;f 6 rr - THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1902. s WEST SCRANTON ENCAMPMENT OP C. T. A. U. NOW ENGROSSES THE ATTEN TION OE TOTAL ABSTINENCE. Temprorary Organization Has Boon 'Effected and Will Bo Made Per mnnout Simpson Church Peoplo Want Itov. H. C. McDcraiott Bc turncd Two Weddings Last Even ing Lent Services Begin Tomor row Evcnto This Evening Notes nnd Personals. A movement which promises to be come national In Its scope lias been In augurated by the members of the local tolul abstinence societies and at pres ent Is developing with remarkable rap idity. It Is the proposed annual mili tary encampment of the uniformed corps of the Catholic Total Abstinence Unions. A temporary organization has been formed with Thomas Glhoy and T. P. Hurley as president and secretary, and another meeting will be held on Tues day evening, February IS, to effect a permanent organization. It will be un independent regiment of total abstin ence men, aside from their present so cieties, and already there Is talk of it becoming a state organization. It Is expected that the necessary equipment for the encampment will be secured from the state authorities. The permanent organization will include representations from every society In the Scranton Diocese Union. Among the societies already enlisted in the movement are the following: Young lien's Father Matliew society, of Archbald; Father Whitty society, of North Scrnnton; St. Leo's Battalion and St. Paul's Pioneer corps, of West .Scranton; Young Men's Drill corps, of AVJlkes-Barre; St. Gabriel's society, of Hazleton; C. T. A. U. society, of Pitts ton; Knights of Father Matliew, of Carbondale, and others. t Want Pastor Returned. At a meeting of the quarterly confer rnce of the Simpson Methodist Episco pal church hold last evening the fol lowing was adopted unanimously by a rising vote: Whereas, Dminf? tlie period of one jcar last liast it lias been our priwlcpro to have asso ciated with us in Chiistinn fellowship, as our pastor, a preacher strons and earnest, to whom wo deem it a pleasmc and profit to listen, a noble Christian gentleman, with whom our as sociations have been most pleasant; a father to Dtifottr's French Tar Will promptly relieve and speedily euro coughs, colds and all lutxr tiouble. For iuc by G. W. jnNlilNS, 101 South Main avenue. iAiAATO ning of Ope I Colored Dress Goods i ' This is the Imperial, Metropolitan, Cosmopolitan ;-; stock of the vicinity, and every day adds to its com- 5! 5 pleteness. x 5?; 1 Tuesday, February 11, 1902, 1 We make the opening display of the New Colored Dress (.rtnlc M- niintA4 1ai..lnllnn a.m.ll 1 1 ..... I. vjuuu. nu piiiiibu ucov.iipiiu.1 wuuiu ic-u you iuucil about the styles. We can only say that as they are heaped upon the counters nnd stacked in the shelves they make the most complete assortment ever shown here. 1 A Partial List of the Names : lYULREDA FBENCH POPLINS PRUNELLAS CREPE EGYPTA J& MILO ARMOTJRES : SATIN CLOTHS r CREPE POPLINS IS SHARK SKINS X MELROSES 35 CREPE VEILINGS I Waist Goods In all the new solid colors and fancy stripes, Tucked and &i Corded Effects, Satin Stripe Challies, Striped Albatross, St Rica Cloth, French Challies in Persian Effects, and hosts & of others. 1 For Tailored Suits Thibets. Crvstal Cheviots. ' Effects, Broadcloths, Kerseys, Coverts and other suitable & is ' fabrics. ; S Pedestrian Suitings I Friezes in Stripes, Phiid, Cheviots and Covert Finished Effects. 1 Velvets for Waists, Metal Printed Corded Heavy Costume Velvets. This First View Will us The master makes of the Famous French, English, Ger man and American loom artists, In the prices, everv .vr ,j. . . ; advantage goes to the customer. Time and money have "" ' hot been spjred to make this stock (he best of its kind jft' a .36 4 vvc carry at an limes a mosi complete stock of all the uwivi vittjjcj ui icjui.u Jjuuus, iinu in aaaiUOn UlerelO always have exceptional offerings of such goods as come to sale at extra low prices. Let us show what there la hero. -5 1 Globe Hfji(fVf wiSfc-WSiB"!- whom our licarU go out In brotherly njmpathy ami affection. Therefore, bo It llcsolvcd, By this, the, official board of tho Simpson Methodist episcopal church of Scran, ton, In this thctf last quarterly conference of the year nwcmblcd, tint wo express to tho bishop anil cabinet of the Wyoming conference by our lcocd presiding elder, the ltcv. Dr. Amtln Griffin, our deslro and request that the ltcv. Hugh C. McDermott be returned to us as our pas tor for the coming, conference year that ho iney continue (fod's woik In our midst. The Homo Missionary society also met last evening and transacted regular business. At noon on Thursday the Ladles' Aid society will servo their members with a dinner In tho church. Two Weddings. Reginald Taylor nnd Miss Emma Morris, both of Garfield avenue, were united In marriage last evening by Ilcv. K. A. Boyl, pastor of tho Plymouth Congregational church, at his residence on Prlcu street. The couple were unat tended. John Plndo and Miss Carincna Cas sesse, two well-known young peoplo, were married nt 0.30 o'clock last night In St. Lucie's Italian Catholic church on Chestnut street, in the presence of a large number of friends. The bride was attired In white silk, with bridal veil, and was attended by three children as llowcr bearers, and the bridesmaid and groomsman were from Carbondale. The ceremony was performed by Itev. Domlnlck Urocco, and Miss Cavanaugh played the wed ding marches. The bride is a niece of Joseph Cas sesse and the groom Is employed by Cnrlucci Brothers. A reception was held in Cassesse's hall after the wed ding, and was participated in by many well-known Italians. Wedding in Nenlls' Court. On Sunday night the Turkish and Arabian knights of Neulls' court held a wedding celebration, and towards mid night created such a noise that a tele phone message was sent to the Jackson stieet police station. Several ofllcers responded, but when they arrived the participants had (Itileted down and resumed the even tenor of their way. About twenty-five men and women were crowded into a room about 15x13, and the smoke was so thick one could almost cut it with a knife. No arrests were made. Ash Wednesday Services. The following services will be held in St. David's Episcopal church tomor row, Ash "Wednesday, Rev. 13. J. Mc llenry, pastor. Celebration of holy communion, S a. m.; litany and penitential office with sermon, 10.30 a. m.; litany and Bible study at 7.30 p. m. Weekly School Deposits. The weekly collections among the pupils of public schools Nos. 13 and 19 yesterday amounted to $B.32, and were deposited in the West Side bank by the following teachers: No. 13 David Owens, S2c; Eliza Lewis, 75c.; Bertha Kelly, 9Gc.j Nellie Richards, G4c; Edna Lewis, $1.64; Eliza Price, 20c; Martha Watkins, 52c; Alice Evans, S3c; Edna D. Evans, New Sprin WHIPCORDS ADREANE VEILINGf OTIRA ETAMINES CHEVIOTS DIAGONAL ALBATROSS LANSDOWNES PEBBLE CLOTHS PIN STRIPES BEIGES Ven(tinn: in Plnin nA MimA ? Lined and Reversible Cloths in C Suits and Skirts I Velvets, in plain colors, and S s Show You Warehouse I $1.22t Catharine Phillips, 02c; Sarah McDonald, Oc.j Florence Freeman 70c, Total, $9.20. No. 10 Miss Murray, 72c.j Miss Beamish, Slic; Miss Itutton, iluc.i Miss Davis, $1.05) Miss Wade, 8Gc. Miss Mtirnhy, $1,131 Miss llunill, $1.20; Miss Nlcholls, $1.03; Miss Morgan, 3oc.; Miss Evans, $l.tii; Miss Kclluw, $3. in; Miss li'lynn,' G2c.; Miss lecl, $1.C0; Mrs. Foibor, $2.25. Total, $17.00. Lenten Services at St. Patrick's. Tho annual Lenten services will begin tomorrow morning at St. Patrick's Catholic church, with Ash Wednesday, when tho ushes will be blessed and dis tributed at the 8 o'clock mass. During Lent services will bo held at 0.30, 7 and 8 n. m. A sermon nnd bene dictions will be given Wednesday even ings 'and stations of the cross will bo recited on Friday evenings. A collection will bo taken up next Sunday for tho colored and Indian mis sions of the Catholic church. Two Funerals Yesterday. Services over the remains of the lato Patrick Sheerln were held In-St. Pat rick's Catholic church yesterday morn ing and were largely attended. A re quiem muss was celebrated, and inter ment wan made In the Cathedral ceme tery. Tho remains of on Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. David Reese, of 331 Evans court, were privately interred In the Wnshburn street cemetery yesterday afternoon. Events of This Evening. The Colonial club, a social auxiliary of Washington camp, No. 17S, Patriotic Order Sons of America, will celebrate their flrst unnlversary In their rooms this evonlnr. The Ministerial Association of Welsh Baptist Churches of Northeastern Pennsylvania will meet this afternoon and evening in the First Welsh Bap tist church, South Main avenue. At 2,30 o'clock Hev. W. D. Thomas, of Pitts ton, will read n paper, and at the even ing service Hev. Morris, Nanllcoke, will preach in English, and Rev. Hoberts, Wllkes-Barre. in Welsh. An uncommonly important meeting of the inembera of Local No. 1072, United Mine Workers of America, will be held in D. D. Evans' hull this evening. Dele gate William Lewis will make his re uorl. Tho regular monthly meeting of the West Side board of trade will be held this evening in tho Wheelmen's club house, on Jackson street. NOTES AND PEBSONALS. The members of the Electric City Wheelmen's minstrel company are re quested to cancel all engagements for next Friday evening, in order to at tend tho rehearsal. Thomas Williams, a young miner, employed at the Dodge, had his leg broken and back Injured by a fall of rock, wliile at work yesterday. Ho was removed to his home, on Storrs avenue. John Francis, of Kcyser avenue, was fined $.". recently by Alderman Davles for making threats against one of his neighbors. Thomas Jones, or Eynon street, was injured by a fall on the slippery pave ment, on Main avenue, Saturday even ing. A birthday party was held at the homo of Albert Morgan, on Eynon street, Saturday evening, where a jolly crowd of young people enjoyed them selves for several hours. A boy named Arthur Zimmerman, re siding on Meridian street, sustained a severe bodily injury on Sunday after noon, while coasting down Oxford street. Preparation is being made for the presentation of a cantata, "A Dialogue or isiras," at me Bellevue Welsh Cal vinistlc Methodist churcrh, during the latter part of March. It will be sung by children, under the direction of J. Henry Jones. A large party of young people from West Scranton enjoyed a slelghride to Elmhurst, Sunday afternoon. The talent engaged to appear at the entertainment in the Welsh Calvlnistic Methodist church next Friday even ing includes Charles Hartley, Thomas Abrams, David Jenkins, Misses Via Jones and Gertrude Freeman. Mrs. James Meckel and tho Ladles' Glee club. During the absence of Funeral Direc tor William C. Price, who is In New Orleans, tho business Is in charge of Mr. Price's able assistant, Eugene Vos burg, who is a painstaking and thor oughly competent funeral director. Miss Elsie Evans, of Lafayette street, has returned homo from a vls.lt with friends at Dalton. Uezaleel Brown returned homo yes terday after spending Sunday with friends at Courtdnle. near Wilkes IJarro. Mrs. David Evans, of Acker avenue, Is reported to bo seriously ill at her home. Two young men named Thomas Mor an and John Betzcl wero arrested yes terday on Main uvenuo for abusing a horse. They weru lined $3 each. A public meeting of tho West Side Central Republican club will be held at mo rooms Tiiursday evening, when speakers will be present to uddress tho assemblage. Hev. E. A. Boy, pastor of tho Plym outh Congregational church, returned home lust evening from Camden, N. v.. where ho preached Sunday morning and evening. Tho Gaum Nu society of tho Wash burn Street Presbyterian church held a regulur meeting in the church pnrlors lust evening, , A business meeting was held In tho First Baptist church hist evening, tit which mutters pertaining to tho church wero taken up and acted upon. St. Brendon's council, Young Men's Institute, met In their rooms lust even ing in a business session. Twenty-eight applicants for member ship were considered nt the meeting of tho board of directors In tho Jackson Street Baptist church last evening. St. DaVld'B Church VOntl'V fnUnd In meet last evening, no quorum being present, Hev, James Bennlnger, pastor of tho Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal church will assist In conducting revi val services this week In the Jermyn Methodist Episcopal church. NORTH SCRANTON. Before a large audience last night, the Iligh Works Indians defeated the South Side Defenders. Tho game from sturt to finish, wus full of interesting features. The playing of Hughes, for the High Works, nnd Kane, for the De fenders, was brilliant. The score at the end of the game was 19 to 1 in favor of the High AVorks Indians. John Murphy, of Stanton street, fell on tho ice, near his residence, yester day, and broko his log. This evening un entertainment for the bencnt of tho widow of Lewis gliomas, who died some time ago, leav ing Ids wife und child in poor clrcuin- A $1,000 PRIZE. A prominent manufacturer has of fered a prlzo of mio thousand dollars for the best essay on preventive medi cine, "believing that n proper exercise of preventive inedlclno In of Incal culable benefit to the human race." Tho tendency of medical science Is to ward preventive measures. The best thought of tho world Is being glvon to tho subject. It Is easier nnd better to prevent thnn to cure. It has been fully demonstrated that pnoumonln, ono of tho most dangerous diseases that medical men have' to contend with, can bo prevented by the use of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. Pneumonia al ways results from n cold or from an attack of Influenza (grip), and It has been observed that tins, remedy coun teracts tho tendency of these diseases toward pneumonia. This hits been fully proven In many thousands of cases In which this remedy has been used during tho great prevalence of colds and grip In recent years, and can bo relied upon with Implicit confidence. For sale by all druggists. stances, will be held in the Puritan Congregational church, on West Mur kel street. Gertrude, the 10-year-old daughter of Mr. und Mrs. McDonough, of Ruano street, broke her log near tho ankle, while coasting on Stanton street yes terday. She was descending tho hill on a Bled, when her leg struck u, stone. She was removed to her home, where her leg was set. Dennis Ruddy, with his lady friend, were thrown from a cutter, on West Market street, Sunday evening. Both sustained a few bruises about the head. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McDonald and family, of North Main avenue, are vis iting friends in Wllkes-Barre. Miss Katherlno Loftus, of Olyphant, was calling on friends In this part of the city, Sunday. P. J. Lynott, of McDonough avenue, Is slowly recovering from 'a recent at tack of rheumatism. The Ladles' Aid society of the Piovi dence Methodist Episcopal church will hold a valentine surprise social In the lecture room of the church, Thursday evenlni. Mr. and Mrs. Philip O'AIalley, or Bloom avenue, are rejoicing over the arrival or twins, Saturday night. Tho Dutch Gap Mission Sunday school will hold an entertainment in their rooms this evening, on North Main avenue. Cake and coffee will bo served after the entertainment. Misses Helen Hern, Beatrice Perry, Jennie Dawson and Hannah Hern wero among Plttston callers on Sunday. Miss Lavlgne, of Avoca, was among callers in this section last week. William Thomas, of Putnam street, has left for White Haven, Pa., where he will reside in the future. Daniel Davis, son of Mine Foreman Davis, of the Cayuga, Is seriously ill at his home on Putnam street. DUNM0RE DOINGS. C. P. Savage, the Hepublican Can didate for Borough Treasurer. Short News Notes. C. P. Savage, the candidate for bor ough treasurer on the Republican ticket, was born in Dunmore in 1804. and has continuously resided here ever since. At an early age he entered the employ of tho Pennsylvania Coal com pany as telegraph operator, being pro moted successively to the position of i I". s.WAGi:. Itcpulilkiin Candidate for Tieasurcr of Dunmore lloiough. secretarv nnd treasurer of Dunmoru Gas and Water company, manager or Western Union system on Erie and Wyoming Valley railroad, assistant purchasing agent, nnd for many years was purchasing agent for tho Pennsyl vania Coal company, Erie and Wyo ming Valley Railroad company and Dunmore Iron nnd Steel company, which position was held until tho com panies mentioned wore absorbed by the Erie Railroad company and the pur chasing olllce removed to New York. In tho various departments Mr, Sav ago served continuously twenty-two years. For several years he acted as borough clerk, where his thoroughness and painstaking efforts looking to tho best Interests of the borough wero much In evidence. Tho experience of Mr. Savage has certainly been of an order that will make him nu eminently proper custodlnn of the borough funds, and will tibsuro tho taxpayers that everything connected with tho treas urershlp of Dunmore borough will bo conducted In a capablo and buslncss llkp manner. Mr, Savngo Is conduct ing a clean and buslness-llko campaign, and every Indication points to his elec tion to tho position of treasurer of this borough on Tuesday next, SHOUT PAItAGRAPHS. Revival meetings will bo held In the Tripp Avenue Christian church for the next month, commencing tomorrow night. Interesting speakers will be present, and special music will bo pro vided, and it is hoped they will be largely attended. Tho choir of St. Mary's church will be tendered u banquet at Washington hall tonight. Caterer Hunley, of Scran ton, has tho affair In charge. Dr, J. B, Garvey Is In Ney York city, where ho will spend tho next month. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Collins, of Cherry street, aro visiting friends in New York cty. SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE Allow a couch to run until it gets beyond tha reach of medicine. They often My, "Oil, it will wear auay," tut in most case It will wear them away, Could tliey lu induced to try tho tucicssful medicine railed Kemp's IlaUam, vhl:h U bold on a positive iruarantcc to cure, they would Immediately tee tho excellent eOcct ni ter taking tho llibt dose, l'ricc 23c. and COc. Trial size free. At oil dnJi'i'isU. C , Wf-VjSi v 5 '.jflllllillr f. i m HKidJHp'f Oft SOUTHSGRANTON MASTER WILLIAM H. KOOH AS JOHN DULL. Was a Prlzo Winner at tho Eecent Athletic Club's Mask Ball Aunu al Event of the Scranton Sacngor rund6 Last Night Was a Dig Suc cess Mrs. Ellen King Acquitted of tho Chargo of Soiling Liquor Without a License Doy Kicked by a Mule Other Notes, At tho Scranton Athletic club's mask ball, which took place a few days ago, prizes were offered fo? the best dressed couple and prizes weru also put up for the most fantastic garb. Master Wil liam II. Koch. J I'm "on of Register of Wills and Airs. Koch, residing at 71:3 Cedar avenue, attended In tho same at- SIASTEU WlLLIAJf KOCH, AS JOII.V IIL'LL. tiro which lie wore at a recent klrmess, showing him as a typical Johnny Bull, and lie easily carried off first prize, an elegant silk umbiella. The dress is an exact counterpart of what tho world-famous Britisher, shown In Puck, wears, and consists of a scarlet coat trimmed with silk and brass buttons, over a vest striped like the Union Jack. A silk hat and top boots are also part of the costume. As the picture shows aridlng whip goes with the outilt. Master Koch is only 10 years old. Ball Was a Big Success. Athletic hall was literally jammed to the doors last night with the members, wives, families and friends of tho Scranton Saongeirunde society, who had assembled for a carnival and so cial time. The hall had been beautifully draped with bunting, in which the stars and stilpes, and the German flag of red, white and black, were the most prom inent. Inside the stnge rail Bauer's full orchestra was stationed and their in spiring marches were a big factor in the fun making and jollity of the merry maskers. Before 10 o'clock admittance to the dance or refreshment pavilions was difficult," and so It continued until after midnight. The costumes were brilliant and va iled In make up, while the laughter provoking hobo was much In evidence. Taken all In all tho Saengerrunde mask ball was one of the finest affairs of tho season, and as a result a neat sum will be added to the treasury. The com mittee of arrangements was composed of Berthold Schott, Gustav Schultz, Jacob Hess, August Hagon, Edward Olaus, Louis Haberstroli and John Schroedel. Police Court Notes. Mrs. Ellen King, of 430 Genet street, was placed under arrest late Saturday night by Patrolmen Zang, Poland and Sartor, on the chargo of selling liquor without a license. Th? evidence given at a hearing before Magistrate Storr was deemed Insufllcleni, however, and Mrs. King was discharged. William Brcnnan was picked up by the police on Saturday night, and after spending the evening In the station house was given a hearing on charges of being drunk and disorderly. Alder man Storr ordered him to pay $3 and costs, with tho alternative or spending twenty days In jail. As ho could not procure tho necossnry cash, ho was sent up as a guest of Sheriff Schadt. Kicked by a Mule. A 11-year-old son or Mr. anil Mrs. Christ Bohr, who resides at Crown ave nue and Maple streot, mot with a seri ous accident while at work yesterday. Tho boy Is employed as driver at tho Murray mines and was leading his initio to the barn after work, when tho ani mal became fractious, He struck out viciously with both feet and caught tho unfominute boy on the head, knocking hm bonseless. Young Bohr was nt once removed to his homo and Dr. Walsh was summoned. An examination showed a nasty jagged wound over the oyes. Had tho steel fchod hoofs struck the boy an inch lower ho would havo been killed. A number of stitches wero necessary to close tho gash, and the sufferer was made as comfortable us possible. NUBS OF NEWS. An Interesting meeting of the bowling club wis held at their hoaduuurters last evening, which was followed by a so cial session, A mutch gumo was also played between the first and second teams and arrangements wero made for the regular league game, which takes placo tomorrow night. Comet lodge, Knights of Pythias, will meet ln regular session this evening. Charles Kuestner, tho well known hatelkeeper, who has been seriously 11) and had to undergo an operation last week, Is somewhat improved. A cominlttoi) has been appointed nnd plans aio now being mado to havo a production of the famous Passion riiy lit tue Church of I'eacp on Prcspect acnuo within the tut nv nth. Tho Arbiter Fortblldlngs Vereln con ducted a very successful mask ball at Workmen's hall last night, which was well patronized. There was an abund auco of refreshments and Urst class muslo jvns furnished for the masquer aders. i I I m MiiiiiiiiiiiiiH.mni f Jonas Long's' Sods OUR GREAT FURNITURE SALE THIS WEEK This Sale of Furniture will eclipse anything we ever attempted in this line. Ready cash brings to the Big Store a large quantity of Bedroom Furniture purchased from F. B. Harrower, Receiver of the Wilkes-Barre Wholesale Manufacturing Co., and is now on sale this week on the. Fourth Floor. Here Are Some Prices 20 Bedroom Suits for $11.90 ' A Solid Oak, 3-Piece Suit; Dresser has beveled French plate mirror, size 20x24 inches, shaped top wash stand with splasher back. Bed is neatly carved. $24 Bedroom Suits for $12.98 Solid oak, 4-Piece Suits, Dresser has French beveled plate mirror,size 22x24 inches.shaped top and cast brass trimmings. Bed is finely carved. Odd Dressers In all woods and finishes, Combination tC Cfi Dressers for ,PJ,JU $12.00 kind now $7.50 $12.98 kind now $10.50 13.75 kind now $10.98 $12.50 Sideboards for $8.50 ci; .ir .-.-.Man finitli with chnnprl ton ?rrt m ounu uai, guiucu union, . .!.. ....mwv. !' "- n I French bevel plate glass mirror, lined drawers for silver, k H lined drawer and double cupooarci Tor aisnes. iNever before such furniture selling, IdUliLD LUIM D JUIAj! r - m u 32SIS82SK322 ;gS2SSCSSEZSIB!3ISH3SSQB2S2SSSraSSIOrG GREEN RIDGE. Mr. Edward Nettleton.of Green Illdge street, Is confined to his home by ill ness. Joseph Ijosey, manager of the Scran ton Lumber company, was out yester day for the first time, after nn illness of two weeks. Mrs. James Francis, of Kingston, is visiting Green Kidge relatives ana friends. Ml&s Mary AVells, of Breaker street, Is spending a month at Kaston. Thomas J. Davis, formerly foreman of Mulley's plumbing department, has nccepted a position with G. II. Monies, of Dickson avenue. Miss Addle Von Storch, of East Mar ket streot, is spending tho winter with friends in tho Ulue Grass state. The members of the Green Uldgo Dancing club gave one of their delight ful socials at the club house of the Green Itldge Wheelmen last evening, which was enjoyed by about foity guests. OBITUARY. JIHS. JOHN FOIS died yesterday at noon at her home, 403 Tenn avenue, after an Illness of about three months' duration, Pneumonia was the cause of death. Decased had resided in tills city over thirty years, and was well and favorably known. Sho was 03 years old, and is survived by her husband and the following children: Charles, Jo seph, Fred and Mnrgnrct Foln, Mrs. Henry Vockroth and Sister Sylvester, of Cape Charles, A'a. MItS. BIUDGET DEV1NE died yes terilnv afternoon nt tho homo of her daughter, Mrs.' Catherine Marlon, on Mineral street, Mrs. Devlne had been ailing for some time, and her death was not unexpected. Deceused was ono of the oldest residents of tho city, having lived hero over llfty years. She was 85 years of age, and Is survived by four children, Mrs. Catherine Marion, Thom as V,, James and Martin Devlne, nil of this city, GEORGE M. ATWATEH, aged i!7, a highly respected young man of this city, died at his home, 615 Hills court, Sunday night. He Is survived by hla wlfo and two children; also his father, C, L. Atwuter. three sisters and a brother, of Belleville, III, He wus a member of Mooslu council, No, 21S, Junior Order United American Mechan ics, MHS. ANNA DAVIS, a well known resident of North Scranton, died Sunday at her home, 114 Wells street. Mrs. Davis wus n very active church work er and charitable woman, and tho news of her deatn will be a great blow to her friends. Tho funeral will take place from her lato residence Wednes day afternoon at 1! o'clock. MBS. AMELIA M. KUOUTTEIt, aged 4S years, a. widow, residing at 911 Price street, died yesterday, She Is survived by three children, The remains will bo taken to Stroudsburg on Thursday morning for Interment, XINCOLN DAY CELEBRATION. Wednesday morning there will be Lincoln day exercises In the High school, when a picture of Lincoln will be unveiled. There will be an uddress by City Superintendent Howell and recitations, songs, etc. in ever Derore sucn prices AMUSEMENTS, Lyceum Theatre M. HEIS, Lcsspc and Manager. A. J. DUFFY, Bus. Manager. Tim day. Februiry 11. I"irt Time Here of tho Tiomomlous Distinsui.'licil 'liliimpli, W. K. X.VNKKVILU:, prc-cnls Mali Caine's Mut Powciful blory The Penitent Piicrt hum 1'aik 'flicntcr, lloslou, with all the Krnciy aril efficient rail. Price---2.V. to .U. &.ile of beat open.- Mdinljy at ! a. in. Wjd.i3Sda7 ani Thursday Nighls Ji. V. Mauley 1'iosenK Robert Mantell Supported by an Kxcellent Company of Mule pianan AitUU. Vi:i)XlSD.Y MKillT. "HAMLET" jIIL'KMUY xioiir. ec OTHEEL.L.O j f'iice--2.V. to l..r,0. File of feats .Mond.iy al 1 a. m. Academy of flusic U. HKI3, Letaee. . A. J. Duffy, Manajsr. A lleielition in Itepeitnire. ONi: SOf.lll WIXK, roniiueiieiiig ITllltrARY 10. Willi Special Monday Matinee. Special Engagement of May Fiske nnd Ikt coiupiuy. touetlicr witli her Own Solu Orcliestru in the followlnc plaj.-: Momliy ui.it fneo and nislit. "C'luilly lilili Tue-ilay inalliiie, "I'e WoffinKlon": Wednesday matinee, "Under 'lva KMin"j Wednesday night, "'tho (lolcl Klnir." Hlir alldcille ueh, headed by MIIS (1N 'IOM TilUMll, COt NT AXI1 1IA110N MADM, Ihu Miullot peoplo in tho world. Night prices, 10.,, Llie. and 3CV. Matinee, 0;;0e. Monday night, Kidicb' bon bon night. STAR THEATRE ALF. O, HUltltlNGTO.N-, Manager. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, lU. 10, 11, I, Night Owls Burlcsqucrs MATINIIr! KVERY DAY. Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps, ;-.. ' - 4 For Sa Farmo f 150 Acres Uriel, house of tcu'ii room-. Ham i't60 feet. One mile fiom raihoad station, l.x (client tpriiw nnd running uater, plenty of oaL timber. Underlaid with seven-foot eiu ofVoal. Uood markcty for every thing, Thlrly-lhe acres bottom laud. Price, $123 per ttcie. Tciiru to tult put" chiw.T. . E. S. CRAIG, Kcw AlexuiulrU, Pa, Westmoreland Co. 'I ) rJ1