The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 07, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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124 Wyoming Ave., 0pp. The Globe
H( I.UM, Gtaco Geoige in "Under Sotitlicin
SuiCS." Night.
ACADEMY Or MC-dC Saw telle Dramitic com-pin-.
Aflcinoou ami night.
STAR Little Egi pt Binlosquers. Atli-moon
nnd night.
"Shaun Rhue."
For jears Scianton lias giccled Joseph Muiphy
villi hie houses. His populaiity seems novel to
-Uinlnish. Two generations, at least, 1i.Hl'
l.ughcd and cried at his "Kotry Caw" and
"Miami lUiue," and it is no malt speculation that
n tliiid gencintion will niiKo up hi-s audiences
lieie, if hi? iillily and tlic nppluise ptovohod
In' his "bliiun Rhuc" at the Ljceuni IaL night
compo-c ft fair u Union.
It is not the kind of a show jour icgutat thca-ler-gocr
looks anxiously fuiwaul to, but it is a
show that thaws a big hou-e and pleases it ini
mciisd)'. Tho chaiactci of "sdiuuu lllmo" gives oppor
tunity for tome leally i!ccr woik, and Mr.
Mmphv, as may bo believed, nukes the most of
It Ills impcisonilion of a voting west of lie
lmd man, impersonating- 11 middle-aged north of
lidiiid man, icqutiiiia; as It does two distinct
bionics, U vciy eieditablv done.
Mr. Muiphj's company tills tar Is one of the
ny best he lias biought tu Sciaiitou. Paul But
nclt, .lolm Daly, William T. Shecluii, Chailc.
Thorite, James lluletou, MM Jrjnette l'ericll,
Mli Mary I'iunirr and Jll- Ine, Hallow, aie all
cipable ailUt't.
V fcatinc of the (.how is Mr. Muiphj's rendi
tion of Ills tclc-buted toner, "A Handful of
l.'artb," for whicli thcie is, c-pei Lilly, a com
plrte and pictty stage selling-, with gtand oigm
and lioim accompaniment,
Wiestling at Star.
Mav Lutbetg, of New Yoik, who pioclalms
Jiiuu-olt to be the champion !J3-puund vviestler
of the United Stated, nude hid Hint appcaiance
In this city last night at llio Star theater wliue
lie easily thievv John PaiU, of West Seranton.
l.uUnitj agues to tluou- any nun of his
weight in tho city within fifteen minutes or foi.
felt s'5. Pails, who is a huky looking outli
weighed llility pounds moic than Ltitbciir, nude
n tiy for the fca last night and when tho two
men stepped on the mat it looked as if It would
bo easy money for hiiii, No hold was baived
mid It wis ugiced that iljliiif as well as pin fall
tlioubl count. Hugh Keeinn was chosen as rel
et ee,
Iho two men went at It hard fiom tlia iiiomeut
Jinio was called and it looked as If Lutbcrc te
emed a fall within a few seconds but tho idcicc
didn't think so. Then Paris got hold of Lutbctg's
tights whcieat Iho latter piotestcd until the lej
rrco made I'aris break away, IIo was on his back
about ten seconds later, the tlmo of the fall be-lug-
about a minute and a half, Tho supporters of
Paris jelled derisively at Lutbcie; vvheieupon he
agreed to throw Tails tvventy-llvo times in an
liour for a side, bet of $100. 'tho offer was not
tiUn up,
I.utbcr-r will meet a local wittier named 1M
Sweeney loulght and will try conclusions with
Abe Cochiun, of North Seranton, tomorioiv night,
lb' will also wrestle at the matinees.
Tho wrestling nutdi was picccded by a show
plx-ii by tho "Oilglnal Utile 1'g-vpt Biiilesqueis.''
The olio, which was passably fair, included num
bers by Itosallc, "tho petite soubrdtc"'; MiirU
and Daly, Irish comedians j Mc Shone and Shan
non, Cta-vo and Qrccr and others. What was
billid as n bmlcquc cntillcd "Behind the
(scenes" wound up tho peiforiuance,
"Under Southern Skies."
Orjcc Geoige, who will appear at the I.jceum
tonight In "Under Southern Skies," lias rapidly
become one of the most iutcicatitio; flgtues anions
the young- women start) who are faorlc' with
pur audiences. Tho cust is on unusually large
one, requiring- fifteen gentlemen and ten ladles be
sides JJIjS George,
To tlio attractions of (his large and capable
cast sro added cspcn.iho stage settings thonlug
beautiful bcencs of toutlicrulioiues, and land
capes, and cliaiaclcrhtlv southern hopllallty
nd gsjety are depicted in the festivities of the
Hallowe'en party and tho birthday supper.
Word and Vokes.
Ward and Vokes will be at the I-jewni Sajur;
flay matinee and ulgUt in their latest and what
Stock of
Bought by Us at
Begins This Morning
At 9 O'Clock.
I? said to he their greatest succe", "Ihc Head
Wailcie." Waul and VoKcs will be seen m their
old'tlmo favorite "Percy and Haloid" act, re
modeled and alive with new comedy dialogue un
der the head of "Pointers on Table I'.tlmieltc."
It is said that theio are twenty-tluee special
numbers on the piogra-nme in addition to the
tpci'hlties presented by the piiiidpals. All the
inu-ile was written especially for "Hie Iliad
1 lie company includes Lucy Dal), Maiguet Daly
Vokes, George Sidney, Joe Kelly, Louis l'nwc.s,
Lew Miller, Maud Alice Kelly, ,)o;ie Daly, ltes-ie
rninkljii and Lila Conquest. Ihere is a clioius
of nearly folly pretty siiK Sale of sells now
open. "The Penitent."
V. K. Nillike; ille'g production of the powm
fill play, "Iho Penitent," will bo seen at the
Lyceum Tuesday nlghl. Tills play comes with
tho pietige of sueces gained during- its Ions'
run at the Talk theater, Boston, when its in
tensely eliaiiutic story impelled nianv play-goeu
to pay -visit after visit to its thiillliig' preoou
tat ion.
The ttory hinges on the lives of two biotheis,
tho one honoiable, refined a genthmani the
other jealous, levengelul and wicked. Both are
in love with the same woman, who is joung and
be.iutltul.spums the bad one ai.d defends tho fame
of the good one, almost with her very life, the
scenic embellishments aie mild to be wondious
cieatlons of the btagc caipenlei's art. heats go
on sale lomouow moinlup;.
May Fisko Compftny.
llic following' has been issued by John r Cos
giovo, manager of the May Fitkc company, regarding-
hci engagement:
I take pleasure in calllusf your attention tu u
scries of (lunatic pcifoiinnuccs that will be given
ot the Academy of Mmie next week by Jlisi May
l'ike and her comedy rompany, a star and a
company of plajeis of Mich unusual merit thai
il seems de-jiablei that the cultured theater-g-ocia
of su niton thould be fpeelally advised of
their coming.
"Miss Tlske, a piologe ot the late Augustin
Daly and a member of his New York theater
company comes to her work ilclily endowed by
both niluic and ait. When but .1 mcie dilld,
Jll-o l'lske thowed a voice of such power, range
and sweetness (hat her early education was in
the direction of the operatlo dace: but later hei
hl.lilonio in,tincU and abilities, together wllh
Mr. Dalj'a advice, unied her Into diamatie fldds,
wheie her ilch, llexible, and highly trained
oiro forms not the least of her many ihiiius,
"Willi an acumen bojonil her jrais, she jesl
Ucn llio value of Ihc aitlstlo uniiiej and has sm.
rounded herself with a band of plajers every one
of whom is an artist of recognised jhilliv and ap
proved reputation, while the sccniu cnihdlUU-
f ? f t
B M ' "-ttt mi ' ITT ri i iiirrTnfi'-irrT-iTiiiiiii W
S , , tmfii iu r i
Here aie eight matches. Can you
intiKe a hat ot them?
Tlieij cut qut the parts o( Pictuio No.
Z and form a cross of the live parts.
jh&Tt'HfwAfijHTMun. v
"Queen of Chinatown."
The "Qu'cii ot Chinatown" was the attiaclion
pie'culed at the Academy of Mti'ic last night
by the Sav telle compiny hcfoie a luge audience.
II is a five-act diama and the M.enc is laid in
the Chinese (pinters of New Ycik. It is a stiong-plaj-
fiom beginning- to end and received a fine
indentation last night.
This atteiitoou the compiny will frive "I'he
Villairo Ulacksinilli" and tonight "J he Anrjel
of the Alley." '
'the latest lepoit is to th: effect that (hules
inenls and all the .stigc acccsoiies ale notable
for their completeness and elegance.
Klein is willing- a musical comedy on hmlcque
uf "Pickwick" for Do Wolf Hopper.
Licblcr & Co. have made .1 contract with Majy
Johnston, the author of "Audiey," fin the pio
duct Ion of a ihainatUilion ot her stoij.
The net Acntine of Junes K. Hackctl will bo
"Ihe Ciisis," a diainalizitton of Winston Chuich
ill's novel. It will be fnt pioduecd in Pittsburg
Match :.
William Sadler, who ha plajed one ot the
piiucipul patts in "When We Weie Tntiitj-one."
closed his engagement In Kentucky and is back
in New Yolk.
Aliic Xiol-cn will mike hoi (list appeal ance on
the English conceit platform in Loudon l'ebiu
aiy 11, when bhe will be a--Ulul bj tlic 0"een
Hall's, oichcstia.
II present negotiations go thiough, Mis. I.e
Mojnc, Modjeska and Oclctto 'i.vler will become
tiiplc otais next reason, uiidei the uiauaji incut
of Wagenhals k Kemper,
Kate Irwin, wlto of Tied Iiwin, the lunleqiic
manager, is said to have signed a loutiacl to ap
pear in one of George W. I.cdeiei's com
edies soon to be pioduecd.
Bpeclsl to the Seiantou Tribune.
Tunkhamiock, Teb. 0. The lulluts for the
township and boiough elections, to be held on the
IStJi ot the pieent month, will be pi luted at the
Wjomlnir Democrat ofllce.
Dawson Howell, of l'actoijvllle, was in town
on Thursday,
I'rolcs-or 1'iank Chaffee, thu oeil iiistiuctor,
expects to give a conceit at Montio-e in ilic neir
Altouiey Cliailea 11, Little, of Scrautioi, is vis-lllug-
his patents at this place,
The skating is excellent heie, and the young
people am enjoying- themselves aecoulingly,
'Ihc conduct for dclivetiug thu election supplies
to tlic diheieut diatiitts In the county was let
by (he county comiiilssloucis on Thuisday to ,
U Brock, of Tunklnnnock, for t0,?i, ho being;
the lowest bidder. The only other bid was of
fered by T. M, Harding, the price be desired be
Imr $21,
Heavy mow on Ihc Monlrose railroad lids week
tins eetlously Interfercil with traffic! in Hint direc
tion. Ihc first mail of llie week emtio through on
Wfihicday afternoon.
'llicio. will be A eewlon of argument court tidd
hero on frlila), I'cIj. II, by Picsldcnt .Ittdge 1!.
M, Dunham, at which time several nutlets left
over from the regular term will be deposed of.
Patrick II03 cc, who Ins Buffered for months and
was at a Philadelphia ltopllal for some iluie, is
Impioving', and will 'oon be able to be nut again,
llio entertainment to bj given by the ladles
of J, W. Itcj nobis llcllef corps, on licit Tuesday
(tuning, will consist of Vocal and
music, recital lon, etc., to be followed by n
nlco liinih, nil for the mice ot nihnMon, 10
cents. Mls Beflo Vaughn Will render scvernl
selections on the violin.
i m i
Sptelil to ths Ocrinton Trlbunt.
Lake Ailel, I'cb. , Mls llanict Sluat. of
Maplcwood, fpent Monday at tho homo of Mis.
I'. D. Kcjcs on Maple fclrccl,
Mies Doiisaui, of foanton, was a Ciller In town
Miss Nellie Hollistci, of Holllslcivllle, who has
several students taking lessons on the violin nnd
piano, was here Wednesday giving the ncressaiy
iiwtiuellon to her class. During the recent con
ceit at the chinch MIm Holllstrr pluvcd the flist
violin and was heartily eucoicd, Site has u host
of filcnds lu this place who wish her micceM.
Miss Kitle l'ctris, of Maplcwood, was a 'pleas
ant caller heic Wednesday.
Wall Street Review.
New Yoik, I'cb. 0. Iho stock market showed
consldciabie excess of animation today and the
dealings wcte much better distributed thin for
some time past, Thcie were stocks which hung
bsck and some which felt away on profit-taking
after lecent cousidciablu advances, but tho gen
cial tone of tlic maikct was strong- and specu
lative sentiment seemed much more conndent.
Theio was a feeling that the improved condi
tions were duo to somo development not gener
ally known, and the piofessloual tradcis who in
fact did not know what they were weie among
tlic lirgcit bujeis on the supposition that otheis
who did know were lu the market wtih them.
These suimlscs had to do to a large extent with
possible developments in the suit against the
Northern Securities company. Confident expres
sions wcra heal il, but on anonvmotis uuthoiity,
that tho decision of the Supreme court was made
up against the admission ot Hie 6ti!t to argument.
The supposition alo .found expression that the
ptojectois of the gieat merger have an alien
native plan to fall back on in case of the de
clared Illegality of the prc'cut compiny. It
was aigued that a foiclgn corpoialton might hold
the securities of United States coiporations and
be outside the jurisdiction of the United States
laws. The upoitcd forniillon of a leasing com
pany to coutiol Mettopolttnn fctteet railway on a
guarantee of the dividend was net of much bene
lit to that stock, but tlic evidence thus given of
continued planning- on the part of capital towaids
devclopt.icn was n inltuence on spccul lion. A
social Gathering- of million dies in Philadelphia
lepicscnlcd to be present on affable terms. 'J he
inipoitimce uttiched to such unsubstantial con
jectures indicated the continued piedominince
of orofession il opciations in the inirkot. Tho
tiadcrs also nude much of the nductlou in the
discount late of the Hank of Kngland us prom
Sing' .i relaxation of the picssuie on New York
for gold. Iho very vtiong- ictuin of tho Bank
of Piauce pointed in the tamo diiection, Of the
diy's movements in detail, Southern Pacific was
laigely In the hinds of the same bpctulative in
teicst which has bent dealing in it leccntly, and
the movement in Pcnnsjlvania was aUo attiibut
ed to this opcuitoi. "I he Vandeibilts as a group
were all stiong mid Toledo, s-t. Louts is Western
stocks luovtd in sympathy with the gtoup on
ltmioiod .ibsoiptlou in the Vandcibllt inteiest.
The gains in thc-e stocks leached up to 0 points,
Lkc Pile and Western prefened bhowmg- the
latter Ikjure. United Stites Lxpiess undo a fur
thci advance of 7'i. The rise of '',! In Tliiid
Avmue was due to rompaii-on with its price
with tlut of McdopolItJii with an ultiiuite gun
antce of 7 per cent. Illinois Central was .ilo
strong on thu genci il consideration of its piice
level lis compiled with other equal dividend
pa; cis. Tlieie was a nuinher or lovvei pined
and less piouiireiit slocls whose e-pccial strength
was attiilnitcd to incleasing dividend piojiects.
Pioflt-takiiiK made tho closing- somewhat iueg
ular, but the imoads upon ptiics wue not exten
sive. Tolil sales todav, 701,000 shaicj. 'Ihc bund
m.iiket was active aid bioad and showed gciieial
advances. Total hales, par alue, SJ.OJ'.W)).
United Slates :i's declined i per cent, on the last
The following- quotations are furnished Thf Till).
une b.v M. S. Jurd.ui k Company, looms 703-rOG
Heai-s building, Seranton, Pa. Telephone. OIWS:
Open- High- Low- C'los-
i'nr. cst. est. in j.
Anieiican Sugir US lifi'i 127 126',i
Atchison ,... 77' 771, 77U 77
Atchison, Pi- 1)71 U7! 07'- V1U
lltook. Tiactlou ........ I,i,e; flii Oj's 0374
Bait. & Ohio 101 H3t lOi'i i)i".t
Chic. & C. W 2.! 2(ii n -SI
fhes. i: Ohio PJ 10H 407i M
St. Paul Kij'i icffji. (,-jii lfiuVi
ltork I-land (U, lOJ'j IMij lMi;
Laekawanni 2'U t!02 2S'( 2V)
Kan. & Tev.. Pr 51 D! jj''. r'i
Louis, fc Nash KM''. IDITJ 10114 l()49j
Man. Elevated V.; I U! 1?jvs H3?s
Met. Tiactiou 172'i 172"- 171 17Ph
Mlsnouii Pacillc 10','m lu.l lu.! iti.
Soilthetn Pacilio 1,1 (5 Ol'1 (l)!i
Noifoll; & Western .".i!. ffii, 5i,i. 6(,3i
Kile " w; OT',i !ifl5i
Uiic, 1st Pr tat'. ,TS evil, (.la;
N. Y. IdJ'i lWU 1(12'" ItiPi
Ont. & Wet Dis ;:t Jus, ill
Penna. it. n nni imtj titx-. i.-wu.
Pacilio Mill I;',. 4J'i l.V. AVI,
Bcidiutr , 57 57-; 5(1 37H
llcadln,', Pr S2U S2',i i2' 82''.
Southern 1!, 11 :rl a.J'A :!ti :;VA
Southciu It. H Pr i Hi P3H on', nisi
Tenn. Coal k lion dl'l cm ni (it
V. S. Leather 11 HSi ll'i 11",
U, S. Leather, Pr il blVi l MU
U. S. llubber It II u Mil.
Union Paclllu KOaj, kmij uynt, k)-?J
Union Pacillc, Pr Stii SOU sos; f,.(i't
Wabash, Pr ui, a 7, ji; j-
West pi i Union 'Hi, id5; pi pjat
Col, 1'iicl it lion fipj M,is .sit hi
Anul. Copper 75 75 7't3i 7iK
People's Gas ino'i ioi iivt ion.
'ol. Sj l(i VI 1J3 ill
Texas Pacific ,"S'i : f.SK. w.
Am, Car I'ouudry ...... 2'i 2,-jJ "j.y.
Am. Cir roundly, PP., Fi',vH S7 Sd"'K S7
U. S, Steel Co Ml II, .it;
U. S. Steel Co., Pr 0.1 01"; tisj
Seranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
Lackawanna Dairy Co.. Pr
Counts Savings Bud. & Tnw Co..
First National Paul: (Carbondale) ..
Standard Drilling- Co
Ihiid National llink
Dime Deposit and Discount Bank..
Economy Light. II. J; P. Co
I'iist National Bant
I.ukt. Ttust k Sale Deposit Co,,.,
Clark k Shout Co., Pr.
Scraulon lion Pence it Mfg, Co. ...
Seranton Axle Woiks
Seiantou Savings Bank ,,,,,
Tiadets' National Bank
Seranton Bolt k Nut C ....
People's Bank ,.
New Mexico By. 4: I J, Co
Bid. Askei
271 ...
1-00 .,,
123 ...
-20 ...
Sctanton Passenger Hallway, first
Mortgage, due 1520
People's Micet Hallway, ftrJ mort
gage, due 1018
People's btictt Hallway, Oeueral
moigage, due 1921 ,
Dickson Manufacturing Co
I. at La. Tovvn.hlp School S p:i cent.
City ol Seranton St. Imp, 0 per
cent, ,, , ,
Seranton Traction 6 per cent
J.'conoin- Light, Heat k Power Co,,
Seranton Wholesale Maiket.
(Cui retted by II, G, Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.)
I'loui fJ.iiO.
Beans ii.W.
Butter- Ficsli creameiy, 21c j June creaniety,
23..j dalij. Hi;
i liee ll',4al2c.
I'g-r Neaibj, 32e. i fancy itoiage, 2Ie,
Pias-Pcr bushel, fL50.
Potatoe Per lnihel, Me,
Oiiiotis-Per bushel, il.W.
New York Grain and Pioduce Maiket
New Yoik, Tib, a ITour Was a shade mors
aitivc and him with wheat, Wheat Sput lliui;
No, 2 led, tbUc f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 led, fjo'.t,
devatoi; No. 1 uoilheili Duluth, SOi'. f. o. b.
afloat; j (.ombluatlou Implied inodnato stiengtli
in wheat lodaj, closed up linn at 'i-iH1'. net
advance, helped by ciport demand; Maul- closed
8 1. He. j May, Sic; July. S.iHe-. Com-s.pot flun;
No. 2, ii9c, elevator uud utv. f. o. b. afloat; eoiu
advancid today, uud in tpltc of a few utteruoon
leactlous the market closed tlitii at lie. net ad
vaiicc; May closed oo'ic j July, iiJ?ii-. Oats
Spot stead; No 2, tOv'.; No. 3, tSc; No. -!
white, file.; No. 3 white, tV',:c.: tiaejc mixed
westeiu, a.tAiW.-. ; tiaek white. C0a5ej,; hack
white state, Wa33c.i option market was geucially
llipi with com. Btittfrr'iini; eieamt-i), "itiaiSexj
d.i. faitoiy, IIjIsi..; June iii-amuy, lvUc.;' ien
ovated, I0a'21c. ; iinltatiou creameiy, l$a-2Uc.;
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than Pour Lines, t Cent.s for Uach Extra Lin:.
Tor Rent.
I'OH HUNT Six-loom flat with steam heat nnd
all modem improvements, fiom April 1, Call
early. 1'icd V. Hand, MM Mulbeiry street,
l'OH I1I:NT Stoic loom on second Itoor over flltl
Li(kavvaiuit avenue, Pinto glass fiont. In
quite nf Kiotosky Bios.
STOIIi: BUILDING for rent In lllek'on City, Pa.
Building SO feet bv 21 feet cellai under nil,
and second stoiy can be arranged for n family.
All In booiI icpalr icady for ue. Two coal
breakcis and mines' close by ontploj. Ins; over n
thoitsatid people. An enterprising; iiicrelmnt can
get a higc trade. Apply lo Wlllhni II, ltlch
iiioml. llichmond Hill, :tl2i N. Main avc,nue,
Seranton, Pa,
1'AltM l'Olt HUNT Six or seven miles from
Seranton, 221) notes, welt adapted mill: or
truck. Inquire 131 Pcnn nvenuc.
I10ITI; roil HUNT wllh IKtmes! next door to
Star theater, 1)10 Linden sheet. Mrs, J. C.
POIl HUNT niOJI A PI! Hi 1 The store room No.
215 Lackawanna avenue, now occupied by .1.
M. Wlllhins ns a shoe stoic. Metal celling will
ho put in nnd fiont npilnted. Geoigo binder
eon, 100J Menrs building.
KOI! IIK.VT Prom April 1, building- now occu
pied by tlic Dickson Milling Co., No. 12
Lackavvmna avenue. W. V. Uojle, Connell Illdg.
HAW DOtlBLH house, 638 lfitrison avenue, ,sl8.
Also half double hou-c, 100S Pino slieet, S17.
PosscpsIoii now. Apply (350 Harrison avenue
Wanted To Rent.
WANTLD Anrll lt. for nun. wife and two clill
(hen. fiiot-chiss bo,iid in private liniily with
two or three connecting rooms, fuinjsltid or un
furnished. Address, gillng- locition, Suidon, caie
of Tiibuuc,
Tor Sale.
LACi: CURTAINS 500 pails fancy Curtains at
auction. 503 Lackawanna avenue. Sec auc
tions. I'Olt SAL1I New double fteieopllccn lantcin in
cluding high picssure diss Key and screen.
Compiesscd gas used for light. Cost ?123. Will
sell cheap. Mav be examined in office over Div
enpoit's Book Stole, Main stiect, Plvmouth, P.i.
roil Sti.n-Laigc load of pine kindling, btovc
IcngUi, delivered anvvvhcie for S2.0U. Haul
wood, f";o. Mall oideis Jennings, Ccntial mine
switch, Fifteenth sheet, oi Inlns jour wagon
and get a load.
rOIICCD SALU Two good iioncst mates for
work, weiglit 1,100 and 1,400; have no woik
for them. William II. lllclimoiid, Hlchnioi'd Hill,
Seiantou, 3J21 North Main Avenue.
HOUM: POIl KALI; A bargain. Apply Scianton
Liundiy, 322 Washington avenue.
FOU SALE One nice driver ot- light wuil: hoisc.
Apply at the Casey fc Kelly btewei.v.
I'Olt SALU CHEAP Flievvood, iron tooting, tim
bers, boards, scantling', etc., fiom old cars;
suitable for all purposes. Jennings, Ccntial
Mines switch, foot of Hampton stiect, oft South
Main avenue.
rOI! SALi; Two light spilng- wagons and sonic
1 atncss, cheap. Uvans, rear 1122 Luzerne
FOB SLl Cheap; horse, spring wagon and
harness, at No. 18211 Cedai avenue.
AUCTION" todiv and every day until fold out, six
cai-loads Pan-American exposition fuiiutiuc
and linen, consisting of tables, iion and bi iss
beds complete, diescis, 15,00(1 pieces linen, blank
ets, pillows, counieipaues, pillow- ctscs, towels,
etc.; Luge quantity cupels and laco entrains.
Capets sold cveiy dtj .! o'clock sh.up nt 5il3
Lackawanna avenue. dimming-. Bio , Aue
tionceis. For Sale or Rent.
roll SliX Ol! Hi:NT Single house. Mil Wcb-tr
.ivi'tiue. Ten looms; citv .teiiii heat ; pos
sesion Apiil I. (1. V. Be.vnold", Connell BlcU.
Furnished Rooms.
1011 ltLNT Laigc fiiinihed fiont loom for gent
onlv ; bteani heat, gas, bath. Immiie 510
Washington avenue.
TWO VIIRY nicely furnished looms, to lent; a
xery laige fiont loom or a Mile fiont loom,
Willi heat, Inlli and gas; private fanilij. 2.'0
Mulheiiy street.
FOU HUNT One fiiuiMied rnoni, with linpiovc
. minis; also one on thlul llooi, clieip. 6S!
Adams avenue.
run.VISHI'D HOOMS for lei't, modern inipi ivc
nieitts; private family; gentlemen jneteticd,
at 5o7 Adams avenue.
l'Olt ItrsT 'two comrortnbly furnished rooms
for gentlemen: model n intpiovements; pii
xato famll.v. ;) Washington avenue.
l'Olt HUM-Furnished '""t loom, with heat,
bath and gas, near couit house; gentleman
prelerred. Addrc Boom, Bo 200.
FOTt BUNT Fuiiilslied loom; licit and bith.
625 Linden street.
and bath, gentlemen prefened, at 620 Adams
Real Estate.
101! SLI' New house on Cornell street, Hound
Woods Paik; modem impinveiacuts;- eisy
teniis. Apply to Spting Brook I.umbei Co., or
Ik S. Woodhoa-c.
FOB SALI.' At tlatk's Summit; a place of IT o
acics, house and bain, Rood ftiiit; cheap for
cash, Inquire ot Mis. L. Liudsa), 1111 North
.Main avenue, city.
roil SALU One acre ot land, improved with
nine-room house; plenly ami vailcty of fruit;
Rood locution in village of Flcctville. Mis. Olive
Fish, ITeetville, Pa.
slate diliy, 15.123c. Cheese Stale full ircim,
small ciily inadc, fancy (oloted, ll!.ll"ic. ;
stale, full tte.ini, uu ill early nude, famj white,
ll-iuIHic; luge early made coloied, 10!ic.;
large ciily nude while, liMJo. Cggs M.iiket
weak; stale uud Pennsj Ivanla, JSr.'L'e. ; wi'sttiu,
2Sc.; southein, 27',2i'.
Chicago Grain and Produce Market.
Chicago, Feb. 0, Speculation in guilt was dull
again today and tin; inatkeu vvetc chaia tiilcd
by much hc.-lt itlon. Ac the outsit the- senti
ment was beailsh, but with the advaiue icaicd
well. May wheat clo-ed -Jia'Cc hlglier; May
cunt Uc up uud Ma,v oats -.'ii advanced. I'm
xlslons late took u -jonU spmt and closed 7!ial0a,
to 17Ue-- hlghei. (ash limitations were as tot.
lows! Floui Steady; No, 3 spilng1 wheat. 71a
75V.; No, 2 ied, MliafJlu. ; No. 2 vcllovv loin,
15lJ.tl5Hc. ; N". 2 oats, 17c; No. 2 while, liiii
47c.; No, 2 tve, 02o. ; lair to ihoieo malting, Ola
Clc; Nc 1 tlax teed, l,70s No. 1 noiihwcatein,
sst.7J; piimo timothy h'mI, tJO.'ilan.fO; nms polk,
sl5.-s0al3.tso; lnd, i'i.S7',ia0.1(l; hoit libs, !;d li
b.51;-dty balled shouldii.i, Tat'tcl thott clear
sides, is),70aS.50; wlilskey, ifl.Sl.
Chicago Live Stock Maiket.
Chica-ao, Feb. 0. Cattle llctcipts, IO.ikjO, in
dud I tig: 500 re-xaiis; market steady; good to pilme
steels, S0.C0j7 20; pool to medium, $lai); doik
u.s and ficdeio, i2,10al.50; cows, ifl.'.'j.i; lulfeis,
S2.50a3.-21j cauneis. M.35a!f"i; calves, V.7.5U;
Texas fed steels, Isla3.50. Ilugs Beceipts lod4,
30,000; tonioiiovv, 5O,000; left over, fi.oOO; stiot-ic
lo 5c, higher; inked uud butcheir, ktaU.51); uood
to cliolco hc.ivj. SJ.I0j(i(fl: loii'-h heavv. nl.llli
O.'iO; light, t-3 0ja(l.l0: bulk, of tales, Vl,lliai'.,i,'i,
Sheep Beeclpts, 12,000; sheep and latiib, niong;
good to eholio wctheis, bbdOi'i 'in; wcstfrn nhcep
and veailings, ?l,' ni(tve lambs, ?; Wa
U.S5J Histiin latiilu, si ij;,o.:fi,
Buffalo Live Stocls Market.
Fast Buffalo, Feb. O.-Cattlc Ilccelpt. light.
ilull .i 'Xlniiif it 'o i1ik.tlir ti.iilj .k r.,1
I llHH " '" J M"-ll4 'V..-4f tll-l LVpl -DilJII
Mi others, s0a8 25. llo Beceipi', Wi b-rad;
aetivo and 5 alOo. higliei; heavj, Wj50uO.J5;
...I.a.I kjt JHillRn. ..t.ra Ail. .....t. C, ,11 .- fit!
stags, flal.2i. Sliccep and Lambs-Heecipts,
OiiM head; tteadv; sliecep mixed lop, t-il.TSa
t 00; culls to good, is.tjt.7V; wclhci-', -sL'A)a5.5U;
ycjillngij, ?3.25a5.75; top lambs, (t.;0a0.50; udU
to good, ft DO 10.35.
Oil Market.
Oil City, Fb. 6. Ciedit liuliinuw, 111; iwtifl.
e-atis, no bid; shipments, ttSJili laiipl.; avi-i
age, S2,7sl barrebj; iuim, TJfeJ barrajj; 4Vei
age- 07,1-01 baireJA
Want Advertlsimenta Will He
Received at Any of the Follow
iiifr Drue Stoics Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALBi:rtr SCUinr. corner Mulberry
ctrect and Wcbsler avenue.
CUSTAV ITCllBL, CJO Adams avenue,
iirAni sji.i-
aL'OItai! W. Ji;NKINS, lot South Main I
South Seranton
FBKD L, TtlllPPU, 729 Ce-dir avenue.
North Seranton
fir.O. W. DAVIS, coiner North Mtin
avenue and Maiket street,
Green Ridge .
. CHAIILHS P. JONF.S, U537 Dickson
T J. JOHNS, 020 Circn Illdge street.
C. LOBIINZ. corner Washington ave
nue and Marion street.
W. II. KNBPrHL, 1017 Irvlnj avenue.
" J. U. BONF. K SON.
Help Wanted Malo.
WANTKD To the light paitlc", pennanint sal
aried positions will bo given. Hefitcnccs ic
qulrcd or tccurilj. Call 510 Spiucc bticct.
WANTF.D Men with salesmanship cxpeiltucc to
upicseut mi old flun, Moil with btain, tact
and cneigy (othen need not apply) such men em
nnkc biff monej, Petm.mcnt position to tall on
meiihants local , tctiitoiv. Ilxcellnit i Innce tu
light ptrtics. Call or addtcss Mi. Lehman, St.
Cluilcs Hotel, Scianton,
WANTCD Two line-men and superintendent foi
clcctiie liglit worke. Apply to Claik D.
F.alon, Ptcslilcnt, Bctvvlck, Pa.
WNTFD Kx-pei icnccil coloied or white coach
man. Must have good ufciciuc. ''tuto wages
CNpected. Js'ew 'phone 500!). 1 Wllllaiu stiect,
Piltston, Fa.
WANTLD A hustllna- agent at Scianton for Urge
coipoiatiou. Hood commission. No opposi
tion. Addres-s Boom 73, Simon Long building,
Wtlkes-Baiie, Pa.
SUBSCKIP1ION Soliiilois wauled foi a house to
house canvass foi 'ihe Ttibuuo; good eommU
sioti, with a fait guaiat.tee for hisl-ila-s woikeis.
Apply pcisonall at Business Manigci's ofrtce,
bctautoii 'it Ilium.
WAN'IKD All excellent boj to leam wood cut
tin and modeling; must be n itur-illv jilted
fur the sune; none othets need appl). Appli
322 Washington avenue.
MAX Willi SIXflLi: Ti:M to deliver and col
lect; no (.tuva-ssiim-; t21 a wed: i.nd ex-pen-es;
$150 en .h deposit requited; pciinancnt.
Mai.ufactuicis, (l'J Box .i50, Pliiladeipliia, 1 a.
UANTKIl By leading Philadelphia bouse, flist
class sile-man, to sell geneial line ot paper
to the letail tinde, one who lm an acquaintance
prefened, must hive bet rcfeience and be able
to furnish bond. Addicss P. O. Box 203, Phila
delphia. Help Wanted Female.
IiVHY CxNVA's' wanted to ollclt subsirlp
lions fct The 'iiiliiuic; Kood eoiiuiil-lon ot
fered with a fail giiiiaiitie Im fust-class v inker.
Apply piisou.illy at Itiiiiness Muuget's olllte,
Scianton Tilbure.
WAXTHD llxpiilcnccd. netmuto stenogiapber
vvltll fciioil Lugli-ll education. One who uu
ilerstiuds law woik piefeued, Addiess in wilt
ing, 11, C , care Tnl une,
WANTCD filil for nutsc and tecond work. Ap
pl v tW ('uincy avenue.
WANTCD A good cxpcileneed blndcij. gill. '1 1 ih
uuc Bindery,
WANTI.D Bv a good gill lo do hou-cvvoik in
ptivate fantilv ; only smalt f.tnillv pajimr
good wages need liplv. Addiiss 1'.. S., lilbune
WANTCD Gill for gencnl housework at Dalton.
Addtcss II. 't., caie Tubune.
Recruits Wanted.
WANTLI) 10H U. S. ,MIM Able bodied un
man led men between the ages ot 21 and 35;
citizens of tho United States, uf good ch.uaiiter
and tempeiale habits, wlo ian speak, I'.id and
vviite i'm-ll-h. l'or info'imatlou apply to Biciult
ing Oiltec, No. 12J Woinin; avenue, Scianton,
Situations Wanted.
smith, hoiishooln,s a spvi'illlj. C oh man
lMcnk, loo Pltttstou avenue.
Sril'A'llOS' WAVIIIH 11 expelt laiinihes.s mi
l.idi(s' nnd gentlemen'is fine liundi.v; can
laundir coloied coloiul shirts without fading.
lilt Llovd slrcel, lop Hoot. Best ot city "tcf
clinics. Stll'ATiON WANILD By a middle aged lady as
housekeeper or -it general boii.evvorl; in small
family. Caii (jive icteictiic, Addtcss il. .S., Tilb.
line ofllce.
lll'ITXi;i, cduiatcd jo'inj wuiniit wants em-
ldeUielli; UU one ui'-iiin-; tier seivie-es ri
way addicss C, B , 'lilbune ofltre.
SITUATION W'AVJI'.O Vu expert humhess
would like to get 1 idles nnd gciiiliiueii's
lanndty slopping- at hotels; tan launder i-.Io.cil
shuts ivithoul lading thi'lit; best of city lefel
nice, 711 Llojd stiect, top floor.
Slll'ATION WANTF.D-A J utiiu woman with
child, illicit jenis olJ, as hoiisekiipu- pic
fuiEil, Addiesi Jits. 21 , s-ciautoii P. I).
WANTCD 11 middle age man, ii place as cook
in hold or leitauiant. Addiess Cook, '1 illume,
A MN wliu undiist.uuls all kind, of hotel woik
would like to woik (Vinlius 111 lintel or lea
tautant. Addichs Clmilic, Tribune ofllie.
hl-l I - 'i io WAN! Ill)
a widow to tU vvasli-
-" . - "T-- ------ .
Itoultl': or (leaning ii any tiuiii.
dress Mi
J. MIIIU. 712
Sehiiell court,
Rooms for Rent.
llOOM-s l'Olt HUS'IV-A fjuod fiont loom and
good back looms with all (onvtiiieixis, Usei
of hath; tonus inodeiatu; can be teen any tiiiie,
Jl Ijekawaniu avenue.
Rooms and Board,
lT'lt.Nblirn BOOMS ti lent wjlli boaul, u-,0
latgo fiont loom for two; tti.tin beat, -,-as
and bath, 32J MadUon,
FOU Bi:T One nicely AuiiUhid fiont loom;
ulso two tide looms, wllh oi wiihuiu buaid.
0(7 Adams avenue.
FOB Itl.NT- Milli boaid, flout loom, mitablo
for Uvo gilitiemen. Addtcso 51i Adam avo
nue, lit.
BOOMS TO HI'M. with boaid. Wj Mulberry
Boarders Wnuted.
PHIVAIU FAMILY nUIl. hive two itlee man
to boaid, Genevan oifc;-liili. Cull any!
after Thursday, All ev'.m-necs, SU7 Haiti, on
3 insertions 25 Cents
AlorjTIiti Pour Lines, ( Cents tor Hnch BxIm M.u,
Certified Public Accountant.
Building, and St. Paul Building-, New York.
JMnte Hxthanio Illd-f.. 123 Washington nve.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
db. c. i:. i:iLi:Nni:itcu'.it, pauli buildino.
Spruce Blrcd, Sirantcn.
- - - f-Z
Booms 12, n, m ami ig nurr llulidlng.
tialed on reil estate nccuilty. Mcars Building,
corner Washington avenue and Sprueo street.
and cotinscltors-at-law. Bepublican Building,
wasliington avenue.
fdlors at-lnw. Comiiionwcalth Building, Boonu
19, 20 and 21.
i:,fAI1D -V- THAYKII, A'nonNHY.-s-ItOOSH
OO-i-OOI. Dili floor, Mexn building.
of Fiade Building, Seranton, Pa.
Bank Building
211 Wyoming avenue.
Physicians and Surgeons.
ington avenue. Beildcncc, 1318 Mulberry.
Chronic aUca.'cs, lungs, heart, kldncjs and
genlto-urlnary oigans a specialty. Hours, si
to I p. m.
Hotels and Restaurants.
nue. Bates reasonable.
P. ZIEQLEn, Proprietor.
senger depot. Conducted on the European
plam VIOTOft KOCH, Pioprictor.
cess pools; no adot ; only nnpiovcd pumps used.
A. B, Briggs, proptietor. Leave oidcrs 1100
North Main avenue, or Eicke's drug store, cor
ner Adams and Mulbeny. Both telephones.
rrjitien, stoio 201 Washington avenue; green
liou'es, 110 Noith Main avenue; store tele
phone, 7s2.
Wire Screens.
Seranton, Pa., ntinutactmcr of Wiie Screem.
ala ladies waists, Louise bhoeniakcr, 21J
Adams avenue.
v elopes, piper bags, twine. Warehouse, lW
Washington avenue, Seranton, Pa.
in Scianton at the news stands ol ReUnuii
Bios . 100 Sptuce and 50J Linden: M. Norton,
322 Lackavvmna avenue; I. S. Schutzer, 211
Spiucc street. v
WAMED Eveiy housekeeper to say a kind word
foi our powdeis after u-inj a i an. No
Botches, Moths or Poultry Vimin can live, after
out- powdeis ate Usui. One application does tho
woik. It vom gtocei, dtugglst or liardvvaiu mer
t hint should not have it, bend us jour address.
Two little beats on every can. Piiee 21 tents,
lactoij, D.illoii, Pa. Ofllce, 410 Pauli building,
s-cunton, Pa.
Business Opportunity.
ILWi: YOU Mlligc, eltv or town propel ty, bnsi-
lu ii or stuck of goods lo sell oi exiliaugc?
1 i-t jour piopntv with .1. L. Tiaey, Real llstato
1 xil-auGi-, W.iverly, N. 1.
Slot K AM) WT1EVT IRVDEBS without delay.
Wtite foi our spuktl maiket letter. Trco on
application. S. M. Illl-batd . Co., members .N.
Y. Cciisutidatcd and btocl; Sxdiange, 44 and 15
Bioadnaj, New loik. Established KM. Long
Distance' Phone 2!S3 Broad.
Money to Loan.
I. Midi! OR SMALL amounts. Piotnplly made,
luteiot 5 pi i cent. Ol'dl, Attorney, Coal
Exchange building.
btraiglit loans or lliiihling anil Loan. At
fiom 4 to 0 per rent, -tall on N. V, Walkci,
111 215 Connell building'.
Dissolution of Partnership.
'i Hi; FIBM of I. 1'. Megatgil fc Co. Is this day
dlssolvid li inuluil consent, Boy Chester
Mi'gilgil letliiiii-.
I, V. Ml.iiAUGLL,
Anv ilibts due to oi from the linn will be set
tied 'by Ihu imdiuiaued who will continue th)
bioketago nnd uininilssloii business in Mocks,
Bonds and Hciultie- under llie llim iiime of I.
F. Megtiigel & t'e, with headquaiteis In the Cou
ncil building, t-crintou, P.t.
I, I'. MKCiAltaEh k C.O.
Seiantuii, Pa,, Fib. 0, l'(02.
Till! ANNUAL stockholdeis Meeting- of Dickson
Mill and ilialu iiiinpaiiy will be held in lloo'ii
021. Connell bulldiiir, Monday, Fibruary 17,
10J2, at i o'clock p. in.
KDWAHI) L. BUI K, Secretary.
I.STVII! f JlihUct l laik, l.lte of the city id
hciatiton, Lull ivv annua count), Peiuisjlvaiiu,
deceased. ...
Leltcis tetiiiiii nt n.i upon the above cstalo liav.
Ing In en giaiilul llie iiiideisigiiid, ull persons liav
inif claims against Iho sinio will ptesent them
for pavi.iint and those Indebted ilieio will
lilia.Q in ike iuimt-dlato pivmeut tu
Mils. MVRV FLVNN, Adiniiilstiatiix.
Spencer Trask 8z Co.
27 & 29 Pine St., New York
Wo mull iif-on requeht vurefully
prepared descriptivo list of
Members N, Y, Stock Exehjoge,
Branch Office? Albany, NrY.