The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 12, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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AY a 1 1 I' a p c r ,
Moiildlimi) I'lct
n r c b, F r u m p h,
I'atnlH and In
terior DocoratltiK
In our line, ntitl
wo win honestly
say that ttowhero
hi Scrunton can
.our wants In UiIh
line liQ so Well
Hatlsllt'rt at the
panic cost as at
UiIh store.
O.JV- our HlOCK 1H
Im'fff, new, I'olfnblc and thoroughly up-la-dutc.
If you tiro (.'onslileiltiR Intorlor decor
ntlonp, let ub talk tlio mutter over with
ficeljs & Fasold,
209 Washington Ave.
J. P. COULT, D. D. 5.
Surgeon Dentist.
Twenty yearn' succfMsful prae-
lli-e in tills county.
City Notes I
I1TI Vi.Utll l'l'l'l m.K'A.VS-'lho llc-publi-c
.iii- of tin' Ninth ward will liolil .1 iiiictlm: i it
Aldunian Ka-son's ulilcc tonight.
, (HTIC1X 10 Ol.Oi:.-- Ml tin- otili.s In the
Muni( biilldina; will In' clu-til tudaj, on ae
(mult of its being .1 lcjral hoibbv.
I. S. AltSOTT. l'ostnflicu .il (iicen (Stove v.u
ill-continued when fice tleli n was e-tab-)i-lied
in Mil of l..iik.iwaun.i eountv.
01'1'NS THIS MOUNT N.'. Tin- ?alc of -eat for
tlio llroiku.i ("until! company, which cotms to
the L.vccitin tlnatir 1'iIiUy evening; next, will
opin this morning .it 0 o'doeh.' 'ir.LUI'UONi: .TTO. A new lonir o telephone station has been installed in
t lie Jlcn'rf w.iititif loom of tin: llolaw.iie, l.-tcka-w.irnn
and Western pas-enger station.
., I,. AND W. PAY HAYA Tin I-ickaivanui
l .i ill o.itl jaiduicn vine, p. i id .ve-tirda.v, und the
liainmcn will be pjlil lodjj, comment inn; at S
n. rn. 'I his will complete tin- piis in and around
Mranton for Januarv.
lTIM.VIi:S CO.M'IITn:K.TI,c joint esti
mates committee of councils will meet tonieht
to take lirul action on the cstimitcs pie'Mtitcd
liv tin- hcveial heids of ilcpaimeul:,. The ''liii
per" hill provides that the nppiopriation
oidinance shall lie parcel hcfoie rebruar.r 1.
'I he oiilininio for nst jell' has not yi't been
inti cubic cd in council-.
sn wkdxl:!day si:iik i;.. aii vvidur.s-
tl.i, tile fligl day f Lent, will lie obsenved to
il iv in St. PctciV cathedral with in.isae at tl.Mi,
7 and S a. in. Tlie Messina: and distribution of will occur at the h-t mi--. There will b.
ina.-jis at the abovo mentioned houis every mniti
ini in Lent at the cathedul and special deui
tions ciry Wednesday, 1'iiday and hunday niRlit.
SOM1I l'Olt Uflllt AXIl IIAKRIS. V Lilly of
tin Knrek.i Ileadine; ami llepnhlicaii i lub ot tho
KiKhth wanl was held laot night at loonu.
'Ike candid.iey of Tied lltnr and Jaculi Hauls
for select councilman and common louncilinan re
fprttively, was endorsed. Mi. Hani-was iiretnt
mill di'lieird an addie-a. Chaile.s II. llattlps is
president of the club, and ("haile- O'.VcIl and
Thomas Hawkins its tcietaiie.-.
A I1MXI) AlT-nOK. -The mcinUi- of the In
feinitioiill ("oiiesponiUnce School-' Kmployes'
a.'ocijtion conducted a "blind auction" i-ile
l.i-l nicht in Cuein-ey hall and the aflalr was
.-itteiided by a large e;alhcritur. A mmilicr ot
valuable aiticle.s paekisl mi a- to corneal their
Identity were auctioned off and tbeie wire linny
mirpri-is when the wrippinss were lemovod.
llanilncr was enjoyed after the .sale. Tlie vio
leeds p into the buildlwr fund to be u-cd in
rut tin? an .i.-oei.itlor. iluli house,
.Iilll.V lirSTI.V hH.M:i).-.lohu llu-liu, a
In other of the Itev. II. .7. Uii-lln, of the C.ilhi
dial, .and the e. .Tame- llu-tln, of CoiniiiK, X.
., vvj- killed lat Tliuii-day at l'ueblo. Col.,
wliere lie wai supeiintendent of tlie Traction
lompan.v. The !.icidem wlikli icsiilted in his
death oetuirnl while he was pufoiiiiliu: the du
ller ol hlh position. Tlie l'.itiien llmtlti, upon
leainlnc f the aeiident, ttaileil at once for
$50.22 Yfr Can Ge par f i
liiomuniU of people know- about the
" Snow White Flour"
'ihey know it i the I'llnio of all Horn, but we want
Yn a.-k your help In the followlnj; iiiamioi:
1'or either prom or poetry desciyptiw- of, m intioduclii" "snow While" Mom, in to Its
woudeiful bread makliiff qualities-It m.t.v-lls uri-iujtli-lM whltenm-iH wicfii's, iti
iniifoimlty of trr.ide, etc , etc., etc.
We offer the fnliowiiiK prlit-;
For' llie best poetic or prose advertise- ,,,-
n"' $15.00
For the second best poetic or prose adveillsc-
"nt 10.00
For the third best poetic or piose advertise- --
"lent ; 5.00
For the fourth best poetic or prose advertise- .
ment 4.00
For the fifth best poetic or prose advertise-
ment 3.00
For the sixth best poetic or prose advertise- , .
ment 2.00
For the 7th, 8th, 9th, totli, nth, 12th, 13th, .
14th, 1 5th, 16th and 171b, each 1 ,(JQ
All ailicrtUcmeiits to bo mid unuiii with U as our piopeily, 'Ihey limit cunibt of not
over one hundrcil and filty u-uiiN a l.KSS number 1 IIiriTTKII.
The coulesi wilt ilv.e on Mait,t lit, ll02.
Mole lltfiuiy tluitli , M a de.lul;le as bllj;iit iilejj put ill an ollcilul '-ji.
Write dearly on o. one UU vl Hie papir. Slark the copy with a auuilui, I'Ijco tlm
author's luras and addie.-,s In a tin ill i-iaeloe uml n.aik it Willi (he ame iiuiubei' and .tud
all In a Uiite envelope to our addict, 11V MAIL.
The Judges will thus have no way of -knnvinj- the author's luuie until the i-lioiie U
made. '
The Jollowliif Kcntlemen have kindly Iloux mnl to 4i( a Judjcs and theii d.cUlon will
be announced 34 t.0011 us made In the dally papei.
lio.v. j 1:. iiAiiniar
Jud-i.i '",VV H- "WHA'tl. l-J.
Jull-"! .1. ):. ur.itx,
i:. J. I.YS1JTT, .if.
Dickson Mill and Grain Co.
No. 12, Lackawanna Ave, Scranlon, Pi
I'uctilo, iiiul Infoimatlon iccrhcil tier tsl nlnlit
Imllcnlril lliAl tliil remains oM rench TowntiiU,
Hi. homo ul tlm llu-tin family, today. Tlic lu nil! ocitir lotnorimv at Toivunda.
Progranime That Will Be Rendered
nt Dlcyclo Club Tonight.
Tlie folloivliiB Is the pioRraniino lo be
rendeieil UiIh evenlnp nt the piano re
cital of Miss Mary 1?. Unisteau at tlie
Huruiiton Hleyrlc eltlb!
1. TV'silu and I'limle llitl.TuttIt
2. Souk Ci'ilo "lllliiml" von riclltr.
Mr. Willl.iinv
3. fa) l'ulude W dor Olie
(h) Sarahandii Am dcr Ohe
(c) llouncc Aui dcr Oho
(ll) N'lKtUTie Chopin
te) -ereii.iile ScliubirliMft
(f) Vulw (.Mpiln' StiatMs-Tauiiir
I. ?'cnrts,
Mr. Mlllani".
S. (u) WalilcM.mtdicn t I.l't
fb) Turanlelle I.ls2t
The ri'olttil will IjcbIii ut S:U0 o'clock
for the convenience of those who have
curlier evening fiigngeinonlx. Mr. Wil
liams will hIiikt a souk cycle IClllaml
by von Pltltz, and J, Alftcit I'ennhnj
toit will he accompanist.
Kollowlnpr are the pationenieH: Mrs.
II. a. UrookH, Mih. T. 11. Hiooks, Mrs.
II. It. Hrutly, Mih. AVIlllam Coniiell,
Airs. J. I.. Council, Mrn. J. I., t'raw
fonl, .Mrs. C. VV. Pulton, Mrs. Aaron
Goldsmith, Mrs. P. H. Godfrey, Mrs. S.
T. Jones, Mrs. J. S. McAnulty, Mts. V.
It. McClave, Mis. J. T. Porter, Mis. tl.
P. Keynolds, Mis. .1. T. Ulclmrds, Mini?
Tlinbcrnuin Itnndolph, Mrs. K, 11. Hip
pie, Mrs. f D. Slmpi-on, Mrs. Thomas
apratfue, Mis. T. li. Wiitklns. Mrs. 1'.
ii. warren, Airs, ,i. I-. Weiun.
He Spoke Before Catholic Histoiicnl
Society on the Comedies Pro
duced by Shalu3peare.
Dr. J. J. "Walsh, of Xuw Yotk city,
Bave si. lecture last nlKht before the
Catholic lllstrnli-al society In which
he started out to make a comparison
of the diamallc --easoii of lUVU-01 with
tlie diainatic season of KJOO-01. Tlie
doctor, however, wandered away from
tlie speclllc title which he hail assigned
lilmself to talk upon and nave an in
teresting talk on the customs and modes
of life prevailing ilutlni; Shakespeare's
time for the purpose of allowing how
the transcendant senilis of the gieat
draniatiat enabled hint to rise above
his envltonment and to ptoduee master
pieces of literature which have yet to
be equalled in this modern age of
superior civilization.
In beginning his lectme the doel6r
told of the three comedies which
Shakespeare himself dashed olf for
presentation upon the stage of the
Globe theatre during the season of
1G0O-01 "As You Like It," "Twelfth
Night" and "Much Ado About Noth
ing" and then refeired to the three
gieat aucccesses of the Loudon and
New York dramatic seasons of 11100-01,
namely "The Gay Lord Quex," "Mrs.
Dane's Defense," and "Flurodora." He
didn't make any invidious comparisons
between the two groups of plays leav
ing" for his auditors to decide its to
which aio tlie greatest.
The sutroundings of Shakespeare at
the time these thtee greatest of all
his comedies were written, the doctor
said, were anything but idea.
To think that a man should be able
to produce amid such surroundings
comedies in which lightness of fancy
and delicacy of touch piedomlnate, the
doctor declared to he proof positive
that Shakespeare was one man in
countless millions.
Impression That Pnterson Tire Won't
Bring About Reduction.
The general impression prevailing
among city officials yesterday was that
the $10,000,000 (Ire in Putin-son on Sun
day would have a tendency to lemovo
nny idea of reducing lire insurance
rates in this city which might have
entered into the minds of the board of
underwilteis for the middle district.
"In my opinion," said, a prominent
city official yesterday, "the insurante
companies have now got a real, tang
ible reason to offer for the mainten
ance of the increased rate. The big
fire in Waturbury last week with its
$3,000,000 loss and Sunday's lire with ItR
loss ot $10,000,000 are enough to make
many Insurance- men give up the ghost.
The middle boaid may keep faith with
the city and reduce tlie rates but these
two big Hi es certainly won't Improve
Committee of Three Strikers Aimed
with Full Power to Settle the
Strike, Meet Company Officials in
a Conference Airanged by a Promi
nent Citizen Men Make Same De
mands They Have Been Making
and Company Refuses to Negotiate
a Settlement on These Terms.
Hatuulny last a plomlncnt iltlzeti ot
Scranlon telephoned to President
Clark, of the Scranlon ltalhvay com
pany, that the street cur strikers'
union would appoint a committee ot
thtcc, with full power to settle the
strike, and suggested that he empower
nencral Manager Sllllman and Timo
thy and John IJurke with like author
ity. Mr. Clark asked If the committee
would liu made up of men other than
niembera of the executive board. The
prominent citizen said yes. Mr. Clatk
telephoned the message to Mr. Sllllman
and Mr. Sllllman nsreed to meet such
a committee.
The prominent cltlr.en notified the
stilkers, and Picsldpnt Shea on Mon
day telephoned Mr. Sllllman to inuulie
when il would be convenient for him
to meet the committee. Mr. .Sllllman
asked who the commltte" would be.
Mr. Shea replied that It would be com
posed of himself, Vice President Thom
as Kdwaids and Kxeeutlve Hoard
Member Andrew Lavelle. Mr. Sllllman
said he would give his answer at 0
o'clock in the morning.
Mr. .Sllllman telephoned to St. Louis,
whither Mr. Clark had gone, to ap-
r-praise him of the fact that the commit
tee was to be composed of executive
boatd members. After some talk It
was decided lo grant an Interview.
Messrs. Shea, Rdwards and Lavelle
and General Manager Sllllman came
together at 2 o'clock yesterday after
noon in Mr. Slllhnan's olllec.
The terms on which the 'committee
were willing to settle were the same as
before: A contract with the union; all
employes of tlie company to be union
men, all tlie old men to be given back
their runs, and a Hat rate of nineteen
cents an hour. w-Itli twenty-five cents
an hour for overtime.
Mr. Sillhnar would not negotiate on
these terms and the conference ondi d
.without anything being accomplished.
They were together nearly two liouir.
The company, it is announced will have
no further dealings with this com
Lithuanian Fxeethought Society Ob
jects to Entertainment of Prince
Henry of Prussia.
Thiough its secretary. Hew L. Demb
skisr the Lithuanian Freethought so
ciety has issued- tlio following state
ment protesting ag.-ilnstl the honors
thai are to be showered on Prince
Heniy of Prussia dining- his visit to
tills country:
Tile vL-it of l'lince Ileinic-li of l'ni-i-i.i is till
intr the lie.ius of some impel hill-aid Ainiritun
vvilli jo,), but at thi- time of cmic-ity
and piepaiiitlons lor his pompou- leception we
Lithuanian who- mother eounti.v under tlie
(lemur -,v,iy is -unerinir pcrscititioiw b.v the
licrnnn gOMiiuiiiiil, entei a prolvM .igaiu-t tlie
coiiitesic- to be extended to tin- "war loul'.s"
Mother. Kvciy reader of history know- thai the
throne of tlie llohctuollein'-, l.a- been built 1 11
our -.lend Kiound, mailed b.i the blood of 0111
foref.itnci-,, which the medieval cui-.idti- hue
spilt, invading our mother countiy.
Ile-idc-, the Lithuanian- in times of di.tic--for
tlie llolieiirollerris In 16U3 for ijueen I.uu!.i,
in 1SV5 and lbTl have jdven -ub-1.111ti.1l aid, but
tlie li.uixht.1 lloheiuollem- have fimominoihl.i toi
lful till what tlie.v ow-e to our nationality. At tlie
pic-ait day the llohenollciiis pei-ecute in on .111
equal footim," with itus-ia. 'liny (ieunaiibe by
inico 0111 mother loiinti.v, c.vpcl our l.iniru.i!:e
fiom the -ihooN, fine the editors of oui patriotic
newspapei-, oi cvrcl tliini ficm (Jeimany. They
lend .1 fiiedly hand to llunjlan Rendaiiueiy in the
princcutlon of 0111 litcratiue and csltic.itlon.
lu view of .ill tiii,, we Lithuanian-, llbeitj-lov-li
cituciis in Scianton, enter a piotet aitalint
a pompous oltieial reception of .111 eneniv of lib
erty, education and national light-. (. con
Mdei the .mic to ! a threat tor the Hbertlu of
our adopted country and 11 n imnce ary epai-e
for tlie tupiyer. We .ee In thi- not a patrlol'c
outlmrst, but an adoi.ition of Hl-inaukl-m, the
iron hand, which kups nitionalltles in eulijtc
lion .mil strives to stifle the freedom of con
seitnee, of poraonallty ,01 tree -pieech and every
thins that I- i-aeicd to libertj-lovins- icople. lie
member tin- llcunrlinj of chool ehildien at
Wi?etni.i and Pu-en! Dov.n with the thr.i.-u-l
l.onir live liberty!
D. W. Vaiitrhan Wants Prnvlcslnn
Made In Bond Ordinance.
.Select Councilman D. W, Vaughau Is
out after a "little bit of the bond or
dinance," as he expresses It, for South
.Scranton and he puts up u good aigu
ment In favor of his plea.
Mr. Vaughan wants an item of .$ir,,
000 Inserted in the ordinance for the
erection of a fire house and police sta
tion combined. He points ouftluu the
city is now paying $(ii) a month rent
for the Century quarters and $25 a
month for the Alder street station
house, a total of $85 a mouth or $l,0.'0
a year.
All Issue of $15,000 worth of four per '
cent, bonds payable lu thirty years
would necessitate the nppiopriation an
nually of $500 for sinking fund pur
poses and the payment of $C0O Inter-
Allowing an average of $7,u00 in tlio
sinking fund for thirty years, this
amount Invested at three per cent,
would net $210, which subtracted from
$1,100 would leave an annual charge
of only $S00 with the city owning the
premises ut thu end,
Mr. Vaughan is going to put these
figures down and present them to Ite
corder Connell for his consideration.
-. -- i
To the Capitol.
Thu Washington season Is at Its
height; congress In active session, the
city filled with diplomats, politicians
and slght-seeiH, and never were
things livelier than til present. The
great buildings are open for Inspection
dully, and the weather Is delightful,
No tour is mora popular than the lioyiit
Ulue peisouully conducted tour which
the New Jersey Central is to Introduce
to thu public on February 20, when It
is to run an excursion u Washington,
all expenses paid, as per Itinerary ob
tainable of J, S. Swisher, district pab
seuger agent, Hcrantou, or II. E. Uuhe,
district passenger agent, Alleutowu.
Thebi books are free send for one. l
7 Wanted.
WANTUU Two wconel-liand suney or iiucli liar,
iii'sacs, must be lu food condition; ulx) two
or I lu ce kin-alu llibt haru,', must be cheap
Acldit'fj X. V. V.., can- of Tttbune.
Most Successful Doll in the History
of the Society.
Of all the many and vat led enter-,
taluments conducted by the Lleder
kranz none Is entered Into with more
zest and untluiHlttsin than the annual
masquerade ball, and of all the nnnunl
mastiueiado balls of the throe decades
that mm Ic the peilod of tlio Lleder
kraiiK society's existence none was
more successful than that of litHt night.
The maskers were more nuinerous und
their costumes more picturesque than
ever and the attendance of Invited
guests, who looked on fiom the gallery
was linger than un any ptovloun occa
sion, The llrst part of the opera, "Tlie
Treasure Seeker," recently rendered by
the society, was repeated with some
befitting alterations, for the opening
scene lu which the Prince and Princess
Carnival are wont to be introduced.
Victor WVnstel was ptlnce; Miss Violet
Fnhrcnhult, princess: Fred J. Welns,
burgomaster; V. J. Wldmnyer, police
man, and the sliiglng section ot the
society represented the peasants and
other lesser characters.
After the opening number came a
grand march led by the prince nnd
princess. Dnnclng In mask was In
dulged In until midnight, when masks
Were removed and supper enjoyed.
Dancing and tableaux made up the
tenialndet" of the entertainment pro
gramme. .
A featuie of tlie musical programme
was tlie rendition by the orchestra of
Professor Ileinberger's new march,
dedicated to the Lle'dcrkranz.
The committee In charge of the af
fair consisted of Siglrled Aal, Gustavo
Veh11s, JCdward Kisele, Kivd Softly
and Theodore Ilemberger.
Adthess of Hon. John G. Woolley in
the North Main Avenue Taber
nacle Last Night.
lion. John G. Woolley gave an inter
esting lecture on the subject, "My Own
Country," before a largo audienie lu
the Xorth Main Avenue liapllst chuicli
tabernacle last night.
Mr. AVoolley was the Prohibition can
didate for president in 1900 and has
lust returned trom a yenr's tilp around
the world.
"Tlie Aineilcan soldier can give a
better reason for the pride that Is in
him than any other soldier in the
world,'' said Mr. Woolley. "The more'
I saw of other countries, the more 1
gloried In my own. America Is gener
ations ahead of any other country."
"It is one of the mysteries," con
tinued tlie speaker, "that nations do
not glow and develop symmetrically.
We arc lllling the land with drunkards,
paupers and dirty politicians. Public j
sentiment looks upon tiie individual
honest man who holds his own spiritual
adjustment up to the divine Ideals, as
a sure loo-'er in political and business
alfalrs. We have engaged in bowing
and submerging tlio nine-tenths rather
than lifting up the submerged one
tenth. Tlie churches not the power
that they should lie, because the men
who control and support the churches
are the same men who control and
support the politics, which minimizes
the morality of the church.
"The times aie critical. Tlie saloon
insults women, degrades men, wrongs
ehildien nnd corrupts politics and yet
we submit to il.
"As .1 remedy, we must "advance the
standards of church, school and home
Into political life, and then and there
swear allegiance to duty. Tlie thing
wo need is lighting. There Is no need of
more lesolutlons or of applauding sen
timents in public meetings. There is a
definite issue, upon which wo have
agreed. The lieiuor traffic. Is tlie deadly
enemy of the home, and we must
strangle It."
Mis. W. J. Morgan Stricken Witli
Slight Attack of Disease.
One new case of smallpox was 10
porteil to tlie buieau of health yester
day, tlie victim this time being 'Mrs.
W. J. Morgan, of Swetland street, wife
of W. J. Morgan, who became afillcted
with the disease some two weeks ago.
Mrs. Morgan was vaccinated on the
day her husband's case was diagnosed
as smallpox and for tills reason she
has but an exceedingly slight attack of
the disease, differing very little In
severity from a severe vaccination
"take." t
Credit on Trade Sale Specials
Notwithstanding the rennarkably low figures
quoted on the special bargains of this sale,
credit accommodations will be extended on
them, if desired, without reserve. This Is
an unparalleled offer.
Specials in
Ploor Covering
(ilt.ilN A kiaiiilaul valuc-11 ilial
lanifu WMicr. 'llie Tivde Sale u
moves lie fiom the usual piho 20r
liiaklni; it, par 3 aid.. .
lt.(l L-.MII'l'.T-l'eople who Hi tu
saw lliclr I Ul foi luavihir would
ncvci have done xu bail llu pi he.
linn been as low as it is far "-ls
thi, Mle. 1'er -aril 11'
JslAlll t VHI'l.T-Su atlueiive Ve
netian palliiu !i .vaid wide. I C.,
fir jaid Ii,u
lllir.'s-KI.S llUM.N'.VN'lls-'Ibc p"pu
lir i.ivoilto foi mt uiakluir. Pieces
about l!s jarl lonir, w-llli 7Hp
ftjnije foi both nuts, (.'uninleto " u'
SMVIIN.V lU"i!-.-.0i. luihi's
ibauniuir Oiicntal ellect.s anil tie-elijii."-iiili
ciiluit. in profusion, The
'liado Sale Prlie "stoops tu QQp
louqucr ...,., , -,v
hll)l;l!t) Mills II juu iieotl
a Midihoaiil, it fs bin- pat down as a fact, htjle or
price, makes ni ihltnilii.;
our ussollluuil cuvi'ia the
widest lunge. Hue la a lup.
p) medium:
MIIIUHUIII) - Solid oak,'
polished. Ilc'ttiilatloh ie.
Iilitli and tide hilH. bevel
Id He mliioi. .'I duwii.s, one
lined for mlvrr and two
iiipboard. 'Hie piiie is well
made, and bears tome artis
tic (jivlutK. The Sale I'rlte
is almost 4 lilid on A OC
its woitby value,. '''
The Economy 2S"27 Wvomine Ave
He Was Taken to the Lackawanna
Hospital but the Surgeons at That
Institution Were Unable to Say
Last Night Whether or Not He
Will Live Bullet Has Not Dsen
Located "Has Matle Attempts Here
tofore to End His Life by Mentis
of Poison.
Albert Crane, aged 3S years, attempt
ed suicide yesterday afternoon at Ills
lunnc, 010 Dean street, by shooting him
self lu the mouth While in a partial
state of Intoxication. The surgeons at
the Lackawanna, hospital were unable
to determine last night whether he will
live or die.
Ciane, who is employed as an out
side hand nt the Dickson colliery, has
been considered slightly deranged for
some time and the thought of suicide
has preyed on his mind for several
years, lie has made at least two at
tempts to poison himself and has leen
frequently arrested by the police for
threatening to tuko his own life. 1IU
wife died recently and he has been es
pecially desperate and melancholy
since then.
He sent for his mother yesterday
afternoon saying that lie wanted her to
look after the children as he was going
away. When she at rived at the house
he made some excuse for going in the
front room and he had no sooner en
tered the apartment when a pistol
shot was heard.
Mrs. Crane and her grandchildren
lushed In and found Crane lying on
the floor with the blood streaming from
his mouth. The Lackawanna hospital
ambulance was summoned and .Crane
was removed to that Institution where
the surgeons were unable 10 locate the
bullet. It is believed to be lodged In
tlie back of the neck and tin effort will
be made to locate It today by means
of the X-Ilay.
Ciane was very weak fiom loss of
blood last night.
Banquet Conducted by Sons of Veter
ans Lost Night.
Tlie members of Camp Xo. 8, Sons
of Veterans, conducted a banquet last
night in the C5. A. K. Memorial build
ing In celebration of Lincoln's birth
day and followed the atfalr witli a
smoker in tlie large meeting hall, at
which addresses wete made by a num
ber of ex-soldiers.
The banquet was served on the tliittl
lioor of tlie building by tlie members
of Women's Relief corps, No. 50, and
proved a most delightful repnst. When
the cigars had been passed, the guests,
who numbered nearly 300, repaired to
tlie assembly room, on the second floor,
where a number of aciilt esses weie
Hon. John H. Fan- acted as toast
master, and tlie llrst speaker was the
venerable Dr. William II. Heath, of
West Scranton, one of tlie few survi
vors of the Mexican war in this part
of the state. The doctor gave some
reminiscences of the fierce struggle
during the forties and encouraged the
younger men present to keep on in
their work of fostering patriotism and
devotion to the Hag.
Colonel E. H. Hippie briefly recounted
tlie events leading up lo the Civil war
and told of the dark side of that terri
ble conflict. Major E. D. Fellows told
of the Spanish-American war and the
part played by the Thirteenth regi
ment. Other addresses were made by
Past Captain Will Hannnel and Frank
W. Martin.
No More Wooden Shanties to Be
Allowed in Nay Aug Park.
Director of Public Works Roche has
decided that no privileges will be
gi anted In Xay Aug park for the
coining season to any person who does
not agree to erect a stonu. building, har
monizing with the other buildings in
the nark.
The wooden candy booths and photo
graph galleries, which have disfigured
tlie park In past years, will be dono
away with and in their place will be
Will aid early spring housekeeping
contemplated expenditures.
: a ':
.111 I4i-i4 $ 1
I , 1 C -1 iff f
xstoo mcia ataemaai sS
j 1 t ' ' i I
Vu Hireling a. lull ol iiiiiaoiiiiui emili as a
nut is lull of lure lint, an ititillatlwi ."Lee,
liiaiiuled in Jutif ibolic of lolini, deioratul in
void-eipiIppiKtl wiili vioviii vviict rirliKr und
Uitlou to nuttlisi. Heal value, 7 ()Q
fll, Sale 1'ilto tmiiplcU . . I JO
in thA I
Tltai-tt I0 ma ltrM rt vactflll
Lamp. With a poor light tlie
find that the vork once easy
Otm Central Draft LAMPS,wlth green plated
shade, are eye savers, Comple'te, with shade ....
That Is cheaper than a pair of ey'e glasses.
ruuaTYfeiW ,
Geo. V. Millar &
We Clean and Sterilize Carpets and Rugs
Milking them look fresh und new and destroying all moths.
C.irpetS scoured without injury to color or textute
Scranton Bedding
Lackawanna and Adams
erected solid, hUbstanthil buildings of
dressed stone, which will be an orna
ment to the park; that Is, of course,
providing that those who have had
privileges In the piisl vlll agree to erect
such Bti net lues.
At least one propoul has already
been received from a .Mis. DiAVllt, who
desires to conduct a photograph gal
lery, and who agtees to etc-ct a stone
building, tlnlsherl inside with hard
An Excited Lady Couldn't Under
stand Assessor's Explanations.
"But, my dear madam, you must un
derstand that while the assessed valua
tion this year is tlnee times higher
than It was last year, the taxes will be
three times lower. You see"
"Rut I'm assessed bete fur $:'.,000
when I was assessed for only $1,000 last
year. The value of my property hasn't
Increased during the year. It's three
times sis much as last year. Ton can't
get a way fiom that."
"1 know It Is, madanie, but you see
you were assessed only one-third -valuation
before. That"
"I was nsseseil all I should have
been assessed before and don't you for
get It. Here you've gone; to work and
put it up three times its r.lgh."
"My dear lady, the law says the prop
erty shall be assessed- at Its full valua
tion. We're simply obeying the law.
The tax levy last year was thirteen
mills, this year It will only be"
"I don't care what it will be. You
just can't make black white and you
can't fool me with talk about what the
law says. You can't explain away the
fact that I'm assessed three times as
much as I was last year. I know
what's what, sir, and I know that Its
come to a pretty pass when people
have got to pay three times as much
taxes as before. It's a pretty state of
1 "Madam, we're very busy now but I'll
ll-ll you what we'll do. If your lux bill
calls for the payment of one cent more
than you paid last year, this board
will pay your taxes Won't we, boys?"
and the other four assessors nodded
approval. Whereat the little woman
In black maiched out with the remark
that she guessed they'd have to pay, all
Tlie above incident, which occurred
yesterday In tlie office of the city as
sessors Is but one ol many which have
driven the assessors almost distracted
ever since they began hearing apiieals.
They find It simply impossible to show
people that while the assessments has
been raised the liilllago will be re
duced. 1 I. . ,
On to Washington on February 20,
via. New Jersey Central's personally
conducted tour.
Rayner Receives Statuette of Schley.
Hv i:iliiiHii Wire fiom tin' A-oclatci! l'rc-i.
Itjltimorc, Mil., Pili. 11, A solid tilu-r nut
iieltei of lit-ii- Ailmlul -cliley, tli Initio liiiili,
lui lici-ii ii'ic-ivul by UiJiii" lujncr, counsel IV
the J1l111i1.1l. Jlr. It.'.Miir !us no Meu vvlm i-nt
Mill till! bt.'itlii'tle-.
plans to be realized at about one third ot
Extra Furniture
I'MII.IUI illl- five ileie. ion
histlni; of Silu, two lni Clialis and
ivio ,-slde Chilis, l'i Jin's of aliihui:
.iii,v liuiih, polished, ai,d atliaetively
iiiliaiiislitiil. I mix! upholster) mi
tied witli on cs'-cllciii sji uln of lap
e.ti.v. '1 1 Jilc Sale tlBiliei, tc I () TC
iciluied to ''
Dllii-r fpciiall.v
pine Mills ai .
sn-xx i,rTiir.i!i:ivi- imiu,
13..i IVU sli", elii;anili uplol
stind anil diamond mtled. I he
Icjlliiiclle .i ihcsi-lv appliui In'" tbt
anpi. ot leal leiilher as to .al
lime def.v ilriiillim. u 1 Sf)
Illative value al '""
MIT Il N 1'iaine ut piano pol
itJud iiuiiv,aii,v tlnUb, uriislie I'leiicl
t .11 tell lritK. I pholsltiiliir of liittb
elaij, lovneil with he-jvi tbiiueil ve
lull 'llirj wv" u iliUliitailsliid
uppcaranui Hat ilavit. tlieni witli
liiuili hitjlifi pined produc
tion.. 'Hie Tiaile file i OS
I'.lti 'JD
in lUn nun no thof ftf Hnnn T
nerves becomes exhausted and c
forthe eye now becoincft difficult, i
$2.75 g
Co. "iJlJS I
Co., " A,f.iser
Avenues. Both 'Phones
End of the
Season Sale
324 Lackawanna Avenue.
1W -l'ii-laii Jiul Marten -tunn
lulLir -"IS.lWiiuw
KUJ I'ti-ijti .mil MtiiiilliHiir htonn" Ij.miiiiiw b,W
UK), -Mink Miuiii 'J.i.iiti not.' 1.",.0 1
Mil -Mink Culliii'tli' Ill.OUiiniv.-ilO)
112. (ireli.i ("oll-iu-lti" now 11.IM
1013 Mai'itn Mail o.ui now I. ID
1-Jil llluk .Muti'ii M-iif 7.0UI1UVV 1.(11
1001-Kli'dtio .-uif I.VMimv 1.01
inO'i I'lri'trlc- M ll Scaif -.'."ill now l.,"l
11 -mi We I'o Scarf
ll.Vl "able ""li- Scarf .x.So no,i- ,"1,111
lll.'i Ulnp I.n Sim it" I".M now 10.(1 1
'.'mi Him- Suiif 12.00IIOW S.(ll
IWW Iti-il l'o f-c.i 1 f 7.() now J.O)
Mr-Mink Scaif, limit tubs .Ti.iM nov.-i",,0)
501!) Mink Scarf , LVi.OO now 17.0-j
1)72 Cinnamon Hi.n- lien, :t vil
lous :) j.Oi) now 2"i.C0
27 Hlmk lieu- llo.i, :! ,u!s lonsr. aunnow 1,.0)
071 flrown Hi'.u- Hot, il )iU Ioiik. 1 3.0-1 now 10 Ul
Suo .Witurul tippo-uni llou, :t jiN
limp i.00 now l.fni
700 Oi.iv- I'nv. Iloj, Jl ,viN loiij;.. In 00 now 7.0)
29,1 lllne- kn Bon, 3 ,mIh lonj". 1S.O0 mm 12 Ul)
1'um liep 111 oil. Pun M.iimfaeluii'il. ll.iw I'i.h
Under this IttiinK short letters of inter
will be publlshi'il when scrompanieil, for publica
tion, by the writer's name. The Tribune does no
assume responsibility for opinions itere expressed.)
Condition of Bromley Avenue.
IMItiir of Tlic Tilbtmc.
Mi: WIicIIkt or not Miiall-poN. ci-rnis 1.111 exist
or thrive in cvtii'iuvly eolil water, or ice, is 1
.1 ipicilion which is liouMingr Home of tlic lcvl
ilonts anil u-.sei-b,v on oriti lliomlcy avenue. 111
tin vicinity of Count Urn in Hv.inV lioiiic.
'Hie V11M0 'vatei- fiom tlic iiMitcncc of thU
sni.ill-posc patient, is cli.iiuctl to llroinlcy .ivenuo
anil the criillc-n being tliokeil rcfne 10 t.iuj tlio
same away.
-s .1 con-eipit'iiec the water meiilow.s tl.e walks
and tlie timtiN in front of who-c planes il
stand-, fearimr that riiiall-pov gonna may be con
uccteil with tlie b.11110 will do nothing whatever
lo optn an avenue for Its iviiveiaiiee to Petto
bone tiiTl.
Much ha? bein hi ii of tliis'llioioulifaie of late;
a petition has been sent lo council", has been
ausvveicil by Diicttoi Hoihe .'mil nliHeil on iUe;
tlic Sunday papn- ttok up the lnattei ami point
ed out defects wheioliitbe cliy was to bl line,
mid now- we Hud that n move is 011 loot asking
tlic stale board of health lo look iutortlie matt-i-.
lCsliukir tlie id- that stood on tlii walk in
fiont of the iciiliWi' of 1I1I3 tonall-no. Mt!'itt
thavveil to mhiic extent, and the odor which ..11110
foith fiom tlic ame compelled tlio tuianks lowr
down llie avenue, vvlm wue cinjaited in iliMiilmr
the walks, in ua-e vv ink' ami return to th-a
An iuvc'tiitiitiuii uf this tlioimnthr.iie shoo.'S
that die residents un tlie va-tcily hide of lliomlcy
avenue have piled ashe'M etc., betwieii llie walks
anil iiiitkis pioualily tlnee fiet IiIkIi lu mine
pi ice, and on llie wiMcrlt "ide the Mine i".
ample luvintr been followed tu houie extent 'tint
water hiks onto the walk owimr to llie tftittrrt
belnsr ch'ikiil as pievioiisly st.iticl.
I".iae llanls.
You can visit Washington on New
Jersey Central's 1 loyal Mine tour on
February 20. Hates low.
Free-Guaranteed American Watch
To encourage morning shopping, we will
present to every person purchasing goods tc
the amount of $20.00, or over, before noon,
any day, during the Trade Sale, a good time
piece, absolutely free
ltd! ll.ll -m iv ill aai.u
1 ll.ll 'III-. s IK JilcJUJ) .i.C tol
loikim. allei 11 Kllnipsc cf
the h.i-c'li "lit lionr SVtcr
wue tbt) no low pi tent ,.u
dining litis una! ruippuiu
( aiuiv il. line is one ul nut onnintts fiom lids
dt pa'Uoim.
VltM A Ibushul
PiihIimIoii in voui eliolia of
Koltltli oak -a iiuiboHaii) llu
Ili t pliubu-uil lu t1-iucd
Mll-lll- l.UU'd and iloa'l.v
opinillcil ' back Tin Tiace
s.dc I'ikc lias ihupped llko
a iiieleoi (loin 9.I.T.I ' (SU