The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 07, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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    ""' 'l? j
s - -ir
Free Delivery Within ZOO Miles
During tho February Trado Sale on pur
chases of $5.00 or' over.
Free crating, boxing, packing and cartage
ts Included In this offer.
A Guaranteed American Watch Free
With every purchase of $20.00 or more
made before noon on any day during this
sale. An elegant Souvenir for morning
The most interesting shopping event of the week is found in
Is the center of attraction for,the ever watchful housekeeper: Quotations
that follow will answer the question, "Why? "
1 mMmfW,
n" 1 1
. . iK M .it1 ft
CAIINIT Ail atllaetlie Vo-
wr t
not 1.111
pattern li
.Mild wide. 1 Kr
l'cr ianl
KITCIfCN CltAIIta llJitl wood natural
ttuck. t'.i i cd, Solidity unci utti.ii:
(Ito lines me tliclr rlitct fefltmes. Jnt
tin1 clnlr for deooiatlic pmpoy. A lit
He p.-tlnt, kIH nml en Jim I nrtlstlcnlly ap
plied would tniu'foim llioni Into Idea
pallor tlmlM. Tlio bale l'rlto ii ZOn
a source of wonder ''"'
I'Ot.filSO COTH-i"ocioil with S-oz.
duel., wliltli Is 111 inly nnchoiod Inlo tho
funic. An Important fc.iluiu Is (lie new
pillow lioldcr. It oeieoine (lie defect In
innl tots, by keeping (lie pillow fioni
allpplnir. bide liiaeei iiicicue Us cltlni l
strctiztli. IViul bargain ulue, 70
$1.'J3; Sale 1'ilcc ' 0
Mi:i)lCIXi: CAIIINU'IS-A iiccoMtly In
eejy lioutdiold. Thee .ire 1!) Inches hlffli
jiy i!.l Inche-t wide titled with nlielvra. A
OxU incli minor wit In the door of cup
lio.ird Iiickwc Its utility, Tudo ilf
Silo 1'iice only "'
STA1K 110nfr-ln nolMidl n.ik or liu
liojtany tlnisli nickel tiiinmlng. Cc
Sulo 1'ilce, each "
inr, "i:c'" w:Ui rocKW-
Tho well-known mid iniltrKilly popu
lar. lunRliiR leceptaclc. for papcu,
nmilc, etc. SjIo l'rlce ic- 'JQf
tluccil to y"
smniioAiins-rint nonr.
The lone; nlslM lined with I oni of dory flyln and
ptici Knir.tntco n stillidilo se
lection, ni ii mallei of rour-,
lint, foi u 'Tude Spcclat:"
SIDKIIOAltl) - Solid oik,
polished. Herniation ".1J.
iilirh mid Mclc sliehcs lieicl
plate minor, tt diawcix, one
lined for mImi mid two
Miplioaidi. The piece U well
m.ide, and buns snmo nitls
lie r.iriiiiK4. The S-ale l'rlce
Is illlllO'-t .1 Hind mi M )C
its uoilliv i.ili'e,. "-'-'
22-Piecc Bedroom
Bedroom Suit of solid oak
three pieces of which are here
Illustrated. Dresser lias French
plate mirror. Bed Is equipped
with woven wire springs, cotton
top mattress and two feather
".. Li
t.t,..:.". i' "rl ' I.
iFi wm
rtfifc1.jiw.M "ji. i,,,, iffitB,:',i.r:yA''fflVv!"Tffl
Outfit, $33.95
Then there is a commode,
towel rack, 2 chairs, rocker,
table and an attractive lo
piece toilet set.
The pieces comprising this
revelation in bedroom outfit
ting are examples of good
workmanship, made to wear.
nOCKUnt llascnicnt. In
cither wood, i ine, upliol
Bleied seated, or iced lock
eraj our showing lateia to
every taste and puree, 'lids
Extra should arouse jour in
tercjt. AtUr ItOCKint A nnlsltcd
pioductlon In jour choice of
trolden oak or mahogany fin
ish. Upholstered lu flajurcd
clour caned anil closely
spindled back-. The Tiade
Sale Price, has dropped like
a meteor from 1,75 j An
The Economy 22Xllhn Wyoming Ave
It Is Intended to Drain the Deep Bea
ver Meadow Mines of the Cross
Creek Coal Company Length of the
Tunnel Will Be About Two Miles.
D. L. & V. Board for Today Dela
ware and Hudson to Begin Dump
ing Coal at Honesdale in a Few
Days Other Notes.
171.ui!! are now well under way, It is
understood, for the driving of a tunnel
from the third lift of the Ueaver Jle.ul
ow workings of the Cioss Civek Coal
company to the second lift of tho
Stockton workings of the same com
pany, MiyH the IIiiKleton Standard. The
purpose of the tunnel is to tree the
upper lifts of the Stockton mines from
water via the Quaker tunnel and facili
tate pumping operations from the low
er lifts.
The Quakukc tunnel, which is now
open, does not drain all of the bot
'toins of the Reaver Meadow mines of
the Cioss Creek Coal company. Pump
ing is necessitated to keep the lower
bottoms free and as proof of this fact
it Is only necessary to state that six
pumps aie still submerged in the low
er levels of tlio Beaver Meadow mine
despite the fact of the Quakake tun
nel's having been completed. Of course,
it is a fact well known to miners that
mi outlet sulllelently below the level
of the lower bottoms of tho Heaver
Meadow mint's could not bo had in tho
Quakake Valley. Not only is this true,
but it is also a well known fact that a
level low enough to drain these bot
toms could be only below Ponn Haven,
and not at that point as erroneously
Tho comparative cost of the Quakake
tunnel when considered with a much
longer and more diflleult one, incited
the Cross Creek Coal company to its
completion, it being purposed to mere
ly drain off the Big vein and lessen the
cost of pumping water from the smaller
underlying veins.
Now, that the Heaver Meadow mines
are connected with the tunnel, it is tho
purpose of the company lo connect
its Heaver Meadow workings with the
Stockton idea of freeing tho upper lifts
mid iiiluimlsilns tho cost of pumping
from the lower levels. As far as
Stockton is concerned, tlio tunnel
would materially reduce expenses, for
it is a burden to keep tho upper levels
tree of water by constant pumping,
while the lower levels aie scarcely es-er
free of water.
The length of tho proposed tunnel
will not exceed two miles and it is
calculated will bo but ono and three
quarter miles long. In connection with
this tunnel, it is known that tho com
pany one time seriously considered the
feasibility of milking a connection with
tlio Uutler tunnel from Stockton, and
drain off the Stockton and Heaver
Meadow mines by -way of Duller in
stead 'of as now proposed through the
Quakake Valley. This tunnel, had It
been um, would have been about two
miles in length and would luivo taken
water from tho tour upper levels of the
Stockton mines,
When the new tunnel will be entered
upon could not be ascertained, but It
will bo a mutter of a short time until
work will bo commenced.
IlelatlvQ to the connection of the A.
S. Van Wlcklo estate with the Heaver
Meadow tunnel, It is said that dlli
cultles Intervene that will practically
forbid connection. A heading of a
lialf-inlle, driven between the upper
level, of the Colernlne colliery and the
Hlg veh bottom of the Heaver Meadow
mines wpuld gvo connection, but it la
understood that the Cross Creek Coal
company are not Willing to receive tho
Coleialuo workings waters ut this
Jc'ansyllle water still continues to
enter the Bcivep Meadow workings,
Tliero uti now eight pumps In opera
tion in these mines, three In Is'o, 1
slope, three In No, ii and ono each
In No. 7 and No. 0 slopes. A new
pump, taken from Mllnesyllle the fore
part of this week, will bo started In
tho Whurtou vein today. Eleven
unilfcs, drowned In the Into Hoods, are
still submerged.
, D,f Ii, & W. Board for Today,
I Following is the make-up of the
m i
Waist Bargains
Prices Cut Away Below Cost.
An order from Headquarters says: "Clean up the sur
plus Silk Waists at once. Sacrifice all profit. Sell them like
this for one week:
All $8.00 Silk Waists Sell for $3.18
All 7.00 Silk Waists Sell for 2.98
All 5.00 Silk Waists Sell for 2.48
All 3.50 Silk Waists Sell for 1.50
These are Stylish Waists in all the new colorings, hemstitched, in Taffeta
and other silks, and you can buy them at the above prices on easy terms of
credit. And when you come for the Waist, look at our Smart Jackets and
Finely Tailored Suits. We sell Clothing, Hats and Shoes for Men, Women
and Children in 28 Stores.
31? Lacka. Ave.
Second Floor.
Open Evenings.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
board for today:
l' l.'jit S p. m., HotoKcn, M. I!. McLine;
11 p. in., John U.iNtcr.
Pill DAY, IT.MtUAHY 7.
Kttm Kiifit 1.S0 a .in., IMioken, J, 1', ISurU
liart; 1 a. in., SI. Laiiitliury; ! u. in., Hoboken,
.1. J, Jluiray, J). Hagseriy's ticw; 11 a, in.. 0.
W. ritKiT.ild; 2 p. in., Hoboken, J. (,'enity; 5
p. in., P. Xm Woimer; 6 p. in., Ilobokcu, II. Do
hei ty.
buimnlK lite S .i. in.,; 10 a. in.,
1'rounfclkcr; 11 a. in., Nichols; 0 p. in., C'aiilgp.
l'nslicro 0 a. in., Wlilnrr; 7 a. in,, riniieityj
S a, in., .Vainiun; 11,45 a. in., Moran; 7.:;0 p. in.,
Murphy; 1) p. in., W, II, It.utholomcw; U p. in.,
l'xttas West 10 a. in., 0'; 2 p. in., ().
ltandolph; 11 p. in., C. Klnsaloy.
ra.enRcr KnKlncs 7 ji. in., U.ifViicy; 7 a. m.,
Siircci; ID a. in., bt'ioij 0,15 p. in,, Stanton; S.U0
p. in., MiLuvcrn.
1. .1. XcJlis will take Ills um 7 p. in., l'cb. 0.
Clurli'i .Mu;oein, M. Sl.mtuii, M,,
Ccoibo Hatful' and ticv will attend 10 u, in.
clJss .ilr brake car, 1'ib. 7.
John Minpliy .mil ue, 1". 1 &teiiw and
new, I'. D, Secoi and tiew will itlrni 2 p. in., ah biakc 1 list i nit Ion iur, lb. 7.
This and That.
A prominent Mine Worker said today
that a conservative estimate of the
number of colliery hands still idle at
tlio Ilazleton collieries as ti result of the
hoods of the past few months Is l.noo.
Most of these will be Idle for several
weeks yet, Hazleton Plifln Speaker.
Several car loads of ties for the new
llazleton-Wilkes-Barro Electric rail
way arrived on the siding south of this
city, and tiro being transferred over
tlio Lehigh Traction road to the Hustle
Park termlium of tho latter system,
whence they will bo taken UP points
along the lino of the now Inter-clty
road. lliiKleton Plain Speaker,
The Delaware & Hudson company
will commence dumping coal on the
side hill, in a fow days. Isaac II, Hull
with about eight or ten men will at
tend to unloading tho cars. Coal Is not
dumped from big flat bottomed cats
easily as It was from tho gravity cars
with sloping ends. The bottom of the
car is opened about three or four feet
squaie In the center and after all has
fallen out that can, four men jump Into
the ear and showl out tho corners,
This will employ u number of men,
and when the cars nro loaded at the
pockets a number of men will bo re
quired theie also. The carpenters nro
now working at the pockets and chutes
where the loading will be done. Wayne
County Herald,
A Trip to California or Florida.
Those contemplating such a trip need
but to call on the local ticket agent of
tho Lackawanna railroad and ho will
arrange every detail, Including trans
portation, berths, reservations and
checking of baggage through to desti
nation; also will furnish rates, folders,
descriptive literature ana any other in
formation desired on tho subject.
Through eleerj and duy coaches to
Chicago. OnWono change of cars to
Lehigh Valley Bailrond.
In r.ffect, Nov. 3, 1001.
Trains le.ivo Scranton.
Tor Philadelphia and New York via D. ti II.
It. It., at 0.3S and 9.08 J. in., and 2.13, 4.27
(Black Diamond K.prcss), and 11.30 p. m. Sun
Uajs, D. & II. It. It., 1.53, 8.27 p. ill.
1'or White Il.ucn, Hazleton and principal points
in the coal regions, u D. .V II.' It. It., 6.38, 2.18
and 4.27 p. m. Tor I'otUvllle. 0.38 a. in., 2.13
p. in.
l'or Ilcthlehnn, Ka.-lon, Heading', Ilani.burir,
and iiitcnnedlatc station?, vi.i D. & If.
It. It,, 'il.!W, U.3S a. in.; 2.18, 1.27 (Ulack Dia
mond i:pres.s), 11. SO p. in. Sundays, D. & II.
It. It., 0.38 a. in.; 1.5!-, 8.27 p. m.
l'or TunKliaiiuoik, 'lowanda, DlniiiJ, Ithaca,
Ccne.i and pilncipal inteunedlate stations, via
1)., L. and W. It. It., S.10 a. in. and 3.50 p. in.
l'or Geneva, Iluchestci, lluflalo, Nlagaia Kails,
Chicago and all points we. ila I), & II, II. U.,
7.4, 12.0.1 a. hi.; 1.42. 3.28 ( Diamond I'.-prte-),
7. IS. 10.11, 11.30 p. in, fcnndajs, D. & II.
it. It., 12.UJ, fc.27 p. m.
l'ullinan pJiloi aiil sleeping or Lehisli Valley
l'ailor ens mi nil tralm between Wllkea-llane
and New York, 1'hlhuIelplilJ, Iluftulo and Suspen
sion llrldgu.
HOM.IN II. Wlf.lSUH, Cell. Supt., 28 Coitland
ktieit, Niw Yoik.
CII.ltI,i:S S. Li;i:, Cen. Pay. Agt., 28 Cortland
Ml ret, New York.
A. W. NOXKMACIlUlt, Dlv. I'M. Agt., South
Ilethlehfiu, l'l.
l'or tltKcu and 1'iillnun nveriatlon apply to
tlty ticket otllu', i riiblle biii.iic, Wilkcs-Uaue,
Delaware and Hudson.
In Ktiect Noitinbei' 21, 1001.
Trains for Ciibondale leaie btuuton at (1.20,
8.00, ,S.5,i, 10.13 a. in.; 12.00, 1.20, 2.31, 3.02,
5.20, O.Jj, 7,57, 0,15, 11.20 p. in.; 1,31 a, in.
I'm- Iloiieadale U.20, 10.13a. in.; 2.31 and 5.20
'To!' WllUs-lljire 0.3S, 7. IS S.11, 0.3S, 10,41
.1. in.; 12.0.1, I.IJ, 2.1S, 'J.-ii, 4.27, 0.10, 7.1,
10.41, 11.30 p. in.
l'or I,. V. II. It. Volnls-C.aS, D.BS a. m.; J2.18,
J.27 and H.iO p. pi.
l'or I'ennsyli.iiila It, 11. I'oint-i 0.3S, 0.33 a,
in,; 1,12. 3.2 j mill 1.27 p. in,
1'ur Albany anil all ioIiiH noith 0.20 a. in.
and 3,52 p. in,
hl'XII.W 'I'ltAlNS.
Kur failiondali 8,50, 11.33 a. in.; 2.34, 3.J2,
5..'.i and 11.17 p. in.
lor 0.33 a. in. j 12.0.1, 1,53, 3.2S,
U.lfi mid 0.17 V. in.
l'or Mb my und piiluli noi Hi 3.62 p. 111,
l'or llnue-dale S.50 a, in. and SMi p. in,
W. ! I'UVOII, 11, 1', A., biLinloii, I'a.
New York, Ontario und Western,
lu llilctt Tnewlay, Sept. 17, 1001."
I.imiii l.i'.ne Arrhe
Tulni. ,Si union. Carbor.dale, Cmloda,
No. t 10.30 a, in. 11.10 a, in, UK) p. in.
No. 7 ....,,.. 0-10 ! m, Ar, C'.n tioniUlc o.iu p. in.
jOUTtj 110UND.
bnaiu beaie Anile
Tr.ilm. Cadula, Cjiliond.ile, Sei.inton.
No, 11 ........ 70i)a,jii, 7.404.IU,
No. 2 2,rp.m. 4.00p.m. 4. Up. in.
l.e.110 . J,eaii Arrin
Stiaiiton, Catbondak', Cadosli.
. 8.30 a, in. 0.10 p. in. 10.45 a. in.
7.00 p. in. Ar. Carbondale 7,40 p. in.
heuvo heaie Arrlv
fadoiia. Carbondale. Seianton,
7,00 a. in. 7.40 a. in.
No. W ,,'..,., 4.30 p. in. u.OUp. in. 0.4Jp. in.
'1'ialn.i Not. I on week ilaj, mid u on bundaid,
nuke.inalii line coiinvctioiM. for Nuv Y'oik city,
lllddletuun, Walton,, Ouuida, Oweao
and all poiutt wttt,
l'or fuitlur Infoimatlon ccmult ticket agents.
No. 0 .,
No. 5 ,.
No, U ,.,
J. i:
J. V. ANDKllhON, Q. V. A., New York.
1. WULSU, T. P. A., Scranton, l'.
Erie Eailvoad, Wyoming Division.
'Train for New York, NchIhjikIi mid Interim
tliato points lcam bciantou as follou; 7.20 a.
in.; 2.25 p. in.
Airha! 10.35 a. in. from Mlddlctowii. Ilone4
dale, lliwley and iuteriucdlata points. 0.20 p. in,
fiom New Yurk, Newbyrgli and iutcuacdlate
uolut. No gundair trains.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
In rcdect Nov. 3, 1001.
Trains leave Scranton for New York At 1,40,
3.15, 0.05. 7.50 and 10.05 a. m.; 12.45, 3.40, 3.3J
p. in. l'or New Yoik and Philadelphia 7.50,
10.05 a. m., and 12.45 and 3.S3 p. m. l'or Tobj
hanna At 0.10 p. in. For Buffalo 1.15, 0.22 and
0.00 a. in.; 1.55, 6.50 and 11.35 p. 111. Tor B!nB
hamton anil way stations 10.20 a. in. and 1.10
p. m. Tor Osncgo, Syracuse and Utici 1.15 and
0.22 a. m.; 1,55 p. in. OMvego, S; and
I'tlca train at C.22 a. in. clail.i, cieept Sunday,
l'or Montloe 9.00 a. m.j 1,10 and 0.50 p, m.
Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and 8.15 p. in.
l!loom-burs Division l'or Northumberland, at
G.35 and 10.05 a. in.; 1.55 and (1.10 p. in, l'or
Plymouth, at 8.10 a. in.; 3.40 and P.U0 p. m
Sunday Tialns l'or New Yoik, 1.40, 3.15. 0 05
and 10.05 a. in.; 3.40, 3.33 p. in. l'or Dulfalo
1.15 and 0.22 a. in.; 1.55, b.50 and ll'.35 p. in.
l'or IllnKhamton and way station 10.20 a. in.
ltloomsburir Dhislon Lemo Scranton, 10.05 a.
in. mid 0.10 p. m.
Pennsylvania Itailvoad.
Scliedulo 111 Ilflect Juno 2. 1001.
Tialns leaie Scranton: C.38 a. in., week days
through lestlbule tialn from Wilkes-llairc. l'ull
inan buffet pallor car and coaches to Philadel
phia, l.i PotUWlle; stops at pilncipal Intcnue
tliate stations. AKo coimocu for aunhu'i), liar
ilsbuig, I'lilbidelphla, Ilultlinorc, Washington and
for I'lttbburg; and the wcit.
0.3S a, in., week days, for Sunbury, IlJirhbiuj,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts
buie and tho west.
1.42 p, in,, week days (Sundajs, 1.5S p. m.),
for Siiiibuiy, llairMnug, Plillaikiphla, Itaitlmoie,
Washington and Pittsbuia; and the wet.
3.28 p. in., week Uavs, through w.itilmle li.iln
from Wllkei-llaue. I'lillinan bullet pailor tar
and coiehcs to Philadelphia U Poltsvlllc, Stops
al pilncipal Inteuucdlato station.
4.27 p. in., week davd, for hazleton, Sunbury,, I'iill.nliiplila and Pittsburg.
.1. II. Ul'lC'IIINSON. Clen. Mgr,
J. U, WOOD, Ceil. Pa. Agt.
New Jersey Central.
In Kflect Nov. 17, loul.
Stations in New York, foot of Liberty eticct
and south I'euy, N. It.
Trains leaio Scranton for New York,' l'liiladel
plila, llastou, llcthlelieiu, Allcnlowii, Mauch
t'hiuik, White llaien, Ashley and Wllkes-flarie at
7.!.0a. in., 1 p, in. and I p. in. faumlaj, 2.10 p. in.
ljuakcr City lApiess leues ber.tnton at 7.30
a. in,, through solid Watibule train Willi l'ullmau
llutlet 1'ailoi C.iri., (or Philadelphia,
l'or Aoca, Pittbtou und Wllkes-ilanc, 1 p. m,
and 4 p. m. Kuuday, 2,10 p. m.
l'or Long branch, Ocean (Hove, etc., 7.30 a.
in. und 1 P. in.
l'or heading, I,h.iinu and llairUbutg, U AN
lcnlQV.n, at 7.30 a, in. ami 1 p, in. bimday, 2,10
p. in.
l'or PotlMllle at 7.S.0 a, in. and 1 p. m,
l'or latt:) unci tielicu apply to agent at station.
C. SI. IlUltt', Gen, Pass. Agt.
W. W. Vi:NTZ, (Jen. Eiupt.
General Aent for the Wyoming District for
Duponfs Powder
iltninjr, Dlattfnp, Sporting, Fmokeleu and ths
Itepauno Chemical Company'
Safety Fuse, Caps and K.iploders. Itcoui 401 Coo-
sell Uuildlnr ,Kera:itcn.
TllOfl. FOni) ,,., .....I'lttiUr.
JOHN U. SillTIt & SON ....1'lyinouih
W. 11. MULL1QAN ,., WillesUarfa
5S Prof,Q,F.THEEL527 staj!
4 vfe-1 A "' 0nwtt tn curt abo bjr wall tVrtialr
i JL JjMJLVittttrtk it9lUdMKirMH,4biMsI
if rla HUwii 'alto. IVtrtoui Voblmj. Lwt BaabMil
ALJNCJn rlrrl L iStrlrturrt (ao utUaci, LnJtrUii
IialraBhvBlruaii.srB4CurHifara rvUn0atUklttfvki
lMl4S9itrjr bwUIh! u4 rltctrUaUrauJ. Uala tiapcr.j
Truly the quantities of merchandise brought from every department of the Big
Store for these Sixty Minute Sales is astonishing, and what is more surprising is the
quantity sold. The secret is this: The values offered. For instance, read carefully.
Bring a copy of this sale along with you.
Sale No. I
Sale of Teaspoons The kind on sale today for sixty minutes,
looks like silver ; regular size, sold for this hour for set of 0
six OC
Sale of Tablespoons Regular size, made of the same material
and have similar designs. On sale at this one hour, today, ,
for each 3C
Sale of Stove Brushes A full size brush ; a good bristle in a well
seasoned wood, shaped in nice size for the hand; regular 0
value is 12c. : buy them for this hour sale for oC
Sale of Bake Pans The kind of bake pans that are fire probf'aud
give entire satisfaction in the kitchen for most all oven bak-
ing; regular value 10c; buy them this Friday hour, at each OC
Sale of Fire Shovels Long handle and Japanned, having a
smooth, glossy finish, an everyday necessity; regular 10c. ;
.kind for this Friday buy them at C
Sale of Dusting Brushes This style is aground end dusting brush, bristle filled. No house is
at home unless it has one and this is vour opportunity to -buv one of these -loc. kind. ,.
Today at '. !. .' '. 29C
Sale of Brooms Tho best Quality of good corn, made in the best of manner, a household ne
cessity; no need to tell you any more about them, they are a 45c. value and quantity limit-
cd, and will be sold this Friday at .' 2jC
Sale of Berry Dishes This dish is a good imitation of cut glass, style and good size,
regular price is uc. ; buy them today at, each 3C
Sale of Potatoes Everybody knows how hard it is to get good potatoes
ins Promptly at
2 O'clock.
This Ipt on sale today
jrood size, dry and meal v. Price
arc from New York state, where the best potatoes are grown. Buying as we do in carload lots en
ables us to give you this exceptional bargain. Ihcy arc good size, dry and meal v. Price ,
for this one hour today will be, for one peck
Sale of Prunes Fancy California Prunes, just for this hour buy them at, per pound. .
Sale of Tapioca Pearl Just what you want for your pudding; buy it' for one hour at
per pound
Sale of Dress Goods This line of Dress Goods we offer for
this Friday sale is a heavy weight fabric suitable for skirts; needs
no lining, is !0 inches wide. Comes in navy blue, grey and black,
and certainly is your opportunity to buy a splendid value at this
Friday hour worth m regular way from 2oc. to !i!)c. a yard.
Sold for sixty minutes at, a yard
Sale No. 2
Begins Promptly ut
3 O'clock.
Sale of Embroideries This assortment, which goes on sale
for one hour today, many people would wisli it would last long
er after they have seen the splendid value of the goods. They
are cambric and nainsook and come 1 to si inches wide. The lot
includes insertions. Regular price l'2hc. to l."c. a yard; for
this Friday hour buy them at, a yard "C
Sale of Women's Cambric and Muslin Gowns. This Gown is
one of the best values sold at any of our hour sales ; has trimmed
yokes of fine Torchon lace and tucks ; others have yoke trimmed
with embroidery and tucks; sleeves trimmed with cambric ruffle,
good length and width, all sizes. Don t mtss tins item lor .-.
today you may buy them on Second Floor at j "4UC
Sale of Boys' Knee PantsOne of the most successful sales in this department was a few
weeks ago when a similar Knee Pants was sold for the same price. It is a splendid value Oxford,
made in good manner. Strongly sewed seams. Large sizes have suspender buttons. Sizes )
i to 11 years. Regular price oOc; buy them this hour on Second Floor for -"C
Sale of Kid Gloves, in Black and all Shades This lot of Kid Gloves arc not called "firsts."
Thcv have been tried on, which naturally means that the original shape was somewhat mussed. You
will "hardly be able to tell it when you see them. Regular price is $1.00 and ; will sell aqc
them this hour for nr" C
Sale of Imitation French Flannclcts This fabric is IK! inches wide, and another lot that goes
on sale with it is but 28 inches wide but heavier quality. Both qualities are worth 12ic. to 1
luc. a yard, but for this Friday hour buy from lot, a yard J"2
Capes and Jackets In this lot you may count if you will thirty all told, an accumulation of odds
and ends of Plush Capes, Astrachau Cloth Capes and Kersey Jackets; not every size m tlie lot, mit
possibly just your size; regular value $1.00 to $0.00 each. We advise you to be on d? Tc
time, to the minute, for they will go at this hour sale, on second floor 101
Snle No. 3
Begins Promptly at
4 0'clocU.
Sale of Working Shirts and Overalls A rare opportunity to
btiv a working shirt and good overalls for little money. The shirt
is 11(1 inches long, full length sleeve, full width felled scams, mostly
dark colors, made from Madras Cheviots and Pin Stripe Drill( in
black and white. The overalls are heavy weight Blue Denim,
with or without bibs, all sizes and any length of leg. Twp pock
ets and rule pocket, lu the lot arc a few carpenters' over
alls. Regular price is ."() cents. Buy shirt or overalls this -3
Friday at, each 0"C
Sale of Women's Wrappers--Not a bad pattern in the lot, full
width, flounce and shoulder ruilles, made from excellent quality of
Flannelette, all sizes and a largo variety of patterns, This A
wrapper is a regular $1.00 kind, Buy them at this hour at. . OyC
Sale of Englibh Outing Flannel This Outing Flannel is 2.S,
inches wide, mostly checks, in blue and pink. There is 2,000
yards, and the usual price is 10c. yard. Priced for this A
Hour bale al vyw.
Sale of Children's Heaw Hose The stvle of this Hose is what they call two and one rib, a
popular number, insures good wear, fast black, all sizes, and regular price is 12c, hor this
hour hu v them at, a pair ,..,,.
Sale of Woman's White Fleeced Lined luderwear An astonishing low price for this garment,
This underwear is generously fleeced, the vests and pants well made and finished in good x
style, Regular value is -I5e. For this them al, each ZVL
Sale of Ribbons The last on this list of .splendid bargains, but in nowise the least of the big
specials ; it can easily go to tin: front as the peer. On sale today and the customer that waits
for this Hour Sale will not miss it, for this is a ill-inch All Silk Taffeta, Polka Dot and Striped Rib
bons in all colors. The Taffeta is inches wide. Regular pric-j for any of this lot is 1,1c.
For this hour, today, buy them at, a yard , I vC
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