The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 08, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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ft 0
Church and Sundau-Schoo
FOLLOWING tun the rules for the
obflcrvitncu of Lent, promulijated
ly Bishop lloban, of tliu Hcrnnton
1. All Hie f.iltliftil who have, completed tliolr
Ivvcilty-llrsl jrar, lire bound to olwcrve llic Fnt I
pi writ, unless; eiinponsoii tor reasons,
2. Only one meal n iIjj' Is allowed, except on
3. Tbli meal Is not to lie taken until about
I. On those drj.ii mi Vthleh pel mission In
Kinnlcd to tMt, but meat and llli nrc not
to be used nt Hip p.itno meal, oven by way !
lonilluiriit. x
, i, A collation or partial meal It allowed In
the pvcnlnir. The rrrncriil practice of pious
Dirlstlani lliulU ilt iti.intity to the fourth part
of nn ordinary
(I., butler,- cheese, fiult of nil Mini,
MliiK xcejelnlile:) and llsh arc perinltted at the
collation. Milk ami pzgi uic nli permitted.
7. Ctislom liai undo It hiwlul to ill Ink In the
mornliiir Millie waun llirulel. mull in tea and
coffee, or thin cliocohte made with water,
fl. Xreesslty ami custom ham authoii.ed Hie
Use of lard imtead of butter In prepuilntv fish,
Xccrctables:, rto.
tl.' Tlio followluif ppuuns are not hound to
olipcnp the fast, vl.: All under 21 jcih of aire,
the olek, jniKtMiit women and thoe irlvlinr Muk
to Infante, those who aie obliged to do li.vrd
work, and nil who tliioiwh wiMknes laimut fast
nil hcu I Injury to their health.
10. fly dlspeiisaUoi', the u-o of llesli meat will
be allowed at any time on Sunday, and once a
day on Monday, Tuesday, 'Ihui'ihiy and Satin
diy, ,ccpt on the second Satuiday in Lent and
Holy S-iluicl.iy.
11. l'cr.son' rempt from the obligation of
lasting, ly ue or lihorlom oir-upatlon, aie per
mitted the up of meat at any meal on tho-p
day on which Its iip is Rianted by dlpcnsa
tlon. 12. by an hithilt of the Holy Fee, wanted
M.mli l.'i, 1.!'3, for tin yrais in f.imr of vioil.injr
mrn, Hie bishops of Hits lountiy may di.pen-c
the fonniv fiom the more lisld law of nlnliiiencp
in Mew of ceitalii ditliiulllcs that may exist In
their elioco-es. In xhlui' of this Indult, noil.
Inpiicii, tosolhcr with their entlie household,
may eat tle.u meat on the abstinence ill "f
Lent, on DubcY day, and on the vliril of the
feists', except on l'lldayd, on A-h Wednesday, on
the day of Holy Week and on the ligil of
Christmas. Ai flesh meat, however, is peimllted
liy tlio indult of An,?. :J, 1S07. on all Mondays
Tiipdijs and 'Ihuisdays of; Wednesday,
Triday and Satiml.iy aie the only icmauiiner days
in Holy Week on which Hie Use of tle-h meat is
not pcnnltted; those who sue obliiei'd tu fa-t,
lioweet, ran avill tlii'in-elvcs of this dipcnfa
tlon only at the piiuilpal meal.
1,1. Those who luio any lea-onalde doubt as
to their ability to fa-t or .ih-taln should seel; the
advice of their p.utors.
II. On lbe lh-t Sunday of Lent u collection
shall be takiu up in all cliiuihes of the dlotese
for the negio ami Indian missions of the I'nited
States, for 1'ic piopiiratioti of the filth and for
home nil-sioiis, and tha ptotcods mil to Uev.
.Toliu .1. Riltfin, ilianiclhn, .'11.1 Wyoming avenue,
IS. The pious pi. ii Hi c of lOiitiiliuliiiK a hiu.ill
ainoiuit oit (Jooil Tridiy to the -uppoit of the
t-aiictu.ulcs of the Hull I.ind, -lioulil be inioin
aircd.. Only a tiilk tioui I to .1 cut med be
i;licii, and the pioceeils of the collection should
lip sent to the leveicnel chane'cllor,
s -
The gospel meetings xvhleii have been
held at tlio Penn nveiuie church during
the past week have been attended with
much interest, untl they will be con
tinued eveiy evening next week-. On
Sunday evening lbe pastor will illus
trate -his sermon with crayon sketches,
made, while he is nreaehiiifj. This is a
character of service which lias made
the pastor of this church widely known,
while the sketching Is a novel way or
piefaentiug the lessons of a text, yet
Dr. Pearco gives his pictures a true
message to the heart and clothes each
sketch with a spiritual application. The
pictures are given away tit the close of
the services, anil often people ask to
buv them.
Uev. D. 1". Uonkius, who exchanged
dates with Mr. Joint Wallace, will Rive
his paper next Monday morning at the
Baptist ministerial conference In the
Penn avenue church, Tils subject will
be, "Tlio Inlluence of I.omanisni on
, ,
The Pennsylvania Allnlsterluin of.
t,ie Lutheran chinch will hold Its next
annual meeting in Huston, The ses
sion will open on May 2S and last for
five tin vs. Between 400 and ron minis
ters and laymen will be present.
ft -
The men's meeting on Sunday tit the
Railroad Young Men's t'lnlstian asso
ciation will bo addressed bv the secie
tiiry on "God's Call to Young Men."
The. male quintette will give the musi
cal programme. All men are invited.
Methodist Episcopal.
Klin I'.ill. iliuuli ljiaycr and puine at !!.."i).
Hfd Preserved
Women often astonish new acquaint
ances, who arc introduced to a large
fumily of strong boys and healthy girls,
who cujl this young looking woman
mother. It is popularly supposed that
. ,. maternity is the foe
!vr'i worn and faded face
ot many u mother
seems to warrant the
belief. Hut it is hard
to believe that nature
should compel a
woman to sacri
fice the rightful
.dower of her
k beauty m order
"to carry out a
natural function
of her being.
And nature does
not. The paiua
and sufferings
incident to
motherhood are,
to a large ex
tent, unnatural.
This is proved
by the use of J)r, Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription, which prevents and cures
nausea, tranquilizer the nerves, encour-
ages the appetite, induces refreshing
sleep, aim niaKe
tically paiuless.
iicep.aud makes the baby's advent; prac-
Mru. Orrlu Stll, of Uowiiinor. Dunn Co., Wis.,
vritcs s I have been intending to write tq you
fver since my baby was born in rcrd to what
vourTavorite j'rescripuoB' lia rtone tor me.
I cannot praise it cuoutrli, for I have not beeu
s well for five years ait I am uovr, In July last
I bad a baby boy, weight 1 1 lb., and I waa only
sick a short time, sua kince I got up have not
had one sick day. I have not had auy uteriuc
trouble since I got up. I was not only surprised
niyuelf but all my Iriend here aie surprised to
ace me to well." '
"Favorite Prescription" has the testi
mony of thousands of women to its com
plete cure of womanly diseases. Do not
accept au unknown and unproved sub
stitute in its place.
Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Pellets clear the
complexion and sweeten the breutu,
i 'j ,jr s, i'
Sermon by paslftr, C. M. OlfTlii, 1). !)., t io.30.
clam meeting In Sunday school room at close
of inornliiff smltm. Sunday wliool at 2 p. in.!
Junior, Iimriic t 3.S0 p. in. ; Senior Lchruc at
1I.W1 p. tu,) irrcaclilng at 7.S0 p. in. The l
tor will speak on the nubject, "Senpaper
KtlilcS-Cau n Man lie Ton tloodt" StMiigcn
me ttolcnme.
Slinp'oli Metliodlil Kpliropnl ihurcli ltcv. II.
U. .MeOennott, piitor. Preaililnu at MM) a.
m. and 7.110 p. tu. ! baptism and reception ol
members nl the mornliiff Bcivlce. Sunday nliool
ill XI in.; .liiiilne I.eiiriie ut 2.B0 i. m,: Kp
woilh Leamie ill (I.!i0 p. in. All are cordially In
lted. l'loildenie Jlcllioillat KpUinpal iliuirh Ilov.
Oconto ., (Jure, pistol Tlic llrotherhood of ht,
l'rtiil meet for player at 10.30 n. in. I'renchlnir
at 10 u. ni.i Sunday uhoot nl 2 p. in.; llpwortli
l,eiwie ill (l.l, tuple, "The railway o( reaci',"
Waller .l.inlson, leader. I'leaihlng at ".SO, ub
Jed, "XolhliiK lliil That Shall Not lie He
lealel." l'roballoneri will be lecclved for mem
bership In tlio c hmdi. Special niii'lo and other
features of a pleasant and memoiable perlca
Couit Stieet Methodidt Episcopal church tl. f.
I.jiuan, pastor. CU'a, ',1.(3, O. 1), llcWIll,
leader. I't cittilitg, 10.S0. Sunday nliool, 11.(5,
(I. II, Cl.ii I;, superintendent, Junloi I.cjuuo, 'l.'M
p. in., Mrs-. Ityiitil, miperlntendent. V.puoith
League, D..'!0. Pienihlns and teiepllon on pio
ballon, r';0. Seals flee. All welcome.
Cedar .Ucmic Methodist church I".
P. Doty, paslor, Mtctlug of The Uiolhcrliood at
10 a. in.; moininu: woi.-hlp and herniou by pas
lor, ll).:;o a. m,; Sunday nliool at noon; Junior
Kpnoitli League, n.ilfl p. in,; Eprcorlh League
Soilal mcclltur, (1.S0 p. in.; tirntng worship, ".CO
p. in. (IiimI music ut all sciilic. Stiangeis and
nil olhem loidlally ttclcome.
Ash Street Molliodist Kpiscoiiat chuirli llev. J.
It. Alistln, paslor. Owlnc; to Illness of p.isloi,
the ltcv. II. II. Mimcr will preach at to SO a. in.
and Hev, 11. Stone, as-lstaiit of the
Itallrcad Younsr Men's ChrLsttan asnoilatloii will
hale ihaifrc at 7.S0 in the olenitis1, flags' Tiiect
iiifC at 11. -Ml a. in., Chflilts Cineii, leadei ; Sunday
sdiool at 'J . in., 1'etiT Ilurtuian, Miperintend.
ml; Kpwmlh r.!aKue at O.-t.'i p. m. A cordial
w Iconic In all.
l' (icrnian lctliodft Kpi-copil ilimeli,
Adams aieuue and Vine street (). llobillu, pan
tin. Dblnc .scriice, 10.SO a. in, nud 7.30 p. in.;
Suiidiy sdiool nl noon and nr 2 o'clock p. in.
at the Tijlor Aicnite dupel; Kiiworth bagr
inectlns at tl.13 p. m. l'rnycr nieetinp; on Thurs
day Menhir.
- African .Methodt Kpiscopil ihnrlh. Ilowaid
place Dr. I). S. Ilfiitley, pastor, l'leaehinu: at
10..10 a. in.; Sunday Khool, 2.30 p. in., A. Pol
ler, siipiiiiilcnJctil; joiiu; and piayer serilcc at
7.1", p. in., rondtieted hy Messrs. CSilnci and Por
ter; pick liine. 7,43 p. in., followed by allar n
lite A loidial welcome to all.
I'iiiii Au'imc lUptlnt cliuilh, Piiin niiiiue be
tween hpiuic and Linden strcels. Slrangeis al
ways welwuie. Pleaching" at 10.S0 a. ill. and 7.W)
p. in. by tin- pa-tor, llev. liolicit T. V. I'leiee,
II. P. M 5i nine, pra.icis in the lower temple ,it
'.'.tl. Tlieine of the morning Million, "nuildlnir
on the lloil., or 1'oundatlons of Christian Char
ade!1." unil.iy srhool at 2 o'dock at the home
diiidi at .".::0 p. m. at Ihe Anicrmaii Me uiisslon, on Piesiott avenue. Younj?
1'iopleS meetliiK at 11.80. Topic ot evening: eci
man, "eckliiB and Saiins Ihe Lol," illuslialed
by na.ion hhctcheg made dining the sermon, Ite
ial .-eiiicis will be held cury eienins,' (luring
Hie lo'iilim Wick, except Saturday.
.lad,-ou stieet flaplisl chinch Moiuiiii; men's
pr.ijei mrctliiir at 0,"0, leader, Urol her Matthew
llnlley. Si-inivii by the pastor, llev. Thomas' de
f.'iuohj, 1). I),, at 10. SO; the Loid's niippcr will
lie aihiiiui-tcied at the dose of this service.
HUtlo sihuol will nuet at 2 o'clock, Brother John
I,lii il, nipeiintiiidenl. Ilvenliiff enlce at 7
haii; piaUe enice fiom Sacred Solids, asnited
hi full mcKli.i. Coiiiel solo by Mr. Oeonre
Kins and a -liotl addie-s by the pastor. At the
rlnw nf the leniee nn after meeting1 will Im held.
We welcome oieiybnily. Heats aie nil fica.
l'ii-t llipli.t South Main avenue Uev.
-. 1'. MlllicHK, pa-tor. The usual services! sab
li.ith moiuiiii; and eveniiiK, 7.S0 a. in. and 7..'0
p. in. .if dose of eieninc; service. Sun
day sdiool. 2p .m., Ill, 11. (I. lleddoe, superiu
tiudeul; llaplisl Voims Peopled union senile,
ii.:'0 p. in., in assembly mom. Iteanilar prayer
meeting. Wednesday eienlnjf at 7.H0 p. ni. All
aie loidlally bulled to these setiices. Seats
(reeii ltlilc,u llapt't ihiiidi Moinlng piayer
iiuitlup; at ll.t.",; church senile-, Willi wimon
by Pu'f. llnlley, of rudmiiille, al WHO and
7.a); .-uuday siiiool al; meitlnjf of tlio
Junior society at tl.SO; prayer meeting of the
Senior sociely at O.tlO.
Xpilli Main Aicinia llaplKt t'hiudi ltcv. A. II.
Smith, pastor, will occupy the pulpit nioiniiij
aitd eu'iiimr,
Slillnh lluptl-t chinch Uev. J. It. lloddle, pas
tor. 1'iondiimr, II e. in., subjeel, "C.odV Loic
Tow aid IV i Sunday sdiool, 2.::o p. in.; Uiptist
Vouiiif People's union piayer im cling, 7 (u S p.
in.; picjcliliis at S p. in,, Mibject, "louieitcd
on the load." special inu-lc by tlio dioir, -Mr.
Iteiiiy Hill, d.oiister. Weekly meeting, Monday
(leuluir, do-s of the baptist Young People's
union player mecllug, subject of tlio topic being
"Tciiipeiance." All aro invlled, Wcdnisday
evening, pieaddug. I'rlday cviuing,
prayei meelliig, All aie welcome,
I'list WeMi llaitlit f liiirch. West ttrict
Hev. J. V. Dalies, the pasloi, will ociupy tlio
pulpit liiinoirovv, Mninlng .seiiice. 111 o'clock;
SiiiuIjv school al 2 ii. in.; evening senile in
I'uglisli, nt II p. in. All aie coidially Invited to
attend. ScaU fiee. IljplUt i hurdi Uev, David Spcniei,
I). 1)., will pieach at 10..111 a. in, on "Oi.r
llioki-n-lleailed Loid, or Ihe PIijhIijI Cause of
(Inlst's i-D.ith"; i.t ".SO p. m. on "The Hod nf
Moses, or lliunan luslruiiientnlllleH IndguIilcJlit
Vet Invlniibli," and at 3 p. in, in the Dudley
Stieet Uaptisl dimch, Diinmore.
l'b.t Pit'sbyteiiau chinch Seniles, lu.:;0 a,
m. ami 7.:i) p. lit. Dr. McLeod vvilj preach,
Pjhoi'.s llible iIj--s alter morning scivfce, Mid
week bi-rvlie Wednesday evening, 7-tl. Slrjiigeib
Second Pie.liyleiiau chinch, Jetlcrsoii uvcnui!
between Mm and Mnlbciry .Morning worship,
10.:;0i Siimkiy w-liool, 1J; Voung People's Society
nf ( In ll hin llndejior, U,:!0 evening vvoishlp,
".!, Tlie llev. Joseph II. Odell will preach at
both H'l vices.
(,'ieen Hldge PiebyleiiJii chuidi ltcv. I, ,1.
bui'slng, potior; Hev. I,, II, roster, asibUnt.
10.00, senice of vvoishlp, with seimoii by (he
pjitni; Mibjecl, "Tlio Xc-ed of Christian Minis
tcis." 12 in., llible Iiool; U.:)0 p. in., Olirfstlau
Knde.ivoi; 7.W p. in,, evening worship, wllh
foiuih and last dUcoiuss in setlo.s on the Holy
Sabluth; subjeel, "Ilia Holy Sabbath Kssentlal
to Itellgiou," All are coidially welcome,
I'lovldence Pifsbyterlan Chinch Pulpit will be
filled by ltcv. Dr, fleorge K, Guild both mmu,
lug and ciening, Sundry icliool at iinoii; Junior
1,'udcjvor at a.30j Senior Kudcavor, CM. Seats
are bee for thoso who attend.
Wuilibuiii Sliest Prcsbj te rUu liuicb Hev.
John P, Molfat, n. J)., pastor, Services at 10.30
a. in, and 7.R0 p. in,; Hlble school at 12 m,;
ClirUtlJii Kwleax'or Young People at 0.20 p. in, j
ChiUlljn Fndeavor Juniors at 3.30 p. in. Prayer
meeting Wednesday at 7,30 p. in. The patot
will preach morning and evening, Offering for
ho J rd ot aid for collssea at each service, All
aie welcome, Aienuo Pifly leiUn church, corner
Sumner avenue ond Piice streei Seivice to.
uioiiovv 04 follows; Salibjtb nliool in (he after
noon at 2 o'clock, beulcel )avi, buperinteud
nit; evening erxce at a o'clock. Hev, Kdvvard
Howell will have charge of the pulpit, Seats
flee. All welcome,
AdJim Avenue chapel, .Vcw VorW 6treet The
Hev. Janiei Uugliei will preach ut 10.30 and at
7.30. Kubjectn, "Tlio Clrcatct Heioes of the
AgM" and ''The flreitet Ti iiufimiilng and u.
iiobling Power in tlio World." Sunday school at
3 p. ni., Mr. Chandler, superintendent. The Hev.
Mr. Hughea will teach the inenV Bible elaa.
Christian Endeavor will meet at 8.43. Meeting
of tho Men'l Mutual Imrovement aoticty on Mon.
day at 7.13 p. in. All xtekome to these weet
Capoufe iliapel (Pitdbyteriau) Preacldng, 10.30
a. ni. aud 7.30 p. ui. by the pastor, Btv, h. It.
Kosler. Sunday icbool, 3 p. in.; Junior Clirli
fhn Kndeaior, 4 p. m.; Senior Clulsllan En
deavor, n.nii p. in, Prayer meeting, 7.R0 Tliiirs
diy evening. Welcome to all,
St. Luke' parish Hcvs Horih bi.iel, lector;
llev. lldivatd J, IlAtightou, ii.iate. ()ultiiiiagc
slma. St, Luke's chin eh "..'HI a. ir,, holy cumniun
Inn; 0.13 a. In., Hiiml.iy school; KI.SO a, in.,
iiioriiiiig prayer and seimoii; 7,30 p. in., prayer
and seimon.
St. Marl;' chapel, lluninorc S a, in., holy linn
luunloti; 10.30 ii. in,, holy communion nud ser
mon; a p. m,, Sunday nliool ; 7,30 p. in,, even
song and sermon,
St, tleoige'rt, 01 pliant 2.I.0 p. in., Sunday
achool; 3.30 p. iu even song and seinion.
Hist HiiiI mission 2.30 p. in., Sunday school.
.S'outli Hldcs-2.S0 p. in., Sunday school.
Church of the (iood Shepheid, corner Mousey
avenue and (Ireen Hldge nlrcet llev. Francis It,
llateinnn, lector. Qulnqiugeslniu Sunday. Holy
communion at 7,30; moiiiliig prayer, 10.30 a, in.;
Sunday school and roctor'i clas.s, 2.30 p. in.;
evening prayer, 7.30 o'clock.
St. David's Dpls-copal chinch Celebration of
the Holy Dur liai 1st, 7,30; nialins and aeiiuon,
10.30 a. In.; even song, 7,30; Sunday sihou), 12
Christ's chin th, corner Washington avenue and
Park ttreet Hev. 1', S. llallentlne, rector. Sei-x'-iicV,
10.30 a. in., 2.30 p. m. and 7.30 p. in,
Reformed Episcopal.
(Iiace llefouned Kplsenp il chinch, Wyoming
avenue below Mulbeiiy lieel ltev. Oeorge L.
lrlih, pasloi Pia.ver and pialsu siivlec, 0.30 u.
in. Divine woi'lilp, 10.:.0 a. in. and 7.30 p. lit.
Preaching by the pastor. Mls IJislon. nf India,
will peal; at the mninliig service on ml'sloniry
woik in lint count!. Snbliath school at 12 in.
Young People's Society of tliilsllau lludeavor,
(I..V1 p. in. I.e-soii study Wedncnlay (veiling at
7.30. Prayer meeting at S. Seats fiee. Ml aie
Evangelical Lutheran.
Ktjiifi'llcll Liitheian (Julnqiiagr-inu Sunday,
Oo-pol, Luke will: 31-13. ilpl-tlo f Coi. xlii;
st. Maik's, r.niili-cntli ami Wa-hlniru --fleets
Hev. A. L. It.iniei, Ph. 1)., pUstui. -rt vices,
10,30 a. in. and 7 p. in.; Sunday school, 12;
Luther League, il p. m. .Mission bind, Satuiday
at 2.30 p. in. Morning subject, "Knowlulge In
Pait"; evening subject, "The llx'alti'd wivlm-."
St. Paul', Slioit aveniu Hev. W. C. L.
Lauir, pjtcr. Seniles at 10.30 a. m and 7..10
p. ni.; Sunday sdiool, 2.30 p. in.
Christ c'niidi, Cedar avenue and Illiih direct
Uev. James Witke, pistor. Herviics, 10.30 a. m.
ami 7.30 p. nt. ; Sunday si hool, 2.30 p. ut.
SI. I'cteiV, Piisi-ott avenue Hev. John Itan
dolph, pastoi. Sen Ice-, 10.30 n. in.; Sunday
school, 2 p. m.
I.'inmanuil (ieim.iu-Pollli lailhcran ihurcli,
Hcese -trod Hex. rerdliund S.itlelmeicr, pal
lor. Vicji lilna; in the Polish language, in a. in.;
Sunday s-i-hnnl, 2 p. m.
Holy Tilnlty Liillicr.ui dumb, miner Adams
avenue and Mulbeny street QiiinquagcslnM Sun
day. EpNtle, II Cor. ili 1-13. Oospel, Luke
will: 13-ti. Sen Ice', 10.30 a. m.; vesper', 7,:0
p. in.; Sunilay school, 12; Liilhir L.Mgue, 0.13
p. in. Mi-sion Bind, ituidny at 0.1", a. in. All
welcome. Seals free.
flsare Kvingolical Luthei.i-i diuiili (
synod), coiner of Mtdlson avenue and Mulbeny
stieet Hev. Luthei Hess Wailiig. p.i-toi. !i..lo
a. in., Sunilay srhool; 10.30 n. in., Divine win
ship,, "Sludies in the Life nf .lesiis Chi i.t
the (leaning of the Temple and the Dlrimiwc
with Niiiideniu"; 7 p. in., Voung People's So
fifty nf thristlaii L'ndeavot, leader. Miss I.'vunla
Ixiliiuinn; 7.30 p. lit., Kiel twcnly-flM biithilay
nf the Chrl-tla.n Knde.ivor -oiiety will be ob
served by Ihe ii.o nf Hie "drilling of Arc" pin
griuume, 1-siied bv tho I'tilled Society of tliris
tlan Dahuviir, vvth an aihhess by the pi"liu.
Ml s,,,,;' 1 hivei-al'-l (lunch, I'iin- -lutt be
tween Jelfei-ou and Adiun avenues Hev. Thomn
II. Payne, pa-lor. At 10.30, a special Lincoln
Memorial seivice; subject of seinion, "Aliiaham
Lli.eoln, the Ideal Anieiicnn, Citizen and Piisi
deiit." "America" and the "llittle 11 inn of
Ihe Itepiiblic" will be sung, Sunday school 'it
2 in. s'Cl-is fiee. Mi.ingiis- or. H.ilTy welcomed,
Xo evening (Hlce.
I'ii'st ihiiidi (Cluislian Viuitist), 3l'l ilanis
aviniie s-iniday .-civltes, 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p.
ni.! Sunday -ihoul, 11.43 a. In.: siibjei t "smil."
Te-tiiiionlal iiu-etfiigi Wcilncsday cvenii.ijs at .i
o'dock. Tic ihu.i'h Is al-o ope- ivciy div din
ing the weir.. The lllbli- and nil
Science literatinc io kept in il 4 freo public lead
ing loom. "Miemv i.nd Health with Key to the
S'lilpture," by Mary llaki-r IMilv , will bo loaned
lo Invcsllgalois without cbuge. bltors .md
letteis of In.piliy aio welcomed and given cour
teous 'llluitlMi and Information free,
(io-pi-1 labeiuade, Ji-flii--i.ii avenue, Duiimoie,
James Lelshiiiau. paslm. Pieaddug sin lies at
10.M) a. in.; Sunday sdmol, 12 in. At 7.30 p. in.,
.1 f.iii'vvc-11 uncling to .Mi. (,'roi,;.- 11. Allen, win,
goes Ihe next montlug as a nii-doii.iiy tn Congn,
Ai'iiia. (. hi Ui (an mid Mlssionity AIIIjikc luci-t-Ina
on TiieM'ay al 2.30 .md 7.30 p. in.
Culled L', HJII ( apuu-e avenue
Pieaihing by the pistni, Hev. J. W. Me.siuger,
al 10.30 a, in. and 7,30 p, in.; suiijeds, "Splill
ual Pond" .md "Clnlst Ihe dale of Life." sun
day school, 11.30 a. in.; Junior l.inuiie Chibllaii
llndeivor, 4 p. in.; Keystone League ('htisllau
Kndeavoi, 0.30 p. m, Piayer meeting Wednes
day cvmlng .il 7.30. Seats ate lieu and all .lie
vv liniuc,
Calvaiy Hcfoiuicd ihiiidi, Mom no nvimn- and
fillison street ltev, Mailon L, l'lini, pasi.ii.
Servleci at HI, 30 a, in. and 7..I0 p. in,; Sunday
sdiool, U,l" a, in,; Chllsti.m Kudcavor, 7 p. in.
C.ili'C-hlsiil, Satuiday al Ik.'iO p. in.
Clniittan Chiireh. orlh Main jvcime llev. II,
W. Clynier and Hev, ('. Yv, lluw'ey, of Plviuoiith,
will exchange pulpits. Moinlug sen Ice at 11 a,
m,; evening at 7,30 p, in,
Piist Primitive Methodist Chiudi, liieen Hidge
Hev. (1, Lees, paslor. Older oi senile fur to
moiiuvv; Special ineetlngi. mornhigi and
evening, also eveiv evening duilng the week,
Tlienc meetings) will be held by Ml M. Hatle,
I'vaiigellst. Theie xvlll be u intetlng at 3 o'clock
eaih utleinooii for llible study nud prayer, liv
ely one Is Invited to attend,
i Acts iv:3S to vsll,
HV HUV. J. II. G'lLllEHT, 1), D.
Sen clary of American Society of itellgious
(.OSNKCTIXO L1XK.-I)ismind by the couu
ell with a threat hanging over their heads, as
iclatcd in lat lesson, Peter and John ictuiiieil
to the other dlsciplcu and repotted what bad oc
currcd. The Intelligence was lecelved with much
irjolciug, All felt that their enemies were lis
featjjl and that tho way wjs open for jet gieatir
success. It w.13 evident, however, tlut couiago
vvjs needed to moot Hie iersecutIoiis that nuut
follow (he iasuo hail been drawn ami neither
pally could retlra fiom the approaching conflict,
llenco thoso who were assembled took UieiiijclvsS
to piayer (Acts lv:2J-31), and earnest pleadings
wero offered for Dlvlno support. That was a
notable meeting, characterised by intense feel
ing an.) strong faith. And God answered by p'iy
slcal signs and br the outpoui-ing of the loly
(Ihott, with which all vveie tilled. As u coiiw
quenco they wcio able ta speak with bolUjss,
CIIUKCII USITY,-(Vctes 3J and 33), Tha
church at that time vva in excellent spiritual
condition. The multitude ot the laity, then num
bering Svc thousand, vveie of ona heart and one
soul (Rom, .vviti), Thcio were many iiilluenccs
tending lo pioduco mill a ttato the common
faith Jiid hope, tho simplicity ot vvoishlp, tho re
cent bucccssi, the feeling ot mutual dependence,
and, not lejst, the fact of peisccutlon. Separated
from tho Jewish church by the opposition awak
ened, they clung the mora earnestly together.
Tlicre xvjs really nothing to disturb this unity.
The church wis too jounar to have places' of
honor and pioflt (or which tome might strive.
Learned men had not yet begun their disputes
about doctllne. The npotlrsj with much ndiir
.nice, gave testimony concerning the lesimee.
Hon ot Jesus, the cardinal ttulli, and this caused
all dlsilplei to rejoice as1 mriubers of one gieat
brothel hood.
COMMON" r,'0OI).-(Vcie.i 31 lo 07), This tplr unity found expresslon in secular matter.
It loinpltle)' lmiko ilown the love of pcisonll
propetty which li imlverMl, so that no one
claimed tu own any thing in his own name and
light. What each had, whether by descent or
earning, viol counted at belonging tn all, Out
of a common store the needs of the continuation
were supplied. Housed null lauds wcio sold mid
the proceeds were offeied Tor the general gooJ
(Acts' lltl'i). This was done wllhrtut any Scrip
tural dlicctlon, even in the face of that whole
Mime leaching mi which rodety rests (Kv. xxill).
It wan nn extreme outcome of brotherly love ninl
of rcllgloiiH devotion. Among thoe who thus
generously tonsciraletl their wealth vvjsj llaini
lias, founeily of Ciru, who afterward became a
reitou inlssloiiiiry (Acts Mliil). The mention ol
this good man belt piep.uci for the account of
his consecration leu" yens later.
nitONim CIIAIIITY. (Veiscis 1 and 2). Many
people desire to be thought better than they are'.
In leech e ciedlt for virtues whiih they do not
pos-ess. Ibis is an ugly fniiu nf sp'rltual pride'.
Sue li persons, iniible or unwilling tn confoim lo
tho piiietlces of their associates, me mine nil
willing to meet the feaied criticism vvlddi nny
ini-e thinuah failure to confoim. They Iheiifoio
ie-irl Id deeeption, This was the conise pur
sued by Ananias, a member of the ilimeli, at the
time when under the ptoiupring of love for each
other and foi the eaii-c of Christ, the people bed
ta-t their all Into the hand? of liu npo-lle-i,
.xn.iui.i-. sold a piece of piopeily, ictaliicd a pait
of the pi lie for himself, and bullish1 Hie i-.-tiiainder,
pietriuling that he had given ill. He
expccled In Ibis way- lo leeeivp the plaudit of his
hiclhreii, us a mid ilcvoted follower o!
(hiist, niie who was anxious to be leckcncd
amiiiig llinsp who wcio by tli"lr vv nihil means
ailvanilng tho inteie'ts of the ( lunch. Of eoui-i-he
hud no thought of detection.
l)i:si:ilVi:D Hi:ill-KK.-(Veres 3 and I)'.
Peter knew the facts in the cae of,
Whether by that peiulhii- initght xvhleh enables
a holy mm tu disceiu tlie tliouethts of the uii
goill, or liy coniei tine as to the value of tie
propel ty f-ohl, or by icpoil of sirae who knew, cr
by levdatlon of Ood's spiilt the lunntlve .ihj
nothing of tlic soilicc of hi! Infoinut'oii. Ai.d
Peter cnnfinnlid and lelml.ed the olTender. lie
as'iimed that Anaiiia had been in the power of
Silnn (I.ul-c liti), and deilaicd that In l.e-p-ing
bail, pill of the pilie he lied again-t Ihe
Holy (!hot a most fill diaige. liul ti.o
apostle i.ti-id a iiieslion as to the le.iion lot 1'iU
lilTilile deed, de-lgi'ed to awaken ulhetlon and
move the ion-dome. Peter pioceeikd to sho v
Hie entity nan that then1 was no good lei-on i -i
wuh n falsehood. The piopuly was his own aid
the p. meeds of (he snip al-o. He was under in
nhlivthm ti give It to the dumb. Tiieie was
no nib1 wbidi he had to obey. Kviiv- -'lib b'
nuist was voliint.ii mi tlie pait of tiu.-e woo
tin it.
M'lXUY JClKlMr.Nr. (Veises :, and !). Tie
wonls of Pell i vveie siaiei-ly spoken whin tee
hypoditle il naniiu fell down tile place wbe'.e he
was st iiidlnj unci in-lautlv itpiied, and tin
yiitiug men bow biiu aw.i foi biiiiil. This sud
den nny have ic-uited from mu- 'f scviial
e au?s nr Imin the-e i.itises uimbim-il. The m i
tlluatiiiu expel lent eel by lb I- public .-xpeMiiP
liiu-t have hicn xer.v gie-at to a m. m who I -il
sniiuhl In till- way the good nplninii of hi- ,-.-o-ci.ites,
and tin louseienie) m.i..-.nue mule .leiu
ninl larin-st .lerusiitioii u-i.tiiist tlie sin, o cno,
lnous and utuhr fio e-iicuuistani fs so impiuloii
uble. 'lhe-u two iiirtiieiics would picduui a lie
nn iiilou. shoik upon the iiennu-, -vMrni aid
he.itl filliui- might le-ull. It Is ipilte piomble
that lln-ip was j iliie-ct Divine iutlldimi, ,i ri
the ias.. of A.uun's sons (1. v. :l-2), so that toe
death was tiiieier tlie sentence .nil pen illy of tin'
Abiil.ihty, a liiil'.meut azaiu-t sin.
(il'ILI'V PAltl'MIIi. iViise, 7-1U). lienei.i1
1 a null'; wife ii-tiaiu. liini fium nil. s II
is licit hei- iiidinuy (nit to iuit'.ite a teiai-e of
action, site is a betlti judge nf its iia!ii,
and is bdicwd t , bo lnmo . lentil's, lo l,.t
ble lo tlio.e tiiiiplatioiis tli..t blind nne In the
innseipuiices nf duds. Hut in till in-lame "-.ip
phli.i was l.ivnlvcd with I km- liu-bauil. 11 loav
lie thai ,ho w is the uimo uiiilt nf Hie two, t'u..t
-he i.ned liinio fur the ixpcd'd ctitntii'u 1 it mi
which I fit ir ','irt would I'lm-e liouis after wis i.niled out -she st mil befin-e I'eler.
'Ihe i(tit'cliou wa- a-ked wluthei th" linil was
old at the 'pi lev tu-l staled, giving oppnituiiitv
for tiiilh, fur pjiilunii- an I cni.fil.m. Ilei !
fiimillve showed n tixed p.upue tn faL-ifv. lie
I epi inland of Petri (M it I. Iv :7), fnllnv, d by lis
pieilldlon sealed ber fate, bisiaut death, I't.e
that of hiT hi'sbaiid ,'lul sp-edy Inula dn-ed lie
rem-, Two mini-. Ananias .md 'ipphli.i, wile
-nil ken frnui Hie diiuih toll.
(SOOIl ltlM'LT. (Wise II). It may bo
lliuiic'il bv -nnir il h.H been -,i dci l.ui' I III it
the ih-atii nf th.i-e two pei-iiis was mt ie
liiiuJeil by- Hie uitii'e of liieli ulliuse; '.pat the
pmilshmeiil was 1-jsi.v and exlicim. T'l it vis'V
inii-i be iii.iiiiloned bv all who enii-ldei that Ihey
died elllier llinl.'i- th" ex-Ileim nt uf tlie bom ol
miller Hie band of Cml, Hut In ellhei ea-i- It vva-,
the tesiilt nf liieli own vvitked dnlug. rheit ii
moval fimn the diuiili by this iiii-lhnd at Ills
lime had .i vii saliitaiy inlluenee in .'hui of
lighti'Oiuiuss. It is po-ilble that the iiin.p.iny ,f
bellevi-is would be lew kiiMli nuxloiis ;ui fe-l-lowshlp.
Inn little cone eiiieil alumt tlie sanctities
of lellglnli. 'I lie ,u Mull nf these two indie. lie. a
teiiiieniy In Hut dliec-llon whldi n-eded tn lie
i becked, it I. eprely staled that Welt fear nr
leveicnii1 iJliu1 upon nil. A seiio ol Ihe -upct-natural
(Ads lid.!) was muled In chviili1 and
illlllkell thu lueiu i( ihlllili life'. Tills i-onglig.l-Hon
is not a hutuiii nrgJIilatli'li, but a IHviuo
nigaiilstu (Mill. svl;l).
CLOM.N'tl TIIOIHIIIIb. Thu title nf mu les.oii,
"Tho Sin of Lying," given by tlie inteiuatiouil
I'ummlltei1, Is not fpittc uppiopilati'. l'llailiood
Is indeed .1 gieat !u, nml tiuthfiilne.-s U a ilriue
cvci- to he pialstd mid cultivated, lint tins pas
sage has a biuader icfeieneo Hun the in.-ic eon
iliimialloii of the spiilt and "act of lying, as lb"
topic would Indicate. Then1 h mixed up with it
Ihe alulae of pill Urges, tlio -hypoe i sy
whiih asaiimes without light u foi in of benevo
leme, the attempt t" vitiate the cuiieuts of
diuiili flnaiiies, the inecllon of virus Inio the
veins of a holy body, the comipllon of Hip iluii
mis .along which the Holy (llioit moves, tun
inlngllng of pol(lhnes.- ami pi hie with prolewM
loyally to Clnlst iuid lii-i people. Any Ho Is bad
enough. One that cmle1 with It poison and
death In thou.aiidi of others Is n glgintlc crime.
HY HliV. -HOHKHT V. Y. PlCItCK, I), 1).
Tioui Auttioi'd Notes ill 'The Sunday Sthool
LetiQii llluatrator," Ptibll.hed by r II.
Itevel A- Co., Chicago, 111.
llolden Text '"Wheiefoio putting away lying,
tpeafc every nun truth with his neighbor."
L'ph. iv; M. .
A divided heart means death, Multitudes have
tried to hold selfishness! and worJdlliies In the
lieait, and at the a-mic time hold (.'In I.t aud
CliiUtianlly. It cannot be done. There is not
loom in the heart for both. If we take In tlio
(heat. Good, Rcneious, Hraclous, CIoilou.s ami
(lloilfylng Savior, (hero U no place left for self
hood and worldly living,
The awful Judgment of Ananias ami Sapphiu
is placed it the tliie.shold of the Chilstiaii eluiuli
as j peipetual warning. Let us possess what we
pioteis. Ho not hold back pait of the pi ice. It
is bail enough to give nothing to the Loid; il Is
worse to. piofess) lo give more to lllm than we
do give. Making glfta to Hod i very solemn
busbies. Uewuie, leot xve profess to give to
lllm and hold back pait of Hie gift.
ifany people seek to make excuses for Ananias
yrV1tusgfit remedy that turen u cold lu oue duy.
and Sjpphlra, but Ood who knew all the clrcitm
slnnces ciMild find no excuse for their conduct.
Lying and llypocrby aie twin nils which are
(cry great In Hod's sight. They do not always
dres.s alike, but they me of the amo paicnlaic.
They were not confined to Ihe Harden of Eden
nor did Ihey die with Ananias and Sapplilrn,
'J hey arc found in every laud mid In ctiy illine.
Then! evlli nsalt the ihuith fiom without and
wound the chuidi fiom within.
Lying Is perhaps the most sublle crime. The
lying Ml pent beguiled nur Mother Eve In Ho
Harden of Kdcn. "Lying lips are an nbomlii-i-tlon
to the laird." (toil does not make n cata
logue nt falsehoods, nor itistrlmlnate as lo the
punishment for llng. "Alt liars shall luve their
put In the hike width burnetii forcicj." Little
beware: IWk. H
lies and big lies, white lies am', lies, arc
all the same In Cod's sight, IlKWAHi: nf the
venomous ceipciit of falsehood, II harms us far
jnme than It Injures nlhem,
Sc'i.ititou, Pa.
Special to the Scranlon Tribune.
Tiivvinulii, Fell. 7, C'lovolnnil & Post,
of I'lnih-u. u vv oil-known coiiiiulftiloii
unci fruit firm, have flloel n uetllton In
btiiiknintcx-, with llubllltlpst iitrijrosiit
Insr $41, COO anil assets of $2:1,000.
Little ibininsjii Is reported by tho but el
windstorm on- Sunilay night.
Fred "Walker was held ut) bv two
highwaymen, at Canton, a few niRhts
n;;o, who wero frightened away after
they hail secured a small amount eif
Joe Kounun, a Huti-iailtin, has left
for parts unknown, after relieving his
fellovv-e-ounti'vmttn, r.iuncd l'owan, of
$15 of his earnings.
In lnaklntr Us reivulav .annual tour,
the German Jledlciue company will 1111
a week's engagement In Townnda, eotn
'nieiicltis: next Alonday cveuliiR, F. P.
Home, the general manager, nniioiiiicen
that be has a model company, pies,ent
Ing tin entertainment of unenunlleil
merit, with artists of merit and ability,
bv comedians, vocalists-, tlanceis and
actors. The entci talnment Is pure In
tone and liotb leflnrd and moral, and
must bo seen to be nnnreclatod. The
company lotiroispnts the hest of ner-
nmn remedies, which are iminv, and
sure cures are always the report fiom
all v''o t-v !!. niedlclne.
Mis. Martini Peterson and Miss ("iraee
Dlmock, of Owego, former resielents of
this place, .'ire -pending a few days
hero unions: friends.
Rev. P.. K. Tlorn. of Corfu, N. Y bus
accepted, a call to becon e lnistor of the (burch at Athens.
J. "W. llcamiui. of Athens, has bt-cn
unpointed ii'iistpr and fs-flnljntv in ,;i
vorco cai-es for tlio cm-uinir Mar.
Tlier colored orators held it debate la1-!
pxenins. taltltis for I heir suMcct, "IJp
mlved, That tho Indian has more light
to eoirplitln of led; of sufi'i.ii'e than
the '"tlcitn."
The net proceeds of the fair held by,
the Catholic society will amount to over
$ ! one.
The Tovvandn borough council, at its
Fp biliary iiuetin,-?, pasned tho follow
ing resolution: "That the attorneys of
the borotlifh be, and ate hereby, in
stiucted to Hie "itch bill' or petition in
Hit couit of common pleas f Iradfoid
county, fitting In eetully or at' law, us
thpy may dreni expedient, to In lug to
an iitntn the dl.-'mit's between Hie 'i'o
wanila Water AVoil:i tniiipiiny and tho
boriiiigb, and c-nvi billy to In vo said
court fix and ilrt indue the tale v.hbh
.shall bo pnld by the bfa-ougb and Indl
x I dual witcr t.,'.iif. to abl nnbr
worl-'s e'omn.ip.v for water, nr.d tho
president o' the town council execiiti1
till-papers in tip eaf-o."
The Tiov Aicrlcultnral Society has
cho.ii-n lite followhitv olik-eiT. for 1!'02:
PiPSMent. P. A. Long: vls'c-prei-ident,
,T. I.. Ilodiwell: treasurer, P.. K. Vnn
JJyne: tecrc-tai'v, c. I.. ''lliiws.
At a merting of the landlord County
liar association this v.eok, the follow
ing cillh'crs wen choen: Pic-rlelcnt, It.
A. Mcrcur; xb e-presldent, U. F. Mny
nard; (-ecretarv and treasurer. ,1. It.
Uihy: dlifetors, I,. M. Hall and J. T,
Coibin. A portrait of the late Chief
Jitfatlio Jlereuv was prcrented to the
af.soeiatlon, which will adorn the walls
of Ihe llbrarv roi"
A special train passed through To
wandti on Wecliiesiiay, currying tlueo
hundred soldleis bound lor San Fran-cls-co,
thence to tin Philippines.
J. F. H-Ioohei-, of Hilling mil, well
known us a musical diiwlor and for
mer merchant at AVyaluslug, died after
a day's Illness of apoplexy, used (12
years. , wife and five children sur
vive him, The1 funeral will be held lo
.'u: WELSH H.LL.
Special to the Qci.inton Tilbme.
Welsh Hill, Feb, 7. The farmers are
busy breiikhiH- roads, which were block
tided by tho recent storm.
Mrs. Owen Owens, who has beep suit
fei'lng from d severe heiimrrhugo of the
nose, at tho home of her daughter. Airs,
Albert llreese, of C'utbondale, Is re
covering1, D, W. .Tones, of Ciirbonelak, sjient
Sunday lu this place.
Prof, ItichurdH has lesumed his
dutlert in the Qreat Ilenel school.
SIlss Annie AVutkins has returned lo
her home In Mt. Curmel.
ltev. II, N, Harris will asslbt the ltev,
T, J, May, of tho Congregational
church, of Cnrboudtile, lu levlval work
this week,
Henry Jones, who 1ms beep engaged
In business In Hcruntou, has returned
m I...
The homo of Mr, and Mrs. Hubert
nicluirdson was the scene of a huppy
Batherlnir on Weduesduy evenlne, the
occasion being1 tho 'marriage of their
youngest daughter Mary, to Mr, Hugh
McCuteheon of this place. The cere
mony was performed by the Hev. Y,
G, Funk, pastor of the Preabyterluu
church. The young couple wero tit
tended by Miss Kate McCuteheon, sis
ter of the groom and Mrs. Thomas
Johnson. Tho bride was attired In u
gown of cadet blue broad cloth with
white silk und applique trimmings.
She carried a bouquet of white carna
tions. Congratulations over, u choice
collation wns served. The young couple
will nmko their home with the bride's
Tbiselguaturola ou every box ot tb genuine
Laxative Bromo-OuinineTabuts
GiflB'ori! Ml6i Years
James Kenton, Memphis, Teiin., says!
"I suffered the tortures of Itching piles
for years, and not even mercurial oint
ment would relieve me. One CO cent box
of Pyramid Pile Cure cured mo entire
ly.1" All druggists sell It. Uook, "Piles,
Causes and Cure," mailed free, Pyra
mid Drug Co., Marshall, Midi.
parents for the present. The presents
were many und beautiful.
The funeral ot tho late David PIckrell
occurred on Wednesday afternoon. The
services wero held In the new M. K.
church, by tho Ilex'. Jonas Underwood,
Interment In the Marcy cemetery, He
was a member of company 13. 2Stli. In
fantry, I'nlteil .States Volunteers, and
was burled with military honor. lie
wai a young man of sterling qualities
and whose character and disposition
hud endeared him to a wide circle of
acquaintances. He was a dutiful son
and nn affectionate brother. May these
sorrowing hearts receive comfort
through tho mlnlsterlngs of the Holy
.Spirit, and look forward to a reunion of
loved ones In the New Jerusalem.
Directors of tin Poor of the
Scranlon Poor District
For the Year Ending Dec. 31, 1901
Shnvxiiij; icii'lpts, ili-ljiii-i'iue 11I-. aiionnls of
(I'Hi'tnry, Tii-a-incr, Tax- Colin tins, 11 polls o(
.siip.-iinlinili'iil nml lli-iilinl Physician, pi nihil U
i.t lbe liini anil a" Invinloiv of tin1' H'd ami piopi'ity nt tin1 itl'tiht, as ieiiiii'il by
tho Ait ol Assembly nir tho ilistilit,
appuiicMl Apiil '.'111, 1 !'...
ACIDIN'IS 01' Till; MiCIHXxliY.
'line1 was elishinsc-il upon Miiii's
iij.uin-t llu ili-tiiit linl.v npiiovi"l by
tho llrnnl of I) lectins, for vvliii-h
mucins 1110 mi liln, llu i i.m of ini,.',2) 11
D'-liilniltil .11 follows:
su.xiiii:) wn i:i!vu ::.
Silaiii's of PiU'ilor. fui VW ? 2.51)1)0) n Ir- of mlltiis M !'') " '"'
Mln'i'S nf nt'hlH, attilulilll., I'll' 17,1211 ''
Total fir Mlaii'.'s ami -.i-Hico..
'orT-DOOl! IH.I.IKI'.
Provi.ii'iii. e'lt'
.s 2ll,S2l, :
J. "ill
( luhlit'ii in l.iui'.is ami iiaiiihu e':.niisrs t
I'o. I- In ntli'T ili-lliets
'I'tanspoi tatitn
rii'i !
.71 :
Tnlal f, I oiil-iloe'i ri'llif,
(bin nil', pni.isions, vie...
.N 1H,
,1I'S, lb I il i'".
Div j; oi tils j nil 1 1'ithiiii,
lo'al .-ml ll'-l't
I'ei'il, ni-al, btaii, tti'..,
1. 171
. -lu.1, .It'll I'Vlhl't1
llniis ninl ni-'illilnc
(unl.nv ami hnilvuio
j Tiolslit .'ml r-xpri'M
Tn ill nml uU'iisils
I Tobnirn nml pipe's
j Se'i'Js an I plaits
' 11.1111 MIpplll'S
1 S' nihil-
I )i-lnfiil.uits
Tu',.i! fir si'pili-i
i.mi'iii)Vi:mi:vi.s and illon luillillnx
li'jnno lin-pilul i
Male- bnihliii'.-
IVnialc1 bnililln
Kplb'' hnlhlini,
stlilO llllllsl'
I.liiht, hi at ami imrl plint,,,
(iitP Ifilsi'
Maihlnc liop .ijnl io.ll bins,.,,
( I'li-civatoty
( liijicl
linns ami -heels
City oilier-
lli.ui' faun
lli-talnliiK walls ami foneos...,,
I.avvn anil Kioiinils,,, ,,,.
Mini- ami ihaiiis ,,
s.e.iiii iiiul watt i lines
I'.li'tllli- llKht lines
nn I'-capoi
I.lullllilint IOC's
Tools ami nnihiiiviy ,,,,,
Ilnui'., ealllo ami vv ijrons
llliil,'inlihiiir nml lioiso-hiii'Ini;
1 lai ncs. , , ,
Moms uml iJiii'i's,,
(Ii'iie'iat iipalis , ,..
. ,-s ,i'),:i7ii I'l
,..? IM IS
mil ::t)
2')7 I'D
227 W
.. -l.liiUI
,.. 1,1 HI ix)
... 2,Uili) (J
2is li?
."-'I II
,.. l.ihsx tu
I"", .")
17k IK)
,., -US') 20
yo r
HO -1
777 !)"
",'i7 2i
llll Ml
nn ..i
Slis ")
,Vi7 St
707 !-7
::,, ::ii
V) 17
.'III hi
ill" .'M
Total for lni.Hivcniiits mil ifp.ibs,-. 2,1,11 10
I'pbllalilnK imnnil ii'pott ot iliiribirs
ami aiulllou , ? I"t ll'i
HooKs ami blinUs 2t- 12
Olllin .nppllcs ami lixtuiv, i W
Milisiiilihins to pipi'io (or "Hotnt-".., is no
Total for irlnlliiir ami Utliieif...$
Cu)pi't ami nialthi!,' i
IUhIs nml boililliir.' , ,
C'hahe ami sottci'a .,.,,,.,, ,
Cone lies , , ,,..,,,,.,.,,
Wlmlovv tlmih'i .' ,, ,
I lod. , ., ,,,,..
Iil HO
IIP, ,11
Ui 7.1
,'l.i 20
'i'l 0)
Tnl. i L for fiiinltuic.
. 1,0-11 Oi
Tiavilinit (.'xiiiiico for icinoial ot pa.
tlciit.1, cli- .,...,, :ii)7 17
Tax- iliiplliJli' 00J 10
Dues Jin! expense to .late ronvi'iitlon., H' DO
bmnanio Wl 01
Meilical vvolU 210 7.1
Telephones ami UbxiJI'lis., ,., PsS 5.1
Oiili-i ot H-llcf, ulHOavUs, elt... IS-iill
llent ol aihlilional u.lini' IjiuI , JO 0)
Postatti! ..' ;,...,,,, ill v1'
Miim'jIiik .....,,., 2" (1
liUeii-l on wjiianis hi 77
rMipviimeiielfiit'o cxpe-ii-cs .,,, 12; 2"
(Ijmcs ami toys It (VI
Tula) for liiltiillancous 2,2.1121
ACConxTn ot' i oi.i.i:c7nm-s,
Hjile M. Finn. Collector, lbUS, In atiiuint vvhli
Serantou Pool 1)1, diet, .
Ualaiice due an pi-r last lrpvrt ? lo.sJ1.' If)
Subject to exijiK-ratloivi, jlutvinenU amj lujii'
KUvv-irel I'arr, (.'olleiior, IW1, hi ae-iount xrllh
fcerjnton Poor PUttlct. ,
tlalance line .Ian. I, hull ,., l:l,M0 ti
','. ''" ' v'N,,it.,lt1' ,
Hy ciaIi p.ih .iiibro.'i',lkirwTfiji'iucrj(BljjliiJ W
llilance' elite Jan. 1, 1002..,. 11 I'.'.uiil IS
, r-ubec lb exoiii'iatloii', nbalenielits iiiul font
iiilnfuni. 1
IMnanl I'iin-, (Vltrtlor, Iiik), In auonnt Svlth
Serantou four lllstrlrt.
balance tine .Inn. 1, 1M1,,, jl!,IM 10
' ' OU.
IJy r'isti palil Ambrose llpit, Trrasiucr. lt!,T,VI ft)
llalanii' line .tan. t, 100.', ....,,..,, IS, (17,1 10
Snbji'it tn exonelittlons, nbatrinents ami iom
nitiwlons'. I!. M, Vcitioy, Colh'itor, ltull, In iiioiint wllh
Scranlon Poor District. ,
To amount of duplicate for Hill -J SI, 111 01
My rush palil Ambio-i1 He'ii-, TieiUlirer.S Stl.liuO 01
llalinei' line .Ian, 1, 1U0J J 4,i:t.'J 01
Subjeet tn exonerations, abatement1!1 anil iom
iiibsliins, ' "
Tui:Asiiti:ii's aciol'S-ih.
11. Al, Vi'inoy, Tii'asnier, 1001, in account with
S-eiantnn Poor Illstrlit. v
1)11. ' '
To cash on liinii Jan. I, ltX)t ? M.l'lj W)
Hy wiirranls casheil ami an-
illleel , S 7,112 7-1
liy cash pthl Alnbiose.lleif,
Ticasiner 2.",ii'U III
.'13,11.1 C)
Which lialaines the acco'iinf,
Ambiose liny, Tieiisiiior, l!)l, In iieeehtnl with
Seianlon Poor Illstilet.
si 1
To cash fiom
11. XI. Veimiy, Tii'iuicr $ 2.1,'i'U ,'lt
Ihlvvanl I'iin', Collector, 1MM .', 1VK)I)
liilvvaiil Pan, Colleilnr, I'hhi 12,7.7' 01
15. .11. Vcilioy, Colh'elol', 1DIM., r,(l,00l) K)
('oniinonwi'.iltb or lViiiivitaiil,i '20.0I 7')
(Ireniii' W. Ili'cinei, Mipeilntemltnt
foi boaiil of Ininilis, rto S,s1 ,T'I
C. ,1. (Illlesple, Srciotiiy US b)
-11C,27l I'll
Hy- t.islu'il
llilance on hinil .lin. 1, l'K)2.
.., 07, 113 01
.. 1S,77,1 27
?11B,271 ::)
Wai ranis nnlst.uiilint; Jan, 1, 11)01 ? 40.1 M
Wananls Is-ncil in 11)01 101,-12!) 11
W.inaiiN 1,'tnccth'il
W.n units tasheil In 1IKH .
...f 101,(102 (.')
1 0)
... Hit, llll :7
MO-l.filt f-7
WaiianU oiitt.iiiillii(,' Jan. 1, 1002 s 310 (-2
Invenlorv of pei-mnl pn
Ailininisliation bnililliiK .
Inline liO'pllal
lien's buililin.'
Woinen's biiibllinr
liiiile-iiii' bnilillii!;
ipuly ot Sei.uilon Poor
U.S10 13
11,110 m
.1,301 71
r,,t7il SS
1,311 M
- 73' 71
1,727 00
27,172 50
1,001 7.1
1.SS8 20
1,1b) hi
1,471 00
7W) DO
; (,74 fft
II7I 8?
102 30
11,2 00
.210 00
,-. MCOj
711 .1)
178 01
fb 20
Ill) 01
170 01
, 1 11 00
, l.ltMS)
Oil mm1 ll bun
Sipiaii' bain .v..,.
t-loie lion e
Power house
Machine .shop
I.anni'iy .'
St 0110 sC(
I'ohl .-l"l iL'i-
lln-lru-il V lioiist1
llceiiier or Vosbms farm..
C.iipii'Iii- flinp
niiil.smllh sbn
i.iihn hoi
I'.llnt rh"i,
Oil iiioin ...,
Dm t tins' iiiniii, Siiantoii
i tit il value of ppisuiut piopeily.
isvr.vioitv or 111: vij im
.."s S7.fJ.ifi 71
Ohl faun, l'.H mm ? 22,000 00
liei'inei faun. 110 nut's 11,200 00
lime I- fa 70ani'S 1200 00
Tivn aurs 1 mil ami ilvvillins next
lb enn r I.11 111 300 01
Duellin-.' 011 IW'im'r faun 1,21)0 (K)
linns ami lee honsi' on lleciner faun.. GOO 0)
Stoiii Iioil-i' 0,300 00
Aihiiinistiatiiin Imlhllinr .11,200 0)
InsniP ho-pltal OO.iXDO)
.Male biiihlliiK "0,000 00
rcnialu linllilliii, 17,700 0)
I'.pileptle bnihtlni,- 0,000 (HI
l.iithl, ami power plant lS.OOOd)
Machine 'hop nml eoal liins 2,000 00
Clnpel v 11,000 00
(ohl rtuiaKi bnlhbns h.OOO 0)
( oii-i'ivaloiv 7,000 00
Oct mon il bain 7,00001
Sipine liliin ami sbul R,.10OOI
Cite IuiU.e 1,300 111)
KiiidiiniV house 1..100 0)
l.inniliy 4,00001
llal.11 boil-.' 2,300 00
Caipentei ami blar.sinllh hhoW 2,300 mi
Aiti-ian will 4,000 00
Ue-.'ivoli '1,700011
-evveis ami ill lin. 1,000 0)
llclainlmr walls ami eonehills 4.300(H)
Penees S.100 11)
lli'iie.itlini y.iril 7,00.) 00
Total value of leal' '1 11,000 n)
Total value of peisi.nat piopt'ily. .. M.'J'IO 71
Total value of pioperty of Distiict.. -si 11,010 71
('. .1. (IHJ,i:.:!ii:,,Secretary
.Siipeilnleuilenl's ippmt foi yen1 enillnpt Pee em
bei III, Viol:
The nveiaue dally number of pillenls at Hill
klilp lleiiiu 100 anil 3l-.'iiV, ami Hip per ',ipi' 1
ini-t of iiiiIiiIjIiiIiiv piupcm and insane' per-o,n
at the llniiie, liieludlnK food, ilolhlnir, Ifuhl.
beat.vineiliiine, ululu ot fnipei Intemli'iit, Mi
lion, lleshlcut l'lijuiiinn, 111(11111111111, etc., exihi
sive of film pioiluii1 was i-l.oii per vveeh.
The tolal boanl of iiiin.ito, isjnr'niiil luxaLe, h
eipial lo the buaiel of one peion foi 170,121 ilay.J
lii'shli'K this, Iheie was nt Hie Miperlntpml
mt'i. and employ e.' table, 1I111I1111- the year, ,1
iiiiniliri of meals iipul to Hie boanl of nne poison
fur 11,1,70 ilais, and by vvoihinui einployed m
Ioipiovitnents ami renalrs meals eipial to t' 1
bo nil of nne pcisnii for b'l days, iiialdiiif-llu1 t
tal inuiibei of 1I11- nf boanl ae'ttie HotiBin&V'U
N'miibiT nf liiinall's ta-lhe lloine Dm.'tSI'.MOO),
was 107. . r . '.' "(! J
Ailtnllleil iliiilmi tin-Ji'arp Sane, iqj&liwino,
r,7, llorii, 2, Total, W2, ! ,)(,-,,s.i
DIM liaised iluiinn lli'iwri 4,Sji;r, 1tJ3,jlunin,
0. Died, Kine, till; Insane, 27.,',0lf It"
11111111111,' In thu lluuiii Dee. 31, 1U)I. 41s',
lied aMlleiviilsiWiVNfaOir-liiaiiVlUWl
Value of piiHliue raised ol) fijlil ilililnB 'hi
yen. 7,'ly2.2ii, ' -1
Cu-h le'eeivi'it for bnald M' patblitt, xx'ni
Ciii.iw h"Wliis' pupulatlon at the II)me,afir'l
of eaeli month t ' .
JaniiJty unduly ,,,,,,
iViruaiy i(ijusiisl ,,,,.,.,',...'
March llll'eplcuibrr ,.,,,.,,
,pii 417.Mobci ,..0I
i.iil.-voveiuiier ,,,,,,i,i. 1
IIDii ember ... .".'--. . -Hi
.'i id'-'i
lIlll'llttT Ol' ItlHlKSTtPHVIAN",
idU; 1'i'nulc. Tiiial.
Niiuibif of palientii in-tho ', s,
Auluiii Jan. 1, IW1 1-0 131 '' -It
Dbilursoil iiV.tDivl).:..,.. v-i! C, :'t
DU-luiged (lniproi-l).,,.., ,'4, , ,"3,. 1
l)ieluixeil (iinliiipmieu)... 1 2
Died , 1 ' V) " '-'7
Number ut palliuW in the1 ' '
Asvluiu Pee', HI, lVOl J?) ' l.jl ' 211
Thie arc lUitsllleil ;n ,u,
follow.: 'i 1
ftlngli- ...'... W 4') 101
Married '.,.,.. It -If 't
Wldowi'4 ",'.,,.. 2 - i'l
1'lil.uovvii ,,.,.,..,,.,...,.., to 7 17
. J!(J'ei.lIully iibiiiU(e'l,
.1 .It. H. IIIIOUKi.
" iilKDrJltlClx' Vt'Ll.llIt,
iiioma1 snorro,v.
Hit: W. A, PAlXlii"'
1". 4. DICKIlItr,
Attit-0. J. CILIXslii:, -Miretary.
." s-.