The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 12, 1902, Image 1

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A Stlrrlno Debate on the General
Philippines Question in
the Senate.
Remarks of the Massachusetts Sena
tor Arouse Mr. Piatt to Eloquence.
A Tribute to the ' United States
Army Joint Resolution Submit
ting; a Constitutional Amendment
Changing the Time of Presidential
Inaugurations to April House
Shows Change of Sentiment on the
Olemargarine Question.
By i:cliiiivc Who from tlio A.uil.itcd Preji.
Washington, Fob. 11. A stirring dc
lmteon (he general Philippines question
was precipitated in the senate lute to
day, the prlneipnl pariictiauts being
Mr. Piatt, of Connecticut, and Mr.
Hoar, of Massachusetts. Mr. Teller, of
Colorado, bad conclude!) for the day
Ills argument against the enactment
of the pending Philippine tariff bill.
In response to some statement he had
made. Mr. I'latt, directed the senate's
attention to tbe situation In the isl
ands, as be viewed It, saying that great
progress, was being made- by tbe gov
ernment in subduing the Insurrection.
He referred to the elections for muni
cipal olilcets in various cities of the
Islands, and to the establishment of
schools for the education of Filipino
children. Mr. Hoar ridiculed tbe state
ments of Mr. Piatt and in a facetious
vein adverted to tbe efforts of the
American government to control the
Filipino people.
The remarks of the Massachusetts
senator aroused Mr. Piatt, who de
livered a notable speech, in the course
of which he referred to Mr. Hoar in
pretty sharp terms. His speech was
listened to by senators on both sides
of the chamber with profound atten
tion. In conclusion he paid an elo
quent tribute to the efforts of the
United States to carry the principles of
free government to every territory
where it had control.
In his reply Mr. Hoar delivered an
incisive criticism of the action of the
Philippine commission, declaring that
he had been taught to judge men rath
er by their action than by their words,
and by this standard he could' not
judge tbe Philippine commissioners
with any degree of favor.
Early in the day the senate passed u
joint resolution submitting a constitu
tional amendment changing the time
of presidential inaugurations and the
termination and commencement of con
gresses from the 4th of March to the
last Thursday In April.
Mr. Carmack's Resolution.
Senator Cnrmnck today introduced
the following Joint resolution:
"That the United States regard with
extreme disfavor any movement hav
ing for Its object the early or ultimate
admission of the Philippine islands as
a state or states of tbe union; and any
action on the pari of tho persons hold
ing oflice under the authority of the
I'nlted States that gives sanction or
encouragement to such u movement Is
hereby condemned. That to confer the
lights and privileges of citizens upon
the inhabitants of the Philippine Is
lands would tend to destroy the Integ
rity of citizenship and to degrade the
character of the government of the
I'nlted States."
Tho Oleo Amendments.
The voting on amendments to tho
oleomargarine bill in the house today
indicated u considerable change of
sentiment since last congress, when thu
bill had IOC majority and that the op
position to tlie measure has gained
strength. While passage of the bill is
not endangered, It Is not likely that
the majority tomorrow, when the Html'
vote Is taken will exceed 20. The op
position toiuy was strong enough in
committee of the whole to adopt two
Important amendments, one providing
that nothing In the net should be con
strued to prevent the manufacture of
and sale of oleomargarine In any stnto
for consumption entirely within such
state, and tho other to provldo for the
Inspection and branding of renovated
or process butter. The latter amend
ment was especially obnoxious to the
friends of the measure and when the
bill was reported to the house a sep
arate voto was demanded on It. That
vote was pending wlyn tho bouse ad
journed, Although the amendment commanded
n majority of UO In committee of the
whole, where no record Is made, It Is
not unlikely Unit tlie action of the com
mittee will bo reversed tomorrow, when
members are obliged to go on record.
Several committee amendments adopt
ed today, changed tho phraseology of
the bill, tho most important being one
limiting tho 10 cents tax made to ap
ply to oleomargarine made in Imita
tion of but lei', "of any shade of yel
low," Considerable feeling was Inter
jected Into the proceeding towntd tho
close of the session.
Lackawanna Furnace Banked.
By Kluii! Win- from the .Wnlated I'resi.
Lebanon, lYlj. II. -The laitkawaniu lion ami
I St i el company wa ijik-llcd to bank olio of the
tu'lil furiuiu Jt tti-K Ubation ami at wilier Jt
Cornwall today, berauv ot (lie inability of (ho
luiiiouu 10 tuppiy mini itmi u buincuiu umuuut
Hi coke. It cant aic pot more plentiful ami ic-
illcf toon In bight, it may Imi ncccM-Jiy to ilono
the thieo iciualuiw; funjaiM at Cornwall, Wet
ll.tMnnn ami N oi 111 Cornwall, flic Xortli le)i.
mon and Lebanon alley furnace?, opciatejl ly
oilier t'ompanit, may lie wimpvlud to .ufpynd
M'Wtloiu (or 'lie tame tvawn.
Will. Be President of Finance Com
mittee, and Deliver Letter from
Kruger to Roosevelt.
By Ilxcitube Wire from the AMin-Utcil I'riM.
Brussels, Feb. 11. The plan of cam
paign drawn up by Dr. Mueller, the
former consul or the Orange Free State
in Holland, who Is now on his way lo
New York with dispatches from the
Boer delegates In Europe to President
Roosevelt, Includes the formation of
two standing committees, one, more or
less political, to Include pro-Uoer .sen
ators and representatives, and other
prominent men, who, It Is claimed, have
already promised their co-operation.
The other and larger body will be
ehletly concerned in the collection and
forwarding of money for tlie Boer
The Boers here allege that there lias
been considerable dllllculty, heretofore,
irl accounting for all tho money sub
scribed, and Hint not all, of It has
reached its destination.
Dr. Mueller will be president of tho
finance committee, and will remain in
the United States so long as necessary.
He is entrusted with a letter from Mr.
Kruger to President Hoosevelt, the joint
production of Dr. Leyds and the other
Boer delegates, but which Mr. Kruger
approved and signed.
Dr. Mueller Is charged to personally
band this letter to President Roosevelt,
whose permission to publish It will be
After, a discussion. In which the opin
ion of the Boer delegates was consider
ably divided, Mr. Kruger and Dr. Loyds
convinced the others that it was not
wise, in view of the answer of the Brit
ish foreign minister. Lord Lansdowne,
to the note of Netherlands govern
ment on the subject of peace in South
Africa, to make overtures to Great
Britain for permission to open tele
graphic communication with the Boer
leaders in tlie field. Dr. Kuyper coin
cided In this view, and therefore It has
been provisionally determined to main
tain the stntus quo.
The Ministerial Alliance of Salt Lake
City Has Investigated Rumors
Regarding the Practice.
lty i:rlusirc Wire from the A.vooiated Press.
Salt Lake, Utah, Feb. 11. The min
isterial alliance of Sail Lake City has
unanimously adopted the report tof tbe
committee of that organization ap
pointed to Investigate and report on
tho alleged practice and teaching of
polygamy by the Mormons at the pres
ent time. This report Is to bo used
as a petition for the passage of a con
stitutional amendment ' prohibiting
polygamy and will be sent to the judic
iary committee of congress. The re
port, which Is quite lengthy sets forth
that positive evidence can be produced
that polygamy is both practiced and
taught by the Mormons at the present
time in open dellancc of the laws of the
The document contains numerous
quoted statements alleged to have been
made by Mormon lenders, In which the
practice and leaching of polygamy Is
advocated and urged, regardless of
man-mades laws to the contrary.
The Ninety-fourth Year of Anthra
cite Celebrated.
By Kxelu.hc Wire from The Associated I'reu.
"Wllkes-Barre, Pa., Feb. 11. The ninety-fourth
anniversary of the first suc
cessful burning of anthracite coal iu a
grate was celebrated nt tho Fell hotel,
iu this city, tonight.
Jesse Fell was the proprietor of the
plaeo u hundred years ago, which was
then known as the Old Fell tavern. The
old fireplace and grate are still Intact,
and the room In which they are located
was gaily decorated today in honor uf
the annlversarv.
At a banquet given tonight, H. p.
Fell, a descendant of Jesse Fell, "was
one of the speakers. The marvelous
growth of the anthracite coal trade the
last one hundred years and what It
has done tu make the commonwealth
of Pennsylvania great, wils the theme
of those who made addresses. Tho cen
teiinrul anniversary of Fell's discovery
will be celebrated six years hence and
will be made an event of state and na
tional Importance.
Firebugs Stmt Nine Fires.
Ily Lxcluiho Wlie from 'the Aiviclnlcd Press,
Altooiu, 1'eli. tl. PlivliUgs turlul nine (Ire
In this city tonlttht, tho ilaunso from which will
amount to about )2,M. Tho firemen li.ul one uf
tho soveii'fcl nights they have expel lenied for a
loin: time. Stephen VeJuer, 1!) jcjis old, of Hits
ill), who kcrveil A .wii n the lliintlimdon te.
futtiutuiy waj arrr.tcd uii niuplciuit (if Ire In;: i nt
plicated In ivnilnj nearly all lliti tires. oiii
rltltviix mo innluhl minilliix their pinperty Willi
Peace Petition,
By lljihidtc Wire from The .Vi.ociatcd J'leu
Boston, I'eli. U.Th directors of the Aaneri-an
IV.ue ''Iely hau mm, to lonifivM a petition
uldii;: DUiiiirM to declare by irviho tint the
I'liltfil Mali, will ii rant indoondciim lo the
Filipino a mjoii at they thill iMabli.h and
pinu- their ability to maintain nuble tjvil nov
el nine nt.
Steamship Arrivals,
By EjcIusIx Wire from The Auoeiiird Prtu
Sex Yoil, Tel". II. AriheU: Maawlaiif! Jtot
terrain; Kul-er U'lllielni der Oioe. llieiiien.
(.'lejieil ZeelatnJ, Anltveip; Philadelphia, South.
aniptoii. llruttlu.Mil -IMiMilt Oceanic, New Vort!
for (Juei uptown anil I.lveipool. Sailed: Viwftt
pUmarek. .Naples, ucemtuun Arrived: Ueaolv,
New York fur I.lveiinol (jnj prpccedeil).
A List of Appointments Made at'
Bogota Tho Government Hands
Ily Kxettvlre Wire from The A'soelileil I'rem.
Colon, Colombia, Feb. 11. Tim fol
lowing recent cabinet appointments at
Bogota were announced today:
Senor Francisco Metulcza Perez, min
ister of home nffulrs.
General Arlstldes Fernandez, minis
ter of war.
S'enor Itamon feigns, minister of
hacienda (exchequer).
Senor Augustln Urlbe, minister ot the
Senor Jose Jesus Casus, minister of
public Instruction.
Senor Jose Antonio ltevas, minister
of posts and telegraphs.
Senor Jorge Velez has been appointed
governor of Bogota.
Colonel White and Senor Trlnna
leave Panama today, bound for. Chile,
as commissioners to receive the Chilean
cruiser Presidents Pinto, recently pur
chased by the Colombian government.
The Pinto's early arrival at the Isth
mus will strengthen the government's
hands Incalculable
Course of the Dean of Diplo
matic Corps Was Not
Inconsistent. '
By Kiclmbs Wire from The Associated I're..
Washington, Feb. 11, In view 'of tho
statements and contradictions, more or
less official in character, coming from
the principal European capitals re
specting tlie attitude of the powers In
dividually toward the United States
Just preceding the Spanish-American
war, the officials hete feel a. natural
reluctance to being drawn Into the con
troversy, and It is with dlfllculty that
even unofllclal statements can be btut
on this subject.
One fact remains uncontroverted,
namely, that the European ambassa
dors and ministers here called upon
President' McKlnley, April 7, 1S9S, in tho
effort to prevent war.
The matter now in controversy is
what happened after that call and the
tiuestlon nt Issue Is, ns presented in tho
latest phase In the European dis
patches, Did Lord Piuincefote under
take to secure the support of the other
European powers in an attempt at
forclbl" restraint upon the United
States'.' Sifting all the facts, the con
clusion reached hero Is that Lord
Piuinoofote's activities In the direction
of Intervention has been generally mis
understood, Jt is known that the Aus
trian minister was untiring In his er
forts In behalf of Spain. The I'nlted
States government has never cherished
tlie least ill-feeling on that score, re
alizing that the blood ties between thu
Austrian and Spanish reigning houses
sufficiently excused such an attitude.
In the course of these efforts, Mr. Hen
gelmuller turned to Lord Pauncefote,
as dean of the corps, and sought to
have him, ns such dean, see what
measure of support could be secured
for another and more forcible, repre
sentation to the United States as to
the undeslrablllty of war. Lord Paunce
fote was confident that no such propo
sition would carry, but he yielded so
far to the application of the Austrian
minister as to submit his proposition to
the other representatives of the Euro
pean powers. The result justified Lord
Pauncofote's judgment of the outcome
and It probably was the inquiries he
made in this proceeding, anil not any
proposition originating with himself,
that led to reports of ministers and
ambassadors here to the European
When I net ii ley was made at the Brit
ish embassy 'today relative to the re
cent dispatches purporting "to give tlie
action of Lord Pauncefote, just prior
to the outbreak of the Spanish war,
the ambassador sent word that there
was absolutely nothing to bo said by
hlni for publication. It is understood
that if there Is any occasion for Lord
Pauncefote taking cognizance of the
controversy he will communicate di
rectly with the London foreign office,
which will determine upon nny publlo
utterances to be made. Moteover, there
is reason to believe that the foreign
office Is already In possession of all the
papers bearing on the Interchange on
the Spanish war, and that nothing
which could now be submitted would
alter the situation as. heretofore laid
before the British authorities.
Mayor Hlnchllife Will Guard Against
Unwelcome Visitors.
By Kxclutlvr Wlrr from The Awoel.ted I'rew.
Paterson, N. J., Feb, 11. Mayor
Iliiiehllffe and .Major Boss, Aiimuand
Ing the militia, had a conference this
afternoon at which It wus agreed that
the municipal and county authorities
Bhould give over to the militia tho con
trol of the burned district beginning
tomorrow morning and lasting for tlie
ensuing eighteen hours,
The reason for this Is that tomorrow
being a. holiday it Is expected that sev
eral hundred thousand persons will vis
It Pnterson. and the establishment of
full military control was considered
tho best plan to avoid trouble, Outside
the sentry line tho police, regular and
special and the deputy sheriffs with
the aid of detectives will handle the
Cornell Wins Fencing Tournament.
Bi Kieliultr Wire from Thr AvwcUUd ieu
Philadelphia, I'eli. II. L'vrnuU Won the 'Hi tl
femlny tournament with Pennsylvania ut Huns
ton hall tbulxht lo eiKht bout lu one, 1'. A.
C'mtner w.i tho only l'eiiiii, banlu nun to win
hl bout, ho defeating II, 1'. Mount, nf ( 'otll.ll.
Pensions Granted,
Ily I'.iiluilve Wire fioni the As-oelated Pievj.
Uiililiij(ton, Feb. II. wA pciikioii of Hi lu
been ttranttil llllntwtli W'Unioie (wl'law), of
President and Mrs. Roosevelt Be
lieve That the Bou Will Pass
It StiGGesslullu.
Wltllc Reports Issued Through Mr.
Cortelyou Run Between Hope and
Fear, Both the President and Mrs.
Roosevelt Eeel Encouraged by the
Improvement in Their Son's Con
dition King Edward's Sympathy.
By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Pre.
Groton, Mass., Feb. 11. The reports
from the sick room of Theodore Itoose
velt, jr., the oldest son of the presi
dent, who, since Thursday last has
been 111 With pneumonia at the tlroton
school Infirmary, tended to show an
Improvement and at S o'clock tonight
his condition' was authoritatively
Stated to be better than It was at the
sum.1 time Inst night.
The crisis of the disease Is still to
come and Is looked for within the next
twenty-four or thirty-six hours. The
president and his wife both believe
their son will meet this crisis in good
condition and, passing it successfully,
Will recover.
In fact, tlie slight favorable turn In
the disease today has greatly relieved
tbe strain on both of them and today
closed much more cheerfully than yes
terday. Still, the reports issued
through Mr. Cortelyou, secretary to the
president, ran between hope and fear.
IJeginnlng with tho morning, when
the boy, after an admittedly bard
night, was reported ns improved, al
though pleurisy in the right lung was
was mentioned, this favorable tendency
was continued through the noon state
ment. Then, at L4G in tlie afternoon It
was stated that the boy's temperature
had risen, that it would probably re
main high, and if anything Increilse a
little toward morning. This sombre
one sufpied almost to neutralize tlie
morning's encouraging news,
Tho next report, at 0.30 In tho even
ing, showed that notwithstanding the
high temperature, tbe boy had more
than hold bis own all day and that bis
condition was favorable. Hopefulness
wns increased by an additional volun
tary report on Mr. Cortelyou's part at
S o'clock, that the lad was In better
condition than at the same time last
night, although he saltl there had not
been much change during the day
meaning that the favorable condition
of the morning had been practically
Interview with Secretary Long.
All these reports were authoritative,
and In addition, tliete was a cheery In
terview with Secretary of the Navy
John Li. Long, after a hurried visit of
courtesy to his chief, In which he
frankly said that the boy was better.
To confirm this, came the president's
sudden appearance a little later in the
afternoon nt the new sporting dome, a
recreation house built by Mr. Gardner,
adjoining his Inansion. The president
was dressed In a suit of tlannels and
seemed ready for some exercise on the
new 'squash court. He did not play,
however, although he remained In the
sunny building nenrly two hours,
watching a game between Mrs. James
Lnwtence and Hev. Sherard Billings.
Another interesting event of the day
was the receipt ot n telegram from
Ambassador Pauncefote at Washing
ton, conveying- King Edward's expres
sion of sympathy for the president and
hope for the speedy recovery of his
sou. Tho remarkable weather contrib
uted not a little to the cheerfulness of
the day, this being the sixth consecu
tive day during whlcn the sun has'
shone brightly froi. morning to night,
while tho air has always been cool,
but dry and Invigorating,
The Inst sick room bulletin for the
day was given out at 11 o'clock. Mr.
Cortelyou said that at this time every
Indication was for a favorable night
for th boy, but the fever bad llue
lu.ited somewhat and It was Impossible
to tell just when the crisis would come,
although It was looked for during
Tho condition of the other two pa
tients, William Gnnimell, jr., or Provi
dence, and Howard SE. Potter, of New
York, also showed great Improvement:
In fnct, these two boys tire In much
better condition than young Hooose
velt. Feb. 12, 1 a. m. The lights In the In
firmary for nearly two hours have been
turned low.
. Little Girl (5rematd.
Ily lluluslu' Wite from the AwulilrU pievi,
( lieliT. fa. I'll'. II. While plajliisr with the
Ivlliheii tho loilay, .l.uiies SOtoehley, a colored
boy, tec lire to his home at l'liwtnn. He ran
to the Philadelphia Vat lit I'luh, home, where ItU
mother WJK ivniL'inir. le.ivlnif n little gill In Ilia
hoti-e, d'lil tlie 'clilhl uns Imineil n death, liir
bony belnu' loiiml In the iiiIih ot the hou-e, :i
fume timeline. Janus KolhorMnir made u futile
ellort In if.iitc the child.
Blew Down the Lamp Chimney.
Ily M-ulitslw Wire fiom The Aisocliled l'ri.
. Allenlottii. I'J., I'eh. II. When Mis. 'rlioiiuu
ItlcKerl, used 3 yiuu, of South lleutuwii, win
ready in tl l' hxt Uti uli;ht, the hlew down tho
lump ehlnllu.N. ill ordtr to elln;uUli the light.
The lamp exploded, Matteilni; I lie lildxln oil
civil' Mi. Itlikeit. The unfortunate wonuti lin-1,-eied
ill attuny for eeial honry, il.iii; fioni the
etfectii of her ipjurlet, early thl inotuinia;.
Mr, Lawsou Buys "Dare Devi)."
Ily Kirlmbe Wlie from The Asviel.ted I'rru.
JliuiJlg, S. Y., Vvh, 11. Tliomi W. jon,
of Motion, put(ihued today of the Mei. Ilj.u
l.'n, of the Village rami, tlieii' pieiifler ttalllon,
'Dale Devil." The pille i not uiiiwuniul, hut
It U Known that the llanilliu had previously re
iuM .Mi. IjvvouU oiler or (Ai,(x)). The iusur
miyc tin "Pare It" lo csver liltn 'in
to Ihjtlttii U iMMV.
The Guests at a Recent Card Party
Are All Suffering from Effects of
Bad Ice Cream.
Special tn the Scranloii Tribune.
Plttson, July It. Kver since last Sat
urday almost every one of the twenty
five guests nt a card party given ut the
home of Andrew Law, on Spring street.
West Pittslon, last Friday evening,
have been suffering to a certain degree
from tlie effects of what seemed to be
poisoning. The symptoms were nausea
and sore throat, and is thought to have
been an after effect of some of the food
the guests partook of. Among those
the worst nffeutcd ore Dr. and Sir?.
Provost, who are confined to their beds,
although their condition Is by no
means serious and they will probably
hnvn fully recovered In a day or so.
Dr. Troxell, who was called to see
some of tbe people, Is creaited with the
opinion that the Cause of tho trouble
was the Ice cream served, the indica
tions being that milk from n sick cow
had been used tu Its manufacture.
Vice President F. C Andrews
Thinks He Cuuld Pull
Out If Left Alone.
By K.dusbe Wire from the Associated Pies.
Detroit, Mich., Feb. 11. A special
meeting today of the board of educa
tion which has on deposit lu the City
Savings bank $407,000 which closed' Its
doors yesterday, It was decided to elect
ti new treasurer tomorrow night to suc
ceed Henry It. Andrews who wns cash
ier of the City bank. The directors of
the wrecked bank were on Tretisurer
Andrews' bond and tbe board will pro
ceed ns soon as possible to collect the
bank's indebtedness to it from the
bandsmen. Arrangements were made
to secure funds from the city treasury
for current expenses.
Vlce-Paresideiit F. . U. Andrews was
Interviewed this afternoon for the first
time, since tlie City bank closed its
doors. Said be:
I luve not :i penny. I am turned, "but tdou't,
worry uboul injself. All i on- nir mind
i to save tlie others Involved, In thl crash.
There lias tieen any amount of lies and inii
Kt.itentent made about this matter. Ihe.v say I
don't know where the 'collaterals went In. If
they would. only be le frenzied and leMiuie their
ordinary calmnev) I could eiUln to them the
whvle .situation Tn le-u'than three tnlnutis.
1 did not take the ccitllied check .ill iu one
day but swvcualrcly 1 went tu the banks and ex
cluinireil them for the collatcmls but in In
stances they li.ul been sold either tliromrh Cam
eron, Carrie & Co., biokcis or the State S.ivluM
The money I K"t wji necl to pay drafts and
obligation .it other bunks. Then; .no memoranda
of cory transaction and oil the collateral can
be siti-if.Ktorily explained if they will inly
take the trouble to Itoen lo me.
As Jar as llany Andicwn h concerned there U
nothing specially niung about it. lie can take a
man's note for 43,000 If he .suppose the maker in
be iwl can't heV And if tlie maker tvn. out
worthless he has only a piece of paper to bhow
for it, hasn't he? 1 had plenty of collateiaU
at tli time. lt's( only a case of over loans.
That's all it amounts to. If they would ulve mo
a chance .and let me pull out everybody would
ijet his monev. I've trot lot of equities and
other things tliat I haven't turned over to them
yet, but I will do ) a soon a they will listen
to me. Vc made nil the money for the bank,
now why don't they let me get them out of the.
Tint r.iihoad roniMlnn .done i tiifHulenl to
pay for ecry cent the I'ity SaWmts bank own".
My troubled with the drop iu Atnjliu
mated Copper and accumulated s the market
went down.
These proceedlii(t are all rbjht Lin.
it tlie fellows think I hey can et their money
bill, by puttini: me behind the bars for ,t
whin- I can Ket a ret, I am tsitbslicd.
I don't owe a penny lu City, f.'hle.uu, !
New oik or tiny other place otte(it sonu money
on stock in t'lah mines
The people needn't woiry about the public
funds whlih were in ths bank, They will be all
restored, thnuttli It will bie.ll; tbe direr,
toi., who Hill have to make gocn the defleeney.
They Will Not Give Out What Has j
Seen Adopted in the Meeting-. i
lty llxilusive Win? from tlie .Wociated l'ics.
P-hlla.delphla, Feb. 11. The Presby
terian revision committee resumed Its
labors today In Westminster bull of the
Vltherspoon building, confining Its at
tention to the brief statement of faith
for popular use. The brief statement
contains sixteen chapters or sections,
which were formulated by the commit
tee last December while In session at
Washington, U. 0. The committee Is
now going over the statement, chapter
by chapter, and making changes whero
they are thought to be necessary. The
first three chapters us outlined ut the
session in Washington were reviewed
today mid conclusions reached In the
llrst two. The three sections are en
titled! Chapter T, revelation and the rule of
faith; chapter II, God; chapter IU,
Eternal Purpose. The committee will
not give out what was ttdopted, but It
Is understood that no important
changes 'have been iiiude.
Walking: Match Score.
Ily Kuduilye Wltc bom the .WjcI.iIciI Pie-rf,
Xew Yoilt.'rVi- ll.flio note at mldiibtht if
thii ten leadlnu icauw in the l.vd.iy walking
nuuli uas: lIcKclman, & mibi;
Slivlton-tliieilem; 2.M1; tioldeii-Triivj, STHt l'ah-y.
Mclku.-, l'T'i: Uavlvl'anull. 71: Ii.
JIB; I'eeney-reeney, iliii llccr-lleu', SIT! Hem.
Cainpt'cll, Hi; rall(icllanln;;luli, lIJ. Itivo.'d
for forly-clKht Ileum, individual race, '.ITi inlli-t
oro lata,
Property Claimants Fight,
Uy i:cluihc Wire torn The Associated l'icj-
( lilcauo, I'll). 11. Purine; J ttvibt IhW intuitu;
bvtween the folloueM ot ilial claimant w
pio'Hy lyin ulonr thu bake :hoie dilve. the
mot arUlocratU- bonlevaiil tu ('hlcJKo, ('iiiuk
Kirk, a watchman for one ut the (;la!mauu wa
hot and killed. A number ! khoU wonj ex
ilwntfd. Several yf the combatant wcic ur
Judge Pennypncker Holds That tho
Organization Has Mo In
definite Purpose.
By Kxvlti.bc Wire front 'Hie A.socUled I'rc.i
Philadelphia. Feb. ll.-.Tudge Penny
packer, lu common pleas court today
sustained the objection to the nomina
tion papers of the "Public Opinion
party'," which decision prevents the
party from having a column on the of
llclul ballot, The matter came up on
objections by the DemoCratle and Mu
nicipal league parties to the certificates
of nomination of City Solicitor Klnsey
as a candidate for re-election and John
M. Patterson and .Inines C. Johnson for
magistrates on the Publlo Opinion
party. The objectors argued' that the
new party was organized purely for
p611tical purposes and was composed ot
hepubllcans. This was denied by coun
sel for the new organization, who
claimed It, was an endenvor to nitrify
polities In this city. In his opinion
Judge Pennypacker reviews the testi
mony and stnted that a number of
those who signed the nomination pa
pers of the Public Opinion party bad
no Intention of leaving the Republican
party, their sole purpose being to pro
cure the election of certain candidates
In November, 1901. There was no other
formulation of principles, no adoption
of rules and regulations looking to fu
ture action. and no further attempt at
organization. At a later date candi
dates for city offices were nominated
and It was resolved that their names
should be presented as the candidates
of the Public Opinion party.
The court finds that no sequence or
connection Is traced ' between Public
Opinion party of November, 1901, and
tho movement of January, 1902, which
resulted in the convention of tlie IStti,
and that, in consequence up to that
dute no aotual organization had ex
isted. The Public Opinion party therefore is
not a party, which polled two per cent,
of tbe "entire vote cast at the election
nest preceding" within the meaning ot
the' net, of 1&S8.
- ,
Members of the Different Associa
tions Are Still in Session at
Ily i:ilu-bc Wite from the Awoci.ited Pre'.
Duffnlo. N. Y Feb, 11. The mem
bers of tlie different base ball associa
tions, who are revising tho playing
rules, resumed their work this morning.
Following is tbe text of Sections :s
and 4 of Rule 41, defining a strike, as
finally adoDted:
Section . A foul lilt not caiiuht on the ily,
unltss two strikes lave been ulteady called, which
falls or settles or. foul tnound. bnlde or on On
line ot the terrltoiy uWiiucd by Unci drawn
bom fir-it and ttilrd bac; nt right amtlm will, nu
imaginary line iliawn from home to second ba-e,
and extending on each side t the limit of tho
playlnsr Held.
Section t. Any Intention or effort lu Id) the
ball til foul mound oltUlde of the lines of tbe
tciriituy iloiiribtil by llue. drawn fioni fit -I to
t lilt tl hasc-i .a ilitht ancles with an iiuattlmiiy
line drawn fiom home to wound ban- ami eMerul
inir on each Mile tu the limit nt the plajlutr
A change In Rule 17, adopted last
night, It was found, would prevent the
en t'cher going for foul balls, and con
sequently the words "and at all times
during the game," at the end of tbe
section, were ordered stricken out.
Section 2 of Rule 32 was also cor
rected by adding tbe words "to u bats
man." so that It now rends:
"The umpire shall call n ball on the
pitcher each lime he delays the game
by falling to deliver the ball lo the
batsman, while In position, for n longer
period than twenty seconds, excepting
that In the case of the first batsman lu
each Inning-, the pitcher may occupy
not more than one minute In delivering
not to exceed five balls to a batsman,"
Rule ilS was eliminated. It probihited
the use during a game by manager,
captain or player, of Indecent or Im
proper language directed to a spectator,
umpire, manager, club official or a
The members then adjourned, subject
to the call of Chairman Kllfoyle.
No More Cases of Smallpox Reported
at PIttston.
Special to the ftpinlou Tribune.
PIttston, Feb. 11. The West PIttston
board of health, at a meeting tills af
ternoon, decided to rube the quaran
tine against PIttston city, and the
guards who have been on duty at the
bridges were Immediately laid off.
No new smallpox cuses have been re
ported lu this vicinity within the last
ten liave. , '
Ily Ilxelmlve Ulic horn The Auoci.lrd I'l't'K
Iteilin, 1'cb. II. --A farewell dinner wui niivii
tonlitht by Cmpcror William 'o I'limc lb my,
Audicw II. vthtic, tho Auuiivan auih9.vtrloi',
wa jiiiouk tlm i!lici. Alter Hie dinner, i:m
peroi Wlllla. )lr. Whin- and nil the 'Hhera
uicoinpaiiH-d I'lluu- llemy to the i.iilioid tulion,
tbe'tulti bavins (r Kiel at u few Minnie niter
Lockout Will Be Raised.
li.t b-iclutivi! Whe fioni the .LwoiUled I 're-.
I'lovlilwiu, It. I., 1V1. 11. Thu lockout whlili
lia been iu edect xi nee Feb. 3 in the National,
I'nuidence Wonted, lllvrnilde, Vcbo;U and
Mantoii mill, itf tlie American Woolm timipuny,
at Olueyiille, ,i a. reult of a weaver' ulrlke
avanut the double loom iytiu, will te rutted
The Mam Graham Loaded with
Lumber Is Lost Oil ,
GfipeMau. . l
Vessel Caught hi Heavy Sens and Ice
Is Abandoned The Captain, Seeing
That the Ship Is About to Slnte,
Sets Eire to the Craft Captain
Medley Explains That the Vessel
Was Over Thirty Years Old and
Would Sink UAiless Burned.
fly KM'liolic Wire from The Aoel.Ued Pros'.
New York, Feb. 11. The seboone?
which was burned to the water's edge
off ti point north of Cape May, last
night, wns the Mary Oraliam, from
Norfolk to New York, and the crew Is
safe, having reached here late this nl;
ternooti. ' They were picked up Ijy tlto
schooner J. C. Clifford. Captain-F. II.
Medley and five seamen composed the
crew of the flrnbtiin. She was n two
master, which left Norfolk, Vn., three,
weeks ago yesterday with. 187,000 feet of
p(ne lumber, consigned to a New YorP
firm.' From Captain Medley the follow;'
lug facts were gathered:
About 0.30 o'clock last Saturday morn
ing the schooner was caught in the IcV
which was coming out of tlie Delaware
bay, and the captain, fearful that he
would bo crushed or the schooner
blown ashore, dropped both anchors,
being at that time eight and n half
miles northwest of Cape May In nine
fathoms of water. The schooner wini
leaking and the crew was kept at thu
pumps. They suffered terribly from tho
cold, and the' bands of Mate Charles
Anderson and Sailor were
frost-bitten. Plenty of hot coffee re
duced the men's suffering considerably.
Heavy seas we;t- blowing over the
vessel and the bow sprit was carried
away. Soon after-, both masts went by
the .board. In fulling over tho side ot
the schooner the masts carried away
the only boat. This left the crew help
less, and their only hope of safety lay
In being picked up by a passing ship.
Tlie schooner was one mass of Ice from
bow' to stern by this time, iind to mid
to the peril the captain found she was
in danger or sinking, being an old ves
sel. To lighten her the captain had
about twenty thousand feet of lumber
thrown overboard.
Despite all efforts tbe schooner wan
settling rapidly when the J. C. Clifford,
also a, lumber-laden schooner, hove ii
sight. This wus about It o'clock yes
terday morning.
The Clffford lay to about one hun
dred yards from the Oraham and sent
a boat with mate and three sailors to
resUue the crew. On account of the Ice
the small boat had great dllllculty In
forcing Its way through the water, and
the mate bad about given up hope of
reaching the sinking schooner when a
sudden change In the wind made a pas- "
sageway through the Ice, through which
the hardy crew rowed to the (irnhtim.
Seeing that there was no chance of
saving the vtssi-l, Captain Medley ret
fire to It before entering the Clifford's
boat. In explaining tills action he Ptild
that the vessel was ovi-r thirty ytartt
old and her bull was In such bud con
dition that lie knew she would soon
Tlie Urobilin was I'Jii tons, und was
owned by tlie riiveuleiif-JoliiiponMAlin-lier
company, of lierkley, near Nnrl'o.'k
Company Incorporated to Completo
the Project,
By Kii-lu'hr Wire from 'the Avioclatcd Pre.
New York. Fb. 11. -The New York
and Jersey company was Incorporated
nt Albany today. W. (1. McAdoo, coun
sel for .the corporation, said the object
of the company wan the completion of
I whal Is known as the "old Hudson
I river tunnel." The leriuluals on both
I sides of tb" river had been acquired,
j be said, the tetmlnal i-tatlon on the
I New York side to be m tbe 'block
bounded by Christopher, Tenth, Oreon
wlch and Hudson streets. Tho tunnel
citrsVlll come to the surface, at this
station, that transfers of passengers
can be nindi lu both the elevated ami
Metropolitan systems lu convenient
v On the New Jersey side, connections
will be made on tho surface with the
street railway lines. The tunnel will
be operated by electricity. The tunnel
has been built for a distance of four
thoifsnnd feet, leaving J,0 feet of
work yet to be done.
Postmaster at Dalton.
fly Wire from The AuocUttil Vrn
WaiiHKtou. 1'eh. 11, Tin foltmvlnsj fouilh
i In, iiii.iicr Hire appointed today: Palten,
Uikjttaiii.a county, W. K. Frost; Wt'hdl Hill.
I.meihc i cunt, .1. T. Kv.uu.
l.oial dala li-r IVb. II, ltfft!.
Hlithi-.l I ill c 1 ilcgrt'lt,
Uiel lempciaiuii- , l'i decrtet
llelatlve htimldltj :
S a. m St per cent,
p, ui oil per cent.
Pitvipttalioii, 'M hours ended 8 p. iu., uonc.
Wiihlucloii, Feb. 11 Foroc.i'.t for Weil-
ni'Mlay and Thursday: lUlciu I'eiimil- -t-
- vjnU, Bencrally fair Wednesday oud
- Thursday; continued low teinp'rjtmcj
4- light lo fresh went to northwest winds.
t. t-t-r' fl-trf-Hi