tills hliii and wnd to THE PRUDENTIAL, NEWARK, N. 1. Without cninniitlfii? nij-clf to. .my action, I flmll bp clail to receive flee tuiticulars and lairs of policies, For $ Age Name Address Occupation ' Dcpl. K39. CASE THAT WASN'T COMPLETELY-PATCHED UP. William Gordon, of Carbondale Township, Found Guilty of Selling Liquor Without a License Despite the Fact That the Prosecutrix Very Evidently Was Trying to Avoid Convicting Him Sent to Jail for Sixty Days for Cruelty to Animals. Other Court Matters. Because ho tool; too much for grant ed, "William Gordon, oC Curbcmdulo township, is In it uood way to pity a lino of $300 and s-peud three months In the county jail. Gordon was charged by Urldget lirady with selling: liquor without a license, selling on Sunday and selling Jo minors. Evidence sulllclent to war rant an Indictment in each case was presented by the prosecution, hut when the cases were called for trial yester day, before Judge Edwards, she had no testimony whatever to offer to sustain the charges of Milling on Sunday and selling to minors, and In thu other case Mio would only permit herself to say that bite got a pall of beer once ut Gor don's house, but did not pay for It. Assistant District Attorney Thomas got her to admit thnt the beer was to be paid for later. This constituted a purchase, and Judge Edwards so charged the jury. The defeiibo being ratlsllcd that no ense had been made out, refrained from putting In any evi dence. This left tho jury with nothing to do but find Gordon guilty. It was charged in his presence that he sold beer, and ho made no denial. HAD PATCHED IT UP. It was apparently behoved by the jury Unit tho parties had supposedly patched tho thing up, and that the meagre testimony offered by the prose cution was for tho purpose of having the costs placed on tho county, The jury, after finding Gordon guilty In the one cuse, put tlje costs of tho other two cases on the prosecutrix. Dullls Huff was found guilty of tho charge of cruelty to animals, preferred by Liveryman A. V, MeDonough, of Runinore, and sentenced by Judge Kelly to sixty days In tho county jail. Huff hired a horse and carriage to drive to Lnlso Ariel, He drove to Haw ley, was gono two days, and returned tho outfit In a dilapidated condition, The horse was foundered, and bore evi dences of having been brutally beaten, while the carriage was broken in many places. Thomas Morgan, of Carbondale, was defendant In a case In which ho was charged with assault and battery on his mother-in-law, Mrs. Margaret E. Thomas. She failed to appear, Mon day, and again yesterday, and a ver dict of not guilty was consequently en tered, with tho costs on the prosecutrix. A verdict of not guilty was also di rected to enter In the caso In which Costnncy Jezuba, of Greenwood, was charged with the theft of eight watches front J. Fe'.dman, a Scranton pack peddler. The watches were returned the past day, and since the meeting of tim grand jury a settlement was effected. Feldmaii did not appear to prosecute. The arson case against Bridget La velle, of North Scranton, was con tinued on account of the illness of At torney John l' Scragg. CONI3C-Y PLEADED GUILTY. James Conboy, IS years of age, pled guilty to the charge of stealing a har ness from the barn of L. T. Canfleld, muster cur builder of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company. Conboy was formerly employed us a hostler by Mr. Can'" Oil. He was dis charged, and one day, while drunk, en tered the barn and made off with a valuable set of harness. Judge Kelly suspended sentence until the next term of court. A nol pros., on payment of costs, was entered In the case of Charles Whit ney, William Grcenslade and William McGovern, young men, of Mnyflcld, charged with the theft of excursion tickets from the Delaware and Hudson station at that place, October 10, lust. One of the party reached through the window of the ticket office and ab stracted a package of tickets to Wilkes Burro, which ho and the others dis posed of. Reparation was made, and the company agreed not to prosecute. Hocnusc no answer was made by either the prosecutor or defendant, tho case of Joseph Perrln, charged by Mar garet AValnwarlng with malicious mis chief, was marked off the list. A, capias was Issued for M. J. Norton, a former hotelkeeper, charged with fulee pretenses by P. O. Cannon, and with larceny and receiving by Peter Cannon, son of tho first named prose cutor. Norton, It Is alleged, Induced the elder Cannon to go his ball In another criminal case by giving as security a judgment note and representing he had unencumbered property sufllclent to guarantee tho payment of the note, when, In fact, his property was mort gaged up to its full value. The other charge against Norton Is that he stolo JL'S from tho pocket of tho younger Cnnnon, while they were In a barroom together. NQT GUILTY. C. 1 Williams and E. E. Crawford, of Dunmore, were adjudged not guilty of assault and battery, as charged by Mary Johnbon. Tho prosecutrix failed to appear, and tho coats were placed on her, Maria Casey agreed not to prosecuto her husband, John Casey, for assuult and battery, on his promise to stay away from her, Tlfe costs were placed on the county, A capias was Issued for Mumford De Vaul, charged by Patrick Mc Namaru with assault aiulMmttery; Den nis McCool, charged by Elizabeth Bar rett with discharging firearms, and Alfred Long, charged with larceny and receiving by Joseph Dalley, The cuse in which Joseph Stent, a young Dunmore business man, Is charged with criminal assault oh Miss Hprlnca. Yurnack, who was a domestic In his house. H still on trial before Judge Weand. Tho defense was opened lato yesterday afternoon by Attorney John J. Murphy, He stated that ?lie charge would be Uenled: that it would be shown the prosecutrix bi ought the charge through spite for being dis charged! that the prosecutrix was of immoral character, and that under the conditions described by the prosecutrix, the offense alleged was a physical Im possibility. A girl who came to this country In company with tho prose cutrix last year, will go on the stand, Mr. Murphy Bald, and swear that both of them were on intimate terms with sailors on the way over. Former Partners Disagree. An equity suit instituted yesterday by Attorney George D. Taylor has for the plaintiff, David Spruits, and, as de fendant, Oswald Jones, the Jones & Spruks company and the Scranton Cold Storage and Warehouse company. Tho plaintiff and Oswald Jones were practically speaking, the Oswald Jones company, organized In 1S93, to conduct a. warehouse and cold storage business. A plant was built on Sixth street. Two years later the Jones & Spruks com pany sold out to the Scranton Cold Storage and Warehouse company, which whs the Jones & Spruks com pany with other prominent wholesale merchants Included. Mr. Spruks now alleges that In the transferring of tho stock he was cheated and that his former partner, Mr. Jones, received moie than was his due. He asks that court shall compel the defendants to deliver to him certi ficates for S8.li; shares of the $50 a share capital stock, which he claims Is owing him, and that Mr. Jones be com pelled to return for cancellation 15.54 shares which were allowed him in ex cess of what he was entitled to, to gether with $800 worth of ofllce fixtures and $000 In cash which it Is alleged were Illegally granted him by tho or iginal company. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Hearing in Divorce Case. Judge John P. Kelly yesterday heard evidence in the divorce caso of Ellsha W. Keech, of Scranton, against Helen Keeeh, Tho evidence was that thoy were married September 21, 1S87, and that she deserted him April 1, ISO!). Attor ney L. P. Wodeman appeared for tho Ubellaut, Tho respondent wus not represented. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. I'.itrklv riauaglian nas yesterday appointed an Inspector of election in the Noitlient dUtiict of l.'.uUmihle township. It wjs ordered by court elcnlay that the poll. IiiB booth of the Second district of the Tomtit ward shall bo uinotcd to the property of Jullt SUiull, ou the nortlicuteily Ide of SwctUnil Hint, Mary Oswoi-UI, of Piclson Citj applied for a illlorce jehtciday from her liiuluwl, Joseph O-i-wjsKI, who H now In tho county Jail. They wero liuulul Nov, UJ, lMi", and Ihcd together until Jan. 1, 1SUS, Ciui'l treatment h alleged. John II, Hauls Is her attorney. AJU?OADT1ME TABLES New Jersey Central, in i:oect Nov. i", toot. Station! in New Yoik, foot of Liberty otrcct and toutli I'eiry, N. It. '1'taliu lews aerantou for New York, Philadel phia, lliutou, Ilethleheiii, AHentowii, Jlauth Chunk, White lUen, Ashley and WllUe.-llaiie at 7,30 J. ip., 1 p. in. am) i . in, Sunday, 2.10 p. in. (Jualer City Uxprctt Iimum birauton at 7.30 a. in., through to hi Wllnile train with Pullman lluttct 1'ailor Cuu, for Philadelphia. Tor Avoea, -Vittton and Wlkes-Uarre, 1 p, in. and 4 p. m. Sunday, '.MO p. m. ' Tor heme Urandi, Otean Glove, etc, 7.S0 a. in. and 1 ii. lit. I'or Iteadini;, U'luion and Uarrisburi,-, ia Al lcntoun, at 7.30 a. m. and 1 p, in. buuday, 2.10 p. in. I'or I'otUWtlo at 7.S0 a. in. and 1 p. in. Tor rite;) and tickcta apply to agent at station. O. M. Utlltr, deu. Pa). Agt. V, W. WENTZ, Ocii. faupt. Erie Railroad, Wyoming; Division. Tiaiiu for New Yoik, Ncubuivh and interme diate points leate Scranton u follow : 7.20 a. m.; t.ii o. m. Arrliuls 10.S5 a., m. from Mlddletowii, Uonc4 da)e. Hartley ami Intermediate, points. U.20 p. in. lioni New York, XcwburvU and intcimtdlate Dolnts, No Sunday trains. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Kficct Nov. a, loot. Trains leave Scranton for New York At 1.40, 3.13, O.u;,. 7.50 and 10.05 a, m.: 12. J5. :U0, 3.33 p. m. I'or New York and Philadelphia 7.50, 10.05 a. in., and 12.15 and S.L'3 p. m. I'or Toby hanna At 0.10 p. in. l'oi UiiiTalo 1.15. 0.22 and 9.00 a. m.; 1.03, b.fiO uni 11.33 p. in. I'or Bins hamton and way bUllmia 10.20 a. in. and 1.10 p. in. I'or OartCRO, byiacusc and Utica 1.15 and U.22 a. in.; 1.55 p. in. Oswego, Syracuse and IJtiea train at 0.22 .1. in. daily, except Sunday. I'or Monliose 0.00 a. i.i. ; 1.10 and 0.50 p. m. Nicholson accommodation 1.U0 and 0.15 p. in. PloonuburK Division Koi Northumberland, at C.33 and 10.05 a. m.; 1.55 and 0.10 p. m. I'or Plymouth, at S.10 a. m.; 3.10 and 9.00 p. in Sunday Twins I'or New York, 1.10, 3.15. 0.05 and 10.03 a. in.; 3.10, 3.SJ p. m. Kor Ilutialo 1.15 and 0.22 n. in.; 1.53, 0.50 and 11.33 p. m. I'or llinshamUm and way stations 10.20 a. m. lllcomburs DMsion Leac- Scranton, 10.05 a. m. uhd 0.10 p. in. Delaware and Hudson. In Kilcct Xoumber 21, 1001. Trains for Cubondale lrme bcranton at 0.20, 8.00, S.D3, 10.13 a. m.; 12.00, 1.20, U.St, 3.52, 5.20, 0.23, 7.57, 9.13, 11.26 p. Hi.; 1.31 a. in. I'or Ilouesdale 0.20, lO.lBa. in.; 2.31 and 5.20 p. m. Poi Wilkes-Barre-1.3S, 7.1S, S.11, 0.3S, 10.1.! a. in.; 12.03, 1,1 J, 2.1S, 3,2, 4.27, 0.10, 7.18, 10.41, 11,30 p. in. lor u. v. if. it. I'oints u.os, v.os a. m.; aas, 4.27 and 11, SO p. m. for I'enii-ylvanla It. It. Points 0.38, 9.3S a. lu.: 1.42. 3.2S and 4.27 ji. in. I'or Albany and all points noith 0.20 a. m. and 3,52 p. in. SUNDAY TP.AINS. Tor Caibondalo 8.60, 11.33 a. m.; 2.31,' 3.52, 5.52 and 11.17 p. m. For Wlll-es-Uaue U.3S a. in.; 12.03, 1.58, 3.23, 0.32 and 0.17 . m. I'or Albany ami points north 3.32 p. m. Tor Iloneadali 8.60 a. m. and 3.52 p. m. W. U 1'inoit, P. 1', A., Scranton, Pa. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In KlTect, Nov. 3, 1001. Trains lcao Sainton. for Philadelphia and New York via 1). J: II. It. P., at li.3b and 9.33 a. m and 2.18, 1,27 (Illacl; Diamond impress), and 11,30 p. m. bun days, D. & If. It, It., 1.58, S.27 p, m. I'or White ll.ntn, llazleton and pilnclpal points In the coal region, !.i I), k II. It. It., 0.38, 2.13 and 1.27 p, m. I'or I'ottsville, 0.3S a. In,, 2.13 p. m. I'or Bethlehem, Paston, Heading, Hiirrisuurg, and principal Intermediate stations, U I), & If, It. It., 11.3, 0.3S a. in.; 2.18, 1,27 (Black Dla mond lliprcss), 11. SO p, in. Sundays, P. k II, It. it., 0.38 a. in,; 1.5S, S.27 p. rn. I I'or TuiiMiauuock, Tow-anils. KlnilrJ, Ithaca, Genoa and pilnclpal Intel-mediate stations, ia 1)., L. and H. II. It., 3.10 a. in. and 3.50 p. m. I'or neueva, ItucheUcr. Iluttalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago and all points west, il.i D, & II. It. 11,, 7.4b, 12.01 a. in,; 1.42. 3.28 (Black Diamond Im press), 7.43, 10.41, 11,30 p. in. buildup, D, & If. It. II., 12.0J, 8.27 p. 111. Pullman parlor and tdeeplmt or Lehlgli Valley Pallor cai im all trilui between Wilkesllsriu and New York, Philadelphia, liutlalo and Suspen sion Bridge, ' HOLMS' II, WIMIUIt, l.en. Supt,, 2tt Cortland street. New York. CHAItl.KS S. I,KK, Cien. l'aa. Act., 20 Cottland street, New Yoik. A. W. NOXIIMACULII, Ply, JM,. ABt South Bethlehem, l'a. Kor tickets and Pullman reservation apply to city Hi Let olflce, CO Public Square, Wilkcs-Barre, l'a. New York, Ontario and Western. In UlTeCt Tuesday. Sept. 17, JD01, SOUTH IIOUXI). I,iMe Leatc Ariite .Soanlon. Cailomlae. ladosU, ..10.30a, in. 11.10 u. lit. 1.00 p. in. ,. 0.10 p. in. Ar. Caibondalo U. tup. in. SOUTH HOUND., Leaie I.eavo An he Cailoih, Caihoiidalr, Sciaiiton. 7"0a. in. 7.10 a. in. No. 2 2.13p.m. 4.00p.m. 4.40p.m. SUNDAYS OM.Y, SOU I'll BOUND. Leaie I.eavo Arrlva Sciautou. Caibondalc, CadosU. ,3.30 a. m. V.lOp. in. 10.45 4. in. 7.00 p. in. Ar. Carbondalo 7.4(Ut. in. bOUTil BOUND. Leave I.r.ne Ariiv Tralnt. Cadoaiu, Ciirlwudile. bfiautdn. No. ., 7.00a. in. 7.40a.m. No. 0 ,. 4.30 p. in. 0 00 p. m. p. 43 p. ill. Trains No. 1 on week da)s, and U on Suudats, mak main line connections for New Yoik city, Silddletiiun, Waltou, Kuruiih, Oneida, Oswego and all point west. I'or further Information ccnsult ticket agents. J. f. ANDEltSON, 0. P. A New York. J. E. WKLS1I, T. f. A., Scrtntou, Pa. Trains. No. I . No. 7 ., Tialns. No. 0 Trains. No. 0 ,, No. 5 ... t iiis U Mnnuracturor3 sf OLD STOCK 485 to 455 N. Ninth Stroot. , SCRANTON. PA Telephone Call. 2333. THE MUSIC. POWSER CO. Booms 1 ana2, Com'Ith BTd'g. 80RANTON, VA. nining and Blasting; Utia at SIooilo Bad Ruth lata Work, LAPLIN 4k RAND POWDBR CO.'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Eltctrlo Hatterlej. EUatrln EiploJiri, xplodlu blaatJ, saftty fun .ml ' matt cxplo; ives flouauno Chemical Co.'s L- if - , .-. nnf P 17 TIICITI KOI North! i riuiiuiriincbbiui sixth ut,f jrry I'tlUlrlitnl, l'a. Ual licruiM hpnUlUt U y Aurrlca Uuartattf to rurr tUo by laall t'rliaUi l)ifk4,(irciia raM iu iu aftri,fcitttf,4butr,i llluu.1 Tohao, Aro) UtblUI), .l DaKhuoU,' Yirlrurrltf im Hlrlrturrt liu rulliitiri. 1 iidrrlui T(ufat,(iruul'(lriB,Su4 lor hwnm InllwoiillHillottkl Jflpolnf fTiry niHittj iuid tljtlrlcl fryml. Sludlun intfivT RAILROAD TIME TABLES, Pennsylvania Rnlhond. Fchedultf lu j:flct June '-', 1001. Tt.iliis leave Sciuulou: fl.M a in., uk day, thiouiih M'Stibulu train fioiii WilLui-Daue. I'ull man bullet parlor cat and tuaihe to Philadel phia, l I'otlilille, sloni at plllielpa) luteilue. illate itatloiH. Al-o cenueeta tor aunhur), liar riiblilit, I'hlladUphia, HiUilnoiv, WaliilnJlon and lor l'ittbuitf and (he it. O.aS a. m,, weel. ihijs, for S-imhury, llariHuii, Philadelphia, Haltlmcre, M'ajhlngtwn und I'ltt. burjr and tho wett, 1.U p. in., uivlt dm (Sunday, 1.5S p. in.), for Suiibiii, HairHiuiK, I'ldladelpliia, llaltlmoiv', Wahliutiin and I'ltlsburi; and tlw wrl. a.SS p. in., ncek da. through tettlbulc tialn from Willea-flaiie. fullnun buffet lurlor car and coacho to Philadelphia via I'oUiUlle. tstopi at prluelpal Interuudlato'btatlom. l.if p, in., week day, for tfjxlclon, Sunbuty, lhul.b.uc, Philadelphia and filUbuiir. J. IS? IIIT1CIIIN&OX. den, Mgr. J. 11. W00O, Con. Van. Agt. FINANCIAL. FINANCIAL. WE OFFER TO YIELD ABOUT 5 $400,000 BUTTE ELECTRIC MD POWER COMPANY Of Butte, Mont. (Butte is tho greatest copper producing city in the world.)!. 5 First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Denomination $1,000, maturing 1 to 30 years. Amply provided for by reserve and I linking; fund. Net earnings thiee and three .quartern times Intoi est charges. write tor icport oi .Mr. Samuel In-iull, President ot tho Chicago Ldlson Co., and special circular. RUDOLPH KLEYBOLTE & CO. 1 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. HAVE BEEN MADE IN LEGITIMATE MINING. $100 Invested In the Le Itoi mine produced $32,000, Seven Couer d'Aleno lead mid silver mines gave last year to their stockholders $11, 500,000. The stock of the wonderful copper properties at Butte and an ncondtt, recently nmalr.umiled for $150,000,000, wus sold In the uesln nlnfr for u inero trifle compared to Its present value, Tho original stockholders have received more than $100 for every dollar invested. The Sutio tunnel was run four miles to cut and drain the cele brated Comstock Lode, from which $500,000,000 was taken in gold and silver, and returned in dlvidonilB alone over $100 for "every one orlfjlnally put In, Every ono of the:e propositions was miscalled a speculation, yet thoy were all legitimate business ventures, and so is the proposition which we present to the public. It Is an extension of the GIU3AT HIGHLANDER MINE, which wo have developed and which has now in sight $1,500,000 ot ore which It will ship at once. THE BLACK DII01D TUNNEL COiW Is an enterprise of absolute merit. The tunnel Is projected to cut nt least twenty veins of gold, stiver and lead of great value nnd capable ut earning very largo dividends, Black Diamond Tunnel Company's Stocli will, within a year, we aro contldent, glvo to tho purchaser $5 for every one now Invested, Send for prospectus. SHAKES AT PRESENT 50c HAXWELL STEVENSON, President 604 Land Title Building, Philadelphia. r7 NOWHERE ELSE ON EARTH Can the Seeker After HEALTH AND HAPPINESS Find Such Rich Reward. CALIFORNIA IS A WINTER PARADISE. Best Reached Via "5UNSET LIMITED." (i'Ai..vn.i. norm, o.v wiikixs.) Leave New York Tuesdays, Thurs days, Saturdays. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO, R. I. Smith, agent, 100 S. 3d st, Philadelphia, Pn. , F, MEGARQEL CO, STOCKS. BONDS, SECURITIES CONNELL BUILDING), 'A BAIAI itMBattf HENRY BELIN, JR., Cleiteral Agent fur the Wyomirg District Ut Dupont's Powder Mining, nitstinsr, Sporting, Sinokeleu an1 th Hepauno Clicmlcal Coinpan' HIGH EXPLOSIVES. SiMy Fu, Caps ami Exploder;, llocin 191 Con. licit UulUIIux ,fe(-iantcn. AOKXCIUS. TI10S. FORI) PUUton JOHN 1). SMITH 4: SO,N' .., flymouir W, U. IIULLIUAN , ,., WilUHIita ? t 4 . .