The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 08, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    -' ' vh.i r ' "',,v
Mi iSS5$i.lS&SSZ5i tSSSS$22.'iS&&ie.i&ttAw&'i'' :vmj
?l ' ' "'" "II III ,. I 1 1
I WHAT lor my VaTnitlncr''
W .levitli iiur fall
illoonn lll wltht-r mill ilm
In lire Mil, n( I lie whiter nil'.
Suiiitllilnir I ncur in.iy lie
I'mled ir t.imMiiMl nmiij 11
N'hbpii "'llu win lil l bilaliUi lor lite
Uiiati-t' .ton arc In II, inj ilrtirl"
, -II. (. I'.
die KirnH'Hs U'OelntH nif not yot
Icnod'ii. Piofcssor 1). A. Stonu will luivu
a Unal nipotlnir today with tho prltu-l-pnls
of the HchoulM Intel uxlcit ami thu
returns for tli'Uct rules will bo ninth'.
From tlii! present outlook It ap
pears .that ir the huiii of $,000
if? realized tlu TeaehiMs' Mutual
HencMt Association will do writ.
1L nhould bo remembered that the work
of thu blir enter prion foil on a few
comparatively speaking. I'tunlbl.v ir
tho assistance rendered had been mote
general If the high school for Instance,
hnil shown mure Interest, the tecolpts
might have been lai-fter. At any rate
the Klrmess was a treat success and
Its beauty ami the pleasure which It
afforded merit all the praises II le
cclVetl. The P. i tie rows I; I iciltal Is the much
talked of event to eome. Already the
announcement of hli iipptMinu-e has
attracted the mom unprecedented In
terest. The fact that the armory can
be made comfortably warm, which was
demonstrated at the Sousa concert. Is
nn. element of ndvantiw for the entil
ing' event, but It Is doubtful whether
even it cold, cold house lould keep
away the tin onus on that night. To
have P.ulerewski la Kcranton Is an
attraction which would tempt people to !
go to much Inconvenience and trouble
to hear and see, and piob.ibly to run
some risks in the way of grlnpe or
pneumonia. All this distinction Is be
cause Xordlca had such an ovation In
this city. '
Airs. II. C. Sharer gave a must de
lightful afternoon at cards 011 Thuisilay
when a laige company of, ladies was
Among the guests were: Airs. Henry
Pelin, jr.. Mi. K. H. Jermyn, Airs. AV.
AI. DIckron, Airs. A. II. Storrs. Airs. O.
D. Murray, Airs. X. V. Leet, Airs. AV.
J. Hrown, Airs. F. AI. Spencer. Airs. Ci.
JI. Ilallstead, Airs. II. H. Ware, Airs.
springer, .Airs. n. TI. Brady, jr.. Airs.
H. AV. Kingsbury. Airs. T. F. Penman,
Mrs. K. C Comsen, Airs. F. I;. Plat I,
Mrs. J. S. Lyiule. Jlrs. 15. V.. Wnts-on,
Alls. Kranlillii 'ileashaw. Airs. ,7. H.
Dimmlck, Airs. Kllllman, Airs. J. r,
AAntz, Airs. K. K. Chase. Airs. James
Gardner Sanderson, Airs. Ilohle. Airs.
G. H. Smith, Alls. Charles Coarsen!
Airs. Sturges, Alls. Alott, Airs. I, .
Iteynolds. Airs. AV. D. Hoyer.. Airs, t!
C. A'on Storch, Airs. a. dan. Diinmiik
Mi. Twitehell. Airs. C. L. Frey, Airs'
Matthews, Airs. T. II. Watkins, Airs'
Owens, Airs. C. S. AVeMoa, Mrs. J. S
I Hair, Alihses Holla, Gllinore, Hissell
I'oore, Howell, Yost. Alallhews, Hey
nblds, Salulersonr'Haikei', Hradlev, Alc'r
rlll. Airs. Thomas Dickson has been en-tertainlng-
Hev. Pr. and Airs. Kidman
or Alorrlstown, X. J., during the
vcek. Dr. Krdman Is Airs. Dlekhon's
pastor in the summer, Their son, also
Hev. Dr. Kriliiian, 1b pastor or a. church
In Honolulu and will bo of great as-
i Fashion's latest style is embodied in this up-to-date boot.
I For walking and street wear it holds a high place among the Si
g many popular styles of S.
g It is stylish in appearance
! and smart in effect. Like all
"Queen Quality" boots, it fits
g the foot perfectly and with
g absolute ease from the mo
g ment of trying on. Kibo en
g amel vamp ,and tip, with dull
g top, a very heavy welted sole
$ with rope stitched entension
3 edge and a medium heel, per
j2 forated vamp and foxing.
g The latest leathers, the
g newest styles and shapes
5 for all occasions.
1 All Styles $3;
g A Swell w Creation for Fall
" in
l Mahon's
328 Lackawanna Ave.
sblaiico to Colonel Dotes and his party
during; (heir lslt In thai city.
Mrs. Uleltslm's face, so familiar and
ho beloved, Is missed fronl the Usual
place at the w;lnilow.rif her Washing
ton avenue home durlnir these mid
winter days. It Is all because she hud
acquired a sun-parlor looking out up
on the hiwh at the rear of the hollso
and In which delectable slass-walled
retreat with Its warmth of8uasiiHib
and ftlow of color, she feels in? whiter
la her beautiful life.
Mr. 'and Mrs. W. II. Taylor will en
teilaln a Iiii'ru loinpauy of Bursts In a
limit flmi tuiiiB- fashion .Monday night
at their blantlltll honic, 'Hilltop," on
Webster iivemte. There wlllibe mtiMe
by Ml"s Klcetu (llifoul and Mr. Aithur
lloehinan. An InteieMlns featttie ot the
piogramme will be the fact thai Mr.
Chalks I Joei sain, formeily of this illy,
will conic whh .lls tilti'ord as itiiotn-puiiixl.
ToboKjran parties at the Country club
aie at the height of their popularity
Just now, Among thost. who composed
a merry company on Monday night
weic: .Miss Holes, Miss llertrade
Sprague, Miss Helen Paul, of Philadel
phia: .Miss Carrie Hennell. Miss Helen
Matthews. .Miss .Mary IVnnypacker.
Miss Janet Dleksou, Dr.. Hamilton,
.Messrs. Osborne. Hemic, Hessell, Wolf,
l.lnen. Talks, Dale and Dickson Tor
rey. lion. Alfit-il I land and Mrs. I land
will Rive a dinner tonight In honor of
Colonel and .Mis. Holes and .Mr. and
Mis. Slurges. The other gueMs will
be Air. and Airs. Helln. Air. and Airs.
C. II. Welles, Mis, Thomas Dickson.
Alr. and Alls, .lames Auhliald, Air. and
Alls. .1. A. t.lncn. .Mr. Allies I.. Tracy,
of Hoiii-sdale: ,fudt;i. and Alrr. Wlllaril,
AIi. J. A. Pi he. Airs. It. g. Powell,
Airs. I-:. S. Aloffat.
Airs. T. II. Watkins gave a beautiful
Japanese luncheon yesterday when
All";. II. AI. Holes and Ali. 13. H, Stur
KCh weic guests of honor. The tallies
weie charmingly decorated.
AIlss Uradley, of Xew burgh. X. A'., is
the gaest of her sister. Alls. F. AI.
Spencer, on Clay avenue, and is wel
comed by a host iif friends in this city.
Alls. George G. Hrooks gave a card
party 011 Tuesday and will entertain In
the same way next Tuesday after
noon. Air. and Airs. W. ll. Il.-on enter
tained a number of friends at a caul
party Thur.-day nlpht.
A toboggan pally will lie given to
night at the Country club In honor or
Aliss Holes.
Air. and Airs. G. AI. Ilallstead will
entertain the Tuesday Night Card club
next week.
Mr. and Airs.. A. S. H.iker wjll enter
tain at cauls on Alonday evening.
Air. and Alls. Ten Urooek entertained
informally at cards last night. 1
Among the beautiful farewell din
ners which have been given in honor
or Colonel and Airs. Hoies and Air. and
Airs. Sturges, none were more attract
ive than that or Thursday night when
Fashionable Dressers Admire the
m fm00mfm wr
Mis. 13, S. Moffat cnlertnlhed at n
Japanese dinner. The fnvorn were ex
ceedingly )ire(ty and 'the oriental effect
of tho decorations received many com
pliments. The guests were: Colonel and Mrs.
Holes, Mr. and .Mis. Htiimes, .Mr. and
.Mis. James A. I.lncii, Judge and Mis.
Hand, Mr. and Mrs. C II, Welles, Mr.
and Mis. J, l Dickson, Judge and
Mis, l-J. X. Wlllaid, Mm. Mills, of
Uostonj .Mrs. It. J. Powell, Miss Piatt.
Mrs, II. J. Pouter gave a heatlllful
leceptlon on Tuesday when many
guests were entertained,
Mrs. Foster whs assisted In receiving
by Mrs. N'orinan Foster, of IlUffulo;
Mrs. (leoigi! Maishall, of Hhainokln,
and Mrs. S. U. 'Derinan. About the
looms wete Mrs. (lardiier Cobb, of tlnr
rlshurg: .Mrs. T. F. Penman, .Mis. T. (i.
Wolfe. .Mrs. T. J. Foster, Mrs. Will
nrldllh.. of Plttslon, and Miss Ihninii
Haiiili-lsoii. ' .Mrs, 'deorge I., Dickson
and :Ms. ,(j,il). , Sanderson presided at
the table. A,l'rs. K. ,.T. Uaughton, Miss
Chuinard nn'tr'.MIns Foulkc, of Stvouily
burg, served 'rappe. The young ladles
In ; the- room were .Miss Clartrnde
Spraguc, Miss Tiny Jesstip, Miss May
Pelinypaclier, Miss liessel and -Miss
Molt. The mnuilnllti club furnished
murk'. .Marvin & Mulr directed the
elaborate decorations.
Col. and .Mrs, IT. M. Holes and Miss
Holes will lsave on Monday for a trans
pacific trip, extending over severa
! months. They will sail from San Fran
clscs on the "t! and will spend a fort
night in the Hawaiian Islands. It Is
with vivid Inteiest that their friends
will anticipate their return, for both
Colonel and Airs. Hobs pjssws to a pio
nounccd degree the happy gift which
belongs only to the true nconteur, and
can graphically reproduce In word pic
tures the Incidents and scenes which
have Imprisiscil them. Air. and Alls.
K. H. Sturges and .Miss Slurgci! will r,o
to Japan at the same time.
one of the most atti active tees uf the!
seas-on was given on Alonday. by Airs,
Geoige I.. Dickson. The Runt of honor
was AIWs Halght. or Lebanon. Airs. K.
II. Jennyii and Alls Kuiii'n Alott served
I'r.ipiie. Airs. H. S, AlotYat and Airs.
Towns"ntl Pome presided at the table
In the dining 1011111. Among othirs who
assisted in elite! tabling were: AIiv.
Walter AI. Dickson. Airs. James P.
Dickson, Alls. Hogcrs Israel, Alts. F. II.
Jerinyn. AHss Klolsc Gllmoie and AIius
l.ydln Poore. The house was charm
IliKlv decorated.
Air. anil Airs. U. G. Hrnoks. Air. (
D. Jones and family, Allss Grace Norton
and Alls. J. G. Shepherd, wll rail today
for the Aledilerreaean. They expet t to
be abrent four months or longer.
Anion"; those who went to New York
to see them "fl" were AIis. W. H, AIc
Clave. Airs. Willard Alatthews. Alrsais.
T It. Hrooks. George G. and J. II.
AIls-s Kramer, of !!1U A yoinlng ave
mi". entertained at cards on Thinsday
night in honor m' h'r gue:-'t, Allss Atl
ler. 01' Uoclicster, N. A".
.Mrs. J. W. Howarth ami .Mrs. A. F.
Law will give a hauds-onio reception at
the Green HUIkc AA'licehr.en's club on
Tuesday next.
A number of the young people of
Green Hltlge will have a dancing paity
at the Wheelmen's club on Monday
Movements of People.
Mi-, (.prim Si'ult, r WVlMir .nun..', ii l-il-In;
Npiv 'lull. .1 ml Siiiuinil, . .1.
'I lip tlsrtfi Nptllo .mil .ln-riliiiu' Malimi hop
ipliirnril limn .1 i-it Iti Ww Anik.
Mi. .mil Mi. .1. I.. ( i.r,fin,il lui" liliuiu'il fi mi
I'loriilt fui .t lnirf -t.ij, llipv pirtt to pi
; k
"Woiy JL ms
In ltoclf I.filjtc In (tie canine ot ,i tew iby. Mr.
Jamr-i (I, SIk iilionl will nceoiitiuiiy llioiii.
JHM Jmpihliir anil Nellie Million rcliirnej
fiom Ximv Votli city jmlenlny.
Mr. T .1'. Von Mnrch will 'no l New Yotk to.
il.iy to allrml the nctMIng ol ii filrtnl. '
Mr. II. A. liluci, lil Xmv Voik, who vvitu I lie
KiiMt ol Mr, ,1, I. Wlit iclurnril liotiio nn
Momla.i ,
-Mi. anil Mr. .Ihhim .T, U'IIHiiiik will Icac to
ihy for ii t'.illtoiiil.i lili wlili Ii wilt innsniiic
trvri ll wooln.
Mr. P. K. T.t)lor nn.l Mlw llclrn I'.ail, of I'lilP
nili'lplit.l, iiu In llli.ini, wlirp. Hipj went to ul.
Irml IliU .liinlor iriii,
.Mr. mill Mm. (Icoikc ;'. Il.nii.iiil went to HIiir.
Iininlnii llil week Hi' ntli'iiil tlie rttnctol of Mr.
lUriiinlS liriitlur, Ullll.iin WIIIMmi Hlow, of illy,
II. s. llfnniU. l'. Mct'uiinell, llolicrt .1,
WIIILniif, Mh.iii.w ('. W.iMi, X. II. HrnnnliiK, ,1,
I!. Ailiinifon, MI'H.tVoiirr ami Ml I'nncr hoic
li'Rhtntil ul the Hotel Alliiil In ,Vc Ycuk tliU
Mr. W. JdiiA ronli lliown, wlm im Mk Pllvn
Mcliilii'li hi frlpml In llili illy, It .it
tier nlil linnic nn ijnlncy .'111.11110 fr a few ijj,
ttlicYe "stn l Hip fencl of irr u..n j , 4. ,,,',L,
WHAT would j
lire? What
Hove ,ou m
you do In ease of
it you probably be-
ottld do Is to dress
yourself composedly, If the lire were In
the night, and then give an Imitation
of a heroine by saving one or two other
members of the family, and after that,
gather up our valuables, taking cart
to secuiO certain piloeless papers which
the others have forgotten and then
calmly deceend a ladder amid the
plaudits of the populace.
What you probably will do In such
an event will be to yell like a Coman
che Indian, tear madly about the room
In a confused attempt to find the door
and viiui' I'lotlus .'mil Mnnilv iinru 1,1
i,,! nl ,1,.n,.,i 1., , rf
j ,iul.ty Kloves lllld yum. ll(?llti(1
Ajl fal. , ben the nllUel.,ul fol. lnak.
, 1,,,, .. i,H:'nln. .hn,. i ih .i,.
1 ---" - ....w .., ..v, .v..,.,,. ,,,,,.
any woman will do hi an emergency.
It Is largely a matter or guesswork as
to the particular direction her ueives
will jump. The iiulik 1'putless lldgety
woman who Is always on siprlngs Is
just as likely to develop hero'ne symp
toms as the slow deliberate person who
always has to take a certain amount
or time to make up her mind. Whl'e
the latter is mentally debating- whether
idle shall wear her blue dress or her
grien otic or whether she shall tie up
her jewels in a frin;;ed towel or carry
them down in tho Ice pitcher, the
former has managed to get Into some
clothes no matter If they may be
wrong side out and is helping some
body else to of cape. The very excit
ment nnd the cotirelousncs!) or being a
prominent factor In it, ronietim'es seem
to steady the nerves of the one who Is
though to bo Irresponsible, and her
alert habit of ml ml Is found to be ex
ceedingly valuable, while the more
quietly balanced woman will act stun
111 il and helplcrs.
The other night there was a lire when
one of the ladlea attired herself in her
bath-iobc. and thoughtfully placed a
bow in her hair. Some time ago at
a lire a young girl was re
moved with dlflieuity from her burn
ing home. Il was thcn'disovercd that
the only on" of her possessions which
she had saved was a gilt girdle which
she had chis-petl about hor waist over
her night nobes. Its value was fifty
cents ami it was growing tarnished. A
cor.lly 'watch and seveial hands-ome
lings were left on her dressing table.
She war, no more tlaft than the man
who, on the same occasion rushed back
into the blazing house, burning his eye
brows and singing his coat, antl
emerged with a bird-cage which had
not been occupied for months; a fact
of which he wan perfectly well aware.
There is one man in thin town who
declares that he -lost the chance of
marrying an heiress, when he saved
her life an instance at variance with
tradition. lie was a gr-'-'St at the same
country house and their brief acquain
tance had lesulted In mutual attraction.
Hut ono night a fire broke out and tht
members of the hourehold barely escap
ed with their lives. Tho young man
bioke in the door of the room occupied
by the heitess and carried her out in
her Scanty nttlre of the night. She
screamed antl howled and insisted that
he should dtop her instantly. He never
saw her after they emeiged from the
llames' and he had plated her some
where In safety. She left before day
light anil lung afterward coalldetl to a
I'rleud that she was too much humiliat
ed by the memory of her hysterical be
havior on the night of the fire ever to
set eyes on her leseuer again for she
knew he must have been thoroughly
At last we have suinethliiK" which hits
iitlrnd up Wllken-llaire. We have
iUiRleil more or less coyly for the dis
tinguished attention of our sister city
for yeais, but the most wejiave thus
far accomplished Is to havo'hor fjlance
hauKhtlly This way iluough her
Jsweled lorffuette and say: "Dear me,
they say there Is quite a town up there.
I. myself, have never' been up to see,
but I tun told that t-oine of my sons oc
casionally wander In that direction.
I've warned them, too, that the young
women have no itrandfathers."
Well, we have'nt worried very deeply
over the disdain with which wv have
been treated but occasionally we thtow
out a bit of a ball. It Is always sonie
thliib' lofty and exclusive, riiimelhluK
with a Daushter -of thu Revolutionary
attachment, or In the way of Art,
We never havo baited the hoolt with
anytlilntr lis frivolous as a Klrmess or
a ealte-walk, but when we have had
somebody rather experienced III play
ing the piano or In singing to high i.
we have bashfully admitted tho fact to
Wilkes-Harre, but as a rule she has
legarded with haughty scorn our ten
tative attempts at pietendlng we were
on the map.
Now, however, sho has all at oueo
come to a realization of our existence.
Tim reason Is Paderuwsht, WHUes
liarre Is clamoilng for a diagram of
seats at tho I'.iderewslM recital anil
has already airanged for a special
train. We had to do something you
know, and nt last we have arrived.
Saucy Hess,
Special tu the .Siuutoii Tiibiuie.
Nicholson, Feb, ".Miss May Sweet,
or Harford, Is the guest of her sister,
Mrs. C. V, Osborne,
Mr. and Mis. F, 13. Tiffany, of State
street, are visiting the hitter's sister,
Mrs. W, F. Keefer, of Syracuse.
At a tegular meeting of thu Nichol
son Cemetery association held Monday,
February a, ISO:', the fo'llowirig oftleers
were elected: President, 11. V. Tif
fany; beeretary, F. M. Williams; direc
tors, F, M. Williams for three yeais;
F, U. Pratt for tluce years; N, U
Vpn1Ifni' I'm i.'n vni'U W T. 'Ptrp.iiM-
"Inaccurate knowltdRP U dingtrciu tlilui,
Sii In til thlnin lt 111 be cuutttr."
Itrmlcrt of tlir Stlrnl woulil (reilly alii 111 !
In luy tuk lit Mklng iUftloni (not noofi'
arlly for publication), whkli If i(uilb! will
be Hundred In full lit ih ttrly liu: of the
Wtrklv Silad anJ tlielr receipt aiknowleilncJ
(lunietltattly by mall. All audi lommunlm.
tlorm rmut, liopcr, aa a matter of courac,
bear the mller'j cotrcct name ami auMrcM,
ui olliprlp llipy u limit lip taken Into ion
How to Rend in Bed.
Tlll'ltl! IH iii) Viillil ic.i.on tu lip. iirRpit u;:nliil
tilinr tlio pyp In il proper iiiniilirr In u
leeiimliflit luHlttan; ntli uo h the 1eul tlu
Honip, nml lip IipIhIpiI In fni longer pciiinli
nltliuut ilainuijo limn mil ntlier poiltloii, Wp .ill
know r.itf U ultpn ilonp ly ipnil
liiir In ,i ipciiinliont iotnrp, but UipipIii, iolbty,
tunic mutlils ate nt f.ailt. Hail It bipn the u:il.
verbal pr.utt(c iltiilnif tl.i; pjt tupnly m tidily
yp:u tu ptie i.irtful itliri limit Iium Ii rpml lj.
ditf iIohii linlfjil of f.niuir tu one uinl nil, ''Vo i
miut not ipjiI l.lnif dimn." ilipic umilil In- Imi
ue.iiiiidit uinl lulicr p.iei In tlu eoniniun'.ty
now ctM.
Three eoally aolilJ cn.M mine all (lie
ibliUKC po'idlik- (rem IcnJInif l.tllnr iloivn, tlu
tlrt often tailing In tin' other Imi. Thc.v tiri!
Imuiiklrnt or iMimirty illrpitnl lliclit, almrl ipel.
In.' ilNtmie. .mil llpiilnc (lip Umk mil of a nLine
ill i MM nngk'i to Hit! llnp of llon.
i Ati: or tiii: mikciiici'.
IVuple fipqiipnth lie ilowii to rp.iil jl a illi
tump fivin koiiiI llidit; iifin the lljht U ni.t
mil,i poor, bill In Midi ii illipi-tlon lint It U lin
khIi1p In liuhl tlip lipok pirpeilj in. I lltuinliiitp
it nt nil, S iiiii-tline (lip liu'lil U In faml, M
itlw.ijs il.ioMt tin- pilnt In rl.j.lnn, noff;i.ti.i;
.1 p!o-o iiMiliiiir ili'lantf. .l,!tb N llkil.i In pro.
iliiip iMiiipiinr of Hi" illl.iry inifelfi, t iir,'t" ' !om
f tilt the Internal tn:etnre of tin r.M'i, .imi
pciiunwnt piojjie'iho npjr-i.iitl.t. Or. hi nr.l.'r
to M-oiur PM'ii fjli Huiii, ll U nprpwiiy hi tip
thr bunk sn tint .ill tho imwlii .up nit' mill t'.iffatljuip oon Mipeirpup.
If, Imnpni, ppry mi" ipjil!n l.iin; ilown will
111 .IIU11RP Ills - Ol lll'll tllP li'.llt IMIIIH
iwcr the liiml i'llhuit mlklint the op', .mil
fnlk lu'll ii'ioti I lie iusp; II ho Hill iioM h'
book lit it long ipjiliu JU'.tnce, mvl IjKp oiip
tlut the line of lei ten sh.ill be nt H;lit :ifiPi to
the Hit- if iMnn, .ill of Iii. Ii nui uiti!ri .1
liiiok-ii'"!. In- be vi. of lining tils pwh ui
moil' h.ini if lip uue vlillnj; up.
Mine lh.ui thi, tlieiv I iniuli nniille'v In
f.i'.ot of ji.iilim; liit7' iloi.n. Tin iiHiinilisiil is.
tiire .iIIouk inoip ip-t of .ill tin' boillly vlritttuus
th.'.n lh sillin,; puiiuip, .mil t'lere h i;rp:l r
pi'Mlbllity if iicllii .in-1 up.iir in (hit p.iiltlo'i.
'I hose who luip lilnl it l.irn. Itic IimhIiIs tittiu
Inir, lifter n li.irl ilji's noil., finn the i,M i.
'llili- ulieii il.iiinr .i Imi til -itt of leiillns. wtib-'i
the pie- of l.u,I.p. m iKf-t iihn.wl .in iili'olu. '
ii.-ii"ill). I
WIIV i:.) IN u::i).
due moie fj.'t ii lo :!id eieijlt Me of tlie j
fore. Whenever poibl' se bihn cmiiiy pi:o ,
phi.i to relieve cone-tion, psp'dilly tlut nf i
Mthi. t.iiie. It hi5 lone; been iciouire I lint'
tluoiiit-t the he.ul i-Msl-lly link lie.imil the p r brinxi suiitj lulu pl.i.v't'i rinpty Hip
M'ins v. liit.Ii atp pi!:ielpjly umm.IiIiiI In ' pi i.
lonueil ije-Hork, ten why Ih'-. It not uiileil ti
Its Wild com iti-ilon i. i iiiyjteiy. ll is pl.'i'n tlie he.i-1 back in ii JimioiiIh1 pa'b
tinn so nb-olutolj nwH lb.-. lnle piobb-.n uf a
relief of t-enp-tlon l.i (ji.i, il; .mil Ir it ..nth a .
if i.i iiepirtai.t p chlnn Put It .pen'-! -tiin'e
tin people with .o.i-, il,i u-,1 lubilnily
pi.itlin- ipii'lhn; in .1 i-iinnbit pj-tiiou, wltii
the he.ul i.ii-.eil mi'. .i inni-li an i u-.i-es.aiv
to inji-e lli pol'lion peifpefli roinfoy I'll '. ' I
!in h iilviie. fiinletl nil ultli ahtolule n.
In llsl.l the iio-ili.-it of (be hoik mouM in i
the case of a thotiuml Ijuj'- peo-il" .nhl liixe'y
lo the nuiiihii- of ho'in wlilih iculiii loohl Ii.- ,
iiiiliil.tetl in wlt'ioiit tl-.trlf'1'iil I) the tyet or
xni'i-Hl lietllli. I
Nerves in Plants. !
.n i;n-,-!Mi i.iionlKt. Trani-w Pain In. hi- pub
li--heil a lecteie on plant ui-juiiienrH. I.i-.m'm
out of riniit Ih" inaveniiut'. of tin' h.i-.r-i and
li.if lent.iele or -'"h foii.'e. ,-i (In seii-itiie
pkinn. Ihe "pmi4 lly-n-ips" .mil the "!ei.,"
h" linil-i in the re ji I. ibl. kiiii'Ioin a idn ,p)ei--ilon
of linnnnitii.i (hit MiggrFl foidbly tint
plant "n-iliieii'-w in.'. In ino:e' nkln o
(he aniuiil's pen oik omaniMii thsn up are siici
to bilieic, It U no( tnoiirfli, hp ililnl,-., to ,-ny
tint tertain .--lall.s are "kuMpi) by (triii
(allon" In lh":r iiiflciieir.F, f.r Krivitalion nil)
ni'y att upon iili-it il llnitt in the liilnx ptn'i
In the t.i-p of the "Miulews" uinl "Venn" rlr
dap.," uldi h mpline in.itii for foci ,n ilelllj
n it.) tlip npiiierd, I'ipre i-i M'iMitlen"-i with a
pnipi'e, anl that puinn" ami enj ihe rain-,
whitli meen ihe lev in tin nnlnid woilil, The ,
micin of the spr.itlv'iie inn be bill; in '
th" lhinj mallei of tlie plait ell, Jim i In
the animal we lef-i Its nirious ciiaillies to tb
liviiu' niiterial of ill? nei-.e tell ami of Hit nnie
Hbie. '
A still lump i in lulu (nit . ii:,-il ,n luiuiuc,
till' lHo-lll,- flli"l,v if , fi,JlK nf IHIliMIIIII-.v
ill llti' i'l l.i.. in th" ej-i' et l!n- -.'iLiiiii' 1.iiiI-.
ThiM' fin hi- l.l. ill i i-il urn i,i,-i i ii;n 1 li.'ln i.i hIh
I i Ini'.itlii' in the .-iniir nf tthi-i-. 'Ihi-i In'in'iir
iiuil!i illy no union u'-m- .n ihv. Ih,' hi'pitiil pi
Unit who h.i b.-i-ii ii Ihhi'iI pi lor 1,1 nml -irnl-i
an fipoi.UIn. 'Iii., I ivlih Ii il. -I io , tin- si-n.ii,r-iii
ul unbuilt Mtw i i-il .il-n .ihilMii". tlio !n.
I.ibllhv of ili iii.iiu i li. 'Hi., hiffipni... put.
In th kin It i ( living nun i ui.- -ii i II.ii' ir. np it
nf tlu'ii ni'ivo'H fiini'iliii-. I, th'.-icfuii'. In-Ill
In- 111-111111110, In nihil'., vvlmrirr line i-i i
lib- lliei,. U .fti-'itliiiii'.s,
1'i.niil-i' In In Iii-. hi Hue ,iiiu' fur l'i
ln iKiiitluit uf ,i (I'liniiioii tel i itii Hh.'i.'hi tlii .mil tlie nl in, mi'.'t In ii'.ici-t of tlie'r
IH'lVl'tll 11'l.lthillS I'lll'l." II' 1 III' .) Il.(. (i)
.'Mill' f..V lilt" p-.lthil', IT llllllll, I'll'lllilll In p (4,
bin Ii tit-Lives iii. jii .imi i,. hi in ihi'lr
uii-tiiiiuliiU). Tin'" .fli y uf ihi- uiilniil
I. tli.i I' I. nine iii'i-'l.rn u( i, ii-'admn i
the v.t-ibl Hun Ii Ih" phii.t,
Oilc'ln of Corinthian Capital.
In tht' v-.iiilt-r .i .vnuni; ulil h.ul ,liul In c.iiliilli.
tinit' t'uu' .ift.'.innil hoi- iiuIJ Kiihi'i'i'il ,i !i. i
v.i 1 1, .iu dliil.i-;-. .mil. il.i,ii!ilii',-, vvhli Ii (hi- rid
I i.i I lii.'ul,
Thin lii. 1'l.iti'il Hi. in In a bn-ki-i n-ir the
nn iit'iiii'iit uinl iiliinl ,i lui.-f ii!i.ur til,' upmi
ihi- lu-kfi In pii'vnii ilii fiom mrittiriiliii
II, It I ,i'iii'iifil Hill innli-i il.t. ln,ki't v. it u
lorn n( mi .it .i nt liu- iil.nn, Whin siiin- ilium
lln Ji.inllnw nilullli-il, but .!ion uni, nut
.ililo in pii'ti'c ln, .i in 1 Ji-iuiilliiKly llii-y
Kitfiv .iiiiiiiul it, luvinif tlio Inskii in tlu-li i-ilil,,
Mill if tlie Inns b ivrs ilut u-rciv up mtitlint
Hit' fniir lutitiiultii i miiiii. uf ill,' ill,, im tin..
Inp uf (Iu' li.i-.l-1'i nn Kil iinilii' Ihi'.i itu--in
in .mil l-Tinul pictl.v volntiH. K'.iMliiiiiuli.H,
Ihi' miiIpim, vi.uklii'f Ilut vv.iv line il.n-, mv
h!ii, ami iniiiicilljlth- iniiiihcl w noilun tlut
tint (nun nf tlio luiki't Willi tlu .ihiqiiii nn tup
nf it, ami nuiuniiili'il by iht' li'ivs. uinl till,)
uf .ii'.nilhiH, would bu .1 ii'tni'l.i lii-.nliii foi . "!
iiiiniS In urtlilli'iturc,
lit! fruyi llili bli'j fuiiiii'il the lnM-ittivl I'.ir
inthtaii i.l) i- of t.iiiiiil. Miih, .it I.u.l, Is Itu
htoiy .is Hit' .iithliul Mliiiviuii-, u)i i 1'imi
jiJM Jt'n.
Why a Live Electric Wire Is Held
j On To.
Tlie IiiiiJ-s kubjoiteil lo u;. di'itilu tlimk olii-u
refine In lose- tlio cibjctt iii.ilit'il, nml ihe kj.
bun nf this lus lifi-n ulvui in iniuh ihe f.illuu'.
inir linns; The iuuili's nf (ho luiij .up in n
ii-Ii. I'Ntiinui' .imi lunlijitlli', the fuinii-r upi-iili ir
Iho lunil whi'ii the tinviM oil- ifiiinril In'
tlrelr liohl, .imi i ho Ijtur i,iiiii.,lnL- n.
tu.iliiir nr ilutihinir .iihiv ul ilio lun, uiu
llnvi'i; nuniully ilieu, liu- nintu, t muni?!
mi- niuili mini' I'DHUIul tluu tin- i'Virn-ui. Tin
uUlmi u( jii t lit 1 1 lo inrrint on tin- inu-mUr ty
Ii-iii ii In I'M-llc it In u'lSi m-livliy uinl in ilr.
.i lie il uf Jl. t'lilliury i unl lulling iuawi -the
liilinl. ('un-rqiit'iilb, whin ihe lunula jii- ,ik'.
lali'il JiiJ b'fi id lliinu-H, us it writ', iin
dtlumjiT tt the luiilraililf-iivnioiijci II, o
wi'jkm llio i-loiii-iii- vvllh lht ri'ui Hut liu
lumls iinulii clviiiU'il.
Men Who Use Hairpins.
V .vunnif nun Jiirojihoil unr uf tin.- i.nnitiu
of & ili'iuiliiiciit kluri' ami fcjlJ: " lutkattu uf
lulrpln, plejM.'." Afti-i- ho luil walkeil uvvuy
Willi hU imriluvc J. vtunti-r at iu (In- wlo.s
uuiiun vvhu luil vvjlti-j on lilin: "IIjIiiiIiw for
tils wife, i-lij" "Jliybe for lit, wile, nnb;.for
biiiLsrlf," the irpllfil, "llovv for
l.lnwllr" mLtU thu tlruncrr.
"To ivu) j bultoiiliookn," (In- woiiun ix.
puiiiftl. ''Don't j on-know ihat Julrnlus nuku
tht: It-.t butlouliooKf They give, jou tee, ami
Immediate Relief from the Useof.
Paine s Celery Compound. ;,
TO THE SUFFERING PUBLIC: It is with a feeling of extreme grati
tutlo and thankfulness and a humane dosire to benefit others that I write out
my own exporiouoo in the use of Prof. Edward E. Phelps' wonderful prepara
tion, called "Paine's Celery Compound." Owing to a fall'from a horso several
yeais ago, I became a norvous invalid, and last year I entered a hospital ao
a patient, whoro I was operated on by a famous Now York surgeon.
Tho surgical operation was successful, but nervous prostration followed.
A summer in Nowport, with tho best medical attendance, failed to restore my
nerves to their normal oondition. I was absolutely unable to digest any solid
food, find this weak condition of my digestive organs, combined with insomniai
caused tho doepest depression. A constant tenderness and soroness in the
region of my stomach, with a dull hoadacho and oxtremo weakness, oreated a
feeling of hopelessnoso, from which I was uuablo to rise.
It was in thi3 molancholy framo of mind that I ohancod to meot a Boston
lawyer, who said to mo, "I was in almost tho condition that youaro now in, and
after cpanding hundreds of dollars without receiving any benefit I was induced
by a friend to givo Paine's Celery Compound a trial, which I tfld, and it oured
mo completely when everything else had failed." ,
I was rather skeptical about trying a prepared medicine, but I ordered a
bottlo from my druggist and began to tako it according to directions. Much to
my surprise 1 3lopt soundlyat night and did not wako in tho morning with tho
usual dull headache. Then, too, I developed an appetite for solid food and soon
I was ablo to digest a course dinner without any unpleasant sonsation3. I am
now completely restored to health after about two months' use of the Compound.
Sympathising deeply with all who may bo suffering c,b I did, I tako this method
of reaching strangers, after writing personal lotters to my particular friends,
Ifith. tho sincsro hopo that others may be benefited a3 I havo been by tho
use of Paine's Oelory Compound, I am
Very truly yours,
" - ""
;u they Jon't :ull oil the button or (ear I lie
le.uhei a-, tlie leul bvtinniiwk, whlib' iloe-m't
itivi. .nut whlib iloe-n't nti-piiiinoilale IimK lo IU
vvnil., is .tnt iu itu. 'I'hi'.L' .iti lui-- uf iiii-n vvii.v
I I lilt' llttl ill bll.V ll.ltllitl-. tlillll in.', .mil .-.Illl.'
thty .ill vv en I biittui'il -.Iiot"., I t.ihf It fui urnit-i-tl tlti-y want llii' (iiiv fot (biinvlvi's. I
Know tlul I, foi in uit, viiiiilil iii'vir thliil:
i'f ll-!li'-' .nil lliilu' bin ,i liatipln In liiatun ,1 cuml
tjlllll vvllli," "Nut lwliiir it iiijiii'mI nun," mill
the li.mutr, "lhi. mvv-. in in-. I'll Ii, a
piiLivi .if llioi' 1' iliplti-., if .vim pli.t-i."
Paper of Avoavo Bark.
j iti- Coi.-ul Hum fin-ii T.mut.iv.' .1
! tj.vl.itiim uf .111 !'illi-li' trom tin- .livinii d illt
i'it'1 on tin' lutntif.iilnr.' of AntJiiinii 1 upot,
. It U ai, fullovi-:
j "III" ll'.illllf.ii t'lif nf uie-i' bv lilt' V.111 nniiir 1
fori" of till" tlhll"! ttllil") .lll.iHM tin1 IlllllblUil
u( M.ii'i'j.i-t.ii), wliltli 1. tiiuiiliii'ly nnkii.ivvn :
Ih,- uilirr uili.'-i uf tin- l-l.;ml. 1 in: -1 u.ili-r. ,1
ni,'ii!i.i' liuliii'.ry in tlio 1II-I1I1I ot Anib
lilpt'i 11. iml.t 11 linltfil iiuiubcr uf pr r-.jn-. U
i.niijiils uf thu i-'Jiiif f.iinll.t, bt! hikIii.' In tin'
AtJbi trcm lln cn.Kt nt, Afili.t, know lit- iitml
nf 1I1U iniiiiifjittiii', ti tut il.'Vnif tlit'lil-i'lii'- tu It
wll"l.t'Vil .1 pu-.dllK llrdl nf lllully or 1 ih'.s'n
tu imrili.iM- Miiiii- loin.'.ihtll'lur .irtlihi iai
I'i'V 1 in 1 11 in' ulf i,tii'lr n.niii' iiiiluiin. i'.
,"llii pip'i, whlib Is Hiiiip'i- .imi vi'iv lini s;
Jinl I Js ,111 .ipin.i, ,11110 uf luiihiiirnt. vvblili
sivri- ll tho lininlnt of in.ilnt orK'In.illli. Is in uviii- wiib tht' Aiit.ilii'.i'iu, miii iliui' is
ml ,1 Uinily nn .1 Iioiiio lh.11 ilm-. nui pu-
n's-s ,1 norm hi u bIipi-iJ, t,nt'!i:iy tiuii"ii i"-i.'1'lin-i
uinl h.iiuli'il il'iiui Ton vi pa itlmi 1
iii-n iilliin. In tlii'it' pin liiinnu 1 lui p .111' ii-Hi-I.
hi. l.i pitiorvi'il tlio f.iinily n.iilhlo'ii, jiuI
ihii.nlilib of past i-vi'iils,
"Tills ill,lll,l jt.-iliU'iJlloll nf l.lbl. Ilil'l.i
Klvphlt., uli',1'f.y eiil(iiit's .mil IKilii-s in
(In' (.Jin-., volninii wlili Ii Ihi- u.viici' will i.l il v
uil vvllh fur Its wi''j,lit In Ktihl "iiRht to
tin. blblloihlb' .1 tlot tiiui'iit iltolilully out of
Ihi. lointiiuii,
"l'hu 111.11, 1. (utiili nf llils iH'tiilliu i1i 1 wii
.ipp.m-i ily ,1 111111 i.isi 011 ihi. mist In tin iiihl
illc ol lin' Miu!t tt'itliii.t, who M'tllttl on Ho
MjtltJiuii.i ijtir, 'I'l.olltlon re)itnl- him .is
l.oiiltl'il .a ki-!ii-- his ICi.iJit torn, iloulilK'.-s ilti.
to thu Aliiiln; U'liciitiiit'i of bis voyjj;i, mil
imrrllni; bis bmlu it 111.1I0 a itijn lon.v. l.
prilinii ilnir Willi iPrti-reiu b.Hl.s of lui'(. ho
tin illy thul lil-s i-liolii' hi tbi .iviuvu, .ho tuili
of wlilili U t'aslly ivilm.lbli. in pulp, 'the .im
mo I. a wihl kin 11I1 wlili hoit I'lJiiihiH ol nn
.ilfr.ui' thlokiit-tt of 4 to 5 1111111-4 in ilMim'iir
ilij U to J frt't III IntlKhl, tint h'.lt Ir-Muhltv;,'
vt-ry iiiiii-b u luy Ituf. It U met wiib i-vr....
vliie mi ilL'iiu.t .imi In thu tiiti-rior of I'.f
ill.trlit, j nJ iht luik un bo inillznl .11 jni
u-Jiiii nf tli.' ,'rar.
ftir uk'ntf ufl l!i outrr kln, wltl Ii I. uf
till' IflJ.thul tlllt In tlCl'l ill yi'lliTJl, ih..
Inner p.iit, peitmly vvhllf ulul .uinrtvlul uliiky,
Is iiinovtil jiuI t.n mill iniu u hltr lull, wlilili is
pUiDil in uniiilii.- vvjd'i' 10 iD.iL. Til's: lull I
pliltnl 10 pints lllllt' In lltlli', j ml tho plfi'is
thus M-iiuti-'l aif w j. Iii-il uinl pljinl in .1 Ijiitc
.ul Willi ,1 ifikiln iiijinlty of vv.uet; tlio nu-s
I. ilit-ii iiivi'ii'il witli jslui, fjllovvt'il by a Kt'
l.iji-r of lull;, jgjlu luviii'il vvhli j.lioi, ,1ml
on vim ll tho put Is lliiii-iiiutiii full. 'liu. pm.
Is iIidii lllleil with mjui, Hut liil put nn, jiiI Ihe
vvholo bollnl for two or lluoo ilJ.m without lulu
liiptlon, uii) b?iug lukiu In Jihl uiy tli'.n
wjli-r 1 1 011 1 Huiii u Huiu to ii'ilJti' Ihi- loss l-.v
i-vjiuiJIlun, .ilv.jjs tluouln.'.'ln a lumllut u(
a. In-..
''On ihv iiiuiiiiiu of Hit- ihinl iljy, liu- lulls,
toiunltti'ly ii'.luii-il by tooklm;, luuks Ilko u
thick lutd-r, vvhiob l Hii'ii ju.-.-i'il llnmiiilt i
kIdvv jiuI wjslultl In lu-jli ujtu. It Is Ih'il
kudu, biUkly Lni'jilril, aiiil iiuJ.'t (ho lut.siiii!
of Iho Hmji-ii Ii irjiUifuiinoil Jul j a toft ilouyli.
v.hlili 4 fcitt'Jil, jilill iljiiip, on (ho tri-i-u kavei
of Hit) tiJViki'i. liu-, with u fpi-iijl tool, ion
ilitlntf two loilj about IS lache,s loin;, loinvj
by UU ol wall wood, tin.' only viovi, apnjfl
BOSTON, Jan. 13, 1002.
pnlly, (11 whlih (ho pulp will mil s(kk, 'lliks M
tin' 1110-1 ilt-lk.itt. p.irt of tbf vvholo oprutlou.
With tlir nf tlii' h.iml, iimb-tuird, the n
nulii'il ibit-kni'-s is kIvi-ii 10 tho -ht't-t; It it thtiv
I'll' t-tl, b-vi-ltil, -.nitiotlif'ii .mil pill in tho 1111.
"s iouu ;in it is tlr.t. it is irlicil w'th vvc.i'c
1I10 wniii, rpipatl with tlio liantl, like utarth, rn
lltirn. 'Iho -hi'.i'l, -Illl In -.1 ilillli -I.l If, is then,
ns It win lii'iitil nut by the h.iml.
The Pressure of Light.
I'mf. l.i-buli'W, of Aliisiovv niilteisiij, tli-irlbn
In Diiiilt-'-i Auu.ihii ih'r l'h.tslk fin .Vol 1 itibo,-.
It'll. .1 ll-l'.lltll bv llll'.UH of vvhlfli lit' lu-s Ml.
toiili'il In iloiiioiistiMtiiitf oitiinit-ntilly tno
pumiii.. of lljht. I1.111-.I it inn nf his piprr i
ItntV .ippi-.iili'i; in Ihi' l'.lei 11 li'l.m. lt (ullmvcil .14
,1 luii-i'ijiitni-i' nf M.imvoH'b thf-oty tlul tin
tuiuiiiiii'il Hint uf tlu i-lu lio-t.itli- .mil olei-liu-kiln
Iii- AiiiMi-4 is it PI1--1110 in tht itiir.-tluit if
tiii- u 11 ; 1 v .1 1 ion if Iho w.ivo 11111111 rii .illy
tu tin. i-iiiih.i In null vultuui', .mil MawviT
polntril uut tl,.it "liu lonii'iitiatt'il la.vis of do
I'lntili- l.ili)i f.tlllui; mi a 1I1I11 mi'l.tllli' ill-i-,
tll'lll.lll'l.l Mt-ll'llJlll in .1 V.ltllllUl, llllllll iil-
hips pioiluu' an nb.iiv.ibli iiiri'luiili al .'tint.''
ll th. rlti'it Ih. il Klr WIIIIjiii t'rn.,l,i-s w 11
lliotiitht tu Ii.iVi- uhl.iltii'il In bis i.nliiiuii'tii', but
Illl' lll.lKllltllll,' pll.ll'll UIIII.V Iliull-Jtl'l lIllll'H tun
(,'HMI. I'mf, l.tbt'ilt-w fliliiln.ileil iho ijilluumlii)
.11 linn by ii-ln;: .1 hum- Imlli wib hixli oatt
lion .111.I by 1 svluilinr 1.1.1- i.ip.ihli' uf hi'atlii;
liu- tubi- w.ilN. Tli" 1 iilluini'tii' v.mi'is .vi'io of
Viiy 1 li 1 11 iiltiiiiliiiiuiu lull ii-ieinlnl ,ly .1 kIj i
libit', .nui Hi,' niuili' uf Hitlit tlio t'lt'ililo an,
'Iho lpstilii ubtalui'il .lyiwi willi llit tlu'oirti'-al
ip-iiltJ uf Mawvi'll vvitbln trn prr ti'ta,, .nil
fthow Hut Hit' piissiiit' is illiciily pioi.jliouil
lo Hit' il'ilui- uf Iho Imiililil Ilirlit ami link-pi-iiiliut
uf tho t.i'ui. . .
, ,v
IHMIPI.IM:. friiliil ii('thi' -simtilli Klliil,
ii'iini-l ,1 lulli'i i'.il.iiiillimi,,r lU-iiuiliun (It tilt,
tvonl "illsiiplliu'" Hun U.uhtrn It,i,tHt,-ilHi,)!.ji'1,
I h.n 1' suiut' hi-ll.illiin tu .tlti'iiiii tu iiiipinvo
lipuii Hn' i'iI.iii.iiIoim ul ui in our 1 He tlot! if! el
by tulirr'nl Lit mlutia' nbilllv uinK t-.i'H-.ji.'iii c
Hun I iu 11 1 .ill my own, a el .i,.l, liiltbiVf'f'it.
(ho lbiM this fili'tiil wain-) .(n jf)ilaiutloij 9f,,(Joi
wniil "ill.iiplliu" In iliv !! In vvliiclt It ii
nn finiuciidy Usui Iu Ihi' tin I Fy uprii al tlio prt-t-nil
limn. - 1 .' .
In thai .en-f, tit I tako it, llt vvv'i 'I-ni.'jiv-s "Jn(
iniiliiPilliMiliii; libt'lililiPlioii pi lj(' JliV;iir,(..4,
iiirrlr olllur, Iu a boil.v pulitiis nlii'lhir mill.,
uiy or ilvll. stvd a ilieitkiiilni,' (i Mitli ju-onl-f
li' a Ktibaltt-'x- U ileeuicl In bo itiiiili.irilinaltuu','
or o;i iIbo.iil nuuliiy, nml thi'K-ti'ri, onc,orit
MOI.l 1 1 lines ii'M in lliurili'l. , ., ,. ,
. 11 11 vvhlt'i' iri-t' (lie It I III iitrjlis
Irainltii; of bml.t or 111I111I, ami mi bi'lt'tr iliustrt?
(ion of HK.1u.1l iIImIiiIIiii- i-jii bu felvou -HiLiii.tli"
liui' i'iii'IhIi it-oil by, (itiolboi,fhi..,ij:)Jj1lpr.
mail iliilooihi-r nml puel.,,lui ll'", br'Iili .)!,
imntal ili-t Ipllni. i "lo koov Hut vyt iwlly
knosv noiblnir uml wo ihcii-ioii' know' noiiictMi'i,-,
namel.v, that we- know nMlilhV." "
A il was juni. oiio-jiuv av'u lliJt'lbo.fli.ii;illlW
SjIjiI vvui auiinuialvil as, an, (V(UM)v,"iH..t'lJt
II1I4 oi'poiiunliy yf atn? faii'vvjj) ,a Hit" ri.iib
lit of Hit' Sjl.ul, bill I 1 annul rcfialn fiululr'i-'
pris..inic in.i i;lalltiHli In tho Iv.ulcin'Jtn' llii'i'Vl
Inn intiri'sl liny batv aikitu in ipV iKiWHya
follt, alu lo l0 Miainoii Tiibwif 'o',tUt-,'UW,
.His of Uli)lii'-wi ami ashl Jlu f ill ti(l, my eijvi
tJiloiut iiulment. ' '
Cail Mlir, H, Wt
THOfllilELIEsf flflAH InTcrS
,i wi'll 'H Ihi hJliiUoine.t, ami oIIuk are Invlreil
to Vail dif al'v'iliu'iflst titi-1 Vot Irco a tllal bot'cio""
cf'roViii''i ililtani'for 'trio''Tii'voat auj I.uici, a
iciiieily tint Is cuaialilt'tul lo'vuio and relieve tli
ChrpulO iiuJ Awilt,' 'biujhb Aitliliu." nronshfttj
ami CoDeuuiptlou. Vtlcc Wv. ami c.
rQtz not v