The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 11, 1902, Page 5, Image 5
fit v"- . THE SCRANTON TKIBUNE-TUESDAY, MBttUAltY 11, 1902. u. k I ;xxxoooooo; tnc uoDBnN itXnDWAnB sromt, DON'T WAITto until you tire down net the ICM CIIEHPEHS now, they "my save you n sell out) futt doesn't cost much to bo on the snCo Hide. Union Ice Creepers enn be fastened to the oi'ershoe. Price, 35c. per pair. Foote & Shear Co. JJ9IM. Washington Ave Q POOOOOOOOOOd Jjjj these! houses r'.itinnh 1m ltotifrlit nt ntu mice because they mo not for talc, but we line fur s.ilo a beautiful Double House AT ir0 and 1507 Adams Avenue The house U located In cry pleasant put of the illy, ami U the only double house in the block surrounded by hand tome single clncHlne;, Home of which nie ftone. On the thudy side pf the slicet, ms furnare, pis, lnlli, cte. Slreet ears pasi the door; near drtiu utoie. On the llrst lloor on one wide of the house nio parlor, tlttliiR loom, dlnlits room, library and large hall, and four rooms on second lloor. On the other half of the hoti-e are six room.'. Tlie Iioum- van built four je.ira oro and is in. Ncry good ronditlon. It will nut for $12 per month and can lis bought for $5,000 Easy Terms. Don't let IIih chance (ret awav from you. The owner is out of the city end wjiits to ue the money. It will lost you nothing to look nt the home. Comegys & Co., heai, r.sT.vrr. orricn. Dime Bank Building, Scranton. flothers THC FAMILY nUYIllt. HAVil yon cer been in our bloic to fee the many things we hac to nial.o jour infant and children well dicsed and com fortable. If not, it will icpiyjou to gic us a little of your time. THE BABY BAZAAll 510 Spruce Street. m . mmzm t "THK" sundiry & 30S-310 I'eim Amhuc. A. 11. Waim-in. a. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mr. and Mrs. "William II. Taylor en tertulned a large company of guests at "Hill Top" last night. Jliss Electa Ulft'ord, soprano, and Arthur Hoch innii, pianist, were the artists. The magnificent new home has not before been thrown open to as large nn assemblage and its magnificence and wonderful adaptability to such en tertainments was the subject of con tinual lemarks during the evening. The rooms are all of noble proportion and most remarkably handsome, furnished as they are In the rarest of woods und the perfection of coloring. Within them have been gathered treasures of art from many lands. The great hall, sixty-live feet In depth, Is richly panel led lu old oak nnd from It rise two staircases from u raised landing and meeting midway ubove, giving an Indescribably stately effect. The balus trades are enriched with rare carvings, In which acanthus designs are the mo tif. Velvet carpet, In a glowing red hue made this room with Its assemb lage of beautifully gowned women a scene of striking loveliness. The Inglenook surrounding1 the great (Ire-pluctJ made a picturesque plat form for the piano and u. cluster of brilliant led roses guvo the keynote of color to the general effect. The hall Is set with many curved pieces of furni ture, chief umoug which Is a wonder ful clock, a genuine antique, dating back to 10.10, and taken from a famous English castle. It weighs tons and Is valued at many thousand dollars. It it -could tell Its own history the tnlo would bo u romance Indeed, The entertulnment which air. and Mrs. Taylor u (forded their guests was one of such rare enjoyment as comes but seldom. The celebrated soprano, Miss Electa Gilford, and Arthur Iloch man, the great pianist, gave a pto gramme of such a high order that It is unique In tho history of musical af fairs In this city. An addltlonul pleas ure was tho sympathetic and artistic accompaniment given by Charles Doer sam, formerly of Scranton. Mr, Uochmau has certainly a mar vellous future before Him. Ills technlquo Is superb and such execution! It Is said that none can play that Chopin Polonaise with such power and such Inspiration, save one, and that Is liosenthal. His octave work In that number last night was truly phenom enal. The plaintive Impromptu of Schu bert's was most adequately given and again a glimpse of tho true poetry of his soul was given In the little Ber ceuse which he played lit the Paur concert. His refined discrimination was evident In the progrunune. His encores were characteristic, the con eluding wedding music leaving a Hup py spirit In the air. ujsn o r(mcsbC Miss ailTord with her youth, hor spirited beauty might have stepped out of u Wnttenu picture Inst nlg-lit. Bho sang exquisitely, purely! nnd to say that nho captivated every listener Is to Express but mildly tho general senti ment. She Is un Htunilnnted edition do luxe of Mlllan Blituvolt nnd the Scranton people would like to have her for their own. Prom the brilliant waltz song from "Komeo nnd Julletto" to the sweet old English song which she gave an nn encore, she wn a delight to near and a joy to look upon. The programme of the evening follows: 1, Alccrto, Piprl.csnr Irs alM tie bullet. Oluck-BjInl-SJons 2. Wall. Hon;, fioM ilbmco ami Juliet, , i 3 Impromptu, "0 minor 5p W....,...'.iSchulieft li (lavottR .tlliick-llralmu c-Sonatc Scarlatti 4 n My Hwccl Itonose .1 Schubert b-llaikl! The Laik , Selmberl c She It Thine Schumann G a tlcicciue ,,..,,.,...,.,.. Itochman b-Vulso llrilllaiitc Chopin 0 n Violet i:erjwheto von FIcllU li Tho f-i'.Hom Coweu c The. KlRlitlngalYil .Song N'cvln 1 l'olonalte llrllllantc op. to Chopin Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were assisted In entertaining by their mother, Mrs. Bar ker, Miss Alice Barker nnd Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Barker. The most elab orate Runner was served. The favors given were musical In design and ex ceedingly dainty In conception. The guests were: Mr. and Mr. llemy Dcltn, Jr., Mia, and Mrs. Paul II. Delhi, Judge and Mm. Alfred Hand, Mr. and Mis, J. 11. Plminlck, Judge nnd Mm. K. X. Wlllard, Judge and Mm. II. A. Knapp, Mr, and Mm. C. 11. Wcllca, Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Klngv limy, Mr. and Mm. II. 11. Drady, Mr. and Jim. A. II. Storm, Mr. and Mrx. James A. I.lncn, Judge nnd Mm. II. W. Archbald, Mr. and Mrs. l. L. Puller, Mr. and Mrs. N, CI. Robertson, Itev. and Mr. Itogcis bract, Mr. and Mn. Kianlt K. Piatt, r Mr. and Jim. Gcorgr II. Smith, Mr. and .lames O. Sandcrfon, Mr, and Mis. George Sanderson, Mr, nnd Mid. Gcoige bturge, Mis. It. Q. Powell, Mr. and Mr?. I K. Traiy, Mr. Thomas Dick son, Mr, and Mis. G. G. Broolti, Mrs. Amtlu Decker, Mr. and Mri. William M. Marplc, Mr. James Itosle, Mr. ilud Mr II. C. Shafcr, Iter. Joseph Odcll, Sir. and Mrs. C. S. Weston, Mr. and Mr Gcoige II. Jennjn, Mrs. Jf. Y. Loot, Dr. and Mrs. (I. 1). Murray, Mr .and Mil. Itkhard Matthew k, llcv, and Mr James Mcl.eod, Mrs. W. G. Paike, Mr. and Mr. George L. Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Dickson, Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. H. Watson, Mrs. Seldon lllalr, Mis. William II. Strong, Mr. Flank S. Ilaikcr, Mr. nnd Ml G. dull. Dlmmlck, Mis. II. K. Liiltue, Mr. nnd Mr 1). X. McKce, Mr. and Mr Austin lllalr, Dr. nnd Mr 11. V. Logan, Mr. and Mr L. A. Watrcs, Mr. and Mil. II. II. Chae, Mr. and Mis. A. W. Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Slinihon, Mr. nnd Ml. T. II. Watklns, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cole man, Mr. and Mis. W. L. Matthew, Mr. and Mrs. l'rank II. Jeimyn, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mott, Mr. and .Mis. H. C. Ilaiker, Mis. lldward S. MofTatt, Mr. ami Mis. Albert L. Watson, Dr. and Jtr II. n. Waic, Mrs. Williams Watklns, Mrs. R. J. Uenucll Mr S. O. Ilarker, Mr. and Mi 1". J. Piatt, Mr. and Mrs. James Archbald, Mr. and Mrs. Kicietl Wmrcn, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hand, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Phillips. Mr. and Mr T. E. ..lone Mr. and Mis. W. t) Boyer, Mr. and Mr T. J. Poiter, Mr. and Mis. C. 11. Penman, Mr. and Mis. T. F. Penman. Mr. anil Mrs. 0. V. ltej nobis, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Genrhart, Mr. nnd Mis. Joseph Lynde, Mis. W. W. Wat'on. Jfrs. Pendleton. L JIIm Plait, Mk Siuderson, MNs Undenvood, JIhs Skinner, Mks lcvrcti, Miss 'i;rwilllger, Mis Howell, MI'S Gcarhart, ills Ilelin, Ml-s Rey nolds, Miss Wlllhm Mis Richmond, Miss Clara Richmond, Mks Matthews Mks Mott, MIfs Grif fin, MIm Lavirly, Ml-s Grace Laverty, Miss Tannic Laverty, Mi-s (lalpiii, MLss Shaw, Mls Ilennell, Mis l'aike, Mits Mattes, Jliss Cor nelia Mattes, .Mi-.f Olmtead, Mb-s Hohinson, Miss llaight. Miss Merrill, Miss Gilmorc, MUs Klolsc Giliuoic, Mios Hand, Miss Charlotte Hand, JIln Helen Hai.d, Miss Anna Hand, MIs Archbald, Miss Parker. Dr. S ('. Logan, Mr. .1. M. Clianeo. Mr. II. I). Merrill, Mr. .T. U. Smith GJlpin, Mr. James Gear hart, Mr. S. 1). Pi ice. Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly enter tained a party of friends at cards last night in their beautiful home, on Quincy avenue, for their daughter, Miss Genevieve Kelly. The prize winners were Miss Xellle Beamish, John E. Allen and John J. Loftus. Miss Mary Isabella Kayes, of San derson avenue, has issued invitations to a valentine party, to be given at her home Friday next from 4 to 7 o'clock. Gibiiel Iliuwne, of Kuslon, was lisltiog H. V, Llltlo yesterday. GoM-rnor Stone yeslerd..iy named Dr. A. J. Council, of this city, as one of the trustees of tho D.imille insane asylum. W. V. lllxson, superintendent nf luidges and buildings on the Laekawannna railroad, leaves this morning- for a two weeks' vacation tiip to Minneapolis lib former home. FREE VACCINATION. It Will Be Extended to All Parts of theCIty West Saturday Schools Which Will Be Opened. On next Saturday the free vaccina tion will be extended to all parts of the city Director of Publics Safety Wormser announced yesterday that on that day between the hours of 9 a. in. and 12 noon and 2 p. m. and 4 p. m. all nersons annlvlnir nt tho fnllnwlnr. school buildings will be vaccinated free or cnurge: UlNTItAb CITY. No. 0 Wyoming au'iiue and A,li rlucl, Sev enth ward. , No. U-HIckory street, Liglitli waul! Xo. 6 .Ml ntrect, Petersburg, Tenth waul. No. BJ Mailbon avenue and Pine ilrcet, Nintli waid. No. 3j Tujlor atenuc and Olive htreet, Seu'ii teenth ward. No. SO Piunklln avenue, MMccnlli ward. Scranton High Eihool. SOUTH SCRAM'ON. No, SMJrtlianl ktreet, Twelfth waul. .No. S 1'ltU.ton niciiue and IlliUiy utieet, L'lmentli waid. No, 8 Cellar avenue and Maple stieet, Klctcnth ward. No, atieet and Prospect avenue, Nineteenth ward. No, 11 llrook .licet and I'Jtwtvn avenue, Twentieth wiird. No. W I'Kbin-ct avenue, Twentieth ward. No, :;o Oiowu avenue, Xlntltentli ward, NORTH SCRANTON. Nu. 21 Park Plate, Second ward, No, .-.' Iliad works, Thin! waul. No, 23 Notch, 'llilrd ward. No. 21 )ak and I'eny iticets, Second waid. No, 25-School sticet, Plr.t ward. No, 20 I'atker btrcet, Phut ward. N'o. 27 (iliillirs corner, Second ward, No, 28 Wiomlng aviuuc and Grien Ridge sheet, Thirteenth ward. No. 3 Near torch ktreet, Thirteenth ward. The West Scranton schools which were open for vaccination last Saturday will bo open again this coming Satur day for nn Inspection of tho vuccclna tlons already made and for tho vaccina tloit of all persons turned away. In tiny case wheie the vaccination failed to take the persons will be vaccinated a second time If ho or she desire, ...i i. . . To Hear Paderewski. Account of the Paderewski piano re cltul ut the new armory, Scranton, Pa., Monday evening, February 24, arrange ments have been made with the Dela ware und Hudson company for special rates from tho following points, to Scranton und return; Carbondale, 00c; Muyfleld, 40c; Jer myn, 35c; Archbald, 30c; PcckvlJIe, 23c; Olyphant, 20c; Mooslc, 20c; Avoca, 25c; Plttstou, 30c; Wilkes-Barre, 60c Train service will be announced In the papers later. MEETING OP SCHOOL BOARD SHOUT, BUSINESS LIKE SESSION OP THAT BODY, Considerable Discussion About Small PoxDirectors Want No. 18 Bo opened and Pupils Allowed to Re turn to No. 14 Matter Referred to Superintendent', Health Officer and Special Committee Miss Margaret Thropp Appointed tovFill tho Va cancy at No. 10. There was a short and buslness-lllto meeting of tho board of control last night, at which a good deal of routine business was transacted. It waB the first meeting slnco tho rooms were re decorated, and the members were loud In their expressions of admiration. Controller A. B. Eynon called the at tention of the board to tho fact that nearly forty pupils of No. 14 school, who live above Price street, -are prevented from going to No. 14 Bchool, on account of the smallpox. Tho parents of tho children believe It Is unnecessary and therefore a hardship, as manV of them will be prevented from making tho High school next year, If they arc long kept out of school. This brought on a general discussion of the smallpox question, and It was moved that No. IS be reopened. Finally the whole matter was referred to the superintendent In conjunction with the health ofllcer and tho special smallpox committee of the board. ATTENDANCE OFFICER. The report of Attendance Olllcor Joyce showed that ho made 91 visits to schools during January, 47 to homes, and looked after 02 pupils. At the suggestion of the High and Training school committee the board decided to admit pupils to the High school on the certificate of the board of regents of the state of Now York. With reference to books kept by pupils who loft tho High school, the commit tee reported that the secretary notified these ,puplls to return the books and If they do not do so, suit will bo brought against them. With reference to pupils from outside the district who are at tending the High school, the commit tee was not ready to present Its report. They found that there are thirty-two pupils, three or four of whom are chil dren of soldiers. The law grants them special privileges, and the committee has asked Solicitor Iteedy for an opin ion before passing upon them formally. Miss Margaret Tropp was appointed a teacher at No. 1G, to succeed Miss Smith, resigned. Miss Teresa M. Blewltt was transferred from No. 25 to 9, and Miss Gertrude MeGee from No. 9 to No. 23. HOWELL TO ATTEND. A motion was passed instructing the superintendent to attend the conven tion of the national city superintend ents In Chicago on February 28, and $100 was appropriated to pay his ex penses. He was instructed to endeavor to get the convention to hold its next meeting in this city. Chairman Gibbons was Instructed to appoint a committee to attend tho convention of county school directors at Hnrrisburg on Wed nesday and Thursday, If he believes it Is advisable to do so. Controller Evans called the attention of the board to the fact that the mat ter of pupils of Lackawanna township attending Nos. 13 and 32 was still un adjusted. Secietury Fellows explained that ho sent a bill for $4Sg to the Lacka wanna township school board, but has not yet been advised as to what action was taken with reference to it. Five thousand dollars of Insurance on school building No. 10 Having expired, Peter Bobllng, jr., was told to renew it, and the premium of $131.23 was ordered paid. On motion of Controller Langan, the next meeting will be on Wednesday, February :o. WILL GET VOTE OUT. Seventeenth Ward Republicans Adopt the Block System. A meeting of Seventeenth ward He publicans was conducted yesterday af ternoon at Republican headquarters in the Price building and was attended by all the prominent Republicans In the ward. Ways and- means for the con duct pf the campaign were discussed nnd It was decided to adopt the block system. One man was chosen to take care of each block and he will be held respon sible for the getting out of the vote from his block on election day. Poll books will be provided for each dis trict and at 2 o'clock the block men will be sent out to bring lu the voters whom tho books show have not voted. The Seventeenth ward Is one In which there Is no light and It Is necessary for the workers to do Trojan service in getting out the vote. Grateful. A stenographer sent to a position last week by one of the proprietors of tho Lackawanna, Business College, called at his ofllce last evening nnd said: "She could not thank him enough for tho practical experience she had received In his oillce, that It Utted her for just tho kind of work required in her position." If you luck this practical experience, you should finish your course In the oillce of the Lackawanna Business Col lege. , Ou Faucy Maine Corn, Fancy Cut Beans, Striuglcsa Beans and Wax Beans and Bartlett Pears, "JOc per can, E. G, Coursen. Wholesale and Retail. Special J K MMMHHI AUDITING COMMITTEE. Held Up Bills of Scranton Gas ami Water Company, The auditing commltteo of councils met lam night nnd held up bills of the Scranton Gas and Water company ng gtegatlng over $2,900. Tho bill that raised tho greatest howl was for $l,r90 for setting twclvo lire hydrants. In the past the cost of sotting them has averaged something like $40. Another bllt for $1,000 for furnishing water to Ihe city for the month of Junuary wntv hold up for the reuson that the com pany Is not furnishing water to the entire city, Its mains not reaching cer tain parts of the Twentieth ward. A third bill was for $335 for changing a gas main so iib not to Interfere with a sewer at Cedar avenue and Chorry street. It was decided that a sewer must bo built nt n. certain grade and, that grade Is not so essential with gas mains an the pressure overcomes grades. The grade being necessary and the sewer being a public Improvement It was decided that It Haa tho right of vtny and that the city owes no com pensation to tho gas and water com pany. There was a. discussion over bills for newspaper advertising, It being alleged that lu some Instances bills aro ren dered for advertisements set In typo larger than agate which tho law speci fies, without reducing tho typo to an agnte basis. THE DIXIE THEATRE. Plans for New Play,Houso Submitted to Building Inspector Will Have Seating Capacity of 1,000. The plans for the re-modelling of the old Thirteenth regiment armory Into a vaudeville theatre were yesterday pre sented to Building Inspector Brown for approval by Contractor Conrad Schroe der, who will make the alterations. Tho plans were prepared by Architect L. C. Holdon and provide for a theatre of comfortable size, equipped with all modern Improvements. The most Im portant change that will bo made In tho present building will be the raising of the roof eighteen feet. Tho present lobby Inside the main entrance will be left as It Is and the company rooms on each side will be fitted up on the one side as a ladles' retiring room and children's room and on tho other as a gentlemen's smoking apartment and general business oillce. The main audltorum will be about sixty-five feet wide and seventy feet deep with a lloor five feet higher In the rear than at the stage. The prosecnlum arch will be thirty feet wide and twenty-five feet high. The stage itself will have a total width of about fifty feet including the space inside the wings and the portions set apart for dressing rooms. The fly loft will be sufficiently high to permit the hoisting of the scenery. There will be twelve boxes, six on each side of the proscenium arch, thtee on the main lloor nnd three on the bal cony lloor. The balcony will run way around the auditorium from the boxes on one side to the boxes on the other. There will be four rows of seats In the balcony proper nnd behind these and raised still higher up on a separate floor will be the gallery. The balcony will bo approached by wide stairways running in the rear of the main audi torium. There will be four exits from the main floor, two on each side and as many from the balcony lloor, tho latter leading on to commodious fire escapes running down on the outside of the building. Tho walls and celling of the theatre will be finished with ornamental plaster work on iron lathes while the pios cenium arch and the front of the bal cony will be finished In paper mnche. The contract for decorating will bo awarded later and the color scheme has not yet been decided upon. Tho stage will be equipped with all modern Improvements and an entirely new set of scenery will be painted for tho house. An asbestos curtain will al so be painted. The theatre will have a seating capacity of about 1,000 and the main floor and tho balcony will be pro vided with upholstered' chalts. The gallery will be provided with hard wood chairs. Work on the theatre will be begun as soon as the building Inspector approves tho plans. The Dixie Is named after Henry Dixie, who will manage It In the Interests of the local gentlemen who have become Interested In the plan. m COMPTON-HEGELIN CASE. Another Lot of Complications Dis closed in Divorce Court. That "married life is full of strife" Is being exemplified in the now celebrated and much complicated Compton-Hege-Hn efise. Frank A. Compton and Carrie Hege lln, a boy und girl, of Petersburg, thought to get married. In addition to being very young they were exceeding ly green. It was their Intention to run away to Blnglmmton. Just what all lead up to it Is too complicated to detail, but at all events, Compton and a middle aged man named Mechler, of Nay Aug, convinced the girl that tho trip to Blng lmmton was nn unnecessary expense and that the filling out of a marriage certificate would do the deed quite thoroughly and well as If they went be foie a squire. A fancy embofcsed manluge certifi cate was purchased nt it stationery store, Mechler and Compton filled It out In tho lobby of tho postolllce, and Compton and the gill proceeded to live together as man and wife at the Mech ler home. Tho girl's parents, a month Hitw had Compton und Mechler urrested for forging the certificate. Mechler Is serv ing nine months In tho county jail. Compton was committed but an appeal was taken nnd tho case Is now In the superior court. Tho Hegellu girl married ou Paul Black on December 23 last, recking not of the fact that there was a common law mnrrlage between herself und Compton. A desire has also come to Compton to marry, but fearing a charge of big amy he decided to secure a legal un tying of tho martial bond which Ho felt bound Htm to the llegelln girl, now Mrs, Slack, and Instituted proceedings In divorce, Mis. Slack was not concerned about the divorce proceedings until she read In the papers that the churge on which the divorce application was based re flected on her character, She would not, of course, deny the act alleged, as she acknowledges Mr. Slafck to bo her husband, but she was averse to hav ing It designated as it was In the di vorce petition. Consequently she ap pears In opposition to the divorce. Testimony was taken yesterday by Stenographer WHUs D. Coston, acting as commisbloner. A, A. Chase repre sented Compton, and W. Guylord Thomas appears for the Hegellns. WEST SIDERS MET DEFEAT ELECTRIC CITY WHEELMEN NOW IN THIRD .PLACE. Bfickus Bowlers "Got Evon" Last Night and Won Throe Straight Games, Making a Splendid Total. Greon Rtdgo Whoelmeu's Five Took Three from Bloycle Club nnd Moved Up to First Place Elks Won Two Gnmea from West End Wheelmen Standing of Tennis. Tho colors of the Electric City Wheel men'8 bowling team were lowered last night by the Backus bowlers, who won three straight games, thereby putting the West Slders back to third place, tho Green Rldgo Wheelmen's tetim slipping Into first place by taking threo from tho Bicycle club five. The Backus bowlers were defeated for three straight games on tho Elec tric City Wheelmen's alleys last week, and they started In last night, to muke "Pike's Peak or bust!" Charlie Moore was obliged to play In the orchestra at the Lyceum, and W. J. Melster, of the City league, a former Backus bowler, was put on lu his place. The Backus five had a safe margin In each game, and had a total of 2o3 more pins tliun their opponents. The total of 2,r,52 was one of the best made this winter. The score: BACKUS. Totals. reikham 171 201 1(1251(1 Mclslcr 118 171 1S! JOS rahronholt 171 170 155 j;) Holt 20! ll'l ISO 137 Hopkins ,. 102 110 ltO RU 801 SI2 ill) 2532 LI.lXTiTHC CITY WIIKIXMUN. MeCiaeken 1J-". 120 134 US Davis ISO IS1 1C4 -ISfl Depcvv 173 17t 110480 Williams 173 17S 13.1 Ml Wetlling 150 IK! 113432 ' 7U3 7.10 751 22K High man Peckliam, 201. High average Pcckham, 160. Tho Scranton Bicycle club team played In terribly hard luck on their own alleys last night arid lost three straight games to the Green TUdge Wheelmen's live. The llrst game was lost by three pins, the second by eight and the third by fifteen. The score: SOIIANTON BICYCLU CLOP. Totals. Gold I'M Lis 101 .13 Toley irei 15R us no Mitchell 1,", (,' 171 4L3 Waidell tSl 152 173 f13 Cormat 170 17l 1174(0 Ml 7!i.! 772 2:170 Gitix.v ltipcu: wiiei:lmi:n. Fe.nnaiH 141 111 Iftl 113 Towler v 117 I'll US 120 Mavo 15.) 152 141 110 Wcdcman dl 177 lfij 5JJ Taj lor 212 ')7 140 oil) S17 SO I 787 2liV High in in Tasini, 212. High average Taylor, 1J. The West End Wheelmen's team from Wilkes-Barre rolled rather poorly on the Elk's alley Inst night und lost two games to the Elk's team. The score: i:i.KS. To'aU Phillips 151 H',2 11,7 11 Dhnlcr 117 li,2 ll ill Madenspaiher 1.11 131 VJ2 174 Weill 172 110 V.K 312 U.irll llli ll'l 152147 7ii0 77:s til 2.r,7 wi;st i:nd wni:r.i.Mi:.v. Yot 170 132 147 15 IlchuT 102 Vil 177 -121 Jeflrles ltd 150 US 420 Jones 177 110 157 Is:! Hunter 1.11 L,fi 110 4.!0 77.1 710 720 2221 High man Madeiupaiher, 102. HIrIi average Jladenspaches, 170 2-.1. The standing of the several teams Is now us follows: Won. I.ot. l'.C. flicen ltiihjo Wheelmen S 4 ,(1C7 l'.lks 7 ,- .5S.1 Ciectiic City Wheelmen 0 fi .500 r cuw.g SijMO ,50$ :SWKTaS m A.,A .. V mm Ml j WW fc Vv m IIP'I By All Means A Valentine A pretty custom reviving a greater demand last year than for many years a still greater demand this year, We have taken great pains in choosing our offering priced from 1C to $2.50 Artistically decorated little cards to slip in an envelope to the more pretentious ones In boxes. Our assortment Is original and exclusive, but not large. See it before it is broken. R . E. Prendergast Society Umbrellas Made Ombrellas Repaired Umbrellas and parasols re. covered in different colors. A fine assortment of handles. Latest designs. All goods guaranteed for one year. The Scranton Umbrella Manufacturing: Co., 313 Spruce Street. ,,,.,, 7 Ml 7 .111 7 .11 Kcruuton lltrj cle club Wct Cud Wheelmen STOLE IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. Wagon nnd Tin Shops hi Green Rtdgo Broken Into. Tho wagon shop of Philip Thatcher, situated on Green Ridge street, be tween Dlchson nnd Von Storch ave nues, was entered by thieves Sunday afternoon. The latter broken open two tool' chests nnd carried away about $25 worth of their contents. Tho thieves, gained entrance to the carriage shop f i om the blacksmith Bhop adjoining It. They ttlso broke Into tha tin shop of C. P. Stack, of lBGii Dicusou avenue, entering tho shop through a back win dow, which they pried open. They had gathered about $30 of Mr. Stack's tools In a bag when they wero frlgltt oned awny by Wlllnrd Stack, who went Into tho sloro for the purpose of using the telephone. The men Htuitlly left the store nnd ran over tiio Delaware nnd Hudson tracks and down Green Rldgo street. Doth men were young and slightly built. The North Scranton police are Investigating the case. ANOTHER STRIKE RUMOR. Report That a Now Committee Has Been Appointed. Report was current yesterday that the street car strikers hud appointed a committee of three, with full powers to effect a settlement of the strtke. When questioned Inst night us to tho truth of the story, President Shea gave evasive answer. Drink COFo. It tastes like coffee. Tbey The new spring Four-in-hands. All exclusive designs and colors, plenty ol those very popular ro man stripes in new col ors. The neat patterns arc represented here too. Corset Talk To be properly corseted one should be fitted by an expert. We have expert fitters. If you will permit us to cor set you, using our own judg ment as to the correct style, etc, thereby creating a good figure for you, we will guar antee satisfactory results. We carry the latest Models for Slender, Medium and Full figures in prices from iiOc to 10.50. , Price & Jenkins, 130 Wyoming Ave. Mjri Stationer. Oils. Paints DiokiH ..,,,.., 50c V, A Ta. i alfftx rV2i(VJB MaIon?y Oil & MandfacUiring Company, 4 j i I tZUtZI-riSJIVtZ JtfO-if. T f4; We are so e acreiita for The best Mouse Paints in the 'world', warranted pure linseed oil paints. This Hue comprises Seventy-four different shades. Insist ou having Masury's Paints for in side and outside work if you desire a good lasting job. Eittenbender&. 126-128 Franklin Ave. $. . g, 4 I Art and Fancy Goods. and Collars $ Stamped ou Ivineu in both White and Colors. Cramer-Wells Co., 130 Wyoming Ave. 'Phone 353-3. The Hartford Typewriter 4 V Till machine U recognlzM uHj'whei"i as the host .nul latct i" tMcrltir con Hruction. Tho Iliiitfonl Conipiny ius tains no hue nnil cpcmivp Mrj H liartmonU HKi-' its (ojiipetiloM, hut tcllj throiiRh lolUUc ujrcnU, thiw Jvhiff to piudusen this iirait itrm of expense. Price of Other Makes... $I0D Price of Hartford's 00 Your Profit 40 Reynolds Bros., Hotel Jennjn llulliliil.', Maimier" Jinl lUvfuwn. FRED R. SMITH, EliECTItlO AND GAS FIXTURES, GAS STOVES, 507 Linden Street. Board of Trade Building. m ieady 412 Spruce St $ and Varnish : r . w . Mastiry's Liquid Colors Spring Wm 141-140 Meririifin Sfr-rt?f. T !$ rLj. -