The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 12, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    f ; "J '.,
'- 'l 4
City Councils Petitioned to Include
In tho Bond Ordinance a Sum of
Money Sufficient to Provldo for tho
Erection of tho Structure Meeting
Will Bo Held for tho Purposo of
Organizing a Bnso Ball Club Con
ference of Baptist Ministers Hold.
Interesting News Notes.
The West Side board of trudc mot
'ast nlfe'lU and took steps towards tho
'ncorporatlon In the bond ordinance of
n sum for tho erection of a viaduct on
"Went Lackawanna avenue. A special
committee was appointed by President
Daniels to further the project.
The meeting was called to ordpr
shortly after S o'clock by President
Daniels. The minutes of the previous
meeting were approved as read. The
committee on franchises bufoie council
reported progress. Tne committee on
water rates was reported for by Mr.
Tlie committee was irlvcn power to
net In raising the approximate amount
needed to carry on a suit In court.
Tho matter of the report of viewers
m the Nineteenth sewer district was
icferred to by Mr. Kan-ell, who re
ported that the matter will soon be
taken up in court.
President Daniels offered the follow
ing:, resolution:
Wildcat, Tim Wcsl Ride of tiade has Ion's
advocated tho roiiati nil iun ol u viaduct on Wi-i
West Lackawanna juuuc, over the Delnvaie,
L.nkawatina and We.-tcin i.iliivad tuck, n ml, Under the iucteaK'd .iviciucnt v.ilu
atlon of tho city, the Iiomled indebtedness mii
bo ralcd bejond the ainuunt heictoforc within
the power of (he city iounolh,.itinl
Wheieas, A bond ordiiiincc U now bclnir pie
aaied for the conMiurtliiir of tcttain improve
mints in the city, thcrcfoic, bo it
Hcuohcd, Tint, this bo.ird of trade icmirtta
1hc recorder, the dlirctor of public worhvi and
the city councils to include in the afoiosald
bond ordinance a bum of money sufficient ti
provide for the erection of a viadut t over the
nid railroad Hacks. Til view of the offer
made to (lie city for the building of a viaduit
on Wct Lackawanna nvcniie, and in line with
the recent clcfolnn of the Supremo court, we be
lieve that tho damages ran be Miffieiently acer
t lined beforehand that the sum nceciary for fhe
pa ment of dim.iKO.-i will become lesaonably cer
tain and within the sum of the proposed" bond
oiillnancc. He it further
Ttrhobcd, That wc uree tint the in liter bo
taken up at once, and included in the ordinance
DUfotir's French Tar
Will promptly relieve and speedily euro
coughs, colds and all bins trouble. Tor
tale by 0. V. JUNKINS, 101 South Main
ILet Us
s il II P0(f lIlPlP Yflll 1YI
I Our New Dress Fabrics
: Tlieie's a significant something about our new Spring
v55 Dress Goods that throngs the department with ready buy-
rs ers. It may be the styles or qualities or prices; perhaps
it's a combination of the three; whatever it is, it's doing
a the business, and a most satisfactory business at that.
I This Is the Opening Week
iAnef There's a Tine Display
f Among the lots on exhibition arc the following and each
2J one vies with the other in making the best show:
' Pin Stripe Beiges
Adriane Veilings
fflilo Armures
Otiva Etamines
French Poplins
Crept) Veilings
Pebble Cloths
Milrcdas Cheviots
Whipcords Diagonals
Prunellas Lansdownes
. and hosts of others
I The
1 Very
I Best
I Spring
I Styles
j Great Showing of New Effects
i-a There's Waist Goods in all the new colors and fancy
J stripes. Heavy Goods lor Tailored Suits in all the latest
:. ,. fashions and fabrics. Pedestrian Suitings and Reversible
? . Cloths in Cheviot and Covert finished effects. In fact
3 there's n grand collection of handsome gowninns and
':g e cry ilem pleading for a place in print,
Will Make Some People Wonder
i' There's a busy, bustling look to things in this dress goods
tst section, out no mystery aDout
you'll want and selling it for less than you expect to pay
This is what has built this business up to its present large
proportions. The best of its kind is none too good for our
patrons. We start the season with great values in these,
Globe Warehouse
now bclnir framed and about lo bo Introduced
tnlo council. !
The resolution were adopted, and or
dered placed In tho bands of West
Scranton counclltncn for furtherance.
A special committee was appointed to
take chnrKQ of tho matter. D. D.
Evans, It. J. Williams, T. Fellows Ma
son, Hon. John It, Fnrr and AW G.
Mosor were named,
Tlie committee was Instructed to
confer with the recorder and director
of public works regarding tho best wny
to secure nn approximate estimate of
the damages that will accrue It n. via
duct Is erected.
Hector Campbell, an old member,
tendered his resignation, which was
accepted with regret.
Ministerial Conference.
The conference of 'Welsh Uaptlst pas
tors In the First Welsh Uaptlst church
yesterday afternoon, was not as largely
attended us expected. Only a few of tho
members responded to the call, among
them being Rev. II. II. Harris, D. D of
Taylor; Itev. Williams, Peckvllle; Kev.
John, WIlkes-Harre; Kev. Hague, Oly
plinnt; Itev. D. D. Hopkins, Henry P
Davles and James 11. Hughes, West
Kev. AV. D. Thomas, of Plttston, was
expected to read a paper but was de
tained at home by sickness. Ilov. Mor
ris, Nnntlcoko, was also unable to be
present owing to tho prevalence of
small-pox near his homo.
At the afternoon session an Informal
discussion was held, which was par
ticipated in by those present. In the
evening a large assemblage attended
thu services. Kev. John, of AVllkes
Uarre, was substituted for Kev. Rob
erts, and preached a forcible AVelsh
sermon, and Kev. Harris, Taylor, spoke
In English in place of Kev. Morris,
Base Ball Club Meeting.
A meeting will be held at the home
of Robert Carson, on South Main ave
nue, tomorrow evening, for the purposo
of organizing a base ball club. All In
terested aie Invited to be present.
The following players are requested
to attend: Thomas Harding, George
Harrington, AVilliam Gallagher, Gene
Tropp, James Ferris, Adam Maden
spacher, Sandford Phillips, George.
Saul, AVilliam Thomas, James Clark,
AVilliam Diehl, Frode Robinson, Frank
Events of Today and Evening.
Lenten services will be held this morning and
cuiiincr In st. Patrick's Catholic church, M.
David's Episcopal church, fit. Lucie's Kalian
Catholic chuich, and St. John's Geiman Catho
lic church.
We3t Side conclave, No. 211, Impioved Older
of UeptasoplH, will hold an installation of oili
cers thb) evening;.
William Mills and Miss Helen llofoid will be
united in iiiariiag-c this cvcnlm;.
lliieetor of Public Works Roche has issued an
older to the en"oct that piopeity holders mu.t
clean their sidewalks and gutter immediately or
be Mibjcct to arrest. Ho intimites tint no' ex
cuses will be accepted, and that the law- will be
stiictly enfoiccd.
Mrs. A. P. Yost, of Jackson stiect, lias le
luined home fiom an eMcnaca j,tiy in Haleton.
it, it's simply buying what
ohn Bacon, of Bunnell 11111, Wyoming county,
h.m returned home from hU first visit lo this
Jlr. and Mm. Bradford Snmpon, formerly of
l'ctershurir, have telurned to West Scrnlon to
reside, mid arc now located on North Sumner
ti. M, Keciio and ihu?lilcr Clara( ol Jackson
street, arc Imlli III at their home.
ltopkln Maddock tins been awarded the contract
tor supplying (lie Continental and Ilrlirga' local
unions with ISO sheet metal ponder kcg.
Sir. and Mr. Tlionus JelTrcyn, of Hampton
slreet, welcomed a fon nt their home recently.
ltalph and l'lorenec Keith, of Tenth sttret, arc
lsltliin relatives In Mill City,
A son wm lecenlly born lo Mr. nnd Mrs. nd
ward Davis, of North Uebccca avenue.
The (lama Nu society of the Washburn Street
l'rcsbytcrlnn church have elected the follow Iiir
olllccta for the coming jcar! President, Mlsi
Catherine llurraltj vice president, Mrs. Ocorare
fchocni recording pecretary, Miss Myrtle I'roun
fcltcrj financial secretary, Miss Lucy Uoltnauerj
treasurer, Mlw Anna Waltcsj critic, Mrs. O. II.
Hatli mom committee, Mis. Frank II. Thornton,
Mks Beatrice Long, Miss Martha l'hllllpa, to
serve for one year.
Mrs. W, V. (lillMlu, of MO North Sumner ave
nue, fell down slain jcsteiday nnd broke two
bone? In her light vvlst, hho vvai attended by
Doctor l'alnc.
There wilt 1 a mass meeting of llepubllcanfl
Thursihy night In the rooms of the licpubllcan
club, when addresses will be made by a number
of local Itcpubllcam. Candidate llvan Monls will
be pi cent.
George. Spencer, nn nged teamster,
residing on North Mitln nvenne, met
with n peculiar accident, while dtlvliiR
nrouml "Dead Jinn's Curve," on North
Main avenue, In front of D. D. Jones &
Son's livery, yesteidny afternoon. Spen
cer was driving Into Samuel D.ivls'
blacksmith shop, when u street car
struck his wagon, throwing Spencer to
the pavement with great force. lie was
picked up by the employes of the black
smith shop and removed to his home,
where it wus found that he suffered
from several scalp wounds. The wagon
and car wore damaged.
Michael O'fiilley, u resident of Hock
street, had his leg broken, while at
work In the Leggetts Oeok mine, Mon
day afternoon. O'JIalley was employed
as a laborer, and was at work with
I'ell6v-mcn when a portion of the roof
foil, striking him on his leg. He was
removed to his home, where Dr. Stan
ton was called to set the Injured mem
ber. I-nst evening, before a large audience,
the Keystone Literary and Dramatic
club produced a one-net comedy-drama,
entitled "Who Stole the I'ig?" The fair
will be closed until after Lent. Several
valuable articles were chanced off last
Stella and Mary McD.ivItt spent last
week with friends in Archbald.
Mrs. W. C. McDonald and family, of
North Main avenue, have returned
from Wllkcs-Barre, where they were
visiting relatives.
Tho North End Stars challenge the
High Works Indians to a game of bas
ket ball, any Tuesday night in March,
for $100 a side.
John Lally, Charles Melvln and
Thomas Glynn spent Sunday in Arch
bald. Miss Elizabeth Phillips has returned
from South Gibson, where she has been
visiting friends.
The funeral of the"late Anna Davis,
who died Sunday last nt her home, 114
"Wells stret, will take place this after
noon at 2 o'clock from her late iesl
denr. Misses Margaret MeCormick, or Oak
street, and Delia Kearney, of Parker
street, are visiting friends In New York
Mr. and Mrs. Homer, of Bloom ave
nue, are rejoicing over the arrival of
a baby boy.
Ticket 212 won the quilt at the draw
ing for the benefit of 11. 'Williams, Mon
day evening.
The North End Glee club will hold a
special meeting this evening in O'Mal
ley's hall.
Mr. and Mrs. "William Richards, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Lloyd and Mr. and
Mrs. David Eynon, of Dickson City, en
joyed a bleighrlde to Jermyn, Monday
After Saturday, G. "W. Davis will dis
continue his branch drug store at Mar
ket street, nnd ho will be glad to see
his patrons at the corner of Market
street and Main avenue.
There will be a meeting of the North
End Republicans, Friday night in Al
derman Myers' office.
The amnteur artists' smoke plate con
test on Friday evening, in the social
rooms of the Providence Presbyterian
church, Is expected to attract a hun
dred artists nnd a goodly number who
arc not artists. Some creditable work
will doubtless bo done on the smoked
china with a toothpick. The board ot
judges, Mrs. E. A. 'Evans and Messrs.
J. K. Smith and S. J. Owens, will
award tho prizes. A splendid pro
gramme of music and recitations will
precede tho contest, and the social will
include coffee and doughnuts.
.Airs. T. Cramer von Storeh will sing
two numbers in the concert and social
on Friday evening in the Providence
Presbyterian church social rooms. Mrs.
von Storeh was formerly the organist
of that church, and as a soloist she Is
also populnr in this part of tho city,
where she has lived for several years.
E. A. White, one of our local coal
dealers, is sick at his homo on Green
Miss Fannie "Wilson, of Wllkes-Barre,
has been spending a week with her sis
ter, Mrs, Charles Uertlne, of Oak street.
Edward Klefer, of New York, is a
guest of friends In the North End,
The cumuli met last evening, with tho follow.
ins liicniiieu picsinti rietchci, Kliong, Codfie
Ueiinan, fostelh. and (laughan Tho minutes of
he last meeting vvcic lead and approved. Tlie
nil- mii iiueiing vvtic lean .Hid aiiprov
following hill.-l weic read mid oidered paid:
Mreet coniinlraioiHi'j time, ifl.'.SO; .1. V. Utiu,
for rcpalu lu fire alarm (yoteni, rj.tU; Thomas
MUlijel, for uiiiitliio' us.ei.wir foui dajs, $3;
John Cagin, .high constable. u..10, for biujing
dead carid.-c, .1. 1 Muk, M1.50, for Inrdware,
mppliu, He; John I,ally, chief of polite, one
half year's falary, and ntlitr lily.,; j, y.
Mart, tis diya deputy aw,Mr7 W.M; James
Mullen, police wivle, $12.00; l'cter 111 men,
janitor, quarter j car's talary, $l'.fO; llurgc-s
Mail., one-half eai's talaiy, ijW.'.Cu; i;,dle Judue,
tecretaiy, miaiter jcar's Mlary, 11.30; nine
counUluicn, 13 each, total WI7.
Tho endue party and social held ol St. James
hall at evening, for the bimnt of .St. James'
congiegatlou, was the bauiur event of the sea.
fcou. The hall wiu packed and as n result a neat
turn was lealiied, wlilth will go tovvaid paving
off the debt on Iho paiochlal residence. Under
taker William bttceney, of 0I plant, won the
door prUe, $3 in gold. I'attiiU C'oniy wqii a
beautiful milling clur by taking fiut pru at
the euchro game, llmgus Maik won second prlre
and wan picwiiUd with a bo of (ho U't ilgar,
John Mil'loskey won third prize and alo re
celved u bo of good cigars. Among the olhcis
prizes weiei A tllvcr bowl, whhh was won bv
Ml Tillle Kearney; a pair of slippers, won b'v
Mrs. I'atiick Judge, and a beautiful rug, which
was won by MU Annie Claik.
Today being .Uh Wednesday, the beginning of
the Lenten season, the day will be observed lu .St.
James chunh vvltn the cu.tonmy bcrvlccj. Jlasi
at St, JanuV church this morning will be at 8
o'clock. The ble&dng and the dUtiibutlon of the
ashes will takq place at this irnu.
Jt was reported lat evening that there vva a
raw of mull-pox at Itev. MaiiibiosktyV. Thu
board of health made immediate Investigation,
which proved It to be false.
Don't forget the Washington excur
sion, vlu, the New Jersey Central on
February 20; all expensea Included.
Has Keprosented Nhiotcenth Ward
with Distinction for tho Last Four
Years on tho Board of. School Con
trolAn Early Morning Flro That
Causod Considerable Damage.
Clubs Delonglng to tho Bowling
Loaguo Will Play Tonight Ash
Wednesday Sorvlces Today.
Louis Schwnss, tho energetic busl
iuss man, who has so nbly represented
tho Nineteenth ward on the board of
school control, Ih again a candidate
for tho olllce to succeed himself.
Four years ago he was nominated by
the Republicans of thu ward and elect
ed lu spite of great odds, and- his
record during tho term now about to
I.Ol'IS scnw APS.
Iiepublliaii Candidate for School Coutiolkr in
Xlnctccnlli Waid.
expire has been excellent In eveiy re
spect. If the' people of the ward ap
preciate good and faithful service Mr.
Sehwass ought to bo re-elected by a
largely increased majority. His ability
was recognized soon after he. took his
scat and he has served as chairman of
the teachers' committee and also of the
high and training school committee.
He at once began to seek better con
ditions for the school children In his
ward and he has plans now under con
sideration to secure n new school for
the Third and Fourth district. A vote
for Louis Schwass next Tuesday is a
vote for a faithful and trustworthy
A $1,200 Blaze.
The two-story fame dwelling of Jacob
Mendle, located on Irving avenue, near
Hemlock street, was totally destroyed
by a fire which broke out about 2
o'clock yesterday morning.
Tho family were awakened by the
smell of smoke nnd upon arising found
the kitchen in flames. They had just
barely time to escape from tho house
before the entire lower floor was a
mass of flames. An alarm was turned
in from box 40 at Webster avenue
and Hemlock street and all the South
Scranton companies responded. Some
little dilllculty was found In securing
water and as the house was too far
gone to permit of its being saved the
firemen turned their attention to tho
adjoining houses all of which were
The explanation offered by Mendle
and his family that the flro originated
from nn overheated store pipe was ac
cepted by Superintendent Ferber after
investigation. Mondle's loss is nbout
$1,200, partly covered by Insurance.
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
A reception has been planned for to
morrow evening to take place at tho
Young "Women's Christian Association
rooms on Cedar avenue. The recep
tion will bo in honor of the newly
chosen secretary, Miss Meredith, of
Edwardsville. who has taken charge of
the work on this side.
All ladles Intel ested In the associa
tion are Invited to attend. A good
musical piogranune has been ar
ranged and refreshments will be served.
A kindergarten mothers' meeting will
be held In the Y. V. C. A. rooms tomor
row "afternoon and all mothers are
urgeiV to attend. There will be several
Interesting topics for discussion and a
lunch will be served.
League Game Tonight.
Tho Arllngtons and the South Side
teams will meet tonight in the second
match of the new bowling league ser
ies at Zulager's alleys on Pltttston ave
nue. It promises to be an interesting game
as both teams have been hard at prac
tice during the past week. At the con
clusion of the mutch the winners will
bo treated to a supper by tho losers
nnd a social session will follow.
The l.adie-,' Aid society of the Hickoiy Sncet
I'rcsbjtirlau church, whose meeting last week at
the iroddciicp of Mrs. Stephen .Sprnka was iol.
poncd owing to the death of s member, will take
platp tomorrow ufteinoon. 11 will be held at the
church, as it was deeidid by Iho member that
l " 1.kj tllppeily and dangumia to Ms hj Mrs.
H"1" t her I.lndcn Mjeet home. Her kind In-
MlilllUll Will DC UCVC'lMlU (l.H
Services will bo held today in onservance oi
Lent at St. Mary's fiennan "atholio chuuh mid
nls.) at the regular ami Independent
cuurciica on cms biuc,
Doctor:. Webb mid Knlh have been selected to
give fice vaccination to all comers at os. i ami
8 Khools lieu Saturday afternoon.
I-orenz llaber.tioh, who wad made up to per-
r..elln :ia a lmlio. and l'cter ScllloU. a till Cat
" " '. . ' ... '.'".'
Itube, took the cako a ttho Sacngcirunde )nak
ball Monday night,
Trento fiaiioi, .1 young son of Police Oltleer
Victur Saitoi, was badly hurt while coasting en
Maple ctrcet hill a few days ago. He 1 still
1 unfilled to bed and the extent of hU injuries
have not yet been ascertained,
The police olliiers vvcro bu- last evening giv
ing out notices fiom the bureau ol health of fico
vaccination at the various bchoois noxt haturday.
The Defenders uro tcheiluled for a game ot bas
ket ball In Si. John's hall tomonow night, when
they wll meet the crack central fctate team.
Coasting has been indulged (n to an
unusual degree hero this winter, and
until Monday night the sport hud been
entirely free from accident. Two ac
cidents, which occurred then, have
caused the young peoplo to abandon
the Bport for the present and, lu all
probability for the rest of tho season,
The first accident occurred on Green
Kldg9 street, between Washington and
Wyoming avenues, when a large sled
belonging to Edward Sparrow, of
"iiuiihww i ii n nn 1 1 mi iiiiiiiimji ' i"
1'atrlck llurns, who was airenleu by "inerr ' n-onsi rer Tho Henulillc in ean-
C'luilM Wtbir for belte drunk yesterday iiioiu- ' L0 of tieasuioi. J lie Hepulillcan call
ing, got a heating before Ahleiiuon storr, ami dldatos for council are John Devereaux,
being unable to pay a line of $.1 wax sent to the of the Sixth ward, und Samuel Uud
counly iail for twenty days. don, of the First ward. Their oppon-
A $1,000 PRIZB.
A prominent manufacturer has of
fered a prize of one thousand dollars
for the best essay on preventive medi
cine, "believing that a proper exercise
of preventive medicine Is ot incal
ctilablo benefit to tho human race."
Tho tendency of medical science Is to
ward preventive measures. The best
thought of tho world Is being given
to tho subject. , It Is easier nnd better
to prevent than to cure. It lins been
fully demonstrated that pneumonia,
one of the most dangerous diseases that
medical men have to contend with, can
be prevented by tho use of Ohtunbcr
loln'a Cough Homcdy. Pneumonia al
ways results from a cold or from nn
attack of Influenza (grip), and It has
been observed that this remedy coun
teracts the tendency of these diseases
toward pneumonln. This has been fully
proven In many thousands of cases
in which this remedy has been used
during the great prevalence ot colds
and grip In recent years, and can be
relied upon with implicit confidence.
For sale by all druggists.
Wyoming avenue, collided with a car
riage on Its way from tho Green Hldge
AVhceelmeti's club house, were a danc
ing social was being held by the Orcen
Hldgo Dancing club. Young Sparrow
had his leg broken and Vincent Camp
bell was badly cut and bruised. Later
In the evening a "bob" belonging to
Arthur Keller left the load, between
Adams and Washington avenue and
ran Into a telegraph pole. Miss Gladys
Prltchard, of Green Itldgo street, was
thrown from the sled with such force
as to render her unconscious and her
face ias so badly cut that fifteen
stitches wore required to close the
wound. Miss F.dlth Gamewell sus
tained a sprained wrist, and other
members of the party were severely
The members of tne Lelid-a-IIand
mission band of the Green Hldge Pres
byterian church were entertained last
evening by Miss Uuth Hnnn at her
home, corner of Washington nvenue
nnd Green Hldge street.
A. K. Dunning, of Mousey avenue, is
in North Carolina on a business trip.
Miss Sadie ISecnier has returned to
her home at Clark's Summit, after a
pleasant visit at the home of her aunt,
Mrs. H. L. Burdlck.
Mrs. Albert Crandell, of Breaker
street, is able to be about again after
a week's severe Illness.
Philip II. Smith, of Smith place,
brought suit for trespass against Dr.
K. 'A. Dower yesterday In Alderman
Bailey's court, for damage done to a
silver leaf maple tree on his property
by the doctor's horse. Dr. Bovver was
placed under $100 bail for appearance
at cout t. Dr. Hermun Bessey became
his bondsman.
The Green Hldge Wheelmen will hold
their monthly dance on Thursday even
ing, this week. Bauer's orchestra will
furnish the music.
Kbenezer Williams, of the firm of J.
D. Williams & Bro., has leased the
Freas residence, corner of Boulevard
and Itii'hmond avenue, and with his
family will occupy It after April 1.
William Found, of Wilkcs-Barre,
siient yesterday in Green Ridge.
Tho Green Hldge Woman's Christian
Temperance union will meet this after
noon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
Esther De Pirl, 1GIG Mousey avenue. A
cordial Invitation is extended to
A Lively Fight Is on for the Borough
Offices Candidates of the Op
posing Parties.
The politicians of the borough are
making eveiy minute count In their
rustle for votes during tho short time
remaining befoie the war of tho ballots
will bo over. The borough has not been
through as lively a campaign In several
years as the one In which .the people
tire now interested.
The Hemiblicans of the borough arc
thoroughly moused, and the Indications
are that they will poll nearer their full
vote than hns been the case during tho
past four years. The manner In which
s r ' X
S: : '
Ilepublkan Candidate for Uoiougli
tho candidates worn selected and the
material of which tho ticket Is com
posed meets the approval of every He
publlcan voter, while the Democrats
tiro laboring under a burden of a con
siderable amount of dissatisfaction
among certain elements that heretofore
have been as a unit.
Probably tho closest fight Ilea between
ents uro K. M. Connrv and 1
o'Boyle, both of tho Second ward.
T, ,t f , , ,j,.eclo,.s j ))e.
,...., p.,,,,,,.. Tr ,. n,, Ant-tier
Wcel' UlIU IPS II, UIOeH ntUl AUgUSt
Ilnnmln .11,. 1 1 1 Iimim,,! A, tr
W,i,U Hliu A . . ...It, ,,, ,,, ,4 ,.
The Republican nominee for auditor
Is Charles II. Oliver, who Is opposed by
Thomas Welsh, and Thomas Heuwnod
and Frank Fuhr are battling for tho
olllce of poor director.
There will be a meeting of tho Re
publican borough committee at the
usual place tonight, when It Is expected
every member will be present, as some
Important matters will como befoie
Itev. W. J, Wilght, of Wellington, I). (.'.,
Allow a cough to rim until it gels beioiul the
reach of medicine. 'J hey often ay, "Oh, it will
wejr away," but in moot cases it will wear
them away, Could they be induced tg try the
successful medicine called Kemp's llilsam, which
is hold on a poaltlvu guaiuniec to cure, they
would Immediately see tho excellent enect af
ter taklug the Urt dose, l'rlio He. and 50c.
Trial :Uu free. At all druggists.
sL ! m&s-
b. " Jv JP"iSK iH!Sys- Xfi3i2l
. w?Ha .at . ' . s
sV.&mW iwraw. Una a
hXMFWtil,.r L flJfclV,
fe!!P. ";
-s" WfcSSfSs ' V. '$&??
j "TSvsS-zk .& . ywJ3
1 , !8Mm$k$s' - fivP
. ' "' ' "-" - . ? Un.
. . . ... I Messrs. Havairu and Walilers. for the
' V.
dooas Loog's Sods
The kind of Ribbed Vests that
to close out
Women's Extra Heavy Fleeced
quality and well made; usual price
Women's Wool Vests and Pants,
dlnary value all sizes and will go at.
A Heavy Non-Shrinkable Wool
H the celebrated fit-well garments, slightly damaged. If this gar-
H ment was perfect it would be worth $1.00. Now buy It for, . . . 59C
Norfolk and New Brunswick
U perfect fitting garments. We have
50c kind, 41c. 75c kind
A few Combination Suits left,
ra kind, To close out the 98c quality
Women's Heavy Natural Wool
regular value $1.00. Now
A lot of Eoys' and Girls Drawers and Pants. Some sold
as high as 75c. Now, to close out, all sizes 39C
Children's Grey Ribbed Shirts, Pants and Drawers, size
16x18 7C Size 20x22 9c; Size 24x26 I2jc. Size 28x30
15c. Size 32x34 , 1 C
Misses' and Children's White
Pants, usual value 25c. To close
Men's Heavy Wool Hose, 1 5c quality : 10c
Children's Camel's Hair Shirts, Pants and Drawers
Size 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
Price 20c 25c 30c 35c 40c 45c 50c 55c
MONDAY, REB. Sa, 1902, AT S.SO F. (VI,
Under Direction Fred. C. Hand
Store, Monday, Feb. 17, at 9 a, m.
Steinway Piano IToed.
Ill Id. home of seven looms. Ham l."m0
feet. One mile fiom inllroad station. IV
1 client sprlns1. and running water, plenty
of oak llnihrr. t'ndeilald with seven-foot
vein of loal. (lood niarheN for everj
tlilnj,. Thlily-llve aeius bottom lain!.
I'rlee, 'tl'JO per acie. Tciiim to Milt pin
ehaci. E. S. CRAIG,
New AloNJlidl it,
Wcktmoidaiul Co.
will begin levlwl M-nlccs tonight at the Tripp
Avenue Christian church. Mr. Wrisht is a very
pIcHintr i.pialaT ami untirincr in his efforts for
llie salvation of ,soub), Diiriuu hK M" j cars'
pastorate In Washington ho did 0 vvondcrlul vvnih.
'Die tervlie will lieirin at 7,0 o'clock. Ilia sub
ject tonight will be "OH the Tuck and How to
liet On."
The Cruller social under the Aibplccii of St.
Agnes' uuilil at tlie home of fail Xeuller, of
Dudley stieet, held hut nteht, was hugely 'it
linded and an enjoyable tlmo was li'poited by
those present. A neat sum will be uddrd lu the
society's treasury an the lieiilt of llio c-floi t.
The cako and coffee sodal under the ausplcci
of the Voimg Ladies' .MUslon ciicle of the Pres
byterian church in the rhuich parlois lit even
ing wa largely attended and a very rnjojjhlo
time was cpeut liy those piceut. An riitertainiut:
niii'-lcal prngiamme iindered.
Mm. (ienrgo Ihiglert, of llutler street, is visit
ing frlcnd-i in Jersey City.
The live chilelien of Mr, and Jlis. Il.vion lliady,
of Mnitli stiect, are convalesienl aftel a serious
attack of wallet fever under tho eaie of Dr.
Ilenisielu and Nurse ijiiiim, of the Lackawanna
last evcnlns at ! o'clock at his Uunie,
Drown iilaco anil North Jlalu avenue,
aired 83 years and three months, De
feased was horn In Providence, and
was one of tho oldest icsldents of tho
cty. Ho la survived hy one non, Law
rence Hi own, of Omaha; three growl
children, awl three sisters, Sirs. Ksther
Seamuns, of Factoryvllle! Mrs. Mary
Pulvei'i or Pen Van, awl Sits. Qivgory,
with whom lie made his home, Tho
funeral will take place Saturday morn
intr at 10.30 o'clock, with services at the
house. Interment will be made at Chin
chilla. FUNERAXS,
The fuueial of thu late lUi, Amelia M. Kioulcr
will lake plaic tomorrow inoiiilnv from the Iioum,
till I'rlcei strecl. bervhes vll be conducted at u
o'clock by ltv. J. 1'. Moffat, II, !., of the Wash
burn Street 1'rcbbjfcil.iii church, and tlio remains
will be taken to htroudsburi,' on the 10.W Pe'la
woie, I.ackawauna and Western tialu.
'Iho funeral vl the lato (ieoigo Atvvate-r will
take place at 1 o'clock thU lAinnoon from U15
llills court. Svrvlcv will be held in .Utury
sold for 25 cents.
Vests and Pants, a fine .
45c. To close out they go at JvC
This line Is an extraor-
Ribbed Vests and Pants,
Underwear, reliable makes,
small size Vests and Pants,
the Oneita and Munsing
will go at VC
Pants, only in small sizes,
Ribbed Fleece Shirts and .
out 1 C
Diagram Opens nt Ptvwell'e Musio
Tickots - $1.00, $1.50, $2 and $2.50.
Lyceum Theatre
M. DEIS, Lessee and Manage!.
A. J. DUFFY, Bus. JIanieer
,W3dn3sday and Thursday Nights
M. W. Hanley rrcscnts.
Robert Mantel 1
Supported by an i:cellcnt Company of Shales
pcarean Artlfts.
l'riecs 2Ho, to $1.50.
Sale of seats .Monday at 9 a. m.
Saturday Matins and Night
As I'lajed
0fl Nights In New Yoik.
Jlavld lllgglns and Oeorgla Waldion, author ol
"At I'luey Hldge" in "the best play New ioii
lias had III many n day," Herald.
I'l ices Matinee, 23 and 50 cents.
Night, 2ao lo $1.00.
Seats on sale 'lliursday at nine a. m.
Academy of flusic
If. IIEIS, Lence.
A. J. Duffy, Mcnajtr,
A Itevclatlon In llepeitolie.
ONi; SOl.lll Wl'.KK, onimruilig rCIIIU'ARY 10,
With pceial Monday Matinee,
Special Engagement of May Fiske
nnd her company, together with her Own Solo
tliehestia in tlie followlnc playai Monday mat.
hue and night, "Charity (ill!; Tucdiy imtince,
"I'eir Hofllni!ton"i Wednesday matinee, "Under
Tno l'lai!"l We'diiesday nlirht, "'Iho tloiil
lvluir." llie vaudeville aetu headed by MltS. Ili;,
Miuiht people) ill (he woild. Night prices, lCk.,
2t io and J0c. .Mailing, 10'JOc, Monday nluht,
ladiiV bon bun nluht.
M.Y. 0. lICnRINOTON, Manner,
Monday, 'fueaday, Wednesday, I'eb, 10, 11, li
Kiglit Owls Burlesquers
MethoilM tpieoial church at 2 o'clock. Inter,
ment will be nude In Diiumoio cemetery.
The funeral of tho late Mr Amu Davit Mil
be conducted this afternoon nt - o'clock frvn
the family loldenev, on Wells btiett.
Long s Sods
Up Yc