8 THE SCRANTON TBIBUNE-TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1902. ROYAL Baking Powder is indispen sable to the preparation of the finest cake, hot-breads, rolls and muffins. Housekeepers are sometimes importuned to buy other powders because they arc "cheap." PlousekceperS should stop and think. If such powders arc lower priced, are they not inferior? Is it economy to spoil your digestion to save a few pennies? The "Royal Baker and Pastry Cook" con taining over 800 most practical and valuable cooking receipts free to every patron. Send posts! card with your full address. m GRAND AND PETIT JUKI NAMES DRAWN PROM WHEEL YESTERDAY. THE Sheriff Schadt and Jury Commis sioners E. B. Sturges and D. J. Campbell Mako Public- the Names of the Men Who "Will Serve on the Grand Jury Which Meets March 10 and On the Petit Juries for the Weeks of Apiil 7 and 14. Sheilff C. H. Schadt and Jiuy Com missioner U. B. Sturges and D. J. Campbell jcbterday drew jurors for ihe grand jury which meets March 10 and to serve as petit jurors riming the weeks beginning April 7 and 14. The jurors drawn follows: Grand Juiy, March 10. I ufjene Allen, pipe lajcr, Scranton. .Ijcob Ilctzcll, tncrcliint, Smntoti. Owen O'JIallcj-, maun, Scranton. Charles I!. Ilinillii, gentleman, hcranton. 'Jhomas Fikc, farmer, North Ablution. John Wright, miner, &crantoii. I'afiick Kb nil, butcher, Scranton. William Davis, miner, Scranton, X J. Jlatthews, postmaster, Oljphint. J'dward Yairlngtou, clerk, CarlionJile, Michael SpcUman, lettrr carrier, haaiilo4., ( hjilca SickUr, collector, &.raii1on. W. Scranton Aolfe, agent, Scianton. Adam W'hieler, blacksmith, Scranton. F. D. Paris, merchant, Jcrmjn. l'rank Fleming, laboicr, Scranton. 'Jhomas Parry, minor, bcranton. William Durland, farmer, Spring Drook. J'. J. llomn, merchant, Scranton. Mark Timlin, mill luml, Scranton. 5eorge Gibson, carpenter, bcrantun. James D. Evans, insurance agent, Scranton, Frank J. Hughes, salesman, Carbondjlc. 'ihonus II. l'lanuery, sr 6hotlnakcr, Scranton. Petit Jurors, Monday, April 7. James Held, carpenter, Pickion Citj. J'dward F. Cliamberlain, accictarj, Punmorc. J. J, Neil, photographer, Caibondalc. K. 1 Trice, bank teller, Scranton. Frederick U. Walter, carpenter, Scranton. (George D. Drown, president, Scranton. Qrin Denny, fanner. Ciucnflcld. Jaac II. Morgans, laborer, Scianton. 'Jhomas Walton, miner, Scranton. William Shoemaker, miner, Scranton Patrick Tighe, mill hand, Scranton. belli W, Wrigley, machinist, Scranton. Patrick McCann, miner, Scranton. A. II. Qittcrson, farmer, Moscow, Tliaddcus P. Roche, blacksmith, Scranton, 1. J. McCaffrey, bookkeeper, Scranton. Jtobcrt McKinley, miner, Olj pliant. W. W, Jones, fanner, Vostvllle. , Peter Solomon, miner, Old Koigc. Archbald Marvinc, bookkeeper, Scraiiton, lames Cobb, farmer, Clrcentleld. nnit Thomas, letter carrier, bcranfon, Jtecse O. Powell, gentleman, Scranlon. A. J). Van Colder, photojjrapliT, bcranton. M, II, llolgate, teal estate, Scianton.' l'rank P. Klow, timekeeper, Scranton, James Lcnnaid, i,, laboicr, Scrantoii, 11. A. .latlwin, cashier, Scranton. J. P. II, Itajner, tellir, C'aibondale. Patilck Wlialcn, mill hand, Scranton. Itobert Campbell, gentleman, Caibondalc. fleorge O. Plmuiner, farmer, Olyphint. ( A. Sherman, farmer, Olenbiirn. Thomas Lyj-nclt, miner, Carbondale. Thomas M, flriifllhs, miner, Jcrmjn. Iiavid I'rancis, tracklayer, Tujlor. David Foley, fanner, Covlnifton. David M. Jones, foicinan Scranton. John Ajcrs, laborer, Old Forge. William Lewis, miner, bouillon. Vincent Dougherty, farmer, CoUngton.i I', H. McCann, carpenter, Olj pliant. loh'n Phillips, miner, Scranton, Charles Hogers, gentleman, Carbondalo, .-.lames J, O'Malley, laborer, Scranton, Charles W. King, oiler, Scranton. D. O, O'Hara, agent, Scranton, Anthony Gillespie, janitor, Scranton. J, II. Robertson, superintendent, Old Forge, Vf, 0, I.oomls, lnuranco agent, Scranton J, 12. Illoomer, 'principal, Scranton, W, T, Purdy, carpenter, Daltou. P. J. Coleman, talesman, Scranton. John Ituano, laborer, Scranton, Patrick Nulty, miner, Scranto. John Nothacker, fanner, Jolferson, ' John Fitzhenry, echool director, Mlnooka, William J, Morin, mill hand, Scranton. Itobert Alien, hotel, Scranton, Famutl Kimter, merchant, Scranton. Oarrtt Built li, mlllor, bcranton. . August Olltndlrk, school teacher, Throop, Tlioiiio Jl, Jones, clerk, Scrantoii, Ceorgo llought, car builder, Dunmorc, P, F, Coogau, merchant, Carbondale. I), (I. Morgan, real estate, Scranlon, Jmnes J. Kelly, hotel, Scranton. P. Cannon, gentleman, Olj pliant. 'Jhomas McNully, miner, Scranton. James Nyhart, fjinier, Scott. O.tB. Fowler, Jr., tlork, Scranton. James P. Law, ttatiuii azent, Taylor, W. E. Anderson, real estate, Scranton. Thomas Sprague, supeiintendent, Scranton. John Grady, miner, Scranton. Daniel W. Humphrey, merchant, Carbondale. John McCrindlc, merchant, Mooslc, Thomas II. Dale, ex-presldent, Scranton. William Oonnorly, tlacVunlth, Jessup. Henry II. Bridy, Jr., clerk, Scranton. Petit Jurors, Monday, April 14, W. E. Vooburg, conductor, Scranton. Thomas Hopkins, conductor, Scranto? Jimu S, Scnutoa, agent, Scranton. Alum is used in some baking powders and in most of the so-called phosphate pow ders, because it is cheap, and makes .1 cheaper powder. But alum h a corros ive poison which, taken in food, acts injuri ously upon the stomach, liver and kidneys. ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., Ciorge V. llctbler, caiptntcr, Scriuton. Andrew dimming.", engineer, Taj lor. Jlorgan lliomai, iiitrcliant Siranton. Thomas J. Snowdcn, lumber, Scranton. Aided S. Dojlc, miner, Tajlor. Allen 1'olej", fanner, Jcflerson. Kan J. Dals, gentleman, Scranton. John O'Connor, hotel, Olj pliant. 1'icilerlck W. Mills, manufacturer, Girboudilr. Petei Carr, mill hand, Scranton. C'lnrlcs llornbakcr, carpenter, Scranton. W. It. Manners, druggist, Mootic. Lot Ludwig? miner, bcranton. Joiejili Cas."(ssc, merchant, Scianloii. Patrick 1". Tajlor, hotel, Scrantoii William II. Peck, cashier, Scranton. Charles II. Lord, contractor, Scranton S. J, lloinbikcr, flioc dealer, Moscow. 1J. A. Kelly, diuggist, Carbondale. J. D. Ajlesworth, agent, South Abington Willi mi K. llccse, miner, Scianton W". W. llaggcrtj', foicinan, Scranlon. A. II. Turner, milk dealer, bcranton. diaries llcnwood, druggist, Scianton. r.lcazer Ucans, clerk, Scianton. W. O. Smith, fanner, Norlli Abhiglnn .T. W. lilioadcf, farmer. South .Munition. Mclchoir Ackcrmau, gioccr, Scranlon. II. C. White, fanner, W'mcrlj-. Willi mi Penibnclgc, f.irmei, Spring Iliook. Junes II. Coleman, mill bind, Scianton. John 1'. Itandolpli, englncci, Sci.iutun. John O'DonncII, iilolorman, Scranton. John J. Ilrogan, hotel, Dunmorc. Frank Couch, insurance agent, CirbomlaU? John Lowrj-, gilcmaii, bcranton. Sunon Laucr, mcrchint, Scranton r.lmer Huglio1., hundrjimn, Scianton. William Lewis, miner, Scranton. Thonrn It. Matthews, fanner, Spring Ilrook. Jainrs P. 0ciib, foicinan, Scianton. T. P. McDonough, clcik, Scranton. Frederick Itcpp, gcntlcnian, Old I'oige. John C (iriftlth, barber. Tajlor. Michael McCann, ininci, Carbondjlc. T. Fellows Mison, merchant, Scranton. li. K. Dcnjamlii, carpenter, Pcckiillc. Matthias Donu, laborer, bcr.inloii. ' K. T, Hone, Ijookkccper, Scrantiin. ll.ilkm Howe, gardner, LaPlume. Anthony fiillcsples, laborer, Scranton John S. Luce, insurance agent, Scranlon. Albeit Carbon, mcrchint, Scranton. John Yoos, woodworker, Scianton. Ceorgc duU. Uimmick, clerk, Scranlon. Thomas J. Moian, machinist, Scranton. John O. Zurflleh, real estate agent, Scianton. Thomas V. Jordan, merchant, Olj-phant. Jay G. Seamans, merchant, bcranton. William Athcrton, fanner, South Ablnston. Henry W. Chapman, mine supl,, FcckUlle. O. W. Allcp, bookkeeper, Punnioie. A. 13. Claj-, insurance, Scranlon. Charles Tinklum, fanner, Waerlj'. P. J. Mangan, hotel, Scianton. Philip C. Schmidt, gentleman, Scranton. Conrad Fruchan, jr., clerk. Scranton. Charles W, Matthews, real estate, Scranton, (iorton Chora, fanner, LaPlume, Michael Langath, painter, Scranton. George W. Patterson, constable, In Plume. Jullm S. Morss, bookkeeper, Scranton. M. M. Ilurkc, elrhor, llunmore. P. C. McDonough, miner, Carbondale. John ltlchards, engineer, Old Forge. TI. 11, Jadnin, gentleman, Carbondale, JULIUS WEIL DEAD. Pormer Wilkes-Bnrroan Passes Away nt His Home in Altoona. A telegram to relatives hero on Sat urday last announcing tho death of Julius Well at his home In Altoona, Pa., came as a surprise. The deceased was taken ill with pneumonia last week and within two clays passed away. He was C3 years of ago and had en joyed excellent helth. He is survived by his wife, Lena, who Is n sister of Mrs. Isaac Long of this city, and two daughteis and two &ons, Herthu and Canle und Edward unci AVIlIium, all single, Tho deceased was a son of the late Jacob Well, who resided In this city many years ago and who died here in 1873 Ho was alHO a brother of tho late Mrs. Henry Hofflieimer of this city. Somo thirty years ago ho left hero and went to Hollldaysburg, where ho has been In business up to eight years ago. Then he temoved to Al toonu, whero he was a wholesale dealer In cigars and tobacco. Mrs, N, G. Goodman, of Scranton. is a sister of tho deceased. Ho al&o leaves two biotheis, John, of Chicago, Illinois, and Simon, of Youngstown, Ohio, both well known business men, Ho came to this country Ivlth his parents in 1S52 and remained here until his parents died, Mrs, Isaac Long and Henry HofTholiner left for Altoona to attend tho funeral, which will take pluco tomorrow, Wllkes-Ijarro Heeord. J, H. LADWIG A SUPFEBER, His Paterson Store Destroyed in Big Conflagration. v jonn i.auwig, owner of the Four Cent Store, on Lackawanna avenue, wus one of tho sufferers from tho big Paterson lire on Sunday. Mr, Lad wig has been conducting a storo on Main street, Paterson, for about a year and- a half aifd it was entirely de stroyed In the big conflagration. His loss will bo about $8,000 which amount Is entirely covered by Insur ance. Mr. Ladwlg was In Paterson yesterday looking over the ruins. &&&. y?TR3SaaUU-KJU8djlJlli NEW YORK. INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR MEN AT THE TIMMES & HECHT MILL ORGANIZE. They Did This With the Consent of Their Employers Order of the D., L. & W. Company Concerning Vac cination Will Not Bo Mado General Unless It Should Be Pound Neces sary to do so The Board for To day Stationery Firemen to Meet at Nanticoko. Tho employes of the Tlmmns & Hecht spike mill, located at the westerly end of Jackson street, sent a committee to their cmployets yesterday morning, asking their permission to organize .i union among the sovcnty-llve men em ployed in and around tho mill. The proposition was accented by tho members of the llrm, and shortly after wards the men met and formed a tem porary organization among themselves. The organization will be made petina nent and an application will be made: "lor a charter lrom the Iron Mouldeis' International union. When asked concerning the organ ization, Mr. Timmes said the llrm is in accord with the movement, and gave their consent, to the formation of n union. He also stated that there has not been, neither Is theie any trouble existing between the Hi m and their em ployes. Order Not General. The order Issued by the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company, notifying all employes at the Avondalo and Woodward collieries that they must be vucrlnated before tomorrow, otherwise thev will not be allowed to wotk, only applies to those two col Heiles which are located in Plymouth, wheie smallpox is prevalent. If tho epidemic becomes general In this city the order will In nil probabil ity be issued to Include tho collieries located in AVest Scranton and North Scranlon. D., L. & W. Board for Todny. The following Is the, make-up of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western boaid for today: Monday, rr.nniT.vnv 10. Kxti.is Fist S p. in., Finnerlyj 11 p. m,, Hoboken, J, W, Deilnc. 1UFSDAV, FKDIlUAltY 11. IMras Fait 1,50 a. in., Hoboken, M. It, Mc Lane; I n, m., If, Coslar, John natci'a crew; U a, m,, Hoboken, J. F, Uurkhait; 0 a, in., Hoboken, J, Ucrrity; 11 a. in., J. J, Mmraj, D, ll.iggcrtj'n crci 1 p. in,, F, Van Wormcr; . p. in., iioiioHeu, u, uuiv'g; ., i, m,, ,m, j, Hcnnogaii; 3 p, in,, W. A, Ilartholomew j 0 p. in., D. Dnliiirj-. Summit, Etc. (i a. in,, J, Cairlgg; S a, m., Frounfelkci; 10 a. tu,, Nichols; 2 p. in., Thompson; 0 p, in., J. Heuncgan; 6 p, m., M. Golden. Pushers 0 a, in., Wldncr; 7 a, in., Finnerty; h a. in,, Housor; 11.11 a. in., Moian; u p. in., (t. Iljitliolomevv; 7.S0 p. in., Muiphy; 0 p. in., W, 11. llarlliolouicn ; U p. in,, Lamping. i:.trj3 West 5 a, in., J. Cahagan; 8 a. in., F, Ca-e, A, F. Ketthuni's ciewj 11 a. m., T. Doudf. can; 2 p. in., W. Kilby, WullV crew; 1 p, in., M. Oinlej', M. Caiiiiodj's treu; 11 p. m., J. J. Oilara. Pawcnger Fnglncs 7 a. in., fiaffney; 7 a, in,, Singer; 10 a. in,, Secor; 0.15 p, m., Stanton; S.20 p. in,, McGomu. XOTlt'K. J. II, Masters will tun 7 p, ill. etiu, Feb, 10, and until fuitlicr notice, in place of P. J. Xcalis. M. Staples will go out uitli D. Wallace as flagman until fuitlicr notice. Tills and That. The report of the national auditors of tho United Mine Workers shows that on November 1 the organization had to Its cteellt $89,191.30 In the Capltul Na tional bank at Indianapolis, Woik Is well under way on a large breaker for tho Lehluh Vulley Coal company, north of ait. Carniel, to pre pare the output of tho Sioux colliery, the White & White mine, Hell's tunnel- and eventually SU. Carniel colliery. Tho San Francisco Examiner says tho Mexican Anthracite Coul and Minim? company, lecently oiganlzed, expects to open anthrnclto mines In coal lunds In the Sun Murclul valley, state of Son ora, Mexico, wheto u grant of 3,000,000 acres has been seemed by Alvlnza Hayward, of Sun Francisco, and A. J. Ulinan, or Baltimore. On March 1 the Stationary Firemen's This Ignataro U on every box ol fn gtmulM Laxative Bromri'Ouiniiic Tablets jaiXHJaJUUU in ono tLT union will meat at Nnnllcolte, ana notices have been pent out to nil the subordinate unions In tho stato to Hint effect. At this convention the main ob ject will be to tnke uotlon on the eight hour question. In Juty lust tho firemen struck for eight bourn u day, but to turned to work nfter nearly four weeks of. Idleness, without success. It Is now said that If tho demand Is made It wljl receive the support of tho United Mine Workers' organization. At the former strlko tho miners were not In sympathy with It. Tho firemen now work twelve hours a day, and they want eight hours without n reduction In pay. Theatrical. TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. LYCi:U.M-"Tlic Pcnllcnt." Sight. ' ACADEMY May Flske Comedy Company. Afternoon ami night. STAH New Night OwR Afternoon and night. , O'Neill in "Monte Crlsto." In the elaborate) nnhal of "Monte Crlsto" lire- Eontcd at Iho Ljccum lait nluht by James O'Xclll. it Is hard to cicti Imagine nnj thing wanting In the way of mclodraim, O'Xclll ai a lnelodriinla actor is superb; "Monto Cilsto" is a mclodraiim w Ithout a peer, and Llcblcr k Co. in staging tho production, lino reached the llthlt of the possi bilities. Iho organization supporting Mr. O'Xclll com priics most capible artists. At tho head uf the supporting company Is Frederic de l!cllcllle, whew: ".Vortler" U realized by him almost as thoioughly as O'Xclll lives "Monte Cilsto." James O'Xclll, Jr., as "Albert de Moiceit" dls-plaj-s ability that marks him as a bom Thespian. Miss Selene Johnson ns "Mercedes" fulfills eoiy exaction of that trjing- role. Tho setting of the nones rcprcntlng the poit of Marseilles, Willi a full rigged ship falling into the haibor; the Clialcau do .If. wit.li its iol- lapse; the ball loom of Hotel de Morccrf and Ilia closing tcene depicting the forest of l'ontaln bleu are spectacular in their grandeur. The elec tric effects are marvels of stagecraft. "Monte Crlsto," as plajed by James O'Xclll a decade ago was a standird production. As prc entcd today it is a great plaj-. May Piske at Academy. If May FNkc and her companv had failed to plc.no at the Academy last night there would have been a great mmy disappointed people in Scranton todij-, as the Academy held a lirge house. Few bettor stars than Miss Fiskc in the icpertoire lino have visited tills citj-. She has a strong support and each member plnjed his part with the piopcr spirit. The scenery carried by this company is new and the plij-, "The Charity Girl," was picscntcd in a fine rn inner. 'Jhe Fpecialties introduced between the :'cts was a high order. Mla Fistcc sing beautifully while Mrs. Gcncial Tom Thumb, Count and P.iron Magrl delighted all with their comedy sketch. At the mitincc of "Peg Wofflugton" tndiy Mi-s Fii-ke will hold a reception on Hie' stage for the ladies and children, assisted by Mrs. General 'lorn Thumb, Count and Uaron Magu. Night Owl Burlesquers. 'Jhe Night Owl Hurleno,ucrs appealed .it ihe Slai jestciday afternoon and evening. While the Night Ouls are scaicely up to the standird of the lioiiac Jb a sv hohs the tioupo nevertheless con tains some tilcntcd specialty aitists prominent among wiiom may l mcntioiied the Hell trio, comedy nciobat. who introduced boiiic new- .ui'l novel tuuis. The Night Ovvli will appear locliy ami tcmor- inw aftenmon and evening, and on Thursday will t t. ..it- i ,..- ,i. .... wv luituuc-u iij- me uoiienuan Jiuri0siuei3. "The Penitent." An eminent critic of i Ilnstpu paper, in com menting on "The Penitent," W. K. Nankevllle'a succesful ihainitiatlon of Hall Cable's powerful fctory sajs: "One cannot allcnipt to levicw 'The Penitent' in an hoar. At the first ghnce one drink.-, in its beauty, its power, its greatness. To realize all uquircs a anther knowledge, gainod only by atendinLo at its presentation.. 'The Pendent' will live. It i nut only a bulllant ami masterly plaj-, hut it is the equal of tho best Known of the Caine plaj 'The Christian.' L'n tiicly wholesome, a sun.on if jou will but fcin tilliuting with wit. captivating with its love Morj-, Miprcme ill its mlurahiets, mid teaching a lesson that none can fail to read who 1,003 iU unfolcling." This potent Oram i comes to the Ljccuni tonight, "Hamlet" and "Othello." The avciago person seldom realizes the amount ol wort; embodied in the detail of making an ordinary stage production and much loss can he understand the time and cnergj- spent preparing large pioductions. Probably the most difficult productions ore those of the t lassie dr.nni. to which no actor can more justly lay claim to superiority than Itobert Mantcll, whose artiatlo productions have met with unmeasured success from tho Atlantic to the Pacific coasts. Mr, Miintell under the management of Mr. St. W. Hanlojs wil be seen next Wednesday and Thursday nights at tho Ljccum when lie ptesnts "Hamlet," and "Othello." Ho will bo suprted by an exceptionally stiong company. Sale of scats now- on. "Up York State." "Up York Stale." "Is a play to see twice," sajy a critic. Ibis story of a little Adirondack vil lage has no limit of territory within which its truths may be applied or set down ns the leal thing. It Jmt tits in to our whole American scheme of blurdy and fico life wherever jou may go. David Illgglns as Darius Oieen lilts to a dot a whole army of gentle sturdy men whco one aim in life 60cni3 to be the quiet helping of others, and for this he Is a diameter to be loved and will live In stage annals. The play had .1 11111 of 1(10 nights in Xcw York to its credit ond will be at the Ljccum, Saturday afternoon and nigit. Brockwny Concert Company. JIIh t.'eorgla Hcntley, who coinca to the Lj-. ceiiin with the lliocl.vvay Grand Concert com. pany ueit Friday niclit, h destined to hecomo one of the world's Kit-atcst planUtts. HcT lull. nam piajins .itici pncnoincnal technique enchant an audience to such an extent that, tor the time boliiif, they are entirely lost to the world around thein, Her lint bcriouj work lepan when fho became the pupil ot Ce'eclU Haul, tie well Known trachci. At the completion of her coure, the (rave a fiiccessful ieclt.il in llalilmoir, and luviiiR at tainrd the lilghcst honois In an elimination covcrintr piano, theory, mu.ical hUtoij-, etc., iho received tho Pcilmdy ccrtltlcate. The pat year hho ha) been studjliiff with Mine. Illoom. tield ZcUlcr, Scats on sale Wcdnitlaj How Tlioy Treat Paderewski in Eu ro pe. "I'adercvvbll," began the amateur, "is engaged In producing lit opera and coiucrtUIng tluough out Germany with hi usual succefs. He U us turc of Ids public there us here. In point of fact I am told lhat Dresden lecognUcd and delighted In him long beforo lie tet foot in America, 'llm ilotalU of the grand tournco which cointltutcd lib lait rojal progress have jet to be adequately recounted, "Ho took Lelrulo by ktorm, and aroiued uch wild eiithualauii as had never been known In ihu elasalo city, sacred to llach. MondeUnlm u.ni Joachim, Tho conceit which included llach, and licet hovvn was prolongeil by opplauso und en. cores to double its normal length, but Hill he audience declined to go; nor did they budgu till us a last cipodlcnt tho gas was turned out. "Cologne, with an audience room 40 large that no pruiouj piano u-cltal had ever attiactcd hearers cnoujli to fill it, brought together a ciowded audience which rote under tho niagio touch of tho uitlst to a fruuy of enthu!,laiii. IVaiilifott-oii-lhe-JIaln tvllectnl a ait,er ajin. bly, than even ltublmtelu, the darling of Ger many had ever brought together there, The con cert given In Dresden under the uusplee of II 0 lilng of Saony to an audience of thoso eonuuota. seurj who had been omong tho flrit to recognize this mighty genius afforded the climax of Ihe German tour, "Hie mU season taw I'aderewsM's ltujalin trip. This weinctl in the beginning a somewhat precarious entcrprUc, ,011 account of the known disfavor at fct. Pctcisburg for 1'olUli genius In any form or art. lluU, however. Is noblo In h trcjtmcut cf musicians. Wljcu recognition Chronic Diarrhea, (Catarrh of thfc Bowels.) How This Annoying and Woakoning Disorder May Bo Cured, Tho bowels are lined by mucous mem brane that Is very much lllco tho lining dnembrnne of tho nose. Frequently ca tarrh attacks this mucous membrane lining tho bowlB nnd a discharge re sults that Is known as chronic diar rhea. Intestinal catnrrh or rntnirh of tho lining membrane of the bowels In quite a prevalent dlsenBe, being especially common among men who have seen ac tive servico inj, tho army, where tho many changes of drinking water, tho food, nnd tho frequently bud condition of both, together with exposure Inci dent to tho vnrylng conditions of camp and march bring about repealed at tacks of acute diarrhea that leave the lining of tho bowels weak, Irritable and predisposed to catnrrh Just as repeat ed colds In tho head predispose to chronic nasnl catarrh. Cutairh is u constitutional disease, It Is in tho system but llmis vent or expression through a skin. In the out side 6iv covering skin It Is known ns eczemu, which disease is slmulv ca tnrrh In tho outside skin. When catarrh finds vent through tho mucous mem brane or lining skin of the vnrious cav ities and passages of tho head It Is most commonly called catarrh. When ca tarrh affects the mucous mnnilnnno nr lining skin of tho nlr tubes leading to the lungs It is usually named bron chitis. When catanh'gels vent from tho Hnlnjr skin of the female pelvic organs It is spoken of as leucoirhea, whites and female weakness. And so on, when tho lining skin of other or gans are nffected a distinct name may uu given 10 tne ailment, but It Is just systemic catnrrh finding a local e. piession and vent, and a systemic rem edy that will cure catarrrh In one part and under one name, will cure it In any other, part under some other name. Stuart's Catanh Tablets will cure systemic catarrh, they cure it In the blood, therefore they cure Its local vent or expression anywhere and every where. Eczema (catarrh In the skin), rhinitis (catarrh In tho nose), bron chitis (catanh In the air tubes), gas tritis (catanh In the stomach), diar rhea (esilarrh of tho bowels), cystitis (catarrh of tho bladder), leucorrhea (catarrh of the female pelvic organs), and all other catarrhs of whatever dis tinctive name or whrrcver lorated about the body, are cuied by this sov ereign remedy for systemic catarrh. Cut off tho fountain head and all streams It feeds go ehy. Cuie catanh in the blood and there will be no local vent, expression or manifestation of It. The reason Stuart's Catarrh Tablets aio credited with curing so many vari ously named diseases is because nil these diseases are simnlv local ivnr. sions or vents for catarrh. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are a reliable specific for catarrh under all names and in all parts; they ate not a euro-nil .-inri disease to be cured by Ilium must be an exmcssloii of or venf for catanh. Chronic; dlairhe.i, bolng a vent for catarrh through tho mucous membrane or lining skin of the bowels, is readily cured liv Sttiait's Catarrh Tablets be cau&e they cure the catanh in the .sy.s tein and there is nothing to find vent through some skin or mucous mem brane. Stuart's Catanh Tablets are sold at all diug stores for BO cents a box. if you iiue catanh of any part, in any form, it will bo prudent, vaImj and ad vantageous to mako it your Hiht duty to buy and take tlieni. for they euro catarrh anywhere and uverywheie. came it was a inval one. At Moscow Paelci cvv -M iceeived a magnificent welcome; at Kicvv, the box ofllce opcncil in the nioiinng ami when ni-ht fell cvciy scat had been taken. In M. ivtei. burg, at the list concert, so nunc- baskets of boutoniers, to many wreaths of laurel, to nuny bouquets were teen cntciing the opu.i hou;, that the police who regulate evcrvthincr in BimIi. were on the jioint of foibldiling them to be brought in. As the concert piogrcssed the 'tigo becime covered with giccm and flovvcis, litcrilly two feet deep, and the officer in charge) foibid the ovation to piuceed ns such tributes aie re served for the czar alone. A Circus in Mid-Winter. What lots of fun there la in a circus in suin mcr, hut jou have to wait till summer conies. Now- what would jou siy, if a circus was brought to this city light in the middle of winter, not just what can be given on a stage but a toil ring, hoifcs, ponies, bears, lions, elcplnnts, inoiikies, dogs and a bltr piogrunimo of perfoun crs, including the usual conceit uiid fldcshowsl Such is indeed tho eae, the perform luces are ,to be given Fcbiimy 20, 21 and 2 wjth a nialiiicci on the last mentioned d.ij". Most of the high-priced clicus people leat dur ing the winter, woiklng through the Milliliter as their acts and salary are too large for the ordi nary theater, many of llice htara have been en gaged and will appear nt every performance. The ttaje and rings will be in the middle of the laign auditoiium of the new- aimoiy, tho seati ueing urranrcti aiounu ho mat nil can bee. It will be the jolllest aitalr Imaginablo and all for the benefit ot tho llencflcial club of the Jnteriii tlonal Coirespoiidencc Schools and, who have done and mo still doing so much lo make our city prominent tluoughout the cntiio uulvciec. STAGE NOTES. A staluc ot Willi mi II. Ciano lias been made showing tit ii i in the chai.icter of "David llaiuin." Geoigc 'Ihachcr is to head a big minstrel and variety eompaiij-, opening iu Louisville about the 1st of April. Ada Hehaii will piobably act nq uioie, .She is qultu wealthy ami has decided to reside per manently in Paris, Madame Jaiuiischck, who was partially paralys ed at Saratoga, is improving ami is once more at woilt on hot memoirs. "Parson" Div Is is said to ho in Xcw Orleans engaging real levee negroes for a London pioduc tion of "I'nelo Tom's Ciibln." L'diu Wallaco Hopper is out with the announce. Hunt that tliu title of (lie tiiusir.) remedy in which fho will star ue.t season is "1 tic ilold Digger," Jerome K. Jerome's "Mix! Hobbs" has been translated Into tho Itussiiu language and will moil he picscntcd iu ht. Petersburg by orders of tho czai. A QUIET WEDDING, Deaf and Dumb Couple Married by Alderman Euddy, .Alderman M. J. Htuhly perfojined an odd wedding ceioinony yuHterday, when ho' mat tied Itobert Qurhett, of Oly. phunt, and Sllt.3 l.ucy A. A'anltlrk, of Heading', two deaf mutes, Tho ceremony wub performed with tho assistance uf the teacher from the Oral school, who acted as luterpieter, "Do you ttiUo this woman lor your wedded wife?" uskeel the alderman, und tho question wan turned Into sign lun Kunge by tho interpreter, With an ex pression of Inllnl te love and devotion the happy gtoomsman moved his Un set h convulslelj-, "He says lies doea," said the Inter preter, and the question wus lepcuted, with vailatluns, to the btlde, who an swered li) a similar manner. When the ceremony had been performed, the couple went nrnvln-arm out Into tho hull, gesticulating-"wed nothings, with their nimble llngeik Are You a Lover Of the Beautiful? Do you wish to have pretty tlngst We will be pleased to how )ou RollUire Diamond ltings, Diamond and L'mcrald Illngi, Dia mond nnd Ituliy Kings, Dhmond and Opal kings, Diamond and Sapphire Itlngi, Dla montl and Turquols Itlngi. We will mount any desired combination to cider, E. Schimpff, 317 Lnckawanna ave. NEW YORK HOTELS. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Sixteenth St. and Ir ng Place, NEW YORK. - American Plan, $3.50 Per Day and Upwards. Luio'pean Plan, $1,00 Per Day and Unwardt tpecial Itnlcs to Tamlllcs. T. THOMPSON, Prop. - t K... 11....! tr.... r 4- 1'Ul' IHtSMIUSS illUII In tho heart of tho wholrsala f district. For Shoppers X mlnutec" walk to Wnrmmnlcorv. 3 niuiuvea 10 o.esoi coopers uig Btorc. Easy ot access to the creut Dry Goods Htores. For Sightseers One block from D'way Cars. olv. tng cosy transportation to all points of Interest, I HOTEL ALBERT I KEW YOKK. Cor. 11th BT. A UNIVERSITY PH. oniy ono iiiocu irom uronetway. f- DtAmi CI Tin RL'STAURANT liuuun, f up. Prices Reaionabls RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lnckawanna and Western. in KITect Nov. 3, 1001. Trains leave Scrantoii lor New Yorl. At 1.40, 3.1 j, UU, 7.50 and 10 0.', a. in.; lUj, 3.10, .1.3J p. in. 1'or New York and Philadelphia 7.50, 10.U5 a. 111., mid 12.13 and 3.3.1 p. in. 1'or Tobj lianua At U.10 p. in. For DufTalo 1.15, 0.22 and 0,00 a. 111.; 1.03, U.C0 mid 1I.S5 p. m. Kor Ulii(r honitoii and way stations 10.20 a. m. and 1,10 p. in. K01 O'vveeo, hjracutc and lit lea 1.15 and 1122 a. 111. j 1,63 p. in. Oswego, Syracuse und Utica train at ei.SJ .1. 111. elallj-, except feunday. 1'or Jlontroe-7),00 a. tu. ; 1.10 and 0.50 p. m. Mcholson ncLOnttnodation l.tXl and 0.15 p. in. UloonKbutfr Division l'oi Xoithumbcrland, at C.35 and 10 05 a. 111.; 1.55 and CIO p. m. For I'lj-niouth, at 8.10 a. ni. J 3.40 ond D.O0 p. 111 bumlay Traim Por evv' York, 1.40, 3.15, fi 05 ond 10 03 11. in.; .".40, .1 3J p. rnv For HulTalo 1.1 j nnd (1.22 a. m. 1 1.55, 0 50 and 11.35 p. m. 1'or l)inshainton and way stations 10.20 a. in. HlooiiHbiirir Div islon Lcav 0 bcranton, 10.03 a, 111. and 0 10 p. m. y Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule in ntTect June 2, 1001. Ti litis leave bcranton. 0.uS u. m., week daj, through vestibule train from Wilkes-Baire. Pull man bullet pirlor car and coachrs to Philadel phia, via Pottsvllla; stops at principal intenrc diatc staliois. Also connects for bunhurv. liar. rlsburg, Philadelphia, llaltimore, Washington and for l'ittsbuit and the west. ' P3-9 n. rn., week ilajs, for hunburj-, Harri'burg, Philadelphl.i, Ilaltlmorc, Washington und Pitts burg and the west. 1.42 p. ni., week diya (Sitndajs, LBS p. in), for Sunbiirj, IlarrMnns, Philitlelpliia, Ilultimore, Washington and l'itlsbui' and the west :i.2S p. 111., week dar, through ptibiilr- train from V. ilkes-ilirri'. Pullman iniflet ptilor car and coirhc-. to Philailclphli th I'ottsville. Stops at print ipal intciiuciliatu station". 4.27 p. in., week thvs, for J! i7lettm, bini'mrj, liarrlsburg, Philadelphia an.! Pittsburg. .1. 11. linC'IHVSON. r.n. Mgr. J. It. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt. Delaware and Hudson. In i:(Icct November 24, 11)01. Trains for Carbondale leave btrantnu at d 20, h.00, S53, 10. Vi n. in.; 12.00, l.S'l, 2.3), J.G2. 5.20, 0 23, 7..i7, 0 13, 11.20 p. in.; 1.31 a. in. For llonesdale 0.20, lO.U.i. ni , .'.Jl and 5.29 p. in. For Wilkes-Dane HSU, 7. it, S 41. 0 US, 10 1! a. til.; 12.0J, 1.4.', 2.1S, 3.2S, 4.27, 0.10, 7.1, 10.41, 11.30 p. in. For L. . It. It. Points 8.3S. 0.3S a. in.; 2.18, 4.27 and 11.10 p. m. For PeniHjlvanli It. It. Points 0.3S, lUS a. in. ; 1.42, S.2S anil 4.27 p. in. For Albany and all points north 0.20 j. m. and 3.52 p. m. hUNDAV TRAINS. For Carbondale 8.50, lL.fj a. m.; 2.34, .)..'j2, 5.32 and 11.17 p. in. I-or Wllkes-Uaire .3S a. m.; 12 Ui, 1.5S, 3.23, 0.32 and P.17 p. in. For Albany and points north 3.52 p. rn. For llonesdale S 50 a. m. and 3.52 p. m. W. L. PKVOK, I). P. A Scranton, Pa. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Dffect, Nov. 3, 1001. 'trains le.ivo Scranton. Tor Philadelphia and New York via D. k II. It. It , at 0.38 and 0.33 a. ni., and 2.18, 4,27 (Black Diamond Express), und 11.39 p. in. bun dajs, I). & II. It. It., 1.5S, 8.27 p. in. For White Haven, Ilazleton and principal points iu the coal regions, via D. & II. It. It., 0 3S, 2.18 and 4.27 p. in. For I'ottsville, 0.3S a. in., 2.18 p. m. For Ilethlehcm, llaston, Reading, HarrUburg, and principal intermediate stations, via D. k II, It. It., it.SS, 0.33 a. in. j 2.18,. 1.27 (Ulack Dia montl Express), 11. JO p. m. bundaj-s, D. k II, It, It., (US a. in.; 1.5S, 8 27 p. m. For Tunkhannock, Towanda, Khniia, Ithaca, ficneva and principal intermediate stations, via D., L. and W. It. It., S.10 a. in. and S.OO p. in. For Geneva, Rochc-der. DufTalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago und all jwints vvett, via D. k II. It. It, 7.48, l.'.OJ a. ni.; 1.42, 3.23 (Ulack Diamond Ft piess), 7.48, 10.41, 11.30 p, in. buudajs, D. k II. It. It., 12.0J, 8.27 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley Parlor cars on all trains between Wilkes Pane und New York, Philadelphia, Dutfalo and Suspen sion Ilrldge, ROLLIX II. WILHUlt, Gen. Supl., 20 Coitland stieet, Xew ork. CHARLES M. Li:i:. Gen. Pass. Agt., 20 Coitland street, Xew' Yoilc. A. W, XOMIMAUIER, Div, Pass. Agt., South Ilethlehcm, Pi, For tickets and Pullman reservations apply to city ticket ofllce, C'J Public Square, Wllkcs-Parre, Pa. New Jersey Central. Ill LTfcct Nov. 17, 1001, Stations In Xew York, foot of Llbcity stcct and houth Ferry, X. R. '1'rujn.s leave bcranton for Xew- York, Phlladol. phla, Kastou, Ilcthlehi'iii, Allcntowu, Mauch ('hunk, White Haven, Ashley and Uilkcs-Ilane at 7.1.0 a. tn., 1 p. in. and I p. in. riundaj-, 2.10 p. in, tjuaker City Express leaves Scranton at 7.30 a. iu., llirousli solid vestlbiilo train with Pullman Uuttet Pailoi Cais, for Philadelphia. For Avoca, Plttstoii and Wilkes Uatre, 1 p. in. and t p. in. buntlaj-, 2.IU p. in. 1'or l.onij llrauih, Ocean Orovc, etc., 7.30 a, in. und 1 p. in. For Heading, Lcbanin and Hairlsbuti;, via Al lentown, at 7..10 u, iu, and 1 p. in, Sunday, 2.10 p. in. For I'ottsville at 7.30 a, ni, and 1 p. in. For rates mid tickets apply to agent at station. C. M, HURT, Ccn. Pass. Agt. W. VV, WKXTZ, Ucn. Supt. New York, Ontario and Western, In Flleet Tuesday, Sept. 17, 1001. NORTH IIOL'XP. Leavo Leuvo Trains Scranton, Caihundale, -. l 10,30a, in. U.10 a. in. o, 7 ,,, 0.10 p. in. Av. Carbondale U.10 p, in. -.OUTU HOUND. Leave Leave Trains. No. G .1 Cutlosla. Caiboiidale, 7 00 a. in, . !!.15l. m. 1.00 li. in. No. : SU.Ml.US OM.Y, XOlllil ROUND. Leave Leavo Arrive Trains. No. n . Xo. p .. ttcrauion. i atuonuaie. Ladusia. . 8.30 a. m. U.10 p. in, 10,13 a. in, 7,00 p. m. Ar, Cailiondale 7,10 p. m, bOl'Til HOUND. Leave Leave Arilve Tiuiut, Cadosia, Carlwudale. Seiautrii. No. U 7.1X1 a. in. 7,10 a, in. No. 10 I 30 p. in. I) 00 p 0.43 p. in. Trains Xos. 1 on we-l: dajs, ami u on buudajs, maku main line connections foi Xew Yolk c-iiy, Middlctuvvu, Walton, Noiwlch, Oneida, IkwiKO and all points west. For further inioiiiiatlon e'e mult ticket Jitcnts. J. C. ANHKRSOV, . P A., New York. J. i:. UFI.SII, T. P. A., Scranton, Pa. Erie Itaihond, Wyoming Division. Tiala-i for Xcw )oik, Xevvliurali ami lutermc dlatc points leave Scranlon as folluut: 7.20 u. m. i 'i.ii v. in. Arrivals 10.M a. in. from MIddlclowu, llones dale. Haw-ley and Inteimcdlatc points. 0.20 p. in. Irom Xevv York, Xeutur.'h and Intermediate points, Xo Sunday trains. 1 A Difference Tlioro is as much dlfforenco in Diamonds as there is in human faces, and not infrequently as much hidden decoptlon. When you wish to buy a diamond como to ub. You can roly upon our Judgment and representation. E. Schimpff, 317 Lackawanna avo. EDUCATION 1L. Free Tuition By a recent act of tho legisla ture, free tuition is now granted at the Literary Institute and State Normal School Bloomsburg, Pa. to nil those preparing to teach. This school maintains courses of study for teachers, for thosa preparlns for college, and for those studying music. H will piy to write for particulars. No other echool offers such suncrlor ad vantages at Euch low rates. Address J. P. Welsh, A. M.f Ph. D. , Prla. ECSANT0N CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS SCRANTOV, PA. T. J. Foster, President. Elmer II. Lawill, lrets. R. J. Foster, Stanley P. Allen, Vice President. Secretary. tMnrmTwntNTirawMM'WinwwMTw Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mamies, Portable Lamps. U THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandesc?nf Gas Lamp. Guns!erForsytii 2.13-327 Pcnii Avenue. Lager Beer Brewery Mnmirftctiircrs r OLD STOCK P3LSNER 480 to 455 N. Ninth Stroot, .PA Tolcphoras Call. 3333. if im cuiiuot supply tho nlAlll i:i,. uiMrulmt ottn r, lull tenil ttamp for II. lUlruleit hook .rtlrd.lt utves ilII lijllii ulnrs Ulul tllrp. Iltti In. ii'i. loli.llei, .tl lli:i.(,'(l., Room 030, Times Pd.-., N'w Ycrk, HS Prof.O.'FTf HEEL.G27 sfrsVlf , Jj Ancrlrn.iiBMMttrkUrvrvftUtib uftJl TrhtUf I A .QUA. DUM. LltnMt ibuic. UlauJ fulu.. N.f.u..1 St4.fi 1) i m r'"9 i OadOjila. ' Uln. in. B"i IBB jv Ewerw womaip &..1. Al OTiNO v. VWvSk llntirp.lw,lnndslinit1ilknAW Scianton.1 AralWA:i about tlw wonderful r.ioa.,": MfesM MARVEL Whirling Spray 1.10 n. in. U((V.VSvWnAIlv! TltenevrwlsilHirlur. Jniec. . - , ..,.-.-, .,.. ,m . --.-: ,-. . - -..-. t V riS.H:.,kv riya una ofti.iii, uesi ai cJv Wfy tsaSw til- Mo.l Convrnleul, , -" 7r7, ItllCUUSslsMUtlf, iiii tauruiuiiitiiurii. . vsr in . iWiaKW f iUm), lndiil(i(BiBU A bbrualira Onus! Yrvh r-n t urtd 4 iv Hi d)t, JU jnn yynrtlrftlfi 0 J tint ftwDUl ttperltor ULtrnaaj. hsl ftirbwk MTritU 't-l POMsjf f trj iMllfI A ltttrtrkl fruJv Irall UU !. I ElCWftlll vrtr ( A