IJt,-, "fffiTJt V -? t " " yrTS OT.5rj., s v" ,! THE SCRAlSfTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1902. B 3H5Txif-ir WEST SCRANTON .iw'T''' CLUB LEAGUE MAY BE FORMED AMONG THE ELECTRIC CITY WHEELMEN'S HOWLERS. Sixteen Teams Can Be Easily Organ ized for Competition Half That Number Already in Existence. Lackawanna Council, Royal' Ar canum, Officers Installed Edward Williams and Thomas Evans Held in Ball on a Charge or Assaulting Edward Bryant Nows Notes. The Electric; City Wheelmen are talk-Inj- about organizing ti league (iinong themselves, to promote a spirit of riv alry In their bowling games, and from the list of members it is possible to formulate sixteen teams, together with those already Conned, as follows: I'lrst Team frank Wcttllmr, W. ('. William", J'tanU Dcpne, Sim MiCi.ii Mil, ll.n i J Pavls. Hiioml 'JV.iiii lleniy llnniin, Howard Will lams, P.ivld Umtix, Thomas skciiell, It. 1. Ilc.m. I.ifajcllc-i Aitliur Stowr, Sain .Tone, 1'iank Stuart, Henry Mtirir.in-t, J.nllicr Thrum. Wc.it 1'aiLs M. II. Oipcntci, blilney Mean, Hill Wllll.mii, Hen I.tKi', W. It. llurrlios. Suth lljilc l'.nk AM'iiiic Alt 1)U, Waller 111 is Artli .MtCraM-ii, V ill Plclil, Ceoici! Har iiiKtun. Xoitli Hi Jc l'.nk Aunuo Walter .Tames ,ier Jones, lieu AlUn, Adolpli llrtinliu,', 1'iank WalMns 1'at.iBonl.i' Will Lewis John 1. Williams, Kly ilairls l'rcd i:am, Herbert Clutflclil. riijrtlclan Pr. W. ltiml.md Pules )r. T. . lljnon, Pr. 1'. 1'. Slnipplei, Pr. h. 11. it.i.unoinl, Pr." I'cin. Uwjers-C. 1!. 1'iltlirr. W. It. Hue, C. .'. Pan 'i'l, .lohn II. 1'elloMS, .Mm It. IMu.ml-i. Mjine Awmies larcnco l'loiej. Ilany 1'. Pi ties (lus K.Mion, (lenrKO Unwell, ltnibm Staples Central Cit Pniiean Hall, (lus Weinss, llnny JUCriuken, Will Sej- ' e- llccruiLs 0. Pel'ue, (,'eoinc Seal, 1'reil Hottley, M Smith, I'r.ink (iemlall. Ink Sllnpci-r 1U Moist', IIiibIi UiirIios tthrja .liwpli, Conrad, Iail, Waller II. .lonc-i. Clerks Itccsu Hauls Call In Coon, Will .Tones fioorfro Panlels John Howell, llusiness .Men A. P. Watniau, (Jenipc 1'akile, I'. W. T.IKUC, JdIiii i:. Johns Will C. fiice. Silremcn lleit James, Thomas Stephens iill Widinor, Itoucrt llr.ulley, W. llajilen i:am. Installation of Officers. A regular meeting1 of Lackawanna council, No. 1133, Koyal Arcanum, was held in Ivorite hall lasjt evening. After the business session the newlv-olerted oflieers were ItiMalled liv Dlstiict Dep uty Grand llegi'iit W. W. Berry. The ollieers installed were: Regent, V. A. Browning: vlcc-icgent, K. AV. Thayer; orator. Will Luce: secretary, Dafoiip's French Tar Will promptly rellce and speedily cure coughs, colds and all limn trouble. For Kilo by G. W. JUXKIXS, 101 South Main at cnuc. 4s idii ii l - t I Men 1 Admire We And the best dressed prouienaders of thia city g bear daily testimony to Avbat you can get for $ a little money, provided you come here. All $i of our customers are models of correct style. & There is a trig effect, a trim individuality that & is uot common, gf 1 Here Are Practical f Examples of What a Little I Money Will Do When Well Spent I r The garments offered here now are most bar- $1 i$ gainable at these new prices. We have more a- 2g reasons than one for making them low priced: S? i2i73-In!eh Coats I ' Values Up to $10,00. Price $3.98 - ,. iValues Up to $20.00. Price $6.98 42-Ihcli Jackets I Values Up to $20.00., Price $6.98 l-Ladies' Raglans .Values Up .; Values, Up .-jV UKil- 2 3stff- , jSS We do uot hesitate to say that here are JSI tsom-e,t6'f;he greatest values we have ever beeu able 5! 'no'offeV you. The prices reuder competition out of 5"; the question, and the sale is on Friday aud Saturday, JT' rf Will vou be there? ' We think vou will. Si Will ypu be there? ' We . iiirt w -a I Globe Warehouse I - 'rf'V: "Walter Bevani collector, George Kynon; treusurer, Victor Lauer. A smoker was held nfter the Instal lation, during whtrh short addresses were delivered by several of the mem bers present, i An Unfortunate Woman. Mrs. Starncr, of New Jersey, nn aged woman, who has been spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Osninn Beers, of North Hobeeca.' avenue, fell recently and dislocated her hlo. Several weeks ago tho unfortunate woman ventured out of doors, and fill, dislocating her nrnt. ' (l c, ' Jackson Street Baptist Ghuroh. The board of deacons, will meL nt 7.45 Monday night, Twenty-eight per sons will present themselves before tho board for admission to the church, The new hymn book, Hacretl Hongs, Is for sale, limulre of Brother W, L, Da vis. Tlio tickets for our conct-rt, March 10, will bo out thlH week, This entertain ment Is the most unlnue that will vlalt Hcranton. It is a i evolution from Dark est Africa. Tile i'nllir boy choir is uu exuciUed. The Batitlst Young People's union meeting was largely attended lost Tues day night, A gimil (Iriuml Interest is manifested, Coming Events. The fourth Informal dance of tho Electric City Wheelmen will be held nt the club house on Thursday evening, February 13. Each member Is privi leged to invite a friend ami lady. Dancing will bo enjoyed from 8.30 to 1-2 o'clock. An Old Follies' concert will be given by the choir of the Bellevue Welsh Cal vlnlstic Methodist church on Wednes day evening, February l!fi. lion. John O. Woolley's lecture will be given next Tuesday evening in North Hcranton, Instead of the Jackson Street Baptist church, owing to the smallpox epidemic. A stocking social will be held in the Plymouth Congrej-ntlonal church next Wednesday evening. It will be con ducted by the ladles whose names be gin with the lettcis from F to L, in clusive. The musical and liteiarv entertain ment at the South Main Avenue Welsh Calviulstic Methodist church will lie held on Friday evening, February 1 1. Ohailes Hartley has consented to ap pear during tlio evening. The Kalllr boy choir will give an en tertainment at the Jackson Street Bap tist church on the evening of March 10. The entertainment will depict life and scenes In South Africa. Washington camp, No. ITS, Patriotic Order Sons of America, will celebrate their twenty-ninth anniversary on Wednesday evening next, with an en tertuinment nnd social. A Martha AVnshlngton tea and en tertainment will be the attraction at tlio First Baptist church on Friday evening, February 21. On Saturday evening, February 22, the members of tho First AVelsh Con gregational Sunday school will conduct what they call u "Columbian" supper. The Oxford Glee club lias decided to Ji-I dd CJ-I il-li i d omen e- to $10.00. Price $3.98 to $20.00. Price $6.98 think you will. as SS-: give a concert on Wednesday evening, Starch 12, In tho First Welsh Congre gational church, South Main avenue. Pre-Lenton Announcement. You are Invited to our fish and oyster departments at both Btores, 10G North Main avenue and 103 Drinker Btyeet, Dunmore. 'Miotic 251-2. Ciitiuvnn & Walsh, GENERAL NEWS NOTES. llufn To Mr. utitl Mr. t. n, I'rlcr, a ion, rtt tlio homo ol the lattcr'n parent", Mr. and Jin. Thoina? I). Ihom.-', of lit Xoith lljito l'ark ae. hup. IM.it f.uhpin John II, I'nll rrv-iily ptrwntcJ I'nnooka Irlbp, Xo. HI, Impruinl Order of Ited .Men, with a Urge photograph of hlin-clf, nppia. ptl'tcly frmiicd, O'eorgc Tarker, nf Wuihhiii n tlrcct, fell on (ha Icy p.nrment rci-enlly mid fi-Llmnl hl wrlft, Kdivnrd lliv.int, of I.urtTiiu street, lud IM wuiil Wllll.mn mid Thoin.i- K'utii nrrjlgned licfoie .Mdeini.in I).iles In-t eeiilii'- on the ih.irne of n-. sjult and liatteiy, mid both weip held In lull for tholr uppeiiriiiire ill court. .laniei jjulthnti, of riaik toiirt, was Mrtul; liy ii holi sled on Cheitiiut ftieet Tliur-iduy nlir'.it and, lendoicd uiKomilniH, lip v.i- t.it.en to tiU home, whole Dr. V. ('. Hill attended him. Horn Vo Mr. and Mi. 'l'honi.i, tOM J.id.joii lieet, n sonj to .Mr. and Mn, John W'iiksIhO, of Kjiion street, a d.iiighlci i Id Mraiid Mr. I'l.uik 1'o.iter, of Itiiinptnn Mreet, a miii; tn Mi. and Mix. Allieit Itiirnet, of Hampton utteel. .1 (on. .St. l'elei'i Total Ak'tlneiiie and llineoli'iit society of ItelleMie, Mill hold a lnrilln;- In their roon tomorrow afteinoon, tteheaic.ili of the Kintcr miHlo hcic liegun l.iit PtcnliiK liv (he I'I.miioiiIIi (htiiili iholr, under the dlreitlon of Mrs thorl-tcr, 1'iofpn.ur D.ivld Oh olio. ltev. 1). 1). Hopkliw, piitor of the 1'nriil Weldi Ihptlsl iliiiuh, will piecnt a paper on "'the Inlliieiuo nf ltomaiiUni on rinltaiiNin" at tlio lhpllst mlnUteil.il Lonfeieiico nest Mondi) morn Inir. The inenilieM of Si, PjuI'h Pioneer imih held their irgnlir weekly dilll In their rooim l.it evenlns, and dl-eusM'd the plain for tho inmlli (iKampmcnt dinlnir. net niii)ner. Mm. .7. 11. Snjder, of Wa-hlmui utioel, "iitoi (allied the Woiii.iii'h I'oii'ipn Missionary soolelj of the Htnp-oii MethodNt KplKopil iliiiuh I it evenlnj;. A hifo chv) of piohitloneii weio 'iddus-ed liy ltev. II. U, MiDerniott at the Simp-ion Jlcih odisl Kpi-eopil chinih last pvpnlni. 'Hie liicnilieis of the Wnnicn'o llellef oiiw, '.i: TiO, aiixlliuiy to llsra Griffin post, No. l::'J, (Ira.i 1 Anny of the Itcmbllc, r.ivo a ie. Thurvlay eon Inir in honor of their piesident. Mi. II. M. f-tionpf, of Xoilli Main aienne, wio letently io tinned honie fiom Auliuiii, X. V, The initlatoiy tiam of the Diamond lodur, No. 21, of Caihondalo, paid a fr.ltoln.il Kit l.i-t aenlni; to Comt William McKinley, No. SI, Milolil of Honor. 'J he gland nia-ter was aKo pirnl. Mlv! Maiy (Jninniii, of Noith Hyde I'.uU Ro mie, was tendeied an agieeahle Miipti-c pal.y leiently. The emplojes of 1. McCain's sloies cnjo'cil a slel;lii!dc to Ol'pliint iecentl,, AiinoniKenient has been midu of tho io'iiIiir iniiiiaKC of 11. t, Weber, of lljnon stieel, nod MKs Maicaiet Tlnedfall, of 21't Van Huren ,e. nuo. It will take pl.ue on rihnuiiy 12. Mil. . I), lletteily, of Smith Ilroniley nve 11110, was agreeably smpiised by a patty of friends on Wedne.sd.iy eionlnir. The lie tic-fit entertainment aiianmd for Peter Smith lias been postponed from rtbitniv 10 to Mauh 17. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mn. William Shaw, of Pawlet, VI.. who b.ii been 'isltin her sislei, Mis. .1. J. Kobeits, of South Main avenue, letmncd lirune thia wee1,. Miss imi M. .lone, of Wa-lihuiti sheet, h comj.lpsplns after a two weeks' illness. Mis Mao I.lnd.ibniN, of South Main aci,no, lias resiiimd her studie.s at SlioiuUmiB Stale Xonnil mIiooI, Mrs. laniene Fellows mid d.nuhter, rinistine, of South Main aonne, attended the Junior I'tom enado at Cornell unhcr.sity hsl eionino;, Mr. Watkin Joseph, of South lljile I'atk ae line, is eroeiinc fiom an indisposition. Misses M,ni;.iiet and Alice Kvaus atteudrd the funeral of a lelatho at Oliphint on 'Iliuisilay, 'I bom. is It Inker, ot " loniiim. has rottnmd iioi'uo fiom a ist wllli ('. S. Kie.skj, of Noith Sumner aeiiuo. Mro. William Phillips, of Swetland street, U lonlinei tu ber home villi an attjcl. of ihcu- llMti-lll. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. John Johnson, of Birch Street, Seri ously Injured by Being Struck and Knocked Down by Sled. AVhilo John Johnson, of Hirch street, was on ills way home lust evening a small boy coasting on Hirch street, be tween Piospect and Pittston avenue, ran into him and threw him with much violence. His head came in contact with a sharp piece of ice cutting- a gash sev eral Inches long In his scalp, mid ren dering him unconscious. A physician was hurriedly cnlled and It was necessary for him to put in sev eral stitches to close the cut. Mr. Johnson will be confined to his homo for a few days. Other Accidents. George Hopkins,, of Avocu, was thrown from his cutter yesterday while crossing the our tracks on Pittston avenue. Outside of a severe shaking up ho was not Injured. Mr. Evans, of Pittston avenue, sus tained a broken nose, an arm and leg and a number of bruises by being struck by a Delaware & Hudson train Thursday. He was walking on the track ut the time, His condition Is ser ious. Ended in a Dispute. The game of basket ball on Thursday evening between the Defenders of this side and the Stais of tho North End ended In a dispute In the lust half. The Defenders showed their superior ity throughout the half played, The score at the close .stood, Defenders Ii, Stars 2. It was the most Interesting game ever seen on this side. Masquerade Balls. The masquerade bull of tho Uingold band took place last night In Gerinan la hull, A large crowd was present and first class music was furnished. The Sweltzer Maejinerchor held their musk ball In Athletic hall last even ing, Tho hall was pueked with tho merry masiiueniders who enjoyed themselves Immensely, NUBS OF NEWS. The condition of Peter Webber, of Elm street, who bus been 111, still ro miilus serious, A consultation of physi cians was held yesterday, William Haggerty, of Plttbton, called on friends here yesterday, Mrs, John Conlpton, of Elmdule, who attended the funeral of Mrs. John I.lnd ter Wednesday, returned homo yester day, Louis Kneller, of 722 Pittston avenue, Is weurlng a broad smile while he Is kept busy passing out tlio cigars. Another girl. The otilceis on this sld are kept busy watching the small boy and his sled. The several accidents which have oc curred the last week have made them Vigilant, The Star drum corps Wfre out lust evening advertising the ball of tho Meadow Brook drum corps which tool place In Music Hall, The b'cranton Suengerrundu will con duct their musimei'udu bull on Monday evening. NORTHSGRANTON SMOKER Ol? TWO LODGES OE KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS. Joseph Williams and William Ed wards Were Presented with Jewels. Mooting of tho North Scranton Republican Club St. Glair Basket Ball Team Was Defeated by tho Crackerjacks Miss Katie Wagner nnd Thomas Gibbons Married '.u Holy Rosary Church. The members ot Uescue lodge and Panookii lodge, Knights of Pythias, held n Joint smoker hist night, a feat ure ,of which was the presentation of Jewels to Chancellor Commander Jos- JOSKPH WILLI AM!?, Presented with the Jewel of a Chain elli I'oiii- launder. eph Williams, of Uescue lodge, and Vice Chancellor "William Edwards. The presentation speeches were made by Attorney George Deuedlct and V. D. Christmas. ' John Saltry presided -over the smoker and addresses other than those of presentation were made by Henry Da vis, John U. Hopewell, l-'van Morris, Republican candidate for city control ler, and Jonathan Vlpond. Vocal num bers were contributed by Charles Rich ard, David Smith and a quartette. Republican Club Meeting. There was a largely attended and In teresting mooting of the North Scran ton Republican club last night, when addresses were delivered by Attorney C. E. Daniels and "tVullaee Moser. The speakers showed the necessity of fidel ity to party and earnest work in the small as well as in l"ie great cam paigns. Tho club endorsed all of the regular Republican candidates and the members will make an earnest effort to secure their election. Evan Morris, the Republican candi date for city controller, nnd a number of the candidates for ward oflices were present at the meeting. St. Clair Team Defeated'. Down In SI. Clair, Schuylkill county, tho have n basket ball team that has won fame far and wide for Its clever work. It came to Scranton yesterday and last night was defeated In tho au ditorium by the fast CracKerJucks. Tt was ii game full of ginger from start to finish. Tho score was: Crackerjacks 2u St. Clnlrs 10. The features of the same were the playing of Hughes for the Cracker jacks and Green for the visitors. Hughes was formerly a member of the St. Clair team. Tho line-up follows: C'l.ickerjacks S. DavK rinht forward; Wllllami, left forward; Hughes, centei ; Wells, light guaid; lleiijimin, left Kiiaid. St. CI Hi Monicker, right forward; ftroen, loft forward; llhch, tenter; liie.se, lisht guild; fetolnian, left L,-unnl. Goals w,ro thrown from tho field by Hughes, Williams and Wells, for the Crackerjacks and Birch and Green, for St. Clair. ' Funeral of Myles Gibbons. There was a very large attendance yesterday morning at the funeral of Myles Gibbons, from his late home on Summit nvenue. At Holy Rosary churcn, a solemn high mass of requiem was celebrated by Rev. J. V. Moylan. Rev. N. J.'Mc Manus was deacon and Rev. Father Holmes, sub-deacon. Interment was made In the Cathedral cemetery. New Bowling Alleys. Messrs. Shotton unci Davis, who a week ago opened bowling alleys under tjio Auditorium, North Main avenue, have decided hereafter to keep Friday especially for the ladies. Yesterday was the first day for the ladles to have charge of the place, un der the direction of Miss Selby, nnd the attendance was large. It Is ex pected that In the near future a bowl ing club will bo organized by some of our best bowlers to compete In one of tho leagues, Wagner-Gibbons Nuptials, In Holy Rotary church Thursday af ternoon, Miss Katie Wagner, of Oak streot, and Thomas Gibbous, of Paw nee street, wore united In tho holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. J. V. Moylan, Tho brldo was attended by Miss Mary Campbell, while Edward Rock ucted as groomsman, After the nuptlul knot was tied, the party returned to tho bride's home, where a reception was held, Mr. aud Mrs. Gibbons are well known In this section nnd have the best wishes of a largo number of friends. Social Events. A very pleasant surprise party wus tendered Nathan Jehu, of AVayne ave nue, Thursduy evening, Tho evening was spent In tho usual party diversions up to a seasonable hour, when refresh ments were served, Among those pres ent were; Misses Jennie Leonard, Junet Simmons, Alum Richards, Maud Davis, Marguiet Thomas, lCdlth Morris, Lizzie Davis, Thomas Jehu, Frank Coleman, David Davis, Nathan Jehu, John Sim mons, Albert Reese, George Muckey, Thomas Davis, David Matthews, John -Matthews. Miss Sumh McDonald, of -Mary street, wus recently tendered u, pleasunt tur prise party by some of her friend's. The evening was spent In singing unit danc ing up to ii lato hour, when refresh ments were served. Those present weie; Misses Haruh McDonald, Mary Million, Alice Campbell, Annie Pevers. Alice Golden, Annie Neary, Clara Murray, Mary IJarjeH, and John Nolan, John Loftus, James O'Malley. John Neary. aeorgg ( Greeley, Edward Dougherty, i yiy'wmjHHHumii)!! iiLii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiii)TOpwwaMaagM PflilCElH 11111 RESCUES A CONNECTICUr WOMAN FROM HORRIBLE T0RTUR3, Mrs. William Cotter, nf Hartford, the Victim, Tel 1 3 the Story In an Intervlew-A Terrible Hxpsrlencc, "It wus horrible," said Mrs. Cotter. "I allnost wished for death to relievo me. Rut help came In time aud 1 am very grateful. "Tell you the story? Yes, Indued 1 never grow tired of telling It. Several years ago I was taken with neuralgia, and suffered untold misery. 1 tried a great many doctors and several reme dies with the result that I found tem porary relief, but I was not cured and began to fear that 1 never Would be. "Then Policeman liellly, who Is n neighbor of ours, recommended that I try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People nnd I did so. I thought that the first box gave me some relief, and my husband Insisted that I keep on taking thorn, I did and I can truly say that these pills are the only medicine that ever peitnnnently benefited me. "I used to have to give up entirely and He down when the pain came on. My face would swell up so that my eyes would close. The pills cured all this and 1 have hod no leturn of It for the lust three years.. I keel) the pllft constantly on hand as I believe they are a wonderful household remedy. "To Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People I owe all the comfort 1 have en joyed for the past three years In being l'tee from neuralgia and I inn glad to be able to recommend them." Many who are now tortured with neu ralgia will read with Interest tho above statement, which Is beyond doubt as It wus given over the slgnatuio of Mrs. William Cotter, whose husband linM been Democratic Register of Elections In Hattford, Conn., for over ten years and who Is well known throughout the Stute. Mis. Cotter who lives at No. 42 Wind sor street, Hartford, Is the mother of a happy family, and Is now enjoying excellent health. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale. People will not only cure cases similar to that of Mrs. Cotter but, containing us they do, ull the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the Dlood and restore shattered nerves they have proved efficacious in .a wide range of diseases. They are an unfail ing specific for such diseases ns loco motor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dunce, sciatica, neuralgia, rheu matism, nervous headache, the after effects of grip, of fevers and of other acute diseases, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions and all forms of weakness, either in male or female. Dr. Whams' Pink Pills for Pale People are sold by all dealers or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price, fifty cents a box; six boxes, two dol lars and fifty cents, addressing Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schnectady, N. Y. John Morgan, John McCarthy, Frank Murtha. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. Mrs. John B. Owens is ill at her homo on Ferdinand street. Mrs. Isaac Edwards, of Putnam street, has returned home, after .visiting rela tives at Lansford, Carbon countv. The barbel s of the North End will meet tomorrow afternoon In Leonard's hall, when new shop signs will be dis tributed. Mrs. William Field and Mrs. II. II. McKeehan were the guests of Mrs. J. S. Read, of Factoryvllle, Thursday. A coffee and cake festival will be held this afternoon and evening in tho Os terhout building, by the ladles of St. John's Episcopal mission. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas, of Alford, N. Y., are the guests of Simon Thomas, of Heese street. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Reynolds, of' Ross avenue, are rejoicing over the ar rival of a babv daughter. Patrick Hughes has announced him self as candidate for constable of the First ward, on the citizens' tlcki't. John Shaughnessy, the North End representative of tlio Times, sliuned and fell, while going out of his office, and sustained a deep gash In his head. J. D. Main, assistant secretary of the Young Men's Christian association, will lead the gospel service at the Young Women's Christian association Sunday afternoon at .1.30 o'clock. All young women nnd girls are Invited to attend, Misses Florence and Murv AVudkcr weie suddenly called to Oxford, N. Y on account of tho illness of a relative. For the convenience of those who de sire to attend the Woolley lecture in the Tabernacle tit North Scranton, Tuesday night, bandwagons will leave the corners In time to leach the Taber nacle before the opening of the lectin c Hon. John G, Woollev will lecture In tho North Main Avenue Tabernacle next Tuesday night on "My Own Coun try." Thomas Shotton, poor director, has been passing around the cigais, with a pleasant smile on his face, since the arrival of a daughter at his home early In the week. OBITUARY. DR. HENRY CORSON died at tlio residence of James Arthur, In Forest City, Thursday afternoon at 11.-I0 o'clock from heart trouble, after an Illness dating since October. Mr. Corson was born near Camden, N. J., March in, 170t, and was therefore In his 108th year, and wus no doubt the oldest per son living In this state at tho time of his death. He was the oldest of a family of four children, all three brothers being physlckum aud tho sis-. ter- was Iho wife of the late Judge Rioadheud, of Philadelphia, Mr. Corson, when ho was 10 years of age left home and begun studylng medlclue with a physlclun In Philadel phia. After remaining there ii num ber of years, he came to Wuyne county by way of Honesdale, then a laurel swamp, and started practicing his pro (esslon In Montrose. Ho remained there a number of ye.us and then went to Harford. After staying there a few years ho removed to Susque hanna, tho place at that time contain ing only three houses, AVhlle at that place lie yas united In marriage, In 1SJ1, to Miss Lucretia Geslut, He con tinued his pructlee there until ISSU, since which time he has uiutlt? h's homo In Hancock, Vnwood nnd Forest City. Dr. Corson was a most remurkubla man In many ways, und his skill hi medicine made him known fur and near. Ho continued puotlelug up to the duy of his death and retained his eyesight and mental faculties to an unusual degree. He Is survived by a. widow, two sons, Dr. Frunlc Corson, of Wuvinurt. and I Dr. Charles Corson, of Rlleyvllle; two It' IBS Pii-i d Today, Saturday, we will show the wage earner where his money will do the great est service. These three quotations beat all arguments: -HAMS --Sugar- 1 n Cured 1 i 2 Strictly Fresh Eggs, per dozen. .... 20 'pounds Sugar You can save on all purchased at the Popular Priced 218-220 West 432 Lacka. Ave. AMUSEMENTS. EST NEW ARMORY, SCRANTON, FA., MONDAY, REB. 2a, 1902, AT" B.30 F. IVl; Under Direction Frod. C. Hand. Store, Monday, Feb. 17, at 9 a. m. dauBlUcr.S Jlrs. Hattlo, wife of O. A. KU'hinond, and Mrs. Iavina, wife of ltev. G. It. Men-ill, of Smithville Flats, N. Y. The funeral, which will ho private, will or- held Sunday at Mr. Arthur's residence and Interment will take place near Thompson, Susquehanna county. STANTON Tho community was shocked on Friday mornhiK on leiirn ing of the sudden death of Elizabeth .Tewctt Waller, wire or the lale Will lam II. Stunton, which occurred at her late residence on Third street. Hones dale, about 10 o'clock Thursday even ing'. The deceased was a dauKhter ot the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Wal ler, and was- born in Honesdale. Juno 11, 1S1G. She had always been a resi dent of Honesdale, On December 30, 1SCD, she was united In miirrhiKO to William II. Stanton, who died about two years ago. The deceased is sur vhed by two daughters', Mrs. Italph W. Martin, of Honesdale, and Mrs. J. Edward I3ail)our, of I'aterson, N, J., and one sister, Mrs. Mary Waller Crowell, of Newark, N. J. Mrs. Stan ton had been ill but a short lime. The funeral services will be held at iter Ian residence on fc'alurduv at 1.30 p. m ltev. William II. Swift, of the Presby terian church, olIlelatliiK. Interment, will be made in Glen Dvboirv eenie tery. MltS. PHOKBR ANN DOWNING While visiting her daiiRhler, Mrs. W. W. Mitchell, in Utlea, N. Y., Mrs. Phoebe Ann Downing was stricken with typhoid-pneumonia and died yesterday afternoon at r, o'clock, Mrs, Downing was tho eldest diiuuhter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Hallstead, who reside on Mlilllu avenue, and leslded with them t.lni'0 her husband's death. The family will have w deep sympathy of a lame circle of friends in tholr he leaveiuent. Mrs. Downing went to IHIca about a week au'o to visit her daughter, and Immediately became ll. The remains will bo brought to this city for Interment. PATItlPK SIIEKltIN, an used resi dent of West Scranton, died yesterday at his home, 200." Price street. He had resided in tins diy ror many years, anu Is Mirvlveil by several grown-up t liil dren. Tlio funeral services will ) e held on Monday morning, with a reiiulein mass at St. Patrick's church. Inter ment will bo made In tho Cutle'ilrul cemetery. MItS. MAHGAUKT l'U.(tK, lellct of (he lato (loodhaiid t'l.irk, died yester day, morning after a shoit Illness from pneumonia, aged 7$ years, ut tho fam ily lesldence, M3 Jeiferson avenue, Services 'will be held ill the haute on Monday lilvht at X o'clock. The le malns will be taken to itochester, N. Y on the 1.15 Lackawanna train, Tuesday morning, for Interment, EMMA H. UONEY, aged it months, daughter nf the Into lleiberl i.oney and Emma Dodge I.oney, died yester day at the homo of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, T. J. I.oney, ill Seventh street. Tho funeral will lit) held Sun day afternoon at 2 o'clock from Uik Loney lesldence. t interment in Forest Hiu cemetery. GEOltQK MJ3MKUT, the 4-yearold ZoC of Groceries and Meats Provisions, Lacka. Ave., 401 Penn Ave. AMUSEMENTS. Diagram Opono at Powell's Musio ' Tickets - $1.00, $1,50, $2 and $2.50. Lyceum Theatre U. HEIS, Lcsseo and Manigcr. A. J. DUITV, Dm. Man-get. Saturday Matins and Night f, I. D. Stair nic-icuts foi join r'a"lire Ward and Voes In tliclr New MiMi.il "l ut-l'i." I'lkcs M'tlnrr, 2"'. nml 'r'''-. XiKli. 2Jt.. Me, 75c, ami $1.00. Seals on i.alu 'llunil.i. 0n3 Nigh!, Moniay, Fab, 10, fir. James O'Neill In I.iclilir & C'o.'s M.iRniluriit Scenic Prcrlijction of the Urralcr Mar cast include lill'-DllRIC I)E BEI LK YJMX, .Linn's O'N'i-lll, Ji Wnrmi Toulon, W. .1. llinii, ( lamlc liillicrt, .In-cpli Mnjlrr. IIi 1-clonc JohiiAOii. Kate J'lctilicr, Irprinia Kcatiiiif ami fifty othoH. (In'siiul Xlw Ymk Acailcni) of Miiiiu produu'. tlim. I'liccs-liV. In 41.30. Seit.s on .ile I'liita at II o'doiK. Turday. February 11. Vh'st Time Hoc of t lie Timiciulmis DivlInmnlMu J Tiiuuipli, V. K, N.NII:viT-M:, p-CMmls ' JlaSI Casne's Mii't Powerful t-loiy The Penitent Direct fiom l'.nk Theater, no-ton, ttilU a11 """ tcmrry aril vifltfuit .it. r Price 2"e. to il.00. Sale of seata opens S-alunla.v at !' .1. in. W3dn3sday ani Thursday Nights M. W. Pauley I'icsciit". Robert Mantell SuppoiteJ lij an Km client Company ot Shale-1 nc.ire-n Art Mi, WIIDXIIhPAY XKilll'. "HASVSL.EIT" TIIIilMiAV Mtil'ir, ce OTHELLO" I'lius 2.". tn SI .'ill. Sile of (.eats Jliimljy nt l it. in. Academy of ilusic U. IIUIS, ".MS--, A. J, Duffy, Manig-r. iiai.a.nc'i: op wixk. The New Sawtelle Daamatic Co. xi:.t wixk, si'ix iai. liMiACpinvr May Fiske and Company, Momliy, (-pedal matinee ami nlsht, "Iho Char Hv tilrl." 1Mb a11Jeille .11 1 lieailed by tin Hiiillet people ill Iho world, Mis. tieneial Turn Thumb, ( mint ami llaion M.iurl. STAR THEATRE AM'. 0. HKBUIXGTOS, Manager. 'fliniiilj) , 1'rlilu.i 11ml Satin ila, I'lXltl in 11, T .M1 . hgypt Burlesquers" Matinee I.m-ij Ijv Sirif rs iTfu p rFHoi '&. ft' .c. '.VM? .."rr.-.'.y" . s m.pt- T Aut-rlt-L. l-uaraUflu rurv aUubr mall rrl'tli llUcs!-! I ifvMft tbUMi, iiiqoi ruufu, Avrivuti Urblllljr,- uil nonvvii inrvn-ii'; rtinciuirtauj rwltlBJ) I mlni-loBH-tiiU tt bbruakrn Urgtssf kfrVtb ct- rurrl i Iw IU ua 3 Jfirt ir(llril C n irtrtt laotpLUl 9sptrlraflu(-trwa7- Hrntl forbwk -rrLlh".l Ivu'Iuf trjf nifJUf A tU'clrlffcl fraud. MBPtloaUltPr.T mn of Mr, and Mis. Jacob Mellon, it 521 Moi'ldlnn street, died 011 Thursday, and will Us burled this uftenigon. $1.00 "Little u tK t AjtA 'f wa.3 flXiilM liMT'1""" "l"y CJipulei nr V I ItMWiili'st lu -IK liuurit without ,,,., I ft "Conpiilcnic,iilfcctiouMnY J! SJaJiu.wltfeli I'piiaibii, Jiu-iV' "-V I jbcbn miJ iiiloclliiii Inli. - I w-fj" .- 'fV5, - tt -f