The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 08, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    -V-cV s
The News of Catfoondale.
' ' "
, ,1.1,1.,t,n,,i ., -,- ----- .i M . i . ,.,a.w .. - . i
j, m i - - - - . . . -
Grand Opera House
Carbondalo, Pa,
Tuesday, February 11.
Gen. John B. Gordon,
Hill Peltier III I'mnom Le-i-ttire-,
mm a
Menem! AilinMoii. 2"e. .
ltpscrufl waif, Mle.
On mount eif Inlciml ollfiilioil to (loiilon't lecture mliool clilMrcn mule; 1
)cnr of orc will lie- mlmlttcil for 10 cent". JMi
(.rnm tor reserved scat! now open at Itcjtmlil
druit store. .
Delaware nnd Hudson Ralhood.
November 21. 11X11. , , ,
Inliu leaic Citbon.lilo tit city tlitlon m fol-
Poi ein(on niul II itro-U 00, J.Of!, s DO.
tmi, in ill. HI .'I a in- ID"), 111. 2 0, .I BO,
(A5. T.u;. Jimii II in) )i in
sunili im i. I. lie- .11 f j", n -i " '" '"-
2 Ji), ." .. i in .
lis ilium. xintuKd. Monlieil. lMiloti, M-
liulilicl iuliil, ill., 7.00 n. in, '' V "'
J'oi H.ljnijil and lloncdale, v.2i. 11 in ,
feiinchj" tiitliu' leave Hajmatt afiil Honcsdilu
Bt "0 a. ni ; I 13 p in.
Trains arrive nt Cirlioiidilo fiom HIlkMlMrre
nl bcranton as follows! tll. '" U-W- 10.
n in J 12 J7, 2 OH. a 1 !. I 2S, I. 0-, 7 01, S 51, V ',
11 " p ni ; 2 0s. a in.
MitiUij tmlm inilii- nl 0 27 a m i 1-' 10. " ".
4 2, (1 20, 11 03 ii. in. ,.
Simla Ii ilns uirlw- al Cirbonihle- from Wuj
Mirt and llonesdilc at U 17 and 7.5". p m
New Yotk, Ontaiio and Western.
Keiitemliei 17, 1001.
Train leuvo tuiboiiililc foi -i-jnton at . Oil a
tn,', 1 oo p ni
Sunilu trniH ..t 7ii0 a in ; 0 00 p in
Tiuins leait Ciiliomlilc- foi points noitli it
3110 a in On .inij it 0 10 i m. Tiaim
Vivlnir at 11.10 i. in cel dm and Oil) n. in.
?undijs liiaKo loiiiiectlons foi Sew oiK, Coin
v ill, Itl.
Trala nrno from xciantoi t! 11 10 J in ! M
i m; from points noitli, 4(0 p in Mnulay
fiui1 t-crantMi it 0 10 a in Hid 7.1". P I" .
from Uido ia al 0 00 p. in
. . m
Eile Bnihoad.
lime 2J. 1001
Trains lo ci t tt itlon, Cubondilo, dim
fcurpt NiihIm) nl 7.00 i in ind t o! P in for
Jluuilt and Mncieli; nl 0 "! i. m, dill (e
te.tlna Mimlit), foi llinkliainton. liiiLlnp 'on
Ifetloiii for !itt oiK c!n and Ilufl llo, ind it
10 p in foi 'mqur-h intu, nnl.lnp lonnictlom
tin w.'itcin poInL
xiiiiihj triiin it n '" a in f. i Mwrucliaiwi.
Vlth "Ci-lcili cnnnictl m, .md 0 27 p in, Willi
nine coiiiirillon-.
Tnins airlxn at S , a. m jut 3 f. p m
Fonda q it S3, n m
Mr. Buidette, of Gieenfield, Tells
What He Thinks of the Eaces He
Hopes the Columbia Boys Will
Soon Have Another Tail.
"I hde just ictuiued ficini the i.ill-i
nt Cistal laKe," wiitcs Doiiamo
Buckley Jlmdette, the --,iKo nf Gieen
field "Then- was a Hue daj ; a little cold
for comfott. I suppose befotu this
l caches ou, jou will Know who won
the nut so. I was then-, but 1 don't
Know who won, as I Aas .i spectatoi
and not one ot the judges, llowevei,
theie was a nice, a huge ctowd and
eeiy one eemed to enjoy the flue te
ficshmentb that neighboi "Dug" 3Iul
laney futnished. "Dug" uiuloi stands
how to 1111 them up and turn them out,
especially tinning them out. That'-,
what he did to me, but I managed to
i each home niul am alile to wilte an
account of how I enjoyed the laces on
the ice.
"I found Tom JJi ay Tutu's my little
dog, you know, that I got In Jeunjn.
I lound him at the laces when 1 in
ihed theie. llo came with me as i.r
as Dundaff, and then ho took an idc i
In his head tlint he -would go to Toiest
'ity. I fear that his s,tay In Caibon
dale and Fell township has taught him
Himo bad habits. He seemed to be In-
lined to light, but 1 think lie will get
enough of that kind befoie lie leaves
the ilty or the Foi est. If he doesn't,
1 will semi him down to Monkey nun,
that is if he comes back, which T think
he will
"As it is too duik to go to chinch, I
think I will continue wilting. Thete
weie gieat times at Dundaff last week.
It was uin by a bald-headed man bj
the name of Baker and a soit of a col
oied man; he wasn't full coloted, bj
the name of AValkei. They gae ii
pietty good Miow for a ten-cent one.
Tliete was a contest foi the most popu
lar lady, and I was in hopes jou would
tome out and help nio to -ote. They
weie giving chances on each admission
ticket. You could hae two chances on
n bottle of liniment, oi tlneo chances
on a bo ot mm sahe. I took chance
on the coin sahe, lor I found it a good
thing to tub on my boots to Umbo:
them up :i bit.
"Jjpews Is tcatce us dtlnks pn elec
tion day. Theie ain't a thing doln'.
Hope theto'll bo another fait at the
Columbian i-oon, ns I enjojed injself at
the las-t, They'to gentlemen, that's
Ahat they aie, een If they did take
my paddle No. fi", which didn't win the
wheel of foi tune ptl.e,
"Vottts, diy, hutiBiy and tlied,
"D, n nuidette,
,,, "Wpuld-be Tax Collector."
wt;ii......,Young- Arnold's Denial.
'""Touitg-'Salnu'el Atnokl, the lad Hhoso
"niltub 'as mehtlonell nt u heathii? in
".Alderitulri Delnvtiit'fi olllce, In connec-
, 'iTSfKn
F001I WlMi 0 IT.
flade Over a Ipn of da
Food tha will put the jor of life
'inttt-ii timu of sixty Is wotth kuowiusr
- ubout, Mr, Chas, J J. Allen, of 5!!0(i
i Maiiter St., Philadelphia, Pa says,
'"Five yea: s ago, lit the age of fift
nlue, I was mlvlsed by n ft lend lo
adopt lolled oats for my bteaknibt dlot
ln'l1l5 .late of hlto luead, I followed
the ntlvUe with Homo benellt, but wus
tUl Uoulilrd with heart weakness and
eendfal debility, jeoultlnk medlcliio
fimn time to timet the boHels weie
also affected to an extent.
About six months ago, while still
half.ltk and very weak t commenced
'to"niBei'Orape-futs Uteakfast Food
and noon noticed .in Impiou-ment In my
ffenerut-health, with the giadual ds.
HTieuiuuee of unfuvoiuble symptomi.
Heuit imlpitatlon deciensed and n
" ntnvi feellns of lgor manifested Itself
" In various ways. Tonics were no long
'er needed, bowels became nattuul,
uervea -were steady and I 'becmetl to
Have leturned, In a fieac'defereo, to
tlio vigor of middle age. -Thel'd ha3
also been a gain In flesh, iliy WMtjht
having Increased from 137 fo v 31
pounds, " ' " '
You are welcome tp use my name If
you?de8ire to publish this voluntary
testimony, ' "
Hon wlllt tlio theft of tobacco ftom ono
or two places, denies what the oilier
boys tissoited. ltd niul his patent.!
claim tliut he hud no connection with
niiy of the thefts or the lads ron
ceineil In theni. Ab theie wuh pome
lulsnppiclieiiHiou of the lepoit In 'J'lio
Tilbtino of the healing nt the ulder
tnnn'B olllce, 111 justice to young Ai
nolil, it should, be stated that he ui
not ptcsoht when the other lluls made
Hi.; accusations or admissions, ami
thetcfoie inndc no admissions himself,
as some weie led to bcllcc ftoin lead
lug the lepint of the oceuiience.
A Nation's Souow and Its Loving
liemembiance Told in Ve:se by
Colonel John McComb.
Aptopos of Alunhani I.tmnln'ri blttli
dn. which falls on Wednesday, Foil.
12, The T:lbuno pi lilts today an an-
m opt late poem by Colonel John Mc
Comb, in which the ttagedy that lnaib
the nation nimitn is giaiiltlcallv told
In eise and the loving teinembianco
of the stnlour of the people he lovul
Is llttlngly ci:ood:
ll 10IIN M'fOMIl
(In it l.liitoln died I iiiiiIm, with i bulla in Ids
In I In,
I hi' irood be Ulolikht foi lieiiUn i ni wiped
nut it dimnlni; ft tin
Ml(,bt licivts in inniid libelllon bid on
Hie Held,
Aflci four MMr-' dlinl lUbllinr for Hie Idol
upon then Miiilil.
'Iln inaiucles of lmn w.'r.1 fi.iiiu i lit .iw.ii.
And (on i million r. iniri . Iiillil-' u. u njoklni;
on tint dj ,
'Ibc iiin.1 w'lr wi mil, linn wis bippim-, a
M lie n I disliul hot a pi-liil tint n -oimili c
tlnoniji tbe Imd
t'om binidiid thousand lull Ih.s wm Minlinil
in stllfe,
Jo Kile out stun 1'. inner i lnuuipliiiil Ins
of life,
Oin siililln bins wile coining b. mi, glut tint
the iiai w is w'ei,
And loud pains- Jn Ibe W.tni, klii.'rt fi isi nit
ppl'Ms hole
Hhtu lb. lulu of llu ill hi, Iln i mdi t In in
of ill,
Wus- i I lie tl film his Intili slitiun to riis' In
in lib ii lull,
The gloom that then spiud c.'n the liml i ni-cl
klief iiid-I haul to hi ii,
ml in the loss enh finnlv weie ( hum inu-i ofi
Ills mtiiiiiiiuiit urn (iiuuble, is tin till as it
his doni,
Put bis n ime is on tbe tonkins .,f nun who
1.110W tin fniic he won,
nil as lin liilues conn to lulit their liisliu
llood-t tin i nth,
lo leuh uui otilhs to Imimi him on Ibe d.
In hid bis luilli
Su lil.iiiin luilflli will in nk 1 dill eaih fii
tine leu, '
Hi it c ileudirs will lull In u.1 In sh ,w ul
.in e
icicle, v
tbe n inn of l.iiiiulii c ills to mini
i f biiuihle lull li.
e time 1 now iilted In tlji hi. In -t nlibe
on i iith
Xuw that councils hae com
mendable action with lefeteuce to m
c teaming tlio numbet of htieet lights,
it would be well to ghe the mi me at
tention to a nioie ltal matte:, moie
Hie hMbants .mil 111 o alaim hoes loi
outbing dlstilct. To keep step with
the mui eh of progiess in municipal
ulfalts, the needs of the eltlens must
needs bo looked after and a bioider
spli It must be shown than appeals to
be the disposition in the inattei of fl:o
hydiants yince we "cnolute" as the
eios.s-woods debatci would saj., so must
we "ieolute." As Carbondnle raui.s
and the outling dlstiiets .ue built up,
ho must the needs of those tapaeis
wlio he elected homes be looked
after Tt Is ancient hlstoty that then
aie file hjilumtb in ceilaln sections of
the city which hae long since out
lined their sen Ice; and in otbet
paits of the town tliete Is no lite pto
tcction, at nil. x:Iilonces of this con
dition weie "tidlv at hand a few wccl.s
ago, when at a liie in the West Side,
a house was half consumed befoie (lie
hoso of the companies could be laid
Horn a hjdiant neatly a thousand fept
awav. At a subsequent file on Noitli
Chinch .stieet, nnotliei dwelling was
: educed bv the Humes, by :eaon of
their being no lite alatm bo at hand,
and by icuson of theie being no file
lijdiant ilose enough to le.ich the
buinlug houe with the hose ot one
ompaii .
It rises to the height of .shame
citizens should buffer for lite ptotee
tlon because of the disputes among
counellmen as to the location of cet
talu hydiants. Tlio lights of taptn
c:s a:e paiamouut In such Issues, but
sonietimcb they seem to bo sulioidln
uteil to petonal Intel ests,
A tut ions condition exists us to wl:os
duty it is to lepalr ot catibo to be :e
pahed lud:a::ts that might be out of
in dot. Theie aie a number of thes,
seeial of them so old that they aie
useless because of mst. Now who is
It that should look after them and gl.
them necesFuiy intention, Is not clear.
Councils think and say It Is the chief
of the Hie depattment, but the oulln
tinco eientlng that odleo only loosely
dellnes IiIh duties. It ru case of oe:
looklng the duties of the olllce, when
the olllce was denied. In the face of
this, councils should gle this matter
the necessa:y attention, and Is no such
pi o talon has been made then It should
bo done at opee. An impenUlo ne
cessity exists fo: such action, j;he safe
ty and ptotectlon of, the tnxpayeis.
Hut for the good enubo In which they
act, the newspaper wittei.s of the town
would weaiy of itujulrlug after, the
Htonn doois which should ltuo been
elected at the postofilco thieo months
ago, mote or lets. These stoini doftis
have been sought after since tho wlt.
ter beason opened, not that they aie
u luxtuy, but ii stem neeessitj, be
cause they aie Indispensable to the
conifoit and health of tho postotllce
einplojes. To becuio what belongs to
them, nothing moie, it should not bo
uecessuiy for the postul authotltles to
become suppltcantB befoie eouttcils, but
this Is almost what has been neeessaiy
to bilng about action tor now doois,
'Die i evolution for tho dooib passed
councils weeks ago.but the stoim doois
have ptoven ns uncettaln as the weath
er, und now it has become u Joke about
tho postofllce that they will appear
ubout (lie middle of summer to keep
the festive lly on the outside,
Hockey Club Witho'ut a Job.
The membeis of the fjwlft Winds
foot ball eleven o:gu::Ued u hooky
learn nt tho beginning of tho winter
season, and, w 1th tho expectation- of
meeting competing tennis, sent n "do
f" tlnough The Tribune to teams
down Ihc volley, particularly Scianton.
Hut this spotting at dor of tho Hcrnii
tonlnns must have cooled, for not a
won! has been henul ftom them. Must
be ftlghtened most to death. It Is es
tablished now that theie nto four
tilings that Scinntonlrtns can't do.
They can't piny base ball, foot ball,
hockey nor tun fast horses. Carbon
dale, how ever, has knocked them Into
it coclsed hat In 'nil of these "little
matters," iib "Dorile" Httidotte would
put It.- Scianton can do one thing; It
can bowl, llut wait until Cnibondnb
gets its new bowling alley and bowls a
few, nnd then Jt will be another sloty,
Congiegatlon Makes Acknowledge
ment of Thanks.
ltov. F. Khlnger, pastor of St. 1'auPa
Lutheran cliuieh.nnd August Geihnidt,
secretaty of the congiegatlon, haw
been titttliuilsed to make the following
statement of the building fund and to
make an acknowledgment of thanks to
the contilbutions to the fund:
Cash lecclvcd on (list mibscilptlon
list, 11,011; good outstanding b.ilucc on
Knmo, $57; total, $1,071. Llnbllltle
Tho installments on mm (gage, with
Intel est, $r.23, and a loan of $030 to Dt.
A. .Sehaolfer, of Philadelphia, our mis
sion supeilntendent, who aduinccd this
sum o llbcially. without lntetet, und
not een asking foi a note as a pet
sotinl help. We ate going to pay off
the tnottgago In lull in exchange for it
Itilt claim deed fiom the Haptlst as
sociation, s0 s0on as It Is leody foi th"
Out eteillt is good, because the Cai
bondale citizens nio so good In n g( n
fially assisilln'g us. "e will line the
gicnttst com ago in putting In cltcula
tlon a second subset Iption list, patttcit
laily among our fi lends to whom th"
lltst list was not olfeied. As It would
take too much space to publish .ill the
names and sums of the clintilliutots,
the books ate open to ealleis at Up
borne of Ttensuiei Wllhelm Sehtoetler,
on Llitkett htieet.
As often as we attend ilmnli
come lace- to face with the noble gilt
of ono of out noble oontilbutois, Uov.
'J'. F. Coffey, lor we see- the S.nloiu
on the cioss, which lie piesenled to us,
and we hear the exho: tatlon, "Lit
biotheilv line continue," llc-biews,
2sll:l. Ue. r. :hlnget, ptioi.
Geneinl Goidon Coining.
The indications aie- that C.ti bondtile,
us expected, will Use t the occasion
and ghe Genetal Goidon. the dlstln
gulslied boutheine:, a lltting leeeption
when he comes to lectute at the Gi.ind
on Tuesday night.
Tho Gtand Atmy men of the town
aie manifesting1 a deep Intel est In Geti
eial Got don's coming, and theie will
bo nuineious bluecoats in the audience
that evening to listen to the noted
Contedeiato genetal tell of the most
intoi estlng pait ol the wa:, the closing ol the- stila- that toie the same
peoples of a nation. Genetal Goidon
was one ol tlio stafi appointed b Gen
etal Itoheit Lee to confer with the
staff of Giant in older to la
cllltato the woik of the .suuendei or
the aim of the South This is i
splendid qualification foi him to dls
ius his subject.
The Columbia Anniveisniy.
The Columbia Hose comp.iin, whlih
is' the oldest (he cmnpanv in the i Itx ,
pioposes to lelehi.ite its foity-tlfth an
nleisaiy In a becoming ninnnei soon
nftei the Lenten -ea"on.
The lotnpain is alieady dlsctissiu-,'
the possibilities ol nu- eelebtatlou
wlileh it pioposes to l:ao in 1907, in
obseiance ot the golden jubilee. Al
ieady ptoiislon is being made loi this
l emote alfnli, and it Is expected to
h.ue at least $",,000 to expend In the
most elabotate cxeteKcs eet held In
St. Paul's Lutheian Chinch.
Senkes Suiulaj. Sabbath school,
9 .10 a. m , pleaching. 10 JO a. in , tegu
lar monthly council meeting, s Ju p
in. Xo member should fall to attend.
Subject ot set man, "Second Tjpe nt
Cluist and Its Tiue I"olloweis," aecoul
ing to L'phesitiiis, il. 21-22, "In whom till
tho building filly fi.imed together
giowetlt Into a holj temple In tho
Loul." In whom miu nkn aie bujld
ed. Come and listen.
Change of Business.
Thomas Judge, the South Main
.stieet li'htaui an titer, will abandon his
business theie when his license e.x
pites in Apt 11 next, lie pioposes build
ing on pike stieet, near his piesent
home, and will elect a stote and icsl
denco combined. He will occupy tlio
.stoic ns a gtoccty.
"Fast Mail" Coming.
Lliuoln Cattei's big scenic. plece,"Tli.'
Tast Mall," his lltst gteat success, will
be tit the Gtand on Ftldny evening,
Feb. II. .
Meetings of Tonight.
Coutl Lily, roiestctH or Ametli.i,
Diamond lodge, Shield of Ilouoi,
Local IClrt, United Mine AVinkei.
Meetings of Sunday.
Pioneer Father Mathew society.
St. Joseph's Cadets.
Oijler Hallway Conductois.
An Evening with Capable Actois.
"Our Now Minister' may not equal
"Luei's Lane" in dtamatto consti ac
tion, but it calls lur bettor acting for
Its success, and It lecelves It In tho
'.Seent -seven" lb lit, lluinpliies'
Fatuous ripecllle tin fiilp and Colds,
consisting of a btnall bottle of pleasant
pellets that ills the -vest pocket, handy
to cniiy.
"Seventy-beveii" cities Gilp, Colds,
Inlluetuti, Cattiuh, Pains and Soieness
In tho hetal and chest, Honisenebs, Soie
Tin oat, aaneiu! Piostiatlon and Fever,
".Seventy-teveii" stops fiesb Colds
and btenltsttp stubborn Colds that
hung on and lo not jletd to ordinal y
At all diuggUU 23 cents, or mulled
on lecelpt of piVce. Doetot's Hooh
mulled ft ee. I
lluiiu.ini-' llwnvwiljlbk VJidklin, (u, mint
Willi jim uijd John MficU, .Nm imk
hands of the company that is to bo
seen at tho Grand on Monday evening
next. As a well-plenscd Caibondalo
nation said, on the occasion of the
company's earlier appearance hero:
'That's ti show wheto you. can see nct
Imr that Is worthy of the name."
Annual Visitation.
Last night was a inemoiablo occa
caslon for the local Palestine coni
mandcry, Knights Templar, It being the
mgnt, on winch ltlght Eminent Gland
Commander T. F. Penman, of Scianton,
ntiulo ills nnntml Installation. Ho was
accompanied by gtand ofllcets and tho
division commander, n. A. Zlmmer
lnuil, mui a fnicn delecrnllnii of Conor
do Lion nnd Mellta coinmunderlcn. Tho
pnity was met nt tho Seventh avenuo
station by u tmlfoiined escoit and
taken to tho local men's uimoiy tit
Masonic Temple. In the hall was a
lingo uowd und speeches by tho most
piotnlnent men of the visiting pnity
and the local men weie given and after
the speedtes the Inner man was ftti
nlshed with a quantity or good things.
A Sleiglnlde.
The Ladles Aid society, of Pec-kvlIIe,
enjoyed a sleiglnlde to this city yes
tetday ufteinoon nnd enjoyed a Bump
tious supper In the Lackawanna house
on Uolmont stieet. Tlneo lingo sleighs
coinejed the paitv lo this city niul
btck The following coniptlsed tho
pin t : Mosduiues Van Ilouton. J.
Goek, Foi hot, Acker, Mnnce, Mlllntd.
Ktiintx, Xupp. Khult. Mc-Aulev. Tes-
ler, .Michael, Dlttonger, Illnkle, Miller,
Fin bet, Ucehei, Slender, Stelnbeig,
Mondtllne, Sti night, IlogRe, Itldgeway,
Mink, IteMiolds, Goekel, Jno Goeh and
MNses Annie Keets and Catollne Zupp.
At the Opeia House.
Lee ltankln's famous pln, "19," was
the- atti action at the Gi.ind openi
llou-e last night and was ghen in an
e-rfecthe way by the excellent cast
cumpiised In the Ft.inkle lomp.inv. A
imge audience witnessed the pet foi m
tinee. Last night was lo haw been
uninuiei night but none appealed. This
nfteinnoon a matinee will be ghen and
a ladles' gold watch given to the holder
of tho lucky ticket. The play will be
that stiong western ine-lodiainn, "An
Ameilcnn Pilncess" One of the piom
inent paits In the play Is taken by a
tiained beat, ".Mickey," who sroied n
hit when the peifoimiitue was given
lteie last week. Tonight "Pawn Tick
et No. J10," will be given
Hon. John Littlefleld.
Hon John Littlefleld, who will be the
next and the final speaker In the
Knights of Columbus cotttse, is a plat
foini speakei who has been belote the
public foi j eats, and has earned a
leputatlon as a polished speakei. His
subject w ill be "Daniel O'Connell," the
Itisli statesman, otatot and wit, a sub
ject which will offer a wide held for i
man ol Mi. LIttlolleld's talents
Childien's Dancing Class.
Lb-ninuing- today Miss Cinile Pi Ice
and Miss Louise Sloeum will ciiidttc'.
a school oi dancing in the Huike build
ing for little misses, each Satuulay
afternoon fiom 2 until 4 o'clock This
menus of the little ones icceiv-ing this
accomplishment, will no doubt achlev
sulllclent popularity to wattant tl-f
eltotts or the two oung ladies In
dim go nf the etileipiise.
P. H Cuej. ol Gteen island, was in
the citv estetdtiy.
Mis William Evans and Mis Kimer
Stove:, ot Scianton, .ne vlsltois In the
Geoige W. Huilbut, ol Scianton,
made a business nip to Catbondalf
A. J lien j, Fied Kuieiich .md Al.
Illandln, ot Setantiin weie at tin
Ameiicm house- wsieidny.
Dt. F. L Pott, ot Wa-hlngtiin, D
C, and Andievv Uennell, or Pulaski
I'll, "a , weie at the HanNon boils.
esu'ida,. s
Tin Jet in n liuiough council held
thelt legulai monthl meeting last
evening when .illjueinbe'is we:e pies
ent with the exception of Chimney und
Dunn The oidlnunce iiuthotllng the
cnnti.ict with the Jet ni n Hleetiic
Light company was lead but betoie
being adopled Councilman The: on
Moon objected to the conttact because
the mice was too high and he futtltei
incue objected to llteb onus. Councilman
Albeit Moon spoke In led In fin or of
the oidinanee, the adoption of which
he thought would be beneficial to tho
botough. On the motion of Albeit
Moon, seconded by Ttawllug, the oidln
unce was adopted, Theiou .Moon cast
ing his wte against It. On motion
the ce: tilled check loi $300 was turned
over to the tieasiuer until such time
as the conttact was legally executed.
The following bills weto lead and ot
deied paid: Coal for Anthiaclte Hose
looms, $C30; Uuigess Pc-ndeild's,
$2.1; Evening Leader, $1.40; J, G. A
ti), $5.30; chief of police, $13:
Peck Lumber totnpau, C9 cents; salaty
and postage of botough sect etui y for
six months, $J7.r,0; cleotiio lights, $l.'j,
01 A bill fiom Moigun and Nyco
uniQunting to $i.',50 wus laid over und
bills for salniles or boaid of health
qlllcei.s amounting to ?113, weio also
lead but as council had only appio
prlated $G0 for the boaul the sectotaty
was liistuteted lo wilte out an onler for
that amount.
Tho annual lepoit or the boaid of
health was lead in which the number
of deaths for tho year was stilted to
have been 21), lUtths, 13, and number
or cases or contagious diseases, 3.'. The
boaid offeied some bUggestloiiB to pte
vent the intiodttctlon of small-pox Into
tho boiough one or which was that ac
tion bo taken to pi event pack peddlets
fiom coming Into the town and expos
ing their goods foi sale, Tho loport
concluded by asking the co-opetatlon
of tho council in pioventjng tho much
dieadert dlseubo gaining a foot hold
lieie, The lepoit wus adopted und
placed upon file,
A petition was lead fiom the Antliia
cito IIoso company asking tor the ex
oneiatloti of their membeis fiom their
occupation tax as is done with tho
membeis of the Ciystal Flio company,
Tho petition wus gi anted, Chaliiuan
Iladger leuppoluted Dr. I, S, awive.s to
tho boaid of hetilth for tho peilod of
live eais. The uppolnttnent was con
litmed by the council. The boaid of
health was Insti acted to get the neces
saiy supplies in luted, and send their
bill to council. The chief of pollen
was Instructed to keep out all puck
peddleis fiom tho boiough lu necoid
unie with the boaul of health's ie
quest. The apeclul meetings tit the M. L
chutch uie to be continued next week.
Beginning tomorrow Rev. Geoige Ben
nlnger, of Bcraiiton, will be piesent
and pi each each evening, Mouduy
night's bubject will bo "Man Life's Old
Question Answo:ed;" Tuesday evening,
"The Unpuidonublo Sin What Is It?"
Wednesday evening, "Piollt and Loss,"
Thin sdny evening, "Memoiy and Its
Itelallon to the Fuluro Life;" Friday
evening, ''Tho Talents Who Is Ite
sponslble." A cordial Invltntlon is ex
tended lo all.
Tho nioellngfl nt Iho Uapllst church,
which tho pastor Is being assisted by
ltov. nnd Mm. Claik Wilson, have
steadily grown during the week In
nttendunco and Inteiest. Mr. Wlllson
will preach a sermon Sunday morning,
which will bo of unusual Interest, es
pecially lo thoughtful nnd well educat
ed pei sons. The subject Is "Why Must
n Man Ue Boin Again to See tho King
dom of God?" Mr. Fied Wlllson liTul
Miss 'Daisy B. Httll, of Scianton, nte
expected to bo piesent .Sunday even
ing, to assist In tho singing. Tho meet
ings will continue next week, evety
ovenlng except Suttiidny. All ate In
vited. Itcv. Dr. Whnlen, of Caibondale, was
n visitor heic yesterday.
Attorney and Mrs. II. D. Catey spent
Thuisdny evening with Scrantou
ft lends.
There will be a special meeting of the
membeis of tho fund In connection
with the Dniighte:s of St. Geo: go Mon
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock shaip Alt
niembois ate requested lo bo piesent.
Tho Piesbyteilnn ehmch, He v. S. II.
Moon, D. D , pnstor. Set vices Sunday
at 10 30 a. in. und 7. p. nt. Subject In
morning, "Prellmlnniy Consldeiatlons;"
evening, "Two Bible Itovivnls." All nio
w elcome.
Tlio pi caching on the Sabbath in the
Methodist chutch will be by
Kev.'F. Gcndnll. Mottling subject. "The
Doxology of the Redeemed." evening,
"Pet lis on the .Deep." All tbe otliei
sen Ices us usual, nnd evetvbod wel
come to all the set vires.
Peckvllie Baptist, chinch, Ucv .T. S.
Tliomas, pastor. Pet vices tomoitow at
10 30 a. m and 7tw. in. Moinlng sull
ied, "The Piophe't Joel," evening sub
ject, "Jesus Chi 1st, the Founder of
Clulstlanltv." All aie welcome,
Atlliui Cialg, a roimer lesldeut ot
Peckvllie, tiled nl his home In West
Scianton jesteiday moinlng.
The laigest ctowd that has been pies
ent tiny night dining the Wilson rite
company's fair was piesent Thins: day
evening. The biilldlm wim filled to it
utmost capacity. The Avoc.i Hose com
pany, of Avoca, was pic-sent on that
The school bond, ul ii leeeiit meet
ing, moved to put chase one do.:en ra
ticide flic extinguishes, the same to bo
dibit ibuted in the dlff eienl sihuol
Miss Noi.i Picketing has accepted a
position with the Collletv Engineer
company, of Scianton. and has resigned
the position as cleik at the postofllce.
The eonceit this evening momists
the people of Peckvllie and lelnltv a
uue Miss Daisy B. Hall, of
bcianton, his been omr.icecl foi the
evening, and has been lot lunate lit se
mi Ing scvcial talented nitists to assist
hei, name, the blight, winning little
elocutionist, Miss Ida Smith: Eugene
Weuzel, llu- popular b.n Itone, ot Scian
ton, ami Fied r. WINon One of our
most popular home slngei s, Miss Nellie
Glumille, will also be heard In n duet
With Miss Hall Mi. Wen.el, It will be
teinembeied, made a hit in the
opeta In Scianton, a slioit
time ago, .md wit bout doubt Is the
most popular slngei in Scianton at this
time The following Is the pi ogi amine
Iledtutlon, ' The Imentoi's Wife," Miss
Ida Smith, Soiaiiton, ocul solo, "The
Handoleio," Eugene Wonzel: instiu duet, 'Qui Vha" Miss Dis
Hall and Ml. F. E Wilson: iccit.ition,
"Seeing Things at Night," Mi,s Ida
Smith, ocal solo, "The Gav llusaai,"
Eugene Weti7el: oenl duel, "Be nitlful
Moonlight," Mis Nellie Gl.tuvllle and
Miss Hall: leett.illon. ' Tiouble In the
Amen Coinei," Miss lilu Smith
Tin council and school boaid will
mitt on Mondii ovenlng.
Miss Alice O'lLnii, or Uppei Dun
miiie stieet, gave a delighttul eitehie
patty at hei homo on Thuisdny even
ing. At tlio conclusion ot the game
a delicious luncheon was solved. Those
p.esent weie: .Misses Kate Mi Hale,
Maigaiel Haes, Winnie Eatu-tt, Alice
O'Hiu.i. M.ugiiet .Mi Hale, .Mai Cliin
cv, Aunle Walsh, William Mcllalo,
Thomas Walsh, IMwuid Keogb, Mai tin
Glimes, Patiick O'Hai.i, William
Uttiko and P. J. Walsh.
Tho lollovvlng Is the menu tot the
supper which will be sen oil In the
Father Mathew hall Tuesday evening
fiom 3 to 10 o'clock by the membeis or
St. Patilck's congiegatlon: Itoast tttt
key, oster stufilng, gllilet saufe, eian
beuy sauce, X1ieuch pea, i old hum,
baked beans, cabbage salad, potato sal
ad, tomato aspleon, lettuce-, olhes,
pickles, beets, assoited cakes, fiult, lie
cieam, coffee. Supper Z0 cents.
A large number of people enjojed
the excellent supper set veil by the La
dles' Initial society In the Wnkely Pap
tist chui oh pailoi.s last ovenlng.
Mis C, S. Lowsley wus tendeied a
sutpilse putt by tho membeis of her
Sunday school class of the Susquehan
na Stieet Eaptlst chutch at her home
on Delawaie stieot Thutsday evening
Tho time was most enjoyable spent lu
vailous nmusements and at tl o'clock
leficshments wc-te hei veil
A sleighing patty ftom hete went to
Jet ni n last evening,
The membeis of the Uebecca and In
dependent Older of Odd Fellows lodges
nio leciuested to meet In their looms to
moitow evening at fl o'clock to attend
dlvtno service in the Pilmltlvo Metho
dist chinch,
Nov. II, II, nylund, of Plttsbutg, will
conduct tho seivlceri In the Piesby
teilnn chutch tomoitow moinlng and
ovenlng. All mo Invited.
The fuueial of Stanley V Hoitue,
who died of appendicitis at Mn.igucv,
Potto itico, Junuaty 10, was held ftom
the Dalevlllt chinch Junuaty "0, Mi
Pottieo was bom In Moscow, Pit,, May
H, 1869; he was lecelvicl Into the Mos
cow Methodist Episcopal chutch In full
membeishlp October L', ISSt, and licen
ced a local pieucher Janimty L'J, IS'JJ.
Ills advanced school pi l lieges weto
one jeur at Factoivllle, tlneo jeat.s
at Wjomlng Semlnnty, and live jeans
at the State Noimal school t Mllleis-
Illo, Pa, In tho fall of 1SU9 he went to
Poito Iflc-o und enteied tho employ of
the government as a public school
teacher. On tho 18th of September ho
man led Miss Iiene E. We-tt. of Me
Vejtowii, Pa, an elllclent and suc
cessful teacher, and Immediately they
went to Poito P.ic-0 wheie he soon be
en me biipenlsor pf Agutidlllo dlsttlet,
coniptlslug about sixty schools. Two
memoilul set vices In English weie held
ut Mnyagues and one In Spanish at
Aguadlllu, their place of lesldence, and
many letteis of condolence to the wid
ow uttest the esteem lu which the
deceused was held by Poito Itlcuus.
Tho funeiul services lusted about two
bouts, ltemuiks weie mude by Rev.
a If. Pi entice, pastor of the Moscow
Sf. E. chutch, puter was offeted by
By Mrs. J. H. Haskins,of Chicago, 111.,
President Chicago Arcade Club.
Comforting Words to Women Regarding Childbirth.
i,,!.riwi.nrS nt ,aUnnlna'; wl,iB?f!,nl llfo ,lt tho fiotttlisldo of Chicago
know well the Arcndo Club, and trill toll you that It is one of the largest and
most Inlucntlal clubs In Chicago. It can bo readily understood, therefore,
that such a prominent woman as tlio head of this club could luivo only ono
object In view lu allow up her portrait nnd lcttor to bo published In connection
Tvlth any lncdlelnc, nnd that Is, to do good to other suffering mothers. Well
docs Mrs. Hasldns know that tlic-ro nro thousands of women who dread the
period of childbirth i thousands who aro prostrated nigh unto death at tho
bhth of each child, and for months afterwards uro weak and miserable, and
almost courting death as a lollcf from suffering.
A cnpnblo mother must Tbo a licnllliy mother. Tho experience
of maternity should not ho iippronclied without careful physicnl
preparation. Caro and careful counsel is what tho expectant and
would-bo mother needs, and this counsel slio enn .secure Avlthout
cost by writing to Mrs. Plnklmin at Lynn, BHiss.
Thousands ond thousands of women havo been carried throutrh this tryinir
oidcalsafoly nnd comfortably by a faithful rollanco upon Iiydla 1Z. Pfnlc
liain S Vcgetablo Compound, and Mis. llaskins gcnorously loans us her
name and portiait to help us to convince all skeptlcol women that health and
happiness abounds lu Lydia 13. Plnlcbam's Vegetable Compound.
President Chicago Aictide Club, Chicago, 111.
"DkvuIUks. Pinkham : Motheis need not (head childbearing af
ter tliey know the value of Jjyditv M. Pinh ham's Vegetable Com
pound. While I loved childien I (headed the ordeal, for it left me
weak and sick for months after, and at the time I thought death was a
welcome lelief ; but before my last child avus bom a good neighbor ad
vised me to try Lydia li. l'inkham's Vcgetablo Compound, and I
used that, together with your Pills and Sanative AVaish for four months '
befoie Hie child's bii tli ; it In ought nie Avondei fill lelioi. I hardly hatV
an ache or oiiu, aud when the child Avas ten days old I left my bed
stiong in health and happy in mind. Eveiy .spiing and fall 1 iioav take
a bottle of Lydia K. Pinlchnui's Vi'getnhlc (impound and find it
keeps nie in continual oxeellont liealth; 82 or S! a year keeps mo Avell
and stiong." Slits. J. II. ILvsicib, JJ48 Indiana Aac., Chicago, IU.r 't
"5heis a Pinkhani Baby." '
" I)i:u: AIns. Pixkiivm : I cauuot thank you enough for what you havo
done for me. I wiote jou home time ago about not being able to go my full
tune dm lug pregnancy. Xow, after tuking tiie tieatment ou advited, wo
have a clear little gill babv, the joy of our home. I tell my friends sho is a
Piukliam baby, for ha'd it not been for Tjydia 11. Piiildiam's Vege
table Compound wo never could have had her. My liealth is good, thanks
to your medicine." Mits. IlAnr.v Ilunv. Prban.i. Iowa.
whU li v. illlMiuiil tiiunj-) in foil wlioc.iufliiil tli it tho nlmvu testimonial Irttors
aro not i;enulue, ur wcio pulilKlii-it before obtiiliiini; tlio writir's apei lal per
mission, r.yellu i:. rilllvlia ra loitiohlo Co., l,yun, Mass.
rri.Wl Mil !.! II MM I
llcv. Hitch, pnstcu il the DalesvIUe
thuuli. lle. II. F. AVuulell und Pew
Hunks spoke ol Mi. Roitiee as n fiiend
and neighbor and paid loving tilbutesi
to his Clnlstlan ihatactei. ltev. P. P.
Schoonovei, of Uiew Theologkal Sem
inal, told of Ills .isboclntlons with him
as a student at s-cliool. Among the tilbules was n benutltul piece
ltoni the Sundav school and Epwoith
Ltiigue oL which he was a niembei.
Intel ment was maili- In the Dalovlllo
Cieoige A'cauv, of Elmim, Alslted his
pat cuts Thin. s-dav ovenlng.
Mis. staples, of Kane, who has been
visiting her daughtet. Mis, flatdner,
i etui tied home Thuisda.
Mi.s. II. E. Clalge left c.steulay for
New Yotk and Philadelphia wheie he
will spend a few weeks.
The Piohlbltlon league of this town
have seemed the sen Ices ot Hon. John
(J. AA'oolley, the wot Id's t enow ned pio
hlbltlon lectin or, to stop over at this
town on Tuesday evening al i! 30, Feb
liiai 11. aud deliver a shoit addiess
jit the coiner of Main und Talor
stieets Subject, "Jlv Own Countiy."
Thlh evening a bacholois' social will
be held, under the auspices of tho
oung men oi the Fiist Congiegatlonal
The membeis of Contui Hose com-
pait, Xo, 1, aie leaving nothing un
done to ninke their coming annlvei
saiy eelebiatlon on Wednesday even
lug, Fc-bi it'll y 1-, a gtnnd sun ess. A
concori und ball will be held ut AVeb
ei's link on that date. An ecolIeut
pioginimue has been in Hinged. Notable
aiitong those who will take pint ato
Chillies Ilaitley, ventiliouulst, niul
Miss Eeutilco Mollis, cloeutloulst, of
Set mil nn.
Set vices at the Culvuiy Uapllst
chut eh toinoitovv will be held at the
usual bouts The pabtoi, ltov. Dt II.
II. Hauls, will ofticlnte. All aie cor
dially Invited
AVelsh Haptlst diuiih Sen lees to
moitow Moinlpg seimon at 10.30
(Welsh), sublet t, "Divine Puidon in
tho Eight of National Euw " Evening
senium at 0 o'clock (English): subject,
"Clnlstlan Assiuuneo" Sunday school
tit 'J p. m . superintendent, J. C Hlelt
aids, pastor. P.ev D, C Edwaids All
aio welcome,
Methodist Episcopal chut ei It, Uev.
Clinton II, Homy, p.istot. Sabbath soi
vices tomouovv nt 1.30 u. in, mid 7 p,
m. Moinlng subject, "Salt," evening
subject, "Abtaluim Lincoln " Class
meeting at 1I.3Q a. m., Sunday school
at -.15 p, in ; Eiivvoith league ut 0 30 p
in , Miss Jennie Nichols, leader. All aie
This evening the man lage of MUs
Kate Wlnteis, daughter of Mi, and
Mis. lllchaid AVIntets. and Eottis fl,
Jenkins, ot AVest Scianton, will be sol
emnized a 14 lie home or the bilde, ut S
o'clock, by the ltev. Dr. II. II, Hauls.
The Til lor Oiutoilo bodety will meet
tomoriow evening at the Calvaiy Eap
tlst chutch for leheuisal. All membeis
uie leciuested to bo piesent.
The Antluuclte Glee club Is louiullng
into shape for the Alleutown eistedd
Wo h ive elciiOBltc.l with tlio N'ntloiml City It-vnk ot I.ynn. SG0OO.
fod, on Match 17, when they will com
pete for the $100 jni.e on "The P1I
gilms' Choi us "
The I.acK.i wanna company' pay car
will visit this town todav, when the
emploves of the- c ompan'&lx collleiles
will leielvo their senii-month'.y eaui
ingb tor Jiiuuai.'.
Mts Thomas James and daughter,
Mis. James Hovvells, or Piovldcnce,
weie guests of iclatlves In this place
Tho Iliiftalo Social club will conduct
theli icguhir weekly social this even
ing at AVebei's link.
Seliool leopened In the pilmnry de
pattment on Tuesday, Miss Schlnnell
lug having lecoveied sulllclently to le
htime her duties there,
Mis. Beit ha Tolemle- and chlldieu
letuined home on AVednesdny aftci a
two months' visit with Scinntcm
r i lends
The oidinanee or Eaptism will be ad
mlnlsteied nt the Sunday evening serv
ice at the Uapllst chinch.
The Ladles' Aid society of tlio Bap
tist i hutch will hold a dime social on
Filday evening, Fcbiuuiy U, tit tho
homo or Mr. Eion Hucklughnm. All
me Invited
The botough council hold its tegular
monthly meeting ou Tuesday night.
The Elmhuibl club met at the club
looms on Monday ovenlng nnd trans
acted consldeiable business,
Me.ssis, V. O. Schoonmakcr and J.
M. Ithodes Iiuao gono to Florida.
Eyion Buckingham attended the
f uncial of the lato Sfanley M. Portree
on Wednobdny of last week.
Tho little bon of Dr. and Mis. Knott
ier who has been Unngetously 111 lor
beveial weeks, Is slowly lecoveilng
Mr Jobeph nudmtin, of Plymouth, lJ
n guest at the homo of Mr. J. W. Si he.
bel oer Sunday.
Miss Cuule Schlebel visited Mends In
Plymouth last week.
At the boiough council meeting held
tlio other evening, Pi or F. J. mguu
ptesented a bill for ?5HSJ0. Pi of. Keg.iu
stated that he had paid that mini out
of tils own lesoutcpb when ho amis
tteasuiet for tlio townshlD. The bill
wus ouleied paid Heniy Hiiddlesoti
stuted that tho township commlssioiieis
had given hhn mdets to the amount of
118.12, but that ho hud lost (hem. Tm
council gave a now older and tho bill
was oi del eel paid The tecietary's pal
my of $,'5, lor senlceb for the month,
and that of tho chler of police, tor $10,
weie ouleied paid. Tho stieet niithoi
(ties weie lnstiucted to enter legal pio-et-edlugs
against the AV.unke Coal com
pany and make It fulllll Its contrac t
with the boiough, In legaul to the Im
tuovlng of Stepheiibon and New streets.
They have compiled with pait of tho
coiitiact, that of furnishing mi electila
light for New stieet.
To Cuie (hip in Two Days, i
Laxative Uioiuo-Qulnluo removes thu
cause, E. W. Oiuye's blgnature oneei