The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 08, 1902, Image 1

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"v JW t v 'Vk "t,
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&timtTrtfttr SHkfiflBSb
WI--1. 5" m m IB -v; -Sic?S5tfEAMtfA5.V
Tlic Meek-Harris Gase Went to
the Juru lor Gonsldcra-
tion Last Evening.
Mr. Harris Tells of His Efforts hi
Behalf of the Clearfield Hospital.
Mr. Meek States That He Did Not
.' Write the Libellous Article His
Definition of the Word "Crook. '
n.v F.xclenne Wire from The Associated Pre
Clearfield, I'll.. Fob. T. The Harris
libel irlnl opened to :i slim audience,
hut in n short time every seat was
taken. Thomas Hlgelovv wits not re
alled today.
Clarence Wolf, the Philadelphia
broker, was the first witness called.
He said that he was interested In the
passage of the franchise bill sis one of
the incorporators of the Philadelphia
company. He was asked if articles of
Incorporation were issued before the
bill was passed. The Judge ruled this
question out. Judge Krelis, for the de
fense, made an offer on the Wolf testi
mony. He wanted to read It tn the
court, but the prosecution objected and
the paper was handed to the court.
Judge Gordon ruled It out on the
ground that It was the same matter
offered yesterday. Wolf was then al
lowed to retire.
William P. Duncan, of Phllllpsburg,
a trustee of the hospital In 1S09, came
next. He was acting secretary and
treasurer of the Institution. He said
that the trustees received a letter from
Frank G. Harris. He said that there
was a very large pioportion of patients
from Clearfield. Mr. Duncan placed the
figure at about thiee-fourths.
Judge Krebs then introduced the fol
lowing letter, which was addressed to
the trustees of Hie hospital:
flcilllclil, I'a., Oct. 3, ln'P). '
flcntleiuen: At yom ieiui-t I hciowlth pte-cnl
in.v bill (in j-eiviies tn lonncttiuii with vour
i-talo appropriation (if M'J.ODfl. In iloinpr this I
fie safe in t-.ij ins? Unit mir Iiosplt.ll would not
luc r eon oil mm in,00u hid I not t.ikoii up
vour ease. (Jove-moi Stone arranged to (lit
.iim down to $10,CXW, nml uhi-ulutely u fined by to glee me ti lic.iiiu, but com hided to
Bive the ftl2,00il on inv .ippoil when 'I
wont to IhiirUnirg ul the loipiot of ,oui Mr.
llut.can. This was nor my couue, ami 1
i-piut tour il.ijt of Imiil vvoik on the Hour ol il.c
hoiw fn join liohalf, by .niaiiKcnient with 111-.
Zcislcr. anil allciwaul I rinilo .1 trip to
Ilariibuig to r-o (loveinor Mono loi 1011, I totl I h.uo cll earned Ihe money.
Vei.v tnily,
1' (i. llarili.
The bill attached to the letter was
lnnde In regular form and was "for
'ervlces in allowing state appropria
tion, inebjding extra trip to Harris
'ilirg, $100."
On cross-examination Duncan said he
had never had any conference with
Harris nor paid him nay money. Wit
ness also said he had not furnished
Meek nor any one sent by him any
Dr. 13. M. Scheurer was called to
prove that he had told Judge Krebs
about seeing a letter Harris had re
ceived from li. J. Haywood in 1SH5, In
which therp weie alleged to be a cheek
'or Hairls' expenses as n candidate
for assemblyman, conditional of his
pledging his vote in the session of 1M7
for raited States senator and on sev
eral bills. Scheurer denied the whole
mutter. This was a reverse blow to
the defense.
Meek Recalled.
Mr. Meek was recalled and admitted
that he did not write the alleged libel
ous article, but ho did not give the
name of the author. Meek defined the
woid "crook" us meaning In legislative
parlance- a "rooster" or one who Intro
duces "nlneher" bills
He said that the demand for a bribe
was equal to receiving It
Frank Harris was called by the
prosecution. He denied everything
charged by the defense and swum that
he had been hired us an attorney In
the hospital matter, but never received
a cent Ho said that the only political
letter lecelved fioni Haywood was a
congratulatory one on Ills nomination
for assemblyman. Strong denial was
made that he ever received a cent at
Hanisburg or was ever promised an
ntllce in return for his vote. Harris
denied knowledge) of the Haywoud let
ter spoken of by Krebs.
The case was aigueil this afternoon
and went to the Jury this evening.
The charge of the Judge was looked
upon as rather favorable to the defend
ant. Inasmuch as It held that the cell
tnr had the right to ciillolsou public
man If neither maliciousness nor neg
ligence entered Into the ciitlclsm, and
It was not false hi Its statements, Tho
Jury was out for, two hours, when a
sealed verdict ;as rendered, ft will be
opened by the court In tho morning at
9 o'clock. Much speculation was In
dulged In tonight us to the verdict, the
majority of thu statesmen here Inclin
ing to the belief that .Mr, Meek will bo
acquitted, but made to pay the costs,
which wilt be about $1,000. All, how
ever, Is mere conjecture,
Collides with ft Wagon and Goes
Through a Stone Wall.
By fixtludvc Wlic from tho .Witlalcd i're,.
Philadelphia, Feb. ".A tiolley car on the lino
between Darby ami ('hcler betimie uiiiuaiuicc
We today and, specdlii;; down u Mici iiitiluo
I'ollidod with u wagon occupied by William Mull,
nd (hen tore tliioujli a ttonc wall two feet in
IlikkncM near Darby creek, completing' ft wild
flight by plunging into a ratine. tlltcm feet deep.
Mull sustained a Jiacturcd (Lull and lib leiov.
r I doubtful.
The car conialued ulteea nasioiigera but none
a ejrtouli- hilunal
One Article Adopted Which Relates
to Revelation,
fly r.xelu'be Wire front The Associated l'ie.
Philadelphia, Feb. ".The committee
on creed revision of the Presbyterian
church, which is now sitting in this
city, devoted both sessions today to
the consideration of a brief statement
of doctrine, .devoid of all technicalities,
for popular use. Earnest and exhaus
tive discussion was had over the points
that should be Included In the state
ment. At tho conclusion of the after
noon session a member of the committee-
"After a full and free discussion, the
committee have adopted one article,
which relates to revelation. We have
agreed upon the form of tho article.
The substance remains the same, tho
changes made consisting chlelly in tho
manner of expression.
"This is tlic first point that has been
voted upon and the committee for
mally adopted. The action today will
stand, unless It is reconsidered, which
can be done only by a two-thirds vote.
"The committee tomorrow will re
turn to the discussion of the revlson of
the confession. We shall go back to
review the action taken tentatively on
Thursday, when It was agreed to re
vise chapters :! and 10 of the confes
sion by a declaratory statement."
Eight Hundred Men and Boys of the
Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal
Company Out of Work.
Be Inclusive Wiie from The Amounted Prea.
Wilkes-Iinrre, Feb. V. The big Not
tingham mine of the Lehigh and
Wilkes-Barre Coal company at Plym
outh had to suspend operations today
because a sufficient number of the em
ployes to operate the colliery had not
reported for work. The mine when In
full operation employs S00 men and
Trouble has been brewing since Mon
day. One of the Inside foiemen, so It
Is said, objected to a committee of the
United Mine Workers, who are also
employes of the "mine, examining the
work cards of the men. When the
members of the committee icfused to
comply with the order of the foreman
they were notified that their services
weie no longer required. The matter
was laid before the district assembly
of the United Mine Workers and the
majority of the miners said they would
not report for work today.
According- to a new rule adopted by
the national convention of miners, held
at Indianapolis recently, no strike can
be declared at any colliery In the an
thracite region unless It receives the
sanction of the district executive board.
The miners at the Nottingham colliery
deny that they" are out on strike. They
say some men have simply quit work.
A meeting of the employes of the col
liery was held tonight and a commit
tee was appointed to wait on tho offi
cials of the company and notify them
that unless the discharged men are re
Instated a strike will be declared on
Monday and the engineers, firemen and
pump runners will also be called out.
At the office of the company In this
city it was stated that there was no
Information to be given out.
Will Be Tendered the American
Press by the New York Stattta
Zeitung on February 20.
Ily i:duihe Who fiom tho -Validated Pie-.
Now York, Feb. 7. Plans for the din
ner in honor of Prince Henry, to be
tendered the Ameilcan press bv the
New York Stunts Eeitung, Fcbiuary Si),
me iteming completion. More than
fourteen bundled Invitations have been
sent to teprt.tiltutlvt-s of dally impels
Ihioughuiu the country, and the fol
lowing toasts hae been an untied :
"Welcome to Our Distinguished
Guest," by Herman Kidder, lesponded
to by Pi luce Henry! "The Knipeior ot
Germany and the President of the
I'ulted States," lespouded to by White
law Held, of ihe New Yoik Tribune,
"The Press The Tie That thuds," re
sponded to by St. CMnlr McKelway, ot
the Brooklyn Dally Kagle: "Saxon
lilood What Wn Owu to Germany In
Literature, Art, .Science and Music."
responded to by Charles lCinory Smith,
of the Philadelphia Press; vite,m,.
tlonal Amlt." risponded to by Charles
W. Knapp, of the .St. Louis llepublle.
Mayor Low announced today that, at
the request of secretary of statu and
thu iiutlioiltles at Washington, thu date
of tin ceremony of presenting to Pi luce
Jleury the freedom of the city had been
changed fiom Tuesday, February 25, to
Saturday, February 'Si.
"The kalser'H yacu," the mayor said,
"Is to bo launched on the I'oth, und the
autlioiltles ut Washington are afraid
that there will not bo time for both
ceremonies on (hat day. We shall have,
theiefoie, to pieseut the mince tio
freedom of Um city on Saturday, the
day that ho an Ives. Thai will be Just
lis appropilate, more so, than thu mher
Corporations Chartered.
Uy Kiclu.he JVlie from The AuovUtti I'ifn.
llarrUbuiu, 1'eb, ". fhaiteu wero lul by
the'btate depaitnunt to tliu folouiiij? loipou
(Ions: I.eroy liistluineiit trtinpjlii, I'ttuburir;
capitul, .!,50i. 'Ihe bpoiUuieu'n Supply eoui
ai, I'ltUhuis; upiUI, IQ.UOD, '(In- Aiucilouu
Comtrudlon u.inpJiii, I 'it tl.uiiar ; ijplul. 'j.ono.
The Jtmslon gaiety &ijylb mnijiauy, WilLiv
barrel capital, ijio.gou.
Tho Apportionment for the Next
Stato Convention Completed.
Hy Kxclmhp Wire fiom Ihe AMociatcil l'lcm.
Ilnrrlsbttrg, Pn Feb. 7. The appor
tionment of delegates to the next
Democratic slate convention has been
completed by Stale Chijlrnmn Cieasy,
and the total number Is fixed at .111!.
There has been considerable fulling olf
In the number of delegates from many
of the counties, Philadelphia and Alle
gheny being most affected. Luzerne.
Westmoreland and Montgomery all
make gains. In Luzerne county the
Democratic and Union voles for Corny
and YerkeH were bunched under the
bond Democratic.
Ah Chairman O'rensy could not sep
arate them, he was compelled to give
that county more delegatus than It
would have been entitled to. Th" rep
resentation is based on one delegate for
each 1,000 Democratic votes nt the hmt
election, or majority fraction of" 1,000
with each district entitled to at least
one delegate.
Census Bureau's Preliminary
Report on Manufactur- fd
mg Interests.
By Exclushe Wire from The Associated Prow.
Washington, Feb. 7. The census bu
reau today Issued a preliminary report
on tho manufacturing industries of
Pennsylvania In 1900 compared with
the returns of the census ten years
ago. The figures for the slate with the
Increase for the decade follows:
Number of Pilabllsliiiunt-i. ,Y!,1nV, Iiic lei-e S-l
pir eint.
(.'apilul, fl,.Ml,a4,7l,Ji incre.i-i', .17 per (enl.
W.ikp (Miheii-, .lU'i'.iiie miuihii, 7:ii,t1l; in
crease, - pet c cut.
Total ivaEOf-, j.t'ii.iiTJ.i.TO; imii-.iio, a) pel lent.
Miscellaneous open-i', Nlll.aiVJOy; irareuo,
SO per cent.
Cost of nulciiils iwil, rl,012,iiil.(O3;,
flfi per cent.
Value of pioihu't-i, ii.t hilling uislnui vol!, untl
lepairinsr, l,S.;3.104,.:i; nicu-ax, lis per (int.
j ne capital and value of products In
the cities separately reported follow:
MloKhenj, capital JjO.lM.flai: incien-e li'i per
cinl.j alue of pi cubic I-. .'il,iai,7'l2; increase 10!
pel rent.
Allinlimii, c MUi'iii.'iTl; inero.o Z per
tent; ptoclucl-, '?IO,ni7,7Ji; incie.i-o III per cent.
Allooni, c.ipllal 7,i'k,S'l!l; dec 1 ease S per loiiI.;
pinilucts. 12,S"7,"iaSi iin-iejse 'J.S jier mil.
Chester, V7,l77,7lh r iuelei--e WJ per
cent.; pinihiiti., ll!,Ul,7-i"ij iiicu-i-o S.S pu cmt.
Klip, capital JO,ll.S,iM(l;.iiic.ii-e j'l per cent.;
product'. $M.0Vi.'-HU; incip.isc I'l per cent.
I hin. -Inn i.'. capital ss,7lli"ilfi; increiM' ) per
tent.; piotliut,.. Mii,tKU,.W: incieie 71 pei cent,
-lohiMowii, iiipitil ll!,'iO,I.V); iniio.i-e -J5 per
cent.; pioihut-, NjJ,J.Vf,alK)i iiiiiea-e ' per cut.
.aiK.i-lcr, capital lt),fca!,i!l; imiraie II lier
cent.; piniliiiN, s.lil,-"7il,'JMIi increase, II per rent.
.McKeo-poil, capital ;17,s7li,01cii inciea-e t'-.l per
ci nl.; pioilnci, 17,071, l::it; Iiuiim-.p 11" -r
l'hilailelphii. YI7tl,.V7.7IU: incici-e -J7
pel tent.; pnulmts, W(,.".s7,::w; inuc.i-o ."i per
l'itl-liutg. capital 1').:,U.',0(); Inc lease "S per
cent.; pioilmts, iJOI,iW,iaili inciea-e, 01) per
HeailiiiK, capital c.27,')7o,el2S; inuease f) per
cent.; piodutts $.W,!)02,.'ill ; iuciease 77 per cent.
Vrantou, capital $10,l)J4,j-..'i: imiease 2.1 per
cent.; piodutts, $27,84(1,119; ineiease If per cent.
Will.eii-n.irre, capital $10,01,5-17; increase P8 per
cent,; piodticN, $10,738,347; li'eica-e U) per cent.
Wllliaiupoit. capital i-U.Sfi.1,811; deciefise 20 per
cent.; pioduds A11,1'j:),MK1; incuaso h-10 of 1 per
Vol., capital $'i,(il0,7SI; increase 151 per cent.;
products, Ml,M.l,7CKi; Inciea-e 1U0 per etnt.
The following cllles were not separ
ately reported in ISI'0:
lai.tcni, capital M.W'i.WI'i pioiluct., 'M;4(j1u7i.
Newcastle, capital i:i,:iO8,220; inoiluctc, 121,
NiniMimii, capital l,0'.'',ll'i: piodutts, !fl,-21,74-..
"Iiuijiiilo.ili, capliiil, xi74.ir7; pioduil-, M7'J,
Sentences of Edward Dubose and
Lewis Kussell Have Probably
Been Carried Out.
By i:tlusle Wllr hum the Av-odaleii 1'ies.s.
Washington, Feb. 7. Two soldleis
undoubtedly were hanged In the Phil
ippines today, In execution of sentences
Imposed by military commissions by
which they were tried and convicted
or deserting to the enemy. Their
names were Kelinond A. Dubose and
Lewis HuHsell and both were attached
to Company R, of the Ninth cavalry,
a negro regiment, While their com
pany was operating against thu Insur
gents In the piovlnce or Albay In Au
gust last, thu two men deserted and
wero afterward discovered serving In
the ranks of the enemy.
The military commission before
which they were tried, sat at aulno
batan, In the province of Albay. They
were found guilty of the charse nnd
each was senteced to bo hanged Fri
day, Feb. 7. The tlnellugs and sen
tences were approved by Oer.eral Chaf
fee; la view of the fact, however,
that this was tfie Ilrst ease where the
commanding general had directed the
execution of the (sentence of death
analnst an enlisted man without re
feience to the war department, the
case was laid before President ltoose
vuit III time to prevent the execution,
III ease ho desired to do so. Tho
president, after coiisultutloii with llm
secretary of war, declined to Interfere,
and a cable message to this effect wiih
sent to floneral Chulfeu on Wednes
day. Although no olllciul information to
that effect has been received, Jt Is as
Htiiued at the war department that tho
sentence of death In each case wan
carried Into eifect today.
Another of Waller's Mnrines Dead.
By Excliaiitc Wire from The Avoelaled 1'it
Washington, V'eb, 7. Another of the nuriiicj
with Lieutenant Waller duiluif Ills Iciiible nun It
uercu the l.-lnul ot Sanur, U d.yd. A table
(SiJiii ictelsed at the navy eleparlinciit. today ic
polls Hut I'rhJtv M. JleKv'iiie died u't Tailobaii
l'ebruaiy 1, from HiM cviupllialluuj eoutiaited
on Hut maitU.
Tlieu Desire an ODDortunitu to
Present Evidence in tlie
Sclilcu Gase.
They Desire to Submit Statement in
Connection with the Schley Appeal
Asking for Relief from His Con
demnation as Reported by a Court
of Inquiry nnd Approved by the
Secretary of the Navy Also Ask
That They May Be Heard Before
There Shall Be a Finding' Adverse
to Admiral Sampson.
Ily i:tlusbo Wile fiom tlic A.s3oelaled l're.
Washington, Feb. 7. F. S. Theall,
representing Stayton, Campbell & The
all, counsel for Itear Admiral Sampson,
today llleel the following brief with
President ltoosevelt, protesting against
the claim set up In Admiral Schley's
appeal that he waa In supreme com
mand during the battle off Santiago:
.New Vol!., Feb. II, 111)2.
Hon. Theodoie Hoosevclt, I'lOklUenl of the L'niled
Mr: We beer leae, as altorue.m for Pear Ad
niluil W. T. Sampson anil on hU behalf, lo sub
mit the following ttatcmcut in cnunrttioti with
the petition of Ileal Aclmiial W. S. hohley, ask
ing lclief fiom hb condemnation at- leporteil by
a court of inquiry and approved by the secretaiy
of the naiy.
Xo attaiment will lie -.ubniitted as lo the vol
unteered opinion of the presiding lneinber of the
tou. t upon the question of command at Santiago.
Wo lepialedly applied for an opuoituuity tn
pie-ent ecidenee upon this point to tlic cuiut and
our rcqite-t was as often itliwd, and o .no eon
mlent that an attempt to pwmounte an ndveuc
judntueiit where a leering has been denied it
plain a violation ot Iinple Rood faith that it ha3
no ihanco of lecelvinvr Jour appioval. Wo weie
loady then and ale .-till le.cdy, to pioilme cuch
evidence wlijdi w'a- not ofleicd before the cotiit
on tliis question. Wo cue piepated lo uliovy tint
the statetiient that the w oiU at the bpj;in
iilng of tho hal'le ' wa-f iji' sftrlit tt each and
cveiy ship of tli'liloeUacliui; Muadron lint one,"
ia liurcuiate.
We aie leaely to how that under the navy iec
illations and the judicial inleip'.etations thereof
Hear Admiral Sauiiu-ou was diuimr the battle in
command of cveiy -duffle es-el in flic Atueilcau
line. 'Iheie N uhuudam e of te-t!iuunv avail
able to tliiive that fiom the beg-iniiinpr of tlie bat
tle evtiv Ameilcan vci'-el at SiuthiKo in hisht
of tho Xew Ymk. 'Iheie is evideii'e at hand,
both letord and paliol, lo hovv that whenever
tlie comiuander-iii'thief left the hlockacliner Hue
in front of Sintlae,i, ho hoi-ted Ihe hiRtul "dir
tet,'.iiel movoincnt- of eomuiander-iii-ehief," pro-cc-cdisj
lo that point when- under the rcKulatlous
liii- immediate tiimm.inil of the .-.quathon ea-ed,
and then feiejnallcd to the nct in lattlc to com
mand: and that on the mominc; of .lulv "d tin!
lominatidei-lii-cliiif had civ en institution;- to
lme leaely for hoKtinet the signal tliiettlng Com
modorc Sthley to assume command; that this
signal was to he hoisted when under the regu
lations the appropilate moment aniied; that
that movement had nut anived and kiitli signal
Ii.ii) nut been hoi-led when the enemy endeavored
to escape fiom the haibor.
The New York in Sight.
fiom the Oregon, too, thete is available evl
dente to show that when the Ilrst shot was llred
the quarteimaster of the Oregon, usliin: tlie long
(.'lass, could, fiom the po-ltiou of that ves-el near
the center of the lino lead the Now Voik'i- battle
signals then Miini,'.
All this evidence was lead.e to be pre-ented lo
Ihe toutt of Inquiry, and it in reidv to be pie
senteel to you. It was not admitted befoie the
comt htcaue it icfu-ed lo go into the question
of command. Ileal Aduilial Sainp-on has never
objected and does no' now olijiet to any ill
quliy to ih'letiiiliie Ihe iiie-tiou ol command. He
has, however, tcpiteil that he was in
at that battle. As louuuuuder-lu-i hlef he has
made his recommendations concerning thn piouio
lions, lie has bti'ii rccoernUcel JiV tlie eucutive
and judicial depailments of the government as
lielnjf In command and he a-k ttiat when the ac
euiaey of his icporls U qiicslioneil, he be at
leat piuulttcil t hear the evidence In oppo
sition and lo permit his In oilier oMIter to come
fniwunl with the tettlnuiny tiny ate u-ady to give
in his behalf.
Theip is fuillier an abundance of eUifi-me avail
able to establish tho fact that what the appli
cant now tails "the complete ami total failure
ol the prearranged Older of battle" was elite
vvhoUy to hl own disobedience of the orders of
Ihe commitiiler-ln-thiff. Tliee onlei- weie to
clo-e III and lo hold Die i-iieuiv ill the hatlmi'ii
mouth, f'oiumodoie -ihley so iiudei-lnoil the nl
elera. lie ItuMiel that very maiij). Vet when lie
nvv Ihe enemy approuchhuc lint pail of the Hue
cuiiilt'il by his own veS'l, he looped. He Willi
diovv fiom the battle foimatloii, left .' halo in tlie
line, iiiteifeieil with the 'IV a- which would have
tlopied the li-lp, Old caused liir to hack, HihhIiv
clvli'i; to Hie enemy the double oioiorttn.lU' nt
wlileh Ihey availed llieiu-clvis lo escape tluouadi
the Interval lie had made'.
We have no de-lie lo pinion Ihls loiitinvvisy.
v only ask that beioie Iheie t-h.ill be u flndliiR
inlveue to Aduilial Aliiii..on ellln-r hy the pie.
dent, Hie courts or the navy depaitment, that he
be libui Ihe nppoilnnlty whleli has been given
to Ailiiiiuil Sclilev In tue-cnt t-iich evidence as:
liny make bnlh lde of ihe inittei elear.
Vety ieneilinllv,
Sl.l.vloii .t: (Mmphell and II. 'Ilioall,
riiuiusel (or Hear W, T. Sampson,
Tito piesjdeut will consider the brief
In connection with Admit til Schely's ap
peal nnd the navy department's com
ment. dampers Before Senate Committee,
Ily i:xiluivc Wire from 'flit Atkoolatcd t'reti.
Washlugloii, K'l'- " -S iiiivu-l (jiniipeiit vv.n
lieforo the M'liJle eoiiiiulllce on Iniinl-iatlun to
ela.v and leileialed the ttalemtiiU lieirtofoie nude
ifUJidlin.' Cliluoe iinmlKiaiJoii. Ho dwell es
pecially upon (he kimijiffliiur of ( hlmx from
faiuda and Meco, Inspector Dunn i-stluiaied
that U.t I liinliuen came Into tlie country fiom
fiili.uU and alexieo aiimullv, Chailes If, 1.1 1 tti
inan. of Ihe Induslrld eominMon, ald the eimi
iiiIaIoii took Mrou? uiouml in favor of continued
Chlncte cic liisii.n.
New Yorlc Central Company Censured
Dy'l.'icluriir Wire from llicAimiltlrd Preji.
Albany, X. Y I'll. 7. The Uti lalhoad toiu
mtulon in 4 rep'it lianded down loday leifardiiec
the i cccnt dl -ester in the I'uik avenue tunnel,
Xcvv Vuik clly, ccn-suiiii the Nov ymk t eutral
ioniuiiy, detlarlnc it Kiow,ly iiegllsieiit in plac
ing an t'lieliuer in eliarge of U trjlu who had
hut lud i.iiiiivuce In lumillir.- a lulu diiriu;
"ruli" ham
Tragedy at a Farm Houso Near
Cumberland, Maryland. '
0y Kxcliiihe Wire from Tlie AisocUte-l I'reM.
Cumberland, Md., Feb, 7. At 3 o'clock
this morning the farmhouse of Will
lain P. ltobertson, about twenty-nine
miles east of hero on the Maryland side
of the Potomue river, was entirely tie
slroyed by lire nnd four ot tho ltobert
son children, Peat I, Owen, Eflle und Jo
seph, the eldest aged 10 and the young
est 4 yeors, were cremated,
The tire, which Is thought to have
started from sparlts from an open
hearth, spread so rapidly thnt Jlr, and
Mrs. Robertson found nil means of es
cape gone for the children, who were
asleep In another room, and were com
pelled to Jump from n second story
window, dressed only In their night
clothes, In older to save their own lives.
The parents made several futile at
tempts to reach the children, but were
driven buck by the flames, and after
the fire had subsided somewhnt they
were almost frozen befoie aid came
from neighbors.
. i i.
Miners Heed President Mitch
ell's Counsel in Inter
est of Peace.
Hy Kulutve Wire fiom the A-csodatcd 1'iiss.
Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 7. In a secret
session which was begun lust evening
and ended after midnight, the massed
delegates of the United Mine Work
ers, acting finally upon the advice of
each of their national otllcers, adopted
the report of the Joint scale commit
tee made last night, which reafllrined
the scale of 1001, as a whole.
The report was decided upon at a
meeting of the committee held late Fri
day afternoon.
President Mitchell called tlie meeting
of the elelegates and mine workers to
order and the meeting Immediately
went into executive session.
When the report of the committee
was road a furore ensued, and If thu
vote had been taken at that time, the
strong strike sentiment existing would
have been manifested by an over
whelming vote to" iejeef the-report. At
least twenty miners were on their feet
at one time, demanding recognition of
the chair, but President Mitchell called
them to order and said:
"I believe It would be suicidal for
you at this time precipitately to do
that which must Inevitably tie up the
mines of the country and entail suffer
ing upon j on and hundreds of thous
ands of other people, if, after calmly
discussing this report, you decide to
reject It and declare for a strike I
wish to assure you your national of
ficers will stand by your action and do
all in their power to make your action
good. But I beseech you to consider
wisely before doing that which you will
surely regret In the future. I believe
It is best that this report as read be
adopted. I am honestly and firmly
of the opinion that It will be for your
best Interests to adopt this report that
reotlirms last year's scale
Vice-President Lewis also urged the
adoption of the report as the most
plausible and rational settlement of a
complicated situation.
The report was subsenuently adopted.
The miners and operators now agree
and last year's scale Is reaffirmed
without change.
Work on tho Meteor.
Uy Kuliuht Wiie from the Auoclatcd Press.
Xew Yoik, lVli. 7, Wotl, on Kmperor Will
lam'H new yacht, the Meteor, is 0Ki.wln;r up
idly at Mioolers bland. Today men licwi 1.1 hur
the deck of the vcscl, and put on eoniniiv, ami
by iiuoii, a considerable poillou ot the deck hid
been completed. Yeoterclty Hie vvoik of building
Hie vvjvs fiom width the vaclit will nllde into the
v,ater, wui ueneiii, and In A day or two Ihey will
be plaird uiidei the ves-el, It w.n htalcel today
at the yanl that the ven.el would be all iiMily
foi lauiidilnu Ihteo da) before the date k l for
Ihe event.
Germany Against Christian Science.
Hy i:citislve Who fiom the Associated I'reni.
lleilln, 1'eb, 7. I'uipeiiir William has lut.-r-veuecl
to Mem the rpieed of th.s filth healluir t. tilt
lu (ii-iin.iii3. Ill- iiujeMy liu hid lon'f cop-er-dices
Willi the- chiefs of polite, for the pmpo-e
nl devising iin'j-iiies to tuimleiact (lie campaign
hoio evf Hie CliiUlluu Stletillsti, who have follow.
us in the hhilier c titles of lleilln boclety. Il is
claimed that the practice of Science
tlietapcutln should be made Illearal in (trinuny.
Sohleys at Asheville.
Hi Kxiliisltii Wilt (loin (lie .Usoellted 1'iew,,
Alicllle, X. t'., lYb, 7. and llm.
Schley weie Riven an ovation hen- this afternoon
on their way hem Knowlllu lo Wellington, Tim
train ktoppid twenty minute and duiliuc that
Hum Mrs, Schley wuh prenenttil ulth u lime ho
qui I by local Iviiivhls Templar ami the aduilial
bpoke briefly to the throntr at the aiatioii, 'Il.c
train is due in vvadiiniiimi tally lunmuuw morn.
Mis. Davis Will Visit Jackson.
Hy Kuluslvc Wire from 'Ihe Aism luted Cress.
Jaikum, Ml.-., 1'eb. 7. -Il Is ci(Hila)l) an
nounced tliat Mi. .Iillir.oii Pivls vvllioiiic to
.l.icVion to unet thu I.i-t Icialaimc U'Jl wilt us
Miiible In the hi-torie e.ipUu!.' It. uuilei-iooil
"Heauvolr," her old home on lliejfuK toesl, will
ho puitiu-ed by the tate uud ouverled into a
lionic for liwitfinl coiiMciate'
Slaughter of Doifs and Cats.
Hy i:diislc Wire fioiu.fiiu A-otlaied l'ie
Wllles-llaue, I'eb. 7,JAt U o'tlock this morn
ing tlie bitltliciy of evej- dgg am cat found luoat
on the ktivcts of li.viu.uth towivhlu commciieeil.
They are belli? l.illtd mciau.-e it Is believed Ihi-v
aie rt'Mioiiflhle foi tile tpteael of iiull-piv, of
whitli lueie arV teveul cases lu tlic township.
Chairman Ray of the House Commit
tee on Judiciary Prcoents Report.
By Inclusive Wire Mem The Ao.oltrcl Press.
Washington, b'eb. 7. Chairman liny,
of the hotiBO committee on judiciary,
today presented the report on the bill
for tho protection of the president and
the' suppression of crime against tho
government. The' report states that
the committee, has cnicftllly considered
the .tianv nntl-anurehlstlc measures,
and has sought to present a wise, con
servative, constitutional and effective
measure. The purposes of the bill are
summed up as follows:
First, prevent resistance to and pro
tect the president and vice president
of the United States, and those by law
In line of succession to that high office;
second, protect flie ministers and am
bassadors of foreign governments ac
credited to and within the United
Slates; third, prevent the open and
deliberate approval ot certain crimes,
nnd also, certain unlawrul teachings,
which, If permitted, are calculated and
intended to breed lawlessness and
crime against nnd culminate In the
destruction of the government: fourth,
prevent the coming to or naturaliza
tion In this country of thse who teach
or entertain such pernicious doctrines;
fifth, prevent conspiracies in tlie
United States to murder the rulers of
other civilized nations; sixth, provide
adequate and uniform punishments for
these offenses wherever committed.
All the offenses against government
and Intended to impair or overthrow
the government of the United States.
The report makes an elaborate pres
entation of the powers of congress to
deal with the subject and need of shut
ting out the lawless who seek our
shores, and the committee has ex
ercised care not to trench upon legiti
mate freedom of speech and or the
Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., Seriously 111
at Groton, Mass. His Mother
.Hastens to His Bedside.
Dy Kxclmitc Wire from 'Ihe Associated 1'iess.
Orotou, Mass., Feb, 7. Tho condition
of Theodore Ttoosevelt, jr., son of Presi
dent Hoosevclt, and a student at Oro
tou school, who Is ill of pneumonia,
was leported at "J o'clock tonight as
being "as comfortable as could be ex
pected."" Tbos-e who are in attendance
at the lad'S bedside declined to give
anything more definite. It was under
stood at the school, however, that the
patient showed some impiovement
duilng the afternoon and early even
ing. On receipt of word that Airs. Roose
velt would come to Ayer from Boston
on the first morning train, arrange
ments were made to meet her at the
station. The school Is about a half
mile from the station.
There are several other cases of
pneumonia besides that of young Roos
evelt and this afternoon the school was
closed for two weeks on account of the
prevailing sickness. The boys have
been in the habit of running about
baieheaded all winter. This Is thought
to account for some of the seiious cold.
Washington, Feb, 7. .Mrs. Roosevelt,
the wife of the president, left Washing
ton at 4:D0 o'clock this afternoon, for
Oioton, Mass., where their son, Theo
dore, Jr., Is lying seriously ill of pneu
monia. She Is traveling in a dtavvliig
room car on the regular train of tho
Pennsylvania load which goes through
to Boston without change, arriving
there tomorow morning at 7 o'clock.
From Hoston the Ilrst available train
will reach Oioton at 30:3;! a. m. Mis.
Hoosevclt Is accompanied only by a
The first Information to reach tho
president and Mrs, Hoosevelt of the
lllnei-s of their son was received at the
white house by telegraph at U;20 this
morning. The message was signed by
the president of tho college where the
young man is a pupil and stated In ef
fect that a slight indisposition bad de
veloped Into an acute and sharp at
tack of pneumonia, and that he was
seriously 111. Another messiiKe received
during the cabinet meeting stated that
the young man's temperature was KM.
Arrangements were ot once set on foot
for .Mrs Roosevelt's departure for Oro
lon this afternoon and since the (list
Intelligence wa received the piesldeiit
has been In almost constant communi
cation by telephone and telegraph with
the ( ollege faculty. According to these
frequent leports the son's condition rn
maliiH almost unchanged snco morn
ing. There Is no attempt to minimize
the danger of an nctuto attack of pneu
monia and the- president unit Mrs.
Hoosevelt are well awiue that the
young man's condition is serious.
Kverythlng possible. Is being dono for
him and the best physicians and
nurses are In constant ntteiidaiue.
I'lvsldent Hoosevelt himself Is very
lllcely to go to (liotoi. nnd wilt do so
except In the event or vry rcassining
news being icceived during the night.
If he elties go he will return limned,
lately, if his son's condition admits. It
tilt eddy has been decided that Mis.
Hoo-cevtit must remain by her son's
bedside, but If his condition Is such as
to iimUu H cafe! for. llm prebldent to bo
fat Slier nwuy from him, he will keep
his engagement to go to the I'hatiestou
exposition npd will 'leave with his party
on Monday night us originally planned.
Steamship Arrivals.
Br Itiuive Wiie from The Awoclalfd Tie".
Xew Voik, 1'eb. 7,T-Anicd; 1'atiiela, Jlaiu
bin p. (leaieill htatendaia, HoUeidam, ia fly
niouli uml Houlogne; Aller, (ienou and Naples;
Phoenicia, llambuic;. lUiubuig Sailed: Kin.
hic,ton, Antwerp.
f roposltion to Have tlie Island Ad
mitted to the Union as
a Tcrritorij.
Suggestions of Mr. Robinson Regard
ing: Mr. Newland's Cuba'n Annexa
tion Resolution Bills' Passed by
the House The Senate Session
Notably QuietPhilippines Tariff
Bill Taken Up Early Measure Ap
propriating !?200,000 for a Publlp
Building at New Castle. I
By Kvtliuive Wire fiom The A-.soci.nled Prcm.
Washington, Feb. 7, The Philippine
taiilt bill was taken up early In tho
senate today. The session was notably
quiet. Mr. Turner (Wash,) delivered a
carefully prepared speech against thu
bill and general policy of the Repub
lican party In connection with thu
Islands. lie spoke on the general Phil
ippine question and had not concluded
when the bill wus laid aside for the
day. He discussed particularly the le
gal and constitutional quesllons In
volved In the government and control
of, the Philippine archipelago by' the
United States.
After the adoption of only minor
amendments, the pension appropriation
bill was passed early in the session,
A bill appiopi iating $200,000 ror the
erection of a public building at Xew
castle, Pa., was passed 'at the request
or Mr. Quay (Penna,), who asked this
Indulgence or the senate, as, undet- or
ders of .his physician, he would Ho
obliged tomorrow to leave the city for
an Indefinite period.
Bills Passed in House.
The hou.'-e today passed the legis
lative, executive and judicial appropri
ation bill, the second of tho regular
supply bills. As passed, it carries
J-'S.m.DGP, which is 9."03.71 111 excess .it
the current law. Only two amend
ments of importance were adopted. One
provides for si commission to redlstiict
the legislative distilcts of Oklahoma
and the other authorizes the president
in his discretion to coveit into the civil
service the temporary clerical force
employed on account of the war with
Spain. Theie are about 1,230 of thes-e
cleiks still in the seivice. By the
teims of the amendment, the president
must place all or none of them under
the civil service.
A debate- on i.'tiba was precipitated
by Mr. Robinson, of Indiana, who
criticised the salaries paid in the Phil
ippines. He suggested to Mr. Xevv
lands, of Nevada, that be should add to
his Cuban annexation resolution a pro
vision that such annexation would lie
In line with tlie government's colo
nlal policy. Mr. Newiands declared
that his resolution did not contem
plate the perpetuation of the colonial
policy, but It was the declared Inten
tion to have Cuba ultimately admitted
as a state. He said that immediate re
lief was necessary to prevent a crisis -In
The best commercial union would be
that which would come under political
union. In reply to a question from Mi.
nich.irdson, of Alabama, Air. Xewiaiuls
said that while he did not think Cuba
was prepared now for stnlobod, rather
than have the present situation con
tinue, with tlie possibility of civil war
hi tho near futuie, be would welcome
Cuba on any tMi-ms,
"I should prefer, however," said he,
"to have Culm admitted us a territory,
with the promise of statehood."
Street Car Man Wounded in a Gen
eral Fight.
II. C. Howeii, a st i cot car liuiii em
ployed by the Scraiitou Itullway com
pany, was coming along Providence
road, between the tip barn and tho
Carbon street bridge shortly after t
o'clock this morning, In com puny with
two fellow employes, when a party of
three partly intoxicated men was en
countered. The two parties became engaged In
a quarrel, In tho course of which ilovv
eu was stabbed by one of tho three
men, till ol' whom ran away. Jluvven
was ussibteel to the Lackawanna hospi
tal by his companions, He was found
to have a wound hi his sldo and an
other in his aim, neither being serious.
The Pocono Inn.
Special lo the .Vianton Tiibune.
Mioiid.buri,-, 1'eb. 7. A iroierty luiiUliihift
In twee u i and i-ewu hundred acrc em u il.v- of
ground, lomm.iiidlug a nugiiltkent view- In thu
vIIIjkci nf Ml. I'oiono, unit along tho ilitmcsiuu
hwlltvvalii iicek. hi heeie iurcliannt by a num.
bet of hruiiiiiii in litakeu ot Philadelphia .aid
vliiuiiy. win. will ucel a Minimer If.iorl ami
loloiiv lo lio'kuowii .14 Hie Pocono Inn, iail. m
the .pilii, in time for tlie lalt) iumiier and au
tumn i'.non.
!...ial data id IMi. 7, IWi:
llhrhot leiiiiie'ialiuo ,,... : de'tce
l.uii ttuiieialuie ,.,, ,,,. H dcgiee"
ltclatlvc huiidilj :
S a, in .,,, 8et per tent,
S i. in , 4'i per rent,
I'jccInitJtlou, 21 houm ended 8 . in., ,.0t Inclw
j .
t rr- -r -J
4- WAsblnn-iou, Feb. 7. Forecast for Sat- -f
-f unlay and Sunday! pwtiru IVniicylvaula,
4- fair Saturday and probably Sunday; frt-li -4
-f noithwcsteily wincU, diminishing, -
t -r -rt-r -r-il